Ha-Shilth-Sa August 22, 2019

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INTERESTING NEWS Canada’s Oldest First Nations Newspaper - Serving Nuu-chah-nulth-aht since 1974 Vol. 46 - No. 16—August 22, 2019


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Court dismisses five nations’ injunction application Nuu-chah-nulth nations are left out of a chinook reallocation this summer, despite efforts in Federal Court By Eric Plummer Ha-Shilth-Sa Editor Vancouver, BC - The boats of five Nuuchah-nulth nations won’t be able to catch many more of the suuhaa currently passing through their territorial waters, after Federal Court dismissed an application to reverse a decision made earlier this summer by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. T’aaq-wiihak fisheries - which means ‘fishing with permission of the Ha’wiih (hereditary chiefs) in Nuu-chah-nulth - filed an application for an injunction against a DFO decision to reallocate 6,000 chinook salmon, or suuhaa, from the recreational to the regular commercial sector off the west coast of Vancouver Island. The T’aaq-wiihak fisheries of the Ahousaht, Ehattesaht/Chinekintaht, Hesquiaht, Tla-o-qui-aht and Mowachaht/ Muchalaht First Nations were left out of the decision to reallocate the region’s total allowable catch, despite court rulings that prioritize the nation’s Aboriginal right to harvest and sell fish from their respective territories. Ahousaht’s lead negotiator Cliff Atleo was disappointed with the court’s decision on Aug. 16 to dismiss T’aaq-wiihak’s application for an injunction. “We had no choice but to the send the message to the department that we’re going to fight them every step of the way if they reallocate to somebody else when they know what they offered us is totally inadequate,” he said. “Even if a favourable decision happened, it may not have made a whole lot of difference because of the timing of the run.” Atleo commented on the Federal Court’s decision in the middle of his day-long meeting with the federal department on Aug. 16, part of years of negotiating with DFO to honour Aboriginal rights that have been recognized by Canada’s courts over the last decade. The most recent decision to uphold this came from Justice Humphries in April 2018, a B.C. Supreme Court ruling which stressed “the priority the plaintiffs have over the recreational fishery, despite the present Salmon Allocation Policy” maintained by DFO. “DFO cannot continue to minimize and ignore the proven rights of our nations,” stated Atleo in a press release issued by T’aaq-wiihak on Aug. 13. “The courts have been clear that a generous approach to our chinook salmon allocation is required, yet DFO actually provided the nations with less chinook this year.” The next chinook opening for the five nations began at midnight Aug. 17, extending until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday,

Photo by Eric Plummer

Ahousaht lead negotiator Cliff Atleo speaks in front of the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver with Ahousaht Tyee Ha’wilth Maquinna Lewis George, after the judgement of the Justifiation Trial was announced on April 19, 2018. As the nations await the result of an appeal to the Justification decision, Federal Court in Vancouver dismissed their application last week for an injunction affecting this year’s chinook fishery. fisherman Harold Little expressed the location from recreational. Commercial Aug. 20. But in an interview on Aug. frustration felt by many in his commuvessels also have the potential to catch 13, T’aaq-wiihak Fisheries Manager nity. He told DFO officials at the forum another 4,000-5,000 chinook in SeptemAlex Gagne noted that an estimated 477 that this is the first time he’s seen sports ber, according to Gagne. chinook remain in the DFO’s allocation fishing boats inside the surf line at that “For the 2019 season, DFO initially to the five nations – not enough for a “viprojected a recreational harvest of 50,000 time of the year. able fishery”. “Our hahoulthee is as far as you can see [Aggregate Abundance-Based Manage“A maximum of 45 chinook per vessel in the ocean. We own it,” he said. “I want ment] chinook, which was revised down may be retained per trip,” stated a recent to know how you own it. What right do to 40,000 chinook at the end of July DFO fisheries notice. you have to tell us what to do?” based on in-season catch information,” In an e-mail to Ha-Shilth-Sa, the DFO Despite Humphries’ prioritizing of the wrote the DFO spokesperson. “The five said its management role is to “ensure nations’ right to fish in their territories, nations AABM chinook allocation is not sufficient number of fish reach spawning affected by changes to recreational catch- her 2018 court ruling limited their fisherareas to sustain the populations for the ies to a “small-scale, artisanal” fishery es that are either higher than expected or future.” that can only catch within nine miles of lower than expected, as their allocation “If there is sufficient abundance to the shore. T’aaq-wiihak awaits the results is determined as a share of the Canadian permit harvest, priority access is proof their appeal to this decision, which the [Total Allowable Catch)] (as opposed to vided for constitutionally protected First fisheries’ manager expects to hear this commercial TAC).” Nations food, social and ceremonial and Chinook fisheries across the West Coast year. treaty fisheries,” wrote the department. “We’re expecting it in the fall,” said “Where applicable, priority access is then have faced stringent restrictions this year, Gagne. “The judges were very aware of since DFO measures to protect endanprovided to the five nations’ rights-based the fishing season – that they start in that gered stocks originating from the Fraser fishery. If abundance permits, commerMarch, April time – so they committed cial and recreational fishery opportunities River were announced in April. Some to get the ruling out in time to support commercial fisheries have not opened may be considered, consistent with these until August, while offshore sports fishing changes that could be implemented next allocation priorities.” season.” boats west of Vancouver Island were not But this year T’aaq-wiihak was allocat“We’re optimistic,” added Atleo of the ed just over 7,000 chinook, compared to a permitted to retain any chinook until July appeal. “I think that we had some very notional allocation of 50,000 for the west 15. Similar restrictions also applied to strong arguments to counter the decision coast of Vancouver Island’s sports fishery chinook fishing for First Nations’ food, that was made.” social and ceremonial purposes. and 14,000 to the Area G commercial During a Council of Ha’wiih Forum boats – a total allowable catch that has on Fisheries in June, seasoned Ahousaht now increased to 20,000 with the real-

Inside this issue... Agreement for industry training.................................Page 3 AIRS healing event to take place...............................Page 4 Salmon shark behavior...............................................Page 8 Tlu-piich games.............................................. Pages 9 to 12 Sanford Williams totem pole....................................Page 15

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Page 2— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

First Nations must register to receive gaming revenue Following this year’s provincial budget, $200 million to be dispersed from seven per cent of gaming proceeds By Sam Laskaris Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor British Columbia – A lengthy struggle is over. And though she’s been battling for this day for 13 years, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council President Judith Sayers prefers to look forward instead of back. It was announced this past week that the B.C. government will soon begin to transfer almost $200 million in gaming revenue to the 203 eligible First Nations in the province. Other provinces have been providing gaming revenue to First Nations for years. British Columbia is the last province in Canada to do so. “Sure, there’s regrets,” Sayers said. “But you can’t do much but accept it and move on.” The B.C. government had announced its revenue sharing plans as part of its budget this past February, but concrete details were unveiled last week. The provincial government collected $1.391 billion in net revenue from gaming activities in 2017-18. A total of seven per cent of this revenue will be split among First Nations in the province.

Province of BC photo

First Nations leaders gathered with B.C. Minister of Finance Carole James and Scott Fraser, minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, to celebrate a revenue-sharing agreement announced with the provincial budget in February.

“It’s a very happy time and I think something that the First Nations are very happy about as well” ~ Judith Sayers, NTC President “It’s a very happy time and I think something that the First Nations are very happy about as well,” Sayers said. “Every First Nation I’m talking to is excited about it. And they’re glad to start receiving it.” But First Nations will not automatically receive a portion of these funds. An eight-step process needs to be followed indicating the First Nations are willing to join the newly established B.C. First Nations Gaming Revenue Sharing Limited Partnership. “They have to sign it to say they want to be a partner in this,” Sayers said. “Hopefully that will be [done] quickly.” Sayers has been battling for gaming revenue sharing since 2006 when she started work on the First Nation Gaming Com-

Judith Sayers mittee. Previous provincial governments in B.C., however, were unwilling or not keen for any speedy deals. Ahousaht First Nation Chief Councillor Greg Louie is not certain of the exact amount his community will be receiving under plans revealed last week. “It’s in a secret envelope,” he said. “I don’t think I’d like to guess the amount.” Actually, provincial officials need to wait and see how many First Nations complete all the paperwork to receive their share of funding. Thus, exact amounts for each First Nation have yet to be determined. Plus, provincial officials have set up a formula on how to best split

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the revenues. Half of the base funding (50 per cent) will be equally divided among all eligible First Nations. And then 40 per cent of the funding will be based on a First Nation’s population. Ahousaht, which has more than 2,200 members and is the largest Nuu-chah-nulth nation, would receive more than the 13 other NCN First Nations. And as part of the provincial formula, the final 10 percent of funding will be split among geographically remote First Nations. In a news release B.C. Premier John Horgan said his government is establishing a 25-year revenue stream for First Nations across the province as part of its reconciliation commitment. “This funding will make it possible for (First) Nations to provide important new economic, social and cultural opportunities that directly benefit the people who live in their communities,” Horgan said. Sayers said each First Nation will be able to decide on its own how to best utilize the money it will receive. Many First Nations across the province are consistently seeking ways to upgrade their housing, infrastructure, transportation, education or health and wellness initiatives. Louie believes funds that the Ahousaht First Nation receives will go to economic development of the community. Ahousaht established a housing economic board

earlier to upgrade the livability on the First Nation. Like Sayers, Louie is pleased gaming revenue will finally start being distributed to First Nations in the province. And he doesn’t like to dwell on the fact B.C. is the last province in the country to give First Nations a cut. “We can’t feel bad for what didn’t happen before,” he said. “Let’s just be happy about this.” Louie is also pleased the deal announced last week will see revenue sharing continue for a quarter of a century. “It’s a great start,” he said. “But I’m sure in the 20th year or somewhere down the line, the chiefs then or those in charge will be saying let’s renegotiate this.” British Columbia Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Terry Teegee is also pleased with last week’s news, but believes more needs to be done. “This new stream of revenue will help build local and regional economies led by First Nations in B.C.,” Teegee said in a news release. “Gaming is part of our jurisdiction and inherent rights. We acknowledge the progress made with the government on gaming, but we cannot stop here. Further, First Nations must be more involved in the gaming industry, particularly those communities who are interested in opening up new facilities, and we need to see improved relationships with existing gaming facilities.”

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August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 3

MOU aims for more training in coastal communities Tribal council signs MOU with the province’s Industry Training Authority to advance education opportunities By Eric Plummer Ha-Shilth-Sa Editor Tofino, BC - The Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation’s number of on-reserve homes has more than doubled over the last decade to 170 – but this has not been enough to keep up with a severe housing shortage. “We have over 60 to 100 people on our housing application list looking for a home,” said Iris Frank, the First Nation’s education manager. “We have a lot of building to do over the next 10 to 20 years.” The situation faced by the Tla-o-qui-aht communities of Esowista, Ty-Histanis and Opitsaht is symptomatic of the widespread lack of housing in Nuu-chah-nulth communities. And like other nations, the Tla-o-qui-aht feel the immediate need for skilled people to help serve their growing settlements. Progress was made last spring, when 19 people from the Tla-o-qhi-aht, Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ and Ahousaht First Nations completed their Level 1 carpentry training. Offered through North Island College, Camosun College and the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, the eight weeks of training allowed the apprentices to remain in their home communities – including the Ahousaht students who travelled by water taxi each day for the sessions in Ty-Histanis. Dennis Blackbird’s daughter was born halfway through the program, a family commitment that would have prevented him from attending training in a city far away from his home in Esowista. The new father now works for Tla-o-qui-aht’s operations and maintenance department. “An opportunity came up,” he said. “I’m willing to keep going forward with it and help build the community up.” With the goal of empowering Nuuchah-nulth members to better serve their growing communities, the NTC signed a memorandum of understanding with the

Photo by Eric Plummer

Michael Cameron, director of Indigenous Initiatives with the Industry Training Authority, signs a memorandum of understanding with NTC President Judith Sayers in Tofino on Aug. 9. province’s Industry Training Authority in betterment, prosperity and well-being of Tofino on Aug. 9. This agreement enables the Nuu-chah-nulth peoples.” The agreement’s focus on providing training in the tribal council to take a more active coastal locations means that the educarole with the ITA by making the NTC a tion will cater to the specific needs of a sponsor for Nuu-chah-nulth apprentices. “As the MOU has been supported by the community, said Ian Caplette, the NTC’s director of education. Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Board of “If we can provide these training Directors, it ensures that the interests we programs in community, what happens pursue are put forth by our communities and its members,” said NTC President is the program itself changes and it becomes more adaptable to the realities Judith Sayers in a media release. “We of the community, which don’t exist in a look forward to building our relationship with ITA to support educational and skills classroom or a worksite in Nanaimo or Vancouver,” he said. training that focus on Nuu-chah-nulth The Tla-o-qui-aht hopes to be less depeoples within our communities.” pendent on hiring contractors than when More trades training is planned for the the Ty-Histanis subdivision was built a fall, including introductory sessions in Tsaxana near Gold River and Kyuquot, decade ago. “Our goal is to create within our public where the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’ works department, qualified certified First Nations are developing their Big carpenters, pipe fitters - hopefully we’ll House project. The MOU states its intent to bring “suc- get an electrician,” said Frank. “Our goal is also to have a construction company cess in trades education and apprenticewithin our nation to be able to take adship for First Nations” to advance “the

vantage of the opportunities.” She noted that finding qualified early childhood educators to work in the First Nation’s new daycare proved to be more challenging than building the facility. The centre is still advertising for casual positions. “We’re fully licenced for up to 52 seats for the daycare, but there was nobody out there,” she said, adding that sending members away for training brings the risk that they’ll remain in a city. “Once you get out to the city you realise how accessible everything is…you have a lot more options.” As Tla-o-qui-aht’s public works manager, Shawn Quick completed the carpentry training in the spring to upgrade his skills and become more familiar with building codes. Back in 2001 he left his home community when the opportunity arose to study fish and wildlife in Merrit. Those two years of study brought challenges that Quick was able to avoid during the recent training in Ty-Histanis. “When I went to Merritt, it was difficult. I actually had to get two jobs,” he recalled. “I didn’t get as much time to study, grades weren’t as good as they could have been, [and] I didn’t learn as much as I could have learned.” Now the public works manager is leading a team of newly trained staff to support life in the Tla-o-qui-aht reserves. One of their ongoing projects is to renovate elders’ homes, including removing mould. “A lot of our elders, as they aged, they did it with jobs that didn’t provide retirement packages,” said Quick, noting that many of the First Nation’s elders had careers in logging, fishing or factory work. “They didn’t have the knowledge or the processes to be able to set themselves up for when they became elders. A lot them are struggling financially and they can’t afford to renovate their homes. They end up living with mould.”

Page 4— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

Bringing the residential school’s lost souls home Tseshaht invites 203 nations to a healing event for Alberni Indian Residential School survivors in September By Denise Titian and Eric Plummer Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter & Editor Port Alberni, BC – Over its 78 years of operation in Tseshaht territory, a number of students at the Alberni Indian Residential School never made it back home. These countless tragedies have left an unsettled presence that many currently feel on the institution’s former site. “There were so many children that never went home, they never had funerals - they just went missing,” said Tseshaht member Gail K. Gus. “And so, they’re around our reserve all over the place.” Forty six years after the residential school closed, these “lost souls” are still felt by many in the First Nation, said Tseshaht’s communications coordinator Melissa Bigmore. The children have a presence around the former boys’ dormitory that still stands and Maht Mahs gymnasium, or even in the garden on the former AIRS grounds. “Even our janitor who goes to the gym almost every day of the week, he can’t do his job without having headphones in because he hears children running, he hears doors slamming, they are knocking in the wall. They’re there,” said Bigmore. From its early years as the Alberni Girls Home in the late 1800s, multiple deaths were recorded at the residential school, particularly from tuberculosis. In 1909 the issue prompted W.A. Henry to provide a long list of children who died at the school or soon after they were sent home to the Presbyterian Church. In 2015 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission estimated approximately 6,000 children died in residential schools. A total of 150,000 Indigenous children attended the assimilationist institutions over their century and a half of operating in Canada. Now the Tseshaht want these lost souls to be brought home, regardless of how far away the children’s families and tribes are to the former AIRS site. An invitation has been sent to 203 First Nations in B.C. “to honour those children who lost their lives while at the Alberni Indian Residential School,” reads a press release issued by Tseshaht First Nation on Aug. 2. The two-day event takes place Sept. 27 – 28, beginning with a commemoration ceremony for the young lives lost at AIRS followed by a cleansing ceremony of the grounds. In addition, people will be invited to take part in other cleansing ceremonies, including traditional brushing. It is hoped that by doing these ceremonies healing can begin and people can have closure. “People that died with trauma or died unexpectedly, it’s important that we release that,” said Tseshaht member Ed Ross. “We want to give the opportunity for other nations to come and clear that energy and to take back whoever is there.” “Those lost souls might not know Nuuchah-nulth,” added Gus. “Their people may need to come for them.” Indian Residential Schools were scattered across Canada, starting in the 1880s through to 1996 when the last one finally closed. In Nuu-chah-nulth territory, Christie Residence, located in Tofino, was the last to close in 1983. AIRS was operated by the Presbyterian United Church and was filled with Indigenous children from all over the province. While it has been closed for 46 years, survivors and their descendants remain deeply affected by trauma experienced at

Ha-Shilth-Sa, Royal BC Museum archive photos

For 78 years a residential school operated in Tseshaht territory. A healing event is planned for fomer students of the school, including those who died in the institution. The two-day event takes place Sept. 27 – 28 at Maht Mahs.

the institution. According to Open Education, BC Campus, the Indian residential school system was created by the Canadian government to educate and assimilate Aboriginal children into Christian, Euro-Canadian cultural norms and knowledge bases. Assimilation is the process of social integration that requires adopting the ways of a different and often controlling culture or society. The majority of the schools were federally funded and run by various Christian churches. From 1920 to 1948, attendance was compulsory for Aboriginal children between the ages of four and 16. Ross stressed how energy stays within a person after a traumatic experience, an important phenomenon for the many surviving students of the Alberni Indian Residential School. “It’s the pain that keeps people there. These people that left there, they’re still stuck in cycles because of what happened to them there,” he said. “We have no control what happened, why they came here, why they picked us. It was put on us. But we want our people to know that Tseshaht is open for anybody to come here and do work and to heal. We want

them to feel free and especially safe.” As a child Gus recalls seeing residential school students on the other side of a chain link fence that lined the AIRS site. Her mother attended the institution for seven years. “It’s a horrible stain,” she said of the school’s legacy, which prompted building

Tuesday September


the Tseshaht community garden on the former site. “The reason why I wanted to have the garden where I have it is because I believed that the earth even needed to heal.” Attendees will be given the opportunity to speak at the gathering. It is anticipated that this will be an emotional experience for participants and resource people will be there to provide support. Participants are invited to bring anything to help them speak their truth and begin the healing process. The healing event will take place at Maht Mahs Gym, which is a remnant of AIRS. The event will conclude with a feast, singing, drumming and dancing – all in recognition of children lost over the residential school’s tenure. “Those things that happened, we’re going to honour them,” said Ross. “We’re going to honour them and show them that they never died for nothing. We’re here because of you still.” “We don’t want them to be stuck here because they can’t find their way home,” Bigmore added. “We’re looking to help facilitate their way home because we care about them. We want them to be at peace.” Interested participants can register for the healing event at Tseshaht.com. Travel assistance is available on a first-comefirst-served basis. For more information contact Melissa Bigmore, Tseshaht First Nations communications coordinator, at 250-724-1225.

Save The Date Governments making things Right for Nuu-chah-nulth Forum At the Tsawout Community Centre 7728 Tetayut Rd, Saanichton, BC

This forum will be about reporting out on Community Input-and how we move forward. All Nuu-chah-nulth welcome!! Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM For more information please contact the NTC office.

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 5

Spill response bases established across West Coast Tseshaht member works at the Port Alberni location to help ‘sustain life’ for salmon in the event of an oil spill By Andrea D. Smith Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Port Alberni, BC - Port Alberni will be the site of a new oil spill response base, this coming year. Plans are already in motion to build the structure, but construction is only in its beginning stages. The purpose of the base will be to respond specifically to the increased tanker traffic, which will come as a result of the Trans Mountain pipeline project—a project that was stalled last year by the courts, then bought by the federal government, which is forging ahead with the plans. “When they started looking at that pipeline, that was going to increase the amount of tanker traffic in the southern shipping lanes, it’s roughly a seven-fold increase, going from one a week to one a day,” said Michael Lowry, manager of communications for Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC). “With the traffic there’s an increase in risk, as well. They approached us to see what we can do to develop more spill response on the west coast.” According to Lowry, Port Alberni is just one base among many that are being created at the moment—most of which are on Vancouver Island. And they will all contribute to WCMRC’s capacity to respond quickly and effectively in the event that a Trans Mountain tanker springs a leak. Other locations for new bases will be: on the Fraser River near Vancouver; in Vancouver Harbour; In Nanaimo (this base will trump the current base in Duncan, and act as the new central service location, housing administration, a command post, and a training centre); an offshore vessel stationed in Victoria; and satellite bases in Ucluelet, Beecher Bay, and on the Saanich Peninsula. The Port Alberni base is one of these satellite bases, and it will work together with forward stationed vessels at the Ucluelet base, to ensure rapid response to spills on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Both the Sidney and Vancouver Harbour base will be staffed 24/7. When Trans Mountain asked for WCMRC’s input, the solution they gave was to lower their current maximum response times. In order to do this, more resources and manpower would be needed, so the proposition to build more bases was born, said Lowry. “Right now, the Government of Canada sets certain standards for response times and Trans Mountain has proposed voluntarily lowering those standards. For example, right now we have a maximum of six hours to respond to spills in Vancouver Harbour, but with Trans Mountain we’re going down to two hours for

WCMRC supplied photo

The Western Canada Marine Response Corporation is setting up spill response bases on the Fraser River near Vancouver, in Vancouver Harbour, in Nanaimo, Victoria, Ucluelet, Beecher Bay, Port Alberni and on the Saanich Peninsula. Tseshaht member Richard Harry Watts works at a Port Alberni location to help ‘sustain life’ for salmon in the event of a tanker spill. max response,” said Lowry, explaining that not only does this mean they need new bases, but they will also need more people. Around 120 new people will be hired in total, and they’ll need to ramp up their training programs. Transport Canada lays out their certification requirements now, but those will change in the case of Trans Mountain, and a third party will have to evaluate WCMRC staff’s success at this. “And in shipping lanes which go around the southern part of Vancouver Island, we’re going in some places from 72 hours down to six hours,” Lowry added. The entire project will cost around 150 million dollars, said Lowry, which the Trans Mountain line will eventually pay for it through “tolls.” The tolls are charged per ton of oil loaded into each tanker. The cost of the toll only covers preparedness, but the polluters also always have to pay the cost of the cleanup. Normally the preparedness is covered by a simple membership fee to vessels using Canadian ports, but the nature of the pipeline’s work changed the game. And despite fears that many people have around the upcoming pipeline project, and the added danger of a spill, Lowry says in the 40 years WCMRC has been active they’ve actually never responded to a single oil tanker spill. “It’s typically the other vessels that get into trouble, like tugs and barges and

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stuff like that,” he said. Richard Harry Watts is a Tseshaht First Nation member working as part of the summer internship program for WCMRC. Watts is hopeful that he’ll secure a position at the Port Alberni base when it opens up. But right now, he’s spent most of his time working at the Nanaimo location, because it’s the only new base that’s already opened up. Port Alberni is still under construction, he said. “I like the fact that they help out,” said Watts of the WCMRC. “They’re there to help the environment. Like if there’s a spill, they’re there to clean it up. Or if a boat goes down, or a truck on the high-

way crashes, and it leaks into the river, they’re there to clean it up.” As a professional fisherman previously, and a man whose earliest childhood memories are of gillnet fishing with family as young as age three, Watts is concerned about the dwindling salmon populations, which Trans Mountain might exacerbate. He is happy that an organization like WCMRC even exists. “A lot of the guys here are fishermen, and they’re just as concerned as me about the run…the fish,” he said. “They want to sustain life, too.”

Page 6— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019 Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper is published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for distribution to the members of the NTC-member First Nations, as well as other interested groups and individuals. Information and original work contained in this newspaper is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2. Telephone: (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Web page: www.hashilthsa.com facebook: Hashilthsa Ntc

2019 Subscription rates: $35 per year in Canada and $40 per year in the U.S.A. and $45 per year in foreign countries. Payable to the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council. Manager/Editor/Reporter Eric Plummer (Ext. 243) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 eric.plummer@nuuchahnulth.org Reporter Denise Titian (Ext. 240) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 denise.titian@nuuchahnulth.org Audio / Video Technician Mike Watts (Ext. 238) (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 mike.watts@nuuchahnulth.org Editorial Assistant Holly Stocking (Ext. 302) (250) 724-5757 - Fax:(250) 723-0463 holly.stocking@nuuchahnulth.org

DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for submissions for our next issue is September 6, 2019 After that date, material submitted and judged appropriate cannot be guaranteed placement but, if material is still relevant, will be included in the following issue. In an ideal world, submissions would be typed rather than hand-written. Articles can be sent by e-mail to holly.stocking@nuuchahnulth.org (Windows PC). Submitted pictures must include a brief description of subject(s) and a return address. Pictures with no return address will remain on file. Allow two - four weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed photographs cannot be accepted.

LETTERS and KLECOS Ha-Shilth-Sa will include letters received from its readers. Letters MUST be signed by the writer and have the writer’s full name, address and phone number on them. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chah-nulth individuals or groups. All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will not necessarily coincide with the views or policies of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council or its member First Nations. Ha-Shilth-Sa includes paid advertising, but this does not imply Ha-Shilth-Sa or Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council recommends or endorses the content of the ads.

New photo app helps status applications By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Canada – Recent changes to the application process for the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) has eliminated the need for commercial photo labs. A new app called SCIS Photo App allows the applicant to take their own status card photo using their smartphone. The SCIS Photo App is free and downloadable from the App Store or Google Play Store. Simply download and install the SCIS Photo app to your device. In order to use the app you need to have your guarantor with you to confirm your identity. The applicant will be asked to fill in information and to sign documents using their touch screen. Follow the instructions to take the ‘selfie’ photo then have your guarantor sign, using your touch screen. The information will then be sent electronically to Indigenous Services Canada while the necessary hard copy forms are sent via Canada Post. The app was designed to help SCIS applicants submit their photo for the SCIS card, with an accompanying guarantor’s signature and without the physical and financial burden of going to a photography studio. An applicant needs an internet connection and their guarantor must be present, to facilitate the submission of their photo via the app. Once submitted, the photo will be merged with the applicant’s paper submission as soon as the latter submission has been received and processed. Other changes include supporting identification requirements. Now, only once piece of valid identification is required instead of two and birth certificates are no longer required. Your guarantor will be someone that can confirm your identity and fit criteria set out in the SCIS Guarantor Declaration form. The guarantor list has been expanded to include people who are holders of a valid SCIS who were over age 16 at the time the card was applied for, Indian Registrar or Deputy Registrar, an elected or appointed official, such as elected chief and council, mayor, MP or MLA. For a complete list of guarantor criteria visit www.canada.ca/indian-status SCIS applicants will still be required to fill out the six-page SCIS application

Photo by Denise Titian

Indian Status Card Membership Clerk Rosie Marsden displays instructions on using a new a new smartphone app at the NTC’s main office in Port Alberni. form and mail it in to Indigenous Ser“Renew before” date on your card. vices Canada. The process takes about 16 If applying by mail, you must provide: weeks for complete applications. a completed Secure Certificate of Indian For same-day service for a standard Cer- Status (SCIS) Application for Already tificate of Indian Status card, applicants Registered Persons (PDF print only, may contact their First Nation for instruc- 239 Kb, 6 pages; PDF fillable/saveable, tions on how to renew. Standard cards are 126 Kb, 6 pages) valid for five years for adults. photos that meet the photo requirements The secure status card is valid for photocopies of the front and back of 10 years for adults and five years for original acceptable valid identification, children and dependent adults. each photocopy signed by a guarantor You can renew your current secure a guarantor declaration (PDF print only, status card up to six months before the 137 Kb, 2 pages; PDF fillable/saveable, renewal date or up to one year after the 92 Kb, 2 pages)

Legal Information

COVERAGE: Although we would like to be able to cover all stories and events, we will only do so subject to: - Sufficient advance notice addressed specifically to Ha-Shilth-Sa. - Reporter availability at the time of the event. - Editorial space available in the paper. - Editorial deadlines being adhered to by contributors.

Ha-Shilth-Sa belongs to every Nuu-chah-nulth person including those who have passed on, and those who are not yet born. A community newspaper cannot exist without community involvement. If you have any great pictures you’ve taken, stories or poems you’ve written, or artwork you have done, please let us know so we can include it in your newspaper. E-mail holly.stocking@nuuchahnulth.org. This year is Ha-Shilth-Sa’s 45th year of serving the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. We look forward to your continued input and support. Kleco! Kleco!

The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error is due to the negligence of the servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisements

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 7

Wastewater compromise leaves unanswered questions Infrastructure project designed to improve Somass River salmon, estuarine habitat, but Tseshaht have concerns By Mike Youds Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Port Alberni, BC - While local First Nations lent their approval to Port Alberni’s new wastewater treatment system in the Somass estuary, Tseshaht First Nation still has misgivings about an outfall pipe to be installed this winter. Upgrades to the city’s wastewater treatment are designed with higher environmental standards in mind, yet Tseshaht had hoped for more reassurance from provincial and federal authorities about the outfall design and its potential impact on fish and fishing. The City of Port Alberni’s $17-million construction contract with Tritech Group — representing one of the largest infrastructure projects in the city’s history — is one component of an estimated $32-million investment, including a federal contribution of $18 million. As construction proceeds in the estuary, DFO is reviewing the city’s application for temporary and permanent impacts to estuarine habitats. Built in the 1950s, the existing wastewater system falls far short of regulatory standards that have evolved since the 1980s. Heavy storm water discharge can at times overload the system, sending overflow straight into the river. “What we’re doing is upgrading the lagoon from Catalyst, adding some features that will suit regulatory compliance,” said Wilf Taekema, the city’s director of engineering and public works. “Part of that is the addition of the outfall. Currently the effluent exiting the city lagoon is going into the river channel.” The city bought the disused pulp mill lagoon in 2012 for $5.75 million, seizing an opportunity to save money while modernizing wastewater treatment to meet provincial standards and federal regulations enacted that year. Dredging and reclamation of the old industrial pond began in 2016. Taekema described the project as a significant improvement in technology, adding mechanical screening, aeration and ultra-violet disinfection of effluent to the system. The new lagoon is roughly four times the area of the existing one, large

Photos by Mike Youds

Tritech Group construction workers continue to make progress on a major infrastructure project to upgrade Port Alberni’s wastewater treatment facilities. Darren Mead-Miller, executive director, enough to accommodate city growth for a Tseshaht First Nation. projected 40 to 50 years. One regulator favoured deep-water Kelsey Pipelines has been contracted to discharge, the other favoured a shallower lay a 32-inch pipe, a buried outfall that discharge, Pley explained. To reconcile, will extend 800 metres into the harbour the city chose the shallow alignment to a depth of 10 metres at low tide. while adding ultra-violet treatment to Five diffusers at the end of the pipe are safeguard human health. designed to aid dispersal and dilution of Responding to concerns raised by the effluent in the inlet. Construction is timed fishing community, the city at one stage to coincide with “fisheries windows” to hit the pause button, putting the project in minimize impacts on salmon migration in hiatus and collapsing its tender while they winter and summer. revisited the science at the stakeholders’ After the existing lagoon is decommistable, Pley said. He had the impression sioned in 2019-2020, 4.9-hectares of land Tseshaht was satisfied with the outcome will be returned to estuarine habitat. As and he was impressed that their leaderwell, the city plans to twin its wastewater ship was able to arrive at a “yes.” system over the long term, separating Wilf Taekema “It’s a great example of First Nations sewer from storm water lines to better involvement in decision-making,” Pley manage effluent, said Tim Pley, chief Somass estuary — transformed over said. administrative officer for Port Alberni. time through industrial and urban activTseshaht supports the project as a vast From the city’s perspective, Pley ity — remains a sensitive area, not only improvement on the status quo while acknowledges the project has been a from an ecological standpoint but for its wondering if fish health is being comprocomplex one, all factors considered. cultural, historic and political signifimised for the sake of cost savings. Would “We’re discharging into a really sensicance. Whole villages were uprooted. a longer outfall, one discharging beyond tive, highly important salmon river,” he Only about 30 percent of the original Polly Point, be better for fish and fishing? said. “All of these things combine to estuary — habitat critical to salmon and “The new outfall is still in an area heavmake it a really challenging project.” especially juveniles in their readiness for ily used, especially for chinook fishing,” ocean survival — remains intact. Mead-Miller said, noting that spring “There is a long history of Tseshaht salmon will hold in the estuary before being displaced,” said Darrel Ross Sr., Tseshaht research and planning associate. swimming upriver to spawning grounds. The river channel is narrow and shal“Not just village displacement, but also low. There can be as many as 150 gillnets from our ability to harvest food.” in the water during peak chinook season Four Tseshaht villages — aughthe advice of the First Nations Health along that stretch, Ross noted. Authority, who says they will continue to mits’aa-as (Shoemaker Bay Village), “Although it’s a huge improvement over thlaa-pik-thl-ce (airport lands village), monitor the situation. The closure came at the beginning of the noop-ts’iskapis (Usma Family Protection what exists, the question remains, is there a better way? From a fish safety perspecbuilding) and thlokwatqoo-is (Harbour Nuu-chah-nulth Tlu-piich Games, when tive, Tseshaht has not been convinced,” Quay) — once stood in the estuary, a visitors from neighbouring First Nations Mead-Miller said. rich food source not only for migrating enjoy cooling off in the river after a hot With so many Pacific salmon stocks salmon but also for edible plants such as day of sports. depressed, including those of the Somass camas bulbs. Fish traps, one 80 metres The Somass River closure came just in recent years, they ask whether an opdays after the re-opening of Canal Beach, long, were used to harvest salmon, Ross portunity for further habitat improvement pointed out. a few kilometers downstream, on the is being overlooked. Tseshaht and Hupacasath First Nasouth end of Port Alberni. Island Health “They may not be related (to wastewater tions have been involved as stakeholders issued an advisory on July 9, closing throughout project planning, involvement effluent), but where we can mitigate and Canal Waterfront Park to swimming due reduce the risk, we should,” Mead-Miller that brought a design reconfiguration to to high levels of E. coli. Canal Beach is their attention. An outfall that would have said. now open to swimming. In its review, DFO is considering offsetThe Paper Mill Dam/Somass Dam Parks extended 1.5 kilometres into the inlet was ting measures — specifically the creation rejected after technical study determined were reopened to swimming on Aug. 9, deep-water discharge would hinder rather of salt marsh habitat — to support rearing according to FNHA. and foraging for juvenile salmon. Before than help effluent dispersal. Instead, a According the HealthLink BC, you can realigned outfall would discharge in shal- authorizing the outfall construction, the get sick by swallowing water infected department may set conditions to offset low water at the river mouth. with E. coli bacteria. or mitigate impacts on fish. As well, DFO “The provincial government was not Not everyone gets sick, but when they says it will monitor the project to ensure do, symptoms, including bloody diarrhea, able to give assurances to Tseshaht that compliance. this new alignment is safe for fish,” said stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting

Bacteria closes PA’s Paper Mill Dam for two days By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni, BC – The city’s most popular swimming hole was closed to bathers for two days, effective Aug. 7 after high levels of E. coli was detected in the water. Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria is a type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans. The presence of E. coli in water is a strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination. According to Canadian Recreational Water Quality guidelines, the maximum allowable amount of E. coli is less than 200 E. coli per 100 millilitres. Following a period of heavy rain, the readings at Somass Dam Park were greater than 3,400 E. coli per 100 millilitres. E. coli contamination most often comes from animal feces that made its way into the waterways through rainwater run-off. The Tseshaht First Nation announced the closure on the morning of Aug. 7 on

start about three to four days later.

Page 8— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

Salmon shark shows ‘incredibly unusual’ behaviour Questions and scientific inquiry deepens during a research journey to Canada’s largest underwater volcano By Kelda Blackstone Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Victoria, BC – A scientific expedition led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) in partnership with the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) set out this July to investigate Explorer Seamount, an underwater volcano 250 kilometres west of the British Columbia coastline. While deploying data-gathering gliders by Zodiac, expedition members encountered a salmon shark engaging in unusual behaviour. The two-metre adult male shark lunged and rubbed against a driftwood log, in an attempt to rid itself of parasites, explained DFO marine biologist Cherisse Du Preez in a phone interview. “It was jumping its body up onto this log and sliding it across it,” described Du Preez. “That’s an incredibly unusual thing...In the open ocean, this salmon shark could easily be prey...It wasn’t being inconspicuous at all. It was splashing, it was lunging, it was making a big racket.” Male salmon sharks migrate annually west from the Gulf of Alaska across to Asia. Du Preez was struck by the shark’s intentional use of the log as a tool for parasite removal in preparation for its transoceanic journey. “It’s not common to see a fish using a tool,” she stated. “It speaks to how intelligent these animals are and how complex their lives are. They’re not the mindless monsters of the deep that Hollywood portrays them as.” Josh Watts, a Tseshaht First Nation member and student of Biology as well as Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science at the University of Victoria, joined the expedition as a representative of Nuuchah-nulth nations. Watts embarked on the expedition with research questions surrounding human impact on offshore areas and the interconnectedness of humans and the environment. “One of the main focuses I had out there was a question of relevancy,” reflected Watts. “I understand that everything is connected; that’s just our philosophy, as Nuu-chah-nulth people and First Nations people.” “How relevant is this area to our people and our rivers and our land?” he questioned. “It became more and more clear, the importance of these coral reefs and these high-density sponge areas.” The expedition created many more ideas and research questions for Watts once underway. “I think about our oral histories,” he elaborated. “There are stories of our people hunting whales for days, weeks, months at a time...A lot of the time there would be these epic occurrences, when they were hunting out in the open water, they would often encounter a supernatural experience...It was something that I would often think about, looking out at the waters, thinking about our ancestors paddling out there, hunting whales.” When asked about Nuu-chah-nulth peoples’ ability to travel by canoe as far as the offshore seamounts, Watts stated he believes it to be very possible. A carver of canoes as well as a science student, Watts has insight into Nuu-chah-nulth marine capabilities. “I’m pretty confident in the integrity of our old canoes, and even more confident

Sheldon Du Preez photos

In July a DFO-led expedition explored an underwater volcano west of Vancouver Island. A salmon shark (below), which feed on salmon, squid, sablefish and herring, was spotted 250 kilometres offshore near Explorer Seamount. in the abilities of our seafaring people,” he stated. “I’ve heard elders talking about reading the clouds and reading the wind, the connection we had with all that. We spent so much time in our canoes. I completely believe that our people have ventured out into the deep.” “Where are the salmon going [during migration]?” Watts questioned, drawing further links between science and oral history. “Can we track them to this area? There’s a lot of people on the coast who have legends about the village of the Salmon People, and the undersea kingdom, and all these legends. It makes me think about these seamounts.” “I think about a lot of the stories that talk about a time when the salmon aren’t returning anymore and it takes a voyage out to their village to see, and meet with them, and bring back messages of respect,” he continued. Watts came away with a strong desire to increase Nuu-chah-nulth participation in the protection of the marine areas. “How can our people become more involved in this area?” he asked. “How can our people take a step forward with this?” NTC capacity-building coordinator Aline Carrier agrees. As early as this fall future initiatives will engage communities in identifying and developing Indigenous-based research questions, she explained. Watts, too, is enthusiastic about the potential for further collaboration with DFO scientists like those he worked alongside during the seamount expedition. “A priority [of theirs was] creating meaningful partnerships with First Nations people,” he said. “I understand that our people are very independent, we often are trying to be more independent from DFO. We do participate in fisheries, but we’re going on a path where we’re... generally an independent body. In regards to science, [DFO scientists] really do value traditional knowledge, and value our perspective. My role on the expedition was a testament to that.”


August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 9

37th annual Tlupiich Games draws crowds to Alberni Opening ceremonies include the induction of three Tseshaht members into the sporting games’ Hall of Fame By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni, BC – The 37th Annual Nuu-chah-nulth Tlupiich Games opened up at Port Alberni’s Bob Daily Stadium on Aug. 6 to a good number of excited athletes and their families. The day started off earlier that afternoon with track & field events, which saw races starting with the youngest toddlers’ right up to the elders’ turtle races later that night. There was a break in the races while organizers took care of opening ceremonies business, including the induction of the latest Nuu-chah-nulth Sports Hall of Fame nominees. Tseshaht singers gathered at one end of the stadium, drumming and singing as a procession of athletes paraded down the track. Each nation wore team shirts and cheered as they carried banners, flags, or drums in the procession. Continuing with host duties, Tseshaht members performed a welcome dance before Tseshaht elected Councillor Ken Watts welcomed the visitors on behalf of his nation. Hupacasath elected Councillor Brandy Lauder followed suit, welcoming the people to the traditional territory of her people and wishing them a pleasant time in the valley. B.C. MLA Scott Fraser congratulated the NTC on hosting a healthy and positive roster of activities for families. He wished them well on behalf of Premier John Horgan and the province of British Columbia. Several speakers acknowledged the recent loss of beloved Hesquiaht elder Mamie Charleson, who likely would have

Photo by Denise Titian

Tseshaht’s Margaret Robinson, pictured here with Tlupiich Games coordinator Mercediese Dawson, was inducted into the Nuu-chah-nulth Sports Hall of Fame at the Tlupiich Games opening ceremonies. been at the games as she was in years and the law. She was inspired to turn “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, just before, cheering on her great grandchilthings around after having a good talk as long as you participate,” he advised. dren. Many offered ta’ilthma (a form of with Robinson; a talk that included an inRon Dick Sr. accepted the late John support to those that are grieving) to the vitation to play on the Tseshaht ball team. Watts’ plaque, saying that he adopted the Charleson family. Connie Sam said Robinson helped her young athlete years before. Watts was There were three inductees to the develop her love for sports at an early remembered for his active involvement Nuu-chah-nulth Sports Hall of Fame, age. in sports from games to volunteering at all Tseshaht. Margaret Robinson was in“When you go out on the field it takes events – always with a smile. strumental in drawing young people into you away from your troubles and brings Dick will hold on to the plaque until it sports activities as a way to guide them you a special place,” she said. can be handed over to Watts’ son. onto healthier life choices. Clinton Fred accepted his award and Shae Doiron recalled a difficult time in reminded the people that the biggest part her life when she struggled addictions of playing sports is sportsmanship.


We hope everyone had a great time at this year’s Tlupiich games and thank you for your continued support of the Tseshaht Market.

Store Hours: Open Daily 7am to 10:30pm Address: 7581 Pacific Rim Hwy, Port Alberni Telephone: 250.724.3944

Page 10— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

2019 Tlupiich Games Track Results 100m Finalists Girls 7&8 1. Kensie Johnson – Huu-ay-aht 2. Leira Young – Huu-ay-aht 3. Tauri Young – Huu-ay-aht Boy 7&8 1. James Williams – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Kenny Brown – Ahousaht 3. Jaxxon Gallic – Hupacasath Girls 9&10 1. Kaydance Tom – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Loreta Williams – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Jamie-leigh Lucas – Hupacasath Boys 9&10 1. Harley Dennis – Ditidaht 2. Jonathon Seward – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Hunter Sam – Ahousaht Girls 11&12 1. Tessa Charleson – Ditidaht 2. Paiton Tom – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Lakeisha McCarthy – Hupacasath Boy 11&12 1. Triton Martin – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Gilbert Frank – Ahousaht 3. Isaac Thomas – Tla-o-qui-aht Girls 13&14 1. Abby – Tseshaht 2. Natalie – Huu-ay-aht 3. Brandy Lucas – Hesquiaht Boys 13&14 1. Brent – Hesquiaht 2. Alden – Ahousaht 3. Bradley – Tla-o-qui-aht Girls 15+ 1. Memphis – Tseshaht 2. Kyla – Hesquiaht 3. Maria – Ditidaht Boys 15-17 1. Qwammi Frank – Ahousaht 2. Darryl Lauder– Hupacasath 3. Ryan Sabbas – Hesquiaht 200m Finalists Girls 7&8 1. Kensie Johnson – Huu-ay-aht 2. Taimani Robinson – Ahousaht 3. Sequoia Joseph – Ditidaht Boys 7&8 1. James Williams – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Louie Frank – Ahousaht 3. Jaxxon George – Hupacasath Girls 9&10 1. Kaydance Tom – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Jamie-Lee Lucas – Hupacasath 3. Francine Keitlah – Ahousaht Boys 9&10 1. Harley Dennis – Ditidaht

2. Hunter Sam- Ahousaht 3. Jonathan Seward – Tla-o-qui-aht Girls 11&12 1. Tessa Charleson – Ditidaht 2. Paiton Tom – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Lindsay Johnson – Hesquiaht Boys 11&12 1. Keanan – Ahousaht 2. Barry – Ditidaht 3. Devon – Uchucklesaht Girls 13&14 1. Abby – Tseshaht 2. Elsa – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Brandi – Huu-ay-aht Boys 13&14 1. Brent Charleson – Hesquiaht 2. Alden Campbell – Hesquiaht 3. Seth Nookemus – Huu-ay-aht Boys 15-17

1. 2. 3.

Gianni – Tseshaht Dylan – Ditidaht Raymond – Tseshaht

400m Finalists Girls 7&8 1. Taimani Robinson – Ahousaht 2. Zoey John – Ahousaht 3. Molly Frank – Ahousaht Boys 7&8 1. James Williams – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Soloman Watts – Tseshaht 3. Jared Little – Ahousaht Girls 9&10 1. Francine Keitlah – Ahousaht 2. Chasity Sam- Ahousaht 3. Loretta Williams – Tla-o-qui-aht Boys 9&10

1. Jonathon Seward – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Darien Curley – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Quannh Charles – Hupacasath Girls 11&12 1. Guiliana Little – Tseshaht 2. Lakeisha McCarthy – Hupacasath 3. Shealynn McCarthy – Hupacasath Boys 11&12 1. Keoan Williams – Ahousaht 2. Devon Robinson – Uchucklesaht 3. Barry Samuel – Ditidaht Girls 13&14 1. Abby Little – Tseshaht 2. Krista Wagner – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Kyla Lucas – Hesquiaht Boys 13&14 1. Brent Charleson – Hesquiaht 2. Jeremy Sam – Tseshaht 3. Seth Nookemus – Huu-ay-aht Boys 15+ 1. Josh Amos – Ditidaht 2. Stanley Campbell – Ditidaht 3. Daniel Williams – Tla-o-qui-aht 4. Lawrence Thomas – Ahousaht 600m Finalists Girls 9+ 1. Julianna – Tseshaht 2. Jorja – Huu-ay-aht 3. Jamie- Lee – Huu-ay-aht Boys 16&Under 1. Thomas – Ahousaht 2. Bradley – Tla-o-qui-aht 3. Ethan – Tla-o-qui-aht Girls 13&Up 1. Abby – Tseshaht 2. Kyla – Huu-ay-aht 3. Roshelle – Tla-o-qui-aht Boys 17&up 1. Jacob –Tseshaht 2. Gianni – Tseshaht 3. Ryan – Hesquiaht 1000m Mixed Finalists 9-17yrs 1. Jeremy Sam – Tseshaht 2. Seth Nookemus – Huu-ay-aht 3. Lawrence Thomas – Ahousaht 18&Over 1. Mike Ambrose – Tla-o-qui-aht 2. Ruben Thomas – Ahousaht

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 11

2019 Tlupiich Games Basketball finals results 13&Under 1. Pride 2. Ditidaht Red 3. Huu-ay-aht 17&Under 1. Nanaimo 2. PA Storm 3. BNS

Seniors 1. Hot Dogs 2. We Got Games 3. Haaag’wan

Canoe races take place at Canal Beach 100m singles mixed finals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Peter Amos Dylan Marchand Krissy Edgar Mazzari Tate Hayleigh Watts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Scott little Kayla Little William Ambrose Lisa Jeffrey

6-10 year olds 1.

Scarlet Willa, Teala McAnerin

2. 3. 4. 5.

Kymani Lauder, Payton Sam Quannah Charles, Cassius Roth Danika Foster, Elise Lauder Hunter Sam, Carson John

Family Race 1. Falicia Dennis, Jayson Nookemus, Seth Nookemus 2. Joshua Ngenda, Brielle Tom, Paiten Tom 3. Saryta Dick, Natalie Dick, Sherri Cook 4. Devon Robinson, Hailey Robinson, Maggie Peters 5. Martina Giesbrecht, Kaylee Gus,

Jade Dick 6. Kayla Little, Sarah Little, Chasity Sam 1. Eddie Smith, Scott Little, Jazmine Titian 2. Dylan Marchand, Krissy Edgar, Crystal Amos 3. Josie Marchand, Makenna Amos, Wendy Thompson 4. Hayleigh Watts, Cassidy Williams, Pam Watts 5. Corol Anne Tom, Kaydence Tom, Ashley

Page 12— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

2019 Tlupiich Games

Somass Guardians claim slo-pitch championships 1. 2. 3.

Somass Guardians Gravy Rookies

All Stars 1. Shae Doiron – Guardians 2. Thomas Dick – Guardians 3. Morgan Hassle – Guardians 4. Sheldon Dick – Guardians 5. Clinton Fred – Gravy 6. Bobby Rupert – Gravy 7. Deedee Curley – The Rookies 8. Chance Frank – NCN 9. Kenny Lucas – PA Wolves Most Sportsmanlike Player 1. Willard Gallic Sr. – Gravy

MVP Josh Fred – Gravy

Phrase of the week - %uu %uk spina%a> Pronounced ooh ook spin alth, this means ‘summer games’. Supplied by c^iisma

Illustration by Ivy Cargill-Martin

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 13

Cermaq keeps ‘open mind’ on sea lice transmission Threshold under review as DFO blames ocean conditions, climate change for outbreak affecting farmed fish By Mike Youds Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Tofino, BC - Representatives of the fish farming industry say they’ve got sea lice under control at Clayoquot Sound salmon farms after the parasites spiked at three operations in 2018 and researchers found a similar increase among wild juvenile fish. Despite water conditions earlier this season that hinted of a possible repeat of the problem, Cermaq has been consistently reporting sea lice levels below the regulatory threshold of three motiles per fish. “Lice levels have remained very low at our sites,” said Linda Sams, the company’s director of sustainable development. She takes issue with some of the numbers published recently on social media and said Cermaq’s latest juvenile salmon counts will tell a different story when released in coming weeks. “There is nothing near the prevalence and abundance cited in media,” Sams said. After the oubreak, fish at three Cermaq sites were harvested early and one operation was closed in order to reduce the risk to out-migrating wild salmon. Citing its use of technology and innovation, the salmon farming sector maintains science is on its side in keeping sea lice infestations in check. Open net pens don’t adversely affect wild salmon, they argue. Scientists outside of the industry take issue with those claims. Mack Bartlett, research co-ordinator with Cedar Coast Field Station, an independent not-for-profit society based on Vargas Island, said they found a fairly high abundance of sea lice among juvenile salmon this season, though not as high as last year. “We were seeing averages of four, eight and 12 lice per fish per week at one of our three main field sites,” he said. “We had a prevalence of infected fish between 98 to 100 percent over these three weeks at that same site, Ritchie Bay.” The juveniles had to swim past three farms that were over their sea lice threshold during the sensitive outmigration period. “There were five active Cermaq farms in that southern Clayoquot area as well during the sensitive period,” Bartlett said. Like Uu-a-thluk biologists Jared Dick and Roger Dunlop, Bartlett doesn’t doubt there is a direct link between the rise of sea lice counts at fish farms and among wild fish. “Previous research shows we’ll see a correlation,” Bartlett said. “There’s a pretty good understanding of that relationship. That’s why three (per fish) is the limit. Some this year failed to meet that standard.” DFO said it has reached out to Cedar Coast Field Station but has not independently verified the society’s sea lice counts among wild juvenile salmon. Earlier this summer, a group from Tla-oqui-aht First Nation — deeply concerned about open-net pen farming in general — participated in a Sea Shepherd Society boarding of several fish farms operated by Creative Salmon. They captured video of lice on fish and juvenile wild salmon suspected of carrying PRV, piscine orthoreovirus. Still, the industry insists its practices do not put wild fish at risk. “Science tells us that salmon farming is not having a negative impact on wild salmon populations,” said Shawn Hall, spokesman for the B.C. Salmon Farming Association.

Cedar Coast photos

Beach seining is conducted to sample juvenile chum for sea lice (above). Sea lice are seen on a juvenile chum salmon sampled in Clayquot Sound (below). The association maintains fish farming, which produces three-quarters of the salmon harvested in B.C., protects wild salmon by relieving fishing pressure on wild populations. “Research and development in all aspects of the business have been a critical driver for salmon farming for the last 30 years,” Hall said. “The industry is working to keep sea lice levels on farms in all areas low and to address when issues do come up in an area.” Last year’s outbreak occurred in the general area of Clayoquot Sound and was not confined to fish farms, he noted. Cermaq’s Hydrolicer, a $13-million well boat that uses pressurized ocean water to de-lice farmed salmon, is being readied for service. Sams said the vessel continues to undergo trials in Dixon Bay and hasn’t been needed this season due to lower counts. “It will be ready to roll when we need it,” she promised. DFO inspectors return to Clayoquot Sound fish farms in September to do additional sea lice audits after testing in June found all operations below the regulatory threshold. Responding to questions from HaShilth-Sa, a DFO spokeswoman said ocean conditions triggered last year’s outbreak. For the past few years in Clayoquot Sound, the typical drop in salinity that comes with winter and spring rains has not occurred. “This higher salinity has resulted in increased lice production in the region and exacerbated the lice levels on farms,” DFO stated in an emailed response. “The warmer waters and favourable conditions for sea lice may be caused by climate change.” The threshold for sea lice was set in 2010 after DFO assumed responsibility from the provincial government over salmon farming. More stringent than in other jurisdictions, it was considered precautionary at the time. “Since then, ocean conditions and treatment efficacy have changed and DFO is reviewing the sea lice threshold,” the department stated. “This requires careful consideration because setting thresholds

too low can lead to unnecessary treatments, which can decrease effectiveness or generate resistance.” Biological resistance to SLICE, a chemical for controlling sea lice, was confirmed last year by the B.C. Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences. Cermaq says SLICE has reduced effectiveness, but that the pesticide did help mitigate lice during the outbreak. “We have made the commitment to move away from therapeutant-based treatments to mechanical removal,” the company stated. “Our first line of defence will be the use of our Hydrolicer, but we will still use SLICE where it makes sense.” Dick, Uu-a-thluk central region biologist, points to research that could shed additional light on the question of sea lice transmission. Mass die-offs of herring with sea lice in Hot Springs Cove coincided with the fish farm infestations. He believes that should warrant intensive genetic sampling to determine whether there’s a link. While industry contends the herring died because of a virus that made them more susceptible to sea lice, Dick suggests an alternative hypothesis: Immune systems in healthy herring suppress the virus and it became fatal when lice attacked the fish, causing stress and weakening their immune systems. “I find it hard to believe that it’s just a coincidence that the Hesquiaht Na-

tion is observing these herring die-offs of fish covered in lice for the first time ever when there’s also a massive sea lice outbreak on local Atlantic salmon farms,” Dick wrote in an email to Ha-Shilth-Sa. “The lice and larvae from these lice are free to enter the currents surrounding the farms and spread throughout the sound, and could play a role in the die-off.” Of the paramount concern over lice transmission from fish farms to wild salmon, Dick remains convinced and said he doesn’t need more evidence. “The impacts of fish farms on their surrounding environment are definitely detrimental to wild salmon populations,” he noted. Sams said Cermaq remains open-minded and cites its compliance with the sea lice threshold for 16 years prior to 2018. “I don’t agree with some of the science being put out as black and white,” she said. However, avoiding risks for wild salmon “has to be our No. 1 priority,” she stressed. Promising transparency and collaboration, the company remains committed to participating in a risk assessment in the area of its Clayoquot Sound operations, she said. “We’re going to compare results,” Sams said of Area 24 roundtables held with other stakeholders, including Ahousaht’s fisheries department. “Why is there such a gap in understanding? We sit at the table with an open mind.”

Page 14— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

Coast Guard creates coordinator job in Ahousaht New First Nations auxiliary formed in the aftermath of the Leviathan II whale watching tragedy north of Tofino By Denise Titian Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Ahousaht, BC – The Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary has hired its first zone coordinator to be based in Ahousaht. The CNCGA is a newly formed Indigenous Canadian Coast Guard auxiliary for the purpose of protecting mariners and the environment in order to enhance Canada’s search and rescue program through collaboration between First Nations and the Canadian Coast Guard. CNCGA Executive Director Conrad Cowan says the society is so new that they are still working on logistics and hiring. “The CNCGA became an actual society in July 2018 and we operate on a contribution agreement with the Canadian Coast Guard,” said Cowan. He went on to say that the CCG supplies the funding while his society ensures its members receive adequate training, supplies and equipment to take part in a search and rescue operation. According to Cowan, the CNCGA had its genesis in the aftermath of the October 2015 Leviathan II accident where six lives were lost. The Leviathan II was a whale watching vessel based out of Tofino. It was struck by a wave and capsized near a reef. Survivors were able to fire a flare that was spotted by Ahousaht fishermen who came to their rescue. Had it not been for the fishermen, more lives would have been lost. Seeing the value of having local mariners on the water to assist in search and rescue operations, the CCG began exploring ways to bring training and equipment to coastal Indigenous communities. Members of coastal First Nations were offered rescue training at a Bamfield station, which specializes in fast rescue craft operations. In addition, three coast nations now have CNCGA zone coordinators who will be responsible for rallying SAR volun-

teers, as well as coordinating training and equipment. Three zone coordinators are in Kitkatla, Heiltsuk and Ahousaht. Curtis Dick has an extensive emergency services resume that includes leading search and rescue operations in and around Clayoquot Sound as well as working with First Nations Emergency Services Society of BC (FNESS). “I started in emergency services when I was 16, my dad recruited me right out of high school,” said Dick, who started with Ahousaht’s volunteer fire department. Dick recently returned to his home in Ahousaht where he will begin his new career coordinating local operations and seeking out recruits for emergency services training. Located on Flores Island, Ahousaht is accessible only by boat or float plane. The community and surrounding villages are filled with mariners. The goal of the CNCGA is to achieve effective marine search and rescue service for people in distress throughout coastline. Dick will work with the CGA executive director not only on coordinating an effective SAR response team locally, but also to assist in reaching out to other communities to support in their search and rescue team building. The news comes just over a year after five young men lost their lives in three separate incidents in the waters of Clayoquot Sound; one a close family member of Dick. Living in Vancouver at the time, Dick traveled home to assist in the search. Dick started in his position Aug. 1 and is meeting regularly with community emergency services volunteers, like first responders and firefighters. In addition, he is taking inventory of equipment and also of training needs. He will be recruiting volunteers for training and will help develop plans that will allow the various departments to work smoothly together. While the new coordinators have not been provided boats, their communities have some vessels that have been certi-

Submitted photo

Curtis Dick of Ahousaht will enhance life-saving resources in the region as the newly hired Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary Zone Coordinator, based in Ahousaht. fied by the CCG, meaning they have been sent to Ahousaht filled with safety gear, inspected are fully equipped and meet equipment and radios. SAR safety standards. Cowan says that The new coordinator positions are for the coordinators, in the event of a SAR two years. operation, may not be on a boat but coorCowan says that CNCGA will work to dinating operations from a land base. identify gaps in service along the B.C. “Working community boats that are coast. The Canadian Coast Guard has already on the water means a faster heat maps that show remote areas where response because they are already out First Nations live and work. there and can participate in a search and “We’d like to go there and make relarescue, as opposed to having a boat tied tionships,” said Cowan, adding that one to the dock,” Cowan explained. day, there could be more people with his Ahousaht has two SAR certified boats. position. Cowan says a goal would be to get a boat “We’re starting small and hope to fill designed specifically for SAR operations. those gaps,” he added. A specially designed trailer has been

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 15

Master carver finds inspiration in ancestral home Mowachaht’s Sanford Williams develops a totem pole for a future Canadian Coast Guard station in Tahsis By Eric Plummer Ha-Shilth-Sa Editor Yuquot, BC - Inch by inch, the images of a wolf, killer whale and eagle are becoming evident under Sanford Williams’ carving knife. It’s a morning in late July at Williams’ carving shed on the shore of Yuquot, an ancient Mowachaht settlement on the south end of Nootka Island where he grew up. “The calmness of being here, it’s so nice - even just listening to the waves coming in,” said Williams as he works through the final stages of the totem pole. “I can sometimes feel the spirits when I come here. It sometimes feels like they’re guiding me.” The carver spends most of the year in Hope, where he lives with his wife Marlana. In the summer he returns to Yuquot, where his parents Terry and Ray Williams have the only remaining household since the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation relocated its on-reserve community to Gold River in the late 1960s. With a cedar smell seasoning the air, chips fall to a thick bed of shavings on the ground, an indication of Williams’ years of exertion into forming images out of wood. His latest creation is carved from a cedar log that Williams found on Yuquot’s beach in June. “Every time I come home I go scouting the beaches looking for logs,” said the carver. “We get a lot of logs that drift in during the winter.” Plans are for the totem pole to be erected outside a Canadian Coast Guard Station in Tahsis. This summer construction began on the station, which will serve the surrounding Nootka Sound area, with a scheduled completion in 2020. Earlier this year the Coast Guard approached Williams for the project, asking for designs. He began working on the log

Photo by Eric Plummer

Sanford Williams works on a cedar totem pole at his carving shed in Yuquot on July 20. with an electric chainsaw, carving out July 2001 when a lone killer whale was His dedication to art intensified at the basic shapes. Then, using his hand tools, spotted in Nootka Sound, three days after age of 14 when Williams made his first details became more refined. He says the the passing of Mowachaht/Muchalaht carving. process quickens with each progressive Tyee Ha’wilth Ambrose Maquinna. “My mom said, ‘If you can draw and stage as the final images become more “Our chief, when he died he wanted to paint, you can carve’. So I really thought evident. come back as a killer whale,” recalled about it back then,” he said. “I locked “First stage is roughing, second stage Williams. “That was when Luna came myself in my room for about four days is getting it all ready for designing,” he around.” and came out with a mask.” said. “It ends up getting quicker as you On the top of the totem pole is an eagle, After high school, Williams attended the go along.” a design addition made after consultation Gitanmaax School of Northwest Coast The totem pole depicts a wolf transwith the First Nation’s elders. Williams Indian Art in Old Hazelton, B.C. for four forming into a killer whale, a sacred said his people turn to the eagle for guidyears. He ended up living there for 11 being in the Nuu-chah-nulth world. The ance. years, developing his craft. He often asimportance of the orca was evident in “He’s way up in the sky watching over sisted carvers when they had contracts in the ocean and the ground because he the area. goes after small critters on the ground “That’s how I learned to do large projand he goes after fish in the ocean,” he ects like these poles, was through the said. “That’s kind of how coast guard and master carvers in the summertime,” said search and rescue is here; on the lookout Williams. for people in distress.” When the totem pole is eventually erectThe totem pole is part of a body of work ed in Tahsis, Williams hopes the piece 38 years in the making, a career that had will remind people of the land the new its origins during Williams’ childhood Coast Guard station was built on. Tahsis in Yuquot. He remembers watching his historically served as a winter home for uncle, the late Dominic Andrew, work the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation. with wood while staying with the family. “I’m hoping that it will change more “He used to wake up real early in the things in the future. When new buildings morning,” said Williams. “I used to kind go up that are on native land, that we’ll of watch him. It got my interest. Then I have that connection. This here is just a started painting on canvas.” start,” he said.

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Page 16— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

Community&Beyond Governments making things Right for Nuu-chah-nulth Forum

Sept . 24 Saanichton

help individuals who are in need, and delivering these items to Our Place Society while they are attending the AGM. NTC’s DAC Fair

This forum will be about reporting out on Community Input-and how we move forward. All Nuu-chah-nulth welcome!! Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. For more information please contact the NTC office.

Oct. 2 - 3 Port Alberni Held at the Alberni Athletic Hall. More details to come. Suicide Peer Support Group


First Thursday, Monthly

Sept. 25 - 26 Victoria

Submitted photo

After hearing he has a terminal liver disease, Dave Dennis is challenging a BC Transplant policy that prevents him from being on the life-saving transplant list.

Dennis hopes liver donor policy gets reconsidered By Karly Blats Ha-Shilth-Sa Contributor Vancouver, BC - Only about a month after he was told he had end-of-life liver disease, Nuu-chah-nulth man David Dennis is settling into a hospice in Vancouver as he waits to find out if he’ll be put on the waiting list for a life-saving liver transplant. Last week, the 44-year-old father of five believed he was excluded from BC Transplant’s organ donor registry due to an abstinence policy requiring no alcohol consumption for six months, but after an influx of media attention around Dennis’ story, a Vancouver-based liver specialist is saying there is misunderstanding surrounding the policy. Dr. Eric Yoshida, a transplant hepatologist and member of the liver transplant team at Vancouver General Hospital, said during policy discussions in May the hospital’s transplant team agreed that the six-month abstinence rule would no longer be in effect. “[Patients] go through an assessment but the key is that it isn’t written in stone that you have to have six months (substance free) or you will be absolutely denied, whereas that was the case before,” Yoshida said. Yoshida said the abstinence policy, which goes back to the early 1990s, was in place all across Canada and the United States. “There was some studies that suggested that the re-occurrence of alcohol was much less, and patient outcomes are much better, if a patient had undergone a supervised abstinence period for six months,” he said. “It seemed pretty definitive and became kind of the official guidelines or policy statements of the American and Canadian (health) organizations, and therefore it kind of became the policy across the entire continent.” But this practice is being reconsidered, based on medical studies Yoshida has reviewed. “[I]t’s becoming clear to me that the six month abstinence rule is no longer supported by modern research,” he said. “Modern research suggests that there’s no difference in...patient survival between those who met the six month abstinence rule and those who did not, or could not.” Yoshida said BC Transplant is looking forward to meeting with Dennis to

discuss further assessment for a liver transplant. Dennis, who has been sober for two months, said finding out if he’ll be on the list to receive a liver transplant is a waiting game now. “We haven’t had written confirmation of anything other than the fact that I’ve got blood tests that I’ve got to complete,” Dennis said. “I had verbal commitments from the [First Nation Health Authority] that they’re sorting it out. It’s one of those situations where we don’t know. We’re kind of just stuck in this limbo of not knowing, so it’s difficult... it’s scary.” Originally, Dennis believed the sixmonth abstinence rule was discriminatory against Indigenous people, prompting himself, the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) and the organization he leads, the Frank Paul Society, to file a complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal, which he said still stands and hasn’t been withdrawn. Grand chief Stewart Phillip, president of the UBCIC, said the union felt that it was appropriate to support Dennis’ “efforts to challenge the six-month sobriety and abstinence policy of the BC Transplant Society.” “It’s a well-established fact that Indigenous people suffer as a consequence of the trauma from the residential school experience, child apprehensions and crushing poverty,” Phillip said. “[Indigenous people] have higher rates of substance abuse and alcoholism and to apply that yard stick equally is discriminatory.” After a series of media engagements, Phillip said the B.C. Ministry of Health and BC Transplant have offered statements of regrets and have indicated “that this has been a very terrible misunderstanding.” Phillip reiterated the policy in question was set aside in May of this year and BC Transplant are going to review Dennis’ file and “do their upmost to support him in acquiring the desperately needed liver transplant.” “We’re very, very pleased that all parties are on the same page now and we’re looking forward to David receiving a lifesaving transplant,” Phillip said. Dennis said he’s getting weaker every day but believes life is still worth fighting for. “I leave behind five if I die,” he said. “It’s been a difficult ride.”

Our theme for this year is on the subject of “Homelessness”, as we have many NCN members who are homeless in several urban areas, including Victoria. Our Quu’asa team will be gathering items to

Wednesday Thursday October


Port Alberni The KUU-US Crisis Line Society hold a Suicide Peer Support Group Meeting on the first Thursday of each month at the KUU-US Office location. 4589 Adelaide st Port Alberni.

Save The Date The NTC Annual DAC Ability Fair At the Alberni Athletic Hall, 3727 Roger Street Port Alberni, British Columbia

The theme chosen by the committee is “Nah-shuk-sulk” it was explained by an Elder on the committee that it is important for us to address the whole person – mind, body and spirit. We will be working with Teechuktl to organize a health fair that will provide both information and support, to promote education and wellness, and be sure to have some fun while we are at it! *** Any donations of fish or seafood for the evening dinner will be appreciated. For more information please contact the NTC office at 250-724-5757

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 17

--------- JOB OPPORTUNITIES ---------

View more job postings at: www.hashilthsa.com Updated daily!

Page 18— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

NTC Child and Youth Services host family picnic Photos by Holly Stocking

On Wednesday, Aug. 14 the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council’s Child and Youth Services department hosted their Family Picnic in the Park at the Roger Creek Park gazebo in Port Alberni. The Teechuktl staff opened the event shortly after 10a.m. with drumming and traditional singing. The fun-filled event inlcuded two bouncy castles, glitter tattoos, face painting, a Moe the Mouse scavenger hunt, bubble blowing station, a live band and many more activities geared towards child engagement. Debbie Frank, one of the organizers, let Ha-Shilth-Sa know that she hopes this will be an annual event, stating that they had a wonderful turn out and lots of very positive feedback. The festivities carried on throughout the afternoon and ended around 2p.m.

August 22, 2019—Ha-Shilth-Sa—Page 19

Members celebrate being Tla-o-qui-aht over four days The annual TFN days were held Aug. 14-18, with several community activities in Esowista, Tofino and Ookmiin By Deborah Potter Ha-Shilth-Sa Staff Tofino, BC – Four days filled with fun, culture, and celebration were had by the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation with their annual TFN Days. From Wednesday, Aug. 14 to Sunday, Aug. 18 members of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation had many opportunities for connection and fun with events the TFN administration office had planned. On Wednesday the 14th, the four-day event kicked off with a parade through downtown Tofino in the morning, followed by the opening ceremonies at the Village Green, with a barbecue open to the public. Day one ended with fireworks at the Tofino Harbour. Day two, on Thursday the 15th, was spent in Esowista. Family fun was the objective, and it was followed through with beach fun, and plenty of foot racing, potato sack races, tug-of-war and plenty other games for kids. In the evening of the 15th, the TFN administrative office cancelled the Culture Night out of respect for grieving families. The 16th – 18th was spent in Ookmiin, a three-day camping trip open to all Tla-oqui-aht members. At each event, the TFN administrative office encouraged everyone to bring their own plates, cutlery, and cups to each event to help reduce waste. There was a large turnout, and many Tla-o-qui-aht members are looking forward to next year’s TFN Days. No date is set yet for 2020.

The Port Alberni Port Authority congratulates the Class of 2019 with special recogni•on of: Emily Cu•orth, Akshay Sharma, and Jayce Clayton 2750 Harbour Rd, Port Alberni (250) 723-5312 www.portalberniportauthority.ca The Ha-Shilth-Sa apologizes to the Port Authority and its Graduates for the misprinted ad in our July 4,2019 issue.

Photos by Nora Martin

Page 20— Ha-Shilth-Sa—August 22, 2019

The Tlupiich Games and Nuu-chah-nulth community would like to thank all who contributed toward the 2019 Tlupiich Games. Kleco Kleco to all the game sponsors and volunteers!

Sponsors FNHA Ratcliff & Company Cermaq Tigh-na-mara

Probyn Logging BMO Tseshaht Market Budget

Meridian McGorman McLean McGill& Associates Scotiabank

In Kind Donations Jowseys Furniture Boomerangs Café Five Star Starbucks Dimitri’s Restaurant Tseshaht Market Flandangles Burde Beans Capellis Beaver Creek Home Centre Lordco Chims Guest House Ahtsik Gallery Koliber Gifts Cod Father LB Woodchoppers Magic Moments Slammers Gym Benjamin Moore

Naesgaards Hupacasath First Nation Huu-ay-aht First Nation Tseshaht First Nation Ladybird Engraving Colyn’s Nursery Gone Fishin Twin City Brew CO Port Posh Wash Pete’s Mountain Meats Bare Bones Fish n Chips Finishing Touches DTC Tattoo Alberni Fitness CO-OP

Jal Design Sheryl Tate Alberni Aquarium Gina Pearson Fast Times Grand Prix Exit Nanaimo Airhouse Annette Nookemus Hulitan Family & Community Services Alli Matchett Peggy Tatoosh Panago Cats Tats Pat Amos BC Association of Aboriginal Friendsip Centers

Key Volunteers Gina Pearson Darren Willis Linus Lucas and Family Terry Morris

Dakota Tate Joey Keitlah Stan Mickey Darren Willis and Track Club

Peter Amos Crystal Amos Donna Lucas Gary Dawson-Quatell Bruce Lucas

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