Guyana Times Daily

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World-class Marriott Hotel on track! P 18

Nationwide coverage from the best news team in Guyana Issue No. 1993


Wednesday, December 25, 2013


$60 vat included

(Our next edition will be on Friday, December 27)

Damage by muckraking to Guyana...

The role of sensationalistic journalism See story on pages 13-17


City prisoners to get special treatment P3 today Husband hacks wife to death P7 Daughter P7 sets mother’s house on fire Biker killed in collision with car


Another murder at North West District P22 Govt warns U.S. about insistence on rejected P23 USAID project City streets were on Tuesday jammed with shoppers and vehicles as Guyanese made one final push to get everything in place for Christmas Day. The traditional late night shopping was also a big plus for businesses which cashed in on the spending frenzy (Carl Croker photo)

Chief librarian dies in two-vehicle collision See story on page 10

Cabinet summons GPL over power woes



wednesDay, december 25, 2013 |



The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on Wednesday, December 25 from 10:30h to 12:00h. The Berbice River Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on Wednesday, December 25 from 09:30h to 11:00h.

WEATHER TODAY Countrywide: Heavy rain showers are expected to prevail during the day with partly cloudy conditions during the evening over coastal regions and near inland locations. Temperatures are expected to range between 24 degrees and 28 degrees Celsius. Wind: East north-easterly between zero and 2.77 metres per second. High Tide: 09:45h and 22:14h reaching maximum heights of 2.31 and 2.28 metres respectively. Low Tide: 03:13h and 15:44h reaching minimum heights of 0.89 metre and 0.93 metre respectively.

tuesday, December 24, 2013


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Daily Millions


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Draw De Line

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wednesDay, december 25, 2013|

City prisoners to get special treatment today I

nmates at the Georgetown Prison will be given a royal treatment today by the Prison Fellowship Guyana as they celebrate the joy and hope of Christmas among themselves while being away from their loved ones. Executive director of the Fellowship and ordained minister of the prison chapel, Reverend, Dr Fay Clarke in an interview told Guyana Times that as customary; members of the fellowship will be spending the day with the prisoners. The reverend said that she would spend about five or six hours at the prison during which she will be encouraging the prisoners, giving them hope and also teaching them about forgiveness. The inmates would be treated to sumptuous meals along with cakes and drinks. They have also planned a concert where they will be performing. Those prisoners, who have been consistent with their attendance at the chapel, would also be allowed there today. Clarke said the prisoners had taken it upon themselves to decorate the chapel with their very own hand-made deco-

Reverend, Dr Fay Clarke

rations. Meanwhile, last Thursday, Reverend Clarke esaid she went to the New Amsterdam Female Prison where she distributed inspirational books, magazines and hygiene products, among other items. The fellowship also selected the most vulnerable female prisoner and presented toys to her, which she passed on to her children under the “Angel Tree Programme”. “Gifts would be acquired by fellowship boards across the world and through donations, and then we gave

them to the children as coming from their imprisoned parent… this is one of the strategies of maintaining the relationship between the mother and her children because quite often people forget that prisoners are humans too and they have children who love them and miss them, especially during Christmas time,” she stated. Reverend Clarke explained that during this season, prisoners tend to become depressed because they miss their families and friends, and as such, these activities are planned to help cheer them up so that they too can enjoy the spirit of the season. She noted that the initiative of spreading the joy and hope of Christmas and the way it is received by the prisoners is a mechanism used to amplify the effec-

tiveness of the prison’s rehabilitation programme.


wednesday, december 25, 2013

Views Editor: Nigel Williams Tel: 225-5128, 231-0397, 226-9921, 226-2102, 223-7230 or 223-7231. Fax: 225-5134 Mailing address: 238 Camp & Quamina Streets, Georgetown Email:,


Christmas: A time of hope T

oday, Guyana is blessed to be celebrating Christmas in all its traditional glory. And the most significant aspect of that glory is that while our nation is a deeply multi-religious one, people from all the various religions will be joining their Christian compatriots to reflect on the significance of this holiday. In modern parlance, this can be seen as part of an effort to increase our “social capital”– the feeling of the people of a country that they are committed to a common endeavour, which is now conceded to be the sine qua non of all developmental efforts. Another, and not unconnected aspiration, is for the populace to have a positive outlook as far as their future is concerned. If one comes to believe that there is no “betterment” ahead, then it becomes so easy to slide into despair and nihilism. Without hope, there can be no tomorrow. While Christmas represents a time for hope, very sadly, there are other forces operating in our society to destroy such hope. It is not simply a case of schadenfreude, where one takes pleasure in the misfortunes of others, but a cold and calculated effort to create a feeling of despair and helpless in the populace to fulfil insidious agendas. In today’s edition, there is a specially commissioned article on the damage that is being done to this country, starting from the psyches of our children, by a sensationalist press that has moved far beyond of its pursuit of lucre. Christmas celebrates the life of the son of God, who preached, “Suffer little children to come unto me...”, meaning that children should be allowed to have hope of a better future, whether here or in the hereafter. We hope that all Guyanese of all faiths and creeds will study the findings of the article and begin to take action to repair the damage to our national self-confidence that has been created by an out of control “spit press”. While they may differ on specifics, according to all religions, man is not perfect – that state of being is occupied only by the supreme Godhead. As such, every man, woman and child, and all their agglomerations have faults and imperfections. So by definition, we know that our various organisations, including our state and government, will fall short of even the ideals and rules that define their regime. Man’s task personally, and a nation’s task collectively, is to keep on striving to do better. As such there is nothing inherently wrong in the media pointing out the shortcomings and defects of our present system of government and the economy. One must know that something is wrong before one will be willing to fix it. However, there cannot be an assumption that everyone who falls short of some ideal is evil and must be hung on a cross. Apart from not automatically assuming that our human ideals are perfect and complete, there is the premise that people can correct their mistakes. A refusal to acknowledge that people are trying to make systems work better and that they are having some positive effect, or worse yet insisting that everything is moving towards some sort of corruption ridden dystopia, will inevitably kill all genuine hope of change. No objective observer of the Guyanese political, cultural or economic landscape can deny that our overall living conditions have not improved. Without even checking the macroeconomic figures from the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) report on Guyana, we need to only step out of homes in any village, or town or village and observe the palpable and visible signs of progress. This Christmas, let all Guyanese not blind our eyes to our personal or collective shortcomings, but to make a resolution to work together and to acknowledge our progress, incremental though they may be. Let us commit to developing this “dear land of Guyana”. Merry Christmas to all.

Miss and Mr Texila America University Umadevi Bux and Bonaventure Atulomah strike a pose after being crowned the winners of the university’s inaugural pageants on Sunday, December 22 at the National Cultural Centre. Also in photo are male first and second runners up Manmeet Dhillon and Erastus Nwanekezi respectively, and female first and second runners up Stephanie Ezeweputa and Salma Khan in that order (Carl Croker photo)

Passing of a great broadcaster Dear Editor, I learnt with great sadness of the death of Oswald Singh this morning. My late Guru, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud introduced me to Oswald some years ago during one of our religious recordings at the national radio station. I was told that he was an excellent broadcaster, with a powerful voice and a friendly individual. During that period and of recent, my frequent contacts with him during interviews or whenever he is around when I did recordings at Radio Guyana Inc (RGI) demonstrated what a pleasant personality he exhibited. He will be remembered for his simplicity and the kindness and compassion that he has shown to so many who have crossed

KAY MAN MAAHI, TINHA KAHU JAG DURLAB KACHHU NAAHI”. We never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to be present in every act, thought and choice we make. Their affection leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We can find comfort in knowing that having shared theirs has enriched our lives. To Oswald’s family please accept my most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May his Atma find peace. Oswald Singh

paths with him. The Ramcharitmanas advocates “priht bs ijNh ke

mn mahI | itNh khu> jg dulRw k7u nahI. PARHIT BAS JINHA

Sincerely, Pandit Jagmohan Persaud Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha

Kaieteur News, Stabroek News and Harmon should apologise

Dear Editor, I, among civil minded Guyanese would like to join in demanding apologies from Stabroek News, Kaieteur News and Joseph Harmon for the misinformation that was spreading like wildfire regarding the Muri Permission Geographical and Geological Survey (PGGS). As Ralph Ramkarran in a recent article, “Mining in the Muri Mountains”, stated “Most of the questions have now been answered, but three serious issues of national consequence remain.

These are national security, the environment and exploration. Whatever happens to this particular venture –and the extensive hostility generated to it and unfairly to the minister does not bode well for its future – these issues will remain.” Despite the series of explanations provided by Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud and his ministry and other stakeholders within the sector, namely the Private Sector Commission, the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners

Association and the company itself – Muri Brazil Venture Inc, there were no apologies forthcoming. But rather Stabroek News, Kaieteur News and Harmon continue to twist the facts to validate their misinformation. The facts of the matter which were prominent in the newspapers and on the social media nullified the ill-advised statements by Harmon and misguided publications by Stabroek News and Kaieteur News. I believe that we all should hold ourselves accountable for what we say and do.

Hence, the time has come for the authors of the misinformation – Stabroek News, Kaieteur News and Harmon to accept the facts and do the ethical thing and apologise to the minister, the mining sector and most of all for misinforming the public. Professional and journalistic ethics should prevail and the necessary courtesies should be extended to the minister and the mining sector. Regards, Erica Smith Retired teacher

wednesday, december 25, 2013


You can send your letters with pictures to: Guyana Times, 238 Camp & Quamina Streets, Georgetown, Guyana or

Goolsarran likes to present an allure of independence Dear Editor, In my previous letters, I explained that credibility is an important characteristic for columnists to possess. I also noted that Anand Goolsarran does not possess this characteristic, particularly because of his past acceptance of unethical practices when he was deputy auditor general and auditor general under the People’s National Congress (PNC) regime and also because of his current double standard in support of leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan. Today, I would like to further examine how Goolsarran’s credibility is severely damaged. Michael Goolsarran is the son of Anand Goolsarran and was on the AFC’s list of candidates in the 2006 election cycle. Anand is a known supporter of the AFC, which strongly opposes the People’s Progressive

Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration. Anand is also the director of Transparency International, Guyana. While Transparency International is controversial on its own, he adds to the controversy because of his intimately close ties to the opposition. This alone damages his credibility as his hidden motive is to promote the interests of the AFC. As if further evidence of his close ties to the AFC is needed, the AFC nominated Anand to be the party’s representative to the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The fact that he did not decline the nomination reflects his commitment to the AFC, its policies and its members. Yet Anand likes to present an allure of independence when he uses Transparency International, Guyana to label the current adminis-

tration as corrupt, unethical and non-transparent. These acts of hypocrisy needs to be examined and weighed as further reasons why Anand lacks all credibility to tell any administration about transparency and corruption. The same way he uses his column to cherry pick the issues that will benefit, he equally uses his reach and title with Transparency International to promote the interests of his son and the AFC by discrediting the PPP/C administration. This is yet another example of why Anand lacks any credibility to be a columnist, whether on accounting, corruption or governance. Anand should not be taken seriously as a columnist or as a defender of transparency and good governance. Sincerely, Richard Paul


wednesday, december 25, 2013



Children gain powerful knowledge through play


hildren learn through play. You hear us say this often, but what does it mean? From birth, children are active participants in building their own understanding. They do this by experimenting, observing, and participating with other children and adults. Children construct knowledge and build on what they already know. Adults observe each child. They watch the children work with the materials and toys. Teachers prepare the environment to help each child build on what

they already know. What does this look like in the early childhood classroom? Here is a quick tour of what a child is learning as they play with the different materials, media, and toys. When your child is working on a puzzle or building with Legos, he is learning: * Small muscle control * Eye-hand coordination * To increase their focus ability and concentration skills * Parts-to-whole concepts * One to one correspondence and sets When your child doodles on paper with a marker or a pen, he is learning: * Utilisation of fine motor skills

* Visual discrimination * About shape, colour, space, and texture * To express their thoughts on paper * To experiment with letter sounds (invented spelling) * To construct words, phrases, and sentences * The power of print * The importance of literacy * The joy of reading and writing When your little one is playing dress-up and pretend (tea parties with her teddy bears), she is learning:


* To interact with oth-

* Empathy through role playing * To take turns and to share * Relationship of home, school, and the community * Language skills and new vocabulary * Math concepts, such as more/less When your child builds objects with their building blocks, like a train or a house, he is learning: * Spatial relationships and physical properties of objects * Cooperation * Problem solving skills * Math concepts such as size, shape, weight, and volume. (



wednesday, december 25, 2013 |

Husband hacks “unfaithful” PPP/C extends Christmas greeting to all Guyanese wife to death


ess than 24 hours after a mother of four of Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo was stabbed at least 29 times by her estranged reputed husband; another woman met her demise in a similar manner in the wee hours of Tuesday morning at her home in Leguan. Sunita Lall, 25, of Endeavour Village, Leguan, East Bank Essequibo was killed by her husband, Yuvindra Jagdai about 03:30h on Tuesday after he accused her of being unfaithful. The 29 year-old fisherman reportedly took a knife and slit the woman’s throat and then fled the scene. According to information, the couple was married for the past seven years and their union brought forth three children. Guyana Times understands that Lall and Jagdai had constant arguments with both accusing each other of being unfaithful. On the night in question, the couple was heard quarrelling in the house which was followed by a commotion, then absolute silence. Jagdai was seen running out of the house and has not been seen since. Pulmattie Jagdai, the mother of the suspect,

when contacted revealed that she received a telephone call about 03:30h, informing her that something was wrong with her daughter-in-law. She said that she immediately contacted another son and requested that he make a check. The woman stated that upon arriving at the house, he saw a huge crowd and knew something was amiss. As he approached the house, the dead woman’s mother chased him out of the yard, blaming her family for what had happened. Quiet The woman explained that since her son got married to Lall, she stopped him from visiting his family. The woman related that her son was a victim of domestic violence. “De gal and she mother use to beat me son… he can’t say and do anything in the house… is like she was the man and he was de woman in the marriage.” The worried woman stated that her son might have had enough and took matters into his own hands. “He bin ah one quiet person… is they turn he to be monster… since they say he kill she, meh nah hear from he or see he and meh ah hope and pray that

he nah go kill he self.” Attempts to make contact with the dead woman’s relatives proved futile, but this publication understands that the woman was the only child alive for her parents. Her brother passed away a few years ago. On Monday, Sookdai Lalita Basdeo, 37, of Lot 2400 Block 8, Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo was found dead in her bathroom with her throat slit and several stab wounds about her body. She was allegedly killed by her estranged commonlaw husband who subsequently admitted to committing the act. The man was taken into police custody and is expected to be charged shortly. According to reports received, Basdeo and the man, Iqbal, were together for the past 20 years, but separated about a year ago. During the 20 years together, Basdeo reportedly left the home several times but her reputed husband would always take her back. Up to the time of her demise, Basdeo was living home with another man, Salim Ahmad, with whom she shared a relationship for close to two years.


he People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) extends warm Christmas greetings to all Guyanese, especially the Christian community during this most festive period of the year. The party in a statement said it is heartening to note that unlike some parts of the world, Guyana has not lost the traditional significance of this season as well as its religious message of love and compassion.

“We have managed as a society to interweave these aspects along with the commercial appeal of the season into a unique brand of Christmas only found in our country. “We are also pleased with the tremendous response from all of our people as manifested by just a glimpse at any of the commercial areas around the country. While it goes largely unacknowledged, this is a significant factor which increases a common bond among our

people,” the party said. The party said despite the fact that it is constantly bombarded throughout the year with factors which serve to divide Guyanese; the struggle for unity must not be a lost cause. “The PPP/C wishes to encourage all Guyanese to enjoy the holiday in a safe manner, and in doing so, respect others in their celebration. Merry Christmas!” the statement concluded.

Daughter sets mother’s house on fire


he daughter of a former senior teacher of the Kuru Kururu Primary School was on Monday evening taken into police custody after she deliberately set her mother’s house on fire. The 21-year-old woman Anecia Cyrus, according to reports, set the house on fire with her mother and smaller brother asleep. After setting the home alight, the woman reportedly went into the yard and watched as the flames engulfed the two-storey wooden and concrete house. The fire started in the lower flat of the house, but due to the heat, the young man was awakened and he ran to his mother’s room and alerted her. They both made their way out of the inferno unhurt. Yvonne Pilgrim was still devastated when this newspaper made contact with her on Tuesday, but her eldest son Odingo Ceres said that the fam-

ily has suffered a major lost. Ceres, who was staying with his mom, related that he was not sure of the reason for his sister torching the house. “I don’t know if this girl trip… she does study a lot… she went to CPCE and now in UG… She had her last test on Monday… I don’t know what got into her head… I thanked God that my mother and brother are safe.” He added that his mother worked all her life to build a house and buy a car and to know that everything went up in fire is hard to digest. “And around this time… it real terrible,” he reiterated. Ceres explained that the fire started about the 23:00h and within a matter of 15 minutes, the entire house turned to debris. He added that his mother’s car, which was parked under the house was also destroyed by the fire. He further stated that his

mother and smaller brother made it out of the house just in time or it would have been more devastating. Ceres said that after the fire started, the fire engines arrived on the scene about after 45 minutes but by this time, the house was far gone. After 10 minutes, the water in the tank finished and there was no water source to tap into, making things worst. Ceres added that his mother is staying with her brother on the West Bank of Demerara and has not gone to inspect the aftermath of the fire. “I don’t think she can stand to see what is left of the house… she is in tears all the time and more so, angry at the actions of her daughter.” As police continue their investigations, the suspect is expected to be charged with arson. The Guyana Fire Service has also launched a probe into the matter.

8 news

wednesday, december 25, 2013|

Odyssey Jet Boat, Feroze Barakat and Family spread Christmas joy

Eyew tness


Some of the children at the party


dyssey Jet Boat and Feroze Barakat and Family spread Christmas joy last Sunday at Meten-Meer-Zorg,

West Coast Demerara and Parika Salem, East Bank Essequibo, treating some 800 Children. The children received

toys and other goodies at the party. The annual event, which is hosted to bring happiness and laughter to

the children for the season‚ was sponsored by Odyssey Jet Boat, located at 171 Light Street, Bourda, Georgetown. TUC It’s very clear the Christmas season has unleashed a wave of nostalgia for “the way it was”. Look at the letter from the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) – no doubt penned by Lincoln “The Loud” Lewis – throwing his organisation’s support for the U.S. insistence they can do whatever they want in Guyana! This, of course, harks back to the “way it was” back in the 1960s when the U.S. moved to remove the democratically elected People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government and used the GTUC as one of its primary tools to do its dirty work. With the GTUC now pretty much down and out, Lewis and his motley crew must be salivating at the thought of some destabilisation money flowing into their pockets. Back in the 1960s it took US$3.5 million to oust the PPP...which was quite cheap, thank you, as far as the then going price for coups. Today that’ll be worth a cool US$26 million. Enough to divvy up between the labour party and the political opposition a la the 1960s!! Now if you think we’re overreacting, let’s review some facts. After the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) got “bad name” with its bloody regime changes in the 1960s and 1970s, Ronald Reagan in 1983 decided to do the job though the U.S. government and funded the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The money would be funneled, not through the CIA and American Institute for Free Labour Development AIFLD – the labour arm of the American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organisations (AFL/ CIO) – as it was in the 1960s, but through the U.S. political party affiliated International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the labour backed American Centre for Labour Solidarity. Ah...the joys of coming out of the closet! The so called “democratisation project” that Lewis, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC) insist Guyana just can’t do without, is being executed by the IRI. The folks that brought you the coup against Hugo Chávez back in 2002 and the one in Honduras in 2009. In post Hosni Mubarak Egypt, they refused to pass on any funding for their “building democracy” project to the Muslim Brotherhood. So what if, like in Guyana, their putative mandate was to help “all” political groups? We can now understand the GTUC under Lewis fixation on political matters to the detriment of labour. It’s been said the mouth is muzzled by the hand that feeds it. Some mouths are so voracious they don’t need any muzzling – just the gravy and the soup. the opposition The opposition APNU and AFC have also joined in the chorus of support for the U.S. violation of Guyana’s sovereignty. As far as APNU is concerned, since it’s the People’s National Congress (PNC) with some oldsters from the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), this is also an exercise in nostalgia. Wasn’t it they that sold us out back in the 1960s for a mess of potage? Once a dog learns to suck eggs it’s practically impossible to wean them away from the habit. As for the AFC, with the departure of Raphael Trotman and the hara-kiri committed by Nigel Hughes, they’re simply the latest version of the Indo-based U.S.funded groups that were deployed against the PPP back in the 1960s. Did anyone wonder how come Dick Morris did that “free poll” for them back in 2006? One thing you learn pretty quickly is that nothing is free – especially in politics. And in fact for Moses Nagamootoo, it’s like returning home. His friend Paul Tennassee – of the Democcratic Labour Movement (DLM fame) – had revealed as to how Nagamootoo was a member of the U.S. backed Justice Party. But like that party in 1964, this time around it won’t even get back its deposit, if deposits were demanded. ...not by GPSU How about the poor Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU). Hoping to get onto the “democratisation” gravy train, Patrick Yarde had called a strike of public servants just as its predecessor had done back in 1963, to kick off the ouster of the PPP. Yarde gave a protest march, but nobody showed up. No gravy.



wednesday, december 25, 2013 |

Minister Nandlall extends Christmas goodwill to East Coast children, elderly


hristmas is synonymous with goodwill, cheer and giving, and in keeping with the spirit of the season, Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Tuesday brought smiles to the faces of many children and senior citizens at a Christmas party at Annandale, East Coast Demerara.

There was joy in the children’s faces as they were entertained by dramatic performances, and welcomed a gift bearing Santa Claus. The elderly were serenaded by classical, as well as traditional Christmas songs and carols while they enjoyed a sumptuous lunch, which Nandlall assisted in serving. Hampers were also

presented to the elderly, while sweets and other goodies were distributed to the children. “I want to recognise a contribution from His Excellency, Donald Ramotar, especially in the children’s part of the proceedings, and the members of the Annandale PPP/C group for their part in this initiative,” Nandlall told

Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General Anil Nandlall presents a hamper to a senior citizen at a Christmas party at Annandale

Children entertained by a performer at the Christmas party

the gathering. The hampers for the elderly were made possible through the kind compliments of ‘Bun’ Seepersaud, whose generosity has been seen yearly. “At the end of every year, we pay special attention to our children, we

pay special attention to our senior citizens in particular because of the work they have done in the past, and in relation to the children, the work we expect them to do in the future. “Our country has to be built by you, the children, and you are building

upon a foundation which was built by the contributions of our senior citizens, and that is why the government ensures that special provisions are made in the budget for both young people, as well as our senior citizens,” the Nandlall said.


wednesday, December 25, 2013


Chief librarian dies in two-vehicle collision


ational Library Chief Librarian Gillian Thompson, 44, of North Ruimveldt met her demise in a gruesome manner on Tuesday after a car slammed into a bus belonging to the National Library at the corners of North Road and Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown. Thompson, who was in the front passenger’s seat of the minibus, suffered several serious injuries to her body and died almost immediately. The impact sent the woman flying through the windscreen of the minibus. She then got stuck between the vehicle and the concrete bridge. Guyana Times understands that the car which caused the accident was evading police ranks. The white car that was in the trench was occupied by four men, but only two were pulled from the wreckage.

Dead: Gillian Thompson

They were later taken by the police while the others escaped. An eyewitness, Dennis Lewis told Guyana Times that he was transacting business at a gold establishment when he heard the impact. He said as he ran out, he saw the car which was still in motion sliding into the drain with the passen-

gers. He immediately rushed to the aid of the men in the car and pulled them from the wreckage. He said that by the time he pulled out the men, the police took possession of them. As he turned around, he saw the driver of the minibus and the front seat passenger being rescued from the bus. Thompson, he noted was hanging through the windscreen of the bus and was covered in blood. Her face, he added was damaged beyond recognition and her feet were evidently broken. Lewis further explained that the minibus was travelling on North Road going towards the city and it appeared that the car jumped the North Road traffic light and collided with the bus on the left side. He explained that two police ranks dressed in brown clothes were in a burgundy car giving chase

to the white car when the accident occurred. Lewis said that the police trailed the car from Robb Street after it collided with two other vehicles. Another man, who wished not to be named, also told this publication that after the collision, the police collected the two men who were obviously injured and sped off with them. He also stated that police did not even pay any attention to the two injured persons in the minibus. The driver of the bus, John Bayney, 40, of 8813 North Ruimveldt was reportedly seeking medical treatment. Thompson has been working at the National Library for a many years as a librarian and was appointed chief librarian some years back. The woman’s family was too distraught to speak with the media, but confirmed the horrific news.



atiricus was waiting for his wife to return. Mrs Satiricus had gone berserk over the blackout. The power was still not back on after almost half a day. It was now Christmas Day. She hadn’t gone because all her meats in the freezer have all spoiled. Even the turkey ham. It was not that the low voltage just before the blackout had blown her microwave. She’d lost it when her Christmas cakes “fell” in the oven when there was no electricity to switch back on the oven flame. Mrs Satiricus didn’t usually make too many waves...she was even more easygoing than Satiricus. But when you destroyed her Christmas cake, all bets were off. Everybody in the family and then some (read neighbours) looked out for Mrs Satiricus’ Christmas cakes. How was she going to get through the rest of the year without any cakes to share around? What really bugged the poor woman, it was clear, was “The Promise”. “Why the blasted arse the head power man had to promise we no blackout?” she shrieked at Satiricus. “I doan know, dear,” said Satiricus in a placating voice. He knew you didn’t mess around when the wife had that gleam in her eye. “ “Look at how dem cake fall,” she moaned as she glared at the cakes. “Dem gone in like Gandhi belly!” Mrs Satiricus had been working away at her Christmas cakes since day clean. She didn’t go for any of the newfangled devices that were supposed to free housewives from the kitchen. She also didn’t make black cake. Her specialty was fruit cake and her reputation in this concoction was formidable. She got black cake from her mother. It was sheer elbow grease that whipped all that sugar into the butter. And even more elbow grease to beat the eggs and then all the flour and fixings. Satiricus would’ve been surprised if each cake didn’t have her sweat in them. “If I catch that power man, I gon shove all this stuff up his behind,” Mrs Satiricus swore. She was really tripping now. “If he didn’t promise we power, I woulda bake the blasted cake in we brick oven!” “Now dear...Watch your tongue. Doan forget it’s Christmas,” Satiricus was trying valiantly to head off the storm, which, he knew was increasing in intensity. “At least now we know why we get blackout.” “Why??” Mrs Satiricus screamed. “He say the power was tripping,” answered Satiricus. “Tripping?? Tripping???” screamed Mrs Satiricus as she scooped up a cake in each hand and ran towards the road. “Ah gon show him some real tripping!!! Satiricus hoped the power man had his rear protected. Hell hath no fury like a woman whose Christmas cakes were made to fall. Satiricus wondered when his wife would get back home.

Food For The Poor pays fines for 15 prisoners


s part of its humanitarian programme, Food For the Poor last week Monday paid the fines for 15 prisoners in time for them to be released to spend Christmas with their families. The prisoners from across the jails in Guyana were charged with non-violent crimes. These prisoners were confined to prison because of their inability to pay the

requisite fines, even though the amounts in some instances we very small. The programme to pay the fines for inmates commenced in 2005 and takes place yearly in time for Easter and Christmas. Food For The Poor said its Prison Ministry Programme is based on the scripture, “When was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you” Matthew 25: 31- 46.


wednesday, December 25, 2013 |


wednesday, december 25, 2013 | g

Peace and goodwill B message still valid ar – today – Granger


pposition Leader David Granger said that the message of “on earth, peace, goodwill to all men” – is as valid today as it was two millennia ago. In his Christmas Day, message Granger said Jesus Christ’s earthly mission changed the course of human history. “His ministry of mercy and compassion continues to change our lives every day. Jesus Christ’s message makes Christmas a special, sacred season. The celebration of His miraculous birth is an annual reminder of the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah of His advent and incarnation as the “Prince of Peace”. The opposition leader said Guyanese of all religions have also been inspired by promises and prophecies of peace and encouraged by the season’s sense of social responsibility. “Ordinary people and social organisations have been reaching out with compassion to cheer and care for their brothers and sisters in need. We recognise the service of our public servants, soldiers, nurses and other workers who maintain our public services so that others could be safe and comfortable at this time. We remember the plight of the aged, our children, the poor and other vulnerable citizens.” He said Christmas is a time to rejoice in Jesus Christ’s marvelous message to all mankind. “It is a season to rekindle the Guyanese spirit of goodwill and to be grateful for the service and sacrifice of others. We join others to make Christmas this year a day of “peace and good will”.


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wednesDay, december 25, 2013|

Damage by muckraking to Guyana...

The role of sensationalistic journalism

World-class Marriott Hotel on track!

14 The role of sensationalistic journalism

wednesDay, december 25, 2013 |

Kaieteur News publisher Mohan “Glenn” Lall


he almost universal negative coverage of the developing world by the Western media has been well studied and documented. The single most pertinent finding has been the insidious and deleterious effects that such coverage has had on the efforts the people in those countries to lift themselves out of the state of underdevelopment into which they had been cast during colonialism. While Guyana, as part of the developing world, have also suf-

Lallbachan “Chris” Ram

fered from that negative coverage – either directly or through its replication by the local media – the analogous damage caused by the local sensationalist, Muckraking press and the correspondents they encourage, has been much greater. The most egregious local transgressors in this regard have been the Kaieteur News with its owner Mohan "Glenn" Lall, editor Adam Harris and the Stabroek News, Capitol News, along with some inveterate letter writers such as Lallbachan "Chris" Ram, Lincoln Lewis, Anand Goolsarran and Ruel Johnson, who are given limitless column inches while being conferred by authoritative-sounding titles. But this local subversion of Guyana's image has received very little analysis or even comment. This article will attempt to rectify this oversight.

Why was the negative image created?

The sensationalist yellow journalism might have begun as a device, in imitation of the model launched in modern times by Rudolph Murdoch in England and America, to pander to the lowest common denominator, to generate greater profits. But it soon morphed into a tool to further private, personal agendas. In Guyana, this took the form of supporting the opposition to oust the legally, democratically elected government of the day and to grind personal axes. The initial attacks were made on the government where every initiative and every official was dubbed as "corrupt". This was soon expanded to cover individuals who might have been friendly or associated in some way with the government, for instance through the

national Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, and turned it around into a very successful operation. Another example were the attacks on BK International, and its owner Brian Tiwari, even though this company had performed a yeoman task in maintaining the sea wall and conservancies to keep Guyana literally from drowning.

How is the negative image created? Selective bias

Kaieteur News editor Adam Harris

winning of bids for governmental contracts. The sustained viciousness and personalised nature of the attacks indicated that jealousy and spite might have dictated the negativity. In one particularly intense series of negative slanted articles, for instance, the owner of the Kaieteur News and his best friend who had won a bid for the largest department store in the country but ran it into the ground, attacked Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop, who had secured the privatised

There is firstly the selective publication of stories that fit in with the agenda of the opposition in general and the Kaieteur News/ Stabroek News in particular, to determine what is "newsworthy". The latter type of news can be called "disruptive" since they emphasise disruption, conflict, and exceptional events as opposed to stories that do not – "non-disruptive". The selection were also "event based" – reporting only on events that evoke the most extreme degree of sensationalism: murders, wife killings, robberies, incest, riots, etc, these would always get front page coverage with lurid headlines. For instance, when reporting on a massacre in Agricola, the decapitated head of one victim was plastered on the front page.

Lincoln Lewis

Airport expansion and the Marriott Hotel were all demonised without placing them in the context of the World-Bank recommended development route for Latin America and the Caribbean to concentrate on infrastructural development – especially using the public private corporation financing model. When the government went ahead with the construction of the Marriott Hotel, because it utilised funds from its autonomous privitasition unit, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments

Decontextualised bias

Anand Goolsarran

The facts of stories are also decontextualised – meaning that they are stripped of any historical, social, political, cultural or economic information that could explain them, help in making sense and relate them to other facts. For instance, the criticisms of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, the Specialty Hospital, the Cheddi Jagan International

Ruel Johnson continued on page 15

The role of sensationalistic journalism 15

wednesDay, december 25, 2013|

Limited (NICIL), and could not be stymied by the opposition in Parliament, the spit-press savaged the head of the unit, Winston Brassington. (Refer to World-class Marriott Hotel on track! on page 18)

Dramatised conflict bias

The events covered


Kaieteur News' crosshairs: the narrative invariably depicts Indian Guyanese prevailing over African Guyanese and are intended to stir up racial hostilities. The use of these simple binary oppositions always present the government in a bad light. For instance, to contrapose the government's

how their actions are influenced and guided by it. This process begins from childhood, so our children's horizons are stunted before they even had a chance to discover and fulfil their own potential. Identity, we know, is socially constructed, and the negative press cover-

Civil society condemns KN 'sensational' article

Garbage has been an eye sore in the capital city of Georgetown and has been the major contributing factor to the flash flooding during rainy periods

the opposition press are always described or dramatised to imply dual conflicts between individuals and groups. The description is always highly personalised to present a Manichean, "good vs evil" picture. Reality, of course, is always more nuanced. One particularly invidious conflict is the racial stereotyping and dehumanisation of individuals in the

dealing with the public servants to the autonomous Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)’s treatment of sugar workers. In Guyana these are simple tropes for African and Indian.


The major effect is cognitive – how people, who are constantly bombarded with this sort of news, perceive and think of Guyana – and

age has a feedback effect in that Guyanese internalise the negative image and begin to project it in their actions. Littering is a perfect example: Guyanese do this on Guyana without any qualms but immediately upon reaching any other jurisdiction will cease immediately. In Guyana they are conditioned to devalue their native land. After a while, the negaturn to pag 16

GNIC corrects GPSU condemns misleading Kaieteur News’ Kaieteur sensational and News article yellow journalism

Kaieteur News hit with $100M suit over 'libellous' article


The role of sensationalistic journalism

Wednesday, december 25, 2013 | g

The deplorable state of Guyana Stores Limited after privatisation

tive view is "naturalised" as it has by now in the overseas Guyanese population. More positive news, such as presented by this newspaper, for instance, or even on occasions by the spit press, are seen as "exceptions". The negative image is internalised and become part of people's "semantic memory" and repertoire and contributes to what is called the "social ignorance" of the people. They will literally dump in all manner of ways on Guyana. This consistent negative portrayal of Guyana conjures up and fosters and image of a dangerous, unstable and chaotic country. Physically, we are seen as always in the throes of a flood, overtopped sea walls, broken conservancy dams. This is coupled with the societal picture of Guyana as dominated with brutal and violent social conflicts. Guyanese are afraid to return home for visits, much less invest here. Culturally, Guyanese are presented as

NEW GPC INC’s headquarters at A1 Farm, East Bank Demerara

always "sporting" and partying – which becomes a self fulfilling prophesy after being internalised. On a political level, the current stereotype is one of anarchic ethnic tribalism whereby the political competition of the population is presented as being driven by primordial and irrational forces instead of competing value systems or ideological differences. As indicated above the other dominant charge is rampant corruption which is beaten into the heads of the populace with such Goebells – like frequency that it takes on the from of folklore. The conclusion, frequently heard in the populace is that "nothing works" in Guyana. Self confidence is eaten away. The end result is a dominant image of a country that is perpetually in crisis, without any hope of advancing without the intervention of outsiders. As in the acceptance by the opposition, the TUC and the spit press that

the U.S. can impose whatever they define as "democracy" on Guyana – even if the government disagrees. Ultimately the reporting fosters the perception that Guyana is undemocratic, and

Even if the negative reporting were to be reversed today, this negative perception would not disappear. The negative effects of negative informations cording to cognitive psychologists, any persist in the form of af-

tion of the Guy social actors. I corrupt, if ther preneurs, if civ tion of apathe

fects end after its original cognitive base has been invalidated. The problems, such as ethnic ones, are perceived as part and parcel of the national psyche, rather than creations of opportunistic politicians, which can be undone by appropriate programmes. There is most insidiously, a delegitimisa-

be really no ho Economical sponses to this tors refuse to i of all the risks very prevalent coming margin and trade flow

A consistent negative portrayal of Guyana through lurid images and headlines

The Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project

incapable of self governance. Investors become convinced that investment here is a dangerous move. This has diminished the power of representatives to bargain in international fora – business and political. International investors can easily find other locations where the conditions are not presented in such bleak terms.

CJIA expansion

Guyanese of every ethnicity gather to cash in on th the Housing Ministry

The role of sensationalistic journalism

ber 25, 2013 |


BK International The consistent attacks on BK International, and its owner Brian Tiwari, even though this company had performed a yeoman task in maintaining the sea wall and conservancies to keep Guyana literally from drowning

The landscape of Georgetown is acquiring a new look as more buildings go up

tion of the Guyanese political, economic and social actors. If all the leaders really were corrupt, if there were no middle class entrepreneurs, if civil society were a mere collection of apathetic morons, then there would

Local businessmen have also become so intimidated by the personalised attacks that they refuse to speak out against the muckraking press. Secondly and ironically, investors and businessmen act on the premise that the country as dysfunctional an insist on corrupting officials etc. When President Ramotar pointed this out, the spit press ignored it.

What is to be done

Development news takes into account historical backgrounds and long term implications of located events. It does not fit the sensationalist model. And this is the model, as practiced by this newspaper, that must be accepted as normative for Guyana. Guyanese needs to be able to conceive of a better future.

Parallels have been drawn between government’s relationship with public servants and GuySuCo’s relationship with sugar workers

be really no hope for Guyana. Economically, there are two dominant responses to this negative image. Most investors refuse to invest in the country because of all the risks that have been portrayed as very prevalent. Guyana is increasingly becoming marginalised from global financial and trade flows and MNC's move elsewhere.

her to cash in on the One Stop Shop of One of the many houses in Amelia’s Ward being built through affordable bank loans

18 World-class Marriott Hotel on track!

wednesDay, december 25, 2013 |

World-class Marriott Hotel on track! – officials eye 2014 third quarter opening BY MICHAEL YOUNGE

President Donald Ramotar; Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh; and head of the Privatisation Unit and executive director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington being updated on the ongoing works on the Marriott Hotel


he long-awaited Marriott Project is progressing and is on schedule for opening in the third quarter of 2014, authorities here have said.

In November this year, Marriott top representatives, including three vice presidents inspected the model rooms and materially approved these rooms, clear-

ing the way for rapid progress to be made to complete the hotel. It is expected that the general manager search currently underway by Marriott

(for Guyana) will be completed by January 2014; shortly thereafter, recruitment efforts for the remaining hotel staff will start. Atlantic Hotel Inc (AHI) Chairman Winston Brassington, speaking during an exclusive interview with Guyana Times, confirmed that “major announcements are expected on the details of the investor”, who will be injecting some US$8 million into the project and receiving 67 per cent of AHI’s equity. Brassington had promised earlier in the year that these details would have been forthcoming once financial closure is accomplished and the lengthy legal work completed. He said that Guyanese can also expect more insight into the role of Republic Bank which has invested US$27 million into the project. The government will remain the minority partner and will own 33 per cent (US$4 million) of the overall

Atlantic Hotel Incorporated Chairman Winston Brassington

equity in the project, which would bring the overall common equity to 12 per cent and the capital investment to US$51 million.

Major announcement expected

“Major announcements are expected on the details of the selection of the operator for the entertainment complex and the investment of some US$7 million to $10

million in the outfitting of the entertainment complex,” he reported. Brassington also told Guyana Times that the overall investment of the project is now expected to exceed US$60 million as more than two-thirds of the project is being financed by the private sector. The AHI chairman insisted that the project remains on track despite the initial

World-class Marriott Hotel on track!19

wednesDay, december 25, 2013|

minor setbacks. Brassington reported as well that the five-star facility will now be opened for business in the third quarter of 2013. “In November this year, Marriott top representatives, including three vice presidents, inspected the model rooms and materially approved these rooms, clearing the way for rapid progress to be made to complete the hotel,” he explained. Pressed for answers as to whether the recruitment process will commence shortly, Brassington happily revealed that such a process is already underway.

Search on for general manager

“It is expected that the general manager search currently underway by Marriott (for Guyana) will be completed by January 2014,” he informed. He pointed out that shortly thereafter; recruitment efforts for the remaining hotel staff will begin. “Similarly, by the second quarter of 2014, recruitment efforts for the entertainment complex staff will start. Overall, both the hotel and the entertainment

An artist’s impression of the Marriott Project. The long-awaited hotel is scheduled to open in the third quarter of 2014

chairman of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), expressed the view that the project site transformation is evident and well underway to be a flagship property of Guyana.

Foundation works on the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown (file photo)

complex are expected to employ between 400 to 500 Guyanese,” the AHI chairman confirmed. Brassington also gave an undertaking to ensure that the media corps in Guyana is apprised of the developments that have taken place since their last tour and press conference. He was convinced that over the last 45 days, AHI has witnessed the excitement and positive feedback from site visits by Marriott officials, the private investor group, Republic Bank senior officials and other key parties.

A flagship hotel

The project is now expected to provide a 197 room Marriott Hotel, the largest conference/banqueting facilities in the country, bar/restaurants of a modern hotel, a promenade connecting the existing sea wall to the pier, and an entertainment complex with a casino, night club, and a separate restaurant from the hotel. Brassington, who is also

Questioned back in September this year on the amount of monies spent despite not achieving financial closure then, Brassington gave US$20 million as the sum. He had also robustly defended the project against what he had deemed mostly unfair and politically engineered attacks, explaining that the project was fully transparent. He dismissed then accusations that there was some secrecy and back-door deal being negotiated with the project as the AFC-led campaign moved into full gear with the aim of killing the project. There continues to be much anticipation of the project’s completion with the need for better and more modern facilities to become available to host large events, conferences and international meetings. Apart from the Princess International Hotel which is operating in Guyana, there are no other branded hotels in the country. And while there continues to be concern raised by lots

of Guyanese, particularly those in the business sector about the sad state of some purported flagship hotels, the need for the Marriott Hotel is receiving wide-

spread endorsement. Recently, the parts of the ceiling of one of the premier hotels where a yearend business awards ceremony was being held came

tumbling down. President Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds were present in the room. Georgetown Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Chairman Clinton Urling was delivering his speech at the time and he remarked quite sharply that maybe these are signs that we do need the Marriott.


wednesDay, december 25, 2013 |

Christmas Day messages 21

ber 25, 2013 |

will Banish evil Good sense, healing are ultimate Christmas gifts – FITUG d around us T

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he Alliance For Change (AFC) in extending Christmas wishes to all Guyanese, said citizens must use the message of Christ’s birth to banish evil around us. In its Christmas Day message, the AFC said the season is one of giving and sharing “when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ – the Prince of Peace.” According to the AFC, born into humility and reverence, Jesus rose to inspire and lead a people. Through his teachings, there began a change that gave hope to those who believed. “Today, his birth serves as an inspiration to us all… to banish the evil around us, to embrace change, to improve our lives, and that of others.” Christmas is also a time when Guyanese from all walks of life and from different parts of the world come home to celebrate together and to share as one. “It is the season of peace and goodwill towards all men and at this time, the Alliance For Change hopes that this might also be a time of quiet reflection, in which we promise to put aside our petty differences for the greater good of all Guyanese. As we sit with our families and friends, we give thanks, remembering that as one united Guyana, all great things are possible. The Alliance For Change wishes you a Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless you and yours.”

he Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) has urged leaders to give Guyanese the ultimate Christmas gift of hope for a happy future by fostering healing, good sense and statesmanship from January. In its Christmas Day message, FITUG, the largest umbrella trade union said: “It’s that all-embracing, pervasive festival of Christmas again. Because the Christian story of Nativity packs the universal message of hope, as well as it is a pillar of the Christian faith, this year-end extended celebrations resonate among

all sections of Guyanese society throughout the periods of its modern history – from the dreadful days of slavery to now, December, 2013. FITUG, a representative of thousands of Christians through its affiliates, wishes the Christian community and all Guyana the traditional “Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year”. But FITUG said it knows well that the “happiness” and prosperity must be produced and earned by all, leaders and followers alike. It said Christians regard the virgin birth as the word being made flesh to walk

among man. That greatest gift, they say, must now inspire genuine giving, receiving and sharing. “Let the season inspire rational give and take, the receiving of what is due to every citizen in terms of the sharing of the nation’s resources equitably,” FITUG said. It added: “FITUG knows of the determination of the most humble to participate in this Christian tradition. The origins of the baby Jesus tell of a divine son being born to working-class parents in the most Spartan conditions in Bethlehem. The dispossessed, then, must take heart

in this season, as they can relate to Joseph, Mary, the stable and the divine virgin birth.” According to FITUG, it is for the leaders of the poor – indeed, of the entire nation – to strive to “manage our resources, external assistance and future prospects to the benefit of all. FITUG views the New Year through a working-class lens. Let this December and the January of 2014 be the long overdue lighthouse of improved unity for national development. Give Guyanese the ultimate Christmas gift of hope for a happy future.”

Not just merrymaking, reflect on the meaning – GTUC


he Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) is urging all Guyanese to spend some time from the customary merrymaking, shopping and decorating, to reflect on the meaning of the season and solemnly commit to practise its belief. In a Christmas Day message, the trade union said the greatest significance of this period lies in the hope and promise of a new way and direction. “It marked a second chance for Christian believers. Over the years, this spirit of Christ, the forgiveness

and love of God has consumed believers and laid the foundation for many in society,” the GTUC said. “Today, the GTUC reminds this nation of an alternative to the choice that we are seeing unfolding before our eyes. We remind government and all that we are all children of God inspired by His love and mercies. We see this season as an opportunity for love and unity, an opportunity for forgiveness as we look for hope in a brighter future that all can enjoy.” According to GTUC, customarily, this period is celebrated with worship

by believers and merriment and rejoicing by others, lots to eat and drink. “GTUC remembers those among us who have abundantly and who share abundantly. We remember those who have abundantly and continue to take from those who do not have and we call on them to be their brothers’ keeper. To remember the less fortunate among us and share. We call on the government to take this period and reflect on the Christian beliefs of unconditional love for those whom you are privileged to

serve.” It said among the growing poor are active workers who continue to be denied a living wage and the right for their unions to collectively bargaining on their behalf. “The growing income inequality continues to stifle growth and human development, and contrary to the government boast of five per cent growth in the economy, the average worker will tell you, if it were not for the benevolence of their loved ones overseas, Christmas will pass like the many other days of want and deprivations,” the union added.

22 news Another murder at North Biker killed in collision with car West District wednesday, december 25, 2013|


rief enveloped the home of the Narayans at Sparta Village on the Essequibo Coast on Tuesday following the death of their son in a motorcycle accident. Dead is Navindra Narayan,aka Skinky, 36, of Sparta Village, Bamboo Dam on the Essequibo Coast. Police said in a release that they are investigating the fatal accident that occurred about 10:30h on the La Belle Alliance

Dead: Navindra Narayan

Public Road, Essequibo Coast. Investigations revealed that the motorcyclist was attempting to overtake a motor car that was in the process of turning into an access road when he collided with the motor car. He suffered injuries and was pronounced dead on arrival at the Suddie Public Hospital. The driver of the motor car is in police custody assisting with the investigation.


miner was on Monday discovered dead with a gaping wound to his neck along the Five Star Trail, Port Kaituma, North West District. The discovery was made about 09:00h. The dead man was identified as Timothy Adams, 57, of Port Kaituma, North West District. His body was taken to the Port Kaituma Hospital mortuary where it is awaiting a post-mortem examination. The police are continuing

their investigations. A few days ago, Clement David suspected to be in his 40s of Baramita, NWD was discovered dead with several marks of violence to his head along the roadway at Baramita. According to information received, the now dead man was seen late Friday evening consuming alcohol at a popular shop in the neighbourhood. He reportedly left alone after midnight. A piece of wood was reportedly found in prox-

imity of the body. Earlier in the month, Terrance France of Oronoque, Port Kaituma, NWD was found by his colleagues in a mining pit at 8 Miles, Port Kaituma, with several chop wounds about the body. The decomposed body of Andre Hercules was also found in a mining pit at Long Island, Middle Mazaruni, Region Seven. His feet and hands were bound.



wednesday, december 25, 2013 |

May the star of Christmas guide us – President Ramotar


n behalf of my wife and I, and the rest of my family, and the government, I extend Christmas greetings to all Guyanese, especially our brothers and sisters in the Christian community for whom this occasion resonates with joy. May the spirit of this beautiful holiday see us through the New Year as we work towards building a strong and prosperous Guyana for all our people. I also wish to welcome to our shores, the many persons who have arrived from overseas to be with their relatives and friends, or those who have simply come to enjoy our truly unique and special way

of celebrating Christmas. Season’s greetings are also extended to the Guyanese diaspora. Please be assured that at this time you are not forgotten. We appreciate and value you as members of the Guyanese community. May the season bring you all happiness! May the star of Christmas guide us all along surer and more secure paths during this holiday season! May you all find at this time, peace, contentment, and hope, the poignant messages of Christmas. To the Christian community, I extend special wishes for a holy and joyous Christmas. I have always been capti-

vated by the nativity with its themes of humility, duty, faith and hope. The Christmas story reminds us that God had a special role for the ordinary and humble in his mission here on earth. The wonderful story of the birth of Jesus Christ is one that should make us all feel good about ourselves and towards one another, no matter what our station in life. Let us, over the holidays and beyond, show in word and deed that common humanity is engraved in our hearts. May the goodwill so evident at this time fill the empty spaces, especially for those who at this time are needy, sick, lone-

ly, bereaved or enduring unfortunate circumstances.

Love and kindness

I urge all Guyanese to reach out, as they have been doing over the years, to the unfortunate and to shower them with love and kindness at this time. Also, let us not forget that this is a season when the focus is on the Child in our midst and on the Family that nurtures that Child. Let us resolve to be particularly caring of our nation’s most precious resource: its children and young people. Let us strive to protect them from harm and danger; let us

surround them with love and the provision of those things that are vital for their welfare and growth: education, good example, guidance, health, and wholesome recreation. And let us resolve that our homes will be free from abuse and violence of any kind, and abound with the graces of mutual understanding, kind affection and the capacity to forgive and be forgiven. This is a season for sharing. Let us share generously the things we possess, to bring cheer, particularly to the elderly, the poor and the needy, as we seek out those families that have been visited with pain and tragedy in

2013, to bring them our support, solace and solidarity. Each Christmas, as families unite and as friends get together, we cannot but observe the ease with which all Guyanese socialise harmoniously. Christmas, while being a Christian festival, is universally celebrated and helps us to appreciate the innate value and importance of human relations, across religions, class or political affiliation. My wish is that the spirit of human warmth which overflows at this time will serve to bring our people closer together and that this spirit of goodwill will continue to infect the nation throughout the New Year.

Govt warns U.S. about insistence on rejected USAID project


he Guyana government has warned that there could be serious repercussions over the United States government’s insistence on carrying out a (United States USAID project here, which the Donald Ramotar administration has rejected. The government has also written the United States Ambassador to Guyana, D Brent Hardt on comments he made in an exclusive interview with the Stabroek News recently, insisting that the project would go ahead with or without the Guyana government’s support. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon told a news conference on Tuesday that the administration will view Ambassador Hardt’s response as the official reaction of Washington. Writing in a letter to the editor of this newspaper, Dr Luncheon said he noted the ambassador, reportedly stating the U.S. intention to implement the project notwithstand-

ing Cabinet’s disapproval. He said he has also noted the insistence of the ambassador that the government of Guyana was consulted on the project. “I have also noted the political opposition supporting the U.S. ambassador’s line that the government had no good reason to reject the project. “Mister Editor, at this stage, the issue is the U.S. ambassador’s apparent contempt of the Cabinet of Guyana – an act that can have serious repercussions,” Dr Luncheon warned.

Playing with words

The Cabinet secretary said Hardt was playing with words with regards to consultation. “I still contend Guyana was not consulted. The project was conceived by the American authorities, the project was funded by Congress,” he said. A bid was then tendered, and the U.S. organisation International Republican Institute (IRI) won that bid and was awarded the contract to implement the project. According to Luncheon,

it was subsequent to those actions by the American authorities that the U.S. ambassador approached the government of Guyana. “I challenge the ambassador to indicate at what point was the government of Guyana consulted about this project. The U.S. ambassador presented the government with a fait accompli.” Dr Luncheon further stated that Hardt’s apparent contempt of the Guyana government begs the question and supports “our contention that the ambassador is of the opinion that the U.S. authorities can execute projects in Guyana at will. This is a dangerous proposition that all right-thinking Guyanese and indeed sovereign states must repudiate.” Hardt in the interview with Stabroek News refuted the government’s contention that it was not included in the planning of the project. He said: “That’s completely false that we are not meeting them. We have had over one dozen meet-

ings. From the onset of this proposal, we have worked diligently to involve the government and have been… working to get the government input on this project.”

Arrogant, contentious

However, Dr Luncheon noted that the main issue for Cabinet right now is the U.S. ambassador’s pronouncements on the USAID project. “Cabinet felt that the ambassador’s public comments were arrogant, contentious and that those utterances that the U.S. ambassador made, indicating that. Motwithstanding a rejection, a disapproval of the USAID project, that they intend to and are implementing this project, is really of severe significance. Cabinet contends that all other considerations about this pro-

ject pale into significance with regards to the U.S. ambassador’s public utterances on this subject” he stated. When the head of the Presidential Secretariat was questioned as to why government thinks that its approval is necessary for the project to go ahead, he explained that at end of day the USAID’s presence in Guyana is based on an agreement. “There is a formal agreement that mutually recognises our obligation under the agreement. We have an agreement that governs the operations and presence of the USAID in Guyana” he stated. Further asked if government would have the project recalled in light of all the controversy, Luncheon said that that scenario has not been explored yet; however, he empha-

sised that the note sent to the U.S. authorities seeks to obtain from them and the U.S. ambassador, a formal indication about what he said and undertook to get done in that exclusive interview. “If such were provided, one would readily resort to the agreement to see if in this government of Guyana/ USAID agreement, provision is made for the ambassador or the USAID to operate independently and that there is no need for agreements,” he stated. The cabinet secretary disclosed that he had sent a letter to the ambassador seeking clarification on the implementation of the project despite it being disapproved; however, there had been no response until Hardt’s interview with the local newspaper.


wednesday, December 25, 2013|



wednesday, December 25, 2013 |

Cabinet summons GPL over power woes – company blames transmission and distribution


he Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc has assured that it is working assiduously in preventing the frequent power outages, which were determined to have been caused by transmission and distribution (T&D). According to Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon, Cabinet met with the management and board of GPL on Tuesday in light of concerns over the alarming prevalence of power outages during the past few weeks. Dr Luncheon said GPL’s management and board had explained that the source of the blackouts were not generation-related but rather rooted in transmission and distribution. “This (T&D) may have been the case historically, but the recent surge in power outages, the board and the management asserted that it was not generation… indeed they explained that transmission and distribution were behind the power outages,” he said. The Cabinet secretary highlighted that T&D problems rose subsequently to the onset of the rainy season, which might be a major contributing factor to the frequent power outages.

Rainy season to be blamed

“Data and experience exist and are documented that until November the start of the rainy season, power outages were indeed at a minimum and it is during the recent rainy season and particularly its onset in November that had exposed the T&D system and brought its vulnerabilities to this negative impact on Guyanese,” the Cabinet secretary stated. Luncheon went on to say that the sole power company’s response was one which was noted and accepted. However he added that the power company had reassured Cabinet that everything that can be done to urgently and timely address the T&D negative occurrences would now become the primary aim of GPL during the rest of the holidays. “A timely and an aggressive approach to handle the T and D problems” would be utilised. Over the past few weeks, there have been instances of on-and-off power across Guyana; however, the most severe case was over the past weekend. In a statement, GPL blamed the power outages on a series of faults occurring on the F4 feeder emanating from the Kingston Two generating station. This, the company said, was coupled with the tripping of the station service transformers at that station. “The outages experienced on Sunday, December 22, commencing approximately 12:15h, were as a result of a shutdown of our Demerara Interconnected System. This was caused by a stuck starting air valve on a cylinder of the Number Three generating set at our Kingston Two generating station, leading to a drop in the common control air pressure system and consequent shutdown of the fuel pumps to all of the machines. “With the loss of this,

the largest station (36 MW) in our system, all other stations would become overloaded and shutdown. All areas in Georgetown/Greater Georgetown, the East Coast, East Bank, West Bank, and West Coast Demerara were affected,” the company said.


Adding its voice to the issue, the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) said it was cognisant of the inconvenience that the recent spate of power outages caused. The party said it was not unreasonable for consumers to expect the provision of uninterrupted power, the need for which becomes more demanding at this time. While the party called on the utility company to do its utmost to ensure that consumers are satisfied, it said it was not oblivious of the challenges faced by the entity. “These challenges were compounded by the inexcusable act of the combined opposition to use its one-seat majority in the National Assembly to slash subsidies provided by the government to the Guyana Power and Light. These subsidies bring tremendous benefits to electricity consumers and help the utility company to mitigate some of the challenges it faces,” the PPP/C contended. The party says as the season of goodwill is celebrated, “the PPP would expect that with the dawning of a new year, the opposition would remain cognisant of the consequences of its action and the deprivation it imposes on citizens.” The party was hopeful that the opposition would endeavour to be more responsible, especially when the citizenry stand to be affected. Similarly, the party urged GPL to be mindful of the expectations of consumers and to work assiduously to deliver acceptable services. According to the PPP/C as Guyana continues to grow and its people prosper, the demand for the use of electricity increases. “This is further compounded by the continuous and robust expansion of the housing sector and the enabling environment provided for Guyanese to continually improve their lifestyle. It is in this context that the PPP reiterates the need for the opposition to be responsive to the needs of Guyanese as the country continues along the path of development.” “Under the PPP administration, thousands of Guyanese across the country have been able to access electricity for the first time. As more consumers are added to the grid, it is the party’s fervent hope that GPL would keep in mind the country’s growth and expansion in its planning. Further, the party hopes that current circumstances would be mitigated and that the inconvenience being experienced by consumers would be corrected and not allowed to damper spirits. The party would like to take this opportunity to extend season’s greetings to all.”


wednesday, december 25, 2013

thursDAY, march 11, 2010 |


By Bernice Bede Osol

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19) What is happening around you may not be to your satisfaction. Don’t let it bother you if someone isn’t playing by the rules. If you have been fulfilling your obligations, there is no need for guilt.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 19) Enjoy your partner, friend or loved one, regardless of what someone else may think. Be true to yourself. Others may disagree with your choices, but as long as you’re happy, everything will be fine.

Calvin and Hobbes

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Avoid brooding over the past. Keep things simple and don’t spend impulsively. Financial security and a rosy future are the gifts you should be giving yourself this year.

CANCER (June 21July 22) You are in for a surprise. You may get into trouble if you behave excessively. Stick to the rules and be honest. Don’t tempt fate or participate in gossip or secret encounters.

LEO (July 23Aug. 22) This festive season should be spent with someone special. Focus on love. Participating in volunteer or charity work will result in a new connection. Love is on the rise.

VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22) Now is not the time to feud with family. Instead of being critical or preaching about morality, concentrate on being compassionate and understanding.





(March 21-April 19)

(Sept. 23Oct. 23)

An adjustment to the way you present yourself will garner interest. Offer your services now, and you will be considered for a future venture. Take initiative and trust your instincts. Love is highlighted.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Look after family members who need assistance. Show initiative, and you will come up with a lucrative service you can offer down the line. Keep your ideas to yourself for now.

It’s an excellent day to visit friends and relatives. Share your opinion and help someone make a positive change. Planning to shift your location will be the beginning of a fresh start.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) You need to stop being a Scrooge. A new approach to an old idea will renew faith in romance and future plans. Organise a spectacular evening, and enjoy the company of friends and family.

Tuesday's solution GEMINI (May 21June 20) Maintain a brave front and an open heart in the face of buffeting winds. You’ll please your loved ones with unique, homemade offerings. Take a trip or enjoy a party. Love is in the stars.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21) Enjoy the party, but don’t overindulge. Make pleasing others your priority and you will get the desired response. Don’t sit around hoping others will change – set the standard.

news 27


Physically challenged woman gets home for Christmas

wednesDay, december 25, 2013

dentistry Dentures provided in 72 hours from as low as $4500. Contact Dr B Stuart, 209B Charlotte St, Lacytown. Tel: 225-5034

flowers Available: Fresh long-stemmed roses, fresh dried and silk floral arrangements, gift items, bridal boutiques and wreaths. Nesha’s Flowerland. 78 Church Street (opposite St George’s Cathedral). Tel: 227-3553/225-3315

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health Are you suffering from abnormal behaviors, addictions, stresses, or psychosomatic sickness? Feeling suicidal, low self-esteem, loneliness, unloved, anger, conflicts and relationship problems? For appointments call 592621-0552. 12:00pm -6:00pm, Email:

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Da Silva’s Optical. For Your Eyes Only, Look Better See Better. Phillip A Da Silva OD, Shannon L Da Silva OD, Natalie Da Silva OD. 248 South Road, Bourda. Phone: 227-3529, Linden: 444-6376, Corriverton: 3393536, Meten-Meer-Zorg: 275-0322, Grand Cayman Islands: (345) 9431515 for the perfect trendy touch.

property for sale Two storey house, Avenue 'A' Diamond. Tel: 643-5161

services Dutch healing and upliftment, for clearing of land, dredging and ground work (strictly interior operation). Phone: 662-1247. Computer repairs in homes. Tel: 675-7292

– compliments of Habitat Guyana and Scotiabank spirituality

Cleansing of spiritual problems of all kinds. Powerful Ifá protection against evil. Get help to overcome problems with love, relationship, legal, sexual, pregnancy, business, sickness, jobs, enemies, work, money. Call 10am - 4pm. Tel: 592-690-1824. Email: Dutch Spiritual work. Unite lovers, get rid of evil, enhance prosperity, good luck baths and charm bowu guards, etc. Phone: 220-0708, 612-6417, 687-5653


n its continued efforts to improve the living conditions of low income families, especially those in marginalised groups, Habitat for Humanity Guyana provided the opportunity for another family to celebrate Christmas in their own home. Amanda Anthony, a woman born with a disability, and her family moved in to their $2.5 million two-bedroom home last weekend. This home was made possible through partnership with Scotiabank Guyana under the Scotiabank/Habitat “Build a Home” promotion. Scotiabank donated to Habitat Guyana a percentage of the value of Scotia plan loans, auto loans, and mortgages applied for and disbursed between March 1 and October 31. Anthony, a 52-year-old mother of two was born with no legs below the knees. Originally from the interior region, she moved to Georgetown with her husband and children about 10 years ago. Unfortunately, tragedy struck her family and her husband died of malaria. Amanda was left with two children to support and no source of in-

ture assistance.

Scotiabank employees with Amanda Anthony and family in her new home come. Having been born with her disability, she adjusted to life without her lower legs. While it did not hinder her capacity to function, she has been unable to garner employment, which has resulted in her not affording to send her children to school and them not completing primary school. As a result, her 22-year-old son became the sole breadwinner, working for a minimal salary that was not sufficient to cater to the family’s daily needs and pay a mortgage. When Anthony approached Habitat

Guyana for support to construct her home, there was no hesitation that she would become the first recipient of the promotion. In addition to Scotiabank, Habitat Guyana received support for other areas of the home such as furnishing and the provision of food items from Courts, ANSA McAL, the Braam family, private donors and the Guyana Relief Council, which provides a monthly food hamper. The organisation has also received support from the Office of the President for fu-

About Habitat for Humanity Guyana Beginning its work since 1994 following an invitation from then President, Dr Cheddi Jagan, Habitat for Humanity Guyana was officially registered in Guyana in 1995. Since then, the organisation has supported over 3000 families within the country’s 10 administrative regions, through partnership with affiliates, home partners, volunteers, and sponsors to build simple, decent and affordable housing for low income earners. Also, the organisation has undertaken home repairs, rehabilitation works and assisted in accessing secure tenure. With a new programme direction, added focus will be placed on community development, disaster risk reduction, and social action and awareness. Via resource centres, the organisation seeks to make a stronger impact on communities through training, mobilisation, and planning of various community driven projects. To get more information, to donate, or to volunteer, please visit or like Habitat for Humanity Guyana on Facebook


wednesday, december 25, 2013

Bravo looks to restore confidence


UCKLAND, New Zealand – Dwayne Bravo said the imminent series of five One-day Internationals against New Zealand gives West Indies a chance to press the reset button and seek to restore confidence in the team.

The Windies face the New Zealanders in the first ODI on Boxing Day, Thursday, at Eden Park on the heels of a three-Test series which the visitors lost 0-2. Bravo said he was encouraged by the will to win shown by the players during the two

training sessions the ODI squad has had on Monday in Hamilton, the venue for the last Test, and on Tuesday. “We have been running around and there have been a lot of smiles on our faces and that’s good to see,” he said. “We have a different type

of energy now and we all know that we feel more comfortable in the shorter forms of the game. We want to start well in the series. New Zealand on home soil is always difficult to beat.” He added: “We would love to win the series, but we are taking it one match at a time. We want to improve our attitude, our outlook, the way we go about preparation, the way we play on the field. We want our batsmen to get hundreds, get big 50s and bowlers take wickets. “It was a disappointing Test series, but the guys have put it behind them. As captain, I want to encourage the guys to be themselves and

go back to their flambuoyant ways and playing the game with a smile on our faces.” On a hangover from the Test defeat, Bravo said: “There have been half-dozen guys that did not play in the Test and have come into the ODI squad, so it is a different vibe, a different energy. We had meetings after the Test series and we have gotten over it now, so we are looking forward to these five games. “For me, it’s about leading a team without much experience, so I am very excited to take this challenge on my shoulders and trying to move the team forward. I am happy with the squad. It is young, but it is very talented and it

is up to me to make sure that this talent is used in the right way.” Around the same time the team was training on Tuesday, Marlon Samuels was about to start the long journey home to the Caribbean with an “exacerbation of a chronic rightwrist injury” that may require surgery. This meant three key limited-overs players will be missing from the squad for the series with Chris Gayle working on recovering from a hamstring injury he sustained last month in India and Kieron Pollard on the mend from surgery to repair a knee injury he sustained while training at home. (WICB Media)

wednesday, december 25, 2013


Pietersen will not stop attacking K

evin Pietersen insists he will not change his risk-taking batting style, despite a run of failures resulting in Geoffrey Boycott branding him a “mug.” England’s leading batsman by Test average and reputation, 33-year-old Pietersen has struggled badly on this disastrous tour so far, scoring only 165 runs in his six innings. On five occasions he has been caught on the leg side playing attacking shots, but with the Ashes already lost he says he will play the same way in Melbourne’s Boxing Day Test. Pietersen said: “I don’t think I’ve helped myself. But that’s the way I play. I don’t know how many articles have been written about the fact that I’ve got myself out, but I’m there to dominate, I’m there to take risks. “If I see a ball to hit for six or a ball to hit for four,

there’s something in my body that tells me to hit it. I’m not the kind of guy who can think about knocking the ball down the ground.” As England were beaten by 150 runs in the third Test in Perth to go 3-0 down in the five Test series, Pietersen was caught on the long-on boundary trying to clear Ryan Harris, who had just been placed there for precisely that shot. With England fighting to save the Test and Ashes it led many to bemoan the attitude of their star batsman, who had earlier passed 8,000 Test runs in his 102nd Test. Pietersen told BBC Sport: “The other day was a mistake. Clearly I’ve made a few mistakes - and that’s been highlighted - but I won’t change the way I play for anybody because I think I’ve been pretty successful. “It’s not a case of can’t, it’s just there’s something in

me that says if there’s a ball to hit then you’ve got to hit it. And it works. “On the good days, at Adelaide on the last trip down here, I scored 227. On nought, the first ball I hit from Doherty landed just over point’s hands, yet everyone says it’s one of the greatest innings I’ve ever played. You take the rough with the smooth. That is what happens. Pietersen insisted he did not view the shot he got out to in Perth as a risk. “I should have hit it for six,” he said. “As long as I play, I’m going to try to hit sixes.”

Swann’s comments

Pietersen also brushed off the controversy over Graeme Swann’s comments following the spinner’s retirement, which some misinterpreted as a criticism of the South African-born batsman. He also insisted that, at

just a year younger than the departed Swann, he had no plans of his own to end his international career. Swann has denied that he was referring to any of his team-mates when he claimed that some cricketers had their heads up their own backsides. Pietersen said: “I have heard bits and pieces, but my family arrived on Monday and I haven’t seen my little boy for two months, so my interest levels in what the media were talking about were less than zero. “It’s fairly weird. In every press conference I do, people ask how long I’m going to play for. I’m fully committed to do my best to help us win in Melbourne and help us win in Sydney. “The dressing room isn’t happy about the results at all. We set higher standards than we have produced on this trip so far. “With the Ashes now

Kevin Pietersen: “If I see a ball to hit for six or a ball to hit for four, there’s something in my body that tells me to hit it”

gone, we can hopefully sort ourselves out, reinvent ourselves, do something positive and finish the tour off positively. “I know a lot of fans come

over for the Melbourne and Sydney Test matches. We owe it to everyone and those guys who spend a lot of money coming to watch us to produce something.” (BBC Sport)

IPL franchises allowed to retain up to five players


ndian Premier League (IPL) franchises will be allowed to retain up to five players ahead of the 2014 auction, and have the option of buying back additional members of their squads at the auction via “right to match” cards, according to the rules released on Tuesday. The auction will be on February 12, and carried into February 13 if required, at a venue yet to be decided. The right to match essentially gives a franchise the first right of refusal to its players, allowing it to buy its player back after other franchises have completed the bidding process for him. For example, if Mumbai Indians have already retained five players but want Player X, they merely have to wait till the bidding in the open auction for Player X is over and match the highest bid offered for him. The number of right to match cards available to each franchise will depend on the number of players al-

ready retained. A franchise retaining between three and five players will have one right to match card, while a franchise retaining up to two players will have two right to match cards; those not retaining any player will have three cards to play. In all, combining players retained before the auction and those for whom the right to match is exercised, a franchise cannot retain more than four capped India players. The salary cap for franchises is set at Rs 600 million (approx US$ 9.6 million at the current exchange rate) for 2014. All players, including uncapped Indians, will go into the auction. Indians will be paid in rupees starting from the 2014 season, while overseas players have the option of choosing the currency in which they are paid. Players will be paid an additional 10% of their IPL fee, if they play in the Champions League T20 for their franchise. (Cricinfo)


wednesday, december 25, 2013

Samuels returns home from NZ with wrist injury M

arlon Samuels, the West Indies batsman, has been ruled out of the New Zealand limited-overs series with the recurrence of a chronic wrist injury. The injury, on his right wrist,

will require surgery. West Indies’ physiotherapist CJ Clark confirmed that Samuels is returning home. “It will require surgery management and he returns home to seek that surgical opinion and advice

from the WICB medical panel, headed by Dr Akshai Mansingh,” Clark said. Coach Ottis Gibson said Samuels absence will be hard to cope with for an already-struggling team. “Marlon’s injury is unfortu-

Marlon Samuels had one half-century in six innings during the New Zealand Tests

nate at such a tough time for the team,” Gibson said. “But it gives another player the opportunity to make a name for themselves in this series.” West Indies are already without two of their biggest names, with Chris Gayle’s hamstring and Kieron Pollard’s knee keeping them out of the series. Dwayne Bravo, the ODI captain, said it would be difficult without the trio. “Chris Gayle, Samuels and Pollard are three of our better players, we can’t hide that,” Bravo said. “We’re definitely going to miss them, because they are three world-class players and despite the talent we have, I don’t think any of us can actually fit those shoes. For me as a captain, I’m going to miss their ability as well as their experience, but it’s a

good opportunity for other players, they get an opportunity now to make a name for themselves and try to stamp their authority. They’re definitely going to be missed, but I’m not going to use it as an excuse if we don’t play well. If we play to our true potential, we’re going to do well.” Wicketkeeper-batsman Chadwick Walton will remain in New Zealand following the Tests as Samuels’ replacement. Walton has played two Tests and two ODIs, but is yet to score a run in oneday cricket. Gibson said he was confident, though, that Walton would make use of opportunities that came his way. “Chaddy has been on tour with us from the start, including the tour of India, without getting an opportunity. He has been work-

ing hard and growing as a player, and I feel confident that when his opportunity comes he will make the most of it.” Samuels had been in patchy form in the three Tests, which West Indies lost 0-2, scoring one halfcentury but not touching 25 in the other five innings. His bowling action had been called into question during the series, and though he was cleared to bowl his part-time off-spin by the ICC following biomechanical analysis, he was banned from bowling his quicker delivery - his elbow was found to flex beyond the permissible 15 degrees when he bowled that ball. West Indies play five ODIs against New Zealand, starting in Auckland on Boxing Day, followed by two Twenty20s. (Cricinfo)


wednesday, December, 25, 2013 |

wednesday, december 25, 2013


Sports is no longer our game, it’s our business


Keen action expected at KMTC on Boxing Day By Rajiv Bisnauth


he Kennard Memorial Turf Club (KMTC) will come alive on Thursday when the club

stages its annual Boxing Day horse race meet. The one-day event is scheduled for the club’s track at Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, from 12:30

hours. Eight races are carded for the day, including the feature race for A and Lower Class horses. According to the club’s

honorary president, former chancellor of the judiciary, Cecil Kennard, action is expected to be at fever pitch during the day. This meet, the final of

Proprietor of the Trophy Stall, Ramesh Sunich (left) handing over the champion’s jockey trophy for the Kennard’s Memorial Turf Club (KMTC) Boxing Day meet to president of the KMTC, Cecil Kennard

the year for the club, will attract some of the country’s top horses on a track that is likely to be in the pink of condition taking into consideration the good weather that has been prevailing lately in the Ancient County. Over $9 million in prizes will be distributed with the winner of the feature race collecting $1.5 million. The feature race will run for a mile. Other events billed for the day are the D3 maiden and E Lower for $600,000 over seven furlongs; the Three-old West Indies bred maiden and Guyana bred open for a $600,000 winner’s purse. The J3 and K, G1 and Lower, Two-year-old Guyana and West Indies bred and J1 and Lower races will run at a distance of six furlongs. The winning purses for those four rac-

es are $150,000, $400,000, $400,000 and $200,000 respectively. Rounding out the roster is the I and Lower over seven furlongs with the winner collecting $250,000. The race is being conducted under the rules of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority (GHRA) and, according to Kennard, the rules of the local governing body would be rigidly enforced. Meanwhile, the Trophy Stall’s 20 plus years of sponsorship of the KMTC’s Boxing Day meet continued on Saturday. During a simple ceremony at the company’s new location at 241 South Road and Bourda Streets, proprietor Ramesh Sunich handed over the champion’s jockey trophy for the 25th year to Kennard.

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