Hotel Signal

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Hatice Filiz Ăœnverir MDes Interior Design Hotel Brief Final












10 - 13



14 - 29









m y Mtya rt ga er gt e itn hi nahbai tb ai tnatnst sa raer eb ab ca kc kp pa ac ckkeerrss whw o heon je on yj o yb ebi ne ign go no nt hteh er oraoda dw iwti ht ht ht eh ei ri r mam p sa plse al ed ai nd gi n gt htehme.m E. vEevne nt hteh ye yd od no n’ t’ t h ah av ve e a ma a pm ,a pt ,h et yh e ay r ea r ue s ue sde dt o t or e raeda dt hteh es i sg ingsn s o n otnh et ihre isr u rs ru or ruonudni dn ignsg st ot of i fni dn dt ht eh ieri r wwa ay yss. . T h eT hreo ur to eu t oe f o tf h te hi re i jr o juorunren ye ym m o ro er e l ilki ke el yl y s h as ph ea ps e w s i twhi t hw hwahta tt htehye ys esee eo no nt hteh er or ao da d. . S i gSni sg ntsh et hy a rt e tcheei vy e r ef cr eo imv et hf er o emn vt hi reo n m e n t s t iemnuvli ar ot ne mtehnet ms ta inmdu ltaht ee y t m h eamk ea ns do mt eh e y d e cmi aski oe n sso m w ei t hd etchi sei ognusi dwei tohf tthhee sg eu i ds ei g on fs t o tchoenstei nsui eg n tsh et oi r cwo an tyi.n u e t h e i r w a y .


''What matters is not what it thinks but what it sees. ‘’ – Roland Barthes

In my design I'd ike to feed the backpackers’ hunger of wayfinding by referring their natural instincts. I want make them experience that they're in an abandoned space with a limited knowledge and they try to find their ways with the help of signs which 'Hotel Signal' send them. In this time they have no maps, it's time to read the peripheral signs.




I chose Abandoned Petrol Station because of it’s location and distinctive features. Easy to access for backpackers: near the main roads, can offer a casual accommodation for these travelers. They can enter the hotel with a random decision and Hotel Signal can meet their needs as much as possible because of it's ability to arrange flexible options.

''A rather banal petrol station, sited on West Street, beside the ramp up onto Kingston Bridge. Located west of the city centre, this was a Esso Petroleum Company Ltd service station. A simple design of a small rectangular box with a flying shelter on legs, this station is a typical of petrol stations across the UK.''



ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES * Easily accessible, findable for travelers. * Close to main roads which represents the notion of ''being on the road.'' as backpackers' the way of living. * Open to car noice coming from main roads. * Because of it's site location, has access to natural light. * semi-open space with four main coloumns carrying she ceiling. * Located next to green areas, it has an open plan.


Corrugated metal sheet roof

uneven oor surface

concrete pillars 8

exposed bulbs

BUILDING FEATURES AND MATERIALITY * Abandoned feeling created by rough/exposed materials. * The untreated materials create a rough looking texture, and add to the harshness of the space. Every material is hard, industrial, raw and dilapidated. Some of the materials are showing the effects of abandonment, such as the rusting metal, and peeling paint. * Materials feeding the feeling of abandonment; -dilapidation of materials -abrasion on walls -uneven flooring -wilderness areas -out in the open electricity * The main road with passing cars and the CCTV cameras inside the petrol station create a feeling of being observed from every angle.



* Shopping area created by modified containers * Two different material usage: corrugated steel and wood

* Created floor pattern with different materials on pedestrian road * Common seating units located outside



ABSTRACT : The aim of this essay is to explain my hotel design proposal for backpackers in terms of guests’ experiences in their arrival to the hotel, on route they follow and in rooms they accommodate. According to my concept, I l i n k e d t h e s e a r e a s w i t h a s t o n i s h m e n t o f u n c e r t a i n t y, c u r i o s i t y t o t h e will lighten my concept via case studies, site analysis, related scenario and visuals. Key Words : Backpackers; Way finding; Being on the Road; Abandoned; Mobility; Hotel Rooms Word Count : 1483 * First, children leave gravels on the floor as tracks, to go back to their houses. They can find their way by following the same road. * Second, they leave breadcrumbs, but animals eat these breads. When tracks are not visible, children can’t go back their home.


Núùez de Balboa Parking on Madrid Street

* Created floor pattern with different materials on the road to help drivers of finding their roads. * Black tunnel, lighting is supplied by linear led lights.

* Color coding on open/close stick. * Green is open, red is closed.



* Motion-sensory floor surface creating tracks on it and car can follow this road. * Peple has different shape of tracks on the surface,

* Created for using the same road as people and cars. * Interactive journey with signals on the floor.


ESSAY - HOTEL SIGNAL The Glasgow School of Art, Master of Design in Interior Design

ABSTRACT : The aim of this essay is to explain my hotel design proposal for backpackers in terms of guests’ experiences in their arrival to the hotel, on route they follow and in rooms they accommodate. According to my concept, I l i n k e d t h e s e a r e a s w i t h a s t o n i s h m e n t o f u n c e r t a i n t y, c u r i o s i t y t o t h e will lighten my concept via case studies, site analysis, related scenario and visuals. Key Words : Backpackers; Way ďŹ nding; Being on the Road; Abandoned; Mobility; Hotel Rooms Word Count : 1483


INTRODUCTION ‘ S e e i n g c o m e s b e f o r e w o r d s .’ ( B e r g e r, 1 9 7 2 : 7 ) ‘ W h e n a p p r o p r i a t e , w e s h a l l r e f e r t o s i g n r e a d e r s a s ‘ ’ w a y fi n d e r s ’ ’, a n d ‘ ’ t r a v e l l e r s ’ ’. (Mollerup, 2005 : 11) Hotel Signal is designed for solitary backpackers coming from different adventures / roads. One of the main purpose of my design is feeling the spirit of ''being on the road'' by

their journey more likely shapes with what they see on the road while looking for the ‘ T r a c k f o l l o w i n g i s t h e m o s t b a s i c w a y o f w a y fi n d i n g .’ ( M o l l e r u p , 2 0 0 5 : 4 5 ) In my design, I would like to make guests experience that are in an abandoned space with a they have no maps different from the usual, the hotel itself is going to guide them as an creates coloured tracks on the surface when guests are walking on it. Similar to ‘Hot and Cold Game’ logic, as guests approach to their room, the tracks of them change the colour from b l u e i s h t o r e d d i s h c o l o u r o n t h e fl o o r. R e d m e a n s ‘ h o t ’, w h i c h y o u ’ r e c l o s e t o fi n d y o u r r o o m . B l u e m e a n s ‘ c o l d ’, w h i c h y o u a r e n ’ t c l o s e t o i t .


spaces in which to physically (re)connect with the world and major

(Moreno, 2015 : 3)

Hotel Signal is a place where travellers can connect with the rest of the world and its other members as well. I aimed to unite backpackers coming from various socializing area centrally located on the plan. In this area, guests can spend their technological tools (Fig. 1). Therefore, guests will be aware of other members s u r r o u n d i n g t h e m i n t h e i r j o u r n e y w h i l e t r y i n g t o fi n d r o o m s , h o w e v e r, i n t h e i r rooms; they will be enjoying of their solitariness.

To c r e a t e g u e s t s ' a r r i v a l , r o u t e a n d r o o m ; I d i d a p e r s o n a l p s y c h o a n a l y s i s b y e x a m i n i n g the links between unconscious elements of backpackers’ mental processes during their j o u r n e y. A c c o r d i n g t o m y s c e n a r i o , ‘ a r r i v a l ’ i s t h e b e g i n n i n g o f j o u r n e y a n d m y g u e s t s f e e l a s t o n i s h e d b e c a u s e o f u n c e r t a i n t y. W h e n t h e y s t a r t t o f o l l o w t h e i r r o u t e , t h e y f e e l curious because they start to receive and read peripheral signs and this ignites their c u r i o s i t y. W h e n t h e y fi n a l l y fi n d t h e i r r o o m , t h e y f e e l r e l i e v e d a n d e n j o y t h e i r p r i v a t e



Locker/luggage room



Mini kitchen + socilizing area


HOTEL NEEDS * single rooms * restrooms / bathrooms


* socializing area with wiďŹ * mini kitchen / vending machines * bicycle storage area (inside rooms) * locker / luggage room



* laundry


Figure 1



I used fence by referring original building materiality (Fig. 2). F o r a r r i v a l , I d e s i g n e d a t o u c h - o p e r a t e d p l a q u e w i t h C C T V, w h i c h c r e a t e s a feeling of being observed on guests (Fig. 3). On the other hand, this is necessary for security because no one is speciďŹ cally in charge of new customers. Also in Screen plaque welcomes guests by sending laser lights on the oor to the guest, which means new guests are detected by the machine. Guests can customize their

m o v i n g a w a y. A r r i v a l p a r t i s a l s o c o n n e c t e d w i t h m a i n s o c i a l i z i n g a r e a w h e r e e v e r y guest can access.


Figure 2


ARRIVAL Astonishment: uncertinity in the beginning of journey. CCTV plaque welcomes guests by watching entrance carefully.

Patternisis entirelyred, red,he hefinds findsthe theroom! room! Pattern entirely red, he finds the room! Pattern isisentirely entirely red, he finds the room! Pattern 20

Guestenters. enters. Guest enters. Guest enters. Guest

Patterngets getswarmer, warmer,more morereddish. reddish. Pattern gets warmer, more reddish. Pattern gets warmer, more reddish. Pattern

CCTVdetects detectsnew newguest. guest. CCTV detects new guest. CCTV detects new guest. CCTV

Hecloses closesto tohis hisroom, room,his hispattern patterngets getsreddish. reddish. He closes to his room, his pattern gets reddish. He closes to his room, his pattern gets reddish. He


CCTVsends sendsmotion-sensory motion-sensorycircular circularpattern patternon onthe thefloor. floor. CCTV sends motion-sensory circular pattern on the floor. CCTV sends motion-sensory circular pattern on the floor. CCTV

Heturned turnedback backto tothe thecentre, centre,the theroom roomshould shouldbe beon onthe theleft. left. He turned back to the centre, the room should be on the left. He turned back to the centre, the room should be on the left. He

C:\Users\pc\Desktop\MDes research\FINAL PRESENTATION\kesin gier\T-ARRIVAL.gif

Guesttries triesto tofigure figureititititout. out. Guest tries to figure out. Guest tries to figure out. Guest

Ooops...bluishcolor, color, wrong wrongway! way! Ooops...bluish color, wrong way! Ooops...bluish color, wrong way! Ooops...bluish

Moreblue blueon onthe thefloor! floor!He Heneeds needsto tochange changehis hisdirection. direction. More blue on the floor! He needs to change his direction. More blue on the floor! He needs to change his direction. More 21


Figure 3

ROUTE I i m a g i n e d t h e r o u t e a s a l i n e a r j o u r n e y. I c r e a t e d a p a t h a s a m a i n r o a d running along between the movable truck rooms as if they pull over wayside b o x e s e m p h a s i z e ‘ ’ m o b i l i t y ’ ’, w h i c h s u p p o r t s t h e w h o l e i d e a a b o u t b e i n g o n t h e First, when a guest starts to walk on the path, all openings of trucks are closed as if they are not hotel rooms, they are just parked vehicles. Thanks to seamless exterior surfaces of truck rooms, whole view of the path looks abandoned at first. o f t h e i r r o o m l i ke w i n d o w s a n d e n t r a n c e d o o r s t a r t s t o g o d o w n s l o w l y. path that they walk, backpackers’ can find the right way going to their selected room t r a v e l l i n g e x p e r i e n c e s , h o w e v e r, t h e y w i l l t u r n b a c k a n d fi n d t h e i r w a y s t h a n k s t o (reddish) colour as they walk.



Figure 4

ROUTE Curiosity: starting to receive and read peripheral signals. linear journey between rooms, as if truck boxes pull over wayside.

Guest is far from the room, path seems abandoned.

She arrived her room!

She is getting closer, door is going down slowly.

She is very close to it.

GIF LINK : C:\Users\pc\Desktop\MDes research\FINAL PRESENTATION\kesin gier\AHA-1.gif



t h i s w a y , r o o m s a r e a l s o a c c e s s i b l e f o r d i s a b l e d p e o p l e w i t h w h e e l c h a i r. S a m e l o g i c to the surface again with the help of movable joints and chains. When openings are closed, hotel rooms have a seamless corrugated steel exterior (Fig. 5). The Much More Bearable Lightness of Being - Experiences mean more stu but weigh less than things. Nomads are less concerned with the stu they can do or make. (Moreno, 2015 : 3) I n s i d e o f t h e r o o m , I t r i e d t o c r e a t e m o r e l i g h t e r, b r i g h t e r a n d m i n i m a l a t m o s p h e r e than backpackers' route that they followed. It is because, according to my concept, journey in my hotel project (Fig. 6). M o r e o v e r, I ' v e w o r k e d o n f o l d a b l e / s i m p l e f u r n i t u r e a r r a n g e m e n t s d e s c e n d i n g f r o m i n t h e i r j o u r n e y s a s w e l l . I n t e r m s o f m a t e r i a l i t y, I p r e f e r r e d t o u s e ' o r i e n t e d s t r a n d b o a r d ' as interior cladding material (Fig. 8). The main reason of using this material is that OSB is a very light material and easy to carry by trucks. Also it is a very strong material to prevent moisture, damp and dash. Between the exterior steel surface and interior OSB cladding, I e c o - f r i e n d l y. 26

ROOM Relieving: Finding location of accommodation. corrugated ‘Corres’ steel used for exterior

insulation material used between steel exterior and OSB inteior.

Figure 5

truck boxes emphasize ‘mobility’ and refer ‘being on the road notion; backpackers’ life style.

OSB (oriented strand board material used for interior and foldable materials in terms of bearability and durability. Figure 6

Ramp supply accesibility for everyone.


Cortes Steel Figure 7


OSB Figure 8

EPS Foam Figure 9

CONCLUSION As a conclusion, Hotel Signal is designed for backpackers by analysing their way of living , o b s e r v i n g t h e i r s u r r o u n d i n g s a n d s o m a k e d e c i s i o n s a b o u t t h e r o a d s t h a t t h e y f o l l o w, I w a n t e d O n e o f t h e m o s t c r u c i a l p o i n t i s i n c l u d i n g b a c k p a c ke r s p h y s i c a l l y a n d m e n t a l l y i n t o t h i s j o u r n e y. invites guests to be part of the adventure by following tracks as they walk. What is more, the main p a t h w h e r e t r u c k h o t e l r o o m s l o c a t e d w a y s i d e a s i f t h e y p u l l o v e r, p l a y s a p r o f o u n d r o l e t o g a t h e r b a c k p a c k e r s t o g e t h e r a n d m a k e t h e m c o n t a c t e a c h o t h e r. M o r e o v e r, i n o r d e r t o c r e a t e t h e a r r i v a l , route and room for backpackers, I used travellers’ dierent mental stages as a guide from the


BIBLIOGRAPHY Barthes, R., 1957, Mythologies. Paris: Edi ons du Seuil, 15. Berger, J., 1972, Ways of Seeing, London: Penguin/BBC, 7. Codrescu, A., 2002, Mobile: The Art of Portable Architecture, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 10. Moreno, S., 2015, The New Nomads, Temporary Spaces and Life on the Move, Berlin: Gestalten, 3. Mollerup, P., 2005, Wayshowing, A Guide to Environmental Signage Principles & Prac ces, Italy: Lars MĂźller Publishers, 11 & 45. Morgan, T., 2011, Visual Merchandising : Window and In-store Displays for Retail, London : Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 6.

Interac ons Magazine, Breadcrumb Naviga on: There's More to Hansel and Gretel than Meets the Eye, Design Ar cle website, (15.12.2017) h p:// cles/breadcrumbs.htm

Hot or Cold, Family Games website, (15.12.2017) h ps:// 30


visuals prepared by student.

Figure 7 :

h p:// Date access: 15.12.2017

Figure 8 :

h ps://www.dreams Date access : 15.12.2017

Figure 9 :

h p://heavy Date access: 15.12.2017


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