Welcome to the Pre-Preparatory School

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Welcome to the

Pre-Preparatory School Year 1 Parents’ Information

Introduction This booklet provides information to assist you when filling out forms on the Parent Portal. The following forms are available for you to complete online:

1. Medical Questionnaire - details on page 10 2. School Shop Appointment - details on page 12 3. Admissions Questionnaire - details on page 18 Please fill in all relevant forms on the Parent Portal by Friday 25 May 2018.


Welcome to the Pre-Preparatory School Dear Parents, We believe your son’s education should be a partnership between staff and parents. We look forward to working with you and ensuring your son enjoys a happy and fulfilling time on every day of his School life. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is any aspect of your son’s education which you are concerned about. The sooner we are alerted to a problem, the sooner we can solve it. Without doubt, a happy boy will thrive and make good progress and we are committed to achieving that aim. We thank you for attending tonight’s meeting. Now that you and your son have joined the Haberdashers’ family we look forward to a long and rewarding association. We do hope you find this information booklet useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any further information. With my very best wishes,

Ms Victoria Peck

Head of Pre-Preparatory School

Pre-Preparatory School Staff 2018/19 Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory Leadership Team Ms Victoria Peck Mr Matteo Rossetti

Head of Pre-Preparatory School Head of Preparatory School

Form Teachers Year 1

Miss Nippa Patel Mrs Natalie Young

Form Teacher (1NP) Form Teacher (1NY)

Mrs Jana Percival Mrs Andrea Fielden Mrs Tessa Grossman

Form Teacher (2JP) Form Teacher (2FM) (part time) Form Teacher (2FM) (part time)

Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs

School Secretary Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant

Year 2

Rozanne Hodis Julie Barber Helen Pieri Helen Elliott

Specialist Teachers Mrs Catriona Griggs Mr Russell Bloch Mr Ed Barnett Mrs Helen Pritchard

Pre-Prep and Prep School Deputy Head (Pastoral)/Drama Teacher Head of English Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory School Head of Prep PE and Games Music Teacher (part time)

Support Staff Mr Michael Williams Ms Sharon Thompson Ms Samantha Eaglesfield Mrs Pawana Porter

Caretaker Catering Supervisor Catering Assistant Lunchtime Assistant


Contact Telephone Numbers The Pre-Preparatory office is open Monday to Friday, between 8.30am and 4.30pm. Telephone: 0208 266 1950 Email: preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk or Hodis_R@habsboys.org.uk Preparatory School Office (at the Elstree site): 0208 266 1779 (Emergencies only) Senior School Office (at the Elstree site): 0208 266 1700 (Emergencies only)

The School Day Supervision begins at 08:30. Please ensure your son does NOT arrive at the premises before that time.

08:30 – 08:50 Playground Supervision 08:50 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 10:15 Lesson time 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 12:00 Lesson time 12:00 – 13:15 Lunch 13:15 – 15:15 Lesson time 15:15 School ends 16:30 School closed

Lunch Hot school lunches are provided every day. There is a choice of either a vegetarian or meat dish. Should you have any queries regarding lunches or would like to discuss your child’s dietary requirements, please contact Ms Sharon Thompson, Catering Supervisor on 0208 266 1791. (Nut allergies – we do have some boys with allergies so please do not send any food into School which contains nuts or nut traces)


Pastoral Care - a message from Mrs C Griggs, Deputy Head (Pastoral) We hope the following information will clarify our aims in the Pre-Prep School. As Deputy Head with responsibility for the pastoral care of your sons, I welcome the opportunity to inform you about the pastoral facilities within the Pre-Prep School and to clarify the systems in place that support your sons. For all staff, the pastoral duties are of paramount importance. Our aim is to nurture your sons as members of the Haberdashers’ family, offering a safe and secure environment for their learning and play. Should you feel there is a reason to inform us about a particular circumstance affecting your son then, in the first instance, the member of staff to contact is your son’s Form Teacher. This may be by an email or telephone call. I am aware that some issues may be of a delicate or personal matter and in these instances please contact Ms Peck, Head of Pre-Preparatory School. Should any issues arise in the playground, Mrs Barber, Mrs Pieri and Mrs Elliott are on duty to deal with the boys and “nip things in the bud” before there is any escalation of trouble. They will always alert the Form Teachers should any misdemeanour occur.

Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory School Houses Boys are split into four Houses. The Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory School Houses are:

Andrews Davids Georges Patricks Your son’s PE socks will be coloured according to the House that he belongs to. We have a House point system which your son can receive House points for being polite, changing quickly, for work or for sport.


Travel Arrangements For transport information, please contact Ms Rachel Caterer, Transport Manager, on 0208 266 1705. Cars We should be grateful for your support in ensuring the transport arrangements for our pupils create the least amount of disturbance as possible for our neighbours in and around Hazel Road. Mornings Whilst queuing on Hazel Road please ensure that you do not block or obstruct the residential driveways. Should parents need to come up to the School for a pre-arranged appointment, please park considerately. If the matter is urgent, staff are available on an ‘informal drop-in’ basis each afternoon between 3.15pm and 3.30pm. Afternoons Once again we will do our utmost to keep everyone happy and to achieve this we would be grateful if you could please park your car considerately and walk up the driveway to the School to collect your son. Please do not drive up to the School as this will create traffic problems - the driveway is one way only.

Photographs Taken in School Parents who do not want their son’s image to appear in promotional material must make sure their son knows this and must email immediately to the Headmaster requesting an acknowledgement of their email. The School’s policy on taking, using and storing images can be found on the School website.

Communication The message book is for you and your son’s Form Teacher to communicate daily. Should you wish to get a message to the Form Teacher during the day please telephone via Mrs Hodis in the School Office on 0208 266 1950 or email her at Hodis_R@habsboys.org.uk. In the event of an emergency e.g. if the School should close due to adverse weather or any other reason, we will post a pop-up message on the School website (www.habsboys.org.uk), we will operate an emergency SMS alert, and we will email all parents directly on the School’s iSAMS system, therefore it is important that you alert us of any changes to your contact telephone numbers or email. Reporting to Parents There are two parent evenings per year in the autumn and spring terms. A written report is sent home in July. Email Practice Parents and staff should be aware that an email is not private or confidential; it is a formal, recorded communication to which a number of people might have legitimate access. Emails should not be sent directly to teachers. Please use preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk to communicate with the School. Email is a business communication tool and users (staff and parents) are obliged to use this tool in a responsible, effective and lawful manner. Confidential information may not be forwarded without the permission of the originator.

Parent Voice The parents of boys in the Pre-Prep and Prep School have a Parent Council called Parent Voice Committee. This committee consists of representatives chosen by the parents of children in each class to represent the views of parents. Each meeting provides a forum for the Parent Voice representatives to put forward their views to the Head of Pre-Preparatory School, providing a more accessible way to involve parents, enabling them to make a real contribution to the School. It is also a way for the School to consult parents about important issues. Parent Voice meets twice in the autumn term and once in each of the spring and summer terms. Meetings are minuted and made available to all parents via the Parent Portal and are conducted in a positive, constructive spirit and solution focused. A volunteer representative will be required in January 2019 from each Year 1 class, for a twoyear term of office, and in the event of a number of volunteers stepping forward for the role, a class parent vote will take place. The current Year 1 parent volunteers will continue in their posts when their sons move to Year 2 in September 2018. Mrs Bruce-Green will send out information closer to the time.


Absences We strongly advise you not to request leave of absence for your son, as this can interfere with his progress and full participation in lessons or School events. Our School policy on Leave of Absence is detailed below: Leave of Absence (for non-religious reasons) Leave of Absence is only granted in exceptional circumstances and requires a written request to the Head of Pre-Prep (via email: Peck_V@habsboys.org.uk) before any firm arrangements are made. Please note our School policy clearly states: “There is no right to leave of absence for parental holidays in term time. In very exceptional circumstances the Headteacher is prepared to consider a request made in writing before any commitment or booking is made”. Please try to avoid absences except on account of illness or religious observance. Absences can only be reported by a parent and must be sent by email. This is to maintain a written record of authorised absences for illness or other reasons. In the Pre-Prep, emails should be sent to preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk. Absences must be reported each and every day a child is absent by 8.40am. A letter will no longer be required on return to School. If your son is not present in School and we have not received any communication, we will call parents by 9.30am to ascertain the whereabouts of your son and ask you to report the absence by email. Absence will only be authorised by those emails. For leave of absence requests the procedures remain the same – by request to the School Office who will forward onto the appropriate member of staff. We would also ask that if you are away from home for any length of time, and your son is staying elsewhere, please inform us, in writing, of the name, telephone number and address of the person(s) who is caring for your son in your absence. This is very important as if your son becomes ill at School or there was an emergency we would need to contact the designated person who would be acting on your behalf.


Important Medical and Contact Information Please complete the Medical Questionnaire, Calpol Consent Form and Request to Administer Prescription Medication Form (if applicable) on the Parent Portal by Friday 25 May 2018 with all relevant information, including dates. If you have any queries the School Nurse will be pleased to assist you. In order to best support and care for your sons, it is imperative that we have accurate and upto-date medical information on our School system. This would include anything that might affect them in lessons such as hearing difficulties or colour blindness. We ask that if there have been any significant recent changes that you inform the School Medical Centre who will update your son’s records. EPIPEN If your son has been prescribed an Epipen, please ensure he has all the required medication in School with him and that it is in date. Your son will not be able to attend any trips or off-site activities without his two Epipens and any other required medication. You can view the medical information that the School holds for your son on the Parent Portal. Please check this site to ensure that we hold the most up-to-date information on your son’s medical condition and any medication he has been prescribed. If you wish to make any changes, please fill in the online request form and you will be notified by email when the changes have been actioned. Dispensing Prescription Medication If your son requires any prescription medicine to be taken at School, please fill in the form on the Parent Portal and print or email it to us on PrePrepOffice@habsboys.org.uk. Either you or your son should bring it to the School Office along with the medication to be dispensed in its original labelled bottle. Our qualified First Aiders are Mrs Hodis, Mrs Barber, Mrs Pieri, Mrs Elliott and Mr Williams. The School Office will keep a supply of everyday medicines, e.g. Calpol, for emergency purposes only. Should your son need Calpol and we have your consent on file (the separate School Medical Questionnaire which is available to complete on the Parent Portal), the School Secretary will telephone you to inform you that your son has been given the correct dosage. Epipens/Jexts and Asthma Inhalers Should your son require an Epipen/Jext or Asthma Inhaler at School, please ensure that these are named and taken into the School Office where they will be stored safely. Please note: Epipens/Jexts: We require one to be kept in the School Office and another in your son’s classroom so please ensure you send two Epipens/Jexts into School. It is your responsibility to update these as necessary. All members of staff have regular Epipen/Jext and Inhaler training. Sickness at School If your son is feeling unwell, he will be sent to the School Office. His teacher, in conjunction with the First Aider, will decide if you need to be contacted and whether you need to collect your son and take him home to recover.


Diarrhoea and Vomiting Owing to the contagious nature, we request that you wait at least 48 hours after the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea before returning your son to School, as advised by the NHS Choices website. Rashes/Spots Should your son develop a rash/spots before he comes to School, please inform your son’s teacher of the diagnosis so that we are aware. Should your son develop a rash/spots whilst at School, the School Office will telephone you and advise you to arrange a doctor’s appointment for diagnosis. Head Injuries If your son should suffer a bump or injury to his head while at School he will be sent to the School Office. For any bump or injury to the head we will always contact you. We will then ascertain whether you wish to come and collect your son, or for him to remain at School. Playground Tumbles Minor cuts and bruises will be dealt with by the Teaching Assistants or by Mrs Hodis. On occasions a plaster may be used. Please note that we are unable to administer creams, lotions etc. All incidents requiring first aid are logged in the First Aid book held in the School Office. Sun Cream In the summer term, please apply sun cream, if needed, to your son before he comes to School. He may bring the cream/lotion to School to use himself during the day. Allergy Concerns The management of children with food allergies and intolerances within School is a shared responsibility between the School, medical practitioners, parents and boys. If your son is uncertain about the ingredients of a particular dish which he may need to avoid because of a food intolerance, he should ask a member of the catering staff. The School’s main catering contractor, Chartwells, and the School Shop do not use any products which contain nuts or nut by-products. However, parents should note that current labelling regulations do not allow us to declare a ‘nut free’ status. Therefore, the policy is one that avoids the use of and sale of nut products as far as we are reasonably able to do so.


School Shop - a letter from the School Shop Manager Please make an appointment with the School Shop via Parent Portal by Friday 25 May. The School Shop will then contact you to confirm your time and date. Dear Parents, I would like to take this opportunity to send you a personal welcome and introduction to The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School Shop. Our School Shop is situated in the Medburn Sports Centre, Elstree campus. We carry the full range of school uniform and sportswear required by your son with the exception of black school shoes and white trainers and we have a comprehensive selection of competitively priced stationery to choose from. Items may also be purchased via www.habsboys.org.uk. The School Shop operates an ‘Approval System’ whereby items of clothing, i.e. uniform, sports kit including footwear (not stationery or accessories) over £10 can be taken home and paid for the following day. Goods taken ‘on approval’ which are not suitable must be returned within five working days. Please note returned goods must be in their original wrapping, unsoiled and accompanied by the invoice. Goods taken on approval which are retained by parents should be paid for by cash, debit card or cheque made payable to “The Haberdashers’ Aske’s School Shop Ltd” accompanied by the invoice. We would appreciate your full co-operation regarding approvals. We reserve the right to refuse goods taken on approval. The School Shop is open all day during term time from 08:30-16:00 (closed for lunch 11:50-12:35). We run an appointment only system during School holidays. This system avoids long waits, makes shopping more comfortable for you and the staff are able to give you their undivided attention. Opening Hours for summer 2018 Please find below the School Shop opening hours during the summer holidays: • • • • • •

Closed Friday 6 July Open Saturday 7 July to Thursday 26 July – 08:00 - 12:00 and 13.00 - 15.00 (by appointment only) Closed Friday 27 July to Wednesday 29 August Open Thursday 30 August to Monday 3 September - 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 - 16.00 (no appointment necessary) Closed Tuesday 4 September and Wednesday 5 September for staff training Reopen as usual Thursday 6 September

We look forward to meeting you at New Parents’ evening or when you visit the School Shop. Yours sincerely,

Frances Hogberg School Shop Manager 12

Pre-Preparatory School Uniform List We expect boys to take a real pride in their appearance and to be smartly dressed on all occasions. School Uniform • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Polo shirt – sky blue with Habs crest Blazer – navy with sky blue trim and Habs crest Jumper – navy with Habs crest Trousers – charcoal (winter term) Shorts – charcoal (summer term) Socks – banded (summer term) Socks – charcoal (winter term) Coat – navy with Habs crest Lightweight waterproof Mac Art overall - navy Scarf - navy fleece Hat and gloves - knitted School cap - navy with Habs crest Baseball cap – sky blue with Habs crest

Physical Education • • • • • • • • • • •

PE t-shirt – white with Habs crest PE shorts – white with Habs crest PE socks – House colours Swimming trunks – navy Swim hat - light blue Base layer - navy Football shorts – navy/sky with Habs crest Football shirt – navy/sky with Habs crest Football socks – navy/sky hooped Football boots – Velcro/moulded sole Tracksuit – navy with Habs crest

Accessories • • • •

Book bag – navy with Habs crest Drawstring bag – navy with Habs crest Junior dictionary Name tapes sew on.

PLEASE ENSURE ALL ITEMS ARE CLEARLY NAMED Uniform Changes Please note from September 2018 all boys in the Pre-Preparatory School will be required to wear a navy blazer. We also would like to remind parents that boys are only permitted to wear charcoal grey trousers and NOT light grey/grey.


School Fees and Extras A letter from the Chairman of Governors with details of the fee level for the academic year 2018/19 is available to read on the next page. As far as possible fees at Haberdashers are ‘all inclusive’; unlike some other Schools we do not charge for public examinations (although we do charge for re-sits) or text books. School fees also include Pupil’s Personal Accident and Dental Insurance. The ‘extras’ that appear on the School bill are, therefore, areas of expenditure where parents genuinely have some choice. Charges for extras for 2018/19 are: •

AXA PPP Medical Scheme

£82 per term

Fees Refund Scheme

£92.91 (Senior/Prep School) £67.03 (Pre-Prep)

School bills are sent to parents in advance of the start of each term. Payment may be made: •

of the entire bill by the first day of each term by direct debit for which a £50 prompt payment discount may be deducted; or

by monthly instalments through School Fee Plan (SFP). Details of this scheme will be included in the information pack distributed to new parents by the Bursary and can also be found by following the School Fee Plan link www.sfpschoolfees.co.uk

using Sage Pay button on the Parent Portal in the Fees section where your invoice can also be downloaded.

Parents who wish to pay in advance should approach the Bursary at bursary@habsboys.org.uk, for details of the Scheme.


School Fees - a letter from the Chairman of the Governing Body Dear Parents, As usual at this time of the year it is my role to inform you of the fee levels for the forthcoming academic year. As you would expect, the Governors consider carefully the School’s expenditure plans and are resolved to strike a balance between the desire to deliver a first-class education at the most reasonable cost possible with a realistic assessment of the School’s need to attract and retain staff of the highest quality and to invest in new buildings and other areas of school life that support success in the classroom and beyond. Once again, this has been an exceptional year in the life of the School which has seen outstanding academic results at GCSE and A Level, as well as significant achievements in cocurricular and sporting activities; the School maintains its splendid record of success at Oxbridge and we continue to invest in development of the Estate and facilities. The much-needed improvements to the Preparatory School (Project Filius) are almost complete and the new classrooms, which are in use, have made a very positive impact on the boys and staff, significantly enhancing the teaching and learning environment. Elsewhere, improvements are in progress or planned for two new music rooms, two state-of-the-art science labs and the refurbishment of the English block. The plans for the new academic hub (Project Minerva) are progressing, although somewhat slower than desired due to planning constraints associated with the Elstree site. These projects are examples of the long term view the Governing Body takes to the quality of the estate in both Schools at Elstree and we are making these investments against a back drop of mid-term economic uncertainty. We are conscious of the pressures individuals and families are facing and seek to balance the need to generate sufficient investment surplus, invest in staff and the pupil experience, whilst seeking to moderate year on year fee increases. Having considered the School’s expenditure plans for 2018/19, in the context of continuing investment in the built estate, the developments planned in terms of curriculum delivery but seeking to take advantage of the near term benefits from the operational review, the Aske Board has concluded that the fee levels for the next academic year will rise by 4.5%,(1% less than 2017/18) and will be: Senior School: £20,346 (£6,782 per term) Preparatory School: £20,346 (£6,782 per term) Pre-Preparatory School: £15,339 (£5,113 per term) It is a great privilege to be entrusted with educating your son(s) and helping them achieve their full potential and to help you create young men of distinction who can face the future with confidence. Yours faithfully,

Simon Cartmell, OBE Chairman of the Governing Body 15

School Policies The following policies are available on our website (www.habsboys.org.uk) under the ‘About Us’ tab. You may request any of the information in hard copy by contacting the School. Able, Gifted & Talented Policy Health & Safety Policy Statement Absence from School Policy Homework Policy Admissions Policy & Process Images Policy (Taking, Storing & Using Images) Anti-Bullying Policy Individual Needs Policy & Admissions Procedures Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy Internal Appeals Policy Behaviour & Exclusions Policy Management of Controlled Assessment Policy Biometric Information Policy Missing Child Policy Bring Your Own Device Policy Non Examinations Assessment Policy Careers Education & Guidance Policy Policy on Gifts to Staff Child Protection, Safeguarding & PSHCEE Policy Welfare Policy Pupil Supervision Policy Complaints Policy Recruitment, Selection & Disclosure Policy Curriculum Policy Risk Assessment Policy Data Protection Policy Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) Policy Educational Visits Policy (School Trips Policy) Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs Policy Emergency Evacuation Policy (Examinations) Special Educational Needs & Disability Access Equal Opportunities Policy (Pupils) Policy (including Disability Access Plan) Equal Opportunities Policy (Staff) Staff Professional Development Policy E-Safety Policy Student Laptop Use in Lessons & Examinations Examinations Contingency Plan/ Risk Whistleblowing Policy Assessment Policy Whole School Marking Policy Examinations Contingency Plan/ Risk Assessment Fire Safety Procedures & Risk Assessment Policy First Aid Policy

The Chairman of the Aske Board is Simon Cartmell, the Chairman of the Boys’ School Committee is Mrs Margot Chaundler. Both can be contacted at the address of our Trustees, the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers: Haberdashers’ Hall 18 West Smithfield London EC1A 9HQ Tel. 020 7246 9988


Admissions Questionnaire Dear Parents, As the 2018 admissions entries are finalised, it is very helpful to us to analyse our procedures and improve as and where necessary. At Haberdashers’ we are eager to include within any review, all parties who are involved in our admissions procedure. We would be grateful if you would be able to spare a few moments of your time in order to complete the questionnaire, which can be found on the Parent Portal, by Friday 25 May 2018. I should stress that there is no obligation for you to do this but that you may be able to help us improve the service we give to parents in future years. All returned questionnaires will, of course, remain confidential. Thank you for your time. Yours sincerely,

Keren Pollock Director of Admissions

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