DeathRat Issue 9

Page 14

im not sure how to answer that but i just don't eat or drink anything cold , i generally don't try to be some "pro vocalist" who is trying to hit every note just right because i know im not goin to anyway, i just try to be real , and make a song feel like what ever that song is about.

As someone who has been personally blessed by your songs, what have been some of the testimonies you have had from people? the 1rst one i ever herd was from a non christian, i was playing in some coffee joint in Cleveland Ohio, i had a few 4 song demos i was selling at the time , not a lot of people there, but , i was improvising lyrics about something or other, at the end my 3 song set i was approached by a lady asking if the improve thing was on the demo , which was obviously not but then she explained....."3 months ago the only man i ever loved shot and killed himself, leaving 1 bullet in the gun. I believe his intention was for me to follow. I have not been able to deal with it, I haven't left the house since it happened in fact the only reason I’m here tonight is that my friend forced me to be , when I came in & heard you just now that was the 1st time since it happened that I felt any peace"

Can you tell us a bit about your life at Jesus People USA? 4 or 500 Christians in 1 building living, working, eating, serving, together . really is like family

What are your plans for the future both musically and within the community of JP? just to keep on keepin on

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