Sheep in the road 20

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shizen, its still money money money

& you still can’t take it with you

there is no reason and you better believe it, heh-heh





CONTENTS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Edit & Design: Alan Rutherford Published online by Cover photograph: Alan Rutherford Frontispiece: Hans Holbien Photographs, words and artwork sourced from ‘found in the scrapbook of life’, no intentional copyright infringement intended, credited whenever possible, so, for treading on any toes ... apologies all round!

Opening 03 Liars! 07 Eugenics 16 Zapiro 24 Exceptionalism 27 Sam Stone


No Pasarán!



Letters 61

Artwork: Alan Rutherford

There is no deadline for submitting articles to be included in the next issue, it will appear whenever, or in your dreams! Articles to:


OPENING Blah-blahblah-blahblah––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

There is no reason for the end to justify the means as long as there is something worthwhile to be justified in the end

Hello, Welcome to magazine number 20 (19 got pulped). Still trying to ignore the media circus, lies and bullshit that parades as news ... misdirecting our attention, here is a magazine produced freely to be read freely.


All articles and artwork supplied, or found in newspapers lining the bottom of the canary cage, were gratefully received and developed with love, enthusiasm and sympathy here at Hand Over Fist Press. Nobody got paid. Perhaps that is the problem? Anyway, ‘Sheep in the Road’ will now appear very sporadically. Without contributors this project has failed to live up to its original ideal!

Maybe the last issue for a while (or maybe Slyce n’Ice not?) ... in the meantime, a luta continua!






Artwork: Brueghel - Naomi Henig


... the main again: war freedom is ignorance is – and that news, go



n points r is peace, s slavery, s strength t was the oodnight

LIVING WITH LIARS We are not living in a ‘post-truth’ world, we are living the lies of others Nigel Farage is not a Nazi and nor is Donald Trump. But what is terrifying – and deeply akin to fascism – is our ability to ‘think’ our way from truth into lies by Robert Fisk in The Independent After Donald Trump’s election, the term ‘post-truth’ was coined to describe a world in which fake news stories gain easy traction on social media. We do not live in a ‘post-truth’ world, neither in the Middle East nor in the West – nor in Russia, for that matter. We live in a world of lies. And we always have lived in a world of lies.


Just take a look at the wreckage of the Middle East with its history of people’s popular republics and its hateful dictators. They feast on dishonesty, although they all – bar the late Muammar al-Gaddafi – demand regular elections to make-believe their way back to power. Now, I suppose, it is we who have regular elections based on lies. So maybe Trump and the Arab autocrats will get on rather well. Trump already likes Field Marshal/President al-Sissi of Egypt, and he’s already got a golf course in Dubai. That he deals in lies, that he manufactures facts, should make him quite at home in the Middle East. Misogyny, bullying, threats to political opponents, authoritarianism, tyranny, torture, sneers at minorities: it’s part and parcel of the Arab world.


And look at Israel. The new US ambassador-to-be – who might as well be the Israeli ambassador to the US – can’t wait to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. He seems to feel more antagonism towards the Jewish left in America than the Palestinians who claim East Jerusalem as a capital and whose state he has no interest in. Will Trump enrage the Arabs? Or will he get away with a little domestic rearrangement of the Israel embassy on the grounds that the Gulf Arabs, at least, know that Israel’s anti-Shiism – against Syria, Iran and Hezbollah – fits in rather well with the Sunni potentates who’ve been funding Isis and Jabhat al-Nusrah and all the other jolly jihadis?


I suspect that ‘post-truth’ has more to do with social media than mendacious elections. The use of social media in reporting the battle of eastern Aleppo has been extraordinary, weird, dangerous, even murderous, when not a single Western journalist could report the eastern Aleppo war at first hand. Much damage has been done to the very credibility of journalism – and to politicians – by the acceptance of one side of the story only when not a single reporter can confirm with his or her own eyes what they are reporting. We handed journalism to social media – and the armed men who control the areas from which these reports came know that they can pull the same trick again next time. They will, in Idlib. But this problem in the region is much, much bigger than a Syrian province. It’s now about the malleability of facts across the whole Middle East. The 250,000 ‘trapped’ Muslims of eastern Aleppo – now that 31,000 have chosen to go to Idlib, many more to western Aleppo – appear to have been somewhat fewer than 90,000. It’s now possible that at least 160,000 of the


civilians ‘trapped’ in eastern Aleppo did not actually exist, but no one says so. That vital statistic of 250,000, the very punctuation mark of every report on the besieged enclave, is now forgotten or ignored (wisely, perhaps) by those who quoted it. Nor does anyone tell us about the civilians of Palmyra now that Isis has returned. And what about Mosul? Weren’t we about to liberate one million civilians trapped there by the jihadis – no less deserving, surely, than the 250,000 or 100,000 or 90,000 or fewer civilians trapped in eastern Aleppo? Now the Americans say that Iraqi forces are ‘regrouping’ and ‘repositioning’ around Iraq’s second city; but ‘regrouping’ and ‘repositioning’ is what the British Expeditionary Forces did on their retreat to Dunkirk.


How can we complain about the lies of Trump and the Brexiteers when we journalists are chopping up the facts of the Middle East? Still, I notice in our newspapers and on television, Israel’s wall is a ‘security fence’, its colonies are ‘settlements’ which are ‘disputed’ rather than illegal. Can we really shake our heads in disbelief at electoral lies when we have been lying to our readers and viewers for years? Trump’s tweets aren’t narcissistic ramblings, they’re pure politics My favourite journalistic philosopher, Fintan O’Toole of The Irish Times, got it right this month when he wrote that ‘the mendacity of politics in 2016 has indeed been astonishing both in its brazenness and in its effectiveness.


The claim by the Leave side in the Brexit referendum that £350m a week would be taken from the United Kingdom’s contribution to the European Union’s budget and put into the National Health Service was quickly and comprehensively demolished. Being caught out in a lie did not matter... it was a proof of a weird kind of authenticity. Flagrant lies showed that you were not one of the experts that the leading Brexiteer Michael Gove invited UK voters to despise and ignore...’


Lying, according to O’Toole, ‘floats freely, with no pretence to be anchored in evidence’. Nowhere could this be more fearfully represented than in denial of the Jewish Holocaust (or the Armenian Holocaust, for that matter) when social media – O’Toole specifically names Facebook and Google – ‘now direct users towards fake news stories and sickening neo-Nazi propaganda with barely a shrug of the shoulders. The companies evoke in their defence a notion of the ‘diversity of perspectives’, an Orwellian euphemism in which the belief that the Holocaust never happened is as valid as the knowledge that it did.’ I’ve never accepted the nonsense about Nazism and the American right. Trump is not Hitler, although there is a kind of theatrical fascism about his performance. He’s more buffoon than satanic, more Duce than Fuehrer. Cesare Rossi, an early collaborator of Mussolini, once described his leader as moving quickly ‘from cynicism to idealism, from impulsiveness to caution, generosity to cruelty... moderation to intransigence. It was as though he never knew his genuine self and was always striving after some counterfeit impersonation.’ Could there be a better description of Trump? As Mussolini’s philosopher of fascism, Giovanni Gentile, said, ‘laughter is of the devil, and true believers do not smile except in bitter sarcasm.’


That grim use of the word ‘laughter’ is a key to this. The Second World War finished before I was born. But there are distressing habits which those on the right of European politics demonstrate when they wish to sneer at their enemies, characteristics which I find deeply disturbing. It is the politics of ‘the last laugh’; of the humiliation of those who thought they knew better and must now rue the day of their supposed superiority. Just count how many headlines and writers have referred to Trump’s ‘last laugh’. It is vicious and vengeful. Most of us remember Nigel Farage’s disgraceful – and untrue – words to the European Parliament on 28 June when he claimed that most members ‘have never done a proper job’. But it was his other remark which was so frightening: ‘Isn’t it funny? When I came here 17 years ago and I said I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me – well, I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you?’


Those words jogged my memory. Where I had I heard this sneer before? Then, quite by chance, there I was in Poland a few days ago, reading the late Martin Gilbert’s Auschwitz and the Allies, about the US and British failure to respond militarily to news of the Nazi death camps. And there I read these words, uttered by Adolf Hitler on 30 September 1942: ‘In Germany, too, the Jews once laughed at my prophecies. I don’t know whether they are still laughing, or whether they have already lost the inclination to laugh, but I can assure you that everywhere they will stop laughing.’ In 1925, newly released from prison, Hitler had written a lengthy editorial in Volkischer Beobachter, attacking Jews, Marxists and the Weimar Republic. And that was 17 years before his 1942 ‘not laughing’ speech.


Contempt lies deep in the antechamber of an angry man. No, Farage is not a Nazi and nor is Trump. Nor are the tinpot right-wing European politicians who frighten us with their racist dialogue. What is terrifying – and deeply akin to fascism – is our ability to ‘think’ our way from truth into lies. Today we don’t need rallies or newsreels because we have the internet and social media, the addiction of our age. It is a dependency on a drug which under the infamous ‘diversity of perspectives’ presents morality and immorality as part of a landscape that spreads out flat to the horizon. Even we humble reporters can see what is happening. To an extent never witnessed before, a lot of people have started believing things that aren’t true. And it is acceptable to do this. And we help them.


Today, you can not only deny history – the Armenian and Jewish Holocausts, Anne Frank’s diary, the gas chambers of Auschwitz – you can also tell fibs, big or small, about almost anything which annoys you. The Middle East, with our journalistic help, is deep in the same false world. Every dictator is now fighting ‘terrorism’ – along with the US, Nato, the EU, Russia, Hezbollah, Iran, the entire Arab Gulf (minus Yemen, for rather embarrassing reasons), China, Japan, Australia and – who knows? – Greenland as well. But justice is not on the menu. This is a word which few politicians, statesmen, even journalists, any longer use. Neither Trump nor Clinton, nor the Brexiteers, have talked about justice. I’m not talking about justice for victims of ‘terror’, or Brits who think they’ve been cheated by the EU, but real justice for entire nations, for peoples, for the Middle East, even – dare I mention them? – for Palestinians. They do not live in a ‘post-truth’ world. They’ve been living among other people’s lies for decades.


The only effect of last year’s political earthquakes is that we shall feel less guilty in repeating all these lies. They have now – like war – become normal, a ‘diversity of perspectives’, part of a familiar, fraudulent world in which untruthfulness has acquired a ‘weird authenticity’. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Jesus. National suicide is reincarnation. We may not yet have understood this. But there are many in the Middle East who will understand us. Maybe they’ll have the last laugh.


war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength (1984)


its fucking 2017!



Prejudice, faith, war and trumpism all have something in common: they all flourish when reason has died


good luck and best wishes for 2017 JANUARY 2017

A TRUMP RACE & HORSE-SENSE EUGENICS Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has offered a litany of racist comments, which it turns out may be rooted in his deeper belief in the inherent superiority of some people ... and not others.


The Huffington Post dug back through the archives and found numerous examples of Trump suggesting that intellect and success are purely genetic qualities and that having ‘the right genes’ gave him his ‘very good brain.’ The Frontline documentary ‘The Choice’ premiered a week or so ago on PBS in the US, and it proves that Trump is pretty much an orange, sniffily pro-eugenics asshole. In the documentary, Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio explains that Trump was raised to believe that success is genetic, and that some people are just more superior than others: ‘The family subscribes to a racehorse theory of human development. They believe that there are superior people and that if you put together the genes of a superior woman and a superior man, you get a superior offspring.’




The Huffington Post also took the liberty of compiling a whole bunch of times Trump suggested that genes are the main factor behind brains and superiority. Here are just a few choice quotes from good ol’ Trump: ‘All men are created equal. Well, it’s not true. ‘Cause some are smart, some aren’t.’ ‘When you connect two racehorses, you usually end up with a fast horse.’ ‘Secretariat doesn’t produce slow horses.’ ‘Do we believe in the gene thing? I mean, I do.’ ‘I have great genes and all that stuff which, I’m a believer in.’ Oh, good.


One of the first cabinet appointments made by President-elect Donald Trump was of Steve Bannon as his ‘chief strategist and senior counselor.’ Bannon is the former executive chairman of Breitbart News, a leading white nationalist website known for spreading fake ‘news’ and for pushing racist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, and anti-Semitic tropes. Bannon’s selection drew widespread condemnation from Democratic members of Congress as well as civil rights, reproductive rights, and immigrant rights groups. Retiring Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) called Bannon a ‘champion of racial division.’ The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups, noted Bannon’s ‘long history of bigotry’ and his role in making Breitbart the media arm of the racist ‘alt-right’ movement. And several organizations, including and BoldProgressives, launched ‘Stop Bannon’ campaigns. Leaders of white nationalist groups in the United States, on the other hand, rejoiced at Bannon’s ascension. In fact, I suspect every time Trump and his surrogates have said, ‘this isn’t a campaign, it’s a movement,’ it’s a call-out to the very white nationalists celebrating Trump’s win.


This should be no surprise: Bannon may be the most blatant example of Trump’s true intentions, but he is by far the rule. Trump’s campaign was relentlessly and unapologetically rooted in racist, misogynistic, antiSemitic, and anti-immigrant statements, themes, and proposals, and his cabinet reflects the same. As the saying goes, when someone tells you who they are, believe them. Indeed, rather than creating a Team of Rivals – in which, as documented by historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, Abraham Lincoln filled his cabinet with former rivals who came together and worked toward the greater good – Trump’s cabinet is shaping up to be a ‘Team of Racists’ hellbent on further dividing the United States, a strategy that would inevitably help him to further consolidate power during his first term by sowing fear and conflict. Virtually all those already appointed, nominated, or floated for cabinet positions in the new administration are white men with deeply troubling histories of making statements, promoting policies, or enforcing laws promoting systemic racism. Based on the people and the politics they espouse, Trump’s selections must be read as a promise of an administration that will, in the end, increase the violence toward, marginalization of, and attacks on Muslims, immigrants, women, LGBTQ people, and people of colour.


Among the selections to date are Alabama GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general of the United States. Sessions has fought against legal immigration into the United States and has voted against virtually every immigration bill introduced in Congress in the past two decades. He opposes a path to citizenship for those who entered the country without documentation or prior approval. According to the Washington Post,


Session opposes ‘guest worker programs for immigrants in the country illegally and visa programs for foreign workers in science, math and high-tech. In 2007, Sessions got a bill passed essentially banning for 10 years federal contractors who hire [undocumented] immigrants.’ ‘No Senator has fought harder against the hopes and aspirations of Latinos, immigrants, and people of color than Sen. Sessions,’ said Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, an Illinois Democrat, in a statement last week.


The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC reports that Sessions is closely affiliated with anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant extremist groups who have cultivated him to be their voice in Congress. The center notes that ‘John Tanton, founder of the modern-day nativist movement, highlighted the need for such a congressional champion as a key goal in strategy memos he drafted in the 1980s. ‘Think how much different our prospects would be if someone espousing our ideas had the chairmanship!’ Tanton wrote.’ The center further reports that Sessions is closely associated with and attends meetings held by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the mission of which is to severely limit immigration into the United States: Its leaders have longstanding ties to white supremacist groups and eugenicists and have made many racist statements. Its advertisements have been rejected because of racist content. Dan Stein, FAIR’s current president, told Tanton [FAIR’s founder] in 1994 that those who supported the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which abolished the racist national origins quotas that favored immigrants of European descent, wanted to ‘retaliate against AngloSaxon dominance’ and that this ‘revengism’ against whites had created a policy that is causing ‘chaos and will continue to create chaos.’


Sessions is a longtime critic and opponent of civil rights, and while he voted to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act in 2006, he also praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision gutting the law in 2013. He has called the NAACP and American Civil Liberties Union ‘Communist-inspired’ and ‘un-American.’ He was denied a federal judgeship in the mid-1980s because of his racist views and actions. ‘Jeff Sessions has a decades-long record – from his early days as a prosecutor to his present role as a senator – of opposing civil rights and equality,’ Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, told USA Today in a statement. ‘It is unimaginable that he could be entrusted to serve as the chief law enforcement officer for this nation’s civil rights laws.’


Another appointee is retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn as national security advisor, a position very close to the president. Flynn has been widely described as an ‘extreme Islamophobe’ who believes that Islam is a political ideology, not a religion. The New York Times reports that, like Trump, Flynn ‘exhibit[s] a loose relationship with facts: General Flynn, for instance, has said that Shariah, or Islamic law, is spreading in the United States (it is not). His dubious assertions are so common that when he ran the Defense Intelligence Agency, subordinates came up with a name for the phenomenon: They called them ‘Flynn facts.’’ Flynn is a proponent of preventing Muslims from entering the United States and registering those who are here. Flynn is also believed to have financial and other ties to Russia and Turkey, indicating serious conflicts of interests.


A third selection is Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) for director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Pompeo, who is supported by the Koch brothers, has numerous times made racist and anti-Muslim remarks. In his 2010 election campaign, he tweeted an article referring to his opponent, IndianAmerican Raj Goyle, as an ‘evil’ ‘turban topper.’ After apologizing for that, a campaign supporter put up billboards exhorting people to ‘Vote American. Vote Pompeo,’ and ‘True Americans Vote Pompeo,’ implying, of course, that Goyle, who is indeed American, was not. According to the Guardian, in 2013, ‘Pompeo was widely criticised by Democrats and the Council on American-Islamic Relations for saying that Muslim clerics who did not properly chastise Islamic terrorists were ‘complicit’ in terror attacks.’


The list of names for other positions is long and changes daily. But other possible contenders for positions include former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Giuliani is well known for failed policies such as ‘stop-and-frisk,’ which is based on racial profiling, and for his clams that Black Lives Matter fostered violence against police. In the early ’90s, he actually egged on a riot by white police officers protesting demands that they be held more accountable for their actions against people of color. And among many other things, he’s alternately defended and denied Trump’s birther crusade and claimed that President Obama does not love America. Kris Kobach is, among other things, an immigration hard-liner who is associated with nativist groups and helped Arizona Republicans write the infamous ‘Show Me Your Papers’ law, SB 1070, later tossed out by the courts. He is virulently anti-choice and has advocated strongly for a Muslim registry. He also has pushed hard for laws restricting voter rights.


As the saying goes, you know a person by the company they keep. And Trump is surrounding himself with racists many layers deep. So it’s time for all of us – the media, pundits, Democratic legislators, and the public – to stop waiting for the ‘pivot.’ It ain’t coming and if we don’t realize that now, we are all at fault for the unraveling of democracy in the United States. Eugenics, first emerged during the 19th century and was used as a pretext for the sterilisation of disabled people until the practice was discredited after the Second World War. Adolf Hitler’s justification for the Holocaust – in which 11 million people were killed, 6 million of them Jewish – was based on a similar theory of racial hierarchy. The PBS documentary featured clips of Mr Trump on the campaign trial claiming that he ‘believes in the gene thing’ and saying he had a ‘very high aptitude’. It also ran footage of previous interviews from the real estate magnate’s time as a reality TV star in which he shared his thoughts on the subject, including a 2010 interview with CNN.


He said: ‘Well I think I was born with the drive for success because I have a certain gene. I’m a gene believer ... Hey, when you connect two race horses, you usually end up with a fast horse. I had a good gene pool from the standpoint of that, so I was pretty much driven.’ Mr Trump has become notorious for his bravado on the campaign trail and claimed he could solve problems that have plagued policymakers for decades with ease because he is a ‘smart guy’. Story edited from articles by Jodi Jacobson and Sammy Nickalls



Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro), born in Cape Town, South Africa, fulfilled his military requirement before becoming active in the anti-apartheid movement, the United Democratic Front. In 1988, on a Fulbright scholarship, he studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York City with premier comic artists Art Spiegelman and Harvey Kurtzman. Today Zapiro is a noted editorial cartoonist with a busy schedule drawing for South Africa’s Mail & Guardian and Sunday Times. He has published 16 book compilations of his work and received the 2007 Courage in Editorial Cartooning award from the Cartoonists Rights Network International, which monitors and supports the well-being of political cartoonists who find themselves in trouble because of the power and influence of their professional work. For several years, he’s been an invited speaker at the World Economic Forum in Davos. According to the Daily Maverick, “He didn’t censor himself before the apartheid government (and he was jailed for it), he doesn’t censor himself to appease big business, and he certainly doesn’t censor himself to please the African National Congress — he is one of those who takes most seriously Section 16 of the South African constitution, the part where freedom of expression is enshrined.”

(below, left)

This cartoon conveys the sense of loss of many South Africans in 1999, when their beloved President Mandela retired. (below, right)

In September 2008, Zapiro depicted South African President Jacob Zuma about to rape Lady Justice with the help of his allies. Zuma, who had previously been accused and acquitted of rape, was about to receive a judgment on whether a corruption case against him would proceed. Enormous pressure was being put on the judiciary; anarchy was threatened if the accusations were upheld by the court. The cartoon provoked intense worldwide debate.

Jonathan Shapiro From 12

photo: Karina Turok SAMPSONIA WAY



In response to the Everybody Draw Muhammad Day Campaign of May 2010 — designed to protest the chilling effects on free speech Muslim death threats have had in targeting artists who depict or parody the prophet — Zapiro drew a cartoon showing Muhammad visiting his psychologist and asking why his followers don’t have a sense of humor. Zapiro sees himself as asserting his right to free speech.

“I was detained without trial in 1988.” Jonathan Shapiro SAMPSONIA WAY: How did you become a cartoonist? ZAPIRO: From the age of 8 or 9, I knew that cartooning was my favorite thing. At 4, I remember reading [Carl] Giles. But the big ones for me were Peanuts and Tintin, which I discovered at about 7 and 8. Those cartoons are still two of my great inspirations. Schulz and Hergé are geniuses. At 13, I started to make a book based on the Tintin action films to impress Hergé and get him to let me be part of his team. Then I decided, no, I wanted to do my own stuff. At the age of 15, there was some pressure to “be something,” and, of course, there was that ogre, the army. I thought I’d better do something “proper” to stay out of the bloody army. Architecture seemed a good marriage of arts and science. I got into Cape Town University easily enough, but I realized architecture was not where my heart was. Although I thought of being a cartoonist from a young age, it was only when I became a political activist in my mid-20s that I really became a cartoonist. Drawing cartoons for political organizations is what really got me started.

SAMPSONIA WAY: What challenges have you faced as a response to your cartoons? ZAPIRO: I’ve been involved in a large number of controversies around my cartoons, beginning with the very first political pamphlet I ever did, which was banned by the apartheid government in 1983. Other bits of graphics and cartoons I did were also banned. I was interrogated by the security police about one of them and was detained without trial in 1988. The same year an apartheid cabinet minister ranted in parliament about cartoonists, apparently attacking me and a colleague. Many of my cartoons about political, religious, and sexual issues have been controversial and have sparked debate in newspapers and other media. But nothing I’ve ever done has come close to creating the kind of media frenzy and public debate sparked by my September 2008 Sunday Times “Rape of Justice” cartoon.


SAMPSONIA WAY: Have you ever come close to giving up the work because of the difficulties imposed on you? ZAPIRO: For me the problems that I sometimes face are part of the job. My best way of dealing with this is to keep doing hard-hitting cartoons and not get intimidated. I have no plans to stop doing cartoons. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 11

13JANUARY 2017



EXCEPTIONAL EXCEPTIONALISM Exceptionalism is the doctrine that one’s own people or country has some special status and destiny. Its probably always been about in human societies but, in a modern sense, came to the forefront when europeans took to wandering the globe in search of new markets, cheap labour, gold, colonies, oil and opium, slaves and strategic advantage ... discovering new lands and claiming them for their king despite the fact that these lands were already populated with indiginous societies.


Using the ‘we are civilised, you are not’ mantra, marching to a eugenics tune and claiming their actions were ordained by god or providence, these europeans either annihilated or cruelly subdued the populations of these new-found lands. In the 19th century, for example, British imperialists believed they had a mission to bring ‘superior’ British values to benighted parts of the world like America, Africa, Australia, Asia ... Even today, in the ugly spirit of ‘exceptionalism’, and following detested apartheid solutions, ultra-religious Jews believe that god gave them the Palestinian land they now occupy on the West Bank, overspilling in defiance of international law.


Christmas may be over, but for Jews celebrating the festival of Hanukkah festivities still are in full swing. Though the story of the Maccabees fighting their oppressors took place thousands of years ago, disputes over who should control swathes of land in Israel and Palestine are pressing and pertinent to this day.


Following the recent United Nations Resolution 2334, which describes Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as ‘illegal’ and an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians, the Israeli government has made its position clear: ‘Israel believes itself to be an exception’; settlements in the occupied territories will continue growing, and any states or persons who criticise this are ‘anti-semitic’ and making a ‘declaration of war’ against Israel. Ambassadors have been recalled; meetings with leaders have been cancelled; Israeli aid to Senegal has been stopped. However, today the doctrine of exceptionalism is perhaps most pervasive in the USA. It is part of the national mythology that god inspired the early colonists, such as the pilgrim fathers, to come to America, and that settlers of european origin had a ‘manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by providence’. Many in the USA still believe that their country has a special purpose, to hold up some kind of beacon to the rest of the world.


oh, say! does that starspangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? ironic or what?






Sam Stone came home, To the wife and family After serving in the conflict overseas. And the time that he served, Had shattered all his nerves, And left a little shrapnel in his knees. But the morhpine eased the pain, And the grass grew round his brain, And gave him all the confidence he lacked, With a purple heart and a monkey on his back. There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes, Jesus Christ died for nothin I suppose. Little pitchers have big ears, Don’t stop to count the years, Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios.


Sam Stone’s welcome home Didn’t last too long. He went to work when he’d spent his last dime And soon he took to stealing When he got that empty feeling For a hundred dollar habit without overtime. And the gold roared through his veins Like a thousand railroad trains, And eased his mind in the hours that he chose, While the kids ran around wearin’ other peoples’ clothes...


There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes, Jesus Christ died for nothin I suppose. Little pitchers have big ears, Don’t stop to count the years, Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios.


Sam Stone was alone When he popped his last balloon, Climbing walls while sitting in a chair. Well, he played his last request, While the room smelled just like death, With an overdose hovering in the air. But life had lost it’s fun, There was nothing to be done, But trade his house that he bought on the GI bill, For a flag-draped casket on a local hero’s hill. There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes, Jesus Christ died for nothin I suppose. Little pitchers have big ears, Don’t stop to count the years, Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios.

Written by John Prine








¡No pasarán! The ITF and the fight against fascism 35

International Transport Workers’ Federation JANUARY 2017

¡No pasarán! The ITF and the fight against fascism © ITF 2016

Eyewitness report compiled in 1933 by ITF representative Jaap Oldenbroek on the situation in Germany following the Nazi takeover.

International Transport Workers’ Federation 49-60 Borough Rd, London SE1 1DR +44 (0)20 7403 2733 ITF report from 1935 describing the underground trade union networks in Nazi Germany.

Image courtesy of Manuel Moreno


Cover picture: 1936 Spanish Civil War poster by Pere Catalá.


¡NO PASARÁN! The ITF and the fight against fascism


he struggle to defeat fascism in the 20th century didn’t begin in 1939 with the outbreak of the Second World War. The anti-fascist fight had been going on for many years, and trade unionists were among the first to recognise the unique dangers posed by this toxic ideology based on racial superiority, anti-semitism, militarism and dictatorship.

Anti-Nazi illustration produced for ITF publications in the 1930s.

Trade union activists were key targets of fascist repression. In Italy, they were blacklisted and punished after Mussolini seized power in 1922. Strikes were outlawed and opponents of the fascist regime were brutally persecuted. Trade unionists suffered a similar fate in Germany from 1933 under Hitler’s rule. Unions were closed down, their assets confiscated and many thousands of union activists were sent to Nazi concentration camps. Unions resisted and fought fascism throughout these years. They did so clandestinely in countries under the heel of fascist dictators, as well as more openly in those whose governments pursued a disastrous policy of appeasement of fascism. Transport trade unions and the ITF played a leading role in this fight.


Although not an avowedly fascist regime, the dictatorship of Miklós Horthy in Hungary from 1920 to 1944 displayed many repressive fascist characteristics and led Hungary into alliance with Nazi Germany. In the summer of 1920 the ITF organised an international rail border blockade of the country in protest at the persecution of trade unionists and other opponents of the regime. As a result the government was forced to make concessions.

¡No pasarán! ● 3 JANUARY 2017


An Italian poster produced by ITF unions in the 1920s to encourage transport workers to take action against fascism. In Italy more than 30,000 railway workers were sacked after Mussolini came to power. The union’s head office was closed, its leaders were arrested – and only released following ITF pressure via the International Labour Organization. The same pattern of repression was repeated across all transport sectors. By 1926 only fascist organisations were allowed to represent workers.

4 ● ¡No pasarán! SHEEP IN THE ROAD : NUMBER 20



hen based in Amsterdam, the ITF was active in underground anti-Nazi activities in Germany following Hitler’s rise to power in 1933. Undercover missions were carried out by ITF officials, and anti-fascist leaflets and newsletters were distributed via secret trade union networks.

But the dangers for trade unionists were immense if they were discovered. Hermann Jochade, who had been the ITF president from 1904 to 1916 and was the leader of the banned German railway workers’ union (Einheitsverband der Eisenbahner Deutschlands), was beaten to death by concentration camp guards in 1939. He was not the only transport union leader to die at the hands of the Nazis. Ludvik Buland of the NJF Norwegian railway workers’ union (Norsk Jernbaneforbund) and Pierre Semard of the French railway workers’ federation (Fédération des cheminots CGT) were also murdered.

39 The anti-fascist newsletter Faschismus was published by the ITF until 1945.

From 1933 the ITF published the fortnightly Hakenkreuz über Deutschland (Swastika over Germany). This was renamed as Faschismus (Fascism) and its focus spread to include Italy, Austria, Spain and Portugal. It continued publication until the end of the Second World War in 1945. Most of this printed material originated in the Netherlands and was smuggled to Germany by Dutch inland waterway skippers and crews. Such action helped raise early political awareness of fascism in Holland and gave many Dutch

Hermann Jochade: murdered by the Nazis.

¡No pasarán! ● 5 JANUARY 2017


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There is a memorial plaque at the head office of the RMT rail and maritime workers’ union in London that names the British seafarers and railway workers who volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War.

people experience in secretive operations and in building underground organisations – something that would prove useful during the Second World War.



rom 1936 to 1939, the international cause of antifascism was focused on defending the Spanish Republic against a rebellion led by General Franco and supported by Hitler and Mussolini. The Spanish Civil War saw the ITF and transport trade unions around the world play an active part in efforts to stop another fascist takeover in Europe.

They warned that Franco’s victory would embolden the fascist dictators and lead inevitably to a catastrophic world war. They were proved right, and Britain and France declared war on Hitler’s Germany in September 1939, just five months after the defeat of the Spanish Republic.


The ITF compiled secret reports of arms shipments and troop movements to fascist-held Spain.

Many hundreds of transport workers also joined the International Brigades – the 35,000 volunteers from more than 50 countries who took up arms to fight for the Spanish Republic in a remarkable display of international solidarity. In addition, trade unions played a leading role in humanitarian campaigns to send food and medical supplies to Spain and to help refugees from the war. The Spanish Republic had introduced social reforms, giving ¡No pasarán! ● 7



International Brigader and Liverpool docker Jack Jones was the general secretary of Britain’s biggest union, the Transport & General Workers’ Union, from 1969 to 1978, during which time he was also a vice president of the ITF. He is pictured (right, in leather jacket) with other International Brigaders before the Battle of the Ebro in the summer of 1938.



British volunteers in Barcelona in September 1936 named their unit after Tom Mann, president of the ITF from 1896 to 1901.

8 ● ¡No pasarán! SHEEP IN THE ROAD : NUMBER 20


women the vote, expanding education and devolving powers from Madrid. These moves were anathema to fascist and reactionary forces in Spanish society. Meanwhile, the Western democracies stayed out of the war and banned arms sales to the Republic, thereby effectively condemning it to defeat. Britain and France enforced a policy of ‘non-intervention’, and turned a blind eye to attacks on merchant ships lawfully trading with Republican Spain. Scores of seafarers were killed and injured in these attacks by German and Italian bombers and submarines. At least 29 British ships were sunk. Only the Soviet Union and Mexico supported the Republic. But their help was vastly overshadowed by the volume of arms, aircraft and troops sent by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to help Franco. He was bolstered too by sympathetic US corporations who sold him vital supplies of oil and trucks.

As was to be the case in the Second World War, more civilians than combatants were killed in the civil war, and the sight of refugees in their thousands fleeing the fascist advance in Spain would soon be replicated throughout much of Europe.

This 1937 Spanish poster says: ‘All the peoples of the world are in the International Brigades on the side of the Spanish people.’ British Film Institute

The Spanish Civil War was the first major ‘modern’ war of our age. Civilians and urban centres were deliberately targeted by the fascists. The bombing of Guernica, for example, was portrayed in a painting of the same name that Pablo Picasso painted for the Spanish Republic.


The British ship Stanwell following a bombing raid on the port of Tarragona.

¡No pasarán! ● 9 JANUARY 2017

During the Spanish Civil War a group of exiled anti-fascist Germans made regular radio broadcasts from Barcelona and Madrid to support the resistance inside Germany. There were talks by politicians and writers, often recorded in Paris and brought to Spain for broadcasting. The ITF’s underground newspaper Faschismus (Fascism) was mentioned in broadcasts. Artist John Heartfield made this poster advertising the broadcasts.


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he call to help the Spanish Republic resulted in many ships bound for Franco-held ports being boycotted by trade union action. The ITF raised funds to send foodships to Republican Spain, and Edo Fimmen, the ITF general secretary, and other ITF leaders paid several visits to Spain to coordinate assistance. According to one report, the ITF even had its own unit that was fighting on the side of the anti-fascist militia.

From the start of the war the ITF called on affiliated unions to inspect all shipments to Spain in order to prevent armaments reaching the rebels. On visits to Republican Spain, ITF leaders met Spanish transport trade unions to coordinate assistance. Two ambulances were donated, and a special fund was set up to help transport union members killed in action.

45 This ITF report details u-boat activity around Spain in the 12 months to February 1938.

Transport unions in Scandinavia urged a complete trade boycott of Franco’s Spain. But this met resistance from British unions, who did not want to defy their government’s ‘non-intervention’ policy. However, several individual transport unions did take action, notably dockers in Antwerp. In August 1936 the Norwegian Transport Workers’ Union (Norsk Transportarbeiderforbund, NTF) sent a circular to ¡No pasarán! ● 11


Prominent Belgian trade unionist Omer Becu – who would later serve as ITF president and general secretary from 1947 to 1960 – organised the smuggling of weapons to Republican Spain on the Raymond. For this he was arrested in 1937 and briefly imprisoned.

A Belgian newspaper reports the arrest of Omer Becu for arms smuggling to Spain.


An Aid Spain antifascist meeting organised by the ITF in Mexico in 1938.

12 ● ¡No pasarán! SHEEP IN THE ROAD : NUMBER 20

During the Second World War Becu was exiled in London and New York, where, as general secretary of the IMMOA International Mercantile Marine Officers’ Association, he worked closely with the Allies, particularly the Office for Strategic Studies, a US wartime intelligence agency. Becu recruited other union leaders to work with the OSS and built a radio counterespionage network that made an important contribution to the fight against German u-boats.

local branches urging them to take steps to monitor and halt any shipments of arms and ammunition to fascist Spain via Norwegian ports. At the same time Norway’s national trade union federation (Arbeidernes Faglige Landsorganisasjon, AFL) launched a solidarity campaign, supported by the NTF, with the aim of giving financial support to Spanish unions and to the Spanish socialist party. In the autumn of 1936 the Norwegian seafarers' union (Norsk Sjømannsforbund, NSF) advocated a blockade of all fascist-held ports in Spain. The union told members to sign off from ships on their way to such ports. More than 550 Danes, most of them seafarers, went to Spain to fight in the International Brigades.

Dockers in Hamburg, from where Hitler’s Condor Legion set sail for Spain, secretly monitored shipments to Franco’s Spain.


Richard Jensen, chair of the Danish marine mechanics’ union, became the agent for a Spanish government-owned shipping company. He bought and chartered vessels, mostly manned by Danish seafarers, and smuggled ammunition and weapons to the Spanish Republic. In Germany, the ITF’s secret information network, especially among Hamburg dockers, was able to collect information on arms shipment to Hitler’s Condor Legion in Spain. ITF observation posts were also established in the ports of Cardiff, Rotterdam, Antwerp and Gdynia in order to monitor shipping traffic to Spain, and in numerous cases shipments of weapons and ammunition were stopped.

Aircraft parts in Hamburg ready to load on a vessel bound for Spain.

¡No pasarán! ● 13 JANUARY 2017


Published in Antwerp, the anti-fascist newsletter Die Schiffahrt (Shipping) was distributed among German seafarers and was circulated in Antwerp, Rotterdam and ports in Denmark, Norway and the US.

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Seafarers in Franco-held ports also relayed military information back to the ITF, which was then passed on to the Spanish Republican authorities. By the end of 1938, however, when it became clear that Franco would win, the ITF’s work in Spain shifted more and more to helping refugees.



ere is an extract, titled ‘On the situation in Spain’, from the illegal German ITF newsletter Die Schiffahrt (Shipping), which was published between 1936 and 1938… The struggle of the working people of Spain against the reactionary fascist military clique goes on. Every worker, every peasant, every seafarer and every salaried employee knows now what the war is about. The workers are fighting for bread and freedom, that is to say, for a socialist Spain. The rebel generals are fighting for the suppression of the workers and their trade unions and political parties. They want to combine the supremacy of profiteering capitalists and the reactionary landed estates with the power of the malevolent Spanish clergy within an anti-progressive dictatorship. The German ITF group has given practical expression to the solidarity of all German seafarers and boatmen, by which ranks of its stewards and activists have gone to Spain to take part in the fight against the fascists alongside the government of the Popular Front.

49 Extracts from reports given to the ITF by escaped inmates of German concentration camps in 1938.

¡No pasarán! ● 15 JANUARY 2017


Edo Fimmen (above) and Nathan Nathans (below).

The ITF’s headquarters were in Amsterdam during the 1930s. In anticipation of war, most ITF staff relocated to London in August 1939. One, however, Arie Treurniet, volunteered to stay behind in charge of the Amsterdam office. He was there when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands a year later, was arrested shortly afterwards and spent over two years in Buchenwald concentration camp.

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German seafarers! Report all weapons shipments that are leaving German ports bound for the Spanish fascists! Stop these transports by any means! Down with fascism! Long live the victory of the Spanish workers and peasants!



hree Dutchmen at the head of the ITF were closely identified with the anti-fascist struggle.

As its general secretary, Edo Fimmen led the ITF through the period that witnessed the rise of fascism in Europe. He took personal charge of much of the clandestine activity in Nazi Germany and strongly championed the cause of democracy in Spain.

Correspondence from exiled German anti-fascist Willy Brandt to ITF general secretary Edo Fimmen.


Nathan Nathans, a former clerk with Dutch railways, was ITF assistant general secretary from 1924. He was a tireless campaigner for the Spanish Republic in the early months of the Spanish Civil War, until his death in 1937 in an air crash near Brussels while on a mission to help Spanish refugees. Fimmen, who died in 1942, was succeeded as ITF general secretary by another Dutchman, Jaap Oldenbroek (later to become, from 1949, the first general secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions). Oldenbroek used the ITF’s underground trade union networks to collaborate with the intelligence services of the ¡No pasarán! ● 17 JANUARY 2017

For more information ● ‘The International Transportworkers Federation 1914-1945: The Edo Fimmen Era’ by Bob Reinalda (ed.), Stichting beheer IISG: Amsterdam, 1997. ● ‘Solidarity: The First 100 Years of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (no author), Pluto Press: London, 1996. ● ‘Widerstand und internationale Solidarität. Die Internationale Transportarbeiter-Föderation (ITF) im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus’ by Dieter Nelles, Klartext Verlag, Essen, 2001.


● ‘La Marina Mercante y el Tráfico Marítimo en la Guerra Civil’ by Rafael González Etchegaray, Editorial San Martín, Madrid, 1977. ● ITF archives at the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick; see library/mrc/studying/docs/ antifascism ● Article on the website of Stichting Spanje 1936-1939, the Dutch International Brigades memorial association: https://spanje3639. org/2015/04/24/zender-298

Allies to defeat Nazism. He oversaw many covert operations, including acts of sabotage against transport facilities used by the Axis Powers.



he heroic efforts of transport trade unionists who opposed fascism deserve to be remembered today. The early decades of last century saw the rise of modern fascism, a toxic creed that remains alive in the 21st century – though it tries to hide its true nature. Fascist-inspired beliefs still have the power to divide workers, provoke racial and ethnic conflict, destroy trade unions, trample on human rights – and cause wars.

Trade unions around the world must always be vigilant in the face of such challenges. In doing so we can draw inspiration from that generation of brave transport trade unionists who, against the odds and often sacrificing their lives, were the first anti-fascists to say, as their slogan in Spain declared: ‘They shall not pass!’ – ‘¡No pasarán!’

● See also the Finnish-based ‘Train to Spain’ project, bringing together artists, historians and labour movement activists to remember the Scandinavian volunteers in the Spanish Civil War: ‘Money for Hitler means war in Europe’: anti-Nazi sticker circulated by the ITF in the 1930s.

18 ● ¡No pasarán! SHEEP IN THE ROAD : NUMBER 20

This booklet has been written by Jim Jump, of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, London.

Designed by Mick Jones, the commemorative plate to mark the ITF’s centenary in 1996 made reference to the ITF’s role in the fight against fascism.


With thanks to ● Rien Dijkstra, of the Stichting Spanje 1936-1939, Amsterdam. ●Tore Are Johansen, of the Arbeiderbevegelsens Arkiv og Bibliotek, Oslo. ● Reinhardt Silbermann of the Kämpfer und Freunde der Spanischen Republik 1936-1939 e.V., Hamburg.

This project has also received help from the British train drivers’ union ASLEF and from the Norwegian locomotive workers’ union NLF.


¡No pasarán!

The ITF and the fight against fascism


International Transport Workers’ Federation 49-60 Borough Rd, London SE1 1DR +44 (0)20 7403 2733





Crikey ... a virtual keyboard, use it at your own peril SHEEP IN THE ROAD : NUMBER 14

deep breath comrades ... capitalism, war, brexit and a macho trump still sit high on our compost heap stinking the place out ... they need to be turned over!


Artwork: Alan Rutherford



Writing worth reading Photos worth seeing




Artwork: still unknown

oi editor ... we have had a couple of comments and goodly remarks, but no articles or things for publication



WAFFLE LETTERS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Dear Editor ... Same old same old! Absolutely damaged by the swiftly decaying state of the world ... Words fail me, what is the use of words when the person you are saying them to is unable to grasp your, and their, meaning? [again, is this the only letter we have? ... (‘yes’, ed.)] Worryingly, we have left even that irrational road, the one where stupidity reigns, and now follow a path where basic facts and knowledge acquired over time are being replaced by entrenched banal myths, hearsay and superstition. The shit-faced fudge of complacency and the mad spouters will now be defended to the death by the threat of nuclear war. Reason cannot be relied on in the present or near future (if ever?) and its utterly terrifying. Just who are the terrorists? For evidence of this I direct your attention to a President Donald Trump and his campaign to trump-trump-trumpety-trump all over the world. And, as Britain’s government is the happy lapdog of US mischief in the world ... and a blindly loyal follower of US foreign policy, what will our May government do now as Trump begins his Term of Ignorance?


Whilst I remain optimistic about the future I am absolute in my scepticism about whether the business-arses and their sycophantic political stooges, Blairites and Tories – or the US circus and their trumping flunkies – will come up with anything remotely of benefit to anyone other than the rampantly corrupt ruling class wankers intent on fucking us all. JANUARY 2017



1 9 8 6 2 0 1 7 SHEEP IN THE ROAD (as magazine) #3 October 2015

SHEEP IN THE ROAD Vol. 2 Alan Rutherford 2015

SHEEP IN THE ROAD Vol. 1 Alan Rutherford 2014

KAPUTALA The Diary of Arthur Beagle & The East Africa Campaign, 1916-1918 Alan Rutherford Updated 2nd edn: 2014

IRISH GRAFFITI some murals in the North, 1986 Alan Rutherford 2014

NICETO DE LARRINAGA a voyage, 1966 Alan Rutherford 2014

To read/view a book, or magazine go to website and click on their cover and follow the links ...



IN THE ROAD Sheep in the Road as a magazine has writing, photography, cartoons and odd assemblages of ideas, rants and reviews ... eminating from a socialist and thoughtful core. Contributors have included: Brian Rutherford, Rudi Thoemmes, Joe Jenkins, Robert Arnott, Cam Rutherford, Steve Ashley, Lizzie Boyle, Chris Dillow, Chris Hoare, Joanna Rutherford, West Midland Hunt Saboteurs, Chris Bessant, Craig Atkinson, Martin Taylor, Martin Mitchell ... A pleasure to produce ... thank you

All issues available to view/read free at


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