Idaho Falls High School Tiger Times

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W hat If? TIGERS &

Want a fun game to play during passing periods? Here are Ryan’s “What If?” questions for this month. Ponder the question and then fill in your own answers or tell a friend.

THE STARS Your November horoscope

something, try a new sport or maybe hit the gym, get out and play in the snow. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It may not be spring but cleaning is in order. Organize you stuff and you will feel much better.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Things have been very hectic lately, make some time for yourself, take a nap or relax for a day.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Happy birthday Scorpio, this is your month things are going great! Keep doing well in school, it’s going to pay off.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your relationship has been rocky lately, maybe it’s time to break things off once and for all.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It’s time to freshen up those driving skills, with the icy roads you don’t want to dent your ride do ya?

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Parents can be a huge burden, but yours have been super cool lately, make sure to let them know how much you appreciate them.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Christmas is coming up, remember that when you’re money managing this month. You have lots of gift giving to do!

• What if the world really does end in 2012?

CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s time for a change with the new trimester starting keep your grades up, it’ll be worth it.

•What if the Twilight series never came out?

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s time for a change with the new trimester starting keep your grades up, it’ll be worth it.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The snow is falling so it’s time to hit the slopes, grab some skis or a snowboard and go tear up the mountain..

•What if turkeys didn’t gobble? • What if Ms. Jones takes over the school and we all start singing?

• What if music didn’t exist? • What if sophomores knew how to walk during passing periods?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ve been having a lazy couple of months, it’s time to get up off the couch and do


Use candy corn and make fun turkey feathers.

• What if green was the new pink?

Use M&Ms and give your turkey eyes. Use a white or brown frosting and make your turkey’s body.

• What if people knew to drive on ice?

Use a decorative frosting and add details like the nose and mouth.

(Got some great answers? Send them to us at iftigertimes@



Looking for a fun way to pass the time or a unique date idea? Make cookies! Here is our favorite holiday recipe.

Use your favorite family sugar cookie recipe but add some super fun flare to your plain cookies with the fun ideas:

• What if the newspaper class was IF’s new administration?


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It’s time for a new hobby, you’ve been bored lately and something new is definitely in order! Horoscopes created by Ryan Putnam

Not even once. METH has become one of the biggest billboards of the year.



Find out how you can give back to your community by checking out the great ideas in the center spread.

CONTACT The Tiger Times Idaho Falls High School 601 S. Holmes Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Phone: (208) 525-7740 FAX: (208) 525-7768 E-mail: COST: Single editions are free.

STAFF 2009-2010 Editor-In-Chief Coleman Bowyer Managing Editor Nick Hamilton Advertising Manager Ryan Putnam Sports Editor Tersa McCarty Features Editor Megan Ciciliot ArtsEnt Editor Vanessa Aguilar Staff Kolby Arehart Deja Belnap Cody Bowyer Marla Francis Danny Grimes Karenna Jeffs Mikyle Kay Austen Kutsche Taylor Maeser TeLeigh Martinez Kevin Meek Jana Mueller Kevin Reed Ciara Shaul Shayla Skillings Morgan Spears Douglas Weaver POLICY The Tiger Times, a legally recognized public forum for student expression, is published six to nine times a year by the Newspaper Class for students of Idaho Falls High School. Expression made by students in the exercise of the freedom of speech or freedom of press is not an expression of District 91 school board policy. The views expressed in The Tiger Times do not necessarily represent the view of the entire staff, adviser IFHS administration or the School District 91 administration. © 2009 The Tiger Times. All rights reserved.

NEWS NOT EVEN ONCE Idaho Meth Project reports progress making kids aware of danger IFH S TIGER TIMES



DECEMBER 1, 2009

“We need more public-private partnerships like the Idaho Meth Project working to improve the lives of all Idahoans.”

Cody Bowyer Staff reporter According to a statewide survey released by the state in January, more teens and young adults view the illicit drug methamphetamine as a dangerous substance and to make them aware of the horrific and life altering affects that come from using. Many have become aware of the catch phrase, “Not Even Once!” In fact, according to the survey, after one year of advertising the Idaho Meth Project, 63 percent of teens and 77 percent of young adults are now aware of what meth can do, and why it is a risk. Eighty-six percent of young adults disagree meth makes you more popular, 91 percent disapprove the using of meth and 68 percent report they have tried to dissuade friends from taking meth. This campaign is a key driver for

- Idaho State Sen. Patti Anne Lodge

parent-to-child discussions about the drug. In fact, 49 percent report a television advertisement prompted the conversation. And 61 percent of teens and 57 percent of young adults agree that the Idaho Meth Project ads make them less likely to try or use meth. Idaho Falls High School students are working to create awareness, as well. “I

volunteer with the project to help make a difference,” Spencer Brasher, junior, said. “This program is a good thing and it can make a difference.” “The Idaho Meth Project has been a high profile force against meth use for the last year,” Sen. Patti Anne Lodge said earlier this year. “The results are truly impressive. I’m grateful for the

difference they’ve made in Nampa. I support the continuation of the prevention campaign throughout the state.” The Idaho Meth Project was launched in January 2008. The organization headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., and, according to their Web site, the reason for this project is to reduce the first time use of meth through public service messaging and public policy and community outreach.

Students get jump on college by taking courses offered here Daniel Grimes Staff reporter Students at IF are getting a jump on their academic careers by taking college courses while still attending regular high school classes. Many students are willing to sacrifice the small things in order to lower the stress level while in college. By taking these classes, they are Taylor Richardson/Tiger Times saving a lot financially in the long Tersa McCarty, senior from Idaho Falls High School, run. Most importantly, these stuand Vanessa Ponce, a senior from Skyline High School, dents are receiving credit that can be used to create college resumes. study anatomy for their CNA class.

There are a variety of classes that could be taken to receive college credit; to name a few, all AP classes, CNA, Horticulture and yearbook or newspaper. Some AP classes require prep classes and that you have at least a B average to gain access to that class. According to the District 91 course description book, if you don’t have above a B in CNA, you are not allowed to take it the next trimester. “College is definitely a new experience and you have to be a lot more to be responsible about because you will be treated like an

adult,” Mariah Free, senior, said. “There is absolutely no slacking. If you slack, the teachers don’t care at all, you get a bad grade. You are slam-packed with regular homework and college homework.” Senior Thomas Pickett said college was a little harder but the teachers try not to overdo it. “College gives you a sense of responsibility,” he said. “(The classes) go on your college record, so you can’t afford to really mess up. Balancing high school classes and college class homework is extremely important.”




Jarnagin prepares for deployment Former vice principal anticipates departure to Iraq or Afghanistan Lisa Mattisch Spud Annual In November, Vice Principal Aaron Jarnagin was called back to active duty in the military where he would lead troops in a possible mission in Afghanistan or Iraq. His replacement for the remaining year, Haley Jones, who previously taught choir at Taylorview Junior High School, joined the administration staff. As Jones picked up dealing with student activities, sports, the supervision of teachers and working with the faculty at Idaho Falls High School, Jarnagin began keeping our American troops in line. Jarnagin is the commander of the Rexburg and St. Anthony units which is made up of 131

Aaron Jarnigan, former assistant principal, poses for his official Army photo. Jarnigan is preparing his battalion for deployment.

soldiers. He is responsible for training missions, escorting convoys to Kuwait and helping with the withdrawal of American troops and supplies. “I will make sure my missions are accomplished,”

he said. Jarnagin also embarked on another mission he was determined to accomplish — training Jones. “He has been showing me the ropes,” she said. During a brief oneweek training period, Jarnagin made sure Jones would be able to handle everything he has been responsible for. Jones is excited about her new role. “I will miss teaching and feeling like you make a difference in the student’s life — you do as an administrator, just in a different way. I will miss teaching choir every day and working with music.” She is looking forward to working with the students and the faculty and getting to know new people.

Brandon Clements/The Spud Annual Illuminated by the soft glow of candles, students from Eagle Rock Junior High School and Skyline High School crowd together as they remember friends who took their lives during a memorial walk at the Riverfront.

‘A Walk to Remember’ High schools, junior highs honor memory of friends gone to suicide

Brandon Clements Spud Annual Photo Editor

Boston Brown/The Spud Annual Waving to the camera, new vice principal Haley Jones returns from a visit to classes in the West Stadium. Jones was a choir teacher at Taylorview Junior High School and will take over Aaron Jarnigan’s position until the end of the year.

Suicide is the eighth leading cause of deaths in the U.S. and the death of more than one million people worldwide every year. Tessa Egan, with several other students from Eagle Rock Junior High, organized a candlelight suicide awareness walk around the Greenbelt, Oct. 30. The group sold candles for a dollar a piece as people walked the green belt with and supported an important event. According to Egan, due

to the economic downfall and stress of every day peer pressures, many teens are lost and have no escape. Programs and fundraisers like these hope to increase awareness so that death rates will slowly decrease. The students’ goals were to raise money and awareness to programs that help people in tough situations and preventions of these disasters. According to Egan, the turnout was heart warming and outstanding and many people donated more than a dollar for the candles.


EDITORIAL POLICY: Letters received to the editor are subject to editing to avoid libel or other illegal expression, as well as for mechanical or other grammatical mistakes. Letters must be limited to 250 words and must be appropriate to print in a student publication. The adviser and editorial board reserves the right to not DECEMBER 1, 2009 include any letter they deem inappropriate.



NO MORE LONG LUNCHES? With no ECA’s, end-of-trimester schedules remain the same. But are students happy about it?

by Kolby Arehart

Dude, what time is it?!

About 1. We’re good.

No! We’re on regular schedule!

Kolby Arehart Staff Writer

Every trimester, we have ECA’s (end of course assessments). Everyone seems to get excited about the end of the trimester. But why would everyone get excited for ECA’s. The fact is, it’s not the ECA’s that everyone gets excited, it’s the longer lunch periods. Usually we get a 100-minute lunch, and that Friday we would just have a half day. That’s the only thing to look forward to at the end of the trimester. I like the longer lunch periods because it gives me a chance to go to a sit-down restaurant and de-stress after finals with my friends. When talking to students

Obama wants us in school more?

I’m really starting to miss ECA’s!

But there is a plus side to short lunches. There are no more ECA’s to worry about. In almost all math and science classes, we were stuck with not only taking the ECA’s but also the teachers‘ finals. Kelly Somsen, math teacher, admitted,

”Many math teachers are still giving a final and an ECA.” “I felt like something was going to die in me,” Robert Clay, junior, said when he would find out that he was not only going to take the ECA but a final also. But some teachers like

are not wildly popular ideas,” according an Associated Press news President Barack story in September. Obama declared war on “(It’s not popular)with summer vacation. Malia and Sasha, not in In a statement earlier my family, and probthis year, he said, “Now, ably not in yours. But I know longer school the challenges of a new days and school years century demand more

time in the classroom.” Some students are upset about this. “I think it will harm us.” Drew Flitton, sophomore, said. Experts are disagreeing about the plan. But even with the disagreements, this plan could

here at dear old IF, they seemed to echo the same thing. “I liked the long lunches because it gives me time to eat my food,” Oliver Duncan, junior, said. “It gave me time to eat and socialize with friends,” Cole Tremeling, junior, said. Kevin Reed Staff Reporter

the idea of not giving an ECA. “I like not having to give them an ECA because I don’t think the _district) ECA matched with what I teach the students,” science teacher Wendy Straub said. Students seems to have different opinions on this subject. “I like it because I’m not so stressed anymore about ECA’s,” Brady Galbriath, junior, said. ”I love how I don’t have to worry about ECA’s anymore,” Austin Weller, junior, said. “I like them because it gives me a chance to pull my grade up if I need it,” Cody Bowling, sophomore, said. I personally liked the way it used to be. The longer lunches and half day gave a student a chance to work with the teacher to bring their grades up. I think the only thing that the ECA’s where good for was that they could help bring your grade up if you really needed it. really happen to us. The president thinks it would help raise scores on tests, it would bring attendance higher for the school which would raise more money for the schools, therefore opening up more opportunities for the


This year the longer lunches and ECA’s are a thing of the past. Is that a good thing though, or would it be better to have the ECA days back?

“I would rather have it like last year. It gives you a chance to have a longer testing period time. It’s not like this year’s where they tell you what day you are going to be testing in this class then in the non-testing classes you do nothing for the day.” - Brandon Barnes, junior

“I like a test schedule having hour-long classes with three on one day and two on the next day ... and I would rather give my own ECA rather than a district ECA.” - Glenna Goeken, English

schools. This sounds ridiculous to the students. The parents’ major concern is that family time would be essentially be gone. If this plan is in effect, students cost for See SUMMER, Page 8 >



THE TIGER TIMES • DEC EMBER 1, 2009 Two volunteers work preparing the day’s meal for the homeless and needy just before Thanksgiving. Students are encouraged to volunteer at the homeless shelter with adult permission.


Photo by Kevin Meek

Thanks for the Holidays

The Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen gives back to community during the holidays Morgan Spears & Megan Ciciliot Staff Writer & Features Editor Idaho Falls does its best by giving to the community. For this to happen, there must be organizations that try to help out, including the Idaho Falls Community Outreach Center, commonly called the soup kitchen, is located on 301 S. Boulevard. The kitchen started more than 25 years ago originally as a church sponsored event, then developed into a food bank

and out of the dust, the soup kitchen rose up to become the great place it is today. The main meal the soup kitchen serves to people is casserole, with salad, a roll and a dessert. They also serve cream soups and canned fruits as well as vegetable. Starting in November, the kitchen began serving meals seven days a week. Due to the economy this year, the loss of jobs and lack of jobs, the soup kitchen has been serving 25 to 30 percent more people

than last year However, because the kitchen is serving more, their shelves find themselves emptier and emptier as the season carries on. The shelves of the kitchen

have to be restocked every two months. A lot of work goes into running a soup kitchen and the coordinators themselves put in over about four hours a week.

These hours are spent fixing anything that happens to break down, serving meals, cleaning and buying food. Buying the food is a good portion of time spent on the phone making sure that everything is up to par and that there is enough food for that month. The Friday before Thanksgiving, the soup kitchen had a rewarding day by serving 87 people which included ten children. Anyone that shows up to the soup kitchen is never asked any questions about why they are there and

they can return to the counter as many times as they want to get refills on their food. The kitchen relishes the fact that they can treat the people that come there like customers at a restaurant. Almost every church in Idaho Falls and surrounding areas have volunteers to help with this program. The number one thing that the soup kitchen strives to do is to treat the people that show up with the one thing that they want the most — dignity.




So, you want to help out in our community, but you just don’t know where to start? There are several nonprofit organizations in Idaho Falls that are just clamoring for your help. Also, check with local churches to find out if any of their congregations may need help. Another idea: call local retirement homes or care facilities. Here are some other ideas:


YMCA in Idaho Falls needs volunteers to help coach 4 and 5 year-old boys and girls in basketball, Tball and/or soccer. Call Mike Smiley at the YMCA, 523-0600

Help, Inc. is a child abuse prevention center. They need volunteers to help with home visiting, support groups and training can be provided. All volunteers must pass a background check. Call 522-5545. Aspen Hospice in Idaho Falls needs caring, compassionate individuals are needed to serve as volunteers with patients and their families. Specialized training is provided. Call 529-0800. The Bonneville County Humane Society is seeking volunteers to work for thrift store, playtime with animals and foster homes. Training and supplies are provided. Call 529-9725.

Local retirement homes/care facilities Get a group of friends or have your club visit some of our friends in nursing homes this holiday season. And tune up your singing! They love it when young people sing to them. Parkwoods Meadows 523-7800

Fairwinds 542-6200

Lincoln Court 529-3456

Good Samaritan Society 523-4795



Ryan Hansen/Tiger Times Merlyn Belloff, special education teacher, center, leads her class in clipping coupons for American soldiers and their families. The class has saved soldiers and veterans more than $1,700 in the past three months.

Clipping for Peace

Idaho Falls High School class cuts out coupons in effort to aid veterans, soldiers Megan Cicilot Features Editor Coupons are often overlooked and unused even though a family can use them to save up to hundreds of dollars on a single trip to the store. Merlyn Belloff, special education teacher, realized this and found a way to give back with these small simple gifts. Her first hour class has been cutting out coupons for many months to give back to the soldiers overseas as well as their families at home and the veterans here in Idaho Falls. Every Monday, the students ramp their hands up by working so hard on collecting newspapers and cutting out the coupons all hour. In October, the class collected up to $550 worth of coupons. “My son served in Iraq, and I felt like it would

Amount of coupons clipped (money saved) by Belloff’s firsthour class.

$448 in September $550 in October $700 in November be something for a good cause that my kids could do to give back to the military,” Belloff said. Once the kids cut out the coupons they are then sent to the Overseas Coupon Program, in Ansbach, Germany. “You are supporting the service people and their families by sending coupons that you do not use, and all of the extra ones that you can find, to them,” Kelcey Moore, junior and aide for Belloff, said.




from Page 5 school will increase about 12 to 15 percent. The teachers would be paid more, utility bills would increase, bus drivers would be paid more. I think this will hurt the economy even more. In the U.S., there are many examples of gains when time is added to the school day. Charter schools are known for having longer school days or weeks or years. For example, kids in the KIPP network of 82 charter schools across the country go to school from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., more than three hours longer than the typical day. They go to school every other Saturday and for three weeks in the summer. KIPP eighth-grade classes exceed their school district averages on

state tests. In Massachusetts’ expanded learning time initiative, early results indicate that kids in some schools do better on state tests than do kids at regular public schools. The extra time, which schools can add as hours or days, is for three things: core academics — kids struggling in English, for example, get an extra English class; more time for teachers; and enrichment time for kids. In my opinion, this plan is not a good one. But there are some people that do want this plan to go through. That means our summer vacation will be cut shorter. This means we will be stuck in the classroom more and not outside. When asked about a shorter summer vacation. “I think Obama’s plan sucks,” Chaz Steving, sophomore, said. “I hate it.”




By Amanda Johnston Staff Reporter


Little Theater

15 18 6 p.m.





ome Cupid kills with arrows, going on. There is love, lies and trickeries some with traps,” William Shake- around every corner in this play. “Everyone on the crew has worked respeare wrote. Battle of the sexes ally hard for this and it is is the main theme of showing,” Nichols said. the school’s play for She is very excited Nov. 18. for opening night. Also apJessica Nichols, through the pearing in this production senior, plays Beatrice is Britton Baird, Jessica and Andrew Day, juBenns, Colton Schroeder nior, plays Benedick Opening night and Kelly Bruner. - a couple who vows Doors open at “The cast has to never marry. worked hard and I can’t The play’s action wait to see them in action,” heats up when the for adults she said. the two fall in love. William ShakeThe audience will for students w/ID speare’s play will come to find out what happens when someone decides to play match life Nov. 18-20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Little Themaker and when you love someone so atre. much, it hurts. An interesting mix of events of love is




Tiger Theatre Company tackles Shakespeare




DECEMBER 1, 2009







In “Paranormal Activity,” Katie Featherston, left, and Micha Sloat, right, are a young couple who move into what seems like a typical suburban “starter” tract house and become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is most active in the middle of the night.


‘Paranormal Activity’ conjures $22 million in first weekend “He flew from the dark and I screamed. “Paranormal Activity” is one of the most intense movies I’ve seen in my life. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a good scary movie that was worth my time, but this one kept me on the edge of my seat. “Paranormal Activity” was written and directed by Oren Peli. He sent out a cast to find people that had problems with paranormal activities in their homes. The cast found Katie and Micah and Peli talked to the couple about the haunting. After they talked and had an understanding on what Oren wanted, he handed the couple a camera and told them to record themselves during the day and night. Katie has been haunted since she was 8 years of age. The young couple wanted to figure out what was going on in their home. As they were filming themselves sleeping at night,


Black Friday can be a nightmare for eager first time shoppers. Here are some tips to help you out this season.

Paramount Pictures/MCT

Deja Belnap Staff Reporter


Katie becomes deeply shaken and worried about ticking off some evil entity. Micah is a somewhat macho, daring and welcoming this unknown visitor to come out and fight. They go through multiple horrifying events throughout the movie. Katie is beyond terrified about this “thing” and she wants nothing more than for it to go away. They do little things they think will help such as using; baby powder, cameras and voice recordings. They even bring in an exorcist to help, but he won’t even help because the spirit’s energy is too powerful and full of hate. In fact, he won’t even enter the house. Micah manages to record several phenomena – like objects moving on their own, lights and televisions switching on and off and sounds ranging from voices and growls to footsteps and loud thuds. The strange occurrences in the middle of the night soon involve Katie awakening to spend several hours stand-

ing by the bed and staring at a sleeping Micah, and going outside to sit on the backyard swing. Then Micah would tell Katie about it the next morning and show her the video, and she wouldn’t know what he was talking about, she had no idea she was doing that. The great thing about this is that it isn’t your typical scary movie. It’s a must see for all people looking for a good scare. I recommend this film to teens, “tweens,” and adults that aren’t easily scared when it comes to supernatural activities. I would give “Paranormal Activity” a “B+” because although it was an extremely good, suspenseful movie, it was at times repetitive and tedious. It would get an “A” if they would have had more action during the movie, instead of sleeping and waking up being the majority of the plot. “Paranormal Activity” is now at the Paramount Theater, commonly known as the “Dollar Theater.” Tickets are actually $3.50 and $2.50 on Tuesdays or matinees.

1. Check Out the Ads 2. Do Your Research Before Friday 3. Compare Prices 4. Look for Early Bird Shopper Discounts 5. Beat the Crowds with Night Owl Discounts on Thanksgiving 6. Bring the Ads 7. Know the Store Policies 8. Ask for Gift Receipts 9. Saying “Charge It” Can Pay Off 10. If you must brave the crowds, be prepared.





Getting back in the game 2:K ICK K NOWHOW

IF athletes struggle with sitting out seasons due to injury Tersa McCarty Sports Editor Beyond the miracle touchdown pass or last-second prayer goal, sports injuries also seem to be a staple in high school sports. This season, Idaho Falls High School athletes have suffered broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons, and a whole host of sprains, contusions and abrasions and few sports have passed unscathed so far this year. According to those student athletes, the new goal - instead of training to dominate the field or court - is to stay positive and train to just get back in the game. In August, Alex Hix, senior, took a hit to his leg which ended up in a torn MCL. However, Hix remained upbeat and continued to play a supporting role on his team. ”I don’t feel less important to my team because you can keep the sidelines in the game,”

Brandon Clements/Spud Annual Varsity football players take a knee while trainers help an IF player with an injury on the field.

Hix said. Junior Alex Baker found himself sidelined in football due to a broken collarbone and had a different take, “It sucked,” he said.

HOOP IT UP! “The girls will do great because Kathy Collette (junior) is on the team.” -Jordan Nelson, junior “We will do great. They’re fantastic, hardworking, smart kids.” - Girls’ Coach Brittany Christensen

Injuries require a major adjustment for both the individual and the team. Even in a non-contact sport, athletes can find them-

Here’s what our Tigers are saying about this season:

“We are very athletic kids and we will do well.” - Derek Despot, junior >

“The girls this year will improve a lot and do well at state. The boys lost some great seniors but if they work hard, they can still make it!” - Liz Robinson, senior

selves on the wrong end of an injury. Cross-country runner Kalee Beck, senior, found herself in a “boot” courtesy of torn tendons. “I want to be there with them while they race but I can’t because of my leg,” she said. She still supports the team, attending every meet and cheering from the sidelines. While injuries present serious problems, the lesson here is that injured students can still help their teams and should be encouraged to do so. Athletes know life often throws curves and being able to get back up and find ways to contribute is something innate in Tiger athletes. Alexis Walker, junior, suffered a broken fibula and spent the rest of the volleyball season in a cast. “It’s hard to feel important when you can’t play,” she said. “But my team includes me in every activity.”


Ever wondered how to throw an Emotion-Bowlwinning touchdown like IF QB Devan Munk? Or how about to spike just like volleyball-starter Meghan Hess? Each month we’ll ask an IF athlete to explain a technique they’ve got down. It’s up to you to perfect it!


eing able to kick a field goal in football is considered to be one of the more complicated skills of the game. It may be simple to say in words, but to be able to kick a football in between those two orange posts is easier said than done. Tyson Davis, junior, explained the skill of adding that extra seventh point after the touchdown. The first step in kicking a field goal is to set the ball up on the tee — easy enough. However, the next step can be varied among your personal preference. Tyson Davis takes three steps back and one to the left. If you are rightSee KICK, Page 12 >





Seven IF runners compete at state LINES Though the Tigers didn’t qualify for state as a team, several members run individual races

Meet the Tiger athletes.

Crock Center was the best part about the whole trip,” Whitbeck said. Through this hard and strenuShe then described how The ous year, the cross country team Crock Center is like a giant Apple had a great season. Athletic Club. “They have a giUnfortunately, the Tigers ant indoor pool with a water slide didn’t make it to and a lazy river.” “I WISHED I state as a team. The Crock Center However, three is a $25 million WOULD HAV E boys and four girls PLAC ED HIGHER athletic facility. managed to qualiOnce again Kunz BUT I RAN MY fy as individuals. proved his talent These were: Kevin RAC E AND TRIED and competitiveMeek, junior; Ausness by finishing MY HARDEST.” tin Kunz, senior; an amazing fifth -Austin Kunz, senior, Trevor Clarke, place overall in who placed fifth in sophomore; NiIdaho. “I wished state cross country cole Whitbeck, seI would have nior; Jessica Vance, junior; Madi- placed higher but I ran my race son Kunz, freshman, and Casey and tried my hardest,” Kunz said. Carpenter, freshman. The state Carpenter placed 23rd and was race was in Coeur d’Alene this only seconds away from being year. a state medalist. “Expect to see Photo courtsey of Lynnette Meek It turned out to be a long two- Casey in the top ten next year,” The boys gather for a quick moment of silence before starting day trip just to get there. “The Whitbeck said. their race at the state championship in Couer d’Alene. Kolby Arehart Staff Writer


from Page 11 footed then you should start with your left foot after taking the steps back, that way you end up kicking it with the right foot. When you kick the ball, you want it to go straight and in the direction you’re aiming. Therefore you want to kick the ball with the front and inside of your foot right near the bottom of the ball. Do not go too low on the ball or you will sweep underneath it and it won’t go more than a few yards. Good luck!

JESSICA IRICK Sophomore Swimming

Tiger Times (TT): How long have you been swimming? Jessica Irick (JI): I have been swimming for about six years. TT: How is it hard to train? JI: It depends on the day. It can get very hard. TT: What accomplishes have you made? JI: This season at our last meet I got the fastest record of my season.

Football men end season Kevin Meek Staff Writer

Let’s be honest, the Tiger football team kept us guessing most of the season. But, in the end, they proved they were one of the most formidable teams in the state. The season began well with slaughtering Pocatello, 28-22. Following this win, they had a rough two weeks by losing their next two games. However, they came out prepared and crushed the Rigby team, 49-13, for Homecoming. However, the most memorable win was Emotion Bowl. Even though rival Skyline bragged weeks before that they

would finally reclaim the goalposts in Ravsten, IF came out ready, showed their impressive set of skills and massacred the Grizz, 28-13. “It was really important to me and all the other seniors to win the Emotion Bowl and keep the goal posts orange for our last year,” senior Devan Munk, quarterback, said. “I’ll always remember the feeling of excitement when the game finished. It was amazing.” The team went on to play a nail-biting 42-35 game against what was thought a weak Madison team. With that win, the football team solidified their spot in the state tournament.

After a frustrating loss to Highland, the Tigers recommitted during a bye week and practiced hard for a second shot to destroy Highland. They showed up ready and put up an amazing fight by scoring 13 points in 13 seconds during the fourth quarter. However they did not have enough in them to defeat the Rams. They lost the game, 26-34, which resulted in a fatal end of their season. The team’s final all-around record was 4-5, 2-1 in district play. “This was the first year I’ve ever had a losing record,” Reed Burt, senior, said. “I’ve won a heckuva lot of games in my overall career. This was one of the most memorable.”

ETHAN GRIFFEL Senior Swimming

TT: How long have you been swimming? Ethan Griffel (EG): I have been swimming for 12 years. TT: Do you stay in shape all year around? EG: Yes, I train all year. TT: What kind of accomplishments have you made? EG: I am a four-time state record holder.

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