JS Habs Weekly Newsletter - Friday 10 May

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Junior School Edition Habs Weekly

Friday 10 May

Summer Term 2024

Head of Junior School’s message

The sunshine has finally arrived, and the girls have thoroughly enjoyed making use of it in outdoor learning, forest school and playing on the playground.

It has been wonderful to hear about the fantastic time Year 5 have had at Skern Lodge in Devon this week, completing outdoor fieldwork and adventurous activities during their residential.

We will be holding our second Parent Voice Group session on Thursday 6 June at 8am until 9am in the Junior School, it will be an opportunity for myself and Ms Elliott to feedback from the session we held at the start of the year and to discuss together a parent framework for online safety and the use of mobile phones. If you would like to attend the session on Thursday 6 June, please complete this form by Friday 24 May at 4pm.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Inside the Classroom

Rainbow Red enjoying painting, Lego and butterflies! 1 Purple in Humanities drawing the Junior School. Rainbow Blue practising their cutting skills. 1 Orange working hard in Mandarin.

Inside the Classroom

2 Alpha writing about their plants 2A learning about religious leaders 2 Ansuz enjoying the sunshine in their cricket lesson 3 A doing an obstacle course in PE and touch-typing 3 Alpha working on Roman mosaics in Art.

Inside the Classroom

4 Aleph learning about emotions in PSHE. 4 Aesc hard at work making deforestation posters in Geography.

Inside the Classroom

Year 6 having a great time in their outdoor learning and planting flowers.

Junior School Book Corner

Vasti Harrison’s picture book ‘Big,’ sensitively covers body positivity for the younger readers. If you, as parents or guardians, wish to build on your knowledge of educating children on body positivity, we would recommend the following resources from Tooled Up Education.

Click here for resources on Boosting Young Peoples Body Image

Click here for resources on Building a Healthy Body Image Across Cultures

Rainbow to Year 6 Information

Lunch Menu


Please click here to view our Rainbow and KS1 lunch menu.

Please click here to view our KS2 lunch menu.


Please take some time to look at the menu with your child, in advance. If your child has any food intolerances, please ensure they understand the food choices for each day. Pupils have been reminded that there are always Allergy Champions in the serveries who they can speak to if they are unsure about appropriate food choices for them.



Please kindly remember that, in line with government guidance, grapes or olives should be cut in half and cherries should be de-stoned if these foods are brought in for snacks. A full list of permitted breaktime snacks can be found in the Parent Information Booklet

Morning Drop Off Lane


If you use the drop off lane in the morning, please refrain from queuing at the entrance barrier before 8am; this will ensure that staff and delivery vehicles can enter without obstruction or delay.

If you do arrive on the school site before 8am, please drive into the car park and proceed to the barrier from 8am.

We kindly ask that parents and guardians are respectful to our staff, who work hard to ensure everyone's safety and an efficient flow of vehicles round the site.

Junior Performing Arts Evening


We are delighted to share a recording of last term's Junior Performing Arts Evening. All the performers did incredibly well, and we hope you enjoy watching the performance back.

Please click here to view.



Summer Uniform INFORMATION

Summer uniform may be worn throughout this term.

In the first half of this term and the first half of autumn term, this is optional for all year groups. However, for Rainbow to Year 4 this becomes compulsory during the second half of the summer term, after the May half term holiday.

The summer uniform options are:

• a summer dress worn with short or long white socks (not tights) and school jumper

• a short sleeve, revere collar shirt with tailored shorts and school jumper, worn with short or long white socks (not tights). If wearing the green uniform, this is a green shirt and black tailored shorts. For the navy uniform, this is a white shirt with navy tailored shorts.

Please be reminded the Parent Information Booklet has detailed information about uniform on pages 34-39.

Please click here to review the information about the new uniform phasing in plans.

Attendance Policy


Please click here to review updated Attendance Policy shared with parents on Monday 11 March.

Wraparound Care


Please click here to book your daughter into Wraparound Care.

Parent Information Booklet


Please click here to review the Parent Information Booklet for 2023/24.

Family Friday teacher-led workshops 24 May and 21 June


We are continuing to offer short teacher-led workshops which will take place between 8:30am and 9am, straight after Family Friday class-based time. These will consist of a short talk followed by an opportunity to ask related questions. Please note these sessions need to finish promptly at 9am. The workshops will be repeated in both halves of the term on both Friday 24 May and Friday 21 June. You are welcome to attend even if your daughter's year group do not have Family Friday on that date. The programme for this term is:

• Building strong mental health and coping strategies

• Written Methods in Maths

• Oracy in the Junior School

To indicate your intention to attend a workshop, please complete this form by Monday 20 May.

Year 1 to Year 6

Parents’ Evenings


Parents and guardians of girls in Years 1 to 6 are invited to make an appointment to meet with their daughter’s class teacher to discuss progress on Thursday 6 June or Tuesday 11 June, between 4pm and 8pm. Class Teacher appointments are available for everyone and will be 10 minutes long.

All appointments will take place in person in the Dining Hall.

If your daughter is in Years 1, 2 or 4, you will also have the opportunity to make five minute appointments with her specialist subjects teachers, including languages teachers for Years 5 and 6.

Subject Specialist appointments for Years 1,2 and 4 and languages for Years 5 & 6:


We will be using an online booking system, which allows parents to select their own appointment time. This can be accessed via this link or through the parent portal on Firefly, clicking the ‘Parents’ Evening System’ button. When logging in, you will need to provide your full name as per our records, your child’s full name (no nicknames or shortened names) and their class. When you type in your child’s class you must leave a space between the number and words (1 Purple or 4 Aesc). The online booking system will open at 8pm on Friday 17 May and will close at 12pm on Friday 24 May. After this deadline you will not be able to create or amend appointments online.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Karaolou in the Junior School office on 0208 266 2425.

NEW Class Art PE Performing Arts Computing Languages 1 Orange Mrs Gibson Mr Nichols 1 Purple Mrs Gibson Miss Rockley 2A Miss Galvin Miss McFadzean Mr Nichols 2 Alpha Miss Galvin Miss McFadzean Mr Nichols 2 Ansuz Miss Galvin Miss McFadzean Mr Nichols 4 Aesc Miss Galvin Mrs Prendergast Mr Nichols Mrs Davies Mrs Kemp 4 Aleph Miss Galvin Mrs Prendergast Mr Nichols Mrs Davies Mrs Kemp 5 Aesc Mrs Bromley
Miss Demeter
5 Aleph
6 Aesc
G Brunetta 6 Aleph
E Martin



Additionally, Mrs Summers, who leads our Individual Needs department, will be available for face-to-face appointments during the parents' evening on Tuesday 11 June, between 4pm and 8pm. If this date is not convenient, please contact Mrs Summers (ssummers@habsgirls.org.uk) directly to arrange an appointment. Mrs Summers is a teacher with specialist qualifications in supporting pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties and is happy to meet parents of students in all year groups who have any concerns or questions about strategies for supporting their children. If you would like to make an appointment with Mrs Summers on Tuesday 11 June, please call Mrs Karaolou in the Junior School office on 0208 266 2425.


Rainbow Swimming


This term all the pupils in Rainbow will take part in water familiarisation sessions as part of our PE provision. Each Rainbow class will have three sessions in the swimming pool. The Rainbow swimming lessons will take place on the following dates:

Monday 13 May Rainbow Red

Monday 20 May Rainbow Blue

Monday 10 June Rainbow Blue

Monday 17 June Rainbow Blue

The main objective of these sessions is to build up the pupils’ confidence with being in the swimming pool facility – including getting into the water in small groups.

Your child should come to school on these days in her school uniform and will change into her swimming costume before the session. Please send your child to school with a one-piece swimming costume and towel in a waterproof bag. All items should be named. Additionally, your child will need a swimming hat, which can be purchased from Mrs Walsh for £5.


Book Swap


To link in with our Foundation Stage focus on the environment, we are thinking about reusing and recycling. As a phase, we have decided to do a book swap, which will be held on Thursday 16 May. We would like your daughter to bring in two books that she has already read and no longer needs. Your daughter will then receive two tokens and will be able to use them to choose 2 books from the selection brought in by her class.

Books will need to brought in on any date up to Monday 13 May. We hope this will be a great opportunity for the girls to restock their bookshelves with some new and exciting texts in a sustainable way!

Rainbow Family Fridays

FRIDAY 24 MAY 8.00AM – 8.30AM

Classrooms will be open from 8am, please enter via the double doors between reception and Rainbow garden, and you are welcome to pop in any time up until 8:30am, when we will revert to normal registration and lessons.

In line with our safeguarding policy, no taking of photos or filming is permitted during the Family Friday sessions.

On arrival at school, please use the car park, as opposed to the drop off lanes, and walk to the Junior School. The middle doors will be open from 8am and, from there, you will head to your child's classroom, where you will sign in. If you have more than one child involved in the event, older siblings will collect their work and meet you in the classroom of the younger sibling.

Should you be unable to join your child, they will have the opportunity to bring home some of the work to share with you the evening before. If you would like your child to bring work home because you are unable to attend, please contact their class teacher.


We are continuing to offer short teacher-led workshops. These will take place between 8:30am and 9am, straight after Family Friday class-based time. These will consist of a short talk followed by an opportunity to ask related questions. Please note these sessions need to finish promptly at 9am. The workshops will be repeated in both halves of the term on both Friday 24 May and Friday 21 June. You are welcome to attend even if your daughter's year group do not have Family Friday on that date. The programme for this term is:

• Building strong mental health and coping strategies

• Written Methods in Maths

• Oracy in the Junior School

To indicate your intention to attend a workshop, please complete this form by Monday 20 May.

Little Habs on Thursday 27 June


Please note that the changes to the coach service on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June do not affect the Little Habs services. These will run as normal.


Year 1

1 Orange Class Assembly


1 Orange will be delivering their class assembly on Monday 13 May from 8.45am to 9.15am in the Performance Space, which parents and carers are warmly invited to. Attending parents should park in the visitor's car park and walk around to the Dining Hall doors, where you will be registered from 8.30am. We kindly ask attendees to wait outside until a member of Junior School staff arrives to welcome you in.

Book Swap


To link in with our Foundation Stage focus on the environment, we are thinking about reusing and recycling. As a phase, we have decided to do a book swap, which will be held on Thursday 16 May. We would like your daughter to bring in two books that she has already read and no longer needs. Your daughter will then receive two tokens and will be able to use them to choose 2 books from the selection brought in by her class.

Books will need to brought in on any date up to Monday 13 May. We hope this will be a great opportunity for the girls to restock their bookshelves with some new and exciting texts in a sustainable way!

Family Fridays

FRIDAY 24 MAY 8.00AM – 8.30AM

Classrooms will be open from 8am, please enter via the double doors between reception and Rainbow garden, and you are welcome to pop in any time up until 8:30am, when we will revert to normal registration and lessons.

In line with our safeguarding policy, no taking of photos or filming is permitted during the Family Friday sessions.

On arrival at school, please use the car park, as opposed to the drop off lanes, and walk to the Junior School. The middle doors will be open from 8am and, from there, you will head to your child's classroom, where you will sign in. If you have more than one child involved in the event, older siblings will collect their work and meet you in the classroom of the younger sibling.

Should you be unable to join your child, they will have the opportunity to bring home some of the work to share with you the evening before. If you would like your child to bring work home because you are unable to attend, please contact their class teacher.


We are continuing to offer short teacher-led workshops. These will take place between 8:30am and 9am, straight after Family Friday class-based time. These will consist of a short talk followed by an opportunity to ask related questions. Please note these sessions need to finish promptly at 9am. The workshops will be repeated in both halves of the term on both Friday 24 May and Friday 21 June. You are welcome to attend even if your daughter's year group do not have Family Friday on that date. The programme for this term is:

• Building strong mental health and coping strategies

• Written Methods in Maths

• Oracy in the Junior School

To indicate your intention to attend a workshop, please complete this form by Monday 20 May.

Little Habs on Thursday 27 June


Please note that the changes to the coach service on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June do not affect the Little Habs services. These will run as normal.


Year 2

EAL Data Collection


Thank you to parents that have already completed the form, but those that didn’t get a chance to complete it before the last deadline we kindly ask that you take two minutes of your time to complete this form as soon as possible.

As part of the annual data review for Year 2, we would like to check the languages your child has been exposed to in development.

Please can you complete this EAL Form by Friday 17 May.

Year 2 Instrumental Try -Out Session

TUESDAY 14 MAY, 1.30 TO 3.30PM

We are excited to welcome parents of Year 2 girls into school on Tuesday afternoon for an informal instrumental demonstration concert. This will be followed by a try-out session, where girls will be able to have a go on one or more instruments of their choice under the guidance of our VMTs. There will also be the opportunity for parents to talk to the VMTs and members of the music department about instrumental tuition and involvement in ensembles ahead of the girls moving into Year 3.

Attending parents should park in the visitors' car park and walk around to the Dining Hall doors, where you will be registered from 1.20pm. We kindly ask attendees to wait outside until a member of Junior School staff arrives to welcome you in.

The demonstration will begin promptly at 1.30pm in the Lecture Theatre, after which we will move over to the Sime Music School. At the end of the session, your daughters will be taken back to their classrooms to collect their bags for dismissal as usual.

ACE - 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

Little Habs on Thursday 27 June


Please note that the changes to the coach service on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June do not affect the Little Habs services. These will run as normal.


Year 3

Year 3 Camp Night


Please click here for a reminder of the trip brochure.

Family Fridays

FRIDAY 24 MAY 8.00AM – 8.30AM

Classrooms will be open from 8am, please enter via the double doors between reception and Rainbow garden, and you are welcome to pop in any time up until 8:30am, when we will revert to normal registration and lessons.

In line with our safeguarding policy, no taking of photos or filming is permitted during the Family Friday sessions.

On arrival at school, please use the car park, as opposed to the drop off lanes, and walk to the Junior School. The middle doors will be open from 8am and, from there, you will head to your child's classroom, where you will sign in. If you have more than one child involved in the event, older siblings will collect their work and meet you in the classroom of the younger sibling.

Should you be unable to join your child, they will have the opportunity to bring home some of the work to share with you the evening before. If you would like your child to bring work home because you are unable to attend, please contact their class teacher.


We are continuing to offer short teacher-led workshops. These will take place between 8:30am and 9am, straight after Family Friday class-based time. These will consist of a short talk followed by an opportunity to ask related questions. Please note these sessions need to finish promptly at 9am. The workshops will be repeated in both halves of the term on both Friday 24 May and Friday 21 June. You are welcome to attend even if your daughter's year group do not have Family Friday on that date. The programme for this term is:

• Building strong mental health and coping strategies

• Written Methods in Maths

• Oracy in the Junior School

To indicate your intention to attend a workshop, please complete this form by Monday 20 May.

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:

Photographs Price

Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs

£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link.

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed; the below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45 until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE - 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June. YEAR 3 INFORMATION CONTINUED


Year 4

Year 4 PGL Marchants Hill


Please click here to be reminded on the behaviour expectations for the students on the trip. Please make sure you have read through this with your daughter before the trip departs.

Please click here for a reminder of the trip brochure.

REMINDER: Please ensure all medication forms are submitted at the latest by 9am on Monday 13 May. For clarity, the actual medicine can, if needed at home between now and the departure date, be brought in on the morning of the trip and handed directly to Mrs Davies. We do, however, need the forms in school by Monday so that the Nursing team can have oversight of them, advise staff accordingly and seek further clarification from parents and guardians if needed. For quick reference, click here for the letter sent on Friday 3 May.

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:

Photographs Price

Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs

£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed, the below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45 until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.



ACE - 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

VR Workshop


An exciting interactive VR workshop has been organised for Tuesday 25 June for Years 4, 5 and 6. PrimeVR, the workshop host, requests that all parents/guardians grant permission for their child to participate in the workshop. Please click here to read some safety information and grant permission by 12pm on Friday 14 June.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Mrs Davies edavies@habsgirls.org.uk

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.


Year 5

Family Fridays

FRIDAY 24 MAY 8.00AM – 8.30AM

Classrooms will be open from 8am, please enter via the double doors between reception and Rainbow garden, and you are welcome to pop in any time up until 8:30am, when we will revert to normal registration and lessons.

In line with our safeguarding policy, no taking of photos or filming is permitted during the Family Friday sessions.

On arrival at school, please use the car park, as opposed to the drop off lanes, and walk to the Junior School. The middle doors will be open from 8am and, from there, you will head to your child's classroom, where you will sign in. If you have more than one child involved in the event, older siblings will collect their work and meet you in the classroom of the younger sibling.

Should you be unable to join your child, they will have the opportunity to bring home some of the work to share with you the evening before. If you would like your child to bring work home because you are unable to attend, please contact their class teacher.


We are continuing to offer short teacher-led workshops. These will take place between 8:30am and 9am, straight after Family Friday class-based time. These will consist of a short talk followed by an opportunity to ask related questions. Please note these sessions need to finish promptly at 9am. The workshops will be repeated in both halves of the term on both Friday 24 May and Friday 21 June. You are welcome to attend even if your daughter's year group do not have Family Friday on that date. The programme for this term is:

• Building strong mental health and coping strategies

• Written Methods in Maths

• Oracy in the Junior School

To indicate your intention to attend a workshop, please complete this form by Monday 20 May.


Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:


Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs


£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed, the below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45 until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE 1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


VR Workshop


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

An exciting interactive VR workshop has been organised for Tuesday 25 June for Years 4, 5 and 6. PrimeVR, the workshop host, requests that all parents/guardians grant permission for their child to participate in the workshop. Please click here to read some safety information and grant permission by 12pm on Friday 14 June.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Mrs Davies edavies@habsgirls.org.uk YEAR 5 INFORMATION CONTINUED



Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.


Year 6

Year 6 PGL Osmington Bay


Please click here to be reminded on the behaviour expectations for the students on the trip. Please make sure you have read through this with your daughter before the trip departs.

Please click here for a reminder of the trip brochure.

MEDICATION REMINDER: Please ensure all medication forms are submitted to Mrs Walsh by 9am on Monday 13 May at the latest . For clarity, the actual medicine can, if needed at home between now and the departure date, be brought in on the morning of the trip and handed directly to Ms Lansdown. We do, however, need the forms in school by Monday so that the Nursing team can have oversight of them, advise staff accordingly and seek further clarification from parents and guardians if needed. For quick reference, click here for the letter sent on Friday 3 May.

Team Photographs


Photographs of the Junior School teams are now available to order in A4 (12 x 8) for £10 each. Multiple photographs are charged at discounted rates:

Photographs Price

Two photographs

Three photographs

Four or more photographs

£9 each

£8 each

£7 each

In addition, all purchased photographs come with a complimentary A5 (9 x 6) informal version. You can view the photographs using this link

If you wish to order, please use this photograph order form, stating the photograph number(s) and the quantity of prints you require. The form will remain open until 8pm on Friday 31 May, and the cost of any photographs ordered will be added to your next term’s bill. All proceeds from the sale of the photographs will be donated to the St Catherine Parents' Guild.

Year 6 Production – ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’


We are well underway with our rehearsals for our Year 6 production of Disney’s ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’ It is important all pupils have read the whole script, so that they understand the storyline and the characters, and how their role fits into the production. The music in Mary Poppins can be challenging, and listening to the songs at home will help them to become familiar with it, to enable them to get the most out of our rehearsals.

The songs can be accessed via this link


Parent Coffee Morning for Year 7 Joiners


With the transition to the Senior School on the horizon, we understand that this can be an exciting yet anxious time for both students and parents alike. To assist in this transition process, we are delighted to invite you to an informal parent coffee morning on Friday 7 June.

The event will start at 8.45am, lasting around an hour, and we encourage all parents and guardians of students joining Habs Senior School in Year 7 to attend. The event is open both to parents of new joiners and Junior School parents, and we hope that it will provide valuable insights and support, as your children embark on this new chapter of their educational journey.

As part of the morning's program, you will have the opportunity to hear from current Year 7 and Year 8 students who have already experienced the transition into Senior School. They will be sharing their first-hand experiences, offering invaluable advice, and answering any questions you may have. Our current students will provide a glimpse into the daily life of a Senior School student and offer practical tips on how to support your child during this transition period. Following the presentation, over coffee, parents will have the opportunity to engage with current Senior School students from a range of year groups, allowing you to gain further insights and perspectives. You will also be able to meet with other parents with children joining in September, as well as parents from within our existing parent community.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us for this event. Please could you indicate on the Microsoft Form here by Friday 31 May, if you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing many of you at the parent coffee morning and working together to support your child’s transition into the Senior School.

Year 6 Production: Mary Poppins Jr.


We are delighted to present this year’s Year 6 Production of Disney’s Mary Poppins Jr. There will be two performances which will take place in the Performance Space at the following times:



Thursday 13 June 2024 6pm Friday 14 June 2024 4.15pm

Refreshments will be provided beforehand from 5.30pm on 13 June and 3.45pm on 14 June. Tickets for the performances can be reserved online directly via this link. Tickets are limited to 3 per family on Thursday evening and 2 per family on Friday afternoon. Booking will open at 9pm on Friday 7 June.

Year 6 girls will be staying onsite between the end of the school day and the start of the performances. They will be provided with dinner on Thursday and a light snack on Friday. Please collect your daughter from the Performance Space, via access through the Dining Hall doors, after the performances, which should last approximately an hour.

We look forward to welcoming you to watch the show later this term.




Collaborative Cricket Festival


The sign-up form has now closed he below information is for those who are attending.

The aim of the festival is for pupils to take part in a variety of cricket activities and games in a carousel. Years 3 and 4 will be from 9am until 10.30am and Years 5 and 6 will be from 10.45 until 12.15pm. Your child will need to arrive at their year group’s start time at Habs’ Boys’ AstroTurf wearing their PE/Cricket kit, with a full water bottle. If your child has, carries, or uses any inhalers or AAIs, they will need to have these with them to take part in the event. Cancellation of the festival may occur if the weather is thought to affect your child’s safety. You will be notified on the day if the festival is cancelled. We encourage parents to stay and support; there will be refreshments throughout the event.

ACE -1st Eagleide Schools Chess Tournament


Please click here to view the letter from Mr D'Costa regarding an exciting chess competition on Sunday 9 June. Please contact Mr D’Costa directly for more information lorin@eagleidechess.com

Year 6 Production Rehearsal - ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’


As previously outlined in Habs Weekly, there will be a rehearsal on Sunday 9 June, 10am to 3pm. For this rehearsal, please park in the visitors’ car park and escort your daughter to and from school as they will not be permitted to walk unaccompanied between school and the car park. Drop off and collection will be at the main Dining Hall doors.

If your daughter cannot attend the full rehearsal but is able to come along to either the morning or the afternoon session, please email Miss Rockley (crockley@habsgirls.org.uk) with details, so the rehearsal can be planned accordingly.

Please ensure that your daughter comes to the rehearsal with a full water bottle, a healthy snack and a packed lunch, free from nuts and sesame. A break for lunch will be scheduled from 12.15pm to 12.45pm, so any girls arriving after this time will not need to bring lunch with them.


VR Workshop


An exciting interactive VR workshop has been organised for Tuesday 25 June for Years 4, 5 and 6. PrimeVR, the workshop host, requests that all parents/guardians grant permission for their child to participate in the workshop. Please click here to read some safety information and grant permission by 12pm on Friday 14 June.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Mrs Davies edavies@habsgirls.org.uk

Junior and Prep Coaches on Thursday 27 June


Please click here to find out more about the Junior and Prep Coaches on Senior School Sports Day, Thursday 27 June.


Cornflower Assembly

Friday 3 May 2024

Friday afternoon assemblies are always a time of joy and celebration in the Junior School. Our weekly Cornflower Assembly celebrates individuals who have particularly demonstrated ways in which they have embodied our school values: Courage Curiosity Community and Ambition. We cherish our Cornflower Assemblies and hope that you enjoy celebrating with us too.


Elizabeth (Rainbow Red)

Ivy (1 Purple)

Daya (3A)

Romi (3 Alpha)

Aarya (4 Aleph)

Katie (5 Aesc)

Georgia (6 Aesc)


Leah (1 Orange)

Khushi (2 Ansuz)

Chloe (3 Alpha)


Samyra (Rainbow Red)

Reeya (1 Orange)

Rosie (2A)

Adeyeni (2 Alpha)

Zahra (3A)

Miranda (4 Aesc)

Henrietta (6 Aesc)

Sasha (6 Aesc)

Ophelia (5 Aesc)

Sadie (5 Aesc)

Olivia (6 Aesc)


Isha (Rainbow Blue)

Shriya (Rainbow Blue)

Shanaya (1 Purple)

Arya (2 Ansuz)

Jaya (4 Aesc)

Myla (4 Aleph)

Aradhya (6 Aleph)

Kourtney (6 Aleph)

Tianlong (6 Aleph)

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Prevett Hall

2.30pm to 4pm

St Catherine Parents’ Guild Outgrown Uniform Sale

We are delighted to be hosting the Outgrown Uniform Sale, which will be taking place in the Prevett Hall on Wednesday 22 May, 2.30pm to 4pm. Please note they will only be accepting card payments, and no exchange or refunds will be accepted.

Please support the St Catherine Parents’ Guild and pick up a bargain!

For any enquiries, please contact stcatherineparentsguild@gmail.com

Final few tickets remaining!

Thursday 23 May

Dining Hall

6.45pm to 10.30pm

St Catherine Parents’ Guild Quiz Night

We are delighted to invite you to our Quiz Night on Thursday 23 May. Doors will open at 6.45pm with the quiz starting promptly at 8pm in the Dining Hall. The event is open to all, so please bring along family and friends.

The ticket price includes supper which will be available from 7.15pm until 7.45pm and will include vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. Dessert will be available during the quiz break around 8.45pm. There will also be bar serving drinks throughout the evening and a raffle (cash and cards accepted).

As ever, this is proving to be a very popular event and tickets have been selling fast! Online booking is still open via the school Box Office for the remaining tickets, which cost £22 per adult; these will be available to book until Monday 20 May or until sold out. Please note tickets will not be available on the door.

We would encourage teams of six to be formed. When booking, please ensure you coordinate with your team to ensure you are all seated at the same table. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to book individual places at any of the available tables and take the opportunity to meet other parents from other year groups.

Raffle tickets will be on sale for a chance to win some fantastic prizes which have been generously donated by local businesses and parents at the school. If you have any prizes you would like to donate, we would love to hear from you.

We look forward to welcoming you to the quiz; in the meantime, if you have any questions, want to make a donation or wish to volunteer at the event, please email the Guild at stcatherineparentsguild@gmail.com


Click here to book.

Sunday 30 June

12pm to 4pm

Please click here for more information from Habs Boys Parents’ Guild.


Open to students who will be in Year 5 to Upper Sixth in September 2024


Wednesday 15 May

*Year 6

Cricket v Edge Grove (AWAY)

*Invite only via Evolve


Wednesday 5 June

*Years 3, 4 & 5

Athletics v RMS (AWAY)

Saturday 8 June Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Collaborative Cricket Festival

Monday 17 June

Wednesday 19 June

Thursday 20 June


House Cricket

*Years 3, 4, 5 & 6

Friendly Swimming Gala v NLCS

Monday 24 June

Years 3 & 4

Inter House Swimming Gala

Thursday 27 June

Junior School Sports Day

(More details to follow at a later date)

*Invite only via Evolve

House Cricket


MONDAY 13 MAY 1 Orange Class Assembly

TUESDAY 14 MAY Year 2 ‘Have-A-Go’ Instrumental

WEDNESDAY 15 TO FRIDAY 17 MAY Year 4 PGL Marchants Hill

THURSDAY 16 TO FRIDAY 17 MAY Year 3 Camp Night & Roman Workshop

MONDAY 20 TO FRIDAY 24 MAY Year 6 PGL Osmington Bay


St Catherine Parents’ Guild Quiz Night


Rainbow, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5

Family Friday Parent Workshops


MONDAY 3 JUNE Staff INSET (No Pupils In School)

WEDNESDAY 5 JUNE Year 4 Recital

THURSDAY 6 JUNE Years 1 to 6 Parents’ Evening 1


Year 6 Transition to Lower 4 Parent Coffee Morning

SUNDAY 9 JUNE Year 6 Play Rehearsal

TUESDAY 11 JUNE Year 1 to 6 Parents’ Evening 2

The reminder dates above cover the next four school weeks, if you require further information beyond this time frame, please refer to the school calendar on Firefly.

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