The Torch - Spring 2019

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Hatch End

Issue 04 Spring 2019


“Students thrive in this school.”




Spotlight on Student Success





Welcome from the Headteacher and School Governing Body Member

PAGES 2 - 3

A Smooth Transition for Year 7s

PAGES 4 - 5

Reaching for the Stars - No Limits for Hatch End High School Students

PAGES 6 - 7

Sustained Academic Success at both KS4 and 5 - Outstanding Academic Provision

PAGES 8 - 9

A School for Everyone Hatch End High School gains the national Inclusion Quality Mark Special Educational Needs

PAGES 10 - 11

Follow Your Dreams


Celebrating the Past - Looking to the Future


Upcoming Events - Keeping in Touch


Careers in Construction - Kier - Open Doors

WELCOME FROM THE HEADTEACHER - Ms Sue Maguire Welcome to the latest edition of our bespoke magazine highlighting the very special work going on at Hatch End High School, in the local community and our many fantastic primary schools. A special feature of this edition is the link to one of our core values - AMBITION. At Hatch End High School, we insist on all our students ‘reaching for the stars’ and I hope you will enjoy reading about the many many success stories of our young people. I hope the many celebratory articles in this edition continue to give a taste for all that is great about Hatch End High School, which has only been made possible, of course, by our students who received the best possible start in our local primary schools. If you would like to see or hear more about experiences at Hatch End High School, as always, do not hesitate to contact me either personally on or via our school admissions officer on Wishing your children every success throughout the remainder of the academic school year.

WELCOME FROM THE GOVERNORS - Mr Ketan Varia I became a parent governor in October 2015. My extensive experience across industry includes development projects with large organisations, many from the FTSE 350. By education, I am a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Charted Institute of Logistics and Transportation. Hatch End High School wasn’t on our radar for secondary schools for my son, and not our first choice. However, it was very important to me that a school should have an ethos where respect, self-discipline and development of innate talent, play as great a part as academic achievement. My first visit to the school was when I met the Senior Leadership Team, where I was instantly inspired and felt certain that my son would flourish. I could see and feel the staff demonstrate the values of the school (Co-operation, Ambition, Respect and Excellence) and these were embodied into its culture. Within a few weeks, I took the opportunity to become a governor and play a greater part in the school’s development. The school’s academic performance is demonstrated by its value-added scores that are well above the national average. The school’s high standards, its investment in school buildings, and extensive enrichment programme, means that I am confident the school will continue to thrive.


A SMOOTH TRANSITION FOR YEAR 7s We believe getting the build-up to the move right from primary to secondary school makes all the difference and are regularly praised for our outstanding transition work. Our highly experienced team of staff visit many of the local primary schools in the local area, including Hertfordshire, to deliver a wide range of engaging presentations about the school and a series of fun and interactive workshops and sessions, giving younger students the opportunity to find out more about joining Hatch End High but also secondary school in general. We begin by explaining what Hatch End High School is all about – introducing students to our unique WE CARE ethos – emphasising the importance of students aiming for excellence from day one and expecting to be challenged on their secondary school journey as well as supported. We also tell the students about the fantastic enrichment activities on offer at break times, before, and after school, the weekends and even during school holidays! Our sessions often have a practical workshop, which gets students involved straight away. They are asked to discuss some typical issues and work in groups to explore some of the things they are excited about, get to know us and discuss any worries they may have, thereby building confidence and self-esteem. Building relationships is a very important part of the transition process. Forging Friendships Hatch End is the only school in Harrow to organise a FRIENDSHIP AFTERNOON for Year 6 students in April, immediately after they have received their offer from the Local Authority. This is such a great opportunity for them to spend time familiarising themselves with the new building, meeting the staff and, most importantly, meeting and making friends with their future classmates. Parents are given a tour whilst the students complete some fun taster lessons. Feedback to this afternoon has been exceptional from both students and parents alike.


Students join us again in July for the Harrow Induction Day. More time can be spent attending different lessons and finding out about the activities in which they can get involved and is yet another opportunity to meet their peers and gain valuable confidence through knowledge of the school. Parents/ Carers are invited in the evening to meet staff and find out all about school systems, uniform, our ethos and to ask any questions they may have. Specialist sessions are put on about aspects of school life such as assessment, safeguarding and supporting your child academically. Starting at HEHS in September The day arrives, the new uniform goes on and it’s time to start their journey as our new Year 7. At least one day is spent in school with no other year groups, giving them an opportunity to explore and get settled in. Our vertical tutoring system at KS3 means that Year 8s are tutored alongside Year 7s, and are expected to lead and peer mentor the Year 7s in their tutor group on a daily basis. Staff and older students are ready to help them navigate the school. Assemblies are held in year groups, and then once a fortnight Year 7 and Year 8 combine. This helps to build a caring and supportive community for students to thrive. We have a dedicated team of tutors ready to accept the new students and an experienced Head of Year and non-teaching Year Team Assistant. This team are ready and waiting to support and encourage our new students, as well as educating them on the importance of Safeguarding and especially E-Safety. In fact, we challenge as many of them as possible to be confident enough to act as Student Guides at our OPEN EVENING in late September/early October each year. This works very well and we are proud of how much they can tell visitors about the school. Half a term into High School We invite parents and carers in for an evening to meet their child’s tutor and to discuss how well they have settled. Data is issued so that parents can see what staff have to say and can ask for further support if required. In addition, the Head of Year, Assistant Head KS3 and two Deputy Heads (Pastoral /Inclusion and Support) are available to answer further queries.



Here are just a few examples of our exciting activities that may take place during the course of the school year.

Our annual school production is legendary in the local area and beyond, and represents the unique family atmosphere Hatch End High School is so proud of, where sixth formers (soon off to university) support and encourage our Year 7 and 8s to get involved in such an important and expressive part of school life as soon as they arrive. It is well known that belonging to a creative community builds vital resilience and confidence which reaps huge dividends for both academic performance and social development. This

FUTURE FIRST We are a member of the national Future First organisation which encourages successful ex-students to visit and explain how working hard at school has enabled them to thrive once they have left us. Former successful students have returned to deliver workshops focused on our core value “Ambition” to our students. They have spoken about their career choices and some of the setbacks and challenges they each faced before entering the profession of their choice. Our students then have an opportunity to participate in Q&A sessions with the visitors. Asked what key pieces of advice for students’ futures would be, one reply was:

“Try everything – you won’t know what you like or are good at unless you have a go. Be resilient – don’t stop at the first hurdle, keep trying until you reach your goal. Make the most of every opportunity – you don’t know what skill/experience is going to become useful to you later in life.”

METROBANK – starting financial planning early ... We know all young people need to be able to plan their futures with a strong sense of financial awareness. On Tuesday 8th January, Matthew Green from Metrobank (Harrow branch), began a programme of Financial Literacy and Enterprise Awareness with our Year 7 and Year 8 students. The programme will run across the Spring term and culminate in the students giving presentations on their own enterprise ideas to Metrobank executives. One Year 7 student said, “I really got to understand what a bank does and how I can look after money”, whilst a Year 8 said, “I’m really looking forward to presenting my ideas to Metrobank at the end of the term.”

The above highlights are just examples of our superb enrichment offer – from the word go, there are opportunities to experience new and exciting activities; including Gaelic Football – the team formed during this session went on to play in the North West Schools’ Championships; Mandarin – a wonderful opportunity to try out this global language – for all the future businessmen and women out there – a much needed starting point. Our students have tried debating, United Nations mini forums, storytelling, the Law system, British Sign Language, Astronomy and improving or starting to learn to dance ... and many more.

year we delivered the hugely funny but also lifeaffirming tale of Sister Act, which whilst a comedy, also promoted the great message of the value of friendship and working as a team. The show was performed as a matinee to over 650 primary school students and then for three evening performances to the general public – a wonderful experience for all involved, both on stage and behind the scenes.

Melisa Karayilan

(Previously attended: Cedars Manor)

, Wise words from our Student President...

“Starting a new school is like starting a new adventure; a new chapter in your life. I can confidently say that Hatch End has always made me feel welcome; as if I’ve always been part of the school. There is much to explore and so many activities on offer to take part in. Whether it’s in sport, the arts, the sciences or even politics, there is a great choice available. It’s a fantastic opportunity to make new friends from different year groups, meet new teachers and even develop your personal communication skills. So, go out and make the most of your time here! I can assure you that Hatch End High is about so much more than just lessons – it is a community which welcomes all and always does its best to accommodate everyone and bring out the best in them.

My future aim is to become a dietician or a nutritionist and I am hoping to read BioChemistry at King’s College London.”



SPORTING EXCELLENCE Students take to the water... One of our recent off-site activities involved a group of enthusiastic GCSE PE students undertaking a 3-day Kayaking course at HOAC. Despite the chilly conditions, students took to the water to complete the course which aimed to develop students kayaking skills based on sprinting, turning, stopping and capsizing. The students had a fantastic time and worked extremely hard in gaining some important grades for their practical sports portfolios.

Yosuf Ali, a 14-year-old Syrian student from Hatch End High School, was one of six winners who attended a Gala Award Ceremony in London last July beating thousands of entrants in The Henrietta Branford Writing Competition 2018 with his winning entry, ‘From Refugee to King’. Yosuf thanked his school for supporting him in his ambition to be an author: “I was inspired to write this story by the idea that we are all equal but different at the same time. The idea is that we need to understand the significance of good friends in our life and you cannot isolate yourself. Four months ago, I did not know my name in English. Now I am an author. Hatch End High School has given me confidence and taught me ways I can improve my creative writing through language techniques, vocabulary and introducing me to a wide range of inspiring authors like Shakespeare.” Headteacher, Sue Maguire said: “Yosuf represents everything Hatch End High School stands for – meaning every single young person is guided very firmly to reach for the stars and not limit themselves in any way. We are exceptionally proud of him.” The Jack Petchey organisation was so impressed with his efforts to raise awareness of issues in the community that they have invited him to one of their Speak-Out lunches.


Yosuf’s ambition is to be a top author - we know he will be successful!

Hatch End High School has extensive access to first-class sports facilities, including a multi-use games area, two gymnasia, tennis courts and many netball/basketball courts. We are minutes from Bannister Outdoor Sports Centre running track and the Cedars Centre with its specialist equipment, such as a climbing wall. With the new build underway at the front of the school, from September 2019 we will be freeing up a large area of green space on our site, enabling us to expand our already impressive sport provision with a fantastic grass football pitch. This will give us more sports and leisure space than any other school in Harrow. All of this means we are able to offer a wide range of PE and Sports courses including the traditional GCSE and A-Level programmes as well as newer more applied and vocational Level 2 and 3 courses. Examination results are consistently excellent leading to students progressing to a wide range of related degree courses at university.

NO LIMITS FOR HATCH END HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS RAISING ASPIRATIONS... through Architecture Hatch End High School has always held its Arts College Status and Artsmark Gold awards very dearly and close to our heart; offering a huge range of traditional and applied courses in Art, Drama, Performing Arts, Music and Music Technology. We have recently added A-Level Product Design to our post-16 offer; the only school in Harrow to do so. In 2018, this course gained exceptional results, placing us in the top 10% of all schools in the country. Success in the classroom is complemented by creativity and innovation outside the classroom. This year, 150 of our Year 9 and 10 students participated in an architecture workshop in the Great Hall. Students had the opportunity to build tall solid structures out of simple sticks and elastic bands. The organisers made excellent cross-curricular links with mathematics and engineering, helping students to understand how the theoretical aspects of the subjects are shown in practical structures; the architecture company were very impressed with the students’ high level of understanding of core-triangular structures. The competitive nature of the workshop meant that students spent 30 minutes working as a productive team to see how high they could build their individual sculptures, whilst ensuring that the sculpture could stand up by itself for at least 10 seconds. The workshop was a huge success, allowing students to embed key transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, high academic thinking and perseverance.

Emily ManEmily Man

(Previously attended: Preston Park)

Emily (Year 13) has had a hugely successful journey through Hatch End High. From the beginning, she has dedicated herself to achieving the very best grades and showed real promise in the creative potential of Design and Technology. She is now studying for A-Levels in Product Design, History and Photography, and is expecting to achieve A*s across the board, such is the quality of her work. Emily has always been very proactive about community, national and global issues. She is able to articulate her views clearly, and recently set up a group with three other sixth formers raising awareness about ‘period poverty’ – young women who cannot afford sanitary products.

Priya Dilipkumar Nandvana

(Previously attended: Whitefriars)

Priya (also pictured below) is one of our Year 13 Design Technology students who became the first in the school to walk through our new building before its opening in September. They achieved this with the aid of Virtual Reality (VR) headsets in the site office of our construction firm – Kier. The students managed to investigate the whole building and were surprised to see that even the furniture has already been included in the computer recreation. All of the students proved adept at using the technology which they were introduced to by Kier apprentice Jade Booth. Computer Aided Design is just one unexpected career pathway available in the construction sector.

They have run a campaign collecting supplies for the homeless in our local community. Her campaign was well researched and presented to all assemblies. The scheme has been a complete success and we are proud of the scheme. Emily confirms that: “The relationships I have formed at Hatch End have made me the person I am today.”


SUSTAINED EXAMINATION SUCCESS at both Key Stage 4 and 5 Hatch End High School continues to perform significantly above the national average when it comes to both GCSE and A-Level examination results. For the last seven years, government and Ofsted measures show just how sustained our academic performance is, reflecting our long and proud history of getting the very best from our young people. Parents and students do not want to take a risk with their education – neither do we! We have an absolute obligation to do the best for them so they have the very best of life chances.

Key Stage 5 Progess

Whilst we benefit hugely from having many teachers with years’ of experience, we also play a lead role in developing and nurturing the next generation of teachers and are recognised by Teach First (national leaders of excellence in initial teacher training) for our innovative teaching and learning. Underpinning all of this outstanding work in the classroom are, of course, our army of pastoral, support and administrative staff who work tirelessly to make life as stress-free but as challenging as possible for our young people.

Rezarta Ibishi

Key Stage 4 Progess 8 Results

Jessica Jaber

(Previously attended:Cedars Manor)

(Previously attended: Pinner Park)

Rezarta gained 14 GCSEs including 7 A* and 5 A grades and is now preparing for her A-Levels in Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. She is planning to study Medicine next year at Queen Mary University of London or Leicester University.

“I am so grateful to the teachers for building my confidence and helping me to achieve my goals.”

Thrilled with her results from our Sixth Form, Jessica is now attending Manchester University to study Film and English after achieving AAB in History, Drama and Theatre Studies and English Literature.

“I am delighted with my results, the encouragement from my teachers has helped me to succeed and I am now going to university and on my way to my dream job.”

A Level


For we are consistently in the




of UK state schools for student progress

Outstanding Academic Provision Saara Arab-Cruz

Hamda Caydiid

(Previously attended: Weald Rise)

(Previously attended: Weald Rise)

Having achieved A, B, C A-Level grades in Spanish, Sociology and History, Saara is now attending Reading University reading Spanish and International Relations.

Hamda was ecstatic to discover she had achieved 13 GCSEs and very excited to return for Sixth Form to study Maths, Chemistry, Economics and Government and Politics, thereby continuing her academic success.

“I have loved being a student here, and thanks to the teachers I feel prepared to start the next chapter of my life and begin my university degree.”

“The environment at the school encourages you to work hard and achieve your best. They teach you to work independently and prepare us for Sixth Form and life beyond.”

Key Highlights from our Key Stage 4 Examination Results 2017/18

Key Highlights from our Key Stage 5 Examination Results 2017/18

Overall results provisionally place the school in the top 20% of state schools nationally for student progress

Overall results place the school in the top 10% of Sixth Forms nationally – ALPS 2

77% of students gained grades 4-9 in English/ English Literature

100% pass rate with nearly 60% of all A-Level grades A* - B

Both Maths and English results place the school in the top 20% of state schools nationally for student progress

Nearly 70% of all Physics and Chemistry A-Level grades A* - B

Science GCSE results place the school in the top 10% of state schools nationally for student progress

40% of Maths A-Level grades A* - A

Three quarters of all Ecomomics A-Level grades A* - B

BTEC Level 3 Applied Courses – 63% Distinction * / Distinction with 100% pass rate

90% of students gained their first or second preference of University with twice the national average successful in their applications to Russell Group institutions

98% overall GCSE pass rate; 50% at “strong” passes grades 5-9

Three year trend of much higher than national average pass rate in the EBAC subjects

80% of grades in Art and Music were higher passes grades 4-9

25% of BTEC Performing Arts and Health & Social Care results were Distinction */ Distinction with 100% pass rate

Olachi Akin (Previously attended: St Mary’s Church of England) Having achieved 3 A grades in Maths, Physics and Biology, along with a B in Chemistry, Olachi is now studying Medicine at Kings’ College, University of London. He was able to take classes in Latin at Hatch End High, which he also found useful in preparing for a medical career. Olachi represented the whole student body as Head Boy (2017/2018).

“Thank you so much Hatch End High School for all of your support and encouragement.”


For we are consistently in the top



of UK state schools for student progress.


A SCHOOL FOR EVERYONE Hatch End High School gains the national Inclusion Quality Mark At Hatch End High, we pride ourselves on developing all our young people holistically, which means producing fully rounded, high achieving, emotionally resilient and happy individuals. Often this results in different outcomes for each child, taking into account their very different but unique needs, traits and personalities. We value them all equally and whatever progress they make is celebrated!

INCLUSION IN ACTION Up close with the animals at London Zoo Last July, the Special Educational Needs Department went on a visit to London Zoo. This trip was a reward for students’ hard work over the year and it also included an educational session linked to the curriculum on Wildlife Under Threat. This was a unique opportunity for our students to visit a section of the zoo which is not open to the public, and they were able to delve into the shady world of wildlife crime and saw real Customs’ seizures to reveal the devastating impact of hunting on animal population.

The Inclusion Quality Mark is a nationally recognised award which, if awarded, acknowledges the exceptional provision made for all students within a school. Following a rigorous two-day assessment from highly experienced experts, Hatch End High School were delighted to be awarded this highly prestigious accolade. Essentially it told us what we already knew, i.e. that we care for the whole child with exceptional pastoral and emotional support together with a relentless focus on ensuring each young person reaches their potential. Many schools do not always get this balance right - not at Hatch End High School! Below are just a few quotes and extracts from the report which sum up our ethos and long tradition of strong examination performance. “Students come first at Hatch End High School and staff at all levels go to great lengths to help them to thrive in all areas of their lives. The focus on improving the rate of progress of all students is rigorous and carefully planned. ”

After a discussion of the main threats to animals, students were able to investigate an array of real objects from the natural world that are loaned to the Zoo by HM Revenue and Customs, and went on to discuss some controversial statements about hunting. Our students asked many relevant questions, and a hugely enjoyable and informative day was had by all.

“Inclusion is led from the top and it is obvious that the headteacher and the senior team are committed to inclusive policy and practice.” A number of parents said, “We felt like our child was the only child in the school - such was the care they were given.” “Relationships with parents are exceptional.” “The school is very proud to be part of the wider community and has an open-door approach welcoming people into the school at every opportunity.”


All-Girl ‘Football Activators’ training to raise the profile of sport for girls in school

SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Ali Kanji Hatch End High also provides the London Borough of Harrow’s special educational provision for Hearing Impaired students. Over many years, we have built up an outstanding reputation. Despite facing often severe challenges, our students do not see these as barriers to educational success in any way - the vast majority gain significantly above average examination success and go on to gain university places. Dr. Ali Kanji (featured right), a profoundly deaf student, left us in 2008 and went on to university and is now a practising dentist in Kenton. Ali came back to talk to our students as part of the Future First programme.

ENGLISH as an ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (EAL) Over 60 languages are spoken at Hatch End High School and we really value our international ethos believing in these troubled times that schools should present themselves as inclusive and welcoming communities where diversity is celebrated not feared. Many of our students are bilingual, trilingual even quadrilingual and we see this as a real skill to be cherished and a chance to expand our language use and not limit it. As well as offering French, German and Spanish we also offer Mandarin and a whole range of community languages such as Persian, Portuguese, Gujarati, Turkish, Arabic, Polish, Urdu, Bengali, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, modern Greek, modern Hebrew, Panjabi and Russian.

(Previously attended: West Lodge)

Ali was a student with hearing loss who communicated with BSL. He gained commendable A Level results in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics, and went on to graduate with a BSc Honours degree in Biomedical Science from St George’s University and BDS Dentistry at Queen Mary’s University of London in 2016. Ali recalls: “When I first started high school, I realised how challenging it would be for me to communicate and I was very fortunate to have a team of Teachers of the Deaf to support me. Hatch End High made me grow into a sturdy tree and strengthened my backbone in order for me to be independent at university and beyond.”

Shalaka Yerawadekar

(Previously attended: Marlborough)

Shalaka went on to study Mathematics with Economics at University College London after achieving A*A*A in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Economics at A-Level. “The reason that I stayed at Hatch End for seven years is because of the teachers and the support that I received. The teachers all have a passion about their subjects and it makes learning so much more enjoyable, allowing me to apply to some of the best universities in the country. I have always been encouraged to aim higher and work harder at Hatch End and I can’t imagine a better place to have spent the last 7 years. Hatch End is a community which welcomes and cares for everyone.”

Sam Blackmore

(Previously attended: Priestmead)

When Sam first joined us, he struggled with transition to high school but, with the unique and invaluable provision of the Special Education Needs Department (SEND), he went on to settle really well with his grades and progress rapidly improving as he went up the school. He was comprehensively supported by the SEN team, not only in the classroom with one-to-one support, but also during the exam period when he had the use of a laptop and was given extra time, providing him the opportunity to achieve his full potential. Sam became very involved in the life of the school generally and was an active member of the Production Society. Outside of the classroom he emerged as a ‘technical expert’; always on hand to support staff and students alike with IT, lighting, sound and virtually any technical issue. He was fully committed to working on school productions in a range of job roles such as: designing and operating lighting, supporting the cast by setting up a social media blog, and producing our marketing and programme photographs. Sam always brought his wonderful sense of humour to rehearsals. Sam left us in 2017 and went on to study ‘Production Arts’ at a local college with a focus and specialism on Technical and Backstage elements of theatre life.


FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS... Our WE CARE ethos makes it very clear that AMBITION is central to everything we do. Young people experience many different challenges in their lives but we believe that nothing should be accepted as an excuse for low aspiration. Everyone is entitled to the very best. For many years now we have delivered an extensive “Aspirations Programme” which aims to show our young people different opportunities and experiences to what they may have previously considered or have considered but may not have had the confidence to follow. University and Employer visits are central to our provision. We often have dreams but it is turning those dreams into a reality which is the challenge. Since September a new aspirational group has been set up by Mrs Beccan and Mr Williams in order to motivate, enthuse and encourage Year 11 students. The group which is aptly named ‘Dream Forward’, focuses on helping students to look at their attitudes and the opportunities open to them and provides them with the tools in order to set goals in life and achieve them. The group had a visit from two well-educated, professional and highly inspiring young women: Louise Sedze (one of our ex-teachers) is now an online content creator who has worked with various fashion and lifestyle brands and Vicky Sumane, who was a successful Business Studies teacher in London, and now runs her own successful online children’s clothing store. Both spoke to the group about their own experiences in life, both positive and negative, and how these have shaped them into the successful women they are today. They highlighted that education was paramount to their success and that without it their journey may have been very different, making it clear that having a holistic growth mind-set, which is something that we are all constantly working towards, is the key to true achievement. Nicole Dennis left Hatch End High in 2012 (joining from Park High) to follow her first love, Performing Arts. She was an amazing singer, taking the lead of Mabel in FAME, our whole school production that year, and opted to audition directly for roles in the West End. This has now paid off, as she has understudied the lead role in Dream Girls and recently joined the company of WAITRESS, a new musical at the Adelphi theatre. On ITV’s THE VOICE 2019, Nicole had an absolutely awesome outcome and got through to the live semi-finals (at time of publication).


Nicola Wahl

Destination: Birmingham University Subject: Music Left HEHS: July 2013 Previously attended: Marlborough

Destination: Bucks New University Subject: Adult Nursing Left HEHS: July 2012 Previously attended: Weald

Ben left HEHS with A-Level grades A*AA (in History, Music and Mathematics). He went on to graduate with a First Class honours degree in Music from Birmingham University. He returned to Hatch End High School as a teacher of Mathematics before continuing his career as a teacher of Music, which was his absolute passion, but he was also a real all-rounder.

Nicola has gone on to really make her mark in the medical profession.

During his time with us, Ben also found time to be a very influential Head Boy and complete an Extended Project Qualification (A*). Instead of writing an essay for his Extended Project, Ben wrote a musical! Before he left Hatch End, ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ was performed by our inclusive Production Society as the school’s summer show. Ben’s contribution to music in our school was recognised by his award of “Musician of the Year” in 2011.


“I have completed my Nursing Degree and been awarded Educational Excellence for achieving the highest mark in the dissertation. I completed Sixth Form in 2012 and took a 3-year gap to work before heading to Bucks University to study Adult Nursing.

I’d like to thank the school and the Sixth Form especially for everything they did in preparing me for university: it prepared me for academic success and professional working life. I have no doubt that my academic success was down to the staff who encouraged and taught me so much. For example, during my Extended Learning Project, the skills I learnt were invaluable. At the time when I was selected for this class I’d thought it had been a mistake and felt so out of my depth. But somehow, school saw potential in me.”

SMASHING THE GLASS CEILING Bank of America Merrill Lynch Last term, fifteen budding female economists took a trip to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch offices in St Paul’s. The girls gained an insight into investment banking and had the opportunity to ask the volunteers questions about their career paths. They particularly enjoyed the exclusive tour of the trading floor! The event consisted of a short talk given by some female junior analysts on the different jobs that exist at the bank, what it’s like to work there and what the roles of the Chief Financial Officers are. This was followed by a fun trading game session where students had an insight of what happens on the trading floor. Students then had the opportunity to interview a wide range of volunteers from the bank. This was an excellent opportunity for the girls to get a real insight into the world of work generally and the whole range of jobs that exist in a big organisation like Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

HATCH END HIGH MEANS BUSINESS On 31st January, we were delighted to host the inaugural Your Business Community Harrow Business Breakfast. Twenty-five local and regional business people and business owners gathered for this networking event which also included highly relevant presentations on workplace posture from osteopath Alison Judah and the protections and supports available for small businesses from the Your Business Community co-founders Ted Wigzell, Paul Kelly and colleague Mia Flanagan. This exciting event was also supported enthusiastically by Harrow Council and its core purpose was to allow participants the opportunity to network over a buffet breakfast, where members of the business community could explore new opportunities and potential markets. The school is keen to reach out to the business community to better understand the skills and qualities needed for today’s workplace so that we might even better prepare our young people for employment and give them the advantages that commercial insights offer.


Year 10s’ brush with the law!

Chinenye Obiakor

(Previously attended: Roxbourne)

Last September, one of our Year 10 Citizenship classes went to the Royal Courts of Justice to act out a real-life court case. Students were told that the scenario was about a boy (the defendant), who had participated by simply being present in a crime. The victim was later stabbed and robbed by other members of the gang. The boy however, did not participate in the stabbing and robbery but was sentenced to five years in detention. The defendant thought the sentence was too long for his limited involvement and so appealed for this to be reduced. This raised the topical debate about “Joint Enterprise”.

“I am in Year 13 at Hatch End High School and Student President. This means I, along with my Co-President Melisa Karayilan, represent the school in various different ways. For example, Melisa and I were present at a recent Governors’ meeting to share with them students’ ideas on how to improve some aspects of the school, what our general likes and dislikes are and what we would like them to do next. In talking to Governors we found that they were hugely committed people who genuinely took an interest in the students and their well-being. As a direct result of our suggestions in that meeting, dedicated Sixth Form sports sessions are being introduced and I felt that our attendance also better improved our confidence and our ability to carry out an effective presentation. I would urge you as a reader to actively take part in events like this where your voice and the voice of others can be heard.”

Before the trip, their Citizenship teacher had divided their class into three categories: appellant (in favour of the defendant), respondent (challenges the appellant) and judges (decide who has won). Students were given ten minutes to prepare their speeches for the case, and after a long and heated argument, where both sides gave breath-taking speeches, the judges were faced with a tough decision to make. Finally, the result was announced and the respondent team won, which meant that the defendant did not get a shorter sentence and his original sentence of five years remained the same.

Chinenye is applying to study Veterinary Science at university.

Shubhajan Gurung

“All in all, this was an amazing trip! I learnt so much fascinating information, and the fact that I can say I went to a real, traditional court and argued for the defendant, is an achievement in itself.” (Previously attended: Cedars Manor)


CELEBRATING THE PAST - LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Students with ambitions to study degrees at university have a natural home at Hatch End High School. Our excellent team of subject specialists and dedicated pastoral support mean that students consistently successfully navigate the Sixth Form years and take up excellent places at top universities. We have a track record of sending students to Oxford and Cambridge, most recently Yusuf Benkraouche in September 2018 to Cambridge University to read Engineering. On receiving his (A*A*A) A-Level results Yusuf said, “Over my seven years I have received excellent teaching and great support both in lessons and outside”. (Previously attended: West Lodge) Hatch End High has also aided numerous other students to gain admission to elite worldclass universities such as UCL University College London, the LSE London School of Economics and Political Science, Kings College London and the University of Durham. Recently published performance tables from the Department for Education underline the school’s continued success in this field with Hatch End almost twice the national average for students progressing to university and the competitive ‘top third’ universities.

Mr Richards, Assistant Headteacher/Head of Sixth Form celebrating an outstanding set of A Level results Summer 2018

Two students left us to begin Medical degree courses, one was Pavan Marwaha (pictured above) who is studying at the University of Southampton. Upon receiving her A-Level results, Pavan (who previously attended Weald Rise) said: ”I was really happy with my results and the decision to stay on at school for Sixth Form was the best decision I made. I wanted to remain part of the community and receive the support from the teachers to help me reach my goals. The support I had from the school also helped me to manage high levels of competitive swimming as well as getting my grade 6 in violin.

A New Building for Our New Year 7s As pages 2 and 3 indicate, we are always excited to welcome our new Year 7s to Hatch End, and we take great pride in giving them a positive start to their secondary school career. September 2019 is set to be even more thrilling as our new Year 7s will be the first to experience our brand new state-of-the-art building, including 23 classrooms, specialist ICT rooms and our new showcase Learning Resource Centre. Years 7 and 8 will be based as a community in the new building. We are pleased to say the project works are going well and are on course to be completed on time. We have a close working relationship with Kier, the contractors, who have been excellent so far with our school and local communities to ensure a smooth transition into the new building. Our aim is to make the new school site easy to navigate so our students quickly feel at home. The school will become slightly smaller and more exclusive at 210 places per year available, giving students far more outdoor space for sports and extra-curricular activities. For September 2019, we have agreed to help out the Local Authority by offering an extra 15 places for one year only as applications for secondary school places have been significantly higher than usual.


UPCOMING EVENTS Hatch End High School Key Stage 3 and 4 Award Ceremony Thursday, 20th June 2019

KEEPING IN TOUCH @HatchEndHigh @HatchEndHighSchool

Hatch End High School Induction Day for Year 6 Students Wednesday, 3rd July 2019

Hatch End High School Sports Day Wednesday, 17th July 2019

For all our exciting news and partnership working with your schools, please visit the school website here:

@HEHSAlumni At Hatch End High School, we like to share stories of various events and students’ achievements on our social media platforms. We are also regularly featured in the local press for various curriculum and/ or extra-curricular achievements. These good news stories can be viewed bi-weekly in our School Newsletter, which can be viewed on our school website here: newsletters

Getting to us Nearest Overground station •

Headstone Lane (0.3 km)

Nearest London Underground stations Bakerloo Line • Harrow and Wealdstone (2 km) Metropolitan Line • Pinner (2.1 km) • North Harrow (2.3 km)

Other Overground stations nearby • Bushey (5.9 km) • Watford High Street (7.4 km) • Watford Junction (9 km)

Local bus routes Headstone Lane, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 6NR

H14, H18, H12, 182

Telephone: 020 8428 4330 Email:


Our new-build contractor, Kier, have spoken extensively to our students at assemblies to bring them up-to-date with our new building project. They also made them aware of the range of employment opportunities within construction. Computer programmers are a key part of construction now as more and more brick laying is being carried out by robots. The most recent appointment Kier have made is a Social Media Manager, so the range of skills required by the construction sector is broader than we might have otherwise imagined. At Hatch End High School, we encourage students to apply for a wide range of courses, including all types of Degrees and Apprenticeships.

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