ACE c3 s21

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Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

Aveskulov,V (2526)-Iljin,T (2494) Alushta UKR 2011 0–1 (52)]

Antalya Chess Express

14...Bg5 15.0-0 Be6 [15...Ne7 16.Nxe7+ Qxe7 17.Qd3 Qc7 18.Rad1 Qc5 19.Kh1 Ra6 20.f4 exf4 21.gxf4 Bf6 22.b3 a4 23.a3 axb3 24.axb4 Qa7 25.Qxb3 Bg4 26.Rb1 Ra4 27.Qe3 Qa6 28.b5 Qa5 29.e5 Bd8 30.Nd4 Bb6 31.Qg3 Bxd4 32.Qxg4 dxe5 33.fxe5 Bxe5 34.Rxf7 Kxf7 35.Qf5+ Bf6 36.Bd5+ Ke7 37.Qe6+ Kd8 38.Qd6+ Ke8 39.Qe6+ Kd8 40.Qd6+ Ke8 41.b6 1–0 (41) Nisipeanu,L (2673)-Kotronias,V (2583) Aix les Bains FRA 2011]

2012 MayÄąs Cilt 3, SayÄą 21

Sorumlu EditĂśr/YayÄąncÄą: Dr Harun Taner

WCh r 5 Anand,Viswanathan (2799) − Gelfand,Boris (2739) [B33] WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [Taner,Harun]

16.Qd3 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

[B33: Sicilian: Pelikan and Sveshnikov Variations] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c4 b4 12.Nc2 0-0 13.g3 a5 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + ! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

] 16...Bxd5N [16...Qb8 17.f4 Bd8 18.Kh1 Ra7 19.Rad1 b3 20.axb3 Rb7 21.b4 exf4 22.gxf4 Bxd5 23.b5 Be6 24.bxc6 Rb3 25.Qxd6 Bc7 26.Qc5 Rxb2 27.Nd4 Bg4 28.Bf3 Bxf4 29.c7 Rxh2+ 30.Kg1 Qb2 31.Ne2 Cioara,A (2437)-Brih,S (2318) Condom 2009 0–1 (32); 16...Ne7 17.Nde3 (17.h4 Bh6 18.a3 bxa3 19.Nxa3 Nxd5 20.exd5 Bd7 21.c5 dxc5 22.d6 Rb8 23.Nc4 Bb5 24.Rfd1 g6 25.h5 Re8 26.Qd5 Bxc4 27.Qxc4 e4 28.d7 Re7 29.Bxe4 Rxd7 30.Rxd7 Qxd7 31.Rxa5 Qd1+ 32.Kg2 Qd4 33.b3 Rb4 ½â€“½ (33) Bubir,A (2594)-Cruzado Duenas,C (2576)

] 14.Bg2 [14.h4 Rb8 15.b3 Be6 16.Qd3 Qd7 17.Bg2 Bd8 18.0–0 Qa7 19.Rad1 Bb6 20.Nxb6 Qxb6 21.Qe2 Rbd8 22.Rd3 Rd7 23.Rfd1 Rfd8 24.R1d2 Qc5 25.Kh2 Nb8 26.Bh3 Na6 27.Ne3 Qa7 28.Qd1 Qb8 1127

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

19.axb4+ Nxb4 20.Nxb4 axb4 21.h4 [White threatens to win material: h4xg5]

ICCF 2009) 17...Bxe3 18.Nxe3 Qc7 19.Rad1 Rfd8 20.b3 Nc6 (20...a4 21.Kh1 Nc6 22.f4 f6 23.Rd2 Nd4 24.Nc2 Nxc2 25.Qxc2 axb3 26.axb3 Ra3 27.Rd3 Qc5 28.Qd2 Re8 29.f5 Bf7 30.g4 h6 31.h4 Kf8 32.Rd1 Rea8 ½â€“½ (32) DemĂŠtrio,A (2510)-Satici,A (2380) ICCF 2009) 21.Nc2 a4 22.Rd2 axb3 23.axb3 Qb6 24.h4 Ra2 25.Rb1 h6 26.Kh2 Qc5 27.Bh3 Rda8 28.Kg2 Ne7 29.Bxe6 fxe6 30.Rbd1 Rf8 31.Ne3 Nepomniachtchi,I (2706)-Timofeev, A (2690) Irkutsk 2010 1–0 (54); 16...Rb8 17.b3 g6 (17...Rb7 18.Rad1 Rd7 19.f4 Bh6 20.Nde3 f6 21.Nf5 Qb6+ 22.Qe3 Qxe3+ 23.Ncxe3 Rfd8 24.Rd3 Kf7 25.Nxh6+ gxh6 26.f5 1–0 (26) Alaslar,D (2177)-Rosenkilde,A (2204) Koge 2010) 18.f4 exf4 19.gxf4 Bh6 20.Rad1 Bxd5 21.Qxd5 Qb6+ 22.Kh1 Rfd8 23.Qd3 Bg7 24.Qh3 a4 25.Ne3 Qc5 26.Rd3 axb3 27.axb3 Qa7 28.Qh4 Re8 29.Ng4 Rbd8 30.Rfd1 Qa2 31.f5 Chouari,W (2483)Saenko,O (2523) ICCF 2008 1–0 (46)]

21...Bh6 22.Bh3 [The idea is Bg2–h3–d7– c6]

[22.Qc4 Qb6 ] 22...Qb6= [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + +! + +!+ !" #+ +Q+ !,$ % ! + ! +& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

17.cxd5 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + +! +!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

] 23.Bd7 b3 24.Bc6 [A classical outpost] 24...Ra2 25.Rxa2 bxa2 [White has a new passed pawn: b2. Black has a new passed pawn: a2]

Opposite coloured bishops appeared. ]

26.Qa3 [White threatens to win material: Qa3xd6]

17...Nb8 18.a3 Na6 [18...bxa3 19.Nxa3 Nd7 20.Nc4=]

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 ½-½


Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

35.Bf1 fxe4 36.Qh3 Kh7 37.Rxg6 Qxg6 38.Rxg6 Kxg6 39.Qg2+ Kf7 40.Qxe4 Rde8 41.Qb1 Kg8 42.Bd3 Re6 43.f5 Re5 44.f6 Rxf6 45.Nxf6+ Bxf6 46.Qg1+ Bg7 47.Qg6 Nf3 48.Be4 Ng5 49.Bd5+ Kh8 50.Qxd6 Re1+ 51.Kg2 Re2+ 52.Kf1 Rxa2 53.h4 Nh7 54.c5 Nf6 55.Be6 Rf2+ 56.Kg1 Ne4 57.Qd8+ Rf8 58.Qd5 Nc3 59.Qd3 Bd4+ 60.Qxd4+ 1–0 (60) Ballester Llagaria,L (2146)-Ruiz Abad,J (1896) Padrun 2011]

Anand,Viswanathan (2799) − Gelfand,Boris (2739) [B33] WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [H2Aq,Taner,Harun] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c4 b4 12.Nc2 0-0 13.g3 a5 14.Bg2 Bg5 15.0-0 Be6 16.Qd3 Bxd5 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

17...Nb8 18.a3 [Diagram

8 + + + + + + + +! +!+ +" # ! +Q+ ! $ % ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

statistics: 3 games, White wins 100%]

Novelty] [18.h4 Be7 19.a3 bxa3 20.Rxa3 Nd7 21.Rfa1 Nc5 22.Qc4 Rb8 23.b4 axb4 24.Nxb4 Qb6 25.Nc6 Rb7 26.Qc3 g6 27.Qf3 f5 28.exf5 Rxf5 29.Qe3 Bf8 30.Bh3 Rf6 31.Ra8 h5 32.Nd8 Rb8 33.Ne6 Rxa8 34.Rxa8 Qb1+ 35.Kh2 Qb7 36.Qg5 Rxf2+ 37.Kg1 Qb1+ 38.Kxf2 Ne4+ 39.Ke3 Qe1+ 40.Kd3 Nf2+ 41.Kc4 Qe2+ 42.Kb4 Qe4+ 43.Kb5 Qxd5+ 44.Kb6 Qxa8 45.Qxg6+ Kh8 46.Qxh5+ Kg8 47.Qg6+ Kh8 48.Qf6+ Kg8 49.Qxf2 Qb8+ 50.Ka6 Qc8+ 51.Ka7 Bh6 52.Qb6 Qd7+ 53.Kb8 Bf8 54.Ng5 Qe8+ 55.Kb7 Be7 56.Qb3+ Kg7 57.Ne6+ Kh8 58.Nc7 Qg6 59.Nd5 Qf7 60.Ka6 Bd8 61.Qb8 Qf8 62.Bg2 Kg7 63.Qb7+ Kh6 64.Qd7 Bf6 65.Ne3 d5 66.Ng4+ Kg6 67.Bxd5 Qa3+ 68.Kb7 Qb4+ 69.Kc8 Qf8+ 70.Kc7 Qc5+ 71.Qc6 Qa5+ 72.Kc8 Qd8+

17.cxd5 [17.exd5 Nb8 18.h4 Bh6 19.a3 Na6 20.axb4 Nxb4 21.Nxb4 axb4 22.Rxa8 Qxa8 23.c5 dxc5 24.d6 Qd8 25.Rd1 Qf6 26.Qc2 Rd8 27.Qxc5 g6 28.d7 Bf8 29.Qd5 Be7 30.Bf1 Kg7 31.Bc4 Bf8 32.Bb5 Qe7 33.Re1 Qc5 34.Qxe5+ Qxe5 35.Rxe5 Kf6 36.Re8 Be7 37.g4 h6 38.g5+ hxg5 39.hxg5+ Ke6 40.f4 Kd6 41.Kg2 f6 42.f5 Rxd7 43.Bxd7 Kxd7 44.Rg8 gxf5 45.g6 Ke6 46.Re8 Kd7 47.Ra8 1–0 (48) Iljiushenok,I (2314)-Dubov,D (2116) Moscow 2008; 17.Qxd5 Ne7 18.Qd3 Qc7 19.Rad1 Rad8 20.Kh1 Ng6 21.b3 Qc5 22.Qe2 Bh6 23.Rd5 Qc7 24.Rfd1 Ne7 25.R5d3 Nc6 26.Qg4 Kh8 27.f4 exf4 28.gxf4 g6 29.Ne3 Bg7 30.Nd5 Qa7 31.Qh4 f5 32.Rh3 h6 33.Rg3 Qf7 34.Rg1 Nd4 1129

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

+ + + + + + , + + +! + + +!+ !" #+ + + ! $ %Q ! + ! +& '+ + +(*+ ./01234567

73.Kb7 Qe7+ 74.Ka6 Qa3+ 75.Kb6 Qb4+ 76.Ka7 Qxg4 77.Be4+ Kg7 78.Qb7+ Kf8 79.Qa8+ Ke7 80.Kb6 Qe6+ 81.Bc6 Qb3+ 82.Kc7 Qf7 83.Bd5 1–0 (83) Jakubowski,Krzysztof (2502)-Bobras,Piotr (2554) Czechia Extra League 2009/10 2009] 18...Na6 [18...bxa3 !? 19.Nxa3 Houdini Aquarium (0:00:03) +0.09|d25] 19.axb4 Nxb4 20.Nxb4 axb4 21.h4 Bh6 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + +! + +!+ !" #+ +Q+ ! $ % ! + !,+& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

Z0] [27.Qxa2 Qxb2 28.Qxb2 Rxb2 29.Ra1 g6 30.Ra7 Bd2 31.Rb7 Rxb7 32.Bxb7 Kg7 33.Bc8 Bc3 34.Kg2 Bd4 35.Bh3 Houdini Aquarium (0:00:14) –0.03|d25] ½-½

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B33] WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [Naiditsch,Arkadij,Taner,Harun] [First we have to say: It seems like Gelfand made 0 moves himself today, and Anand maybe few - maybe 0 as well. Another thing, Gelfand is showing a fantastic preparation in every game with Black, practically not giving Anand any chance even to get into the game. Lets see move by move.]

] 22.Bh3 [22.Qc4 !? 22...g6 23.Bh3 b3 24.Qxb3 Bd2 25.Kg2 Kg7 26.Rfd1 Rxa1 27.Rxa1 Qc7 28.Qd3 Bb4 29.h5 Houdini Aquarium (0:06:03) +0.32|d29] 22...Qb6 23.Bd7 b3 24.Bc6 Ra2 [24...Rxa1 25.Rxa1 g6 26.Kg2 f5 27.exf5 Rxf5 28.Qe2 Rf8 29.Ra3 Bc1 30.Bd7 Kh8 Houdini Aquarium (0:00:45) +0.07|d25]

1.e4 [seems like Anand and his team didn't manage to find anything "interesting on Gruenfeld" or maybe just giving more time to the seconds to find something.]

25.Rxa2 bxa2 26.Qa3 [26.b3 Rb8 27.Ra1 Qxb3 28.Qxb3 Rxb3 29.Rxa2 Houdini Aquarium (0:00:04) +0.10|d27]

1...c5! [I am sure, that the Anand team expected to 98% the "Petroff" from Gelfand, and maybe 2% the usual Najdorf.

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 [Diagram


Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

But Gelfand had other plans] 2.Nf3 Nc6! [

An opening, that is very difficult to crack. Many players like Carlsen, Leko, Anand himself tried it over several years without big success. In a WCC game being totally surprised by the Blacks opening choice, it would be a very risky decision to go for the very main and sharp lines.]

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #+ + + + $ %! !! ! !! !& ' ( ,Q*+,+(./01234567

9.Nd5 [and Anand is choosing the safe continuation.] [9.Bxf6 in another main move here which is leading to more sharp positions with long theoretical lines 9...gxf6 10.Nd5 f5]

This has been clearly a big surprise. Gelfand played lately 2 games against Kamsky during his match in Khanty Mansyjsk, but these were rapid games and he needed to score being one point behind!]

9...Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c4 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+!+ +" #8 + + + $ %! ! + !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 [I am sure, that Anand was very disappointed after seeing the Sveshnikov on board. Around 3 month of preparation could be totally wasted! Gelfand has completely changed his Black repertoire!] 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 [Diagram

+ + + + + 8 + + + , + +!+ +" #8 8 + + $ %! !!+ !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

a favorite line of Ian Nepomniachtchi who managed to have great results here with White. But of course not against Gelfand who seems to have worked very seriously on this opening for a long time.] 11...b4 12.Nc2 0-0 13.g3 [13.h4 is the other main line here, with the idea to prevent Bg5 and prepare for g3, Bh3. Of course the pawn would be untouchable, due to Qh5.]

We are in the main line of "Sveshnikov". 1131

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

13...a5 14.Bg2 [seems like both players know, that the position after 14.h4 is good for Black. So, Anand decided to employ the classical positional plan with developing the bishop to g2.] 14...Bg5 [The bishop stands very well on g5. It is quite instructive, what happens if Black plays the same way as in the game, but keeping the bishop on f6.] [14...Be6 15.0–0 Bxd5 16.cxd5 Nb8 the knight is heading again to c5. 17.Ne3 Nd7 18.h4 g6 19.Rc1! This is the point. White prepares for the invading to c6 and on 19...Nc5 He has the powerful exchange sacrifice with 20.Rxc5! dxc5 21.Nc4 the rooks have no opened lines, while the d6 pawn, the c4 knight and the bishop on h3 give more than enough compensation for the material deficit. 21...Qc7 22.d6 Qc6 23.Qd3 Rfd8 24.f4 White launched direct attack! 24...Re8 25.d7 Red8 26.fxe5 Rxd7 27.Rxf6! Rxd3 28.Rxc6 with a clear advantage for White in Predojevic-Roiz, Moscow 2006 game.]

this is like a "half novelty" by White, which seems to lead to a forced draw. However it was the most logical way of developing and also the standard one. White generally wants to play Qd3, Rfd1, and later he can choose between different plans, like Nde3 or h4–Kh2–Bh3, or a3.] 16...Bxd5! [played immediately by Gelfand. This move is looking a bit strange from the first view, but seems to give Black a direct draw] 17.cxd5 [On 17.Qxd5 Black was planning 17...Qb6! with Rfd8 in the next move, Black is fine. Of course the d6 pawn is poisoned.]

15.0-0 Be6 [There was another high level game recently, where both sides played logically and at the end Black managed to equalize as well 15...Ne7 16.h4 Bh6 17.Nde3 Qb6 18.Qd3 Rd8 19.Rad1 g6 20.b3 Be6 21.Kh2 a4 22.Bh3 axb3 23.axb3 Ra2 24.Bxe6 fxe6 25.Kg2 Nc6= with an even position in Jakovenko (2729)Tregubov (2599) Sochi 2012]

17...Nb8! [Excellent retreat. The knight is heading to c5 through a6 or c5. The exchange sacrifice, what we checked in the 14...Be6 line is not working anymore, due to the great placement of the bishop on g5.] [Of course 17...Ne7 18.h4 Bh6 19.Bh3 with a clearly better position for White, White would play next a3, or Ne3 and double on the c-line. The e7 knight has no future.]

16.Qd3 [Diagram

18.a3 [In other case Black would play Na6 and Nc5] 1132

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

27.exf5 e4) 27.Ba4 White tries to collect the a2 pawn. 27...Rc8 28.Ra1 Rc1+ 29.Rxc1 Bxc1 30.Qc2! with a triple threat, but Black can survive after 30...g5! opening the back rank 31.Qxa2 gxh4 32.gxh4 Qd8 33.Qc2 Bf4 with a draw.]

18...Na6 19.axb4 Nxb4 20.Nxb4 axb4 21.h4 Bh6 [We reached a position with opposite colored bishops, where Black has no problem at all.] 22.Bh3 Qb6! [Diagram

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + +! + +!+ !" #+ +Q+ !,$ % ! + ! +& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

+ + + + + + , + + +! + + +!+ !" #+ + + ! $ %Q ! + ! +& '+ + +(*+ ./01234567

At first sight a dubious decision to let the bishop to c6 through d7, but Gelfand calculated (or maybe just prepared) precisely and finds a way to make a forced draw.]

with a draw offer, since there is nothing left to play after 27...Qxb2.] ½-½

23.Bd7 [23.Qc4 meets by 23...Qc5! and the black bishop on h6 is just standing perfectly covering the c1 square! 24.Qxc5 dxc5= White can not stop Black from playing c4– c3 with a draw]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B33]

23...b3! [if Black manages to swap away the pawns on the queenside, White will have no hope for an advantage.]

1.e4 [Does it mean the Grunfeld cannot be refuted?]

24.Bc6 Ra2! [This was the whole point behind 22...Qb6!]

1...c5 [Does it mean Petroff can be refuted? Well, at least, it's good to see something different going on.]

25.Rxa2 bxa2 26.Qa3 [26.b3 is looking very dangerous, but probably leads to draw as well 26...Ra8 (26...f5 is also interesting

2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 [Diagram

WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [Edouard,Romain,Taner,Harun]


Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

+ + + + + 8 + + + + + 8 !+ +" #+ 8 + + $ %! !!+ !! !& ' ( ,Q*+,+(./01234567

A novelty. Black is just trying to set a draw immediately. 0.19/0] [16...Qb8 used to be played, while after 17.f4 Black can even keep the tension playing 17...Bd8!? as it came in the game Borisek-Moiseenko, Porto Carras 2011. 18.Kh1 Ra7 (18...exf4 19.gxf4 Bb6 20.Nxb6 Qxb6 21.b3 Rfd8 22.f5 Bc8 23.f6 g6 24.Qd2 Kh8 25.Rad1 Ne5 26.Qg5 Bg4 27.Rd5 Be2 28.Rf4 a4 29.c5 Qa6 30.Bf1 axb3 31.Qh6 Rg8 32.Rh4 Bf3+ 33.Kg1 Bh5 34.Bxa6 bxc2 35.Qc1 Rxa6 36.cxd6 Nf3+ 37.Kf2 Nxh4 38.d7 Rxf6+ 39.Kg3 Rd8 40.Qxc2 Ra6 41.Kxh4 Raa8 42.Kg5 1–0 (42) Sanz Algarrada,J-Cotura Vidal,L ICCF 2010) 19.Rad1 b3 20.axb3 Rb7 21.b4 exf4 22.gxf4 Bxd5 23.b5 Be6 24.bxc6 Rb3 25.Qxd6 Bc7 26.Qc5 Rxb2 27.Nd4 Bg4 28.Bf3 Bxf4 29.c7 Rxh2+ 30.Kg1 Qb2 31.Ne2 Rxe2 32.Bxe2 Qxe2 0–1 (32) Cioara,A (2437)-Brih,S (2318) Condom 2009]

Gelfand had already played this system... almost ten years ago!] 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c4 [Definitely not the most fascinating line, though most popular recently.] 11...b4 12.Nc2 0-0 13.g3 [It is well know that 13.Ncxb4 Nxb4 14.Nxb4 Qb6 is good for Black.]

17.cxd5 [Diagram

13...a5 14.Bg2 Bg5 15.0-0 Be6 16.Qd3 [0.08/0]

+ + + + + + + + +! +!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

Bxd5!? [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

A bit symmetric, but necessary. In general White always has a small advantage in that 1134

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

kind of positions, due to some space advantage. The main problem is that the bishop on h6 prevents White from using the c-file... 0.18/0]

Too slow. But the reason White cannot win - in general - this kind of positions is that Black may sometimes just give up the bpawn and still make a draw. All Black has to avoid is to lose the d6–pawn (unless the b-pawn is queening!). Normally, in that kind of positions, a bishop on d5 would be very welcome, in order to be able to put pressure out of the f7–pawn. But White has a irremovable pawn on d5, while Black may be able to put a bishop on d4 (or c5) one day, which would be enough to make a draw even a pawn down in most of the cases. 0.16/0]

17...Nb8 [0.51/0] 18.a3N [0.54/0] Na6!? [0.71/0] [My engine prefers 18...bxa3 19.Nxa3 Nd7 which is probably also not so much for White.] 19.axb4 [Also necessary. White has nothing better to do than trying this slightly better sort of endgame. 0.69/0]

Bh6 [0.45/0]

[White should probably try 22.Qc4 Qb6 (Even 22...b3!? 23.Qxb3 Bd2 might be enough for a draw: not sure White can prevent Black from playing ...Qb6 and putting a bishop on c5. White would have an extra pawn, but no way at all to create problems. It is well known that in "opposite colored bishops endgames, the material is not preponderant.) 23.Qc6 Rab8 24.Rfd1!? (24.Ra6 Qd42) 24...Rfc8 25.Qxb6 Rxb6 26.Bh3 Rcb8 27.b3 and White has a small pressure, though I'm not sure winning chances are so real.]

22.Bh3?! [Diagram

22...Qb6 [0.28/0]

19...Nxb4 [0.70/0] 20.Nxb4 [0.77/0] axb4 [0.44/0] 21.h4 [0.45/0]

+ + + + + + + + +! + +!+ !" #+ +Q+ !,$ % ! + ! +& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

23.Bd7 [0.33/0] b3! [0.14/0] 24.Bc6 [0.17/0] Ra2 [0.19/0] 25.Rxa2 [0.16/0] bxa2 [0.22/0]


Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

26.Qa3 [26.b3 is an option but one forced draw would be 26...Rb8 27.Ba4 Rc8 28.Ra1 Rc1+ 29.Rxc1 Bxc1 30.Qc2 g5! 31.Qxa2 gxh4 32.gxh4 Qd8=]

2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 [Diagram

+ + + + + 8 + + + + + 8 !+ +" #+ 8 + + $ %! !!+ !! !& ' ( ,Q*+,+(./01234567

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + , + + +! + + +!+ !" #+ + + ! $ %Q ! + ! +& '+ + +(*+ ./01234567

The Sveshnikov Variation. [In Russia, it is known as the Chelyabinsk Variation, giving equal credit to both Sveshnikov and Timoshchenko, the Chelyabinsk grandmasters who first gave it credibility. DM] Ten years ago you would see it in every third game of the elite players. Then the winds changed...]

A very good opening choice by Gelfand. After such a game, my opinion is that there might be no decisive result at all if one of the players doesn't go out of the main theory with White.] ½-½

6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 [White's main trump is his control over the d5 square.]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B33]

7...a6 8.Na3 b5 [But Black also has his pluses. The unfortunate position of White's knight on a3 is one of them.]

WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [Shipov,Sergey,Taner,Harun]

9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 [White has removed the opposing knight from the board. Now White's more fortunate knight can make himself comfortable on d5. For a little while.]

1.e4! [That's my kind of chess, taking the battle to the front lines. With his very first move Anand demonstrates his aggressive intentions.] 1...c5! [Gelfand replies in similar fashion! Instead of insipid play for equality with the Petroff Defense or the Berlin Variation of the Ruy Lopez, he goes into a fighting Sicilian.]

11.c4 [The most popular way to extract the knight from a3. The moral is simple: if Black isn't afraid of weakening the square d5, why should White worry about weakening the square d4?] 1136

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19.axb3 Rb8 20.Rfb1 Bxd5 21.cxd5 a5 and the position has completely equalized, V. Anand - T. Radjabov, Bilbao 2008. Incidentally, this was the tournament in which Vishy was determined to keep his opening secrets hidden, in advance of his championship match with Kramnik. So no one really took this game very seriously. 22.Ra4 Bb6 23.b4 axb4 24.Raxb4 Ba7 25.Rxb8 Rxb8 26.Rxb8+ Bxb8 27.Kf1 Kf8 28.Ke2 Ke7 29.g3 Ba7 30.h4 Bd4 31.Kf3 Ba7 32.Ke2 Bd4 33.Kf3 Ba7 34.Ke2 Bd4 ½â€“½ (34) Anand,V (2798)-Radjabov,T (2744) Bilbao 2008]

[Back at the dawn of this variation, in the 1970s, players preferred the more modest 11.c3] 11...b4 12.Nc2 [12.Nxb4 with the idea of 12...Nxb4 13.Qa4+ does not pass muster because Black instead plays 12. ... Qa5! winning a piece.] 12...0-0 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + + $ %! ! + !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

13...a5 [It's necessary to support the pawn after all. Now White has a choice: where to develop his f1 bishop. On g2 or out to h3? [After preparing with h4, of course. - DM] If one could trade off the light-squared bishops without changing the pawn structure, then White would have a solid advantage. But that is not realistic. Black, for example, can place his bishop on e6, offering White the right to trade bishops on that square. Then the f-pawn, arriving on e6, will significantly strengthen Black's center.]

Boris is playing demonstratively quickly -he isn't even sitting at the board! After making his move he stands up and walks around... He is exerting psychological pressure on his opponent. But Vishy is a day-old roll. You can't intimidate him, can't break through his hard surface. Meanwhile, the pawn on b4 remains under attack, but its taste leaves something to be desired.]

14.Bg2 [Anand has decided that the bishop has nothing to do on h3 after all.] [14.h4 could be played with other ideas as well. With this move White does not allow Black's bishop to g5 and possibly prepares a pawn storm. I recall the game A. Morozevich - S. Halkias, Khanty-Mansiysk 2011: 14...a4 15.Qd2 Rb8 16.Nce3 Nd4 17.0–0–0!? Be6 18.Kb1 b3 19.a3 Qd7 20.f4! and Black's attack has sputtered to a stop, while White's is just catching fire. The Greek grandmaster was unable to put out the flames.]

[The more careful 12...a5; or 12...Rb8 are more common.] 13.g3 [The champion did at one time experiment with] [13.Ncxb4 but without much success: 13...Nxb4 14.Nxb4 Qb6 15.Nd5 Qxb2 16.Bd3 Bd8 17.0–0 Be6 18.Qb3 Qxb3 1137

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14...Bg5 [Diagram

easier to play White. Proven by Jan Nepomniashchi! [This name is normally transliterated Ian Nepomniachtchi, but that version makes it impossible for English speakers to figure out the correct pronunciation. - DM] But it's true that to make a proper experiment one should make Jan play ten games or so with Black. Then you would be able to draw a more global conclusion.]

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( +Q*+ +(./01234567

16...Bxd5 [This move was played so swiftly that there is no doubt -- the challenger was not only prepared for this variation but he expected it! He doesn't even have to stop and remember -- all of the moves are in the operating memory of Gelfand's mental computer.]

A typical Sveshnikov maneuver. The Black bishop lies in wait for the White knight on e3. Meanwhile it also frees the path for the pawn on f7. It's true that with the bishop on g2 it is still too early to sharply open up the center. The knight on c6 is awaiting an opportunity to infiltrate on d4. If this doesn't work out, it can either go to e7 and trade itself for the enemy on d5, or it can make a roundabout maneuver to c5 via b8 and a6. In general, there are many ideas in the position!]

[Here is an example from the main exponent of this variation for White: 16...Ne7 17.Nce3 Bxe3 18.Nxe3 Qc7 19.Rad1 Rfd8 20.b3 Nc6 21.Nc2 a4 22.Rd2 axb3 23.axb3 Qb6 24.h4 Ra2 25.Rb1 h6 26.Kh2 Qc5 27.Bh3 Rda8 28.Kg2 Ne7 29.Bxe6 fxe6 30.Rbd1 Rf8 31.Ne3 Ra6 32.h5 Kh8 33.Ng4 Ng8 34.Qe3 and Black ran into great difficulties in the game Jan Nepomniashchi - A. Timofeev, Irkutsk 2010. The problem is that if the queen retreats from c5, White will execute the break c4–c5.]

15.0-0 Be6 [So far the moves of both sides do not raise any questions. Even class-A players could play these moves. The subtle nuances of championship-caliber chess will be revealed a little bit later...]

[A non-obvious decision. 17.cxd5 However, if you wish I can explain.]

16.Qd3 [A solid introduction. White's first job is to complete his development and only then start his attack. How? The most critical idea here is pressure along the d-file, a pawn break with a2–a3, and possibly an assault with f2–f4. Or in a more unhurried battle White could return to the idea of h2–h4, Kg1–h2 and Bg1–h3. Objectively speaking Black's house is completely in order, but practice has shown that it is somewhat

[17.exd5 has been played, and led after 17...Nb8 18.h4 Bh6 19.a3 Na6 20.axb4 Nxb4 21.Nxb4 axb4 22.Rxa8 Qxa8 23.c5! to a powerful initiative for White in I. Ilyushenok - D. Dubnov 2008. However, I suspect that after 17. exd5 Gelfand was preparing the elementary 17... Nd4, with the 1138

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idea of obtaining a position with oppositecolor bishops where the number of pawns is an ultra-trivial matter.; 17.Qxd5 is also obviously a fruitless attempt. Black easily establishes a dark-squared dictatorship in the center: 17...Qb6! 18.Rfd1 Rfd8]

18...Na6 [Boris hastens to complete the maneuver that he has started. He is not frightened by the creation of pawn weaknesses. The opposite-colored bishops will wash Black's position clean of all its sins...]

17...Nb8 [Diagram

[18...bxa3 was probably also playable. I looked at a variation analogous to the one in the previous game: 19.Rxa3 Na6 20.Rfa1 Nc5 21.Qc4 a4 22.b4 Nb3 23.R1a2 Nc1 24.Rb2 Qc8 and here, with the bishop actively placed on g5, Black need not fear 25.Qc6 because of 25...Ne2+ 26.Kf1 Bc1! However, after 18. ... bxa3 it is also worth considering 19. Nxa3!? and the knight can later move to the beautiful and functional square c4.]

8 + + + + + + + +! +!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

19.axb4 Nxb4 20.Nxb4 axb4 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + +! +!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ % ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

And so the roundabout maneuver that I mentioned earlier has begun. If the runaway horse is able to reach c5, then Black will have an ultra-comfortable game. Every tempo is exceptionally important.] 18.a3 [A reasonable objection, and a novelty. White attacks the queenside precisely at the moment when Black's pieces are poorly coordinated.] [18.h4 has been seen before, and after 18...Be7?! (18...Bh6! is clearly stronger) 19.a3 bxa3 20.Rxa3 Nd7 21.Rfa1 Nc5 22.Qc4 Rb8 (22...a4 23.b4!) 23.b4 axb4 24.Nxb4 Qb6 25.Nc6 Rb7 26.Qc3 g6 27.Qf3 f5 28.exf5 Rxf5 29.Qe3 Bf8 30.Bh3 Rf6 31.Ra8 White had an advantage, K. Yakubovski - P. Bobras, Czech Republic 2009. Eventually White was able to get to Black's king.]

The opposite-colored bishops are a sign of an imminent draw in the endgame. But it's still necessary to survive until the endgame. Black has weak pawns on b4 and d6. However, White has a more vulnerable king position. His rear echelons are more exposed.] 21.h4 Bh6 [The bishop does not leave its fighting diagonal. Now it prevents White's 1139

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+ + + + +,+ + + +! + + +!+ !" #+ +Q+ ! $ % ! + ! +& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

rooks from transferring via c1 to c6.] 22.Bh3 [Amusingly, White's bishop does the same thing, restricting the movement of his opponent's heavy pieces. For the first time Gelfand has started thinking seriously, and his time advantage has started to melt away: 1:27 - 1:37. For the moment I don't see any particular problems for Black if he plays the natural ... Qd8–b6. It looks roughly equal. A good plan for Black is to exchange a pair of rooks and play ... g7–g6 and ... Kg8–g7. Of course it will not be easy to break through with ... f7–f5 as long as the enemy bishop is on h3. But in the fullness of time many things can change.]

An interesting maneuver. It looks as if the queen is aspiring to b4 .. . and the rook to a2! And also, in principle, it is useful to fix White's pawn on b2. In order to gobble it later.]

[22.Qc4 was another tempting possibility, with the idea of 22...Qb6 (The computer, even though it is a lump of iron, demonstrates the tres chic pawn sacrifice 22...b3!? 23.Qxb3 Bd2! with the idea of transferring the bishop to the a7–g1 diagonal. What can I say, you've got to give it some respect.) 23.Qc6! The creation of a passed pawn on c6 is the guiding thread for White's play.]

[I was thinking about 23...g6 and, for example, in case of 24.Bc6 Rxa1 25.Rxa1 f5 White already has to start thinking about defense.] 24.Bc6 [Played quickly.] [24.Ra4 is hardly any more promising, because of 24...Rxa4 25.Bxa4 Rb8]

22...Qb6 [As expected. Black's long-range artillery is aimed at the square f2.]

24...Ra2 [No sooner said than done. Black does not cede the important file. Of course, one has to ask whether the pawn on a2 might be lost for free.]

23.Bd7 [It would seem that the bishop is headed for c6, with the goal of wresting control of the a-file. But the idea is not uncontroversial. The bishop for its own sake will be merely a decorative piece on c6. If Black manages to organize some pressure on f2, then ...]

25.Rxa2 bxa2 26.Qa3 [Anand poses the question to his opponent. He attacks both a2 and d6. But the first target is more important, because Black's passed pawn is too close to its goal.]

23...b3 [Diagram

[26.b3 looks too optimistic. To ignore the pawn on a2 so cold-bloodedly is impossible for proteinaceous players like us. However, 1140

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the computer demonstrates an extraordinary equalizing variation: 26...Rb8 27.Ba4 Rc8 28.Ra1 Rc1+ 29.Rxc1 Bxc1 30.Qc2! Now Black cannot make a second queen because of a back-rank checkmate. But on the other hand, he does have 30...g5! 31.Qxa2 (31.Qxc1 Qd4 32.Qxg5+ Kf8 33.Qd8+ leads to perpetual check) 31...gxh4 32.gxh4 Qd8 33.Qc2 Bf4 and the penetration of Black's queen on the kingside guarantees him sufficient counter-play.]

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B33] WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [Prado,Oscar de,Taner,Harun] 1.e4 [Primera sorpresa Anand abre de rey!? o encuentra nada contra la Grunfeld o para probar a su rival?] 1...c5 [Bien por Gelfand que se decide por la Siciliana cuando muchos esperarĂ­an la "aburrida" Petrov para hacer tablas de la que Gelfand es el mayor especialista.]

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + , + + +! + + +!+ !" #+ + + ! $ %Q ! + ! +& '+ + +(*+ ./01234567

2.Nf3 Nc6 [una pequeĂąa sorpresa Gelfand suele jugar con 2..d6] 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 [D

+ + + + + 8 + + + + + 8 !+ +" #+ 8 + + $ %! !!+ !! !& ' ( ,Q*+,+(./01234567

and the opponents AGREED TO A DRAW. It's just the right moment. After Black takes on b2, all the remaining resources for a real battle have completely disappeared. Well, Gelfand confidently won today's opening duel and easily neutralized Anand's advantage of the first move. The colossal pre-match work of the challenger's team is apparent. Good show! And so, the equilibrium in the match is maintained. It's now time for me, grandmaster Sergey Shipov, to say goodbye. Until tomorrow!]

Gelfand juega la Sveshnikhov! esto si es raro ya que casi no hay partidas de Êl con esta variante, Gelfand suele jugar la Najdorf con a6, d6, y e5 o e6.] 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 [9.Bxf6 La otra gran alternativa es 9...gxf6 10.Nd5 Bg7 11.Bd3 (11.c3) 11...Ne7 12.Nxe7 Qxe7 13.0–0 0–0 14.c4 f5 15.Qf3 Qb7 16.Qe2 b4 17.Nc2 f4 18.b3 Be6 19.Qd2 Rfb8 20.a3 bxa3 21.Rxa3 Bf6



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22.Kh1 Kh8 23.Rfa1 a5 24.Be2 Be7 25.Bf3 Bd7 26.Bh5 Be6 27.Bf3 Bd7 28.Bh5 Be6 1/2–1/2 (28) Nakamura,H (2759)-Radjabov, T (2773) Wijk aan Zee NED 2012]

[11.c3 y ahora hay varias respuestas para el negro, lo mås jugado es 0–0,Ag5 y la recomendación del módulo Tb8. 11...0–0 12.Nc2 Bg5 13.a4 bxa4 14.Rxa4 a5 15.Bc4 Rb8 16.b3 Kh8 17.0–0 f5 18.exf5 Bxf5 19.Nce3 Bg6 20.Re1 Rb7 21.Bd3 Bxd3 22.Qxd3 Bxe3 23.fxe3 Rxb3 24.Qc4 Rb2 25.Qxc6 Qg5 26.Nf4 exf4 27.Rxf4 Rfb8 1/2–1/2 (27) Anand,V (2786)-Kramnik,V (2754) Wijk aan Zee 2005]

9...Be7 [Muchas partidas terminan en tablas cortas por triple repeticiĂłn con la linea 9...Qa5+ que para no perder el peĂłn de e4 obliga a cubrirse de alfil 10.Bd2 (10.c3!? Nxe4 11.Be3 Rb8 12.Bd3 Nc5 13.Bc2 Qd8 14.Qe2´ (14.0-0:) ) 10...Qd8 11.Bg5 (si el blanco no quiere repetir hay alternativas como 11.Bd3 Nxd5 12.exd5 Ne7 13.c4 g6 14.cxb5 Bg7 15.0-0 0-0 16.Bb4 a5 17.Bc3 Nxd5 18.Qf3 Nb6 19.Nc4 Be6 20.Bxa5 Bxc4 21.Bxb6 Qxb6 22.Bxc4 Rac8 23.Qb3 e4 24.a4 Bd4 25.a5 Qc5 26.Bd5 Rce8 27.Qc4 Qxc4 28.Bxc4 Re5 29.b6 Rc5 30.Ra4 d5 31.Be2 Be5 32.a6 Rc2 33.a7 1–0 (33) Ivanchuk Vassily (UKR) (2711) -Ni Hua (CHN) (2625) Moscow (Russia) 2005; 11.Nxf6+!? Qxf6 12.Bd3 Qg6 13.0-0 Be7; 11.Be3!?) 11...Qa5+ 12.Bd2 Qd8=]

11...b4 12.Nc2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + + $ %! ! + !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

10.Bxf6 Bxf6 [Diagram

] 12...0-0 [Poco jugado en este orden se suele jugar primero a5 o Tb8]

+ + + + + + + + + + + +!+ +" #8 + + + $ %! !!+ !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

[12...a5 13.Be2 (13.g3) 13...0–0 14.0–0 Bg5 (14...Rb8 15.Qd3 Bg5 16.Rad1 Be6 17.b3 Kh8 18.Nde3 g6 19.Bg4 Qc8 20.Bxe6 fxe6 21.Qxd6 Rd8 22.Qc5 Rxd1 23.Nxd1 Qd7 24.Nb2 Be7 25.Qe3 Rd8 26.Qb6 Rb8 27.Qe3 Rd8 28.Ne1 Qa7 29.Qxa7 Nxa7 30.Nf3 Nc6 31.Rd1 Rxd1+ 32.Nxd1 Kg7 33.Nb2 h5 34.Kf1 Kf6 35.h3 Nb8 36.Ke2 Nd7 37.Na4 Bd6 38.Kd3 Ke7 39.g4 hxg4 40.hxg4 Kd8 41.Nh4 g5 42.Nf3 Be7 43.Ke3 Kc7 44.Nb2 Kc6 45.Nd3 Bf6 46.Kd2 Kd6 47.Kc2 Be7 48.Kb1 Bf6 49.Kb2 Nb8 50.a3 Nc6 51.axb4 axb4 52.Nfe1 Bd8 53.Nc2 Ba5 54.Kc1 Kd7 55.Nc5+ Kd6

] 11.c4 [esta es la linea de moda Ăşltimamente, sin embargo hay muchas mĂĄs partidas con la clĂĄsica c3]


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56.Nb7+ Kc7 57.Nc5 Kd6 58.Nb7+ Kc7 59.Nxa5 Nxa5 60.Nxb4 Nxb3+ 61.Kc2 Nd4+ 62.Kd2 Kb6 63.Nd3 Nc6 64.Kc3 Kc7 65.Ne1 Nd4 66.Kd3 Kb7 67.f4 gxf4 68.g5 Nb3 69.Ke2 Nc5 70.Kf3 Nb3 71.g6 Nd2+ 72.Kg4 Nxe4 73.Nd3 Nf6+ 74.Kg5 Ne8 75.Nxe5 Kb6 76.Kxf4 Kc5 77.Ke4 Ng7 78.Nd3+ Kxc4 79.Nf4 Kc5 80.Ke5 Kc6 81.Kf6 e5 82.Kxe5 Kd7 83.Kf6 Ne8+ 84.Kf7 Nd6+ 85.Kf8 Nf5 86.Kf7 Nh4 87.g7 Nf5 88.g8Q Nh6+ 89.Kg7 Nxg8 1/2–1/2 (90) Inarkiev,E (2675)-Ivanchuk,V (2703) Jermuk ARM 2009) 15.Qd3 Be6 16.Rfd1 Bxd5 17.Qxd5 Qb6 18.b3 Rfd8 19.g3 Qc7 20.h4 Bh6 21.Kg2 Ne7 22.Qd3 Kh8 23.a3 Rab8 24.axb4 axb4 25.Ra6 Rb6 26.Rda1 g6 27.Ra7 Rb7 28.Rxb7 Qxb7 29.Ra4 Nc6 30.Qd5 Rb8 31.Kf1 Bf8 32.h5 Kg8 33.f4 exf4 34.gxf4 Qd7 35.Kg2 Ne7 36.Qd3 Bh6 37.Kg3 gxh5 38.Bxh5 Kh8 39.f5 Nc6 40.Nd4 Rg8+ 41.Kf2 Qe7 42.Nf3 Ne5 43.Qd4 Qf6 44.Bxf7 Qxf7 45.Nxe5 dxe5 46.Qxe5+ Bg7 47.Qe6 Qh5 48.e5 Qh2+ 49.Ke3 Bxe5 50.Ke4 Qf4+ 51.Kd5 Rd8+ 52.Kc5 Qd4+ 53.Kb5 Rb8+ 54.Ka6 Bd6 55.c5 Bxc5 0–1 (56) Movsesian,S (2721)Halkias,S (2578) Warsaw POL 2010; 12...Rb8 13.b3 Bg5 14.g3 0–0 15.Bg2 (15.h4 Bh6 16.Bh3 Be6 17.Kf1 a5 18.Kg2 Rb7 19.Bf5 Kh8 20.Qd3 Nb8 21.Rad1 Na6 22.Qf3 g6 23.Bh3 f5 24.h5 fxe4 25.Qxe4 Nc5 26.Qe2 Bxd5+ 27.Rxd5 Rbf7 28.Rf1 gxh5 29.Qxh5 Qf6 30.Bg4 Ne4 31.f3 Qg7 32.Rdd1 Nf6 33.Qh3 Nxg4 34.Qxg4 Qf6 35.Qe4 Bf4 36.Kf2 Qh6 37.gxf4 Rxf4 38.Rh1 Qg7 39.Qd5 e4 40.Rdg1 Rxf3+ 41.Ke2 Rf2+ 42.Kd1 Qe5 43.Rh5 Rf1+ 44.Rxf1 Rxf1+ 45.Ke2 Qf4 46.Qd4+ Kg8 47.Rg5+ Qxg5 48.Kxf1 Qc1+ 49.Ne1 Qf4+ 50.Kg1 Qg5+ 51.Ng2 Qc1+ 52.Kh2 Qh6+ 53.Kg3 Qg5+ 54.Kf2 1–0

(54) Morozevich,A (2707)-Leko,P (2763) San Luis, Argentina 2005 Campeonato Mundial) 15...a5 16.0–0 Ne7 17.h4 (17.Nde3 Bxe3 18.Nxe3 Nc6 19.Qd3 Nd4 20.Rad1 Rb6 21.f4 Ra6 22.Nf5 Bxf5 23.exf5 a4 24.c5 Qa5 25.fxe5 dxe5 26.Rfe1 f6 27.Qc4+ Kh8 28.a3 Rb8 29.Rxd4 exd4 30.axb4 1–0 (30) Motylev,A (2677) -Kuznetsov,V (2427) Olginka RUS 2011; 17.Nxe7+ Qxe7 18.Qd3 Bb7 19.Rfd1 Rfd8 20.a3 Bc6 21.axb4 axb4 22.h4 Bh6 23.Ra6 Qb7 24.Rda1 g6 25.Ra7 Qb6 26.R1a6 Qc5 27.Qd1 Rb7 28.Ra8 Rbb8 29.R8a7 Rb7 30.Qa1 Rxa7 31.Rxa7 Rb8 32.Qa6 Qb6 33.Kf1 Bd2 34.Qxb6 Rxb6 35.Ke2 Bc3 36.Kd3 Kg7 37.Bh3 Kf6 38.Bc8 h5 39.f3 Rb8 40.Rc7 Rb6 41.g4 Bb2 42.gxh5 gxh5 43.Bd7 Bxd7 44.Rxd7 Bc1 45.Ra7 Bf4 46.Ra4 Ke6 47.Ra8 Kf6 48.Ke2 Kg6 49.Kf2 Bd2 50.Ra4 f5 51.Ra8 f4 52.Ke2 Bc3 53.Kd3 Kf7 54.Ke2 Kg6 55.Ne1 Bxe1 56.Kxe1 Kf6 57.Ke2 Ke6 58.Kd3 Rb7 59.Rg8 Kf6 60.Rf8+ Ke6 61.Rg8 Kf6 62.Kc2 Ra7 63.Kb2 Rb7 64.Rf8+ Ke6 65.Rg8 Kf6 1/2–1/2 (65) Movsesian,S (2618)-Miton,K (2646) Sochi RUS 2006) 17...Bh6 18.Nxe7+ Qxe7 19.Qd5 Qc7 20.Rad1 Rd8 21.Kh2 Bg4 22.Rde1 Bd7 23.Qd3 Qc5 24.Rd1 Bc6 25.Qe2 Ra8 26.Ne1 Qb6 27.Nd3 Qb7 28.Rfe1 g6 29.f3 Bg7 30.Nf2 h5 31.Rd3 Bh6 32.Red1 Qe7 33.Nh3 Rd7 34.Qf2 Rb8 35.Ng5 Bxg5 36.hxg5 Qxg5 37.Bh3 Rc7 38.Rxd6 Kg7 39.f4 exf4 40.gxf4 Qe7 41.e5 a4 42.e6 axb3 43.axb3 Be8 44.f5 g5 45.Qd4+ f6 46.Bg2 h4 47.c5 Rbc8 48.c6 Rxc6 49.Bxc6 Rxc6 50.Rxc6 Bxc6 51.Qb6 Be8 52.Rc1 Kh6 53.Rc7 Qf8 54.Qd4 g4 55.Qf4+ 1–0 (55) Nakamura,H (2759)-Van Wely,L (2692) Wijk aan Zee NED 2012] 13.g3 [Diagram 1143

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+ + + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + ! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

Kg7 47.Re6 Rc3+ 48.Kg4 Rc4 49.Kg5 Rc1 50.Rg6+ Kh8 51.Kf6 Rf1+ 52.Ke6 Nd4+ 53.Kd5 Ne2 54.Kxe5 Nf4 55.Rg4 Nd3+ 56.Ke6 Nf4+ 57.Ke7 Kh7 58.Nf6+ Kh6 59.Kf7 1โ 0 (59) Nepomniachtchi,I (2706)-Van Wely,L (2679) KhantyMansiysk RUS 2010) 15.g3 Be6 16.Bg2 Rb7 17.0โ 0 Qb8 18.Qd3 Bd8 19.Rad1 Rd7 20.Kh2 a5 21.Bh3 Bb6 22.f4 Bxh3 23.Kxh3 exf4 24.gxf4 Bc5 25.Nce3 Kh8 26.f5 Qe8 27.Ng4 Ne5 28.Qg3 f6 29.Nf4 Re7 30.Nxe5 Rxe5 31.Rfe1 Rg8 32.Ne6 g6 33.Qf3 g5 34.hxg5 fxg5 35.Kg2 g4 36.Qg3 Rxe6 37.fxe6 Qxe6 38.e5 Qf5 39.exd6 Qc2+ 40.Kh1 Rg5 41.Rd5 1โ 0 (42) Caruana,F (2767) -Tregubov,P (2599) Sochi RUS 2012]

Anand ya tenรญa experiencia en esta linea y en una partida se comiรณ el peรณn de b4 pero no obtuvo ventaja] [13.Ncxb4 tomar este peรณn da igualdad al negro tras 13...Nxb4 14.Nxb4 Qb6 15.Nd5

13...a5 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + ! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

a) 15.Nd3? Qd4โ ; b) 15.Qd2 Rb8 16.a3 (16.Nd5) 16...a5 17.Nd3? (17.Nd5=) 17...Be6โ ; 15...Qxb2= 16.Bd3 Bd8 17.0โ 0 Be6 18.Qb3 Qxb3 19.axb3 Rb8 20.Rfb1 Bxd5 21.cxd5 a5 22.Ra4 Bb6 23.b4 axb4 24.Raxb4 Ba7 25.Rxb8 Rxb8 26.Rxb8+ Bxb8 27.Kf1 Kf8 28.Ke2 Ke7 29.g3 Ba7 30.h4 Bd4 31.Kf3 Ba7 32.Ke2 Bd4 33.Kf3 Ba7 34.Ke2 Bd4 1/2โ 1/2 (34) Anand,V (2798)-Radjabov,T (2744) Bilbao 2008; 13.h4 Rb8 14.b3 Be7 (14...a5 15.g3 Be7 16.Bh3 Be6 17.Kf1 Qd7 18.Kg2 Bd8 19.Qd3 Qa7 20.Rad1 Bb6 21.Nxb6 Qxb6 22.Rd2 Rbd8 23.Rhd1 Qc7 24.Qe3 h6 25.Bxe6 fxe6 26.c5 dxc5 27.Qxc5 Rxd2 28.Rxd2 Rc8 29.Ne3 Nd4 30.Qxc7 Rxc7 31.Nc4 Rc5 32.f4 Nc6 33.Rd7 exf4 34.gxf4 g5 35.Kg3 gxf4+ 36.Kxf4 a4 37.Rb7 axb3 38.axb3 Nd4 39.Rxb4 Nxb3 40.Ne5 Na5 41.Rb1 Nc6 42.Rg1+ Kh8 43.Nd7 Rc2 44.Rg6 e5+ 45.Kg3 Rc4 46.Rxh6+

] [13...Bg5 14.Bg2 (14.h4 Bh6 15.Bh3 Be6 16.Kf1 Qa5 17.Kg2 Qc5 18.Qd3 a5 19.Rhf1 Ra7 20.b3 Bxd5 21.Qxd5 Rd8 22.Rfd1 Qb6 23.Qb5 Qc7 24.Qa4 g6 25.Rd3 Nd4 26.Nxd4 exd4 27.Qb5 Qc5 28.f4 Bg7 29.Qxc5 dxc5 30.a4 Re7 31.Kf3 Rde8 32.Re1 f5 33.e5 h5 34.Bg2 Kf8 35.Kf2 Re6 36.Bd5 Ke7 37.Rdd1 Rf8 38.Kf3 Bh6 39.Rd3 Kd7 40.Re2 Ke7 41.Rd1 1/2โ 1/2 (41) Popov,I (2605)Caruana,F (2767) Plovdiv BUL 2012) 1144

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

14...Qa5 15.0–0 Qc5 16.Kh1 a5 17.f4 exf4 18.gxf4 Bh6 19.Qh5 Kh8 20.Nce3 Ne7 21.e5 Nxd5 22.Bxd5 Ra7 23.Ng4 Bxg4 24.Qxg4 dxe5 25.fxe5 g6 26.Rf3 Bg7 27.Re1 Re7 28.e6 fxe6 29.Rxf8+ Bxf8 30.Qf4 Re8 31.Rxe6 Rxe6 32.Bxe6 1/2–1/2 (32) Shirov,A (2710)-Krasenkow,M (2607) Jurmala LAT 2012]

[14...Be6 15.h4 Bxd5 16.cxd5 Nb8 17.Ne3 Na6 18.Rc1 Rc8 19.0–0 (19.Nc4 Nc5 20.0-0 Re8 21.Qe2 Be7 22.Bh3 Ra8 23.Nd2 a4 24.Rc4 Qb6 25.Rfc1 Ra5 26.Kg2 Bf8 27.Nf3 Qb5 28.Qd2 b3 29.a3 Ra7 30.Ne1 g6 31.h5 Qa5 32.Qe3 Raa8 33.Nd3 Nxd3 34.Qxd3 Bh6 35.R1c3 Ra7 36.Rc6 Rd8 37.Kf1 Bg5 38.Ke2 Kg7 39.R3c4 Rb7 40.Bc8 Rb6 41.Rc7 Re8 42.Be6 Re7 43.Rxe7 Bxe7 44.Rc7 Bg5 45.Rxf7+ Kh6 46.hxg6 hxg6 47.Qd1 Qb5+ 48.Kf3 1–0 (48) Svetushkin,D (2621) -Illescas Cordoba,M (2609) Melilla ESP 2011) 19...Rxc1 20.Qxc1 Nc5 21.Nc4 g6 22.Qe3 Kg7 23.f4 exf4 24.gxf4 Bxh4 25.e5 Be7 26.f5 gxf5 (26...f6! 27.e6 g5=) 27.Rxf5 dxe5?? (27...Kh8=) 28.Rh5+– Rh8 29.d6 h6 30.Qxc5 Bf6 31.Rh3 Re8 32.Bc6 Rg8 33.Qe3 Kh7+ 34.Kf1 Rg5 35.d7 Kg7 36.Nd6 Rg6 37.Nf5+ Kf8 38.Rxh6 Qc7 39.Rxg6 fxg6 40.Qh6+ Kf7 41.Bd5# 1–0 (41) Shirov,A (2705)-Mista,A (2587) Warsaw POL 2011; 14...Rb8 15.b3

14.Bg2 [14.h4 a4 15.Qd2 Rb8 16.Nce3 Nd4 17.0–0–0 Be6 18.Kb1 b3 19.a3 Qd7 20.f4 Bxd5 21.Nxd5 Qg4 22.Bd3 Kh8 23.f5 Bd8 24.Qg2 Qf3 25.Qh2 Rc8 26.Rhf1 Qg4 27.Ne3 Qh5 28.Qh3 Rc5 29.Nd5 Nc2 30.Rd2 Qh6 31.Re2 Bg5 32.Rh2 Bd8 33.g4 f6 34.Bxc2 bxc2+ 35.Rxc2 g5 36.Rh1 Rg8 37.Qe3 Qg7 38.Rch2 Qf7 39.hxg5 Rxg5 40.Qc3 Kg8 41.Qb4 Rg7 42.Qxa4 Qf8 43.Qa6 Ra5 44.Qc8 Raa7 45.Rh6 Rgf7 46.R6h3 Ba5 47.Qxf8+ Rxf8 48.Rh6 Bd8 49.Ka2 Rg7 50.R1h4 Ra7 51.b4 Ra8 52.Kb3 Rf7 53.Rh2 Rg7 54.R6h4 Rga7 55.Ra2 Rb8 56.a4 Kg7 57.Kc3 Rc8 58.a5 Kf8 59.a6 1–0 (59) Morozevich,A (2694)Halkias,S (2600) Khanty-Mansiysk RUS 2011] 14...Bg5 [Diagram

a) 15.Qd3!?; b) 15.0–0 Bg5 (15...Be6) ; 15...g6 16.h4 Bg7 17.h5 Be6 18.Qd2 Bxd5 19.Qxd5 Nd4 20.Nxd4 exd4 21.hxg6 hxg6 22.Rd1 Rc8 23.Qb5 Rc5 24.Qa4 Bf6 25.Kf1 Qe8 26.Qxe8 Rxe8 27.Rd3 a4 28.Ke2 axb3 29.axb3 Ra8 30.Rhd1 Ra2+ 31.R1d2 Ra1 32.Rd1 Ra3 33.Kf3 Kf8 34.Bh3 Ke7 35.Bg4 Rca5 36.Bc8 Ra7 37.Kg2 Ra2 38.R1d2 Ra1 39.Rd1 R1a2 40.R1d2 1/2–1/2 (40) Hracek,Z (2625)-Corrales Jimenez, F (2504) Sabadell ESP 2008]

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( +Q*+ +(./01234567

15.0-0 [Diagram



Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( +Q+(*+ ./01234567

47.Be4+ Kh6 48.Rc2 1–0 (48) Lopez Martinez,J (2480)-Fluvia Poyatos,J (2467) Badalona ESP 2006) 18.Rad1 Rb7 19.Nde3 Bxe3 20.Qxe3 f6 21.f4 Nb8 22.Qf2 Qb6 23.Ne3 Nd7 24.Nf5 Bxf5 25.exf5 Rbb8 26.Qxb6 Rxb6 27.Rd5 Nc5 28.Rfd1 exf4 29.gxf4 Re8 30.Kf2 Kf8 31.Rxd6 Rxd6 32.Rxd6 a4 33.bxa4 Ne4+ 34.Bxe4 Rxe4 35.c5 Rxf4+ 36.Ke3 Rc4 37.c6 Ke7 38.Rd7+ Ke8 39.Rd6 Ke7 40.Re6+ Kd8 41.Rd6+ Kc7 42.Rd7+ Kxc6 43.Rxg7 Rc2 44.Rxh7 Rxa2 45.Rh6 Kd5 46.Rxf6 Ke5 47.Rb6 Ra3+ 48.Kf2 Rxa4 49.f6 Ra7 50.Rxb4 Kxf6 1/2–1/2 (50) Kosintseva,N (2480)-Wang Yue (2599) Moscow RUS 2006]

] 15...Be6 [15...Ne7 16.h4 (16.Nce3) 16...Bh6 17.Nde3 Bxe3 (17...Qb6 18.Qd3 Rd8 19.Rad1 g6 20.b3 Be6 21.Kh2 a4 22.Bh3 axb3 23.axb3 Ra2 24.Bxe6 fxe6 25.Kg2 Nc6 26.Ra1 Rxa1 27.Rxa1 Bxe3 28.Qxe3 Qxe3 29.fxe3 d5 30.cxd5 exd5 31.Ra6 d4 32.exd4 Nxd4 33.Nxb4 Nxb3 34.Nc6 Rd2+ 35.Kf3 Rd3+ 36.Kg4 Nc5 37.Ra8+ Kg7 38.Nxe5 Re3 39.Ra7+ Kf6 40.Nd7+ 1/2–1/2 (41) Jakovenko,D (2729)-Tregubov,P (2599) Sochi RUS 2012) 18.Nxe3 Be6 19.Qd3 Qb6 20.Nf5 Bxf5 21.exf5 Rac8 22.Rad1 Rfd8 23.Rd2 f6 24.Rfd1 Kf8 25.g4 Nc6 26.g5 Nd4 27.Kh2 b3 28.gxf6 gxf6 29.Bd5 bxa2 30.Qg3 Rd7 31.Rxd4 Qxd4 32.Rxd4 a1Q 33.Rg4 Ke7 34.Rg7+ Kd8 35.Rxd7+ Kxd7 36.Qg7+ Kd8 37.Qf8+ 1–0 (37) Shirov,A (2710)-Muzychuk,M (2483) Caleta ENG 2012; 15...Rb8 16.b3 Be6 17.Qd3 Bh6 (17...Qd7 18.Rad1 Qa7 19.Kh1 Bh6 20.f4 f6 21.Nde3 Rbd8 22.Nf5 Bxf5 23.exf5 Ne7 24.fxe5 fxe5 25.h4 Kh8 26.g4 Bf4 27.Nd4 exd4 28.Rxf4 Ng6 29.Qxd4 Qxd4 30.Rfxd4 Nxh4 31.Rxd6 Rxd6 32.Rxd6 h5 33.gxh5 Nxf5 34.Rd5 a4 35.Rb5 axb3 36.axb3 Ne3 37.Rxb4 Rf4 38.Rb8+ Kh7 39.Re8 Ng4 40.Kg1 Nf6 41.Re3 Nxh5 42.c5 Rg4 43.Kf2 Rg5 44.c6 Rc5 45.b4 Rc2+ 46.Re2 Rc4

16.Qd3 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567 ] [16.h4 Bh6 17.b3 Ra7 18.a3 bxa3 19.Nxa3 Nd4 20.Nb5 Nxb5 21.cxb5 Rb7 22.Qd3 Bxd5 23.Qxd5 Qb6 24.Rfd1 Qxb5 25.Rxa5 Qxb3 26.Qxb3 Rxb3 27.Rxd6 Rb1+ 28.Bf1 g6 29.Kg2 Rb2 30.Bc4 Rc8 31.Ra2 Rxa2 32.Bxa2 Rc2 33.Bb3 Rc7 34.Ba4 Bf8 35.Rd7 Rxd7 36.Bxd7 1/2–1/2 (36) Gaponenko,I (2445)-Cmilyte,V (2525) Germany GER 2012; 16.b3 Bxd5 17.Qxd5 Qb6 18.h4 Bh6 19.Bh3 Rfd8 20.Rfd1 Rab8 21.Kg2 Ne7 22.Qd3 g6 23.a3 Nc6 24.axb4 Nxb4 25.Nxb4 Qxb4 26.Qd5 Qxb3 27.Rxa5 1146

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

bastante rรกpido pero sobre todo Gelfand que realizรณ esta jugada, muy poco habitual con solo 3 partidas, casi al toque. Hay varias alternativas que se han jugado aquรญ como]

Qc2 28.Rd3 Rb1 29.Rf3 Bf4 30.Kh2 Rd1 31.Qc6 Be3 32.Qc7 Rf8 33.Ra8 Bf4 34.Rxf8+ Kxf8 35.gxf4 Qxe4 36.Bg2 exf4 37.c5 dxc5 38.Qxc5+ Kg7 39.Qc3+ Qd4 40.Qc7 Qd6 41.Qxd6 Rxd6 42.Rxf4 h6 43.Rc4 f5 44.Rc7+ Kf6 45.Rc6 Rxc6 46.Bxc6 g5 47.Kg3 Ke5 48.h5 Kf6 49.Bd7 Ke5 50.f3 Kf6 51.Kf2 Ke5 52.Ke3 Kf6 53.Kd4 g4 54.f4 1โ 0 (54) Kravtsiv,M (2602)-Venkatesh,M (2499) Chennai IND 2012; 16.f4!? Bf6 (16...exf4 17.gxf4 Bh4 18.Qd3>; 16...Bh6!?) 17.Nxf6+ Qxf6 18.b3 Qd8 19.Qd2 f6 20.Kh1 Qc7 21.Rae1 Rad8 22.Re3 Rd7 23.f5 Bf7 24.Rd3 g5 25.fxg6 Bxg6 26.Ne3 Nd4 27.Nd5 Qd8 28.Rxd4 exd4 29.Qxd4 Rdf7 30.g4 h6 31.Nf4 Kh7 32.Ne6 Qe7 33.Nxf8+ Rxf8 34.Rd1 Re8 35.Qxd6 Bxe4 36.Qxe7+ Rxe7 37.Rd2 Kg6 38.Kg1 Bxg2 39.Kxg2 Re3 40.Kf2 Rc3 41.h4 a4 42.bxa4 Rxc4 43.Kf3 Rc3+ 44.Kf4 Rc4+ 45.Kf3 Rc3+ 46.Ke4 Ra3 47.Kd5 Rxa4 48.Kc5 h5 49.gxh5+ Kxh5 50.Rh2 f5 51.Kb5 Ra8 52.Kxb4 f4 53.a4 f3 54.a5 Kg4 55.Kb5 Kg3 56.Rh1 f2 57.a6 Kg2 58.Ra1 f1Q+ 59.Rxf1 Kxf1 60.h5 Rh8 1/2โ 1/2 (60) Bogut,Z (2444)Filippov,V (2562) Feugen AUT 2006]

[16...Ne7 17.Nde3 Bxe3 18.Nxe3 Qc7 19.Rad1 Rfd8 20.b3 Nc6 21.Nc2 a4 22.Rd2 axb3 23.axb3 Qb6 24.h4 Ra2 25.Rb1 h6 26.Kh2 Qc5 27.Bh3 Rda8 28.Kg2 Ne7 29.Bxe6 fxe6 30.Rbd1 Rf8 31.Ne3 Ra6 32.h5 Kh8 33.Ng4 Ng8 34.Qe3 Qxe3 35.fxe3 Ra3 36.Rxd6 Rxb3 37.Nxe5 Kh7 38.Ng6 Rb2+ 39.R1d2 Rxd2+ 40.Rxd2 Re8 41.e5 Ne7 42.Nxe7 Rxe7 43.Rb2 Rb7 44.Kf3 Kg8 45.Ke4 Kf7 46.Kd4 Ke7 47.c5 Rd7+ 48.Kc4 Rd5 49.Rxb4 Rxe5 50.Rb7+ Kd8 51.Rxg7 Rxh5 52.e4 Rh1 53.Kd4 Rc1 54.Ke5 1โ 0 (54) Nepomniachtchi,I (2706)Timofeev,A (2690) Irkutsk RUS 2010; 16...Qb8 17.f4 Bd8 18.Kh1 a4 19.b3 h6 20.Rad1 Qb7 21.Nde3 Bb6 22.Nf5 Rfd8 23.Qe2 axb3 24.axb3 Ra2 25.Rd2 Kh7 26.Nxd6 Rxc2 27.Rxc2 Rxd6 28.Ra2 f6 29.h4 Nd4 30.Qb2 Bg4 31.Kh2 Qd7 0โ 1 (31) Borisek,J (2541)-Moiseenko,A (2715) Porto Carras GRE 2011; 16...Rc8 17.a3 Rb8 18.axb4 Bxd5 19.Qxd5 Nxb4 20.Nxb4 Rxb4 21.Rxa5 Rxb2 22.Ra6 Rd2 23.Qb7 Qb8 24.Qxb8 Rxb8 25.Rfa1 g6 26.Ra8 Rxa8 27.Rxa8+ Kg7 28.Ra5 Rd1+ 1/2โ 1/2 (28) Schwarhofer,C (2186)-Lintchevski,D (2445) Kemer TUR 2007; 16...Rb8 17.b3 (17.Nce3) 17...Qd7]

16...Bxd5!? [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ +Q+ ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

17.cxd5 [tomar con el otro peรณn parece peor] [17.exd5 Nb8 18.a3 (18.c5!? dxc5 19.Rfe1 Re8 20.a3 (20.d6 Ra6 21.Rad1 Re6 22.d7 Ra7 23.Qb5=) 20...Nd7ยด) 18...Na6 19.axb4 axb4 al no atacar la dama el caballo de a6 las negras pueden tomar aquรญ de peรณn y estรกn bien.]

Ambos jugadores jugaron la apertura 1147

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

17...Nb8 [hay una partida Shirov-Mista donde el negro empleรณ una idea similar pero tomando antes en d5.]

[22.Qc4!? Qb6 23.Qc6 Rab8! (23...Qxc6? 24.dxc6+- Rac8 25.Ra6 Rc7 26.Bh3 Rb8 27.Rd1+-) 24.Rfd1 (24.Ra6 Qd4 25.b3 Rbd8) 24...Rfc8 25.Qxb6 Rxb6 26.Bh3 Rcb8 27.b3 aunque la ventaja blanca es mรญnima.]

18.a3N [Diagram

8 + + + + + + + +! +!+ +" # ! +Q+ ! $ % ! + !, !& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

22...Qb6 23.Bd7 b3! 24.Bc6 [24.Ra4 Rxa4 25.Bxa4 Rb8 26.Ra1 g6 27.Ra3 Qa5 28.Bxb3 (28.Rxb3 Rxb3 29.Bxb3 (29.Qxb3 Qe1+ 30.Kg2 Qxe4+?) 29...Qa1+ 30.Kg2 Qxb2=) 28...Qd2 29.Qxd2 Bxd2=] 24...Ra2! 25.Rxa2 bxa2 26.Qa3 [26.b3 Rb8 27.Ba4 (27.Ra1 Qxb3 28.Qxb3 Rxb3 29.Rxa2 Rb8 30.Ra7 Bd2=) 27...Rc8 28.Ra1 (28.Qe2 Qd4?; 28.Bc6 Rb8=) 28...Rc1+ 29.Rxc1 Bxc1 30.Qc2 g5!! 31.Qxc1 (31.Qxa2 gxh4 32.gxh4 Qd8 33.Qc2 Bf4=) 31...Qd4 32.Qxg5+ Kf8 33.Qd8+ Kg7 34.Qg5+ Kf8 35.Qd8+=]

Novedad real, se habรญa jugado antes] [18.h4 Be7 19.a3 bxa3 20.Rxa3 Nd7 21.Rfa1 Nc5 22.Qc4 Rb8 23.b4 axb4 24.Nxb4 Qb6 25.Nc6 Rb7 26.Qc3 g6 27.Qf3 f5 28.exf5 Rxf5 29.Qe3 Bf8 30.Bh3 Rf6= la posiciรณn estรก igualada aunque las blancas acabaron ganando 1โ 0, Jakubowski Krzysztof (POL) - Bobras Piotr (POL), Extra League 2009/10, 2009]

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 [Diagram

+ + + + + + , + + +! + + +!+ !" #+ + + ! $ %Q ! + ! +& '+ + +(*+ ./01234567

18...Na6!? [Gelfand jugรณ esto muy rรกpido pero parece un poco dudoso a priori, lo normal parece tomar en a3.] [18...bxa3 19.Nxa3 (19.Qxa3 Qc7 20.Nb4 Bd2 21.Nd3 Na6=) 19...Nd7 20.Nc4 Qc7 21.Ra3 Nc5 22.Qc2 Be7=] 19.axb4 Nxb4 [19...axb4? 20.Rxa6+โ ]

Anand ofreciรณ tablas que fueron aceptadas al momento por Gelfand, la partida durรณ 1:39 minutos en total lo que demuestra que lo tenรญan bien estudiado los 2 jugadores, una pena porque la Siciliana prometรญa una

20.Nxb4 axb4 21.h4 Bh6 22.Bh3?! [Esto permite al negro igualar, lo mรกs incisivo era atacar el peรณn de b4] 1148

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

partida interesante pero al final de nuevo tablas sosas, creo que el miedo a perder de los 2 jugadores es mayor que el querer ganar y dudo de que cambien mucho esto y el primero que ganĂŠ una partida serĂĄ el campeĂłn.]

] [Die andere Hauptvariante lautet 9.Bxf6 .] 9...Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c4 [Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + +!+!+ +" #8 + + + $ %! ! + !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

[27.Ra1 Qxb2; 27.Qxa2 Qxb2 28.Qxb2 Rxb2 29.Ra1 g6=] ½-½

Anand,Viswanathan (2791) − Gelfand,Boris (2727) [B33] WCh Moscow (5), 17.05.2012 [Chess Tigers,Taner,Harun] 1.e4! [Das Ausrufezeichen stammt von GM Klaus Bischoff fĂźr die Bereitschaft, das Risiko in diesem WM-Match zu erhĂśhen.]

Dieser selten angewandte Zug gehĂśrt zu den Lieblingssystemen von Alexander Morozevich]

1...c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 [Die SveshnikovVariante hat sich der Herausforderer also zurechtgelegt. Normalerweise bevorzugt Gelfand die Najdorf-Variante. AmĂźsant am Rande ist Ăźbrigens die Tatsache, dass der Namensgeber dieser Variante, Evgeny Sveshnikov, heute persĂśnlich die WM besuchte!] 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 [

[11.c3 ist der Hauptzug. Eine Beispielpartie vom Weltmeister persÜnlich: 11...0–0 12.Nc2 Bg5 13.a4 bxa4 14.Rxa4 a5 15.Bc4 Rb8 16.Ra2 Kh8 17.Nce3 g6 18.0–0 f5 19.Qa4 Bd7 20.Bb5 Rxb5 21.Qxb5 Nb4 22.Qxa5 Nxa2 23.Qxa2 fxe4 24.b4 Be6 25.c4 Qc8 26.Qb3 Kg7 27.Rb1 Rf7 28.Rd1 h5 29.Qc2 Qa8 30.h3 Bh4 31.Rf1 Qf8 32.b5 Bc8 33.Nc3 Bb7 34.Ned5 Qc8 35.Qe2 Bxd5 36.Nxd5 Qc5 37.b6 Qd4 38.Qc2 Kh7 39.Kh2 Rxf2 40.Rxf2 Bxf2 41.Qc1 e3 42.b7 Qa7 43.Qb1 e2 44.Ne7 Bg3+ 1/2–1/2 Anand (2786) - Kasparov (2804), Linares 2005]

+ + + + + 8 + + + , + +!+ +" #8 + + + $ %! !!+ !! !& ' ( +Q*+,+(./01234567

11...b4 12.Nc2 0-0 [12...a5 13.Qf3 Bg5 14.h4 Bh6 15.g4 f6 16.Rg1 0–0 17.Qg3 g6 18.g5 fxg5 19.hxg5 Bg7 20.0–0–0 a4 21.c5 b3 22.axb3 axb3 23.Qxb3 Be6 24.Bh3 Bf7 25.Qb6 Qxb6 26.Nxb6 dxc5 27.Nxa8 Rxa8 1149

Antalya Chess Express c3 s21

+ + + + +,+ + + +! + +!+ !" #+ +Q+ ! $ % ! + ! +& ' ( + +(*+ ./01234567

28.Rg3 Nd4 29.Ra3 Rb8 30.Bg4 h5 31.gxh6 Bxh6+ 32.Kb1 Bb3 33.Nxd4 Bxd1 34.Nc6 Bxg4 35.Nxb8 Bf4 36.Rc3 Be2 37.b3 Bd2 38.Rxc5 Bd3+ 39.Kb2 Bf4 40.Nd7 Bxe4 41.Nf6+ 1–0 Morozevich (2755) - Carlsen (2714), Moskau 2007] 13.g3 a5 14.Bg2 Bg5 15.0-0 Be6 [D

+ + + + + + + + + !+!+ +" #+ + + ! $ %! ! + !, !& ' ( +Q+(*+ ./01234567 ] [15...Ne7 Alternative.]



] [Auch in der Pressekonferenz wurde kurz 23.Qc4!? diskutiert, worauf 23...Qc5! die präzise Antwort ist. (23...b3?! 24.Qc6 Rab8 25.Rfd1 g6 26.Ra6 wäre sehr gut fĂźr WeiĂ&#x; gewesen.) 24.Qxc5 dxc5 25.d6 Das braucht Schwarz nicht zu fĂźrchten. Nach 25...c4 nebst c3 erhält Schwarz ebenfalls einen Freibauern.] 23...b3 24.Bc6 Ra2 25.Rxa2 bxa2 26.Qa3 [26.b3 war eine sinnvolle Alternative, welche der Weltmeister nach eigenen Angaben aber nicht erwogen habe. 26...Rb8 27.Ba4 Rc8 28.Ra1 Rc1+ 29.Rxc1 Bxc1 30.Qc2 mit symbolischen Vorteil fĂźr WeiĂ&#x;, weil er den schwarzen Bauern erobern wird.]


16.Qd3 Bxd5 17.cxd5 Nb8 18.a3N [Der erste neue Zug. Es werden nichtmal zehn weitere Zßge folgen.] [18.h4 geschah in Jakubowski (2502) Bobras (2554), Tschechien 2009 - 1–0 (83)]

26...Rb8 27.Qxa2 [Mit Remisangebot, welches angenommen wurde.]

18...Na6 19.axb4 Nxb4 20.Nxb4 axb4 21.h4 Bh6 22.Bh3 Qb6 23.Bd7 [D



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