Care - Stay Energised

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Care – Stay Energised

The personal energy system










The personal mission – self-discovery questions


• • • • • • •

What legacy do you want to leave behind? How do you want people to describe you? Who do you want to be? Who/what matters most to you? What are your deepest values? How would you define success in your life? What makes your life really worth living?

What is your personal mission? 2

The change process

• • • • •

The personal mission 90-day training plan Old story New story Supporting rituals


My 90-day mission I want to be more engaged with…

As my 90-day mission I choose…


The old story

Your current story that has prevented you from being aligned with your personal mission: • Blocks personal growth • Makes us victims of our circumstances • Derails the mission


The Sweet Sixteen – four dimensional energy check 4. Force of your energy? 1




Fully uncommitted

More uncommitted than committed

More committed than uncommitted

Fully committed



3. Focus of your energy? 1




Fully scattered

More scattered than focused

More focused than scattered

Fully focused (laser)





Fully negative (toxic)

More negative than positive

More positive than negative

Fully positive



2. Quality of your energy?


Fully engaged

Fully 13-10 engaged Partially engaged 1. Quantity of energy you have? 1




Between empty & ¼ empty

Between ¼ empty & ½ full

Between ½ full & ¾ full

Between ¾ full & full 6


Partially Partially disengaged engaged

Below Partially 6 Fully disengaged disengaged Fully disengaged

Possible barriers in your physical dimension 

I do not regularly eat 3 meals and at least 2 snacks daily

I do not consistently get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night

 

I skip breakfast on a regular basis

I do not consciously eat small portions at meals

I do not get up and move or stretch every 45 minutes throughout the day

I regularly go longer than 4 hours without eating

I do not get at least 3 aerobic workouts a week

I do not get at least 2 resistance training workouts per week

 

I do not stretch after each workout

 

I do not drink water regularly throughout the day

I consume more than 2 servings of alcohol at one time

I do not consistently get up and go to bed at the same times


I do not strategically seek out recovery every 90-120 minutes during my day

Possible barriers in your emotional dimension Managing adversity

Interpersonal effectiveness

    

         

Threatened by change

Slow to recover emotionally Overreacting emotionally Not calm under fire Negative and pessimistic

Confidence and personal security      

Constantly seeking praise Unwilling to take risks Defensive Lacking humility Overly self-absorbed Low self-confidence/insecure


Poor communication skills

Lacking warmth Poor listener Overly judgmental Not keeping others informed Poor team player Lacking compassion Moody Rarely praising others Impatient

Possible barriers in your mental dimension Focus

Personal effectiveness

  

 

I chase deadlines

  

My prioritisation is not effective

 

I am rarely fully present in the here and now

I often multitask I easily get distracted, e.g. by phone or e-mail I spend more time on here and now than on planned activities I neither spend much time on reflection nor set aside time for creative thinking

Presence  

I often think about the past or the future

I am often unaware of what takes place in my surroundings

I am not aware of the effect I have on other people

Flexibility 

It is difficult for me to quickly adjust from rational to creative tasks

I am not especially curious about taking on tasks outside my area of expertise


I am often late for meetings and appointments People perceive me as busy I am often indecisive

Storytelling 

I often find a good explanation for not doing what would be good for me

The story I tell other people is not always the same as the one I tell myself

Possible barriers in your spiritual dimension Clarification and meaning

Authenticity and integrity

  

I often feel like a spectator of my own life I often fail to do what I say I will do

I rarely go all the way

  

Embracing other people

I do not put myself on the line for what I believe

I do not care much about making a difference to other people

  

I do not have a personal mission

I lack to be passionate about something My personal values are not linked to my mission

I am unaware of my greatest gift I often put myself before others I find it difficult to view a situation from the other side

Consciousness about values   

I do not know my top 3 values There is no prioritised order of my values My actions reflect external pressure rather than core values


I am not always trustworthy I lack the courage of my convictions in difficult situations

Examples of strategic movement • Take the stairs, not the elevator • Use every opportunity for movement, e.g. walk to another department, do not e-mail • Go for a walk after lunch • Take a shower, not a bath • Continue….


5 easy ways to increase your daily step count 1. Set a reminder to walk. There’s no need to try to squeeze in all of your steps in one shot. In fact, you may get more benefit if you spread them out throughout the day. If you often get stuck at your desk for hours on end during your workday, try setting a reminder for every hour, and spend 15 minutes walking. If you’re able to repeat this five times a day, you may reach your 10,000 step goal before you leave work! 2. Walk and talk. Decide that every time you take a phone call, you’ll walk. Whether you are in your office or at home, pace around your location. Is the weather nice? Take your mobile phone with you for an energising outdoor conference call. Turning every phone conversation into a walking one can increase your daily step count almost effortlessly. 3. Partner up. Whether it’s a post-dinner stroll with your spouse and/or kids or a power walk with a colleague during lunch time, sharing your steps with someone else is a great way to stay accountable and stick to your daily goal of walking more. 4. Make things less convenient. We’ve all heard the advice to “park further away from the entrance” and “take the stairs” a million times, but how often do we actually do it? Sure, it’s more convenient to use the closer parking spot and to take the elevator up two floors, but putting just a little more effort into your routines also brings up your daily step count. 5. Try an indoor walking DVD. It’s not always easy to fit in extra steps, especially if the weather won’t cooperate or you only have free time very early or late in the day. The great news is there are plenty of indoor walking DVDs which feature a customisable menu that allows you to create your own personal walking plan every day. Source: Endomondo


Eat light and eat often • • • • • • •

Stabilises blood glucose levels Improves metabolism Improves energy levels, brain function and mood Controls cravings Decreases likelihood of overeating Maintains muscle mass Prevents excessive fat storage


How much to eat?

Fruit/ vegetables

Grains 2 handfuls

2 handfuls

Protein 1 handful 14

Care – Stay Energised

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