Ha-Shilth-Sa May 8, 2003

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Canada’s Oldest First Nation’s Newspaper - Serving Nuu-chah-nulth-aht since 1974 Canadian Publications Mail Product haasi^ s>a “ Interesting News” Vol. 30 - No. 9 - May 8, 2003 Sales Agreement No. 40047776

Governments negotiate fisheries deal By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Tsahaheh - Negotiators from the federal, provincial, and Nuu-chah-nulth governments gathered at Somass Hall last week to work towards a new treaty fisheries proposal within a revised Agreement in Principle (AIP). NTC fisheries negotiators Simon Lucas, Richard Watts and Cliff Atleo Sr. spoke on the historical relationship between Nuu-chah-nulth-aht and sea resources, recent court decisions reaffirming that relationship in a legal context and the future of aquatic management respectively.

Negotiators from the federal, provincial, and Nuu-chah-nulth governments gathered at Somass Hall last week to work towards a new treaty fisheries proposal within a revised Agreement in Principle (AIP). “Our people have been on the west coast of Vancouver Island since time began,” said Hesquiaht’s Simon Lucas. “The sea is our lifeline; the source of our strength, our mental stability, our physical strength, and our emotional and spiritual beings,” he said. Citing the speeches of many Elders, Lucas spoke on the wealth that was enjoyed by all Nuu-chah-nulth Nations prior to contact, and how the rich became impoverished in the decades following colonization. “We were a very wealthy people because we always made our living off the bounty of the sea,” said Lucas. “But in recent years unemployment rates have been as high as 94% in some of our communities,” he said. “Our tribe rejected the AIP because they didn’t see a future in what was being offered in the area of aquatic resources,” said Lucas. “What you’re offering is less than what we have now! Why would we go for that? added Tseshaht’s Richard Watts. “The first settlers and government people said we would always be able to live off the ocean. We want the crown to honour those commitments through treaty,” he said.

continued on page 3

Canoe-makers Carl Martin and Clifford Williams prepare to launch Tsa-walk at E-cha-chis

Young Tla-o-qui-aht Couple expand Canoe Tour Business By Denise Ambrose Central Region Reporter Tofino- Tla-ook Adventures, owned and operated by 25 year-old Gisele Martin and her partner, Doug Wright, provides dugout canoe tours with a strong Nuuchah-nulth flavor. The 34’ Sa-sit-qua-ees carved by Gisele’s father, Joe Martin, was launched four years ago. He eventually gave the canoe to his daughters Gisele and MarieFrance.

While there are dozens of touristoriented business in Tofino, Gisele says there is a lack of genuine First Nations culture-based operations. “We are getting known because there isn’t much going on culturally here,” she said. Seeing a promising opportunity, Gisele and her partner Doug Wright applied for a business loan from NEDC and launched a cultural tourism venture based in Tofino. Tla-ook Adventures officially opened June 21, 2002 on Aboriginal Day. Doug, Giseleg and guide Dwayne Martin offer tour packages that vary from short canoe tours of the small islands in Tofino Inlet to three-hour salmon barbe-

Feature Elders Gilbert and Kateri John ...................Page 2 Nuu-chah-nulth Fisheries Offer ............................... Page 3 Haida Chief wants seal kill ....................................... Page 4 Huu-ay-aht to host World Salmon Summit ........... Page 5 Housing crisis worsens .............................................. Page 6 Central Region co-chair candidates ......................... Page 10 N.E.D.C. Business News ............................................ Page 20

ques at picturesque Echachis Island, the location of an ancient Tla-o-qui-aht village site. The Cultural Mystery Tour is another offer featured at Tla-ook Adventures. Gisele says the mystery changes but sometimes a tour might mean a search for wildlife on the islands or viewing culturally modified trees on Meares Island. Business grew through the summer and early fall despite the lack of advertising. While there are dozens of tourist-oriented business in Tofino, Gisele says there is a lack of genuine First Nations culture-based operations. “We are getting known because there isn’t much going on culturally here,” she said. Relying on word-of-mouth advertising, Gisele and her team were busy enough

to take the next step: business expansion. With a business loan from NEDC, the Martins were able to commission two smaller canoes from Joe Martin and his brothers. The first canoe, appropriately named Tsa-walk, meaning ‘one’ was launched at E-cha-chis on May 4, 2003. Invited guests were ferried to the island on a sunny but very windy Sunday afternoon. Sheltered in a small cove from the Pacific Ocean is a cabin along with two sheds. Lennard Light lies directly across the cove on another small island. Guests mingle, making seats of logs that have drifted ashore as children frolic in the frigid ocean. An hour and a half after leaving

continued on page 10

Tla-ook owners and crew take new canoe on its inaugural run If undeliverable, please return to: Ha-Shilth-Sa P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2 Place label below dotted line

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ISSN 0715-4143

Page 2 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper is published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for distribution to the members of the fourteen Nuuchah-nulth First Nations as well as other interested groups and individuals. Information & original work contained in this newspaper is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2. Telephone: (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Web page: www.nuuchahnulth.org

2003 Subscription rates: $30.00 per year in Canada & $35. /year U.S.A. and $40. /year foreign countries. Payable to the Nuu-chahnulth Tribal Council. Manager / Editor, Southern Region Reporter David Wiwchar (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 wiwchar@nuuchahnulth.org Administration Assistant Annie Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 hashilth@nuuchahnulth.org Central Region Reporter Denise Ambrose (250) 725-2120 - Fax: (250) 725-2110 seasiren@nuuchahnulth.org Northern Region Reporter Brian Tate (250) 283-2012 - Fax (250) 283-7339 hbtate@nuuchahnulth.org Audio / Video Technician Mike Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 mwatts@nuuchahnulth.org

DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for submissions for our next issue is 4:30 pm on Thurs, May 16, 2003. After that date, material submitted & judged appropriate, cannot be guaranteed placement but, if still relevant, will be included in the following issue. In an ideal world, submissions would be typed, rather than hand-written. Articles can be sent by e-mail to hashilth@nuuchahnulth.org (Windows PC). Submitted pictures must include a brief description of subject(s) and a return address. Pictures with no return address will remain on file. Allow 2 - 4 weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed photographs cannot be accepted. COVERAGE: Although we would like to be able to cover all stories and events we will only do so subject to: - Sufficient advance notice addressed specifically to Ha-Shilth-Sa. - Reporter's availability at the time of the event. - Editorial space available in the paper. - Editorial deadlines being adhered to by contributors.

LETTERS and KLECO’S Ha-Shilth-Sa will include letters received from its readers. All letters MUST be signed by the writer and have the writer's name, address & phone number on it. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chah-nulth individuals or groups. All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will not necessarily coincide with the views or policies of the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council or its member First Nations.

Feature Elders – Gilbert & Kateri John By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter While sitting in St. Peters Church in Campbell River I met a couple from Kyuquot who were very friendly and quite comical. It is easy to see that this couple have been together for a long time. For example, he moves her around in her wheel chair with great care, tends to her needs. As well, they complete each other’s sentences and understand what each other is thinking and do small things for each other without any words spoken. The couple I speak of are Gilbert and Kateri John and this is their story as told to me by them. Gilbert and Kateri were married on November 6, 1953 in Kyuquot. They have three sons (Gilbert Jr., Robert, & Leonard) and two daughters (Dee & Geraldine) as well as thirteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Gilbert and Kateri were married on November 6, 1953 in Kyuquot. They have three sons (Gilbert Jr., Robert, & Leonard) and two daughters (Dee & Geraldine) as well as thirteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Gilbert was born in Kyuquot to Mr. & Mrs. Anthony John, and Kateri’s parents are Martin Saxi and Otelia Williams. Gilbert went to Kakawis (Old Christie) Residential school in 1944; Kateri didn’t attend Christie until 1950. It was here that Gilbert discovered that he loved to play softball and football, and travel to various villages to play the local teams. After residential school Gilbert fished with the late Mike Hanson for a time and after fishing season was done, he would

go over to Fair Harbour or Kyuqout and go logging. In 1953, he married Kateri, his wife of 49 years. He then moved to Tahsis in 1972 with his family where he got a job at the mill for a couple years before moving to Zeballos in 1974, where he and Kateri lived for twenty years. In 1979 they both started to work at the Lionsgate fish camp before it shut down in 1990. Kateri would also work at the Zeballos Hotel in the off season at the plant as a head cook and manager. She also says she cooked at the New Christie residential school with Vera Little in the last year it was open. Kateri has been living with arthritis for ten years now, which is why she is in a wheelchair. Since being diagnosed with arthritis she has had six strokes and is very grateful

Ha-Shilth-Sa belongs to every Nuu-chah-nulth person including those who have passed on, and those who are not yet born. A community newspaper cannot exist without community involvement; If you have any great pictures you’ve taken, stories or poems you’ve written, or artwork you have done, please let us know so we can include it in your newspaper. This year is Ha-Shilth-Sa's 29th year of serving the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. We look forward to your continued input and support. Kleco! Kleco! David Wiwchar, Editor / Manager

for her husband’s ability to tend to her needs. Gilbert tells me a story about 1994 while watching his children at the fair in Campbell River he was struck by lightning, and ever since then has not caught a cold of any sort.

Gilbert tells me a story about 1994 while watching his children at the fair in Campbell River he was struck by lightning, and ever since then has not caught a cold of any sort. He is proud to tell me that he walks two to three miles a day and that Kateri and himself have been sober for twenty years as of April 2003.

The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council will be closed for Monday, May 19th in celebration of Victoria Day. We will re-open for regular business on Tuesday, May 20th.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 3

Governments discuss fisheries deal continued from page 1

(r-l) Richard Watts and Simon Lucas confront BC and Canada on a number of fisheries issues during Tripartite Standing Committee (TSC) meetings at Somass Hall. “The dominion did not stumble across an open access fishery on the Pacific coast as they thought,” said Ahousaht’s Cliff Atleo Sr. “We had fisheries laws and frameworks in place long before the non-Natives arrived, and just because the first settlers did not recognize the legitimacy of our laws does not imply they were not there,” he said.

“Our people have been on the west coast of Vancouver Island since time began,” said Hesquiaht’s Simon Lucas. “The sea is our lifeline; the source of our strength, our mental stability, our physical strength, and our emotional and spiritual beings,” he said. Federal government negotiator Eric Denhoff said the Government of Canada

through the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) were willing to discuss various models of commercial fishing allocations as well as food, social, and ceremonial fisheries. “On some elements we’re prepared to put some parts of the fishery inside the constitutionally-protected treaty, and on other elements we’re only prepared to put them in the form of a perpetual agreement,” said Denhoff. “Agreements are susceptible to political pressure and that’s why we need our rights protected,” said Watts, hinting at what could happen if politicians opposed to First Nations’ fishing agreements became governing Ministers. Denhoff mentioned the possibility of revenue sharing, and monies being provided for the purchase of commercial fishing vessels and licenses. “Capacity means nothing without access,” Watts responded. The April 25th meeting was chaired by NTC Northern Region co-chair Archie Little along with BC Treaty Commission Commissioner, and former BC Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and

Federal negotiators discuss the Nuu-chah-nulth proposals

Upcoming Meetings Meeting


Treaty Planning TSC Treaty Planning TSC

May 12 - 13 May 14 - 15 May 20 May 21 - 22

Place Tin Wis Tin Wis Ramada, Campbell River Ramada, Campbell River

Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Toll Free Number

1-877-677-1131 Nuu-chah-nulth leadership have now established a toll free number to assist membership with any questions they may have regarding treaty related business.

Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih Fisheries Offer to Canada and British Columbia For thousands of years the Nuu-chahnulth people have extensively depended on and cared for the aquatic resources of their sacred ocean and rivers. Over 25,000 Nuu-chah-nulth used to live on the west coast of Vancouver Island, depending almost entirely on the sea’s resources. Archeological analysis has conclusively identified the continual use of 22 species of sea mammals, 35 species of fish, and over 55 varieties of shellfish. Traditional use studies validate the the fact that Nuu-chah-nulth families harvested thousands of fish to consume and trade with others. Early Spanish, English, and Russian explorers observed and recorded these vibrant communities, and engaged in trade with Nuu-chah-nulth fishermen. Nuu-chah-nulth fishermen continued in their undisturbed, exclusive access to all aquatic resources until the 1850’s, subject only to Nuu-chah-nulth management laws and protocols between Nations. Until the early 1900’s, Nuuchah-nulth fishermen harvested almost all marine products on their coast for both consumption and commercial sale. Mid-1890’s records of the International Pacific Halibut Commission document native fishermen selling millions of pounds of halibut to traders operating from packing vessels. When the governments created reserves, extensive representations were made by various commissions asserting that the Nuu-chah-nulth people would always have food and economic access to the fisheries. Nuu-chah-nulth reserve lands arbitrarily determined by government during this period were a fraction of the size of reserve lands in inland regions, based on the aquatic resource dependence of Nuu-chah-nulth. Social Credit MLA (Peace River South) Jack Weisgerber. Nuu-chah-nulth delegates presented a fisheries offer to Canada and British Columbia that covered habitat protection and restoration, as well as the management of 22 species of sea mammals, 35 species of fish, and 55 varieties of shellfish. “We’re here at this table because we want to construct a new relationship with the governments,” said Atleo. “Our approach as Nuu-chah-nulth is not unreasonable, and as you can see, we’re committed to the principles of sharing,” he said. “We don’t have the kind of flexibility to agree to all the points you’ve raised here, so we’ll go back and look at our mandates, do some thinking and analysis, and we’ll hopefully come back with some new proposals at the next meeting,” said Denhoff. Because most tidal-water issues fall within the domain of the federal government, provincial representatives at the meeting were not under much pressure except where aquaculture and parks issues were concerned. “We’re prepared to talk about both shellfish and finfish aquaculture,” said provincial negotiator Heinz Dyck. “We’ll be meeting with federal representatives to see if we can work together to create progress,” he said. “Governance and fisheries are pivotal issues for Nuu-chah-nulth,” said Ahousaht’s Shawn Atleo. “There are some gaps that we need to work on but I think we all know how important our ocean resources are to our Ha’wiih and our people,” he said.

Nuu-chah-nulth fishermen adapted to the early influx of immigrant fishermen. Nuu-chah-nulth fishermen were recognized, sought, and exploited as skilled fishermen and navigators. Since the 1950’s, Nuu-chah-nulth fishermen have been overwhelmed with countless damaging government regulations and policies that has diminished Nuu-chah-nulth access to aquatic resources. These policies and restrictions have threatened the survival of not only Nuu-chah-nulth fishing access, but the very health of the fish they have always depended upon. Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih will reverse this situation through a fair and just Treaty Settlement, by re-establishing Nuu-chah-nulth jurisdiction and authority for managing aquatic resources in a manner that benefits the aquatic resources, Nuu-chah-nulth, and all Canadians. Habitat Protection and Restoration Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih remain committed to protecting and restoring their aquatic resources to their productive capacity for the benefit of all Canadians. The goal is to restore all aquatic resources to levels that formerly sustained healthy and vibrant coastal communities. Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih have previously proposed through the Nuu-chah-nulth Treaty process a $21 million Tsuh-tsuh-thluk Trust to be funded by Canada ($10 million), BC ($10 million) and Nuu-chah-nulth ($1 million) governments. The revenue from the Tsuh-tsuh-thluk Trust would be used exclusively to fund fisheries habitat protection and restoration projects, in addition to funding available through non-Treaty sources. Management Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih offer to share their demonstrated expertise in all aspects of aquatic resource management with Canada and British Columbia. Prior to contact, abundant aquatic resources sustained healthy Nuu-chahnulth Nations. Strict laws and practices governed all aspects of Nuu-chah-nulth harvests. Various Federal and Provincial agencies and ministries have proven that they can not effectively manage the aquatic resources in Nuuchah-nulth Ha-hoolthee. Nuu-chahnulth Ha’wiih offer to share their management responsibility through joint processes, such as the Nuu-chahnulth/WCVI Aquatic Resource Management Board. Shared management responsibility will include shared jurisdictional authority to control access through allocation and licensing to WCVI aquatic resources. Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih have always used their resources to pay for management costs. Federal and Provincial governments are increasingly requiring resource users to bear the costs of management. Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih support developing a system that utilizes the wealth of their aquatic resources to pay for shared management responsibilities. As this system is developed and resources are rebuilt, supplemental government funding will be required to support shared management operations. Exclusive Management Areas Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih will retain exclusive management jurisdiction over selected areas of their Ha-hoolthee. In general, these areas will focus on specific areas of significant cultural, spiritual and life-giving importance to Nuu-

continued on page 10

Page 4 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Fisheries - ca-~ca-~>uk Malaspina offering innovative courses for Nuu-chah-nulth-aht By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Nanaimo - Malaspina UniversityCollege in partnership with the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council is offering a series of courses in shellfish aquaculture. The courses, designed for Nuu-chahnulth-aht who are involved in the expanding shellfish aquaculture industry, will be offered through May and June in a classroom and field setting. The first course, titled Collaborative Shellfish Culture for Communities has already begun, and is a 5-day program on the biology, business and strategic planning for a shellfish culture project managed and implemented by community members. Emphasis will be put on the specific requirements of the group and emphasis will be put on basic marine biology. Other courses include: North West Shellfish Culture Tour, Clam Beach Survey Techniques for Growers, Shellfish Nursery Methods, and Clam Beach Seeding. The 3 to 5 day courses are designed to introduce participants to the Shellfish Culture Industry, with a unique opportunity to tour successful shellfish aquaculture businesses, along with a classroom component, participants will view a variety of culture systems and will gain an understanding of the issues that shape this industry and the inventive methods that shellfish farmers use to succeed. Spending time on the beach and in the laboratory, students will learn the biology and life cycle of oysters, clams, scallops, mussels, geoducks, abalone, and urchins. They will also learn about micro algae culture, hatchery techniques, nursery methods, remote setting, upwelling

an FLUPSY, the ecology of a clam beach, how to prepare and seed a beach area, and how to develop a project plan. “All of the courses are now full with long wait lists,” said Nuu-chah-nulth Shellfish Development Corporation Executive Director Roberta Stevenson. “Priority in the courses is given to the six NCN shellfish farm managers for whom the courses were custom designed to interface with the farm husbandry seasonal requirements. These six managers are under my direct supervision/mentorship. Two of them are on my farms this week learning how to build rafts for deepwater culture along with our crew, so it is a good program with direct benefits as these guys will then need to build their own raft systems in June after training,” she said. Stevenson, a long-time shellfish farmer based out of Heriot Bay, runs a number of farms that have been in her family for decades. “My family farms are 3 deepwater sites on Quadra and Read Island, and one 20-acre beach on Read Island. We have farmed the beach for 25 years, and the deepwater sites for ten so they are very productive nowadays,” she said. “With the students who wanted training but couldn’t get space, we are going to line up further courses later this summer. Right now though, the main priority is to get the four NSDC partner farms up to speed: Tla-o-qui-aht, Uchucklesaht, Toquaht, and Kyuquot,” said Stevenson. These courses are paid for both with Treaty Related Measures (TRM) and provincial Economic Measures Fund (EMF) funding. Students are reimbursed for their travel costs only. For more details and course registration, contact Val Gallic at the NTC Fisheries office (250) 724-5757

Shellfish growers seeding a beach

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Haida Chief wants seal kill By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Tsahaheh - With seal populations doubling and salmon runs vanishing, some fishermen are calling for a resumption of a seal kill program, last seen on the BC coast in the 1960’s, and many believe First Nations are perfectly positioned to make such a program possible. “We have a serious overpopulation of seal along our coast and something has to be done soon,” said Skidegate Chief Roy Jones Jr. “A seal kill industry would benefit our people and benefit the salmon our people depend on,” he said during a recent visit to the west coast of Vancouver Island.

With seal populations doubling and salmon runs vanishing, some fishermen are calling for a resumption of a seal kill program, last seen on the BC coast in the 1960’s, and many believe First Nations are perfectly positioned to make such a program possible. Jones spoke to Nuu-chah-nulth leaders at Somass Hall following the conclusion of Tripartite Standing Committee (TSC) meetings where fisheries negotiations were the sole focus. According to Jones, the decline of salmon populations are directly linked to the increase in seal populations, and a First Nations seal kill program would not only help flagging salmon runs, but also help First Nations hunters as most of the seal is marketable in Asia to health food and cosmetic companies. “Sports fishermen have been looking to us for years to do something about the seal populations,” said Cliff Atleo Sr., adding he has seen many line- and netcaught salmon ravaged by seals before the fishermen could hoist their quarry out of the sea. “That’s one of the only ways a seal can catch a salmon,” says DFO harbour seal researcher and biologist Peter Olesiuk. “They are opportunistic predators, so a salmon caught on a fishing line or in a fishing net are easy prey,” he said.

Harbour seals are being blamed for decreases in salmon runs According to Olesiuk, salmon are a small part (3.2%) of the harbour seal’s overall diet as they focus mostly on the slower, smaller, and abundant schooling midwater fish such as hake and herring. “A widespread cull is unsubstantiated and would be regressive,” said Olesiuk. “I don’t think that going out and taking your average seal that’s sitting on in the middle of the water feeding on hake and herring is going to do much to have an effect on salmon stocks either way,” he said. Olesiuk said cull programs in estuaries during salmon spawning times (as has been done in Courtenay’s Puntledge River) are most effective, but effects are still being studied. Over the past few decades, harbour seal populations have been increasing by 12.5% per year, which means their population has been doubling every six years. Other than humans, the seals’ only predator are Killer Whales, and their numbers are too low to have much of an effect on the estimated 108,000 harbour seals spread along the BC coast. Between 1913 and 1964, DFO offered a bounty for every seal nose turned in to their offices which resulted in the culling of more than 240,000 seals, and a 1970 seal census reporting there were less than 12,000 harbour seals coastwide. With their populations restored to historical levels, many First Nations leaders and fishermen are hoping to re-start seal hunting businesses on the coast, and help the fisheries as a result.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 5

Huu-ay-aht to host World Salmon Summit By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter The Huu-ay-aht First Nation is preparing to host part of a large scientific summit set to analyze the state of the world’s salmon stocks in June. The World Summit on Salmon is being sponsored by Simon Fraser University and will be held in Vancouver from June 10th to 13th, followed by a satellite conference in Bamfield and Port Alberni. In Vancouver, some of the top fisheries scientists and critics will gather at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue to discuss a variety of salmon-related topics.

Once in Bamfield, conference participants will have a lunch and learning exchange at the Bamfield Marine Station before Huu-ay-aht Fisheries Manager Stefan Ochman leads them on a tour of salmon habitat restoration projects in the area. “The world’s salmon are under siege. Despite the efforts of advocates, academics, governments, fisheries managers and a concerned public, the world’s salmon continue to wither under numerous environmental and economic pressures,” reads the World Summit on Salmon website (http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/science/sum-

mit.htm). “The summit is meant to be a special forum for the globe’s leading salmon scientists, conservationists and managers. The four main themes are: to review the prognosis and prospects of the world’s wild salmon; to identify knowledge gaps and directions for future research; to advance full-cost assessment of wild salmon; and to provide a framework for action.” Leading experts and participants from around the world will discuss: current stock status for salmon in the Pacific and North Atlantic; knowledge gaps in salmon science; factors threatening the future of wild salmon including climate change, aquaculture and hatchery policies, overfishing, habitat destruction, urbanization and pollution, and numerous discussions on their solutions. All participants will have the opportunity to contribute to an analysis of current salmon management strategies and offer suggestions for future improvements. Following the Vancouver portion of the summit, the West Coast Vancouver Island Aquatic Management Board will host a community meeting and series of tours. This will provide participants with the opportunity to observe first hand some of the issues raised in the dialogue sessions, and to network with WCVI community representatives involved in salmon protection at the local level. WCVI Aquatic Management Board steering committee members Dr. Don Hall and Andrew Day are helping organ-

ize an educational, informative, and spectacular trip up the Alberni Canal on board the Lady Rose, where they will lead a presentation on their history as the first cooperative aquatic management board in Canada. Once in Bamfield, conference participants will have a lunch and learning exchange at the Bamfield Marine Station before Huu-ay-aht Fisheries Manager Stefan Ochman leads them on a tour of salmon habitat restoration projects in the area.

Participants will then be treated to a feast at the House of Huu-ay-aht and be shown the new video Return of the River. The cost to attend the Vancouver portion of the conference is $508.25, and the cost of the WCVI satellite conference is $120. Full conference details are available online, or by contacting Jennifer Penikett at SFU’s Continuing Studies in Science, e-mail: penikett@sfu.ca, phone: (604) 2914839.


Where: Date: Times:

James Bay Community Centre – 140 Oswego Street,Victoria 21 May 2003 (Wednesday) 2 - 4PM and 7 - 9PM

Questions to the Informed Consent Centre in Ottawa at 1888-751-5011 from Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM or NTC CHS NIHB Program (Robert Cluett, CD) Coordinator, at 1-888-407-4888 or fax 1-888-790-2888, Monday to Friday 8 – 4 PM

Page 6 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Auditor General Says First Nations Housing Crisis Will Worsen, Action Must be Taken to Correct Government Mismanagement. By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Ottawa - The federal government’s own watchdog has accused the government of mismanaging First Nations housing projects, wasting money and putting people’s health at risk.

The federal government’s own watchdog has accused the government of mismanaging First Nations housing projects, wasting money and putting people’s health at risk. “Auditor General Sheila Fraser agreed with what First Nations have been saying for years — the federal government has not been doing a very good job with its financial duties and obligations,” said Assembly of First Nations Acting National Chief Charles Fox. “In fact, this government’s continued legacy of neglect is directly responsible for our present Third World living conditions.” “Our housing and health needs have been poorly serviced by the federal government,” said Fox. “In fact, sometimes as little as 20 per cent of the core funding for programs ends up at the First Nations level. The rest is eaten up by bureaucratic waste, red tape, and servicing federal departmental debt”.

“This government’s continued legacy of neglect is directly responsible for our present Third World living conditions,” said Assembly of First Nations Acting National Chief Charles Fox. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) are the two main federal organizations that assist First Nations in meeting their onreserve housing needs, providing First Nations with about $3.8 billion over the last 10 years for on-reserve housing. According to Fraser, INAC and CMHC programs and funding mechanisms to support on-reserve housing are complex and need to be streamlined, with clear assignment of responsibility for results. All the main parties involved—First Nations individuals, their leaders, and federal organizations—need to reach a broad agreement on their respective roles and responsibilities for on-reserve housing. “The Auditor General has pointed out that our housing crisis will only worsen in the years to come unless immediate action is taken to streamline program structure and delivery,” said Fox. “Our health will only worsen in the years to come because so many homes contain mould and are overcrowded, resulting in breeding grounds for contagious diseases. The health of our growing population is being put at risk on a daily basis,” he said. “The unacceptable housing situation on reserves is a long-standing problem,” wrote Fraser. “It has been the subject of numerous studies over the last 20 years, including an important study by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People in 1996. However, according to the Department, despite some progress the current level of investment by all parties is insufficient for many First Nations to sustain improvements and keep pace

with the demand over the long term. As a result, the high levels of substandard housing and overcrowding are expected to continue,” she wrote. “Sheila Fraser just touched the tip of the iceberg in her audit and report on problems with Native Housing,” said Cliff Turner, a local building inspector who has seen west coast First Nations’ housing problems first-hand. “When corruption is rampant, no amount of funding will ever be adequate to resolve First Nations housing problems. It is futile to legislate accountability at the band level while obvious examples of corruption within the Federal Government agencies administering Native Housing programs are uncontrolled,” he said. Turner alleges INAC, CMHC and Health Canada are using misinformation to cover-up their mistakes and shortcomings, especially where the mould issue is concerned. “Just the fact that the agencies responsible for the substandard construction are mandated to ‘educate’ inspectors and home-owners on the causes of mould, construction defects, and premature building failures, invites corruption,” said Turner. “Government agencies avoid mention of the main causes of mould widely known to be construction defects and overcrowding. Instead they downloaded the blame for mould onto the home occupants. Ridiculous solutions to the mould problems presented in the video included tipping the bed up against the wall, opening curtains, digging up flowerbeds, and throwing away clothes!” he said. Mould is a fungus with a cotton-like appearance. Under certain conditions, it produces poisonous substances that can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. According to the Department, problems with mould exist in many on-reserve houses. The main factors contributing to the mould are lack of proper care or maintenance, inadequate air circulation and ventilation, poor site selection and drainage, overcrowding, and improper construction. A committee consisting of members from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, CMHC, Health Canada, and the Assembly of First Nations was formed to address the mould problem. The focus to date has been limited to promoting awareness and prevention of mould by distributing information kits and householder pamphlets. CMHC, in conjunction with an Aboriginal advisory group, has also developed training sessions with the aim of producing qualified technical advisers to assist First Nations in dealing with health and safety emergencies related to mould.

“Our health will only worsen in the years to come because so many homes contain mould and are overcrowded, resulting in breeding grounds for contagious diseases. The health of our growing population is being put at risk on a daily basis,” said Fox. The Auditor General is concerned that although mould contamination has been identified as a serious and growing health and safety problem for several years, a comprehensive strategy and action plan has not yet been developed. “The Department and CMHC, together with First Nations, have not fully

Mould is a fungus with a cotton-like appearance. Under certain conditions, it produces poisonous substances that can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Problems with mould exist in many onreserve houses. The main factors contributing to the mould are lack of proper care or maintenance, inadequate air circulation and ventilation, poor site selection and drainage, overcrowding, and improper construction. assessed the extent of mould contamination on reserves and the full cost of remediation, which could amount to more than $100 million based on preliminary estimates in three regions,” wrote Fraser. “Currently, the Department and CMHC do not know how much they are spending to address the mould problem. INAC, CMHC and Health Canada, in consultation with First Nations, should develop a comprehensive strategy and action plan to address the problem of mould on reserves,” she recommended. The Auditor-General also raised a concern over whether or not federally subsidized houses being constructed on reserves are meeting the Federal Building Code.

“Government agencies avoid mention of the main causes of mould widely known to be construction defects and overcrowding. Instead they downloaded the blame for mould onto the home occupants. Ridiculous solutions to the mould problems presented in the video included tipping the bed up against the wall, opening curtains, digging up flowerbeds, and throwing away clothes!” said professional building inspector Cliff Turner. “Departmental officials say that each band chief and council are responsible for ensuring that all housing units on reserves, including those subsidized with federal funding, meet the National Building Code. A number of processes are in place to provide inspection services. While some First Nations have their own inspectors, others rely on tribal councils or inspection services controlled by First Nations. However, it is not always clear to what extent these inspections ensure compliance with the National Building Code,” said Fraser. “We found that requirements for First Nations to provide the Department with inspection reports vary from region to region. With the exception of one region, most inspection reports that we reviewed did not demonstrate that the housing complied with the National Building Code. We are concerned that without adequate inspection systems on reserves, there is a high risk that dwellings constructed and renovated with departmental subsidies will not meet the required standards,” she said. CMHC argued that it is not a regulatory agency and has no mandate or authority

to enforce building codes or standards, and that the responsibility to implement quality assurance measures and ensure code compliance rests with the First Nations. “This is similar to off-reserve housing where local authorities such as municipalities, and sometimes provinces, are responsible for enforcement of building codes and standards,” CMHC officials countered. “CMHC will continue to work to develop the capacity of the First Nations technical services industry such as CMHC’s Native Inspection Services Initiative which currently provides training, support, and job opportunities to strengthen First Nations inspection capacity.” In a report on the federal government’s efforts to provide affordable housing on native reserves, Auditor General Sheila Fraser said the pace of new housing construction on reserves was diminishing at a time when populations there were increasing. She said there were 89,000 housing units on reserves for a population comprising 97,500 households. A survey had shown that about 44 percent of existing units required renovations. Meanwhile, said Fraser, “about 4,500 households are expected to be formed every year for at least the next 10 years. Current federal funding is expected to support the construction of about 2,600 houses and the renovation of about 3,300 houses a year,” she said. Aboriginal issues are one of the Auditor General’s main focus areas. Accordingly, our audit examined the delivery of onreserve housing programs that influence the social, economic, and environmental conditions faced by Aboriginal people and their communities. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether roles, responsibilities, and expected results were defined; management had assurance on the performance of the programs and was taking corrective action as necessary; authorities were in place and complied with; and appropriate information was provided to Parliament. “We found that despite numerous studies about on-reserve housing and a significant investment of federal funds, a critical shortage of adequate housing to accommodate a young and growing onreserve population continues to exist.,” said Fraser. “The audit identified a number of factors that impede progress. One of these is that the main parties involved do not agree on their roles and responsibilities. In particular, there is a longstanding disagreement between the government and many First Nations on the

continued on next page

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 7

Aquarium seeks info on turtles By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter The Vancouver Aquarium is seeking to learn more about the sea turtles that visit BC’s west coast. These gentle giants come to our coast for the jellyfish, which is their favorite (and only) food. The world-renowned Vancouver Aquarium is interested in hearing from you if you’ve seen any of these creatures during your travels. All sea turtles are considered endangered, and leatherbacks have recently been awarded status as “critically endangered”. It is generally believed that unless drastic measures are put in place to salvage what remains of the Pacific leatherback population, they could be extinct within our lifetime.

It is generally believed that unless drastic measures are put in place to salvage what remains of the Pacific leatherback population, they could be extinct within our lifetime. Leatherbacks are the largest of all the sea turtles, measuring up to 6 feet long and 4 feet wide, and weighing in at an average of 880 lbs. (the largest leatherback captured weighed in at an amazing 2015 lbs.). The Western Pacific Leatherback turtle nests in areas such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the South Pacific Islands and travels as far as the west coast of B.C. and Alaska to forage for food. The leatherbacks eat their weight in jellyfish every day, and have special spikes in their throats that keep their slippery snacks down. Leatherbacks are also the best swimmers of any turtles, and can travel up to 12,000 km and dive to 1200 metres down. They’re such good swimmers that they don’t even use ocean currents to swim across the oceans, as they’re powerful enough to swim incredible distances even while going against the current. Leatherbacks are long-lived animals that do not mature quickly. The average

Housing continued from previous page rationale for federal assistance. Further, the two main federal entities providing assistance have not defined, jointly or separately, what their assistance is intended to achieve in terms of addressing the critical housing shortage; nor have they defined a time frame in which to achieve it. In addition, the Department’s and CMHC’s programs and funding mechanisms to support onreserve housing are complex and need to be streamlined, with clear assignment of responsibility for results,” she said. “The Department and CMHC need to strengthen the management of their housing programs. Although some corrective action is being taken or planned, we identified a number of areas where program performance and compliance with authorities can be improved. These are reflected in our recommendations,” Fraser wrote in her concluding remarks. “The Department, CMHC, and First Nations need better information about on-reserve housing costs, program performance, and results to help them make informed decisions about the allocation of scarce resources and to

lifespan of a leatherback is unknown, but is approximated at 60-80 years. When a population is decimated, it is difficult to recover to sustainable numbers. There are currently an estimated 30,000 leatherbacks left in the world, down drastically from the estimated 115,000 in 1980. The reason for their drastic decline is purely man-made.

In BC waters, one of the biggest potential threats is plastic and other garbage. Leatherbacks mistake the plastic for food (jellies) and can be seriously injured or die as a result of swallowing it. The main cause of leatherback demise is poaching in the nesting areas - where turtle eggs are sold illegally to foreign markets. Other contributing causes are the development of hotels on beaches where turtles go to nest, and the incidental capture of turtles in commercial fishing nets. There have been some measures set in place to alleviate the problems of bycatch through the use of Turtle Exclusion Devices. In BC waters, one of the biggest potential threats is plastic and other garbage. Leatherbacks mistake the plastic for food (jellies) and can

Newly-hatched leatherback turtles make a break for the ocean. strengthen accountability for the money spent and results achieved. Currently, Parliament is receiving incomplete information on the housing situation on reserves and the difference that federal assistance is making in addressing the critical housing shortage. We recognize that impediments and long-standing issues affecting on-reserve housing continue to exist and that addressing them requires the political will and good faith of all parties. However, we believe that a more focussed federal approach to assistance is needed to address the critical shortage of adequate housing,” she said. “Present and past AFN leadership have been saying over the years that First Nations must have direct control over the development and delivery of services such as health and housing,” said Fox. “This is the only way we will be able to overcome our Third World conditions. We are tired of being treated as wards of the state. We are tired of being insulted by an inefficient and ineffective government that continually loses track of billions of dollars. Our people have suffered too long at the hands of government incompetence. We need to take control of our future, for the sake of our children,” he said.

A leatherback turtle burrows into the sand to lay its eggs. be seriously injured or die as a result of swallowing it. “Because sea turtles are infrequent visitors and they can only be spotted from a close distance, there is currently little information on their numbers, seasonal occurrence, or abundance here in our waters,” said Carla Sbrocchi, Conservation Outreach Programmer at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre. “Sea turtles have been sighted from Victoria all the way up to the Queen Charlottes along the west coast. The sightings are slightly more concentrated in the Broken Islands to Brooks Peninsula area. So far, we have over 60

reported sightings since 1931 - but we know that there are many other sightings out there, waiting to be reported!” she said. “We welcome any new reports, from the past or present. The sightings information we gather will used directly for research into the biology and conservation of sea turtles right here in BC.” If you have seen a turtle and would like to report it, please call 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663). For further information, please contact Carla Sbrocchi, Conservation Outreach Programmer, Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, Ph: 604-6593414, Fax: 604-659-3502.

SHAWN ATLEO ‘A-in-chut’ for NUU-CHAH-NULTH CENTRAL REGION CO-CHAIR A-in-chut, from the house of Glakishpitl, is son of Richard Umeek Atleo and mother Marlene. Shawn, who is married and has 2 teen kids, was taught the ways of our ancestors most notably by his late Grand-uncle, Mark Atleo, while also crediting all his aunts, uncles and grandparents in playing a role in his learning. Shawn’s traditional teachings have guided him to a Masters Degree education level and over 16 years of service to the First Nations community as a leader, negotiator, facilitator, mediator, strategic planner and manager of his own business for 13 years. Shawn is committed to working for the leadership and people of the Hesquiaht, Toquaht, Ucluelet, Tlaoquiaht and Ahousaht Nations and is proud to have relatives in each Nation. His Vision is for: Ø Healthy, united communities Ø Accountable leadership Ø Strong culture & language Ø Women/Youth equity Ø Aboriginal Rights & Title protection Ø Jobs & access to services Familiar with issues of those living “away from home” and “at home”.


Page 8 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Sports - @im-c^ap-mis Lacrosse comes to Port Alberni By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter The new Alberni Valley Multiplex will be shaking next month when the Victoria Shamrocks and North Shore Thunder hammer each other in a pair of Senior A lacrosse games. The perennial powerhouse Rocks will be facing the Thunder on June 28th at

Sr. A lacrosse has been played in Port Alberni, and the games are part of a resurgence in lacrosse action in the valley. Victoria has won the Mann Cup (National Championship)

By Denise Ambrose Central Region Reporter

five time since 1955, with their latest title coming in 1999. The North Shore Thunder were previously known as the North Shore Indians, and the team tried to build an all Native roster a few years ago before the team

7:30 pm and on June 29th at 1:30 pm at the Alberni Valley Multiplex. This is the first time in many years that

Ahousaht Family Reunion Draws Hundreds

moved to the Interior and back again. Both teams have numerous players competing in the National Lacrosse League, headlining teams such as the Vancouver Ravens, Ottawa Rebel, Philadelphia Wings, Colorado Mammoth, and repeat National Lacrosse League champions Toronto Rock. Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 at the door, and can be ordered through Echo Centre (723-2181), or through Sherri Cook or Anna Masso at 724-5757.

Ice Hockey Players Wanted I am looking for individuals for coaching, trainers, volunteers to help put together a ice hockey team in each of these levels if possible mites/pee wee/atom/bantam/midget for a All Native Hockey Tournament that is held in Prince George every year. I would like to hear from you if you are interested for next year’s tournament. Any Nuu-chah-nulth Ice Hockey players between the ages of 6 - 17 years of age that participate in a Minor Hockey program in your town please contact Brian Tate, #5 - 3737 Bruce St., Port Alberni, B.C., V9Y 8E1, Phone 1-250-283-2012 (work), 1-250-731-9207 (cell) e-mail: hbtate@nuuchahnulth.org

Ahousaht- More than 300 decendents of Jessie gathered at Ahousaht on April 26, 2003 for a family reunion. The daylong festivities began with breakfast at the school gymnasium and carried onto the field for fun and games under the glorious sunny sky. Jessie was born sometime in the 1800’s and lived a long life in Ahousaht. Nobody is certain what her maiden name was or how old she was when she passed away in the late 1950’s. Her grand-daughter, Gertrude Frank, says she knows Jessie was closely related to the late Mattie Campbell and was probably from the Bishop family, where Mattie came from. Jessie was first married to Keith (Keesta) Atleo and bore him a son, Shamrock Atleo. Shamrock’s children were Mark Atleo, Eugene Atleo, Flossie Atleo, Stella Atleo, Nora Jack and Gertrude Frank. She later married Alexander Sutherland and bore him a son, Roy, who changed his surname to Haiyupis. Roy’s children were Alexander (Sully) Sutherland, Reg Sutherland, George Sutherland, Tim Sutherland, Loretta Charleson, Faith Jacob, Matthew Haiyupis and Sam Haiyupis. Her third marriage to a Mr. Louie produced a daughter, Edna. Edna married into the Joseph family and did her part in helping the family grow. Her children were Louie Joseph, James Joseph, Rosalie Yeun, Theresa Joseph, Felix Joseph, Sandy Joseph, Kathy Little and Simon Joseph. Her final marriage was to Douglas

Titian and they had a son, Victor. Victor’s children are Victor Jr., Nancy, Muriel, Ella, Ruth, Marie, Rachel, Ralph and Jackie. Jessie’s closest living relatives are her grandchildren listed above who would be first cousins to one another. They, along with their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren spent the day getting reacquainted. Family members met for dinner at the gymn. The walls were plastered with homemade family tree charts while Nancy Atleo worked on a computer database, inputting family names. The Sutherland family was selling commemorative T-shirts as people chatted at the tables, explaining how they are related to one another.

Individuals stood to formally introduce their families during the dinner, an exercise that could not be completed due to the large number of people. It was shown, however, that had Jessie been alive, she would have seen her fifth generation in her great, great, great-grandchildren. Organizer, Rebecca Atleo said the last family reunion was in 1990, and today was an opportunity for the people to see just how much the family has grown. Individuals stood to formally introduce their families during the dinner, an exercise that could not be completed due to the large number of people. It was shown, however, that had Jessie been alive, she would have seen her fifth generation in her great, great, great-grandchildren.

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Nuu-Chah-Nulth Graduation Celebration The Nuu-Chah-Nulth Graduation Celebration will be held in:

GOLD RIVER – TSAXANA ON FRIDAY JUNE 20, 2003 –3:00P.M. As grad is quickly approaching please make sure to read, complete and return the N.T.C. Grad form to the N.T.C. office 723-0463, addressed to the attention of Angie Miller. Grad forms are available at your tribal office or can be picked up at the N.T.C. For further information please call Eileen Haggard At 724-5757. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING THE NAMES OF YOUR GRADUATES IS JUNE 13, 2003. Please remember that due to school regulations schools cannot provide the N.T.C. with graduation information without written parental permission. It is therefore very important to bring the Grad form to the school for completion and submission to the N.T.C. as soon as possible.

(above) Some of Jessie’s great-grandchildren, the family of the late Mark Atleo, are introduced. (below) Jessie’s granddaughters share a meal and stories. Sisters Gertrude Frank and Flossie Atleo and their sisterin-law, Evelyn Atleo.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 9

Ahousaht Hac ya panac (Living Away From Home) Meeting By Denise Ambrose Central Region Reporter Port Alberni- Ahousaht members living in Port Alberni were invited to attend a joint Treaty Update/Band Meeting on Thursday, April 24. While few showed up due to confusion in scheduling, much work was accomplished. Following a traditional city dinner of pizza, chinese food and Kentucky Fried Chicken, Shawn Atleo, Co-negotiator for Ahousaht got right down to business saying, “the issue is improved communication amongst our people.” He said Ahousaht needs to look at the concept of urban Ahousaht representation in each city. “We need to build positive relationships between our people, our Chief and Council and our Ha’wiih,” said Atleo.

Ahousaht members living in Port Alberni were invited to attend a joint Treaty Update/Band Meeting, and Shawn Atleo got right down to business saying, “the issue is improved communication amongst our people.” He went on to say that April 11, 2003 is Ahousaht’s first time back at the Treaty Table since the Agreement-inPrinciple vote two years ago. He invited members to voice their concerns so that action plans could be made to address those issues. Hutch Sam said he is in favor of urban representation. “I believe our people that voted no to the AIP, about 72%, did so because they didn’t know what they were signing on to. Most of us don’t know what the AIP means and that is why communication is important. What is going to happen after a treaty is signed? Where will we all stand?” he asked. He pointed out that there have been a

lot of changes in health care. “People can’t afford prescriptions that were once free. We must now pay a portion of routine eye exams and it’s getting more and more difficult to get DIA approval for dental work. Where do we turn to for help?” he implored. Ray Samuel said he is concerned about the apparent split in the NCN Treaty Table with the Maa-nulth-aht group going their own way in treaty negotiations and the rumors that they intend to leave the Tribal Council altogether. “What will Nuu-chah-nulth look like if the others break away?” he asked. Edd Samuel concurred saying he, as a Nuu-chah-nulth-aht, is not in favor of spending money that belongs to the Tribal Council as a whole to facilitate a split. Chief Councillor Anne Atleo said her council voted against allocating funds for the Transition Committee at the last NTC Budget meeting but were defeated. Ray Samuel added he is also concerned about salmon farming in Ahousaht traditional territory. “A few years ago we made a big thing about trying to kick them out and next thing we hear, we’ve signed an agreement with them. What’s going on?” he wanted to know. Richard Samuel said it is important to involve the youth in information-sharing about the treaty process. “When it comes time to vote, we need to know what we’re signing,” he said. James Swan informed the table that Ahousaht has a signed deal with Weyerhaeuser that transfers Lot 363 to the Nation and that development of the site is underway. Ahousaht Financial Manager, Dave Jacobson reported that the existing reserve is at capacity, meaning there is no room for additional housing. Lot 363 will provide up to 190 housing units. Anne Atleo reported Ahousaht Chief Councillor, Guy Louie, resigned March

Kyuquot dumps its waste By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter Kyuquot - On April 25th Rueben Gillette of Kyuquot organized an Earth Day clean-up of the village and harbor areas with the participation of the KESS grade five to seven students and faculty, along with Interfor, Marine Harvest Canada, Subsurface Tech and Kyuquot/Checkleashat Fisheries Department. Due to workshops being held throughout the week to mark Earth Day on April 22, Rueben organized their Earth Day celebration for Friday April 25 to have a better participation level from the community. Rueben planned for a total community clean-up which includes the bottom of Kyuquot harbour. All the garbage picked up will be transported to Zeballos dump and anything that is recyclable will be shipped to Campbell River recycling facilities. The morning started with a clean-up plan given to the five groups of students at the KESS gymnasium; the groups were paired with a member from Interfor, Marine Harvest, Kyuquot Fisheries. The Subsurface Tech group was given the task of cleaning the bottom of the harbor in and around the dock areas

with the help of grade seven students and community members pulling the ropes for the divers. In all, Subsurface Tech donated the time of six divers for the morning and Marine Harvest Canada donated several crew members and punts to carry the garbage to Fair Harbour, along with two cooks for the barbecue at lunch. Interfor donated their Area Engineer Branko Samoukovic and others from Campbell River.

28 for health reasons. Chief and Council met and appointed Anne Chief Councillor and Francis John will serve as Deputy Chief Councillor while Guy remains on council. With respect to Ahousaht’s Protocol Agreement with the Salmon Farming industry, Anne said the Chiefs have agreed to allow the farms in Ahousaht traditional territory but, “at a cost.” She said details of the protocol agreement must remain within Ahousaht because of a confidentiality clause in the agreement. Cliff Atleo Senior, Ahousaht Chief Negotiator, provided an overview of the Treaty negotiation process. “We need to create a healthy, self-sustaining Ahousaht Nation. Our challenge is to make positive changes, to create employment.” He said Ahousaht will be paying taxes in a post-treaty environment and that we need to change our thinking about taxes. “Taxation is about collecting and redistributing wealth.” He explained taxation on treaty settlement lands would be paid to our First Nations government to provide services to Ahousaht people. Jacquie Adams informed the group that she and her staff are willing to travel to any Ahousaht group that wishes to attend treaty workshops. Contact the Ahousaht Treaty Office or Administration Office for more information. Ahousaht also has a Web site with links to email addresses of Treaty staff.

Action items that were decided upon at the meeting include: • An Ahousaht youth forum will be created in order to allow all interested Ahousaht youth to learn about and participate in the treaty process. • NTC Health services staff will be invited to a future Ahousaht membership meeting in order to respond to questions and concerns.

Anne Atleo reported Ahousaht Chief Councillor, Guy Louie, resigned March 28 for health reasons. Chief and Council met and appointed Anne Chief Councillor and Francis John will serve as Deputy Chief Councillor while Guy remains on council. • An Ahousaht member contact information database will be created • Treaty and Council will collaborate to develop a health care strategy. • Ahousaht will begin to develop an Ahousaht Constitution. • The Ahousaht Administrator and Housing Manager will be invited to a future membership meeting to respond to questions. • Ahousaht members living away from home are asked to consider the concept of naming an urban representative that could act as a conduit for information between home and the city.

NTC Funds First Nations Jobs at Iisaak Ucluelet/Tofino - The Nuu-chah-nulth Employment and Training Board (NETB) of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) has awarded more than $41,000 to the Iisaak Sustainable Forestry Project (ISFP). The ISFP is Iisaak Forest Resources’ long-term monitoring and capacitybuilding program, launched this January. The NETB promotes and assists with the task of providing training and employment opportunities for all First Nations People within the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Region.

Hazel Cook displays some of the items up for grabs at her Loonie Toonie Auction, Thursday, May 22, 7 pm at Somass Hall. Hazel is raising money for her trip to Spain and Portugal in August as part of the Canadian Women’s Native Soccer Team.

The ISFP monitors locally-developed indicators of sustainability, firmly attaching First Nations’ employment and training to the opportunities generated by research and assessment activities. The ISFP will use the funding to hire and train five new field monitoring staff for an initial five month period. The new staff, four field research technicians and one field research supervisor, will form the monitoring crew for the ISFP. The monitoring crew’s first assignments will be collection of pre- and post-harvest data in areas of the Bedingfield watershed planning unit and Quait Bay. Measurements taken by the new crew will support the assessment of Iisaak’s success in implementing their conservation-based approach to forest management. ISFP Project Manager, Cintra Agee says, “The NETB’s generous funding has contributed to the ISFP’s ability to move forward with hiring and training First Nations for 2003 monitoring operations on Iisaak tenure.” The long-term goal of the ISFP is to involve and support First Nations in the hands-on management of their traditional lands. “This season’s work is a first step towards meeting that objective,” added Agee.

Page 10 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Central Region Co-cchair by-eelection Candidates With Nelson Keitlah announcing his retirement as Central Region Co-chair last month, three candidates have stepped forward to fill the vacancy. The deadline for nominations ended May 1, 2003 and the candidates are: Shawn Atleo, Ahousaht; Richard Lucas, Hesquiaht; and Francis Frank, Tla-o-qui-aht. Election day for the CoChair position is May 15, 2003. An all-candidates forum is being held in the Tin Wis boardroom on May 9th at 7 pm, and everyone is invited to attend. Once the by-election is finalized, First Nations will be advised of the final vote count, and the Co-Chair elect will be officially appointed at the next NTC Meeting which will be held in July.

Shawn Atleo - Ahousaht Shawn is committed to working for the leadership and people of the Hesquiaht, Toquaht, Ucluelet, Tlaoquiaht and Ahousaht Nations and is proud to have relatives in each Nation. His Vision is for: Healthy, united communities, Accountable leadership, Strong culture & language, Women/Youth equity, Aboriginal Rights & Title protection, Jobs & access to services.

tourism). Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih share Canada’s continued from page 3 view that fishing opportunities for all users must relate to the health of fish chah-nulth Ha’wiih. stocks. The specific annual allocation of Enforcement Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih will empower species to meet Nuu-chah-nulth food, ceremonial and economic needs will depend Nuu-chah-nulth Resource Guardians to on the abundance of the species. The protect the resources and their habitats. allocation of species to meet Nuu-chahNuu-chah-nulth offer to share nulth food, ceremonial and economic Enforcement responsibilities with Canada and BC through a shared system needs will not be limited by artificial allocation barriers. The task of the joint alloto be jointly negotiated. cation process will be to allocate aquatic Allocation Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih offer to jointly resources to meet Nuu-chah-nulth food, allocate aquatic resources to meet Nuu- ceremonial and economic treaty protected objectives, and to allocate additional chah-nulth food, ceremonial and economic needs and the food, economic and resources to other harvesters and non-consumptive uses. recreational needs of other harvesters To meet in part increasing Nuu-chahand non-consumptive users. nulth economic objectives, Nuu-chahNuu-chah-nulth food and ceremonial nulth will be afforded preferred opportuneeds will depend on the number of nities to develop and access “new” fishNuu-chah-nulth, and the increasing reliance of aquatic resources as part of a eries and opportunities created through changes in fisheries management policy healthy diet. and regulation. Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih Nuu-chah-nulth economic needs will will retain exclusive harvesting rights to depend on the number of Nuu-chahnulth, and the increasing participation of selected species in their Ha-hoolthee. In general, these will be species of signifiNuu-chah-nulth in all aquatic resource cant cultural, spiritual and life-giving related activities (e.g., harvesting, proimportance to Nuu-chah-nulth Ha’wiih. cessing, marketing, aquaculture,

Fisheries offer

Francis Frank - Tla-o-qui-aht The key factors of Francis’s platform are balance, change and assessment. He says there is a need to promote and encourage the Central Region and the Tribal Council to bring a balance to the level of attention we pay between long-term and immediate needs of our people. “Our people have immediate needs of employment and housing that require our attention now and we need to produce results,” he said. “Treaty can benefit by adjusting our styles and approaches without compromising our principles. For example, the current provincial government is probusiness. We can adjust our negotiating approach to embrace business, create our immediate economic opportunities for our members, and still meet our long-term vision of a modern-day treaty,” he suggests.

Richard Lucas - Hesquiaht I’ve been involved in politics for 30 years, and I know the NTC, Central Region, and treaty issues very well. I believe in teamwork, and was part of the team that negotiated the oil spill settlement and the Interim Measures Agreement (IMA). I want to keep the IMA and the Central Region’s goals alive, and I want to keep the Nuuchah-nulth Nations together.

Crest Creek Diversion By Brian Tate, Northern Region Reporter Tsaxana - During three days of meetings held at Tsaxana, discussions were held on how to go about redirecting the Crest Creek back to its original flow. BC Hydro sponsored the three-day meetings with the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations and the Village of Gold River. The Crest Creek is approximately a fifteen-minute drive from Gold River and was diverted from its natural flow of direction to the Gold River back in the 1950’s without any consultation process First Nations. The creek currently empties into the Elk River which is located inside Strathcona Park. The Crest Creek review process was initiated as a result of the Campbell River water use planning (WUP) process. The Crest Creek Diversion is an earth filled berm with flow control mechanisms, which put it outside the WUP process. BC Parks and Mowachaht/Muchalaht

then asked if BC Hydro would entertain a parallel process to the WUP to review the Crest Diversion. BC Hydro accepted this process.

Crest Creek was diverted from its natural flow of direction to the Gold River back in the 1950’s without any consultation process First Nations. The Crest workshops is a WUP-like process, but it is sponsored by BC Hydro and not the Government so the mandate of this group is to make a recommendation to BC Hydro senior management for a final decision. The workshop looked at the interests of all stakeholders, evaluate the alternatives and tradeoffs, and then develop recommendations. First there was technical overview to scope interests, then looked at objectives and alternatives. The next workshop will take place in about one month to assess alternatives and assess trade-offs and develop recommendations.

Tla-ook expands ... continued from page 1 Fisherman’s Dock in Tofino, the crew of the Sa-sit-qua-ees arrives and joins the rest of the party in a picnic of salads, salmon, halibut and crab. At about 5:00pm volunteers carried the Tsa-walk from her hiding place in the forest to the beach. The Martin family offered a prayer chant and thanked their guests for coming to witness the launching of Tsa-walk. They said a special thank you to Ahousaht Tyee Ha’wilth, Corbett George for attending. Chief George, in turn, offered a prayer chant and a paddle song with the help of his people. He praised Ron and his daughters and son-in-law for the work that they do. He acknowledged Ron and his family for their outstanding crafts-

manship as canoe carvers and praised them for their efforts in keeping the culture alive. The Tla-o-qui-ahts joined in another paddle song before the canoe, hoisted on shoulders, was carried to the ocean where she glided into the calm waters of the cove. Doug and Gisele watched proudly as people took turns taking the canoe for a ride in the cove. Dwayne Martin says the new, smaller canoe will come in handy when smaller tour groups want to go out. “We won’t have to look for an extra person to help out with a smaller canoe,” he explained. Gisele and Doug look forward to the launch of their third canoe, expected in about a month.

Nuu-chah-nulth and Gold River leaders discuss how to return Crest Creek to its original flow

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 11

Residential Workshop in Kyuquot By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter Kyuquot - Approximately thirty people participated in a three-day workshop hosted by Kyuquot/Checklesaht and the Northern Region Healing Project from April 22nd to 24th. The 3-day workshop was entitled “Residential School: A New Concept/Celebrating our Future” and all issues were worked on with what is called a Symantec experience in the exception of the Suicide Panel discussions on the first day. “Silver linings are a way to look for the tools and abilities that students came away with after being at a residential school. The tools and abilities that one learned how to survive or to use in creating economic or personal positive benefit in one form or another” says Daniel Jack “this was done with a large emphasis on the Symantec experience” Daniel adds. “The Symantec experience touches on the traumatic experience without reliving it, you are able to go back to different portions and individuals do not feel left or stuck in what they have gone through.” Jack continues with “ The distinction is focusing on the trauma without getting into the whole story or reliving the story where by traumatizing another individual who may have gone through similar incidents. The neat part is that a client has the ability to entertain or engage as well as to stop when they are ready. Which means they have dealt with the trauma and can move on and use the tools they already have and may not know it, where by the facilitator then walks them through and identifies and validates the resources they have.” The first day of the workshop was a suicide panel discussion facilitated by Julia Lucas and her daughter Claudette Lucas. After dinner, Kelley John and others performed traditional songs and dances at the community hall throughout the evening. The second day was a follow up to the suicide discussions and issues of the previous day with Darcy Kerr to check in and see where individuals were at, followed by what was called “Residential School a new concept – Silver linings of the school experience. The suicide presentation consisted of prevention, intervention and post-vention information. Participants learned about what suicide is, how one becomes suicidal, how an individual is affected by suicidal thoughts and the impact that has on self-esteem. Participants learned what self-esteem is and what it is comprised of. A model of personal loss and the effects of loss, through to how does one help some one that may be suicidal. This

Sockeye Smolt Counts By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter

Kelley John speaking for Chief Walter Michael and his son Felix Michael included some of what is ineffective and what is effective help.

Participants learned ultimately that suicide is preventable. • Suicide awareness & response, • Warning signs of suicide, • Risk assessment, • What to do in the event of suicide contemplation, • Attempt of suicide and completion of suicide, • Resource networking around suicide, • Reporting process of suicide incidences, • Legal obligations to report youth and child protection issues in relation to suicide, • What happens with the information of a reported suicide contemplation, attempt or completion of suicide • A panel discussion with survivors of suicide, to provide an opportunity for feedback and/or questions on suicide issues • A presentation on grief and loss, to assist those that may have lost a loved one through suicide or any other means was led by Daniel Jack and Andrew Kerr. Darcy Kerr held a Morale Building session, which helps individuals carry and talk about the positive tools and resources they have within themselves. Kelley John, speaking on behalf of Chief He-tla-meesh (Walter Michael) and his son Felix, thanked the facilitators and the Healing Project. “Walter would like to acknowledge his relatives here with some gifts and hopes that they can become close once more like the way it was years ago when our people used to visit each other,”said Kelley. Daniel Jack thanked the cooks for the Diabetes friendly meals, and thanked the Healing Project for the funds and doing a joint project with the Kyuquot/Checklesaht community for this conference.

Daniel Jack speaks to the workshop participants

Kyuquot/Checklesaht- It’s 6 a.m., and we’re traveling by boat to a sockeye creek that flows from Jansen Lake to Kashutl Inlet. Jansen Lake is of great concern to the Kyuquot/Checklesaht Fisheries department due to drastic decline in Sockeye returns in the past few years. It is unknown what the exact cause is for this decline if it was the past logging in and around the lake or over fishing, lack of spawning beds, or simply poor ocean survival or a combination of all that was mentioned. But in any case this lack of Sockeye returns means that there is not enough for Food/Social or Ceremonial use from this once abundant lake. “Very few sockeye smolts are being produced from Jansen Lake,” says Leonard John “this worries me, for future sockeye stock abundance. We have had a smolt counting fence at Jansen Creek since April 1st, everything was fine up until the tenth of April when the rains hit hard and blew out our fence with the heavy out pour from the lake. The fence just could not take the pressure.” Leonard continues to say. “ We rebuilt the fence after the creek subsided and have been able to

Fisheries Manager Leonard John measures the length of a coho fry. accurately count any salmon fry or smolts migrating down to the ocean. But during the time the fence was blown out we lost a lot of valuable data, without the data for those few days who knows how many sockeye smolts passed through to the ocean. All we can do now is continue with our work, and hope the sockeye numbers increase in near future. We have asked the people not fish this creek for ten years and the people have consented and our Fisheries dept is grateful for their cooperation. On this day Leonard John and Danny Short capture only one Sockeye smolt in their counting fence on its way downstream and three Coho fry and one Cutthroat trout in their counting fence.

Danny Short searches pen for salmonids

Page 12 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project Introducing Judy Olsson VancouverUrban Support Worker I was asked to write a little blurb about myself. My name is Jody Olsson and I am an Ojibwa woman from the Rainy River Reserve in Ontario. As of May 1, I accepted a two-month casual position, in Vancouver, as a Healing Project Urban Support Worker. I am very excited to be a part of this project for many reasons, one being that Michael McCarthy, Shawn Sinclair, Vina Robinson and I have all worked together previously so it feels good to be a part of this team. I bring variety of skills to this position. During my 15 years working in the “social services” field I have worked with families, young children, Ministry of Child and Family

Developm ent, in a school setting, street youth, young Mom’s and their babies, as well as being a foster parent for the past 7 years. My educational background is in Child and Youth Care as well as taking many workshops and courses to update my skills. I feel honoured to have this privilege to work with the Nuu-chah-nulth people and encourage them to begin to heal or continue on their journey.

Chaa-Maak-Sap Family Trauma Program 2003 Session Dates Kakawis Trauma Program April 20th to May 23, 2003 June 2 to June 13, 2003 June 22 to July 25, 2003 Aug. 3 to Sept. 5, 2003 Sept. 15 to Sept. 26, 2003 Sept. 29 to Oct. 10, 2003 Oct. 13 to Oct. 24, 2003


Five week Program for families Couples Program Five week Program for families Five Week Program for families Women’s Program Hawii - Hereditary Chiefs Youth Program

It’s coming... The 4th Annual Healing Project Conference

This year’s theme is: Huu %aci^ nksi+ - Reuniting Families” “H Look for more information in upcoming Ha-shilth-sa’s. The Kuu-us Crisis Line Society is inviting you to the

17th annual “Celebrity Dunk Tank” fundraiser at the Harbour Quay Community Safety Days on Saturday, May 31 rain or shine. This year, the amount of supporters far exceeded previous years. Each year, local celebrities from the community agree to be dunked to help raise much need funds for the community owned Teen Crisis Line. The “dunkees” will be auctioned off on AV1240 during the weekend of May 26th to May 29th where pledgee’s for each celebrity called in hoping to win the right to toss the ball. This year’s list of Celebrity Dunkee’s supporters are as follows: * AV Times – Rick Methot * Legion # 55 – Courtenay Glustene * BC Ambulance – Rick Geddes * NTC – J’net August * Arlington Hotel – Lyle Pitts * Port Boat House – Bob Cole * Bank of Montreal (Tseshaheh) – Deb Melvin * Port Machine – Les Doiron * Boys Project – Sukwinder Manhas * Quality Foods – Bill Flynn * Budget Car Rental – Jim Creighton* RCMP Victim Services – Brock Clayards * Buy Low Foods – Jason Bendron * School District – Ron Jorgenson * City Hall – Charles Mealey *Tsawaayuus – Pat Forseille * Dairy Queen – Ken Terryberry * Tseshaht – First Nations * Dr. Jamie Grant * Tim Hortons – Tim Maclean * Fairway Market – Luis Rebello * Uchucklesaht – Chris Watts * Firehall – Andre Guerin * Zellers – Dave Janes * Ha-Ho-Payuk School – Darren Olsen * Kinsmen – Tom Anderson

Come out and watch the Community Celebrities get wet for a good cause.

To: Nuu-cchah-nnulth huu>ma%uk -ddancers, Singers, Quu%as dance groups. Fm:Nuu-cchah-nnulth Healing Project/Southern Region Chatool> Phil,Facilitator and Qua-Q Qua-w wil> Josephine Marshall Johnston,Support Worker RE: Tradition Lives A Nuu-chah-nulth Dancers/Singers Concert/Performance in Port Alberni, tentative May 31rst, 2003. Life is a journey. The Elders have passed down teachings about the language and story telling,songs and dances. Now is the time this generation would like to show you want was taught to them. Through this Concert/Performance you will witness the belief and hear the songs. The Nuu-chah-nulth dance groups want to dedicate their part of performance to someone who taught them the songs and dances, respect for regalia, masks, culture. “They shared their teachings because they say we are one; as Nuu-chah-nulth, we are one people.” The Sayings of our First people(pg5). any questions or suggestions please contact Phil or Josephine at Healing Project 724-3233 or Email at josiejohnston@nuuchahnulth.org

Problem Gambling Workshop Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre 1607 E. Hastings, Simon Baker Room May 21, 9:00-4:00 everyone welcome, lunch provided - This workshop will focus on problem gambling - Why do people gamble - What makes a problem gambler - Harm reduction - Gambling responsible This workshop is sure to be interactive, fun and Informative CONTACT JODY OLSON AT 604-254-9972 604-312-6539 OR MICHAEL J. MCCARTHY AT 250-413-7303

Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project

Contact List

Main Office (Southern Region) 5120 Argyle Street, PO Box 1383 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2 Ph: (250) 724-3233 Fax: (250) 723-6010 Tofino Office (Central Region) 151 First Street, PO Box 279 Tofino B.C. VOR 2ZO Ph: (250) 725-3367 Toll-free: 1-866-901-3367 Fax: (250) 725-2158 Gold River Office (Northern Region) 100 Ouwatin Road, PO Box 428 Gold River, B.C. V0P 1G0 Ph: (250) 283-2012

Fax: (250) 283-2122 Nanaimo Urban Office: 204-96 Cavan St. Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2V1 Ph: (250) 753-8567 Fax: (250) 753-8933 Victoria Urban Office: 853 Fisgard St. Victoria, B.C. V8W 1S1 Ph: (250) 413-7303 Fax: (250) 388-5120 Vancouver Urban Office: 455 East Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. V6A 1P5 Ph: (604) 254-9972 Fax: (604) 254-7919

Upcoming Events EVENT DATE LOCATION Vancouver Support Group 2nd & last Monday Vancouver Aboriginal Ctr Meeting 6 pm – 9 pm 1607 E. Hastings St. Women’s Support Group 2nd & Last Thurs/ea.month Vancouver, Aboriginal Centre Meeting 6 pm – 9 pm 1607 E. Hastings St. Support Group 2nd & last Tues. of each Campbell River, 228 S. Dogwood St. Meeting month @ 6 pm St. Peters Anglican Church Cultural Night Last Thurs of ea. month Nanaimo, 204 – 96 Cavan St. Storytelling, Language, 7 pm Singing, Dancing, Crafts, etc. Victoria, 853 Fisgard St. Support Group 2nd & Last Tuesdays Meeting 6 pm Elders Luncheon Once a month Victoria, Date & Time To be announced Support Group Last Mon. of ea. month Duncan, Hiiye’ya Le Lum Native Meeting 6 pm Friendship Centre, 205 – 5462 Trans Canada Highway For more information contact Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project Staff: Vina Robinson @250-7316271, Michael McCarthy @ 604-254-9972 or 604-312-6539, Shawn Sinclair @ 250-616-3674.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 13

Ehattesaht reaches out By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter

Information on HTLV-1 What is HTLV-1?

Should you breastfeed?

HTLV-1 is a virus that infects the white cells in the blood in humans. It can cause a disease of the nervous system and leukemia.

If you are infected with HTLV-1 you should not breastfeed. If you are at high risk, you should be tested. Otherwise, breastfeeding is highly recommended. Breast milk is one of nature’s most perfect foods.

Is this a new disease? No. We’ve known about this disease for some time (first described in 1980). It has been identified throughout the world. It is more common in Japan, the Western Pacific, the Caribbean, West Africa and South America. It has also been found in a few British Columbians.

How can you tell if you have HTLV-1? About one in 20 people who get infected by HTLV-1 will eventually get sick with HTLV-1-associated illness in their lifetime, but often not until several decades after being infected. All the rest of the people carrying the virus do not get symptoms or develop any health problems from this virus. People who get sick may develop a loss of strength in the lower limbs, loss of bladder control, or develop leukemia. There is a blood test for HTLV-1 that you can get through your doctor. How is the virus spread? HTLV-1 is spread from an infected person to another by: · Sharing needles, syringes or “rigs” or other equipment used for injecting drugs; · Sexual contact. Evidence suggests that the virus is more easily transmitted from men to women than from women to men; especially from middle age on; · Mother to child. About one quarter of mothers who are infected with HTLV-1 may transmit the virus to their babies at birth or through breastfeeding, especially if they breastfeed for 6 months or more.

How can you protect yourself against infection from HTLV-1 The same precautions that everyone should take to protect themselves against infection from HIV or hepatitis B apply to HTLV-1. In Other Words: · Don’t share needles, rigs, or other drug injection equipment; · Always use a latex condom, especially if you have sex with more than one person. As with HIV and hepatitis B, there is evidence that HTLV-1 is NOT spread by ordinary, every day household contacts such as kissing, using the toilet, or preparing food. In order for the disease to spread, there has to be blood-to-blood contact or sexual intercourse.

Is there any treatment for HTLV-1 infection? No. There is no present treatment which will get rid of the virus once you are infected with it.

Can you get HTLV-1 from blood transfusions? Canadian Blood Services (formerly Canadian Red Cross) has been screening all blood donations for HTLV-1 since April 1990.

Should you get tested? No, unless you have a disease which your doctor thinks testing is needed, or you have been in contact with a known case. For further information, contact your local public health nurse or your family doctor.

To all of the Family and Friends of Art Thompson: It has been over a month since the passing of our much-loved Tsaqwasupp. Recollections of Tsaqwasupp and the many lives he touched continue to stay behind. My feelings for my son remain strong and I miss him dearly. I am overwhelmed with emotions when I realize that my son is not with me anymore. I miss his laugh and his touch. I am comforted with the memory of the great numbers of people that showed their support at my son's funeral on Thursday, April 3, 2003 at Maht-mahs in Port Alberni. My gratitude is especially extended to my children Charlie, Jack and Sharon, and to Ron Hamilton for their love and support for my daughterin-law Charlene and to all of Tsaqwasupps' children, grandchildren and great-grandchild. My gratitude is also extended to my dear family from both Ditidaht and Cowichan. I love all of you. In The Spirit Of Tsaqwasupp, Ida Thompson

Ehattesaht - Band Councilor Victoria Wells is reaching out to various areas of expertise to help solve an issue that is common throughout the west coast of Vancouver Island. The issue at hand is what do you do when teens have nowhere to go, and not much to do in a very remote community? The areas of expertise she has reached out to were various types of councilors, RCMP officers, Probation officers and the NTC CHS department, who were all willing to help give suggestions or direction to the Ehattesaht council. How to develop a Mental Health Program, or some sort of Youth Intervention program or even a Direct Intervention Program were some of the main conversation points, after Victoria described what is happening in her community and what type of

resources that are available. One comment was: “sometimes we as individuals overlook what we have for tools and resources that are right here in front of us in our own community, our own family and yet we cannot see them.”

Band Councilor Victoria Wells is reaching out to various areas of expertise to help solve teens who find there’s not much to do in a very remote community. Another person said: “you cannot put all of your issues together and try work through them. You have to separate the issues and work on them individually.” Victoria Wells said: “I am very happy to see the various representatives from the RCMP, social service agencies, and the CHS department here today and hope that we can further develop our working relationship because we really need their help,” she said.

FOSTER FAMILIES NEEDED Are you or someone you know interested in providing a safe, nurturing and loving home to children who cannot live with their families? It is the responsibility of the Usma Family and Child Services Program to make sure that these children and youth have a safe place to live and people to care for them. Fostering is guided by legislation outlined in the Child, Family and Community Services Act and Usma Resource Home Practice Standards, but it is also guided by caring, compassion, and common sense. Fostering requires a willingness and commitment to take on the important job of caring for children who are coping with a very difficult time in their lives. Fostering requires more understanding and patience than parents are used to giving children. More importantly it may require redefining your expectations because of developmental, emotional or psychological barriers. The overall goal of foster families is to provide children with a nurturing environment where healing can take place and they have the ability to develop to their fullest potential. Fostering does not require perfect parents, but adults who are willing to take on challenges and enjoy the reward of caring for them, willing to work as part of a team with the Usma Family and Child Services Program. Teamwork is essential to the process of helping children. If you are interested or you know someone who would be able to take on these challenge please call the Resource Social Worker, Debbie Mack. The resource social worker can answer any questions you may have, discuss the application process, and explain the roles and responsibilities for foster parents, the child’s social worker and the resource worker. In addition, the resource social worker can provide support, assistance and referrals to workshops/seminars to help build your skills in areas such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, grief and loss, etc. You can reach the Resource Social Worker at:

Usma Family and Child Services PO Box 1280, Port Alberni, B.C., V9Y 7M2 Phone Toll Free: 1 - 877 - 722 - 3232, (250) 724 - 3232

Email Address: dmack@nuuchahnulth.org

Page 14 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Congratulations Happy Birthday to Nona, oops! That’s Wendy on May 8. Love us on the other side of the mountain. Happy 16th Birthday to our son Warren Swan “Wasi-man G”! Warren, To have a fun loving son like you is such a great blessing! It is truly an awesome day and time to celebrate, Have the best Happy Birthday to my mom, Margaret Jack on May 1st. May God bless you, always! I love you mom! Love Anita. Happy Birthday to my dear sister Lillian Jack on May 11th. May your day be blessed with fun and laughter! I love you sis! Love your sister, Anita. Happy Anniversary to my dear brother Henry Jack & his beautiful wife Natalie on May 10th. May you have many, many more years of happiness! We Love You! Love, Anita & Darryl. Happy Mother’s Day to the following important girls in my life: my mother Margaret; sisters, Lillian, April, Bonnie, Natalie, and Tracy; nieces, Shannon, Star, Priscilla, and Stephanie! I hope the men in your life treat you like the queens you are :-). Happy Birthday to Randi Sampson April 14th hope you enjoyed your day! Love you, Randi you mean a lot to our family, to have friend like you is a blessing to us and you deserve the best!!!! Love always your family Eugene Larry Gena Warren Kelli and Larry Jr. Happy Birthday to Auntie Rhoda, Gene Duncan April 13th, Sophie Anna Webster April 20th, Rosie Swan April 21st, hope you all enjoyed your day and many more to come. Fr. Larry / Gena and family. Congratulations to the Ahousat Islanders for placing 2nd in the Lanny Ross Ball hockey Tournament, Man... Talk about exciting games and Way to goto Eugene Swan Waylon Little and Gary Swan who recieved allstars. We are now fundraising to go to the Seabird Island Chilliwack Tournament, Thank you to Ahousat for all you continuous support, so watch out for the fundraising events. It is greatly appreciated. From Gena Swan Manager and # 1 FAN! A very Happy Bithday to our Pumpkin on May 3rd We been so blessed,that Naus has sent us a beautiful angel. Thank you for being a wonderful daughter and sister We love you with all our heart and soul. Have a wonderful day Love Mom and Dad,John and Jerome Happy Birthday to Micheal McGee on May 12th We hope you have a wonderful day Love the Gang in New York Happy Birthday To our most wonderful and beautiful sister Ginger on May 21 Hope you have a nice day We love you and miss you dearly. love the gang in New York Happy Birthday to our Kitty on May 23 We sure miss you mom and granny. We think of you each and every day

Happy Birthday to Norman Webster - he is 3 on May 2, 2003. Always thinking of you and love from your grandparents in Haines Junction, Yukon. Jessie & Kevin Jim Sandra, Dylan & Lee also wish uncle Norman a happy third birthday and we miss you very much. Thank your for being mom and granny love the gang in New York. Happy 17th birthday to our son and brother John You make us feel so blessed ,that you’ve turned out to be a wonderful young man.Thank you for just being you.We love you so much Love Mom,Dad,Pam,Keith and Jerome Happy Birthday to Queen Have a wonderful day.We love you and miss you all. love Auntie Gloria, uncle gregg, Pam, Keith, John and Jerome this one for Hutch. We thank Naus, each and everyday for giving us the opportunity to hug you and to say we love you.It’s been 7 yrs now . Our special thanks goes to John Ducan, of Campbell River, for talking to the doctor, to sent you to Vancouver for the transplant, but most of all our thanks and gratitude goes to the person that died, allowing you to have your life back. We pray each and everyday for the family that lost their loved one, We love you very much Hutch. Kleco Kleco again. all our love from mom and dad,The New Yorkers,Mississippi’s, brothers and sisters and your children. Love the NY witch. Happy Birthday to James Scott Robinson on April 25th from Wesley, Ellen and Uncle Rick. Happy belated birthday to Scotty Sam, Love gramma katie and granpa stan Happy Belated Birthday to Mike Ambrose for April 23, 2003, Love Mom Happy Belated Birthday and sixteen candles to savannah Sam love your dad Hutch and Nadine and Angel To Mom,Dad and the rest of the family who live so far away from home. Just a quick note in our fine newspaper saying; Happy 3rd Birthday to my first Grandchild Kobe Little. We love very much, you’re such a joy to have. Debbie Touchie & Darren Birkland, Ucluelet, BC.

hello & take real good care of yourselves. Each of you are in my heart and soul and prayers everyday. Spring is here now, summer is close, I hope a visit home will come soon. Hugs and kisses and all our Love. From: Len, Tonya, Teresa, Wendy and Melissa. Happy Mother’s day xoxo Gina and Shana. Hey I’d love to wish my wonderful Mom’s Agnes John Lorraine Sampson and Jennifer John a good and happy mother’s day. Hope you all are happy.xoxo. Shania and Gina. Also my sisters Dottie Sam, Florace Dart and Cica, all a Happy Mother’s Day to you all, I miss you all. Write to me #2-1321 Fernwood, Victoria, BC xoxo Gina Marie proud mother of Shania Thomas. Happy Mother’s Day to all my cousins and a loving Auntie I miss sooo much Florace John smile Auntie I love you Happy Mother’s Day xoxo Gina Marie and Shania Thomas e-mail me at Well happy birthday to my niece and nephew in Nanaimo on May 15 and 20th love ya both 4-ever. Auntie Gina and Cuz Shania. I would like to also let everyone out there know who doesn’t know that I’m have a baby boy in June. Also I’ve been clean and sober now for 7 months. “Yeah” I’m doing good in Victoria as well as Shania. So take care everyone and thanks to all the Moms in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Happy Mother’s Day to all the proud Moms out there. Love Gina and Shania Thomas, Victoria, BC. I’d like to wish my son Norman Webster a very Happy 3rd Birthday on May 2. I love you son, have a great day. From Mom and Dad.(Jennifer and Marcus) Happy Birthday 2 my Dearest Mother Margaret Jack !! on May 1st. U R still Young Looking Momma..keep it up. Also, my 2 very dear & loving Sistas ! Lilly Jack on May 11th. & Happy Mother’s Day Sis !!!! Luv U, take good care of yourself...thinkin’ of U always.... my little sista Anita Jack on May 7th..Slim U still got it...stay yourself ok...Thinkin’ of U on these special days...Luv U...

My grandson Moses on May 7th also, Happy 4th Birthday Handsome !!!!! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY 2 ALL MY SISTAS !!!!!! Lil, Anita, Bon, Nat, Trac,

Miranda Leigh Now You’re 3 Happy Birthday May 16 Love Momma & Family.

We would like to congratulate our son for his accomplishments throughout his school year. In July he will be going to a 10day camping trip to Perry Sound, Ontario. He was given this opportunity by being chosen by the teachers at his school. There were 2 boys in his age (11-12) picked to go on this trip from his school, and I we are proud to say that our son, Johnny Thompson of the Ditidaht Band was picked. There will be four boys from Nanaimo going on this trip and at this cap there will be other boys across Canada going as well. He will be canoeing, water skiing … I am so proud of you son, you’ve been through so much throughout your young life and you deserve the best and we will do the best that we can for you and your brother and sister. We are sure you will have fun, and we already miss you. Love Mom, Dad Brother and Sister. To our Grandson, Johnny Thompson, we would like to congratulate you for your achievements that you have made for yourself. We are proud that you were chosen to go on your first trip without your parents, and farther than them. Hope you have fun in Ontario and take care of yourself. Love Grandpa Jack and Grandma Nona. Helen, Ginny, Val, Liz, Christina, Cheryl, Toni(lana), Agnes, Brenda, Jessie J, Marg, Barb, Len, Trudy, Lori, Eva, And All My nieces, Shannon, Star, Pris, Steph, Stacey, Jen, Adrienne, Juanita, Roberta, Tracy, Bonnie, Anita, Daisy, Yvonne, Dione, Jackie, Cherie, Devon, And numerous More........Luv u all !!!! Sista, Aunt, April Johnson.

April 20- Happy Belated Birthday Grandma Monica Paul, Think about you always and love you forever. Huggs n Kisses, Sylvia April 21- Happy Belated Birthday to my niece Monica, your 3 now, your finnally going to be a balerina. Love Auntie Sylvia. May 4-Happy Birthday Uncle James Amos. Love Sylvia May 6-Happy Birthday to my “mummsie” Bernie Thomas, your my best friend mom, hope you have an extremely great day. Lots of love, Sylvia AS WELL AS... Happy Mothers Day on May 9th, to all my family who can be proud to say they are ‘Mothers’. I love you all and never forget that. Love Sylvia

Hi ...this is a lil note to say Happy Bday to... Denise Thompson who will be SWEET16..on May 10th..you have been the best Mothers Day “gift” your mom (Lana) could have ever given me babe...love you lots..Hope you have a great day!!..Mom... I would also like to wish “Bear” my nephew a happy ? bday on May 20th..hope you have a great day...Auntie Ann Happy Bday to my nephew Clifford Tom ..on May 2nd...Have a Great Day Neph..and many more to come..from

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 15

In Memoriam - >a>ak^#ap In memory of Eugene “Luffy” Webster April 19, 1945- January 14, 1978 Dad, I look back on favourite happy memories that we shared and they remind me of how much you meant to me. There are many times I think of you Dad and I am so happy and proud to be your Daughter Thank you for bringing me into this World!! Happy Birthday Dad I love you and miss you Dearly Love always your Daughter Gena Ann/ Larry & Grandchildren Eugene, Warren, Kelli and Larry Jr.

In memory of Clifford Lucas “Webster” April 23, 1987- September 18, 1990 You are missed Dearly Nephew, there are many times that we think of you, the special times that we did have you here with us, and how it would have been for you and Warren, you were both so close in age. Neph, Happy Birthday to you you are a Guardian Angel Always !!!! Love always Your Auntie Gena / Larry Warren, Eugene, Kelli, Larry JR and Randi

In Loving Memory of my son Irvin Cosmos Frank “ J.R” May 5 1976-October 19 2002 You were my first born 27 years ago. We had 26 years of loving you and knowing your wonderfulnature and gentle ways. I never heard you speak wrongly of anyone. Oh, how you were loved, my son. When you were four years old you became a big brother to Birdie. You were the one who named her Birdie. One day you came in from playing ,I was seven months pregnant,and you came to my tummy and said “HI Birdie”. Your sister tried to be known as Magdelene but you say “YOU will always be Birdie to me.” You were seven years old when Margo was born. At that time you helped your dad and grand pa Cosmos mend nets. Then when you were 11 years old, Nicolas (Eric) was born. you were so proud to have a brother saying “Now we won’t be outvoted” Kara-anna was born a day before your 15th birthday. How you wished she was born a day later. We always celebrated one year on yours and one year on your little sisters. I remember your sister Birdie telling you”You’ll have to start buying gifts for JUniper ,she was born on your birthday. Your the elder now.” We will always rember JUniper John;s birthday. She was born on your 26th birthday. Your baby brother James was born ,when you were 21 years old.You stayed with Grandma mabel and me at the Tyee Motel. How you loved to tease your grandma Mabel. The way you held all your brothers and sisters, so gentle,when they were born,and that the way you held your nieces Ashley and Jorden. You held them

in the same loving and gentle way. I remember you telling me that you were going to tattoo Ashley Jordan on your arm. Today we would have been celebrating your 27th birthday. We will always cherish the memories , especially the last birthday. How we all hid in the living room and surprised you, How much fun the kids hadrunning around looking for a place to to hide. You also had a party at your Auntie Charl’s placeon your 26th birthday. I felt so proud that my family in Port did that for you. You told our sister Birdie”It dose not seem like my birthday as I get older because there is no more bubble bathwaiting for me when I get up.”Oh how I wish i could run that bubble bath for you. My children and my husband are all seeking and strugling to build a future for ourselves,but we are committed to building that future together as we reach out to each other in LOVE and share the PAIN AS WELL AS THE JOY share the ANGER as well as the peace., share the FAITH, AS well as the DOUBTS AND HELP EACH OTHER TO GRIEVE AS WELL AS TO GROW. Just seven months ago you held me in your big stron arms. Oh how I ache to feel them now. You will always be in our hearts son, we’ll always cherish our special memories of you. Sadly missed by your mom Karen Adams and Freddy Adams, your sisters Birdie , Margo,Kara-anna and your brother Nicolas and James and your very special nieces Ashley and Jorden

In Loving Memory of Daniel Gus (Roberts) May 17, 1923 – May 19, 2002 Survived by his Wife Clotilda Gus (Roberts), Children Ray Joseph, Heather Joseph and her husband Constant Charleson, Grandchildren Henry, Michelle, Daniel, Francine, Heather

When you Awaken in the mornings’ hush I am the swift uplifting rush

Birthdays continued Would like to wish our beautiful daughter Sabrina Dick a happy 14th birthday, hope you have a great day. Love you a whole bunch, Dad, Mom and Brothers. Auntie Ann I would also like to say congradz to Rose and Owen Nelson on their baby daughter Kaile-Rae Bertha Inez born March 10th 2003 in Williams Lake....congradz to you niece...sure miss you guys living here in Victoria.. Wishing all my sisters a Happy Mothers Day..Bernice Clutesi. Marion Thompson, Norma Mack (I miss you sis) Flo Tom and to my daughters too..can’t forget them...Lana Olsen,Sugar Thompson, and Jodi Shears...Wishing all of you a great day...love you all..take care...Ann Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl to my cousin Geno John & Lila Charleson. Delainey Trinity John born on April 27th 2003, Welcome to the family baby Delainey. from Jane & Shauntay. Happy birthday to Shanille Sam in Nanaimo on May 3rd/03, Have a good day Shanille, we’ll see you soon. Happy birthday to Grampa Arnie Thomas (11th) & Gramma Carol on the 15th. Happy 25th birthday to Uncles Bucko Geno John & Jeremy Sam on May 12th. Happy birthday to Warren Swan on May 13th . Happy Mother’s Day to my mom and to all my Gramma’s & Aunties from Ahousat. To Gramma Lil, I love u with all my heart, have a good day. Love Shauntay. Janey Thomas We would like to wish our sister Elizabeth Dick a happy birthday for May 3, 2003. Love from Sid, Sharleen & Family. We would like to wish our Uncle Touchie Jr. a happy birthday for May 4,

Happy 3rd Birthday to our sons Tristen on May 11 and a Very Happy Birthday to Brendan Mac on May 15th. From: Mom and Dad and brothers and sister. 2003. Love from Sid, Sharleen & Family. Happy Anniversary April 30, Marvin, Love Pearl. Happy Birthday – May 12 Shirley, from Pearl, Marvin & Kids Happy Mother’s Day Samara, Victoria, Linda Granny Louise. Love Marvin, Pearl and Kids. Happy Birthday to my nephew Isiah Lucas on May 11th. Enjoy your day son! Love; Auntie Claudine, Uncle Greg, coz’s, “toots”, Brandon Lee and “Nate-dogg”. Happy 1st Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lucas Sr. On May 11th. Many more to come sis. Love from Claudine and family. Happy ?? Birthday to my “favorite cousin” Geno John on May 12th. Wow. Congrats! to you andLila on your new baby girl “My little, little sweets”! Love from your cuz Claudine and family and godson Nathaniel. Happy 16th Birthday to our son and brother Darren Swan on May 13th. Thanks for being there for your little bro Nathanial Webster. You two never leave each other. You are his role model son, keep it up. You are the greatest son anyone can ask for. Love from your other mom Claudine W.

Port Alberni Friendship Centre Spring Craft Fair Just in time for Mother’s Day

I DID NOT DIE Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there, I do not sleep I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am gentle Autumn rain

Department of Indian and Northern Development representatives Leonie Todd (lands), Debbie Evans (membership) and Lois Paul (estates) spoke to sixteen people gathered at Somass Hall last week for a workshop on wills and estates sponsored by the federal government.

Saturday, May 10, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

of quiet birds in circled flight I am the soft stars that shine at night Do not stand at my grave and cry I am not there, I did not die.

Pancake Breakfast & Coffee - $3.00 Hot Dogs with Fried Onions - $1.00 Coffee, Tea, & Juice - .75 Jewelry, Beadwork, Crafts, Cedar Bark Weaving, Carvings, Woodwork & much more! Everyone Welcome! For more information call 723-8281

Page 16 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Attention Nuu-chah-nulth membership... · · · ·

Please notify your First Nation if you have any events that happen in your life such as Marriage, Divorce, Birth, Death, Name Change and especially “Transfers”. Submitting these documents to the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council office is just as important as submitting these documents to your First Nation. Being on the D.I.A. list does not mean you are on your First Nation's Registry Band List, you must apply for Band Membership. Your First Nation needs your current address and phone number so they can contact you regarding Treaty developments, letters and bulletins. First Nation phone numbers and addresses are listed below for your convenience.

NTC Disability Access Committee Plans for Gathering “Isaak’miis - Respecting, Loving & Caring for Oneself” The NTC Disability Access Awareness Committee met in Campbell River, May 1, and 2, 2003, to review the plans for the upcoming year. First Nation representatives were, Helen Dick, (Southern Region); Mabel Taylor and Delores Bayne (Central Region); Pat Nicolaye and Sheila John (Northern Region), along with DAC Coordinator, Florence Wylie.

The mandate of the NTC Access Awareness Committee is to: 1. Promote the access and Ahousaht awareness issue in FN com(250) 670-9563 - Fax: (250) 670-9696 munities; General Delivery Ahousaht, B.C. V0R 1A0 2. Address the jurisdictionDitidaht First Nation al issues in relation to federal, 1-888-745-3366 - Fax: (250) 745-3332 provincial, and FN’s proPO Box 340 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M8 grams; 3. Enforce compliance of Ehattesaht national and provincial build1-888-761-4155 - Fax: (250) 761-4156 ing codes; PO Box 59 Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 4. To include people of all Hesquiaht First Nation ages who have disability. ·

1-877-232-1100 - Fax: (250) 670-1102 PO Box 2000 Tofino, B.C. V0R 2Z0

Hupacasath First Nation (250) 724-4041 - Fax: (250) 724-1232 PO Box 211 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M7

Huu-ay-aht First Nation 1-888-644-4555 - Fax: (250) 728-1222 PO Box 70 Bamfield, B.C. V0R 1B0

Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’ (250) 332-5259 - Fax: (250) 332-5210 General Delivery Kyuquot, B.C. V0P 1J0

Mowachaht / Muchalaht

During the 2 day session, committee members shared in providing progress reports on steps taken by the respective communities to improve accessibility for members living with disabilities. This was really encouraging and exciting to learn that several of the First Nations have begun implementing some of the recommendations that were identified a few years ago by the DAC Report completed by Danny Watts, Consultant. These have included making it safer by doing building renovations, improving boat dock ramps, and installing better lighting, widening hallways, installing safety grab bars, building safer wheelchair ramps, and encouraging more involve-

ment of members who may be able to give advice on health and safety issues. As a Committee, we believe that it is important to acknowledge the First Nations who have taken measures to improve access! It has been noticed, and appreciated! It was also recognized by the DAC members that we need to continue to support and promote ongoing education and awareness on prevention of disabilities, living with many forms of disabling conditions, and the need for greater access to resources to support individuals living with a disability, also support the families who may be affected by someone living with a disability. The dates for this year’s Disability Access Committee Health Fair are now set. It is scheduled for June 24, 25, 2003, to be held in Port Alberni at Maht Mahs. The theme will be: “Isaak’miis - Respecting, Loving & Caring for Oneself.” Topics for information sharing, and guest speakers include: Maintaining Balance with Mental Health, Risks of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Non-Insured Health Benefits, Canada Pension Plan Benefits, Social Development Issues, Housing & Access Issues, and various other subjects. We will be planning a Social Event on the first evening, and are looking forward to both an informative and fun session! The committee will be accepting donations for Door Prizes, so if there are any items that you would like to deliver to the DAC @ the NTC office. Further details will follow as we get closer to the Gathering date. In the meantime, for further information you may contact either Florence Wylie, DAC Coordinator, or Helen Dick, DAC Chairperson, @ 724-5757 or fax 724-1907.

(250) 283-2015 - Fax: (250) 283-2335 PO Box 459 Gold River, B.C. V0P 1G0

Nuchatlaht First Nation (250) 332-5908 - Fax: (250) 332-5907 PO Box 40 Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0

Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations (250) 725-3233 - Fax: (250) 725-4233 PO Box 18 Tofino, BC. V0R 2Z0

Toquaht Nation (250) 726-4230 - Fax: (250) 726-4403 PO Box 759 Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0

Tseshaht First Nation Toll Free: 1-888-724-1225 - Fax: (250) 724-4385 PO Box 1218 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1

Uchucklesaht Tribe (250) 724-1832 - Fax: (250) 724-1806 PO Box 1118 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M7

Ucluelet First Nation (250) 726-7342 - Fax: (250) 726-7552 PO Box 699 Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0

ATTENTION: AHOUSAHT ADDRESS UPDATES Ha’wilth Pa Tuk Ahousaht will be carrying our several important projects in the very near future that require your input. In our attempts to keep Ahousaht informed and for creating opportunities for your involvement in the recent developments, your updated information is very important to our office. If you are over 16 years of age, please ensure that you have submitted your most current address. You can submit your current information through any of the modes listed below. E-mail: ahousahttreaty@alberni.net Telephone: 1-800-991-1433 (toll free) Mail: Ha-wilth Pa Tuk Ahousaht, c/o Ahousaht Administration, General Delivery, Ahousaht BC V0R 1A0 Please submit this information prior to March 7, 2003 to ensure you receive your current information from us. We will accept later submissions but they may miss our first mail outs. Please notify your Ahousaht family and friends about this important matter. (especially if someone has recently moved or had their information changed in some way) If you have any questions, please contact Jacquie or Robert. Thankyou.

Family Ties - Ucluelet If you are pregnant or have a young baby, come visit our exciting program! We offer weekly drop-ins with topics and guest speakers of interest to new parents. As an expectant mom, you can receive individual counseling and free nutritional supplements. Where? Family Ties, Davison’s Plaza, Ucluelet. When? Every Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. How? Drop in or call: Sarah Hogan (Outreach Counselor) 726-2224 or Kelly Drabit (Public Health) 726-4242.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 17

Klecko’s - +ekoo

Career Opportunities - q#i-cah=-ta-mis

Employment Opportunity Open to All First Nations

Field Research and Ecosystem Monitoring Positions I would like to sincerely thank all the people who came out to celebrate my sister Fiddle’s birthday with the family. This was a special celebration because her family felt it was important for Fiddle to know how much her family appreciates everything she does. She is an loving mother, aunt, and grandmother and we just wanted to

share with everyone how special she really is. I would also like to thank my daughter Martha and my niece’s Darlene and Hilda and everyone else who help make this occasion so special. Sincerely, Josephine & Earl George

Provincial Regional Infant Development Program Inservice – March 28, 2003 Written by Pam Matthew, Acting Infant Development Worker for the Central Region I would like to thank Jackie Watts, Ruby Ambrose, Marilyn Hickey and Diane Bodnar for their coordination of a wonderful Infant Development Inservice meeting. It was nice to see all the Infant Development Consultants from different areas. The Infant Development Inservice meeting is a great learning experience. It gives us new ideas and tools to work with by sharing our materials and resources. The puppets are a wonderful idea to use when working with families and children. It is a way of getting the children interested in what you are doing. Also children are visible learners therefore using visible tools is a great idea. Thank you to the following: Kleco-Kleco to Hugh Watts for his opening prayer and for shar-

ing his concerns with us. Also “Kleco-Kleco” to Geraldine Williams and Lorna Elliot for being on the parent panel. Having a parent panel is a way of letting us know how our Infant Development Programs are working. Great job ladies! Kleco-Kleco to Renee Ruben for the awesome lunches. Also, to Bev for her hard work getting the food ready. Kleco Kleco to Doreen, Kathleen, Lisa and Claudine for bringing the children in to do their dances, they were the highlight of the meeting. Dr. Lisa Sterling, Aboriginal IDP Advisor your presence was wonderful as well as your input in the program about how we can provide more resources to the communities.

Please come to the first annual

CommuniTEA May 15, 2003 Bread of Life 3:00 – 5:00 Bring your kids and join us for light refreshments, congeniality and community fun. Sponsored by the Alberni Valley Coalition for Strong Communities

TO INTERESTED CATERERS CENTRAL REGION ADMINISTRATION IS LOOKING FOR CATERING SERVICES FOR JUNE 14TH, 2003 for approximately 850 people. CELEBRATION IS SCHEDULED FOR MAHT MAHS – 11:00 AM A COPY OF FOOD SAFE CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED FOR THOSE SUBMITTING BIDS. Caterers will expected to: - Prepare & serve lunch – Consisting of assorted sandwiches & fruit - Prepare & serve dinner – 6:00 PM – Please provide a sample menu - Provide coffee, tea, juice & water throughout the day. - Caterers will be expected to setup & clean up after each meal. If you are interested, please contact Noreen Frank @ (250) 726-2446 & submit your bid to: Central Region Administration Office, P.O. Box 790, Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0 Or by FAX: (250) 726-2488 THE DEADLINE FOR ALL CATERING BIDS BE SUBMITTED IN NO LATER THAN NOON – MAY 15, 2003

The Iisaak Sustainable Forestry Project (ISFP) seeks candidates for a total of five (5) field research positions, to participate in ecosystem monitoring and evaluation activities on Iisaak’s forest tenure in Clayoquot Sound. The ISFP seeks four (4) field research technicians and one (1) field research supervisor, full-time for a minimum of five months. Applicants must have First Nations affiliation. Job duration may be extended, subject to availability of project funding. Positions begin 16 June 2003. Assistants’ and supervisor’s responsibilities will include working in the field surveying vegetation, trees, woody debris, windthrow, and additional measures of biodiversity and ecosystem pattern and process. Evaluation and reporting of data collected may also be involved. Level 1 First Aid, field measurement techniques, and research training necessary to fulfill duties will be provided. Qualifications for Field Research Technicians First Nation affiliation Able and willing to work outdoors, in forested areas Organized, hard-working, and willing to learn Knowledge of local plants, trees, ecosystems helpful Wage: $15 per hour, plus benefits Qualifications for Field Research Supervisor All of above, plus: At least two years experience in forestry- or ecosystem-related field work Some knowledge of ecological survey and sampling methods Supervisor/team leader experience helpful $24 per hour, plus benefits. Please mail, fax, email, or deliver in person a brief cover letter and resume by 5pm, 23 May 2003 to: Cintra Agee, Sustainability Project Manager Iisaak Forest Resources Ltd. 2395 Pacific Rim Hwy, Box 639, Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0 (T) 250.726.2446 (F) 250.726.2488 The ISFP encourages First Nations people of all ages and genders to apply.

Nuu-chah-nulth Tlu-piich Games Coordinator (Term Contract Position) We are seeking an enthusiastic, experience, Events Coordinator to oversee the overall coordination of the Tlu-piich Games (NTC’s annual multi-sport gathering of First Nations communities). Working closely with the Games Committee in Port Alberni, the successful candidate work between June 2 to August 29, 2003. Responsibilities: • To organize the Games operational plan and provide coordination; • To initiate fundraising activities; • To recruit and supervise volunteers; Qualifications: • Experience in events coordination and volunteer recruitment; • Recreation leadership training would be considered an asset; • Awareness and understanding of Nuu-chah-nulth protocols. Applications must be receveived by: May 22, 2003 To: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Fax: (250) 723-0463, Email: hr @ nuuchahnulth.org (Word attachments accepted)

Naachaks Adventure Center in Tofino will have job openings in both the cafe/bakery and the booking office in June 2003. We will train. Please send resumes or questions to: NAACHAKS ADVENTURE CENTER General Delivery Tofino VOR 2Z0

Page 18 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003

Thanks to businesses Thanks to The Following Businesess For Donating to Tlao-qui-aht First Nations Youth Ski Trip Fundraising Loonie-Toonie Auction held Februray 20th! Tseshaht Market 2 $25.00 Gas Fill Certificates Tofino Co-op - $100.00 Merchandise from Hardware LA Grocery - Umbrella Roy H. Vickers Gallery - Print worth $4500.00! Long Beach Golf Course - 1 round of golf Ucluelet Co-op - 4 mugs, Co-op hat & vest Murray’s Grocery - 3 movie rentals Subtidal Deli - Fragments of Paradise Book Crow’s Nest - Gift Certificate Barry’s Drugstore Place TV - $22.00 CD Gift Certificate Du Quah Gallery - Walking Stick No. 1 Market - Adidas T-Shirt Esso Long Beach Market - Rachet & Socket Set Storm Outfitters - Knife Buck or Two - 10% Discount of purchase Driftwood - 2 t-shirts & teddy bear And to Catherine Frank and Margaret Amos for all the work you did to make the auction a success!

Special Thanks to the following business for your extra - generous donation towards

Our Annual Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Christmas Party! Tofino Co-op for 85 Turkeys & Prizes!Weigh West for 2 x 1 room for 1 night Tin Wis 1 room for 1 night, use of equipment Tofino Sea Kayaking Lots of Wrapped Prizes! Creative Salmon for $250.00 Donation Eugene Martin For use of art for contest & craft party! Extreme Zone, Port Alberni Sport Cards, discounts etc.

Thank you to the following for prizes for contests, Door Prizes, etc that provided so much fun at our TFN Christmas Party! Fiber Options People’s Drug Mart Storm Light Marine Tree House Gifts House of Himwitsa Pacific Sands Resort Beaches Deb’s Hair Boutique Atleo River Air Reflecting Spirit Gallery Ucluelet Co-op Crow’s Nest Peninsula Motor Inn Restaurant Number One Market Place TV Gray Whale Deli Du Quah Gallery Smiley’s Family Restaurant & Amusement Mountain Boy Chicken & Ribs

Community Events and Celebrations The Mickey Family would like to invite you to their Memorial Dinner for their late parents Charlie and Caroline Mickey on August 16th at the Athletic Hall, starting at noon. Mack Family Reunion August 2003! The Toquaht Mack family is planning a reunion on the weekend of August 2003. It’s been too long since we all got together. And would like everyone’s input on our upcoming reunion. So far, we are aiming for the weekend in August and location will be Port Alberni. We would like to gather, renew family ties and meet new family members. We need to connect! Any members from the late Chief Cecil Mack our late grandmother Jesse Mack please contact via email. Gjmack@hotmail.com or dgmack@show.ca or you can mail me at: Gloria Mack, 65-4061 Larchwood Dr, Victoria, BC, V8N-4P1. Hope to hear from you soon! Lets get started!

Q#aaq#inakci^ s - >aaktuu>a - Joey Dennis’ – Memorial The family of q#aaq#inakc^isit - late Joey Dennis will be having a >aaktuu>a (memorial feast) to put to rest our mourning and celebrate the life he lived! We the Dennis/Haipee Family invite you all to witness the ceremonies/events we have planned for this special day. Date: October 18 2003. This is an announcement of the date only we will be going around to various First Nations to formally invite in a traditional manner. If you would like to suggest a good day for our family to visit your Community during the summer, contact uut-sii (Rob Dennis JR) Cultural coordinator Huu-ay-aht First Nation @ Work (250) 728-3414 or Toll Free 1-888-644-4555, Home (250) 724-0169. Or Email c_c_huuayaht_first_nation@hotmail.com c^uu +eekoo - uutsii-cultural coordinator H.F.N.

There has been a change of date for Barry Wayne McCarthy (Bear) Memorial Potlatch from October 25 to November 29, 2003 at the Alberni Athletic Hall, starting at 12:00 noon. We would like to acknowledge the people that came close to us in the time of need. Hosts: Laura McCarthy and Johnny McCarthy Sr.

Important Notice to all Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations members, Band Managers, CHR’s, Health Clerks and Band Membership Clerks:

MEDICAL COVERAGE NOT AUTOMATIC Reference: Recently, many bills were received at the NTC (Non-Insured Health Benefits Section) (NIHB) from parents requesting payment under this plan. If a child is not registered with Indian Affairs and the province there is no medical coverage. Therefore, FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMENT OF MEDICAL VISITS, X-RAYS, ETC. WILL FALL ON THE PARENTS! Indian Affairs cannot and WILL NOT PAY any bills without full coverage. Remember, unless a child is REGISTERED with both Indian Affairs (Status Card) and the provincial medical plan (MSP Card) two very important medical factors apply: a. The child is covered under the parent medically, for only three months; and b. Once the child reaches 1 year of age then they are no longer covered under the NIHB program for: equipment; supplies; drugs; dental; and optical. Normally, a child reaching 19 years of age requires (her or his) own medical care card. A child can maintain medical coverage up to age 25 when in full-time attendance at a post secondary institution, that is approved by the provincial medical commission. It takes 6 – 8 weeks to obtain these coverage cards! Start the process immediately! Do not assume it is done! Follow up with this until you have both cards! Questions to be directed to the Band Membership Clerks, or the NTC Registry Office 724-5757. Robert Cluett, CD - NTC NIHB Program Supervisor

MAILING HA-SHILTH-SA TO NUU-CHAH-NULTH MEMBERS Ha-Shilth-Sa is looking for addresses of Nuu-chah-nulth (NCN) members who are NOT receiving the paper. Ha-Shilth-Sa is free for Nuu-chah-nulth members. If you want to receive Ha-Shilth-Sa please send name (including your middle name or initials) to: Ha-Shilth-Sa, P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C., V9Y 7M2 First Name: _______________ Initial: ____ Last Name: _______________________ Apt. #: _____ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Postal Code: ______________ * In order to quality for a free subscription you must fill in Nuu-chah-nulth First Nation i.e. Ahousaht, Ditidaht, etc: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________________ Change of Address (Previous address) _______________________________ New Subscriber? ________________________________________________

Reminder ~ Returned papers are automatically deleted for the mailing list. It’s up to you to keep us informed of your address!

CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED FOR SALE: 24 ft aluminium skiff. Brand new Honda Motor 50 hp, trailer, asking $8,000. Call Joe David at 250725-3320 9 am - 11 am or 6 pm - 9 pm. CANOE BUILDING: Will build canoe, or teach how to build canoe for anyone interested. From Beach Canoe to 40 footer. Call Harry Lucas 7241494. FOR SALE: 25' Mark 7 Zodiac & 20' Bombard Explorer. Call Leo Manson at (250) 725-2662 for more information. BOAT FOR SALE: MV Ropo – no license. 40’ fiberglass. Ex-freezer troller. Fully equipped. Freezer system only 2 years old. Harold Little (250) 670-2477. FOR SALE - 40’ Ex-troller. Call Robert Sr. (250) 724-4799 FOR SALE: New & Used Barclay Sound Sockeye Nets. (250) 923-9864. FOR SALE: 3 ½ sides smoked fish, vacuum packed, $25 each. Fundraising for ladies singing group. Call 723-0740 or 720-2139. FOR SALE: 36.6’ combination Troller - Gillnetter. “Joker A”. No license. Asking $16,500. 724-1105. FOR SALE: 38 1/2 ft “C” license $450.00 a foot. Donald Mundy (250) 720-5841. FOR SALE: SMOKED FISH, vacuum packed (by the sides), bags of Upsqwee. Call 250-724-6341.

For Sale; Flyfishers!! Hand tied flies. All Native American made (Tseshaht). Many styles and sizes available. James S. Rush #717024, C.B.C.C., 1830 Eagle Crest Way, Clallam Bay, WA, U.S.A., 98326 –9723

Tseshaht First Nation Cultural Resource Centre Open to anyone interested in learning more about Tseshaht history. Located at 5000 Mission Rd. – Chi-chu-aht House/ Tseshaht Treaty office. We have a toll free number available for Tseshaht members (which also houses our membership and Natural Resources Office. If you want your addresses included for treaty updates and Tribal bulletins call us (email: cap@tseshaht.com) with your address. 1-866-724-4225.

Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Except holidays) For more information contact us at (250) 724-4229 or toll free at 1-866-724-4229.

Arts FOR SALE: Native designed jewellery; silver, copper, gold engraving, stone setting. Contact Gordon Dick by phone 723-9401. FOR SALE: Carvings for sale. If you are interested in native carvings such as: coffee table tops, clocks, plaques, 6" totems, canoes, leave message for Charlie Mickey at 724-8609 or c/o Box 40, Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 WANTED: Hide for school projects. Call Julia Landry @724-0512 (8-4pm weekdays). FOR SALE: Black Hair - 12" to 18". Phone: 830-0468. NATIVE BASKET WEAVING made by Kathy Edgar. Show case of all sizes of baskets. Weaving classes are held throughout the year. For more information phone 416-0529. Address box 863 – 8140 York Ave. Crofton, B.C. V0R 1R0. FOR SALE: Genuine Authentic basket weaving grass. Linda Edgar, phone 7544462. BASKET WEAVING FOR SALE: Grad Hat Regalia, Baskets, Weaving material, specializing in Maquinna Hat Earrings. Available to teach at conferences and workshops. Call Julie Joseph (250) 729-9819. FOR SALE: carved whale teeth, whale bones and bear teeth. WANTED: whale teeth, whalebones, mastodon ivory and Russian blue cobalt trade beads. Lv. msg. For Steve & Elsie John at 604-833-3645 or c/o #141-720 6th St, New Westminster BC V3L3C5. FOR SALE: Native painting. Call Bruce Nookemus (250) 728-2397 FOR SALE: Knitted sweaters, vests toques. Will take orders. Please call Yvonne Tatoosh @250-748-1411 (Duncan). GENA SWAN CEDAR ARTS AND CRAFTS & floral arrangements for weddings/grads etc. Call 250-723-8819 or email: lady_sky_58@hotmail.com.

James Swan - Wih=ayaqa%ci*k - Traditional Artist Original paintings, carvings (small totems and plaques). Wa>s^i>nis‘ prints and a few t-shirts available. Ph: (250) 670-2438, Cel: (250) 735-0790 Or e-mail wihayaqacik@yahoo.com

Jacko Graphics:

First Nations Graphics. Specializing in Native Vinyl Decals. (Custom Made/All Sizes). All types of Native Graphics. Call Now! Celeste Jacko. www.decalmakers.homestead.com or Email: ladybrave05@hotmail.com

CLASSIFIEDS Automotive D&M AUTOCLEAN "WE'LL DO YOUR DIRTY WORK" Automobile cleaning and renewal. CARS - TRUCKS - RV'S - BOATS. 7429 Pacific Rim Highway. Phone 720-2211. FOR SALE: 1989 Honda Civic Si, sunroof, red, 5-speed. $4500 obo. 724-4383. FOR SALE: 2001 Chev Silverado 5sp.V6 - Dark blue, Low mlge. Warranty. Call 250-670-9549 after 3:30 p.m. Karen Frank. FOR SALE: 1 1999 Safari Van - 7 passenger, excellent condition - $12,000 (OBO). Contact (250) 726-7144 or fax (250) 726-2488. FOR SALE: Silver 2003 Hyundai Tiburon. Automatic, Extremely low Km’s (under 5600), mint condition, fully loaded, leather, power moon roof, 6 yr/160,000Km Extended warranty, town driven, asking $23,500 ask for Jack 7239541. For Sale: 1986 4cyl red Ford Mustang, $2500.00 O.B.O 724-6926 For sale: MotoMaster Cartop Carrier. Good Condition. call 723-3880

Employment Wanted /Services Offered NEED A PHONE? BEEN DISCONNECTED? No Deposit? INSTAPHONE No Credit? RECONNECT No Problem! CALL 1-866-334-6782 STARTING AT $39.95

Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 8, 2003 - Page 19 Miscellaneous

Employment Wanted/ Services Offered COU-U$ CA$H - Need Cash between paydays. We loan $100, $200, up to $500 dollars. 100% owned and operated by First Nations. Phone (250) 390-9225. Or (250) 741-6070 cel. 401 Harvey Road, Nanoose Bay, B.C. ANITA’S ALTERATIONS: Sewing, hems, etc., etc. Ph. 723- 8890. T.S.G. TRUCKING SERVICE: Moving And Hauling, Reasonable Rates. Tom Gus, 5231 Hector Road, Port Alberni, B.C. Phone: (250) 724-3975.

+u` m>ka` Advisory for Histories, Governance, and Constitutions (forming governments). contact Harry Lucas, at 724-1494. FREE LANGUAGE CLASSES: at Hupacasath Hall. Language Instructor Tat Tatoosh. Monday and Wednesday Nights. 7 pm to 9 pm. (Bring your own pen & paper). Parenting Skills for Parents & Tots. Fridays from 3 – 4 pm. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. cuu kleco. Edward Tatoosh, Certified Linguist. TSAWAAYUUS: SHARE YOUR TALENTS WITH YOUR ELDERS: Volunteers required for the following: 9Give demonstrations 9and/or teach basket weaving, carving, painting, etc. 9We also need cultural entertainment. Contact Darlene Erickson at 724-5655. WESTCOAST TRANSITION HOUSE EMERGENCY SHELTER: For Abused Women and their Children on call 24 hours 726-2020. PORT ALBERNI TRANSITION HOUSE: Call 724-2223 or call the nearest local shelter or crisis center. HELP LINE FOR CHILDREN: 310-1234. WANTED: Nuu-chah-nulth women that would like to join my exciting team of Mary Kay Independent Sales, not pyramid. For more information please phone me, Rosalee Brown @ (250) 385-9906. FIRST AID TRAINING: Canadian Red Cross Certified First Aid Instructors Laverne and Alex Frank are available to teach First Aid to your group, office, or community. Classes can have up to 24 students. Phone (250) 725-3367 or (250) 726-2604 for more information. NUU-CHAH-NULTH NATIVE LANGUAGE: Transcribing in phonetics - for meetings, research projects, personal use. Hourly rates. Phone Harry Lucas at 7245809. SWEEPY’S CLEANING SERVICES: Samantha Gus: Need some Cleaning done? Don’t have enough time? Good rates. Call 723-7645 or leave a message @ 724-2763. Windows, dishes, vacuuming, laundry, walls, shelves, etc. Custodial/ Janitorial certified. Commercial house keeping/ home making certified & Food safe. GROWING THE CIRCLE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP: For all your multi media needs: video production, music production, CD-Rom or DVD production, website design or enhancement, book publishing, public relations, marketing, and training. Top quality professional productions at very reasonable rates. Contact Randy Fred, 530 Cadogan Street, Nanaimo BC V9S 1T4; Tel. 250-7410153; e-mail: randyfred@shaw.ca. Chuu! BOARDROOMS FOR RENT: At the Tseshaht Administrative Buildings, Port Alberni. For more information call the Tseshaht First Nations Office at (250) 7241225.

HOUSE FOR SALE. 3-bdrm house in Port Alberni with 3-bdrm-basement suite currently renting for $650/mo. 3 plum trees and small garden. New carpet, lino, and chimney. Close to all amenities. $120,000. Call 723-0308. HOUSE FOR SALE to TFN member on Esowista Reserve. Good condition, views of ocean & forest. Quiet area. $110,000 Call for more info: (250) 725-3482. WANTED: Medical Equipment such as wheelchairs etc. Can be dropped off at the Tseshaht Band Office. 5000 Mission Road, Port Alberni. Contact Gail K. Gus at 724-1225. FRESH BREAD FOR SALE: or made to order, also buns & pies. Pick up or delivery in P.A. 723-6983. FOR SALE: Beautiful Native Design Dress. New condition. Size 5-7. 724-3049. 13”x141/4”x23’ & 13 x 141/4 x 35’ CREOSOTE TIMBERS. Laminated. Could be dismantled. 7 ½ “ x 12” x 16’ & 71/2 x 12 x 19’ Timbers. 6’ x 26’ totally laminated. All creosoted wood. 100’ piling 1 piece. Call Willie Sam (250) 723-2145. COMPUTERS FOR SALE: Acer aspire, w/16 MB HD, monitor, keyboard, speakers, mouse $500. KDS Geared by MSI, w/32 MB HD, monitor, keyboard, speakers, mouse - $1500. Uniwell Cash Register w/scanner, software - $1500. Contact Ed Van Groenigen @ 250-7254478 (eve) or 250-726-5116 (cell) or Mary Martin 250-725-8283 (cell). FOR SALE: Custom built food cart with grill, deep fryer, sink, water pump, and lots of storage. 1 owner. $6500, obo. 7244383 FOR SALE – brand new, never used medical examining table. Brand-Bond M6 with short base. Upholstery is black – wanting $1348 – anybody interested please contact: Tricia Thorne, Community Service Manager for Ditidaht. (250) 7453331. LOST: at Alex Williams Memorial Potlatch on Sept 14/02 @ the House of Huu-ay-aht in Pachena Bay. 1 Small blue suitcase owned by Hereditary Chief Darlene Nookemus containing 2 sets of beaded feathers black, red & white, 2 head bands, 1 shawl w/eagle design, 2 vests-1 w/Huu-ay-aht written on the back 1 plain, 1 necklace w/blue trading beads on it. Contact (250) 728-3080. FOUND: A silver carved earring @ North Island College Port Alberni campus early January. Owner please call to identify. 724-8750 or 724-8711. Employment Wtd/Services Offered TOQUART BAY CONVENIENCE STORE: Open Year round! Located on Macoah Reserve. Status cigs available. (250) 726-8306. Shirley Mack Proprietor. MOUNTAIN BOY (2000) - FAST-FOOD TAKE-OUT: 1627C Peninsula Road, Ucluelet, B.C. Pizza, Chicken, Ribs & Ice Cream. Open 7 days a week from 11:30am 10pm. Deliveries after 5:30pm. Tel: 7262221. Owners: Vi & Crystal Mundy. FOR RENT: A non-profit organization has rooms to rent, by the day, week or month. Very reasonable rates for Room & Board. Also, there is a Boardroom available for rent. For more information phone 723-6511. FIND OUT what your billing agencies won’t tell you about De-regulation and Privatization – What does it mean to You? Call Sharean Van Volsen at 724-4441 and attend a presentation if interested in a business opportunity or savings! NITINAHT LAKE MOTEL: New Manager is Lucy Edgar. I can be reached at Office # - 250-745-3844, Home # 250-7456610, Fax # 250-745-3295. PO Box 160, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 7M8. ADAY INDUSTRIAL SEWING: Ceremonial Curtains & Drum bags, Boat tops, Awnings, Custom Orders. Quality work @ the Best Prices on the Island! Free estimates. Christine & Luke Aday 7236956.




May 8, 2003

Business Profile: CLAYOQUOT SOUND ADVENTURES WILFRED ATLEO, OWNER/OPERATOR The Pacific Northwest, one of the most beautiful places in the world and where the Nuu-chah-nulth have lived for centuries with the killer whale, sea lion, otter, bear and eagle is now also one of the most popular destinations for eco-adventure and cultural tourism. Each summer the small community of Tofino expands to meet the demand of the close to one million tourists that visit Clayoquot Sound each year between March and October. The huge rise in tourism over the past fifteen years has brought with it economic opportunities and many Nuucha-nulth have taken advantage of this either working directly or indirectly in the tourism industry.

The Pacific Northwest, one of the most beautiful places in the world and where the Nuu-chahnulth have lived for centuries with the killer whale, sea lion, otter, bear and eagle is now also one of the most popular destinations for eco-adventure and cultural tourism. Wilfred Atleo is a good example of this. Like many others Wilfred started as a fisherman and then began driving water taxi as a sideline. The turning point for him came when the water taxi business became more lucrative than the fishing. Wilfred is a very good driver; born and raised in Clayoquot Sound he knows the waters, the place names and the community history well. In the early years he worked for many of the established Tofino companies building a network of industry support and good will, little realizing how important this would be when he opened his own business.

In 1996, with a 20-foot zodiac called Panda and no storefront booking office Wilfred started his business. The first years were tough, Wilfred leased space from other operators and moved around a bit – his edge was that he didn’t close in the off-season but worked year round, a business strategy

he still uses today. During the summer months he was a guide and in the late fall and winter he was water taxi driver working for the logging companies, tribes and individuals. Another unique aspect to Wilfred’s business is his photography – he is an excellent amateur photographer. When you walk into his office his walls are covered with the most beautiful pic-

tures of whales, bears, otters, eagles, wolves, seals and scenery – all taken by him while he’s guiding. What better incentive for someone to book a trip? Today Wilfred has a storefront, a 31 foot twelve passenger boat called Night Wolf, his 20 foot Panda, ten full

and part-time employees and he will be leasing an additional boat – a 28 foot Eagle 19 – to accommodate his quests.

The huge rise in tourism over the past fifteen years has brought with it economic opportunities and many Nuu-cha-nulth have taken advantage of this either working directly or indirectly in the tourism industry.

Maaqtusiis School; the winner was Scott Frank for his striking black and red killer whale design. Wilfred is a family man, he and wife Julie have two children: Taylor, 10years old and Alanda 14-years old. He speaks fondly of his grandfather, Keestra who was a whaler and the closeness between his mother Florence and aunt Gertie.

In 1996, with a 20-foot zodiac called Panda and no storefront booking office Wilfred started his business. The first years were tough, Wilfred leased space from other operators and moved around a bit – his edge was that he didn’t close in the off-season but worked year round, a business strategy he still uses today. This year Wilfred is looking forward to his first full season in the Clayoquot Sound Adventures Booking Centre. You can find Wilfred and his office crew Ivy and Adrienne at 416-B Corner of Main Street & 4th Street or by calling (250) 725-2521 (his web site is under development).

Wilfred is very proud of his company logo and would like people to know how he got it. Instead of going to a graphics artists, he had a competition in Ahousaht at

Nuu-chah-nulth Economic Development Corporation 7563 Pacific Rim Highway, (next door to Tseshaht Market) Office Hours: MON - FRI: 8 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 4:30 pm, SAT, SUN, & HOLIDAYS: CLOSED

The purpose of NEDC is to promote and assist the development, establishment and expansion of the business enterprises of the Tribes and Tribal members of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council.

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