Hotel Hassler and Bucher Wirth Family History

Page 46

profonda umanità: non negava mai un aiuto al personale, nemmeno di tipo finanziario, quando ce n’era bisogno. Poco prima di morire, dalla Svizzera dov’era ricoverato, scrisse “agli Impiegati e Lavoratori dell’Albergo Hassler” ringraziandoli per l’interesse dimostrato nei confronti della sua salute e per il lavoro svolto coscienziosamente in sua assenza.

financial help, to his staff when necessary. Just before passing away, from Switzerland, where he was hospitalized, he wrote to “the Employees and the Workers of the Hotel Hassler”, thanking them for the interest they had shown for his health conditions and for the conscientious work they had done in his absence.

Lettera di Oscar Wirth al personale dell’Hotel Hassler Letter from Oscar Wirth to the Staff of the Hotel Hassler


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