Tips to Keep Extensions in Prime Condition

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Three Top Tips to Keep Extensions in Prime Condition

When caring for human hair extensions, you don’t necessarily have to do anything different than how you care for your natural tresses as it is made from human hair. However, it is important to be more gentle and careful when washing and styling, to keep them lasting as long as possible. Here are our top 3 tips from the hair extension experts:

Top Tips For Hair Extension Maintenance

Use the Right Products It is important to use gentle, moisturising products when washing your hair and hair extensions, however it is recommended not to wash them too much.

Protect From Heat Styling Hair extensions are particularly prone to heat damage, so ideally try and cut down on the amount of times a week you use heat styling. Also be slow and gentle when styling hair extensions, very long hair can get tangled easily but don’t be too rough when brushing and combing as this will cause the hair to fall out.

Give Your Natural Hair a Break Although many hair extension products are designed to last, it doesn’t mean you should keep them in until your hair is a ratty mess. If cared for correctly, some hair extension systems can be removed and used time and time again. But it is important to give your natural hair a rest, as long, thick extensions can weigh heavy on your hair and scalp. Every few weeks remove permanent extensions, even just for a day or two, before putting them back in. If you would like to remove them more often without the hassle, then choose clip on human hair extensions which give an instant glamorous look whenever you want it.

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