Ha-Shilth-Sa June 2, 2005

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Canada’s Oldest First Nations Newspaper - Serving Nuu-chah-nulth-aht since 1974 Canadian Publications Mail Product haas^i>sa “ Interesting News” Vol. 32 - No. 11 - June 2, 2005 Sales Agreement No. 40047776

Defining controversy: Nuu-chah-nulth dictionary causes stir By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter

available to Nuu-chah-nulth Nations and schools,” he said. The dictionary is Dr. Stonham’s 12th

A new Nuu-chah-nulth dictionary is causing a controversy, not only because of its content, but also because of how it was released. “A Concise Dictionary of the Nuuchahnulth Language of Vancouver Island” is the product of two decades of work by Dr. John Stonham, who poured over notes of early anthropologists to produce the 547 page book. But even though the Nuu-chah-nulth language is facing extinction, books will only be made available to Nuu-chahnulth people who are willing to pay $177.50 for a copy.

publication on the Nuu-chah-nulth language, yet no one we spoke to has ever seen any of the publications. Ironically, the dictionary is dedicated to “all the Nuuchahnulth people”. Ha-Shilth-Sa had been attempting to interview Dr. Stonham for the past year, but our e-mails and phone calls were refused. We finally contacted him this week after he completed an interview with CBC Radio, even though his assistant told us he would not be available for any further interviews. “If you go to your local bookstore, they should be able to track down a copy for you. I realize it’s expensive but I have no control over this,” said Stonham. “Books are available through Amazon.com. and I only have a handful of copies myself, and I’ll be sending two copies to Kathy Robinson for her and Hahopayuk School,” he said. Stonham teaches linguistics, language and morphology at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in England, but denies teaching anything about the Nuuchah-nulth language in any of his four undergraduate linguistics courses. In a press release announcing the release of the book, the publisher claims: “A campaign to save one of the world’s most complex group of languages has

“This is ridiculous. Here’s another academic who has made his money and career on the backs of Nuu-chah-nulth, and gives nothing back in return,” said Larry Baird. “This is ridiculous. Here’s another academic who has made his money and career on the backs of Nuu-chah-nulth, and gives nothing back in return,” said Larry Baird, chairperson of the Nuuchah-nulth Research Ethics Committee. “This is something that should have gone through our ethics group and we would have insisted that copies be made

continued on page 3

Carver Rod Sayers unveiled the newest Hupacasath welcome pole as eagle down floated in the breeze and Ed ‘Tat’ Tatoosh sang a gentle ciquaa blessing the new welcoming figure.

Hupacasath raise female welcome figure By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni - Eagle down floated in the breeze as Ed ‘Tat’ Tatoosh sang a gentle ciquaa blessing the newest Hupacasath welcome pole. The towering female figure was raised near the larger male figure in a quiet ceremony on Sunday, May 29th in front

Nuu-chah-nulth speakers Nelson Keitlah and Cliff Atleo Sr. point out numerous errors in a language book published in England.

School helps preserve language ........................... Page 2 Tsuxiit gets new guardian program .................... Page 4 Tseshaht launches lawsuit against BC ................ Page 5 Students compete in business competition ........ Page 6 Nuu-chah-nulth boxers battle in Nanaimo ........ Page 8 NEDC Business News ........................................... Page 20

of a few dozen Hupacasath members and passers-by. The female figure called “River Princess” was carved by Rod Sayers and Cecil Dawson,. She stands facing the Somass River estuary where she welcomes those who come to the area by boat, and the millions of spawning salmon returning to the tributaries within the Hupacasath traditional territory. Her male counterpart called “Mountain” was raised last year, and

faces the Johnson Street hill with arms outstretched, welcoming the many people who drive to Port Alberni en route to the west coast.

“It’s another great day for Hupacasath,” said Chief Councilor Judy Sayers. “This is the start of a tourism destination that will teach visitors about us, and about the people of the west coast,” she said. “It’s another great day for Hupacasath,” said Chief Councilor Judy Sayers. “This is the start of a tourism destination that will teach visitors about us, and about the people of the west coast,” she said. The Tsu-maas Transformation Society, who organized the carving of the poles

continued on page 5

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ISSN 0715-4143

Page 2 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper is published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for distribution to the members of the twelve NTCmember First Nations as well as other interested groups and individuals. Information and original work contained in this newspaper is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2. Telephone: (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Web page: www.nuuchahnulth.org

2005 Subscription rates: $35.00 per year in Canada and $40. /year U.S.A. and $45. /year foreign countries. Payable to the Nuu-chahnulth Tribal Council. Manager / Editor, Southern Region Reporter David Wiwchar (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 wiwchar@nuuchahnulth.org Administration Assistant Mrs. Annie Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 * hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org * NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Central Region Reporter Denise August (250) 725-2120 - Fax: (250) 725-2110 *New!* denise@nuuchahnulth.org Northern Region: for event coverage contact David Wiwchar at the main office (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463. wiwchar@nuuchahnulth.org Audio / Video Technician Mike Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 mwatts@nuuchahnulth.org

DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for submissions for our next issue is June 10, 2005. After that date, material submitted and judged appropriate, cannot be guaranteed placement but, if still relevant, will be included in the following issue. In an ideal world, submissions would be typed, rather than hand-written. Articles can be sent by e-mail to hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org (Windows PC). Submitted pictures must include a brief description of subject(s) and a return address. Pictures with no return address will remain on file. Allow 2 - 4 weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed photographs cannot be accepted. COVERAGE: Although we would like to be able to cover all stories and events we will only do so subject to: - Sufficient advance notice addressed specifically to Ha-Shilth-Sa. - Reporter's availability at the time of the event. - Editorial space available in the paper. - Editorial deadlines being adhered to by contributors.

LETTERS and KLECO’S Ha-Shilth-Sa will include letters received from its readers. All letters MUST be signed by the writer and have the writer's name, address and phone number on it. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chah-nulth individuals or groups. All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will not necessarily coincide with the views or policies of the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council or its member First Nations.

School taking steps to preserve Tseshaht language By Nicholas Watts Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Tsahaheh – A new online source has just taken its first steps toward helping not just Tseshaht people, but all Nuu-chah-nulth people trying to rediscover their language. A group of people at Haa-HuuPayak school have compiled a list of words and phrases to be accessed at firstvoices.com that is a great tool in teaching the language for both children, and adults alike. The ongoing project conducted by Dr. Syd Pauls, with collaboration with Kathy Robinson, Lena Ross, Jean Thomas, and Jesse Stephens, is a great step in preserving the Tseshaht dialect. It was all done on a spur of the moment chance. Syd was traveling to Neah Bay, when he was informed of a grant available through the Aboriginal Language Initiative. He had one day to make the proposal, and a month to do set up. With the help of Kathy, Lena, Jean, and Jessie, an on-line word and phrase guide was set in place. This was a grand task. It took months of going through Haa-HuuPayak lesson plans, and figuring out which words and phrases would make the final cut, and everything had to be catalogued and then transferred to audio format to be recorded for the sound bytes online. It’s been a long time coming, but the Tseshaht people have a source to look to when trying to discover their language roots. Without these people doing what they can, none of this would have been possible.

Katherine Robinson and Lena Ross with Haa-Huu-Payak students

Remembering Wahmeesh (George Watts)

Ha-Shilth-Sa belongs to every Nuu-chah-nulth person including those who have passed on, and those who are not yet born. A community newspaper cannot exist without community involvement; If you have any great pictures you’ve taken, stories or poems you’ve written, or artwork you have done, please let us know so we can include it in your newspaper. This year is Ha-Shilth-Sa's 31st year of serving the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. We look forward to your continued input and support. Kleco! Kleco! David Wiwchar, Editor / Manager

Longtime Tseshaht and Nuuchah-nulth leader George Watts passed away on May 31st after suffering a heart attack in Nanaimo. He was 59 years of age. George Watts was instrumental in the formation of the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council and various Nuu-chah-nulth organizations. Memorial and funeral services will be announced later this week.

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Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 - Page 3

Dictionary causes stir continued from page 1 been given new hope by the publication of the first-ever dictionary in up to 5,000 years of the languages’ existence”. The release also indicates the book “will be used to support the teaching of Native Americans the language of their ancestors”, and quotes Dr. Stonham saying, “I hope the dictionary will help efforts to preserve the language and hence the culture of these societies, as language is intricately bound up with tradition. There is also a very strong desire by many of the younger people to speak their native tongue.” The statement also indicates an understanding of the plight of the Nuuchah-nulth language saying, “Today, only two to three hundred people can speak Nuuchahnulth, and most of these are aged over 60 years. There are also few written records, and experts predict

Dr. John Stonham

it could die out in one generation if action is not taken to preserve it”. According to Dr. Stonham, most of the book is based on the writings of anthropologists Edward Sapir and Morris Swadesh from the early 1900’s. Stonham also claims to have interviewed Elders John Thomas and Flora Joseph of Ditidaht in the early 1980’s while he was an undergraduate at the University of Victoria. Dr. Stonham was unaware of the various language dictionaries produced by Nuu-chah-nulth Nations and school programs.

“His release of this book without any Nuu-chah-nulth involvement is a serious breach of protocol and shows how we are continually trampled on by people whose only goal is to profit from the things we own,” said Nelson Keitlah. “This guy is trying to say his dictionary is the only one, even though we have a number of dictionaries that have been produced locally,” said Ahousaht Elder Nelson Keitlah. “His release of this book without any Nuu-chah-nulth involvement is a serious breach of protocol and shows how we are continually trampled on by people whose only goal is to profit from the things we own,” he said. “Linguists should feel somewhat uneasy about Stonham’s project,” said German anthropologist Henry Kammler, who has spent many years working with Nuuchah-nulth speakers. “His goal was to compile his dictionary of ‘Nootka’ exclusively based on Sapir’s manuscript

Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Toll Free Number: 1-877-677-1131 Nuu-chah-nulth leadership have now established a toll free number to assist membership with any questions they may have regarding treaty related business.

NTC PRESIDENT/ VICE PRESIDENT The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council is seeking qualified applicants for the full time positions of President and Vice President. The President will oversee issues external to the NTC such as lobbying and negotiating with federal and provincial governments. The Vice President will oversee issues internal to the NTC such as community liaison. Qualifications for both positions include the completion of a diploma or degree in a related field, along with experience specific to the positions. Contact Arlene Bill at 250-724-5757 or abill@nuuchahnulth.org to receive a mandatory application package which includes: application form, additional qualifications, required documentation and Terms of Reference. Closing Date: Applications must be received by Monday, July 4th, 2005, 4pm PST Applications should be mailed to the NTC Executive Director, PO Box 1383, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 7M2, or hand delivered to 5000 Mission Rd., Port Alberni, B.C.

materials (as the published texts may contain typos). He maintains - as far as I hear - fieldwork with living speakers is not useful because their language is too much influenced by English. If this language had no more speakers it would be OK to compile a dictionary from texts written down 90 years ago. But if there are speakers and you don’t consult them you miss the chance to represent adequately the whole range of meaning of a given word. Giving isolated sample sentences out of context in order to illustrate the entries doesn’t do the whole job,” he said. The dictionary was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in England, which gave Dr. Stonham $710,487 (CDN) for his work on the project, which Kammler says puts similar projects in jeopardy. “Considering the scarcity of research monies, the boomerang effect of all this is that possible funding agencies say ‘we don’t see why we should give you money for work on ‘Nootka’ when there’s already that big project there at Newcastle’. They don’t understand that the work we do with the living speech community is very different from what Stonham does, who treats Quuquu’aca as a ‘corpus language’ (a dead language only documented in written form),” Kammler wrote in an e-mail. “There is no doubt that Stonham’s work is an important contribution to NCN linguistics but it raises the question: where are the priorities — archival materials or living speakers? The author’s and the publisher’s claim that the book is dedicated to the NCN and their language preservation efforts looks like a belated justification of research that obviously never intended community involvement and it’s hypocritical because that claim is part of their marketing strategy. At the same time, our own research proposals that stressed the aspect of cooperation with the NCN communities never found funding. The problem goes much beyond Stonham’s project: exposing yourself to a community slows the research process down (written pages don’t talk back to you, people do) but the funding agencies want to see quick results. They still seem to believe that you can’t do sound scholarly work on language while also looking at the people behind the language - so the funding policies in parts of Europe need to be questioned, too.” he wrote. Nuu-chah-nulth speakers who have seen the lone copy of the book available on the west coast have reacted in horror to some of the definitions. “In this book it says ha’wilth is not only the word for ‘Chief’, but also the word for ‘penis’!” said Cliff Atleo Sr. “There is no similarity in how those two words

are pronounced in Nuu-chah-nulth,” he said. “This guy should be sued for insulting our Ha’wiih in this way.”

“In this book it says ha’wilth is not only the word for ‘Chief’, but also the word for ‘penis’!” said Cliff Atleo Sr. “There is no similarity in how those two English words are pronounced in Nuu-chah-nulth,” he said. “This guy should be sued for insulting our Ha’wiih in this way.” It is thought that Sapir’s original texts contain these errors because those he interviewed may have joked with him to see if he was paying attention. The errors may the be renewed by future linguists who take the notes as fact, and fail to check definitions with actual speakers. Calls and e-mails to the book’s publisher Edwin Mellen Press have gone unanswered. In his interview on CBC Radio’s On The Island program on May 26th, Dr. Stonham said he hopes his dictionary will be an additional aid for teachers, adding that academics “haven’t been supportive in trying to maintain the language”. His Nuu-chah-nulth critics agree, adding Stonham is part of that problem. “The publishing company and the author have a moral and ethical responsibility to make copies available to our Nations, schools, and language programs,” said Keitlah. “Anything less than that is shameful and an insult,” he said. “We should be calling on this fellow and his publisher to make this right.”

Upcoming Treaty Planning Meetings June 28-29, 2005 July 12-13, 2005 July 26-27, 2005

Somass Hall, Tsahaheh Campbell River (venue yet to be determined) Nanaimo (venue yet to be determined)

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

Everyone is on their own for lunch for each session. If you have any items for the agenda please contact Michelle Corfield or Gail Gus at 724-5757 or toll free 1-877-677-1131 or email: mcorfield@nuuchahnulth.org or gailgus@nuuchahnulth.org.

Page 4 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

Fisheries - ca-~ca-~>uk Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation Announces New Guardianship for Tsu’xiit Tsu’xiit (Luna, L-98) the solitary orca of Nootka Sound, will be guarded fulltime by the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation, starting immediately, the First Nation announced this week. The announcement came shortly after the band received several days of advice and counsel on stewardship from whale and dolphin experts from both Canada and the United States. “The busy fishing season is beginning and we’re concerned that human activities may endanger Tsu’xiit,” said Mike Maquinna, the First Nation’s chief, using the tribe’s chosen name for the whale. “To us, his safety is so important that we must do this immediately.”

“The busy fishing season is beginning and we’re concerned that human activities may endanger Tsu’xiit,” said Tyee Ha’wilth Mike Maquinna. “To us, his safety is so important that we must do this immediately.” The First Nation will call the operation the “Kakawin Guardians.” “Kakawin” is the word for orca in the Nuu-ChahNulth language, which the Mowachaht/Muchalaht share with 13 other First Nations on Vancouver Island and the Makah. The program will consist of extensive patrols on the water and education

outreach to boaters. The First Nation has requested funds from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to conduct the program, but so far no government money has been committed. “We cannot wait for DFO to decide on funding,” Maquinna said. “We need to start helping Tsu’xiit today.” The First Nation will pay for the start up of the four-month-long program from its own fishery management budget, and will request funding from DFO and other sources as the year goes on. Maquinna said that the DFO has pledged in the past to support efforts to protect the whale from harm at the hands of humans. “Whether or not DFO provides funding,” Maquinna said, “we hope it will at least support our work with enforcement and other resources.” Earlier this week the First Nation received several days of consultation from two world-known experts on the stewardship of friendly dolphins and beluga whales. The experts were Cathy Kinsman, head of the Whale Stewardship Project, a nongovernmental organization that helps communities on the East Coast manage several friendly beluga whales; and Dr. Toni Frohoff, of Washington State, a scientist who works world-wide on whales and dolphins that are alone and seek human companionship, which are known as “solitary sociables.”

MAJOR AMENDMENT TO FOREST DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOREST LICENCE A19232- CHAMISS BAY International Forest Products Limited (Interfor) invites you to review and comment on the proposed amendments to Interfor’s FL A19232 2001-2005 Forest Development Plan in our Chamiss Bay operating area. This draft Forest Development Plan shows the location of proposed harvesting, road construction and maintenance activities. The plan also includes information on measures to protect other resource values in the area. Relevant resource agencies, First Nations and the public will have the opportunity to review and comment on the development plan before the Ministry of Forest considers approval. Upon approval, the plan forms the basis for silviculture prescriptions, cutting permits and road permit applications. This plan complies with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia. The forest development plan will be available for review at the following locations, dates and times: Interfor Campbell River Operations Office #311-1180 Ironwood Road Campbell River, BC V9W 5P7 June 22, 23, and 24, 2001 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Hoopsitas Motel Kyuquot Village, BC June 21st, 2001 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. A representative of Interfor will be available to discuss the proposed plans and receive the comments. If any interested parties are unable to attend at the times or locations listed above, a mutually convenient time can be arranged to review and explain the plan. As well, a copy of the plan is available for review at any time through the year at Interfor’s Campbell River office. Your comments on this plan are welcome and form an integral part of the final submission. Comments should be submitted in writing to Jon Bredick R.P.F., Logging Engineer at INTERFOR, #311-1180 Ironwood Road, Campbell River, B.C., V9W 5P7. The deadline for comments on this forest development plan is August 2nd, 2005.

“Research has shown that there appear to be fewer injuries and mortalities when carefully designed stewardship programs are in place,” Frohoff told the members. “Although no absolute guarantees can be made, a specially designed stewardship program for Luna is the very least that can be done to try to protect him,” Kinsman said. “We have found that pro-active, consistent stewardship programs help prevent injury and can minimize inappropriate human behaviour that put the whale and people at risk.”

“Research has shown that there appear to be fewer injuries and mortalities when carefully designed stewardship programs are in place,” said whale expert Dr. Toni Frohoff. Frohoff and Kinsman were taken by boat to the areas of Nootka Sound where Luna spends most of his time. After studying him there and watching video of his past interactions with people at the Gold River dock, they said they found his behaviour to be similar to that of other solitary, sociable whales and dolphins. “The video footage I have seen and my personal experience with Luna has led me to believe that the media and some people have greatly exaggerated Luna’s ‘aggressive’ behaviour,” Frohoff said. “However, if irresponsible human behaviour continues, there is a real potential for dangerous interactions as Luna matures. Luna seems to be largely boisterous and exploratory but some people may interpret these behaviours as aggressive.” The consultation was followed by a daylong workshop for First Nations members that included presentations by the renowned orca scientists Dr. Paul Spong of Canada and Ken Balcomb of the United States. Both are among the leaders in a 30-year long scientific effort to study the orcas that spend much of their time in the waters near Vancouver Island. Also providing information and advice were Kari Koski, director of the

Soundwatch program, which is sponsored by San Juan Island’s Whale Museum, and Keith Wood, head of Act Now for Ocean Natives, an NGO. Wood announced that when permission was granted from Chief Maquinna, a hydrophone system was installed that will allow researchers to study Luna’s calls over the Internet in real time. The live monitoring will only be available to scientists, via a password. “We are glad that so many members of the scientific community have shown Tsu’xiit the respect to come from so far to learn about him and to help us in our efforts to let him know that he is not alone,” Maquinna said. “This preparation gives us the confidence to move forward.” Mowachaht/Muchalaht members at the meeting included several of the paddlers who stood by Luna’s side last year. “We have always said ‘Let nature take its course,’ ” Maquinna said. “It is clear that Tsu’xiit needs help from too much human attention so he can be free to make his own choices. We intend to give him that choice.” The Kakawin Guardian program will consist of daily patrols by the band’s fisheries management boats to deter boating interaction with Luna, and an education outreach program for boaters to alert them that they are in the kakawin’s territory. Maquinna said that the guardianship program would also seek to help Luna expand his territory to areas where he could potentially hear the calls of Lpod, which scientists have identified as his family, should any of its members pass in the vicinity. “We have never opposed a natural reunion,” Maquinna said. “But our culture views the kakawin with great respect, and the way DFO was trying to move him last year was not respectful.” Many members of the First Nation believe Tsu’xiit embodies the spirit of their former chief, Ambrose Maquinna, who was Mike Maquinna’s father. Ambrose Maquinna died in July, 2001, a few days before Luna’s first appearance in Nootka Sound.



Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 - Page 5

Tseshaht First Nation files petition to BC Supreme Court Port Alberni - Chief Les Sam announced that the Tseshaht First Nation has filed a petition in the BC Supreme Court for judicial review of the decision made the by the Minister of Forests, the Honourable Mike DeJong on July 9th, 2004 pursuant to which he removed over 70,000 ha of lands from TFL 44. This very significant decision was made unilaterally by the Minister without any consultation or notification to the Tseshaht. Based on recent decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada, the Minister was under a legal obligation to consult with the Tseshaht because he knew that the Tseshaht have not only asserted Aboriginal title and rights to much of these 70,000 ha but they also have a very strong claim to this area. “The Minister has deliberately chosen to ignore the judgement of the highest court of the land and he has failed to properly discharge his legal duties in a manner that is consistent with the honour of the Crown,” said Sam. This decision was made by the Minister

as part of a backroom deal with Weyerhaeuser. As a result of the decision of the Minister, Weyerhaeuser will be able to increase the amount of timber it cuts by more than 250,000 cubic meters per year with far less regulation and accountability. This is a very serious infringement of our Aboriginal title and rights,” said Sam. In February, Weyerhaeuser was able to leverage the decision of the Minister and entered into an agreement with Brascan to sell all of its coastal assets to Brascan Corporation for $1,2 Billion, including TFL 44 and the 70,000 ha of removed lands. “We have invited the Province to meet with us to discuss this very important issue - they have simply not responded,” said Chief Les Sam. “We have no choice but to go to Court to protect our Aboriginal title and rights.” The Tseshaht are asking the BC Supreme Court to quash and set aside the unlawful decision of the Minister. The Hupacasath First Nation has also filed a similar lawsuit and that case is scheduled to commence this week.

Hupacasath raise welcome figure continued from page 1 and construction of a new riverbank walkway, are now focused on the building of a tourism centre and museum near Victoria Quay that will tie all the pieces together, and give tourists an opportunity to learn about Nuu-chahnulth history and culture, past and present. The figure was carved from a red cedar log selected by Rod Sayers and Brandi Lauder on Weyerhaueser private lands last fall after the male figure was raised. The figure was lifted into position by Soupie Campbell and his talented crane operators at KG Contracting.

First Nations Acquire Weyerhaeuser’s Interest in Iisaak, a Conservation-based Forestry Enterprise Ucluelet - Iisaak Forest Resources Ltd. announced today that Ma-Mook Natural Resources Limited has acquired Weyerhaeuser Company Limited’s 49 percent interest in Iisaak. The terms of the sale were not disclosed.

Iisaak Forest Resources Ltd. announced today that Ma-Mook Natural Resources Limited has acquired Weyerhaeuser Company Limited’s 49 percent interest in Iisaak. The terms of the sale were not disclosed. Ma-Mook, which represents the five Central Region Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations, now wholly owns Iisaak. Iisaak is an innovative, conservation-based forest services company built on traditional values and respect for the environment. Iisaak operates exclusively within Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia. “On behalf of the Central Region First Nations, I want to sincerely thank Weyerhaeuser for all of the resources they have devoted to promoting Iisaak’s success,” said Shawn Atleo, Central Region Cochair. “Weyerhaeuser brought capital and business expertise to the table. But just as important, they brought a willingness to listen and a respect for our values. Iisaak (pronounced E-sock) means “respect” in the Nuu-chah-nulth language - respect for the limits of what is extracted and the interconnectedness of all things. On the ground these values translate to safeguarding habitat and ensuring

legacies for future generations while generating benefits to local communities including building First Nation’s capacity in business and resource management. Iisaak’s commitments to the environment and the people who depend on it have been internationally recognized with a Gift of the Earth award from the World Wildlife Fund and through certification by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC independently certifies wood products and guarantees consumers that products bearing the FSC logo come from well managed forests that respect the rights of aboriginal people and are in compliance with rigorous environmental, social, cultural and economic standards. “Iisaak is truly a unique enterprise and it’s been an honour and a privilege to work with the Central Region First Nations to bring Iisaak to life and to make it flourish,” said Craig Neeser, Weyerhaeuser’s vice-president for British Columbia. Weyerhaeuser’s sale of its interest in Iisaak was triggered by the sale of its BC Coastal Group operations to Brascan Corporation of Toronto, Canada. “From day one, it was our goal to have full First Nations ownership of Iisaak when the time was right,” said Mathew Lucas, President of Iisaak. “By working closely and collaboratively with Weyerhaeuser over the last five years, we have developed the capacity to fully-own and manage the business going forward.”

Indian Residential School Survivors Society National Survivors Support Line 1-866-925-4419 (Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

“The experience we gained by carving the male figure made the carving of the female figure a bit easier,” said Road. “We worked on it until we were satisfied, and I’m relieved now that it’s up.”

Are you a survivor of residential schools? Are you an intergenerational survivor? Do you need to talk? Hupacasath members gather to

Sayers and Dawson began carving the celebrate the unveiling of the latest female figure last November, working welcome figure. part-time, 600-700 hours total on the project. back to his carved jewelry business, and “The experience we gained by carving has also committed to work on a the male figure made the carving of the Hupacasath language book project. female figure a bit easier,” said Rod. At the raising ceremony, Tat Tatoosh “We worked on it until we were spoke about the history and purpose of satisfied, and I’m relieved now that it’s welcome figures, and their role on up,” he said. blessing all people who come into Rod will now begin working with Hupacasath territories. Rod Sayers led Choo-Kwa Canoe Ventures, and will get the singing of the Hupacasath welcome

PostScript Picture HaShilthSa copy eps

The Survivors Support Line is available to all Aboriginal people affected by their residential school experience or the experience of others. We are survivors of residential schools too. We understand the issues and we have information that might help. Just saying hello is a good place to start. Give it a try. You can take your time. We care and we promise to listen. General Information Line: 1-800-721-0066 Website: www.irsss.ca song, as Judy Sayers led a procession of women dancers around the poles. Judy Sayers thanked the pole carvers, who in turn thanked the members of the Tsu-maas Transformation Society for arranging the funding and logistics of the project.

According to Sayers, the two poles now serve as a beautiful reminder to the millions of tourists who pass this area each year that these are Nuu-chah-nulth lands, and the Nuu-chah-nulth remain very involved in the things that happen in their territories.

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Page 6 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

Education - h=a-h=o-pa Ehattesaht Students Selected to Represent North Island in Saskatoon Andrew and Nathan Smith, Ehattesaht, have been selected to participate in Historica Fair’s National Fair July 1118, 2005 and showcase their Heritage project titled “Native Veterans.” Historica Fairs awards one winner from each region a trip to the National Fair. Andrew and Nathan worked on a project together featuring their ancestors who fought in the war. They won first place at the Community Fair in Zeballos, then they went on to win the Royal Bank Aboriginal Heritage Award and the Peoples Choice Award at the Port Alberni North Island Regional Heritage Fair. Now they’re awarded top prize for their pride, enthusiasm and compassion! The National Fair is a truly national event that inspires lasting memories, new friendships, and experiences that will strengthen participating students’ connections to the history of Canada. At the National Fair students will showcase their history project, participate in a week long History Camp and get to know new friends from all parts of the country. Students representing all provinces and territories, whose projects are selected from the Regional Fairs will take part in a special week of sightseeing, historic tours, hands-on workshops, and special events. It is a unique opportunity for students to learn about the history and heritage of a specific region of Canada and interact and establish friendships with young people from a diversity of backgrounds. Acting Principal Jennifer Auld of Zeballos Elementary-Secondary School notes, “the complication with this

opportunity is the factor that the National Fair does not allow partners to attend. I have implored the Regional Fair Director to allow Andrew to attend as the representative with the hopes that Ernie and Darlene will be able to bring Nathan and accompany him to the events the 15 representatives from BC will be attending. I realize this causes financial responsibility to fall upon the family for Nathan as only Andrew’s expenses including airfare, accommodation, meals and entrance to tourist attractions will be covered. I hope that they will be able to raise funds to allow both boys to experience this opportunity they both so truly deserve.” Proud parents Ernie Smith and Darlene Lariviere want to ensure both boys are able to attend. Therefore, they’re going to work as hard at fundraising as the boys did on their project. Then they will escort Nathan to the National Fair while Andrew travels with selected students from BC. Some fundraising events they have planned include:

Indian Taco Dinner on Aboriginal Day June 21, 2005 Zeballos Hall Flea Market June 25, 2005 Zeballos Hall For more information or to give your support contact Darlene Lariviere at 250-761-4429.

Students attend National Competition in Edmonton

Belinda Nookemus and Bethany Watts with trophy plaque By Lisa Tremblay, E-Spirit facilitator Two ADSS students, Belinda Nookemus (Huu-ay-aht) of Bamfield and Bethany Watts (Tseshaht) of Port Alberni, have been very busy this year- participating in E-Spirit - a National Aboriginal Youth Business Plan Competition. E-Spirit is a 16-week endeavour, sponsored by the Business Development Bank of Canada. Students begin by completing on-line modules that eventually lead up to a completed business plan. Belinda and Bethany had to complete all modules, a business plan and a video by the deadlines to be eligible to compete in the National competition, which was held in Edmonton, Alberta, last week, from May 8 - 12. There were 500 participants from every province and territory of Canada. The girls were the only representatives from Vancouver Island. They competed with their project Bwear (from their names) - a souvenir clothing business with original West Coast Native designs on the front or

back. On the first day, participants were required to present their business to a panel of bankers, using a Power-point presentation. Day Two of the competition involved the students attending four different workshops. On Day Three, students had to set up a trade show, booth where a panel of judges came along and asked financial questions about the business. They also had time to sell their merchandise. The last day, there was an Awards Ceremony. Belinda and Bethany brought home the Best Usage of Technology trophy for the innovative way that they made their designs on the computer. Their project was displayed at the First Nations Cultural Festival at A.D.S.S. on May 19. The public may also visit their Web site at www.b-wear.piczo.com, where there is also more information about ESpirit. Kleco, kleco to Angie Miller, Russ Kristenson, Cam Pinkerton, Alan Seredick and the Huu-ay-aht Band for their support in helping these students achieve success.


June 25, 2005 Ditidaht School Gym, 2:00 p.m.

2005 NTC Elementary / Secondary Scholarships ADSS Trip to Malaspina College/University on Thursday, March 17, 2005 to check out the various career paths. L-R: Tasha Sam, Ali Richards, Rebecca Williams, Alex Tom, Hailey Unger, Vicky Gallic, Bethany Watts and Heather Mack.

Best Western Chateau Granville Hotel First Nations Rate

$99.00 single/ double plus tax May 01- June 30th, 2005

Calling all parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, guardians. The deadline for complete 2005 2005 NTC Elementary Secondary (E/S) Scholarship applications to be sent to the NTC is noon, Friday, July 8, 2005. The applications are available at all NTC First Nations’ offices and also can be downloaded from the NTC web page: www.nuuchahnulth.org/education. Please ensure that everything is included with the application. Application packages can be mailed or faxed to the NTC. Faxed applications should be sent to 250-723-0463.

Nuu-chah-nulth Scholarship Celebration

Best Western Chateau Granville 1100 Granville St, Vancouver, BC 604-669-7070 Fax-604-669-4928

Friday, July 22, 6:00 p.m. Maht Mahs Gym, Port Alberni


Snacks and refreshments will be served. For further information contact Eileen Haggard at the NTC 724-5757 or Angie Miller, ADSS 723-6251.

Website: www.chateaugranville.com ~ Email: sales@chateaugranville.com

June 2, 2005 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 7

School Kids Celebrate Nuu-chahnulth Culture at Spring Festival By Denise August, Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni – School District #70 students from Bamfield to Tofino/Ucluelet congregated at Alberni District Secondary School on the evening of May 19th for the Nuuchmiswaat Hihiisumcu (Sharing with Pride) Spring Festival. Hosted by School District #70 and the NTC Education Department, the festival was a celebration of NCN culture complete with displays that included arts and crafts, classroom projects based on NCN culture, food, song/dance presentations, history presentations from the NCN perspective and door prizes. The doors opened at 5:00 as S.D.#70 trustees greeted their guests and handed out door prize tickets. The halls were lined with colourful tables displaying everything Nuu-chah-nulth from deer hide drums, to cedar carvings, basket weaving, dioramas of longhouses in a NCN village and much more. The displays were products of the students from the district and show cased just how much NCN culture is being learned in the schools, not only by First Nations students but also by everyone else in the class. In the gymnasium tables were set up for the elders and mats were laid out for wrestling demonstrations. People lined up to sample a blend of NCN foods and more contemporary ones like hot dogs. There was smoked salmon, crab and herring eggs sitting next to the veggies

& dip, fresh fruit, and sausage & cheese platters Shortly after 6pm the doors were opened to the auditorium where the many school groups would deliver their ‘on stage’ performances. Hosts Bethany Watts and Angela Titian did a fine job with their public speaking skills as they introduced each presenter to the full auditorium. Linus Lucas, NTC Education Worker, served as emcee and welcomed everyone to what he called and introduction to what SD#70 has to offer in terms of First Nations studies. A group of young students led by Kevin Titian performed a welcome song and dance after Titian sang the prayer chant. From there the floor was open to the carefully scripted performances from the schools of the District Bamfield students were the first to perform a victory and farewell song & dance including a Power Point Presentation entitled “How Far We’ve Come”, an historic look at NCN cultural decline since contract and the reemergence of culture over the years. The presentations featured a mix of students demonstrating willingness from non-First Nations students to learn and actively participate in cultural activities. Other presentations included history and story telling through Power Point Presentations, student videos, a fashion show and more singing & dancing. NTC Education Department Manager, Eileen Haggard said the festival served as a means to ‘lift our children up’ to show what NCN culture is about and to

Bamfield Elementary students perform traditional dance be proud of it. Such a huge event, she said, would not have been as successful were it not for the generosity of Quality Foods and other donors. The students at the festival came from the following schools: Alberni

Elementary, Eighth Avenue, Gill, Howitt, Ucluelet Elementary, Wood, A.W. Neill, E.J. Dunn, Alberni District Secondary, Ucluelet Secondary, Girls Project, VAST, Bamfield, Wickaninnish and Maquinna.

First Nations Spring Festival ADSS hosted the second annual First Nations Spring Festival last Thursday and there was an even larger turnout this year than in 2004. Hundreds of SD 70 students had projects and work on display or took part in the concert after the buffet meal in the Gym. ADSS students took part in many capacities at the event: eight girls performed a hip-hop dance routine; Bethany Watts and Angela Titian, along with Linus Lucas, a good friend of ADSS, were the hosts for the evening event; Belinda Nookemus and Bethany Watts showed their display for the

ADSS First Nations 9 Class Drum Making Nikki Richards, Daisy Lucas and Catherine Tom

Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council

2005 Graduation Spring Festival hosts Angela Titian, Bethany Watts and Linus Lucas Project that they took to the national ESpirit contest in Edmonton earlier this month. Other students helped with the set-up, serving and take-down after the event. Last Community Dinner of the School Year There have been four Community Dinners held this year at the high school, the final one being on May 31 (after HaShilth-Sa deadline, news will be in the next edition) to honour Grads and achievement in Athletics, Extracurricular Activities and Academics.

Josh Dick demonstrated an amplifier that he made in Electronics

Hip hop dancers entertain parents and students at the Spring Festival.

Attention: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribes, First Nations Education Support Workers, Counselors, and Administrators. Nuu-chah-nulth Graduation Ceremonies and Dinner will take place on -------, 2005. The Ditidaht First Nation will be hosting the event in their community this year. The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Education department for students to be eligible to participate in the Graduation Ceremony requires the following information: Name: ___________________________ Address: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________ School: __________________________ School phone # ___________________ School Contact person: _______________ Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations registered with: ______________________________ Graduation Confirmation: (Please check one) Dogwood Diploma Graduation _____ Leaving Certificate Graduation _____ Adult Dogwood Graduation _____ Confirmation Signature of school Administrator or Counselor X___________________________________________________________ Additional Information: · There will be a grand entrance with escort/s of grads choice. · There will be a sit down banquet · The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council will present each graduate with a certificate and gift. · Dress can either be Grad formal, or casual. · There will be a door prize of $200.00 for a grad, however you must be there to win. It will be drawn at the end of the evening. · Please submit 5 photos past and present for a slide show that will be prepared by Ditidaht First Nation. Please e-mail to davidmaher@shaw.ca. or mail to P.O. Box 340, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M8.

For further information please contact Angie Miller at 250-723-6125 or e-mail amiller@sd70.bc.ca or Eileen Haggard 250-724-5757 or muqiiaht@nuuchahnulth.org

Page 8 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

mis Sports - %im-cca^ p-m

Tournaments Maaqtusiis Lady Storm Hawaii Bound for 13th Annual Palama Settlement Classic Maaqtusiis Lady Storm have submitted our Senior Girls School Team for a tournament in Hawaii in December of 2005. We will be fundraising to take 12 players and 4 chaperones on this trip of a lifetime. Our families have given us full support for this plan and we would like to inform the community of our intent. If there is any way you can help us we would greatly appreciate it, whether it is financially or giving suggestions. You can contact Rebecca Atleo at the school;250-670-9589 or at home: 250-6702390

Andrew David’s 3rd Annual Slow Pitch Tournament July 22 to 24 At Wickaninnish Field This will consist of 7 male and 3 female on field at all times. The entry fee is $300.00 per team and to secure a spot in the tournament please make a deposit of $100.00 check or money order payable to Andrew David and mail to PO Box 18, Tofino, B.C. V0R-2Z0. There will be trophies and cash prizes.

Tseshaht’s Leon ‘Kid Thunder’ Gallic faced Vancouver’s Pete Richie in the 145 lb. and under category.


Nuu-chah-nulth boxers battle in ‘Wanna Fight’ challenge


By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Nanaimo - Two Nuu-chah-nulth boxers participated in this year’s “So You Wanna Fight” matches, hoping to take top spot in their respective weight divisions, and the $1000 prize that goes with it. Tseshaht’s Leon ‘Kid Thunder’ Gallic was facing his first-ever fight as he entered the ring in the 145 lb. and under category.

Two Nuu-chah-nulth boxers participated in this year’s “So You Wanna Fight” matches, hoping to take top spot in their respective weight divisions, and the $1000 prize that goes with it. Gallic’s first bout was against Pete Richie of Vancouver, and Gallic clearly won the first round, throwing a constant barrage of punches, and catching Ritchie on the chin a few times. In the second round, Richie came out more aggressive, matching Gallic punch-forpunch, and pound-for-pound. After the two one-minute rounds, Gallic took the unanimous decision of the judges and made it to the next level. In his next fight, Gallic faced Chris Lesley of Nanaimo, who had beaten Domenic Thomas of Shell Beach. Lesley and Gallic stood toe-to-toe and at the end of their slugfest Lesley took the split decision. “I really thought Leon had won that fight,” said his coach Stan Matthew. “He battled hard, threw more punches, did all the right things but when you leave a decision to the judges you never know what will happen,” he said. Former golden gloves BC Champion Andy Amos was in the crowd, and also thought Gallic won the fight. “He’s got what it takes to go all the way at this level, and if he had more experience under his belt I’m sure he would have done better,” he said. “He’s a strong boy. He needs to improve on his defense, but he’ll do much better next time for sure.” “I thought Leon should have won that fight,” said Richard Sam, who was

attending his first tough-man challenge fight. “I’m sure both our fighters will do better next time,” he said. “I thought I did all right for my first time,” said the 22-year old Gallic. “I need to work on my defense, my stamina, and probably quit smoking,” he laughed. “It was an awesome experience though, and I hope to be able to do it again.” Ucluelet FN’s Randy Babichuk was entered in the extremely challenging Heavyweight Division (186 lbs. and up) and had a tough fight, taking a standing eight-count in each round before losing by unanimous decision. “I went in there with a game plan, but after a couple of shots to the head I kinda forgot it,” said Babichuk, who works with Gallic at the Tseshaht Market, and draws the cartoons for “I’m just happy that I was able to finish the bout. After I train harder maybe I’ll think about giving it another shot next year,” he said. Of the 31 fighters entered in the May 27th competition, four were from Island First Nations, and Harold Kemp of Snuneymuxw made it through two tough fights to the final of the 165 lb. division, losing a valiant battle with Al Murray from Campbell River. Through the night there were many close battles, and a few fighters were knocked out cold and stretchered out of the ring. This is not a challenge to be taken lightly. At the end of the evening, Stan Matthew who has been coaching both Nuu-chahnulth boxers, was full of praise for his fighters. “They did great. I’m really proud of them, especially since they only started learning how to box six months ago,” said Stan, who drives from Nanaimo to help train a group of NCN boxers every Wednesday night at the Tseshaht Cultural Centre. “Randy did good. He knows he needs to work on conditioning, but he had good, straight punches and that’s a start. Leon’s a tough kid and he worked hard. For his first fight ever, to be in the ring with the best of them, he did great. He had no fear, and he’ll be in the finals next time,” he said.

2005 Tribal Journeys will be hosting a luncheon meeting June 5, 2005 @ 5 pm at Thunderbird Hall, Ahousaht Hosts of Lower Elwha and others will be there with their official invitation to the 2005 Tribal Journeys, and it is important that NCN be there. Ahousaht Sea Bus leaves at 4 p.m. from Tofino. Billets currently being worked on, contact Edgar Charlie hanuquii@hotmail.com for more info. Canoe Journey's 2005 departure date and time changes will be announced.

Chuuch, Kleco, Kleco, Hanuquii This is a drug and alcohol free journey. Each person requires a life jacket. Each canoe must have an escort boat. Waiver forms for minors must be signed before the journey begins. For more information and forms contact Edgar Charlie by email hanuquii@hotmail.com.

Aboriginal Sports and Recreation ID Camp The Tseshaht First Nation in collaboration with Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Association will once again be hosting the two following Region 4 ID Camps. July 9, 2005 Soccer ID Camp – Echo Minor Field August 13, 2005 Basketball ID Camp – ADSS If you did not attend our ID Camps last year, this is your chance to come out and test your skills this year. If you are interested in participating, either as a coach or a participant (Youth age 12 – 19), please call Gina Pearson at the Tseshaht First Nation Office, or call Karen Henry at the Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Association (ASRA), (250) 544 1667. There are fees for registration, they are as follows; ASRA Membership fee (1 year) $25.00 Registration fee $50.00 Registration forms are available on line at www.asra.ca Just so you know, the next Indigenous Games will be in 2006, in Colorado. Make sure you get your name in early, as you may qualify for the Provincial tryouts. Gina Pearson, Tseshaht

Ucluelet FN’s Randy Babichuk was entered in the extremely challenging Heavyweight Division (186 lbs. and up) and had a tough fight, taking a standing eight-count in each round before losing by unanimous decision.

June 2, 2005 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 9

Tla-o-qui-aht Ha’wiih to reconcile with explorer’s descendants By Denise August, Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Tofino –Two hundred, thirteen years after Captain Gray burned down Opitsaht, his descendants and those of Captain Kendrick will return to Clayoquot Sound to make amends with the Tla-o-qui-aht. A replica of the Lady Washington, also in Clayoquot Sound at that time, will make it’s way to Tofino Harbour as part of the Tall Ships event July 15 –19. Once in Tofino Tla-o-qui-aht canoes will greet the Lady Washington and the Lynx and welcome them ashore at Opitsaht. From there the parties will privately reconcile and put behind them their violent pasts.

213 years after Captain Gray burned down Opitsaht, his descendants and those of Captain Kendrick will return to Clayoquot Sound to make amends with the Tla-o-qui-aht. The story starts with the sea otter fur trade and the poor relations between the traders and indigenous peoples of the west coast. The traders brought with them blankets, beads, clothing, food and the coveted metal wares. They also brought alcohol, disease and death. Values differed and cultures clashed. Misunderstandings grew from the language barrier and people were hurt, kidnapped or killed on both sides. Captain Robert Gray (1755-1806) was a Yankee trader commissioned by Boston merchants along with Captain John Kendrick (1740 – 1793) to sail north up the west coast of North America to trade with the Natives. They sailed the coast in the Columbia Rediviva and the Lady Washington for two seasons. In 1789 they anchored in Nootka Sound, exchanged ships and Kendrick

Opitsaht arsonist Captain Gray continued trading while Gray returned Boston. On September 28, 1790 Gray sailed from Boston back toward the Northwest coast. He arrived at Clayoquot Sound, which now had an American Trading Post called Clayoquot, on June 5, 1791. ‘Gray proceeded to …Clayoquot Sound—which they called Hancock Harbor—where third mate Robert Haswell, age nineteen, recorded their attempts to trade: “The principle or superior chief of this tribe’s name is Wickananish he visated us accompaneyed by one of his brothers completely dressed in a genteerl sute of cloths which he said Capt Mears had given him, Capt. Mears name was not the only one they mentioned for they spoke of Capt. Barkley Capt Hannah Capt Dunkin and Capt Duglas what they said of them we now knew so little of there language we could not comprehend.” –BC Bookworld That summer both captains’ crews were attacked in separate incidents. Gray, having a crewmember killed by Natives from Tillamook Bay, while Kendrick lost his son in a battle at Queen Charlotte Island. These incidents contributed to Gray’s subsequent distrust of the Tla-oqui-aht. The two ships returned to Clayoquot Sound in September 1791. This time

Gray stayed over the winter to build a fort and construct the sloop, Adventure. According to www.oregonpioneers.com, “The Indians about Clayoquot were not friendly, and during the winter Gray and his men were obliged to keep constant guard to avoid an attack.” It is written that Captain Kendrick had a good relationship with the locals while Captain Gray did not. Believing the Tlao-qui-aht wanted to capture the Columbia and Adventure, he ordered the abandoned village of Opitsaht with its 200 houses burned before leaving April 2, 1792. The village’s occupants had already made their seasonal move to the outside beaches. The incident is still talked about amongst the Tla-o-qui-aht to this day along with stories handed down the generations about the Tonquin. Chief Councilor Barney Williams Jr. recalls his great grandmother, who passed away in the 1970’s at the age of 112 telling him bedtime stories about the burning of Opitsaht. Some of his people, he says, still harbour anger but others are ready to move on. Plans are still in the works for the July meeting with the descendents of Captains Gray and Kendrick. Williams says he will be meeting with TFN Ha’wiih over the coming weeks to plan events but nothing is firm yet. If all goes well, says Williams, “I see me, in my role as Beach Keeper, doing our welcome and inviting them ashore.” He says there will probably be feasting, singing and dancing. The crew of the present day Lady Washington replica acknowledge the Captain and crew of the historic Lady Washington did not have the ‘kindest of relations with the first peoples of the northwest coast,’ and want to correct that situation,” said Robert Kennedy (Haida), Steward aboard the Lady Washington William Twombly, a direct descendant of Captain Gray lives in Oregon but has relatives all over the USA including Texas who will be along for the trip. Twombly says it is traditional for Texans to roast whole pigs or a cow, and they

A replica of the Lady Washington, also in Clayoquot Sound at that time, will make its way to Tofino Harbour as part of the Tall Ships event July 15 –19. plan to bring one along for the Tla-oqui-aht. William Kendrick Strong, a descendant of Captain Kendrick lives in Arizona, said he will travel to Clayoquot Sound to take part in and celebrate the reconciliation of the two cultures. Besides meeting with Tla-o-qui-aht, the two vessels will take part in the Tall Ships events including dockside tours and public day sails. They will lay memorial plaques and cairns in Cliksclecu-tse/Adventure Cove where Captain Gray built a fort and the Adventure. The replica ships are scheduled to arrive in Tofino on the evening of July 15th. They will rendezvous with Tla-oqui-aht canoes off Echachis Island for the grand entrance into Tofino Harbour. Other events and activities include a softball game between TFN and the vessel’s crews, storytelling circle at Echachis, tours, surfing and/or kayaking for the crews and a Saturday night dance at the Legion with “The Bottomfeeders”.

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Page 10 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

Tla-o-qui-aht Youth Center building

Tseshaht to build new office complex By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Tsahaheh - A long-held Tseshaht dream is set to come true this year, as construction will begin on a new office complex and community center. The new building will be located on one of the valleys’ most spectacular pieces of real estate; the rock bluff overlooking the bend in the Somass River beside the Somass River Bridge. Four years ago, Tseshaht members gathered to map out all the things they want as a Nation. That list of more than 100 items was then pared down by Councilors, who put together the list of wants and needs. A new administration building consistently ranked number one on all the lists. A proposal was then sent out for architects, and Lubor Trubka who had previously designed HahoPayuk school and many other stunning First Nations buildings around the province, was chosen to lead the design. On May 3rd, Trubka presented the Tseshaht community with a stunning design concept for the 15,000 square foot building, highlighting the surroundings through its use of large wood beams and plenty of glass. A large deck will be built around the trees, and some offices and meeting rooms will have glass doors that open onto the deck. The Tseshaht community voted to spend $3.1 million on the new building through a combination of internal funds and loans. Negotiations are underway

with Health Canada, which could see another $2 million added for construction of a health wing inside the new building. According to Tseshaht CEO Stephen Conway, the Tseshaht community and administration workers are really excited about the prospect of a new administration center. “Our staff really have to be commended for working in this building for so long,” said Conway. “The current building is not functional. It has horrible washrooms, it’s not big enough, is not conducive to a positive working environment, and the fact that it used to be part of the Alberni Indian Residential School is really horrible for our staff members who went to that school and have awful memories of it,” he said. The new building will be constructed on lands occupied by the Dick and Fred families, who share their community’s vision and will be moving to make way for the new administration center. Many of the logs used as the building pillars will come from Tseshaht lands, and much of the landscaping will be kept intact, meaning only two trees will be cut down, and no rock blasting will be needed. “We wanted to have a building that gives pride to the Tseshaht people, and really shows a presence in the valley, and we believe this building will do that,” said Conway. Architectural designs will be finalized soon, and construction of the new Tseshaht Administration Centre will begin in September.

Jack Anderson (left) is seen by giving a presentation of a cheque to Sayo Masso (middle) and Brian Chatwin (right), Chairman of the Tlao-qui-aht Youth Center Building Campaign in the amount of $5,000 (in kind) for the detailed design drawings for the Tla-o-qui-aht Youth Center building. Jack Anderson, President of Anderson Greenplan has made a contribution to the building for the Tlao-qui-aht Youth Center. Greenplan has contributed in kind the detailed design drawings for the building. The value of the contribution is $5,000. Greenplan is a planning and design company located in Nanaimo. They specialize in designing unique building structures for west coast environments. Greenplan recently has completed a number of new housing units at Salmon Beach near Toquart Bay in Barclay Sound. These innovative planning

approaches developed west coast design housing structures that can withstand the extreme forces of west coast weather to prevent water ingress and moisture and mold content that are endemic to these extreme environments. Their residential and commercial projects are custom designed to meet the needs and budget of their clients and the unique elements of their building sites. Jack Anderson has included many west coast design features into the design of the Tla-o-qui-aht Youth Center. This includes large over hangs, specialty windows, rain screen technology, Earth Cell styrofoam walls, and a number of other details that will provide a long durable life for this structure. Greenplans contact phone number is 250-753-3000 and e-mail: info@greenplan.ca.

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Architect’s drawing of the proposed Tseshaht Administration Centre

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June 2, 2005 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 11

Wiwchar wins major award

Two generations of Uchucklesaht leadership: Charlie Cootes Sr. and Charlie Cootes Jr.

Father and son elected in Uchucklesaht By David Wiwchar Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Charlie Cootes Senior and Junior have been elected under their Nation’s first custom code election. The Uchucklesaht Council is made up of four ha’wiih, five people elected by their respective families, an elected councilor, and an elected Chief Councilor. The ha’wiih are Tom Rush, Martin Sam, Cheis Watts, and Clifford Charles. The Rush, Sam, Robinson, and two Cootes families have yet to conduct their internal election processes. Close to half of eligible members voted in the recent Uchucklesaht election, reelecting Charlie Cootes Sr. over Warren

Robinson, and acclaiming the uncontested Charlie Cootes Jr. to the Councilor ‘at-large’ position for a four year term. Charlie Cootes Sr. has been the Chief Councilor since 1973 (33 years) with the exception of two brief periods. Charlie Cootes Jr. has been on council for 10 years as the Cootes family representative. “In voting for my father, people were clearly voting for experience given that we are at a very important point in our treaty negotiations and business decisions,” said Cootes Jr. This election is the first election under the Indian Act and the first democraticstyle election with ballots in at least 35 years.

c^uk#aa naa%uuqsta%ic^in huuh=taks^iih %uu%uuk#asath=a Come and join us in learning to speak our own language %aa/y`uus^h=/y`ums nuuc^aan`u> n`u/w`iiq/su %um/%iiq/su na/niiq/su

Relations English father mother grandparent

Addressed n`uuw` %uum or %uum`a neen

long ee is pronounced ‘somewhere in between the English a in band and a in able’ na/%iiq/su aunt, uncle nee%a m`aa/m`iiq/su older sibling m`eem`a y`u/k#iq/su younger sibling y`uuk#iqsu %u/wiiq/su step-child or parent %uuwiqsu q#ii/%iq/su in-laws q#ee%iqsu %i/yiiq/su sister-in-law %eeyiqsu c^ii/n`up/siq/su brother-in-law c^een`ups taa/yii oldest son %uu/%a/c`u middle son qa/>aa/tik youngest son k#aa/%uuc grandchild k#ee%a +aa/yac/qum great-grandchild +eeyecq k#aac/h=aac/%iq/su grandchild’s spouse c^uuc^ huuh=taks^iih=s^i%ic^ %uu%uuk#asath=a O.K, Start learning your own language. Submitted by the Central language group in C u` umu@aas.

Ha-Shilth-Sa Manager, Editor, and Southern Region Reporter David Wiwchar was awarded the top journalism prize in Canada for his coverage of the misuse of Nuu-chah-nulth blood samples and their repatriation to Nuu-chahnulth control. The story, known as “Bad Blood”, generated international interest and resulted in changes in the way researchers must treat all research subjects. The award was Ha-Shilth-Sa Manager, Editor, and Southern for the December 2004 Region Reporter David Wiwchar was awarded conclusion about the blood being returned to the top journalism prize in Canada for his Nuu-chah-nulth control. coverage of the misuse of Nuu-chah-nulth Wiwchar was awarded blood samples and their repatriation to the Canadian Association Nuu-chah-nulth control. of Journalists award really shows that First Nations’ investigative reporting award for small newspapers have a legitimate place in newspapers (circulation under 25,000), the Canadian media landscape, and and was the only B.C. reporter to deserve the same respect given to the soreceive an award in any of the 12 media called ‘mainstream’ newspapers,” said categories. Wiwchar. “There’s a lot of great “This is the most prestigious award for journalism happening within Native Canadian journalists, and I’m very media, and it’s great to see that’s being proud to have been given this award by recognized,” he said. my peers,” said Wiwchar. Wiwchar received the award at a gala In accepting the award, Wiwchar dinner during the CAJ annual thanked the Nuu-chah-nulth ha’wiih convention, held this year in Winnipeg and tribal council, as well as CBC from May 13 to 15. He also led a pair of Reporter Michael Tymchuk who workshops at the conference, teaching collaborated on the story. Wiwchar said non-Native journalists about reporting in the CAJ award was equivalent to the First Nations communities. Pulitzer Prize, which is awarded only to With more than 1400 members, the CAJ American journalists. is the largest organization for This is only the second time in the professional journalism in Canada, and award’s history that an award has gone their prestigious awards program to a First Nation’s newspaper. “This attracted 348 entries this year. Unfamiliar letters in the phrases: c –has a ts sound as in cats c` - glottalized c has a ts sound plus an uh sound c^ - wedged c has a ch sound c^ ` - glottalized wedged c has a ch plus an uh sound h= - back h has a sound of one breathing on glass to clean it k` - glottalized k has a k sound plus an uh k#- glottalized rounded k# sound of k plus w and an uh >- barred L- place your tongue behind front teeth and let air flow out through side of tongue m` -glottalized m has the sound of m plus an uh n` -glottalized n has the sound of an n plus an uh p` - glottalized p has the sound of p plus an uh q – has the sound of k made deep in the throat s^ - wedged s has a sh sound. t ` - glottalized t has the sound of t plus an uh w` - glottalized w has a w sound as in wow plus an uh x – has a sound of a cat’s hiss x= - back x has a sound of clearing the throat of an object y` - has a sound of y as in yellow plus an uh + - barred lambda has the sound of tla +` - glottalized barred lambda has the sound of tla plus an uh % -the glottal stop has the sound of the stop in uh-uh @ - pharyngeal has the sound of i made deep in the throat as in the word @inii+ meaning dog

We meet every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Phone Carrie Little at 724-=6580 for more information.

Westcoast Native Health Care Society is holding our

Annual General Meeting On June 23, at 1:00 pm At 6151 Russell Place

Page 12 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

‘Our people need more knowledge about H.I.V.’

Human Immune Defiecency Virus and AIDS Acquired Immune Defiecency Syndrome Submitted Name withheld by request I am a First Nations woman and mother, I am between the ages of 16 and 25 years. I have two children, when I was pregnant with my second child I did my routine blood work and my HIV came back positive. I think I was more hurt because that meant I had to stop breast feeding my first child, also because there was a chance that my unborn child could contact my HIV. I never knew what it meant for a person to be judgmental but after I was diagnosed with HIV, I knew very well what it meant – a lot of people seemed to have a negative opinion about me or my children. Judging the things I’ve done in the past like I asked for HIV. Nobody asks for anything that their given, I always think the Creator only gives you what he thinks you can handle. Before I knew about my HIV I was really bad for gossiping about others, not realizing how much pain and stress I was causing them. I now know how much it hurts to find out your own family and friends are gossiping about you. I used to think really negative about people with HIV, so when I learned I had it I did not want to share it with too many people but some how most of the people I know found out and a lot of them pushed me and my children away. They don’t call us, visit us the practically walk right through us, even people who said they will always be

there to support us. That’s why I think people need to be more educated about HIV and AIDS. The generations of our people are getting younger and younger, playing Russian roulette with their lives. I used to think “oh it’s okay to have sex this one time without a condom, I know my partner he looks healthy besides I can’t get anything from just one time.” It’s not about looks because you could know someone your whole life and they could look 100% healthy but have some kind of disease that could be past through bodily fluids. When I hear the gossip that’s going around about me or hear that people don’t have the guts to come to me and ask me if I have HIV they have to go ask one of my family members it really hurts and stress me out. Sometimes so much I want to just give up on life, but I can’t because the Creator gave me two beautiful children to live for. Two children that didn’t ask to be born. I try really hard to think positive about mine and my children’s future, being grateful for each day that I am still alive to spend with my children and family. I really want to get educated about HIV and AIDS and teach our younger generations, because I was so young when I got HIV. We can’t let this HIV and AIDS disease get the best of our people. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please always remember to use condoms because you can’t tell just by looking at someone what kind of disease they may have.

Nuu-chah-nulth SE® Trauma Counselling All Beginner and Intermediate Nuu-chah-nulth SE® Trauma Trainees are invited to attend a two day refresher session being held in each region. The two day sessions will include case consultations, study sessions and personal healing sessions. The two day session is intended to support the training in Nuu-chah-nulth and to continue to support team building and worker wellness. Please ensure to register early so we can prepare. Travel expenses are the responsibility of the individual or their first nation. If travel expenses are an obstacle, please contact Louise Tatoosh. June 20th and 21st Tsaxana Start time is 10:00 a.m. Meeting places to be determined. Personal Sessions will be available the morning after the two day session. Deadline for registration is Friday, April 1st, 2005. Please contact Louise Tatoosh, Teechuktl Supervisor, at 724-5757 or toll free at 1-888-407-4888.

Are you or a family member a patient in the hospital? If you would like to see one of us remember you have to ask for us and we can assist you with the following: · · · · · · ·

Assist with discharge planning Work with our community for clear communication and ease of discharge Be an advocate on your behalf Explain health care issues Provide support to you and your family during your hospital stay Access N.I.H.B. as needed Available Monday-Friday 7am – 3:30pm Port Alberni, BC Ina Seitcher, First Nation Advocate Nurse Ph: 723-2135 ext.1109 Campbell River, BC Sandy Miller, Aboriginal Liaison Nurse Ph: (250) 830-6961 Victoria, BC Christine Atkins, Aboriginal Liaison Nurse Ph: (250) 370-8847 Pager: 413-6124

Vancouver, BC David Clellamin First Nation Advocate Ph: (604) 875-3440 Nanaimo BC Santana Rose Aboriginal Liaison Nurse 1-250 753-6578 pager # 716 4001 Port Hardy BC Beth Scow Aboriginal Liaison Nurse 1-250 949 3440 Pager # (250) 949-5219

Scott Fraser celebrates his electoral win with supporters on May 17th. Fraser won the right to represent the riding of Alberni-Qualicum at the provincial legislature after defeating incumbent MLA Gillian Trumper by 4000 votes (12,189 to 8,155) In his acceptance speech, Fraser specifically thanks the Nuu-chahnulth people for their support, which he believes ‘tipped the scales’ in his favour. Nuu-chah-nulth leaders joined in congratulating Fraser on his win, saying they hope it marks a new era of positive relations with provincial political leaders.

Hiisteaak Shilth-iiis Teech-M Maa (Coming from the Heart) Are you at risk for Heart Disease? Risk Factors · Age · Family History · High Blood Cholesterol · Obesity and Overweight · Physical Inactivity

· · · · ·

Gender High Blood Pressure Diabetes Smoking Stress

Would you like to know if you are at risk? Want to get tested? Call your local Nuu-chah-nulth Community Health Nurse. Tiic^@aq+ (Mental Health) Contact Numbers Louise Tatoosh

Kim Rai

Teechuktl (Mental Health) Supervisor 5001 Mission Road P.O. Box 1280 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Telephone: 250-724-5757 Toll Free: 1-888-407-4888 Fax: 250-723-0463 Confidential Fax: 250-724-6678 E-mail: ltatoosh@nuuchahnulth.org

Central Region Huupiistulth (Prevention) Worker 151 First Street P.O. Box 278 Tofino, BC V0R 2Z0 Telephone: 250-725-3367 Toll Free: 1-866-901-3367 Cellular: 250-726-5370 Fax: 250-725-2158 E-mail: kimrai@nuuchahnulth.org

J’net August Southern Region Huupiistulth (Prevention) Worker 5001 Mission Road P.O. Box 1280 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Telephone: 250-724-5757 Toll Free: 1-888-407-4888 Cellular: 250-720-1325 Fax: 250-723-0463 Confidential Fax: 250-724-6678 E-mail: jaugust@nuuchahnulth.org

Andrew Kerr Northern Region Huupiistulth (Prevention) Worker NTC Northern Region Office 100 Ouwatin Road Tsaxana, BC P.O. Box 428 Gold River, BC V0P Telephone: 250-283-2012 Fax: 250-283-2122 e-mail: andiker@nuuchahnulth.org

Anita Charleson West Coast First Nations’Counsellor 151 First Street P.O. Box 278 Tofino, BC V0R 2Z0 Telephone: 250-725-4470 Cellular: 250-726-5422 Fax: 250-725-2158 E-mail: acharleson@nuuchahnulth.org

Bella Fred NIHB Clerk Non-Insured Health Benefits for Psychological Counselling and Substance Abuse Treatment 5001 Mission Road P.O. Box 1280 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Telephone: 250-724-5757 Toll Free: 1-888-407-4888 Confidential Fax: 250-724-6678 E-mail: bella@nuuchahnulth.org

Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 - Page 13

Vision Statement: The Nuu-chah-nulth Nursing Program partners with Nuu-chah-nulth-aht to deliver professional, ethical, culturally sensitive, and responsible care. Nurses shall maintain discipline in self and profession, as well as balance in approach.

Kyuquot women seek balance

Nuu-chah-nulth members interested in entering into the

and understanding in our lives and teaches us that balance is essential in our quest for health and wellness. • The medicine wheel teaches us that In 1989, in honour and respect of Nuuthe four symbolic races, yellow, chah-nulth women, the Nuu-chah-nulth black, red and white, are brothers Annual Assembly presented the and sisters, sharing the same Mother declaration of Nuu-chah-nulth women: Nuu-chah-nulth Women, givers of life, are mothers, daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, aunts, nieces, sisters, teachers and friends. We treasure the values and traditions we have been taught; they have sustained us during the many changes throughout our history; We take pride in our culture, heritage, and traditions, and we honour and respect our Elders and their teachers; We are responsible for the health and safety of our children and our families, and we seek to ensure that our children will always be protected; We believe in the strength of our family ties, and assert our right to always retain the love of our immediate and extended families; We have the right to be respected in spirit, mind and body and to live free fromsexual, physical, verbal, and emotional abuse: We have the right to love and be loved, care and be cared for, protect and be protected; We have the right to be heard and to be treated as partners in our relationships with family and friends; We have the right to be individuals, to make our own choices and to pursue our personal goals; We will respect ourselves, and we will be respected; We will teach our children by example, and we will ensure that the well being of future generations of Nuu-chah-nulth are not jeopardized in any way; We recognize changes in our society, and we will call upon our strengths to live with those changes in a manner consistent with our traditions and values; We will maintain integrity and pride in being Nuu-chah-nulth Women.

starting in January 2006 at the North Island College Port Alberni campus, please contact Lynnette Barbosa at 724-5757 or through e-mail at lbarbosa@nuuchahnulth.org. Pre-requisites for entry include: English 12, Math 10, and Biology 12.

By Donna Vernon Kyuquot Community Health Nurse

In Kyuquot, a group of women are exploring how balance can be achieved in their quest for health and wellness. Women are identifying and addressing issues that affect their physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health. In November the women planned a mental health day away from the village; a day to explore and reflect on self-care. Information and sharing sessions have addressed the issues of menopause and high blood pressure. In addressing issues of spiritual health, the women are reading a book called Daughters of Copper Woman; legends told to Anne Cameron by the Nootka people of the village of Ahousaht. If we all examine our heart’s desire, it would be that we live healthy, meaningful lives. Not only do we long for personal wellness but we also long for the wellness of our families and our communities. The model of the medicine wheel helps provide purpose

Earth. The medicine wheel teaches us that the four elements, water, fire, earth and air are powerful, distinctive elements which must be respected equally for their gift of life. • The medicine wheel teaches us that we as individuals have four aspects to our nature: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual. In visioning undertaken by the Nuuchah-nulth people, many values were identified, but the three values identified as most important were, responsibility for self, compassion and wisdom & knowledge. The women of Kyuquot are working at living these values to achieve balance, health and well-being for themselves, their families and their community. We should challenge our men to become active participants in this process.

Practical Nursing Program

Nuu-chah-nulth Children Poster

PRE-NATAL DROP IN With Liz Thomsen Every Monday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Immunization clinic every Monday from 10:00am to 12:00 pm. Prenatal drop in every Monday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.

NINYAKS-HA A partnership between the Nuu-chah-nulth Nursing Program and the Port Alberni Friendship Centre. For more info, please contact: Delavina @ 723-8281

HEALTH EDUCATION DROP-IN With Liz Thomsen Every Thursday, 2:30pm – 3:30pm Knee waas House, 3435 4th Avenue, Port Alberni Friendship Centre For more info, please contact: Delavina @ 723-8281

Attention all Parents... The poster is ready! Please call Lisa @ the NTC office 724-5757 to arrange pick-up.

Page 14 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

Birthdays and Congratulations Happy 7th birthday to Tia Monique Frank on June 22. Love uncle Casey and family.

Happy bday to our niece Marissa, of Victoria, who will be 5, on June 28. Normal (Web);Happy Father’s Day to our Daddy, Husband & Grandpa Chris John Sr. You are one in a million Dad, thank you for making us who we are today, for always being there for us, and for just being you. We love you Dad, have an awesome day you deserve it. And also happy belated birthday for May 22! How old are you again? We lost track looooong time ago...just kidding. We love you. Enjoy your day. Love Gen, Chris Jr. & Cynthia, Grandson Marcus Christopher, Bradley, Tammy & you baby Shaunique. Congratulations to my lil sis Jenn Webster n Howie Tom on the arrival of their baby boy Brendan Anthony Tom on May 20th, 2005 @ 456am weighing in @ 8lbs 11oz... my 3rd nephew... wow... Congratulations again sis, n wishing u very happy n healthy baby. Love from your sis Erica, bro Dan, Niece Alissa n Grandma Sisa May 22- Happy Belated Birthday to my friend Prissy Sabbas, I didn’t forget ya, lol hope u had a blast...i can here u lol... from your friend Erica Tom June 17th - Happy 12th Birthday to Stevie Boy Tom JR, hehehehe ur a preteen now, Stevie, enjoy it and have a blast Stevie and remember its the tom in u, lol, love from ur cousins Erica & Dan, ur niece Alissa, and Grandma Sisa xoxoxoxo May 24th, 2005 - My Birthday Greetings to my dear Niece Destiny Rose John daughter for my brother George and Gloria John Happy 10th Birthday to you. Many more to come and always know that we love you. Love auntie Carol, uncle Don and family May 13, 2005 – Congratulations to Ashley Amos on your new born baby

We would like to wish our beloved son Philip a happy happy birthday on June 21st, Lots of Love from Mom and Dad. To all relatives of Philip Guy Edison the Fourth Louie, you are invited to celebrate Philip’s first birthday! On Saturday June 25th In the Kitchen, at the Gym next to the soccer fields in Duncan. For more information, call Jaclyn or Guy @ (250) 746-9954 or (250)381-4250. We hope to see you there.

Congratulations to Eunice Joe on the completion of your Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in First Nation Studies at Malaspina UniversityCollege. You did it! It seems like just yesterday when we went to Ha-hopayuk school - now our kids go there! I'm happy for you. Love from your sis Bella Fred. boy. 7lbs 13ozs. To you and your honey. From auntie Carol Mattersdorfer and your friend Samantha. Happy Belated birthday to my brothers Lenny John for May 19, 2005 and to my other bro Danny John Sr on May 11, 2005. From Carol, Don and family. Happy Birthday to my nephew Francis Thomas all the way on Victoria B.C. on May 28, 2005. Well nephew I didn’t forget your birthday. Always know that I love you so much, with all my heart and we’re thinking of you dearly on this day. Love from your auntie Carol, uncle Donald and all your relatives. Miss Jenny Marie Touchie – Congratulations on finishing your first year at Capilano College in Vancouver. The very thought that you were to carry on the next phase of you life in the city was somewhat frightening to us all, however in the depths of my heart I was comforted and reassured that you were advancing into a place called adulthood, in which you left very prepared for. Babe, there are many things in this crazy world called life that you can only be sure of, are you ready for any of this? and are you excited? and if you can answer at least one of those questions with a yes, go for it, the rest will work itself out. If you cannot take the chance on life and adventure, there’s not much left really to do. I admire each day for the goals, success, and strength it takes to be away from home, you are my role model for it is not easy just to go and be on your own. I thank Ernie, Linda, and Tanya each day for the moments they were all there for you there, nevertheless I am so proud of you babe. Glad to have you home for the summer, so we both can drive shmum crazy. I love you with all my heart, and congratulations babe! “GARTH…That was a haiku.” LMAO! Love ya. Melanie, Elmer, and Charlie (Dirk). Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jack would like to announce the engagement of their

To the Frank family and friends: We invite you to celebrate in the joyous union of Genevieve Frank, daughter of Irene Frank and (late) Archie Frank Sr. to Christopher John Sr., son of Lorraine John and (late) Patrick Thomas. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 11 at Kelthsmaht, weather permitting; if not there then at Ahousaht at 1:00 pm. Reception starts at 5:00 pm at Maaqtusiis Gym.

daughter Coriisa-Lee Jack to Gordon Campbell, son of late Ernie & Julia Campbell. A wedding date has been set for September 24, 2005 in Ahousaht, BC. I would like to congratulate my little sis Corissa & her fiancé Gord on their engagement. What took you so long? From your sis Marla, Maya & nieces. We would like to wish our dad Maya a very happy birthday on May 20th. We love you daddy...love your girls Marieta & Sereana. Congratulations also to our neph/cousin Brandon Jack on your recent engagement. From your family in Ahousaht. Uncle Bishop, Auntie Val & families. Happy birthday to our son-inlaw Maya-man all the way from Fiji. >From Pa & Ma Jack. June 3 – Happy 15th Birthday to James Harris; and Happy 2nd Birthday to Harold Poorman-Epp. Love from Auntie Bella, Uncle Thomas and Cousins Brenden and Ashley. June 8 – Happy 14th Birthday to Aaron Jimmy. Love from Auntie Bella, Uncle Thomas and Cousins Brenden and Ashley. June 11 - Happy 8th Birthday to Barry Fred. Love from Auntie Bella, Uncle Thomas and Cousins Brenden and Ashley. May 16 – Happy belated 18th Birthday to Darrin Williams Jr. Love from Auntie Bella, Uncle Thomas and Cousins Brenden and Ashley. May 17 – Happy belated Birthday to Veronica Williams. Love from Bella, Thomas, Brenden and Ashley. May 26 – Happy belated 13th Birthday to Lance Williams. Love from Auntie Bella, Uncle Thomas and Cousins Brenden and Ashley. Would like to wish Anne Atleo, happy b day on June 22. And also to my dearest mom Sonia Bob, happy birthday on June 12.hope you have a great day! Love you lots. Tania, Casey and tribe. I would like to wish Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sampson a very happy 24th anniversary on June 6th. Wishing you both all the best that Naas has to offer. Thinking of you always. Happy 19th Birthday to Josh Dick on May 29. From Mom, Carl, brothers Fred, Ray, sister Christina, uncle Clarence and Kelly. A big congratulations on your graduation from ADSS to Josh Dick.

Would like to wish our sister Kayla, Happy 9th Birthday. From Tyler, Rayanne, Victoria, and Dezaiah. Also your cuz’s Tamara and Tharron. Love from Mom, Carl, brothers Fred, Ray and sister Christina, uncle Clarence & Kelly. Happy 25th Birthday to Fred Dick on June 5. Love from Mom, Carl, sister Christina, brothers Josh, Ray and uncle Clarence & Kelly. Happy 47th Birthday to Marlene Watts a.k.a. Molly on May 29. Love from sis Corinne, Carl, nephews Fred, Josh & Ray, niece Christina & brother Clarence & Kelly. Happy 70th birthday to our Mom/Gran Freda Cootes on June 11. Love from daughter Corinne, sons Carl & Clarence & grandchildren Fred, Christina, Josh, Ray & Kelly. Happy 13th Birthday to Raymond Dick on June 15. Love from Mom, uncles Carl & Clarence, sister Christina, brothers Fred, Josh, & Kelly. Happy 21st Birthday to Adele Mickey on June 2. Love from Corinne, Carl, Christina, Fred, Josh, Ray, Clarence & Kelly. Happy 18th Birthday to Jonathan Watts on June 2. From Dad (Carl), aunty Corinne, uncle Clarence, cousins, Fred, Christina, Josh & Ray & Kelly, & brothers Chad & Darren. Happy 22nd Birthday to John Cootes a.k.a. J.C. From Corinne, Carl, Fred, Christina, Josh, Ray, Clarence & Kelly. Happy 26th Birthday to Ozzie Felsman on June 6. From aunty Corinne, Carl, cousins Fred, Christina, Josh & Ray, & Clarence & Kelly. Congratulations to Bethany Watts on her Graduation from ADSS. Love aunty Corinne, uncles Carl & Clarence, cousins Fred, Christina, Josh & Ray & Kelly. We would like to wish the following people a *Happy Birthday* for the month of June....Desean on the 4th,Sharon Bond (Louie) on the 6th,Frank Charlie on the 13th,Lana Olsen(Thompson)and Kalvin Charlie on the 14th,Parker Mack and Kobe on the 18th,Connie Charlie,Reese Mack,Amy Thomas. From Sugar,Charlie,Clifford and Johnathan in Bella Coola,B.C

Happy 28th Anniversary to Dave & Annie Watts on June 11th . From your family. Bridesmaids Sherry Ross, Lorna Bob, maid of honour Gloria Ross, flower girl Carole Livingstone, ringbearer Richard Dick, best man Norman Watts, ushers Darrell Ross and Vincent Watts

Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 - Page 15

Perseverance pays off By Nicholas Watts Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter Port Alberni – It’s nearing the end of another school year, and some students are frantically trying to finish their work so they can complete grade 12. Others are absorbing the memories of their last year of school, so they can tell their children about it. One student is doing both. Her name is Rachael, and she is pulling a double duty of sorts, working hard academically, straight A’s, and being a social butterfly, sitting as a chair on the dry grad committee. While this may sound like a lot of work for some, because it is, the pay off in the end is huge. Rachael has already been accepted to Simon Fraser University where she hopes to accomplish a degree in law. Rachael is one of many role models in the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation that is a guiding light for those who might be frustrated with school. Hard work and patience will pay off in the end, as Rachael has shown, and her advice is this; keep at your schooling and never

In Memoriam - >a>ak^#ap Jeffrey Derek Touchie Born November 19th, 1954 Passed away in Bremerton, Wash. On May 18th, 2005

give up, because when it is all said and done, not only will opportunity present itself to you, but you’ll feel that much better, and proud of what you’ve done. Your Grandpa, family, and all your friends are proud of you, keep it up. If you know of students that you would like to spotlight, don’t hesitate to call myself at NTC, or e-mail me at nwatts@nuuchahnulth.org

Jeff battled colon cancer for over three years. Jeff’s Oncologist, Dr. Murphy, his surgeon, Dr. Green, and his loving wife Christine, did everything in their power to keep him as comfortable as possible. The visits from his family certainly gave him the courage and strength to endure these heart aching years. We, his family, honor his doctor’s, and Christine for all they have done. Jeff is survived by his loving wife, Christine, his mother Edith Brown, his sons Myles, Matthew, and Nicolas, and his two grandchildren Morgan Jean, and Julien. His two sisters; Elizabeth and Rosalee, five brothers; Edmond, John, Matthew, Michael, and Lionel. Jeff also has two aunts, Martha and Bella, eight

journey will begin in Poulsbo, Wash., and continue on to Ucluelet, B.C. If you would like to join us, please contact Rosalee at 250-642-3595, or Michael at . mrtouchie@telus.net.

When asked “What was the best part of spring hockey?” “What is the best rule of hockey?” Connor Logan’s response was “to make it on the Island Selects team” and “to get MVP (most valuable player) in the first tournament (April 22-24, 2005). “To be picked from the team for the skills competition for Challenge Cup tournament (May 20 – 23, 2005). “To get Walter Gretzky’s autograph on my jacket.” “Just to be there to play hockey.” Response: Best rule is, “Respect.” The two tournaments were held in Burnaby. April 22 – 24/05 – 6th of 12 teams. May

By Nicholas Watts Ha-Shilth-Sa Reporter

Would like to wish our sister Kayla, Happy 9th Birthday. From Tyler, Rayanne, Victoria, and Dezaiah. Also your cuz’s Tamara and Tharron.

2005. We would love to have as much support as possible in receiving him to the island on the 18th. Jeff’s spiritual

Elite Spring Hockey 2005 completed

Nuu-chah-nulth grad looking to change lives of youth Port Alberni – There is a graduate this year hoping to make a difference in the lives of aboriginal youth. Her name is Kailee Horbatch. Kailee has just completed a Bachelor of Science with a major in Biochemistry. But she’s not stopping there; she’s heading back to school in September to complete her Bachelor of Education. All this so she can teach. To Kailee there is nothing more important than education. The education of Nuu-chah-nulth is her goal in life. When she completes her schooling next year, she would like to return to her home in Port Alberni, and teach at either Haa-Huu-Payak, or ADSS. Growing up, Kailee had the chance to spend her formative years here in Port, but also experience life in Ahousaht, where she is from. Having spent the majority of her life here in the Alberni Valley, this is where she feels that she can have the most impact on First Nations youth. We as a people can always use another positive role model for our youth, someone who has been in the system and survived. Kailee is a perfect example of Nuu-chah-nulth making a difference, and improving us as First Nations. Kailee is a highly intelligent young woman, who is going to impact

nieces, seven nephews, three grandnieces, and many uncles, and cousins. Jeff also has a family in England who loved and respected him, including a mother-in-law, two sister-inlaws, and two nephews, who he was a hero. Jeff made many friends throughout Canada and the U.S. Christine will be making the long journey to bring Jeff home June 18th,

20 – 23/05 – 8th of 14 teams. 3rd in Skills competition of 14 us, and be a pillar of strength in the future. Kailee could not have done this without support, and would like to send very special thanks to the Ahousaht First Nation for supporting her, the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council for being her support network and guiding her through her studies, and lastly the Royal Bank of Canada for their continuing support and all the help that they offered to her through her studies. Without these, her goals would still be dreams, and she would not be the person she is today. Congratulations to you for achieving your goals, and we are looking forward to seeing you reach your dreams.

Our Dear Daughter Kelly Anne Marie, Today is your day to celebrate! Today, June 27th, is your day to celebrate, Babe, your day to be the star, so let the ones you love all cheer and say how special you are! A year of fun and happiness is my birthday wish for you. You are someone special and your birthday should be too! Happy 2nd Birthday, Daughter! With Tons of Love from your Parents, R.E.M. & Christy!

challenges. Congratulations to Connor Logan from your proud family: mom (Cynthia) and dad (Rodd), great-grandma Frances Edgar, grandpa & grandma Joe & Geraldine Tom, aunties Nancy & Angie, uncle Ian, cousins Ricki, Kyle, Logan and Maryna, brother Zack and sister Hannah.

To all family and friends Laura Fraser and Douglas James Dawson will be getting married on July 9th, 2005 in Ahousaht, BC. Please come and enjoy our day and let me know if you can come. laurarfraser@shaw.ca or 250-382-1443.

On May 21st, we would like to wish a very happy belated birthday to our neighbour Ginger Frank. Another year come and gone. Where does the time go, hey Gina. Hope you enjoyed the day you came into this world. With many, many more years to come your way. From Anne J., Hank C., and your buddy old pal Linda T.

On May 31st, we would like to wish a very happy 13th birthday to our grandson Sheldon Touchie, or the “Touchie man.” Holy smokes you’re a teenager now. Hope you have a blast on your special day. Thinking of you from over her in beautiful Ahousaht. From Grampa Hank and grama Anne. This handsome pic was taken 8 years ago and you’re still handsome as ever.

Page 16 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

Nuu-chah-nulth Registry and Treaty Information ... Registering events are very important! · Birth Registrations: It is important to get baby registered as soon as possible. You must complete the parental consent for Registration/Statement of Band Affiliation form and provide the LARGE form birth certificate, these consent forms can be obtained through your Band Office or at the NTC Office. Registration takes 6 - 8 weeks. · Transfers: Are you wishing to transfer to another Band? Write to the Band you want to transfer into. Once accepted you will need to complete a consent to transfer form, also, notify the Band you are currently in and let them know your intentions. · Marriages, divorces, name change, deaths: Please provide appropriate certificates to up date the Indian Registry Lists. A consent form needs to be completed for any name changes. · Are you turning 18 soon? If you would like your own registration number then you have to submit a letter of request. Process also takes 6 - 8 weeks (no longer automatic). · All documents are to be submitted to Rosie Little - Indian Registry Administrator at the NTC Office, with the exception of Ditidaht, Hesquiaht, Huu-ay-aht and Tla-o-qui-aht. Contact these First Nations directly. To have a status card issued through NTC from these four First Nations please have your Indian Registry Administrator fax approval and your information prior to coming into the office if possible. · Does your First Nation have their membership code in place? If so, and you would like the above events recorded for "BAND MEMBERSHIP" then it is EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT that you contact them as well. · Your First Nation needs your current address and phone number so they can contact you regarding Treaty developments, letters and bulletins. · First Nation phone numbers and addresses are listed below for your convenience.

Ahousaht (250) 670-9563 - Fax: (250) 670-9696 General Delivery Ahousaht, B.C. V0R 1A0 Ditidaht First Nation 1-888-745-3366 - Fax: (250) 745-3332 PO Box 340 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M8 Ehattesaht 1-888-761-4155 - Fax: (250) 761-4156 PO Box 59 Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 Hesquiaht First Nation New Toll Free 1-866-670-1181 - Fax: (250) 670-1102 PO Box 2000 Tofino, B.C. V0R 2Z0 Hupacasath First Nation (250) 724-4041 - Fax: (250) 724-1232 PO Box 211 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M7 Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’ (250) 332-5259 - Fax: (250) 332-5210 General Delivery Kyuquot, B.C. V0P 1J0 Mowachaht / Muchalaht (250) 283-2015 - Fax: (250) 283-2335 Toll free - (800) 238 - 2933 PO Box 459 Gold River, B.C. V0P 1G0 Nuchatlaht First Nation (250) 332-5908 - Fax: (250) 332-5907 PO Box 40 Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations (250) 725-3233 - Fax: (250) 725-4233 PO Box 18 Tofino, BC. V0R 2Z0 Tseshaht First Nation Toll Free: 1-888-724-1225 - Fax: (250) 724-4385 PO Box 1218 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1 Uchucklesaht Tribe (250) 724-1832 - Fax: (250) 724-1806 PO Box 1118 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M7 Ucluelet First Nation (250) 726-7342 Fax: (250) 726-7552 PO Box 699 Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0

Attention Uchucklesaht Tribe Members and descendants We are currently accepting applications for enrolment in the Maa-Nulth Treaty. This notice is posted in our effort to ensure that applications for enrolment forms are available for every known person who may be eligible to be enrolled as beneficiaries of the Maanulth final agreement For further information, please contact Tina Robinson at the Uchucklesaht Tribe Office. Phone - 250.724.1832 or Toll Free 1.888.724.1832. TSESHAHT FIRST NATION CULTURAL RESOURCE CENTRE Open to anyone interested in learning more about Tseshaht history. 5000 Mission Rd. – Chi-chu-aht House/ Tseshaht Treaty office. We have a toll free number available for Tseshaht members (which also houses our membership and Natural Resources Office. If you want your addresses included for treaty updates and Tribal bulletins call us (email: cap@tseshaht.com) with your address. 1-866724-4225. Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Except holidays). For more information contact us at (250) 724-4229. or toll free at 1-866724-4229.

TLA-O-QUI-AHT TRIBE MEMBERS If you are not receiving “Inside Tla-o-qui-aht” newsletter please call your address in ASAP. This mailing list is also used for important tribal mailouts you may not want to miss. Forward your address to: Carla Moss c/o Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations, Box 18, Tofino, B.C., V0R 2Z0. Phone: 250-725-2765, email: cmoss@island.net

TO ALL TLA-O-QUI-AHT FIRST NATIONS MEMBERS Hello everyone, I am working as the Indian Registry Administrator (back up) I would like to update my mailing list, may you please call it in to me at the office either fax or mail would be greatly appreciated Are you and / or children registered? If your newborn baby has not been registered yet I need a copy of the large birth certificate and register. Also if there are any deaths, marriages, and divorces I would like the proper certificates brought in so I can register them as well. Yes I do issue status cards from my office in Opitsaht Any questions please call me at work 725-3233 / fax 725-4233 Thank you. Hazel Curley (TFN IRA)

TO ALL UCLUELET FIRST NATION MEMBERSHIP Hello everyone, I was recently hired as the band membership clerk, and the membership committee along with myself would like to get the band list updated. Are you and/or your children registered? If your newborn baby has not been registered you will have to come in with a large birth certificate and register. Remember when you are registered with the NTC office you have to register with the band office as well. Also if there are any deaths, marriages or divorces we would like the proper certificate brought in so that we can register those as well. Please call the band office toll free 1-866-726-2488 if you need to contact me. Thank you. Christina Klotz, ck1_26@hotmail.com

TO ALL TSESHAHT MEMBERSHIP: Please remember when you register your child(ren) with NTC you must still register your child(ren) to the Band. I do not have names that NTC has so if you're one of these members please contact me for Band membership papers as we administer our own membership and only those people on our list is Tseshaht. I do not issue status cards this is done only with Rosie Little or Mel Braker. Feel free to contact me at lisagallic@shaw.ca or call me at 1-866-724-4229.

Important Notice to all Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations members, Band Managers, CHR’s, Health Clerks and Band Membership Clerks:

MEDICAL COVERAGE NOT AUTOMATIC Reference: Recently, many bills were received at the NTC (Non-Insured Health Benefits Section) (NIHB) from parents requesting payment under this plan. If a child is not registered with Indian Affairs and the province there is no medical coverage. Therefore, FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT OF MEDICAL VISITS, X-RAYS, ETC. WILL FALL ON THE PARENTS! Indian Affairs cannot and WILL NOT PAY any bills without full coverage. Remember, unless a child is REGISTERED with both Indian Affairs (Status Card) and the provincial medical plan (MSP Card) two very important medical factors apply: a. The child is covered under the parent medically, for only three months; and b. Once the child reaches 1 year of age then they are no longer covered under the NIHB program for: equipment; supplies; drugs; dental; and optical. Normally, a child reaching 19 years of age requires (her or his) own medical care card. A child can maintain medical coverage up to age 25 when in full-time attendance at a post secondary institution, that is approved by the provincial medical commission. It takes 6 – 8 weeks to obtain these coverage cards! Start the process immediately! Do not assume it is done! Follow up with this until you have both cards! Questions to be directed to the Band Membership Clerks, or the NTC Registry Office 724-5757. Robert Cluett, CD - NTC NIHB Program Supervisor

Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 - Page 17 It takes a whole community to raise a child and Ha-ho-paa I want to acknowledge and thank our Hawiih and Elders who have been an inspiration to my son REMI TOM, I am so proud of him that he has the ability to listen and learn what he is taught and how he shares it with others .My son has had interest in learning about cultural teachings, songs and dances in every aspects of respect, Iisaak. He knows who our relatives are from up and down the coast, he addresses his relatives by brother, sister, aunt uncle, grampa and takes the time to talk to them. He has attended Ha-wiih / elders, elected chief and council meetings for some years now learning along the way. I’ve been impressed how much he knows and has learned.

I thank people for taking time to teach and ha-ho-paa my son as you have shared your wisdom and knowledge with him, that I really appreciate, you’ve really helped me out, especially Butch and Dora who taught him and my other sons to dance for the Chiefs. I believe it takes families, relatives and community to teach our children no matter how old they maybe because as parents and grandparents we may at times forget or we may not be aware or remember our teachings .Teaching starts at home with the help of our Ha-wiih , elders and community , now that’s what I call community working together, I also acknowledge Remi for taking interest in learning by attending elders meetings and perhaps asking questions for that is the way you learn way to be son I’m so proud of you ,and keep it up. Again Kleco, kleco, kleco Sincerely Agnes Martin.

Annie Watts, Ha-Shilth-Sa Administration Assistant New Email Address, effective immediately

hashilthsa@nuuchahnulth.org To get the quality you want in your photos, graphics or ads please submit them at a minimum of 175 d.p.i. (to 300 d.p.i.). Please call 724-5757 if you have any questions. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Narratives of Desire: Finding Home A Clayoquot Sound Anthology Calling all writers from Tla-o-qui-aht, Ahousaht and Hesquiaht nations. . . We are searching for quality works which discuss the connection between nature and home. The resulting anthology will contain selections from writers of various cultural and class backgrounds. Not just as a settled place, home can be many things-a state of mind, a connection to the past, a relationship or a solitary quest. How do you perceive this basic value and reshape it as you search for solace in or with nature? Please send NON-FICTION PROSE, maximum 20 typed double-spaced pages, to both editors electronically or by mail. Previously written work (essays or selection from a book) will be considered. For more information, contact the editors below. DEADLINE: September 1st, 2005 SEND YOUR WORK TO: Andrea Lebowitz, 372 East 5th Street, North Vancouver BC, V7L 1L9 or by email to lebowitz@sfu.ca AND Christine Lowther, Box 127, Tofino, BC V0R 2Z0 or by email to raggy@island.net. NOTE: This address is unable to open pdf files.

Hello, We are looking for Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Chek:tles7et’h’ members current mailing addresses. In particular, the Olebars who live in the U.S, Delia Charlie of Manchester Washington, Elizabeth Barnes of Burien, Wa. Also looking for any of Short family members, and those who live at Vancouver. Please Contact the Kyuquot Bando office, Lenora or Daisy at, 1-888 817-8716, or fax to (250) 332-5210, or email to kchertg@island.net. We look forward to hearing from our members who live away from home and the sooner the better. Chuu, Daisy Hanson

To All Tribes Please return any medical equipment that you may have borrowed from the Tseshaht First Nation Loan Cupboard, our medical equipment is running low and there are many people in need of this service or if you have any medical equipment you would like to donate t the loan cupboard this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Tracy Robinson, Tseshaht Health & Social Services Department P.O. Box 1218, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1 724-1225

Celebration Of Culture Sunday, June 19th, 2005 @ 12 Noon Tsawaayuus (Rainbow Gardens) 6151 Russell Place, Port Alberni Please come and join us for a traditional salmon meal. We sill have singers and dancers to entertain, and welcome everyone to attend.

Career Opportunities - q#i-cah=-ta-mis Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations P.O. Box 459 Gold River, B.C. V0P 1G0

Telephone: (250) 283 – 2015 Fax: (250) 283 – 2335

Employment Opportunity

Social Development Community Health (SDCH) Coordinator Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations near Gold River, BC is seeking a full-time Social Development Community Health (SDCH) Coordinator. This is a demanding position serving the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations community. Responsibilities: Performs all duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Mowachaht/Muchalaht policies, standards and procedures, including the Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council (NTC) SDCH programs and services. Assesses the SDCH needs and develops proposals for funding. Supervises and evaluates the performance of employees of the SDCH department. Provides individual and family counseling, support services and referrals to appropriate agencies. Administers the preparation and distribution of cheques for social assistance and other related social financial requirements. Essential Qualifications: Education: - Bachelor’s degree in social work from a recognized university with acceptable clinical specialization in social work - or acceptable combination of related education, training and/or extensive experience in social development and community health Language Requirement: - English essential (Oral, reading and writing) - Nuu-Chah-Nulth preferred but not essential (Oral) Experience: - Experience in evaluation and intervention with clients in a state of crisis - Experience working with clients with mental health problems; - Experience in individual and group therapy - Experience in psychosocial evaluation of families - Experience in individual and spouse intervention - Experience in social assistance cases Knowledge: - Federal Health programs and services with related policies including NIHB program - Provincial health and social services network organizational structure and resources - Psychosocial evaluation and intervention methods - Theoretical basis of individual therapy, couples therapy and group therapy - Knowledge of INAC and Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council social development policies - PC Computer applications including E-mail (Preferable Microsoft) Conditions of Employment: - Hold a valid BC Driver’s Licence - Willing and able to work irregular hours with some travel - Criminal record check Resumes with covering letter specifying this position are to be submitted to the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations by 4:00 PM on Friday, June 10, 2005 to: Reuben Blackwater, Administrator PO Box 459 Gold River, BC V0P 1G0 Fax: (250) 283-2335 Email: rblackwater@yuquot.ca with Subject header: Application – SDCH Coordinator The Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations wishes to thank all applicants for their interest and advises that only those to be interviewed will be contacted.

Ucluelet First Nation Help Wanted - Summer Student Employment Position: Youth Activity Worker – Summer Program – June 27 – August 26, 2005 Coordinate / implement recreational/educational/cultural program for children/youth Qualifications: Post Secondary Student. Minimum 2 yrs. Experience working with children/youth ages 6-14yrs. Unrestricted Class 4 Driver’s License (must submit driver’s abstract with Resume). Level 1 First Aid / CPR C Deadline: June 13th, 2005 Fax/mail resume along with cover letter & driver’s abstract to: Gloria Valentine, Fax to: (250) 726-7307 or e-mail to: gloriav@ufn.ca. For more information you may phone me at (250) 726-7343.

HELP WANTED “The Port Alberni Friendship Centre, in co-operation with the Youth Justice branch of the Ministry for Children and Family Development, is seeking aboriginal caregivers to provide short-term care for aboriginal youth who require transition housing on returning to the community from the Victoria Youth Custody centre. Interested parties are requested to pick-up a program description at the Port Alberni Friendship Centre, 3555 – 4th Avenue or phone Cyndi Stevens at 723-8281. A fee for service will be paid for days the Youth is placed in the home.”

ACRD Representative The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council is seeking people interested in representing Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations on the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District Board. Those interested in the position should submit a letter of interest to the NTC Directors, c/o NTC Executive Director Florence Wylie.

Page 18 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005

Klecko’s - +ekoo WOW! Time flies, Graduated Alberni School of Cosmetology May 2, 2005, “1500 hrs Hairdressing” Hello my name is Molly Clappis I am 26 years young, I am from the Hupacasath First Nation, and my parents are Ben and Clara Clappis of Huu-ay-aht. I enrolled at the Alberni School of Cosmetology on May 3, 2004 for hairdressing, funded by BCSL. I don’t know who I was kidding when I thought it would be a breeze, not only because it was something I have always wanted to do, but thinking, cutting hair, easy, LOL, there was so much book work, written tests, m/c tests, notes, assignments, time and dedication! From the day I enrolled for education I had 100% support from my sister Irene and brother in law Derek, there has been many shared smiles and tears over the past year, I could not have done it with out you, the love and care you both provided for Chris this past year, is unconditional love for my boys and I! I don’t know what to say other then from the bottom of my heart. I love you so much Kleco Kleco! My brother Henry and Nikki for waken up at 8am (last minute babysitting) and rushing over to my home to care for Dorian on his ill days, your help here in town “on going support” was greatly appreciated! My buds over in Gold River Mr. and Mrs. S. Howard for forever being there

Community Events All descendants of John Smith and Cecelia Thompson Smith (Sternbeck) There will be a family reunion on July 2,3 &4 in Neah Bay. There are limited hotel rooms available; however, these need to be reserved ASAP. Please RSVP Josephine George @ 250-724-2976 or Aunt Clara @ 306-645-2096.


A feast for our family, friends and ask that each of you join us to remember our young man for who we all knew him. On September 17th, 2005 at the Maht Mahs Gym, beginning at 10:00 a.m. We will close the doors to hold our opening ceremonies; we will then serve lunch at 12:00 noon. If you have any further questions regarding this feast, please feel free to contact one of the following family members: Gina Pearson (mom) at 723-4727, or Darleen Watts (grandma) 724-4873, or Josie Watts (auntie) 724-4987, or Alfred Fred (father) at 723-2042, Marie Johnny (Duncan) 746-8445 grandma, granny Florrie (Alert Bay) 974-2485, or Deane Wadhams, aunt, 974-5472. for me! Willie Howard the support you gave me this past year, when times were rough you always had encouraging words. Sometimes that’s all we need is a shoulder to lean on to all my friends and family, especially for allowing me to practice cutting, coloring, perming your hair. To my parents, for loving me, taking the boys if I needed study time! And of course, Marylin and Rhonda “my teachers” you both are awesome! Finally to my two handsome sons Chris and Dorian, my every day life encouragement, all your love hugs and kisses, being so patient with mum this past year, we put a lot of our needs a side for this one year so mummy could accomplish one of her Goals, I have always told you both to reach for the stars, keep your head up! I am glad grandma always said, practice what you preach. Kleco Kleco! baby steps n life, brings bundles of accomplishments!

I’d like to thank the Dancing Spirit of Tseshaht for the invitation to great dinner and spirited dancing on May 26, 2005 at the Somass Hall. I know your group practices every Wednesday because my daughter Rosa is part of this group and she does not want to miss one practice. She has enjoyed being a part of this group for several years and we see what all this practice has achieved when we see her perform with Dancing Spirit. Its is good to see the group, which involves all age groups very active in the community as well as bringing your group to proudly show our native culture, you do us all proud. Thank you for allowing Rosa to be a full participant and teaching her well because we have had comments from several people who acknowledge her dancing abilities. It gives her lot of pride to take part and be part of this group. Thank you to the organizers and Tseshaht First Nation who I am aware sponsors this group. Also

thank you for not forgetting the elders. Kleco Kleco. Sherry Ross, a proud Tseshaht Mom! and from Rosa’s Aunt Gloria, keep up the great work! The family is looking for an artist to donate a simple design for her shawl showing Rosa’s hertitage, her father is from the Mickey family, her mother is Tseshaht and family from Hupacasath, Huu-ay-aht, Nanoose, etc. Contact Sherry or Gloria if you have any suggestions.

Aneurysms I’ve been on a mission to know more about aneurysms after I had been diagnosed to have this silent disease. I first found out about aneurysms 1986 when my sister Beverly ruptured. Dr.’s told Bev she would never be able to walk, drive and work again. Boy did she prove them wrong. May 2000 another sister ruptured, boy we are shocked and emotionally supportive of this all. Our prayers have been answered after our sister Barb wakes after a long few weeks of unconsciousness. We had no idea this would be hereditary. May 2002 our brother Laddie had ruptured. He was conscious and in good spirits. After a long stressful 12 hour surgery first thing on Laddie’s mind was the playoffs in basketball season. “Who won the game” It was after Laddie’s

rupture when the rest of our family decided it was time to be checked. Ray one of the first brother to be checked was diagnosed positive. Sisters Deb and Moe checked negative (Thank heavens) I was checked December 2002 was tested positive to have aneurysm. Ray had his surgery April 2003 I had my surgery May 2003. I knew nothing of aneurysms. I was alone and scared for the most part. My sister Moe had emailed me bafound.org where I found one supporter who was in the same boat I was in. I came to know about FIA Study through Suzanne and said “You need to do this”. I spent hours looking at information on aneurysms. And seen that this will be hereditary to families. All that ran through my head was my family’s grandchildren Michael, Brittany, Ashley, Leo, Taylor to name a few. With them in

Rocky Kano-pit Titian invites you to a feast on October 1st, 2005 at the T-bird Hall in Ahousaht. Following dinner Rocky will give names to the great grandchildren of his late parents, Ambrose and Margaret Titian.

Jack Family Potlatch Has been rescheduled to October 8, 2005 at the Tsaxana Gym @ 10:00 a.m. We’ll see you all there.

Port Alberni Friendship Centre First Annual All Peoples Music & Arts Festival June 17 - 19, 2005, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Alberni Athletic Hall Celebrating our 40th Anniversary and National Aboriginal Day Contact Gordon Fuller, Bonnie Laslo or Joanne Touchie (250) 723-8281

Classifieds continued Loonie Twoonie and Flea Market. Saturday, June 4, 2005. 10am to 4pm. Tseshaht Cultural Centre. 5211 Watty’s. Port Alberni, BC. (Pacific Rim Highway). Arts and crafts, new and used items, raffles, 50/50 draws, concession, movies galore, and tons more. Loonie Twoonie grand prize is a portable DVD player. Try your luck at winning some fun prizes for only a dollar or two. Father’s Day Loonie Twoonie and Flea Market. Saturday, June 18, 2005. 10am to 4pm. Tseshaht Somass Hall. 6200 Ekooth. Port Alberni, BC. (Past Orange Bridge turn left on Mission Rd). Loonie Twoonie grand prize is a BBQ with Tank and BBQ Meat Pack. Try your luck at winning some great gifts for dad for only a dollar or two. Table rentals $5 each. For more info call Linda Gomez at 7236194 or 730-0677. Fundraiser for wedding of Krisandra Alfred and John Gomez LOST: Gold necklace with a 1in X 1in Indian design butterfly pendant. Last seen on my niece at the Ucluelet Secondary School during Steve Spergers last basketball tournament in March. This necklace is very special to me and I would appreciate any information leading to its whereabouts. Please call Jeannine Adams @ 670-1150 or email ballgrrl@hotmail.com. Thanks.

mind I became determined to enroll my family in This FIA Study (Familial Intracranial Aneurysm) We are a close family and I joined them all for dinner and told them we need to think of our young ones. We can educate our kids through our knowledge of what we know about aneurysms. I would like to see something positive to happen with our inherited silent disease. Doing this aneurysm study is a positive thing for our family. I am enrolling my family in this FIA Study. I am quite excited for our family we are doing a positive thing for our future offspring. Thank you to my family for support as well as Ucluelet First Nations. Gert Touchie

MISSING: One 18” x 18” clear, plexiglass display box with woven cedar basket (circa early 1900’s) was discovered missing from the Administration Office foyer of the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation sometime after Christmas. The basket was approximately 12”wide x 12” long x 14”height woven in a simple basket weave style with no handles. It was in fragile condition, collapsed and a darkened cedar color. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of this Muchalaht artifact, please contact Margarita James, Director of Cultural & Heritage Resources in the Administration Office or the Gold River detachment of the RCMP.

Reprezent Designs First Nations Graphics. Specializing in Native Vinyl Decals. (Custom Made/All Sizes). All types of Native Graphics. Call Now! Celeste Jacko. Ph: 604-9282157 or Email: ladybrave05@hotmail.com

Arts FOR SALE: Native designed jewellery; silver, copper, gold engraving, stone setting. Contact Gordon Dick by phone 723-9401. WANTED: I am looking for someone to make Abalone buttons. Call 723-7134. FOR SALE: Carvings for sale: coffee table tops, clocks, plaques, 6" totems, canoes, leave message for Charlie Mickey at 724-8609 or c/o Box 40, Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 FOR SALE: Genuine Authentic basket weaving grass. Linda Edgar, phone 250741-1622. BASKET WEAVING FOR SALE: Grad Hat Regalia, Baskets, Weaving material, specializing in Maquinna Hat Earrings. Available to teach at conferences and workshops. Call Julie Joseph (250) 729-9819. WANTED: whale teeth, whalebones, mastodon ivory and Russian blue cobalt trade beads. Lv. msg. For Steve and Elsie John at 604-833-3645 or c/o #141720 6th St, New Westminster BC V3L3C5. FOR SALE: Native painting. Call Bruce Nookemus (250) 728-2397 WHOPULTHEEATUK - Sandra Howard, Mowachaht Cedar Weaver. Hats, Caps, Pouches, Baskets, Mats, and Roses for Sale. Price Negotiable. Barter or Trade. Ph: 250-283-7628. e-mail:oomek@hotmail.com. ROSE AMBROSE: Basket weaving, shawls, baskets, headbands, roses, etc. Also teach 723-2106. NOOTKA ART GOLD & SILVER: rings, bracelets, pendants, and stone settings by Gideon Smith. Sales - this year till year-end spend $150 on silver jewelry and get 50% off on next item. Orders over $150 can be delivered as far as Port Alberni to Victoria and Campbell River with a $15 delivery charge. Phone 250 751 9413.

wihayaqq,cik, James Swan, AHOUSAHT NATIVE ARTIST, Original paintings, and carvings. (can customize orders) P.O. # 84 - Ahousaht, BC. - V0R-1A0 home (250) 670-2438 ~ cell (250) 7315304. www.ahousahtnativeart.com wihay@alberni.net

4059 Cedar St., Port Alberni, BC, V9Y6C5 (250) 724-6831


Ha-Shilth-Sa - June 2, 2005 - Page 19 Miscellaneous

Automotive D&M AUTOCLEAN: "We’ll do your dirty work" Automobile cleaning and renewal. CARS - TRUCKS - RV'S BOATS. 7429 Pacific Rim Highway. Phone 720-2211. PROFESSIONAL BODYWORK: Will do professional bodywork and painting. 14 years experience. Experienced, certified welder on-site. Marcel Dorward. 723-1033. FOR SALE: 1989 Ford Econoline 17 passenger bus. Auto, runs great. $5500 obo 723-2308. FOR SALE: 1990 Ford 2 wd 1 ton crew cab on propane. $2500. 735-0833. FOR SALE: 1990 Acura Integra, body kit, 17”rims, air intake, headers & more! $7,000 firm. 735-2225. Willard. FOR SALE - 1997 Ford Aerostar Van. Very good condition, has been cared for and used sparingly. Call 1-360-6452019 evenings after 6:30 pm. Elizabeth Little Parker. FOR SALE: 1999, white GMC safari, 7-passenger Van. Sacrifice @ $8,000.00 please call (250) 726-6525.

Marine BOAT FOR SALE: 1992 - 25 foot Raider. Aluminum cabin, open fore and aft deck, adjustable outboat bracket, tandem galvanized trailer. $19,900 without engine, $29,900 with 2001 - 225 Merc Optimax. Call Roger Franceur 723-4005 BOAT FOR SALE: MV Ropo – no license. 40’ fiberglass. Ex-freezer troller. Fully equipped. Freezer system only 2 years old. Harold Little (250) 670-2477. FOR SALE - 40’ Ex-troller and Spring nets made to order. Call Robert Johnson Sr. (250) 724-4799. FOR SALE: Area "G" AI Troll License 37.5 ft. Contact Louie Frank Sr. at 250670-9573 or leave a message at the Ahousaht Administration Office at 250670-9563. FOR SALE: New and Used Barclay Sound Sockeye Nets. (250) 923-9864. WANTED: 18' - 19' Fiberglass Deep V Fishing Boat, Soft Top, (Double Eagle, Hourston, etc). Call Dale or Barb @ 250 283 - 7149. CANOE BUILDING: Will build canoe, or teach how to build canoe. Call Harry Lucas 724-1494. FOR SALE: 25’ Bayliner powered by 350 Chev with Volvo leg. Excellent condition. $11,000. 735-0833. MISSING – 30 HP Yamaha. Any information please contact Boyd or Josh Fred at 723-5114 or 724-6491. Reward! WANTED: Boat Trailer for 20’ boat. Call Michael @ 720-6026. FOR SALE. Nets –Different Sizes, Different prices, make an offer. Trolling gear – offers. View – 5010 Mission Rd. Phone – 723-9894. FOR SALE: Combination Gillnet Troll Longline Pacific Cruiser. Phone 728-3533 for more info.

Employment Wanted/ Services Offered

T.S.G. TRUCKING SERVICE: Moving And Hauling, Reasonable Rates. Tom Gus, 5231 Hector Road, Port Alberni, B.C. Phone: (250) 724-3975. FOR HIRE:Pickup truck and driver. Need something transported or towed? Transport/move furniture, fridge, stoves, outboard motors, your boat, canoe or travel trailer towed or moved. By the km and by the hour. Call 250-724-5290. +`um>k`a Advisory for Histories, Governance, and Constitutions (forming governments). contact Harry Lucas, at 7242313. NUU-CHAH-NULTH NATIVE LANGUAGE: Transcribing in phonetics for meetings, research projects, personal use. Hourly rates. Phone Harry Lucas at 724-2313. FREE LANGUAGE CLASSES: at Hupacasath Hall. Language Instructor Tat Tatoosh. Monday and Wednesday Nights. 7 pm to 9 pm. (Bring your own pen and paper). Parenting Skills for Parents and Tots. Fridays from 3 – 4 pm. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. cuu kleco. Edward Tatoosh, Certified Linguist. TSAWAAYUUS: SHARE YOUR TALENTS WITH YOUR ELDERS: Volunteers required for the following: 9Give demonstrations 9and/or teach basket weaving, carving, painting, etc. 9We also need cultural entertainment. Contact Darlene Erickson at 724-5655. FIRST AID TRAINING: Canadian Red Cross Certified First Aid Instructors Lavern and Alex Frank are available to teach First Aid to your group, office, or community. Classes can have up to 24 students. Phone (250) 725-3367 or (250) 726-2604 for more information. SWEEPY’S CLEANING SERVICES: Samantha Gus: Need some Cleaning done? Don’t have enough time? Good rates. Call 723-7645 or leave a message @ 724-2763. Windows, dishes, vacuuming, laundry, walls, shelves, etc. Custodial/ Janitorial certified. Commercial house keeping/ home making certified and Food safe. ELEGANT ADVANTAGE DECORATING AND CATERING SERVICES: Tracey Robinson @ home:723-8571, Margaret Robinson @ home:723-0789. We do all occasions: Weddings, Showers, Graduations, Banquets, Brunches, Dinners, * Super Host and Food Safe Certified* AL & JO-ANNE’S CLEANING SERVICES: The most reasonable rates! Call Al or Jo-anne (250) 723-7291. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT: Nitinaht Lake Motel. Now open year round. For reservations and other information call 250-745-3844. Mailing address P.O. Box 455, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M9. MR. MARTIN THE MAGICIAN: is now taking bookings for all entertainment purposes. 250-995-2942. TOQUAHT BAY CONVENIENCE STORE: Open year round. Stat cigs available. 726-8306. FOR RENT: A non-profit organization has rooms to rent, by the day, week or month. Very reasonable rates for Room and Board. Also, there is a Boardroom available for rent. For more information phone 723-6511. R. FRED & ASSOCIATES - media specialists. Professional quality publishing services, audio-video, website development, accessibility for disabilities, contract writing & business development. Call Randy Fred at (250)741-0153.

PRICED TO SELL. 14x70ft. Princeton 1993 Mobile Home. 2 Bedroom, plus 12x18 ft. addition, Located at Sproat Lake Mobile Home Park. Can be relocated. By appointment only. NO AGENTS! Phone: 724-5290. BOARDROOMS FOR RENT: At the Tseshaht Administrative Buildings, Port Alberni. For more information call the Tseshaht First Nations Office at (250) 724-1225 or toll free 1-888-724-1225. WANTED: Medical Equipment such as wheelchairs etc. Can be dropped off at the Tseshaht Band Office. 5000 Mission Road, Port Alberni. Contact Gail K. Gus at 724-1225. FOR SALE: Beautiful Native Design Dress. New condition. Size 5-7. 724-3049. FOR SALE: Custom built food cart with grill, deep fryer, sink, water pump, and lots of storage. 1 owner. $6500, obo. 7244383. WANTED: Serger Sewing Machine to buy. Please call 724-4987 WOOD FOR SALE: $80 per cord. Leave a message for Ken @ 720-3555. FOR SALE: TREK 800 Unisex Mountain Bike, brand new condition (used 3 times). Blue and Silver, kickstand and back wheel-rack included. $350.00. Call 7243420. FOR SALE: 4 1/2’ x 9’ pool table, 2 years old, $2000. 728-3537. FOR RENT: Equipment for power point and DVD presentations. Projector and Screen. By the hour or day. Deposit required. Telephone: 250-724-5290. WESTCOAST TRANSITION HOUSE EMERGENCY SHELTER: For Abused Women and their Children on call 24 hours toll free. 1-877-726-2020. PORT ALBERNI TRANSITION HOUSE: Call 724-2223 or call the nearest local shelter or crisis center. HELP LINE FOR CHILDREN: 310-1234. WANTED: NCN women to join my fantastic Mary Kay team. Perfect way to invest in a home based business. Call me for more information Rosalee Brown @385-9906 or email rosaleeb_61@excite.com FOR SALE: Crib, $50 o.b.o. and highchair $40 o.b.o. both like new. Phone 250-723-3257. FOR SALE: 1100 motorized wheel chair, with adjustable air seat. Brand new battery charger, (value $450) colour is candy apple red. Value is $8000, want $3000 firm. phone Terry @ 250 741-1622. Nanaimo.B.C FOR SALE: Seaside Adventures in Tofino $695,000.00 Serious Inquiries Call 725-3448 OR 725-8329 ask for Steve or Cindy Dennis. PROFESSIONAL available for Workshops/ Conferences. Healing Circles/Retreats/ Canoe Journeys. Contract or full-time position. Holistic massage and aromatherapy with essential oils by Raven Touch. Please contact Eileen Touchie @250-726-7369 or 7265505. FOUND: Black jacket at the Ahousaht NTC treaty planning meeting Nov. 8-9. Call Mike Watts to identify and claim 724-5757. A NEW GIFT STORE IN TOFINO WILL BE OPENING SOON ... At this time, we are looking for local artists from the area to sell their artwork in this store. For further information, feel free to contact Roberta Tom @ 725-2235 or Cindy Dennis @ 725-1279. FOR SALE: Anyone interested in buying sweaters & sweatpants, blankets and baby blankets, denim handbags. Put your order in with Doreen and Anna Dick at 250 2042480 FOR SALE: Beadwork by Gloria McKay. Cedar bark work by Sheryl. Table top flower arrangements, weddings with cedar roses. Carvings by Russell Tate, masks, paddles, etc. Nuu-chah-nulth baskets of all sizes by Charlotte Carpenter. Call 723-2776 or 723-0287.



June 2, 2005

N.E.D.C. BUSINESS NEWS FIRST NATION TOURISM ~ Selling your product Marketing This is arguably the most important sector of your business plan. It describes how you will identify, create and maintain a satisfying relationship with your customers (target market) – meaning a relationship that provides value for both the customer and the business. Traditional methods of marketing: brochures, business cards, newspaper and magazine ads, television and radio ads, membership in industry associations and industry trade fairs while still effective and necessary are being challenged by websites and electronic communication. The reason for this is the increased use of personal computers to search for regional holiday events, tours and activities as well as to book vacations especially spontaneous, shortterm trips. This new trend in choosing and booking vacation and business travel makes knowing your target market even more important because you are now selling directly to them. Travellers are also becoming more sophisticated; they are looking for an authentic experience rather than an escape. They want value for their dollar, good customer service, a high quality product, personal safety and security and environmental stewardship – all things that can be addressed in both

Felix Michael, Ferrer Charters When I started in the industry my marketing strategy included website development, brochures and partnering with local lodges. The lodge referrals have kept me in business but I maintain a web site even though it is expensive because I think it's important and I keep working to improve its effectiveness.

print and electronic advertising. By knowing your target market you can use your promotional package to speak directly to their areas of greatest concern. While you may seek assistance to develop you marketing strategy and/or brand your company it is vital for your business success that you know your customers and how to communicate with them. For example did you know that over 45% of BC tourists are from BC or that 51% of travellers from the United Kingdom travel independently and 30% of these book their own travel – utilizing information like this can make your marketing plan more effective and/or help you increase your market share. The Tourism BC website is a valuable resource for this type of information. It is an oversimplification to think that by undercutting the competition you can build a successful business. If this is your strategy be careful you may be in for a very short ride. The most successful tourism operators understand that building customer loyalty over the long-term holds more lasting value, mutual satisfaction and business success. Marketing Plan A marketing plan or strategy sets future goals, provides direction for future marketing efforts and looks externally to fully understand the marketplace. Essential to preparing your marketing plan is market research – the process of finding out about your potential customers (your target market) and what they want. The core of any marketing strategy is described in the four P’s of marketing: 1. Product: what you make or do for your customers 2. Price: a rate that gives consumer value and business profit 3. Place: optimum visibility and accessibility for your target market 4. Promotion: to best inform and attract your target market Some schools have begun referring to the nine P’s, adding partnerships, packaging, positioning, programming and people. The tourism season is normally thought of as June, July and August. The months leading up the season are called shoulder months – in many places May and September. High volume tourism areas like Clayoquot Sound have expanded their shoulder months to include midMarch, April and October to midNovember. So how do you advertise to take advantage of your busiest time and improve your slower times? Tourism advertising – magazine, web

promotions, familiarization (fam) tours, trade fairs, etc. – is normally done about one year in advance. It is not unusual to be choosing, placing and paying for your 2006 ads in July and August of 2005. That is not to say you will not be offered last minute marketing opportunities because you will. Therefore to make the best use of your marketing dollars you need a well thought out plan. As with a business plan a marketing plan is a tool that the entrepreneur uses to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his/her current operation. One Tofino entrepreneur found that cutting their magazine advertising in half had no impact on their business volume – knowing this saved them $30,000 in ineffective advertising. Market plans vary according to the business but most include: · situational analysis: a description of the industry in your area including direct and indirect competition and community support · strategies and objectives: how will you communicate with your target market: i.e.: print, magazine ads, website, 1-800 number, etc., why it is the most effective method and what it will achieve · marketing programs: describes industry programs and regional, provincial and national associations that support your product. How can you make them work for your business? · performance analysis: how do you measure success and at what intervals? What do you do if plan A isn’t working? · implementation: how will you apply your promotional package and over what time frame – i.e.: what do you need year one: signage, brochures, website, etc., year two, three and so on? · budgeting: how much will your promotional package cost and can your business afford it? It is unrealistic to think that you can start a tourism business in a month or two or `if you build it they will come.’ Even in areas like Clayoquot Sound, where there is huge demand, success isn’t a given. As the industry grows and becomes more competitive and demanding operators work hard to keep pace and the notion that buying a boat gives you a viable business doesn’t hold water. NEDC supports Nuu-chah-nulth tourism in a number of ways: · co-hosts two or three tourism

George Atleo, Tin Wis One of the most essential and difficult elements of the tourist industry is marketing your business. The major success of Tin Wis has been in the planning. From the partnership with Best Western to on going staff professional development the vision is a first-class resort with first-class service. Some of the unique promotional tools utilized to market Tin Wis where: media packets for weddings, government and tourism contacts and conscientiously promoting First Nation culture in every aspect of the Resort. Tin Wis has an open-door policy and will readily share their success story with all First Nations businesses and organizations. roundtable sessions annually hosts a tourism or tourism related conference approximately once every four years · offers FirstHost, a one-day First Nation customer service program · accesses government funding programs to support industry growth · the Business Development Officers provide both pre-operational and aftercare support for their clients One result of the spring 2005 roundtable session was the request for marketing workshop. Operators expressed a desire to learn more about identifying and attracting their target markets and the impacts of Internet usage. For more information about NEDC or their programs please contact the main office at (250) 724-3131 or visit the NEDC website at www.nedc.info. ·

Nuu-chah-nulth Economic Development Corporation (250) 724-3131


to promote and assist the development, establishment and expansion of the business enterprises of Nuu-chah-nulth Tribes and Tribal members


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