Still Vagrants (rule book)

Page 12

Still Vagrants

The others form an ad-hoc search party and venture off to the direction of the sound, while you all stay behind. After some time, they return carrying a little girl.

A strange sensation comes over all of you. The face of this girl is so familiar, and yet you can’t place it. You’ve tried so hard to submerge your past into the darkest depths of your mind, and the memories won’t easily re-emerge. But you know this girl—no more than 10 years old—is important, and you know her name is Innocence. Innocence is barely stirring. One of the others suggests they take her to Old Granny, a very old woman who owns the Roadside Stall down the street. It’s not too late at night; she may still be there. The stall has some food, water, and more warmth than the outdoors has to offer. Another contradicts, and suggests against their better knowledge that they take her to the Carpenter, the stingy owner of the Wood Shop in the other direction. He has an actual home (humble as it is living in the Wood Shop) and electricity. Even though he maintains a distance from the homeless, only helping out by letting them have his leftover wood chips and pieces to use for the campfire (and reluctantly at that), he might be able to do more for the girl. Where do you take Innocence? [If taken to the Carpenter…] A group of you carries Innocence to the doorstep of the Carpenter. You knock once, but it goes unanswered. You knock again; still nothing. As you are about to leave, the rustling inside stops you. The door opens to a sleepy and rather upset-looking man. He takes one look at the girl and knows trouble is heading his way. Play as the Carpenter while the players convince him to take Innocence. The Carpenter finally gives in and takes Innocence into his home. Once she’s settled, he immediately kicks everyone out and shuts the door. The group returns to Camp. [If taken to Old Granny…] Luckily, Old Granny was still at her stall. Since there are no customers around, she’s sitting on the old wooden bench on the opposite side of the counter, and sighs, lost in thought. Play as the Carpenter while the players convince her to take Innocence. Old Granny does what little she can and takes her into the Stall, laying her down on the cramped bamboo floor. The old woman seems tired, so the group returns to Camp.


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