Ha-Shilth-Sa March 25, 2004

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Canada’s Oldest First Nation’s Newspaper - Serving Nuu-chah-nulth-aht since 1974 Canadian Publications Mail Product haas^i>sa “ Interesting News” Vol. 31 - No. 6 - March 25, 2004 Sales Agreement No. 40047776

Hesquiaht remembers devastating tsunami By Denise August, Central Region Reporter Hot Springs Cove - Forty years ago this week, on March 27th, 1964, the largest ever-recorded North American earthquake rocked Prince William Sound in Alaska. Measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale, the quake generated a tsunami (often referred to as tidal waves) that would reach the coasts of British Columbia, Western United States, Hawaii and Japan. The earthquake occurred at 5:36 p.m. Alaskan Standard Time. The tremors caused the seafloor in Prince William Sound to lift and created submarine landslides. The waves fanned out from Alaska, making their way across the Pacific Ocean in the darkness of Good Friday night.

Without warning systems in place, coastal communities were taken by surprise as the ‘tide’ rose past flood levels. Many did not know what was going on, only that the water was coming up fast and they needed to get to high ground. Without warning systems in place, coastal communities were taken by surprise as the ‘tide’ rose past flood levels. Many did not know what was going on, only that the water was coming up fast and they needed to get to

Hesquiaht’s Mike Tom reminisces about the 1964 tsunami as he stands outside houses on the current Hesquiaht village, with the former village site in the distance behind him. high ground. Residents of Hot Springs Cove were settling in for the night as their generator, which supplied electricity to the entire community was shut off at 11:00 p.m. as was the usual practice. With no power for lights people scrambled to high ground by the light of the full moon as rising water lifted houses off their foundations. Some were forced to swim with their babies on the bitterly cold March night. Of the eighteen homes on the shores of Hot Springs Cove, only two were not destroyed. Amazingly, despite lack of warning and given the magnitude of destruction, no lives were lost in Hot Springs Cove that night. The community was eventually relocated to higher ground on the north side of the cove. To this day, survivors take seriously any tsunami warning and they move to higher ground and wait it

Shortly after the tsunami swept through Hot Springs Cove, BC Airlines Pilot Charles Ford took this aerial photo of the devastation.

Weaving a family affair ........................................... Page 2 Pilot remembers tidal wave and aftermath .......... Page 3 Ditidaht digs out after 50-year flood ..................... Page 4 TinWis celebrates ten years in business ................ Page 5 Students celebrate successes ................................... Page 7 NEDC Business News .............................................. Page 20

out. It has been forty years since that frightening night and many of those that were young adults in 1964 are still there in the relocated village, which overlooks the abandoned village site. Residents still living in the small community happily shared their memories of that night. For most, memories are vague and details are sometimes lost but all remember the fear and panic as each helped one another reach safety. Here are their stories: Sue Charleson: I remember that day so well. It was March 27th, Good Friday, my twin brother’s birthday. I was ironing clothes getting ready for Easter Sunday Mass. The generator went off, it usually went off around 11:00 p.m. and it was probably about 3 minutes to eleven when we heard a big bang. Mike (Tom Sr.) looked out the window and saw a boat drifting past our house.

They had just finished building an addition to the house for the washing machine and that snapped right off. That must have been the big bang we heard.

Of the eighteen homes on the shores of Hot Springs Cove, only two were not destroyed. Amazingly, despite lack of warning and given the magnitude of destruction, no lives were lost in Hot Springs Cove that night. Jessie (Sue’s daughter) was only seven months old and by the time I got her wrapped and ready to leave the water was so high we ended up having to swim. Me, Mrs. Tom and Jessie stood

continued on page 3

The now-abandoned village site today. If undeliverable, please return to: Ha-Shilth-Sa P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2

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ISSN 0715-4143

Page 2 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper is published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council for distribution to the members of the fourteen Nuuchah-nulth First Nations as well as other interested groups and individuals. Information & original work contained in this newspaper is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2. Telephone: (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Web page: www.nuuchahnulth.org

2003 Subscription rates: $30.00 per year in Canada & $35. /year U.S.A. and $40. /year foreign countries. Payable to the Nuu-chahnulth Tribal Council. Manager / Editor, Southern Region Reporter David Wiwchar (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 wiwchar@nuuchahnulth.org Administration Assistant Annie Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 hashilth@nuuchahnulth.org Central Region Reporter Denise August (250) 725-2120 - Fax: (250) 725-2110 *New!* denise@nuuchahnulth.org Northern Region Reporter Brian Tate (250) 283-2012 - Fax (250) 283-7339 hbtate@nuuchahnulth.org Audio / Video Technician Mike Watts (250) 724-5757 Fax: (250) 723-0463 mwatts@nuuchahnulth.org

DEADLINE: Please note that the deadline for submissions for our next issue is April 2, 2004. After that date, material submitted & judged appropriate, cannot be guaranteed placement but, if still relevant, will be included in the following issue. In an ideal world, submissions would be typed, rather than hand-written. Articles can be sent by e-mail to hashilth@nuuchahnulth.org (Windows PC). Submitted pictures must include a brief description of subject(s) and a return address. Pictures with no return address will remain on file. Allow 2 - 4 weeks for return. Photocopied or faxed photographs cannot be accepted. COVERAGE: Although we would like to be able to cover all stories and events we will only do so subject to: - Sufficient advance notice addressed specifically to Ha-Shilth-Sa. - Reporter's availability at the time of the event. - Editorial space available in the paper. - Editorial deadlines being adhered to by contributors.

LETTERS and KLECO’S Ha-Shilth-Sa will include letters received from its readers. All letters MUST be signed by the writer and have the writer's name, address & phone number on it. Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good taste. We will definitely not publish letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or issues that are critical of Nuu-chah-nulth individuals or groups. All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will not necessarily coincide with the views or policies of the Nuuchah-nulth Tribal Council or its member First Nations.

Weaving a family affair By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter For Charlotte Carpenter, intricate basket weaving is a family affair; one she married into. The wife of Vince McKay, Charlotte learned weaving from her husband’s mother and aunt, famed Toquaht weavers Mary and Emma McKay. Originally from Bella Bella, Charlotte has been weaving for more than 30 years now, selling her baskets, shells, and jewellery throughout Vancouver Island.

“I take my weavings to a few galleries on the west coast, and sometimes to Nanaimo, and they sell out so fast I’ve never made it past there to other galleries in Victoria, Vancouver, or Seattle,” said Carpenter. “I take my weavings to a few galleries on the west coast, and sometimes to Nanaimo, and they sell out so fast I’ve never made it past there to other galleries in Victoria, Vancouver, or Seattle,” said Carpenter. “There’s not many weavers around anymore, and there’s a big demand for Nuu-chah-nulth weaving,” she said. Having taught weaving classes at the Port Alberni Friendship Centre and in classes in Ucluelet, Charlotte has woven large baskets as large as shopping bags, and has covered large California Abalone shells in her intricate weavings, but she mostly focuses on smaller baskets and abalone coverings because “the smaller ones move faster with the tourists”. Charlotte and Vince spend the summer gathering bark and grasses, cleaning them and drying them for weeks before

preparing them for weaving through the fall and winter. Carpenter also makes earrings and hair berets with canoe and whale patterns for the annual canoe journey. “All the designs I use belong to different Elders who’ve given me permission or have handed their designs down to me,” she said, showing a variety of Tseshaht, Tla-o-qui-aht and Toquaht designs on various pieces she made this winter. For more information on where to view or purchase some of Charlotte Carpenter’s beautifully intricate weavings, you can call her at (250) 7230287.

Charlotte Carpenter displays a few of her intricate weavings

Elders are the foundation of NTC Staff Language program A workplace language curriculum is being developed by core of Elders representing the various dialects of the Nuu-chah-nulth language. Chairing the NTC Staff Language Committee is

Ha-Shilth-Sa belongs to every Nuu-chah-nulth person including those who have passed on, and those who are not yet born. A community newspaper cannot exist without community involvement; If you have any great pictures you’ve taken, stories or poems you’ve written, or artwork you have done, please let us know so we can include it in your newspaper. This year is Ha-Shilth-Sa's 30th year of serving the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. We look forward to your continued input and support. Kleco! Kleco! David Wiwchar, Editor / Manager

Nelson Keitlah, who is joined by Jerry Jack, Caroline Little, Stanley Sam, Bob Thomas, and Lawrence Paul. The language committee will produce workplace phrases that can be used in everyday use by staff, from answering the phone in NCN to signage in NCN for all departments. The committee’s work will culminate in an interactive CD that staff can use to learn at their own pace. The NTC Language program is supported by a grant from the NCN Employment and Training Board.

NTC Offices will be closed on Good Friday, April 9th and Easter Monday, April 12th. We will re-open at 8 am, Tuesday, April 13th.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 3

Hesquiaht remembers tsunami continued from page 1 up on the clothesline stump in back of the house. Mike Tom (Junior in 1964): “I was about 20 or 21 years old. We had a tiny house, maybe 24’ by 24’ and it had 1 bedroom. Me, Sue and Jessie lived there with my mother and father. We were just getting ready to go to bed when we heard noises under the house, like cans clanging together. Dad looked out and said ‘hoo, there’s water coming up the stairs’. We looked for somewhere higher for mom, Sue and Jessie. Lucky it was full moon, real bright and the ladies went up on Mom’s clothesline stump while me and Dad went to look for his canoe. The stump was high but it was just high enough, another two to four inches and the water would have gone right over top. When the water went back down again we all walked to Steve Charleson Sr.’s (the northern-most house). The Tom’s house was near the center of the old village. Mike says everyone from the center of the village south scrambled for Louie Sabbas Sr.’s house; the southern-most house and everyone north of center ran to the Charleson house. The remains of the Charleson house still stand today. Mike said the water rose and receded a total of four times that night and reached just under the Charleson house but the house was high enough that the water did not get inside. One house, Matthew Lucas Sr.’s, drifted all the way to Ivan Clarke’s (Government Dock). Three women, Cecilia Tom, Janet Webster and an elder known as Na’Na were locked inside, unable to open windows or doors. Tony Charleson rescued them from a canoe before the house burst into flames. It may not be a coincidence that Mamie Lucas, widow of Matthew Lucas Sr. built her home on one of the highest hills in Hot Springs Cove. There were about 18 houses and Louie and Steve’s houses were the only ones okay. One drifted away and the rest were lifted off of their posts, becoming twisted, unstable wrecks.” Betty Lucas: A young girl living at Christie Residential School at the time, Betty had no idea what her family at home was going through. “All I know is we were woken up and told to pray for all Hesquiahts. I asked why but they told us to just pray so we did. The next day we found out all the houses were gone.” Joe Tom Sr., 91 said he was a telephone lineman at the time and was at home with three of his kids. He said he was looking out at his boat and noticed it was listing to one side. Upon closer inspection he noticed a canoe and putt-

putt had drifted away. The tide suddenly went real low so he went to look for the boats. He found one near the present-day village site. “When I got back my house was drifting away,” he said. Nobody got hurt and that was good.” He said “Ahousaht called and told us to go there so the next morning we took the women and children there. The next day there were six or seven media from all over flying over and taking pictures.”

“I remember that day so well,” said Sue Charleson. “Mike (Tom Sr.) looked out the window and saw a boat drifting past our house.”

Regina Amos: Regina Amos, 22 at the time, says she was playing cards with her then-husband, Joe Tom Jr. when the tsunami hit. Their little house was located below the present-day village on the Northeast edge of the cove. “We had an Airedale dog that kept barking and trying to come in and Joseph had to keep getting up to take him back out. During one of the trips to take the dog back out Joe noticed the tide had come up very high causing his father’s fishing boat, the Miss Marina to drift. The water was getting close to the top of the porch,” Amos recalls. Her late Aunt Alice Paul got ‘so panicked’; she was looking after preschooler, Angela Galligos. “Aunty Alice woke Ang up and when the water went down we all went for the boat.” She says the water went extremely low, right to the drop-off. At the time, Amos says she had no idea what was going on, all they had on their minds was the safety of others. She giggles when she recalls the story of two elders, who will remain unnamed, drinking behind one of the houses of the time, “They were having a good old time,” remembers Amos, “They didn’t have a care in the world and weren’t worried at all!” “I saw my parents house was going and we were busy helping to rescue as many people as we could,” says Amos. She estimates there ended up being more than 20 people aboard the tiny fishing boat. She says the house they lived in was supported with heavy timbers and, perhaps for that reason, didn’t lift off its posts or drift away despite the water reaching right to the top of the porch. The next morning, she said, the air was thick with the foul smell of low tide as she and other family members shoveled a thick layer of mud from their house. Sometime during the morning, people from Ahousaht arrived to take people to shelter at Ahousaht. “I think we stayed there for three or four days and there were donations of all kinds coming in for food, clothing and furniture”.

Upcoming Meetings Meeting NTC Meeting Treaty Planning

Date March 29-30 April 6-7

Place TinWis Tin Wis

Start time 9 am 9 am

Charles Ford, as a yound pilot for BC Airlines in 1964, shows how high the waters reached in a village at the head of Amai Inlet in Kyuquot Sound where some of the houses had been tossed around like toys by the infamous tsunami.

Zeballos-based Pilot remembers tidal wave and its aftermath By Denise Ambrose Central Region Reporter Charles Ford was 24 year-old float plane pilot based in Zeballos in March 1964. He says he was at home with his wife and baby taking a bath. “The house was at the water’s edge built on stilts so when you pulled the bath tub plug the water would drain out like crazy, but not this time,” recalls Ford. He said his wife was outside talking to the landlords, Hank and Vi Benjamin. The couple lived nearby and Hank happened to have knowledge about geology and heard about the earthquake in Alaska. “We knew something might happen,” says Ford, “so we all went to the Hedigan’s house where we could hear news.” While there Ford says they heard a great roar and when they looked out they were horrified by what they saw. “Water just roaring down the main street of Zeballos with logs and all kinds of other debris coming right at us!” The Hedigan’s house was also on stilts but started filling with water and the Fords and Hedigans were desperately looking for somewhere safe to go as the water reached ankle depth. When it receded people scrambled for the Zeballos Iron Mine, which was, located ten miles up the valley. Ford credits the manager of the mine, Pete Stiles, for doing a great job organizing and preparing for the arrival fleeing community members. “He ordered up clean bedding and arranged for hot meals for everyone and we were all well taken care of,” Ford remembered. Ford says he flew over the tsunami stricken coast several times over the

next few days but because his home had flooded he didn’t keep a logbook at the time. He remembers maybe a day later flying over Zeballos and Tahsis and seeing an incredible sight. “At Tsowen Narrows, near the old Esperanza Hospital and Cee Pee Cee, the water must have rushed through there with such force that it brought all the ground fish to the surface; there were thousands of dead fish all through there,” he said. Ford says the swim bladders in the fish would have expanded as they were pulled to the surface, killing them. “Small boats had to slow down the get through the thousands and thousands of dead fish, it wouldn’t have been good for their propellers!”

“At Tsowen Narrows, near the old Esperanza Hospital and Cee Pee Cee, the water must have rushed through there with such force that it brought all the ground fish to the surface; there were thousands of dead fish all through there,” said Ford. Ford was eventually hired to take a federal government oceanographer for a tour of the area maybe three or four days after the tsunami. That was when aerial photographs were taken of Hot Springs Cove and other stricken areas between Zeballos and Alberni Inlet. Ford remembers the days following the tsunami as very busy and he was very tired. Ford retired from flying planes in 1980 and settled in Cobble Hill where he grows asparagus.

Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council

Toll Free Number 1-877-677-1131

Nuu-chah-nulth leadership have now established a toll free number to assist membership with any questions they may have regarding treaty related business.

Page 4 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004

Fisheries - ca-~ca-~>uk Mowachaht/Muchalaht gain Shellfish Tenures By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter Tsaxana – During the past five years plans have been drafted and re-drafted by the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation for a shellfish farm to be owned and operated by themselves. Recently, with the help of Roberta Stevenson and Roger Dunlop, five years of effort will have not been wasted. As of April 2004 the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation will be in the beginning stages of their shellfish business. In the upcoming weeks the hiring of three individuals will be taking place; one for managers training and the other two for on site tenders. There are two sites successfully chosen

for production of oysters; Bodega which is inside Tahsis Inlet and the other at Ous Point which is two-thirds of the way out to Yuquot. The Bodega site will have two techniques used to grow oysters, one method is the use of the beach and the other is a rafting method where the oysters will hang from. Ous Point site will be a rafting site and is going to be right around the point from an Atlantic Fish farm site. “With the funding just now coming through, I am very pleased to see this get off the ground so to speak,” said Jamie James the Fisheries Manager for Mowachaht/Muchalaht. “There were some anxious moments when I didn’t think this would go ahead, but I am glad this is now a reality,” Jamie said.

Guujaaw to speak at NTC Meeting President of the Council of Haida Nations Giindajin Haawasti Guujaaw, will be speaking at an upcoming NTC meeting at TinWis Resort in Tofino. Guujaaw is of the Raven clan of the Haida Nation. He was born in Masset on the northern part of Haida Gwaii. He is born of the Gakyaals Kiiqawaay Skedans Ravens like his mother. His father, Chiits Gitnaii, is an Eagle from the Yakoun River. Guujaaw means drum, a name formally given him at a potlatch at Kiusta. Guujaaw began going to the land at a young age, digging cockles, picking seaweed with his mother, hunting and fishing with his father and trapping with his uncle. In his infancy he spent summers with his greatgrandmother who lived to be 114 years old. She was a singer who taped over 100 songs and became the greatest influence on his life. Elders also played an important role in Guujaaw’s growth and understanding of the world. It was through this engagement with their wisdom and the old ways that Guujaaw undertook journeys around the Islands by rowboat and canoes, often alone. He knows the ways of the Islands as well as anyone. Guujaaw has worked with the Council of the Haida Nation for the past twenty years to secure the protection of some areas of the Islands as well as pushing for more care and sustainable use of Island resources. He was in the forefront of the fight for the protection of Gwaii Haanas (South Moresby) and took part in the blockades of logging operations at Lyell

Island in the mid 1980s. He has been involved in developing the policies and strategies of the Council of the Haida Nation, and has served as the negotiator for the Council of the Haida Nation and worked to develop guidelines and policies towards the protection of living Haida archaeological sites (Culturally Modified Trees). He has held the official position of ‘Firekeeper’ for the Hereditary Chiefs of Haida Gwaii. He is a dedicated teacher working to pass songs and dances on to the next generation within the broader context of Haida culture. His love for the land and understanding of the vulnerability of life has put him in the position of devoting much of his adulthood to fighting the forces that are changing the land. “All the we say is ours is of Haida Gwaii. This is our lot, our heritage, our life . . . and one of the world’s great cultures.” Today Guujaaw continues to balance carving with his many other roles which include; political activist, teacher, medicinal practitioner, historian, and performer. When Guujaaw visits Nuu-chah-nulth leaders at the banquet at Tin Wis on March 29, 2004, he will be returning from the Supreme Court hearing in Ottawa, Haida-Guujaaw vs. Weyerhauser. This important case has resulted in a ruling that Aboriginal title rights must be respected when a First Nation asserts them in court. Cases such as the Haida case and the Nuu-chah-nulth fisheries lawsuit will benefit all First Nations of British Columbia.

Driftwood, logs, and the odd picnic table block the path to an outhouse at the Nitinat Lake Campground

Ditidaht digs out after 50-year flood By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Malachan – Ditidaht workers are frantically preparing for this years windsurfing season, cleaning hundreds of logs from deep within the Nitinat Lake Campground. In early December, Nitinat Lake water levels rose more than 30 feet, pushing logs and debris into the popular campground, burying picnic tables and outhouses under tons of wood.

In early December, Nitinat Lake water levels rose more than 30 feet, pushing logs and debris into the popular campground, burying picnic tables and outhouses under tons of wood. “I swear I could have walked across the lake on all the logs,” said Fred Seiber, who lives across the lake from the main Ditidaht village of Malachan at the site of another ancient Ditidaht village. “There’s a base of an old longhouse beside my house and the water came almost to the front of the old longhouse. They knew where to build their houses back then,” he said. According to Seiber, who works as Ditidaht’s archaeologist, the recent flood was the worst he’d ever seen, and an event that only happens once every 50

years. “The lake floods two to four times every year, but nothing like that,” he said. The Ditidaht First Nation manages the BC Forest Service campground at Nitinat Lake, a popular spot for windsurfers, and back road tourists alike. But maintenance costs far outstrip revenues, making it difficult for Ditidaht to properly clear the campground after the flood. “At $8 a night, this is the cheapest provincial campground in B.C., so we’re asking the government to raise the set-rate to $10 a night,” said Seiber. Although the campgrounds are supposed to be ‘not-for-profit’, Seiber said the costs of maintenance crews, supplies, and summer students to staff the campground to collect camping fees make it difficult to run a popular campground with the small amount of revenue generated under current restrictions. The BC Government signed “management contracts” with numerous BC First Nations and municipalities to operate provincial forest service campgrounds previously staffed by provincial forestry workers. Whether or not the change in management has led to any savings for the provincial government is unknown, as Ministry of Forests offiials did not return our phone calls or e-mails on this issue prior to printing.

To the membership of the four Northern Region Tribes; Ehattesaht, Kyuquot/Checklesaht, Mowachaht/Muchalaht, & Nuchatlaht you are invited to join us in the final regional conference at the:

2004 Spring Conference Ts’axana Gymnasium, Gold River, B.C., April 14-15, 2004 The theme still to be determined, if you have any questions or wish to volunteer for this event, please contact Ivan Wells, or Tanya Michael at or through the Northern Region Office at 250-283-2012, or fax us at 250-283-2122. Forms and necessary information will be sent out to you, as they are made available.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 5

Tin Wis celebrates ten years Dancing away the legacy of Residential Schools

By Denise August, Central Region Reporter

says everyone is invited to a daylong celebration Tla-o-qui-aht style on Saturday, May 1st at the Tin Wis

Tofino – Tla-o-qui-aht and Tin Wis Resort Management are gearing up for a major celebration: the tenth anniversary of the First Nations owned and operated resort. Tin Wis President, Howard Tom,

Conference Centre. As part of the celebration, Tin Wis resort will share stories of the success of the resort in three installments in the HaShilth-Sa.

Before Tin Wis Resort was built, the site was home to the Christie Indian Residential School.

Best Western Tin Wis Resort, Achieving Lifelong Economic Dream Submitted by Tin Wis Resort President, Howard Tom Taking Control and Ownership Initially, the facilities now known as the Best Western Tin Wis Resort occupied lands as an Indian Residential School. The Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations recognized the lands that the school occupied as lands within our territory. When the decision to close all residential schools progressed in 1982, the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations based on our cultural and historical ties to the lands of the Christie Residential School, applied for first consideration to occupy the lands and buildings. Tin Wis as we know the property means ‘Calm Waters.” Our relationship to the lands is that our ancestors used and occupied the lands as a stop over to cut up whales after a successful hunt in preparation for our winter inland. The Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations applied for and secured the support of our Tribal Council to take over the occupation of the lands and buildings. The Tla-o-quiaht First Nations negotiated a short-term one-year lease with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Development to use the facilities for administration purposes. With the expiration of the one-year lease nearing, the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations pursued and secured an additional three-year extension on the lease. It was at that time that the Tla-oqui-aht First Nations applied under DIAND’s Additions to Reserve policy to add Tin Wis as one of four reserves. Moving from Cultural, Recreational and Educational Interests to Economic Objectives Once the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations secured a three-year short-term lease, we began a process of planning for the long-term use of the facilities. The nature of our consulting with community members came in the form of a survey. The membership responded by identifying a priority use of the facilities and formed the mandate of the Board of Directors appointed to oversee the operations of the facilities. Initially, the membership reflected that cultural and recreational use for community members as priority number one. For the first two years, the Board abided by the membership direction and provided for use of the facilities for cultural and recreational use. Cultural uses included charging for the use of the facilities for potlatches. Recreational uses included charging a user fee for

timeslots in the gymnasium and indoor hockey and basketball tournaments, similarly, the Board carried out approving the use of the facilities for educational purposes such as hosting of workshops and training courses. Unfortunately, in working hard to achieve the memberships’ priorities, the Board recognized that the first three priority uses did not generate the necessary revenue to offset the operating costs. In time, the costs to maintain and operate the facilities outgrew the revenue generated. The Board had no alternative but to pursue a revenue-generating project that could demonstrate an ability to pay for itself without subsidies from TFN or DIAND. That source was in the field of economic development. Initially, because the Board did not have the capital or equity to reconstruct and replace the buildings, they had to operate with what existed at the time. Thus, the Board approved the opening of modest guesthouses with dormitory-type sleeping arrangements with a communal washroom. Additionally, the Board approved the opening of modest restaurant services. The Board oversaw the operations of the guesthouse for a period of three years before taking the plunge to tear down and replace all the residential school buildings and start anew. The birth of the Best Western Tin Wis resort came after the guesthouse demonstrated that the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations have a service that they can meet and a market that demanded more hospitality units in the region. The Board faced the challenge that the residential school buildings required major renovations and upgrading to meet the standards of the paying customer. The decision to renovate or build a new facility faced the board with input from the community members. The Board consulted with community members and membership agreed that in the long term, it made best economic sense to build a brand new facility instead of constantly facing upgrading old buildings. In committing to a project that initially reflected three phases at a cost of $10 million, the Board recognized the importance of securing the land for the long term. The Board, with the assistance of elected council representatives exercised due diligence in pressing to gain reserve status for Tin Wis. In addition to the challenge of securing the property, the Board faced financial challenges. The biggest challenge was

continued on page 6

By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Malachan – A unique event to fight the legacy of residential schools was held in this Ditidaht community last week, and men and women danced together in a show of respect and unity. As students in residential schools, boys and girls were kept separated. Brothers, sisters, and cousins grew up not knowing each other, and when their school days were over, men and women didn’t know how to treat each other properly. “When we went to the residential school the boys stayed on one side of the school and the girls on the other. We didn’t learn love and respect for women, whether they were our sisters, cousins, or not,” said Ditidaht Elder Ernie Chester. “We need to learn respect for each other now,” he said as people gathered at the Ditidaht Community

Centre before the cleansing ceremony. “I couldn’t say ‘I love you’ because I didn’t know how,” said Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project Support Worker Ray Seitcher. “I didn’t know intimacy for many, many years after I left residential school,” he said. More than 40 residential school survivors and their supporters then went to the beach in front of Malachan to perform a special ceremony. A dozen men wearing cedar bough headdresses and bracelets danced around two dozen women while other men sang and drummed. After people had a chance to express their thoughts and feelings about gender relationships and negative patterns learned at residential schools, the women and men joined in a dance in the rain. Both men and women spoke on their issues of distrust and disrespect, and vowed to make a new start in their relations. The group then retreated from the rain and returned to the community centre for a celebratory feast.

After people had a chance to express their thoughts and feelings about gender relationships and negative patterns learned at residential schools, the women and men joined in a dance in the rain.

Page 6 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004

TinWis celebrates continued from page 5 the attracting of financial institutes to a major economic development project as a 55-unit resort. The Board realized the importance of this major economic step by commissioning the development of a formal business plan to submit to funding institutes to construct the 55-

(above) Tla-o-qui-aht’s TinWis Resort Hotel nears completion unit resort. One the Board secured the property by DIAND agreeing and announcing in the early 1990’s that the property carries reserve status and receiving the mandate from the community to build new facilities, the Board proceeded to identify funding sources.

Funding a Major Capital Project As reflected earlier, the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations and the Tin Wis board of Directors faced significant financial challenges in achieving their economic dream of constructing a new resort. The biggest obstacle facing the Board at the time was convincing financial institutes

like the Bank of Montreal that it is worth the risk to invest in this opportunity. Unfortunately, because of the uncertainty of the lands and lack of security to reserve lands, the Bank of Montreal opted not to fund the project. The Board then proceeded to apply to the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council and it was only through the support the Tribal Council Staff pension fund did Tin Wis become a reality. Building the Economic Dream Once surpassing the challenges of securing the property for long-term investment, the Board proceeded to approve the design of the new resort. Albeit a lengthy and cumbersome exercise, the Board sought to ensure that all remnants and memories of the old residential school dissipated with the tearing down of the buildings by commissioning the design of the new resort. After numerous meetings among the Board and community consultations, the Board approved the architectural drawings. With the funding secured from the NTC staff Pension Fund in place, the Board put the project out for public bid. After awarding the construction contract the Board saw the fruits of their efforts come to bear in 1994 with the completion of the brand new 55unit resort. Best Western Tin Wis Resort opened for business with great pride. After two years of operations of the resort, the Board realized that the paying customer had a greater demand for conference facilities. Thus, the board pursued the approval of community members to reconstruct and renovate the gymnasium as a conference hall. In addition, by buying into the Best Western chain, the Board also faced the requirement of Best Western to provide either a swimming pool for the customer or a hot tub service. The Board opted for the hot tub and exercise room. The Board applied for funding to upgrade the gymnasium and the hot tub/exercise room from the Clayoquot Sound Central Region Economic Working Group fund. After a few successful seasons with the conference center and hot tub services, Tin Wis perspired and faced a positive problem. The problem? Not having sufficient rooms to meet the demand of the paying customers. Facing this challenge, the Board approved the construction of 30 additional units and applied for funding from the Business Development Canada fund. The Board secured approval from BDC and completed construction. After five seasons under our belt, the Board faced another challenge of being successful and that was realizing that the lobby, restaurant and kitchen facilities required expansions. The Board, with the support of the elected council applied for and secured funding approval to expand the facilities from the Nuu-chah-nulth Economic Development Corporation and the Business Development Canada Fund. Best Western Tin Wis Resort is now operating in our 10th year and we have accomplished significant changes and improvements from starting out as a modest guesthouse to a full-fledged Best Western chain resort. The lifelong economic dream is now a living dream but the ongoing challenges of maintaining and improving on the dream continues year in and year out for the Board.

March 25, 2004 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - Page 7

Education - h=a-h=o-pa First Nations students gain greater access to Internet By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter

Elder Robert Thomas accepts a beautifully carved plaque on behalf of the Tseshaht First Nation. The carving was presented by HahoPayuk School saluting the school’s funders.

Students celebrate successes By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter HahoPayuk staff, students and parents gathered to celebrate the success of the school’s Ma?asukqin program, and the funding First Nations who made it possible. More than a hundred people gathered for a celebratory feast in the HahoPayuk Elementary School gym, and witness the fruits of their children’s teachers’ labours. Students have spent the past few months learning about their communities, territories, and Ha’wiih, and how to spell and pronounce various Nuu-chah-nulth words and titles. After a stirring and harmonic opening

“It’s a proud day to see that through the work being done here, we never have to worry about our songs and dances being lost again,” said Huu-ayaht Chief Councillor Robert Dennis, who accepted a carved plaque on behalf of his Nation.

ciquaa from cultural teachers Jessie Stevens and Linda Watts, students from the grade 3 class performed a part of George Clutesi’s play “We were a happy, singing people”.

While the grade 5/6 class performed their Animal Kingdom play for the more than 50 people in attendance, younger students could be seen singing along, and mimicking the dances of the older students, obviously waiting for their chance to perform the play once they reach the senior grades. While the grade 5/6 class performed their Animal Kingdom play for the more than 50 people in attendance, younger students could be seen singing along, and mimicking the dances of the older students, obviously waiting for their chance to perform the play once they reach the senior grades. Students then danced out beautiful carved plaques, and presented them to the Tseshaht and Huu-ay-aht First Nations in recognition of the funding they have provided to the school. “It’s a proud day to see that through the work being done here, we never have to worry about our songs and dances being lost again,” said Huu-ay-aht Chief Councillor Robert Dennis. “When I was the same age as these children we never heard our songs and dances. Thanks to the efforts of the teachers and volunteers, our children are hearing and performing our songs and dances once again,” he said. The evening ended with a LoonieToonie auction for grade 5/6 students fundraising for an upcoming field trip and cultural exchange with the Onion Lake Cree Nation in Saskatchewan.

By Kathy Basket weaving classes are in full swing. Time to sign up now or sign in for a refresher class. For more information phone Kathy at 250-416-0529

Victoria - Graduation rates for Aboriginal students are on the rise, but there is still much work to be done according to Alberni-Qualicum MLA Gillian Trumper. Trumper tabled a motion inside the Legislature that encourages everyone to work with Aboriginal communities to improve the high school completion rate for Aboriginal students, and to promote the pursuit of post-secondary education among Aboriginal youth. “Over the last three years we have seen graduation rates for Aboriginal students increase from 37 per cent to 42 per cent,” Trumper said. “These increases are due to Aboriginal communities, school districts and our government working together to develop education programs that allow students to have access and preparation for postsecondary institutes while maintaining a focus on local cultures.” There has been $44 million dedicated to furthering education achievement in British Columbia. This money has been used to support Aboriginal language and culture programs, Aboriginal support service programs and other localized Aboriginal education programs. Of the $44 million, school districts will get an additional $900 for each Aboriginal student registered in their district. In School District #70 (Port Alberni, Ucluelet, Tofino) that means an additional $921,000 into this year’s annual budget according to Trumper. Trumper said the connecting of 150 schools and over 170 communities to high speed Internet will help local First Nations students get access to more information faster - ultimately improving achievement. “This is great news for everyone on the West Coast, especially those living in isolated areas,” Trumper said. “The students in Hesquiat, for example, take a boat from their village round a point open to the Pacific swells to the next village for their education. Obviously, there are days when the sea is too rough and they miss school. Broadband Internet will be a huge advantage to these students.” Students at Bamfield Community School and Wickaninnish Community School will soon be connected to the information superhighway. “The Internet has become one of the most important tools students and educators have,” said Trumper. “Bamfield and Tofino, like many of our rural communities, needs the systems so that they have the same advantages as students who live in urban areas,” she said. “With renewed commitment to this

cause, I have no doubt there will be positive increases in the academic performances of Aboriginal students so that they can also have the opportunities to graduate from university, colleges and trades, and be able to provide the expertise in their own communities as they move forward.” Upgrades that will result in better, faster connections are proposed for up to 154 schools in 40 districts through the Provincial Learning Network (PLNet). PLNet is a secure, high-speed network that connects all of British Columbia’s public schools and colleges with each other in a centrally managed intranet.

There has been $44 million dedicated to furthering education achievement in British Columbia. This money has been used to support Aboriginal language and culture programs, Aboriginal support service programs and other localized Aboriginal education programs. The announcement is a key component in meeting the New Era commitment to bridge the digital divide by extending high-speed Internet access to every community in B.C. The province will consolidate its Internet, telephone and voice mail networks with those of other public sector organizations including health authorities and school districts, to provide high-speed broadband Internet access points in 173 communities, including 100 First Nation communities. “Our children and grandchildren are living in a wired world,” Trumper said. “Getting high-speed Internet to students in Bamfield and Tofino will make sure they are a part of the wired world.” “For First Nations communities and schools the digital divide is even greater than in the rest of the province,” said HaahuuPauyuk principal Dr. Syd Pauls. “Through the First Nations Education Steering Committee we have taken over the management of the Industry Canada program First Nation School Net. As a member of the Advisory Board for First Nation School Net I am pleased to say that FNESC has helped more than two dozen First Nation communities get high speed two way satellite internet connections. In subsequent years we will be doing more to ensure that every First Nation Community and every First Nation school that wants it will have access to affordable high speed Internet connections,” he said. “I’m glad the Province of BC is finally catching up to us.”

Attention all 1976 – 1980 Graduates of Ucluelet Secondary School – Reunion happening July 2 –4 We are in the process of gathering names for our reunion. If you graduated in 1976 – 1980 from Ucluelet Secondary School and would like to come to the reunion could you please contact Karen Severinson at Box 21, Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0 or email kseverinson@hotmail.com or call 730-0018. Thank you.

Page 8 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004

Ahousaht hosts huge tournament By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Nanaimo – The Ahousaht First Nation hosted the BC Junior All-Native Basketball tournament in Nanaimo during spring break, and teams from around the province came to prove their hard court supremacy.

The Ahousaht First Nation hosted the BC Junior All-Native Basketball tournament in Nanaimo during spring break, and teams from around the province came to prove their hard court supremacy. 44 teams from 28 communities throughout the province brought their boys and girls basketball teams to Nanaimo for a chance at provincial championship glory.

The five-day event began with a welcoming dinner at the Stzuminus Community Centre at Shell Beach, where the Ahousaht Nation filled more than 100 road weary travellers with fresh seafood, friendship, and cultural camaraderie. Ahousaht singers and dancers filled the large hall with the pride they have in their culture, and performed a number of welcoming songs at the Sunday, March 14th dinner. Hosted by the Ahousaht Ha’wiih, teams from as far away as Haida Gwaii, Prince Rupert, and Lytton were welcomed to the island in traditional Nuu-chah-nulth fashion. Organizers of the tournament were then saluted, and presented with tournament jackets featuring a design by James Swan. The championship is held every other year at various places around the province, attracting hundreds of First Nations athletes, coaches and families.

Results Jr Girls 1st Place - Prince Rupert donated by Carla Webster 1st place individuals donated by Shauntay Thomas, Ashley Thomas, Rakaylyn Charleson, M.A.C Bingo, Hilda John, Ketchkie Charleson, Barb Sutherland, Lyle Campbell, Cheryle Campbell, Chelsea Campbell, Violet Campbell, Keith Clarke, Colleen Clarke, Hughie Clarke. Girls 2nd Place - North Thompson (Chu-Chua) - donated by Pacific Breeze - Rebecca Atleo 2nd place individuals donated by M.A.C. Bingo, Hilda John, Amber John, Gabriel Campbell, Nelson Frank x 2, Alyssa Clarke, Lynneah Thomas, Teralyn Duncan, Carol Thomas & family, Jamal Campbell, Hailey G Frank, Dominic Thomas, Shandon Thomas. Girls 3rd place - Canyon City

continued on next page

Ahousaht boys battle Prince Rupert in the quarterfinals in Nanaimo.

Chiefs’ Health Careers Initiative Bursary Program Purpose: To assist students of Aboriginal ancestry who wish to pursue educational opportunities leading to careers in the health professions. The Chiefs’ Health Careers Initiative is committed to supporting as many students as possible; therefore allocations will be up to a maximum of $2,500.00. Who Can Apply: Canadian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry who have resided in British Columbia for the last 12 months, excluding time spent in foreign academic institutions. Proof of Aboriginal ancestry may be provided in the form of written confirmation from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, a copy of a valid Indian Status card, or a letter from an official of an accredited Aboriginal organization. Individuals will have a demonstrated financial need. Level of education should be acceptable for enrolment in a professional health careers program. A professional health careers program is a post-secondary program in a federally recognized college or university that provides a degree or diploma qualifying graduates for employment in an accredited health career profession, such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, health administration or traditional medicine (please demonstrate connection to the field of health).

Chiefs’ Health Careers Initiative Scholarship Program Purpose: To encourage and support students of Aboriginal ancestry who wish to pursue educational opportunities leading to careers in the health professions. To promote equity in distribution, every effort will be made to ensure the regional/geographic location of applicants is considered. The Chiefs’ Health Careers Initiative is committed to supporting as many students as possible; therefore allocations will be up to a maximum of $1,000.00. Who Can Apply: Canadian citizens of Aboriginal ancestry who have resided in British Columbia for the last 12 months, excluding time spent in foreign academic institutions. Proof of Aboriginal ancestry may be provided in the form of written confirmation from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, a copy of a valid status membership card or a letter from an official of an accredited Aboriginal organization. Individuals with a minimum of a “B” grade point average and whose level of education is acceptable for enrolment in a professional health careers program. A professional health careers program is; a post-secondary program in a federally recognized college or university that provides a degree or diploma qualifying graduates for employment in an accredited health career profession, such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, health administration or traditional medicine (please demonstrate connection to the field of health). How to Apply to the Above: Please contact our office to receive application forms for the above Bursary and Scholarship Programs. Read the instructions on the application forms carefully. All required documentation should be included with the completed application form. All mailed applications will be accepted if the postmark is on, or before the application deadline. Please ensure that the postmark is legible.

Application Deadline: June18, 2004 First Nations Chiefs’ Health Committee Chiefs’ Health Careers Initiative #062-1959 Marine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3G1 Phone: 604-980-7333 Fax: 604-980-7339

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 9

mis Sports - %im-cca^ p-m

Tournaments WANT TO TRY LACROSSE? COME JOIN US AND TRY LACROSSE Where: Maht Mahs Gymnasium (5000 Mission Rd.) When: March 26th, 2004~ Time: 3:00pm- 5:30pm ~ Cost: NOTHING! SPONSORED BY: British Columbia Lacrosse Association & the North Shore Indians Lacrosse Team. SUPPORTED BY: Tseshaht First Nation & Alberni Valley Minor Lacrosse Association Door Prizes! Just bring your running shoes, hockey gloves (optional); helmet (optional) and a lacrosse stick if you have one. CALL SHERRI COOK FOR MORE INFO (250) 720-0923 EVE. Alberni Valley Minor Lacrosse Association will have a registration table set up for those interested in signing up for the 2004 lacrosse season.

THUNDER INVITATIONAL ALL NATIVE BALL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Vancouver Ravens lacrosse players (l-r) Chris Gill, Richie Catton, Mark Miyashita with future star Fredrick Cook.

Huu-ay-aht youngster spends Spring Break with Ravens Fredrick Cook fundraised and brought himself and his parents to Vancouver for Spring Break. Fredrick spent everyday with top players from the Vancouver Ravens lacrosse team. Each and everyday was gruelling and fun. The Ravens were encouraging and skillfull with their skill training and development. Chris Gill #25 from the Ravens was the facilitator along with a few of his teammates; Bruce Murray, Richie Catton and Mark Miyashita. Fredrick was invited to the Ravens practice to meet all of the players and get some autographs. Fredrick was also able to purchase some new lacrosse equipment with the money he had raised. Fredrick and his family are looking forward to the 2004 lacrosse season.

Special thanks for all the help goes out to: Benson and Hilda Nookimus Hazel Cook (& Josh) Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marlene Dick Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Laverne Cook Papa Jack and Gigi (Deb Cook) Grandpa Evan and Deneen Cook Susan Cook and Mike Matlipi Bunt Cranmer Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Community Human Services Fredrick is planning on going a “Neidermayer Ice Hockey Camp” this summer to meet Rob Niedermayer (Anaheim Mighty Ducks) and Scott Niedermayer (New Jersey Devils). Fundraising will begin soon.

Basketball Results continued

Natalie Harris - donated by Rod Sam’s Happy Cab Co. High Scorer AVG. - North Thompson Rachel Bowser - donated by Guy Louie Sr Most Sportsmanlike Player - North Thompson - Tiffany Bowser - donated by Jolie Frank Most Inspirational Player - North Thompson - Rachel Bowser - donated by Ahousat Holistic Centre, dedicated to Vina Robinson. All Stars donated by Luke, Melinda Swan & family. Prince Rupert - Kristen Helin,

(Gitwinksihlkw) - donated by the Frank family in memory of Archibald West Frank Sr. Girls M.V.P - Prince Rupert - Cary-lynn Cochrane - donated by Roye, Hilda John & family. Girls Best defensive player - North Thompson - Charlene Fortier - donated by Richard Mack Girls Miss Hustle - Canyon City Naquitta Azak - donated by Jennifer Mack Girls 6th Woman - Prince Rupert -

S.O.S. SUPPORT GROUP (Survivors Of Suicide) Meets every 2nd Wednesday. Time: 7 - 9 p.m. Location: 4917 Argyle St. (KUU-US Crisis Line Business Office) Have you experienced a loss due to suicide? Would you like to meet with others that understand?Anyone affected by suicide either personally or otherwise is invited to attend this informal support group… session topics will vary. Everyone welcome ~ Refreshments served any questions or info call: 723-2323

DR. JAMES LUNNEY, MP NANAIMO-ALBERNI Constituency Office: #7 - 6908 Island Hwy. North Nanaimo, B.C. V9V 1P6 Tel: 1-866-390-7550 Fax: 250-390-7551 Email: nanaimo@jameslunneymp.ca Website: www.jameslunneymp.ca

March 26th, 27th, & 28th, 2004, Maht Mahs Gym, Port Alberni 8 Men’s Teams ~ 6 Women’s Teams Men’s Entry Fee: $300.00 ~ Women’s entry Fee: $250.00 Deposit required to secure place in draw: Men must have a $150.00 deposit in to Thunder by Mar 21st. Women must have a $100.00 deposit in to Thunder by Mar 21st. Prize Money as follows: Men’s: 1st Place: $1000.00. 2nd Place: $500.00. 3rd Place: $250.00. Based on eight-team draw. Women’s Division: 1st Place: $600.00. 2nd Place: $300.00. 3rd Place: $150.00. Based on 6-team draw. Contacts: Phone: Les Sam at 250-723-8950. Phone: Richard Sam at 250-7238503 (home). 250-724-5757 (work). E-mail Richard Sam Sr. at rsamsr@shaw.ca

1ST ANNUAL GARY NOOKEMIS MEMORIAL BALL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT April 9, 10, 11, 2004 at the House of Huu-ay-aht (3km from Bamfield) Men’s Entry Fee $300.00 – First Place $1000.00 Based on 8 Teams Women’s Entry Fee $250.00 – Prize Based on 6 Teams Trophy’s, Concession, 50/50, raffles. Come on out and have some fun! For more information please call Duane Nookemis @ (250) 728-1213 or leave message at the Huu-ay-aht Band office @ (250) 728-3414.

Lahal Tournament March 26, 27, 28, 2004 Somass Hall, Port Alberni, B.C. Fund-raising for P.A. Friendship Center Elders to go to the 2004 Elders Gathering in Kamloops in July. Fun games Friday night at 9:00 p.m. Start time 12:00 noon Saturday. Entry fee - $100.00 (2-8 players) Come out and support the Elders. Kleco, Kleco ! For more information call Ray Samuel at 723-9147 or call the P.A. Friendship Center at 723-8281 Concession * Raffles * 50/50 Draws Prince Rupert - Neely Humperville, North Thompson - Leah Fortier, North Thompson - Charlene Fortier, Canyon City - Denica Adams, Canyon City Naquitta Azak, Nanaimo - Vina Brown, Kuldo - Terrilynn Good, New Aiyansh Felicia Robinson, Bella Coola - Carmen Hans. Most Sportsmanlike Team - Ucluelet Sasinn - donated by Royal Bank, Nanaimo. Jr Boys 1st Place-Lytton Cougars-donated by Jim, Larry & Luke Swan in memory of James Swan Sr 1st place individuals donated by Pat Charleson IV, M.A.C Bingo Hilda John, Ketchkie Charleson, Cosmo Louie, Geno John, Delanee John, Vinny Ray Frank, Dominic Thomas, Shandon Thomas, Izaiah Robinson, Michelle Robinson, Martha Taylor/Aaron Campbell, Martha Taylor/Angus Taylor. Jr Boys 2nd Place - Vancouver Sea Bears - donated by Karen Adams & family in memory of JR/Irvin Frank Jr. 2nd place individuals donated by; Len & Colleen Marchant x3, Hilda John, M.A.C Bingo, Moe Frank, Royal Bank Canada Nanaimo. Jr boys 3rd Place - Prince Rupert donated by Michelle Robinson. Boys M.V.P. - Lytton- Geoff Mathews

donated by Harvey, Doris Robinson & family. Best Defensive Player - Lytton- Derek Qualtier donated by Sidney Sam Sr. Jr Boys Mr Hustle - Hesquiaht - Lee Lucas donated by M.A.C. Bingo 6th Man - Vancouver - Sean Holland donated by Rod Sam’s Happy Cab Co. High Score AVG - Lytton - Geoff Mathews 30.3% donated by M.A.C Bingo Most Sportsmanlike Player - Greenville John Stewart donated by Jolie Frank Most Inspirational Player - Lytton - Chris Phillips donated by Ahousat Holistic Centre, dedicated to Paul Frank Jr All Stars - Prince Rupert - Chris Campbell donated by Roberta Adams & family. Ahousat - Edgar Carlson donated by Roberta Adams & family. Lytton - Derek Qualtier donated by Danny John Sr Vancouver - Sean Holland donated by Leona John Ahousat - Shayne Frank donated by Ahousat Pride Vancouver - Nate Henry donated by Ahousat Pride Kispiox - Jeremy Wilson donated by Ahousat Pride

continued on page 11

Page 10 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004

Eighteen people were welcomed back home by more than 50 Tseshaht and Nuu-chah-nulth members at a special ceremony last week.

Tseshaht welcomes adoptees home By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Tsahaheh – More than a dozen child adoptees and foster children were reintroduced to their roots last week at a special ceremony at the Tseshaht longhouse. The 16 people adopted out or sent to foster homes as children were wrapped in blankets, led around the centre fire, and introduced to a line of Tseshaht Elders who welcomed them back to their home territories. “This is the home of your larger family,” said Ron Hamilton, who sang an ancient lullaby to the guests, explaining that the song was part of an aa-aastin ceremony performed for newborn babies to welcome them into the world. “This ceremony is to let them know they’re precious, and their place in the world is a good one and a welcoming one,” he said.

The guests, who ranged in age from six to 49 were welcomed by more than 50 people who attended the two-day welcome home gathering. “Some of you were part of the ‘great grab’, which saw hundreds of Native children scooped up by Indian Agents and sent to non-Native homes over a 30year period,” said Hamilton. “Others were taken away as individual circumstances dictated. We’re here to share our stories and regain our strength. Don’t blame your parents for what may have been out of their control. We’re all getting better, and we’re all getting stronger,” he said. Powerful emotions filled the Tseshaht longhouse as one mother told her story to her son, who was taken away from her as an infant more than 40 years ago. Other people stood up an told their stories of being raised by grandparents, family members, foster parents, and nonNative adopted parents.

c^uk#aa naa%uukst%in huh=taks^iih= t a` at a` aqsapa Come join us in speaking our own language nay`aqak naaty`aqak >ucsac >ucsacm`inh= h=aak#aa+ h=aath=aak#a+ ma%i+qac maa+%inkinh= h=aaw`i>a+ h=aaw`iih=a+

baby babies little girl little girls girl girls boy little boys boy boys

>ucsaciic %astumxy`ak - little girl`s lullaby, that tells about how many tribes the little girl comes from. %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups I am a girl from many tribes @aa h=uus @aq suup sis^ %aa yi saq suups @aa h=uus @aq suup sis^ %aa yi saq suups %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yi saq suups I am a girl from Ahousaht +aa %u k#i @aq sups %aa yii saq suups +aa %u k#i @aq sups %aa yii saq suups %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups I am a girl from Tlaoquiaht q#aac wii @aq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups q#aac wii @aq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups I am a girl from Warn Bay mu wa c^ `aq sup sis^ %aa yii saq suups mu wa c^ `aq sup sis^ %aa yii saq suups %aa yi saq suup sis^ %aa yii saq suups I am a girl from Muwachaht. (Any Tribe name can be used.)

Sounds: + —tla +` —tla plus uh c^ —ch t` —t plus uh h= —- as if to breath on glass to clean q —- like a k made in the throat c —ts as in cats c` —- ts plus uh x —sound like a cat’s hiss x= —- as if to clear throat of an object > —- put tongue behind teeth and let air flow out on sides of tongue s^ —- sh % —- close throat and open it, releasing air, as in the exclamation uh-oh. A glottal stop. @ —i – made deep in throat, pharyngeal, as in the word for dog @inii+ w —- like w in wish w` —w plus uh y —- like y in yes y` —- y plus uh q# —- k made deep in throat plus w c^uu nuu %i %a + `ic^, Submitted by Central Language Program in c`uumu@aas (Port Alberni)

Mother and Son reunite after 45 years By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter Tsahaheh - After 45 years away from home, 49-year old David Saxie hopes to start a new life in the corner of North America he knows the least – his own. Taken form his family by provincial welfare workers at the age of four, David Saxie was raised by foster parents in Victoria before becoming a Vancouver street-kid, and drifting around North and Central America. “I’ve done everything from dishwashing to welding to truck driving everywhere from Alaska down through California, the southern states, Mexico and Central America,” said Saxie. “I was always moving, and never had a place to call home. You just travel around with a few things, never letting those things out of your sight,” he said while sitting in Maht Mahs Gym, part of the Tseshaht Welcome Home Ceremony, a small daypack still on his back. A soft spoken man, Saxie walks with a cane, his face showing the hard life he’s lived. The son of Clotilda Gus (Kyuquot) and the late Alex Swan (Ahousaht), David was taken away from his impoverished parents and became a ward of the state along with his brothers and sisters who were sent to other foster homes.

Saxie, who has been in town for the past few weeks, getting to know his mother, said he was always afraid to come home, unsure if there was anything to return to. “I know more people in Vancouver and San Francisco than I know here, and it’s going to take a little while to get rid of my baggage, make new friends and meet relatives I’ve never known,” said Saxie. “I’m finding out that I have a kazillion relatives here, and I’m just now starting to learn the things I should have started learning when I was twoyears old,” he said. “I did a lot of soul searching before I decided to come home, and I want to get rid of this stone in my heart.”

“I’m finding out that I have a kazillion relatives here, and I’m just now starting to learn the things I should have started learning when I was two-years old,” said Saxie. “I always worried about him, and the welfare people would never tell me where he was or how he was doing,” said Clotilda Gus. “He’s been sick but now he’s getting better now that he’s home,” she said. “It’s hard to get to know him after all these years, but we’re really trying.”

Reel Aboriginal Film Festival draws crowds By Denise August, Central Region Reporter Ucluelet – The Pacific Rim Arts Society (PRAS) presented a showing of Aboriginal-themed films at their festival in Tofino and Ucluelet March 12-17th. At $10 a ticket, viewers saw two to four films dealing with First Nations issues such as politics, resource management, art and comedy. Organizer, Lee-Ann Unger says the films were selected from an internet search. Starting in Tofino on the weekend of March 12, Unger said the run there was successful with more than 60 people attending the festival on the busiest day of its three-day run. All twelve films were shown in Tofino over three days and participants were greeted by Tla-oqui-aht First Nations representatives. The festival moved to Ucluelet where five films were shown over two days. Attendance in Ucluelet dropped dramatically with less than ten people showing up each night.

The last night of the festival was held at Ittatsoo and drew a good-sized crowd of at least 50 people to the isolated community. Ucluelet elder Barb Touchie welcomed everyone to the home of her people and wished them an enjoyable evening. Unger showed Red Run, Totem: Return of G’psgolox Pole and Redskins, Tricksters & Puppy Stew on the last night. “Totem seems to be the most popular film,” says Unger. There were a couple of Nuu-chahnulth films including Saltwater People about the impact of fisheries depletion on First Nations communities. The second was a presentation by the West Coast Warrior Society that Unger says she had concerns over content. She says some language in the film may not be suitable for younger audiences and the film was only shown in Tofino. Presented by PRAS with support from Ha-Shilth-Sa and Clayoquot Biosphere Trust, Unger says she hope the festival will become an annual event.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 11

Tseshaht contribute $1000 to Suicide Awareness Walk

Long-time NTC employee Millie Watts Retires By David Wiwchar Southern Region Reporter The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council’s longest serving employee is getting ready to retire next month after 21 years of service. Tseshaht’s Millie Watts has been a book-keeper and payroll clerk at NTC since December of 1983 – the very beginning of the organization. “I’m glad to see all the educated young people coming up through the organization,” said the soft-spoken

great-grandmother, who has seen the NTC grow from 12 employees to 120, and an annual budget of $1 million to today’s budget of more than $45 million. “I’ve really enjoyed my time here and have worked with a lot of great people,” she said. Millie has no immediate retirement plans other than trips home to Kispiox to visit family, and a trip to her favourite place – Las Vegas. A huge fan of Elvis Presley, Millie is looking forward to relaxing with family and friends, surrounded by pictures of, and the music of ‘The King’.

Mike Maquinna and Florence Wylie engaged By Brian Tate Northern Region Reporter Tsaxana – During a weekly dance practice for the Maquinna family at the Wah-miish Center at Tsaxana special guests from Tseshaht showed up to give a presentation. Elder Bob Thomas and some of his family showed up to give a presentation to Mike Maquinna and his mother Gloria for their upcoming Memorial Potlatch in 2005. After a song Ben Nookemas spoke on behalf of Bob and family, “We were privileged to know your late father Ambrose, whenever we saw him he always asked “How are you? How is your family?”. “These are but a few things of why we looked up to Ambrose, he was friendly” said

Nookemas. “My niece Florence asked me to be here with her at this practice to help her and I am glad to,” he said. Florence then gave Gloria a large amount of beads for shawls, as well as some money to help with the upcoming do. It was during this time that Ben made the announcement that Mike Maquinna and Florence Wylie were now engaged and spoke a little about the actions taken prior to this evening event. “Mike had gone to Port Alberni to sit with Florence’s father Bob and her son’s Randy, Roland, and Trevor and had explained about what he wanted to do and asked for their blessing to marry Florence,” said Ben. “ After he danced here tonight he asked for my blessing and I told him I would be proud to have him as my nephew,” he said.

Tseshaht Chief Councilor Dave Watts presented Vince Watts and his supporters with a cheque for $1000 to assist them as they walk from Nanaimo to Ottawa to raise awareness of youth suicide issues. “We challenge other First Nations to meet or beat our donation,” said Dave Watts.

BC Junior All-Native Basketball Championship Results continued from page 9. being on their territory for the banquet, Prince Rupert - Kyle ! Kline donated by Ahousat Pride Lytton - Lamar Williams donated by Ahousat Pride Hesquiaht - Spencer Stronquist donated by Roberta Adams & family. Most Sportsmanlike Team - Mowachaht Cougars donated by Royal Bank, Nanaimo. The Jr.All Native Basketball tournament started off with a opening ceremonies banquet dinner. The dinner was hosted by our Hawiih and treaty team. Kleco Kleco to our Chiefs and their team. The dinner was held at Chemanius First nation community hall on Sunday March 14th at 4:00 pm. There was forty-six teams expected and we had 22 girls and 22 boys teams participate in the annual tournament. The Hartley Bay boys and girls teams did not participate this year. We send our condolences to the Hartley Bay Teams and community who didn’t make it to the tournament. The evening started off by a prayer from Gertrude Frank, opening remarks from Chemanius First Nation and Nanaimo First Nation, we then had acknowledgements towards the Chemanius Nation in recognition of

and Nanaimo for hosting the annual tournament in their traditional territory we presented them with original prints made by Chief Manhousaht, Wihayakchik James Swan Jr. We also acknowledged Nuuchahnulth members whom have lost family members recently.( ta atlma) Our emcee- Cliff Atleo Sr. introduced the 44 teams. The Ahousaht Lady Storm , Nanaimo Lady Suns and Maaqtusiis Warriors served our visiting teams, guests and all the spectators to a fine meal. We served BBQ fish, Halibut, clams. burgers, hotdogs and more. We had a keynote speaker from Northern Education Centre- Jacquie Dennis who made a very informative speech concerning education. We also had Gordon Campbell from Ahousaht speak on behalf of Paul Richard Frank Jr. who is a role model for youth in Ahousaht. Paul is a Drug and Alcohol free young man who has graduated and gone on to post secondary school and now runs his own water taxi business and still plays the game of basketball. Congratulations on your accomplishments Paul Frank. We had the Ahousaht Girls and Boys and

continued on page 17

On behalf of Natalee and Darcy…we would like to say thank you to each and every one of you who came out March 5 – 7, 2004 to support them with their fundraising tournament. The girls were able to raise enough $$ to cover their trip costs (but are still fundraising to cover other costs). Thank you to all the teams who paid their entry fees…thank you to all the volunteers who helped so much, and thank you to all the spectators who came to cheer on their teams. Following is the results of the tourney as chosen by the tournament committee All-stars: 1. Jeff Tom ~ Rez Ballers 2. Travis McGee ~ Nanaimo 3. Joe Leslie ~ Long Beach 4. Josh Fred ~ Hawks

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Brad ~ Hot Springs Waylon Little ~ Maaqtusiis Suns Graham ~ Maaqtusiis Suns Alex Izard~ Young Bucks Tyler Hass ~ Young Bucks

Most Sportsmanlike Player: Sam Barney ~ Hawks Most Inspirational Player: David Bains ~ Maaqtusiis Suns Most Sportsmanlike Team ~ Rez Ballers MVP: Travis Thomas ~ Maaqtusiis Suns Once again….thank you for all your support for the girls. Hopefully, their half time show for the crowd showed how hard they worked to get to attend this trip. We are so proud of them! The Dennis and Morris Families. P.S. I would just like to congratulate my baby girl on getting a music bursary from Nanaimo Conservatory of Music. She was just notified yesterday (March 9) that she has received a $500.00 bursary towards her music at the college. Way to go Queen! Love, Mom Result of Raffle for Tim Paul’s Cultural Group st 1 prize- Charlie Cootes, 2nd prize- Robert Dennis, 3rd prize- Hope Wells We would also like to thank Florence Jack, Dawn Marie and Millie Smith for all the effort and support, in selling the tickets. WE would also like to thank everyone who supported the raffle by purchasing tickets. Your support for Tim Paul’s cultural group is greatly appreciated.

Jimmy Swan, and other organizers were saluted and given gifts.

Page 12 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004

Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project

Contact List Main Office (Southern Region) 5120 Argyle Street, PO Box 1383 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2 Ph: (250) 724-3233 Fax: (250) 723-6010

Nanaimo Urban Office: 204-96 Cavan St. Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2V1 Ph: (250) 753-8567 Fax: (250) 753-8933

Tofino Office (Central Region) 151 First Street, PO Box 279 Tofino B.C. VOR 2ZO Ph: (250) 725-3367 Toll-free: 1-866-901-3367 Fax: (250) 725-2158

Victoria Urban Office: 853 Fisgard St. Victoria, B.C. V8W 1S1 Ph: (250) 380-9896 *New* Ph: (250) 413-7303 (Cell) Fax: (250) 388-5120

Gold River Office (Northern Region) 100 Ouwatin Road, PO Box 428 Gold River, B.C. V0P 1G0 Ph: (250) 283-2012 Fax: (250) 283-2122

Vancouver Urban Office: 455 East Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. V6A 1P5 Ph: (604) 254-9972 Fax: (604) 254-7919




VANCOUVER: Vancouver Support Group Meeting

Monday March 8th and Vancouver Office: Monday March 22nd #106 - 23 W. Pender

Women’s Support Group Meeting

2nd Thursday of each month. 6 - 9 pm

Vancouver Office: #106 - 23 W. Pender

Potluck Dinner

3rd Thursday of each 6 - 9 pm

Vancouver Office: # 106 - 23 W. Pender

2nd & last Tuesday of each month - 6 - 9 pm

St. Peters Anglican Church - 228 S. Dogwood

CAMPBELL RIVER: Campbell River Support Group VICTORIA:

Help Could Be Just a Phone Call Away: Crisis Line Awareness Week - March 21– 27, 2004 Did you know that many of BC’s crisis lines have been providing service for nearly 35 years and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Did you also know that each year, some 1200 specially trained volunteers answer more than 130,000 calls and provide free, confidential support and resource information to those who are emotionally distressed? People phone crisis lines for numerous and varied reasons: suicide, mental health problems, relationship conflicts, family violence, grief, addiction issues, or just plain loneliness. During the call, they are invited to talk about the situation or problem causing the distress, explore possible options and determine what to do next. Together, the caller and volunteer can discuss strategies that might have worked in the past or review safety and action plans previously developed with other service providers. After talking with a volunteer, callers often report they feel less isolated and alone. In approximately 4000 calls each year, the situation seems so hopeless that the caller is considering suicide.

Thoughts like this can be very frightening and often result in increased feelings of isolation and helplessness. Sometimes, just telling a crisis line volunteer things are so overwhelming that suicide seems preferable, can lessen those very feelings. At other times though, a caller may require help beyond that which the crisis line is able to offer. In those cases, the volunteer can provide information about available community resources thus enabling the caller to seek additional help. If you or someone you know needs help, consult the inside cover of your local telephone book or visit www.suicideinfo.ca. for the number of the crisis line in your area. If you would like to help, volunteers and financial contributions are always needed and greatly appreciated. Contact: Jackie Yurick - President BC Crisis Line Association, C/o 9815 140th Street, Surrey BC V3T 4M4 Phone: 604 584-5811 E-mail:jackiey@scss.ca

“Ma sink shlit” - Healing Together The NTC Access Awareness Committee invites you to attend our Annual Healthability Gathering. When: April 29, 30, 2004 Where: Maht Mahs Gym, Port Alberni Time: 9 a.m. daily In conjunction with the Community & Human Services Department, the Committee will coordinate an interesting and fun program!! Every year, we have more NCN members attend this gathering to learn, share, laugh, meet old friends, and make new ones!! We will be hosting a Banquet on the first evening, providing panel presentations, guest speakers, information resource area, and door prizes throughout both days. Anyone who may want to make a donation for the door prizes, please contact your Regional Member, or Lynette Barbosa, C&HS Administrator @ the NTC Office. For more information on the Health-Ability Fair, you may speak directly to your Regional Committee Members: Sheila John (250) 761-4742, Pat Nicolaye (250) 332-5975, Mae Taylor (250) 726-7195, Delores Bayne (250) 723-4937, Helen Dick (250) 724-5757, or Ida Mills (604) 254-9900.We look forward to another wonderful event and hope that you will be able to join us!! Florence Wylie, DAC Coordinator


Support Group Meeting Potluck Dinner

Last Monday of each month - 6 - 9 pm Every 2nd Monday of each month

Victoria Office: 853 Fisgard St. Victoria Office 853 Fisgard St.

Last Thursday of each month - 6 - 8 pm

Travel Lodge Silver Bridge Inn - 140 Trans Canada Highway

DUNCAN: Support Group

Family Ties – Ucluelet If you are pregnant or have a young baby come visit our exciting program! We offer drop-ins with topics and guest speakers of interest to new parents. As an expectant mom you can receive individual counseling and free nutritional supplements. Where? Family Ties, Davison’s Plaza, Ucluelet. When? Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. How? Drop in or call: Margaret Morrison, Outreach Counselor @ 726-2224

Family Ties – Tofino If you are pregnant or have a young baby come visit our exciting program! We offer drop-ins with topics and guest speakers of interest to new parents. As an expectant mom you can receive individual counseling and free nutritional supplements. Where? Tofino Community Hall When? Every Tuesday from 11:30 to 1:30 How? call: Laurie Hannah (Outreach Counselor) c/o Health Unit at 726-4242.

@ Laichwiltach Family Life Association 441 – 4th Avenue, Campbell River Friday, March 30, 2004, Coffee, Tea and Lunch Provided For more information contact: Shawn Sinclair 616-3674 (cell) – 753-8567 (office) Or Vina Robinson 723-6271 or 753-8567

C`a waak ni*s “We are one”

Invitation You are welcome at the Healing Project’s Fifth Annual Main Conference Tuesday to Thursday June 22, 23 & 24 at Maht Mahs Gym

Theme: C`a waak ni*s “We are one” Volunteers wanted for all working committees; Language, Activities, entertainment, welcoming, etc. Call 724-3233 to sign up. Look for more information in upcoming Ha-Shilth-Sa’s

Two brothers from the Mowachaht/Muchalaht Nation are looking for a permanent family. Curtis is fifteen, and likes riding his bike, kayaking, listening to music and reading. He is friendly and outgoing and has a good sense of humour. Chad is eight years old and is a delightful boy who enjoys skiing, skateboarding, bicycling and swimming. If you are interested in knowing more about these boys please contact Darlene Thoen at 250-724-3232 or Kathryn Grant at 250 741-5713. (false names have been used)

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 13

Ninyaks-ha You are invited to celebrate the welcoming of babies born between January 2003 to April 2004 into our community on April 8, 2004, 11:30 - 2:00, at Knee~waas House, 3435 4th

Ya daq cawduuk Ditidaht baby welcoming on February 24th, 2004 By Liz Thomsen, RN, BSN, NTC Community Health Nurse. A beautiful celebration took place in the community of Ditidaht; seven babies were welcomed into the world. The Ditidaht women’s group, “Our women, Our strength”, prepared for a month prior to this special day. They made lovely handmade gifts to be presented to the babies. The celebration started with Christine Edgar saying a prayer. Ernie and Jimmy Chester sang and drummed while lunch was being served. The women’s group prepared a delicious meal and many people enjoyed a healthy meal of fresh cooked crab and veggies. Sam Edgar spoke to the mothers of how the men’s group wanted take part of the welcoming when they heard of the preparations happening in the village. Ernie Chester shared his feelings of the celebration. He spoke of how traditionally babies were welcomed into the community and would be given an Indian name at this time. Ernie spoke from the heart; “It used to be an honour to all the people, especially the grandmothers, to be introduced to the Asaab (precious little one). Ya daq cawduuk was what welcoming the babies was called. The ladies took turns singing to the baby and welcoming him/her into the world. They would pray for the little one and thank the creator for the baby and pray that the baby would grow to know the creator. It was wonderful to see the beautiful old ladies sing, I used to watch this and it made me feel good”. He commented that he was happy to see this happening on this day. Ernie then asked the daycare children to sing a song, which they learned, to the new babies and they sang with pride. Dorothy Wilson (women’s group co-

coordinator) spoke of how pleased she was that everyone worked together to make this a special day for the women and their new babies. Liz Thomsen spoke of how honoured she has been to work with the women of Ditidaht over the years and how special each baby has been. She acknowledged Marcena Joe and Amy Joseph for allowing their “Dreams for their babies” to be shared at a National Marketing Campaign for promoting Healthier Pregnancies in Ottawa last fall. She let the community know that the marketing group was so touched by their dreams that everyone at the table was in tears. The mom’s and the babe’s were then introduced one at a time and were presented with many homemade gifts from the women. They received Cedar headbands made by Kelita Seiber, the women’s group made baby bibs with little designs on them, little baby neck pillows and baby burp pads. The babies were wrapped with a flannel blanket presented by Liz from the NCN nursing program. The babies introduced were: Zackery Edgar: Parents Maria Pelkey and Arin Edgar Travis Edgar: Parents Amy Joseph and Ronny Jr. Edgar Jocelyn Tate: Parents Marcena Joe and Nathan Tate Paige Maher: Parents Dave and Jen Maher Traymaine Gray-Thorne: Parents Tricia and Joe Thorne Cirsy Campbell- Robert Campbell and Sara Williams Josie Marchand: Parents Wendy and James Marchand Wendy Marchand and her baby Josie were presented with a special gift of honour, as little Josie was this year’s New Years baby born at the WCGH in Port Alberni. Every one in the community agreed that this was truly a special celebration.

Central Region Nursing Updates/Schedules Nursing Program Provides Additional Services – The Prevention & Education of Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV/AIDS Chris Curley will be providing some additional nursing services for all fourteen of the Nuu-chah-nulth communities in the area of education and prevention of sexually transmitting diseases. Chris can be reached at (250) 725-1232 every Wednesday from 8 am until 7 pm. Please feel free to call with any concerns, questions, information etc. Jeannette Pattison – Ahousaht Ph: 250-670-9608. Healthy Baby Clinic – Every Tuesday (newborn – 5years) Prenatal visits – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays School Visits 1st &3rd Thursday

Southern Region Nursing Updates/Schedules * Penny Cowan Community Nurse RN ~ Port Alberni Bread of Life Monday and Wednesday mornings Tuesday afternoons at Hupacasath. NTC Nurse Annette Muller will be taking over the Elders visits in town.

Avenue, Port Alberni.

Travis Edgar and Jocelyn Tate show off their new outfits made by Amy Joseph for the Ditidaht baby welcoming ceremony.

A partnership between the Nuu-chah-nulth Nursing Program and the Port Alberni Friendship Center

Nuu-chah-nulth Nursing Program Contact List Northern Region Moira Havelka, CHN

Joan Shanks Donna Vernon Bev Robson Central Region Mary Mc Keogh Christine Curley Barb Flynn Mary Rimmington Southern Region Liz Thomsen Jody Vos Penny Cowan Anette Muller All Regions Lynne West Ina Seitcher NTC Office Jeannette Watts Lisa Sam Melanie Braker Matilda Watts

Address P.O. Box 428 Gold River, BC VOP 1JO Phone: 250-283-2462 (mwf) Phone: 250-283-2012 (tues/Thurs) P.O. Box 97 Zeballos, BC VOP 2AO Phone: 250-761-4274 Red Cross General Delivery Kyuquot, BC VOP 1JO Phone: 250-332-5289 P.O. Box 279 Ucluelet, BC VOR 2ZO Phone: 250-726-2993 P.O. Box 279 Ucluelet, BC VOR 2ZO Phone: 250-725-1232 or 726-5240 P.O. Box 279 Ahousaht, BC VOR 2ZO Phone: 250-670-9608 P.O. Box 190 Tofino, BC VOR 2ZO Phone: 250-725-2951 P.O. Box 1383 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Phone: 250-723-2385 P.O. Box 109 Gold River, BC VOP 1GO Phone: 250-283-2639 West Coast General Hospital Port Alberni, BC V9Y 4S1 Phone: 250-723-2135 ext 1109 P.O. Box 1383 Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Phone: 250-724-5757

Are you or a family member a patient in the hospital? There is a First Nation Advocate Nurse who will visit you and assist you with the following: • Assist with discharge planning • Work with our community for clear communication & ease of discharge • Be an advocate on your behalf • Explain health care issues • Provide support to you and your family during your hospital stay • Access N.I.H.B. as needed • Available Monday-Friday 7am – 3:30pm

Port Alberni, BC Ina Seitcher, First Nation Advocate Nurse Ph: 723-2135 ext.1109 Campbell River, BC Sandy Miller, Aboriginal Liaison Nurse Ph: (250) 286-7050 Voicemail: 830-8865 Victoria, BC Cora Jacks, Aboriginal Liaison Nurse Ph: (250) 370-8847 Pager: 413-6124 Vancouver, BC David Clellamin First Nation Advocate Ph: (604) 875-3440

Page 14 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 Wedding Date Announcement

Proud Parents Clifford R. Morgan & Laura E. Charlie and Fred P. George & Stella C. Johnny are Proud to announce the Marriage of: Clifford R.J. Charlie & Audrey J. George May29th at Georgetown Duncan Reception to follow @ Cowichan tribes Gym @ 4pm We would like to wish our son Clifford Harry a Happy Birthday on March 2. It just seems like yesterday when I had you my son, you were born at 7:02 a.m. your weight 6 lbs 2 oz. You know son a mother never forgets lots of memories with their child. I remember your first step, your first tooth, and your first words. When I took you to preschool, I stayed until you were comfortable with the teacher and classmates, then I snuck out of the classroom. That’s when I knew I had to let you go out into the world. Now I can’t believe you’re 16. So my sweet child you take care and I hope you had a terrific day. Love always your mom, Lil Chooch-ma & George P. Frank. Happy Belated Birthday to my niece Dorothy L. Jones ~ who turned 19 on March 1. I would also like to say that I am so proud of you and your accomplishments, past present and future. I have a lot of respect of the decisions that you are making to make sure your son is happy & healthy. I know it must be hard being a young mother ~ but you are doing an excellent job raising my grandnephew. I Love you both. Your Aunty Tracy Charlie, Cousins Dallas & Brent April 3 ~ Happy Birthday to our son, Brent Jones-Charlie, who is turning 7 years old. Love from your parents ~ Tracy and Bear, and your brothers: Dallas & Travis. I would also like to wish a very special happy birthday to a very special little girl ~ Taneesha Morris will be celebrating her birthday on March 18. Happy Birthday Taneesha, I hope you have a wonderful day and another happy & healthy year! Luv from your Aunty Tracy, Cousins: Dallas, Brent & Travis.

This is announcement of my granddaughter, born to Thomas John Ambrose (Hesquiaht -son of Vincent John Ambrose and Sandra B. Ambrose) and Amanda Canute of Duncan. Granddaughter was born on March 8, 2004 at 6:40 pm at Duncan General Hospital, weight-7lbs 1oz, and her name is Jordyn Farrah Bobby Jerri Anna-Lee Canute-Ambrose.

Birthdays and Congratulations Adrianna Jade's 1st birthday is March 25, 2004. Lots of love Mom, Dad, Hughie, Grant. XOXOXOXO Happy Birthday to our niece Melissa Ross April 7. We wish you love, good health and most of all happiness! Love from Auntie Annie, Uncle Dave & your cousins Dave, Nate & Jen. Special birthday wishes go out to Lila Charleson March 18th, Joy Charleson 20th, to auntie/sister Annie Irene Smith Mar 24th, to the twins Claudie and Gena on the 28th. Have a great day ladies. A special day for my dad on March 26th, Happy 60th birthday dad, Wes Thomas, I love you and hope you have a peaceful day, from Janey. Happy birthday Grandpa Wes, love you, from Shauntay. Happy birthday uncle Fredrick Thomas from Shauntay. I'd like to wish a Happy 10th Birthday to Shanny Gurl Charlie on the 30th, and to sister-in-law/ auntie Alfreda Charlie on the 29th. Hope you guys have best wishes on your birthday! Luv shish, jay, lil wanya, na. Chad and steph... .Dis Trina ova up in Tha 206, I like ta holla at muh uncle nath, muh auntie Elmo, babby Christian up in tha 250. Miss ya....alot... Call me Sometime...love always Trina xoxo March 5- Happy Birthday to my mother, Rosemary Frank. I just want to let you know I am so proud of all your accomplishments and for all the guidance you gave when I was growing up. Thank you Mother for standing by me whether it was through good times or bad times. I

Birthday to our handsome nephew Dallas!

March 4 – Happy Birthday Dad! (Ronnie Joe). Lots of love Lisa, Les, Jolene, Marcina & grandkids! love you so much. I miss you too. Love always, Robyn, Allen and grandchildren. Happy 46th birthday Dad (Barrie) on March 27th. Cheer up, you're still younger than some trees! ...And happy birthday to Inez Paul on March 4th and Rose Frank and Myrna Titian on March 5th. Love June & Joshua Happy Birthday to our grandson Jeffery Frank on March 19 and Happy Birthday to Lorena Frank on March 19. Love from Karen and Thomas Rush. March 24 – Happy Birthday to our cuz Evan, have fun! Love your cousins in Nitinaht Lisa, Jolene, Marcina. March 31 – Happy Birthday to my long lost cuzzy bear Ryan Felix. Have good times this year. I didn’t forget your b-day. Xox Lisa. Happy birthday to my one and only Daughter Kelli Swan, on March 12, 2004 I sure hope that you enjoyed your day My "Kelli-Mar” and many more to come! Love always your dad Larry Swan. Happy b-day to James Chester AKA Sambo in Seatown, have good one! From Daniel, Freda, Kalvin & Shanny. Another year has gone by for Patsy Mack in Ahousaht, keep adding those years eh! Happy Birthday! From your relations down in the States! You know who we are! We would like to wish our dad Richard Mundy Sr a very Happy 67th Birthday on March 20. Love always your daughter Pearl and son-in-law Dave Jacobson Sr. A Happy 42nd Birthday to our sister Connie Mundy on March 16. Love always your sister Pearl & Brother-in-law Dave Jacobson Sr. I would like to wish my grandson Nate a belated happy 20th birthday, March 20th, also my brother Dale a belated 38th birthday. I would also like to wish my son Norman a happy 36th bday on April 2nd and my brother Joe a happy bday. Also include my father, Ken a happy 78th birthday. Love you all and wishing you all a good year. Lorraine Williams. Special Happy belated Birthday to

you now, as I did then. I’m standing beside you so you can get better again. With all my love Alfred “Butt” Dick.

Happy Anniversary to my Lovely, Lucky, Luscious wife. From your Handy, Handsome Husband.

March 9 – A big Birthday wish to our sister Marcina. Wow you’re 18 Mar Bar.

Birthday to our neph Dion on St. Patrick’s Day!

March 27 – Happy 34th

I’d like to take this time, to wish my wife “Euphrasia”, a very, very Happy 22nd Anniversary on April 3rd. I love

March 4 – Happy 4th

March 17 – Happy 13th

March 14 – A special Birthday wish for our sweetie pie, Meagan. We love you girl! You’re the best! Love Mom & Dad & kids.

Birthday to my sweetheart! I will always love you, it’s destiny. Xox Lisa. Bertha Campbell, March 8, hope you had a awesome day sister. From sis Darl. Also to our grandsons March 5 Brandon Geoffrey Dick, March 9, Ivan Curtis Dick Jr. Love you boys. From grandma Darl & grandpa Alec, Alec Bob, Spike and Sinker. March 21 Happy Birthday to Greg Louie, March 22 Happy Birthday to Squeak Campbell, you guys enjoy your day, from sis Darl, Alec & boys. March to Renneth George Louie, Happy Birthday grandson, love from Grandma Darl & grandpa Alec. March 28 Special Happy Birthday to our sister Rose Charlie in Victoria, wishing you the best sis, oops Happy Birthday granddaughter Charlotte Charlie, from all of us at home in Ahousaht. March 28 to the twins Gena and Claudie, Happy Birthday ladies! Have an awesome day from a friend Darl. March 29: special Happy Birthday to Kelsey Campbell in Victoria, enjoy your day babe, we’ll all be thinking of you! March 30 special Happy Birthday to auntie Julie in Vancouver, take care luv you from us here at home. March 31: Special Happy Birthday to our Mom Ina Campbell, we love you mom, wishing you the best from Rose, Darl, Laura, Gail, Dorothy, Percy, Squeak and Bertha and all your grandchildren, greatgrandchildren! Hello My name is JJ Taylor, I would like to wish my son Isaiah Taylor very Happy Birthday. 11 yrs has gone by fast son. I miss you and your brother really lots, think of you 2 every day. if you can email me boys at jjtaylor73@yahoo.com take care boys and I LOVE you 2 LOTS peace.

Happy Belated 13th B-day Lots of love Dad, Renee, Hughie, Adrianna, Grant and the Watts family. XOXOXOXO. Happy 1st Birthday to Travis David Edgar Joseph. Born March 29, 2003. Mother: Amelia Joseph. Father: Ronald Edgar. We love you so much son. Love Mommy & Daddy and grandparents, aunts & uncles.

March 16 – Happy Birthday auntie Bernice! We love you so much. Xox your nieces Lisa, Marcina, Jolene & the grandkids.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 15

In Memoriam - >a>ak^#ap My Daddy.

In Loving Memory of my late Brother Philip G. Johnson Ocean Mysteries

Daddy, I'm sitting here trying to remember What it was like with you here. Crying tears that just won't appear. Daddy, I'm just so lost without you here. Daddy, I miss your hugs, smiles and even your tears. These things that I know won't appear. Thinking it will, but knowing it won't be so clear. Daddy, I'm missing the rides to school. Knowing it was just for me and you. The moments we spent together, As father and daughter. Memories I will always have forever. Daddy, you were the best there was, And the best there could ever be. I really wish you were here with me. You were here for a reason And part of that reason was me. Daddy, life isn't what it use to be. And words can't express what You really meant to me. Daddy, life goes on. And I know you made me strong. Daddy, you made me the person I am today. And I love you for all you did

It’s March the first Our hearts are heavy I’m sitting on the beach Having a break As I look out to the ocean Our heavy hearts are Filled with pain and wonder why The ocean has taken you…. Away We all know the ocean isn’t a playground If we respect the ocean We will get respect back Play it safe on the ocean The ocean is a mystery It has taken so many lives Now all we have is memories The days we spent together Are here and gone

In your special ways. You're my daddy, I love you forever and I will love you for always. -Love forever your baby girl-Evelyn Thompson-

It is a great loss to all of us Things won’t be the same

I Miss You... I always loved you not only for what you were, But for what I was when I was with you I Miss You... I miss you each morning and dream of you each night I miss your arms around me and telling me each day "I Love You!" and everything will be alright I Miss You... "Thank You for being a big part of my life " Missing you, Charlene Thompson

Tsaqwasuup December 10, 1948 – March 30, 2003 Thank You "Dad" Thank you "Dad" for the wisdom you taught me over the years that we spent together. I know I will carry these words with me and share them with my children. I thank you "Dad" for all the family times we shared together. You taught me the importance of family and I too will carry on these strong family values and promise to teach my children the way you taught me. Thank you "Dad" for all your continuous support when I struggled as a single parent. You showed me to be a stronger parent for my 2 beautiful children and to never give up, know matter how hard it gets. I too will support my children and give them strength just as you taught me too. I thank you "Dad" for all the numerous talks and encouragement you gave me when I needed a shoulder to cry on or to be guided in the right direction. I will also do this with my children. Thank you "Dad" for the continuous support throughout my education. I know now how important I needed your words of wisdom when it was hard to finish a paper or write my lecture. I too will be there to support my children

through their education when they need me. I thank you "Dad" for the awesome trip you gave to Carmen and I. You let us see just a small part of the world and taught us we can go anywhere in the world because there is so much to see and experience. I too will give my children that opportunity to see the world and experience it as you did with me. Thank you "Dad" for being such a good grandfather to my children, you gave them so much love, hugs and kisses. I too will be the best grandparent to my grandchildren because you taught me that it is so important to love and hug your grandchildren. I thank you "Dad" for all the numerous roses you gave to my mother, sisters and I. I know I will never forget the beauty of a rose. Most of all, I thank you for being my "DAD" for the past 17 years. I love you and will always have you close to my heart and I will always talk about you to my children and remind them of the greatest grandpa they had. Love forever, your daughter Alisha Renae Charleson

It floods my mind with memories It was 22 years ago When we lost 4 men On the Ramsey Isle It seems like yesterday In love and respect of all Fellow men lost on the ocean May God be with every person That is out on the ocean Written by Judith M. Johnson

In loving memory of “Big A” We still wait for your big black truck to arrive All our memories are so alive To hear your voice, to see you wave To joyfully watch you misbehave We were so fortunate to have you for a friend We’ll hold you in our hearts until the very end.

This Poem is dedicated to my Late Husband, Tsa-Qwa-Supp (Art Thompson) I Miss You … I miss your warm eyes, the way you listened and cared I miss your kisses and all that we shared I Miss You... I miss your hugs, so reassuring and sincere And the moments we spent together I'll always hold dear I Miss You... I miss all the caring things you did for me, Especially all the evenings you spent alone with me You made me happier than I ever dreamed to be

Now that you’re gone

Forever remembered & missed by the Haggard family

In Memory of our sister Velma Campbell March 15, 1952 – March 29, 1986 Not a day goes by we don’t think of you You left so suddenly You left us with a broken heart The years go by and there is a special place In our hearts for you Happy memories now, You left a daughter and now a granddaughter


y Late Husband- Tsa-QwaSupp- Arthur Ivan Thompson passed away at 8:30 p.m. on March 30,2003 surrounded by the love of his family. I believe this was the greatest gift we could have all given to Art. He was very happy to have his children and other family members with him on his final days. During his final days with us, Art was surrounded by love, so many of you made him very happy. He loved singing his cultural songs with his family. He enjoyed getting shaved everyday by all his daughters. He loved all his visitors, especially the ones who came to lay with him in bed and reminisce. He loved humour and laughter until the end. Most of all, he requested that we renew our wedding vows on March 25th, a day I will always cherish. Words cannot express how hard and emotional this past year has been for our family. We lost the "rock" of our family. Art was the one who held us together by supporting and encouraging all of us on a daily basis. He expressed his great spirit, honesty, humor, sadness, happiness and most of all true love. I thank him everyday for the beautiful 18 years we had spent together. Everyone knew Art as being cultural and artistic. Not everyone knew 'Art the family man'. He loved to play with his children, grandchildren, nieces and

Born on March 29th God filled that day with Kelsey It is always special Because it is also the day God took you home too. Always remembered by your brothers & sisters Rose, Darl, Laura, Gail, Percy, Squeak and Mom.

nephews. He loved to give them all a hug and enjoyed making them laugh. One of Art's favorite times was sharing a meal with his family; he brought so much laughter to the dinner table. Art loved to dance and sing with his kids in the mornings, always grabbing them making them dance with him. The kids would say “Dad you are such a geek” and his comeback was “if I’m a geek, you’re a geek because I’m your dad.” There was never a time Art ended a conversation on the phone with his children without saying "I sure love you" Those are the kind of memories we will cherish forever. I want to thank all the people who supported me and my family during the loss of my late husband. There were hundreds of phone calls, people, letters, cards, flowers that were sent. We really appreciate your kind words. I read the cards and letters today and think my husband was sure respected and loved by so many people. I also want to thank all the people who brought food to our home and cooked for Art's funeral. Kleco! Kleco! I will let the community know in the near future when our family will be having a potlatch in celebration of Art's life. This is when I will traditionally thank all of you. With respect and Love, Charlene Thompson

Page 16 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 Nuu-chah-nulth Registry & Treaty Information ... Registering events are very important! · Birth Registrations: It is important to get baby registered as soon as possible. You must complete the parental consent for Registration/Statement of Band Affiliation form and provide the LARGE form birth certificate, these consent forms can be obtained through your Band Office or at the NTC Office. Registration takes 6 - 8 weeks. · Transfers: Are you wishing to transfer to another Band? Write to the Band you want to transfer into. Once accepted you will need to complete a consent to transfer form, also, notify the Band you are currently in and let them know your intentions. · Marriages, divorces, name change, deaths: Please provide appropriate certificates to up date the Indian Registry Lists. A consent form needs to be completed for any name changes. · Are you turning 18 soon? If you would like your own registration number then you have to submit a letter of request. Process also takes 6 - 8 weeks (no longer automatic). · All documents are to be submitted to Rosie Little - Indian Registry Administrator at the NTC Office, with the exception of Ditidaht, Hesquiaht, Huu-ay-aht and Tla-o-quiaht. Contact these First Nations directly. To have a status card issued through NTC from these four First Nations please have your Indian Registry Administrator fax approval and your information prior to coming into the office if possible. · Does your First Nation have their membership code in place? If so, and you would like the above events recorded for "BAND MEMBERSHIP" then it is EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT that you contact them as well. · Your First Nation needs your current address and phone number so they can contact you regarding Treaty developments, letters and bulletins. · First Nation phone numbers and addresses are listed below for your convenience.

Ahousaht (250) 670-9563 - Fax: (250) 670-9696 General Delivery Ahousaht, B.C. V0R 1A0 Ditidaht First Nation 1-888-745-3366 - Fax: (250) 745-3332 PO Box 340 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M8 Ehattesaht 1-888-761-4155 - Fax: (250) 761-4156 PO Box 59 Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 Hesquiaht First Nation 1-877-232-1100 - Fax: (250) 670-1102 PO Box 2000 Tofino, B.C. V0R 2Z0 Hupacasath First Nation (250) 724-4041 - Fax: (250) 724-1232 PO Box 211 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M7 Huu-ay-aht First Nation 1-888-644-4555 - Fax: (250) 728-1222 PO Box 70 Bamfield, B.C. V0R 1B0 Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’ (250) 332-5259 - Fax: (250) 332-5210 General Delivery Kyuquot, B.C. V0P 1J0 Mowachaht / Muchalaht (250) 283-2015 - Fax: (250) 283-2335 PO Box 459 Gold River, B.C. V0P 1G0 Nuchatlaht First Nation (250) 332-5908 - Fax: (250) 332-5907 PO Box 40 Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations (250) 725-3233 - Fax: (250) 725-4233 PO Box 18 Tofino, BC. V0R 2Z0 Toquaht Nation (250) 726-4230 - Fax: (250) 726-4403 PO Box 759 Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0 Tseshaht First Nation Toll Free: 1-888-724-1225 - Fax: (250) 724-4385 PO Box 1218 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1 Uchucklesaht Tribe (250) 724-1832 - Fax: (250) 724-1806 PO Box 1118 Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M7 Ucluelet First Nation (250) 726-7342 Fax: (250) 726-7552 PO Box 699 Ucluelet, B.C. V0R 3A0

Community Events Louie Family Memorial Potlatch Elders, Chiefs, Family & Friends from the West, East, North, South & States Side. We would like to invite you to a Memorial Potlatch as we remember our: Dad “Philip Louie Sr” a Veteran who was part of the Council & Politics etc. Our brother Cyril; a paraplegic who took part in the “Walk Run Wheel Athon,” “Canoe Quest from Ahousat to Victoria to Tahola, Neah-Bay/1996/1997” “Choices”. Our Brother Randy; a fisherman, tree planter; for sharing & giving to many people.

On April 03, 2004 @ Ahousat BC @ 12 noon. Anyway enquires or questions please call: Philip “Guy” Louie @ (250) 812-9564 Melodie Louie @ (250)920-5951 Vivien Thomas @ (250)670-2555 We thank-you all, and look forward to seeing on April 3rd. (Auntie)Ina Campbell, Mercina Jones, Ike Campbell, Guy Louie, Melodie Louie, Vivien Thomas.

TLA-O-QUI-AHT TRIBE MEMBERS If you are not receiving “Inside Tla-o-qui-aht” newsletter please call your address in ASAP. This mailing list is also used for important tribal mailouts you may not want to miss. Forward your address to: Carla Moss c/o Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations, Box 18, Tofino, B.C., V0R 2Z0 Phone: 250-725-2765, email: cmoss@island.net Fax: 250-725-4233 attn: Carla Moss

CHIEF AND COUNCIL NOMINATIONS / ELECTIONS for Ka:’yu:k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7eth’ First Nations have been scheduled as follows: Advance Poll Thursday, March 11, 2004 ELECTION Date Friday, March 19, 2004 A note to our people: If you have moved in the last while, please contact us with your most current address... either by snail mail or the Toll Free number 1-888-817-8716

ATTENTION UCHUCKLESAHT DESCENDANTS Will all of those people, who are descendants of the Uchucklesaht First Nation, PLEASE contact Tina Robinson at the Uchucklesaht Office. As a part of our pretreaty process, we are contacting people who have a direct bloodline and seeking their interest in transferring into the Uchucklesaht Tribe for the purpose of gaining treaty rights. Phone – 250.724.1832 - Toll Free – 1.888.724.1832 We need names, addresses & phone numbers of all Uchucklesaht descendants.The Tribe has now initialled an Agreement in Principle with BC Canada. Now we need to hear from you! Please contact the office at: Phone: (250) 724-1832 Fax: (250) 724-8106 Address: PO Box 1118, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 7L9

A big THANK YOU to Ucluelet First Nation members Who have called our office to inform us of the whereabouts of “lost” members from our band list. For years, we have been trying to locate some of them! It’s safe to say, we have found everyone! We are happy about this! AND thank you to members, who keep our office up-to-date with addresses, email and phone numbers! ************************ ONE OF THE IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPENING – IT IS ELECTION YEAR! We are having elections for Council this year, so it is important to keep in touch with the band office for the mail-outs. *********************** CONTACT: Vi Mundy for treaty Up-dates, announcements of meetings, AT (250) 726-2414, email address: vmundy@island.net or cell: (250) 726-5478

TO ALL TSESHAHT MEMBERSHIP: Please remember when you register your child(ren) with NTC you must still register your child(ren) to the Band. I do not have names that NTC has so if you're one of these members please contact me for Band membership papers as we administer our own membership and only those people on our list is Tseshaht. I do not issue status cards this is done only with Rosie Little or Mel Braker. Feel free to contact me at lisagallic@shaw.ca or call me at 1-866-724-4229.

TSESHAHT FIRST NATION CULTURAL RESOURCE CENTRE Open to anyone interested in learning more about Tseshaht history. 5000 Mission Rd. – Chi-chu-aht House/ Tseshaht Treaty office. We have a toll free number available for Tseshaht members (which also houses our membership and Natural Resources Office. If you want your addresses included for treaty updates and Tribal bulletins call us (email: cap@tseshaht.com) with your address. 1-866-724-4225. Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Except holidays) For more information contact us at (250) 724-4229 or toll free at 1-866-724-4229.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 17 Summary description of an Infant Development Worker An IDW will: Make family home visits for families who have babies and young children to age 6 years Discuss infant and early child development; which includes: communication, gross and fine motor skills, social and behaviour Offer Ages and Stages Questionnaire a screening tool for development If necessary and with a parent’s permission, an IDW will make or receive referrals depending on what the family may benefit from. Examples of referrals include: Speech and Language Pathology, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Community Living Supported Child Care, General Physicians/Paediatrician, Social Worker/Family Care Workers, Community Health Nurses, Mental Health/Clinical Counsellors/Healing Project/Therapists. Although we work along with families

Basketball results Nanaimo Girls perform the Ahousaht Welcome Dance. Way to go gals and guys. Kleco kleco to Chief Billy Keitlah Jr for the use of your dance. The evening was wrapped up by the Ahousaht Treaty team recognizing the organizing committees, Gord Campbell, Luke Swan Sr., John Campbell, Melinda Swan, Darrell Campbell, Janet Mack, Rick Lindholm, Harvey Robinson, Cindy Dennis, Cher White, and head cook Charles Thomas Sr. The Ahousaht treaty also recognized Chief James Swan Jr. and Chief Keith Atleo for helping our youth. KLECO KLECO. We are so grateful for Jacob Thomas & Heimei for the use of their home on Saturday March 13th. We had a huge amount of people who helped prepare for the banquet, Kleco Kleco to you. Kleco Kleco to Jacquie Adams who done so much for the banquet and organizing the prep, picking up pots and shopping and so much more, Kleco Kleco Jacquie. Kleco to Rebecca Atleo for your donation of plates cutlery etc. , kleco to Sal & Louie Frank for your donation of potatoes, Kleco to Joe & Anita Campbell for your donation of roast, Kleco to Peter John and Richard Thomas for the fresh fish, Kleco to Larry Swan, Darrell Campbell, Gord Campbell and Ahousaht Fisheries dept for the clams, Kleco to LIl Webster for the buns, Kleco to Rosie Swan for your donation of fresh bread, kleco to the Campbell family for the fresh fruit, kleco to Roye John for the Juice, Kleco to those who contributed to the banquet. Kleco Kleco to the cooks Charles Thomas Sr, Janet Mack, Erica Mack, Charity Mack, Josephine Touch Mack, Joe & Anita Campbell, Sidney Sam Sr, Louie Frank Jr, Peter Frank, John O Frank, Samuel & Roberta Adams, Freddie Adams, Robert Atleo, Erma Thomas, Lil Webster, Sal Frank, Carol Thomas, Francis Campbell, Gena Swan, Leona John, Terry Charlie, Janice Campbell, Ivey Campbell, Bella Campbell, Doris Robinson, Corissa Jack, Tabitha Thomas. Kleco to the set-up crews Gord Campbell, Lori Campbell, Floyd Campbell, Louie Frank jr, Ahousaht boys team and Ahousaht Warriors and Lady Storm, Skylar Campbell, Voilet Campbell, Cheryl Campbell, Lyle Campbell, Harvey Robinson, Cher White, Craig George, John Campbell, Melinda Swan, Kayla & Nora Lucas, Crystal Campbell, Judy Charlie, Darrell Campbell, Kleco to Willie Mack, Angus Campbell, and Harvey Robinson for the use of your trucks for Sunday.

whose baby or child may have or may not have a delay or a disability, IDW’s encourage parents in their parenting role as they know their baby or child better than anyone else. We are a family strength based Program and family centred. If you have any questions or are interested in accessing our program please feel free to give an Infant Development Worker a call. Jackie Watts – Sr. IDW & Supervisor – Southern Region 724-5757 or 1888-407-4888 Jennifer Miller – IDW – Central Region 725-2396 or 1-866-901-3367 Pamela Webster – IDW – Northern Region 283-2012 (until March 19th, 2004) Pamela Matthew – IDW – Northern Region (March 22nd to April 5, 2004) Ruby Ambrose – IDW – Northern Region (returns after April 5, 2004) The basketball games were under way on Monday morning at 8:00 am at Dover Bay high school and Woodlands and at John Barsby at 12:00 the last games were scheduled for 8:00 pm daily. We had volunteer scorekeepers, timekeepers and thirty second clock keepers kleco to Rick Lindholm, Melinda Swan, Janey Thomas, Carla Webster, Luke Swan Jr., Freida Thomas, Corissa Jack, Marla J Kalacoclavale, Cindy Dennis, Megan Dennis, Steve Frank, Angie Dennis, Kayla Lucas, Joyce Smith, Amy Jack, Patti Campbell, Evelyn Charlie, April White, Sandra White, Doris Robinson, Louella Milburn, Julie Morris, Sandy Sam, Ilene George, Robyn Samuel, Joyce Patrick, Cher White, Craig George, Paul Frank Jr., Crystal Sam, Connie Charleson, Tracey Charleson. Kleco to the admissions people who volunteered their time, Lil Webster, Annie Irene Smith, Marion Campbell, Brent Campbell, Pearl Michael, Cheryl Campbell, Gladys Swan, Bernice Sabbas, Doreen Sabbas, Crystal Campbell, Candice Sabbas, Kayla Little, Barbara Sutherland, Courtenay Louie, Chrissy Dick , Cheyenne Sam, Pauline Charlie, Joyce Smith, Kayla Lucas, Traci Swan, Gord Campbell, Corissa Jack, Bob Dick, Jody Dick, Natalee Dennis, Brittenay Williams, Mia Charleson, Charles Thomas Sr. Vivian Thomas, Leona John, Pasty Mack. Roberta Adams, Lisa Sabbas, Lori & Judy Campbell, Matilda McGreath, Genny Frank, Bonnie Frank, Brenda & Angus Campbell, Louie Frank Sr, Maureen Frank, Harvey & Doris Robinson. I apologize for missing anyone who has sacrificed their time to help us with the tournament, kleco kleco to everyone. Kleco Kleco to The Ahousaht Administration Council for your contributions towards the tournament, much appreciated. Kleco to Roye John for all your time and efforts you made towards the tournament. Kleco Kleco to all the people who donated to the trophies. The donators are all listed with the tournament stats. Thank you to Royal Bank of Canada Nanaimo for your donations. Representative Mr. Marcel thank you for helping sell sweaters and pop at the opening on Sunday Kleco Kleco Marcel.

Kleco Kleco to all the individuals who sacrificed their time to help the youth of British Columbia especially Ahousaht youth. From the Ahousaht Basketball committee

Career Opportunities - q#i-cah=-ta-mis The Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce is seeking a knowledgeable, experienced and motivated individual to manage the NEW Pacific Rim Regional Visitor Centre located at the junction of the Tofino/Ucluelet Highway and Highway 4 together with existing visitor information functions.

MANAGER INFORMATION SERVICES The incumbent of this new position will: • Recruit, interview, train, supervise and motivate staff; • Develop new and innovative marketing programs; • Provide membership services and develop new revenue streams; • Meet progressive revenue targets; • Monitor spending to remain within budgetary targets; • Work effectively and professionally with a variety of external officials and organizations; and, • Communicate effectively. Required Qualifications: • Supervisory/management training and experience • Demonstrated financial management skills • Strong interpersonal skills • Excellent organizational skills with accuracy to detail • Ability to meet deadlines • Excellent communication skills • Strong word processing, spreadsheet and database skills • Ability to deliver formal classroom and on-site training • Related experience • Provision of acceptable references

Please forward your application, resume and references, which must arrive no-later-than Wednesday March 31st 2004 to: Riley Varns, Treasurer, Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce, Box 7, Ucluelet, BC, V0R 3A0 OR: email: varns@ukeecable.net Note: only those candidates short-listed for an interview will receive an acknowledgement of their application.

NTC FAMILY SERVICE WORKER FOR WESTCOAST The Nuu-chah-nulth Community and Human Services (CHS) is seeking a full-time Family Service Worker to join the Child Welfare Program Team. This position provides support to at-risk Nuu-chahnulth children and families in the Tofino and Ucluelet area. Responsibilities will also include:

· Provide support services to Nuu-chah-nulth families and children who witness violence; · To work with Social Workers from both Ministry of Child and Family Development and CHS; · Group and individual support and/or recreational work on issues as identified by Social Workers; · To provide education on peer and family issues; · To work closely with a range of professionals (i.e., teachers and counsellors). Qualifications: · Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in the human services field with recent related experience.

· Counselling skills, with training in mediation and conflict resolution. · Several years of exposure to a First Nations work environment. Preference will be given to a person with Native ancestry. · Knowledge of Nuu-chah-nulth values, culture and traditions. · Must have a vehicle and valid drivers licence. · Provide acceptable references and criminal record check. · Ability to work flexible hours. For further information contact Charlotte Rampanen at 724-3232 Send applications by March 31st, 2004 to: Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, PO Box 1383, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 Fax: (250) 723-0463 Email: hr@nuuchahnulth.org (Word 97 attachments accepted)

WestCoast Native Health Care Society 6151 Russell Place, Port Alberni At the March 18, 2004 WestCoast Native Health Care Society regular Board meeting, Kaa-in Services, a local contractor was awarded the contract to provide staffing services for Tsawaayuus (Rainbow Gardens) effective April 9, 2004. The Board maintains their position that contracting services will increase stability and flexibility with regard to service provision at Tsawaayuus (Rainbow Gardens). Applications for all positions will be available in the Tsawaayuus kitchenette from Monday, March 22, 2004 until Friday, March 26, 2004 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contracted positions will include RN’s, LPN’s, Direct Care Staff, Cooks, Dietary Services, Housekeeping, Laundry, Activities and Maintenance. The WestCoast Native Health Care Society would like to thank all staff for their continued provision of quality care to the Residents.

Page 18 - Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004

Community Events and Celebrations

Remembering Peter Joe Peter Lawrence Joe, 59, of Suquamish died December 20, 2003 in Seattle. He was born in Port Alberni, British Columbia, to Wilson and Bella (Watts) Joe. On October 9, 1976, he married Geraldine J. Ross, a member of the Suquamish Tribe. Mr. Joe worked with the Department of Health and Social Services in Seattle and Belltown for 14 years as an outreach worker for the homeless and Native Americans. At the time of his death, he was attending Seattle Community College. He was a member of the Chief Seattle Club and the Catholic Church. He enjoyed making frames for family photos as well as Native American art works. A funeral Mass was held December 27, 2003 at St. Olaf’s Catholic Church in Poulsbo. Interment was at the Suquamish Tribal Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Chief Seattle Club, 419 Occidental Ave. S. No. 508, Seattle, WA 98104. Gerri Joe, on behalf of the family, wanted to thank everyone who helped with the funeral and the meal. She especially wanted to thank the cooks and the clam diggers who made the wonderful possible. Gerri and the family also thank everyone who came to the funeral and the meal and those who couldn’t make it, we all understand. (So sorry I haven’t got this in the paper sooner, but I thought it was taken care of. Sorry.)

In Memory Peter Joe: Urban Indian social worker Social worker Peter Joe, a man loved by many, passed away on December 20 at the age of 59. Joe affectionately referred to as Father Joe, created the Native American Outreach Program 14 years ago to provide Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) assistance to the Native American population. Prior to the Native American Outreach Program, very few Native Americans received DSHS assistance. Fourteen years ago, Joe began his career there by handing out sack lunches from the back of his Bronco at Pike Place Market. Along with the lunches, Joe gave out his business card. Soon after, Native Americans began showing up at Joe’s DSHS office at 2106 Second Avenue. Joe would help them get apartments or treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, assist with any necessary paperwork, find


PUBLIC NOTICE: On behalf of Veronica Dick, Michelle James, Chuck Jack & their families, we would like to invite you & your family to join us as we CELEBRATE the MEMORY of H. Thomas Dick (July 20, 1942 – Aug. 24, 2002)& Tyson Jack (June 3, 2000-Jan. 26, 2002). SATURDAY AUGUST 28th, 2004 furniture for their new homes, get them jobs, and do whatever else they needed to get on their feet. Joe’s supervisor, Dorella Owens, said his presence is missed during this cold time of year because he usually provided blankets to clients. Dorella says she rarely questioned Joe as to where he got the blankets – just “where’s Peter with the blankets?” she remembers. Because of his massive resources and knowledge of the community, Joe is irreplaceable, Owens says. Overwhelmed with work, Joe recruited another Native American, Rosemary Martinez, as an outreach worker eight years ago. According to Martinez, she and Joe could have moved up in their careers but “we were right where we wanted to be” helping Native Americans and making a difference. “We are on the streets a lot. We hit a big population of the homeless, the lowincome, the hard-to-serve,” Martinez says. Before Joe, urban Indians “were the least ones to be serviced by DSHS. They didn’t come in; they didn’t trust the government offices. There was a barrier. “Peter broke down those barriers. Peter was a landmark for breaking down those barriers.” Now things have changed. “The community has been hit hard because he is the one man who didn’t stay in the office’ – he went to them. We became more aware of what the needs really are for the people.” Describing Peter Joe with tears in her eyes, Martinez says, “He was the simplest and most honorable man I have ever worked with.” Peter Joe left behind Geraldine, his wife of 27 years, two sons, three daughters, a stepson, a brother, two sisters, 13 grandchildren and hundreds of Native Americans who need a warm blanket or a helping hand. Written by Keith Vance, Real Change

Tsaxana, Gold River, Wah-meesh Gym (Time yet to be determined)


As our son/brother focused allot of his personal life to his culture, we feel that it is important to say good-bye to his presence here on earth, but to also celebrate the joining of him with ancestors. Knowing our son/brother would want us to feed our people and thank all those who came and shared stories, hugs, tears during the time of our loss, we feel that it is important to set this special day as early as possible. We therefore have decided to hold a feast for our family, friends and ask that each of you join us to remember our young man for who we all knew him. On January 29, 2005 at the Maht Mahs Gym, beginning at 10:00 p.m. We will close the doors to hold our opening ceremonies; we will then serve lunch at 12:00 noon. If you wish to help us or have any questions regarding this, we ask that you contact Gina Pearson (mom) at 723-4727, or Darleen Watts (grandma) 724-4873, or Josie Watts (auntie) 724-4987, or Alfred Fred (father) at 723-2042.

Memorial Potlatch - The House of the late Saiyatchapis (Chuck Sam), Invite you to the Maht Mahs Gym, Saturday, February 5, 2005 10:00 a.m. To honour the lives of family: Saiyatchapis, Harry Sam, Phyllis Sam, Stephanie Sam, Dakkota Rain McFarlane Chieftainship Seating of the Rush Family on November 27, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. at the Alberni Athletic Hall

Regional Capacity Building Sessions “Building Better Services With Communities” Presented by: F.U.N.S. (Finance, Usma, Nursing & Social Development) Regular dates have been set for these regional sessions so that you can “plan ahead” and ensure that your staff are able to attend. These meetings will be held on the first Monday and Tuesday of the month as indicated below: Further agenda information will be mailed directly to your offices. Any questions, please phone Charlene Eng at 724-5757. Regional Capacity Building Sessions - Dates for 2004: Central Region Northern Region Southern Region April 5 & 6 May 3 & 4 September October November

CLASSIFIED CONTINUED Employment Wanted / Services Offered

Nuu-chah-nulth Healing Project NUU-CHAH-NULTH TRADITIONAL TEACHINGS March 26 & 27 PEARL WARREN BLDG., 606 12TH Avenue South, SEATTLE Storytelling, Traditional teachings, crafts, and Healing Project updates, Friday March 26 , 5:00– 9:00 pm, Dinner provided Saturday March 27, 10:00 am -3:00 pm, Lunch provided FOR MORE INFO CALL Jody Olsson 604-254-9972, or 604-312-6539 or Vina Robinson at (250) 731-6271 Nuu-chah-nulth Lahal players are invited to

Muckleshoot Easter Stickgames April 9, 10 & 11, 2004 Double Elimination - $250.00 Entry Fee – 4 – 6 players st 1 - 7,000 leather Jackets, 2nd – 5, 500 leather vests, 3rd - 3,500 Hooded sweatshirts, 4th – 2,500 leather hats, 5th – 1,500 t-shirts Registration deadline Saturday, April 10 @ 2:00 sharp, no exceptions! Not responsible for theft, injury or lack of funds Camping space & Arts-n-crafts welcome! For more info contact: Liz Eyle – 253-288-2044, Maggie Edwards 253-939-3311, Mike Edwards 206-255-0115 or Sallie Courville 253-939-3311 Muckleshoot Sla-Hal Shed, 39015 172nd Ave. S.E., Auburn, Wa. 98092 Trade: Hot or cold smoked salmon (vacuum packed) for a 9.9 outboard motor or W.H.Y. Call John @ (250) 723-3276

Rose Ambrose: Basket weaving, shawls, baskets, headbands, roses, etc. Also teach 723-2106.

Elegant Advantage Decorating and Catering Services Tracey Robinson @ home:723-8571, Margaret Robinson @ home:723-0789. We do all occasions: Weddings, Showers, Graduations, Banquets, Brunches, Dinners, * Super Host & Food Safe Certified* PROFESSIONAL available for Workshops/ Conferences. Healing Circles/Retreats/ Canoe Journeys. Contract or full-time position. Holistic massage & aromatherapy with essential oils by Raven Touch. Please contact Eileen Touchie @250-726-7369 or 7265505. - 5 Techniques combined into one full health experience. - Balance lymphatic system/relieve tired and tense muscles. - Pressure point care for overall health. - Facial cleansing and facial massage. - Elders age/baby age – focus on the age group to address their individual needs.

Arts FOR SALE: Native designed jewellery; silver, copper, gold engraving, stone setting. Contact Gordon Dick by phone 723-9401. WANTED: I am looking for someone to make Abalone buttons. Call 723-7134. FOR SALE: Carvings for sale. If you are interested in native carvings such as: coffee table tops, clocks, plaques, 6" totems, canoes, leave message for Charlie Mickey at 724-8609 or c/o Box 40, Zeballos, B.C. V0P 2A0 FOR SALE: Genuine Authentic basket weaving grass. Linda Edgar, phone 250741-1622. BASKET WEAVING FOR SALE: Grad Hat Regalia, Baskets, Weaving material, specializing in Maquinna Hat Earrings. Available to teach at conferences and workshops. Call Julie Joseph (250) 729-9819. FOR SALE: carved whale teeth, whale bones and bear teeth. WANTED: whale teeth, whalebones, mastodon ivory and Russian blue cobalt trade beads. Lv. msg. For Steve & Elsie John at 604-833-3645 or c/o #141-720 6th St, New Westminster BC V3L3C5. FOR SALE: Native painting. Call Bruce Nookemus (250) 728-2397 Whopultheeatuk - Sandra Howard, Mowachaht Cedar Weaver. Hats, Caps, Pouches, Baskets, Mats, and Roses for Sale. Price Negotiable. Barter or Trade. Ph: 250-283-7628. e-mail:oomek@hotmail.com.

Ha-Shilth-Sa - March 25, 2004 - Page 19 Miscellaneous


Employment Wanted/ Services Offered

"WE'LL DO YOUR DIRTY WORK" Automobile cleaning and renewal. CARS - TRUCKS - RV'S - BOATS. 7429 Pacific Rim Highway. Phone 7202211. FOR SALE: 1 1999 Safari Van - 7 passenger, excellent condition - $12,000 (OBO). Contact (250) 726-2446 or fax (250) 726-2488. FOR SALE: MotoMaster Cartop Carrier. Good Condition. Offers, call 723-3880. Will do professional bodywork and painting. Over 10 years experience. Marcel Dorward (250) 720-0155. FOR SALE: 1989 Ford Econoline 17 passenger bus. Auto, runs great. $5500 obo 723-2308. FOR SALE - 1997 Ford F350, 1 ton, crew cab with duallies and a/c. 55,000 km. $13,900. 735-0833 FOR SALE: 1990 Ford 2 wd 1 ton crew cab on propane. $2500. 735-0833. FOR SALE: 1995 Honda Accord V6 (Green) 4 door sedan. Fully loaded; sunroof, leather seats, A/C, and high mileage (highway mostly) Second owner. Must sell $8900 firm. Call Janice or Matt at (250) 884-7575.

T.S.G. TRUCKING SERVICE: Moving And Hauling, Reasonable Rates. Tom Gus, 5231 Hector Road, Port Alberni, B.C. Phone: (250) 724-3975. FOR HIRE:Pickup truck and driver. Need something transported or towed? Transport/move furniture, fridge, stoves, outboard motors, your boat, canoe or travel trailer towed or moved. By the km & by the hour. Call 250-724-5290.


wihayaq,cik, James Swan AHOUSAHT NATIVE ARTIST Original paintings, and carvings. (can customize orders) P.O. # 84 - Ahousaht, BC. - V0R-1A0 home (250) 670-2438 ~ cell (250) 7315304. www.ahousahtnativeart.com wihay@alberni.net

Reprezent Designs

First Nations Graphics. Specializing in Native Vinyl Decals. (Custom Made/All Sizes). All types of Native Graphics. Call Now! Celeste Jacko. Ph: 604-928-2157 or Email: ladybrave05@hotmail.com

BOAT FOR SALE: 1992 - 25 foot Raider. Aluminum cabin, open fore and aft deck, adjustable outboat bracket, tandem galvanized trailer. $19,900 without engine, $29,900 with 2001 - 225 Merc Optimax. Call Roger Franceur 723-4005 BOATFOR SALE: MV Ropo – no license. 40’ fiberglass. Ex-freezer troller. Fully equipped. Freezer system only 2 years old. Harold Little (250) 670-2477. FOR SALE - 40’ Ex-troller and Spring nets made to order. Call Robert Johnson Sr. (250) 724-4799. FOR SALE: Area "G" AI Troll License 37.5 ft. Contact Louie Frank Sr. at 250670-9573 or leave a message at the Ahousaht Administration Office at 250670-9563. FOR SALE: 38 1/2 ft “C” license for $10,000. Donald Mundy (250) 7205841. FOR SALE: New & Used Barclay Sound Sockeye Nets. (250) 923-9864. WANTED: 18' - 19' Fiberglass Deep V Fishing Boat, Soft Top, (Double Eagle, Hourston, etc). Call Dale or Barb @ 250 - 283 - 7149. CANOE BUILDING: Will build canoe, or teach how to build canoe. Call Harry Lucas 724-1494. FOR SALE: 25’ Bayliner powered by 350 Chev with Volvo leg. Excellent condition. $11,000. 735-0833. FOR SALE: 471 Motor, low hours, excellent running condition. Can be seen running. 724-1105. FOR SALE: 30’ Farl Hull Gillnetter with 2 nets (1 sockeye & 1 dog salmon). 7241105. MISSING – 30 HP Yamaha. Any information please contact Boyd or Josh Fred at 723-5114 or 724-6491. Reward! FOR SALE: SMOKED FISH, vacuum packed (by the sides), bags of Upsqwee. Call 250-724-6341.

+`um>k`a Advisory for Histories, Governance, and Constitutions (forming governments). contact Harry Lucas, at 724-1494. NUU-CHAH-NULTH NATIVE LANGUAGE: Transcribing in phonetics - for meetings, research projects, personal use. Hourly rates. Phone Harry Lucas at 724-1494. FREE LANGUAGE CLASSES: at Hupacasath Hall. Language Instructor Tat Tatoosh. Monday and Wednesday Nights. 7 pm to 9 pm. (Bring your own pen & paper). Parenting Skills for Parents & Tots. Fridays from 3 – 4 pm. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. cuu kleco. Edward Tatoosh, Certified Linguist. TSAWAAYUUS: SHARE YOUR TALENTS WITH YOUR ELDERS: Volunteers required for the following: 9Give demonstrations 9and/or teach basket weaving, carving, painting, etc. 9We also need cultural entertainment. Contact Darlene Erickson at 724-5655. WANTED: Nuu-chah-nulth women that would like to join my exciting team of Mary Kay Independent Sales, not pyramid. For more information please phone me, Rosalee Brown @ (250) 3859906. FIRST AID TRAINING: Canadian Red Cross Certified First Aid Instructors Lavern and Alex Frank are available to teach First Aid to your group, office, or community. Classes can have up to 24 students. Phone (250) 725-3367 or (250) 726-2604 for more information. SWEEPY’S CLEANING SERVICES: Samantha Gus: Need some Cleaning done? Don’t have enough time? Good rates. Call 723-7645 or leave a message @ 724-2763. Windows, dishes, vacuuming, laundry, walls, shelves, etc. Custodial/ Janitorial certified. Commercial house keeping/ home making certified & Food safe. GROWING THE CIRCLE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP: Video / music / CD-Rom or DVD production, website design or enhancement, book publishing, public relations, marketing, and training. Top quality professional productions at very reasonable rates. Contact Randy Fred, 530 Cadogan Street, Nanaimo BC V9S 1T4; Tel. 250-7410153; e-mail: randyfred@shaw.ca. Chuu! TOQUART BAY CONVENIENCE STORE: Open Year round! Located on Macoah Reserve. Status cigs available. (250) 726-8306. Shirley Mack Proprietor. NITINAHT LAKE MOTEL: New Manager is Lucy Edgar. I can be reached at Office # - 250-745-3844, Home # 250745-6610, Fax # 250-745-3295. PO Box 160, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 7M8. INCOME TAX PREPARATION: $15. Phone Buck 723-6749. COU-U$ CA$H - Need Cash between paydays. We loan $100, $200, up to $500 dollars. 100% owned and operated by First Nations. Phone (250) 390-9225. Or (250) 741-6070 cel. 401 Harvey Road, Nanoose Bay, B.C.

HOUSE FOR SALE: To Tseshaht member, 2 bdrm w/bsmt, recently renovated, quiet location. Open to reasonable offers. Avail. July 1. Call Annie @ 723-9706 after 5 p.m. HOUSE FOR SALE to TFN member on Esowista Reserve. Newly added 1 bdrm suite. Views of ocean & forest. Info: (250) 725-3482. PRICED TO SELL. 14 ft. X 70 ft. Princeton 1993 Mobile Home. 2 Bedroom, plus 12 ft. X 18 ft. addition, Located at Sproat Lake Mobile Home Park. Can be moved, relocated. By appointment only. NO AGENTS! Phone: 724-5290. BOARDROOMS FOR RENT: At the Tseshaht Administrative Buildings, Port Alberni. For more information call the Tseshaht First Nations Office at (250) 724-1225 or toll free 1-888-724-1225. FOR RENT: A non-profit organization has rooms to rent, by the day, week or month. Very reasonable rates for Room & Board. Also, there is a Boardroom available for rent. For more information phone 723-6511. FOR RENT: 3 bdrm Bsmt Suite, heat, hotwater, hydro, blinds, w/d hookup, f/s, phone incl., Port Alberni old hospital area. $750/month. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 723-0308. ROOM & BOARD (0PPORTUNITY): Looking for Adult tenants for August 1 and September 1, (3 available), Nonsmoking & non-drinking Home. Located in Port Alberni (south), close to bus stop. Clean private room. Tenants must be clean & responsible. $350/month - Hydro, cable and Internet access included. (References Required). Call 250-7235503 for info. WANTED: Medical Equipment such as wheelchairs etc. Can be dropped off at the Tseshaht Band Office. 5000 Mission Road, Port Alberni. Contact Gail K. Gus at 724-1225. FOR SALE: Beautiful Native Design Dress. New condition. Size 5-7. 7243049. FOR SALE: Custom built food cart with grill, deep fryer, sink, water pump, and lots of storage. 1 owner. $6500, obo. 724-4383. WANTED: Serger Sewing Machine to buy. Please call 724-4987 MISSING: White, toddler size Canucks jersey with “C. Little, #99” on back. Jersey of sentimental value taken from a Port Alberni home. Call 724-6434 or 724-2935 with information. WOOD FOR SALE: $80 per cord. Leave a message @ 723-1129. FOR SALE: TREK 800 Unisex Mountain Bike, brand new condition (used 3 times). Blue and Silver, kickstand and back wheel-rack included. $350.00. Call 724-3420. FOR SALE: 4 1/2’ x 9’ pool table, 2 years old, $2000. 728-3537. FOR RENT: Equipment for power point and DVD presentations. Projector and Screen. By the hour or day. Deposit required. Telephone: 250-724-5290. WANTED: An old spanking strap from the Residential era and any pictures from CT Hilton in Port Alberni in the years 1964/65/66. Later known as Hilton Elementary and is now privatized. Leave message for August Johnson @ 283-2015 the Mowachaht/Muchalaht Band Office. WESTCOAST TRANSITION HOUSE EMERGENCY SHELTER: For Abused Women and their Children on call 24 hours toll free 1-877-726-2020. PORT ALBERNI TRANSITION HOUSE: Call 724-2223 or call the nearest local shelter or crisis center. HELP LINE FOR CHILDREN: 310-1234.




March 25, 2004

CEAI II - The Community Economic Adjustment Initiative II CEAI II is an opportunity for tribes and other coastal communities to upgrade their commercial facilities and infrastructure to promote positive, long-term economic benefits and to assist in the transition from traditional fishing to alternative and sustainable economic activities. Eligible applicants include non-profit entities such as: an industry association, municipality, First Nation Tribe, Regional District office, society, community group or association.

Eligible Investment Activities The CEAI II can provide funds for investments that sustain communities by either diversifying within the fishery sector or entering into new opportunities. Infrastructure projects in support of these developments and diversification activities will be considered, but stand-alone infrastructure projects will not be funded. The CEAI II is intended to support the diversification and development of the coastal communities of BC and is directed at projects, which will bring tangible benefits directly to these communities. CEAI II is not a business subsidy therefore commercial and/or competitive projects will not be assisted - if you require clarification in this area please contact the NEDC office at (250) 724-3131. To be successful, proponents must clearly demonstrate their project meets the program criteria and no other more appropriate program or funds can assist the project. The Community Economic Adjustment Initiative II can provide funding on a cost shared basis with several sources, but the proponents are expected to contribute some funds to any project supported under this program. Here are some examples of eligible initiatives: 1. diversification within an oceansbased context: · experimental harvesting of new, under-utilized or alternative species · selective harvesting strategies and techniques · experimental fisheries · fin-fish and shell-fish aqua-culture pilot projects and research and development · technology transfers


local pre-commercial / demonstration fish processing (pilot testing) 2. diversification into new opportunities (unrelated to the oceans): · tourism product development (non-profit) · Aboriginal and eco-tourism proposals · to support major community attractions. 3. infrastructure development activities, which can include: · marine transportation infrastructure (i.e. wharves, harbours) · local roads · marine research facilities · development of museums, archaeological and historic sites · municipal water and sewage systems · marine waterfront walkways Important: Investments in infrastructure projects must demonstrate a relationship, which will lead to the realization of an economic development opportunity. The program will not support stand-alone infrastructure projects. All projects must: · demonstrate strong local community support for the project. This can be done by BCR and/or letters of support · be consistent with their tribe/region's community economic development strategy · have tangible and direct results such as long-term sustainable benefits in the form of job creation and/or maintenance, new business formation and increased capital investment - this is a critical factor · have minimum 10% leverage from sources other than CEAI II leverage is based on the principle of the CEAI matching funds with other partners. · be started within six months of approval date and completed within one year of start date · show community partnerships with a transparent community process being used to prioritize projects and bring them forward for consideration; · a non-profit venture - applications can come from either private or public sector proponents · keep the program delivery as simple as possible.

How to Apply

Past Successes

Contact NEDC with the following information: · description of the project · project or business location · background and experience of the management team · budget · co-funding information - a list of all funding sources including applicant's contribution · funding requested · time lines for project · demonstrable community support · list tangible and sustainable benefits including number of jobs created and spin-off benefits. To be eligible for the first round of funding your completed proposal must be submitted to NEDC not later than April 30, 2004. There may be a second call toward the end of 2004.

The following are the Nuu-chahnulth projects approved during the course of the last Community Economic Adjustment Initiative program: · Hesquiaht First Nation: wharf expansion and upgrade · Kyuquot: wharf construction and community beautification · Huu-ay-aht: establishing the Numukamis Bay Shellfish Aquaculture · RAMS Bamfield Abalone Project: an experimental fishery · Mowachaht/Muchalaht: upgrade to Yuquot including wheelchair accessible float, boardwalk and composting toilets · Ucluelet: renovate the community commercial centre to include a cultural tourism centre · Ditidaht: wharf expansion, road construction and a new building · Ehattesaht: establishing Ehatis Oysters, aquaculture · Uchucklesaht: Elhlateese dock replacement

Funding Limits The maximum contributions are set at $250,000 per project - there is no minimum size of project . Priority will be given to projects requesting a less than $125,000 contribution. Requests for larger contributions must have outstanding economic benefits and the maximum leverage possible in the circumstances.

For more information and to make application please contact the main NEDC office at (250) 724-3131.


The Loan Review Committee

Nominations are now being accepted for positions on the Loan Review Committee Duties: The Committee reviews NEDC loan applications and approves those that meet the criteria of the Corporation. Requirements: Loan Review Committee members: • must be able to review, analyze and evaluate financial documents • will be able to assess business plans • will be interested and aware of the impacts of industry growths and declines on the Nuu-chah-nulth business community • with business experience and/or training are preferred • are required to sign an oath of confidentiality Interested persons must be nominated by: • a letter from two persons of Nuu-chah-nulth ancestry OR • by letter or Band Council Resolution from a Nuu-chah-nulth Tribe Submissions: All submissions to NEDC must include the following: • a letter or letters of nomination • a personal resume including employment, education and personal background The NEDC Board of Directors will have final approval for all Loan Review Committee members.

Please forward your submissions to the attention of: Al Little, General Manager, NEDC, PO Box 1384, 7568 Pacific Rim Highway, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M2 For further information, please contact Al Little at (250) 724-3131 SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE NEDC MAIN OFFICE NO LATER THAN APRIL 30, 2004

Nuu-chah-nulth Economic Development Corporation 7563 Pacific Rim Highway, (next door to Tseshaht Market) Office Hours: MON - FRI: 8 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 4:30 pm, SAT, SUN, & HOLIDAYS: CLOSED

The purpose of NEDC is to promote and assist the development, establishment and expansion of the business enterprises of the Tribes and Tribal members of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council.

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