IFHS Tiger Times

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IFHS seniors enjoyed an escape from school after their last day. On their annual trip to the Utah amusement park, Lagoon, the soon-to-be graduates had one last memory as they readied to enter the “Real World.”

STAFF 2009-2010 Editor-In-Chief Coleman Bowyer Managing Editor Nick Hamilton Advertising Manager Ryan Putnam Sports Editor Tersa McCarty Features Editor Megan Ciciliot ArtsEnt Editor Vanessa Aguilar Staff Deja Belnap Cody Bowyer Karenna Jeffs Amanda Johnston Austen Kutsche TeLeigh Martinez Shayla Skillings Adviser Ryan Hansen

From left, clockwise: Nick Salazer hangs out under the bungee jump. Ryan Wallace takes a breath before the big fall on the roller coaster. Ricky Romrell enjoys the sights, despite the rain, from the Sky Coaster. A group of senior boys stop and pose as they enter the park. A group of IF seniors put their hands up and scream as they plummet down a roller coaster curve.



Ever wonder when Rummage Romp started? Find out in an in-depth look at this year’s (and past year’s) Tiger Rag Rummage Romp.

SPECIAL PULLOUT SECTION Our special tribute to seniors at graduation. Have a great life!

CONTACT The Tiger Times Idaho Falls High School 601 S. Holmes Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Phone: (208) 525-7740 FAX: (208) 525-7768 E-mail: iftigertimes@gmail.com COST: Single editions are free.

POLICY The Tiger Times, a legally recognized public forum for student expression, is published six to nine times a year by the Newspaper Class for students of Idaho Falls High School. Expression made by students in the exercise of the freedom of speech or freedom of press is not an expression of District 91 school board policy. The views expressed in The Tiger Times do not necessarily represent the view of the entire staff, adviser IFHS administration or the School District 91 administration. © 2010 The Tiger Times. All rights reserved.




MAY 2010


With the recent attack in New York’s Times Square, Americans wonder,

‘Are we safe anymore?’

Cody Boywer Staff Reporter A failed car bombing that happened a couple of weeks ago was caused by what the U.S. claims at the Pakistani Taliban were behind it. The bombing was supposed to take place in Times Square New York, failed. The New York police say that the suspected driver fits a profile of “homegrown” terrorists that are threatening America. Faisal Shahzad is the man behind the attempt. Faisal Image by Google Pictures Shahzad attempted to flee the country after he heard that the Ever since the failed bomb police were looking for a Paki- attacks on Times Square there stani man, according to Ray have been a lot of false alarms. Kelly. The police evacuated the streets Shahzad was arrested May surrounding Times Square to 3 as he sat aboard a plane at allow the bomb squad to enJohn F. Kennedy international ter and disable the bomb. The Airport in New York waiting bomb turned out to be just a to depart for Dubai. The New cooler filled with water bottles. York police found a 9mm pistol Time square opened a hour in his car in the airport parking later. Earlier that day the police lot. He already knew that the were called to look at a suspipolice were coming. New York cious package, that turned out Police Commissioner Kelly said to be just someone’s lunch. The the leak did not come from New police got more than 600 calls York police. Commissioner Kel- about terrorist attacks. This is ly wants to spend 40 million on about 30 percent more than expanding camera surveillance usual. The city has expanded in Manhattan. the security at subway sta-

tions, checking bags. The subway is still the most worried about place after a bomb was foiled last year. Police have surveillance images of Shahzad around Times Square and video that shows his car traveling to the spot where they say he left the smoking SUV rigged with a gasoline-and-propane bomb. But investigators believe Shahzad had some bombmaking training in Pakistan as he claimed to investigators, a senior military official told the AP. Officials say that he had training but they do not know from where or how much, since the bomb was poorly made.

With an increase of terrorism acts like the one in New York, do you feel safe? “Yes, because people aren’t smart enough to make big bombs to kill a lot of people and no one will want to kill anyone in Idaho.” - Chase Walker, sophomore

“Yes, because it is all the way in New York.” - Garrett Robbins, sophomore

“Yes, because the bomb didn’t go off. It’s far from here and we have pretty good protection against another attack.” - Morgan Spears, senior

Experts say more jobs out there for grads

MCT Campus News

PHILADELPHIA — In a crowded room last week on the top floor of Temple University’s new businessschool building, senior Kyle Pauly waited in suspense. Would he win the $65,000 Temple University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute’s top prize in the annual “Be Your Own Boss Bowl” for his team’s plan to market a line of craft beers? Entries to the bowl were up 20 percent, and the number has tripled in two years. Temple likes to view this as evidence of its success as a leader in entrepreneurial studies, but the reality might be a little different. Even though college hiring seems to be picking up, unemployment among people ages 20 to 24 stands at 15.8 percent, the U.S. Labor Department reported earlier this month. With nearly 2.4 million young adults out of work, it is no wonder that students such as Pauly figure they may as well make their own way. Ed Koc, director of research for the National Association of Colleges and Employers, said that his organization’s surveys show an uptick in employment this spring. More companies are hiring, more companies are recruiting, and more students are getting jobs. Still, it’s no picnic for 2010 graduates. The only thing that makes 2010 look even slightly decent is that 2009 was truly wretched. “Last year was a disaster,” Koc said. “College hiring was down 22 percent from the year before. Spring has turned things around.” Hiring projections are up 5.3 percent over 2009. Seeing unemployment among their classmates and their parents has led young people to change their job priorities. In 2007, the peak of the job market, graduates valued opportunity for advancement, Koc said. “Now they are very concerned about security,” he added. College career-center directors say they are seeing hopeful signs, measured by more recruiters on campus, more job postings on their campus Web sites, and more news about jobs for seniors. “We are seeing the return of banking organizations recruiting for their management-training programs,” said James Marino, director of the career center at Rutgers University in Camden, N.J. “More organizations are seeking interns,” he said. “That could be the forerunner to full-time hires.”



Schedule change will take effect next year

Cody Bowyer Staff Reporter

Change is inevitable, they say, and Idaho Falls High School will change a couple of things for classes next year. This will affect sophomores, juniors and seniors next year. There will be six period days instead of five with a four minute passing period. There will be no zero hour and classes will be sixty minutes long instead of seventy. English, math and science will be all year with the same teacher instead of two trimesters and different teachers each tri. There will also be less opportunity for electives. And it will be difficult to retake a class if you fail the class since it will be a year long. Also there will be no honor classes next year, which means students will have to take regular or AP classes. Shuttles will no longer run between IFHS and Skyline, which means those

classes will no longer be available unless that student can provide their own transportation. This is due to classes being 60 minutes long, and with the bus ride being 15 minutes there and back the IF that is half the class hour. The new class schedule also eliminates early senior graduation. Teachers also have to teach the same students for the whole year. This means classes could be larger which could mean it will be harder for teachers to help a student individually. According to some staff members, teachers will have to teach for 20 percent more and they lose four percent less in pay every year. This will affect the grades of these students who can’t learn from their teachers forcing them to retake the class and since the class is now a year long it will take longer to retake a class. According to school counselors, students have to be careful on what they pick for their classes next year, because

Got your Green Card?

Shayla Skillings Editor A rally in Washington, D.C., on the morning of May 1 there were many people that were protesting Arizona’s new law which is going to allow police officers to question people’s citizenship/ immigration status. The police officers are allowed to pull cars off of the road and question the people that are in the car about their

immigration status. The police officers can randomly ask for immigration papers. Because of this, there were about fifty people in front of the Monmouth County Hall of Records protesting this new law that will go into effect at the end of July. Then later that day there was about forty people from Freehold that were headed to a larger gathering in New York City. The rally there was for the May first Coalition for Work-

they might have that class for a whole year. Some classes might be off campus which means some students will miss some class time traveling back and forth. The changes primarily affect the class of 2013, but it will affect other classes as it phases in. This means that throughout the next couple years, the younger students will have a tougher time, with needing more credits in math, English and science departments. The class of 2015 has to have four years of English, and must include Algebra I and Geometry and a minimum of two credits must be taken during the last year of high school. They must also include physical science and biology classes into their schedule. The students also must have a written report and an oral presentation completed by the end of senior year. But the seniors that will graduate in 2011 will only be affected with the yearlong classes.

Arizona law fuels protests, state law copycats.

ers Day. Now this day is also to recognize illegal immigrants. There have been about 12 million immigrants that are undocumented in the United States. That is why Arizona thought that they needed to make this new law. There have been many stories by the Arizona citizens, sad stories of how their family members came into the United States illegally. They are good people contributing their part to so-

ciety that have just not gotten their paperwork done. A man that was from Arizona was talking about his son he said, “He’s living in the shadows, he’s fearful, he doesn’t know what to do. He could be a useful citizen. He is like stuck now.” The United States does have the right to eliminate all of the illegal immigrants. No one is constitutionally supposed to live in the United States without proper documentation.

What is your opinion of Arizona’s tough stand on immigration law? “I think It’s a good idea because they shouldn’t be here. The federal law shouldn’t apply to them.” - Kolby Areheart, junior

“It’s a good idea. It’s not the governments’ fault they live in Arizona. That’s why they’re so suspicious because they live in Arizona.” - Sawyer Maupin, junior

“I think it’s good to give local authorities the power to do what the federal government is not doing a good enough job of.” - Melissa Cortes, speech teacher

MCT Campus photo A brown pelican is washed at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Fort Jackson, Louisiana, May 26, to clean birds affected by the oil spill.

Testimonies put a human face on oil spill MCT Campus

WASHINGTON — “I was certain I was going to die.” So it seemed to Stephen Stone, a survivor of the Deepwater Horizon explosion who on Thursday recounted his experience on the deadly night, the first by a drilling-rig worker before a congressional committee. Putting a human face to highly technical Capitol Hill hearings, Stone told the House Judiciary Committee that the April 20 blast was “hardly the first thing to go wrong.” “This event was set in motion years ago by these companies needlessly rushing to make money faster, while cutting corners to save money,” he testified. Keith D. Jones, whose 28-yearold son, Gordon, was among 11 workers who died in the explosion, told the committee, his voice breaking with emotion, “Please believe me, no amount of money will ever compensate us for Gordon’s loss. ... But reckless acts by employees of corporations, performed to try to make the most money the fastest, will never be deterred by the payment of mere compensatory damages.”


MAY 2010

EDITORIAL POLICY: Letters received to the editor are subject to editing to avoid libel or other illegal expression, as well as for mechanical or other grammatical mistakes. Letters must be limited to 250 words and must be appropriate to print in a student publication. The adviser and editorial board reserves the right to not include any letter they deem inappropriate.



Sex offender law changing? The new amendments are a good thing for teens Amanda Johnston Opinion Editor


ll sex offenders are not the same. That is where the question on whether we should classify the registered sex offenders differently. The law to charge sex offenders is being change which is the first step to classifying the registered sex offenders in the state. The new law states that is an 18-year-old guy is dating a minor girl who is at least 16-years-old and they are in a consensual relationship, he will not be charged with statutory rape. In my opinion, I believe that the new law is a good idea. Many minor girls these days are already dating guys that are 18 years old, and I don’t think that if the relationship is healthy then the man should be charged with something that would haunt him his whole life. Andrea Cyr, teacher, says, “I

A map of the estimated location of registered offenders near IFHS. Locations were provided by www.familywatchdog.us

think that this new law is necessary to classify the severity of the charges brought on these sex offenders. There isn’t a big difference in the maturity levels between an 18-year old and a 16-year old, so why should immature mistakes be judged so

harshly like those of the violent offenders?” People shouldn’t be haunted by these things their whole lives, and their families will have to deal with the judging their whole lives too. Registered sex offenders

have to have their whole lives in check with the state from the time that they are convicted of something that may have not been so dangerous. I will not pretend that there aren’t those offenders that do need to have regular checkups. Registered sex offenders are not allowed to own a gun, they cannot work in child care centers, and they can’t live within 500 feet of school property. Terry D. Kirkham, the district manager for District 7 Probation and Parole explained, “Any registered sex offender is going to have those restrictions regardless if it’s state rape or a pedophile and that’s basically forever.” This new law provides some lenience to those with the good intentions in their hearts. This law could be the first step to change more laws pertaining to all registered sex offenders.

School schedule changes will disrupt our academic lives Amanda Johnston Opinion Editor

Everyone is well aware that our school’s schedule is going to be changing this next year. There are going to be cuts in our passing times and in our lunch periods. The time cuts are there for the time opening in the schedule, so we can fit in another class period

in the day. That means that instead of the five classes that we have now, we are going to have six periods the whole day. Also, the students’ English courses are all year long with the same teacher the whole year. That’s not the only class that is going to be all year long, but that is the most complained about one that I hear. I believe that the schedules are getting too

complicated. The one for next year won’t leave the students with enough time to walk across the practice field and go to their lockers before their next class if they need to. How are we supposed to use our passing time to go to the restroom in between classes and arrive at our classes on time if we barely have time with the passing time that we have now?

I think that the schedule that we have now is a good schedule to stay with, so why would there be a need to change it? The schedule should be consistent, so the students don’t become confused when they return back in the fall and they don’t know what time that they have to reach their classes. I don’t see any reason for the schedule to be changed for any reason next year.

To AP or not AP? That is the question Amanda Johnston Opinion Editor

Are AP courses worth all of the hype? I believe that AP courses are there to truly challenge those who wish to be challenged, but if a B in an AP course is equivalent to an A in regular courses then why not attend the regular courses and raise your GPA? In our school, there are a variety of AP courses offered here. Many students are attending them because they want to be challenged in those areas that they believe that they are good at. AP courses are on the same regular curriculum as regular courses. The only difference really is that the AP goes into a more in depth discussion about those certain topics. AP courses are not just for those ‘smart’ people, but for anyone that feels that they want to take the course. Also, people don’t need to take an AP course as it isn’t required for them just because they are intelligent in a certain subject. So, are AP courses really worth all the hype?


Rummage Romp ‘10

From Rummage to Romp IFHS kicks it into style





Sophomore When the Tiger Times staff asked Julie

When the Tiger Times staff asked Cory

Hatch a junior about Rummage Romp,

Meng, a junior about Rummage Romp,



What was your favorite memory?


Making the living rooms, out of

What was your favorite



Trying on the different outfits.

the furniture that we got.


What was the funniest part of


the day?


dirty couches.


What was funniest part of the

Beck, a senior about Rummage Romp,


Seeing all the people trying on

What was your Strategy?

A: Get as much rummage as possible. What was a positive thing that



It was a good atmosphere, every-

one was a hard worker and we made a lot of money

the strange outfits.

History in the making


When the Tiger Times staff asked Kalee


day? The Hideous clothing and



Tiger Rummage Romp was also known as Tiger Rag and it all started in 1953 by the PTSA and YAA. The first winner of the sale was the sophomore class of 1953; the following year the same class but as juniors, won the second annual Tiger Rag. The first year it was held the class that raised the most money would get $50 towards the class, and 10% of the profit; the following classes who came in second and third would get $25 and five percent of the profit. All the left over money from the classes that was raised went towards new equipment or school departments of the school. From Copy Machines, and Football field lights to Fixing up the girl’s faculty and Helping the Foreign Exchange Student program, the Annual Tiger rag is still going strong with some upgrades to the benefit. This year’s rummage raised$3,158.92, the class of 2010 raised $1,655.75, class of 2011 $1,027.76, and the class of 2012 raised $475.41.




Letters to the Editor


Editor’s note: In the month of May these letters were received. They deal with things ranging from the new class schedule for next year. For more, go to our website.

Dear Editor: I am a sophomore at Idaho Falls High School. I value our community and worry for our recycling need. I am writing to express my feelings towards our lack of recycling and our careless habits that endanger our community. For the past couple of years, the people of Idaho Falls have wasted and misused the natural resources available. Several plans have been developed to help this cause. Environmental problems have become so complex that many individuals feel they can have no effect on them. However, there are some things the individual can control they just need to be more aware. That’s why so many communities began voluntary recycling programs. Some examples could be having a compost bin set up in the kitchen to stop people from accidentally throwing away recyclables. Solar panels are mirrors that could save us energy. The school and public libraries could reuse materials. Killing trees is like killing our doctors, they are needed for the survival of human life. We can help. The problem with plans that have been developed is that not everyone contributes to reduce pollution and waste. I have seen in my life that most people I know beleive recycling is a waste of tome and that them themselves can’t make differences. But, if only everyone in every home would decide to do their part and help keep our air clean , our water unpolluted and our wild life safe. Idaho Falls is our home and we need to protect it. - Jennifer Meza,

sophomore To the Editor: I play a sport for the school but am still required to take intro to P.E. or 3 other physical education classes. I feel that P.E. is waste of my time considering I play a sport for the school. School sports should count towards P.E. credits. Student athletes being required to take P.E. is like asking someone to shove the driveway in the middle of a snow storm: pointless. If the point of P.E. is to keep us active and healthy a sport surpasses the amount of exercise we get in class. If I wasn’t required to take P.E. I could be in a class where I am actaully learning something that is beneficial. Over all the amount of time and dedication put into playing a sport should warrant a credit being okay. - Amanda Simon, sophomore To the Editor: A growing problem in southeast Idaho is that recently, the mere mention of the word “taxes” evokes the most vile and horrendous thoughts within the citizens minds. A recent example of tax aversion was the District 91 school bond vote. I believe that the bond approval requirement in Idaho needs to be a simple majority vote rather than having to have at least two thirds of the votes to pass it. Now, the state believes that because these bonds will cost the citizens money in taxes it has to be a two-thirds majority to pass the vote. This may not seem like such a big margin. But if you think about it, it’s like saying that from now on one team in the World Series has to win five games to be champions, whereas the other team

only needs to win three games. The percentage of people that voted for the bond last year was 56 percent (KIDK). That is still a majority but, it is not 66 percent. For every person that votes no, two people have to vote yes. This makes it an almost insurmountable task for any society to overcome. Under these conditions, until we change our attitudes to these bills and forms of taxes how can we as a community ever pass these bonds to maintain and improve basic fundamental needs as a society? -Anthony Brady, sophomore To the Editor: The new bell schedule proposed for next year is something that will help some students but it doesn’t allow us our freedom.

High school is the time when students should focus on getting the credits we need for the field of profession we plan on going into. This new schedule makes it harder for students who want to be a major in choir or art to get most of the credits needed before going off to college. Every student is different. Eighteen credits a year seems like a lot but when core classes come into play, most of these credits are already taken. Also, the graduation requirements for the upcoming classes have raised, which makes perfect sense for the new schedule. But when we think about how the school board is extending classes, for example, two trimesters of English will now

be three trimesters of English, it’s eliminating the periods we could use to get other classes done. Some of us are enrolled in seminary. This is a two-trimester long release credit class. This new schedule and graduation requirements will make this almost impossible for us students to get our graduation requirements completed in school without talking online classes. We want to be assured our high school diploma on graduation day. Future graduating classes will have a harder time getting the graduation requirements done. Why change something that is working out perfectly fine? - Heather Huntsman, sophomore





Vance’s Big Chance

Although his long-term plans include medicine, IFHS grad markets five-song album on iTunes Teleigh Martinez ArtEnt Editor

Just barely out of High School and Jonny Vance, 18, already has released a five song EP out on iTunes. Get this: it’s just a hobby of his. Jonny is majoring in biology, in college, and is thinking about being a doctor. When the Tiger Times got a chance to sit down with him, it was a really interesting time. The entire time he had me laughing with his witty humor and quick responses. Here’s a taste of the good life with Jonny Vance. TT: How long have you been playing/ writing music? JV: I think I’ve been playing music a lot longer than I have been liking to play music. I mean it started out with just piano lessons and different things. But I would play music for my family, and they would give me some really positive feedback. TT: How many instruments do you actually play? JV: I play the vocals, if you consider it an “instrument”. I also play the keyboard, harmonica, and the kazoo.

(Top) Lead singer Jonny Vance, of JonnyVance and the SGC, played at The Velour in Provo, Utah. During their mini tour in March, the band played a short 30 minute show. (Right) The album cover of the 5 song EP. Search for Jonny Vance and the SGC $4.95. Released April 30, 2010. The Cave Neptune So Much More The Puppeteer Queen of Machu Picchu

Nah, I’m just kidding. But I really can play it. TT: Rumor has it you have music out on iTunes. What genre is it and how much? JV: I have a 5 song EP. I would consider it......sexy music? Yeah, sexy music! Oh, and well pop. I’m kind of in limbo between genres. More of an experimentation. TT: Would you ever consider music as your career choice? JV: It’s a good hobby, but no. I remember this one time, I was preforming at Sunnyside Elementary and they kept telling me how hot I was and that they wanted to buy my music....Just last week Zola Jensen the choir director here at IF proposed to me. TT: How did you feel about that? JV: it was mind boggling. No, it was funny. I laughed. TT: Do you have any advice for other aspiring musicians? JV: Do music not because you want to get discovered or for fame, but do it because you love it and you want to bring people stuff they want to hear. Tickle their ear drums, if you will!

Meet the Mister(s)

For the first time ever, Mr. IFHS title goes to two contestants Teleigh Martinez ArtEnt Editor

Manly: adj 1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery. 2.pertaining to or suitable for males: manly sports. Antonyms 1. weak, cowardly.

Synonyms manful, mannish, manful, male, see also Mr. IFHS!

What’s the best way to prove you’re man enough? By entering the Mr. IFHS pageant. It was a time to watch your favorite men compete for the title of “Alpha Male” in the most epic man pageant of the year. As stated by the

flyers covering the halls. This was a fund raiser for Student Government. The candidates competed in a mock Junior Miss Beauty Pageant, in competitive sections such as: an interview, talent competition, swim wear, and evening wear. It doesn’t take much to be Mr. IFHS; you just have to Austin Kunz, A.) be a senior and B.)you just have to senior know how to walk your talk.

Boston Brown, senior



Could this be the summer of love? What do you look for in the opposite sex? Teen Dating Tips: • Communication is essential in all dating. Don’t make assumptions and avoid the gossip. • Make it clear whether

your relationships are exclusive or casual. • If you get turned down or rejected, don’t waste time on it – move on.

• Before asking anyone new out, get to know them a little first. It will make it easier to know what their answer might be.


5 Things Your BF Won’t Tell You

1. We like being the “boyfriend.” 2. We don’t like when you pull away from us. 3. We want our friends to like you ... but not love you. 4. We want you to like, but not love, our friends. 5. We worry that YOU will dump US.

5 Things Your GF Won’t Tell You

“Nice smile and taller than me.”

- Adrian Bundros, senior

“Pretty eyes and sense of humor.”

- Chris Comish, sophmore

“Chill and Physical attrativness.”

- Colin Orihuela, junior

“Trustworthy and nice.”

- Taylor MIllers, junior

1. We like the chase- you chasing us. 2. When we say we’re “OK” or that things are “fine” the opposite is probably true. 3. We want you to have your guy time. 4. We want to know your friends, but aren’t so sure you want to know ours. 5. We worry that other girls look better now that you are in a relationship.



MAY 2010


Cuts tightens district sports financial belt Austen Kutsche Sports Editor

Most of you are aware of the schedule changes going into affect as the 2010-2011 school year approaches. The end of this school year is almost here, and we have had firsthand experience registering for classes, therefore we are aware of the difficulties of adjusting to next year. Unfortunately, the changes don’t end with the 3:30 p.m. bell. Sports are also being targeted by the Idaho High School Activities Association and our administration. Lucas Hann, junior, said “Sports keep me going, if I lose that I’ll have less school pride, I won’t like waking up in the morning.” Almost every sport at Idaho Falls High School is being considered as a possible cut. However, the sports that bring in money for the school will not be reduced. The select few that are not being changed are Football, Volleyball, boys and girls Basketball, Wrestling, and Drama. The following cuts will be voted on during the summer. Cross Country will possibly be reduced from nine meets to eight meets. Track

will also shorten from nine meets to eight. Soccer will be shortened by two games, causing their 18 game season to be 16. Baseball and softball will be reduced from 25 games to 22 games. Golf is being reduced by two matches, causing their original 12 match season to be changed to a 10 match season. Tennis, which previously had 20 dates, will now only have 16. Dance and cheerleading will be reduced from seven competitions (which included district and state) to four competitions plus district and state. Debate tournaments will each be reduced by two as well. Last but certainly not least, speech will be changed to two competitions plus district and state. The student athletes of I.F.H.S don’t have many positive remarks when asked about the reductions of their sports. Zack Hill, Senior, and also a Tiger golfer said “They had them as kids, we should to.” However, fortunately for us; next year the administration will not be raising the participation fee for sports. Norm Kane, athletic director, said “We raised them last year. We’re not doing it again.”

The tennis girls smile for the camera during a competitions. Boston Brown, Spud Annual

Varstiy Baseball boys rally together before a game Boston Brown, Spud Annual Coleman Bowyer, Senior slides onto first base against Madison Boston Brown, Spud Annual



Austen Kutsche Sports Editor



Spring Sports never seem to disappoint us here at Idaho Falls High School. However, Golf may be making more headlines this season than baseball, softball, track, or tennis. The girl’s golf team this year wiped the competition away during their 5A regional tournament. Their competitors in the tournament were Highland, Madison, and Skyline. The IFHS girls pulled an easy 1st place from that tournament, guaranteeing them a spot in the state tournament that was held in Coeur d’Alene this year. The girls that went to state were Mandi Myers, Chelsea Elting, Aleece Griffin, Asha Davenport, and Maryann Warneke. The IFHS girls placed seventh overall out of eight teams at state, one of our girls, Mandi Myers, placed 6th overall in state. Our boys golf team didn’t quite make it to the state

tournament, however in the qualifier they scored the lowest they had all season long, which shows they improved dramatically during their season. Clark McKitrick, a senior on the IFHS baseball team said, “We could have played better, we had a lot of young players that improved their skills over the season.” The IFHS boy’s baseball team was the 1st seed going into the state qualifying tournament. Unfortunately they lost to Madison and Skyline which lost them the opportunity to compete in the state tournament. The girl’s softball team had a similar story. They were 4th seed going into the qualifiers and lost their first game to skyline. They won their second game against Madison. However, their third game was against Skyline again, and unfortunately Skyline pulled through for another win, which sent our IFHS girls out of the state qualifier.

The IFHS track team, who is currently competing at state hopes to bring home a 5A trophy. Dani Huston said “We need to stay focused and continue to compete well.” This year IFHS sent 11 students to state for track. Those 11 students are Alex Baker, Camden Fielding, Jeff Griffin, Jake Harrison, Dani Huston, Marcus Poling, Dylan Raymond, Shalean Richardson, Garrett Robbins, Anthony Saupe, Chance Smith, Michele Strom, Drew Tingey, Jackson Walker, Nate Walrath, and Kandis Wilde. The IFHS tennis team is also competing at state, we sent five students from taylorview, , and eight from IFHS. The five students from Taylorview are Lydia Smith, Alex Spruill, Brittany Wallace, Sam Elsethagen, and Sylvia Smith. The eight students from IFHS are Bridger Smith, Jake Lockie, Jack Lawless, Ryan Wallace, Jacob Harris, Kyle Mabe, Payton McGriff, and Leah Wright.

‘09-’10 IFHS Track team

‘09-’10 IFHS Softball team

‘09-’10 IFHS Tennis team

‘09-’10 IFHS Boys Golf team

‘09-’10 IFHS Girls Golf team



Senior Wills christian denny “I will away my body to my friends for the purpose of stuffing me like a taxidermist would stuff a bear. I would want this done so my friends can always have me around and to bring a smile to them every day they saw my stuffed body. I want a spray tan that way I don’t look as white as Jordan Cox. Also dress me in black so I look thin and bloated like Reed Burt. The last wish I have is to keep my head the same size so it doesn’t shrink like Blake Backman’s microscopic head.”

Adrian Teneyck “I will away my record collection of 12 inch vinyls plus my turn table system so they are able to listen to all the vinyls.”

Kiera Evans “I would will away my sweet, lovely Honda hot rod to Sammy Warren. Her car is looking pretty rough. Then I would will away my heart to Daniel McCarthy. Oh, wait. He already has it.”


This year we want to know what a senior would will away if they died, never wanted to come back to good old IF, or if they decided to be the most generous person in the world.

Courtney Meacham “I would will away my used toothbrush and all my underwear to Kylee Kishiyama and all my clothes to my mom.”

Jessie trejo “I will away my truck, my class ring and my according along with my drum set, guitar, trumpet. They would go to my friends so they could start a Mexican band.”


megan fielding “I will my lucky underwear to my little brother, Tyler, and my coin collection that will soon become a great fortune to Mary Rovig.”

Boston Brown/ Tiger Times Nathan Hargis takes a whack at the windshield of the annual Car Bash car. The car represents our rival across town.



Tiger what? Tiger Pride!


This year we saw so many amazing things, the football team beating the Grizz for the third time in a row, the boys baseball and basketball teams taking first place in our districts, the debate team dominating along with the scholastic tea, the volleyball team kicking some big booty with the youngsters on the team. The tennis, and track teams dominating and all those who tackled those AP classes, and an awesome club week. And hey you can’t forget those student presidents. So here are some pictures from the best of the year!


REFLECT “One evening, my comrades and myself decided to tally whack on over to Rummage Romp. I made the mistake of partaking of one too many energy drinks, at this point I acquired a migraine. Due to this illness, I partook of pain killers. The mixture of these two substances knocked me out cold on the dance floor, moments later I awoke in a dancing FRENZZZY. Amen.”


“I was going to Government out at the stadium and I was late for class so I was running and it had just snowed and I ran around the coner and I slipped on my bum on a larger patch of ice and was laughing a lot and so were the other kids around me.” -

-Nathan Hargis.

Sarah Sweetland

“One day I was walking to Mr. Harts classroom and I was ravaged by a pack of wolves. Then I got leprosy. It was the

“This one time during cross country we almost got jumped... twice.” - Kendall Hatch

“I burned myself at the tanning

salon in order to ask Ciara to a dance.”- David


worst day.”- Drew




“My best memory was from my sophomore year when I played a big role in our sophomore skit and we took first place in skit night!”-

Coleman Bowyer “Junior year, third tri, fourth hour, ECA day, Mrs. Ebner’s class. I came back from lunch and I had eaten some bad “sushi” and was feeling a little under the weather. Mrs. Ebner told me to leave but I couldn’t because of LCAs. So I ended up throwing up all over the class and the girl next to me. It was horrible!”

-Nick Hamilton

“When I was a sophomore I stepped on a piece of glass at the gas station. It went through my shoe and bled everywhere. It was not fun...”

- Tersa McCarty

“Junior year we had a late basketball practice and we got done around 8 or 8:30. I was really sweaty and my shirt was soaked so I took it off as soon as we were finished. Then I realized I needed to go outside and I didn’t have another shirt. It was 8:30 though, so who could possibly be at the school right? So I just left the gym in my sports bra. Little did I know, there was some kind of AP movie party going on, so when I walked out into the hall I almost bumped into Phil Crepeau. I’m pretty sure Phil screamed and I was like frozen with embarrassment so after like two seconds I ran away. It still haunts Phil to this day but I think it’s hilarious...”-

Liz Robinson





So long. Farewell, my friends. Goodbye for now and until we meet again! Finally the end has come! I have had many experiences throughout these three years. The good, I’ll hold on too. The bad, I’ll leave in the halls of ‘Grand ol’ IF High’. My worst memories were, the times I had LCA makeup sessions, when I ate “bad sushi” and cleaning up for the janitor, because I didn’t go to LCA make up sessions. The good times over power these few horrid memories. Long lunches, Horticulture field trips, and the interesting conversations that go in newspaper were the best of the best, of my senior year. I regret not applying myself completely to academics. Also I should have been wiser about Senior Service Day. Now the time has come for me to spread my wings, and tackle this lady called life! I’ll always remember IF, but I’ll never look back. Unless, it’s a reunion, I’ll come see Coleman all old and wrinkly, and I’ll be the CEO of McDonalds. That’d be sick! People say that high school is the time of our lives; and it’s true. Right when we get out of high school, we’re just part of society. Where we can look back and remember a time when we thought we knew it all. It’s the time to realize there are more important things to think about then, what you’re going to wear tomorrow, who’s dating who, what’s hip and what’s not. You got to buckle down and think about college, where you’re going to live, what occupation you’re going to have, and who, when, and how you’re going to settle down with. It’s a ball of stress. Now let’s face it, you’ve made it through the toughest of times in high school. Dealing with peer pressure, and all the stress that comes along with academics. If we stick with it, we can conquer this next chapter of our lives. “All and all, don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” ~Charles Schulz Oh, and to all those who think that their futures are at a halt…..McDonalds isn’t that bad.

Nicholas Gregory Hamilton

Well, guys, it has been another crazy year. The sophomores thought they were the kings and queens of the school, but we squashed their hopes at that. We dominated our district in the world of sports. Those Grizz are just going to have to wait another year at their shot at changing the goal posts. The dances were fun at times and way boring at others, but hey, we can’t win all the time. We are one of the last schools to graduate in our area, but we sure won’t be the last ones to finish college and move on to bigger and better things in the world of ambition, and opportunity. A lot of us are going off to start our own lives at college. We all think it’s going to be amazing and we get to be away from all the drama of high school and our families. I think that’s true to a certain point, but look at what we had here; we had a permanent rough over our heads, we got meals for free, and we didn’t really have to worry about a job. And bam! Now we are going out into the real world. For real! We have to look back on the times we all spent here and realize that those stupid fights that ended friendships were not needed, those fights between girls and guys because she said this and he said that were stupid. What we need to do is see, and remember all the fun times we had with each other. We need to apologize for those ridiculous fights with old friends. Stop holding the grudges and realize that we are now adults and you can’t keep grudges because that will never get you far in life. We need to be able and look back and say “Hey high school was awesome!” and not “Wow high school was so stupid.” When we are stuck with loads of home work and student loans to pay off. Our last three years here in good old IF have gone by so fast that it felt like yesterday I was freaking out about AP Euro, and now we are on our way across that stage to receive our diplomas. The good times are what we as a class of 2010 live for. Good luck class of 2010, we are the class of the future, don’t be left in the past.

Coleman Martin Bowyer




Tersa and Alex’s farewells Dear old IF high, What a year we have had! I think for me personally I have experienced some of the most awesome, some of the most fun, some of the most rewarding and even some of the most lame things ever. But that’s life, and we’re all here living it together. To reflect: think back on the professional way we were able to reinstate our girls’ choice dance, think about sheer mass of 33,000 cans we collected in December, think of the fun of Club Week, the unity of Multicultural Week, the adrenaline of the Car Bash, the ORANGE goal posts, the Homecoming skits, the Gender Week assembly, Tiger Pride days, and so much more! Think back on the friends you have made, the friends you’ve lost, the things you’ve learned, the thing’s you’ve accomplished, chanting cheers, high-fives in the hall, and all the glories of being an invincible teenager. Its all life, and its great! Life is a doozy, so I’d like to leave you all with some words of advice in my old age: Be the best you can be, learn all that you can, and do all you can do, because time passes faster, and its pretty dang hard to go back in it. Live in high school so you can leave it with NO REGRETS!!! WTPFTLT, (with Tiger Pride for the last time)

Alex Walter Whittier Student Body President ‘10

Another amazing year has come and gone! It is safe to say I am so glad it is over! Some of the classes I took were hard and others were easy and enjoyable but all in all my high school years were fun and memorable. I have way too many memories here at IF High. From being a sophomore and being too scared to step on the Tiger Tile to being the successful graduate I am today. Although I had some struggles throughout the years, like stepping on glass at the gas station or the time when I threw up in Nelson’s chemistry class, high school has taught me a lot and helped me grow into the person I am today. A few things that I learned from high school were to be always be yourself. I know it is such a cliché but never let anyone else define who you are. Be true to yourself. Another thing is remember that high school is just a baby step in life. Enjoy every moment of it while it last because before you know it you are walking across that graduation stage. Try to focus on the good times and try not to dwell on the bad times. Looking back I have memories but no regrets. For the upcoming seniors I just want to tell you guys this: Enjoy the time you have because time goes by faster than you think.

Tersa Elizabeth McCarty




Senior advice, can you find yours?

“Don’t take anything for granted. It goes by really fast. Get on the good side of the faculty, especially Hurley and Searle.”- Devan Munk “Don’t sign out at the office. Just leave.”- Carly Stanger “Sing a lot, it makes you feel good.”- Davin Nebeker

“Don’t worry... Jesus loves you.”- Lidsay Olsen

Make sure your third tri is EASY!”- Aubrey Luckau

“Take easy classes!!!”- Melissa Kowaluk “Kissing and ditching is a “bad” idea.”- Andrew LaPray

“When in doubt don’t ask. Just do it.”- Kelsie Roper

“Senior year flies by, enjoy every moment.”Ben Fager “Kissing and ditching is a great idea!”Klerisa Eskelsen

“Make the most of EVERYTHING.”- Jordan Petersen “Make sure to smile. The teachers will appreciate it and you will make more friends. Kindness will go along way.”- Sarah Layton “Enjoy the little things!”- Tersa McCarty

“Switching high schools multiple times is really inconvenient. Don’t try it at home...”- Boston Brown

“The upstairs bathroom, second to last stall is the least ghetto.”- Kari Edwards

“Cure Senioritis...”- Dallin Gilbert

“Don’t make bomb htreats in the bathroom!”- Clint Francis

“Don’t date sophomores.”- Brock Andersen

“Smile!”- Lindsay Wilson “More Tiger Love!”- Lauren Avondet

“Don’t procrastinate!”- Shaela Sutton

“Tiger Love!”- Wade Lenon

“Keep on keeping on. Life’s a garden... Dig it.”Blake Backman “Join choir!”- Lance Hancock “Treat all the teachers and staff nicely, it gets you a lot farther then making their lives difficult, because unfortunetly they do have more power then you. Lesson learn... The hard way.”- Ryan Putnman “Get invovled and be crazy!”- Amy Carr

“Don’t fall behind... It sucks.” -Jack Yonke

“Life: enjoy the process, but crave the goal.”- Camille Bastow

next to corners.”- Cody Tracy

“Don’t talk to strangers... ever.”- Garion Wells

“No regrets!”- Maddy Jackson

“Know who your friends are.”Megan Arnold

“Be true to yourself!”Corinne Chadwick “Be kind to your friends and don’t walk “Senior service day... Don’t call in a death in the family.”- Nick Hamilton

“Don’t let the sophomores treat you like crap!”- Cole Bowyer

“If you are not first, you are last.”- Reed Burt

“Go for everything you’ve ever dreamed of! It’s your last chance!”Jessica Nichols

“Don’t let anyone define who you are. Live your live and enjoy every moment of it!”Kalee Beck

“Be a cougar... Aka be a Camille, Ricky, Maddy, Becca, or Brock. Wait, Brock is a boy?”- Rebecca Strobel

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