2021-22 Annual Report

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A Message from the Head of School...................................... A Message from the Board President.................................... Philanthropic Report.............................................................. Introducing our new Head of Middle & Upper Schools...... In Loving Memory of Mrs. Lisa Haywood........................... #HAGivesBack...................................................................... Primary Years Programme Authorization!.......................... Middle & Upper School Academic Achievements............. Spartan Athletics................................................................... Alumni Weekend Overview................................................. Honoring the Class of 2022.................................................. Spring Fling Gala.................................................................. Donor Listing........................................................................ Every gift is important to Harrisburg Academy. In a list of this magnitude, errors may occur. e gifts re ected in this report were received by Harrisburg Academy between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. If you know that a donor’s name was misspelled, incorrectly placed, or omitted, please accept our sincere apology. We ask you to inform the O ce of Development of any such errors by calling 717.763.7811 or emailing development@harrisburgacademy.org. We appreciate your generosity and continued support of our mission. Table of Contents 3 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 21 22 24 26
Photo: Hadley Q. ’25 performs in “School of Rock” in March 2022.

A Message from the Head of School:

Dear Donors and Friends,

Unique is a word many of us are tired of hearing. It has been used to describe the experiences of people throughout the pandemic. We’ve all heard the phrases “unique times” and “unique circumstances.” Where it may be true of the 2021-22 school year and the educational landscape we have faced, our experience last year within the Harrisburg Academy community was lled with renewal.

Renewal can take on many meanings depending on the context. Here at Harrisburg Academy, as we faced the challenges of the Omicron variant, our students and their families, as well as our faculty and sta , were determined to reimagine student life. Our students served others both at home and abroad, truly showing empathy and care for one another. We began tackling important campus improvements, such as creating a courtyard to serve as an additional outdoor gathering space, and revitalization of our playground areas, with more to come. Additionally, we forged ahead in our commitment to becoming the only International Baccalaureate continuum school in the Capital Region.

Your belief in Harrisburg Academy’s mission has positioned us for continued growth in the future. Increased enrollment, prudent spending, and support from each of you have allowed us to begin paving the way for future generations of Spartans. For years, the school has focused on surviving, and at long last, we are de ning what thriving truly means. I am humbled by the support of our families, trustees, alumni, grandparents, and friends of the Academy. e gifts of time, talent, and treasure each of you have bestowed upon the Harrisburg Academy community have and will continue to allow us to usher visionary graduates into the world. Simply put, we could not do it without each of you. You are, and will remain, the key to our success. We invite you to witness your impact within these pages, and we thank you for your continued partnership.

With Spartan Pride, Adrian Allan

2021-22 Board of Trustees

Peter A. McCorkle ’87, President

Mark Foster, Vice President & Treasurer

Anthony Foschi, Esq., Secretary

Marilynn Abrams

Scott Appel

Peter Ballantine

Col. William Dodson, III, M.D., USAF Ret. ’73

Joseph Gillette ’82

William Jason Grace Aaron Gross

Mary Kate Henry Michelle N. Latta

Elizabeth Kelly Richwine

Teri Rooney ’92

Stacey Zuckerman

Matthew Grandon ’08, Alumni Liaison James Harding, Faculty Liaison

Mission Statement

Harrisburg Academy o ers an academically challenging and globally minded interdisciplinary education.

In our commitment to excellence, we provide tools, develop character, and teach skills that prepare students to thrive in college and beyond, thereby contributing to the betterment of our global and local communities.

Diversity Statement

A community enriched by its diversity, a ords every member equal respect— and provides an environment for appreciating our di erences as well as our similarities.

A Message from the Board President:

Dear Academy Families and Friends,

e 2021-22 school year provided Harrisburg Academy with much to be proud of. Our nancial stability has allowed us to begin updating our facilities. Our students, faculty, and sta successfully navigated through a second year of instruction admidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and lastly, the student experience is changing for the better.

e Academy’s future looks bright. In the last several years, a tremendous increase in individual and corporate support, as well as enrollment, have allowed us to dive into several facilities projects. Among those mentioned in Adrian’s letter, this current school year brings additional upgrades such as total replacement of our modular classrooms and installation of air conditioning in the McCormick Auditorium. Additionally, the Board of Trustees and members of our community have begun diligently working on a strategic plan to continue shaping our dynamic future.

e pandemic has rea rmed the strengths of our community. Harrisburg Academy’s faculty and sta are approachable and dedicated. Each day, they work to ensure a partnership with families, a key component to ensuring the success of our students. Our small class sizes provide an environment where each student is seen, known, and celebrated for who they are and who they will become. e size of our community allows our students to fully engage in their learning journey as our teachers work alongside them, determining how they learn best. As our students grow, they truly have an unparalleled foundation on which to build their future. Each of the donors—families, trustees, alumni, grandparents, and friends—listed in this report have provided one-of-a-kind experiences for our students. e student experience at the Academy is de ned by faculty and sta who strive to develop and hone critical thinking skills in our International Baccalaureate Program. As our students learn how to think rather than what to think, time-honored traditions, athletics, arts, and service to others are just some of the ways they develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Your gifts are shaping the next generation of global leaders, and from the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful to each of you.

With gratitude, Mark Foster President, Board of Trustees, 2022-23

Philanthropic Report

July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022 Where does Harrisburg Academy’s income come from? Endowment (6.1%) Academy Fund (3.3%) Other Funds (3.3%) Summer Camp (1.6%) EITC Funds (3.3%) Tuition & Fees (81.8%) Gala (1.4%)
does Harrisburg Academy spend its income? Financial Aid & Scholarships (10.8%) Facilities (6.8%) Administrative Costs (7.1%) Food Service (3.6%) Summer Camp (1.5%) Salaries & Bene ts (63.8%) Instructional (4.9%) Student Activities (1.5%)
for the
and safety
student activities
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,
of our community, many
were modi ed or cancelled.

Introducing our new Head of Middle & Upper Schools

e 2021-22 school year brought a new face and style of leadership to our Middle and Upper Schools. After leading a national search to ll the position, Harrisburg Academy eagerly welcomed Ms. Lindsay Bowman to the role.

After completing her B.A. in political science at Dickinson College, Lindsay began working at Linden Hall School for Girls in Lititz. She also worked at Tampa Preparatory School in Florida in the O ce of Development, but later returned to her home state of Pennsylvania to join the Academy community. After teaching for several years, Bowman obtained her M.A. in educational leadership from the prestigious Klingenstein Center at the Teachers College at Columbia University.

When the opportunity for her to join the leadership team at the Academy presented itself, Lindsay knew she had to apply. roughout her career, she has always loved independent school life, especially the ability to interact with and mentor students in di erent ways.

During the search process, it was evident Lindsay would be a perfect match for her position. Her belief in the International Baccalaureate Program, the Academy, and in the power of education are all reasons she makes an excellent Head of Middle and Upper Schools. We are grateful for her dedication, enthusiasm, and care. We look forward to her continued leadership of these divisions as we forge ahead in our goal of becoming an IB continuum school!

She is a lifelong learner who really instills in her students that same love of learning.
~Mary Kate Henry, Trustee

In Loving Memory of Mrs. Lisa Haywood

April 15,1964-August 14, 2021

After a battle with a short illness, Mrs. Lisa Haywood passed away on August 14, 2021. As an exemplary, charismatic, and thoughtful educator, Mrs, Haywood left an indelible impact on those she knew, especially at Harrisburg Academy. She was and will continue to be a beloved member of our community.

Mrs. Haywood joined our community in 2013 as the fth grade English and history teacher. While continuing to teach full time, Mrs. Haywood earned her Master’s degree, modeling lifelong learning for her students. roughout her time at the Academy, she proved to be a respected and versatile faculty member, teaching sections of English and history to students from fth to ninth grade. In addition to shaping students through her lessons in the classroom, Mrs. Haywood was always willing to provide extra help or support to fellow faculty members. Whether directing drama productions, advising aspiring journalists writing for e Hoplite, or coaching the cheer squad, she could always be found on campus helping others, connecting with members of our community, and promoting school spirit. Her enthusiasm, energy, infectious smile, and distinctive laughter were catalysts of great joy to everyone she met.

As an exemplary, charismatic, and thoughtful educator, Mrs. Haywood has left an indelible impact on Harrisburg Academy. She was and will continue to be a beloved member of our community, and we miss her deeply. Her husband, Mark, and two children, Lucas and Kathryn established a scholarship fund, honoring both her memory and continuing her legacy.

The Lisa Haywood Memorial Scholarship Fund Donors

Mrs. Marilynn Abrams & Mr. Richard E. Abrams

Mr. Adrian Allan & Mrs. Christine Allan

Miss Drew Anderson



Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baca

Mr. Peter Ballantine & Mrs. Alison Ballantine ’91

Ms. Sarah Ballard

Mr. Eugene L. Baurys

Mr. Timothy E. Benner

Ms. Laura Bent

Jeff Blatherwick

Dr. Nandhini Bogavelli

Ms. Heather Bolinger

Ms. Lindsay Bowman

Ms. Gwendolyn Browning

Mr. Ethan Cado

Ms. Monica Carbone

Mrs. Marilyn S. Chastek & Mr. James D. Chastek

Ms. Sandra Cherry

Ms. Karleen Crissman

Ms. Piyali Das

Ms. Gwen Devita

Ms. Vicki DiSylvester

Mrs. Nicole Dixon

Ms. Jennifer Donley

Mr. Keith Einig

Ms. Brenda Eppley

Ms. Susan Ernst

Mrs. Marcia Ezra & Mr. Ben Ezra

Mr. David Ezra

Mr. William Fetterho

Ms. Sonia A. Figmic

Ms. Kristie Foster

Mr. Robert Freedenberg

Mr. Peter Frengel

Mr. Michael J. Grabauskas

Mr. William Jason Grace & Mrs. Lauren Grace

Ms. Melanie Gurgiolo

Mr. Tom Hand & Mrs. Kay Hand

Mrs. Pamela A. Hathaway

Ms. Betty Haywood

Ms. Kathryn Haywood

Mr. Mark Haywood

Ms. Nancy L. Held

Mr. Jay Hricak

Ms. Jennifer Hricak

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Innerst

Mr. Richard D. Johnson

Ms. Mary Kashatus

Mrs. Karen Keeney

Dr. Anna Jenny Karlsson & Dr. Marcus F. Keep

Mr. Daniel Kehler

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kuller

Mr. & Mrs. David J. La Torre

Mr. Jim Leslie

Ms. Jennifer Levering

Ms. Dorothy L. Linn

Guojie Liu

Mr. Peter A. McCorkle ’87 & Mrs. Diane McCorkle

Ms. Judith McGrath

Mr. David Mooney

Ms. Militza Moritz

Ms. Phyllis D. Mowery ’82 Mrs. Uzma Muzammil

Mr. Spencer G. Nauman, Jr. ’51 & Mrs. Helen Nauman

Dr. James J. Newman, Ed.D. & Mrs. Anne D. Newman

Dr. Julian & Mrs. Phoxay Ngo

Ms. Lori Ofner

Myung Ho Oh

Ms. Amy O’Hare

Ms. Julia Orzeske

Mr. Robert Paveletz

Mr. William Paveletz

Mrs. Diane L. Peterson & Mr. Barry J. Peterson

Mr. Eric Pettis ’78 & Mrs. Patrice Pettis

Ms. Ann Pickering

Mr. Richard Piestrak

Mrs. Sandra Rahn

Ms. Ann E. Rhoads

Ms. Sarah Cherry Rice

Mr. Ray Rybacki

e Sadarananda Family

Ms. Melanie Sadarananda

Mr. Je Sanden

Ms. Sharon E. Schemel

Dr. W. Scott Setzer & Dr. Dana Setzer ’85

Mr. omas P. Sexton

Mrs. Lakshmi Shrikantia

Mr. Steven Spahr & Mrs. Annette Spahr

Ms. Rhonda J. Staver

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stuckey

Mr. Lawrence Wasser

Dr. Harry Weber, M.D. & Mrs. Karen Weber

Mr. David B. Werner

Mrs. Mary J. Zanolini

Ms. Wendy Zimmerman

roughout the year, our students, faculty, and sta continued the Academy’s legacy of giving back to others in our community. During the 2021-22 school year, our Middle School Student Council hosted Dollar Denim Days, collecting funds for organizations that provide for others both at home and abroad. Last year, due to the generosity of our community, we collected record numbers of donations to bene t e Lisa Haywood Memorial Scholarship Fund, PA Breast Cancer Coalition, Operation Troop Support, Midwest Food Bank, Speranza Animal Rescue, e Peyton Walker Foundation, Mission Central, CastAway Critters, City Farm, and Shalom House.

Dollar Denim Day Funds raised for others during the 2021-22 school year:


In addition to funds raised throughout the year, our students also performed throughout the community at various events to raise money for charities. ey also hosted drives throughout the year. In December, our Early Childhood and Lower School students wrote letters to Santa. For every letter, Macy’s donated $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. With leadership from Andrew H. ’30 and Aubrey H. ’32, our students wrote 1,261 letters!

As part of their Primary Years Programme unit of inquiry, our fourth graders learned about how organizations come together to take action. To bring what they had learned to life, they made 22 lasagnas on February 22 for Lasagna Love, a non-pro t organization that assists in providing meals to those who struggle with food insecurity. Additionally, in third grade, as our students explored how businesses help people, they partnered with the Central Pennsylvania Sons of Italy to assist with a service project. Our students ran a two week drive to collect gently used shoes to donate to those in developing countries, who sell them in marketplaces. We are proud of their entrepreneurial spirit!

Lastly, under the leadership of Anna W. ’32, Harrisburg Academy raised enough funds to donate to Susquehanna Service Dogs and name a puppy, Academy!

Left Page:

Top Left Photo: Middle and Upper School students present the PA Breast Cancer Coalition with funds raised during our October Dollar Denim Day.

Middle Left Photo: Upper School students perform at the Camp Hill Candy Cane Walk.

Bottom Left Photo: Middle and Upper School students perform at the Salvation Army Be the Light Event in Harrisburg.

Top Right Photo: Andrew H. ’30 and Aubrey H. ’32 pose for a photo with letters to Santa.

Middle Right Photo: e Class of 2031 poses with shoes collected for their fundraiser with the Central PA Sons of Italy.

Bottom Right Photo: Jackson M. ’27 takes time to clean the Holocaust Memorial for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Riverfront Park.

#HAGivesBack...to Ukraine!

As our students learn, grow, and participate in our International Baccalaureate Program, they gradually take an interest in the experiences of others across the globe. Last year, several of our Upper School students approached Ms. Lindsay Bowman, Head of Middle and Upper Schools, about collecting items and funds to send to those in Ukraine who needed them most. Harrisburg Academy partnered with Mission Central in Mechanicsburg to package items that were delivered to Ukrainians through green corridors. In total, our students raised $2,500 and collected over 500 pounds of items! ank you, Spartans, for your generosity and willingness to serve others, both at home and abroad!

Top Left Photo: Alexandra M. ’23 poses with one of her donated items.

Top Center Photo: Items collected by Harrisburg Academy students including baby food, personal care and feminine products, blankets, ashlights and pillar candles, and basic rst aid items.

Top Right Photo: Head of School Adrian Allan delivers items on behalf of Harrisburg Academy to Hope Harrison and Stephanie Titzel of Mission Central.

Bottom Photo: Harrisburg Academy Middle and Upper School students present Mission Central with $2,500 raised from our Dollar Denim Day e orts.

In the spring, our Middle School students took advantage of the warm weather and performed acts of service throughout our community at Mission Central, the Bridge Foundation, and Paxtang Cemetery. While at Mission Central, our students organized other donations to be sent to Ukraine, as well as others to be used for those in need locally. At the Bridge, our students got their hands dirty as they cleaned, planted, and renovated the bleachers into a garden at the former site of Bishop McDevitt High School. At Paxtang Cemetery, our students removed debris and learned more about those buried there, which include several notable Harrisburg Academy alumni. We are grateful for your service to others!

Top Left Photo: Students pack items for delivery at Mission Central.

Top Right Photo: Debris is cleared at Paxtang Cemetery by a Middle School student.

Bottom Photo: Students mix soil with nutrients to use for planting food in a garden.


Just after the school year ended, Harrisburg Academy received noti cation from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) that we are fully authorized to o er the Primary Years Programme! Achieving full authorization is an important milestone for our Early Childhood and Lower School students, and we are so proud of all of their work! As noted in the IB’s report following authorization, “ e school has further adapted learning experiences to engage students in re ecting on how, what, and why they are learning.” Enjoy these highlights on end-of-year projects completed by our youngest learners!


As part of their unit “How We Organize Ourselves,” our Kindergarten students explored the following central idea: People make decisions in the process of production. As part of their unit of inquiry, our students enjoyed a special visit from Mrs. Faith Sgagias, an owner of Paxtang Grill, which has been in business since 1963. Students were able to ask questions about supply chains, how restaurants make a pro t, and where our food comes from. Additionally, they visited Paulus Farm Market, learning more about the farm-to-table process. ey began growing their own herbs to sell at their Farmer’s Market in May, however, Mother Nature had another idea! As their plants failed to thrive, our kindergarten students pivoted, recovering those losses by selling lemonade and other healthy snacks. Above all, Mrs. Weber, one of our Kindergarten teachers, noted that the students made connections with other material, completely unsolicited, such as assigning Spanish vocabulary words to the plants that did survive!


As our rst graders dove into their transdisciplinary theme “Sharing the Planet,” they took a eld trip to the York County Waste Authority for a tour, where they learned about how waste can get recycled and made into electricity. rough this unit, they focused on lines of inquiry such as ways humans harm the environment, the adaptation of animals, and our responsibility towards the environment resulting from shared resources with other people and other living things. To put their learning into action, they created educational resources to teach other students about the power of recycling!


As our second graders inquired about relationships and the interconnectedness of individuals using local and global perspectives, they researched the idea of heroes. eir lessons allowed them to determine what a hero is, biography writing structure as they researched how heroes earned their status, and ways to take actions to become an everyday hero. To showcase their efforts, the Class of 2032 hosted a Wax Museum featuring historical figures throughout the ages including Beatrix Potter, Frida Kahlo, Neil Armstrong, and more!


Our third grade students explored how decisions a ect the success of a business. roughout the process as they prepared for their Market Day event, they learned about the ways people budget and manage money and the impact of marketing and business choices. As they created their own products to sell at the event, our students learned practical skills about markup on goods sold, as well as determination to make their businesses successful and innovative as they worked to outsell the competition! Entrepreneurship at work!


While learning about the physical and geographical characteristics of di erent places and how those impact daily life, our fourth graders hosted States Fair, an annual tradition at the Academy. e States Fair is a culmination of extensive research into a U.S. state of the student’s choosing in which they explore indigenous tribes and territories, environmental patterns, state symbols and traditions, and in uential people in the history of the state. Students also design ideal living structures to best combat severe weather in their state dovetailing into their previous unit centered on natural weather phenomena.


roughout the year, our fth graders prepared for PYPx, the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition. is event serves as a culmination of skills learned. Students work to direct their learning while working in groups to create their own central idea, key concepts, lines of inquiry, and action plans. During the 2021-22 school year, our students explored health issues such as diabetes discrimination, childhood issues such as bullying and trauma, and environmental issues such as pollution. Congratulations on a job well done!

Middle & Upper School Student Highlights


Our Middle School students rose to the challenge as they defended the Academy’s championship title from the 2020-21 school year. Congratulations to our students for bringing this one home!

Pictured from Left to Right: Shriyan K. ’27, Alana D. ’26, Ceci R. ’26, and Max S. ’28 Not Pictured: Nirvana B. ’27, Liliana H. ’26, Gretchen H. ’28, and Christabelle K. ’27


Levi K. ’23 participated in the National History Day Competition and took second place for his documentary entitled “Debate and Diplomacy: the Lost Cause,” which explored the Confederacy, the Daughters of the Confederacy, and the U.S. Civil War. He advanced to the state competition in May.


Luca S. ’24 (pictured left) joined the All-State Jazz Ensemble for their performance in April 2022. In addition, Ari C. ’24 (pictured right) was invited to join the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 7 Honors Orchestra. They performed in York at the District Festival in Februrary. Congratulations, SpARTans!



Jason Witt ’22, Willow D. ’23, and Madeline G. ’23 participated in the Future Business Leaders of America Region 15 Competition. ey earned second place in Insurance and Risk Management and rst in Journalism and Organizational Leadership. ese three students represented the Academy at the state level competition in April, and Madeline advanced to the national level competition in Chicago in the summer, where she learned a lot to prepare her for the 2022-23 academic competitions!

Pictured from Left to Right:

Jason Witt ’22, Willow D. ’23, and Madeline G. ’23


Each year, our Middle and Upper School students participate in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Fair and the Capital Area Science & Engineering Fair. For her project entitled “How Di erent Chemical Fertilizers A ect Algae Growth,” Liliana H. ’26 won rst place at PJAS and took the Grand Champion Finalist and rst place award at CASEF, as well as the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association Award, the Ricoh American Corporation Award for environmental responsibility and sustainable development, the Dr. Love Award for excellent presentation and outstanding communication skills during her interview, the BroadcomMasters Middle School Competition Award given for top scores, and the CASEF Category Awards for the top category projects sponsored by the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation. In addition, Liliana advanced to the state level competition in May at Penn State where she placed second among her peers! Congratulations!


Several of our students participated in the American Mathematics Association Competitions for students in grades 5-12. e AMC 8 is for students in grade 8 or below, AMC 10 is for students in grade 10 or below, and AMC 12 is for students in grade 12 or below. During the 2021-22 school year competitition, Harrisburg Academy had four students in the AMC 8, two in the AMC 10, and six in the AMC 12. Ari C. ’24 and Max S. ’28 represented the Academy in the AMC 10 alongside 25,216 students from 1,397 schools worldwide. Ari scored within the top 30% of all students and Max within the top 10% of students. Six Academy students (Ari C. ’24, Jacky H. ’23, Richard L. ’24, Everett P. ’22, Max S. ’28, and Jiawen W. ’23) represented the Academy in the AMC 12 alongside 20,245 students from 1,477 worldwide. Ari, Jacky, Richard, and Jiawen scored within the top 45-70% of students worldwide. Everett scored within the top 35% and Max within the top 15%!

At the Academy, our students can discover their passions and compete at their highest level. Here are some of our athletics highlights from the 2021-22 school year!

Top Left Photo: Alex Seman ’22 poses at the PIAA Dist ict III Swim Meet after the 200 Free where he took gold with a time of 1:43.27. He also swam in the 500 Free and took gold with a time of 4:45.46. Alex also competed at the state level where he was able to win fourth place in the 200 Free and fth place in the 500 Free. He was also nominated for the M&T Bank John Travers Award, which recognizes top athletes throughout Central PA.

Top Right Photo: Biya K. ’23 takes a shot during a game against Bishop McDevitt. Biya nished the season strong and landed a spot in the District III 2A Singles Tennis Tournament.

Bottom Left Photo: Amira A. ’26, Willow D. ’26, Adam H. ’27, and Faraz R. ’27 were named as All-Stars for their e orts throughout the season by the Central Pennsylvania Basketball League. Additionally, the team was named as Sportsmanship Team of the year among all the teams in the league.

Bottom Right Photo: As part of our co-operative programs, Willow D. ’23 participated in the PIAA Golf Championships and quali ed as one of the top 36 golfers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Alumni Weekend

APRIL 29 & 30, 2022

We are so grateful to the many alumni who came home for our 2022 Alumni Weekend. Over the course of two days, we honored our Alumni Achievement Award winners and inductees into the Athletic Hall of Fame. Additionally, we hosted a luncheon for our winners and inductees, visited with many of our alumni at a Happy Hour at the Millworks, and welcomed several alumni to our Spring Gala. To view more highlights from the weekend, we invite you to take a look at our fall edition of Spartan Connection by scanning the QR code below. Save the date for April 28 & 29, 2023!

H ME Welcome Alumni Weekend 2023 Save the date! Stay tuned for more details for Alumni Weekend 2023!

Honoring the Class of 2022

On June 3, 2022, we bid a fond farewell to the 22 of the Class of 2022. We are grateful for their leadership within the student body, their humor, and their perserverance. We are so proud and can’t wait to see what they accomplish!

Our Commencement Exercises featured speeches from Mr. Allan, Ms. Bowman, Rebecca Summers ’22 (valedictorian), Alex Seman ’22 (salutorian), and Mr. Matthew Grandon ’08. We invite you to watch a video highlighting Commencement Exercises by using the QR code to the right!


Top Photo: Members of the Class of 2022 receive gifts from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at our annual event, Hail and Farewell. Bottom Photo: e Class of 2022 gathered at Commencement Exercises in Parmer Hall at Messiah University.

On April 30, Harrisburg Academy hosted our Annual Spring Fling Gala. e evening featured casino games, a silent auction, phenomenal food and drink, and fun by all who attended! Our gala saw a record number of items donated, and Harrisburg Academy was able to raise $74,582 or 107% of our goal! Additionally, thanks to the generosity of Mr. Eric Pettis ’78, we exceeded our goal to raise funds for athletic uniforms for our students, as well as new equipment, for a total of $10,500!



Top Left Photo: Silent Auction items generously donated by members of our community. Top Right Photo: Sabrena Hartley P’23 & Paula Foster P’26 pose for a photo as they enjoy the event. Left Photo: Math Teacher Jennifer Baker tries her luck with Spartan Cash. Right Photo: Guests play casino games.

Harrisburg Academy Board of Trustees

Harrisburg Academy is grateful for our 2022 Spring Fling Gala Sponsors!
Prensenting Sponsor:

Family Sponsors:

Mrs. Marilynn Abrams & Mr. Richard Abrams

Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Marlene Atherton

Dr. Ashish Behari, M.D. ’91 & Mrs. Pratima Behari

Mr. W. Andrew & Virginia K. Bitner

Mr. Matthew DeSoto & Mrs. Desiree DeSoto

Mr. William Jason Grace & Mrs. Lauren Grace

Mr. David Jones & Mrs. Kelly Charlesworth-Jones

Mr. Sherwood B. Kimmel & Mrs. Jacqueline A. Kimmel

Mr. Sean P. Lowry & Ms. Angela Lowry

Mr. L. Je ery & Sharon L. Mattern

Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Mia Rosenberg

Mr. Nikolas & Mrs. Faith Sgagias

Mr. William Stevens & Mrs. Natalie Stevens

The 1784 Society

In 1784, Harrisburg Academy was founded in a small room along the shores of the Susquehanna River. From our humble beginnings, Harrisburg Academy is the area’s only independent, non-sectarian, co-educational day school serving students from age three to twelfth grade. As a forward-thinking, inclusive institution ushering visionary graduates into our local and global communities, the 1784 Society recognizes all donors to Harrisburg Academy’s Annual Fund, also known as the Academy Fund.

As the Academy continues our legacy of known educational excellence, we are proud to present the names of our individual and corporate donors for the 2021-22 school year.

Every gift is important to Harrisburg Academy. In a list of this magnitude, errors may occur. e gifts re ected in this report were received by Harrisburg Academy between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. If you know of a donor’s name that is misspelled, incorrectly placed, or omitted, please accept our sincere apology. We ask you to inform the O ce of Development and Alumni Relations by calling 717.763.7811 or emailing development@harrisburgacademy.org. We appreciate your generosity and continued support of our mission.

Individual Gifts

Academy Fund Donations—up to $499

Mr. Neil A. Abrams ’96

Mrs. Deborah Adams


Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Appel

Mr. Joel D. Petruschke & Ms. Kathleen Baker

Mrs. Jennifer R. Baker

Ms. Sarah Ballard

Mr. David B. Bechtel & Mrs. Melinda Bechtel

Mrs. Melissa Behm

Mr. Robert Bell

Mrs. Laura Bent Mary Jane Boyle

Mr. Christopher Catherman & Mrs. Christine Catherman

Bicheng Chen

e Class of 1982

Mrs. Susan S. Cohen & Mr. Walter Cohen

Mr. Je Copus

Mr. Jere Coxon ’60

Mrs. Alexandra Daniel

Mrs. Julia A. DeCesar & Mr. omas DeCesar

Mrs. Elizabeth P. Delaney

Mr. Philip M. DePamphilis & Mrs. Sharon DePamphilis

Ms. Vicki DiSylvester

Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Doe ’40

Ms. Catherine Errington

Mr. Brad S. Feldman & Ms. Elizabeth A. Graham ’87

Mr. Bruce Fields ’73

Mr. Tilman H. Foust, Jr. ’64

Maryanne Freeling

Mr. Peter Frengel

Mrs. Erin Fryer

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gillette ’82

Mrs. Leyla Gold nger

Mr. Aaron P. Gross & Mrs. Anne S. Gross

denotes a faculty or sta member *denotes a deceased donor

Mr. Matthew Harcourt & Mrs. Erin E. Harcourt ’90

Mr. James Harding & Mrs. Kari F. Harding

Mr. Evan R. Hart & Mrs. Courtney Hart

Ms. Elizabeth Hess ’87

Ms. Anna Lee Higgins Ms. Ebony Hodges

Weidong Huang

Mr. Michael J. Gamon & Ms. Jenny M. Huerter

Ms. Jill Hurst-Wahl ’75

Mr. Richard Huy

Mr. Eric Johnston & Mrs. Susan P. Graham Johnston ’87 Dennie V. Jones

Mr. Stanley W. Jones & Mrs. Cynthia R. Jones

Dr. Anna Jenny Karlsson & Dr. Marcus F. Keep

Mrs. & Mr. Christine Kerr Mrs. Carolyn Kokotajlo

Mrs. Lisa M. Lambert

Emily Lakowski

Mr. & Mrs. David Lehman Ms. Teresa Lindley Ms. Rebecca Lock Mr. Tim Luckenbaugh

Mr. Charles P. Mackin & Mrs. Deborah A. Mackin Mr. Scott Markovitz & Mrs. Mindy Markovitz ’87

Mr. Carl L. Marshall ’65

Mr. John R. Martin, Jr. & Mrs. Amy Martin Michaelann McCormick

Mr. & Ms. Ron Morrett Mrs. Helen Mowery

Mr. Andrew Mulkerin & Mrs. Irene Mulkerin

Mr. Martin Murray & Mrs. Lucy Miller Martin

Mr. George Nagle

Mr. William Newman

Mr. Elias Ablorh-Odjidja & Mrs. Joana Odjidja

Ms. Amy O’Hare

Mr. Michael Ortman & Mrs. Kathy Ortman

Dr. Hong S. Park, M.D. & Mrs. Sang Park

Ms. Maria Garay-Pinzon

Academy Fund Donations—up to $499, continued

Mr. Kevin W. Potter & Mrs. Deborah L. Potter

Mr. Steven J. Preston & Mrs. Ami E. Preston

Dr. Karl Qualls, Ph.D. & Mrs. Gretchen Qualls

Mr. Matthew Rankow ’05

Dr. & Mrs. Jared S. Rife, Ph.D.

Mrs. Clifton Rodgers

Mr. Derek Sandstrom

Mr. Matthew J. Seely & Mrs. Kelly Seely

Ms. Jeane Serino

Mr. William W. Shakely & Mrs. Heidi Shakely ’73

Mrs. Lakshmi Shrikantia

Ms. Judith Slocum

Mr. Jeremy Smith

Ms. Arwen E. Sniatecki ’97

Mr. Steven Spahr & Mrs. Annette Spahr

Mrs. Alison Spink

Ms. Paige Sterner ’16

Beryl Abrams

Mr. Adrian Allan & Mrs. Christine Allan

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baca

Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bartley, III, M.D.*

Ms. Heather Bolinger

Mrs. Kim Brason & Mr. Todd Brason ’76

Mr. Melvin J. Brownold

Mr. Robert E. Chernico , Esq. & Mrs. Deborah Chernico

Dr. Bennett Chotiner, M.D. & Mrs. Inez Chotiner

Mr. Je L. Cutchall & Mrs. Robyn D. Cutchall

Mr. Albert Farr ’05

Mr. Matthew Farrell ’04

Mr. Anthony J. Foschi, Esq. & Mrs. Jean Foschi

Mr. Mark Foster & Mrs. Paula J. Foster

Dr. Alex Garton, M.D. & Mrs. Mary Garton

Lowell Gates

Mrs. Linda A. Goldstein & Mr. Herbert Goldstein

Ms. Ruth Gonzalez

Mr. William Jason Grace & Mrs. Lauren Grace

Mr. Matthew Grandon ’08

Mrs. Mary Kate Henry & Mr. Deryck Henry

Mr. Je rey Stou er

Ms. Brieann Taylor

Mr. Joseph D. Tolsma ’04

Ms. Aimee K. Travisano

Ms. Karissa Valora

Ms. Monica Velasco

Xiaolu Wang

Mr. Richard Whitehead & Mrs. Tara Whitehead omas Wierman Trust

Mr. David L. Wilson, Jr. & Ms. Elizabeth R. Lexa

Dr. Stephen Winer, M.D. & Mrs. Anita Winer

Mrs. Coral K. Witmer

Mrs. Cynthia Woolbright

Ms. Kristina Yann

Mrs. Anne Yellott

Mrs. Mary J. Zanolini

Mr. John W. Ziss

The Journey United Methodist Church

Divpreet Kaur

Huston B. Killian

Mr. Daniel F. Klain ’82*

Mrs. Stacy Klann & Mr. Brian Klann

Mrs. Carolyn Kunkel

Ms. Michelle N. Latta

Guojie Liu

Mrs. Mary J. Lundeen

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Maniglia, M.D. ’78

Mr. & Mrs. John Melesky

Ms. Heather Mork

Dr. Jeffrey A. Morrison, M.D. ’88

Mr. Mark A. Parsells ’78 & Mrs. Catherine Parsells

Mr. Kent H. Patterson ’64

Mr. Henry W. Rhoads & Mrs. Charley Ann Rhoads

Mr. Mark F. Richwine & Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly Richwine

Dr. Zachary Scheiner, Ph.D. ’93 & Dr. Ashley Webb, Ph.D.

Mrs. Cindy St. John & Mr. Randolph St. John

Mr. Richard Stevenson & Mrs. Bonnie Stevenson

Dr. Harry Weber, M.D. & Mrs. Karen Weber

Explorer’s Club—$500-$1,499
Gold Club—$1,500-$2,499 Mrs. Marilynn Abrams & Mr. Richard E. Abrams Ms. Lindsay Bowman Dr. Abby Mahone, Ed.D. Mr. Peter A. McCorkle ’87 & Mrs. Diane McCorkle Mr. Spencer G. Nauman ’51 & Mrs. Helen Nauman Ms. Kristin Sco eld Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Slotkin, M.D. Blue Club—$2,500-$3,499 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Abrams ’92 Col. William Dodson, III, M.D., USAF Ret. ’73 & Mrs. Maria Falca-Dodson Ms. Mary Peterman Mr. William W. Werzyn & Mrs. Patricia Werzyn Spartan Club—$3,500 + Estate of Mildred J. Allen Mr. Shane Rooney & Mrs. Teri A. Rooney ’92
Corporate Donations—up to $4,999 e Hershey Company e Daniel M. & Wilma T. Horner Foundation e M&T Charitable Foundation PSECU Corporate Donations—$5,000 to $9,999 Bravo Foundation Bridge Educational Foundation Corporate Donations—$10,000 to $14,999 Ivin S. & Virginia D. Bear Fund Hunter-Meyers-Redus Foundation Corporate Donations—$20,000 to $24,999 e McCormick Family Foundation Corporate Donations—$50,000 + Boyd Foundation e Donald B. & Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Dr. Erik Chotiner, M.D. & Mrs. Robyn Chotiner ’93 Mr. Gregory Denk Mr. Scott Dietterick Dr. Lawrence Y. Ho, M.D. & Dr. Andrea Tan, M.D. Mr. Gary A. Huether & Mrs. Summer Huether Mr. Sherwood B. Kimmel & Mrs. Jaqueline A. Kimmel Mr. Eric Pettis ’78 & Mrs. Patrice Pettis Mr. Mark F. Richwine & Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly Richwine Mr. David Rosenberg, Esq. S&T Bank Corporate Gifts Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund Donors
EITC Donations—up to $4,999 Mid Penn Bank PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Soccer Pals, LLC Truist Weis Markets, Inc. Wilsbach Distributors, Inc. Robert Zuckerman, M.D., P.C. EITC Donations—$5,000-$9,999 Customers Bank Orrstown Bank Traditions Bamk Univest Bank and Trust Co. EITC Donations—$10,000 + Avalon Insurance Company Capital Advantage Insurance Company Pennian Bank PeoplesBank Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Companies OSTC Donations—up to $4,999 UGI Storage Company OSTC Donations—$5,000-$9,999 Customers Bank First National Bank of Pennsylvania PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. OSTC Donations—$20,000 + United Concordia Companies, Inc. EITC & OSTC
Restricted Donations—up to $9,999 e Foundation for Enhancing Communities PSECU Restricted Donations—$25,000 + Mr. Shawn Rooney & Mrs. Sharon Rooney Endowment Donations—up to $999 Mr. John FitzGerald & Mrs. Laura FitzGerald ’85 ^ Dr. Suzan Marshall ’85 ^ Ms. Christine Riley ^ Dr. Timothy M. Shary ’86 ^ Ms. Tami Swartz ’85 & Mr. Adam Klein ^ Mr. William ornburgh ’85 ^ Mrs. Juliet Wilkin ’85 & Mr. Paul Wilkin ^ Endowment Donations—$1,000 to $2,499 Mr. & Mrs. W. Andrew Bitner Dr. James J. Newman, Ed.D. & Mrs. Anne D. Newman Endowment Donations—$2,499 + Mr. Jim Crownover ^ Mr. Matthew G. DeSoto & Mrs. Desiree K. DeSoto ^ denotes a gift made in memory of Joseph A. Crownover ’85 Restricted Gifts Endowment Gifts to the Newman Scholarship Fund

About Joseph A. Crownover ’85

A few years ago, Joe provided a very moving testimonial about his time as a student at Harrisburg Academy. After starting at the Academy in seventh grade, Joe became active in student life during his middle and high school years as a member of the drama club, student newspaper, quiz bowl, and student council, having served as class president during his junior and senior years. He noted that his family was of limited nancial resources, and their sacri ces and nancial aid made his experience at the Academy possible. Although he was worried about what college may cost, he credited a former English teacher, Dr. Lee March, with supporting and inspiring him to achieve his dreams.

After Joe passed, several of his classmates shared stories and remembered his sense of humor and leadership throughout the community. Members of the Class of 1985 donated funds in Joe’s memory, providing future students with the necessary resources to benefit from a Harrisburg Academy education.

After his time at the Academy, Joe obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degree, and had a successful career working with Amigos de las Americas and Shell Oil. Of all his accomplishments, he was most proud to be a family man. We appreciate those who made a donation, providing the means for others to experience the Academy advantage, while at the same time, honoring Joe’s legacy.

Photo courtesy of the 1985 Spectator

Harrisburg Academy o ers an academically challenging and globally minded interdisciplinary education. In our commitment to excellence, we provide tools, develop character, and teach skills that prepare students to thrive in college and beyond, thereby contributing to the betterment of our global and local communities.

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