Ha-Shilth-Sa Newspaper November 3, 2022

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INTERESTING NEWS Canada’s Oldest First Nations Newspaper - Serving Nuu-chah-nulth-aht since 1974 Canadian Publications Mail Product Vol. 49 - No. 21—November 3, 2022 haas^i>sa Sales Agreement No. 40047776

Photo by Alexandra Mehl

Agnes and Chancellor Jack walk from 10th Ave. and Redford St. towards West Coast General Hospital picking up litter from the sides of the road.

Mother and Son duo bond on their daily walks Daily good deeds - Jacks do their part to keep Port Alberni clean in keeping with new positive a!itudes By Alexandra Mehl Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Port Alberni, BC - The morning began with a downpour of rain, a clear sign that marks the beginning of autumn in the Valley. But, by 1 p.m. the sun broke through the gray clouds making it perfect afternoon for a walk. On Oct. 24 Ha-Shilth-Sa met with mother and son duo, Agnes and Chancellor Jack as they prepared to head out for their daily walk. From 10th Avenue and Redford Street, they planned to walk for roughly an hour towards West Coast General Hospital on one side of the road, and then back toward 10th Avenue on the other side. The whole way they would be picking up litter from the side of the road and talking. The pair go out for a minimum of one hour each day and are well-known across town as they walk together, picking up litter. “We just started picking up garbage, we didn’t even talk about it.” said Jack. They often spent their time together being

active outdoors, said Jack. Since September, their daily walks became something that would allow them to give back to the community. Jack said that she’s lived in Port Alberni for more than 35 years. “Might as well give [people] a better impression [of] our town,” said Jack. “When they’re driving into town it’s gonna be nice and clean,” she added. The two say they often find work gloves, takeout food packaging, cigarette butts, and coffee cups scattered along the roads. They have walked River Road a few times now. When Jack drives down River Road she admires how good it looks without litter. We even notice when new litter is left behind, said Jack. Jack has been through hardships in recent years including the loss of her daughter, and then being hit by a vehicle only weeks afterward. And then there was the misplacement of her daughter’s head stone by the cemetery. Jack also underwent surgery to treat diverticulitis which has been difficult for her to adjust to. Jack said in the hospital she struggled to

Inside this issue... Matching kids in care with war veterans.......................Page 2 Disability benefit passes second reading........................Page 3 Shellfish harvesting closure in effect..............................Page 7 Tseshaht Market holds grand re-opening......................Page 11 Ehattesaht Chinehkint buys consulting firm.................Page 15

cope with the life changes that accompany her surgery. She worried about the care and adjustments she would have to undergo at home. She had dark thoughts, and contemplated suicide. Normally her late-daughter would have helped care for her through recovery. Jack said that she felt very supported by her son through the whole process as she recovers from surgery. “This, here, really helps release a lot of stress,” said Jack. “Walking and talking… is the best kind of medication,” said Jack. Jack had been walking every day for about three years before her surgery. Afterwards, she couldn’t walk, and struggled to sleep. It took about three months before Jack started going for walks again. “My legs felt like sledgehammers,” said Jack. “I didn’t like it, but I kept on going every day.” Because of some of the major changes in her life she has contemplated her purpose and has shifted her attitude, said Jack. “It’s been a real trial. I’ve been chal-

lenged quite a bit and I keep on standing back up on my two feet,” said Jack. “I mean, not only picking up garbage - it’s doing some sort of good deed for someone every single day,” said Jack. “Even if it’s just to put a smile on their face and make a difference for someone because you know, it definitely does for me.” The pair occasionally use the money collected from recycling to treat each other to food. Their walks are something they look forward to and a way to spend quality time together. Jack said that she enjoys their walks because it has helped them open up to one another. Chancellor Jack said that they walk about the same amount every day, and that he looks forward to it. “It’s a lot of fun,” he said. Jack is scheduled for reversal surgery in December. She hopes that the reversal will be successful, and her quality of life improves.

If undeliverable, please return to: Ha-Shilth-Sa P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2

Page 2— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022

Matching kids in care with war veteran relatives Usma brings new meaning to Remembrance Day for Nuu-chah-nulth children in the foster care system By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni, BC – Usma Nuu-chahnulth invited children in care to an event designed to teach the children about Nuuchah-nulth war veterans and the familial connections that exist between them and their war heroes. “Usma is inviting children and youth to share a meal with local veterans and have the opportunity to honour their past and present family members,” said the invitation. The event was held at the Usma office building in Port Alberni on Oct. 21 and started with lunch. Usma staff gathered names and photos of Nuu-chah-nulth veterans and made a display and a Remembrance Day wreath. “The event is a beautiful way to connect our present youth to their ancestors, a way to connect present to past,” said Leisa Hassall, Usma Connections Worker. “This was an opportunity for youth in care to see how they are directly related to each other, coming from the same families,” she added. Usma Nuu-chah-nulth Family & Child Services is a delegated Aboriginal agency. It works to ensure the health and safety of Nuu-chah-nulth children. Part of that work includes building awareness among children in care of their cultural and familial identities. “We wanted to plant a seed for children and caregivers to learn more about the identity of our children, to create curiosity about who they are connected to,” said Hassall. Following lunch and presentations, the children were given gifts. “The children received mugs with the pictures of veterans they are directly related to, in hopes that they will continue learning about their family members and identifying other family members. “The idea was to host the event before Remembrance Day so children can continue learning about their ancestor leading into Remembrance Day and be proud to share with their peers that they are a descendant of a Nuu-chah-nulth hero,” Hassall shared. According to Hassall, the children saw a presentation about their Nuu-chahnulth veteran ancestors then learned how they are related to them. “The glaze in

Photo by Denise Titian

Dave Jacobson, Usma Elder’s Coordinator, poses with a collection of photographs of Nuu-chah-nulth war veterans the children’s eyes and the ear-to-ear smiles as they opened up a special gift from Usma was a moment I will always remember,” said Hassall. The pre-Remembrance Day event was planned and led by Usma’s Prevention Team. The team identified descendants of the veterans by using their Family Tree Data Base. Pictures of veterans were collected from multiple sources. Usma plans to build on this presentation, making it an annual event. The Wall honoring our Nuu-chah-nulth Veterans will stay up in the Usma Cultural space until after Remembrance Day, Hassall shared.

Remembrance Day November 11th 2022

Remembering those who served Michele Babchuk MLA North Island

Josie Osborne MLA Mid Island-Pacific Rim

Michele.Babchuk.MLA@leg.bc.ca Phone: 250-287-5100 or 250-949-9473

josie.osborne.mla@leg.bc.ca Phone: 250-720-4515

In memory of those who gave their lives so that we may live in peace.


November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 3

Canada Disability Benefit passes second reading Critics say, in its current state, Bill C-22 fails to meet needs of those living with disabilities By Karly Blats Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Canada – A bill to re-introduce the Canada Disability Benefit Act has passed second reading and will now go to NDP Critic for Infrastructure and Communities; Disability Inclusion and the Deputy Health Critic.. Bill C-22, that passed second reading unanimously in the House of Commons on Oct. 18, is aimed to reduce poverty and to support the financial security of persons with disabilities by establishing the Canada Disability Benefit and making a consequential amendment to the Income Tax Act. NDP critic for Disability Inclusion Bonita Zarrillo launched a campaign to re-table the benefit and put possible legislation into motion earlier this year. The bill at present is vague and, according to Courtenay-Alberni MP Gord Johns, inadequate in it’s current state. It is not yet clear who exactly would be eligible for the benefit or what financial supports would be included. “It’s pretty empty. It fails to really provide any details like who will get the benefit, how much the benefit will be or how much longer will people with disabilities need to suffer in poverty,” Johns said. “The liberals have been promising this for seven years that they were going to tackle this issue and they’re delayed; it’s really just hurting people with disabilities who are really struggling to make ends meet. Inflation, interest rates, cost of living is having a huge impact so without [the NDP’s] pressure this bill wouldn’t be moving forward.” According to Statistics Canada, in 2017, one in five (22 per cent) of the Canadian population aged 15 years and over – or about 6.2 million individuals – had one or more disabilities. Among those with disabilities aged 15 to 64 years, lone parents and those living alone were the most likely to be living in poverty among any type of household living arrangements. According to the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society, the Indigenous population of Canada experience a disability rate higher than the general population, at approximately 30 to 35 per cent. Johns said the bill does recognize persons with disabilities are more likely to live in poverty because of economic and social obligations, which he said is much higher among Indigenous peoples that are living with disabilities.

Photos submitted by Ryan Chaput

In the House of Commons last month, Gord Johns, Courtenay-Alberni MP says the disability commuity has been clear, they need help.

“It’s pretty empty. It fails to really provide any details like who will get the benefit, how much the benefit will be or how much longer will people with disabilities need to suffer in poverty” ~ Gord Johns, Courtenay-Alberni MP “We’re being hit with an over 40-year high in food costs and people who are living with disabilities are being most impacted, they’re falling further and further behind,” Johns said. “The disability community has been clear, they need help now, not in three years.” The Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities will meet Oct. 31 to review Bill-22.

Page 4— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022 Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper is published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for distribution to the members of the NTC-member First Nations, as well as other interested groups and individuals. Information and original work contained in this newspaper is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2. Telephone: (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Web page: www.hashilthsa.com facebook: Hashilthsa Ntc

2022 Subscription rates: $35 per year in Canada and $40 per year in the U.S.A. and $45 per year in foreign countries. Payable to the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council. Manager/Editor/Reporter Eric Plummer (Ext. 243) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 eric.plummer@nuuchahnulth.org Reporter Denise Titian (Ext. 240) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 denise.titian@nuuchahnulth.org Reporter Alexandra Mehl (Ext. 286) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 alexandra.mehl@nuuchahnulth.org

Audio / Video Technician Mike Watts (Ext. 238) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 mike.watts@nuuchahnulth.org Editorial Assistant Holly Stocking (Ext. 302) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 holly.stocking@nuuchahnulth.org

DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for submissions for our next issue is November 10, 2022 After that date, material submitted and judged appropriate cannot be guaranteed placement but, if material is still relevant, will be included in the following issue. In an ideal world, submissions would be typed rather than hand-written. Articles can be sent by e-mail to holly.stocking@nuuchahnulth.org (Windows PC). Submitted pictures must include a brief description of subject(s) and a return address. Pictures with no return address will remain on file. Allow two - four weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed photographs cannot be accepted.

LETTERS and KLECOS Ha-Shilth-Sa will include letters received from its readers. Letters MUST be signed by the writer and have the writer’s full name, address and phone number on them. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chah-nulth individuals or groups. All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will not necessarily coincide with the views or policies of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council or its member First Nations. Ha-Shilth-Sa includes paid advertising, but this does not imply Ha-Shilth-Sa or Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council recommends or endorses the content of the ads.

Matilda Atleo leaves NTC after 20 years of working in health promotion After a career of helping others in health care Atleo moves on to end of life care By: Alexandra Mehl Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Port Alberni, BC – In March of 2002 Matilda Atleo began her journey with Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) in the nursing department. Prior to that, Atleo was working as a caterer after going to culinary school. At the time she catered to the nursing department at the NTC and sought out a volunteer position there. Atleo endearingly shares, “I kept bugging her,” asking Jeannette Watts, Manager of Nursing Services at NTC, if she could volunteer. Atleo started out doing data input which would begin 20 years of work dedicated to the health of Nuu-chah-nulth communities. Atleo’s journey was inspired by her late-husband, George Watts, one of the founding members of the NTC. She shared with Ha-Shilth-Sa that she remembered when her late-husband took her to the old building and said, “We’re going to tear this building down, and we’re gonna build an NTC office here.” In Atleo’s role as community health promotion worker she worked passionately to provide Nuu-chah-nulth nations with the health services, resources, and education they needed. Atleo’s health education duties ranged from heart health to kidney health, to women and men’s health, to diabetes, and overall healthy living. She also had a major role in organizing health fairs. Atleo said that her favorite part of her role at NTC was meeting people, and then witnessing the impact and appreciation of the health services that were being provided. “I always tried to do the best I could. And I was so compassionate about people and wanted to help people,” said Atleo. Atleo’s work was felt deeply at the NTC nursing department. Her knowledge of and connections with the communities informed the department of the various services that were needed from community to community. “She wanted to do whatever she could

Photo from Ha-Shilth-Sa archives

Matilda Atleo with one of her colorful traditional food and nutrition display boards. that would strengthen links between willing to answer questions to help in the people,” said Watts. “And that would department. increase capacity in the communities to “She is one of the most genuine people work towards… improved health.” I’ve ever met,” said Skelhorne. “She is dedicated and loyal to whatever Gislason considers Atleo a friend and the nation’s needs are,” said Watts. mentor and said that she is very missed. According to Watts, Atleo was instruAfter 20 years of work at NTC, Atleo is mental in bringing in a mobile mamnow embarking on a new chapter. “First mogram clinic, development of personal I’d probably say I’m very grateful for the wellness plans, cooking lessons, diabetes opportunity to work there and to be able care and prevention. Atleo promoted first to do the work I did,” said Atleo. nations perspectives on holistic health Atleo recently completed Indigenous and wellness, including social, mental, End of Life Guide with the First Nations spiritual, emotional, and physical health, Health Authority and became a member said Watts. of the Alberni Valley Hospice Board. Atleo also provided mentorship for othAtleo said that she will continue to coners within the NTC nursing department nect with Nuu-chah-nulth communities in with her knowledge of Nuu-chah-nulth regard to at-home hospice and palliative language and culture. care. “She was kind of the cultural mentor “I always say, there’s always more work for me,” said Catherine Gislason, clinical to be done,” said Atleo. nurse leader. Debra Skelhorne, clinical services assistant, said that Atleo was someone who is very knowledgeable, and was always

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COVERAGE: Although we would like to be able to cover all stories and events, we will only do so subject to: - Sufficient advance notice addressed specifically to Ha-Shilth-Sa. - Reporter availability at the time of the event. - Editorial space available in the paper. - Editorial deadlines being adhered to by contributors.

Ha-Shilth-Sa belongs to every Nuu-chah-nulth person including those who have passed on, and those who are not yet born. A community newspaper cannot exist without community involvement. If you have any great pictures you’ve taken, stories or poems you’ve written, or artwork you have done, please let us know so we can include it in your newspaper. E-mail holly.stocking@nuuchahnulth.org. This year is Ha-Shilth-Sa’s 48th year of serving the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. We look forward to your continued input and support. Kleco! Kleco!

The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error is due to the negligence of the servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisements

November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 5

Two Nuu-chah-nulth nations closer to final treaty Ditidaht and Pacheedaht optimistic that final treaty is near - both enjoy land transfers ahead of signed treaty By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Vancouver Island, BC – Two Nuu-chahnulth nations are in Stage Five of the six stage treaty process as the BC Treaty Commission celebrates its 30th anniversary. Both Pacheedaht and Ditidaht entered into the treaty process in 1996 with other Nuu-chah-nulth Nations. Over the years they left the main table and entered negotiations together with the federal and provincial governments. Today, they are each negotiating treaties on their own. Robert Joseph, Ditidaht’s technical negotiator said, “we’re moving along pretty good now, in general terms.” The nation is making some headway in joint decision-making models with the province and the feds. “They’re no longer telling us it can’t be done,” he added. Kristine Pearson said Pacheedaht First Nation is in a similar position as they negotiate their final agreement. They are working on co-management models for nontreaty settlement lands and for their portion of Pacific Rim National Park, which runs through the territories of several Nuu-chah-nulth nations. Ditidaht negotiators have made progress in securing lands around Nitinaht Lake for the nation, including lands previously set aside for national parks. According to Joseph, Ditidaht has seen benefits through the incremental treaty model, allowing them access to lands, which they logged and bought fee simple land around the shores of Nitinaht Lake with the proceeds. Similarly, Pacheedaht has gained land

Photo by Denise Titian

Robert Joseph of Ditidaht and Chief Jeff Jones of Pacheedaht at the signing of their Treaty AIP. through their ITA (Incremental Treaty both the Province and First Nations. TreaAgreement). Signed in 2013, the ITA alties provide a cooperative way to resolve lowed for the transfer of land to Pacheed- issues and help avoid future conflict in aht, with more coming at the signing of the courts. the final agreement. Treaties should also address economic According to the provincial government, and social injustices by providing First modern day treaties are necessary in Nations with the authority to manage order to meet legal obligations to clearly their own affairs and become less dependefine the rights and responsibilities of dent on government support; and bring

certainty to land and resource rights. There are eight constitutionally entrenched modern treaties in British Columbia, including Nisga’a and Maanulth First Nations. The Maa-nulth Final Agreement came into effect on April 1, 2011. It was negotiated between Canada, British Columbia and the Huu-ay-aht, Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’, Toquaht, Uchucklesaht and Yuułuʔiłʔath First Nations under the BC treaty process. Progress is being made with nine nations working on Agreements in Principal and an additional eleven nations working on Memorandums of Understanding, treaty revitalization agreements or other negotiation revitalization agreements. According to the BCTC, there are currently 31 actively negotiating First Nations representing 62 Indian Act bands in the BC treaty negotiations process. On Sept. 21, 2022, the BC Treaty Commission marked the 30th year since its inception. On Oct. 19, 2022, the BCTC released its 2022 Annual Report at the First Nations Summit Meeting in Musqueam. Joseph estimates it could take two to three years for Ditidaht First Nation to reach a final agreement, allowing them to move on to stage six, implementation of the final treaty. While Pearson is optimistic that Pacheedaht will reach a final agreement, she declined to provide an estimate of when that could be. “There is always hope,” she said, noting that in this day of reconciliation, both governments have been very motivated to get it done.

Tseshaht seeks compensation for stretch of highway By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni, BC – Highway 4, the east/west connector between Qualicum Beach and Tofino, has been growing and improving over the years, allowing more than 1 million visitors access to the Pacific Coast according to VancouverIsland.com – and it cuts straight through Tseshaht’s Indian Reserve #1. They say they were never consulted about the road, nor have they ever received compensation for land taken away from their main residential reserve to build the road. On October 27, 2022, Tseshaht First Nation issued a statement. “ c̓išaaʔatḥ (Tseshaht) First Nation has recently submitted a Specific Claim with the Government of Canada seeking compensation for the unlawful and unauthorized use of land within the Nation’s Tsahaheh IR 1 (main or principal community lands) for the provincial Pacific Rim Highway 4, which leads to Tofino.” They went on to say that Tseshaht has always opposed the construction or operation of Highway 4 and has never been compensated for the use of its land. Elected Chief Ken Watts (Wahmeesh) states that as far back as 1889 Tseshaht leaders wrote letters to the government of Canada stating their opposition to roadways cutting through their reserve. “Despite this, Canada did not take any steps to protect our interests, as they were legally required to do. As a result, the Province of British Columbia proceeded to build the highway, taking our land without our consent,” Watts stated. The section of highway alienated from Tseshaht’s IR1 amounts to 3.3 km

of roadway, shoulders, and ditches. It extends from the Orange Bridge, which crosses the Somass River at the Tseshaht Administration Building, to the Tsahaheh branch of BMO. Tseshaht say their people have always voiced their concerns about the impacts the heavily travelled highway has on their people and their territory. “Through increased pollution, garbage waste transportation and vehicle accidents that disproportionately impact Tseshaht members,” they stated. There have been many accidents on the road. Just last week a Tseshaht girl was struck by a vehicle as she crossed the highway at a marked crosswalk near the Orange Bridge. The girl is okay. Former Tseshaht elected Chief Hugh Braker recalls a time about 40 years ago when one of their members, Darlene Watts, called Hupacasath Ha’wilth Hugh Watts to join in a protest of the highway. According to Watts, they set up their lawn chairs on the highway and blocked traffic. The protest, said Braker, slowed the traffic to one lane and the police eventually arrived, telling the pair to move off the road. According Braker, Darlene Watts responded, “Why the hell should we move? It’s our land!” The western end of Highway 4 to Tofino is relatively new, opening as an industrial logging road in 1959. But the road cutting through Tseshaht territory has been in existence since the late 1800s as settlers went through to get to their lakeside homesteads or workers headed to the logging camps. The eastern end of Highway 4, from Qualicum Beach to Port Alberni, was

Photo submitted by Tseshat First Nation

Traffic accidents are common through the Tseshaht portion of highway 4. built in 1942 and was originally called Highway 1A. It was re-designated Highway 4 in 1953. In 1959, a rough logging road was pushed through Sutton Pass, connecting Port Alberni to Tofino and Ucluelet in the west. It was paved in 1972, opening the door to ever-growing numbers of tourists traveling to the west coast. In a move toward reconciliation with Canada’s First Nations, the federal government introduced the specific claims process that aims to address a long history of colonialism and the scars it has left by righting past wrongs. Tseshaht filed their Specific Claim in late October 2022. According to Braker, the government can take up to six months to review the claim. If it meets criteria, they have three years to negotiate the claim.

If negotiations go ahead, Watts anticipates that a value will be placed on the Tseshaht land taken up by the highway. He said Tseshaht would agree to hear expert opinions on current market value of the land and maybe compensation for extracted resources, like trees, harvested from the land when the road was being built. “We encourage Canada to expedite its review and acceptance of this Claim so that we can get on with the work of righting this historic wrong,” said Wahmeesh (Ken Watts). “Meanwhile, our Nation is open to a separate conversation with the Province of B.C. about its role in the future of this roadway on Tseshaht land to better protect our people now and in the future and keep them safe from the damage it continues to cause,” he added.

Page 6— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022

Proposed Marine Park brought to Council of Ha’wiih After years of negotiation Coastal First Nations and DFO come to an agreement of principle over MPA By Alexandra Mehl Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Coastal British Columbia – Off the west coast of Vancouver Island is an area spanning 133, 019 square kilometers identified as the Offshore Pacific Area of Interest, also known as Tang. ɢwan-ḥačxʷiqak-Tsig̱is. Within Tang. ɢwan-ḥačxʷiqak-Tsig̱is there are deep sea hydrothermal vents and seamounts surrounded by vibrant coastal ecosystems. After years of negotiation, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Haida Nation, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, Pacheedaht First Nation and Quatsino First Nation came to an agreement of principle on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the proposed marine protected area (MPA). They are now taking the MOU to their respective leadership for approval. The MOU is being shared with the Council of Ha’wiih, for consideration of approval. “We were interested, because we really want to make sure that our fishing territories are managed and protected,” said Judith Sayers, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) president. “We saw it as an opportunity to do that [and] to take part in environmental protection.” Sayers said that with this MOU the hope is that the nations and DFO can create a co-management arrangement that represents Haida Nation, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, Pacheedaht First Nation, Quatsino First Nation, and the DFO. “We have never been able to do that with DFO to date,” said Sayers. Sayers said that the parties met for

Photo by Melody Charlie

Judith Sayers said, we’ve inserted as strong language as possible, to ensure that we have a say over that area. negotiations numerous times, completthey were unable to achieve a dispute ing a large number of MOU drafts. “This resolution clause. was a long difficult negotiation that, had “We’ve inserted as strong language as the Department of Fisheries and Oceans possible, to ensure that we have a say been more open, it would have been a lot over that area,” said Sayers. easier,” said Sayers. Sayers said that the agreement doesn’t Sayers said she believes the DFO was necessarily qualify as co-governance more cooperative toward the end of because Nuu-chah-nulth does not have negotiations because they have a strong final say, however, she shares, they have desire to have this area become an MPA, “cooperation and collaboration,” making and the nations were not willing to budge a system where they can work together to on certain things. protect and regulate the area. “It is always a compromise on agreeSayers said that the proposed Marine ments,” said Sayers. “We both got Protected area does not impact Nuu-chahenough out of it that we said ‘yes’ to this nulth rights to use the sea territory. “Our draft agreement.” right to use this territory, you know, the The negotiating team was not able to sea territory remains intact, nothing can achieve all of their goals. Sayers shared change that,” said Sayers.

Looking for...... Usma Nuu-chah-nulth Family and Child Services are looking for individual/s or families who are interested in caregiving for teens with high-risk behaviors. The Caregiver(s) would provide 24-hour care in a culturally safe and suppor•ve environment, responding effec•vely to challenging behaviours. Compensa•on would be built around the specific needs of the youth and the Caregiver, and could include both direct services and financial support to allow Caregivers to meet the needs of the youth. For more informa•on, please call Joni or Julia at 250-724-3232.

In an email to Ha-Shilth-Sa, DFO writes, “Fisheries and Oceans Canada recognizes that this as an opportunity to advance our partnership with First Nations by working together to conserve and protect this unique ecosystem.” “The MOU would establish a management board with membership from First Nations and DFO to collaboratively manage the proposed MPA,” it reads. Danielle Burrows, protected area planner with Uu-a-thluk, was also a part of the negotiating team as a support. Burrows said that it was a priority the Nations had with the MOU had an Indigenous lens. “They always approach things with sort of a siloed, colonial set of attitudes towards reconciliation,” said Burrows. “And our perspective…was sort of to inform the MOU with culture and the language and trying to incorporate UNDRIP, and just hold Canada accountable.” Most recently, the negotiating team brought two requests to the Council of Ha’wiih. One was for a decision on the MOU, and the other to support dual designation of the area which would be under the authority of Council of Ha’wiih and hold a Nuu-chah-nulth name, said Burrows. The dual designation of the area would allow the nations to take cultural authority, heighten their responsibility, and is a way to recognized First Nation governance, said Burrows. There is still a more of a process before this area can be declared a Marine Protected Area, said Sayers.

November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 7

Shellfish closures in effect in all coastal BC areas Heavy rains after long drought pose contamination risk to all bi valves - harvesting closed until further notice By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Coastal Vancouver Island, BC – Fisheries and Oceans Canada is warning the public not to harvest for clams, cockles, and other bivalves currently near Barkley Sound due to health and safety risks arising from intense rain in the area after an extended period of drought. The announcement was made Oct. 27, 2022 and covers almost all of coastal British Columbia, including Clayoquot Sound, Kyuquot Sound and Nootka Sound in Nuu-chah-nulth territories, according to a Fisheries and Oceans Canada map. Shellfish feed by filtering microscopic particles, such as algae, from the water. Some types of algae can remain in the shellfish and cause harmful effects to humans if they are consumed. Coastal British Columbia is seeing heavy rain after a hot, dry summer. When this happens, contaminants on land will run off into the water. Fisheries and Oceans Canada say that an affected shellfish area must be closed immediately to all harvesting. The area remains closed until the effects of the rainfall have disappeared. At that point, it is assumed that shellfish are again safe for human consumption. Eating contaminated bivalve shellfish can be harmful or even fatal. Clams, oysters, scallops and mussels can be contaminated by toxins, bacteria or chemicals in surrounding waters. Before harvesting bivalve shellfish, ensure that the area you plan to use is open and approved for harvesting. Anyone who may have harvested shellfish from affected areas should not consume them. Cooking will not destroy the toxins associated with paralytic shell-

Map from Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pacific Region, shows areas marked in red are closed to shellfish harvesting due to toxicity danger after heavy rainfall following a long, dry summer on Coastal British Columbia. fish poisoning or botulism. Contaminated shellfish do not necessarily smell, taste or look different than uncontaminated shellfish, and cooking shellfish does not destroy all biotoxins. The symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning include: tingling; numbness, spreading from lips and mouth to face, neck and extremities; dizziness; arm and leg weakness; paralysis; respiratory failure; and possibly death. Symptoms start quickly, within 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Snotty Nose Rez Kids Workshop + Performance

When: Thursday, November 17, 2022 Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Branch: All Venue: Virtual Zoom Webinar Audience: Adults, Teens Calling all teens and youth under 30! We’re hosting Indigenous rap artists SNRK for an up close and personal songwriting and music production workshop and pre-recorded performance via Zoom! It’s gonna be an epic super exclusive experience. Snotty Nose Rez Kids are a First Nations hip hop duo composed of Haisla rappers Darren “Young D” Metz and Quinton “Yung Trybez” Nyce. They are originally from Kitamaat Village, British Columbia, and currently based in Vancouver. Space is limited so please register below. We ask that you have a valid library card. To obtain one please sign-up online or visit your local branch with a piece of photo ID and something with your address on it. Email cc@virl.bc.ca with your questions for SNRK and we’ll try to have them answered during the event.

Anyone who feels ill after eating bivalve shellfish should immediately seek medical attention. Conservation and Protection fishery officers will increase patrols in the area to ensure that the public is aware of this closure and are not harvesting due to the high level of health and safety risks. The closure of the affected areas is in effect now and will remain in place for a minimum of 7 days after rainfall ceases with acceptable water and shellstock veri-

fication sampling, or for 21 days without sampling. A fishery notice will be issued once the ban is lifted. Harvesters are advised to check with Fisheries and Oceans Canada for contamination closures in their area. Closures for the Pacific Region can be found on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada website here: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fmgp/shellfish-mollusques/contamination/ index-eng.html#contamination

Page 8— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022

Halloween fun at the Port Alberni Friendship Center Halloween festivities at the PAFC made a comeback after two years of pandemic gathering restrictions Photos by Denise Titian

The Port Alberni Friendship Center held its first Halloween party since 2019. The popular annual event was curtailed due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. With very little prep time and virtually no advertising, the party still drew little goblins, vampires, superheroes and princesses for a spooktacular gathering. Children and their parents began arriving in costume at 5:00 and were offered hotdogs, treats and cotton candy. They played and danced amongst the orange and black balloons and later took part in costume contests. Organizers were pleased with the turnout despite short notice. Over at the Huu-ay-aht Administration building in Port Alberni, visitors were greeted by 70’s flower child Bev Jack at the reception desk. Earlier that day they welcomed groups of children in costume from a nearby school who came to show off their disguises and get an early start to their trick-ortreating.

November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 9

Maquinna Park/Hot Springs Cove reopens to public Two kilometers of decaying boardwalk was rebuilt through the rainforest to the world famous hot springs By Konnar Oliver Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Hot Springs Cove, BC – Maquinna Marine Provincial Park, also known as Hot Springs Cove, has reopened to the public after more than two years of closure. The park, which is located northwest of Tofino, was closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Not all was lost over the two years, however. BC Parks teamed up with Ahoushaht’s Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society (MHSS) to provide $1 million in infrastructure upgrades, most notably with a new cedar boardwalk trail. “The Ahousaht have been pleased to be working collaboratively with BC Parks on efforts to re-open and manage the Maquinna Marine Provincial Park and are working together to develop a new visitor use management plan for the park that carefully considers ecological values, Indigenous cultural values and uses, visitor experiences, facilities, and infrastructure. MHSS and BC Parks are also working together to re-name the Park, out of respect for the Ahousaht hereditary Chiefs,” says the Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society in a release. The release also mentions that the Ahousaht have been marginalized from the Clayoquot Sound economy historically, and that this project has helped them “to assert control over their lands to provide economic benefits, environmental and cultural protections to the Ahousaht people.” The upgrades came as part of a $5 million investment from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy announced in 2021. “Investing in provincial parks also protects sensitive ecosystems, supports our climate change goals and makes parks more accessible for everyone to enjoy,” said Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strat-

Photo from Ha-Shilth-Sa Archives

A new cedar boardwalk trail meanders through old-growth forest for 2 kilometres to the hot springs. egy George Heymen in a press release from the project’s announcement. “Getting outside is more important than ever, and our government is committed to expanding parks so that all British Columbians can enjoy the beautiful natural landscape of our province,” added Parliamentary Secretary for Environment Kelly Greene. Maquinna Marine Provincial Park was one of 24 parks to be upgraded, and one of four parks on the Vancouver Island, along with MacMillan Provincial Park, Loveland Bay Provincial Park, and Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park. “Keeping parks accessible and sustain-

ably supported will create a more welcoming parks system, building healthy communities and future nature stewards,” said Annita McPhee, executive director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, B.C. chapter. The park, which is accessible by boat, will be open from dusk till dawn for those using private vessels. As part of the reopening, a new voluntary stewardship fee has been announced by the Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society in partnership with Ahousaht First Nation.

per person, per visit in addition to the $15 per person, per day Hahoulthee access fee,” says Tourism Tofino in a press release announcing the park’s reopening. The Ahousaht Stewardship Fee includes a $3 per person charge by BC Parks, which is mandatory. Camping and fires are prohibited within the park, as is bringing in any alcoholic beverages, glass, or pets. A private campground is adjacent to the park, which is operated by the Hesquiaht Nation. The Hesquiaht Nation declined to comment on the parks reopening.

“Individuals are encouraged to pay a voluntary Ahousaht Stewardship Fee of $15

Local high school launches new journalism class By Konnar Oliver Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Port Alberni, BC – When their “ABC News” class shut down at the end of last year, Alberni District Secondary School (ADSS) principal Rob Souther saw a problem. The school was having difficulty getting information to students on a regular basis, and that was causing a growing hole in school unity and community. Souther approached teacher Rajan Gill to see if there was anything they could do to fix the communication problem in a way that involved the students. And thus, a new journalism course at the school was born. “Our class is small right now as it is the first time the course is running, but hopefully we’ve shown students what is available to them for next year,” says Gill. Students in the class maintain social media platforms and curate posts on them, communicating school news to the wider community. But the class isn’t just for social media, explains Gill. “This is half of what we do. For the other portion of the class, students have been investigating what good journalism looks like, different formats

for reporting, and understanding the complexities of news media and social media,” Gill said. “Students have had the opportunity to write on local events, such as the All-Candidates Meeting hosted by the Social Justice 12 class earlier this month,” he added. The class operates as an elective for grade 12 students at ADSS to take in place of English 12. Gill says that one of the big goals with the course is to show students what they are capable of writing with their unique voices. “My goal with the class is to eventually have students engage with the community and independently discover stories and articles to write. But one of the main goals that Mr. Souther and I agreed on, is that this class would be a vehicle for students to create meaningful and realworld pieces of writing.” The class currently operates on Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok as @ADSSPress.

Photo by Denise Titian

Alberni District Scondary School offers students a multi-platform journalism classe.

Page 10— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022

Ahousaht woman launches charcuterie business A fun side-gig turns into blossoming business as Owl Aboard Charcuterie gains social media popularity By James Paracy Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Burnaby, BC – Victoria Redhead is an extremely busy woman. She works full time at a dentist’s office and spends the remainder of her time crafting elegant food spreads to be enjoyed at events and functions. Although it’s a fairly time-consuming task, putting together a charcuterie board is an art form. There isn’t a ‘cookie cutter’ style to an Owl Aboard spread either, some trays and boards have to be crafted with partially or fully vegan friendly options, which isn’t too easy with a board traditionally filled with meat and cheese. Redhead is always up to the task though, offering to craft her boards to people’s needs for recent events like Indigenous Fashion Week or a night at UBC Longhouse. Mary Holmes, a frequent customer and long-time family friend of Redhead’s says one of her Owl Aboard charcuterie boards was a highlight at a Musqueam ceremony not too long ago. “Owl Aboard was kind of the vehicle and as Musqueam artist, Thelma Stogan said, whenever we gather, we always put food on the table, whenever we do work, we always make sure there’s something lovely to eat,” Holmes explained. “Victoria’s food was just so immaculate and beautiful. It made the work so peaceful and loving and caring like it was supposed to be.” As more and more events come together finished with Owl Aboard charcuterie boards sending people home happy with full bellies, it is important to look at where and why she started making them in the first place. “It all started as fluke,” said Redhead with a laugh. “I had just been making charcuterie boards for my family and stuff and then one day I put it on Facebook. Right away I had a bunch of people messaging asking where I ordered it from, and it just took off from there.” The instant demand for great food and presentation was apparent, with friends and family recommending early on that Redhead begin building her charcuterie business. It wasn’t long before Owl Aboard was born, according to Redhead it’s been about a year since she opened up for business. Aside from events, her

Photos submitted by Victoria Redhead

In her spare time Victoria Redhead makes stunning food displays in memory of her grandmother, Peggy August. orders are often built for gifts, road trips and family functions while accommodating for all kinds of tastes and styles. Being based in Burnaby, Redhead says she has an array of options to source meat, cheese and produce locally for her product as well. Owl Aboard wouldn’t have been possible without family however, Redhead says her mother bought her the meat slicer she uses to this day, and a major source of her inspiration came from her grandmother Peggy August, right down to her business name. “She was born and raised in Ahousaht and she loved owls, these owls were all over her house,” said Redhead. “So, when she passed away, my sisters and my mom and I all took all her figurines and paintings of her owls and now our whole houses are full of owls because of my grandma’s collection.” When it came time to come up with a business name, all the cheesy charcuterie puns in the world couldn’t compete with the chance to honor her grandmother. Redhead says the Owl Aboard logo itself is actually the same design as a tattoo she previously got done in memory of her grandmother. Mary Holmes says Owl Aboard is the

Victoria Redhead perfect way to continue Redhead’s grandmother’s tradition and legacy. Between the owls and the adoration for enjoying good food together, it’d be right up her alley. Victoria’s grandma, Peggy August was a big proponent and star in terms of understanding food but doing it beautifully and immaculately and with lots and lots of love,” explained Holmes. Redhead’s Owl Aboard work brought

her over to Vancouver Island for a workshop just a few weeks ago. She was asked to put together a team building class, teaching ten people about some of the finer points involved in making charcuterie boards. People in the workshop learned how to make tasty roses out of things like cucumber and salami, and where on a board to place the more decorative pieces in order to give it the right design. Redhead says everyone involved was very willing to learn, one woman was even creating little trees before the workshop started. “It was really good. Everybody’s just so creative. I even kept telling them charcuterie is just limitless. You can pretty much make charcuterie out of anything nowadays,” she added. Through her Owl Aboard Instagram and Facebook pages, Victoria Redhead has shared a lot of her creations and received positive feedback. With one woman even requesting she build and ship a charcuterie board all the way to Ontario. For now, Redhead says she’d like to keep things local around her home base in Burnaby, but the goal eventually is to own and operate a full Owl Aboard storefront and really have her creations on display.

Phrase of the week: K~iny`aap %aaq+in kanay`ik It means ‘Foraging for mushrooms’ pronounced ‘Kin-yop aak-tlin ka-na-yik’ Supplied by Wishkey Dennis.

Illustration by Ivy Cargill-Martin

November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 11

Photo by Alexandra Mehl

Tseshaht Market and Federated Co-operatives Limited hold ribbon-cutting ceremony at Tseshaht Market’s grand re-opening to celebrate partnership with Western Nations.

Tseshaht Market celebrates new partnership On Oct. 29 Tseshaht Market held its grand re-opening in partnership with Western Nations By Alexandra Mehl Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Port Alberni, BC – After closing the gas pumps for upgrades on Sept. 12, Tseshaht Market celebrated their grand re-opening in partnership with Western Nations as their new fuel supplier, on Saturday, Oct. 29. With their previous contract coming to a close, Tseshaht Market found Western Nations, supplied by Federation Co-operatives Limited, to be a brand well aligned with their values and aspirations.

Richard Watts, member of the board of directors for Tseshaht Market, said that common aspirations between Federation Co-operatives Ltd. and First Nations is their focus on community. “To me, Co-op was a natural fit for First Nations people because we’re always all for one, one for all.” Western Nations, supplied by Federation Co-operatives Limited, is a program for local and Indigenous owned gas bars. The program supplies and supports Indigenous communities and have community as a centered value offering community-

building and assistance programs. They also offer operational support, are a trusted brand, and are a local supplier. Dave Heinrichs, General Manager of Alberni District Co-op, said that they are looking forward to building community. “We’re extremely happy to work with somebody local,” said Heinrichs. Tseshaht Market first opened in 1979, as a much smaller rendition, with two gas pumps. Later that year it was destroyed in a fire and was rebuilt, opening again in 1981. Since then, the gas bar underwent a period of construction and expansion in

2000. The market offers a range of services from fuel to firewood, ice cream, takeout food, and fresh produce among some. Dennis Bill, Tseshaht Market Chair, said he likes the new look of the gas bar, and hopes that combined with the pay at the pump service, they will bring in more customers. “We’re both community minded businesses,” said Bill. “We support the local community; we support local events and community events.”


Page 12— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022 Non-Insured Health Benefits - NIHB Coverage – Travelling Out Side Of Country


General Principles 1.

Prior approval is required.

2. The client must: a. Be eligible for the NIHB Program; and b. Be currently enrolled or eligible to be enrolled in a provincial or territorial health insurance plan and continue to meet residency requirements for provincial/territorial health coverage. 3. For Transportation to Medical Services: For transportation to medical services outside of the country the client must be referred for provincially/territorially insured medical services by a provincial or territorial health care plan for treatment Shaganappi Plaza: wage change for Building Maintenance and Superintendent Windspeaker.com http://www.windspeaker.com/news/sweetgrass-news/building-maintenanceand-superintendent/ ammsa.com http://www.ammsa.com/content/careers/shaganappi-plaza-ltd-calgary outside of Canada. 4. For Supplemental Health Insurance Premiums: Full-time students enrolled in a post-secondary institution to study outside of Canada must provide a letter of confirmation that tuition, which is not an eligible benefit under the NIHB Program, has been paid. What is covered? For Supplemental Health Insurance Premiums: The cost of privately acquired health insurance premiums for approved students or migrant workers and their legal dependents will be reimbursed. For Transportation to Medical Services: Transportation benefits when eligible clients are medically referred and approved for treatment outside of Canada by a provincial or territorial health care plan. For further information on coverage outside of Country you are encouraged to call First Nations & Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), Vancouver BC toll free @ 1-800-317-7878 What You Should Know- “Before” Leaving British Columbia If you are leaving the province, you should be aware that your coverage may not pay all health care costs. Health services provided outside Canada often cost more than the amount paid by the Ministry of Health Services. Sometimes the difference is substantial; for example, the amount we pay for emergency inpatient hospital care will not exceed $75 (Canadian) a day for United States of exceeds $1,000 (US) per day and can be as high as $10,000 a day for intensive care. In addition, some items/services that may be a benefit in BC are not covered outside the province; for example, prescription drugs and optometric services. Further, the Ministry does not subsidize fees charged for ambulance service obtained outside BC. We advise you to buy additional health insurance to supplement your basic coverage before you leave the province, regardless of whether you’ll be in another part of Canada or outside the country – even if your company or travel agency can advise you about extra coverage to pay for any difference in fees and to provide benefits not covered by the Ministry. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you must mention this when purchasing additional insurance as most policies will not cover treatment of that condition outside the province. In some cases you may purchase an insurance policy where the insurance company has a signed agreement with the Ministry. This permits the company to pay physician and hospital claims and receive reimbursement on your behalf thus eliminating the need for you to handle your own claims. NOTE: Ambulance – If you require ambulance service while in another province or outside Canada, you will need to obtain service from an ambulance company in that jurisdiction and will be charged the fee established by the-out-of-province service provider. Fees range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. When purchasing additional out-of-province health insurance you are advised to obtain insurance that will cover emergency transportation while you are away and, if necessary the cost of transportation back to BC. MSP Contact @ 1-250-386-7171 or fax 1-250-952-3427 – In case the number s have changed the web site is: www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/msp

Registering The Birth Of Your Newborn BY LAW – You must register the birth and legal name of your child within 30 days of birth. Naming a child and registering the birth are important responsibilities – Registration is the only way of creating a permanent legal record of a person’s birth. Birth Registration Services At the same time a child’s birth is registered, parents have the option to apply for the following newborn services: British Columbia BC Services Insurance Plan {BC Services Card} Canada Child Benefits; and A Social Insurance Card BC Residents are required by law to enrol in BC Medical Services Plan. Although your newborn may have been assigned a Personal Health Number by the Hospital, you must enrol your baby for BC Services Card Coverage, using BC Application Enrolment Form {that is online; or connect with your home nation or the NTC Health Benefits Program {1-250-724-5757} or Toll Free- {1-888-407-4888} When you have BC Insurance Services through your employer, another group plan or Ministry Of Social Development, you must advise your group administrator or worker that you have applied to enrol your baby with BC Health Services using the registration of live birth form. Information is provided from “Extract Of Insurance BC Medical Services Birth Registration Services” For more information please call Robert Cluett, CD NTC Health Benefits Dept, 250-724-5757


November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 13

Employment and Training Port Alberni Friendship Centre Volunteers Needed Need work experience? The Port Alberni Friendship Centre is looking for interested applicants for various positions. Call 250-723-8281

Page 14— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022

Road improvements continue on Bamfield Main Crews begin to prep the road for paving along the 76-kilometer road to Bamfield By Alexandra Mehl Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Bamfield Main, BC – Work continues on the Bamfield Main Surfacing Project as Huu-ay-aht communities look forward to safer travel conditions when the road is paved later next year. The road has been undergoing construction since 2020 with the goal of making the road safer and give Huu-ay-aht communities better access to medical and health-care services. One of the foreseeable changes linked to the Bamfield Main Surfacing Project’s completion is a change in the local economy, said Robert Dennis, Chief councillor. “It’s going to enable Huu-ay-aht First Nation to diversify its economy where we wouldn’t have to be primarily dependent on the resource economy,” said Dennis. “We can now diversify into tourism, and that’s what we’ve been slowly transitioning into.” “Getting people to turn left instead of right in Port Alberni is huge,” said John Jack, Deputy Chief Councillor. “We know that there’s quite a bit of people who kind of overflow into Tofino, and therefore they don’t have accommodations. We can provide for them as good an experience as time goes by.” Jack said that opening the land to tourism results in an opportunity to create a healthy local economy with more entrepreneurial opportunities and jobs. “People will be able to make a living for themselves,” said Jack. “That’s over and above the types of things that we’re doing in forestry, or fisheries as well.” “We see the road improvement project is something that helps balance our econo-

my in a way that makes other things more affordable or more possible, especially when it comes to tourism hospitality,” said Jack. Jack said that sightlines and corridor presentation is something they will look into in the future in their approach to cut blocks. “We want the corridor potentially to be a pleasant driving experience into our territory,” said Jack. “Our practices are pretty good as they stand, and [are] likely to get better.” The unpaved logging road from Port Alberni to Anacla, Bamfield has been known to be dusty, among many potholes. Dennis said a huge safety concern has been dust behind logging trucks, reducing visibility. Jack said the road will open up more access for reliable transportation allowing ambulances to serve the community better as well as result in better access to health care service. “This means that we’ll probably have more people who are elders, or may need more rapid access to care, being willing to come and stay in our community overnight or live here,” said Jack. “That’s huge, because that will bring for us a lot more resources, [and] people willing to be in the community.” Dennis said that three years ago roughly 85 people lived at home in the Anacla, Bamfield community. Presently they have approximately 170 people living at home. “This is something where it presents a lot of opportunities, but also a lot of changes,” said Jack. “And helping people manage that change and move through it in a good way is something that we really need to talk about.”

Photo from Flickr

Potholes, dust and flat tires. Anacla residents look forward to smoother travels in late 2023.

Have You Moved? If you should be getting a copy of the Ha-Shilth-Sa paper delivered to your home, please contact: Holly Stocking at 250-724-5757

Photo submitted by Crystal Amos

A scary drive through flooded roads to Nitinaht earlier this year.

Ditidaht Bypass Road nearing completion after years of flooding By Alexandra Mehl Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Malachan, BC – The end of summer marks the beginning of the rainy season for most of Vancouver Island, however for the Ditidaht village, Malachan, the heavy rain means significant flooding which leaves the roads unsafe, and residents trapped. Seasonal flooding usually goes hand-in-hand with power failures, further isolating the residents from the outside world. Approximately two kilometers of the Carmanah Mainline, which leads to Malachan village, is located along the Nitinaht River flood plain. During periods of heavy rain, the road can become impassible. It results in two to three metre high flooding along the road several times a year, said Bryan Cofsky, executive director of the Ditidaht Economic Development Corporation. The Ditidaht has been lobbying the government for roughly 30 years to get a road that bypasses the impassable flood zone, said Cofsky. “We couldn’t wait any longer,” said Cofsky. “We didn’t want to wait until

something drastic happened.” When the road will be finished is the million-dollar question, said Cofsky. They have experienced delays with getting the equipment needed to install the remaining culverts and build the bridges. They have also modified construction of the two bridges so that they do not impact salmon enhancement projects. “Hopefully, that [equipment] will be [here] in the next couple of weeks. We can get those bridges in and then we’ll be ready to go by, I’m hoping, towards the end of November, if everything works on schedule,” said Cofsky. “But more often than not, the project is towards the end of completion,” said Cofsky. According to Cofsky, the road will cost $1.5 to $1.7 million when finished, paid for mostly by the Ditidaht Economic Development Corporation. The province of British Columbia provided $100,000 to examine the feasibility of the project. “As long as we can get, you know, members from the village out of the community and into town, and we sort of completed our task,” said Cofsky.

November 3, 2022—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 15

Eha•esaht Chinehkint Nation buys Consulting Firm Ownership of resource management expertise company helps nation move toward future vision By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Zeballos, BC – Strategic Natural Resource Consultants (SNRC), a successful professional consulting firm specializing in natural resource management, has been purchased by Ehattesaht Chinehkint Nations. Owning majority interest in the business will allow the nation to better manage their natural resources along with contracting services out to others. “We are a small nation, for sure, but we have big ideas,” said elected Chief Simon John. With 539 registered members, Ehattesaht is one of the smaller Nuu-chah-nulth nations but it has been forward-thinking for decades. They purchased their forestry company, A’atuu back in 1974, creating employment for their members and local communities. Ehattesaht Chinehkint was also the first Nuu-chah-nulth Nation to map their entire territory in high resolution LiDAR, a technology used to create high-resolution models of ground elevation. Its data is useful in resource management projects. But as they move forward with their resource management and economic development plans, the nation must hire specialists and they are not always first in line. “At any one time we will have five to eight professionals working for us but each of them is doing something different – we have a marine biologist, fisheries biologist, wildlife habitat specialists, forest engineers, silviculture engineers, planning foresters, operational foresters, timber supply analysts and more,” said Chief John. “By purchasing SNRC we solve the access problem, and they can keep busy

Photo submitted by Simon John

Simon John, elected Ehattasaht Chinehkint Chief say “by purchasing SNRC we solve the access problem.” throughout the year working for all of the B.C.’s largest natural resource consult(other) clients,” said John. ing service companies. Launched in Port Ehattesaht Chinehkint now owns 60 McNeill in 2003, the company has grown percent, majority shares in SNRC, one of to include 180 employees with offices in

NTC CLIENT NAVIGATOR – BECKI NOOKEMIS Becki Nookemis, NTC Client Navigator provides support services to marginalized Nuu-chah-nulth individuals living on reserve and off reserve in the Port Alberni region. This position may work with other health care teams in order to connect clients with the appropriate services. The Client Navigator serves as a helpful practitioner providing support and guidance to enable clients to access the services they need. system. Becki can also help you locate services including where to obtain covid/flu/vaccines through NTC Clinics, Island Health Clinics or local pharmacies. Please contact Becki Nookemis at 778-421-8431 or 250-735-3033

Campbell River, Port McNeill, Nanaimo, Prince George and Fort St. John. “Our membership has asked us to find investments and opportunities that will help our Nation grow and we saw a perfect fit,” said Chief John. “We think the strengths they have as a company are really aligned with what we need as a Nation, but we are more excited about having a company that is successful across the province, works for a lot of industries and has a great leadership and a team who want to embrace new technologies,” he said in a statement. John believes the acquisition will help build Ehattesaht Chinehkint Nation. “We are really impressed by things like their safety programs and their ability to manage data. We instantly have access to some of the best tech support, safety and emergency response programs around,” said John. He went on to say that he believes community members can train to be part of the teams now that they have the support that comes with ownership of the company. With investments in forestry, hydro power production, fisheries, aquaculture and tourism, Ehattesaht leaders envision getting their people interested and involved in a sustainable, working economy for generations to come. Chief John said he hopes that members will pursue professional careers like those at SNRC. “Ehattesaht means something big is coming down the river and with this important company and the commercial real estate (that comes with it), our forestry licenses, and other investments, we are getting closer to being a real part of Canada,” said Chief John.

NTC NURSE NAVIGATOR – LINDA SMITH, LPN Linda Smith is the NTC Nurse Navigator. Linda provides advanced level of expertise in leading our communities through all aspects of patient care, including coordination of primary care with physicians, ensure timely services and safe transition through all procedural stages. Linda works alongside the First Nation Advocate Nurse in the hospitals. The Nurse Navigator enhances access and improves health outcomes by providing coordinated, culturally safe discharge planning and access to supports, services and resources for First Nation people within Nuuchahnulth Hahoulthi. Working with other hospitals, primary and community care, Linda will support First Nations clients to transition across levels of care and negotiate hand-off points in the care journey. One of the current health care requests has to do with accessing both covid and/or flu vaccines. Linda can help direct clients to upcoming clinics organized by NTC, Island Health, or local pharmacies offering the vaccines. Please contact Linda Smith at 250-724-5757 or 250-731-5392

Page 16— Ha-Shilth-Sa—November 3, 2022

Tips for a “can” do attitude to “preserve” your health this winter!

1: Spend some family time canning and preserving 2: Try new ways to preserve foods

The harvest is in! Now is the time to learn to can, or teach someone to can.

There are other ways to preserve too. Try a new skill……smoking, fermenting, drying and pickling are fun and tasty. There are lots of resources online to help you preserve your food.

3: Check your pantry! And think ahead

Stock up on basics for times you can’t get to a store. Think ahead if the power goes out and the foods that will keep you and your family healthy and be food safe in the kitchen and pantry.

4: Save a few dollars AND eat better

Make soup or a casserole from leftovers and neglected veggies in the fridge.

5: Buy and Use frozen veggies and fruit

You can use them as you need them…..they are often less expensive than fresh and just as nutritious. Many families find they waste less frozen veggies than when they buy fresh and they are quick and easy to add to soups, stews, or as an easy side dish with fish.

6: Eat in Season: Winter foods that come from the land and sea

Seafoods, seaweeds, Elk and deer to start…..think also about winter veggies and fruits that store well……apples, potatoes, onions, garlic, beets, carrots, winter squash. Keep these foods in a cool dark dry place away from mice and rats. Winter foods near you!

For more information on healthy eating call the NTC Nursing department 250.724.5757

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