Hawaii Filipino Chronicle - May 30, 2020

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MAY 30, 2020


Hawaii Senate Confirms Serafin Colmenares, Jr. as SHPDA Administrator CANDID PERSPECTIVES

On PBS, Larry Itliong, Harvard, and A Message for the Class of 2020


Graduation in the Time of Corona


Shorter Visa Wait for Nurses and Doctors Proposed



Hawaii Residents Are Looking Forward to Safe Reopening of Tourism


aking up 20-30 percent of the state’s economy, the tourism industry is the segment of the economy many Hawaii workers are banking on to reset the economy. When that time comes, businesses are hoping it will be a ripple effect to sweep over all other industries in the state from retail to services of all kinds. But economists and experts believe the realistic expectation for recovery will be a slow comeback until a COVID-19 vaccine is discovered. Even if tourism reopens, new virus outbreaks that is happening throughout the U.S. since the economy started reopening will keep many Americans from traveling. Then there is the probability of Hawaii experiencing its own flare-up once visitors are welcomed back and the 14-day self-quarantine rule lifted – potentially leaving Gov. David Ige no choice but to close Hawaii to tourists once again. This worst case scenario is the reason why the Governor and leaders of the state is inching forward with caution over when to reopen tourism, despite all measures of the economy showing desperation and urgency. The governor deserves credit for keeping COVID-19 on a lid, with the state having one of the best containment numbers nationally. But the state also must move faster in implementing all the safeguards against COVID-19 so that tourism can reopen. Hawaii’s economy is among the hardest hit, and the state’s unemployment is double the national average – which is why some isle residents are calling for a more balanced approached to handling the pandemic, weighing both public health and the economy. The general public should know that there are many top leaders in government, business, healthcare, nonprofit agencies, and the military all collaboratively helping to get us through the pandemic. At the top is the Hawai’i Economic and Community Recovery & Resiliency Plan led by the Governor, Major General Kenneth Hara, and Navigator Alan Oshima. There is the House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness, the Hawai’I COVID-19 Public Health Recovery Task Force (Hawaii’s Think Tank to COVID-19 response), and many other entities like the University of Hawaii and Department of Health. The four main areas these groups are working on and reviewing data to determine when parts of the economy (including tourism) can be reopened and certain restrictions phased out are 1) Screening, 2) Contact Tracing and Surveillance, 3) Testing, and 4) Quarantine. On May 18, the Hawai’I COVID-19 Public Health Recovery Task Force submitted a report to the Governor and House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness. Some of the feedback and goals on all four areas (screening, contact tracing-surveillance, testing, and quarantine) include:

Feedback Summary on Screening • More screening should happen in high contact areas. • There needs to be a network of screening checkpoints that can capture a vast majority of population movement. • Determine if screening should be mandated or whether a softer touch is more effective. • If screening becomes a requirement, should the state support businesses that are required to screen because PPE (needed for screening) are limited and expensive,. • Determine if there needs to be a mandate on general public health measures and basic pre-entry requirements be posted in all public establishments. Testing Goals • Identifying cases of COVID-19 by testing all individuals



ith our state having one of the lowest rates of COVID-19 infections and mortality, and as many residents find themselves in a deeper hole of financial desperation – there is increasing pressure to reopen Hawaii’s tourism. For our cover story this issue, associate editor Edwin Quinabo looks at what our state leaders believe must take place in order for a safe reopening. The consensus is that four critical areas must be strengthened to address COVID-19: screening, testing, contact tracing and surveillance, and quarantine. The Hawaii COVID-19 Public Health Recovery Task Force, which is a coalition of leaders from government, business, healthcare and nonprofits, released its latest report updating Gov. David Ige on these areas. Find out what’s been done, where we’re at, and areas needing improvement in the cover story. State Sen. Glenn Wakai, chair of the Senate Committee on Energy, Economic Development and Tourism, and Congressman Ed Case give their input on the revival of tourism. University of Hawaiʻi Economic Research Organization (UHERO) Executive Director Carl Bonham gives an economist perspective. Gemma Garampil Weinstein, President of UNITE HERE, Local 5 (union representing hotel, airport and healthcare workers) shares what they are fighting for to ensure workers are protected when tourism reopens. She also tells the Filipino Chronicle of a sobering statistic – 80 percent of their 12,000 union members have temporarily lost their jobs. And finally members in our community chime in on the reopening of tourism. Some are for it with conditions and others say it’s premature. Residents also give their opinion on the 14-day self-quarantine, which has been getting bad publicity in both the national and international media. Related to the cover story, HFC columnist Elpidio Estioko writes in his column Gov. David Ige’s 3-phased master plan to economic recovery. Hawaii is now transitioning to phase two, which the governor described as the “act with care” period. This includes the reopening of “the kama’aima economy and medium-risk businesses and activities. Also in this issue, HFC columnist Emil Guillermo wraps up Asian American heritage month by mentioning the PBS documentary on Asian Americans. Many in our community were pleased the producers of the documentary chose to feature Larry Itliong, the late Fil-Am labor leader who started the Delano Grape strike. Itliong is one of this country’s pioneering labor and civil rights activists. HFC columnist Atty. Reuben Seguritan writes “Shorter Visa Waiver for Nurses and Doctors Proposed,” a proposal that would allow foreigners in the medical field to fill in the shortages in the United States caused by COVID-19. There is a pending Senate bill entitled “Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act” that aims to give green cards or lawful permanent resident status to foreign nurses and physicians by distributing 40,000 unused immigrant visas from previous years. Lastly, be sure to read our other columns and news. Speaking of news, we’d like to invite Filipino organizations to send us press releases on how your organization is helping our community cope with COVID-19. We would like to hear how your organization is making a difference. Thank you for supporting your community newspaper. Until next issue, warmest Aloha and Mabuhay!

with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection. • Ensuring all first responders, healthcare workers, and those seeking health care receive the recommended number of diagnostic testing in a timely matter. • Ensuring rapid and comprehensive testing for any identified clusters of cases or outbreaks. • Conducting broad, community-based surveillance testing (continue on page 3)

Publisher & Executive Editor Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D.

Publisher & Managing Editor

Chona A. Montesines-Sonido

Associate Editors

Edwin QuinaboDennis Galolo

Contributing Editor

Belinda Aquino, Ph.D.


Junggoi Peralta

Photography Tim Llena

Administrative Assistant Lilia Capalad Shalimar Pagulayan

Editorial Assistant Jim Bea Sampaga


Carlota Hufana Ader Elpidio R. Estioko Emil Guillermo Melissa Martin, Ph.D. J.P. Orias Pacita Saludes Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq. Charlie Sonido, M.D. Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq.

Contributing Writers

Clement Bautista Edna Bautista, Ed.D. Teresita Bernales, Ed.D. Sheryll Bonilla, Esq. Rose Churma Serafin Colmenares Jr., Ph.D. Linda Dela Cruz Carolyn Weygan-Hildebrand Amelia Jacang, M.D. Caroline Julian Raymond Ll. Liongson, Ph.D. Federico Magdalena, Ph.D. Matthew Mettias Maita Milallos Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D. Renelaine Bontol-Pfister Seneca Moraleda-Puguan Mark Lester Ranchez Jay Valdez, Psy.D. Glenn Wakai Amado Yoro

Philippine Correspondent: Greg Garcia

Neighbor Island Correspondents: Big Island (Hilo and Kona) Grace LarsonDitas Udani Kauai Millicent Wellington Maui Christine Sabado Big Island Distributors Grace LarsonDitas Udani Kauai Distributors Amylou Aguinaldo Nestor Aguinaldo Maui Distributors

Cecille PirosRey Piros Molokai Distributor Maria Watanabe Oahu Distributors Yoshimasa Kaneko Jonathan Pagulayan

Advertising / Marketing Director Chona A. Montesines-Sonido

Account Executives Carlota Hufana Ader JP Orias



California’s Phasing Out of the SAT and ACT Is the Right Move


any colleges and universities had made the SAT and ACT optional for the 2020 fall applicants due to the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting testing dates for high school seniors. But the governing board of California college system (10 schools with some of the nation’s most popular campuses) took a giant leap forward by voting unanimously to not consider SAT and ACT scores for an additional two years for in-state applicants (standardized test would be used to assess out-of-state students). But by 2025, the SAT or ACT would not be considered for any student admission in the California college system, in or out of state. Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, a member of the board who supported the decision, said “Enough is enough. These tests are extremely flawed and very unfair. According to FairTest, already 1,230 colleges and universities in the U.S. have made the SAT and ACT optional, including prestigious schools like University of Chicago, Vassar, Amherst. But the California system (with marquee schools like UCLA, UC Berkeley, among

others) joining the schools not using SAT or ACT is certainly going to set a new trend nationwide.

Opening doors to many students The movement to end the SAT and ACT as admissions requirements for colleges and universities is much welcomed. Standardized tests historically have shut the door on many deserving students unfairly. The most egregious example are students who have good high school G.P.A.s but underperform on these standardized tests, and are denied admission to universities. Ending the SAT and ACT will reverse this unfair system for this group of hard-working students. No single test should have that much influence in determining the future options of students. The SAT and ACT have been the biggest obstacle to college for students from poor families. Students from wealthy families have the advantage of going to prep schools, receive extra tutoring to prepare for the SAT and ACT. Rich kids train for these tests as early as middle school. They also frequently take prep tests designed to boost their SAT scores. Many of these prep schools also offer more

(Hawaii Residents...from page 2)

of non-symptomatic individuals. • The task force leadership recommends that test be done on all asymptomatic close contacts of COVID-19 positive patients and test arriving passengers from epicenters of COVID-19 where there is wide community spread.

Contact Tracing Goals • Rapid reporting of confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 to Hawaii DOH by all healthcare providers and labs. • Immediate investigation and isolation of every confirmed and probable case. • Notification and quarantine of all Close Contacts (i.e., those with face-to-face exposure at less than 6 feet for 10-30 minutes or longer), including downstream contacts of Close Contacts. • Close monitoring of all confirmed/probable cases and Close Contacts (if test positive). • Development of a unified Incident Management system for data sharing and reporting across the DOH, healthcare providers, labs, private payers, and other stakeholders.

AP classes than public schools, better preparing students for the SAT. And on taking the actual SAT, students from wealthier families tend to take it several times. Students from poor households tend to take the test once.

scores of SAT takers were students from families who make less than $20,000; while the highest averages came from students from families who make more than $200,000. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Southern California also found evidence that economic class has a builtin advantage or disadvantage for the SAT. There are numerous other studies drawing the same conclusion. G.P.A. is a better predictor of College Success than the SAT. In another study conducted by the College Board, researchers compared two groups: the first was students who had low G.P.A.’s but did well on the SAT; the second group was students with high G.P.A.s but did not do as well on the SAT. The second group outperformed the first group in college, which indicated that SAT is not as good a predictor as high school G.P.A in how well students do in college. In fact, researchers found the best predictor of college success is high school G.P.A. yet the SAT is given too much emphasis on admissions.

Eye-opening studies SAT Scores Correlated to Family Income UC Berkeley researcher Saul Geiser found when he used high school G.P.A. to identify the top 10 percent of Californians applying for admission to the U.C. system, 23 percent of the pool was black and Latino. When he used SAT scores to identify the top 10 percent, 5 percent was black or Latino. The study showed family income was highly correlated to SAT performance. Supporting this claim is another study done by Inside Correct structural bias Education is promoted as Higher Ed. Their analysis the great equalizer. This is true found that the lowest average

Quarantine Objective • By May 31, 2020, establish the ability for each county to be able to isolate and quarantine people who are unable to do so at their own residence or place of lodging. Due to the shortage of doctors and nurses having to deal with COVID-19, some healthcare professionals are suggesting that foreign nurses and doctors coming into Hawaii to offer much needed relief should be tested as soon as they arrive, given their results at least within a day or two, and if they are cleared should be able to report to their employers before the mandatory 14-day quarantine. Our health care industry needs urgent support quickly and state lawmakers should consider a system to expedite the quarantine process for this group. Hawaii residents are hoping and waiting that our state leadership can make the progress needed in screening, contact tracing-surveillance, testing, and quarantine to enable safe reopening of the economy and tourism soon. Our leadership must act quickly to get all the safeguards in place.

to an extent. But students have a different starting point, with students from lower-incomed families having to make greater leaps and take longer journeys. If we are to continue promoting education as the great equalizer, there needs to be a fairer system, a more equal playing field. Eliminating the SAT and ACT will do wonders in breaking that wall. As studies show, G.P.A. is a much fairer system (and better predictor of college success) to have as the main metric for admittance to college. The College Board administers the SAT and the ACT Inc. is responsible for the ACT. Both are nonprofits, but have been criticized as mostly caring about their bottom line. The test-taking and test-prepping industry is a billion-plus dollar industry. As all special interest groups with money of this magnitude, there will be resistance to change. California should be commended for doing the right thing. Their governing board set a revolutionary precedent this month to correct structural bias in their educational system. The rest of the country should consider doing the same. If colleges and universities are not willing to go as far as eliminating the SAT and ACT, they should at least adjust their admissions criteria to put less emphasis on these standardized tests and more emphasis on G.P.A. and other factors.





t’s like night and day. The contrast of visitor arrivals to Hawaii went from an average of 30,000 a day in the month of May, 2019 to a little over a hundred per day this May. Last year, over 10 million tourists visited the state and generated $2 billion in tax revenues, supporting some 220,000 jobs. Since the state’s quarantine to curb COVID-19, with over 100 hotels closed temporarily, streams of income generated from tourism (for the state, employees, and hotels) have all dried up in a few weeks, triggering an unprecedented collapse of the industry. Gemma Garampil Weinstein, President of UNITE HERE, Local 5 (union representing hotel, airport and healthcare workers), told the Filipino ChronGov. David Ige said there is no explicit timeline for reopening tourism, which will depend on data and the community’s tolerance for risk. He said tourism is expected to remain closed until at least the end of June. On May 18, the Hawaii COVID-19 Public Health Recovery Task Force -- a coalition of leaders from government, business, healthcare, and nonprofits – presented to the Governor and the House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness (led by House Speaker Scott Saiki, and Peter Ho) a final report on areas the State should work to minimize the spread of COVID-19. The report will also help guide the Governor in making a decision on when to reopen tourism. The Task Force’s recovery plan uses a color-coded Alert Model based on scientific evidence and drawing on best practices from around the world. This model shows when the state could begin to phase out some public ac-

icle about 80 percent of their 12,000 union members have temporarily lost their jobs. The state now faces the highest unemployment rate in the nation. And tourism, which makes up from 20-30 percent of Hawaii’s economy, is still in lockdown. Short of a COVID-19 vaccine (expected to take at least a year), there is no magic bullet to cure Hawaii’s tourism industry on life support. But with the state’s success in low-

cess restrictions, decide what steps each sector must take to reopen safely, and understand and prepare for any new surge of infections. The plan focuses on four areas: screening, testing, contact tracing and surveillance, and quarantine. The sooner progress is made in these critical areas, the sooner tourism can reopen.

The comeback to tourism State Sen. Glenn Wakai, chair of the Senate Committee on Energy, Economic Development and Tourism, told the Filipino Chronicle “The revival of tourism will depend on factors beyond our control. It will be determined by a COVID vaccine being developed, or if the pandemic is brought completely under control, globally. Neither of which will likely happen in the next few months, or year.” He believes the state’s 14-day mandatory quarantine could possibly be lifted in July. “I am hopeful by then we can establish a COVIDproof screening process at the airport.” He also mentions ro-

bust testing and contact tracing procedures that could be in place by then. 1. Screening/Thermal sensor cameras. Experts believe installing $20 million in thermal screening devices at Hawaii’s airports is a key part of re-opening the state’s tourism economy. Airports in Asia and throughout the U.S. are launching new screening technologies that show a person’s temperature by using infrared cameras. This will help airport screeners identify possible COVID-19 cases (high temperature is one of the symptoms of those infected by the virus). The use of this technology not only will help in curbing the spread of the virus, but instill public confidence to travel and resume some semblance of normalcy, experts say. Besides airports, large scale screening checkpoints are planned at harbors. Screening may also include questionnaires, temperature checks or other non-invasive methods.

ering rates of infections and mortality (among the lowest in the nation), isle residents are hoping that it could be time soon to launch an economic comeback when Gov. David Ige decides to reopen tourism.

2. Contact tracing procedures. Contact tracing procedures is an old method public health workers have been using of years. They interview those who may have been exposed to a virus, then urge them to get tested and to isolate themselves. Then trace back how they might have contracted the virus. The DOH affirmed contact tracing is currently insufficient. It acknowledged that there needs more work in surveillance. Surveillance is the second part of what makes contact tracing effective. Better surveillance allows for better data sharing. One method (not being used in Hawaii) is the use of smartphone apps to trace the whereabouts of COVID-19 patients, and the people who come into contact with them. This strategy is being used in countries like China where it is credited for helping to drop infectious rates. Some countries in the west view the procedure as draconian, a breach of personal privacy. But private tracing companies in the U.S. are already providing surveil-

lance data to some counties in the U.S. More contact tracers. The Task Force’s Contact Tracing and Surveillance Committee, the University of Hawaii (in partnership with DOH) committed to training 300 contact tracers over the next couple of months. This will enable DOH to eventually have access to approximately 400 contact tracers (including 100 from DOH) available for use which is closer to the recommended 30 contact tracers per 100,000 needed during a pandemic. 3. Widespread Testing. According to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the state of Hawaii as of May 20 ranks 27th in the number of testing nationwide. Health care providers are working to increase access to testing, including drive-up specimen collection for COVID-19. For the most part, tests in Hawaii are still done through private health care providers and will need a doctor’s order and insurance card. In parts of the mainland, drive through test(continue on page 5)


COVER STORY (from page 4)

ing is open to the general public without insurance as a requirement. The DOH says the current rate of testing is 1,000/day, with capacity to do more, according to the Hawaii COVID-19 Public Health Recovery Task Force’s latest report. Honolulu City Council Chair Emeritus Ron Menor and Councilmember Tommy Waters sent a letter to State Senate President Ron Kouchi and House Speaker Scott Saiki asking state legislators to seriously consider allocating funds to implement a proactive diagnostic viral testing of travelers entering Hawai‘i that produce test results within 24 hours. Councilmember Waters said, “If the objective is to reopen our tourism economy in the coming months, then the state really needs to ramp up its testing capabilities now.” Wakai said to implement some of these safeguards, they will work “with the federal government to pass on the costs of these new procedures onto the traveler. Taxpayers of Hawaii should not be on the hook for protecting ourselves from viruses imported to our islands.” 4. Quarantine. The key to effective quarantine is immediate isolation, including having an alternate location if necessary. Enforcement and adherence to isolation is also essential for success. The Task Force also measures data in the following areas: 1. Disease Activity (Severity and Prevalence); 2. Capacity (Healthcare Supply, Contact Tracing, Diagnostic Testing); and 3. Response (Personal and Economic Activities). U.S. Congressman Ed Case told the Filipino Chronicle, “Our visitors will need to feel that Hawai’i is safe to visit or else they will go elsewhere if they travel at all. And here at home we will need to feel that visitors getting off planes and ships and staying in our hotels and eating in our restaurants and joining us at our stores and beaches are not spreading another round of the virus among us. Otherwise we will not welcome them to

our shores and will not extend to them the spirit of aloha that lies at the core of our tourism industry. “So, restoring public confidence in travel to Hawai’i must be one of our top priorities. The good news is that much of what is needed to do so is in our hands.” Case shared similar views to the Task Force of expanded testing and contact tracing as necessary steps to a safe reopening of tourism. He also mentioned the need for strong workplace safety standards to protect Hawaii’s frontline tourism workers.

Testing before coming to Hawaii (not included in the Task Force Report) House Representatives Gene Ward and Bob McDermott have been working with the White House seeking clarification on whether Hawaii could require COVID-19 testing for all visitors before arrival. They said they found out on May 20 that nothing in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the United States of Transportation (USDOT) regulations prohibit the state from requiring such testing. “This is the breakthrough we have been waiting for,” said Rep. Ward. “It signals to the Governor and the Legislature that they can now act to safely and systematically open our visitor industry.” But a passenger, at the moment, cannot be refused entry onto a place without a test. Congressman Case has also asked the federal government to authorize Hawai’i to require COVID-19 testing of all passengers to Hawai’i before they get on the plane, not just after they get off. Other ideas floated in the community Other suggestions floated in the community (not a part of the Task Force) to safeguard a reopening of Hawaii’s economy and tourism include: • restaurants (on or off hotel premises) when they are allowed to reopen must reduce the number of tables and capacity; • employers (on and off ho-

tel premises) be responsible to certify that their employees are COVID-19 free, which would take coordination with the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH); • companies (on and off hotel premises) be given clearance cards as “PASSED” similar to how the DOH does for restaurants; • retailors (on and off hotel premises) implement a temperature check on customers upon entering their establishments.

Recovery will take time Experts believe even with safeguards in place, economic recovery and revitalizing tourism will take time. University of Hawaiʻi Economic Research Organization (UHERO) Executive Director and economist Carl Bonham said it could take years for Hawaii’s economy to get back to where it was before the shutdown. “Tourism will still be very significant and the major export for the state. We have to develop other areas where we’re exporting everything from food to software, to clothing, to beer and all of those will help,” said Bonham. Case said, “We must recognize that the recovery of tourism for our Hawai‘i and country will not occur overnight. It will be gradual and will take many months if not years to close in on the same levels as prior to COVID-19. The biggest challenge lies in restoring public confidence that visiting Hawai’i is safe.” Case believes domestic travel will recover faster than international travel. “This will guide our efforts to market a safe Hawai’i to those places with the highest likelihood of potential visitors soon. But that travel from wherever visitors come must be safe and cannot bring in passengers still infected with COVID-19. “We can’t do all that we must do to recover tourism alone, and (we) need a coordinated response by our federal government for travel and tourism nationally.” Wakai had similar assess-

“Our visitors will need to feel that Hawai’i is safe to visit or else they will go elsewhere if they travel at all. And here at home we will need to feel that visitors getting off planes and ships and staying in our hotels and eating in our restaurants and joining us at our stores and beaches are not spreading another round of the virus among us. Otherwise we will not welcome them to our shores and will not extend to them the spirit of aloha that lies at the core of our tourism industry. So, restoring public confidence in travel to Hawai’i must be one of our top priorities. The good news is that much of what is needed to do so is in our hands.”

—Ed Case

U.S. Congressman ments on tourism’s recovery. “Past disruptions (to tourism) show that it’s likely to be five years before Hawaii approaches the level of tourism we saw in February of this year. “I don’t see that there are any laws needed to help revive tourism. Prior to the pandemic the Hawaii Tourism Authority was tasked to better manage tourism. The agency needs to push visitors to where they are welcome and swat them away from areas where they are not. Simple when you’re starting from scratch. This is actually a golden opportunity for the industry to correct itself, rather than returning to

the old economic models.”

14-day self-quarantine and on Reopening Tourism The 14-day self-quarantine rule is expected to continue. Visitors to Hawaii will still be forced to self-quarantine for 14 days, meaning that they must stay in their hotel rooms for two weeks before restrictions are lifted. They must fill out documentation listing their contact and lodging information and acknowledge that violating the quarantine is a criminal offense punishable by a $5,000 fine and up to a year in prison. (continue on page 6)



Female Journalists Die for Freedom of Press

By Melissa Martin, Ph.D.


reedom of the press is not free— it cost lives around the globe. And courageous women die promoting their purpose and passion—to expose corruption, print truth, and rally for justice. Monstrous murderers hide behind assassins. But women’s stories of truth and justice circle the globe and their voices cry out from graves. Freedom of the press will not be silenced by inhumane humans—covert cowards. In 2019, Mexican journalist Norma Sarabia Garduza was shot dead outside her home in Tabasco. Her case is a recent example of similar tragedies: Mena Mangal in Afghanistan, Lyra McKee in Northern Ireland and Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta. All were female journalists killed for making their voices heard. The following excerpts and information are from the Newseum website, a Freedom Forum that educates about the five freedoms of the First Amendment and the importance of a free and fair press

through an innovative interactive museum. Read more at www.newseum.org. . A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle set off an explosion that rocked Kabul, Afghanistan, during morning rush hour in 2018. The blast struck the neighborhood that housed NATO headquarters, embassies and the Afghan intelligence service. A second Islamic State suicide bomber used a fake press pass to infiltrate the crowd. The second blast killed Maharram Durrani,a reporter in training for Radio Azadi. In 2017, Rudaw TV reporter Shifa Gardi was pursuing a story about a mass grave containing people killed by the Islamic State terrorist group in Mosul, Iraq, when a roadside bomb exploded, killing her. Daphne Caruana Galizia was the most famous investigative journalist in Malta when a remote-controlled bomb planted in her car exploded, killing her in 2017. Caruana Galizia’s popular blog Running Commentary uncovered government corruption, organized crime and a counterfeit passport ring. Gauri Lankesh was known throughout India for her outspoken articles against the caste system and Hindu funda-

mentalism. In 2017, a gunman on a motorcycle pulled up and fired, killing her. Sagal Salad Osman was one of the few female voices on the radio in Somalia, a war-ravaged country where women are often discouraged from entering public life. In 2015, that voice was brutally silenced when three gunmen shot her in the head. AlShabab terrorists frequently target working women in an effort to enforce their extremist ideology. Two men burst into the home of Philippine journalist Rubylita Garcia and fired multiple gunshots in 2014. Garcia was known for exposing police corruption. After Garcia died, her family received death threats and entered a witness protection program. The police chief was suspended. In 2012, Al-Bakkour, a reporter for Syria’s official daily newspaper, Al-Thawra, and manager of a pro-government news website, was killed in an explosion. She was reporting on fighting between government forces and rebels opposed to President Bashar Assad.

Eleanor Dalmacio was one of 30 journalists killed in the deadliest attack on journalists ever reported. In 2009, fifty-seven people died on the island of Mindanao in a massacre blamed on a feud between rival political clans. About 100 armed men attacked a convoy of vehicles carrying journalists and supporters on their way to file election papers for a gubernatorial candidate in the Maguindanao province. The bodies were found in mass graves in the town of Ampatuan. In 2009, Uma Singh, a journalist who reported on women’s rights, the caste system and political unrest for a radio station and a newspaper in Janakpur, was stabbed and killed by up to 15 attackers who broke into her apartment. In October 2008, female journalists in the region of Nepal sought protection after threats from armed groups. “Every day, female journalists are killed, assaulted, threatened and defamed – all for simply pursuing the truth. To help women journalists stay safe, IWMF provides much-needed Hostile Environment and FirstAid Training along with hands-

on experience in reporting in regions where safety can be an issue.” Read more at International Women’s Media Foundation, www.iwmf.org. Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya received threats of rape and death before being assassinated in Moscow in 2006. Her critical reporting of the Chechen conflict and Vladimir Putin has been cited as the motive. Visit www.cjr.org. “Over the course of nearly 200 years, female journalists have been under threat because of their gender, race, beat, views, and coverage.”— Meg Dalton Let us honor and remember the courageous story-tellers that sacrifice personal safety for the human rights of others. Their lips will not be nailed shut like the lids on wooden coffins. Truth finds a way to seep out of the cracks and crannies of the grave.

MELISSA MARTIN, Ph.D., is an author, columnist, educator, and therapist. She lives in Ohio. www.melissamartinchildrensauthor.com.

(COVER STORY : Efforts in Full-swing....from page 5)

Enforcement of the self-quarantine has come under fire. Arrests of tourists for breaking the rule have made national and international news with some frequent tourists to the islands saying they won’t be returning. Industry experts say it’s a public relations nightmare that Hawaii will have to work hard at undoing when tourism reopens. Some Hawaii residents have said enforcement is necessary and has served as a deterrent. Marline Bustamante of Kunia said, “I’m pleased with the quarantine requirement. It has saved lives. Look at what’s happening on the mainland, so many infections. We’re doing good in comparison. If the tourists feel like it’s an inconvenience, well, too bad. We live on an island and if the virus spreads, we’re going to be in trouble. They (tourists) are not going be coming if the virus is out of control, right?

“So either way, we lose. Be strict on quarantine, we get criticized. But if the virus is out of control, tourists are not going to want to come. I say, be strict, at least we (Hawaii residents) can stay healthy that way. “More tourists will come back sooner with a healthy Hawaii when it’s time to reopen than the few who are complaining right now,” said Bustamante. “I’m all for reopening tourism when our leaders believe it is safe,” she added. In April, the Hawaii Convention and Visitors Bureau put out a request to 170 top publications and trade magazines to stop promoting Hawaii right now, and in part, to avoid situations like what has been unfolding with bad press on quarantine enforcement. Ryan Cabacungan-Agbayani, a Roberts Tours & Trans-Wiki Wiki Service Agent, said “some tourists are

not following the mandatory self-quarantine. These violators are putting a lot of people at risk.” He said he’s not really concerned about losing his job, even though it is related to tourism. “I still have a job and I have to work. But I’m concerned about who has COVID-19. We are all extra careful on what we do, what we touch. And every time we pick up passengers, our shuttles get sanitized.” Maria Jo Farina of Ewa Beach, a retired corporate officer, said she supports reopening tourism at this time but only under specific conditions. “Travelers must undergo rapid testing for COVID-19 and yield a negative result within 24 hours of their departure before arriving at our state.” On Hawaii’s quarantine enforcement, she said “Travelers, before booking for (continue on page 8)



Marcos v. Robredo Election Protest – Will It Fly? By Atty. Emmanuel S. Tipon


e choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – President John F. Kennedy, on why we should fly to the moon.

On June 29, 2016, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Romualdez Marcos, Jr. filed an election protest against Maria Leonor “Leni” Gerona Robredo, who was proclaimed the winner for the position of vice president of the Philippines in the May 9 election by a reported margin of 263,473 votes. This is considered a small margin by most observers. Robredo reportedly obtained 14,418,817 votes to Marcos’ 14,155,344 votes. Marcos personally filed his protest with the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) at the Supreme Court accompanied by hundreds of supporters. The petition consisted of more than 1,000 pages with about 20,000 pages of supporting documents. The Supreme Court is also the Presidential Electoral Tribunal. He questioned the results in 39,221 clustered precincts in 25 provinces and 5 cities, which involve about 9 million votes. He asked for the reopening of the ballot boxes and a recounting of the ballots. The protest is based on three grounds: (1) defective vote counting machines; (2) traditional modes of election irregularities, like vote buying, intimidation, pre-shading of ballots, failure of elections, etc.; and (3) unauthorized introduction by an employee of Smartmatic (the vote counting machine provider) of a new “hash code” or script program into the transparency server of the system re-

sulting in changes in the vote count. Marcos claimed that the votes presumptively obtained by Robredo were the products of various electoral frauds and irregularities and that Marcos’ votes were significantly reduced to make it appear that he only placed second. He claimed that about 3 million votes were taken from him. Marcos asked the PET to annul the proclamation of Robredo as vice president and to proclaim him instead as the duly elected vice president. Two losing vice presidential candidates in earlier elections filed election protests challenging the “winning candidate” – Loren Legarda v. Manuel de Castro, and Mar Roxas v. Jejomar Binay. Nothing came out of their protests. Will the Marcos protest fly? Based on the allegations, it will fly. But how far will it fly? If there is a will there is a way to reach the destination despite strong headwinds, such as: 1. Money. Many people believe that the Marcoses have billions of money. But where is the money and do they have access to such money? People wonder whether Marcos used everything necessary during the campaign? According to an observer, why did he not go to Duterte (who reportedly expressed reluctance to run for lack of money) and say, “Rody, let’s run together. Here is 50 million pesos to start with. If you agree, I will give more and finance the campaign.” Marcos would have won easily with Duterte. For the protest, is Marcos ready, willing, and able to spend at least 100 million pesos or whatever it takes to bring the protest to a successful conclusion? Will he and can he legally

accept contributions to finance the protest? 2. Evidence. Does Marcos have relevant, credible, and admissible evidence to establish by the required standard of proof that the alleged election irregularities occurred and that they materially affected the outcome of the election to the prejudice of Marcos, in that without such irregularities Marcos would have won? Marcos says he has “clear and convincing evidence”. Veremos. 3. Time. How long will it take for the PET to decide the case? Robredo will ask for an extension of time to file an answer and counter-protest. The presentation of evidence by Marcos will take many months. Then Robredo will present evidence to support her counter-protest, which will take months. Robredo is expected to do everything to delay the case. She will challenge every ballot, object to every exhibit, cross-examine every one who signed an affidavit, and question every step taken by Marcos. She will file motions for postponement. Unlike American courts, Philippine courts are generous in granting postponements. Marcos reportedly said that he believes the PET will not take long to resolve this case because he has plenty of evidence and he has taken a different approach. How different is his approach from those of Legarda and Roxas in their protests? Marcos submitted as part of his petition the voluminous documents constituting his evidence. This is a good legal strategy because these pieces of evidence now form part of the record. The PET cannot simply ignore them, although it could strike them out. If Marcos will simply

ask the PET to have the questioned ballots inserted in at least 100 untampered vote counting machines and get the total votes, then the protest can be finished in a month. But if the result is against him and he presents evidence to establish the other grounds of the protest, then it will take a lot of time. However, it can be speeded up if he avails fully of pretrial discovery methods frequently used in the U.S. but rarely used in the Philippines. 4. Impartial tribunal. Will the PET be a fair and impartial tribunal? Or will it be beholden to former President Aquino who appointed most of its members? It has been said that Robredo was Aquino’s “Plan B” (actually it was “Plan C”) to perpetuate his party in power - if Roxas could not win, at least Robredo would be made to win. Then in a reportedly sinister plot Duterte would be impeached or otherwise taken care of and Robredo would become president. The real “Plan B” was to elect Grace Poe. Thus, even though she was not qualified to be president, a majority of the

Supreme Court, all Aquino appointees, held that she was qualified. If this same majority remains in the Supreme Court to hear and decide the Marcos protest, can Marcos expect a fair and impartial adjudication of his protest? As Judge Posner pointed out in his book “How Judges Think,” the U.S. Supreme Court is a “political court”. The justices decide cases according to the position of the political party of the President who appointed them, according to John Dean, former counsel of President Nixon. The same might be said of the Philippine Supreme Court (which is also the (continue on page 13)



Hawaii Senate Confirms Serafin Colmenares, Jr. as SHPDA Administrator By Jim Bea Sampaga


ast week, Hawaii Senate approved Serafin Colmenares, Jr. to serve as the Administrator of the State Health Planning and Development Agency (SHPDA) effective July 1, 2020 until December 5, 2022. Governor David Ige appointed Colmenares as SHPDA Administrator on March 6, 2020. “I feel humbled by the appointment, and thankful to Director of Health Bruce Anderson and Governor David Ige for their trust and confidence in me,” said Colmenares. “Mahalo to all those who sent in their written testimonies in support of my nomination, to the Senate

Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health headed by Senator Rosalyn Baker for giving their advice and consent, and the full Senate for confirming my appointment.” Colmenares first joined SHPDA in 2015 as a Comprehensive Health Planning Coordinator. On July 1, 2019, he became the agency’s Acting Administrator after the departure of the previous administrator, Romala Sue Radcliffe. “The past year has been a challenge since I was performing the functions of the administrator in an acting capacity at the same time doing my other job as a comprehensive health planning coordinator,” Colmenares shared. “It was good preparation for me though as I

take on the full-time job as Administrator.” As SHPDA Administrator, Colmenares’ primary responsibility is to promote “accessibility for all people of the State to quality health care services at a reasonable cost.” He administers and oversees the State’s Certificate of Need (CON) program and Health Services and Facilities Plan (HSFP). He also collaborates with other government agencies in collecting data and maintaining Hawaii’s All Payer Claims Database. According to Colmena-

res, there are some things that he wants to improve and update in SHPDA as its new administrator. “Right now, I am looking [to] update/revise the HSFP. The last time it was revised was in 2009, using 2006 data, and is definitely outdated,” he said. He also wants to encourage everyone to participate in the agency’s Certificate of Need program. “We need to recruit community volunteers, particularly consumers, to join our advisory councils and give them the opportunity to

optimistic that he will be rehired and optimistic of what the “new normal” will look like. But he believes tourism will not be the same as long as there is a global pandemic.

hotel guests once we reopen. Some of our demands include testing of visitors and frontline workers, (provide) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and proper training.” She said since the pandemic started, Local 5 has ramped up their organizing to make sure their members stay connected to the union and the resources they have are made available. “We have partnered with community organizations, the City and the State to provide for food distribution, staffing for the City’s homeless transition shelter and we continue to dialog with our government leaders, tourism officials, local business leaders, other unions and non-profit groups on developing stringent safety guidelines for our safe return to work and eventual safe reopening of our tourism industry.” Garampil Weinstein said Local 5 conducts weekly video meetings and sends out daily texts to their members. They’ve helped thousands of members with unemployment applications, refer them to fi-

participate in the CON and the community health planning process,” he explained. L a s t l y,   C o l m e n a r e s hopes to better understand Hawaii’s diverse communities in terms of health. “In order to better address the social determinants of health in the planning process, I hope we can conduct more robust and comprehensive community health needs assessments on Oahu and the neighbor islands to give us a more accurate picture of the health status of our State’s diverse communities,” Colmenares said. Before joining SHPDA, Colmenares served as the Office of Language Access Executive Director of State Department of Health (2012-2015) and the Office of Language Access Executive Director of State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (20072012). 

(COVER STORY : Efforts in Full-swing....from page 6)

Hawaii should understand Hawaii’s strict quarantine rule. Airlines and travel booking companies should have warned tourists that they are to stay in their hotel rooms for a mandated amount of time upon arrival to Hawaii or risk arrest. So they must face the consequences if they violate the rules. Harshness or fairness of quarantine enforcement depends on the visitor’s attitude.” Becky Gardner, a candidate for State House, District 20, told the Filipino Chronicle she doesn’t think Hawaii’s tourism should reopen at this time. “Not at this time, no. We can’t risk the lives of Hawaii’s most vulnerable until we have a robust testing protocol for all new arrivals. We just started the process of opening up businesses and social spaces for Hawaii residents. We need to monitor our own success at managing community-spread cases before we can think about increasing our exposure to travel-related infections. Public health must come first. “We need to focus on the

ways we can support those who’ve lost their incomes; and not just take the easy, but highrisk option, and fall back on tourism. It is our over-dependence on tourism that created our economic vulnerability.” On quarantine enforcement, Gardner said, “I actually think quarantine enforcement can be more strict. Some of the incoming tourists have been so cavalier and selfish; and through social media, they’re encouraging others to do the same. Hawaii is a very attractive destination right now, due to our success at preventing widespread infections. We need to be very cautious and not undo all our hard work at controlling this. Having strict quarantine requirements and enforcement will help dissuade irresponsible tourists from proliferating this disease in Hawaii; especially since we don’t have a robust testing protocol in place.” Melvin Cuartero, a bell man at Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel, is temporarily out of work and collecting unemployment. He says he is

Protecting hotel workers Garampil Weinstein said that Local 5 has been focusing on 3 main priorities: healthcare, job security, and safety at work and the community. “We want to safeguard the health care coverage of all our members through this pandemic because it is a community issue—we cannot afford to lose health care in the middle of a pandemic as it will jeopardize our entire community. In addition, we are in communication with our employers to ensure that hotels do not use this pandemic as an excuse to implement long-term structural changes in our workplaces. Some examples are shutting down entire departments, automation, job combination, etc. Lastly, hotels need to prioritize the safety of both workers and

nancial resources, food bank information, childcare, kupuna care, mental health. She said, “ We are currently organizing our members to address hotel safety issues, and we are demanding through impact bargaining that our unionized employers agree to detailed operational safety measures in preparation for reopening hotels. For instance, we are advocating that, no hotel or airport worker should be working without medical insurance coverage. Nor should any worker be forced back to work without pandemic safety precautions in place.”

An unprecedented undertaking Since statehood, tourism has been Hawaii’s bread and butter. Revitalizing tourism will take a collaborative effort like never before from government, unions, the private sector and community. Cuartero has a more spiritual take, “only Divine intervention can resolve our problems,” he said.



Graduation in the Time of Corona By Mark Lester E. Ranchez


he graduation season is upon us. Yet it is not cheers we hear in the air but the resounding clamor of disappointment from the many graduates deprived of their commencement due to COVID-19 pandemic. Livestreamed graduation ceremonies have sprouted like mushrooms everywhere, with students attending services through wheeled robots or drive-in. Though admitting the shift to virtual was necessary, graduates and their families were nonetheless devastated learning about the news. “I was honestly angry, sad, and discouraged,” Alyssa Jacelyn Acob said. She was supposed to graduate at Hawaii Pacific University on May 9, with a double ma-

jor in Integrated Multimedia and Mass Communication, but was told the event was postponed indefinitely. Graduating for her is a momentous academic achievement. “From the sound of air horns and clappers when your name is called,” she said, “to the mountain of leis you receive when people come to find you in your assigned section, with a grad photo being waved in the air to signal where you are in the sea of people…it is what everyone works hard for and looks forward to.” For Krishna Taroc, finishing her bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Hawaii Manoa, it was shock she felt. For her virtual graduation seemed unrealistic. “I was praying that somehow the pandemic will be over soon so that I’d be able to walk the line,” she said, noting that walking

through graduation ceremony is both “an honor and pride.” College graduation, especially among Filipino households, is given great importance because “not many of us are given the chance to go to university and to be one of those who can finish school.” This sentiment is shared by high-school twins Christine and Christian Alonzo of Maui High School, who said that “coming from a Filipino family, graduation is a nice way to show that all of our hard work did pay off.” They added that high school graduation is particularly important to teen graduates as it will give them “the time and space to celebrate 13-plus years of education” for the first time. But for Vea Aubrey Bumatay, graduating with an associate’s degree in Liberal Arts with a focus on Medical Assisting at Kapiolani Community Col-

lege, it meant she could accomplish anything. “Two of my brothers were not able to graduate” she said, “so being the last sibling, it meant great importance that I walk down the line.” Kenny Domingo Quibilan, a graduate student at the UH Manoa with a master’s degree in Educational Administration, also believes in the value of graduation ceremonies. He said they are “not just for the graduates but also for the families.” From a young age Quibilan’s family had always instilled in him the importance of education. For his family and many Filipinos, “getting an education means a better opportunity; therefore,

having a ceremony is not just for me but it’s also for them and acknowledging the hard work they put in to raising the graduate.” Virtual commencement, then, did not make sense. “If I can’t physically be there and have my family there screaming my name,” he said, “then I don’t know what is the point of a virtual graduation.” For the FilGrad Manoa, a student-led organization recognizing Filipino American graduates at UH Manoa, the hype mentality towards this life ritual is innate. “As Filipinxs, we come from a collectivist culture,” they said—“when one eats, we all (continue on page 13)



Gov. Ige Unveils Hawaii’s 3-Phased Master Plan to Economic Recovery By Elpidio R. Estioko


ow, it can be told: Hawaii has a master plan for economic recovery! Lately, Governor David Ige unveiled the state’s three-phase recovery roadmap to reopening the economy. The phases are stabilization, reopening and long-term recovery, and resilience (building a resilient economy). Gov. Ige’s State Economic Recovery and Resiliency Navigator, Alan Oshima, explained in a Big Island Video News the framework of the plan to reopen the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic. The guiding principles of the plan were presented by Oshima in a media briefing at the State Capitol. He said the principles to be used are: Be visible, purposeful and authentic; Use multiple clock speeds (i.e. consider the now, next, and later); Cut through bureaucracy; Be flexible, focus on execution; Engage externally; and Adapt and innovate. “Hawaii has done an incredible job of flattening the curve, but we are also aware that curbing COVID-19 has had significant socio-economic impacts,” Gov. Ige said in a briefing. “We know that this phased approach will allow us to restart the local economy and

bring those who have been recently unemployed back to the employment rolls.” The state has completed the first phase of “saving lives and flattening the curve” in the community and has reopened low-risk businesses such as auto dealerships and car washes, floral shops, pet grooming, certain agriculture, retail and repair services over the last few weeks. So, we are in the first phase and are working on the second phase. Excellent! In the same briefing, the governor attributed the success paving the way for phase one to his “stay-at-home” and “safer-at-home” pronouncements, including the 14-day quarantine period for those flying back to Hawaii. While successful in this phase, however, “thousands of businesses were closed and the shutdown of the tourism industry has left tens of thousands of residents unemployed and losing massive income for the state.” Hawaii is now transitioning to phase two, which the governor described as the “act with care” period. This includes the reopening of “the kama’aina economy and medium-risk businesses and activities. “Still, gatherings of no more than 10 people are prohibited, and social rules remain, along with the wearing of face coverings and other precautions. High risk populations should still stay home,” the plan indicated.

At this time of the year, we know that we really have to reopen the economy to bring back the losses we have already incurred as a result of the lockdown due to the pandemic. The country has been suffering economically and millions of Americans lost their jobs and are now on unemployment benefits, which are not enough to sustain their daily lives. Are we ready to face the consequences? Or, better still, do we really know the consequences of reopening? The third phase involves building a resilient economy with strong businesses and job growth. Hawaii’s economic plan involves economic diversification and the development of emerging industries, the stage when gatherings of up to 50 people with six-foot physical distancing would be allowed. “At this level, the state will focus on reopening highest risk businesses and activities while remaining cautious,” the plan specifies. Meantime, people in the know, like the top government adviser and expert on the COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Anthony Fauci, are speaking out their hearts and minds to

give the people honest evaluation of the facts confronting the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Fauci testified in the recent Senate Committee hearing on reopening the economy saying that “consequences could be really serious with reopening.” Numbers are going up but governors are reopening the economy anyway unmindful of the minimum guidelines issued by the CDC. They are relaxing restrictions and apparently, they are being pushed to engage in a major gamble… so they started racing to the top with modified requirements. Reopening, Dr. Fauci said, could have “really serious” consequences if states reopen prematurely. While the coronavirus will not simply “disappear” this fall, Fauci said the threat of a possible second wave can be mitigated by aggressive testing efforts and healthcare preparedness. He said that second wave is “entirely conceivable and possible.” This warning seems to be contradictory to what President Donald Trump wants urging the governors to reopen soon. He announced over CNN his ambitious plan to develop the vaccine by the end of the year. Pharmaceutical companies’ scientists are working on that, but President Trump likewise commented, “I just want to make it clear… vaccine or no vaccine…we’ll be back.” Whatever he meant; health experts are skeptical about the vaccine deadline being met because the coronavirus incubation period takes weeks. Dr. Fauci added: “There’s no guarantee that the vaccine will be effective.” This is a

warning from the medical expert that states could not open too early. Reports show that about 48 states have already reopened. This is a complete contradiction with reality as most if not all the states that are reopening or planning to reopen are either ignoring or relaxing the guidelines set forth by CDC. Dr. Fauci warned that there’s a “real risk you will trigger an outbreak that you will not be able to control… Go by the guidelines on reopening to avoid spikes.” He further said the death toll is likely higher than as reported. Dr. Fauci said he’s not sure “exactly what percent higher” the real death toll could be. “But almost certainly it’s higher,” he added. Perhaps, this is because those who die in their homes, not in the hospitals, were most likely not reported. These are the realities happening in the field as attested by scientists, medical experts and local officials but somehow ignored by national administrators and politicians. As I See It, President Trump needs to do something to boost his chances of re-election considering that the November presidential election is just six months away. Reopening must be the gamble he has been pushing for due to the waning of his support from the electorate as shown by latest surveys. The consequences of reopening are high, and the risks are costly. Let’s listen to the experts, not politicians! So, when do we have to reopen? Immediately? Soon? Or, let’s buy our time until we are assured that the pandemic is under control and Americans can begin to enjoy their freedom as it was before COVID-19? ELPIDIO R. ESTIOKO was a veteran journalist in the Philippines and an award-winning journalist here in the US. For feedbacks, comments… please email the author at estiokoelpidio@gmail.com).



On PBS, Larry Itliong, Harvard, and A Message for the Class of 2020 By Emil Guillermo


f you saw the PBS documentary, “Asian Americans,” then you got a big gulp of history over two days. And there was even Filipino parts, with my radar going off from the beginning. The whole shebang kicks off with a personal story of an ancestor of one of the Igorrots brought to the U.S. to be part of the exhibition at the 1904 World’s Fair—a shameful human zoo. It is as terrible and immoral an origin story as it gets for Asian Americans. That’s the Filipino contribution. We were colonized, then brought over as entertainment to sell American imperialism. Funny how you don’t see it much taught in history classes in America. When I was at Harvard, there were no published books at stores on this subject. I had to go deep into the stacks to find unpublished theses written by visiting Filipino scholars, that’s how disinterested America is in its moral screwups. So it was nice to see the PBS treatment of Asian Americans start with the indignity of the World’s Fair. And then see other Filipinos included like Professors Daniel Phil Gonzales and Alex Fabros, of San Francisco State’s College of Ethnic studies. But the producers chose Larry Itliong, the late labor leader, to be the Filipino poster boy for the documentary’s PR materials. It’s about time that Itliong, the man who actually started the Delano Grape strike of 1965, got out from under the shadow of Cesar Chavez. I’ve written about Itliong in columns previously, but it remained the dirty little secret of one of the key events in labor and civil rights history. Itliong was a heck of a leader and a speaker. In fact, it’s too bad he’s not around to do a few commencement

speeches. He died of Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1977. A few years ago, a tape surfaced of a talk Itliong gave to students at University of California, Santa Cruz in 1976. If Chavez was “Si se puede,” (“Yes we can.”), then Itliong can be remembered as the man who was fearless for saying no. On the tape, he talked about being offered money to do things for the powerful in American society. Big Labor. Big politicians. “A lot want to buy me off,” Itliong said to the students. “One of the biggest organizations that I grew up with in this country offered me $200,000.” Itliong described a deal with conditions that including helping Cesar Chavez run the service center in the fields. But it was after Itliong decided to leave the United Farm Workers as a VP to Chavez. Big Labor wanted him to stay. “You know what I tell them,” he said. “I don’t need that $200,000. I can eat rice and posit (squid), bagong, mango. I don’t need $200,000.” The students were amazed by his refusal. “I said, $200,000 to sell out my countrymen?,” Itliong asked rhetorically. “I figure we have about 350,000 Filipinos in California. That’s only $200,000. That’s not even $1 dollar a head. No, I don’t want your money. If I want to sell my countrymen, then give me $50 million–I’ll take it.” So Itliong did name his price, but as he told the story, he laughed with the students in the seminar. “Do you want to buy my countrymen, give me $50 million?” Itliong said it wasn’t an isolated instance either. “They tried to buy me many times,” Itliong said on the tape. We could use a leader like that today. Filipino or not. At the very least, he’d be a great commencement speaker.

No one asked but here’s what I’d Tell the Class of 2020 Five years ago I went back

to visit Harvard, my alma mater, when Harvard coincidentally admitted more Asian and Asian Americans than ever— about 22.1 percent of the freshman admits, a record for the entire school at the time. Little did we know they would be in a special historical class that was forced to endure the perils of Covid-19. The Class of 2020 was kicked out of the dorms mid-semester and made to social distance from their tony liberal arts education. For the last two months, it’s been the University of Phoenix version of the Ivy League–all of it culminating May 28–in a virtual graduation that feels a little like reaching a new level in Super Mario. But the class has been given the Covid experience, which should be viewed as the ultimate enhancer when your moniker includes 2020. After what these students have been through, they will need to be the class of perfect vision—that is, if we as a society have anything good to look forward to. It’s always been the cliché to hail new grads by saying, “You are the future!” But this time we really mean it. What’s the future? What do you see? Anything clearly? It will be up to you. And this goes for all the graduates of 2020, not just Harvard. Everywhere. Things are happening in this country that haven’t quite happened this way before. The devaluing of truth has

never occurred like it has these last four years, let alone eight weeks. Our leaders have taken us down the path where all our democratic institutions are endangered from the top down. Will there even be voting in November? One hopes, though there are fears of a slowdown to save our democracy, or just the presidency? It’s the reverse of the current rush by the government to meet the invisible virus head on without knowing the full risk. By opening too soon, will we have a new Covid surge, coincidentally in November? Will there be enough tests? Or just a never-ending string of deaths? (That is, if we’re still counting deaths in a way that exposes the administration’s failure.) I am not one to bow down blindly to science. There’s plenty of bad science to go around. But there seems to be a willingness to disregard the honest search for the truth when it’s needed most. Like right now. We are also reaching an anti-intellectual level in this country that could make your last four years in college seem passe in the next ten years. It all changed in March and Covid is the demarcation line. Get nostalgic about the years B.C.–Before Covid. And get ready to imagine and define the years A.C.–After Covid. In that sense, you, Class of 2020, are more important than ever. Those of us who are older must now rely on your ideal-

ism–your spirited, undaunted, boundless idealism–to get us through. You still have that, right? It’s the mark of youth. Those of us who are Boomers of various levels of boominess have life experience and maybe a little wisdom to offer. That’s all we have. We are still relying on your idealistic fizz. I hope you never have to say the line, “If only I knew then what I know now.” For starters, you may not have 40 years to get to that saying. So I’d like to give you a few things now so you don’t have to wait. Class of 2020, your gift of a Covid education has been the lesson of universal adversity. But you have also seen how the virus is not the great equalizer. Some groups have been hurt more than others. People of color. Asian Americans. Blacks. Latinos. It’s more than race; it’s class too. Where are their jobs? Many Asian Americans are on the front lines as nurses and doctors in health care. Or they’re in the service trades. To be essential is to be essentially sacrificed. You, Class of 2020, have felt the woes too. You missed your cap and gown ceremony. Think about the folks who are missing PPE. And how they’re endangering their families when they come home from work. Stand back and see how this period has accentuated all (continue on page 12)



Public Spaces Are Reopening; Here’s How To Be Smart

8. Avoid Crowded Places... As Much As You Can This seems obvious sized enough: wearing a mask effective use, rub liquid on enough, but Hawaii can be a litBy Mark Lester E. Ranchez tle predictable—there can only saves lives. According to the hands until it dries. be so many places to go to! One 5. Wash Your Hands Center for Diseases Control everal parks and To protect yourself from way to escape the foot traffic, beaches in Ha- and Prevention (CDC), the the virus, frequently wash your though, is to plan ahead. Learn waii have finally main cause of spreading the hands for at least 20 minutes or the slow days; know what time virus is through respiratory reopened. And while singing Happy Birthday people tend to flock to your faif you have been droplets directly landing in a twice. IMPORTANT POINT: vorite parks, part of the beach, outside lately, you person’s mouth or nose. The SO FAR THIS IS THE ONLY hiking trails, etc. Most likely, have probably seen the endless mask then helps contain these WAY TO GET RID OF THE crowds gather on weekends, flocks of people trooping in droplets, preventing both an 3. Be Wary of Public FaciliVIRUS EXTERNALLY. but since there are around asymptomatic and symptomatand out of beaches and parks, ties Make this a faithful habit ev- 240,000 unemployed residents either exercising or basking in ic person from infecting others Or don’t use them at all. erytime you go in and out in Hawaii, an all-alone solace the careless warmth of new- around them. But if you are like me who 2. Social Distance As Much of your household. And if in can be hard to come by. found liberty. And perhaps, as tends to use restrooms fre9. Don’t Get Fooled By As You Can doubt, just wash it out. you have watched them from quently, try not to touch any“Normalcy” 6. Pick A “Public” Hand Space can be limited outnot-so-far a distance, a sudden thing, even door handles. But Being outdoors can be deWhen doing transactions rush of guilt overcame you: doors, particularly in crowdif you are left with no choice, or activities that may involve ceiving. Seeing many people you have just participated in a ed spaces. And if you are use your wrist or a piece of touching surfaces, decide idling about in the street as if hiking or swimming, wearing seemingly irresponsible, selfpaper towel to place along the which hand to use and stick there was no pandemic could ish act. After all, Hawaii is still a mask can be quite an inconhandle to protect your hands/ to it for the rest of the day. lead you to do foolish things, in stay-at-home order through venience. If you choose not fingers from touching surfacSometimes it is instinctive, like not wearing a mask in to wear a mask, at least try the end of June; you knew you es. And when flushing, use but try to use the backside of public or neglecting to pracas best as you can to distance shouldn’t have been outside. toilet tissue, then immediately your hand or fingers as much tice social distancing in groBut since you are stub- yourself from others. When wash your hands after. cery stores. Realize that you as you can. born, you will go out again. this is impossible, say you 4. Carry Disinfectant might already have the virus 7. Don’t Touch Your Face As a matter of fact, you are al- are walking through a narrow This comes handy espebut don’t know it yet; your Another way the virus entrail and have to sidle past ready planning another picnic cially when going to places ters the body is through touch- symptoms are asymptomatic. with your family on the beach others, if you can’t find a spot where washing hands is not ing the face with contaminated But this could easily turn the to stop and let others through, the next weekend. an option. Bring one for each hands. Refrain from touching, other way around, and you just turn your face away and Well, worry no more, bemember of the family, and one dabbing, swiping, or moping will have no way of detecting cause here are ten tips you and refrain from talking. If this to be left inside the car. Most your face with your fingers; it from others. The best way your household can do to stay worries, use the top part stores have their own supplies instead use the back of your to prevent the virus, then, is to of your shirt to cover your safe while outdoors: to be used at checkout stations, shirt, a fabric, a piece of paper not take risks, even if it seems mouth and nose while people 1. Wear A Mask so take advantage of them. For “normal” or harmless. towel, or wipes to do the job. walk by. This cannot be empha10. Practice Compassion In the mounting uncerHAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS tainty, it is easy to be carried away by fearful emotions; we are after all battling an unseen By Jim Bea Sampaga enemy. Learn to be compasn partnership with local businesses, Philippine Consulate Employers are highly encouraged to fill out a Work Request sionate anyway. Know that General in Honolulu launched Trabaho HI to connect em- Form in order for their job listing to be posted in Trabaho HI. we are all in this together, that ployers and job seekers. The form link is bit.ly/3cLY9Jf. They can also email trabaho.hi@ your actions could easily affect others, and vice versa. Practice Available online via facebook.com/TrabahoHI, the Face- gmail.com. book page aims to help the members of the Filipino community Job seekers can follow Trabaho HI on Facebook to be up- social distancing but don’t be dismissive; always be careful seek employers and employees. dated in the latest job listings. “The goal is to help displaced FilAm workers, who are furThe Facebook page also shares links and articles regarding but don’t be rude to others. Beloughed or have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, get a source available resources regarding web seminars, food distributions cause if there’s anything this virus has proven to us, it is that of income as the economy transitions to the “new normal”,” and more. 

 For more information, visit facebook.com/TrabahoHI or no man is an island, and everysaid in a press release from the Philippine Consulate General one should be taken care of. email them at trabaho.hi@gmail.com.  in Honolulu.


Philippine Consulate Launches Trabaho HI to Connect Employers and Job Seekers Online


(CANDID PERSPECTIVES: On PBS, Larry Itliong....from page 11)

the divisions in our society. Counter that by developing an even deeper sense of empathy and a willingness to erase those lines that divide us. Let that be the guide to where to apply your ameliorating vision. Act outward toward others, not your self. The enduring lesson from these trying

times may be to look for and be guided by the greatest need. One last piece of advice. I’ve always found the old saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” to be more effective than not. It’s not easy to follow but if you do, you’ll get to know your enemies and maybe they’ll

become friends instead. And then you can work together and get beyond the dishonest gridlocked politics that always seem to get in the way of real cooperation. That’s where we need your idealism most in the A.C. period. So mask up Class of 2020,

watch out for saliva-bearing plosives. Life is not your spittoon. Just keep your distance from stupid, selfish politics that divides us. And don’t wait for perfection before acting. Perfect the imperfect as you go. It will keep you active and moving forward. Good luck. We’re counting on

you like never before. For your hope and your idealism, keep your price tag high. Larry Itliong did. EMIL​ GUILLERMO​ is a veteran journalist and commentator. He was a member of the Honolulu Advertiser editorial board. Listen to him on Apple Podcasts. Twitter @ emilamok.



Shorter Visa Wait for Nurses and Doctors Proposed By Atty. Reuben S. Seguritan


he Covid-19 pandemic has affected the United States greatly. There  are over 1.4 million confirmed cases, with close to 85,000 deaths. More cases are expected in the coming weeks when many states will lift lockdown orders and allow their residents to go back to work and allow businesses to begin again. There are guidelines such as masks must always be worn; everyone must stay at least 6 feet apart from each other; and hands must be washed frequently with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds. New confirmed cases are also expected because of the availability of covid-19 tests across the country. The situation with the covid-19 has highlighted the lack of doctors and nurses in America to deal with the millions of covid-19 patients and

other sick people. The situation has become so dire that New York for example, has called on retired doctors and nurses to go back to work and approved the early graduation of physicians in March of this year so they can start working in the hospitals. The insufficient number of medical professionals in the US was not helped when President Trump announced that effective on April 23, 2020, the US was suspending for 60 days the entry of any person seeking to enter as an immigrant. The American Medical Association (AMA), the largest association of US physicians, asked the government to exempt foreign medical workers from any immigration bans because they are essential to the fight against the covid-19 pandemic. They asked that international medical graduates who are in the US on J-1 student visas, H-1B specialty work visas, and O-1 extraordinary ability visas be exempted from immigration bans and allowed to maintain

(WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY? : Marcos v Robredo....from page 7)

PET). The latest news is that the Marcos protest has been assigned to the newest appointee to the Supreme Court who was Aquino’s classmate. Many believe that President Duterte will “help” Marcos because they are friends and that he would be more comfortable with Marcos as vice president. What this “help” will be has not been articulated. One way is to have the Comelec investigated. Another is to have a Supreme Court (PET) majority not beholden to Aquino. 5. Robredo appears likable. To make an election protest really fly, it must be propelled by righteous indignation against the cheater. Robredo might have benefitted from cheating, but is there any allegation

that she did the cheating? Robredo seems to be a likable person. We have not seen her in person but she appears on television to have charm and grace. She is acceptable as vice president to millions. There does not appear to be a strong desire to “kick the rascal out” since she is no rascal. What happens to the Marcos protest if 3 years from now it has not been decided and Marcos runs for the Senate or if one year from now President Duterte appoints Marcos to a government post? Will PET dismiss the protest for abandonment? The PET did this in the case of Miriam Defensor Santiago against Fidel Ramos when she ran for the Senate. Santiago challenged the PET’s decision but the Supreme Court (which was also the PET) held that she

their lawful non-immigrant status while treating covid-19 patients. They further asked that foreign students who have approved and scheduled residencies in the US be granted expedited processing in the US consulates abroad. The public is aware of the risks that doctors and nurses face on a daily basis because of the covid-19 pandemic. In many places in America, people cheer and clap every 7pm to honor the healthcare workers. Different organizations and groups have donated protective gear such as masks and gloves, food and free transportation for healthcare workers. More than 9,000 US healthcare workers are confirmed to have covid-19 and more than 27 of them have died. Something must be done to help address the covid-19 pandemic. Congress has realized the dire need of the US for foreign doctors and nurses to fight the covid-19 pandemic. There is a pending Senate bill entitled “Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act”. There is also a companion bill in the House

of Representatives. The Senate bill is bipartisan and introduced by Senators David Perdue, Richard Durbin, Todd Young, Chris Coons, John Cornyn and Patrick Leahy. The Senate bill aims to bring to the US foreign physicians and nurses who are ready, willing, available and approved to work permanently in the US but have not done so because of the lack of visa number availability or delays by the government agencies. Currently, one-sixth of the medical workforce in the United States is foreign born. The Senate bill will give green cards or lawful permanent resident status to foreign nurses and physicians by distributing 40,000 unused immigrant visas from previous years. Both foreign physicians and nurses currently in the US under non-immigrant visas or are abroad and with approved petitions can be granted the green cards. The per-country cap on the number of green cards that can be granted will be disregarded. The bill further requires that employers will attest that im-

had abandoned her “determination to protect and pursue the public interest involved in the matter of who is the real choice of the electorate.” Santiago v. Ramos, 253 SCRA 55 (1996). Under that silly decision, one who files a protest cannot even get a job to be able to eat and to finance the cost of the protest otherwise the protest will be deemed abandoned. This is another example of “Famous Cases Make Bad Law.” PET should allow the protest to continue even if Marcos gets a job. The people deserve to know the truth.

(FEATURE: Graduation....from page 9)

ATTY. TIPON has a Master of Laws degree from Yale Law School and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the Philippines. He is co-author of the best-seller “Winning by Knowing Your Election Laws” published by Rex Publishing. He writes columns for Filipino-American newspapers and co-hosts “The Tipon Report,” Honolulu’s most witty and useful radio show. He practices law in Honolulu, Hawaii, focusing on immigration and other federal laws. Tel. 808-225-2645. E-mail: filamlaw@yahoo.com

eat; when one wins, we all win.” Each year the FilGrad recognition ceremony gives the community a special way to celebrate how far “our Filipinx community here in Hawaiʻi has come since our first waves of migration.” Indeed, in a letter sent to all UH graduates, UH President David Lassner says that “commencement is one of the most time-honored traditions in our society… [that] unites us across age, gender, ethnicity and personal  background...mark[ing] the end of one period of our lives and the beginning of the next.” Though he believes that “even in the midst of this present crisis, every student who graduates...should be very proud of everything that they have accomplished. Nothing should eclipse the feelings of well-earned pride of our graduates and everyone who has worked hard to help them achieve this im-

migrants from overseas who receive these visas will not displace American workers. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the State Department are required to expedite the processing of these recaptured unused visas. The doctors and nurses still have to meet licensing requirements, pay the required fees, pass background checks and submit other requirements in order to be granted the lawful permanent resident status. The Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act should be passed now to bring needed doctors and nurses to the US. More nurses and doctors are needed to treat the increasing number of infected people. Until a vaccine is developed and approved for mass production against covid-19, the country will continue to suffer because of the lack of doctors and nurses. REUBEN S. SEGURITAN has been practicing law for over 30 years. For further information, you may call him at (212) 695 5281 or log on to his website at www.seguritan.com

portant goal.” More than 8,600 UH undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and certificates were virtually awarded this spring, with graduates given the option to participate in the next semester or May 2021’s commencement ceremony. Despite the disheartening change, graduates are still hopeful of the future. “There’s now a lot of uncertainty especially for our new graduates when it comes to the economy and finding a job,” said Quibilan, “but we have been through hard times before and we will get through this uncertainty together as a community again.” As for Bumatay, challenges today will only make her stronger for tomorrow. “I just hope that in the future everything will become brighter and will make me see the bigger picture of the struggles I’m going through,” she said.



Mothering During Corona By Seneca Moraleda-Puguan other families can still spend time and be able to hug their ay is the month mothers, fathers and children. we celebrate You are a true example of what the lives of one it means to lay down one’s life of the most im- for another. Saying thank you portant people will never be enough but may on earth—our you be rewarded for mothermothers. They take on the role ing, not just the children you of carrying in their womb for call your own, but strangers nine months the next genera- who owe their lives to you. To the working mothers tion who will become the future leaders of nations. Mothers who need to work from home, raise, nourish, nurture, teach oh it must be so challenging. and love children who cause Juggling time between your their faces to laugh and cry, and work and rearing children and add to that the household chores their hearts to melt and break. Every year on Mother’s that need to be done, I hope you Day, we honor them for who are still getting enough sleep to they are and what they do. This sustain you for each day. You year, it’s exceptionally differ- do not only need to report to ent. With the whole world in your employers, but you also crisis and most of the world have needy children who are in isolation, mothers are to counting on you. Indeed, you doubly be acknowledged and are all superwomen! To the full-time houserevered. They do not just deal with physical exhaustion, but wives and mothers, you are mental and emotional fatigue the most beautiful women for also steals the life out of them. your children. Giving your all To the mothers who are to feed, discipline, teach, foson the frontlines, there are no ter and care for the most chalwords to express how awe- lenging people to deal with— some you all are. You are sac- children, is worth honoring. rificing your time with your To manage the house 24/7 is family, not being able to hug one, if not the most, difficult and kiss your children just so job in the world. Kudos to


you, great mom! To the mothers who are struggling with abuse in the hands of oppressive partners, I pray for rescue. I pray for freedom. I pray for an end to such cruelty. Please stay strong for your children. Hang in there! We have a God who is mighty to save. To the mothers who are battling with COVID-19 or have loved ones fighting for their lives, we are standing with you for healing, for complete recovery… for a miracle. May you be given a chance to still hug your husband and witness your children grow and become the men and women God has destined them to be. Keep fighting! To the mothers who lost loved ones—a husband or a child at this time, our hearts break with you; our souls

grieve and mourn with you. The pain must be unbearable. All we can do is pray that you are granted comfort and peace as you lament, and have the strength and grace to face life ahead despite the uncertainty it brings. To the mothers who succumbed to COVID-19, and I know there are many and some are even people I personally know, I am sorry. Thank you for the lives you have led. Your life may have been cut short by this merciless virus but your legacy lives on. You will forever be remembered by the people you love the most. As mothers, your hands must be full and your minds are filled with anxiety and fear at this time of crisis. You worry about the welfare and safety of your children, and yet you have

to be strong so your children will be able to cope well and understand the implications of the COVID-19 virus. I pray for grace to sustain you, strength to overcome this challenging season, faith to see the silver linings, hope for greater things ahead and for love to be lavished on you as you selflessly give off yourself to the people that depend on you. You may have to wait a little longer until we see breakthroughs, but know that you are not alone. Hang in there, momma! To all the mothers in the world, as we all go through this challenging time, we honor you! May the works of your hands be blessed, and may your heart be filled with joy. Happy Mother’s Day, superheroes! You are greater than Corona!

(Sagot sa Krosword Blg. 16 | May 2, 2020)


COMMUNITY CALENDAR MABUHI PACIFIC EXPO & SUMMIT | July 24-26, 2020 | Hawaii Convention Center l Panelists-presenters on various topics are being accepted for the Expo. For details, contact Rose Cruz Chuma at rosechurma@mac.com

LEA SALONGA LIVE | Friday-Saturday, October 23-24, 2020; 8-10PM | Blaisdell Concert Hall, Honolulu l Filipina singer and actress Lea Salonga to serenade the Hawaii crowd in a two-night spectacular concert. Tickets $35 and up. Visit blaisdellcenter.com for more information.


Candidates Filing Deadline is June 2


esidents interested in running for public office must file their nomination papers by Tuesday, June 2, 2020, by 4:30 pm. to appear on the 2020 Election ballot. Due to COVID-19, candidate filing locations may be affected. Candidates should contact state offices listed below for hours.

Federal and State Offices: Office of Elections – (808) 453VOTE (8683); Toll Free: 1-800442-VOTE (8683) Federal, State, and County Offices: Hawaii Elections Division – (808) 961-8277, Kona Elections Division – (808) 3234400, Maui Elections Division

– (808) 270-7749, Kauai Elections Division – (808) 241-4800 City and County of Honolulu Offices Honolulu Elections Division – (808) 768-3800 Starting with the 2020 Elections, all voters will automatically receive their ballot in the mail and no traditional polling plac-

Have your organization’s events listed in our community calendar. It’s recommended to submit press releases a month in advance of your organization’s event. Send information to filipinochronicle@gmail.com.

es will be established. Voters should keep their voter registration address updated and be on the lookout for their mail ballot packet to be delivered July 21 for the Primary Election. Election officials continue to monitor the situation with COVID-19, and there are currently no changes to the 2020 Election schedule. 

UH and DOH Partner to Train COVID-19 Contact Tracing Personnel

“This has been a brainchild of State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park and UH’s own Dr. Aimee Grace, who leads our UHealthy Hawaii Initiative at the UH System,” said UH President Lassner. “We believe that these programs to expand the number of contract tracers and community health workers will really help protect all of Hawaiiʻs communities.”


he University of Hawaiʻi (UH) is partnering with the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) to create a program to train personnel and community health workers to support DOH in conducting COVID-19 contact tracing. Health experts say extensive contact tracing is a key component to prevent the spread of the virus while relaxing stay-at-home-orders and restarting Hawai‘i’s economy. The goal is to train approximately 300 contact tracers, as well as increase the university’s capacity to prepare 100 community health


workers each year. DOH at the peak of the first COVID-19 wave had over 100 contact tracers, including at least 30 volunteers from UH and other DOH divisions with backgrounds in public health, epide-

miology, medicine, and nursing. This one-year, $2.5 million program will leverage UH faculty expertise and existing courses across the 10-campus system to quickly develop content for the contact tracing training.

by Carlito Lalicon

1 Small dark purple fruit used in smoothies and health drinks 5. Burglar 9. Comprehensive summary of a subject 14. Conflicted 15. Double-reed instrument 16. Overgrown with ivy 17. Bypass 18. Continue 19. Whimpered 20. Approach 21. Unpopulated 23. Unit of inductance 25. Samoan capital 26. Top 28. Hidden valley


1. Above 2. Deep sleep 3. Branch of pure mathematics 4. By and large 5. Custard-like food made from curdled milk 6. Black 7. Gunk 8. Family tree


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Legendary Cleaners pay depends on years of experience. Must be reliable, prompt and not afraid of hard work. Experience a plus. Willing to train. Contact John Kim 808 392-5597

29. East Indian timber tree 32. Crosswise, on deck 33. Thin silk dress material 35. Lesotho monetary unit 36. Ballroom dance 37. Charades, e.g. 38. Boastfulness 40. Extremely cold 41. And more 42. Adjutant 43. Intermittent cramp 44. Djinnies 45. Relating to gold 46. Slapping(s) on the buttocks 49. Check 52. Alone 53. Icky stuff 54. Crude uncouth ill-bred

person 55. “Gladiator” setting 56. At this point 57. Any thing 58. Pertaining to peat

59. Boris Godunov, for one 60. Formally surrender

9. Drinking slowly 10. Throat dangler 11. Distance unit 12. Fitting reward 13. Annex 22. Drama set to music 24. Game with matchsticks 26. Restorative 27. Depth charge target 28. Category

29. Limestone cave sight 30. Soul (Hinduism) 31. Apprehensive 33. Conventional expression of farewell 34. Conceited 36. Post-toast sound 39. Challenge 40. KPH word 43. Elephant, e.g.

44. Quick trip 45. Ancient assembly area 46. Achy 47. “Not guilty”, e.g. 48. Denials 50. Barely managed, with “out” 51. Same: Fr. 52. Chucklehead

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(Solution will be on the next issue of the Chronicle)

MAY 30, 2020

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