Hanf Magazin | Ausgabe 04

Page 75

is typically made from hemp flowers, leaves, and the top stems. Often, the plants are used with the seeds inside of the flowers. When cold extraction methods (example: super critical CO2, cold alcohol) are used to extract the whole plant or its parts, like flowers or upper stalks, the resultant concentrate will contain a whole full spectrum of cannabinoids, flavonoids, chlorophyll, waxes and terpenes. Within hemp, CBD is the most prevalent phytocannabinoid. However, other minor cannabinoids are also present, like CBG (cannabigerol), CBC (cannabichromine), and the acidic cannabinoids (CBDA, CBGA, THCA). It is thought that the full spectrum oils and natural waxes may provide for the most interactions for a variety of whole plant molecules. Full spectrum oils would then be most in line with the wholistic approach of treating the whole body with the whole plant(s). Florance Hemp Oil 250 (www.FloranceWorld.com) is a good example of a full spectrum raw hemp oil with these factors.

Broad Spectrum For broad spectrum formulations, the same or select parts of the plants would be used: flowers, leaves, trim, stalks. During heating, extraction process, or post-extraction processing of the concentrate, the oil may lose some of the components mentioned above. Acidic

cannabinoids may become completely decarboxylated by heat and some terpenes may also evaporate. Removals of the natural hemp waxes in the extracts may remove terpenes and some cannabinoids. Filtering or processing with heat will further reduce the full spectrum of molecules into the broad spectrum. The most volatile terpenes may also be lost in this post-process.

PCR Oil PCR stands for phytocannabinoid rich. In this case, typically, using alcohol distillation, the most dominant phytocannabinoids (THC and CBD) and terpenes are separated. This process allows to produce extractions that are 0.0% THC and to preserve a partial set of terpenes from the original plant. Post-extraction, the extracted and separated terpenes can then be combined back with CBD. PCR oil are typically CBD oils that are 0.0 THC and can be up to 90% CBD and 10% terpenes. Although PCR oils are stripped of some of the beneficial hemp components, they are also effective, can usually be shipped internationally, and will not show any positive THC test in the blood. Furthermore, PCR oils allow to test whether a given person is reacting to CBD and a small subset of terpenes, in the absence of other hemp molecules .

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Articles inside


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Ein Plädoyer für eine Heilpflanze

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Fotoreise um die Welt und zurück zum eigenen Feld

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Hype in der Grauzone - Der rechtliche Status von CBD-Blüten

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high on the future of hemp

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Die Analytik von Cannabisprodukten

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Wann ist die Verschreibung von CBD-reichen Cannabissorten sinnvoll?

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Hanf - eine lang vergessene heimische Faserpflanze

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Which Hemp Oil to Use: Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, PCR oil, or Isolate?

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Hanfsamenöl - Gesundheitsrausch mit gutem Gewissen

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Hemp Paper

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Hanfprotein und CBD als alternativer Regenerationsbooster im Sport

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Genialität durch Einfachheit - Bauen mit Hanf und Kalk

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