Strategies for the Post-Speculative City

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Strategies for the post-speculative city


1. e.g. Sesena, near Madrid, Spain: Source 2. See ‘trade-off vs nested organization of sustainability. Fig 2 p 13 In: Poor Desai. 2010. One Planet Communities. Wiley 3. In 1987, the ‘Brundtland Report’ stated that ‘humanity has the ability to make development sustainable – to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 4. One Planet Communities.op.cit. 5. See for example the 10 ways how building industry protagonists define regeneration in published in ‘Building’ on 17 February 2006 (RegenerateLive). 6. 7. 8. ODPM 2003, A156. 9. Ruth Glass. 1964. London: aspects of change. MacGibbon&Kee 10. Peter Marcuse. 1986. Abandonment, Gentrification and Displacement: the Linkages in New York City. In: N Smith & P Williams. 1986. Gentrification and the City. Unwin Hyman. 11. Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater, and Elvin K. Wyly.Gentrification. 2008. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. 12. Paul Watt. 2013. It’s not for us. In: City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. 17:1, 99-118, DOI.Routledge 13. e.g. Butler T &Hamnett Chris. 2009. Walking backwards to the future- waking up to class and gentrification in London. In: Urban Policy & Research 27 (3): 217-118. 14. David Harvey. 2008. The Right to the City. In: New Left Review 53: 32-40. 15. Neil Smith is considered one of the most influential scholars on ‘gentrification which he attributes to the rent gap. Neil Smith. 1996. The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. Routledge. 16. Known as ‘quangos’ quasi governmental organisations 17. ‘Corporate quangos’ were made possible in the 1980 Local Government, Planning and Land Act. They produce a report to Parliament once a year. The Enterprise Zones, newly established in Docklands, are more extreme forms of government outsourcing to, and subsidising the development industry. 18. For critiques of the effect of the LDDC on the local communities, see Sue Brownhill. 1992. Developing London’s Docklands: another Great Disastere? Paul Chapman Publishing; Bob Colenutt. 1988. Local Democracy and Inner City Regeneration. Loal Economy 3 (2) pp 119-125; Bob Colenutt. 1998. Joined up Thinking Needs Joined up Practice, Urban Environment Today, 1/10/98. 19. For a more detailed discussion, see Judith Ryser & Teresa Franchini. 2011. Towards an Understanding of Quality of Urban Space. EUSS11 20. Peter Marcuse. 1985. Gentrification, Abandonment and Displacement, Connections, Causes and Policy Responses in New York City. In” Urban Law Annual; Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law, Volume 28 pp 195-240, xt=urbanlaw 21. It’s Not For Us.pdf - Games Monitor 22. e.g. Peter Marshall on the evictions from the Carpenter Estate in East London. http://www.demotix. com/news/1347789/shame-newham-council-carpenters-estate-london#media-1347754 23. Peter Marcuse’s view about that is “…the large question is not whether abandonment can be avoided, gentrification controlled, displacement eliminated, or even how these things can be done, but rather whether thereis the desire to do them. That is a question that can only be answered in the political arena.” (p.175, op.cit) 24. e.g. Richard Florida, 2002, The Rise of the Creative Class, and how it is transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life, Basic Books 25. e.g. Mike Raco. ‘State-led Privatisation and the Demise of the Democratic State: Welfare Reform and Localism in an Era of Regulatory Capitalism’. Paper given at the “City and Space” Seminar, UEL, 6 March 2913. 26. See for example, Anna Minton, 2012, Ground Control - Fear and happiness in the 21st century city, Penguin Books.

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