Ha-Shilth-Sa December 15, 2005

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Canada’s Oldest First Nations Newspaper - Serving Nuu-chah-nulth-aht since 1974 Canadian Publications Mail Product Vol. 32 - No. 25 - December 15, 2005 haas^i>sa “ Interesting News ” Sales Agreement No. 40047776

Federal candidates vie for votes at NTC meeting By Denise August Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Ahaswinis - Candidates running for the three major parties in the upcoming federal election arrived at the Hupacasath House of Gathering to hear Nuu-chah-nulth issues and present Party positions. Elder Tat Tatoosh said a prayer and before welcoming people to Hupacasath traditional territory. NTC President Francis Frank thanked Tatoosh before talking about the importance of the upcoming federal election for First Nations. Key issues for NCN he said, include adequate housing, health issues, and residential schools. The three candidates were introduced as Manjeet Uppal, NDP, Dr. James Lunney, Conservative; and Jim Stewart, Liberal. Jim Stewart says he has already worked with Huu-ay-aht, Toquaht, Ucluelet, Uchucklesaht, Hupacasath, Kyuquot and Ehattesaht in various capacities. He pointed out Prime Minister Paul Martin held the first ever First Minister's Conference and committed to spend $5

3-year old Joseph Aleck (Tla-o-qui-aht) checks out the dinners of his twin cousins Ariana and Reyna Aleck at the ‘Away from home’ Christmas Dinner at the Seattle Indian Health Center. See full story on page 3. billion to improve housing, health, and more for First Nations. Manjeet Uppal worked for the NTC as a social worker for ten years. He spent the last six years working with Aboriginal communities on Vancouver Island. He commended the Liberal Party for signing the Transformative Change Accord with First Nations but, he pointed out, it took twelve years in power and an election campaign for it to happen. The NDP, he said, have always worked hard with First Nations including fighting for the rights of others. "I believe and support self government fully," he added. The NDP leveraged

their position in Parliament to assist First Nations in housing and they fought the education tax the Liberals were proposing. In 2001, said Uppal, the United Nations declared Canada the best place in the world to live. Using the same human development index the UN used in making their declaration and the same year Canada's First Nations communities were evaluated and placed 79th. Uppal pointed to the successes of Usma, Ha-Shilth-Sa, and NTC nursing program, declaring that these achievements show NTC is ready for

(r-l) Nanaimo-Alberni federal candiate Jim Stewart (Liberal) presents his parties position on Aboriginal issues at an NTC-sponsored all-candidates meeting, while Manjeet Uppal (NDP) and Dr. James Lunney (Conservative incumbent) await their chance to respond.

Weenuk weaves ancient art ................................... Page 2 Uu-a-thluk meets with DFO................................... Page 4 SD#84 worst in education results ......................... Page 6 Smokehouse Gallery open for business .............. Page 10 Residential School compensation information .. Page 17 NEDC Business News ........................................... Page 20

self governance. "If elected will continue to push for change," he vowed. "You've elected a provincial NDP MLA (Scott Fraser) and if I am elected, together we will deliver a 1-2 punch. Nobody will work harder to ensure you have a voice if I'm elected," he declared. Dr. James Lunney, elected MP in 2000, admits he didn't rush into communities promising to solve problems; 'they were and still are complex'. Lunney's involvement with NCN communities during his tenure includes endorsement of Eagle Rock Ltd. (Hupacasath, Ucluelet). He was involved in Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations quest to reclaim land from Pacific Rim National Park to expand their overcrowded reserve at Esowista, though he admits the process is slow and is still not complete. Lunney went to Ahousaht this summer with NDP MLA Scott Fraser to learn more about the suicide issue and help if possible. There he was challenged by one of their councilors to stay a few days and experience Ahousaht life first-hand. He later took them up on the offer and spent a couple of nights there. "I'm here to represent you and pledge to listen to you, I want to get past talking and move toward results," said Lunney. "I want to see First Nations prosper in this riding and I recognize some issues need to be addressed," he concluded.

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Page 2 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper is published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for distribution to the members of the twelve NTCmember First Nations as well as other interested groups and individuals. Information and original work contained in this newspaper is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2. Telephone: (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Web page: www.nuuchahnulth.org

2006 Subscription rates: $35.00 per year in Canada and $40. /year U.S.A. and $45. /year foreign countries. Payable to the Nuu-chahnulth Tribal Council. Manager / Editor, Reporter David Wiwchar (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 wiwchar@nuuchahnulth.org Administration Assistant Mrs. Annie Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 * hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org * NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Reporter Denise August (250) 725-2120 - Fax: (250) 725-2110 *New!* denise@nuuchahnulth.org Audio / Video Technician Mike Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 mwatts@nuuchahnulth.org

DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for submissions for our next issue is January 6, 2006. After that date, material submitted and judged appropriate, cannot be guaranteed placement but, if still relevant, will be included in the following issue. In an ideal world, submissions would be typed, rather than hand-written. Articles can be sent by e-mail to hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org (Windows PC). Submitted pictures must include a brief description of subject(s) and a return address. Pictures with no return address will remain on file. Allow 2 - 4 weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed photographs cannot be accepted.

COVERAGE: Although we would like to be able to cover all stories and events we will only do so subject to: - Sufficient advance notice addressed specifically to Ha-ShilthSa. - Reporter's availability at the time of the event. - Editorial space available in the paper. - Editorial deadlines being adhered to by contributors.

LETTERS and KLECO’S Ha-Shilth-Sa will include letters received from its readers. All letters MUST be signed by the writer and have the writer's name, address and phone number on it. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chah-nulth individuals or groups. All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will not necessarily coincide with the views or policies of the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council or its member First Nations.

Artist Profile: Weenuk weaves ancient art By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Whaler’s hats. Chief’s hats. Maquinna hats. They have a few different names, but there are very few people who can make them. One of the only weavers of Whaler’s hats recently traveled to Europe to exhibit her creations at the Westfalian State Museum of Natural History in Munster Germany. Being included in an exhibit is an honour for any craftsperson, especially one who only started weaving these specially-designed hats only three years ago.

Whaler’s hats. Chief’s hats. Maquinna hats. They have a few different names, but there are very few people who can make them. Weenuk (Mary Martin) from Tla-o-quiaht has been weaving for the past 15 years, making baskets, bags, capes, and other items woven in a distinctly Nuuchah-nulth way. A few years ago her brother showed her a Chief’s hat made by famed Nuu-chahnulth weaver Rhoda Mack. Mary carefully studied the hat and talked with weavers Lillian Webster and Elsie Robinson to further understand how to make the famous Nuu-chah-nulth Chiefs hat design. “The amazing thing is how it all starts from a single blade of grass and blossoms out from there,” said Mary. “The knob at the top of the hat is very important because Chiefs and whalers would put eagle down or other sacred objects in there to help guide them,” she said. When Mary was contacted by a German Museum and asked to make a hat for their exhibit, she saw this as a perfect opportunity to learn a quickly disappearing skill. “I figured I was up for the challenge,” laughed Mary. “To develop the skill this far has been hard since there aren’t many

teachers. It took me five years to even find someone who could teach me,” she said. Mary became interested in traditional Nuu-chah-nulth weaving after seeing a small bottle covered in woven grasses. She is now helping pass on the skill to others. With a provincial 2010 Olympics grant, Mary is teaching her daughter Trish the ancient art, and hopes to inspire others to learn how to weave. “It’s important to find the right person to teach you the skills of whatever art you’re trying to learn,” said Mary, who learned the craft from Ditidaht’s Julie Joseph. “My dream would be to teach an advanced weaving course to people who have already started weaving,” she said. Mary was recently featured on the Martha Stewart show, after touring a TV

crew around Clayoquot Sound and giving a brief introduction to Nuu-chahnulth cedar bark gathering and weaving. Having made six whaler’s hat so far (4 of which were sold to German museums and collectors) and another 2 on the go, Mary Martin is working hard to breathe life back into this ancient Nuu-chahnulth skill. “It’s very satisfying to see the end result of a project, but it’s also good to learn from mistakes; we aren’t perfect, so it’s okay to make mistakes,” said Mary. “It is important we do everything possible to keep our culture strong, and teach our children to be proud of our culture by giving them the skills to pass things on to the next generations.” For more information on Weenuk’s weavings, check out her website at www.cedarweaving.com

Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 - Page 3

Hundreds attend Christmas Dinners By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter In every city, Nuu-chah-nulth-aht broke previous attendance records, coming out to enjoy a Christmas dinner and spend time with family and friends. The gatherings, which started a few years ago as urban update meetings, have evolved into dinners where talk of treaties have turned to talk of turkey, and politics has been replaced with pie.

The gatherings, which started a few years ago as urban update meetings, have evolved into dinners where talk of treaties have turned to talk of turkey, and politics has been replaced with pie. “This is an opportunity to come together as Nuu-chah-nulth, and spend time with family and friends we might not see that often during the rest of the year,” said NTC Vice-President Michelle Corfield. More than 100 people attended the December 3rd gathering in Campbell River, 60 in Nanaimo on December 4th, 60 in Seattle on the 10th, 110 in Vancouver on the 11th, 90 in Victoria on

the 12th, and 70 in Port Alberni on the 14th. After Corfield thanked the cooks, and thanked everyone for coming to the gathering, she gave a brief presentation on a couple of recent developments. “We just finished a big push at the National level to have the treaty negotiations mandate pushed and changed,” said Corfield. “There is an important settlement for those who survived the residential school system, and we’ll be putting information into the Ha-Shilth-Sa on this issue as soon as it is available,” she said, adding she would be happy to answer any questions people had about various issues through the evening. “I believe these dinners are very important,” said Corfield. “We need to come together as often as possible to share a meal and reaquiant ourselves with family and friends during these happy, holiday times,” she said. Many came to the NTC-sponsored dinner to have their status cards updated by Rosie Little, while others came for the camaraderie. Regardless of reasons, the well-attended annual event will undoubtedly happen again next year as its popularity grows, and Nuu-chahnulth-aht living away from home continue to have a strong desire to maintain family and cultural connections while living in various urban centers.

Marge Robinson (Ahousaht / Hesquiaht) assisted Nuu-chah-nulth-aht living in Nanaimo with their Christmas shopping, as she set up a booth with her clothing creations.

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(l-r) Angus Barons, Joe Durocher and Mary Durocher sing traditional Nuu-chah-nulth songs at the Vancouver gathering.

Ramona Gus (right) blessed the dinner, which was cooked by Julia Eaton and Gwen & George David. Julia (left) thanked everyone for attending the dinner in Vancouver.

Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Toll Free Number: 1-877-677-1131 Nuu-chah-nulth leadership have now established a toll free number to assist membership with any questions they may have regarding treaty related business.

Page 4 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

Fisheries - ca-~ca-~>uk Uu-a-thluk Council of Ha’wiih prepare for policy discussions with DFO By Denise August, Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni – NCN Ha’wiih, politicians and fisheries staff met at Hupacasath House of Gathering to strategize for an important meeting with DFO scheduled for the following day. Uppermost on their minds was the development and implementation of an effective and meaningful consultation process with DFO. Alan Kanowish Ross welcomed the people on behalf of Hupacasath but first requested a moment of silence and a prayer for the family of the late Gerald Fred. Uu-a-thluk’s new manager trainee, Crystal Pawa Sutherland, Ahousaht, was introduced by Dr. Don Hall, who pointed out it was literally her first day of work. Hall, Uu-a-thluk Program Manager opened discussions by saying DFO is pushing three policy initiatives, which will be reviewed at this table. The policy proposals include Fisheries Reform, Groundfish Integration and changes to the Fisheries Act; but first delegates would review their proposed consultation protocol and DFO’s response to it. The Consultation Protocol, prepared by the NTC was sent to DFO November 23, 2005 and, according to Hall, their initial response was ‘surprisingly favorable’. Delegates reviewed the six-stage Review Fisheries Reform Consultation document put forward by NCN. The six stages are: · Stage 1: Identification of Policy Proposals. DFO has already started this by providing information packages on proposed fishery reform. · Stage 2: Explanation and Initial Discussion of the Policy Proposals. This stage is for DFO and NCN to meet so DFO can more fully explain its policy proposals. · Stage 3: Provision and Consideration of Further Information. After the initial meeting NCN will identify additional information they require in assessing the potential impact the proposed policy changes may have on their interests. They may also ask DFO additional questions about the information presented.

· Stage 4: Nuu-chah-nulth response. Once NCN has received all the relevant information from DFO and completed its internal referrals and review, NCN will provide a response to DFO’s proposals. A further meeting should be held at this stage so that NCN can present its comments to DFO and to allow the parties to have an informed discussion about NCN comments. · Stage 5: DFO response following the presentation of NCN comments. DFO should provide a response to the NCN comments. This step may require a further meeting to discuss DFO’s response. · Stage 6: Accommodation. The final stage of the consultation process would be for DFO and NCN to work together towards an accommodation agreement in respect of the proposed policy changes. Insofar as the policy changes adversely affect NCN rights and interests, DFO and NCN must work collaboratively in an effort to address the NCN concerns. Hall suggested NCN need to find a way to slow or stop what DFO is trying to do. “Use your rights to be consulted with by the federal government,” he advised, “ask questions and slow them down.” One possible outcome of this strategy he says is NCN may end up with accommodation of their rights or at least slow the emergence of the reviled ITQ’s (Individual Transferable Quotas). First Nations suspect that the proposed ITQ system would spell the end of First Nations participation in the commercial fishing industry. DFO would be presenting information the following day and Hall urged delegates to talk about these things with their Chiefs, fishermen and community members. “We must work out details with your communities about how your access will be accommodated,” he said. Ahousaht fisherman Andy Webster said he’s struggling to make ends meet as a fisherman and suggests NCN need to go back to tradition and ownership; stand our Chiefs up in order to stop the ITQ. “Government wants to put a dollar figure on our right to access the resource and I have a problem with that,” said Tom Tatoosh. “They keep asking us year after year how much fish we need; they do it because they want to impose a quota on our access,” he accused.

Toquaht Elder Archie Thompson shares his thoughts on Fishing Submitted by Kelly Poirier, Uu-a-thluk Outreach Coordinator Archie Thompson, also known as Tuutuuch, is the speaker for Bert Mack, Tyee Ha’wiih of the Toquaht Nation. His parents are the late Joe and Ella Thompson, with his lineage connected to both Toquaht through his father and Tlao-qui-aht through his mother. Archie was a commercial fisherman at the age of 13 or 14 years old, with all his family being connected to fishing. “This time of year, during the month of January” said Thompson, “we would have been fishing winter springs.” Archie also mentions that codfish, rockfish and bottom fish were also commonly fished during January. “Our people lived on fish,” Archie said, “many years back our people moved, this time they would move to a place close to do some fishing. March and April they would move to fish for halibut. We moved for one or two months to certain places for smoking and drying, there was no such thing as freezers. They dried them really dry and put them in boxes.”

“This time of year, during the month of January, we would have been fishing winter springs,” said Archie. “Our people lived on fish.” As a boy Archie had homes in Kildonnan and Ucluelet. Archie really enjoyed commercial fishing and still enjoys going out food fishing around Nettle Island this time of year for winter springs. He stopped fishing commercially in 1949 to go logging, which he did for 36 years. Today Archie still loves food fishing and enjoys the territory in Barclay Sound. “Most of our people, they love to go out and get their favorite seafoods.” Archie said, “There is near everything you enjoy. A lot of seafood in the Broken Group.” Archie also remembers some important historic sights out in the Broken Group islands, such as some fish traps formed by rock walls to capture bait fish. They would make the rock walls in the tidal areas and put bait in them. When there was enough fish pooled then they would close the opening off and let the tide go back out trapping the fish that they would then use as bait to fish for cod fish. Archie says that there are up to four fish traps in

the area that can still be seen. Archie feels that it would be really worthwhile for Nuu-chah-nulth today to really learn how to fish because there are so many methods. Archie remembers going out fishing with his own grandfather for halibut where they would use a traditional halibut hook called “chimin” with a small octopus as bait. They would go to fish halibut in areas where the bottom was made up of sand or gravel. Some of Archie’s favorite Nuu-chahnulth foods are Tsa’7inwa (gooseneck barnacles) and T’ut’suup (sea urchin). “Sea urchins are important for knowing each other,” said Thompson. “When it is brought in everyone gets together, everyone gathers around. Everything about it is enjoyable” Archie also sees many of the challenges today for young people. As a fluent speaker of his language Archie is passionate about the power of the language to bring back pride and respect within Nuu-chah-nulthaht. He also believes in the strength of our interconnections with each other. “So many of us are not talking to each other. We have lost the teaching of who you are related to. This is how we are really divided, we lost the most precious gift. Our family connection is broken,” said Thompson. Archie talked about the strength of our traditional governments, our language, and our spirituality all as important aspects of what being Nuu-chah-nulth is and a large part of the remedy for the challenges to youth such as substance abuse and dropping out of school. “Nuu-chah-nulth people were really reliant on the God almighty,” said Thompson. “Their belief was strong. Our people did not have anything written down, they were reliant on knowing that there was someone up there looking after us. There was no written guide. Every morning they asked for guidance,” Archie says. Archie feels this presence when he is speaking. He knows that his ancestors and mother are watching over him. “They listen to you speak,” he says.



Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 - Page 5

DFO presents proposed policy changes to Uu-a-thluk Council of Ha’wiih By Denise August, Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Ahaswinis – DFO arrived at the Hupacasath House of Gathering on November 29 to discuss fisheries reform and a Nuu-chah-nulth designed Consultation Protocol Proposal. Alan Kanowish Ross started the meeting with a prayer and welcomed the group to Hupacasath territory. Introductions were made around the table as before delegates got down to work. In his overview of the Consultation Protocol, NTC Fisheries Manager Dr. Don Hall, said a letter was sent by NTC President Francis Frank to Paul Sprout, Regional Director General, Pacific Region, DFO, outlining the reasons for implementing a consultation process and included the protocol document. Hall quickly reviewed the highlights of the document, which had already been reviewed separately by both parties. While DFO seemed to find the proposal acceptable, they needed more time and internal consultation at DFO before they could give a firm answer. Hall suggested another meeting between NCN and DFO to deal with the issue. Ron Kadawaki of DFO agreed saying they would like to see if they could schedule a meeting before the Christmas break. DFO went on to make presentations about their proposed changes to current DFO Policies. The Commercial Groundfish Integration proposal was delivered by Diana Trager, Regional Resource Manager, Groundfish. In her background information on groundfish management she cites advancement in technology and conservation of the resource as reasons for proposed changes. She then outlined the proposal itself. There have been developments and initiatives, she said, which affect

groundfish fisheries including DFO’s Inshore Rockfish Conservation Strategy, Pacific Fishery Monitoring and Reporting Framework, Selective Fishing Policy, and the Species at Risk Act. The CGIAC (Commercial Groundfish Integrated Advisory Committee) and CIC (Commercial Industry Caucus) were formed to address concerns brought forth by DFO. DFO’s guidelines for integration include accounting for all rockfish catches, rockfish catches will be managed according to established rockfish management areas; fishermen will be individually accountable for their catch; new monitoring standards will be established and implemented to meet the above three objectives; and species of concern will be closely examined and actions such a reduction of total allowable catch. The proposed general trading rules, she explained, subject to restrictions include groundfish vessel owners/license holders be permitted to reallocate quota between licenses. Annually each sector will negotiate a percentage that will be accessible to license holders from other sectors. License holders will access the non-direct species during the season through temporary transfers. Trager reports DFO received the Pilot Groundfish Integrated Proposal from CIC in March 2005. Phase one of consultations began June 2005 with all license holders, coastal First Nations, Environmental Non-Government Organizations, coastal communities, recreational boards and municipalities received a letter from DFO informing them of the proposal. DFO also developed workbooks for distribution and posted the information on their website. Phase II of consultations on the groundfish proposal ran October to November with DFO traveling to four cities within BC to ‘engage in

continued on page 16

West Coast Vancouver Island Students You are invited to Attend a Youth Forum on Sea Otters Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre Vancouver Aquarium January 26 – 30, 2006 Do you feel connected to the ocean? Do you have an interest in marine life? Are you curious about sea otters? Would you like to work with other youth with similar interests? If you answered yes to any of these questions, live on the west coast of Vancouver Island from Sooke to Brooks Peninsula, and are in grade 11or12, this forum may be for you. How to apply: Send a letter/fax or e-mail outlining your goals. Say why you want to attend the forum, and why you are interested in sea otters and/or the ocean. Include information about yourself and your interests. Attach your resume. Submit letter and resume by January 9th to Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Post: Youth Forum, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Bamfield, B.C., V0R 1B0 Fax: 250 728 3452 Phone: 250 728 3301 ext 226 Email: astewart@bms.bc.ca Contact your school’s career preparation coordinator (or a teacher) to arrange for a work experience contract once you are accepted. (Notification January 12th). Costs: This Forum is supported by the Habitat Stewardship Program of the Government of Canada and the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Costs are covered from Port Alberni/return except for snacks. Trip includes transportation to and from Port Alberni, food, accommodations, instruction and laboratory fees at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre and a sleep-over at Vancouver Aquarium. Please feel free to contact us for more information; or visit our web sites at www.bms.bc.ca or www.oceanlink@island.net

Hesquiaht’s Simon Lucas and Andy Amos offer a fisher’s perspective

Uu-a-thluk: Working Together Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih caucus following meeting with DFO Submitted by Kelly Poirier, Uu-a-thluk Outreach Coordinator On November 29th the Uu-a-thluk Council of Ha’wiih heard several presentations from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) staff about proposed policy changes for Groundfish Integration and Fisheries Reform, as well as possible changes in legislation to the Fisheries Act. The Nuu-chah-nulth had outlined a consultation protocol to DFO, and information sharing was one of the first steps. The meeting with DFO was followed by Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih and representatives discussing some of the work ahead for Nuu-chah-nulth in response to these issues. The Uu-a-thluk Council of Ha’wiih representatives present that afternoon discussed many important issues including: • Creating a picture for DFO and others so that they can understand the traditional governance of the Ha’wiih and Ha-houlthee in a more meaningful way. • Further discussion and coordination on what each First Nation needs to more

fully participate in the fisheries and what they want to see in the future. • Strengthening the link between Uu-athluk and the NTC Directors regarding fisheries strategies. • Developing protocols and trading arrangements for fishing and economic development. • Revitalizing the Fisheries Economic Development plan developed a few years ago at the Treaty table • Uu-a-thluk becoming more broadly involved in terms of relationship with recreational and commercial fisheries through groups like the Aquatic Management Board. • Having discussions between Nuu-chahnulth and other First Nations about management and access to migrating stocks. • Ensuring Nuu-chah-nulth are informed about SARA legislation and are up to date with recent listings and recovery plans. Uu-a-thluk staff look forward to assisting the Ha’wiih and the First Nations to address these kinds of common areas of interest where all Nuuchah-nulth can work together and speak with a strong common voice.

Page 6 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

Education - h=a-h=o-pa School District #84 worst in education By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Parents in Gold River, Tahsis, Kyuquot and Zeballos are alarmed at the recent release of high school completion statistics showing School District #84 (Vancouver Island West) has the lowest overall success rate in the entire province, and the second-lowest high school completion rate for First Nations students.

School District #84 (Vancouver Island West) has the lowest overall success rate in the entire province, and the second-lowest high school completion rate for First Nations students. “We’re not happy with it,” SD #84 School Board chairperson Josie Fletcher said of their high school completion rates. “We’re working hard at addressing this, and have brought in special literacy development programs over the past year,” she said. School District #84 has the dubious distinction of having the lowest overall high school completion rate in BC for the second year in a row, with only 59% of students completing grade 12, compared to the provincial average of 79%. The “good news” for SD#84 is their completion rate has improved from 45% in 2000/01. For the second year in a row, Richmond ranked in top spot with 93% of their students finishing high school, up 3% from last year. BC high school completion rates released last week show Aboriginal students continue to lag far behind their non-Native peers. School District #84 had the secondworst Aboriginal graduation rate in BC, with only 24% of students completing their high school education. Only New Westminister was lower with 19%. Revelstoke had the best rating with 75% of Aboriginal students completing high school in their jurisdiction. “This is a major concern to the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council, and the tribes are very frustrated with where things are,” said NTC Supervisor of K-12 Education Curriculum Development, Eileen Haggard. According to Haggard, there are fewer than 500 full-time students in SD #84, 174 (approximately 35%) of whom are Nuu-chah-nulth. SD #84 receives targeted funding for Aboriginal students; $950 per student from the Provincial government ($165,000) and $12,630 ($2.2 million) from the NTC, and leaders are concerned funds are being squandered on programs not specific to Aboriginal needs. Northern Region Nations along with the NTC have been negotiating a Local Education Agreement (LEA) with SD #84, and now have an Agreement in Principle they will be presenting for ratification in January. “The tribes want more accountability and involvement in the education system,” said Haggard. “The biggest issue has been a lack of relationship between the School District, communities, and NTC, which has led to numerous misunderstandings, and the school district making poor decisions and moving in the wrong directions,”

she said. “I’m hopeful this new LEA will change that, and the school district will make Aboriginal Education a top priority. We certainly can’t hit any lower than where we are now.” The school district recently created a position called Vice President of Aboriginal Education and hired Roz Latvala to oversee Aboriginal culture programs and report directly to the board about Aboriginal education needs and concerns. According to Education Minister Shirley Bond, the provincial high school completion rate held strong at 79 per cent for 2004/05, while the Aboriginal high school completion rate rose slightly. “The record number of Aboriginal students completing high school is encouraging, but Aboriginal results still trail the provincial average,” said Bond. “This government is committed to being a leader in Aboriginal education by working with B.C. First Nations. Together, we will build on the progress of the recent First Ministers’ summit on Aboriginal issues and eliminate the completion rate gap.” A record 48 per cent of Aboriginal students completed school in 2004/05, an increase of one per cent over last year and six per cent since 2000/01. Last month’s First Ministers’ summit pledged that by 2016 the high school completion rate for Aboriginal students would equal that of other Canadians. “Improving student achievement is the cornerstone of everything we do because when students succeed in school we set them on the path to succeed in life,” said Bond. “Success doesn’t happen by chance, but by the hard work of students, teachers and parents together.” “The low graduation rates of Aboriginal students is not our only concern,” said Lynnette Barbosa, NTC Supervisor for Post Secondary Education. “Once students graduate from high school, we find that they are often unprepared for entry into college or university. Although students have graduated with grade 12 English and high school math, assessments and performance often indicate that their levels are much lower. While some Nuu-chah-nulth students are able to enter into college level courses right out of high school, these students are few and far between,” she said. “The majority of students entering into our funding are assessed at levels sometimes 2 to 3 years below grade 12. As more jobs are requiring college and university as a pre-requisite, it is becoming increasingly important for us to consider methods for ensuring our students are prepared for entry into the college and university systems as opposed to being only concerned with high school graduation.” School District #70 (Alberni) was also below the provincial average with 38% of Aboriginal students, and 63% of the overall student population completing high school. In order for statistics to improve, Haggard said school districts must involve communities, role models and elders in developing leadership and cultural programs for First Nations students. “Education is holistic, and there has to be a commitment from everyone to ensure that change happens,” said Haggard. “We’re expecting to see results, which isn’t something we’ve seen up to this point,” she said.

Ha–Ho–Pa Reading Submitted by Donnal Samuel Children are natural learners. When they are born, they observe their environment and they listen. They learn how to talk by listening. This is also true for reading. Cuddle with your child and read a book. Allow the child to follow along while you are reading. They will soon recognize and be able to say the words and will be asking you if they can read next. What better way is there for bonding and learning. Treasure this time. If a child has a favorite book, do not discourage them by telling them that you have already read that one. Instead, keep reading it day after day; they will let you know when they are ready to move on to another book. You are the person they look up to and learn from. Read with patience and make it fun, characterize the characters in the story. A child is never too old to be read to when they are learning. They will let you know when they want to do all the reading but take the time to sit and listen. There may be a word that they can’t pronounce and don’t understand. You can help with pronunciation and meaning of the word. Reading does not have to cost money. You can go to the library to sign out books but let your child pick out the books. You can also sign them up with a reading group at the library. If your child goes to Haahuupayak School, you can give me a call and I will lend you reading material. Read on a regular basis. Set aside a few minutes every day for reading. You can be certain that your

child will keep asking if it’s time to read yet. Reading is always fun for children because they are naturally curious and they love to learn. Repetition is the best way for a child to learn how to read. The more they see the words the better and they begin to know them by sight. This is how a child learns how to talk; they listen to the words spoken every day by family members and before you know it, they start to imitate. The listening level is often higher than the reading level. Take advantage of this and read often even if it is only a few minutes at a time. They will understand stories that are more complicated if you read it to them. Have discussions with your child about the stories that you’ve read. Advantages of reading to your child: · Quality time with your child · A time to bond with your child · It doesn’t cost anything · Develops reading skills · Develops listening skills · Builds vocabulary · Helps recognize words · Develops comprehension · Keeps mind active, ready for learning · Calms the children before bedtime · Sets a good example for younger generations Today we have a variety of books to read. In the olden days, there was story telling. This is how our grandparents learned about life, family time and history. This is true today, we learn about life, family time and history through reading.

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December 15, 2005 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 7

Wut’s Up At Neill Middle School Kyuquot holds a candlelight vigil been missing a sweater, shoes, jacket or Neill Middle School will be closed against violence against women other items? We have a Lost and Found th rd from December 17 to January 3 for Christmas Break. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Everyone MOUNT WASHINGTON SKI TRIPFebruary 23rd, 2006. Newsletters will be handed out in early January. Parents who would like to inquire about being a chaperone please contact Mrs. Morphet at 723-8151. There will be no transportation provided all skiers/snowboarders will car pool with chaperons and staff. CHRISTMAS HAMPER COLLECTION- Thank you to everyone who sent items to school with their children. There will be many families who appreciation your kindness. ISLAND NOVICE WRESTLING TOURNAMENT- Congratulations to: Gold Medal Winner- Brianne Charles 5th Place Winner- Daley Forbes GRADE 8 BOYS BASKETBALLStarted December 7 and will be every MONDAY and WEDNESDAY from 3:00pm- 4:00pm with Mr. D.Bill. New players ALWAYS WELCOME! DECEMBER “WAY TO GO” WINNERS- Markus Thomas, Kyle Gus and Steven Dick. “Way to Go” GUYS! Thanks for being role models for your peers LOST AND FOUND?- Has your child

bin in our main hall. Please come and check out if your stuff is in there.

Remaining items left on December 16th will be donated to a local charity. NMS MURAL PROJECT- Our PEER MEDIATION group has been working very hard all year fundraising to pay for out MURAL PROJECT. We wanted to “spiff-up” our new school with some artwork from local artist Walt Collins. We have now completed 1/3 of the project with an under water, beach and forest scene. The next phase is the completion of the forest, which will include: a deer, a eagle, a bear and other wondering animals. Come and check it out! GRADE 8 TUTORIALS: Ms. Anderson- Day 2 Lunch in Room 302 Mrs. Densmore- Day 2 Lunch in Room 302 Mr. Bill- Monday after school Room 203 Mrs. Hewitt- Tuesday after school Room 303 Mrs. Lancaster- Tuesday lunch in Room 104 Mrs. Ralston- Tuesday and Thursday Lunch in Room304 Mr. Madarasz- Wednesday lunch in Portable 2

Hesquiaht First Nation Band Meeting January 28th, 2006 Start time: 9:00am. Place: Port Alberni Friendship Centre Focused Recommendations: Audit Finances Budgets Homiss Enterprises Human Resource Policy All Hesquiaht First Nation members are encouraged to attend!

Applications for Post Secondary and Occupational Skills Training for 2006 / 2007 The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council is accepting applications for Post Secondary and Occupational Skills Training for the 2006 / 2007 school year. The deadline for submission of applications is January 31, 2006. The application can be obtained from the NTC office, from your First Nations office or from our web site at www.nuuchahnulth.org. Due to the high volume of requests, we are unable to mail applications to students. Wondering if you should submit and application? If you answer yes to any of the questions below, you should submit an application. 1. Do you want to go to University or College in the next year or 2? 2. Did you drop out of high school and now you would like to upgrade your education? 3. Do you want to become trained in a trade or apprenticeship program? 4. Are you graduating from high school and thinking about what type of education or training you would like to do once you are done? 5. Would you like to upgrade your skills to make yourself more employable? For more information about our Post Secondary Program and to help determine which application you should complete, please contact: Lynnette Barbosa (Post Secondary Supervisor), Kelly Johnsen (Post Secondary Counsellor) or Maria Gomez (Post Secondary advisor) at (250) 724-5757.

By Yvonne Lord Photo by Mari John On December 6. 2005, the community of Kyuquot held a Candlelight Vigil and Parade to take action against violence against women. About thirty people attended, carrying candles in honour of the women whose lives were cut short or damaged by violence. The group met at the Clinic, where drummers led off the short vigil, and a women’s honour song was sung. Several speakers talked of the great damage done to our communities by violence and how women are the commonest victims.

Then the group walked around the village and stopped at the cement float, where many of the participants spoke of their own experiences with violence. The evening was closed with a prayer and traditional drumming and songs.

Tournaments Maqtuusiis Lady Storm Hawaii Bound 13th Annual Palama Settlement Classic Hello Nuu-chah-nulth people. MaaqtusiisMaqtuusiis Lady Storm have submitted our Senior Girls School Team for a tournament in Hawaii in December of 2005. We will be fundraising to take 12 players and 4 chaperones on this trip of a lifetime. Our families have given us full support for this plan and we would like to inform the community of our intent. If there is any way you can help us we would greatly appreciate it, whether it is financially or giving suggestions. You can contact Rebecca Atleo at the school;250; 250-670-9589 or at home: 250-670-2390. Thank you! MaaqtusiisMaqtuusiis Lady Storm

Hot Springs Wolves Open Basketball Tournament January 13-15, 2006. Alberni Athletic Hall, Port Alberni BC. 10 Men’s Teams — 6 Ladies Teams. Entry Fee: $300 Men’s — $200 Ladies. Seafood Concession (Crab, Clams, Herring Roe, Fish etc), 50/50 raffles and more! Prize money, t-shirts, and other awards to be won!! Call Jeannine Adams or Kevin Charleson @ 670-1150 or email ballgrrl@hotmail.com

Vancouver Island Zone Qualifying Tournament January 21, 22, 23, 2006 Port Alberni, B.C. @Alberni Athletic Hall Jr Girls / Boys All Native Basketball $150.00 entry fee, trophies awarded, 50/50’s, raffles, possible other programs and possible screen dance? Will keep you informed on future events. Tournament is being hosted by Suuma cu-is / Hot Springs Warriors Jr Boys Basketball Club. To enter your team or more info you may get in touch with ralphtlucas@msn.com or phone (250) 670-1160. Hope to hear from or see you at the tourney. Thank you for supporting the youths… Cuu Way! Ralph T. Lucas Fredrick Cook’s hockey team is having a Bottle Drive to fundraise for hockey socks. Please donate your empties!!!! E-mail or call 720-0923 for us to pick them up. Spread the word if your friends, co-workers and community members need them picked up, give them our contact info. Thanks for the support :-) ALL NATIVE BALLHOCKEY TOURNAMENT January 27, 28 & 29- 2006 Maht Mahs Gym, Port Alberni, BC Men’s Entry Fee $300.00. *All Players Must Have a Valid INDIAN STATUS CARD* $1,000.00 1st Place. $ 800.00 2nd Place. (Based on 10 Teams) MVP, Top Goalie, Best Defensive, Most Inspirational & All Stars Contact Sherri Cook or Thomas Dick (250) 720-0923 or rezgirl77@hotmail.com

It’s Christmas at: Alberni Mall (250) 724-2221 • •

wide selection of Mink Blankets and American Tapestry Throws (Licensed Product) and much, much, more.

Come in and browse

Page 8 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

December 15, 2005 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 9

Page 10 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

Smokehouse Gallery open for business By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Ahaswinis - Just in time for Christmas shopping, the Smokehouse Studio and Gallery is now open on River Road. The artists who came together to build the business hoped to have it open in the summer, but were faced with a few strange hurdles. NTC Smokehouse Originally constructed in 1985 by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) on land leased from Hupacasath’s Ron Hamilton, the purpose of the facility was to purchase excess food fish, smoke, process and sell salmon.

Just in time for Christmas shopping, the Smokehouse studio and gallery is now open on River Road. The artists who came together to build the business hoped to have it open in the summer, but were faced with a few strange hurdles. Charges were laid against the operators by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) only months after opening for “selling and purchasing fish caught under the authority of an Indian food fish licence, contrary to s. 27(5) of the Fisheries Act Regulations”. The fish had been caught at the Paper Mill Dam by 65 Tseshaht and 15 Hupacasath fishers under authority of food fishing licences. Between September 7 and 23, 1986 NTC Smokehouse purchased approximately 119,435 pounds of Chinook salmon at $1.15/lb., which were then processed at the facility. The N.T.C. Smokehouse Ltd. then tried to sell 105,302 pounds of the processed Chinook salmon for $1.52/lb. to distributors in the commercial seafood market. Lawyers for NTC Smokehouse Ltd argued in court that Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples possess an Aboriginal right to fish — arising out of

the historic occupation and use of their ancestral lands — which includes the right to sell, trade and barter fish for livelihood, support and sustenance purposes. The BC Supreme Court and BC Court of Appeal rejected the position of NTC Smokehouse Ltd saying lawyers failed to adequately prove how traditional trade, sale and barter mechanisms translated into an Aboriginal right in a modern economy. Nations Seafood The freezer and smoker plant started up again in 2000 when Tseshaht joined with Clayoquot Sound Products Ltd., and Skidegate Sales Ltd. to form Nation Seafoods. But after only a few months of operations the partnership dissolved, even with 14 tons of purchased fish in the large freezer.

Moy Sutherland Jr. inside the new Smokehouse Gallery

Sutherland outside the Smokehouse Studio and Gallery on River Road.

As months turned into years, the frozen fish stacked in large cardboard totes turned to mush. When BC Hydro and the City of Port Alberni cut utility services to the building, the fish rotted further, causing both a stench and controversy through the neighbourhood. Putrid rotten fish oil leaked out from beneath the freezer doors covering the cement floor throughout the building. Smokehouse Studio and Gallery The building sat empty until earlier this year, when Moy Sutherland Jr. saw an opportunity to start a world-class artists’ studio and gallery. After speaking with owner Ron Hamilton, Sutherland brought a group of artists together, and they started fixing up the building. Sutherland joined with artists Sam Haiyupis (Ahousaht), Luke and John Marsden (Coast Salish), Todd Weaver (Cree), Tim Paul (Hesquiaht), Peter Grant (non-Native), and Carey Newman (Kwagiulth), and brought in Dianna Joe Charleson as President to administer the operation. “The business is run by Dianna mostly because none of us want to do it,” laughed the ever-cheerful Sutherland. “We just want to carve,” he said. The first task was find a way to remove 14 tons of rotten salmon from the freezer. Area farmers agreed to take the rotten fish and dig the nutrient-rich oils into their soil. “We rented a bobcat to haul the fish oil out but the contractor wasn’t very happy,” said Sutherland. “It only took him a few hours to do the job, but he said it took him 10 hours to clean off his machine afterwards.” The artists exchanged their carving tools for carpentry tools, and started repairing the building which had been heavily vandalized, and setting up an attractive gallery at the front corner

of the building, and a large studio space in the cavernous center of the former processing plant.

“We rented a bobcat to haul the fish oil out but the contractor wasn’t very happy,” said Sutherland. “It only took him a few hours to do the job, but he said it took him 10 hours to clean off his machine afterwards,” he said. The group convinced BC Hydro to forgive a $30,000 debt owed by the previous renters and restore power to the building, but they haven’t been as lucky with city hall. Because the water was left running, the previous renters owed more than $11,000 to the City of Port Alberni. The city has refused to restore water to the facility until the debt is repaid or the building owner applies to city council to have the debt forgiven. In the meantime, Sutherland was forced to build a small well to draw water for the washroom facilities. According to Port Alberni Mayor Ken McRae, he is aware of the problem and has been involved in an effort to remedy the situation. "We've developed what we think is a fair compromise and are currently trying to get in touch with those involved," said McRae, who would not elaborate on City Hall's solution until he can meet with Hamilton and Sutherland. So far, Sutherland has spent more than $20,000 on renovations, and the other artists are sharing the lease and utility bills. The group quietly opened the gallery two weeks ago, and has already been attracting business by word-of-mouth advertising. “As artists, having our own studio and gallery is a great benefit to us,” said Sutherland. “We don’t have to make what mainstream galleries or market trends want us to make. We can take the risk of creating what we want to create, and we don’t have to give a gallery half of what it sells for, so we actually have a chance at making a living from our art,” he said. If you’re traveling down River Road, make sure you stop by the Smokehouse Studio and Gallery. See what the artists have done, and find a few Christmas gifts while you’re there. The gallery is open seven days a week from 10 am to 5 pm.

December 15, 2005 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 11

BRAKER and CO. Barristers and Solicitors 5233 Hector Road P.O. Box 1160, Port Alberni B.C. V9Y 7M1 Phone: 723-1993 - - Toll free 1-877-723-1993 Fax: 723-1994

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Wishing our readers a very Merry Christmas, and a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2006! From everyone at Ha-Shilth-Sa Newspaper and the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council.

Page 12 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

Mahtlahoa creates cedar carvings By Denise August, Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter

Submitted by the Pacific Rim Hospice Society

Hot Springs Cove – High on a hill in Hot Springs Cove sits the small apartment of Hesquiaht Tyee Mahtlahoa, Dominic Andrew. It is a place where the Chief can watch over his people while carving images of Nuu-chah-nulth culture into cedar driftwood with his hand-made tools.

Holiday time can be very difficult for those who are grieving. It’s hard to be surrounded with the sounds and preparations of Christmas when the person you want to share it with is no longer alive to enjoy it. There are ways to ease this challenging time with the below suggestions for “coping with the holidays”

High on a hill in Hot Springs Cove, Hesquiaht Tyee Mahtlahoa, Dominic Andrew watches over his people while carving images of Nuu-chahnulth culture into cedar driftwood with hand-made tools. Mahtlahoa, a carver since childhood, is proud to present his latest creation; a pole made in memory of his late father. The pole is made of five masks that were favorites of his late father. The sun mask sits on top followed by the Wolf Man, the Good Spirit, Chief of the Sea and finally the Killer Whale. Andrews said his father had other favorites that he would have liked to include but they all would not fit on that particular piece of wood. This pole was started in 2003 but Andrews says he only worked on it when time permitted, admitting he is often on the road doing treaty business. The cedar came ashore at Muchisnit; one of the places Andrews often goes in search of driftwood. Walking the beaches on a nice day Andrews says he can sometimes get enough wood for a week or two of work. “I always use driftwood,” he explained, “because to me cedar is a precious, living tree.” There was a long process involving plenty of prayer that would take place before a cedar could be felled. “…but when you get a piece already down on the beach it’s dead; something brought us together and I talk to it and tell it I’m going to give it a new life.” Andrew would like to sell his latest carving but hopes it stays with Nuuchah-nulth. He would rather it go to a local museum or to the home of a NCN person. Dominic sees his art as a way to help preserve a part of history, the unique style of Nuu-chah-nulth art. An old mask adorns wall in his living room that was carved several years before by his father, late Chief Benedict Andrew. The elder Tyee was once recognized for carving pieces in true Nuu-chah-nulth style, says Andrew. While the pole was inspired by memories of his father, Andrews says his inspiration occasionally comes to him in dreams. When this happens Andrews says he is sometimes afraid to begin the project but noticed everything seems to just come together as soon as the work begins. Andrew wants to teach NCN about this style of art but so far has only been able to put on demonstrations at schools and art shows. “We have to teach this or we will lose it,” he advised.

“I Can’t Face the Holidays”

He says he will teach carving at the school in Hot Springs Cove but probably not until after the holiday season. “I want to be an example for our youth,” he explained, adding people need to go out and get a skill ‘instead of waiting for the band to bring in two week job creation projects’. Carving since the age of 17, Andrews says he is self-taught. “In residential school we called it whittling; Tim Paul, Gideon Smith and myself really liked whittling.” He refined his skills watching his father at work and imitating some of his techniques. Andrew’s sister married and moved to White Rock, BC. In 1974 Andrew and his girlfriend arrived there for a visit and loved the place. “It was smaller than Tofino and you could go down the beach and carve,” he reminisced. Tourists from all over the world would come by and buy masks, which Dominic sold for around $35 each. Andrews remained in White Rock for 19 years, making a name for himself as an artist. To this day people still come to White Rock looking for the Nuu-chahnulth mask carver. I’ve got work all over the world from my years of carving, he declared with a smile. Today Andrews carves when he has time, and can make two or three in one day. As a young man in White Rock he says he averaged ten masks a day and estimates he has thousands of masks around the world. He went back to White Rock in the summer of 2005 and couldn’t help but notice how commercialized the quaint little town of the ‘70’s became. “There are high rises everywhere, fish & chip joints right next door to each other!” he said. Although White Rock has grown and changed, one thing remains the same; tourists from around the world still come to the beach looking for their Hesquiaht artist.

Elder Nuu-chah-nulth Women: Aging in Place in Aboriginal Communities A Study conducted by Dorothy Angeline Wilson, Tseshaht First Nation in partnership with the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Nursing Department. Wanted: Elder Nuu-chah-nulth Women to share their experiences of aging. Time Required: 1- 1 1-/2 hours for an individual interview during November / December 2005. For more information you may contact: Dorothy A. Wilson at 250-724-6161.

1. Take time to remember and reconfirm the joy and meaning that your loved one brought to your life with a commemoration or ceremony. It can be as brief as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. Have a focal point like a candle, photo or memento, put on yours or their favorite music, read a inspirational passage, poem, a prayer or just have a conversation with that special missing person. 2. Share your feelings with your family and listen to theirs. You are all grieving in your own way. Decide together what you want to do and not do for the holiday season. . 3. Eliminate pressures as much as possible. Its ok to change family traditions. You can always return to them in the future. Don't do the things you don't enjoy or have energy for. 4. Let family and friends help with preparations, decorating, Christmas dinner and shopping. Shop by phone or catalogue. 5. It may be helpful to do things just a little differently especially if this is your first Christmas since the death of your loved one. There is no right or wrong way to handle the day. 6. Get lots of rest and be careful of "shoulds". Be gentle with

yourself and don't expect too much. 7. Share your concerns, feelings and apprehension with someone. Let them know what is difficult for you; accept offers of help. Allow yourself to experience the sadness that comes. 8. Remember, if grief or family problems feel overwhelming, seek help. Hospice volunteers, professional counselors and social workers are available through the Hospice Society and Mental Health Services. 9. Attend "A Spiritual Pause" St. Columba Church, Main & 2nd, Tofino, Wed, Dec 14th, 7:30 pm if it fits for you. Each year, the West Coast Shared Ministry Parish takes a 'spiritual pause' in the midst of the holiday season for a quiet time of reflection, music and healing and to remember lost loved ones, broken relationships, and family that we miss and leave the stress of holiday expectations. For more information, please contact, Pastor George Pell (726-7318). 10. Put the name of a loved one you are missing this season on the Hospice Tree in the Tofino Post Office or Ucluelet Peoples Drug Mart. If you take charge of the strategy and decisions that will best get you through the holiday you will feel better about the balance you are keeping between the needs of the living and expressing your grief in a healthy and validating way. The past is honored, the present celebrated and future anticipated positively. There is harmony and peace within your heart, and more than enough love to go around to everyone who remembers and celebrates with you. Happy Holidays.

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Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 - Page 13

Vision Statement: The Nuu-chah-nulth Nursing Program partners with Nuu-chah-nulth-aht to deliver professional, ethical, culturally sensitive, and responsible care. Nurses shall maintain discipline in self and profession, as well as balance in approach.

Hearts At Work travels to Zeballos By Lynne West, Home Care Coordinator The Nuu chah nulth Hearts@Work program was on the road again, travelling to Zeballos on Nov. 3 and Kyuquot Nov. 4. The Hearts@Work program involves a cardiac risk assessment tool (CRA) which is assessed by participants and health professionals. This risk assessment is important because it is a means of identifying individuals at risk for a cardiovascular disease before they experience a heart attack or stroke. Hearts@Work is supported by the Healthy Heart Society of BC and Stanford University. The CRA is a series of questions addressing major lifestyle and health issues: Nutrition (cholesterol), Exercise, Smoking, Stress, Diabetes as well as personal health and family history. Answers to the questions are submitted via internet to the Heart Health site at Stanford University and a two page risk assessment is prepared. Hearts@Work provides access to health professionals who can provide information regarding the risk assessment results. Also, participants keep their risk assessment information and are able, if they choose, to share the results with their family physician. The logistics of taking this program on the road can be overwhelming. The support and enthusiasm from the communities is what makes it all come together. Big “thanks yous” are due. In Zeballos the event was held at the community centre and a big thank you goes to Cheryl at the Village of Zeballos for allowing us access to the centre to set up the night before and for letting us to use the Village Office to access the internet. Thank you also to the Nuu chah nulth communities of Nuchatlaht and Ehattesaht and residents of Zeballos for their participation. Audrey Smith, Community health Representative from the Nuchatlaht First Nation brought a large contingent of participants and Ehattesaht was well represented. Zeballos Elementary Secondary School brought two senior classes to learn about Hearts@Work and cardiac health risks. Thanks also to Chris Kellett, the Zeballos Clinic for helping with

organizational details and Patty John who provided such great food. About 30 people participated in the risk assessments and two school groups. In Kyuquot Hearts@Work was held at the Kyuquot Elementary Secondary School. Thank you to Natalie Jack for all your help with getting us organized and to KESS principal Steve Larre, staff and students helped to set up the gym and internet access. Sarah Day from the Outpost Hospital kept things on track and helped out with the screening. Kathy Jules provided the great lunch and Devon Hansen helped to organize all the rides up the hill. About 40 people participated in the risk assessments. In the rural communities, the Nuu chah nulth Hearts@Work is always open to everyone not just First Nations individuals. Thank you to Vancouver Island Health Authority staff who also assisted with these events. And a huge thank you to Air Nootka who hauled us and our mountain of ‘important stuff’ in and out of Zeballos and Kyuquot. Last but not least, thank you to Matilda Watts and Jean Wylie who got the show on the road, hauled a tonne of ‘important stuff’ by vehicle and boat, helped with assessments, set up and dismantling; to Laura Wagstaff who worked so hard to get the data entered into the internet; and to Moira Havelka who kept everyone motivated and moving and who provided individual consultations on the risk assessments. More information about Hearts@Work The Risk Factors: Whether you have a risk status of Low, Increased, High or Very High depends on the answers to the questions in the survey. Risk Factors are divided into two categories: major and contributing. Major risk factors are those that have been proven to increase your risk of heart disease. Contributing risk factors are those that doctors think can lead to increased risk of heart disease, but their exact role is not defined. The more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to develop heart disease. Some risk factors can be changed, treated, or modified and some cannot. But by controlling as many risk factors as possible, through lifestyle

changes and/or medicines, you can reduce your risk of heart disease. The Hearts@Work program and survey results focus on: Medical History: Diabetes is a major risk factor, especially adult-onset Type II diabetes; Gender is a major risk factor overall men have a higher risk of heart attack than women but this difference narrows after women reach menopause. After age 65, risk of heart disease is about same between the sexes when other risk factors are similar; Heredity can be a major risk factor heart disease tends to run in families. Risk factors such high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity may be passed from one generation to another. Age 65 and over can be a major risk factor as we age our hearts tend to not work as well. Body Mass Index: Obesity and being Overweight are major risk factors which can lead to increased total cholesterol and high blood pressure and diabetes Blood Pressure: a major risk factor that may not show symptoms Total Cholesterol: High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor Cigarette Smoking: a major risk factor because it tightens major arteries and can cause irregular heartbeats which make heart work harder. Nicotine and other compounds in cigarettes also lead to a build up of plaque in arteries, and increase risk of blood clots Physical Activity: Inactivity is a major

risk factor. Exercise burns calories, helps control cholesterol levels and diabetes and may lower blood pressure. It also strengthens the heart muscle Stress: considered a Contributing risk factor because we all deal with stress differently: how much and in what way stress affects us can vary from person to person. Stress raises your blood pressure, heart rate, and also increases the amount of blood clotting factor in your blood and makes it more likely that a clot will form Nutrition: a major risk factor the type and quantity of food can contribute to high cholesterol and obesity both major risk factors The Cardiac Risk Assessment Scoring chart is used by the nurse to identify where an individual is as increased or higher risk. This scoring coincides with the chart that the individual receives The categories: Low, Increased, High, and Very High present a visual answer to the survey questions which is much more meaningful than just numbers. Everyone has a different graph configuration which allows the nurse to encourage people where risk is low and to focus hand-outs and referrals where necessary for Increased to Very High The great thing about Hearts@Work is that all the categories are connected. More exercise helps stress and weight and blood pressure and looking at nutrition affects all the risk categories.

Page 14 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 I would just like to wish all my friends and relatives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. From Stephanie, Reuben, Brendan, Jacob and Morgan Richards. Love you all, take care, miss you all too. And I would like to wish Lance Mack a Happy Birthday for Dec. 11th and Eric Mack a Happy Birthday for Dec. 20th. I know it’s going to be hard to celebrate your birthday because it’s only been three years since grandpa’s been gone, but I’m sure he’d like us to carry on and be happy for him, he had a good life and we all still have each other. Choo for now. S. Richards. Dad, Nov. 25, 2005. Happy 56th Birthday to the Greatest Man in the whole wide world on Nov. 25, 2005, Peter Hanson. The one man I know who is the strongest, wisest, descent, honest, reliable, funnest, bestest father and grandfather. Dad we love you real lots and we wish you all the best for your birthday and all the other days to come. With tons of love from your wife, Daisy, your children, Jennifer and Richie, Russell & Christine, Irene, Shawn, and all your grandchildren, Collin, Miranda, Danica, Jolene, Floyd, Justin, Tristin, Jamie-Lee, Jade and Brayden. Happy 2nd Birthday to my honey, Raquel Thomas, on Dec. 24th. Love you sweetie, many more to come. Love always, grandma Jackie, papa Tim and uncle Matt. We would like to welcome Michael Willard Marshall born Nov. 30, 2005, 7 lbs 5 oz. From Willard Marshall and Caroline Thompson. Happy Birthday to cuz/auntie Elizabeth Campbell, sis you have a awesome and very good day on your special day Dec. 5th. We love you. From your sis Sandy, nephews Alonzo, Qaamina & niece Kylee. Happy 2nd Birthday neph/cus Chaasta Peter Campbell, have a blast and enjoy all the chocolate cake on your special day Dec. 11th. Love from auntie Sandy, Alonzo, Kylee and Qaamina Sam. Merry Christmas daughter Lisa, son Danny. Love Ma & Pa. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2006 to our family and friends. From Marvin, Pearl and family Tutube. Happy Birthday Oaker Dec. 11, Happy Birthday Jan. 6, 22 yr. Niko. How time flies. Love you from Muma bear, Pa, Violet, Marvin Jr. Jan. 12, Happy Birthday Angela W. Jan.12, Happy Birthday Georgina Wilson. Merry Christmas to my sister Gloria Joseph and her family in Nanaimo. I know sister we haven’t been in contact for some time, through online chats, but it isn’t the same.. I love you, and I’m glad you have something wonderful coming to you, next year, and you know what I mean. Take care of yourself and always know you will be part of my life. love always sister, Jacqueline Merry Christmas to my son, Kenneth Louis Lucas, wife Suzanne, and beautiful grandbabies, Matthew and Raquel. We will share the special meal this year and I am happy that we can be together. Look forward to it... take care and be safe. love you all, Jackie, Tim and brother Matt Happy belated birthday’s to my brother’s Muskie & Nathan, we hope you had fun at “club cal” . Also a belated Happy 50th Birthday to Maggie Gus on Dec. 6th. We are happy to report that Maggie received a special greeting from Ottawa on her big day! Congratulations Maggie. From your coworkers at NTC.

January 3rd Happy 4th Birthday to our beautiful daughter/sister, Ashley Fred. We love you very much. From mom & dad (Bella & Thomas), & Brenden.

birthdays & congratulations Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Happy Birthday to James Ross Jr. on Dec. 20 (top left). Happy Birthday to Kaanowish Al Ross Jr on Dec. 28th. (above right). Happy 27th Birthday to a very special son Nathan Watts on Jan. 11th. (bottom left) Happy Birthday to Ernest Pilfold on Dec. 29th.(bottom right). Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all family and friends! Have a safe and happy holiday everyone! From Dave & Annie Watts, the and Ross & Livingstone families. birthday shout out to cuz Izzy, & Rose Chester also lil’ Byron in Ahousaht. We wish you all a belated birthday. Happy 1st Anniversary to steff & beaver from the Daniel Charlie & Family! I would like to wish my wonderful family a Merry Merry Christmas! Parents Leo & Margaret Jack Sister and Brothers Lillian, Henry, Leo Jr., Lavigne, April and Bonnie! Nieces and Nephews Shannon, Star, Felica, Lil JR, Cynthia, Priscilla, Henry Jr., Randy, Stacey, Darrell, Leroy, Tanner, Trinity, Clifford, Joseph, Stephanie, Theodore, Nicolas, Andrea, Sonny, Ashley and Adam! Since I’m getting old and can’t remember all my grandchildren’s names, you know who I mean. I love each and every one of you! Merry Christmas to all my lovely in-laws as well! May God Bless you all! I know I’m blessed to have all of you! If I don’t see you all, you are in my thoughts! Love forever, SLIM. I would also like to wish my Auntie Christina Cox and her family a Merry Christmas! Love you Auntie! Love Anita and family. Merry Christmas to my uncle Herbie Jack and Francis Jules! Love you too Uncles! Love Anita and family. Merry Christmas Auntie Mary Jack! I’m thinking of you and hope you are well! Love you Auntie! Love, Anita and family. For Dec. 25th, I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to three wonderful people: Carol Smith, Leo Jack Jr. and James the 3rd. You were probably the best Christmas presents your parents ever received on this day! Love Anita and family. Happy 1st birthday to Josephine PriceJack on Dec. 24th! The proud parents are Stephanie Jack and Jamie Price! Happy Birthday to my Beautiful, Wonderful niece Star Frank on Dec. 28th! Love you niece! Love Auntie Anita. Happy Birthday to my handsome nephew Sonny Johnson on Dec. 27th! Love you too Sonny! Love Auntie Anita. Happy birthday to the BEST Dad any gurl could have, Louie Frank Jr (aka Cheifie) on Dec. 20th, thank you Dad for all you have done for me, and for just who you are. Love you Dad, hope you have a great birthday! Love your daughter Mel and grandson Sheldon. Happy Belated 13th birthday to Zachary Samuel on Dec. 4th! Hope you and a great

Happy Birthday to William and Britney Wilson on Dec. 13th. Have a good day you two. Love uncle George, Adrienne, Raven and Serenity.

day with your friends! Love Auntie Robyn, Shyanne and Neve. Happy 17th Birthday to Dane Samuel on Dec. 9 Have a great day son! Love Auntie Robyn, Shyanne and Neve Happy Birthday to Richard Samuel on Dec. 21..i believe you are 27? Have a good one Love Robyn and your gorgeous Shyanne and Neve Happy birthday to the funniest uncle around Ray Samuel on Dec. 31! Have a good day! Love Robyn and girls Happy Birthday to Ashton Mack ! Lots of love from Uncle Harry & family Merry Christmas to the best 2 sets of grandparents any child could ask for ~ Wally & Donna Samuel and Richard & Faith Watts! See you Christmas Day! Love Shyanne Dominique & Neve Armina. Happy 8th Birthday to our bro Daytwon Croswell on Dec. 15th. Have a good day. I wish we could be there on your special day. Miss you and love you. Love sis Age, George, Raven and Serenity. Happy Birthday to auntie Pam Webster on Dec. 19th. Have a nice day. Love niece Age, George, Raven and Serenity. Happy Birthday to auntie Chris Webster on Dec. 25 in Vancouver. Merry Christmas too. We miss you and uncle Josh. Hope to see you soon. Love Age, George, Raven and Serenity. Happy Birthday to my mama bear Tracey (Webster) Thomas on Dec. 26th. We love you mom and always miss you guys. Many more birthday to come lady! Love your daughter Age, George, Raven and Serenity. Birthday wishes to my family members for Dec. & Nov. Nov. 21 – Happy 5th grandson Jacob Richards, Powell River; Nov. 22 Happy 3rd granddaughter Morgan Richards, Powell River. Dec. 4 Happy 3rd Granddaughter Shawntaye Mack. Love Grampa & Gramma. Dec. 5 Happy b-day 32 niece Vera. Dec. 7 Richard Sam Happy Birthday day. Dec. 9 Happy b-day Tammy Lauder. Dec. 11 Happy 54 Birthday Marlene Dick, Happy Birthday nephew Lanee. Dec. 12 Rose Little HBday. Dec. 15 bro James and sister Mary 45 b day. Dec. 18 Happy b-day bro in law Earl Tatoosh. Happy 54th. Dec. A special birthday wish goes out to my ‘double digit baby’ Shyanne Dominique! Happy 11th Birthday to you sweetheart on January 2nd. I am very proud of you, you are a very smart, pretty girl. You are growing up so fast, and yes maybe you will be taller than me by the time you are 11! Thank you sweetheart for all your help with your little sister, she loves you very much too! Enjoy your day with our family and friends! Love mom, dad and your little sister Neve Armina

19th nephew Justin Happy 7th. Dec. 20 H B day cousin Vince Mckay. Dec. 21 H B Day nephew Hank Gus. Merry Christmas wishes goes out to all my brothers and sisters near and far. Merry Christmas to Eric’s family near and far. Love from Eric & Fanny. Dec. 20 – Happy 52nd Birthday Eric Mack. Love you with all my heart. Wife Fanny Mack. Merry Christmas to Annie Watts and family. From the Mack’s. Merry Christmas Richards family in Powell River. Love Dad & Mom. Merry Christmas to one and all, hope you all have a safe a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. This is to my family and Eric’s family: I said Prayer for you today. And know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart, although he spoke not a word. I didn’t ask for wealth or fame. I knew you wouldn’t mind. I asked for priceless treasures rare of a more lasting kind. I prayed that he’d be near to you at the start of each new day. To grant you health and blessings fair, and a friend to share you way. I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small. But that you’d know this love care I prayed the most of all. Love from Eric & Fanny. Dec 8. - To my gorgeous, darling niece, and god-daughter. 20.20.20 “wow” you are getting up there girl. “Happy 20th Birthday” I just want you to know that we are all thinking of you today. Because your just so special to us. Many more to come. Love from aunt Carol, uncle Don and all your cousins. Sm,nm,fm,jm &baby dm. Dec. 9 - Happy Birthday to my dearest aunt Mrs. Roberta Adams. Well there aunt lordy lordy look who is forty? hmmm.. Many more to come. From your niece. Carol Mattersdorfer. Dec. 10th - to John K. Frank “Happy 4?Birthday” bet your going have a ball too hey. Take it easy and take care of yourself and each other. From your friend Carol Mattersdorfer and family. Dec. 14th, to Ashley Amos and my Brother Evans Thomas. Well there you guys, have a blast and take care of yourself and each other. Many more to come. from your aunt and sister Carol Mattersdorfer and family. December 15, 1990 - December 15, 2005: Frederick John Mattersdorfer. Happy 15th Birthday to you my precious son. I remember when you were born, you were 8lbs 5 ozs. Now look at you today, you my boy that is growing to fast. I wish I could pull back time and just hug you and kiss you all over... I love yo! u so, you are so special to us in our hearts always know that if we forget to tell you. On this day we will stand together, and laugh, and celebrate your birthday. So many more to come my gorgeous and handsome son, that you are. Love from mom, dad, Sam, Nick, Jessica, and Baby Dawn. December 15th - Happy Birthday to James & Mary. From Bella, Thomas, Brenden, & Ashley. December 21st - Happy Birthday to Lizette Cartlidge. From Thomas, Bella, Brenden & Ashley.

I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to a very special person on Dec. 14th. Happy 22nd to my love, Adrienne. Love George Lawrence.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 - Page 15 Merry Christmas 2006 to Fredrick Cook! You’ve once again this year you have proven to be a wonderful, joyous, kind, respectful boy with a huge heart. We hope you do well in hockey this year and good luck in your tournament in Campbell River Dec. 29, 30 and 31. Love from mom and dad :-) January 8th - Happy 30th Birthday to Thomas Fred. Love from Bella, Brenden & Ashley. Happy Belated Birthday to our Uncle Nathan Kalvin & Shantal. Happy Birthday Daddy (Daniel Charlie) Love Always, Kalvin & Shanny (Hugs & Kisses). Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all our Friends & Relatives ~ The Charlie Family (Daniel, Alfreda, Kalvin, & Shantal). December 2nd, belated happy birthday to Kim Miller (Bubba) love you cuz, hope u had a good one, love Fanny Aiya Aaron and Kiera December 23rd?, happy birthday my cuz and our favorite uncle LOL... Travis Thomas. Take care, love Fanny Aiya Aaron and Kiera December 26th Happy birthday to my Uncle Woody Adams, I love you, and hope u enjoyed your day, Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Love Shooks, Aiya, AirMan and Baby Cutes. Congratulations to the BIRTHDAY GIRL! (Joyce Patrick) *giggle* and your beautiful girls, Samantha, Melody, and Anna bear who are expecting Winn Patrick in late May, early June. *fingers crossed for a boy* I am so excited for you girls. I wish you the best and always remember that I will be here if you ever need anything. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Julia Mickey on Dec 25th from Mom, Grandma & Grandpa.. Hope you have very nice day on your birthday. Happy 6th birthday to “Jr” Pat Charleson IV on Dec 13th, have a good day sunshine.Happy birthday to my sista/auntie Melinda Swan on Dec 21st, luv ya. Happy bday to Annette Little & Travis Thomas on Dec 23rd, have a good day!! Happy birthday to my baby sister/auntie Jessie on Dec 27th, we luv ya. Merry Christmas to my mom/Grandma Lil Webster, hugs and kisses to you, we love you. Merry Xmas to our friends and family , wish you all a Happy New Year 2006! From Janey & Shauntay Thomas. I’d like to wish Sugar Chan a Happy Birthday Dec.12 Have a awesome day Chantel. Love Martha Taylor and gang. Dec 18th We would like to wish Russell Taylor Jr a Happy 14th Birthday. Loads of love fr your Dad,(Russ Sr), Martha ,Malcolm,, Jillian ,Roxanne Swan, and Kaileigh Taylor. I’d like to wish all my nephew’s and niece’s whom share my Birthday Louie Frank Jr, Joseph George Sr, Richard Frank, Allison Williams ,Jessica Mattersdorfer, have a wonderful day. Love your auntie Martha Taylor. Happy Birthday to my sister Melinda Dec 21st Love Martha ,Russ and gang. We would like to say Happy bday to our friend/auntie Caroline Frank for Dec. 01st, over in Victoria, was thinking of you, hope u had a good one. To our cuz/auntie

We would like to wish our son Wayne Vincent Jr a happy 3rd birthday on Dec. 28. Have lot’s n’lots of un our sweet baby. We love you so much. Love mom Shirley & dad Wayne Sr.

In Memoriam - >a>ak^#ap We want to wish a Merry Christmas to our family members which we wouldn't see during this season of joy. Merry Christmas to Uncle Evan, Auntie Deneen (Stacie/Brian and Lance), Uncle Norman, Auntie Rita, Pam, Dar (Jamie-lynn & Robert), Kathy (Jeremy & Ali), Auntie Baby (& Kids), Auntie Sarah (Elroy & Kids), Auntie Fanny & Eric ( & Kids), Herbie, Hazel and Susan. We'd also like to wish a Merry Christmas To: All NTC Staff! Season's Greetings to everyone, we hope your Christmas is merry and your New Year brings you joy and health. From Thomas Dick, Sherri Cook, Fredrick Cook and Justin Heck. Christina Sutherland for Dec. 3rd, was nice seeing you at home. Dec 4th to Mike Campbell over in Vic. Dec 5th to our niece/cuz Carmina Smith, hope you had an awesome one. Dec 6th to Thomas Sam. Dec 7th to sis/auntie Heather Charleson, hope you had a good one. Dec. 10th to Bradley John and to my pal Max Little hope you have a good day be thinking of you. Dec 11th to our good friend/grampa Len Marchant, look forward to celebrating with you. Dec 12th to Sugar Chan, have a good one Chantelle. Dec 20th to aunt/gramma Martha, hope you have a good time. Dec 21st to aunt/gramma Melinda, wishing you a good one.(hope didn’t mix those 2 days up) Dec. 30th to my good friend/uncle Kloos Frank Sr, have a good one pal. Happy birthday to all those that i missed, know there’s more jus don’t remember what days. Merry Christmas n’ HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our family n’ friends as well. From Elizabeth, Skylar, Adam n’ Cha-asta Campbell. I would like to wish my baby boy a happy 2nd birthday for Dec. 11th. Gee, how time fly’s...I’m so greatful to have you in my life. I love you dearly Cha-asta Campbell. When I was waiting to have him...I heard of soo many bdays, til the day he was born. Lucky you, you get to celebrate with grampa Len. Lotsa Love mom, sista’ Sky n’ bro Adam Campbell. Happy Birthday to our mischief brother Wayne Jr who is gonna be 3 years old on Dec. 28. Have fun on your special day bro. Love fr. your sisters Tamara & Lyla. Happy 84th Birthday to nan Hilda on Dec. 5. Love you nan have fun. From Shirley & Wayne Sr, Tammy & Lyla. Happy Birthday wishes going out to our uncle Victor Hanson on Dec. 12. Enjoy your day. Fr. niece Shirley & Wayne Sr, Tamara & Lyla & Wayne Jr. Happy Birthday to our niece Priscilla Jack on Dec. 6. Have fun on your special day! Love uncle Wayne Sr & Shirley, Tammy, Lyla & Wayne Jr. Happy 3rd Birthday to gr-daughter Natalya Bell enjoy your special day miss Bell on Dec. 19th. Love gramps Wayne Sr & Shirley, Tammy, Lyla, Wayne Jr. Happy 4th Birthday to Dee John on Dec. 10. Have fun on your day. Fr. Shirley, Wayne Sr, Tammy, Lyla, Jr. Happy 3rd Birthday to my dear nephew (Godson) Wayne Jr on Dec. 28. Have a fun filled day neph. Love auntie Val, uncle Bob the builder, Devon, Billy, Haily & Julius. Happy 84th Birthday to my dear grandmother Hilda Hanson. Many more to come Nan. Love Valerie, Robert, Devon, Billy, Haily & Julius. Happy Birthday to my uncle Victor Hansen. Love from Niece Valerie. Dec. 3 - Happy belated Birthday to auntie Shelley. Love Melissa & kids. Dec. 22 - Happy 2nd Birthday to our baby Conrad. Love Mom & Dad. Happy Birthday to our baby brother Conrad. Love Kiara, Brooke & Damion. Dec. 29 - Happy Birthday to my mom/grandma Deanna. Love Melissa and your grandchildren.

In loving memory of our daughter Aline Victoria Sheena February 5, 1970 – December 21, 2000 - 5th Anniversary Dear God, please take a message to “Lynn” up above. Tell her how much we miss her and give her all our love. Hold her in your arms dear God and whisper in her ear. How much we truly love her to which she was here. So many things have happened, “Lynn” since your were called away. So many things to share with you had you been here to stay. We Bless the years we had with you and leave the rest to God. So those of you have a daughter cherish her with care. For you will never know the heart ache when she is no longer there. Forever loved by “Sheens”, Caziere families, friends and from Alfred Baker Coon

My Brother Richard Basil Webster Written by Norma-Ann Webster It was not until you were gone my brother That my heart was broken into two I won’t let your spirit stay on earth For now you are a guardian Angel A dancer who drums a song A dancer who dances with the eagle feather bound to the cedar bark headband Your regalia is split and braided like rope your face glows with pride As I watch you dance your movements are precise you move with every beat how proud I am of you dear brother In commemoration and honour of you let the light shine bright lets ours hearts soar with this feather lets us release your spirit so you may rise Fly with wings dear brother of Happy 12th Birthday Bradlee on Dec. 25th. 12 years old now my son! You’ve grown so fast. We love you so much son, you are the best big brother ever! I can’t beleive how much you’ve matured over the last while. We are so proud of you Brad. Love your whole family. The Plasway’s. Big shout out to our nephew/ cousin Aaron Edgar Happy Birthday on Dec. 20. Teenager now! We love you lots Aaron. Always thinking about. Lots of love to you and your siblings Jocelyn and Steve. Merry Christmas. Love Bradlee, Brittany, Melyla and family. Happy 8th Birthday Brittany Plasway on Jan. 9. My Amber Star you make me so proud too. Your so smart baby girl, keep up the good work at school. I love you so much Brittany. Love your whole family the Plasways.

mine Soar high and guide us with your power I love you always and forever Just as you said to me Go and find a place of peace Of light and of joy For this is the time of year We all need you the most Touch our hearts and let us know All is well for you Soar Like the almighty Eagle Mount with wings with direction in season yet as gentle and humble And non- Aggressive as a Dove. December 6, 2005 honourable day...

Dedicated to the Tate/Touchie family, Bos, Fred, Marshall / Sutherland families and anyone else who has lost a loved on this past year. My First Christmas in Heaven I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, with tiny lights, like Heaven’s stars, reflecting in the snow. The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas, with Jesus this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring, for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing. I know huch much you miss me, I see the pain in your heart, But I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart. So be happy for me dear ones, you know I hold you dear, and be glad I’m spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year. I send you each a special gift, more precious than pure gold, It was always most important, in the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep each other as my Father said to do, for I can’t count the blessings or love he has for each of you. So have a Merry Christmas, and wipe away that tear, Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. Author Unknown. Submitted by Jennett Touchie

Page 16 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

c^uk#aac^ak naa%uuqsta%in nunuuk

poet’s nook The Echo of the Children Written By Norma-Ann Webster Beneath the grounds of the earths core Where there is darkness Listen to the echoes of the children As they weep with sorrow and despair With darkened eyes That blend and a shudder of outrageous misfortune Closed and banged shut out by all They huddle together, weeping in this darkness cold and alone. Can you hear the cries so lonely and sad? As the sounds of cries burst through the earths core What is holding them back in this confined world? They are scared and don’t trust anyone

Just each other They will only let you see their outlined form Dusty and dismal through this despair I won’t let you see the sadness, the cry of Hurt, pain, loneliness and bitterness This shield of darkness is our way underground No one can find us because we can hide from you all No one can catch us for the darkness is our safety. Hear the echoes of our cries It is of sorrow and pain Are you are brave enough to come Into this lost world of darkness if so Under one condition we shall leave this darkness One by One Let us know how precious we are to you We shall follow And walk above on the earth with you.

BIG MAN IN THE MOUNTAIN I awoke from oblivion to find myself on a majestic mountain. Alone I stood with my tangled thoughts, my hidden and lost feelings. I was alone and desperately searching for a place in this chaotic world where I belonged. I stood alone with myself and without myself, In self-pity and doubt on the verge of insanity. I stood alone in that place of greatness, with pain that haunted me like death. Outside myself I saw my abusers who stole a lifetime of trust and robbed me of my feelings. Alone with the abuse and neglect of my caretakers fresh in my mind tore at every part of my being. The ignorance of world that would not accept me possessed me, half native half white who was I. By myself I cried a lifetime of tears where no one could see the pain they imposed on me. Alone in this hell on earth, who was responsible for the challenges of this bad joke, they call life. I let go of a yell from deep within that echoed through the Mountains and across the ocean, a cry for help. Then I heard the scream of an eagle that told me of his displacement and pain, but was still there. I heard the howl of a wolf, telling me of the senseless slaughter of his brothers and sisters, but was a survivor. I heard the roar of a bear that told me of his unheard of losses and to survive at any cost. Even the trees told me of being taken without being asked or thanked, but they continued to plant their seed. In the near distance below I saw the ocean in all its glory a great keeper of life, a pathway to other existences. I heard the waves echo messages in my mind, telling me of the rape and destruction of the life it keeps. No, I was not alone in my feelings, the spirits of all these living beings told me their sad stories and to live! As I stood there in the presence of all this greatness, I feel the wind gentle on my face the breath of the creator. He breathes new life into my soul giving me new Strengths, reminding me he was always there for me. I feel the warmth of the sun warming me deep into My frozen feelings, making me feel a wondrous feeling. On top of that majestic mountain I found myself, My Creator and New Hope for things still to be. I am Heh Heh wah ta wah proud brave and free, survivor Of many things, who will no longer be alone! I found I always belonged! I was home! Rick Sayers

come all of you and join us in singing C`aamaqapi

Silent Night, Holy Night

1. C~aa ma qa pi, %aa %a %at h=ii %uu qum h=ii, kaa+ h=aa pi naa na y`aqc h=as na y`a qak %is %i %aa %a na y`a qak h=aa> m`aa h=i %^is %is^ +u> %ii wa %ic^ na y`a qaa hak +u> %ii wa %ic^ na y`a qak

Silent night, holy night It’s calm weather, it’s light I have come to pay a visit to the baby Holy Baby he is so cute Have a good sleep baby Have a good sleep baby

2. C~aa ma qa pi, %aa %a %at h=ii %uus^ p`a> s^i+ hii s^um y`as %i hiis taq s^i+ %is^ hi naa yi> ka+ h=ak q#aa c`a >a tuk nu nuuk hi naa yi> %ath= hii num> %a+ %is^ na y`a qaa hak hii num> %a+ %is^ na y`a qak

Silent night, holy night they got surprised, the ones gathered it came from above the light it sounded nice the singing from above He is born the baby He is born the baby

3. C~aa ma qa pi, %aa %a %at h=ii t`a n`aak n`aas kaa+h= %aq +a pap kaa+h= %aq+ his taq s^i+ hi >uu> %at %itk kaa+h= s^i %a+ quu hu %a yii %aq+ +u> mis q#ii yum> %itq Jesus %uyi q#ii yum> %itq Jesus %uyi

Silent night, holy night Son of God He makes it light bright beams coming from thy face at break of dawn he will give back goodness at the time that Jesus was born at the time that Jesus was born

c`amaqapi silent %ath=ii night %aa%a expresses compassion or gratitude, for example, talking to a crowd or to a person %uuqgood, pleasant %uuqumh=ii calm weather kaa+h=light up -%api up in the air nay`aqak young baby nay`aqak%is%i the little baby -%is little -%i the haa>m`aahi cute +u> good, nice wa%ic^ sleep 2. %uus^- something amazing, special %uus^p`a>s^i+ -got surprised or amazed at what they saw his^s^im> to gather together his^um> gathered hiistaqs^i+%is^ it came from hislocation ka+h=ak light hinaayi> sky q#waac`a> it sounded nice -tuk sound of a noise -(a)atuk a noise or sound heard nunuuk singing hinayil>%ath= -the ones from above



the ones from, people



hiinum>%a+%is he is born hiinum> birth of a child -%a+ now -%is^ it is t`an`a child t`an`aak child (here son) of n`aas God, Creator, day kaa+h= light -%aq+ will kaa+h==%aq+ brightness histaqs^i+ from hi>uu> face kaa+h= s^i %a+ quu kaa+h= light -s^i turns to -%a+ now -quu when hu %a yii %aq+ >u> mis hu% again, back, return hu%ayii to give back -%aq+ will +u> good, nice -mis of that kind q#ii yum> %itq Jesus %uyi qwii when yum> was born %uyi at that time

c^axtakuk`um k#ismis caxtakuk`um k#isq%ic^hs= i^ t+

You all have a Merry Christmas You all have a Happy New Year c^uuc Submitted by the Central language group in C u` umu@aas. We meet every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Phone Carrie Little at 724-=6580 for more information.

Please note: Due to budget cutbacks, there is no Ha-Shilth-Sa Calendar this year

Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 - Page 17

Attention Residential School Survivors: Residential School Compensation Information

There Is No Lump Sum Compensation Yet The Indian Residential School Survivors Society would like all residential school survivors in British to know that lump sum compensation is not yet available. On May 30, 2005 the Assembly of First Nations entered into an agreement with the federal government to look at compensation but nothing has been decided yet. They are still working on it. The only way to get compensation as of today is: 1. to file a civil lawsuit or 2. to go through the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process. If an when lump sum compensation is agreed upon, you will hear about it in the media. In the meantime, there is NO form that you can fill out for compensation. YOU WILL NOT NEED A LAWYER. You will NOT need a lawyer to get lump sum compensation. Please do not sign up with any lawyers if you are only interested in lump sum compensation. For Information Contact: Indian Residential School Survivors Society Donna Moon Sharon Thira 1-800-721-0066 Q & A: Canada – AFN Agreement-inPrinciple What if I don’t agree with the deal? • You can opt out of the deal. The courts will identify the method and the date by which you must opt out. • If you do, you can still: o Do nothing; o Sue the government of Canada and the churches but you will be on your own; o Go through the Independent Assessment Process (IAP), formerly known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR); o Pursue healing; or o Pursue commemoration. • This deal will die if 5,000 or more survivors opt out. • This deal will also die if the courts do not approve it. When will we get a formal apology from Canada? • Many survivors told us a formal apology has to be the first element in resolving this issue. • A formal apology is not included in this deal. • Negotiations continue to secure a formal apology from Canada. When will I get my advance payment? • There is no detailed timeline yet. • We have heard it could take from 2 to 6 months. I am terminally ill. Will I get an advance payment? Will I get my compensation before I die? • The agreement does not provide for an advance payment to terminally ill survivors. • Your estate will get your lump sum payment if you went to residential school, and die before compensation starts to be paid out. • We suggest you make out a will to specify what you want done with your compensation and estate.

When will I be able to apply for my lump sum payment? • There is no detailed timeline yet. • We have heard it could take up to one year to set up the compensation process. • The deal must first be approved by the courts. • The deal could die if 5,000 or more survivors opt out of the deal I’ve already settled my claim. Do I still get a lump sum payment? • Yes. • The lump sum payment is for having attended residential school only. What does the deal cover? • In order to receive the lump sum payment, a survivor will have to release Canada from all claims arising out of their residential school experience or attendance. • We believe this includes giving up your right to sue for: o Destruction of language and culture; and o Loss of family life. Can I still sue for physical and sexual abuse? • No, you can only resolve your physical and sexual abuse claim through the Independent Assessment Process (IAP), formerly known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR); • In some cases, the Chief Adjudicator may refer some IAP claims to the courts if the claimant may receive higher compensation there. Where do I get forms? • Forms will likely come from the federal government. Do I need a lawyer to get my lump sum payment? • You do not need a lawyer to get your lump sum compensation. • Please do not sign anything until you have talked to us or someone else you can trust Why can’t I get the full amount right away? • The advance is to get money to survivors who are elderly as quickly as possible. • We haven’t found any provisions that cover the sick and terminally-ill. • The lump sum payment is based on the fact you attended residential school only. • It is based on the number of years you went to residential school. • The final amount each survivor gets will vary, depending on how many years they were in residential school. • The final amount will be determined following verification and validation of each application. Are Boarding and Day schools included in this payout? • No. • The schools included in this payout are defined in the Agreement-inPrinciple. • A few more schools have already been added to the list. Other schools may be added in future. Will I be compensated for time I spent in hospital, such as a TB hospital? • We are trying to get an answer to this question. Are the Churches going to pay their share of compensation? • Canada will pay 100% of compensation.

The churches will contribute funding to healing. Do intergenerational survivors (children of survivors) get any compensation? • No. • The lump sum payment is for those people who attended residential schools only. • Children of survivors are covered under other elements of the deal, such as: o Truth and Reconciliation Model; o Commemoration; and o Healing. • Children of survivors will be bound by the release their parents will have to sign in order to get compensation. • Schedule “G”, clause 14 reads: The judgments will be binding on all class members including minors, unborn persons, and those under disability, unless they opt-out on or before the date specified in the judgments.

I am currently in ADR. How will the process change? • Hearings are still proceeding and claims being resolved through the ADR process. • We believe you will automatically be transferred from ADR to IAP. • Regardless, you will benefit from any increase in compensation the new process may result in. Do I need to get my records? • Yes. Please complete and submit the Request for Information. You can get the form from IRSRC, through their website: http://www.irsrrqpi.gc.ca/english/pdf/Informal_Req uest_Form.pdf By e-mail to: info@irsr-rqpi.gc.ca Or by calling them: o If you live in BC, Alberta or the North, call: (604) 775-6400. o If you live in the East, Manitoba or Saskatchewan, call: (613) 996-2686.

PAFC Elders Share Their Experience Of The 29th Annual Elders Gathering In Prince George submitted by Andrea Lopez, Elders Worker, Port Alberni Friendship Center Eight Port Alberni Friendship Center Elders traveled to Prince George for the 29th Annual Elders Gathering in October of this year. Six of the eight started their journey aboard a Greyhound bus; a 12 hour drive from Vancouver. The remaining two traveled alone in their car. Once in Prince George our group participated in the “Grand Entry”, this is where each tribe or group is designated a spot and they walk into the building representing their nation or Friendship Center; as in our case. At the gathering there were people from all over B.C and one group was from Alaska. There were many crafters who displayed their work; as well as many informative people from Health Canada and from other Government levels, handing out pamphlets and offering information on how apply for certain benefits etc. There were a number of workshops

Uu-a-thluk continued from page 5 meaningful discussion with license holders, First Nations and other interested stakeholders’. Phase III started November 2005 with bilateral discussions with affected First Nations. DFO’s Pacific Fisheries Reform document was presented by Ron Kadawaki who pointed out reform is needed to manage a dwindling resource. “Some of the things we think we need to do to is reform not only commercial, but also First Nations and sports fisheries,” he explained. Conservation of the resource is most important but DFO recognizes they must respect the Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations which include access to food, social and ceremonial fisheries and First Nations interests in increased economic access.

provided to the participants of the gathering as well; such as AID information sessions, Residential School Survivors, Diabetes, and Poverty. This is one of the only times workshops have been available and our group feels they were very beneficial and hope to see more in the up coming years. Our group also stood with Barney Williams and George Clutesi as support when they announced their offer to host the 30th Annual Elders Gathering here in Port Alberni in 2006. Our elders have expressed their enthusiasm to help with the organization and fundraising for next year’s event here in the Valley. Also, Ben and Grace David were crowned King and Queen for next year’s gathering and the lovely couple is looking forward to crown the next King and Queen here in P.A. In closing, our group had a wonderful time and would like to thank all those who bought tickets etc. and to Nuuchah-nulth Community and Human Services and to the PAFC, for their generous donations. Key issues presented were management options (harvest sharing, duration of licenses and transferability of licenses). Kadawaki also talked about co-management possibilities in the areas of stock assessment, enhancement and harvest management. The next step, he said, includes completing the 2005 action plan. “The current Fisheries Act is 138 years old,” said Kadawaki, “and therefore needs a lot of updating.” DFO is in the process of sharing information about proposed changes to the Fisheries Act. If a Bill is introduced this session in the Parliament opportunities for comment will be provided they say. New bills require three readings in parliament. While NCN asked many questions and expressed their strong opposition to DFO’s proposed Individual Transferable Quota system, they agreed to take the information for further review. The parties will meet again to further discuss DFO’s proposed changes to the Fisheries Act.

Page 18 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005

Klecko’s - +ekoo


e would like to thank everyone who attended our dinner on November 11, 2005. A sincere thank you to Cathy, Vanessa and Jackie and Tom for all of her contributions. We would also like to thank everyone who assisted in the set up and clean up of the hall. Our apologies if we have missed anyone who had assisted us on this day.

Furthermore, we would like to thank Ehattesaht for their gift and presentation of a beautiful carved mask which was made by Tom Paul. The mask was presented by Ehattesaht to Archie Little, in recognition of the contributions that have been made while he was the Northern Region Co-Chair.

To All my Family:

and nieces for serving, especially sister Marie for your help. I know not everyone came but you were all missed. None of the Mickey’s came. From What Yvonne Mickey told me there’s more than 50 in that family alone. There wouldn’t have been enough room but we all missed everyone that couldn’t make it. I wanted especially say to Uncle Kelly thanks for being here for us. All of you that came made my Dad very happy. Thanks again. I love you all so much. I especially want to say to Lisa Devine thank you so much for making Dad so happy coming from Fraser Lake. Barb from Victoria, was good to see you all.

I just wanted to write today and thank you all who came to our family reunion. I want to especially thank Uncle Archie, Uncle Reg D., Ben D. my Uncle Pat Charleson and Coz Chris Charleson. I was so happy to see you all there to make my dad’s birthday a memorable one. I think it was in September or early October when he really had a look at late Bossman’s grandson, it made him wish we’d all get together so we said we’d try. I was so glad to see all my first cousins. We are such a big family. I also want to thank my Aunt Debbie David and my sister Trina Williams for all your help. Those who didn’t know Trina was adopted by my parents the day of her wedding to Barney Williams Jr.. We also have another adopted in the States, Lisa Coacher is her name. I want to thank sister-in-laws Deb and Millie for all your help. All the cousins

The Kindness Crew, here Nov. 24 & 25, left a lasting impression and instilled a wonderful drive to do kindness in communities from Ucluelet to Ahousaht. Many individuals and businesses made that happen We would like to express our gratitude to all those who contributed baking or contributions in lieu of baking, Far West Foods, Ucluelet Secondary School and Gerry Joly (who also provided lunch for the guys) for helping make the Kindness Injection a success. Thank you to those who attended the Kindness Injection and made additional contributions. Over $1500 was raised for the Don McGinnis Special Care Room. Tax-deductible donations can still be made at the Tofino General Hospital.

Josephine & Earl George

My love to you all, Dora Frank (Robinson) Auntie Barb Touchie, I love you. Thanks for coming. Heartfelt thanks also goes to Bostrom’s B&B, Jiggers, Caffe Vincente who housed and fed the Kindness guys. The Ahousaht presentation was made possible by funding support from the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust, Lief and Becky Johansen for doing all the leg work and promotion, Maaqtusiis School for use of the gym, Richard Pessak for loan of equipment, Denise John and the beautiful young woman who walked us down to the dock with her beam and helped us call the boat and find the lost Kindness guy-a true act of random kindness. Thank you for helping the Hospice Society bring Extreme Kindness to the west coast. Sincerely, Pacific Rim Hospice Society, Mrs. Arlene and Billy McGinnis and the Tofino General Hospital Foundation

Manjeet Uppal thanks Nuu-chah-nulth Manjeet Uppal an NDP activist was successful in winning the NDP nomination for Nanaimo-Alberni in the upcoming January 23rd federal election. Uppal who worked for the Nuu-chahnulth Tribal Council for close to a decade, currently instructs for First Nations Child Service Agencies throughout British Columbia. As a business partner in a company called “Dynamic Interactions” Manjeet provides training and workshops to the private and public sector. “I want to thank Nuu-chah-nulth for

all the support an encouragement provided throughout this process. I could not have won it without this support.” says Uppal. “Members from the nations of , Hesquiaht, Tla-oquiaht, , , and Ucluelet supported me in my bid to win the nomination” says Uppal. Manjeet will be meeting with Nuuchah-nulth through the upcoming election campaign and hopefully will be able to continue to do so as Member of Parliament. Uppal says “I am committed to hearing and taking your concerns to Ottawa and ensuring that they will be addressed.”

Community Events Honouring Creation Nanoose First Nation & Associates - Art Show / Fundraiser. Partial proceeds to support YOUTH recreation & activities. December 17-18. All weekend * 10 am – 6 pm * On the Nanoose Indian Reserve near Snaw Naw As Campsite at the *Community Hall * Contact Natasha Bob @ 714-8544 for table booking or volunteer sign-up.

2nd Annual Family Fun New Year's Eve Bash Saturday, December 31st, 8pm to 1am Hupacasath House of Gathering, 5500 Ahahswinis, (just off Beaver Crk Rd) Everyone from All Nations invited. Dancing contests, chumus, and fireworks to celebrate the New Year! Please be aware that all children must be accompanied by an adult. There will be no babysitting available. This is an alcohol-free and drugfree event. For more info call Bonnie Gus or Steven Tatoosh at 723-8502. NONPERISHABLE FOOD DONATIONS APPRECIATED FOR LOCAL FOOD BANK

Annie Watts, Ha-Shilth-Sa Administration Assistant New Email Address, effective immediately hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org * To get the quality you want in your photos, graphics or ads please submit them at a minimum of 175 d.p.i. (to 300 d.p.i.). * Keep your address up to date, email me when you move. Please call 724-5757 if you have any concerns or if your subscription stops.

Knee-waas Coat Drive We are accepting donations for jackets and coats of all sizes. Although we accept all sizes, we are in urgent need of children’s coats. You can drop off your donated coats at: 3435 – 4th Avenue, Port Alberni, B.C. Between the hours of 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information please contact Knee-waas at (250) 723-8281

Artists & Crafts People

table at the Gumboot Christmas Celebration at Tin Wis December 16 & 17th, 5pm9pm and December 18th 10am-2pm. We have 25 tables available and are being offered on a first come, first serve basis. Tables may be secured for all three days or partially. Cost is $20.00 for all three days. To secure your table please call 725-2765.

Classifieds continued

Call Ha-Shilth-Sa @ 724-5757 or email hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org when you want your ad deleted or revised.

Ucluelet First Nation newest housing project is almost completed. Ucluelet First Nations would like to invite any member interested in leasing one of the 2 bedroom units in this complex to fill out an application. For more information, or an application; please contact Kevin Trudel at the band office, phone number 726-7342 extension 30.

HOCKEY GEAR FOR SALE! Only worn a couple times! Hespeler 12 inch Shin Pads - $20. Easton Elbow Pads $15. Itech Helmut with Shield - $75. Bauer Shoulder Pads - 45. Nike Iceskates Size 5/6 - $75. $200.for the lot if all, gear purchased together, this hockey gear is for an 11 year old. Please call 726 - 4442 or work 726-2446 (Monday to Friday) or (cell) 731-6978 & leave a message.

FOR SALE: Good condition truck, has been cared for 1994 GMC extended cab 4x4 automatic short box $6000. 250 741 0034 cell 250 741 6586.

Meeting facilitator: Are you tired of meetings going all night long, never finishing the agenda, going around in circles? 20 years experience and proven track record. Keep your meetings on track. Call Richard Watts, Weelth-tsah @ (250) 724-2603 or (cel) 731-5795. Available any time.

Pacific Balance Seal Oil your source of OMEGA 3. Both Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids (EFA’s) (the good fats). They cannot be manufactured naturally in the body. In the 1930’s, it was found that the Eskimos, with their high seal diet, had nearly 0% heart disease and cancer. Available from Faith and Richard Watts @ (250) 724-2603 (cel) 731-5795.

TRICKSTER’S TREATS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TILL 12 MIDNIGHT · FIREWORKS AND CHUMUS 5010 THOMAS ROAD PORT ALBERNI, BC * retreats * event planning * workshops/conf. & more

Vina Robinson 250 729 1314

Loonie toonies & Flea Markets LOONIE TOONIE AUCTION: Saturday, December 17, 2005 at the Somass Hall, Port Alberni from 1 - ?. Please come out and support Hazel and Susan Cook’s soccer tour to South America, Argentina and Brazil on January 13 – 27, 2006. They play with the Native Indian Football Association. CHRISTMAS FLEA MARKET AND LOONIE TWOONIE: Sunday, Dec. 18th. 9AM TO 4PM. Tseshaht Somass Hall. 6200 Ekooth Rd. Arts and Crafts, baked goodies, new and used treasures, concession, raffles and 50/50 draws. Grand Prizes: Karaoke Machine and Chopper’s Bike. Tables available. More info call Linda Gomez at 723-6194 or 730-0677 or email at lindagomez67@hotmail.com. Youth Fundraiser.

Please know you are invited to secure a

LOST: Gold necklace with a 1in X 1in Indian design butterfly pendant. Last seen on my niece at the Ucluelet Secondary School in March. Please call Jeannine Adams @ 670-1150 or email ballgrrl@hotmail.com. Thanks.

PO Box 474 Lantzville, BC V0R 2H0 fax: 250-390-3404 e-mail vigold@nanoose.org

VIDEO REQUEST COPY: Kathleen Andrews-Thomas would like a copy of a video from a Potlatch is 2004 March. The Martin family held a memorial for their father. During the night my father gave me his Indian name, held in Tofino gym I don’t recall the date just the month and the year. I would greatly appreciate any help you can bring to this matter. Thank you, Katt 1033 Seenupin Rd Victoria BC V9A 7K8 kattthomas77@hotmail.com

Ha-Shilth-Sa - December 15, 2005 - Page 19 Arts FOR SALE: West Coast Shopping Baskets. Made by Lavern Frank. To make an order call 250-726-2604(h), 250-725-3367(w). mon-fri 8am -4:30pm.

FOR SALE: Native designed jewellery; silver, copper, gold engraving, stone setting. Contact Gordon Dick by phone 723-9401. WANTED: I am looking for someone to make Abalone buttons. Call 723-7134. FOR SALE: Carvings such as coffee table tops, clocks, plaques, 6’ totems, canoes made by Charlie Mickey 7314176. Place an order my mail PO Box 73, Zeballos, BC, V0P 2A0. FOR SALE: Genuine Authentic basket weaving grass. Linda Edgar, phone 250741-1622. BASKET WEAVING FOR SALE: Grad Hat Regalia, Baskets, Weaving material, specializing in Maquinna Hat Earrings. Available to teach at conferences and workshops. Call Julie Joseph (250) 729-9819. WANTED: whale teeth, whalebones, mastodon ivory and Russian blue cobalt trade beads. Lv. msg. For Steve and Elsie John at 604-833-3645 or c/o #141720 6th St, New Westminster BC V3L3C5. FOR SALE: Native painting. Call Bruce Nookemus (250) 728-2397 WHOPULTHEEATUK - Sandra Howard, Mowachaht Cedar Weaver. Hats, Caps, Pouches, Baskets, Mats, and Roses for Sale. Price Negotiable. Barter or Trade. Ph: 250-283-7628. e-mail:oomek@hotmail.com. ROSE AMBROSE: Basket weaving, shawls, baskets, headbands, roses, etc. Also teach 723-2106. BURN PILE/CEDAR FURNITURE: Tables - coffee table - shelves - end tables - night stands - tv stands. Will make any size. Call Robin 730-2223.

Chief’s hat for sale. All hats are different, similar to this one. Phone Mary Martin (250) 753-9118 evenings

wihayaq,cik, James Swan, AHOUSAHT NATIVE ARTIST, Original paintings, and carvings. (can customize orders) P.O. # 84 - Ahousaht, BC. - V0R-1A0 home (250) 670-2438 ~ cell (250) 7315304. www.ahousahtnativeart.com jamesswan@telus.net

CLASSIFIED Automotive D&M AUTOCLEAN: "We’ll do your dirty work" Automobile cleaning and renewal. CARS - TRUCKS - RV'S BOATS. 7429 Pacific Rim Highway. Phone 720-2211. PROFESSIONAL BODYWORK: Will do professional bodywork and painting. 14 years experience. Experienced, certified welder on-site. Marcel Dorward. 723-1033. FOR SALE: 1989 Ford Econoline 17 passenger bus. Auto, runs great. $5500 obo 723-2308. FOR SALE: 1990 Ford 2 wd 1 ton crew cab on propane. $2500. 735-0833. FOR SALE: 1993 Honda Del Sol Si. 165,000 kms, 5 spd., body kit, blue, motegi white rims, removable top, partial turbo kit, and more. $9,000. 7352225. Willard. FOR SALE - 1997 Ford Aerostar Van. Very good condition, has been cared for and used sparingly. Call 1-360-645-2019 evenings after 6:30 pm. Elizabeth Little Parker.

Marine MOTOR AND PROPS FOR SALE: XL115 - Mercury/2004 Opti-Max 2 stroke. 4 - Blade SS prop for 150 or 200 Yamaha. 5 - Blade SS prop for 115 Yamaha or Mercury. Contact: Leo Jack Jr 250-3325301 BOAT FOR SALE: 1992 - 25 foot Raider. Aluminum cabin, open fore and aft deck, adjustable outboat bracket, tandem galvanized trailer. $19,900 without engine, $29,900 with 2001 - 225 Merc Optimax. Call Roger Franceur 723-4005 BOAT FOR SALE: MV Ropo – no license. 40’ fiberglass. Ex-freezer troller. Fully equipped. Freezer system only 2 years old. Harold Little (250) 670-2477. FOR SALE - 40’ Ex-troller and Spring nets made to order. Call Robert Johnson Sr. (250) 724-4799. FOR SALE: Area "G" AI Troll License 37.5 ft. Contact Louie Frank Sr. at 250670-9573 or leave a message at the Ahousaht Administration Office at 250670-9563. FOR SALE: New and Used Barclay Sound Sockeye Nets. (250) 923-9864. WANTED: 18' - 19' Fiberglass Deep V Fishing Boat, Soft Top, (Double Eagle, Hourston, etc). Call Dale or Barb @ 250 283 - 7149. CANOE BUILDING: Will build canoe, or teach how to build canoe. Call Harry Lucas 724-1494. FOR SALE: 25’ Bayliner powered by 350 Chev with Volvo leg. Excellent condition. $11,000. 735-0833. MISSING – 30 HP Yamaha. Any information please contact Boyd or Josh Fred at 723-5114 or 724-6491. Reward! WANTED: Boat Trailer for 20’ boat. Call Michael @ 720-6026. FOR SALE. Nets –Different Sizes, Different prices, make an offer. Trolling gear – offers. View – 5010 Mission Rd. Phone – 723-9894.

3395 4TH AVE., Port Alberni, BC, V9Y4G8 (250) 724-6831

For Sale: 28’, 1983 Spirit. Command bridge, hardtop stern roof, all new canvas & canopy, twin 350 Chev engines (570 hrs), Volvo dual props, hydraulic steering, anchor winch, all electronics, kitchen, bathroom, security system, hot water. $49,000 obo. Call (250) 723-1496

Employment Wanted/ Services Offered

T.S.G. TRUCKING SERVICE: Moving And Hauling, Reasonable Rates. Tom Gus, 5231 Hector Road, Port Alberni, B.C. Phone: (250) 724-3975. FOR HIRE:Pickup truck and driver. Need something transported or towed? Transport/move furniture, fridge, stoves, outboard motors, your boat, canoe or travel trailer towed or moved. By the km and by the hour. Call 250-724-5290. +`um>k`a Advisory for Histories, Governance, and Constitutions (forming governments). contact Harry Lucas, at 724-2313. NUU-CHAH-NULTH NATIVE LANGUAGE: Transcribing in phonetics for meetings, research projects, personal use. Hourly rates. Phone Harry Lucas at 7242313. FREE LANGUAGE CLASSES: at Hupacasath Hall. Language Instructor - Tat Tatoosh. Monday and Wednesday Nights. 7 pm to 9 pm. (Bring your own pen and paper). Parenting Skills for Parents and Tots. Fridays from 3 – 4 pm. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. cuu kleco. Edward Tatoosh, Certified Linguist. TSAWAAYUUS: SHARE YOUR TALENTS WITH YOUR ELDERS: Volunteers required for the following: Give demonstrations and/or teach basket weaving, carving, painting, etc. We also need cultural entertainment. Contact Darlene Erickson at 724-5655. FIRST AID TRAINING: Canadian Red Cross Certified First Aid Instructors Lavern and Alex Frank are available to teach First Aid to your group, office, or community. Classes can have up to 24 students. Phone (250) 725-3367 or (250) 726-2604 for more information. SWEEPY’S CLEANING SERVICES: Samantha Gus: Need some Cleaning done? Don’t have enough time? Good rates. Call 723-7645 or leave a message @ 724-2763. Windows, dishes, vacuuming, laundry, walls, shelves, etc. Custodial/ Janitorial certified. Commercial house keeping/ home making certified and Food safe. ELEGANT ADVANTAGE DECORATING AND CATERING SERVICES: Tracey Robinson @ home:723-8571, Margaret Robinson @ home:723-0789. We do all occasions: Weddings, Showers, Graduations, Banquets, Brunches, Dinners, * Super Host and Food Safe Certified* AL & JO-ANNE’S CLEANING SERVICES: The most reasonable rates! Call Al or Jo-anne (250) 723-7291. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT: Nitinaht Lake Motel. Now open year round. For reservations and other information call 250745-3844. Mailing address P.O. Box 455, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M9. MR. MARTIN THE MAGICIAN: is now taking bookings for all entertainment purposes. 250-995-2942. TOQUART BAY CONVENIENCE STORE, CAMPGROUND & MARINA: Reservations available. Open year round. Status cigs available. 726-8306.

FOR RENT: A non-profit organization has rooms to rent, by the day, week or month. Very reasonable rates for Room and Board. Also, there is a Boardroom available for rent. For more information phone 7236511. R. FRED & ASSOCIATES - media specialists. Professional quality publishing services, audio-video, website development, accessibility for disabilities, contract writing & business development. Call Randy Fred at (250)741-0153. PROFESSIONAL available for Workshops/ Conferences. Healing Circles/Retreats/ Canoe Journeys. Contract or full-time position. Holistic massage and aromatherapy with essential oils by Raven Touch. Please contact Eileen Touchie @250-726-7369 or 726-5505. FOR RENT: Equipment for power point and DVD presentations. Projector and Screen. By the hour or day. Deposit required. Telephone: 250-724-5290. WANTED: NCN women to join my fantastic Mary Kay team. Perfect way to invest in a home based business. Call me for more information Rosalee Brown @385-9906 or email rosaleeb_61@excite.com BOARDROOMS FOR RENT: At the Tseshaht Administrative Buildings, Port Alberni. For more information call the Tseshaht First Nations Office at (250) 7241225 or toll free 1-888-724-1225. Having a little trouble keeping up to your lawn growth and yard maintenance? Call Ozzie & Darryl or leave a message at my home. Reasonable rates for mowing and weed eating! I work until 2:00 p.m. every day and home by 2:30. Leave a message at Darryl Watts #730-2880.

Miscellaneous WESTCOAST TRANSITION HOUSE EMERGENCY SHELTER: For Abused Women and their Children on call 24 hours toll free. 1-877-726-2080. PORT ALBERNI TRANSITION HOUSE: Call 724-2223 or call the nearest local shelter or crisis center. HELP LINE FOR CHILDREN: 310-1234. WANTED: Medical Equipment such as wheelchairs etc. Can be dropped off at the Tseshaht Band Office. 5000 Mission Road, Port Alberni. Contact Gail K. Gus at 724-1225. FOR SALE: Custom built food cart with grill, deep fryer, sink, water pump, and lots of storage. 1 owner. $6500, obo. 7244383. FOR SALE: 1100 motorized wheel chair, with adjustable air seat. Brand new battery charger, (value $450) colour is candy apple red. Value is $8000, want $3000 firm. phone Terry @ 250 741-1622. Nanaimo.B.C FOR SALE: Seaside Adventures in Tofino $695,000.00 Serious Inquiries Call 725-3448 OR 725-8329 ask for Steve or Cindy Dennis. FOR SALE: Anyone interested in buying sweaters & sweatpants, blankets and baby blankets, denim handbags. Put your order in with Doreen and Anna Dick at 250 204-2480. WANTED TO RENT: 3 – 5 bedroom house anywhere in Port Alberni. Willing to pay $600-650/month. Call Crystal Fred or Wes Price @ 723-6028. LOST: (during the AGM) a gold ring with a native design on it and it also has a small diamond in it (size 6 1/2-7). Call Barb at (250) 386-3895

Reprezent Designs: First Nations Graphics. Specializing in Native Vinyl Decals. (Custom Made/All Sizes). All types of Native Graphics. Call Now! Celeste Jacko. Ph: 604-928-2157 or Email: ladybrave05@hotmail.com Classified Advertisers: Please call HaShilth-Sa @ 724-5757 or email hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org when you want your ad deleted or revised.



December 15, 2005


Nuu-chah-nulth Economic Development Corporation (250) 724-3131


to promote and assist the development, establishment and expansion of the business enterprises of Nuu-chah-nulth Tribes and Tribal members

Celebrating 21 years - 1984-22005

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