all Animation Process Book

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animation process book



Identity Systems









identity system

The mission of the all:inclusivity in design conference is as follows: “Our mission is to increase inclusivity and diversity in design by emphasizing a consideration for all kinds of users including people of differing abilities, ethnicities, sexualities, and gender identities.� This is shown in the design choices made in the identity system by using a typeface designed for the blind and vision impaired, Tiresais Infofont, and a color palette that is distinguishable to people who are color blind. The rectangle units represent different kinds of people coming together and being included.


typography iii 2019

identity system

For the conference, three zines were developed. One for each of the two days, and one with a schedule and map.


all: inclusivity in design

hannah gaskamp

The two days are shown here. In my final animation the title of the days is coordinated to the colors of the zines.

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The first step for thumbnails for this project, for me, was some ideating. The first idea I had I listed out in steps before doing some basic sketches. This idea focused on a square from the logo seeing itself represented in a poster, and then another square seeing itself. A third square came along and did not see itself, implying the importance of inclusivity.

typography iii 2019


After quickly sketching the basics of several ideas, I picked two to expand into full thumbnail storyboards. One idea was just to have the squares from the logo flash and create patterns before revealing the logo. Another idea was the squares from the logo being exclusionary to one of the other squares and then deciding to include it.


all: inclusivity in design

hannah gaskamp

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typography iii 2019


After the first round of sketches I had a few more details come to mind regarding the idea with the squares making patterns. I jotted them down on the back and discussed them during critique. I also added things brought up during critique to this list of notes. When this idea was officially chosen, I did a second round of sketches to flesh out this idea before moving to roughs.


all: inclusivity in design

hannah gaskamp

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With my idea sketched out in detail, the roughs were a piece of cake. After a few notes during critique, it was time to move on to comps.


Based on the rough storyboard, a first comp was created. To view this comp, click here, the password is “all�. Right are the notes I took during the critique of this comp, including changes like removing the horizontal and vertical line patterns and changing what is seen in the scroll effect.

typography iii 2019 Based on this feedback, a second (1.5) comp was produced. It can be viewed here, again with the password “all�. After a second critique more notes were made and some smaller details to change were noted, like adding in the day that each theme represents and adding more of the random boxes during the information part of the video.


all: inclusivity in design


hannah gaskamp

During one last class critique before the final, the third (2) comp was shown and more notes were taken based on the changes made. This comp can be seen here, the password is “all�. The blocks added during the info needed to be less distracting, and noting which day of the conference was which needed to be staggered with other effects so it would be noticed. Among other things, these changes were implemented in the final animation.

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The final product took many rounds of changes but it ended up being good, and I appreciated all the detailed changes I made along the way. Click here to view it in full, the password is “all�.


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