Hawaii Filipino Chronicle - April 15, 2023

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CANDID PERSPECTIVES JusTin Jones, filiPinoness, and ameriCan demoCraCY

AS I SEE IT nobodY is above THe law, a nY JudGe orders TrumP’s arresT!

BOOK REVIEW wHaT Kids sHould Know abouT…


Yes, Hawaii Can afford THe ‘Green affordabiliTY Plan’

APRIL 15, 2023

Happy Mother’s Day to All!

Mabuhay Moms!

Mabuhay to all moms. Mother’s Day is fast approaching, Sunday May 14. How fitting that Mother’s Day is in spring. Like the season that brings rebirth of nature, the season associated with warmth, hope and new beginnings – our mothers give us life and all the nurturing to help us grow and thrive.

Universally we hold our mothers close to our hearts that Mother’s Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. No matter what form of government or predominant religions a country might have, what many of us share is our love for our mothers that we designate one day in the year to specifically honor them (of course celebrating our mothers is not just relegated to one day).

According to Pew Research, there are an estimated 2.2 billion mothers living in the world right now. In the U.S. that figure is 85 million.

Interestingly, the National Retail Federation reported that spending for Mother’s Day has gone up even during the peak of the pandemic, as well as the current high inflation which started last year. Stats show no matter what economic lows we are faced with, Americans spending on Mother’s Day continues to go up. Again, this shows how much we value our mothers.

Last year, Americans spent $31.7 billion in total on Mother’s Day.

Flower shops and restaurants were the largest recipients of Mother’s Day spending. On just flowers alone Americans spent $2.9 billion. For florists, Mother’s Day is third for the most lucrative holiday of the year, behind Valentine’s Day and Christmas. With COVID-19 restrictions gone and the virus under control, the National Restaurant Association predicts that this year will have diners back up to pre-pandemic levels, or possibly higher.

Besides flowers, Mother’s Day cards are top sellers, and the Greeting Card Association says Mother’s Day cards are only second to Valentine’s Day and Christmas. Other top retail items are jewelry, gift cards and clothing.

Trends of today’s mothers in the U.S.

Today’s moms are more educated than ever and a majority of women with a child are in the labor force. From just a decade ago, childbearing is back up, specifically for women entering their late childbearing years (40 to 44), according to Pew Research Center. In general, women are becoming mothers later in life. The median age at which women become mothers is 26.

While more mothers are in the labor force, today’s mothers are also on average spending more time with their children, relative to the earlier years when mothers entered the workforce and raised latchkey children (1980s). This is a sign that mothers are managing their home/family and work life with better ease.

Experts say, this could be in part, that women are becoming mothers later in life after having more experience in the workforce.

Pew Research Center reports that a whopping 40% of all households with children under the age of 18 have mothers as either the primary source of income or the sole income-earner for the family. This isn’t to say that women are now making more than men on average.

Breadwinner moms fall into two categories: 1) those who are married and make more than their husbands (37%), and 2) single moms (63%).

How many children are mothers having today? Less. Compared to mothers in the 1960s with an average of 3.7 children, today’s mothers are having, on average, 1.9 children. American Hispanics have the highest average of children at 2.2, followed by non-Hispanic black mothers at 1.9. American Asians and non-Hispanic white mothers have the lowest average at 1.8.

Interpreting some of these trends is value-based. For ex-


We can all agree that motherhood is among the most impacting and gratifying roles in society, not to mention that it’s also essential to humanity’s survival. That’s how important motherhood is. For our cover story this issue, associate editor Edwin Quinabo writes about Mother’s Day celebration, what some in our community think about this special day and their mothers’ influence in shaping their lives from childhood to the present. It’s a warm, heartfelt and uplifting cover story. Also included in it are great tips on gift-giving and interesting ways your family could spend the day to make Mother’s Day 2023 in Hawaii among the most memorable. See our suggestions on local entertainment, restaurants, and catering options for Mother’s Day.

The colossal news we all are aware of is the indictment of former President Donald Trump that makes him the only president in our nation’s history to face criminal charges. We have three articles on this historic event. The first article, our editorial, analyzes the political ramifications of the indictment. The second is written by HFC columnist Atty. Emmanuel Tipon called “How to Defend Trump by Really Trying,” and the third is HFC columnist Elpidio Estioko’s “Nobody Is Above the Law, A NY Judge Orders Trump’s Arrest!”

Another politically explosive news to rock our nation was the expulsion of two legislators from the Tennessee State Legislature for their speaking out demands for action on gun violence. The expulsion, led by a Republican-majority, drew the attention of the nation because it was a brazen attack on democracy that analysts worry could inspire other state legislatures to do the same – using expulsion as a political tool to silence debate.

Interestingly, as HFC columnist Emil Guillermo writes in his article, one of the two legislators, Justin Jones, is half-Filipino. Eloquently put, Emil comments, “Jones and Tennessee provided a glimpse of our modern American political future. The GOP is simply adopting a modern fascist style. You shut down the opposition, and its visibility, including the hidden Asian American parts. And though it’s spotted briefly, it too gets lost in the mix— the Filipinoness of Justin Jones.”

Our other fascinating columns written by HFC columnists are 1) Rose Churma’s “What Kids Should Know,” a book review on a multi-volume publication that covers, among other topics, Filipino architecture, musical instruments, visual arts and food; and 2) Seneca Moraleda-Puguan’s “Capturing the Family Portrait: A Dream Come True.” We hope you enjoy these stories and our latest news.

Lastly, we also have an Open Forum contribution from Keli‘i Akina titled, “Yes, Hawaii Can Afford the ‘Green Affordability Plan.’”

On behalf of the HFC staff, I’d like to wish all mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. You are appreciated and loved. Thank you for strengthening our families and community. Be sure to visit our webpage thefilipinochronicle.com for the latest and archived issues. Thank you for supporting the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle. Until next issue,warmest Aloha and Mabuhay!

ample, while single-parenting is up for mothers, it also shows that singe-mothers are also capably self-sufficient compared to mothers in earlier decades. Another example, while mothers are having less children, they are also spending more time with the children they do have.

In general, we see that mothers are more adjusted to the workforce demands and parenting compared to when mothers first started to enter the labor force. In this light, the status of mothers could be interpreted as “better” in the context of contemporary modern society.

Publisher & Executive Editor

Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D.

Publisher & Managing Editor

Chona A. Montesines-Sonido

Associate Editors

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Seneca Moraleda-Puguan

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Pacita Saludes

Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq.

Charlie Sonido, M.D.

Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq.

Contributing Writers

Clement Bautista

Edna Bautista, Ed.D.

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Sheryll Bonilla, Esq.

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Carolyn Weygan-Hildebrand

Amelia Jacang, M.D.

Caroline Julian

Raymond Ll. Liongson, Ph.D.

Federico Magdalena, Ph.D.

Matthew Mettias

Maita Milallos

Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D.

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Trump’s Indictment and Potential Future Legal Woes Should Be Enough for a GOP-Trump Divorce

Legal experts say former President Donald Trump’s trial date over hush money allegedly paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 could begin by January 2024 (if prosecutors get their way) or in spring 2024 (if Trump’s legal team gets what they want).

Trump has been charged by the Manhattan criminal court with 34 felony counts alleging that Trump falsified business records to conceal damaging information from 2016 election voters.

Trump, who is running in the 2024 presidential election, has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

While it’s too early to forecast on the actual case, we’re already witnessing Trump’s strategy – to inextricably tie his legal case to his political election gameplan.

In the pre-Trump political landscape, it’s safe to say that a pending felony charge of a presidential candidate would be a self-disqualifier. Such a candidate would step aside, deal with legal charges and unselfishly abandon his run for office to keep the elections process clean and with integrity. But in Trump world, it was expected that Trump not only remain a presidential candidate, but basically use his legal woes to raise money and to weaponize them as signs of judicial abuse.

What is Trump’s platform for 2024? What are his plans

A big mahalo

In Filipino and Asian culture, the concept of owing debt to those who’ve helped us is a strong cultural trait. In American society, we have a similar concept of giving back, which is somewhat different in that the idea of giving back, at least for those who have that ability, means giving back to society in the form of charitable work or involvement in religious or civic groups.

While Filipinos and Asians do that as well, their concept of owing debt is specific to those

for the country?

Don’t count on any of these to be central to his campaign. Trump, like it was during his presidency when facing impeachments, will spend all his energy playing the victim in a fantastical saga of witch hunters (Democrats) in hot pursuit of persecuting him.

This Trump narrative is old and exhausting, but he is not entirely to blame as his base and the media fixate, mesmerize over and feed into spectacle above policy, and drama above details.

Political ramifications of Trump indictment

Prior to the indictment, Trump appeared to have been the leading GOP candidate but there was still wiggle room left open for a possible Ron DeSantis challenge to threaten Trump’s bid.

Also prior to the indictment, Trump’s rallies were meek, unlike the large crowds in 2016. GOP whale donors were on pause to support Trump. Fox News and other conservative media and pundits have been critical of Trump, saying he was responsible for the GOP’s poor election turnouts in 2020 and 2022. A few Republican politicians were also noncommittal to Trump as standard bearer of the party.

Since the indictment, the tide has shifted in Trump’s favor. We see a reinvigorated Trump base. Conservative media and a majority of Republican politicians are now

who’ve aided in enhancing their lives. And that debt is very deep, taken seriously and means responsibility.

For example, we all love our mothers, but until today in Filipino culture, it also means we will take care of them when the time comes as needed. In a way, this cycle of debt, not only makes us “good” (relative to our own culture) enough to be responsible in caring for our aging mothers and fathers, but it also means that we will try our best to be “good” (again relative to our culture) parents making all

falling in line to back Trump, once again. Some Republicans who’ve had critical words for Trump have not jumped fully on board to support Trump’s campaign but are critical of the case brought against him. Among them, Republicans Mike Pence (thought to be a possible challenger to Trump), Mitt Romney (vociferous critic of Trump), and even DeSantis. The indictment, while necessary if laws have been broken (to be determined in trial), ultimately empowered Trump’s candidacy, at least for now.

GOP squandering opportunity

Clearly the glimmer of hope that some moderate Republicans had in electing another candidate in the primary -- given Trump’s poor election performance – is fast fading.

And a political divorce, while readily forthcoming and common for voters to do with any other candidate besides Trump – this Trump divorce with his base is proving to be much harder than pundits predicted following the 2022 election fallout.

Independent of Trump, a worst-case scenario for the GOP is if in fact moderate Republicanism is all but dead wherein it’s no longer viable for a moderate Republican to win a national presidential primary. Republicans need independents to win the presidency and Republicans’ best chances at persuading independents to vote for them in the General is by having a

the sacrifices we can, knowing (and actually expecting) that our children will be there for us in our golden years.

Of course, it sounds too calculating when expressed this way, but it’s cultural and an aspect of our Filipino values system. Ultimately, like for most families, it boils down to love that we have Mother’s Day and that we cherish our moms throughout the year.

We wish all mothers a very special, meaningful and fun Mother’s Day. Mahalo for all that you do.

moderate standard bearer.

It’s not helping to rebuild traditional moderate Republicanism when so-called moderate Republican alternatives to Trump, Nikki Haley and DeSantis are moving further right. Instead of focusing on fiscal conservatism (hallmarks of the Reagan-Bush years), both have been catering to Trump’s hardline base by emphasizing cultural wars issues like banning books, banning critical race theory instruction, promoting the merger of state and religion by way of Christian nationalism, supporting the arming of teachers with guns, making voting more difficult, promoting election fraud lies, among other trademarks of the far right.

These are all unimportant at the very least and downright damaging at most in the eyes of independents. And these cultural wars nonsense will not steer independents to vote Republican.

Democrats’ response to Trump’s indictment

Clearly Democrats from the White House to Congress have coordinated their silence in response to the Trump indictment. It’s a smart political move to let the judicial process play out and not assume guilt before a verdict.

Looming potential violence

If Trump does end up being

the Republican presidential candidate, some are already concerned that Trump would not accept defeat peacefully in the General Election should the result show him losing. Already, Trump has been calling for protests over his indictment as he had done leading up to Jan. 6. He warned of potential “death and destruction” before the indictment was announced.

And on Easter Sunday of all days, Trump on Truth Social wrote “World War III,” after attacking people he believes “dream endlessly of destroying our country,” including “weak & pathetic Rinos” and “radical left Democrats, Socialists Marxists, & Communists.”

It’s fortunate that no one has acted on these obvious whistles threatening violence – at least for now.

GOP still has time for a Trump divorce

Guilty or not on this indictment or other potential future cases that could be brought forward, it’s high time that the GOP move pass Trump and put forth another candidate. Trump is undeserving of a second presidency. There’s no future in Trump for the Republican party. This indictment of Trump should be the strongest signal to the GOP that divorcing Trump is best for their party.

(Filipinos...from page 2)

On Mother’s Day: Its Significance, Where to Celebrate and Gift-giving Ideas

The busiest day for restaurants and the second busiest day for florists is fast approaching. It’s Mother’s Day, this year, landing on Sunday May 14.

What to do to show your appreciation for your mother that day is the big question. Luckily Hawaii is a vibrant, bustling city with restaurants galore to choose from to the far west at Noe Italian in Oahu’s second city Kapolei to neighborhood restaurants in Honolulu like Feast in Manoa or far east of Oahu at the award-winning Roy’s in Hawaii Kai.

Mother’s Day is one of those rare occasions when locals enjoy “playing” tourists and head to Waikiki. ‘Alohailani Resort Waikiki Beach is hosting Mom’s & Mimosas Mother’s Day family brunch on May 14 at their newly renovated ballroom.

When was your last luau buffet and hula show? Bookings for Waikiki Luau Buffet with Rock-A-Hula Show are now available. How about illusions and comedy? Take a trip back in time to a London Salon and experience parlor magic at The Magical Mystery Show! at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel. If local music suits your mom, the Hawaii Convention Center has a special Mother’s Day concert featuring Na Leo Pilimehana.

For mom’s hooked on Instagram, Meta (formerly Facebook) or other social media, the perfect backdrop for photos to get your fans and contacts outside of Hawaii envious is an ocean’s view of the famous Waikiki shoreline. How to get that photo shot? Sojourn on a mini boat cruise for a late breakfast, sunset or sunset dinner cruise that includes a meal and entertainment. The cruise will have all your social media followers thinking, “Lucky you Live Hawaii.”

If you’re maxed out on the tourist adventure scene, did it, done it, all too

many times – there’s always the more personable, quality time with mom at home. For the hyper busy family, finding relaxation enjoying a quiet conversation with mom at home is the perfect speed, perfect place for a perfect evening.

But remember, moms stay out of the kitchen on Mother’s Day. It’s a golden rule so start planning your catering and take out menu.

Ideas? Rated a near perfect 5 stars (4.5) with a large sampling of over 145 reviews on Yelp, J & S Lumpia Spot in Salt Lake has party trays for takeout or delivery. They have traditional and innovative lumpia recipes: meat and veggie (beef), Shanghai, pastele, banana and strawberry cheesecake lumpia, to name a few. What a smart business concept, right? A lumpia specialty establishment.

Keeping with the Filipino flavor theme, there is your favorite neighborhood Golden Coin Bake Shop for cascaron, puto, leche flan, bibingka, maja blanca, brazos de mercedes (whole roll), pan de sal, halo halo – all the desserts we love but can never replicate them at home. Yes, getting desserts that will have you smiling requires part science, part luck and trial and error. Leave it to the pros. Get take out desserts.

Speaking of smiles and jolly, Jollibee’s famous chicken and sweet spaghetti are potluck safe picks and guaranteed to please.

Mother’s day menu items are endless. What’s important is to get what mom wants, not what you want.

Rowena Guzman, Kalihi, plans to celebrate at home with her mother Lina and family. “We usually will order food to go. Jollibee chicken is a favorite of ours. Also, we love sushi and normally would order a sushi platter from Zippy’s in Pearl City and get assorted poke from Foodland. For our good luck noodles, we usually buy chow mein at a Chi-

nese restaurant in Salt Lake Shopping Center. My mother will always insist on cooking one main dish. In the past she has prepared pinakbet, kare-kare, pork adobo, Filipino bistek. We never know ahead of time what she will decide to make, which is usually the main entrée,” Rowena said.

Candace Ulep, Waipahu, said she and her brother plan to treat their mom at Max’s Restaurant in Waipahu. “It’s my mom’s favorite place to get crispy pata. She also loves milkfish sisig. Those two are regular menu items we get, then we try different dishes each time besides those two. We’ll leave it up to mom to choose the entire menu,” Candace said.

For Lance Abad, Pearl City, preparing a Mother’s Day dinner will be easy for him being a cook. For our family we keep the menu simple. “We buy prime rib or rib eye steak from Costco. Prime rib will take hours while rib eye steak is quick. But both are fairly easy to make. Also from Costco, we’ll pick up a dessert from there. I will do one or two appetizers this year, maybe calamari or lumpiang shanghai, or both. For our main starch, mash potatoes go well with prime rib or steak; and of course, we’ll have pancit,” Lance said.

Beyond finding a restaurant, thinking of entertainment, or catering-cooking for a home dinner celebration on Mother’s Day – like other significant days we observe, Mother’s Day carries deeper meaning to reflect on.

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(On Mother’s Day....from page 4) Motherhood never ends

Lance’s mother-in-law who he has been living with since his twenties passed away in January this year.

As the first Mother’s Day for his wife without her mother around, Mother’s Day will be a piercing loss felt for the Abads. But coupled with their loss is an addition to their family to uplift their spirit. Lance’s daughter gave birth in March this year to a girl.

“My mother-in-law passed on. But our daughter has brought into the world her first child. And her daughter eventually will be a mother herself one day, God willing,” he said.

The beauty of motherhood is its perpetuity. It’s one half of the building block to humanity. Lance said his daughter Raquel told him she’s never experienced such joy and pure love after giving birth to Jamie. He said most mothers know what Raquel is feeling.

The glue that holds the family together

Candace, 23, isn’t thinking of motherhood just yet. She said, “My mother Bea means so many different, wonderful things to me. She is the first source of love that keeps giving, my rock along with my father. I admire how my mom juggles work and family life. She is the person my brother and I and my father turn to with our psychological and emotional baggage that need purging. She’s a great listener and imparts sound advice.

“She’s the glue that keeps all of us from drifting apart from each other. We know how that works unintentionally, how life’s responsibilities can have a way of taking over our time and sense of being. My mother grounds us. She gets us back to thinking of the things that matter. I think this is one of the most significant roles of motherhood,” Candace said.

Nurturer of faith

Rowena said she is thankful for her mom nurturing her relationship with God. “My mom Lina showed me how to live with God in my life, how Jesus loves me. She always says to me, ‘I love you more than words can express, imagine how much more God, who has perfect love, loves you.’”

She also will say to me, “It’s impossible for me to be with you every second in a day, but God can do that, remember that.” These two lines of spiritual wisdom, repeated by her in different words but with the same meaning over many years, Rowena says, have stuck with her and brought her comfort and strength at times when she’s been tested with challenges.

Mom also took on father role

Marc Nicolas, Valenzuela City, Philippines, said because his father is an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) and has spent considerable time away, his mother also took on a fatherly role. “She’s not just our mom, but also our father. She became our father figure since our dad is an OFW. We barely had a father figure growing up so our mom took up that role. She was always there from our worst to best, from our small wins to big losses.


She supported us all the way. Not only is she our mother, but she is also our friend. She humbled herself so we could rise. She crawled so we could walk. She prioritized us over anything else,” Marc said.

On his mother helping to shape him as the person he is today, Marc said, “She taught us how to humble ourselves not by word, but by action. She told us small wins are still wins. She also told us no matter how hard the situation is, there will always be a way.”

My children, the joys of my life

Marline Martin, Ewa, raised two children Liz and Paul. “Mother’s Day is like my birthday when my family showers me with love and appreciation, but it’s also uniquely special because their gratitude is specific to the role of me as a mother.

“Not only am I overjoyed by my children expressing their love on Mother’s Day, but my husband Tomas’s appreciation also means a lot. Receiving flowers from him on Mother’s Day is different from Valentine’s Day. Flowers from Tomas on Mother’s Day is a symbol to me saying that I have been a good mother to our children. This warms my heart.

“Every day I’m thankful for my children. They’re the

“My mother Bea means so many different, wonderful things to me. She is the first source of love that keeps giving, my rock along with my father. I admire how my mom juggles work and family life. She is the person my brother and I and my father turn to with our psychological and emotional baggage that need purging. She’s the glue that keeps all of us from drifting apart from each other. We know how that works unintentionally, how life’s responsibilities can have a way of taking over our time and sense of being. My mother grounds us. She gets us back to thinking of the things that matter. I think this is one of the most significant roles of motherhood.”

joys of my life. Each Mother’s Day, I have something new to be thankful for as new events, new milestones happen in my children’s lives. So, in this regard, Mother’s Day is different as I reflect on what’s current in my children’s lives,” Marline said.

Picking out a gift

The never-ending stream of gifts mothers have bestowed onto their children is something that comes to mind when choosing a gift for Mother’s Day, which makes this task seemingly impossible. Here are a few suggestions to consider.

Mother’s Day gift-giving ideas:



AND DAD. By now you’re already aware of a dream destination your mother has always had but never got around to making it happen. Travel & Leisure recommends travel gift cards for Mother’s Day.

A travel-related gift card is probably the closest you’ll get to giving the actual gift of travel to your mom and dad (without booking their flights or hotels for them.) You’ll want to make sure to select a gift card you know they will be able to use.

A few gift cards recommended by Travel & Leisure: airline gift card (find out which airlines your mother normally chooses),

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For more than two decades of writing my columns, I’ve often talked about the idea of one’s “Filipinoness.” In a society where assimilation has been the rule, I’ve advocated preserving and displaying as much of our Filipino nature as possible.

It’s important to note it because otherwise, you have a vanishing sense of Filipinoness. That’s not the point of a democracy.

And so now we ask how many more times do we have to hear Tennessee legislator Justin Jones described simply as a “Black activist”?

He’s more than that of course.

The Washington Post got it right last week once last week. MSNBC mentioned it at least once when the news broke. But now the rest of the media

Justin Jones, Filipinoness, and American Democracy

is back to the shorthand.

Justin Jones? He’s still a “Black activist.”

That’s despite the fact he’s half-Filipino.

But that’s what we’ll be subjected to as the mainstream makes Jones a household name for standing up to one of the most obvious signs that our divided government is teetering on fascism.

Great. But we won’t get the shoutout we deserve. We’ll be invisible again. Instead, it will be like our own private joke.

I’ll admit I wasn’t paying close attention to what was going on in Tennessee when concerned students and citizens went to the state house in Nashville and demanded action on gun violence in our schools and society.

And I didn’t really pay attention when Jones, joined by two fellow legislators led the outcry for the rest of his colleagues to pass an assault weapons ban.

I only saw the fallout when Jones in his white suit was the first to be expelled from the

(COVER STORY: On Mother’s Day ....from page 5)

hotel gift card, Airbnb gift card, cruise gift card.

If your mom and dad are retired and at liberty to travel anytime, coordinate with your dad a vacation time that works best. Skip the travel gift card and go ahead and buy the airline tickets.

*ADOPT A PET. If your mother is an animal lover and physically strong enough, is retired, and struggles with empty nest syndrome, adopting a dog or cat for her could spark renewed vigor in her daily life.

Adopting a pet has been found to help with loneliness that many seniors experience, especially seniors who live alone. For mothers who are widows, a pet is a loving companion she can care for and will appreciate. You know your mother well enough if a pet is something she will love and

embrace. But it’s absolutely important to know that a pet is something she would want because it’s unfair for a dog or cat to be adopted then returned to an animal shelter. Pets have feelings, too.


Pictures capture time and will always have a story behind it for your mom to appreciate and share with for years. If you live in a house with family pictures hung on walls or crowd tabletops in the living room and her bedroom, you already know your mother will love to have a professional to capture this moment in time with your family.

Purchase a session with a professional photographer who travels on-site (better than one who only does studio work) so your mother can choose where to have a photo shoot like a beach that the

he was Filipino. But more like a few of my relatives, he was half Filipino and half Black. A perfect amalgam of modern BIPOC America. A dark Asian with Spanish colonial low notes, and most definitely Black.

Justin Shea Bautista Jones, 27, is one of the so-called Tennessee Three.

The one with the long, wavy, but not totally straight black hair.

State House Republican leaders said they did not look at the ethnicity of the members up for discussion.

Who can doubt that? How many even knew Jones was not just Black, but half Filipino and an Asian American? They just looked and made assumptions.

Tennessee legislature recently.

Expulsion? I can see a tap on the wrist, maybe. But the GOP response was more nuclear, an unprecedented reaction that should concern every American.

Jones’ expulsion was no less than a brazen attack on democracy. Disagree with the majority, even as an elected member of the legislature? The new GOP tactic is to silence the debate and remove the debater. Permanently.

As I witnessed it, the reality sunk in even more so because Jones was someone who looked like me.

Like us.

I could tell immediately,

family frequents or special location your mother holds dear to her.

*COME HOME FOR MOTHER’S DAY. For kamaaina living on the mainland or internationally, you still have time to book a flight to surprise your mother with your presence on Mother’s Day.


If your other siblings also moved away, all of you returning home for Mother’s Day for a family reunion would be double-, triple the joy.


For some cultures and families, money may be too impersonal, even offensive as a gift for Mother’s Day. You know your culture and your mom if this would be the case. If you know your moth-

He’s one of the two I’ll dub the Justins for Justice because only the Justins were expelled.

The other Justin, Justin Pearson, 28, with the throwback natural, the Big Black and Beautiful Afro, was born in Memphis, educated at Bowdoin College in Maine, and has been no less a fighter and activist in his first term in office.

The third member of the Tennessee Three was a white progressive Democrat and former teacher, Gloria Johnson. She did no less than what the Justins did.

So why was she spared from expulsion by one vote?

Johnson told reporters, “It might have to do with the color of our skin.”

er would love receiving money to use as she pleases, it’s a gift to consider. It doesn’t have to be boring and placed in an envelope. Be creative with presentation. Remember the tooth fairy as a child. That pillow trick of placing cash under it with a brightly colored bow will be something she’ll always remember when she discovers it. Stage the scene if you can so you too can be present when she fortuitously lifts that pillow.

*EXPRESS YOUR LOVE AND APPRECIATION. Some families can work on having better communication, sons with their mothers versus daughters, more so. Assuming that your mother already knows how thankful you are is not the same as her hearing it.

Perhaps there is something specific – small or grand – that you never

Born and raised in Oakland, Calif., Jones, 27, is the son of a Filipino mother and a Black father. He grew up on collard greens and adobo, he told a friend of mine, Leny Strobel, whom Jones sought out four years ago to find out about his “Filipinoness.”

Jones told her his two grandmothers, Lola Tessie on his Filipino side and his Black Lola Harriet, were his first divinity teachers, in an article for the Filipino ethnic media. Through them, he connected his diverse background to spirituality and activism, which sent him South to Fisk University in Nashville.

Recently we saw Jones, young and eloquent, cool under pressure, his activism in action, as he bore the undemocratic attacks of the legislature.

(continue on page 15)

thanked your mother for and never expressed to her what that one incident may have meant to you personally. Life is short and Mother’s Day (men in specific heed this advice,) is the perfect time to be expressive with your mom without feeling uncomfortably and overly sentimental. Be smooth, but not awkward, and say what should be said, whatever it might be you’ve held back from saying.

Mother’s Day is certainly one of the most momentous days we observe in the year.

American author Jill Churchill said, “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” Mothers and children can reflect on a few of those magical millions of moments on Mother’s Day.

Enjoy the moment. Happy Mother’s Day!

Justin Jones


SURE : This writer met former President Donald Trump in person in July 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio, when he was a Hawaii delegate to the Republican Convention. After Mr. Trump was nominated, he hosted a party the following day for the original 500 persons who had supported his candidacy, and this writer was invited. Mr. Trump shook hands with the guests, including this writer who was on the front row. This writer handed his business card to Mr. Trump who read it, smiled at this writer, and then put the card inside his coat pocket. This writer had a selfie with Mr. Trump.

“The best defense when


How to Defend Trump by Really Trying

you are indicted for a criminal offense is to get the best lawyer your money can buy – excellent legal education, competent, diligent, experienced, and courageous.”

– Memoirs of Emmanuel

President Trump can win the criminal case against him –if his defenders really try.

On April 4, 2023, former President Donald J. Trump was indicted by a New York grand jury for 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree in violation of New York Penal Law §175.10. We have read the 16-page indictment. See: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000187-4d9adc00-a3d7-4d9f97b40000

Mr. Trump pleaded “Not Guilty” to all 34 counts.

The next hearing will be on December 4, 2023. No one expects the case to be resolved before the November 2024 elections, considering that there will be pre-trial motions, a lengthy trial, post-trial

motions, appeal to New York appellate courts if Trump is found guilty, and the U.S. Supreme Court if Trump receives an unfavorable ruling.

What if Trump wins the election? Can a sitting president be tried for a crime? If he can and is convicted, can he pardon himself?

Law allegedly violated

NY Penal Law § 175.10 (2019) provides:

“§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree. A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof. Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.”

NY Penal Law § 175.05 (2022) provides:

Ҥ 175.05 Falsifying busi-

ness records in the second degree. A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the second degree when, with intent to defraud, he:

1. Makes or causes a false entry in the business records of an enterprise; or

2. Alters, erases, obliterates, deletes, removes or destroys a true entry in the business records of an enterprise; or

3. Omits to make a true entry in the business records of an enterprise in violation of a duty to do so which he knows to be imposed upon him by law or by the nature of his position; or

4. Prevents the making of a true entry or causes the omission thereof in the business records of an enterprise.

Falsifying business records in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.”

Tsunami of motions

A tsunami of motions could be filed to obtain the dis-

missal of the indictment.

A. Motion to dismiss because the law is void for vagueness

A motion to dismiss the indictment could be filed on the ground that the statute under which the defendant is charged is void for vagueness in violation of due process of law. N.Y. Constitution, Article 1, § 6 provides that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”

The gravamen of the indictment is that the defendant “made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise”.

What constitutes making a “false entry”? The statute does not define it. Do the following constitute making a “false entry” – erasure or deletion of an existing entry, writing incorrect information; bookkeeping error; innocent mistake in making an entry; negligence in making an entry; or failing to make an entry.

(continue on page 14)



On Mother’s Day and Motherhood


My relationship with my mom is amazing. She is like my best friend and my life coach. I see my mom everyday, either in person, or on face time. For my family, we celebrate Mother’s Day every day. Every day is as special in showing our appreciation for our mom. One memorable Mother’s Day is when my brothers and I gifted my mom a picture frame with our individual pictures. That gift was simple but very meaningful. My mom is a beautiful soul. She has a smile that lights up any room, her laughter is contagious, and she has a positive attitude. Her cooking is the best. She’s also my hairstylist. My mother has shaped me to become a strong and independent woman. She is a single mom with five children and took on the role of both a mother and father figure. Her presence has influenced all my life choices. I am forever grateful for the strength she has instilled in me.


We celebrate Mother’s Day starting out by visiting the church and thank God for another Mother’s Day. Following that, we celebrate the occasion by eating out and shopping. A memorable Mother’s Day occasion happened when we were in the Philippines. Not everybody celebrates Mother’s Day there, so I invited my aunties and my grandmother. We had a feast like a fiesta celebration. Everyone was thankful. As for

memorable gifts I received, one was a “kimona,” a blouse made of pina cloth which I wear during Filipino festivals; another was a special bag given to me by my husband and children. From the time I gave birth to my only daughter, Princess Maryjoe Cadiz, I’ve never stopped teaching her to be a nice person, believing in our God Almighty, dealing with people in a respectful, kind and polite manner. My daughter is 7 years old. I hope she will be independent, finish school and get a degree. As she grows up, I want to share with her every blessing I have.


Mother’s Day for us is spending quality time together as a family at home. We order take-out food, or my daughter or son-in-law cooks a delicious meal. The most memorable Mother’s Day for me was when we celebrated at a cemetery, where my late mother and sister were buried. We had a nice set up with a tent, tables, chairs, and food. It was wonderful because it felt like they were there celebrating with us. As for memorable gifts I received, my precious grandsons Kainoa and Kaalaheo, made me cards with lovely pictures they drew and wrote special messages. Another was a personalized tote bag from my one and only daughter. The bag had my grandsons’ pictures on it. I use it wherever I go. As for motherhood, I believe it means making sacrifices for your children, protecting them and giving them all the love in the world. It means doing all that you can for them, so they don’t struggle in life [as much as possible].


For Mother’s Day we attend Mass and spend the day with family. What I found to be most memorable is just having the opportunity to spend an entire day with all my five daughters and their family. Receiving arts and crafts that my children made

Nenita Ballesteros with daughter Cris Ballesteros Maryner Cadiz with daughter Maryjoe Cadiz Evelyn Ruiz with daughter Jennifer Santos (continue on page 12)

Why Do We Commemorate World War II Veterans?

In February, four bronze sculptures honoring the tens and thousands of Filipino World War II veterans were unveiled outside Waipahu Public Library. To commemorate this event, Hawaii Filipino Chronicle asked the community a Chronicle Pulse question: Why do we commemorate World War II veterans?

Brandy Ader

We honor the veterans who have sacrificed their lives for our country and for the freedoms we all enjoy. We must also remember with gratitude how we owe the safety and protection of our everyday lives to veterans. We are the United States of America because of them.

Archer Glen Basuel

We remember World War II veterans because they fought for our freedoms. We would not have the freedoms we have today if not for their selfless service. These veterans risked their lives whether we realized it or appreciated it. Many individual acts of heroism happened during the war but, unfortunately, only a few are ever recorded and receive official recognition. When we remember all the veterans, we recognize their selfless service, their willingness to endure hardships and face their fears for us to enjoy our freedom and live in peace.

Janet Clemente

Without our veterans, our world would be a different place. Their sacrifices for our freedom make our everyday liberties a possibility.

Princess Cortez

We celebrate veterans for their courage and to remember those who paid the ultimate price of freedom with their lives. There are a remaining few veterans, now in their golden years, who are still able to tell their stories of heroism. Our veterans should be honored not just only on Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day, but whenever an opportune moment arises. We as a nation are indebted to our veterans. Taking time to honor them is not only the right thing to do but it also keeps alive the memory of the many heroic deeds and sacrifices they have made for us.

George E. Schabbehar

World War II veterans are the heroes who fought and defeated the Axis powers. Their efforts to keep the world free spanned the entire globe. Without them, the United States of America would not be the great nation it is today. For that, these great Americans should be celebrated and shown our appreciation each and every day.

Wilfredo Tungol

We commemorate World War II Filipino veterans because of the significant sacrifices and contributions that those men (and some women) made to defend freedom and democracy during the war against Japan. The Philippines was a commonwealth at that time and identified with the United States’ fight to preserve democracy and liberty in the region. Filipino soldiers and recognized guerilla units who fought in the Philippines were not only defending or fighting for the Philippines but also defending a sovereign territory held by the United States.


Finally, somebody with guts and respect for the law indicted former U.S. President Donald Trump and ordered his appearance in a criminal court in Manhattan, New York.

After the Grand Jury indicted the former president for a probable cause about money paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election, Judge Alvin Bragg issued

Nobody Is Above The Law, A NY Judge Orders Trump’s Arrest!

an arrest warrant for Trump to appear in his court.

We are witnessing history in the making as Trump entered a Manhattan courtroom, was fingerprinted, and waited to be arraigned. He waved when he arrived at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4 in New York, New York. He was arraigned during his first court appearance.

With the indictment, Trump became the first former U.S. president in history to be charged with a criminal offense who is actively campaigning for another term in the White House.

Trump was indicted by the Grand Jury of New York for paying hash money to silence Stormy Daniels who allegedly had a sexual relationship with him before the 2020 presidential elections.

The indictment has generated mixed emotions among Republicans, Democrats and ordinary Americans.

My friends said, “It’s high time somebody got the nerve…” While others say, “It’s unfair and not properly done for a former president.”

Well, whatever the current generated by the latest court decision, it will surely follow its course and we just hope it will be properly conducted under the rule of law.

Just like any other person charged criminally, the process of the court proceedings was in place: while not handcuffed, he was fingerprinted and faced the judge and the jury who will be prosecuting him for the offenses charged.

As expected, Donald Trump pleaded “Not Guilty” to 34 felony counts as details of the indictment were unsealed. He sat at the defense table with his defense team after pleading not guilty to falsifying business records, multiple outlets report, following an investigation into an alleged hush money payment he made to adult film star Stormy Daniels while he was a presidential candidate in 2016.

The 34 counts of criminal charges stemmed from eight checks issued by him falsifying business records and alleged money payments to Daniels to silence her as it may affect his 2016 presidential campaign. Previous prosecutors maintain that the charges against him are strong, so As I See It, his future in the criminal court will likely be stormy too!

While Trump and his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen initially denied the claims of an affair, Cohen later admitted that there was a payment made to the

porn star in the amount of $130,000. As told to The New York Times, he labeled the payment as “a private transaction,” paid out of his own pocket in 2016, but he said Trump had not reimbursed him although he has since admitted he authorized the payment.

That was a payment to allegedly silence Daniels from talking, yet…Trump claimed there were no sexual encounters that transpired.

Okay, so Trump will go through the process, just like any other person criminally charged, but what will happen next?

Now that Trump has pleaded not guilty, the arraignment starts and the judge, together with the grand jury, will prosecute the case.

That same day, he flew back to his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida and addressed his supporters saying the charges were politically motivated and should be dismissed. He even started attacking the judge’s family and calling Judge Alvin Bragg a “criminal.”

The judge didn’t issue a gag order but warned Trump not to talk about the merits of the case in public, but Trump ignored this and even resorted to character assassination by calling the judge “criminal” and attacking his family despite the court’s warning.

What will happen next? Well, As I See It, it will be a long process with Trump calling the cases to be dismissed and his team of lawyers filing motions to delay the trial. It was theorized that it may last for months, even years, as the rule of law has to be in effect giving both sides the rights they deserve.

Okay, if this is the case, what are possible scenarios that will happen while the case is being heard?

Trump, despite the charges, will continue to campaign for his second term of office by 2024… the constitution allows that to happen, even if he will be in jail. He is seeking the party endorsement but has to contend with many GOP presidential contenders wanting also to be president.

While the biggest rival is in Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who just announced formally his candidacy, about 12 more party mates are trying to oppose him. I think the more GOP candidates, the better chances for Trump to be officially endorsed.

He needs only about 25% to 35% support from GOP to be able to be nominated as the party standard bearer. So, most likely, he will be the GOP standard bearer.

If he does not get the party nomination, I think he will still run for president as an independent candidate. Knowing him, he will do everything to bolster his ego and he thinks he will be able to do it because he thrives on controversies. He did it before, so he thinks he can do it again.

The worst scenario is for him to withdraw from the presidency and become a kingmaker. With the millions of dollars in his campaign chest mostly generated from the fund-raising efforts due to his arraignment, he will be able to catapult a candidate to the presidency of his choice.

Will his party make him the standard bearer and a possible repeat of Biden vs Trump for the 2024 presidency?

If Trump becomes the GOP standard bearer, fellow Americans, will you support him when you go to the polls in 2024?

ELPIDIO R. ESTIOKO was a veteran journalist in the Philippines and a multi-awarded journalist here in the US. For feedbacks, comments… please email the author at estiokoelpidio@gmail.com.

Former U.S. President Trump

Who is Enrique De Malacca in Philippine History?

Five hundred years ago, Ferdinand Magellan led a Spanish armada to find a new route to Moluccas, known for its spices much desired in Europe.

Magellan was accompanied by 239 crews aboard five ships, including Antonio Pigafetta (chronicler) and Enrique de Malacca (slave-interpreter). The account of this voyage was translated into English by Lord Stanley of Alderley and James Alexander Robertson.

On March 16, 1521, they landed in Homonhon, Samar. Enrique was unable to communicate with the natives, except through signs. However, their next trip to the islands of Limasawa (Leyte) and Cebu successfully connected Magellan to the natives through Enrique. There, they “were easily understood” declared Pigafetta. This statement evokes several meanings.

One, Enrique was communicating in Malay to the chiefs particularly Rajah Humabon of Cebu. Malay was the trade language in the region, Enrique’s birthplace according to Magellan and Pigafetta. Another, he was talking to them in Cebuano (or Sugbuanon).

A review of Pigafetta’s account shows that he compiled a set of vocables called “words of the heathen people” (150 words, mostly Cebuano). This compilation suggests the hidden hands of Enrique, who was with Magellan and Pigafetta for almost two years after leaving Spain.

Pigafetta had a penchant for writing down words he heard from the natives, and likely from the interpreter Enrique, who was a polyglot. He spoke Portuguese, Spanish, Malay and likely Cebuano.

These vocabularies, compared with an 1885 dictionary by Encarnacion, reveal that 129 or 86% are in fact Cebuano words. If one adds the 7 other Malay words also known to Cebuano speakers today, that makes it 91% true-blue Cebuano. This also means the first Cebuano-Italian dictionary.

We now ask: what is the source of such lexical terms, and how did Pigafetta successfully translate them?

According to Italian lin-

guist Alessandro Bausani:

“Probably only a certain amount of words were directly heard from the natives questioned by Pigafetta…through gestures.”

He adds that “for the knowledge of the rest of them Pigafetta was indebted” to Enrique.

Regarding the place where Pigafetta composed his list, “the most prudent opinion is that he composed it after his return to Europe, utilizing miscellaneous notes taken in different places and that the majority of his words were collected from the Malay-speaking slave Henrique.” He adds that this slave is his “teacher.”

A professional interpreter from New York, Ewandro Magalhães, writes with confidence that Enrique participated in the Pigafetta compilation: “Pigafetta kept a journal of the expedition’s activities. He also

compiled the first phrase books in history, with the help of Henry (italics supplied).”

Scholars like Dr. Ben Kadil, a history professor from Mindanao State University, and Dr. Raymund Liongson, a Philippine Studies expert from UH Leeward Community College, believe that Enrique was the “main source” in the production of Pigafetta’s glossary of the “heathen people.”

In line with these testimonies, it is logical that Enrique served not only as interpreter but also as translator of those words. Thus, he must know the Cebuano language besides Malay.

Certain episodes would

confirm his ability to speak Cebuano. The first was when Enrique got drunk with the locals, drinking laksoy (wine from nipa), and could not perform his duties as interpreter, according to Gines de Mafra, a sailor who also wrote his own account of the voyage.

An event like this leads one to believe that he could not join them, especially ordinary folks who did not know Malay. They must be speaking in their own language.

The second episode was the massacre of the crews on May 1, 1521, four days after Magellan was killed by LapuLapu. This conspiracy was (continue on page 13)


What Kids Should Know About…

As a multi-volume publication, “What Kids Should Know About…” is designed for children and the young at heart. All have colorful illustrations with easy-to-understand captions and descriptions suitable for all ages. The series is published by Adarna House, Inc. in Quezon City. Here are the four books under the “What Kids Should Know About…” series:

Filipino Architecture

This book covers all aspects of architecture, including some urban and city planning at a level that could be understood by children aged 10 and older. As it says in the opening chapter:

“Architecture is not just about a single building. It is also concerned with the relationship of structures to one another…and the spaces in between architecture such as streets, plazas, playgrounds, gardens and parks are equally important.”

The types of structures— from the bahay kubo to the bahay na bato, the different churches and gathering places such as the dap-ay of Sagada or the large longhouses of the T’boli people of Lake Sebu in Cotabato called guno bong are described, as well as how the structures are organized around an open space such as a town plaza (e.g. for towns formed during the Spanish era).

The book explains how architecture adapts to its environment, and how buildings were designed to adapt to changing weather conditions, as well as recent disasters like the pandemic.

One segment describes how the COVID-19 pandemic played an important role in society’s health and well-being, where people converted their living spaces to the directive of being locked inside.

Filipino Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are defined as tools created to make musical sounds, and describes the materials used in making Filipino musical instruments—usually sourced from a tropical environment ranging from bamboo, animals, plants, metals and stones.

How the sounds are made are also explained—whether it is from blowing, using wind instruments such as the nose flute; or plucking, such as with string instruments like the kulitong of the Kalinga tribe.

Percussion instruments are played by striking, such as the case with the Ibaloy’s solibao and kimbal drums (a pair of long drums with low and high pitch).

Modern instruments powered by electricity are also described (electric guitar, keyboard, violin and electronic drums) together with “modern” Filipino musicians such as the Eraserheads called the Beatles of the Philippines and B.P Valenzuela, an electropop

(REFLECTIONS ON MOTHER’S DAY: On Mother’s ....from page 8) while in school are memorable gifts. As a mother, I try to raise my five daughters to be independent, compassionate, kind and understanding. I teach them to love and forgive, and to always move forward.

PERSEVERANDA TAMAYO, Reigning Queen Grandma Hawaii International Retired

On Mother’s Day we go to church to give thanks to our Lord for all His blessings and for the children to listen to the sermon, the word of God. After the Mass, we go to Zippy’s restaurant to have a family breakfast. The most memorable Mother’s Day was when one ear-

artist known for her use of electronic sounds.

Internationally renowned musical icon, Lucrecia Kasilag (1918-2008) is also featured. She pioneered incorporating Filipino musical instruments in her compositions and was named a national artist for music in 1989.

One of the most interesting segments of this book is the chapter “A Musical Tour of the Philippines”—a graphical depiction of where 101 Filipino musical instruments are located and played in various communities and shows the cultural similarities and diversities among peoples of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Filipino Visual Arts

The authors define visual art as that type of art that is made for looking and can be made from different materials—and anything visible can be used for visual art.

The different forms,

two-dimensional (2D) vs. three-dimensional (3D) are described as well as the basic elements and design principles of visual arts.

The most intriguing section that asks the question—what can art give us? Art can show things as they are—as in photography or in realistic art—and proceeds to describe the art of Felix Resureccion Hidalgo, Fabian de la Rosa, Paz Paterno and Araceli Limcaco Dans.

In the segment “Art brings out ideas and feelings”—the following artists’ works were used as examples: Juan Luna’s Spolarium, Jose Joya’s Pagdiriwang, Paul Quiambao’s UST Series and Arturo Luz’s Performers.

Special mention was made of the watercolor artworks of June Dalisay, who is not only a visual artist but also an art restorer with a focus on scientific art conservation.

Another woman artist

ly morning, all my children woke me up and greeted me “Happy Mother’s Day.” They hugged me and told me: “You are the best mother in the world.” As for gifts, I received a ukulele. They know I love to play and listen to music. Another gift was to a sporting game. They said we were going to a party but took me to a game to watch basketball. My son was also playing that game. Being a mother comes with tons of responsibilities like nurturing your children, being their first teacher at home. I’ve taught my children to be always respectful, humble, patient, understanding, loving, forgiving and obedient –and most of all to look up to our Lord. I guide my children so they can reach their goals.

featured is Brenda Fajardo who presented some of the Philippines’ problems under Martial Law using tarot cards with symbols.

Imelda Cajipe-Endaya is credited as the main figure of Filipino feminist and national liberation movements and is a noted printmaker, mixed media and installation artist.

The works of many more Filipino artists are featured—e.g. Pacita Abad, BenCab, Toym Imao, Fernando Amorsolo, and Mario “Ram” Mallari Jr.— who uses trash to create artistic treasures and is considered one of the fast-rising steampunk artists of the country.

A special value found in this publication are suggestions for art activities for students inspired by the works of featured artists.

Filipino Food

When family and friends gather in the Philippines, tradition dictates that a meal is shared with cheerfulness and friendship, and the act of sitting together for a meal means sharing joy and happiness to those around the table.

So in essence, we are what we eat, and how we eat. Sharing food is an expression of caring. When someone arrives at home, we ask— have you eaten? Kumain ka na ba? When a guest arrives at mealtime, we ask them to join us at table, a sign of our innate hospitality.

This is why, among the

(continue on page 13) Shannon Bolin with mother Percy Tamayo

Yes, Hawaii Can Afford the ‘Green Affordability Plan’

Prominent Hawaii legislators have questioned whether Hawaii can afford Gov. Josh Green’s proposed tax cuts that would comprise one of the largest — if not the largest — package of tax cuts in state history.

The quick answer is, yes, we can afford them — and thank you very much to the governor for making them one of his key initiatives during his first year in office.

Such tax cuts in Hawaii are long overdue and could help stem the tide of Hawaii residents who have been leaving the islands in droves over the past half-dozen years due to our inordinately high cost of living — of which taxes are a major component.

books discussed in this review, this publication on Filipino food is my favorite. It brings back happy memories of growing up in the Philippines.

It chronicles the culinary heritage of the Philippines, but also describes its climate, environment and history. Our “edible identity,” food finds traces of our past and our present. Food is so commonplace in our everyday lives that we don’t realize that it shows how we celebrate fam-

Gov. Green’s “Green Affordability Plan” would boost existing tax credits and create new ones, increase the state income tax standard deduction and personal exemption and automatically adjust certain parts of the tax code to inflation.

It’s a complicated plan, to say the least. It isn’t as straightforward as simply cutting the tax rate, but I appreciate that the governor recognizes tax relief is critical to Hawaii’s future.

As to the question of whether the state can afford such tax relief — amounting to about $315 million — doubters have noted there is a recession on the horizon, and it might be impossible to cut taxes without also cutting spending.

Well, the answer to that, of course, is that it’s always a good time to cut taxes and cut

ily and community.

The first part of the book describes the things we eat— from the basic rice to condiments we value like patis and bagoong, to the plants and animals around us that we eat.

Also described and illustrated are the cooking implements that we use, from the traditional kalan (clay stove) to the kudkuran (a coconut grating device uniquely Filipino). Also described are the ways we prepare food from smoking (such as how


spending. But don’t take just my word for it.

I put the question to Luis Salaveria, director of the state Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, who was one of the featured experts on the governor’s plan at a recent luncheon sponsored by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii.

“Simply, yes,” he responded. “In fact, I will go as far as to say that we can’t afford not to do it because really, what we’re sitting on right now, are unhealthy ending balances.”

By “unhealthy ending balances,” Salaveria meant the state’s budget surplus of about $1.9 billion. He said that is money that could be put toward lowering taxes, paying down liabilities or increasing government services.

“If you own a business, and you see that you’re just sitting on cash, and all you’re

the tinapa is prepared) to street foods’ ihaw-ihaw.

The final chapter is a regional food tour of the Philippines. A food item or dish that is representative of each of the regions in the Philippines is described.

For example, the first entry is the Cordillera Rice Terraces from Northern Philippines, and its rice treasures are mentioned: the aromatic unoy, the large grain tinawon, the sticky Ifugao diket and Kalinga jekot.

doing is sitting on cash, you’re not putting that money to work. … It is not the intention of [the] government to sit on cash,” he said.

Salaveria’s answer was echoed by Seth Colby, tax researcher and planning officer at the state Department of Taxation, who also was featured at the luncheon.

So again, yes, the state can afford to give residents a tax break right now — and, as Salaveria said, it really can’t afford not to.

Just this month, we learned that as of July 2022, the state population overall declined by 2.1% compared to April 2020.

Our families, friends and neighbors who are leaving have not been doing so in search of a beautiful climate, spectacular scenery, wonderful recreational opportunities,

Also added to this 2nd edition are the dishes shared by the different Moro groups from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, like the pastil, steamed rice topped with kagikit made of either shredded chicken, beef or fish. Since majority of the population is Muslim, no pork is eaten.

This book describes what makes us uniquely Fil-

great food or unique multicultural experiences. We have all those things here. It’s why Hawaii is considered to be a paradise on earth.

But factor in the state’s high prices for housing, food and utilities, its lack of job and business opportunities and its high taxes, and it’s no wonder so many folks have been saying “Aloha” to their island homes and communities. Not only is their departure heartbreaking, but a declining population does not put our state on a trajectory for a healthy future.

Gov. Green’s “Green Affordability Plan” would not be a cure-all for Hawaii’s high costs, but it would help tremendously.

ipino—in what we eat and how we prepare our food.

ROSE CRUZ CHURMA established Kalamansi Books & Things three decades ago. It has evolved from a mail-order bookstore into an on-line advocacy with the intent of helping global Pinoys discover their heritage by promoting books of value from the Philippines and those written by Filipinos in the Diaspora. We can be reached at kalamansibooks@gmail.com.

(PHILIPPINE HISTORY FEATURE: Who is Enrique....from page 11)

hatched between Enrique and Rajah Humabon.

The chief invited the sailors to a banquet and killed 26 of them, except Enrique. Such incident was reported as an act of vengeance against Duarte Barbosa, who did not honor Magellan’s last will for Enrique, that he would be freed from slavery, and paid 10,000 maravedis.

Instead, this manumission privilege was forfeited. He would still serve as slave to Magellan’s widow (Doña Beatriz) and continue his interpretation services under threat of flogging.

Why did Humabon and his angry warriors spare the life of Enrique? This poor interpreter could have been treated like a kinsman, a fellow Cebuano.

Scheming with somebody is a complicated feat that would

need lexical competence and trust among those involved. While Enrique and Humabon could talk in Malay, conversation in the local language was better to hatch a plot.

Given these facts and circumstances, Enrique is linguistically a Cebuano speaker. He could be a captured slave from Cebu. Or, born of Cebuano parents somewhere in Malacca.

FEDERICO V. MAGDALENA, PHD is currently an Associate Specialist and the Deputy Director of the Center for Philippine Studies, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. He recently directed a Fulbright-Hays project for American K-12 teachers, faculty, and students in Cebu to train on basic Cebuano language (July-August 2022) under the auspices of the University of San Carlos. This article is derived from his online lecture hosted by USC on January 28, 2023.

KELI‘I AKINA is president and CEO of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii.
(BOOK REVIEW: What Kid’s ....from page 12)
Hawaii Businesses Are Heading to Washington DC Event: Hawaii on the Hill
On April 10, Senator Mazie K. Hirono and Hawaii Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Sherry Menor-McNamara visited three local business that are participating on Hawaii on the Hill event in Washigton D.C. this June. In the photo, they visited the Hawaiian Host Chocolate factory. The twoday event gives Hawaii businesses the opportunity to connect with policymakers and the Washingtong D.C. community about their Hawaii businesses and products.

Capturing The Family Portrait: A Dream Come True

My husband and I love taking pictures of our family wherever we go. We make sure that we capture precious moments so our children can always look back at them. Sometimes, when I look at our family pictures, there’s a tug at my heartstrings.

I wish I had pictures of our complete family: my mama and papa, and my three siblings. But as far as I remember, we didn’t have a complete family picture when I was young.

Or maybe we had, but most, if not all of our pictures have been damaged because of the moist weather in Baguio City, my hometown in the Philippines.

We didn’t own a film camera and camera phones weren’t available back then to take pictures anytime and anywhere. When I see pictures of family reunions online, my face smiles

but my heart breaks. Having a family portrait with my parents and my siblings has become a dream.

When I was 17 and my mother left for the United States. My family wasn’t just physically distanced, it has become broken. My parents separated. The hope of becoming complete and whole vanished.

Eventually, my siblings and I lived our own lives and built our own families. My eldest sister settled in Australia. My youngest brother now lives in Canada with his family. My younger brother still lives in Baguio City, raising four children. And here I am in South Korea with my husband and two children.

For the past decades, we had several pictures taken but there never was a complete family photo, not even at our weddings. My mother would fly from the U.S. to be there, but there’s always one sibling who will be absent.

Early this year, we decided

(WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY?: How to Defend ....from page 7)

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. What is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to another. “False entry” is in the eye of the beholder. What is a “false entry” to one person may not be a “false entry” to another. Therefore, the statute is vague. It “fails to give ordinary people fair notice of the conduct it punishes, or so standardless that it invites arbitrary enforcement.”

The prohibition of vagueness in criminal statutes “is a well-recognized requirement, consonant alike with ordinary notions of fair play and

we would go to the Philippines to have a reunion and celebrate our mother’s 68th birthday.

From different parts of the world, we all flew to Manila. We stayed in Pangasinan where my mother built her home whenever she visits the Philippines.

We also traveled to Baguio City where my father resides and my younger brother lives with his family.

My siblings and I were so happy to see each other but what made us even more joyful was to see our parents together again, even if their relationship has turned from marriage to only friends.

They are not in speaking terms so we made sure that we will have some days our whole family will have a get together in a house that we rented (because our family house is so

the settled rules of law,” and a statute that flouts it “violates the first essential of due process.” Connally v. General Constr. Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391, 46 S.Ct. 126, 70 S.Ct. 322 (1926).” Johnson v. United States, 576 US 591, 135 S Ct 2551, 2556-57 (2015).

The Supreme Court said that the Government violates the guarantee of due process “by taking away someone’s life, liberty, or property under a criminal law so vague that it fails to give ordinary people fair notice of the conduct it punishes, or so standardless that it invites arbitrary enforcement.”

small, we don’t fit anymore).

We succeeded! Oh, it was a glorious time!

We all went to the tourist spots we used to visit when we were young, showing them to our children and letting them experience our childhood–horseback riding, biking in Burnham Park, having a picnic in Camp John Hay, and so much more.

We had meals together, shared stories, and laughed our hearts out as we share funny moments. We sang karaoke (which we loved doing as a family) and just enjoyed our time with each other, not minding the barriers that divide us.

On our few days together,

Johnson v. United States, supra.

B. Motion to dismiss because indictment does not charge an offense

A motion to dismiss the indictment could be filed on the ground that it does not charge an offense. Take the first count as an example. It charges the defendant with intent to defraud by making or causing a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, “an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.”

But the indictment does not state why the entry is false. That is the gravamen of the offense. The most essential element of the crime is not alleged.

C. Motion to reduce the charge from felony to misdemeanor

A motion to reduce the charges from felony to misdemeanor could be filed.

The only allegation that makes falsifying business records a first degree offense and thereby a felony is that the defendant’s intent to defraud included an “intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

But the indictment does not allege facts relating to the other crime that the defendant intended to commit. Nor

we felt we were a complete and whole family again. We ended our time together in prayer, praising God for the opportunity to be together again.

There was a lot of laughter and a lot of tears shed as our hearts were filled with joy but at the same time broken because we knew those precious moments were just temporary. If only we could freeze time, but sadly we couldn’t.

But at least we all went home bringing with us so many precious memories and of course, hundreds of family pictures.

Finally, after 21 years, we have a family portrait. What made it even more precious and memorable, our family of six has grown. Included in the pictures were our spouses and our children.

It will take a long time again before we can get together. We don’t even know if we will have another chance.

But one thing is for sure, our hearts are forever grateful. A prayer has been answered, a dream has come true- a complete family portrait.

does the indictment allege the other crime that the defendant intended “to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

Therefore, the indictment is not supported by allegations or facts that make the offense charged as falsifying records in the first degree and consequently a felony. In fact the indictment does not charge an offense, or if at all it is simply falsifying business records in the second degree, which is a misdemeanor.

D. Motion to dismiss because the indictment is barred by the statute of limitations

A motion to dismiss because the indictment is barred by the statute of limitations could be filed.

New York law provides that “A prosecution for a misdemeanor must be commenced within two years after the commission thereof.” NY Crim Proc. 30.10(2)(c).

The indictment against Mr. Trump alleges that the various crimes were committed in 2017. Since they are only misdemeanors, the statute of limitations prohibits their prosecution.

E. Motion for a bill of particulars

A motion for bill of particulars could be filed.

The indictment simply tracks the language of the statute. The defense

(continue on page 14)

LET’S ZUMBA | Filipino Community Center | Every Monday starting January 9, 2023 at 6:15pm | FilCom Center, Consuelo Courtyard, 94-428 Mokuola Street, Waipahu | Need to unwind in movement and dance after a long workday? Join the community as we Zumba through the evening. Only $5 per class. Proceeds go to support these programtypes for FilCom Center.

“We called for you all to ban assault weapons and you respond with an assault on democracy,” Jones said. “This is a historic day for Tennessee, but it is a very dark day for Tennessee because it will signal to the nation there is no democracy in this state. It will signal to the nation that if it can happen here in Tennessee, it’s coming to your state next. And that is why the nation is watching us, what we do here.”

Jones knew the legislature’s actions weren’t just about expelling him but expelling the people. All of us.

Including American Filipinos.

The Asian American Moment

Not surprisingly, one of Jones’ detractors was from within, another Asian American, Sabi “Doc” Kumar, a 75-year-old retired doctor who has served in the state house since 2015.

Kumar, an Indian American born under the British Raj, who immigrated in 1970 to Florida and is a somewhat celebrated gallbladder specialist, was condescending in his floor speech on the situation.

I didn’t catch all of his statements, but essentially, paraphrased, it was be like me, a success, I played the game and am part of the club. You could have been part of the club too.

I had it muted at first and caught only his genial and civil close.

“I wish you all the best,” Kumar said to Jones as the nearly hour-long debate on Jones was coming to an end.

But then later I saw the video of Kumar’s floor speech where he essentially accuses Jones of a racial assault.

“You walked up to me, had no business coming up to me,” Kumar said from the floor. “You shoved your finger in my face and said Kumar they will never accept you.”

And then he accused


COVID-19 & FLU FREE VACCINATION | Filcom Cares | Apr. 20, May 18 and Jun 15 from 10am to 12pm | Filipino Community Center, 94-428 Mokuola St., Waipahu | FilCom Cares is inviting the community to get jabbed in the upcoming free vaccination drive. Flu vaccines and COVID-19 shots are available for free to the community. Just bring your photo ID, medical insurance card (if any), and your vaccination card. For more information, call FilCom Cares at 808-369-5380.

Jones of insulting him, his colleagues, the legislative body and the state.

Jones was astonished by Kumar’s attack. But it’s indicative of a real generational divide in the AAPI community.

“I don’t even know where to start, to be honest,” Jones said in response as he spoke from the podium. He said Kumar told him, “You see everything under the lens of race. When you joined this body, you should’ve just become one of us. Just assimilate.’”

Jones couldn’t believe Kumar’s words and repeated his response. “That’s very disappointing to hear my friend,” Jones said to Kumar and the entire body. “And what I told you was what you just exhibited, as the only member of their caucus who is not a member of the Caucasian persuasion, I said, that you put a brown face on white supremacy.”

That sharp assessment brought a rebuke from the house speaker, which sparked debate on whether Jones had a right to respond to Kumar’s attack.

Jones won that point.

To Kumar’s glowing praise of the legislators in the state house that he has never heard a racial slur, Jones said that was wrong since recently one representative recommended that “we should bring back lynching in this body.”

Then Jones returned to Kumar’s main criticism that he “would not be up for expulsion if I just assimilated, if I just conformed, if I just confined myself as he has done to be accepted by this body.”

Jones also objected to Kumar saying he attacked the chairman in debate when he was simply “asserting the voice of his district” and “upholding my responsibility as a legislator.”

Specifically, Jones referred to a bill that censored conversations on race and what kids can learn in school because it

makes people uncomfortable talking about Black history.

“And he [Kumar] expected me to be censored as an equally elected representative, to not talk about the history of racism in America when he made those egregious statements,” Jones said to the full House.

“He expected me to sit there and conform and accept things because that is the only reason that he’s been accepted by these members here. But I don’t want acceptance from you. I want acceptance from the people of my district. I don’t want approval from you. I want approval from the people in my district because I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to make a change for my community.”

Shortly after, Jones was expelled as a member of the state legislature by a partisan 72-25 vote.

Good Friday Blues

The theocratic right that drives politics in Tennessee’s legislature no doubt had reason for reflection on Good Friday.

Because the day before was not a Good Thursday for American democracy.

The expulsions were political crucifixions, with a Republican super-majority in the Tennessee General Assembly expelling two of three members who dared to speak out.

But even the theocrats know how the story ends.

Resurrection? Nashville local officials are expected to fill the vacancy from the expulsion with Jones himself. And then Jones could run for his old seat once a special election is announced.

This is the ridiculousness of how democracy dies and gets reborn in our divided America these days. It’s self-righteously obstructionist and wasteful as an un-Christian theocracy drags down our politics.

But expect to see more of this sort of thing in the future, including the Filipino/Asian

“JUMP START THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE” MEMOIR WRITING WORKSHOP | Filipino Association of University Women | April 22 at 9am-12pm | Esplanade Social Room, 500 Lunalilo Home Road, Hawaii Kai | This free workshop is for those who want to reflect on their past, organize their memories and leave a legacy for future generations by putting their life story on paper. To register, contact Pepi Nieva at (808) 225-1219 or Nanette Ruhter at nanette48@gmail. com.

American flare-ups.

As our democracy’s diversity evolves, class, race and age become entangled in new ways as we deal with everything—not just guns. It could be something like DACA and immigration, or as we saw late last week, abortion. With dueling judges in Texas and Washington contradicting one another on the legality of the abortion pill, how do we resolve the politicizing of everything?

This week, Jones and Tennessee provided a glimpse of our modern American political future.

The GOP is simply adopting a modern fascist style.

could request the prosecutor for a bill of particulars on the ground that the indictment does not recite items of factual information pertaining to the offense charged, the substance of defendant’s conduct, and whether the defendant acted as principal or accomplice or both. If the prosecutor refuses to comply the defendant could move the court to order the prosecutor to comply with the request.

See N.Y. Crim. Proc. Law § 200.95.

F. Motion for a change of venue

In the event that the indictment is not dismissed outright, a motion for change of venue could be filed. It could allege that the hostility toward Mr. Trump in New York City evidenced by, among others, the fact that Biden reportedly won 80% of the votes in New York City, together with the extensive pretrial publicity, have poisoned the minds of potential jurors, thereby rendering them unable to render a fair verdict, and that voir dire would not be able to detect or reveal juror bias. See

You shut down the opposition, and its visibility, including the hidden Asian American parts.

And though it’s spotted briefly, it too gets lost in the mix—the Filipinoness of Justin Jones.

NOTE: I will talk about this column and other matters on “Emil Amok’s Takeout,” my AAPI micro-talk show. Live @2p Pacific. Livestream on Facebook; my YouTube channel; and Twitter. Catch the recordings on www.amok.com.

EMIL GUILLERMO is a journalist and commentator. His talk show is on www.amok.com.

Skilling v. United States, 130 S. Ct. 2896 (2010).

Other motions could be filed. But these motions should be sufficient to keep Mr. Trump out of jail. 

ATTY. TIPON was a Fulbright and Smith-Mundt scholar to Yale Law School where he obtained a Master of Laws degree specializing in Constitutional Law. He has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the Philippines. He is admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, New York, and the Philippines. He practices federal law, with emphasis on immigration law and appellate federal criminal defense. He was the Dean and a Professor of Law of the College of Law, Northwestern University, Philippines. He has written law books and legal articles for the world’s most prestigious legal publisher and w rites columns for newspapers. He wrote the best-seller “Winning by Knowing Your Election Laws.” Listen to The Tipon Report which he co-hosts with his son Attorney Emmanuel “Noel” Tipon. They talk about immigration law, criminal law, court-martial defense, and current events. It is considered the most witty, interesting, and useful radio show in Hawaii. KNDI 1270 AM band every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Atty. Tipon was born in Laoag City, Philippines. Cell Phone (808) 225-2645. E-Mail: filamlaw@yahoo.com. Website: https://www.tiponlaw.com.

(CANDID PERSPECTIVES: Justine....from page 7) (WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY?: How to Defend ....from page 14)
APRIL 15, 2023

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