Habs Girls Weekly Bulletin Junior School - 24 May 2024

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Junior School edition

Friday 24 May

Summer Term 1

Habs Weekly

Head of Junior School’s message

It was wonderful to see so many parents at the St Catherine Parents’ Guild Quiz last night and this morning at Family Friday in the classrooms and at the talks afterwards. It has been an action packed half term with every girl from Year 3 to Year 6 taking part in a residential, this week Year 6 have had a wonderful time at PGL Osmington Bay.

Wishing you a wonderful and relaxing half-term.

Junior School Book Corner

Tooled Up Education have created, and regularly update, resources which cover celebration, tolerance and acceptance. The book above, ‘My Name,’ is a regularly read book at Habs and encourages the students to listen, connect, remember and reflect.

Please click here to learn more about what resources Tooled Up Education offers.

Rainbow to Year 6 Information

Lunch Menu


Please click here to view our Rainbow and KS1 lunch menu.

Please click here to view our KS2 lunch menu.


Please take some time to look at the menu with your child, in advance. If your child has any food intolerances, please ensure they understand the food choices for each day. Pupils have been reminded that there are always Allergy Champions in the serveries who they can speak to if they are unsure about appropriate food choices for them.



Please kindly remember that, in line with government guidance, grapes or olives should be cut in half and cherries should be de-stoned if these foods are brought in for snacks. A full list of permitted breaktime snacks can be found in the Parent Information Booklet

Parent Voice


We will be holding our second Parent Voice Group session on Thursday 6 June at 8am until 9am in the Sime Hall, it will be an opportunity for Mrs Brown and Ms Elliott to feedback from the session we held at the start of the year and to discuss together a parent framework for online safety and the use of mobile phones.

Please note that due to technical issues with the booking form, you no longer need to book to attend the event. On the day, please park in the visitor’s car park and follow the signage around to the Sime Hall, in the music school, where you will be signed in by a member of staff.

Tombola and Books/Games Collection - Summer Fair


At this year’s joint schools' summer fair, the Habs’ Boys’ Parents’ Guild will be running a tombola which is always hugely popular with the students. Your child has been sent home with a pot to fill over half term, they are welcome to decorate the pot and put their name on it. Please could we ask that they fill it with any combination of sweets, chocolate, toys, puzzles etc - basically anything they would like to receive back. Please note that any food items will need to be free from nuts and sesame seeds. The girls can return the filled pot to the Junior School reception at the beginning of next half term, and these will form the prizes for the tombola.

The Habs’ Boys’ Parents’ Guild will additionally have a book and toy stall at the fair. If you have any children's books in good condition or unused or nearly new puzzles and games you would like to donate, they would gratefully received by the Guild. Similarly, these can be dropped off by your child at Junior School reception after half term - these will be collected on a regular basis.



Summer Uniform INFORMATION

Summer uniform may be worn throughout this term.

In the first half of this term and the first half of autumn term, this is optional for all year groups. However, for Rainbow to Year 4 this becomes compulsory during the second half of the summer term, when the pupils return after the upcoming May half term holiday.

The summer uniform options are:

• a summer dress worn with short or long white socks (not tights) and school jumper

• a short sleeve, revere collar shirt with tailored shorts and school jumper, worn with short or long white socks (not tights). If wearing the green uniform, this is a green shirt and black tailored shorts. For the navy uniform, this is a white shirt with navy tailored shorts.

Please be reminded the Parent Information Booklet has detailed information about uniform on pages 34-39.

Please click here to review the information about the new uniform phasing in plans.

Attendance Policy


Please click here to review updated Attendance Policy shared with parents on Monday 11 March.

Wraparound Care


Please click here to book your daughter into Wraparound Care.

Parent Information Booklet


Please click here to review the Parent Information Booklet for 2023/24.

Morning Drop Off Lane


If you use the drop off lane in the morning, please refrain from queuing at the entrance barrier before 8am; this will ensure that staff and delivery vehicles can enter without obstruction or delay.

If you do arrive on the school site before 8am, please drive into the car park and proceed to the barrier from 8am.

We kindly ask that parents and guardians are respectful to our staff, who work hard to ensure everyone's safety and an efficient flow of vehicles round the site.


Book Drive for the Children’s Book Project charity


Please click here to read the letter sent on Friday 17 May for more information on the Children’s Book Project charity.

Family Friday teacher-led workshops


We are continuing to offer short teacher-led workshops which will take place between 8.30am and 9am, straight after Family Friday class-based time. These will consist of a short talk followed by an opportunity to ask related questions. Please note these sessions need to finish promptly at 9am. The workshops on 21 June will be repeats of the ones offered on Friday 24 May. Family Friday will be for Rainbow, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6, however you are welcome to attend even if your daughter's year group does not have Family Friday on that date. The programme for this term is:

• Building strong mental health and coping strategies

• Written Methods in Maths

• Oracy in the Junior School

Please click here to sign up. This form will close on Monday 17 June.

Habs Elstree Schools Summer Fair


Please click here for tickets for activities and raffle tickets. Please click here for more information about the Silent Auction.


Year 1 to Year 6

Summer 2 Curriculum Overviews


The curriculum overviews below, for Years 1 to 6, outline the curriculum areas that will be covered in Summer 2.

Learning in Rainbow will continue to be led by the children’s interests and key events.

Year 1 Year 2

Year 4

Parents’ Evenings

Year 5


Booking for appointments is now closed.

Year 3

Year 6

If you have any queries about your appointments , please contact Mrs Karaolou in the Junior School office on 0208 266 2425.

For both evenings, please park in the visitors’ car park and follow the signage for the Dining Hall. You will be welcomed by Mrs Karaolou, who will register you in. You will then able to proceed to your appointments.

Wraparound ACE Reminder


As per the Summer Term ACE booklets, all activities finish on Friday 28 June. There will be no ACE running on the final week of term.



Rainbow Swimming


Rainbow Red have enjoyed the water familiarisation sessions as part of our PE provision, and we are excited that it is now the turn of Rainbow Blue! The Rainbow Blue swimming lessons will take place on the following dates:

Monday 10 June

Monday 17 June

Rainbow Blue

Rainbow Blue

The main objective of these sessions is to build up the pupils’ confidence with being in the swimming pool facility – including getting into the water in small groups.

Your child should come to school on these days in her school uniform and will change into her swimming costume before the session. Please send your child to school with a one-piece swimming costume and towel in a waterproof bag. All items should be named. Additionally, your child will need a swimming hat, which can be purchased from Mrs Walsh for £5.

Rainbow Red Class Assembly


Rainbow Red will be delivering their class assembly on Monday 10 June from 8.45am to 9.15am in the Lecture Theatre, which parents and carers are warmly invited to. Attending parents should park in the visitor's car park and walk around to the Dining Hall doors, where you will be registered from 8.30am. We kindly ask attendees to wait outside until a member of Junior School staff arrives to welcome you in.

Rainbow Blue Class Assembly


Rainbow Blue will be delivering their class assembly on Monday 17 June from 8.45am to 9.15am in the Lecture Theatre, which parents and carers are warmly invited to. Attending parents should park in the visitor's car park and walk around to the Dining Hall doors, where you will be registered from 8.30am. We kindly ask attendees to wait outside until a member of Junior School staff arrives to welcome you in.

Little Habs on Thursday 27 June


Please note that the changes to the coach service on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June do not affect the Little Habs services. These will run as normal.


Year 1

ACE Karate Grading – Sunday 30 June


Please click here to view a letter from Mr Patel regarding upcoming Karate grading on Sunday 30 June. Please note this grading is taking place on the same day as the Habs’ Elstree School’s Summer Fair.

Little Habs on Thursday 27 June IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Please note that the changes to the coach service on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June do not affect the Little Habs services. These will run as normal.


Year 2

Year 2 Instrumental 'Have A Go' Afternoon


Thanks to all those who attended on Tuesday afternoon. We hope that you enjoyed the instrumental demonstrations and found the try-out sessions interesting and informative!

If your daughter would like to take up an instrument from September, please fill in this form. The form will remain open until Friday 7 June to allow for bassoon and percussion try-outs happening next week.

Please click here for further information about starting instrumental tuition.

To give you an idea of the opportunities available to play instruments with others, below is a list of the ensembles currently running in the Junior School. Most of these are open to girls who have been learning their instrument for just one or two terms:

• Junior Symphony Orchestra

• Junior Chamber Strings

• Junior Brass Ensemble

• Golden Bones

• Guitar Ensemble

• Super Saxes

• Joint Orchestra (Grade 3+)

• Fabulous Four-Stringers (invitation only)

• Y3 Recorders (open to all girls in Y3 regardless of experience)

• Recorder Consort (open to Y4-6)

ACE - 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament



Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

ACE Karate Grading – Sunday 30 June


Please click here to view a letter from Mr Patel regarding upcoming Karate grading on Sunday 30 June.



Year 2 Playstrings Performance



Parents of pupils currently involved in the Playstrings violin scheme, led by Mrs Boyle, are warmly invited to sit in on their daughter’s last session this term. This will take the form of an informal performance on Tuesday 25 June at the following times:

If you would like to attend the performance for your daughter’s class and see what the girls have been getting up to on the Playstrings course, please park in the vistors' car park and make your way straight down to the Sime Hall, where you will be asked to sign in We look forward to welcoming you on June 25

Little Habs on Thursday 27 June


Please note that the changes to the coach service on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June do not affect the Little Habs services. These will run as normal.

A 9 15am to 10 15am 2 Ansuz 11.05am to 12.10pm 2 Alpha 2.25pm to 3.25pm

Year 3

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:


Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs


£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed; the below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45am until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. Please park at Habs’ Boys’ School. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE - 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

ACE Karate Grading – Sunday 30 June


Please click here to view a letter from Mr Patel regarding upcoming Karate grading on Sunday 30 June. Please note this grading will be taking place on the same day as the Habs’ Elstree Schools’ Summer Fair.

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.


Year 4

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:

Photographs Price

Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs

£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

Parents’ Evening



Please note for 4 Aleph parents, the appointment with Performing Arts will be with Miss Rockley.

Collaborative Cricket Festival



The sign-up form has now closed; the below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45am until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. Please park at Habs’ Boys’ School. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE - 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament



Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com



ACE Karate Grading – Sunday 30 June


Please click here to view a letter from Mr Patel regarding upcoming Karate grading on Sunday 30 June. Please note this grading will be taking place on the same day as the Habs’ Elstree Schools’ Summer Fair.

VR Workshop


An exciting interactive VR workshop has been organised for Tuesday 25 June for Years 4, 5 and 6. PrimeVR, the workshop host, requests that all parents/guardians grant permission for their child to participate in the workshop. Please click here to read some safety information and grant permission by 12pm on Friday 14 June.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Mrs Davies edavies@habsgirls.org.uk

Year 4 Summer Recital


Our informal Summer Recitals are a great opportunity for pupils who take instrumental or singing lessons inside or out of school to perform in front of an audience, especially if they are preparing for an exam. All pupils from Year 4 to Year 6 are invited to perform; there is no minimum level required, as long as the piece to be performed is well prepared and no longer than 2 minutes in length

Pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 can sign up to perform via Showbie by Friday 14 June Pieces can be unaccompanied but, if required, the piano accompaniment must be given to Mr Nichols or Miss Rockley by Friday 21 June. Backing tracks (mp3s not YouTube links please) should be emailed directly to mnichols@habsgirls org uk by Friday 21 June

Parents (2 per performer) are warmly invited to attend the recitals, which take place in The Sime Hall from 2.15pm to 3.45pm. Please park in the visit’s car park and follow the signage to The Sime Hall where you will be signed in by a member of staff

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.


Year 5

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:

Photographs Price

Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs

£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

ACE Swim Squad - cancelled


Due to parents’ evening on Thursday 6 June and Sports Day on Thursday 27 June, Swim Squad is cancelled on these dates. Please ensure your daughter is aware of her going home arrangements on these days.

Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed; the below information is for those who are attending. The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45am until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. Please park at Habs’ Boys’ School. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE Cook & Bake- cancelled


Due to parents’ evening on Tuesday 11 June, Cook & Bake is cancelled. Please ensure your daughter is aware of her going home arrangements. Please note a credit for this session has been raised and finance will process to your account.


ACE 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

Year 5 and Year 6 Performance Opportunity


Once again, we are pleased to offer our Year 5 and Year 6 girls the opportunity to audition to perform a solo or a small group piece in our forthcoming Summer Concert. Girls are invited to submit themselves via video audition which should be uploaded to the folder entitled 'Summer Concert Auditions' in their Performing Arts Showbie folder. Pieces should be limited to 2 minutes in length and be 'performance ready' at the time of submission. As this is a music concert, submissions need to be a performance of a piece of music, either sung or played on an instrument. The deadline to submit audition videos will be 5pm on Monday 17th June and girls will be notified whether they have been chosen to perform or not.

ACE Karate Grading – Sunday 30 June


Please click here to view a letter from Mr Patel regarding upcoming Karate grading on Sunday 30 June. Please note this grading will be taking place on the same day as the Habs’ Elstree Schools’ Summer Fair.

VR Workshop


An exciting interactive VR workshop has been organised for Tuesday 25 June for Years 4, 5 and 6. PrimeVR, the workshop host, requests that all parents/guardians grant permission for their child to participate in the workshop. Please click here to read some safety information and grant permission by 12pm on Friday 14 June.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Mrs Davies edavies@habsgirls.org.uk.

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.

Year 5 Summer Recital


Our informal Summer Recitals are a great opportunity for pupils who take instrumental or singing lessons inside or out of school to perform in front of an audience, especially if they are preparing for an exam. All pupils from Year 4 to Year 6 are invited to perform; there is no minimum level required, as long as the piece to be performed is well prepared and no longer than 2 minutes in length

Pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 can sign up to perform via Showbie by Friday 14 June. Pieces can be unaccompanied but, if required, the piano accompaniment must be given to Mr Nichols or Miss Rockley by Friday 21 June. Backing tracks (mp3s not YouTube links please) should be emailed directly to mnichols@habsgirls.org.uk by Friday 21 June.

Parents (2 per performer) are warmly invited to attend the recitals, which take place in The Sime Hall from 2 15pm to 3 45pm Please park in the visit’s car park and follow the signage to The Sime Hall where you will be signed in by a member of staff.


Year 6

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:


Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs


£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link.

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

ACE Swim Squad – cancelled



Due to parents’ evening on Thursday 6 June and Sports Day on Thursday 27 June, Swim Squad is cancelled on these dates. Please ensure your daughter is aware of her going home arrangements on these days.

Year 6 Production – ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’


We are well underway with our rehearsals for our Year 6 production of Disney’s ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’ It is important all pupils have read the whole script, so that they understand the storyline and the characters, and how their role fits into the production. The music in Mary Poppins can be challenging, and listening to the songs at home will help them to become familiar with it, to enable them to get the most out of our rehearsals.

The songs can be accessed via this link.



Parent Coffee Morning for Year 7 Joiners


With the transition to the Senior School on the horizon, we understand that this can be an exciting yet anxious time for both students and parents alike. To assist in this transition process, we are delighted to invite you to an informal parent coffee morning on Friday 7 June.

The event will start at 8.45am, lasting around an hour, and we encourage all parents and guardians of students joining Habs Senior School in Year 7 to attend. The event is open both to parents of new joiners and Junior School parents, and we hope that it will provide valuable insights and support, as your children embark on this new chapter of their educational journey.

As part of the morning's program, you will have the opportunity to hear from current Year 7 and Year 8 students who have already experienced the transition into Senior School. They will be sharing their first-hand experiences, offering invaluable advice, and answering any questions you may have. Our current students will provide a glimpse into the daily life of a Senior School student and offer practical tips on how to support your child during this transition period. Following the presentation, over coffee, parents will have the opportunity to engage with current Senior School students from a range of year groups, allowing you to gain further insights and perspectives. You will also be able to meet with other parents with children joining in September, as well as parents from within our existing parent community.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us for this event. Please could you indicate on the Microsoft Form here by Friday 31 May, if you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing many of you at the parent coffee morning and working together to support your child’s transition into the Senior School.

Year 6 Production: Mary Poppins Jr.


We are delighted to present this year’s Year 6 Production of Disney’s Mary Poppins Jr. There will be two performances which will take place in the Performance Space at the following times:

Date Time

Thursday 13 June 2024 6pm Friday 14 June 2024 4.15pm

Refreshments will be provided beforehand from 5.30pm on Thursday 13 June and 3.45pm on Friday 14 June. Tickets for the performances can be reserved online directly via this link Tickets are limited to 3 per family on Thursday evening and 2 per family on Friday afternoon. Booking will open at 9pm on Friday 7 June.

Year 6 girls will be staying onsite between the end of the school day and the start of the performances. They will be provided with dinner on Thursday and a light snack on Friday. Please collect your daughter from the Performance Space, via access through the Dining Hall doors, after the performances, which should last approximately an hour.

We look forward to welcoming you to watch the show later this term.

Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed; the below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45am until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. Please park at Habs’ Boys’ School. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE -1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

Year 6 Production Rehearsal - ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’



As previously outlined in Habs Weekly, there will be a rehearsal on Sunday 9 June, 10am to 3pm. For this rehearsal, please park in the visitors’ car park and escort your daughter to and from school as they will not be permitted to walk unaccompanied between school and the car park. Drop off and collection will be at the main Dining Hall doors.

If your daughter cannot attend the full rehearsal but is able to come along to either the morning or the afternoon session, please email Miss Rockley (crockley@habsgirls.org.uk) with details, so the rehearsal can be planned accordingly.

Please ensure that your daughter comes to the rehearsal with a full water bottle, a healthy snack and a packed lunch, free from nuts and sesame. A break for lunch will be scheduled from 12.15pm to 12.45pm, so any girls arriving after this time will not need to bring lunch with them.

ACE Cook & Bake- cancelled



Due to parents’ evening on Tuesday 11 June, Cook & Bake is cancelled. Please ensure your daughter is aware of her going home arrangements. Please note a credit for this session has been raised and finance will process to your account. YEAR 6 INFORMATION CONTINUED


Year 5 and Year 6 Performance Opportunity


Once again, we are pleased to offer our Year 5 and Year 6 girls the opportunity to audition to perform a solo or a small group piece in our forthcoming Summer Concert. Girls are invited to submit themselves via video audition which should be uploaded to the folder entitled 'Summer Concert Auditions' in their Performing Arts Showbie folder. Pieces should be limited to 2 minutes in length and be 'performance ready' at the time of submission. As this is a music concert, submissions need to be a performance of a piece of music, either sung or played on an instrument. The deadline to submit audition videos will be 5pm on Monday 17 June and girls will be notified whether they have been chosen to perform or not later that week.

ACE Karate Grading – Sunday 30 June


Please click here to view a letter from Mr Patel regarding upcoming Karate grading on Sunday 30 June. Please note this grading will be taking place on the same day as the Habs’ Elstree Schools’ Summer Fair.

VR Workshop


An exciting interactive VR workshop has been organised for Tuesday 25 June for Years 4, 5 and 6. PrimeVR, the workshop host, requests that all parents/guardians grant permission for their child to participate in the workshop. Please click here to read some safety information and grant permission by 12pm on Friday 14 June. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Mrs Davies edavies@habsgirls.org.uk.

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.

Year 6 Summer Recital


Our informal Summer Recitals are a great opportunity for pupils who take instrumental or singing lessons inside or out of school to perform in front of an audience, especially if they are preparing for an exam All pupils from Year 4 to Year 6 are invited to perform; there is no minimum level required, as long as the piece to be performed is well prepared and no longer than 2 minutes in length.

Pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 can sign up to perform via Showbie by Friday 14 June. Pieces can be unaccompanied but, if required, the piano accompaniment must be given to Mr Nichols or Miss Rockley by Friday 21 June Backing tracks (mp3s not YouTube links please) should be emailed directly to mnichols@habsgirls.org.uk by Friday 21 June.

Parents (2 per performer) are warmly invited to attend the recitals, which take place in The Sime Hall from 2 15pm to 3 45pm Please park in the visit’s car park and follow the signage to The Sime Hall where you will be signed in by a member of staff.


Cornflower Assembly

Friday 17 May

Friday afternoon assemblies are always a time of joy and celebration in the Junior School. Our weekly Cornflower Assembly celebrates individuals who have particularly demonstrated ways in which they have embodied our school values: Courage Curiosity Community and Ambition. We cherish our Cornflower Assemblies and hope that you enjoy celebrating with us too.


Elise (Rainbow Blue)

Ava (2A)

Roshni (2 Alpha)

Emma (6 Aesc)


Chloe (Rainbow Red)

Poppy (1 Purple)

Ruhi (6 Aleph)


Amalia (1 Orange)

Ayushi (1 Orange)

Siya (5 Aesc)

Esha (5 Aesc)

Aurelia (5 Aesc)

Ellie (5 Aleph)

Anika (5 Aleph)

Qaya (6 Aesc)


Amara (Rainbow Blue)

Emma (Rainbow Red)

Aleeza (1 Purple)

Inara (2 Ansuz)

Thea (2 Ansuz)

Tanisha (6 Aleph)

Geography Photography Competition ‘Our Beautiful World’

Thank you to everyone who entered the Geography Photography Competition. The judging panel was incredibly impressed by all the entries which showed a vast array of geographical themes from around our beautiful world, from steaming volcanoes to mountainous tarns and even the Northern Lights!

Ariyan and Anaiya (Junior School Geography Ambassadors) and Mrs Sawkins

Congratulations go out to the winners:

Amara (Rainbow Blue) Sahana (Rainbow Red) Audrey (1 Orange) Poppy (1 Purple) Matilda (2A) Alyssa (2 Alpha) Amani (2 Ansuz) Rosie (3 Alpha) Neya (3A)


A special commendation was also awarded to:

Sia (4 Alpha) Jaya (4 Aesc) Mayya (5 Alpha) Siya (5 Aesc) Naiya (6 Alpha) Anara (6 Aesc) Eva-Lucia (Rainbow Blue)

ACE Focus

Years 1 to 2 Nature Drawing

This half term, the girls taking part in the Nature Drawing Club have immersed themselves in the beauty of the natural world and enjoyed some sunshine. During their sessions, the girls have explored various outdoor settings, they've honed their observational skills and experimented with different techniques.

‘I liked the patterns on the shells.’ – Ella (1 Purple)

‘We get to really look at nature and draw it.’ – Lara (1 Purple)

‘Peaceful, really peaceful.’ – Thea (2 Ansuz)

‘I love nature and I love drawing, so it is great that I can do it together with my friends.’ – Sitara (1 Orange)

Years 3 to 6 Brass Ensemble

This half term, the Brass Ensemble have made remarkable progress during their rehearsals. These young musicians have been diligently refining their skills, working on a diverse repertoire that ranges from classical pieces to contemporary tunes. Their hard work and dedication are evident as they harmonize beautifully, mastering complex arrangements and enhancing their musicality.

‘This is my first term in Brass Ensemble, and I enjoy that we play lots of different pieces. Some of them are familiar songs that we know!’ – Maya (3A)

‘I love playing fun pieces like The Titanic theme song!’ – Katie (5 Aesc)

Year 3 Athletics

Year 3 Athletics has enabled all students to learn and practise a wide variety of athletics events this half term. They have had the opportunity to try different track, jumping and throwing events. They have set their own personal bests and shown determination when trying to improve them even further. Year 3 have particularly enjoyed working as a team when taking part in the relays too. I think the arches relay maybe their favourite race!

‘I love spending time with my friends and doing sporty games!’ Olivia (3A)

‘I love the variety of sports we do in Athletics like high jump, long jump and obstacle races’ Neya (3A)

‘You have lots of fun and make new friends at athletics club!’ Mmesoma (3 Alpha)

‘It is about being the best you can at athletics club and always trying your hardest.’ Noor (3 Alpha)

Years 5 to 6 iDEA

This half term Years 5 and 6 have developed their digital enterprise skills. They have completed a series of challenges online about being a digital worker, maker, citizen or entrepreneur to earn points and will complete their badge next half term.

‘iDEA teaches me so much about computing and using technology and it is really fun.’ Siya (5 Aesc)

‘I enjoy iDEA because you have to face lots of challenges and every time you have to use your brain more. It uses your problem solving skills a lot so you have to bring your brain with you.’ Sienna (5 Aleph)

‘I think it is really fun completing the badges because it helps with real life like business crisis management!’ Elise (5 Aleph)


Year 5 & 6 Cook and Bake

This half term, the joint Cook and Bake Club has been bustling with activity during their afterschool sessions. The young chefs have eagerly embraced a variety of culinary projects, from mouth-watering rocky road and mini scones, to preparing tasty pizzas. Each session has been an adventure in flavour and creativity, resulting in delightful dishes that the boys and girls proudly share with their families.

‘I love that we collaborate with the boys and talk as we bake!’ Sadie (5 Aesc)


In Memorium

Mary Galvin (1949-2024)

We are very sorry to inform you of the death of Mary Galvin, a beloved former Head of Habs Girls Junior School. Many of you will have worked with Mary, and countless students will have worn costumes made by Mary for school productions. Mary was the mother of Old Haberdashers Alice (OH 1998) and Eleanor (OH 1996), a current member of the Art department at Habs Junior School.

The obituary below, was provided by Eleanor (Elee).

Mary Galvin joined Habs in 1990 to cover Penny Dear’s Upper Two class while she was on maternity leave. Following this, she became a permanent member of the teaching department, working in both Prep and Tran and later becoming the Head of Infants. In tributes to Mary received by the family she is remembered as an esteemed, highly respected and much-loved colleague.

She made a positive impact on the lives of many people, showing generosity and kindness to those she worked with and, over the 18 years that she worked at the school inspiring a huge number of pupils.

People have recalled the wonderful assemblies that she gave, one in particular based on the story of ‘The Queen’s Knickers,’ accompanied by an extensive collection of multicoloured, fabric undergarments which she’d sewn – frilly, woolly and one even adorned with corgis! Mary’s skills as a seamstress are perhaps what most people will recall when they think of her. Her output in terms of costumes for school plays is truly phenomenal. The costume cupboards of Habs are literally bursting at the seams, full of 35 years worth of creations – her first production being the Owl and the Pussy Cat in 1989 and the last, Peter Pan, just a few months ago. She was a whirlwind of creativity, very often described as a force of nature – a special lady with an abundance of talent, who will be much missed by her family, friends and many of the Habs community.

At the end of her life, Mary was cared for by the wonderful doctors and nurses at the Rennie Grove Peace Hospice.

If you would like to make a donation to fund this amazing care for others, please visit this page: https://marygalvin.muchloved.com


School News

Habs Choristers


On Saturday 27 April Habs Choristers sang Evensong at All Saints, Margaret Street, for which they were joined by six professional singers and an organist. Habs Choristers rehearses twice weekly and was founded in January 2022. The group has since performed at services at Barnet Parish Church and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. In June, the group will return to Cambridge to visit Sidney Sussex College. The music at the service included Elgar’s Ave verum and Stanford’s setting of the canticles in B-flat major.

All Saints, Margaret Street is home to one of the country’s great liturgical choirs that was, until 1968, a choir of men and boys. It is very likely that Saturday’s service was the first Evensong to be sung by a group of children since the closure of the church’s choir school and, in any case, is certainly the first service sung by girl choristers in the church’s 180-year history. The organ voluntary at the service was Toccata from Suite Gothique by Boëllmann and played by Middle 5 student Sedona de Silva.

Congratulations for all who took part in a beautifully sung and performed service.


1 Purple Class Assembly


1 Purple performed a fantastic assembly for International Dance Day on April 29. They showcased 7 dances from around the World, including The Flamenco, The Samba, The Highland Fling and a Chinese Scarf Dance. The audience were informed about the history of each dance and the assembly ended with a bang with some good old fashioned plate smashing.

Rainbow Little City



On Monday 29 April and to support our topic of ‘People Who Help us’, Rainbow welcomed ‘Little City’ to the Junior School. The children were given the wonderful opportunity to be a postal worker, a police officer, a firefighter, a vet, a doctor, a mechanic, a hairdresser, work in a supermarket or a laundrette in a ‘little city’ created especially for them. They could even be an astronaut and climb inside a space rocket! Much fun was had by all.


Year 6 Herts Young Homeless Charity Event


On Tuesday 30 April, Year 6 held a charity event for Herts Young Homeless where we invited KS2 students to play our fairgorung game stalls in order to raise money for young homeless people in Hertfordshire. It was a very successful event and we raised £550. Great fun was had by all and we would like to thank KS2 for helping us raise this amount of money.

Lily and Qaya (Year 6)

Years 3 to 4 Flamenco Workshop


Avaleen and Scarlett, Year 3: “We really like the dresses the dancers wear. The best bit was when we performed to each other.”

Evie, Year 4: “I liked it at the end when we could make up our own flamenco pose.”

Miranda, Year 4: “I loved how we stamped our feet and made loud noises!”

Amyra, Year 4: “My favourite bit was dancing with my partner.”

Erin, Year 4: “It was really fun learning all the footwork.”

Year 4 Forest School


Zoi, Aarya, Sia and Emilie: “We made pizza pockets and had hot chocolate. We played in the mud kitchen too. It was such a fun afternoon.”

Taneya and Davina: “We made willow fish out of willow using weaving too and we did nail art too.”

Year 1 Book Swap


To raise awareness of sustainability, Year 1 enjoyed a book swap. They each brought in 2 books from home and then had the opportunity to choose 2 new books.


1 Orange Class Assembly


1 Orange Assembly focused on the importance of family. The class performed simile and acrostic poems, which they had written themselves, about what their family means to them. They also beautifully sang the song 'We are family' with actions. Lily Davidson, who has been learning the drums for two years, got everyone in the audience moving with her rendition of Song 2 by Blur.

Year 6 Artist In Residence Day



Anaiya, Olivia, Isabel, Henrietta, Nikita and Maiya: “The experience enriched our knowledge in architecture and creativity, and it was fun to work harmoniously as a team.”

Georgia: “An amazing experience! I learned so much! A great very to work as a team!”

Anaiya: “The experience was one in a lifetime. It was so fun and boosted our teamwork and creativity skills.”


Year 2 ‘Have-A-Go’ Instrumental


Thanks to all those who attended and we hope that you enjoyed the instrumental demonstrations and found the try-out sessions interesting and informative! Year 2 seem extremely excited and those who have attended additional try-out sessions last week and this week are enthused at the prospect of learning an instrument.

Year 5 Willow Workshop


Niamh, Betsy, Lia, Leila and Rhyah (Year 5): “This was such a fun experience. We learned that the strongest structures have triangles in them. We loved the opportunity to be creative with our friends.”

Deaf Awareness Week


We were fortunate enough to welcome Ms Tooley to the Junior School to give an assembly as a part of Deaf Awareness week. The assembly focussed on auditory verbal and how we can do our part to support the whole school community. The students were able to ask lots of questions and learnt valuable information from Ms Tooley’s talk.


Sports News

ESSA Primary Teams Gala


On Friday 26 April five students from years 5 and 6 took part in the ESSA Primary School Team Championships at Woodside stadium. Maiya (6 Aesc), Charlotte (6 Aleph), Lia (5 Aesc), Niamh (5 Aesc) and Lucy (5 Aleph) swam in the 4 x 25m Freestyle relay and 4 x 25m Medley Relay. In this competition there were heats and finals. All four students demonstrated excellent effort, determination and sportsmanship throughout the competition. They were fantastic role models for Habs. Huge congratulations to all the swimmers who swam personal best times for both of their relays and finished in 5th place overall in the finals of both relays we are very proud of their performances throughout the gala. The encouraging support from all the swimmers' parents was greatly appreciated too.

Division 10 Swimming Finals


On Tuesday 7 May, twenty students in years 4 and 6 took part in the Division 10 Swimming Finals at Northwood College.

All of the swimmers swam with excellent determination, enthusiasm and effort. It was pleasing to see that they were all able to rise to the challenge of taking part in this more competitive gala. Overall the year 4 team finished in 4th place and year 6 finished in 7th place. Well done to all swimmers!

Additional congratulations to Zoi (4 Aleph) who came first in the Year 4 25m Freestyle race. A huge thank you to Charlotte (6 Aleph) and Maiya (6 Aesc) who have demonstrated excellent leadership and encouragement in their roles as swimming captains throughout the year.


Years 3 & 4 Swimming Gala vs. Habs Boys


​On Thursday 9 May, forty students from year 3 and 4 took part in a friendly swimming gala against Habs Boys school. This was a very exciting gala for all the students, spectators and teachers. This gala comprised of individual races, relays races and an obstacle race! There was fantastic encouragement and support from all the swimmers throughout the gala. The atmosphere at the pool certainly reflected the foci of the gala, participation and enjoyment, whilst there was also plenty of excitement as many races were very close.

Overlall, a Habs boys won the gala with 319 points and Habs girls came second with 221 points. Well done to all swimmers especially those who were representing Habs girls for the first time in a gala - we are exceptionally proud of you all!


Year 3 Interhouse Cross Country


​The Year 3's took to the Cross-Country course on a scorching Friday afternoon, ready to put their training into action. The girls have worked hard to prepare themselves for the race, developing their pacing techniques to ensure they had enough energy left for a sprint finish. Sophie (3A) displayed a fantastic performance, leading from the start and crossing the line with a smile on her face. Charlotte (3A) followed in second place, with Olivia (3A) taking the last podium spot. It was a great spectacle of resilience with all the girls earning valuable points for her house, with the Aardvarks taking the victory.


Year 6 Cricket vs. Edge Grove


On Wednesday 15 May, the Year 6 Girls made their way to Edge Grove School to play their first Cricket fixture of the term. All 46 girls were playing across 5 teams, spread across the lovely grounds of the school. It was the perfect opportunity for the girls to showcase their skills learned over the term, including bowling, batting and catching.

All the teams played fantastic cricket, demonstrating a good understanding of the game and working well as a team. Sienna W had the catch of the day, jumping high to grab the ball and stop it going over the boundary for six runs. Trisha took three wickets in as many balls, inspiring a late comeback from her team. Iman and Ruhi displayed excellent bowling and batting skills, scoring highly.

It was an excellent display of skills from all involved - what an exciting time ahead for Girls Cricket at Habs!



Year 6 Golden Hinde


On Friday 19 April, Year 6 visited a replica of the Golden Hinde as part of our current history topic, studying explorers. There were many cabins aboard the ship including: the lower deck, the armoury, and the main deck. Year 6 had a lot of fun learning about the journey of the Golden Hinde, preparing the cannons and lowering the anchor. To top it all off, as well as learning about the captain of the boat, we learnt about the crew and travelled back to Habs. We enjoyed our trip a lot and are very excited to learn more about Sir Francis Drake and his crew at school!


Year 2 Cuffley Camp


On Tuesday 23 April, Year 2 visited Cuffley Camp with the Year 2 pupils from the Pre-Prep. The weather was dry and we spent the day doing a variety of outdoor activities; low ropes, fire making and shelter building. We worked in mixed groups with the boys and we had a lot of fun doing the different activities as well as making new friends. All of the activities involved group or partner work and they allowed us to build on the skills that we have learnt in Forest School.

‘My favourite activity was the low ropes. Some parts were difficult, but it was fun doing it with my partner from the Pre-Prep.’ – Charlotte (2 Alpha)

‘My favourite part was when we made the fire because I like to make and explore new things. I bring all the things that I learn home.’ - Haymi (2A)

‘I enjoyed building the shelter and finding all the sticks to make it with. I enjoyed choosing a name for our group.’ – Iona (2 Ansuz)



Year 5 Skern Lodge


Our residential in Skern, Devon was fabulous. Our first stop was a visit to Appledore then we took part in our orienteering and scavenger hunt. The next day, we went to Braunton Burrows and looked at all the different plants on the sand dunes. After that, we had a fun swim and prepared our questionnaires for the next day. On Thursday, we went we went to Bideford, where we shopped, carried out our questionnaires and went rafting. Camp craft was the evening activity. The next morning we set off to come home, after team games on the field. Overall, we had an amazing experience and learnt a lot from being independent and helping others.

Written by Aarya and Emily (5 Aleph Form Captains)

‘My favourite activity was rafting. I learnt life skills such as paddling, what to do if the raft sinks and how to pull each other out of the water. It was fun!’– Lia (5 Aesc)

‘Shelter building was a real challenge for our group as the tarp we had hung up on our tree kept slipping down. Eventually we got it up! To test how strong it was, an instructor shook our shelter to see if it could withstand the wind and a teacher poured a bucket of water over it to see if it could survive the rain! It was fun and luckily our shelter was still standing at the end.’– Ivy (5 Aesc)

‘I rate this trip ten out of ten because it was so fantastic!’ – Livi (5 Aleph)

‘When we were rafting, it was high tide so the river was flowing fast. I was the first person to jump in!’ – Lucy (5 Aleph)


Year 4 PGL Marchants Hill


The Year 4 students embarked on an exciting adventure trip to PGL in Surrey. The trip was packed with a variety of outdoor activities designed to challenge the students and take them out of their comfort zones. They participated in abseiling, the giant swing, zip wire, fencing ,problem solving and survivor activities to name a few. They learned teamwork and resilience skills as they learned to persist through difficulties. They returned with memorable experiences, a bank of new songs and a host of new skills.

‘It was really fun and teaches you how to be independent. I loved it!’ – Shanaya (4 Aesc)

‘I loved PGL as it teaches you team work and can not wait to go back next year’ – Miranda (4 Aesc)

‘PGL taught me to face my fears’ – Athena (4 Aleph)

‘I loved PGL and I will never forget how much it taught me’ – Emily (4 Aleph)

Please click here to watch a photo slideshow of the trip.

Year 3 Camp Night


Year 3 had an exhilarating end to last week with Camp Night on Thursday 16 May. They participated in collaborative activities like fire making and archery, demonstrating teamwork skills and bravery. The evening culminated in a lively talent show where the girls impressed everyone with their diverse talents while enjoying hot chocolate and s’mores around the campfire. The excitement continued into Friday with a fascinating Roman workshop. This immersive experience allowed Year 3 to delve into ancient history, reenacting battles and playing Roman games.

‘My favourite part of camp night was sleeping in a tent!’ Georgiana (3A)

‘I really enjoyed the talent show. I danced and sang a song with my friend!’ Avaleen (3A)

‘My highlight of the Roman workshop was learning about their battles and re- enacting using their shields and swords!’ Charlotte (3A)

‘My favourite thing was the s'mores we roasted over the fire!’ Surya (3 Alpha)

‘It was amazing! I loved spending all night with my friends, and we did some fun activities.’ Rosie (3 Alpha)

‘I had a fun time because I felt safe in the night, and I loved all the activities we did.’ Amy (3 Alpha)



Year 6 PGL Osmington Bay


Year 6 have enjoyed an amazing week at PGL Osmington Bay. They have pushed and challenged themselves with a huge variety of activities, including zip wire, giant swing, raft building and abseiling, and will return home on Friday stronger, braver and just a little bit taller! Thank you to the Year 6 team (Mr Bloch, Ms Tersigni, Ms Lansdown, Ms Nutkins and Miss Winbow) who made their experience so memorable.

‘”I was nervous at first but when I had done them they were really fun.”– Sylvie

“I really enjoyed all the activities and I learnt lots of new things. I also got to know people better and make stronger friendships.” – Amber P


Sunday 30 June

12pm to 4pm

Please click here for updated information from Habs Boys Parents’ Guild.


Click here to book.

Year 3 to Year 6

Tuesday 2 July, 6pm Prevett Hall

Junior Summer Concert

You are warmly invited to our Junior Summer Concert, which will take place on Tuesday 2 July at 6pm in the Prevett Hall. The concert will feature the following ensembles:

Junior Symphony Orchestra

Junior Choir

Senior Choir

Brass Ensemble

Guitar Ensemble

Super Saxes

Recorder Consort

Year 3 Recorders

Golden Bones

Junior Chamber Strings

Fabulous Four-Stringers

There will also be solo and small group items interspersed in the programme, provided by performers from Year 5 and 6. Please note that girls in the ensembles and the Year 5 and 6 solo/group performers will need to bring their instruments into school on the day of the concert for a rehearsal. The dress for the evening is summer uniform.

Participating girls will also be staying onsite between school finishing and the concert starting, so it is important that they come into school in the morning with their instruments (if needed) and wearing the correct uniform.

Pre-concert refreshments will be available for the audience in the Prevett Hall foyer from 5.30pm. We expect the concert to end by 7.15pm.

Tickets for the evening can be reserved online using the box office, details of which will be shared shortly. There is a limit of 2 tickets per family for this concert. Students taking part in the concert do not need tickets.

We look forward to seeing you at the Summer Concert which promises to be a varied programme and a real showcase for all involved.


Open to students who will be in Year 5 to Upper Sixth in September 2024


Wednesday 5 June

*Years 3, 4 & 5

Athletics v RMS (AWAY)

Saturday 8 June Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Collaborative Cricket Festival

Monday 17 June

Wednesday 19 June

Thursday 20 June


House Cricket

*Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Friendly Swimming Gala v NLCS

Monday 24 June

Years 3 & 4

Inter House Swimming Gala

Thursday 27 June

Junior School Sports Day

(More details to follow at a later date)

*Invite only via Evolve

House Cricket





(No Pupils In School)


Parent Voice

Years 1 to 6 Parents’ Evening 1


Year 6 Transition to Lower 4 Parent Coffee Morning


Prep Boys’ & Junior Girls’ Collaboration Cricket Event


Year 6 Play Rehearsal


Rainbow Red Class Assembly


Year 1 to 6 Parents’ Evening 2


Year 4 British School Museum


Year 1 Trip to Windsor Castle Year 6 ‘Mary Poppins Jnr.’ Performance 1


Year 6 ‘Mary Poppins Jnr.’ Performance 2


Rainbow Blue Class Assembly


Class Changeover Morning Induction evening for parents of pupils currently in Ra to Y5


Family Friday - Rainbow, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6

Family Friday Teacher-led Workshops


Habs Choristers Evensong

MONDAY 24 JUNE 4 Aesc Class Assembly

Parent Information Evening


Year 2 Playstrings Performances Years 4, 5 & 6 VR Workshop

WEDNESDAY 26 JUNE Years 4 Recital


Years 6 Recital

The reminder dates above cover the next four school weeks, if you require further information beyond this time frame, please refer to the school calendar on Firefly.

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