Haileybury Malta Newsletter 10.05.24

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Year 5 have been studying different poems by Pie Corbett and this week looked closely at the poem 'From the balcony I can see...' We then went to our own beautiful balcony overlooking the garden that also looks over to our local neighbourhood; together we wrote the following poem:

From our balcony we can see Spanish sparrows becoming confused by Their reflection in the mirror-like windows…

From our balcony we can see

Sweet-smelling oranges teasing the bees like a brother and sister winding each other up…

From our balcony we can see

A blood-red leaf lost in a green bush Protected like a caterpillar in a chrysalis

From our balcony we can see

A lizard basking in the sun like a pale emerald That’s lost its shine…

From our balcony we can see

A purple flower sitting on the balcony and sleeping Like a baby hugging her mummy…

From our balcony we can hear

The whispering wind carrying secrets

To a faraway land…

From our balcony we can hear

The singing birds whistling while They prepared their nests

Grateful for the peaceful calm

Before the children arrive…

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