The evolution of human interaction

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From looking at how human interaction has evolved with the introduction of networked societies I have set about creating something that encourages us to think about the consequences of the new online lifestyle choices we have made. My focus has been on how public we are becoming with our information and our awareness as to how it can be used. Many of us tick the box allowing twitter to use our location; unaware of the invasion it actually has on our privacy. I was astonished when I was shown the nearby feature on a twitter application that allowed you to zoom in to local twitter users in such great detail, you could see whereabouts in the street they were tweeting from. Even more disturbing on some applications you could even get a google street map view of the building. As i embarked on this project, i realised it was greatly current and important as many people are so unaware of the extent their privacy can be invaded. Default to Public broadcasted tweets in a window of Germany which caused alot of commotion, people whos tweets were broadcasted expressed a great feeling of invasion. Everyone is happy to tweet honestly behind a computer screen, however when someone broadcasts it to the public, realisation hits.

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