Food for All; Sustainable nutricion security

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2 Food and nutrition

The role of fibres in satiety How do we reverse the obesity epidemic?

In addition to undernutrition, overnutrition is a major cause of malnutrition The Global Burden of Disease report established in late 2012 that obesity is now, for the first time in history, a bigger health problem, in terms of number of people, than malnutrition.


ageningen scientists are looking for solutions

Fibres to prolong satiety

to tackle increasing obesity. The Satiety and

In 2008, research was initiated at Wageningen UR

Satisfaction programme focussed on the reasons

into another candidate for weight manage-ment:

behind excessive eating and the foods and ingredients

use dietary fibres to prolong satiety. This was logical,

that can be used to combat it.

as some types of fibre absorb a lot of water, thereby literally filling the stomach without providing a lot of

One of the keys in the fight against obesity is satiation.

calories. Fibres are also an energy source for various

Those who stop eating sooner, or are less quickly

intestinal bacteria, and the intestine, too, provides

temp­ted to grab a snack after a meal, are less likely

signals to the brains on the extent to which energy

to be­come overweight. There was an increased focus

requirements are met.

on this internal control on people’s appetite in the 1990s after it was discovered that mice insensitive

“Hunger is one of the strongest stimuli people

to the hor­mone leptin kept eating indefinitely. It

expe­rience,” says Charon Zondervan of Wageningen UR

seemed that the trigger for a brake on overeating

Food & Biobased Research, who coordinated the

was discovered. And although it is now clear that

programme. “It is very hard to ignore. People who

there are other possible inhibitors for appetite, this has

want to lose weight have to go through a period of

not removed the focus on the mecha­nisms of meal

increased hunger. It would be useful if they could be

termination. A high protein diet, for exam­ple, seems

helped through this somehow.”

to result in a feeling of satiety sooner than a diet rich in sugars and fats.

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Food for all | Food and nutrition

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