Hawaii Filipino Chronicle - December 7, 2020

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DECEMBER 5, 2020


Strategies for Winning Election Cases


Leading Up To Pearl Harbor; Trump’s Bawl Game, Ruth Silos and The White Ethnic Press


Is Trump Moving Towards an Authoritarian Direction?


Hawaii’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Is Under Way



Giving to those in Need Could Be the Most Valuable Christmas Tradition this Year


ertain Filipino Christmas traditions like Simbang gabi (nine-day series of masses just before Christmas) or Misa de Gallo (Christmas Eve mass) might be put on hold this year as some cities undergo lockdowns or curfews. Catholic churches in some cities heavily hit with the coronavirus have either closed or limited entry to mass services temporarily. Even our centerpiece Filipino tradition of the Noche Buena (Christmas Eve dinner) might be scaled back with some families electing not to have one or must follow the 10-persons or less gathering restrictions enforced in some counties. Even while we might elect to suspend some of these traditions close to our hearts, the “reason for the season” -- celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and God’s presence in our lives – remains. Some have even said that the hardships of job loss and uncertainty they’ve experienced this year have strengthened their relationship with God, as they’ve turned to God for spiritual guidance and fortitude. Heading into this Christmas others have also talked about feeling more gratitude for life which they’ve taken for granted. The sheer number of deaths caused by the pandemic brought about this awareness, people say. But it wasn’t just that alone – millions have always been dying from mostly noncommunicable diseases for centuries. This pandemic posed a different threat to our mortality as a communicable, stealth killer that the world hasn’t had to face since the Spanish flu of 1918. The fact that every single individual is vulnerable has aroused a kind of collective fear that we’ve been trying to work through as a community, family unit, and individually. At this time last year just before Christmas, certainly the over 260,000 in the US who have died from the coronavirus did not imagine that 2019 would have been their last Christmas. This virus puts the larger picture into focus, that really, all along there never has been any guarantees that the next Christmas any one of us would be present at the next Noche Buena. Another Christmas will come for most of us to resume our unique Christmas traditions and customs. But for those who’ve lost family and close friends to COVID (or by any death), there will always be something missing each future Christmas.

Tradition of gift giving With about half of the US living paycheck to paycheck, hundreds of thousands homeless or face eviction, 92 million uninsured or underinsured, millions without a job or face job insecurity, and many families going hungry – receiving some assistance this Christmas could be the most meaningful help they get at this moment. The pandemic has revealed innumerous truths – one among them is the socioeconomic divide in our country. For those who are able to practice gift-giving this Christmas, it’s the perfect opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others suffering. In Proverbs 19:17 on kindness to the poor, it says “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” In Proverbs 22:9, it says the generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers or sisters you do to me.” As many of us in our community are Catholics, we could draw inspiration from God’s Greatest Commandment according (continue on page 3)



aligayang Pasko! For those who are unaware what this means, it is Merry Christmas in Tagalog. One of our mission goals for our newspaper has always been to perpetuate Filipino culture within our community and share them proudly with our wonderfully diverse people in Hawaii. And for Filipinos, the Christmas season is rich with our unique traditions. For our cover story this issue, associate editor Edwin Quinabo reports on how Filipinos both in Hawaii and the Philippines, from the older and younger generations, are continuing to celebrate our unique Christmas traditions. Of course, the origin of Christmas goes way back to the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. But he explains how Filipino cultural expressions of the holiday were shaped in the simple country provinces, in farming communities and the local Catholic Church. For example, the parol was used to guide the faithful in the early moonlit mornings (before the advent of streetlights) to go to church during the Simbang Gabi or Misa de Gallo. And that the time set for the Simbang Gabi was thoughtfully picked to accommodate farmers who got up early to work in the fields. The parol, which is a representation of the star of Bethlehem, guided the faithful to church much like the star led the three kings to Jesus’s birth in the manger. It’s beautiful symbolism. There are many other distinctly Filipino ways we celebrate Christmas explained in the cover story from the celebrated lechon (roasted pig), how it was (and is) originally prepared in the countryside to the multitudes of Filipino desserts which are all a part of our Noche Buena (Christmas Eve dinner). Like Thanksgiving day, Christmas 2020 will undergo some changes due to the ongoing pandemic. Filipinos in our community share how they’ll be scaling back and keeping safe -- but such changes will not dampen their holiday spirit, nor alter the meaning of Christmas, some have said. Complementing our cover story, editorial assistant Jim Bea Sampaga put together a Chronicle Pulse of members in our community answering the question: “What is the greatest gift you can give to others this Christmas? On the same theme, HFC columnist Seneca Moraleda-Puguan writes “Light and Joy” explaining how there are many reasons to be hopeful and thankful this Christmas even as the pandemic has taken away so much from people around the world. As usual, HFC columnist Emil Guillermo gives us another thought-provoking piece, this one entitled, “Leading Up to Pearl Harbor; Trump’s Bawl Game; Ruth Silos and the White Ethnic Press.” HFC columnist Elpidio Estioko writes “Is Trump Moving Towards an Authoritarian Direction?” Lastly, the observation of Pearl Harbor’s bombing is soon, this Dec. 7. That attack led to the US joining the fight in WWII. Frequent HFC contributor Rose Cruz Churma writes a book review on “WILL THERE BE WAR? There Was a War When I Was a Child,” by author Lauro Jocson. On behalf of the HFC staff, I extend to all of you – our supporters, advertisers, readers, community collaborators – a very Merry Christmas. May the holiday season be filled with joy and love. Please be safe; and let’s all do what we can to take care of each other. Until next issue, warmest Aloha and Mabuhay!

Publisher & Executive Editor Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D.

Publisher & Managing Editor

Chona A. Montesines-Sonido

Associate Editors

Edwin QuinaboDennis Galolo

Contributing Editor

Belinda Aquino, Ph.D.


Junggoi Peralta

Photography Tim Llena

Administrative Assistant Lilia Capalad Shalimar Pagulayan

Editorial Assistant Jim Bea Sampaga


Carlota Hufana Ader Elpidio R. Estioko Emil Guillermo Melissa Martin, Ph.D. J.P. Orias Pacita Saludes Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq. Charlie Sonido, M.D. Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq.

Contributing Writers

Clement Bautista Edna Bautista, Ed.D. Teresita Bernales, Ed.D. Sheryll Bonilla, Esq. Rose Churma Serafin Colmenares Jr., Ph.D. Linda Dela Cruz Carolyn Weygan-Hildebrand Amelia Jacang, M.D. Caroline Julian Raymond Ll. Liongson, Ph.D. Federico Magdalena, Ph.D. Matthew Mettias Maita Milallos Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D. Renelaine Bontol-Pfister Seneca Moraleda-Puguan Mark Lester Ranchez Jay Valdez, Psy.D. Glenn Wakai Amado Yoro

Philippine Correspondent: Greg Garcia

Neighbor Island Correspondents: Big Island (Hilo and Kona) Grace LarsonDitas Udani Kauai Millicent Wellington Maui Christine Sabado Big Island Distributors Grace LarsonDitas Udani Kauai Distributors Amylou Aguinaldo Nestor Aguinaldo Maui Distributors

Cecille PirosRey Piros Molokai Distributor Maria Watanabe Oahu Distributors Yoshimasa Kaneko Jonathan Pagulayan

Advertising / Marketing Director Chona A. Montesines-Sonido

Account Executives Carlota Hufana Ader JP Orias



Great News, Hawaii Is Now Protected from Nukes Placed Onto ICBMs tected from a future Nuclear-ICBM system that North Korea has been said to be close to developing. Hawaii, given its closest proximity to North Korea, has been believed to be the most logical target should the United States engage in war with North Korea. After many decades, North Korean leaders have defied US presidents and the West, continuing their Nuclear-ICBM development. Given the size of the Hawaiian islands and the huge concentrated population, an ICBM landing anywhere close to it would be devastating.

panic mode, believing that they were about to die in minutes. Following the false advisory, an investigation was launch immediately in response to the ire from the community directed at state government. Upon its conclusion, Hawaii residents discovered where the mistake occurred. But the threat remained that Hawaii still had no protection against a nuclear bomb. That is until last month.

proven to be a success, suddenly the US has a shield and ne of the biggest an advantage. The assumpunnoticed news tion then is Russia or China, in a year full other nuke-stacked countries, of headliners must develop new technology happened last because their entire nuclear month that Haoffense has just become outwaii residents can have peace dated. of mind knowing. In an InterDefense interceptor techContinental Ballistic Missile nology already existed on test over the Pacific, a missile stationary land-based US sysfired in the general direction tems. But the Nov. 2020 test of the Hawaiian islands was is the first time that an ICBM successfully shot down. dummy missile was successDuring the dummy misfully struck from a counter sile’s descent just after a few missile launched from a ship minutes from being launched, The Irony is Danger Lies which means that the US has while still outside the Earth’s Ahead With This Defensive all of its defenses covered by atmosphere, it was destroyed Success way of land or now sea. by another missile. The test While the breakthrough The successful test and was part of a new interceptor test is certainly great news for now known advantage for the technology developed by the Remembering Jan. 13, 2018 Hawaii, experts say its suc- US could only be temporary, US military. As the dummy During the height of con- cess could set off a new arms some experts believe. Almissile was launched, satellite tention between the US and race to develop newer weap- ready in the work by Russia technology tracked it, alerted North Korean president Kim ons worldwide. and China is the development an Air Force base in Colora- Jong-Un, on Jan. 13, 2018 Since the development of of loading nukes onto hyperdo, which then communicated a ballistic missile alert was atomic bomb (which could sonic missiles that are much with a Navy destroyer posi- accidentally issued via the be placed onto an ICBM), faster than an ICBM. If pertioned near Hawaii. The Navy Emergency Alert System and there has been what’s called fected, that technology would destroyer USS John Finn, tar- Commercial Mobile Alert MAD or mutual assured de- lessen dramatically a response geted the dummy missile and system over television, radio struction. MAD prevent- time. killed it. and cellphones in Hawaii. ed a nuclear war among The development of hyThis new technological The alert warned that an nuclear capable countries personic missiles (because of interceptor proved a reliable incoming ballistic missile from breaking out because the immediacy required to redefense is now in place to was headed to Hawaii and it of certain destruction. Any spond) could raise the possiprotect the Hawaiian islands advised residents to seek shel- first strike would result in a bility of an accidental launch should a real missile head in ter. It concluded, “This is not counter with both sides un- leading to an all-out nuclear our direction. a drill.” derstanding there could be no war. In the possible scenarHawaii residents can now What transpired was for victory, only suicide. io of an accidental launch or have a high degree of confi- the history books as many With the US’s new inter- launch caused by terrorists, dence that they could be pro- Hawaii residents rushed into ception technology having for example, there could be enough time to Giving...from page 2) mas tradition. If your family there is experiencing communicate extra hardship due to the coronavirus and if you are that an accito Jesus. In Matthew 22:36-40 we find a lawyer tryable to afford it, consider giving more than your usual dent has ocing to trap Jesus into saying which is the greatest of amount. the Ten Commandments. Jesus answers the lawyer by *Give a job referral. This wouldn’t be presented summing up the Ten Commandments in two by quotas a Christmas gift. But if you know someone who is ing the Old Testament. Matthew 22:36-40 “Master, unemployed and know someone in need of filling a which is the great Commandment in the law? Jesus job vacancy, you might consider introducing the two. said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with The news of a potential job could uplift any unemall your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your ployed worker’s spirit during the holiday. mind. This is the first and great commandment.” And *Buying a bag of groceries and household esthe second part of the passage, Jesus says, “Thou shalt sentials. This will not only come in handy for people love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandyou know who are strapped for cash, but seniors unments hang all the law and the prophets.” able to leave their homes for health reasons or out of Of course, doing good deeds doesn’t necessarily fear of contracting the virus could find this the best have to be linked to any religion. gift to receive. *Voucher to watch over your younger sibling. Some suggestions for gift-giving this year: With some schools canceling classroom instruction, *Money. While money is unconventional as a this has caused a bind for some working parents. If you Christmas gift, it could be placed in a box and wrapped are an older family member, you could give vouchers up. This presentation softens the impact that you know (one per hour to watch over your younger sibling) to the recipient really could use extra cash during this your parents to use whenever they have pressing mattime and spare the recipient from feelings of awkwardters to deal with at work. ness. Be creative. Be generous. Be safe. May you all *Extra remittance to the Philippines. Sending have a Merry Christmas and “Maligayang Pasko.” money to family in the Philippines is already a Christ-


curred and leaders could decide if that accidental launch is worth an all-out nuclear retaliatory response. The rapidity of a hypersonic missile would not allow for such communication nor contemplation to play out. On top of advancing technology, the situation could be more delicate since Russia and the US have already dropped out from two arms-control treaties between them. The only one left is called the New START, which is set to expire Feb. next year. President-elect Joe Biden must also possibly renegotiate a deal with Iran. If and when hypersonic missiles are developed, this would only spur the US, Russia or China to create hypersonic technology of their own or come up with a defense interception system against that new technology. The arms race could be endless. At least for decades, MAD as a deterrent maintained a balance of power. It also meant less money went to the military for arms development. All things considered, the successful sea intercept is great news for Hawaii. We are finally safe from the madness of Kim Jong-un. But it’s also reasonable to conclude now that MAD is less a deterrent, the world is also actually less safe as countries race to beef up new offensive technology. 





t’s no accident that tens of thousands of Filipinos trek miles upon miles to return to their original province in the country to celebrate Christmas in the Philippines. Many of today’s Filipino Christmas traditions have their origins from the days of simple farming life in the countryside and centered around the local Catholic Church located in the town’s square. The parol -- a Philippine Christmas lantern usually made of bamboo sticks, paper, and shaped into a five pointed star – was used before street lights went up to guide the faithful through the dark on their way to church similar to how the star of Bethlehem (representation of the Kaneohe resident Rose Churma recalls one of her most memorable Christmases in the countryside of Zambales, Philippines. Just before Christmas Dec. 16. 1973, her Lolo (grandfather) David passed away. “It occurred to me that it [his death] signified the end of an era and the start of a new one. That [this Christmas] would be the last time his children and grandchildren gathered at the house he built in Zambales, where Christmas was celebrated in the traditional ways — where lechon (pig) was roasted, kankanin and various rice cakes, and ube halaya with leche flan were prepared,” recalled Churma. The traditional preparation of lechon in the country side takes hours. Men in the family or extended family would wake up around 3 am, skewer the pig and set up a mechanical crank to rotate it over a pit of burning wood (temperature hot but not high flamed). By about 5 am, the crank begins rotating the lechon which will cook until the skin is crisp and golden brown. In the old days sometimes there was no mechanical crank and the men would take turns rotating the lechon.

parol) guided the three Kings to the birth of Jesus. The Simbang Gabi or Misa de Gallo – nine-day attendance of mass to say the novena starting Dec. 16 to Christmas Eve – starts at the crack of dawn as early as a 4:00 am. The super early mass was practical to country folks as farmers typically headed to the fields before sunrise to get as much work done before the blistering heat kicks in. Christ’s birth, simplicity, family and community have always been the focal points of a traditional Filipino Christmas. And Christmas 2020 could see a return to nostalgic practices more than or curfew) and hardship has drawn many years past as commercialism is expected to God’s grace during this historic panto wane (in some cities under lockdown demic-crushing year.

The women in the household usually were tasked to prepare all the classic holiday desserts. Churma elaborates on that memorable Christmas. “The children made mano po to all the elders and received an aguinaldo in crisp paper bills. It [that Christmas] signified the beginning of new traditions in the cities—with Christmas trees as the main decor, and parols are bought rather than made. It was a bittersweet gathering, when all knew that the Christmas that we knew would evolve into something else.” Mano po is a traditional show of respect and greeting to elders in which children would raise a hand of an elder and touched it lightly onto their own forehead. Aguinaldo, literally meaning Christmas bonus in Spanish, is the Filipino practice of giving a Christmas gift, usually money in the form of fresh peso bills in envelopes. While 1973 was the end of an era for Christmas family gatherings for her family, Churma says Rosa Farms (her grandparents’ farm in Zambales) have been preparing parol kits for decades until now – kits that are used thousands of

miles away during parol-making workshops held annually at the Honolulu Museum of Arts. The modern parols are a lot more showy than the simple lanterns of old. Churma says some have swirling lights when plugged in. She says she has a handmade parol made from recycled aloha shirts. Modern parol-making is very creative with the use of different materials like cellophane and washi paper (paper from Japan) besides the traditional capiz shells. The FilCom Center’s annual Christmas celebration holds a parol-making contest to get local Hawaii Filipinos involved in Filipino Christmas traditions. Jim Bea Sampaga, a former Hawaii resident who recently returned to the Philippines, described some of her family’s Filipino Christmas practices. The Sampagas normally order their lechon from Cebu where it is prepared with an abundance of spices that are layered onto the lechon while being cooked. Cebu is famous for its lechon and restaurants receive Christmas orders from across the country. The Cebu-style lechon is described as being tasty all by itself while other lechon prepared in other places like Manila is said to

rely on sauces for taste. The lechon is the main dish of most Filipino families for Noche Buena, a lavish late dinner feast on the Eve of Christmas that family and friends would partake in well into early Christmas morning. “My cousins and I would help prep and cook our own dishes to share for Noche Buena. When the clock hits 12 am, we would all start exchanging gifts. And even do some quick and fun games so we can win some cash prizes ranging from P20 to P1000. We would stay up all night, sing karaoke and eat a lot of good food until we pass out,” said Sampaga. Early Christmas morning would be another traditional practice when younger children and young adults would walk through the neighborhood caroling. Before going out to shop, dine or cruise the malls, Sampaga said she and her siblings would accompany younger family members to visit neighbors. “Our little ones would knock door to door, greeting our neighbors ‘Merry Christmas!’ in hopes that some of our neighbors would give them an aguinaldo. “Giving out aguinaldo is definitely actively practiced in

our family and neighborhood. Although my parents have shifted the way they practice giving out aguinaldo. Usually, you would always give these cash gifts to most kids but now my parents just reserve them for their inaanaks (godchildren). What we do now is that we prepare these little goodie bags filled with candy, chocolate and small toys to give out to the neighborhood kids when they come by our house,” said Sampaga. To Americans it would be like trick-or-treating on Christmas day, without the ghoul but with the joy of Christ’s birth in children’s thoughts and hearts as they spread cheer in the neighborhood. One of the most celebrated Filipino Christmas traditions is attending the Midnight Mass on the eve of Christmas. Oahu resident Imelda Joaquin said as a deaconess at her church, she’s there by 10 pm to start preparing for midnight services. During the pandemic Joaquin has been helping her congregation to worship in safe and socially distant ways. “This Christmas Eve, I’m thankful that our church will still offer the opportunity to celebrate Christmas Eve. The (continue on page 5)


COVER STORY (from page 4)

next day will be filled with food and fun,” said Joaquin. Mary Calayan of Pateros Philippines said her family usually attend church on Christmas day. “It is our way of giving thanks to the Lord for our Savior is born,” she said. She says she practices the Simbang Gabi starting Dec. 16, that many say is the perfect prelude to become more spiritually prepared before the grand celebration on Christmas day. For many Filipinos, Christmas is a religious holiday, a religious season. Like small businesses, churches in communities throughout the world have been hard hit by the lockdowns as empty pews meant less collections in the donations they depend on to pay their bills. In some communities with widespread infections, it’s possible that churches might not be opened for Christmas.

Risk factors and how Filipinos plan to minimize them this Christmas It’s not just the possible closure of churches and shopping venues that could alter Christmas. Like Thanksgiving this year, many families are expected to scale back and follow CDC recommended guidelines of celebrating with those only in their household or keeping the gathering to 10 or under. Even with CDC guidelines of social distancing 6 feet apart and mask wear, MIT researcher John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics call the guidelines “dangerous” and “overly simplistic” because when you’re indoors, microscopic droplets are trapped right alongside of you in a confined space. He says it’s unlikely for people to keep 6 feet a part for the entire duration of hours at a holiday gathering; and of course the chance to inhale a droplet from an infected person could likely happen when masks are removed to eat, however brief it might be. Then he adds there is also the issue of people not wearing their masks properly. Bush has calculated variables of indoor gatherings and risk-levels down to the second. His rule of thumb is the longer

someone stays in a confined indoor gathering and the larger the group, both of these will increase your chances of contracting COVID-19 by seconds, if someone infected is present. And the gamble is no one really knows who is or isn’t asymptomatic to the coronavirus. Joaquin said, “This Christmas is not like any other. But if we want to return to our regular festivities in the future, this year we will have to adjust. As good neighbors, we have to abide by public safety rules, which means wearing masks and staying socially distant — whether we’re out Christmas shopping or meeting a small group of friends for an outdoor holiday dinner. That’s the most important way that we can support frontline workers until we find our way out of this pandemic.” She said she won’t be celebrating with her entire family this year. But adds that we can still find ways to make the holiday deeply meaningful. For Joaquin, that means she will still be thanking God for everything she has. “I will be praying that everyone gets a chance to celebrate with loved ones next year. And I will be sending prayers of strength, hope, and peace to those families who have to honor the memory of loved ones they have lost.” While Christmas day might be different, Joaquin points out to the seasonal festivities that keeps the holiday cheerful. “For our family, Christmas starts in November. A few weeks before Thanksgiving, we pull our decorations from storage and start trimming the entire home, inside and out. Christmas trees will still fill every corner of our house, adorned with ornaments that we’ve collected over the years -- including my son’s preschool projects, mementos from my daughters’ childhood performances in ‘The Nutcracker,’ and souvenirs from our travels all over the world. And even though my husband, Nick, won’t sing in our church’s annual performance of ‘Messiah,’ he’ll still play Christmas carols from the piano in our living room.” Churma said her family will do the same as they’ve been doing each Christmas just with less people. The number

of invited guests will be limited to five. So her multi-cultural pot luck will go on with their roast turkey prepared Puerto Rican style, her pancit guisado, her sister-in-law’s tray of sushi made from scratch, and all the sides and desserts. And they will be exchanging gifts. Sampaga who will be celebrating Christmas in Pasig, Philippines said her family will scale back the celebration this year. “We will celebrate Christmas in our home without outside guests. We will cook our own dishes as much as possible to lessen ordering food outside. But if we do, we will definitely make sure to sanitize every container and cutlery. As for celebrating with our extended family, video calls on Facebook Messenger will definitely do for now.” Calayan put it succinctly without much detail. “We will celebrate with discipline to our surrounding.”

Meaning of Christmas Christmas 2020 is expected to undergo a few changes in tradition due to the coronavirus. For some, the meaning of the holiday also has changed slightly, to one that’s deeper felt. “This year, I’m especially reminded that Christmas is meant to be shared with the people you love. And I’m so grateful that I’m fortunate enough to spend the holidays with my family,” said Joaquin. “As the years go by, my perspective on Christmas grows clearer. While it’s always heartwarming to see my home decorated so festively, I know there’s much more to the holiday than tinsel, ribbon, and lights. “This year, I’ve been separated from so many friends

“This year, I’m especially reminded that Christmas is meant to be shared with the people you love. And I’m so grateful that I’m fortunate enough to spend the holidays with my family. As the years go by, my perspective on Christmas grows clearer. While it’s always heartwarming to see my home decorated so festively, I know there’s much more to the holiday than tinsel, ribbon, and lights. This year, I’ve been separated from so many friends and family members. More than ever before, I’ve realized how important it is to make meaningful memories with the people we love, and to value the precious time that we have together. This year, I’m also taking more time to reflect on my blessings, and how I can best support those who have been most impacted during this difficult time.”

—– Imelda Joaquin Aiea and family members. More than ever before, I’ve realized how important it is to make meaningful memories with the people we love, and to value the precious time that we have

together. This year, I’m also taking more time to reflect on my blessings, and how I can best support those who have been most impacted during (continue on page 6)



What Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Others This Christmas? NIKKA AQUINO, MD, Aiea “It’s been a challenging year, a quite different one to be honest. With uncertainty of what’s in store for next year, the greatest gift one can give is the act of LOVE. The warmth of receiving such act brings smiles and comfort to any person, any community, and home.” DR. EMMA AVILLA, Kakaako “In the spirit of imitating St. Ignatius of Loyola, I implore the Lord to teach me to be more generous of my time, talent and treasure. To give selflessly without expecting anything in return. To serve without seeking rest, or to look for what is comfortable and convenient for me. Lastly, to toil without counting the cost and know deep in my heart that I am performing God’s will.”

given through the act of physically giving money or a meal to those unfortunate. In addition to those, the gift of compassion can be given by simply smiling or saying, “Happy holidays!” to those you come in contact with. Now more than ever, the gift of compassion is crucial and there are so many little ways we can give this genuine gift.”

BRYAN AARON GANZON, Escondido, California “This year, we will be celebrating Christmas in a different way all thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the canceled family gatherings and celebrations, the greatest gift I can give this Christmas to my loved ones is my time and love either through a phone call or through video conferencing. It is something that is precious and valuable that no other kind of gift can compare to.”

CONSTANTE DOMINGO, Salt Lake “The greatest gift I can give to others this Christmas is my ardent prayers that all of us will overcome this COVID-19 pandemic problem, that God will always be with us. I also pray that the vaccine will be available soon. As the saying goes, “There is always light at the end of a tunnel.” EVANGELINE ENDRINA, Hawaii Kai “2020 started with a new beautiful and promising beginning, until one month later the whole world was hit hard with a horrible pandemic famously known as COVID-19. Since then, people’s life have changed worldwide. What is the greatest gift I can give to others this Christmas? HOPE and FAITH, that we’re going to get through all of this hurdle together. We are Hawaii, we have Ohana and Aloha. Maligayang Pasko or in Hawaii we say, Mele Kalikimaka!” BRENNA FLORES, Waipahu “The greatest give I can give to others this Christmas is the gift of compassion. Compassion can be given through donations to the salvation army when shopping at the grocery store or by donating money to non-profits during this time. The gift of compassion can also be

DR. CELIA LAMKIN, Saipan, USA “If I had the power to do so, I would give others this Christmas a desire to do the right thing by having faith, hope and charity. Faith gives us the strength to continue. Hope gives us the reason to continue. And charity gives us a chance to help others along the way. If we all tried to do what is right, this world will be a wonderful place.” TIFFANY MARIE SALVADOR, Waipahu “I believe the greatest gift that I can give to others this Christmas is my time. This pandemic has allowed me to reconnect with others that I’ve lost touch with over the past few years. As a previous healthcare worker, I was always scheduled to work on holidays, which prevented me from spending time with my family and friends. This year, I decided to lessen my load and now that I’m working from home, it has helped me to appreciate the simpler things in life. I always look forward to creating memories and spending time with family and friends. Life is precious, so we should spend it with our loved ones.”

(COVER STORY: Filipinos Share....from page 5)

this difficult time,” she adds. Like Joaquin, Sampaga and Churma echoed a similar meaning of Christmas. Sampaga said, “Christmas means family and love to me. It’s that time of the year where you get to spend the most precious time with the people you love.” Churma put it this way, “Christmas always is meant to be a time for gathering family around and expressing gratitude for the blessings of the past and anticipating the wonderful things the future will bring.”

Christmas wish When asked what their Christmas wish is, it’s not a surprise that a typical answer

was related to the turbulence and tragedy of the pandemic. “My wish this Christmas is that everyone would still hopefully practice social distancing so that we can all go back to ‘normal’ soon. This is another holiday that huge crowds are so hard to avoid but I hope that everyone will try their best to follow the safety and social distancing guidelines. I just want the world to heal and go back to normal. Sure, the vaccine is on its way but we still have to be careful. Please avoid having big holiday parties, there is still a pandemic going on,” said Sampaga. Cruz wishes that a vaccine for COVID-19 is readily

available and effective to curb the virus. For tens of thousands of people around the world, at this very second they are battling to survive from the deadly virus and hoping for another chance to spend Christmas with their families. And their families are praying for a miracle that God’s plan would allow for this to happen. Joaquin shared a special story of a miracle and Christmas: “My youngest daughter was born on Dec. 27, 1988. “We almost lost her, but God answered our prayers and sent her home with us. She was a Christmas miracle, and I’ve thanked heaven every day since.”



Strategies for Winning Election Cases – Part 1

By Atty. Emmanuel S. Tipon


old the applause: “It ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings.” – Opera lovers’ famous quotes. “God sees the truth [with the aid of an excellent lawyer], but waits.” – Tolstoy “Most election cases are lost because of lawyer incompetence.” – Emmanuel Samonte Tipon “An election case is not a Hail Mary pass. An election case costs money. A Hail Mary pass does not.” - Emmanuel Samonte Tipon “Joe, don’t concede under any circumstances.” Hillary Clinton, anticipating Joe Biden would lose. The same should apply to President Trump who is reported to be losing. “What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” FULL DISCLOSURE: I met Donald Trump before he became President. He is not a racist. He shook hands with a brown monkey. I knew Nancy Pelosi before she was a congresswoman. She is a nice person. She prays for Donald Trump. But “don’t mess with Nancy.” I have given to both of them. Election law “experts” have sprouted like mushrooms after a sudden summer rain. They have not written a book on election law. They have not even written a paragraph on election law. The sole objective of an election case is to win. Okay, to seek the truth. It is not intended to save face as in the Philippines. Fuera de los buenos. Types of election cases. A pre-certification (pre-proclamation) controversy and a full-blown election contest after the ballots have been counted and a candidate is certified (proclaimed). Basic strategies in an

aggrieved by election irregularities should file their own complaint or petition, not election. Grab the certifica- join with the candidate’s action. Delay the protest. If your tion. The defendants must inopponent has grabbed the certification, file a petition to clude the election official annul the certification or to who oversees the elections suspend the effects of the cer- whose conduct resulted in the election irregularity, the tification. If you are ahead, stop the election office handling eleccount. If you are behind, ask tion proceedings that actually caused the injuries comfor a recount. Impound election par- plained of, election officials aphernalia. Complainant who may have participated should ask the court to im- in the election irregularities, pound all election parapher- the complainant’s opponent nalia used in the challenged in order to make the decision precincts including, voters’ binding on him/her as a parlist, ballots, tally sheets, re- ty litigant, even if there is no turns, and most important- evidence that he/she personly voting machines, and to ally committed an election store them in a place where misconduct, and John Does they can be safeguarded and 1-100 who may have particwatched by representatives of ipated in the election irregularities. all candidates involved. C. Allege that the comInjunction. Complainant should ask for a temporary plainant is eligible for the restraining order (TRO) or position in question and that preliminary injunction (PI) if he duly filed his certificate of complainant wants to stop the candidacy and that the oppocount immediately, or a pre- nent also filed a certificate of liminary mandatory injunc- candidacy. D. Allege that the court tion if complainant wants a has jurisdiction, and that the recount immediately. Which court to file? venue is proper, citing the baComplainant’s chances are definitely better if complainant files with a court where the judge was appointed by the same party as the complainant. If complainant is in a court whose judge is sympathetic to the other party, create as many grounds as possible for a reversal of an expected judgment against complainant. Or file another case with a neutral judge. Complaint or Petition. The complaint or petition should: A. Describe in its first paragraph what the case is all about so that the judge will have a frame of reference in understanding the other allegations. B. State the names of the parties. They must be proper parties. The plaintiff must have standing to sue. The candidate who is losing is the proper party, not the candidate’s campaign committee. Other individuals who were

sis thereof. E. Allege that the complaint is timely filed. F. State a claim upon which relief may be granted. Allege the gravamen of the election offense or cause of action which should be stated with sufficient specificity and not threadbare recitals of the elements of the cause of action with conclusory statements. It should not simply track the language of the statute. To survive a motion to dismiss, the complaint must allege sufficient facts, which if accepted as true, states a claim that is plausible on its face, that is that there is misconduct and that the defendants are responsible for it. G. Allege that the valid ballots cannot be segregated from the invalid ballots and therefore all ballots in the particular precinct should be disregarded. H. Specify constitutional violations such as deprivation of due process and denial of the equal protection of the laws so that the complainant can go to the Supreme Court. I. Allege that the irregularities affected the result of

the election in that without such irregularities the result would have been different and that it would have been in favor of the complainant. J. Allege that the complainant suffered or will suffer prejudice and that the outcome of the election would be significantly different and that the complainant would win if not for these election irregularities. K. State the relief requested which must be closely tailored to redress the injury. If the result has not been certified, it should ask that the ballots be recounted or that the injury complained of be cured. If the result has been certified, it should ask that the certified result of the election be set aside or the effect of the certification be suspended, a recount be made, and that the complainant be declared the winner of the election. It should also ask for damages. L. The complaint should be verified. Amended or supplemental complaint. If the com(continue on page 14)





Is Trump Moving Towards an Authoritarian Direction? By Elpidio R. Estioko


espite election results showing former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden as the president-elect in which he won the popular votes with more than 5 million votes and counting; won the electoral votes with 306 against Trump’s 232, U.S. President Trump is still hanging on to the presidency and is not conceding the election. In fact, Trump started telling audiences that the system was “rigged” back when he was losing the election and threatened not to accept the outcome if he lost, which he is now doing. Is he moving towards an authoritarian direction, a “dictator” in a democratic society? According to the editor of Diggers: “Dictators often rise

to power out of conflict or a coup d’état. However, there have been dictators who got into power democratically or legally. Adolf Hitler, for example, was appointed chancellor, or head of government, by President Paul von Hindenburg in 1933. After Hindenburg died, Hitler made himself “Fü¬hrer” (a combination of president and chancellor).” In the case of Trump, he was elected president in 2016 and within the four years that he was president, he has shown some qualities of dictatorship in most of his tweets and actions in governing the country. In managing the country, he employed MBI (management by instinct) instead of MBO (management by objective). In most cases, he is thinking of his own interest (I, me and myself doctrine) instead of the citizens, just like how he mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic, which is known to be seven times more deadly than pneumonia. In his government functions, he is using his hotels as venues, so he is earning revenues at the expense of taxpayers’ money. The editor of Diggers asked: “How can you tell if your President is a dictator?” First, he said that “Dictators foster cults of personality, a form of hero worship in which the masses are fed propaganda declaring their leader to be flawless and divine.” I agree with the author because the GOP revolves around Trump. People around him glorify him and defend him even if they know that he

is wrong, lying and advancing conspiracy theories. They find a way to justify his actions and are afraid of how he will retaliate if they will not follow him. His famous phrase in television “You’re fired!” takes shape in his executive function by firing cabinet members and other key officials if they do not follow him or go against him. The latest was when he fired his defense secretary and the election officer who went against his theory that the election is rigged. Second, the editor wrote: “Political power is concentrated in the hands of few people or just one person.” The political power rests in Trump’s hands… sometimes encroaching on legislative and judicial processes. He wields power in the GOP-controlled Senate and tries to woo the Supreme Court appointing conservatives where he now has three appointees. Another author, Stephen M. Walt said on Nov. 23, 2016, “Just because the United States is a democracy now, it doesn’t mean it will stay that way… But if you live in the United States, what you should really worry about

is the threat that Trump may pose to America’s constitutional order. His lengthy business career suggests he is a vindictive man who will go to extreme lengths to punish his opponents and will break a promise in a heartbeat and without remorse. The 2016 campaign confirmed that he has little respect for existing norms and rules – he refused to release his tax returns, lied repeatedly, claimed the electoral and political systems were “rigged” against him, threatened to jail his opponent if he won, among other such violations – and revealed his deep contempt for both his opponents and supporters. Nor does he regret any of the revolting things he did or said during the campaign, because, as he told the Wall Street Journal afterward, “I won.” For Trump, just like any dictator, it seems, “the ends really do justify the means.” Walt offered some warning signs that American democracy is at risk. His first warning sign is Trump’s “Systematic efforts to intimidate the media.” Trump, Walt said, “sailed to the presidency on a The Top of lies and exaggerations, and there is no reason to think he will discover a new commitment to the truth as president. The American people cannot properly judge his performance without accurate and independent information, and that is where a free and adversarial press is indispensable. If the Trump administration begins to enact policies designed to restrict freedom of the press, or just intimidate media organizations from offering critical coverage, it will be a huge (or if you prefer,

yuge) warning sign.” In Trump’s ideal world, Walt said: “Americans would get their news from some combination of Breitbart, Fox News, and the president’s own Twitter feed, which would keep the public bamboozled and go a long way toward insulating him from the consequences of his own mistakes. Congress would probably refuse to fund a public broadcaster that was reliably in Trump’s pocket, but if it did, look out.” The second is “Stacking the Supreme Court.” Again, Walt commented: “Trump will likely get the opportunity to appoint several Supreme Court justices, and the choices he makes will be revealing. Does he pick people who are personally loyal and beholden to him or opt for jurors with independent standing and stellar qualifications? Does he pick people whose views on hot-button issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and campaign financing comport with his party’s, or does he go for people who have an established view on the expansiveness of executive power and are more likely to look the other way if he takes some of the other steps I’ve already mentioned? And if it is the latter, would the Senate find the spine to say no?” to date, Trump has already three justices he appointed in the Supreme Court. “The bottom line,” Walt commented, “I am by no means predicting the collapse of democracy in the United States under a President Donald J. Trump. What I am saying is that it is not impossible, and there are some clear warning signs to watch out for. Now, as always, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Or to use a more modern formulation: If you see something, say something.” Is Trump moving towards an authoritarian direction? Your guess is as good as mine! ELPIDIO R. ESTIOKO was a veteran journalist in the Philippines and an award-winning journalist here in the US. For feedbacks, comments… please email the author at estiokoelpidio@gmail.com).



By Emil Guillermo


efore we start this column, Dec. 7th is Pearl Harbor Day. Usually there’s something else in the news that gets in the way before I write about history. But as the museum director of the Filipino American National Historical Society Museum, I picked up an unusual bit while talking about the late professor Dawn Mabalon’s book, Little Manila is in the Heart, a book of Stockton, California’s Filipino American community. We know there is some bad history in Hawaii between Filipinos and the Japanese, but I didn’t know the extent that existed in California. I had always heard Filipinos often intermarried with Japanese and that when the internment orders came down, many families fled California seeking refuge in the Midwest. I also heard stories of solidarity among the different Asian groups, and of Filipinos Americans helping the Japanese Americans keep their farms. But Prof. Mabalon’s book talks about how Pearl Harbor was a catalyst for things that had not been done for Filipinos prior to Dec. 7, 1941, suddenly to happen. “Once seen as half-human, inferior savages, Chinese and Filipnas/os were suddenly America’s allies, while the Stockton Japanese community immediately found itself the target of racist attacks from their Asian neighbors as well as whites,” Mabalon wrote. There were instances of Filipnos wearing ID buttons claiming, “I am FILIPINO” so as not to be mistaken as Japanese American. Mabalon interviewed Camila Carido who told her she supported internment because it was a way to keep the Japanese safe. “Oh, lotsa Filipinos were

Leading Up to Pearl Harbor; Trump’s Bawl Game; Ruth Silos and The White Ethnic Press armed, ready to kill the Japanese,” Carido said. “Especially with all the killing in the Philippines.” It was a little-known fact. Ten hours after Pearl Harbor was struck, the Japanese invaded and occupied the Philippines. Filipino Americans who know the history know what happened in the Philippines after Pearl Harbor and how it had a real affect on how they viewed the Japanese and Japanese Americans. It was not always a politically correct situation. With Japanese Americans removed, it actually helped Filipinos restructure their status in the race pecking order on the mainland, being seen as a trusted ally and not a brown monkey. It’s a different aspect of Pearl Harbor day that rarely surfaces. But Prof. Mabalon outlines it in her “Little Manila is in the Heart.” It makes us realize that creating unity among Asian Americans throughout our history was never easy, nor automatic. Bawling For Trump A Filipino American friend, an ardent Republican, posted online something about voter fraud and election theft. He’s one of the 30 percent of Asian Americans who are Trump supporters, and he was hopping mad. He believes the election was stolen and he has proof! Information from a conservative website. I didn’t laugh. I simply told him to evaluate the evidence first. And then to look to the courts to see if any claims are legitimate. So far, almost all the lawsuits brought forth have been thrown out. But I was willing to go one step further. Give all the questionable votes to Trump and see if they make any difference, whatsoever. There are not enough votes to make

up the seven million or so vote margin. Therefore, it’s time to end the debate. We’re on the same side. Even the 71 million or so who voted for the losing incumbent. That was no olive branch. Just the facts. But my friend wasn’t reaching back, preferring to mirror the president’s tantrum and play his bawl game. This is bad for democracy. It only shows Trump’s plan to wreck our country works whether he’s in office or not. The Red Part of The Blue State Goes Blue There really is no logical call for a second Trump term. I could tell by the vote in what I call the red part of the blue state, my “ruburban” California neighborhood in the Big Ag Central Valley where they decided it was better for their capitalistic sense to grow houses instead of food. The place used to be so conservative, but it’s changing. Four years ago, San Joaquin County barely went for Hillary Clinton. This year, it was overwhelmingly for Biden, 5642, a landslide for sanity. But fourteen points? Chalk it up to the national suburban trend against the chaos of Trump. It doesn’t mean it was a Democratic landslide throughout the ticket. Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, an African American Stanford grad from the inner city featured in an HBO documentary this year, lost by double digits to a conservative African American in a disappointment for progressive Democrats. The real valley showed up for that vote. Trump they abandoned. But there are holdouts. Election “month” is practically over, but on my masked dog walk through my neighborhood after Thanksgiving, I saw three Trump signs still

on display in defiance. Holding out for the real election thieves, who will experience the wrath of Trump unlike Michael Flynn who merely lied a bunch. Flynn gets pardoned. But the election bogeymen, whoever they may be, watch out! Trump is coming for you. It’s more than a little ridiculous. So how do we get over this trust chasm? Somehow our country has to get on the same page. We used to think that could be the Constitution. But it really needs to be the place we get our daily truths. That’s not going to be easy when everyone relies on their own particular silo of information that gives them just what they need to be part of their affinity group and nothing more.

Silo News and The White Ethnic Press As always, I come to you fully-siloed. The ethnic-oriented media has always been siloed, a super vertical, deep and narrow, super-serving an otherwise underserved niche like Asian-Americans, or an ethnic subgroup like Korean, Filipino, South Asian and such. We have to be. How many times do our stories or sensibilities show up in mainstream outlets in a way that really gives us what we need? Without our ethnic media (newspapers, TV, radio, and web posts like this), we’d be shut out and people wouldn’t hear or see us. The siloed approach has always been both necessary, and appropriate, at its core it was simply giving voice to the voiceless. We had to be heard. But somehow the method got hijacked. The silo was never intended to be the tool of the majority – especially when it’s used to sell a more acceptable form of white supremacy. Somehow that’s what happened. The white ethnic press was born.

As we talk of a free press and a diversity of ideas, we have all these other sources spreading a different kind of information based on conspiracy theories and opinion. Breitbart and its ilk are all in that niche. Not good enough for the Washington Post or the New York Times. But the white ethnic press does address a majority white audience. In doing so, they get taken seriously by a lot of people – until they are rejected as pure poppycock. But if they’re not rejected, they become the only source of news for a vast number of people. The vertical. It’s more problematic when mainstream organizations go vertical and don’t take a horizontal approach covering everything. Add social media with their algorithms feeding you only the news you want, and not the news you need, and suddenly your information diet is toxic. You’re eating all too much junk food and none of the “good for you” stuff that’s truthful and credible. That’s the state of the media landscape now. All siloed. Truth? It’s all about belief. Do you believe? In that sense the siloes are more like cathedrals with truth dispensed as such. Does it feed your “truth”? Great. Now what about the plain and simple truth based on evidence and reality? It’s a journalism problem, a discourse problem, and also an audience problem. People seem to be impatient to get the “goods.” Entertainment is preferred. It’s fun populism. That was former Top 40 Rush Limbaugh’s secret. Trump the reality show host just followed his path. No wonder Trump felt an obligation to give Limbaugh a Presidential Medal of Freedom last State of The Union. Rush ushered in the State of Political Rhetoric. He showed Trump, neither a reader nor a (continue on page 15)




By Seneca Moraleda-Puguan


h, December! The last month of the year has finally come. It was just like yesterday when we were looking forward to the year 2020 and now, it’s about to end. We are looking forward to a better 2021 but do we have the strength to look back and remember what 2020 has been like for all of us? The year 2020 has been a very difficult season for everyone around the world. Thousands upon thousands of families have experienced loss of loved ones due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many nations have been ravaged by disasters, calamities and tragedies. Millions have lost jobs and businesses, homes and livelihood, joy and hope. If only we can fast forward to the coming year and forget

this one, but it will be forever etched in our memories and written in history as the year everyone was forced to cover their faces with a mask and be socially distanced from each other. But despite the darkness of this season, the light of hope has continued to glimmer, and faith continued to rise. The pandemic may have taken away a lot of things from us, even life itself, but it can and never will be able to steal the most valuable things in life – unity, compassion, joy, and love. This is the reason why this Christmas, we can still celebrate, even if it hasn’t been the best year or even if we have lost all the reasons to do so. Humanity is still fighting and overcoming. We can still smile and laugh despite the heartaches and the pains. We can still hope and

look forward to better days ahead even if what lies ahead is bleak and uncertain. Christmas is more than just a holiday or a time for families to gather and give gifts to each other, it’s a season to remember the coming of the One who has come to save and seek the lost, give hope to the hopeless, breath life to the dry bones and redeem what has been destroyed. Every December, the top TV channel of the Philippines, ABS-CBN Channel 2, releases a station ID about Christmas. This year, their song ‘Ikaw and Liwanag at Ligaya’ has encouraged aching hearts and broken souls. It was written by Love Rose de Leon and Robert Labayen, and sung by some of the best singers of the country. “Ngayong pasko, magdiriwang ang mundo. Sa pagibig Mo’y may himala, may

panibagong simula. Ngayong pasko, babalik ang saya dahil Ikaw ang Liwanag at Ligaya. Ikaw lang, Ikaw lang, Ikaw ang Liwanag at Ligaya. Sa mahabang gabi, tumigil and mundo. Sa pag-asang dala Mo, tuloy ang Pasko!” “This Christmas, the world will celebrate, in Your love there’s a miracle, there’s a new beginning. This Christmas, happiness will be restored because You are the Light and Joy. Only You, You are the Light and Joy. Through the long night, the world stopped…but with the hope that You bring, Christmas continues!”

Indeed, Christ is the Light that shines brightly in our darkest night and He is the joy in the midst of our despair. He is the ultimate reason why we can still celebrate, even if we don’t get to gather with our loved ones this year or travel to the most beautiful places. We can look back at 2020 with grace and look forward to 2021 with confidence, knowing that in every season, the Light goes before us and the Joy is in us. His love will forever keep us. May this Christmas season be the most wonderful time of the year for you and your family!


Philippine Consulate in Honolulu to Host End Violence Against tic Violence Action Center) lence. Women Online Forum control and dominance has and Angelina Mercado (ExAside from the pandem-


ince the pandemic started and forced everyone to quarantine at home, it has caused a rise in domestic violence cases. The emotional, physical and mental stress caused by the pandemic leads to a toxic environment at home that ultimately leads to gender-based domestic violence. In an effort to raise awareness, the Philippines will hold

an “18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW)” from Nov. 25 to Dec. 12. The annual advocacy campaign is held in support of the United Nation’s “UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence Against Women (VAW)” campaign, which calls for global actions to increase awareness, advocacy efforts and share knowledge, resources and solutions in ending gender-based vio-

ic stressors, violence against women persists because it’s “rooted in patriarchy and gender inequality and as a manifestation of male dominance and control at all levels of society,” according to the UN Women’s Progress of the World’s Women 2019-2020 Report. Moreover, the report explains that harmful masculinities such as male entitlement,

contributed to VAW. “For instance, laws defining family relationships have historically upheld men’s role as ‘head of the household’, although this has gradually shifted in most contexts in recent decades,” the report says. “However, contemporary economic and social structures continue to ascribe to men the breadwinner role, even when this is not the reality.” To learn more about domestic violence and programs for survivors in Hawaii, the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu is hosting an online webinar titled “VAW-free Hawaii starts with me: A community forum to end violence against women” on Dec. 10 from 4-5pm. Panelists include Khara Jabola-Carolus (Executive Director of the Hawaii Commission on the Status of Women), Cristina Arias (Vice President of Survivor Advocacy Services of the Domes-

ecutive Director of the Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence). The online forum will discuss the state of domestic violence and gender-based violence in Hawaii, insights on domestic violence and how we can empower survivors and the community. Moreover, the forum will provide background on various programs in Hawaii that provide victims and survivors with shelter, legal aid, health, counseling and so much more. To register, visit bit.ly/3pJ9kcE. If you are experiencing domestic violence and are in need of support, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for further assistance: Available 24/7 1-800799-7233, 1-800-787-3224 Video calls for deaf callers: 1-855-812-1001 (Monday to Friday, 9AM-5PM PST). 



Hawaii’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan Is Under Way By Jim Bea Sampaga


ith the announcement of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, the whole world is hopeful that the key back to normalcy will be available in a year. “Epidemiologists say at least 60 to 70 percent of the population need to have immunity to a virus to break the chain of transmission,” said Governor David Ige in a press release. “We want Hawaii to be ready as soon as a viable vaccine that is safe and effective becomes available.” The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Modern require two doses. The Pfizer vaccine is administered three weeks apart, while the Moderna vaccine is four weeks apart. The vaccines will need an approval from the Food and Drug Administration in order to be available to the public. Experts and officials expect the vaccine to be available next year.

“A COVID-19 vaccination has been presented as our ticket to better health and restoration of a sense of normalcy,” said Department of Health (DOH) director Dr. Elizabeth Char. “We have to make sure we get this right, starting with using a safe and effective, FDA-approved vaccine.” As the world anxiously waits for the final updates on the vaccine, the State of Hawaii has created a COVID-19 vaccination plan to utilize the expected limited first supply of the vaccine. According to the press release, the vaccine will be available first to those who fall under the priority groups. The first group includes high-risk healthcare workers such as COVID-19 ward health workers and first responder, and high-risk Hawaii residents of all ages with underlying health conditions and those aged 65 and older who live in group households.The second group includes K-12

teachers and school staff and workers in essential industries such as nursing homes. Homeless shelters and prisons are also in this group category. The third group covers children, newborn to age 17, and young adults from 18 to 22 years old. It also covers the rest of essential industry workers who were not mentioned in the second group. The fourth group includes

all Hawaii residents who were not part of the three previous priority groups. In an informational briefing last month, DOH immunization branch chief Ronald Balajadia said the vaccination plan is a “living document” that adapts to Hawaii’s needs. The vaccination plan includes addressing safety and efficacy concerns, providing sup-

port to hard to reach rural and remote areas of the State, and working closely with hospitals, pharmacies, community health centers and other providers. The Hawaii COVID-19 vaccination plan is still in its planning stages and are expected to change as more information on the vaccine distribution becomes available. The draft plan is available to read on hawaiicovid19.com. 

that the pre-travel testing program be modified to allow travelers who have diligently complied with the 72 hour pre-arrival testing requirement but do not have a result in hand prior to their departure, be exempt from the self-quarantine requirement if they (1) have a negative rapid test result completed upon arrival in Hawaii and (2) produce a negative result from their original pre-travel test when received. Currently, the State’s Safe

Travels Hawaiʻi Program requires travelers coming to Hawaiʻi have a negative COVID-19 test before boarding their plane. “So far, the program is working, and with a few enhancements, the committee believes it can be improved and some of the confusion about the program can be eliminated,” said House Speaker Scott K. Saiki. “We want to maintain communication with the Governor, the Mayors and other stakeholders to share information and perspectives and make sure the health and safety of the people of Hawaiʻi is protected.” 

House Suggest Pre-Travel Testing Program Be Modified


hile a House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness report states that the current pre-arrival testing program has been an “unqualified success,” because it has protected Hawaii residents from a health standpoint and has helped jumpstart the state’s sagging economy, the committee sent a proposal to Gov. David Ige and county mayors to make a modification. The proposal recommends



WILL THERE BE WAR? There Was a War When I Was a Child By Rose Cruz Churma


ILL THERE BE WAR? There Was a War When I Was a Child is a personal narrative, part of Ateneo de Manila University Press’ Biography/Autobiography series that covers the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines from 1942 to 1945. As author Lauro J. Jocson’s son writes in the foreword – this book not only recalls the horrendous hardships of the war years “but also makes people of my generation appreciate the things we take for granted.” The bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred Dec. 7, 1941

triggered the US participation in World War II and the Philippines’ involvement since it was a U.S. colony at that time. The author was a nine-year-old boy when the Japanese occupied the Philippines soon after the bombing, arriving on Philippine shores in early 1942. In his acknowledgments, Jocson describes how he was part of University of the Philippines’ study on the experiences of civilians during the second World War. He was encouraged to expand his short manuscript into a full-length book. The book describes Jocson’s recollection of the war years and what civilians endured – especially those living in the urban areas of Manila

and its surroundings, including Malabon where his family’s home was located. The narrative is a straightforward description of what he experienced and his observations of his immediate surroundings. The simplicity of the retelling is what makes this an important document that chronicles an aspect of Philippine history. The author is neither a writer nor a historian, but a banker in his everyday life (a bank executive at Prudential Bank). It neither aspires to be a literary gem nor a history lesson—but an engaging narrative of one family’s struggle during the war. The author dedicates this book to his father, Nicanor G. Jocson (pictured in the book’s

cover), the first in his family who had the audacity to write his memoirs (a copy has since found its way at the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Hamilton Library archives). Perhaps his father’s memoir encouraged him to expand his writings into a fulllength book, and for this, my generation and those behind me, will always be grateful. 

lyze the decision very carefully. Counsel should ask another lawyer who knows election law to review it from the prism of a disinterested observer. Motion for reopening or rehearing. If the decision is unfavorable to complainant, counsel should explain the decision to him and tell him what the chances are of obtaining a new decision via reopening or rehearing. Appeal. If complainant is unsuccessful in the motion for reopening or rehearing, complainant should file an appeal

all the way to the Supreme Court.

ROSE CRUZ CHURMA is a former President of the FilCom Center. She is also the co-owner of Kalamansi Books and Things, an online bookstore promoting works by Filipino Americans. For inquiries, email her at kalamansibook@gmail.com.

(WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY?: Supreme Court....from page 7)

plaint is defective or insufficient, complainant should file an amended or supplemental complaint. While it is Evidence.  helpful to have evidence, such as affidavits, to support the complaint or petition, it is generally not required to have such evidence attached to the complaint or petition at the time of filing. Evidence can be submitted at the hearing. Discovery. Complainant should file a motion requesting the court to order expedited discovery so that counsel

can gather evidence quickly. Brief. Complainant should submit a pre-trial brief before the hearing so that the court will know what counsel will address at the hearing. Hearing. Counsel for the complainant should be fully prepared for the hearing, with supporting affidavits, depositions, other evidence, and witnesses to establish the allegations of the complaint with the required standard of proof. Decision. If complainant lost, his counsel should ana-

Article to be continued on “Particular Election Irregularities – Part 2.” The information provided in this article is not legal advice. Publication of this information is not intended to create, and receipt by you does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. ATTY. TIPON has a Master of Laws degree from Yale Law School and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the Philippines. His current practice focuses on immi-

gration law and appellate criminal defense. He has written books and legal articles for the world’s largest law book publishing company and writes legal articles for newspapers. Listen to The Tipon Report which he co-hosts with son Noel, the senior partner of the Bilecki & Tipon Law Firm. It is considered the most witty, interesting, and useful radio show in Hawaii. KNDI 1270 AM band every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Atty. Tipon served as a U.S. Immigration Officer. He co-authored the best-seller “Immigration Law Service, 1st ed.,” an 8-volume practice guide for immigration officers and lawyers. Atty. Tipon was born in Laoag City, Philippines. Tel. (808) 800-7856. Cell Phone (808) 225-2645. E-Mail: filamlaw@yahoo.com. Websites: https://www.tiponlaw.com.


Sen. Schatz Urges Ige to Maintain Expanded COVID-19 Contact Tracing “I am alarmed that there Program does not seem to be a plan


he federal funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has been used to fund the State of Hawaii’s COVID-19 Contact Expanded Tracing Program. Federal funding is set to expire at the end of the year. U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) has called on Governor David Ige to maintain the program and to utilize other sources of funding to ensure it remains

Sen. Brian Schatz

fully operational. Contact tracing is an important component of a comprehensive strategy to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

yet for how to fully fund the contact tracing program after December 30. I urge you to maintain the expanded contact tracing programbeyond the end of the year and to utilize all available resources to do so. Now is not the time to let our foot off the pedal—we must do all we can to keep the number of new cases low and protect the health of the residents of Hawaiʻi,” said Sen. Schatz in his letter to the governor.


COMMUNITY CALENDAR VAW-FREE HAWAII STARTS WITH ME: A COMMUNITY FORUM TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN | December 10, 2020 | The online forum will discuss the state of domestic violence and gender-based violence in Hawaii, insights on domestic violence and how we can empower survivors and the community l To register, visit bit.ly/3pJ9kcE.

WEBINAR ON TEAMBUILDING FOR AN AGILE WORKFORCE | U.S. Small Business Administration | Thursday, December 10, 2020 (Manila) 1:00-2:00 PM | Register on Eventbrite (https://hicaresact.eventbrite.com). Register by December 9, 2020, 2:00 pm HST.


Hawaii and Coalition of States Argue to Include Undocumented Immigrants in Census


ew York Solicitor General Barbara D. Underwood gave an oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the coalition of states (that includes Hawaii) explaining that excluding undocumented immigrants from the apportionment base would lead to the loss of congressional seats and presidential electors in the Electoral College, especially for immigrant-rich states, and degrade the quality of census data that states and local jurisdictions rely on to perform critical governmental

functions. Additionally, excluding immigrants would reduce the resources available to state and local jurisdictions. The Trump Administration has repeatedly attempted to violate basic constitutional and statutory commands by wanting to leave millions of undocumented immigrants out of the apportionment base of the 2020 Decennial Census. The coalition of states argued that the administration must count the “whole number of persons” residing in the country for appor-

(CANDID PERSPECTIVES: Leading Up....from page 11)

thoughtful man, the way to be political and destructive. So, Trump ran in 2016, and if he lost, what the hell, he didn’t want to win anyway. But then he won. That became democracy’s problem. Truth is, he’d rather be playing golf. That’s where Trump leaves America, exposed for being not so

great, and not so smart. Just very selfish and self-serving. Like him. We’re arguing amongst ourselves, doubtful about the integrity of government, and our election. With 71 million votes, Trump’s more disruptive than any foreign enemy. He leaves us much worse off

tionment — as the U.S. Constitution and the Census Act unambiguously require. “The Federal Government’s position is contrary to the U.S. Constitution and the Census Act,” said Hawaii Attorney General Clare Connors. “Excluding undocumented immigrants destabilizes the structure of our democracy and has immediate impacts on critical state government functions.” In July, a coalition of states, cities, and counties — led by New York Attorney General Letithan he found us. At least the Trump library should be a cinch. A bunch of TV sets tuned to cable. One channel. And not a book in the joint. EMIL​ GUILLERMO​ is a veteran journalist and commentator. He was a member of the Honolulu Advertiser editorial board. Listen to him on Apple Podcasts. Twitter @emilamok.

WEBINAR ON CARES ACT & HAWAII BUSINESS PIVOT GRANT | U.S. Small Business Administration | Tuesday, December 15, 2020 (Manila) 9:00 AM | Register on Eventbrite (https://hicaresact.eventbrite.com). For questions, contact Dana Hauanio at dhauanio@honolulumbdacenter.com or call (808) 956-2498.

tia James — filed a lawsuit against President Trump, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, and others after they announced that they would leave millions of undocumented immigrants out of the apportionment base that follows the decennial census count. The U.S. Constitution and the Census Act clearly state that, for purposes of apportioning members of the House of Representatives among the states, every person residing in the U.S. on Census Day — or April 1 this past year —must be counted. But in July, President Trump declared in a presidential memorandum that he intended to exclude undocumented immigrants from the apportionment base — the first time such action has been taken in the nation’s history. When the framers made this change, they could have chosen to add language that would allow undocumented immigrants to be left out of the apportionment base, but they didn’t. Since that time, more than 150 years of history, practice, and judicial and administrative precedents have since established that the apportionment of representatives must be based on all persons living in each state, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status. (Solution to Crossword No. 22 | November 21, 2020)

KROSWORD ni Carlito Lalicon

Blg. 21


sa ulo o ipapasa sa balikat 33. Nimpa 1. Manika 34. Luto na ang sinaing 6. Biak 35. Ad-ad 10. Patutot 36. Apatiya 14. Taluktok 42. Rin 15. Gapang 43. Ama 16. Ab-ab 44. Iri 17. Bangka 45. Daing o hinaing ng lubhang 18. Dine nagdaralita sa buhay 19. Piyo 48. Paglisan 20. Pasinaya 49. Agpis 22. Pangangatwiran 50. Ngatain 23. Tsa 52. Lugaw 24. Pakawalan 54. Lahi 63. Pasong 26. Ang natipid 55. Habhabin 64. Parulparulan 29. Seth’s dad 65. Mangmang 32. Pagtulong sa pagbuhat ng 61. Dasal 66. Apta isang karkadang isusunong 62. Akma


10. Daragis 11. Dependiyente 1. Anatema 12. Alagad 2. Opisyo 13. Igting 3. Ale 21. Pasilyo 4. Akyat 25. Partido 5. Aklas 26. Sabak 6. Panunumpa 27. Tula 7. Bagay na maalat 8. Takip na bote na kakorte ng 28. Kuno 30. Gayundin batya 31. Atungal 9. Uliran

34. Hulo 35. Bulungan 37. Asngaw 38. Ari 39. Pati 40. Panahon 41. Huwego 45. Pangangalaga 46. Kasab 47. Uod 48. Di-pagpapatibay

CLASSIFIED ADS CAREGIVER NEEDED FOR IMMEDIATE JOB 67. Gabok 68. Pulis 69. Una’t huli, simula at wakas 49. Mabulok 51. Alipunga 53. Isang uri ng punongkahoy na animo “pinetree” 56. Komperensiya 57. Sagakan 58. Pagka-kanya-kanyang pagkuha ng pagkain sa handaan 59. Kasintahan 60. Ale

(Ang sagot ay matutunghayan sa susunod na isyu ng Chronicle)

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