Pegasus Spring 2021

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“Oh, for the wonder that bubbles into my soul.” - D. H. Lawrence

Mission Statement The Haverford School literary magazine—Pegasus—was created to bolster our community by spreading the passion of its writers. We especially recognize its importance during these trying times. Even while social distancing, the Pegasus staff assembles to provide an outlet for The Haverford School’s literary community. The job of the literary magazine staff is to compile the literary works of our school, support them with beautiful photography or art pieces, and organize them into a cohesive design that is both visually appealing and audibly ringing. The hardworking staff utilizes the extra time they have in their schedules to collaboratively piece together this magazine.

Letter from the Editors To the Reader: Welcome to Pegasus, The Haverford School literary magazine. The Pegasus staff strives to provide a literary platform for members of our community to connect through. Recently, to preserve the common health, we have had to remain physically distant and isolated in our social bubbles. Our community’s strength and perseverance through this time inspired our staff. We wanted to not only connect our socially isolated bubbles, but also to cherish the character we have displayed as a brotherhood through this trying time. This edition of Pegasus is a celebration of our community and our gradual return to normalcy. Although emotionally taxing, we want our community to be proud of our bond, displayed ironically by our collective separation. As our community protects itself from the virus and comes back together, we want you to celebrate! We wanted to remind everyone of the bliss of coming back together. Spring is here! Enjoy the unadulterated, childlike happiness of blowing bubbles as our individual bubbles pop and become part of the whole community again. As always, we want to thank Mrs. Smith-Kan for her leadership, guidance, and support. It is Ms. Smith-Kan’s unyielding enthusiasm for the magazine and motivation that holds the staff together. We constantly rely on her as the backbone of Pegasus, and with this year’s challenges, we needed her more than ever. As always, she was there to guide us, teach us, and lead us in pursuit of a finished magazine. Most of all, we could not have made this magazine without the amazing students that submitted their works of prose, poetry, and photography. We thank you all so much; your hard work and passion are what make our magazine so unique and special. Its purpose is to share our community’s amazing work in a beautiful medium, so please enjoy the magazine. We would not be able to do this without you guys! With Regards, Pegasus Editors


Front cover title is Cabrito Didone Norm Bold 60pt; front cover sub-text is Seravek ExtraLight 14pt; spine text is Cabrito Didone Norm Light 9pt; back cover text is Seravek Regular 14pt; table of contents title and page numbers are Cabrito Didone Norm Medium 20pt; table of contents authors are Seravek ExtraLight 20pt; poetry and prose title text is Cabrito Didone Norm Demi 100pt and 60 pt; poetry and prose authors are Cabrito Didone Norm Demi 40pt and 25pt; pull quotes are Cabrito Didone Cond Medium It 20pt; artwork and photography section titles are Cabrito Didone Norm Demi 100pt and 60 pt; all artwork and photography titles and credits are Seravek ExtraLight 20pt. The software utilized is Adobe InDesign CC 16.0. Cover designed by Jeffrey Yang Table of Contents designed by Jeffrey Yang

Awards: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Medalist (2013, 2014) Gold Medal Winner (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) Gold Medalist with All-Columbian Honors (2015, 2016) Gold Crown Award (2020)

Editors-in-Chief: (Leaders of design and writing from initial layout to finished product) Will Cordray James Wang Jeffrey Yang Austin Zhuang

Staff: (Continues the prestige of the literary magazine by writing and creating) designs)

Advisors: Ms. Emma Hitchcock Ms. Taylor Smith-Kan


Pegasus || Issue No. 41

Charlie Aschkenasy Fisher Bond Cameron Jenkins Joey Kauffman Jaiden Shuchman Nachikethan Srinivasan

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Pegasus editorial board thanks the following: Dr. Nagl and Mr. Fifer for their support; The Haverford School English and Art Department faculty members for their encouragement; Mr. Keefe and the Poetry Club for their frequent contributions; The Haverford School Custodial Team for accommodating our late hours; Lulu Publishing for its press resources; Ms. Smith-Kan and Ms. Hitchcock for their extended patience while advising the meetings; All of our contributors for their hard work and limitless talent.

In an anonymous screening process, the Pegasus staff considers submissions and selects works for publication based on creativity, quality, maturity of style, and variety. Editors reserve the right to make technical corrections, although authors and artists reserve all rights to their individual works. The views expressed in this magazine’s published works are those of individual contributors.

The Haverford School


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