Guyana Times -- Monday October 14, 2019

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DDL commissions Guyana’s 1st Liquefied Natural Gas terminal Nationwide coverage from the best news team in Guyana

Issue No. 4076

THE BEACON OF TRUTH monday, OCTOber 14, 2019


Police manhandle villagers picketing Granger at school graduation

$80 vat included


P13 Guard accidentally shoots colleague while clearing firearm

See story on page 11

...violation of constitutional right of freedom of assembly – villagers Suspected piracy attack

Decomposed body of 2nd fisherman found Page 13

Guyana remains exposed to P7 external shocks from prices, trade blockades – IMF ...also warns of effects of climate change

…mother regrets allowing son to go out to sea

No ban on P9 importation of fruits – GRA ...urges importers to escalate concerns about delays with Authority

People’s Progressive Party Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali and Executive Member Zulfikar Mustapha on Sunday visited Port Mourant and Letter Kenny, where he met the families of the men who were attacked by pirates. The incident has left two dead and two still missing. During the visit, Ali was told that no information was forthcoming from the authorities

Man killed in Church St robbery

Page 9

– unarmed security officer was unable to assist

Man shot in drive-by shooting during night out with friends Page 15

P12 Police Constable, friend injured in motorcycle accident First Lady urges pensioners to remain active in P14 society

2 news

monday, october 14, 2019 |

5 arrested with illegal Parents in Police custody after son’s proved he was sodomised gun, ammo & narcotics autopsy – child also suffered blunt trauma to head


n autopsy performed on four-year-old Alex Prince, who was found dead last Monday proved that the child died as a result of blunt trauma to the head. It also revealed that he was sodomised. The post-mortem was done by Government Pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh, at the Georgetown Public Hospital on Friday. As a result of the findings, the mother and stepfa-


The gun discovered during the operation

ive persons were on Sunday evening taken into Police custody following the discovery of a quantity of illicit drugs, guns, and ammunition during several exercises. The Police stated that between 06:00h and 08:00h on the morning in question, they would have conducted several “cordon and search” operations at Vryheid’s Lust, Montrose, Nabaclis and Plaisance, East Coast Demerara during which the items were found. The Police confirmed that an unlicensed pistol with a live matching round, 300 grams of suspected cocaine and 45 grams of sus-

pected cannabis were discovered. As a result of this, five persons, including two females, were arrested and were assisting with inves-

ther of the child were immediately arrested and were currently being questioned. The lad was pronounced dead after he was found unconscious, naked and with injuries to the head and eyes on Monday last about 12:00h by his stepfather at their home in Silver Hill on the Linden-Soesdyke Highway. It was reported that the child was discovered by his stepfather who claimed that

he left the child at home to go to a nearby shop to buy groceries to cook. The man said that when he returned from the shop, he found the unconscious child. An alarm was then raised, and nurses from the nearby Health Centre were summoned to the home. The child, however, succumbed on his way to the Linden Hospital Complex. An investigation was immediately launched into the matter.

Men nabbed with sub-machine gun released


tigations. They are exhe seven men who pected to make their court were arrested during appearance this week. an intelligence operaThe intelligence-led operations were headed by a tion on September 24, 2019 during which a sub-maSuperintendent of Police. chine gun and a quantity of ammunition were discovered at a Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown premises have been released from Police custody. The Police stated that the discovery was made around 14:30h on September 24, 2019 during an intelligence-led operation, where a number of items were discovered. Some of the items found in a storeroom of the premises, where a well-known businessman’s son was Cocaine and marijuana discovered during the operation

staying at the time included a sub-machine gun, with its serial number filed off; three magazines; a silencer; 120 live rounds of .45 ammunition and an AK-47 magazine. However, the Police stated that one of the suspects arrested was a licensed firearm holder. When Guyana Times contacted acting Crime

Chief Michael Kingston, he related that the men were released from custody after legal advice was sought in the matter. According to the Crime Chief, a number of persons reside at the premises where the operation was carried out. He further stated that no charges would be brought against the men.



monday, october 14, 2019 |


The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:

Monday, October 14 – 05:00h-06:30h and Tuesday, October 15 – 05:00h-06:30h

PPP open to making Integrity Commission a constitutional body – Jagdeo

The Berbice Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:

Monday, October 14 –16:35h-18:05h and Tuesday, October 15 – 05:05h-06:35h.

FERRY SCHEDULE Parika and Supenaam departure times - 05:00h, 11:00h and 16:00h daily

WEATHER TODAY Light to thundery showers are expected until the early afternoon hours followed by sunny conditions. Partly cloudy to clear skies are expected in the evening. Temperatures should range between 21 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius. Winds: Northerly to South-Easterly between 1.78 metres and 4.02 metres. High Tide: 16:50h reaching a maximum height of 2.73 metres. Low Tide: 10:28h and 22:44h reaching minimum heights of 0.55 metre and 0.45 metre.

saturday, october 12, 2019



19 21

23 24 25


04 Bonus Ball


06 07

12 19 21






Afternoon Draw



Evening Draw







07 10 13 14 16




03 06 11 14 19


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo


pposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is open to making the Integrity Commission a constitutional body. Over the past months, the Commission has complained that the unavailability of resources, particularly financial, has hampered its ability to carry out its mandate effectively. In fact, Chairman Kumar Duraisami has previously contended that it was time that the Commission be given financial independence by making it a constitutional body. This was after the Commission had requested supplementary funding from the Finance Ministry, but was denied same. Previously, when asked about granting constitutional status to the Integrity Commission, both Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan and Director General Joseph Harmon explained that any such move would have to be made until after the coalition Government comes out of its current interim status. But Jagdeo, at his press conference last week, posited that making the Commission a constitutional body did not solve the important issue of Government compliance. “We’re open to any idea that will strengthen the Integrity Commission; however, this is just to get a nice-sounding word or phrase to avoid scrutiny of the real issue and the real issue is their non-compliance with the Integrity Commission … What you have to do is submit your declarations to the Integrity Commission. Submit it, let’s start with that. File your declarations. They’re not doing that and they wanna make it a constitutional body,” he asserted. Duraisami had recently disclosed that despite a two-month extension to the June 30 deadline, less than half of the declaration forms that were sent out were filled out and returned. He noted that some 1137 forms were distributed, but only 396 were received after the August 31 deadline. Among the defaulters were a majority of the Members of Parliament from both the Government and Opposition.

Back in May, the Commission had flagged some 716 public officials for failing to make their declarations including President David Granger and some members of his Cabinet. In fact, at a press conference last month, AFC executives Ramjattan and Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes admitted to not filing their declarations even after the extended deadline had long passed. Minister Hughes told reporters on September 20 that she had only received the necessary documentation the day before and was going to file it later in the day while Ramjattan said he was yet to submit declarations for 2019, but would have done so up to the end of 2018. According to the Integrity Commission Act, all public officers in high office are required to file declarations of their assets as well as those held by their spouses and children. The law states that any public officer who fails to comply with the Commission is liable upon summary conviction, to a fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for a period of not less than six months or more than one year. Meanwhile, in its latest Article IV Consultation in Guyana, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has encouraged local authorities to make asset declarations to the Integrity Commission public. It noted too that while the re-establishment of the Integrity Commission has reinvigorated compliance, it should develop the methodology for verification. The Commission’s Chairman had previous-

ly lamented that efforts to hire investigators to verify declarations filed as well as Attorneys to prosecute defaulters were hindered by its financial woes. However, Jagdeo told reporters last week that while he was open to elevating the constitutional status of the

to make public our declarations for the past 10 years. He knows all about this. Mr McIntyre is talking all the time and then they do a cover-up report to the Board of the IMF,” Jagdeo said. “None of the issues we talked about: the massive corruption that haemor-

Integrity Commission office in Campbellville

Commission, he believes that the IMF ‘is just talks’. According to the Opposition Leader, during a previous interaction with the IMF team, led by Arnold McIntyre, he had spoken about Government’s non-compliance with the Commission and his Party’s efforts to have declarations made public but none of this was reflected in its report. The Opposition had tabled a motion in the National Assembly, but the coalition voted against the public knowing what each parliamentarian owned/ owns as part of safeguarding the assets that belong to current Government Ministers. “Why is [McIntyre] calling now for it to be made public. I supported this. I pointed out to him the motion that we had in Parliament

rhages public revenue and also where you have massive corruption in public expenditure. They didn’t put in the report about the lack of accountability, the violation of the procurement laws, the Integrity Commission – a whole range of things we spoke about and none of that gets reflected in the report. It’s a waste of time for us to meet with them,” Jagdeo contended.


monday, october 14, 2019

Views Editor: Tusika Martin News Hotline: 231-8063 Editorial: 231-0544, 223-7230, 223-7231, 225-7761 Marketing: 231-8064 Accounts: 225-6707 Mailing address: Queens Atlantic Investment Estate Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, Georgetown Email:,

PNC and the trust deficit


ew Guyanese would disagree in principle with the proposition that, if the PPP and PNC could arrive at a modus vivendi on the sharing of authority over the state, especially with oil in the offing, the “good life” might be achieved less problematically. But that is “in principle”. In reality, proposals for “power sharing” in one form or another have been floating around for decades, but, as we know to our cost, the two parties that represent the two major groups are no closer than ever to achieving that goal. Many of the new parties that are being launched to contest the next elections have raised the issue quite vociferously, and it will certainly be a hot topic on the hustings. A review of its status might be opportune at this time. In the first year of the new millennium, the PNC forced extensive changes in the constitution through violent street protests, which were designed to increase their influence in governance by expanding their parliamentary powers while creating and including them in a welter on Constitutional commissions. The formation by the PPP government of four sectoral committees to scrutinise in real time the entire gamut of governmental activity was revolutionary, especially when, at any time, two of them were chaired by a member of the Opposition on a rotating basis. These changes, however, did not satisfy the PNC, and just before he died in 2002, PNC leader Desmond Hoyte announced he was amenable to a “power sharing” arrangement that involved the Opposition being granted a number of Ministries in the Cabinet. The PPP responded the following year with a desideratum of its position, titled “Towards greater inclusive governance in Guyana – Building Trust to Achieve Genuine Political Cooperation”. The PPP was obviously reacting to its history of interactions with the PNC in the preceding four decades, in which initiatives on “power sharing” were inevitably stymied because of the PNC’s refusal to keep its word on initiating substantive inclusion into the power structure. The ethicist Sissela Bok, in her book “Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life”, posed the PPP’s dilemma with the PNC as one of violating the “principle of veracity”. “The function of the principle of veracity as a foundation is evident when we think of trust. “I can have different kinds of trust: that you will treat me fairly, that you will have my interests at heart, that you will do me no harm. But if I do not trust your word, can I have genuine trust in the first three? If there is no confidence in the truthfulness of others, is there any way to assess their fairness, their intentions to help or to harm? How, then, can they be trusted? Whatever matters to human beings, trust is the atmosphere in which it thrives.” With the accession of the PNC to power in 2015, within a coalition framework involving the AFC, the General Secretary of the PPP reiterated that party’s openness to “shared governance”, which had been touted by the former in its campaign and manifesto as a “government of national unity” with “PPP members possibly invited to join the Cabinet”. Subsequently, however, the PNC made an outcomedeterminative decision to nix such an eventuality by designating its PM Nagamootoo to lead any discussions. The fact of the matter was that Nagamootoo sadly exemplified the very essence of the violation of the principle of veracity by the PNC that leads to a lack of trust. The PNC and AFC had solemnified their coalition agreement as the “Cummingsburg Accord”, with the key point that “the Prime Minister shall have responsibility for domestic affairs and chairing the Cabinet.” President Granger, however, refused to keep this solemn promise on the specious ground that the Constitution did not permit it, and yet Nagamootoo did not balk. How could the PPP trust the PNC to keep its word in any shared governance agreement when the PNC reneged on the promise made to its key ally that delivered its 33seat majority?

Victor, a nine-year-old white-tailed eagle equipped with a 360 camera, flies over glaciers and mountains in Chamonix, France, in this still image taken from a video released October 8, 2019. The bird and its handlers are preparing for the Alpine Eagle Race, a collaboration through the eyes of the eagle, a photographer and a scientist to fly over five glaciers in five European countries in five days, to raise awareness of global warming (Eagle Wings Foundation/Chopard/Handout via Reuters)

Amazon fires: What’s the latest in Brazil?


ark clouds of smoke smothered cities in Brazil as parts of the Amazon burned at a rate not seen in years, and the world responded with outrage. For a few weeks in August, the world’s eyes were fixed on Brazil and its Government’s response. But what is the latest with the fires now, almost two months on? And why might the problem be worse than it first appeared? When the burning of the Amazon was at its peak in August, there were thousands of individual fires, almost three times as many that month – 30,901 – compared with the same period last year. What caused this? Forest fires do happen in the Amazon during the dry season between July and October. They can be caused by naturally occurring events, like lightning strikes, but this year most are thought to have been started by farmers and loggers clearing land for crops or grazing. This matters because the Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and a vital carbon store that slows down the pace of global warming. The world reacted with fury to the fires – there were protests in dozens of cities, threats of financial penalties, and broad condemnation of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policies. In late August, Bolsonaro deployed the army to the Amazon and ordered a 60day ban on setting fires to clear land there. The measures had an effect – the number of fires in the Amazon dropped by a third between August and September. The pace has slowed even more this month, and is likely to do so even more now that annual rains have started. There are signs, though, that the situation is worse than it appears. This is be-

cause the burning of the rainforest isn’t the biggest problem – deforestation is. Traditionally, Amazonian rainforest is felled, left to dry and then set on fire. By the time the moratorium came in, vast deforestation had already taken place. The only thing the ban prevented was more burning. “They reduced the level of burning, but not the level of deforestation,” says Ane Alencar, the science director of the non-profit Amazon Environmental Research Institute (Ipam). “By the end of August, most of the deforestation in the current year had already happened.” Statistics gathered by Inpe, Brazil’s satellite agency, suggest that at least 7747 square kilometres of Brazilian Amazon rainforest have already been cleared so far this year. Alencar believes the true figure is likely to be at least 30 per cent higher, making it the worst year since 2008 for Amazon deforestation in Brazil. A lot of the wood has yet to be burned, she believes, because of the moratorium and the fact annual rains are now starting. “There are a lot of areas that were deforested but were not burned, but they might be burned next year instead,” Alencar says.

The problem has moved from the Amazon

While fires have eased in the Brazilian Amazon, it’s been a different story in another fragile region to the south – the Cerrado savannah. The WWF calls it “one of the most endangered ecosystems on the planet”, but there were more fires there than in the Amazon last month. The Cerrado is one of the most biodiverse areas in the world – about 40 per cent of the animal and plant species there can’t be found anywhere else on the planet, and

it is populated by jaguars, anteaters and macaws. But, according to Ipam about half the forests, wetlands, woods and grasslands there have already been lost – much of it to make way for soybean farming. Although the Brazilian Amazon is under threat, the vast majority of it remains intact. The Cerrado is about half the size of the Brazilian Amazon, and land is being lost at a much more rapid rate. The savannah’s role as a carbon store, and thus in managing the world’s climate, is crucial. Ipam estimates that the number of trees lost there in 2016 and 2017 was the equivalent of 440 million more tonnes of CO2 going into the atmosphere –- put simply, that’s more than the total CO2 emissions of the UK in one year. The Cerrado was not subject to the same ban on fires enforced on the Brazilian Amazon in late August. And so, between August and September, the number of fires in the savannah increased by 78 per cent to 22,989. “When society was looking at the Amazon, they were thinking [in the Cerrado], it’s OK, we can do whatever we want here,” Alencar says. There have been almost 1800 fires in the Cerrado so far in October, but the worst is likely to have passed. By the end of the month, the heavy annual rains will hit the region.

Campaigners say more could be done

Brazil’s Environment Minister told the BBC the Government was doing an “excellent” job in protecting the Amazon, but campaigners say it could be doing more than just stopping fires in one region for 60 days. “The fires in the Amazon might have slowed af-

ter Brazil’s firefighting response, but this short-term response is not enough,” says Christian Poirier, Programme Director of US-based non-profit group Amazon Watch. “We need a real commitment from Bolsonaro’s Government to protect Brazil’s forests and their Indigenous and traditional communities, who are the true guardians of the Amazon. “Bolsonaro has promised ‘zero tolerance’ for explosive deforestation and subsequent widespread arson; however, his policies and rhetoric have actually encouraged such crimes.” Although Brazil’s fires have grabbed most of the headlines, it’s far from the only South American nation to have suffered fires – or to face controversy over how they started. Paraguay lost many hectares of protected forest from the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetlands, endangering its biodiversity. WWF Paraguay says it’s a human-made problem, as farmers burn grasslands to improve the quality of cattle pastures, triggering forest fires. Data from Brazil’s satellite agency shows more than 18,200 fires in Paraguay in 2019, up 16 per cent from this time last year. In Bolivia, fires – some set deliberately – have destroyed more than four million hectares since May, but heavy rain may now be easing the situation. On Tuesday, officials said wildfires in the east had been quelled, and footage showed firefighters in badly-hit Chiquitanía jumping for joy. Bolivia’s fires had triggered mass protests against President Evo Morales, who recently passed a decree allowing farmers to clear four times more land for agriculture – a process completed by burning. (Excerpt from BBC News)

monday, october 14, 2019


You can send your letters with pictures to: Guyana Times, Queens Atlantic Investment Estate Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Guyana or

GPF never good at fulfilling promises

Dear Editor, For quite a while, mixed views have been expressed against members of the Guyana Police Force regarding their actions/performances in execution of their duties. Coupled with that are allegations of corruption, some being associated/linked with criminals, and various members being charged for criminal offences. One of the biggest complaints is extortion by members of the GPF whilst in uniform and executing their duties. It’s a norm now to traverse anywhere throughout Guyana and be stopped by GPF members in general duty uniform as they request to see your documents for the vehicle. In most cases, no traffic rank could be seen, but those that stopped you would perform the duties of a traffic officer and find some cause on your vehicle or documents, and either demand money or put you in a situation where you have to offer them money. At the western end of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, many people opine that there is the second toll booth for the Demerara Harbour Bridge after you would have purchased your ticket to traverse the bridge from the eastern end. From all indications, most GPF members seem to prefer standing on the road blocking/stopping vehicles on the roadways, because that seems more lucrative. No wonder when one makes a report or phone call to the station one is always told that the mobile unit is on patrol. While the success rate in minimal for the roadblocks in terms of drug busts, capturing wanted criminals, or finding illegal weapons, etc., it would be more feasible if GPF ranks’ efforts are directed at other places too; but, then again, that is not lucrative for them! Editor, of recent, with the assistance of social media, we’ve been seeing and hearing of lots of crimes being committed but are not in the media, and, with the full knowledge of John Public, those responsible are trying to paint a picture that crime is down. Based on the manner and the way this is being committed, it should be of grave concern to everyone. Quite alarmingly, school children are being robbed blatantly, and are being physically abused. I should mention that most of these victims are East Indians. On Tuesday, around 4pm, as I was boarding a route 32 minibus, there was a commotion; and looking to see what it was all about, I saw around six young African males, none seemed to be above 20 years old, and one in a cream-coloured long pants and white shirt with a hav-

ersack (could be a schoolboy) who didn’t seem to be more than 16 years old, surround an East Indian male, cuffing and kicking him beside the City Constabulary. They ran away after a few seconds of abusing the young man, and then we heard that the young man was just robbed. Everyone was shocked, especially at the young man, whom everyone presumed to be a schoolboy. Everyone made the suggestion that if the perpetrator had been caught, he would have been given a sound licking. A while back, I penned a few letters expressing my concern with the rapid increase of limers going at school premises, and how their attitudes were motivating students to drop out of school and be involved in drugs and crime. No one takes heed, and sadly, today’s trend is uncontrollable and is still increasing. Now I am seeing what seems to be a schoolboy committing a crime. Sadly, in such a crowded area, the perpetrators were all still able to escape. This is an area that the City Constabulary and the GPF were supposed to be protecting, but it seems they are only protecting commuters from touts. This is the system we have in Guyana -- a country being governed by an illegal Government. The head is a former ruler of the Guyana Defence Force, and most of his close associates/advisors are former heads of the GDF or the GPF. In other words, with all those ex-military personnel, four years after, instead of the crime rate being reduced, it is increasing. But, then again, if you are breaking the law, you cannot expect the citizens not to do the same. Consistency seems to be lacking from the GPF and the City Constabulary, because the various car parks around Stabroek Market have been plagued with criminals committing crimes against commuters traversing the area; and except for a brief stint -- when Police presence was visible for a few days in uniform and in plain clothes, and crime was reduced a little – the situation is sadly back to normal. This is the vision of a now illegal Government that has legally inherited a country with problems, and cannot find a solution to deal with those problems. Traffic jam is an everyday problem around the Stabroek minibus parks, and even though security cameras have been installed there, the problems still exist. So it makes no sense recommending that cameras be installed to monitor where people usually get robbed and where there is a gather-

ing of children, because that might eventually turn into a white elephant too, because it seems as if Government’s vision for Guyana is limited. Finally, Editor, a few weeks ago, a young lady was robbed of over half a million dollars and her cell phone among other items, including her handbag, whilst going home in the evening. Immediately, she went to the station and made a report, and informed the Police that she knows who had committed the crime against her. She told me she was surprised when the Police asked her if the colour of the bag was the exact colour she had told them. The Police picked up the individual after her insistence, and she was given the royal push around although she kept insisting that the person they were holding was the right person. Surprisingly, he was released and she was told the Police have to get more witnesses before he could be charged. Now, there were a few persons around when she was robbed, and they had seen when the thief was escaping, and she told the Police about those persons, but the Police never attempted to find/talk to those individuals, according to her. These questions are being asked: Is a proper investigation being conducted? Is there a cover-up? Are the Police being part of this crime by taking a drawback? Based on what this young woman told me, she would not be getting back anything, even though she knows the criminal, because she strongly believes that the Police are siding with the thief. How long are we going to continue hearing stories like these? From all indications, even though Police are being dismissed and charged, they are still indulging in illegalities. When there’s a public outcry, you will hear of some campaign that evolves to nothing a few days after. A simple example is: you cannot have any sort of tint on your vehicle without members of the GPF harassing you, but even though there’s a warning, almost every vehicle owned by a Police is heavily tinted, and these could be found parked in all the station compounds or outside of the stations in plain view. I’ve never heard of Police being charged for a tinted vehicle, but the ordinary man is being charged, forced to remove the tint, or daily being harassed to pay a bribe. Such is the vision for Guyana despite all the promises. Would you believe the new promises being made presently will become a reality when the simple ones cannot be fulfilled? Sincerely, Sahadeo Bates

Division in our homeland

Dear Editor, The recent letter by former Prime Minister Hamilton Green, titled “Remembering the past; lest we forget”, brought back some fond memories of my youth, and also reminded me of how much our homeland has changed. As a school boy, daily I would ride my bicycle home from Queen’s College. That was in the days of former President Burnham, when free education was enjoyed by all, and performance in education was hard earned. Usually this ride home was with fellow school mates, one of whom was the son of the head of the sound engineering team at the National Culture Centre, the other was the son of the owner of a successful printery, and I was the son of an executive of GuySuCo. We were all from diverse racial, socioeconomic & political backgrounds, and our ride home would usually take us through Meadow Brook Gardens past former Prime Minister Green’s residence. On one occasion, I was fortunate enough to be invited in to play a game of table tennis with the former Prime Minister. In those days, Guyana felt like a large village, and a young country with many opportunities for all races to comfortably interact, especially in a school setting, where talent was your ticket to obtain a good education via national common entrance exams. The portion of former Prime Minister Green’s letter that stood out was his statement, “After that October, we saw a reversal of the gains won in the mid-1960s. We witnessed the discrimination of the descendants of those Africans”. No one should deny how painful it has been over the years for both Africans and Indians in our homeland. The hurtful discrimination and extreme acts of violence that have been experienced by both those of African and Indian descent have created a huge divide in our nation. It has divided colleagues, childhood friends, school mates, neighbours and neighbourhoods. In some cases, it has even divided families. Guyana’s population is such that instead of 6 degrees of separation, we are probably at 3 degrees of separation, especially for those of a mixed or diverse heritage. The division in our homeland, due to discrimination, has reached the point where political discourse is extremely difficult and obtaining a mutually beneficial joint solution is usually avoided. The influx of additional foreign actors who help perpetuate such division has also fuelled the problem of discrimination, and has promoted a bias towards the segregation of Africans and Indians. Our homeland no longer feels the way it did before, and a daily war is be-

ing witnessed between the Africans and Indians. That is how bad it has become. Some are of the opinion that segregation is the best solution to pursue. More evident is the attitude of “we take care of our own people”. This has fostered exclusion and biased business practices, which have caused stagnation (for the race not currently in power) in many sectors of the national economy. A dual-economy system has evolved to such an extent that people from one race “sell out” and leave the country when people from the other race are “in power”, and vice-versa. This is the dominant attitude in our society today. The long-held approach of “this area being for that group, and that area being for the other group”, e.g. Linden and Port Mourant, has created an unbalanced strategy within the investment cycle, and has undermined the level of growth which our homeland could achieve. This has created frustration in many villages and townships within our nation, while also increasing the risk our nation faces in terms of national security, as seen by the incidents with Suriname and Venezuela. The attempts to create a unity government have not been able to overcome the hate harboured over the years by members of the populace, and the upcoming election may not change these feelings of betrayal and discrimination on both sides of the racial divide. This has become evident given the current conflict over constitutional adherence. This leads one to believe that the racial divide between Indians and Africans has grown.

However, if there is genuine interest in preventing the continuation of biased, racial-based investment that would lead to further conflict between the African and Indian races, we should consider establishing a three-party system in which a third party has the ability to foster true discussion on the issues without regard to race, socioeconomic standing and political affiliation. Such a third party would have to avoid creating a coalition with any of the two dominant parties, and lift up the voices of the other races and independent-minded voters in our homeland. It has been far too long that the Amerindians, Chinese, Europeans and the independent voices within the warring races have not had their own seat in Parliament, with the required authority to ensure that not only their needs, but the needs of the larger populace are taken into consideration regardless of which party holds a majority in Parliament. A majority in Parliament without a clear mandate would allow for better judgement of all proposed policies and investment needs. It will become more merit-based and will better consider the relative impact on the citizens who will benefit. This will allow for the prioritisation of projects that take into account all citizens of Guyana. Enough seats will have to be won by an independent party to allow for such fruitful discussions and achievements to be obtained in Parliament. Only the voters can determine if this would be possible. Best regards, Jamil Changlee


monday, OCTOber 14, 2019




What is confidence?

ots of people stress out about talking in front of the class or getting laughed at if they make a mistake in front of an audience. Feeling nervous before a performance is natural – and part of your body’s way of helping you do your best. The “stress hormones” (like adrenaline) that your body produces at times like these can actually help you focus. But when worry and stress about performing get to be too much, these hormones give people that “red alert” feeling – the one that causes you to feel cold or sweaty, get butterflies in your stomach, or feel like you can’t think straight. These tips can help you manage that feeling:

Be prepared

You’re less likely to freeze up if you’re well prepared.

some positive energy. Watch a football team before they run

as the performance itself. At certain types of competitions, there’s quite a wait before it’s your turn to perform. Some people take along inspirational photos, put together a playlist to help them relax, or learn yoga and breathing techniques to help them feel calm. Some

Don’t be afraid of the nervous feeling

When you feel performance jitters, don’t freak out! Don’t let the feeling stop you or intimidate you. Just let it be there. Remind yourself it’s natural, just your nervous system revving up to get you ready

Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities – not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn’t about feeling superior to others. It’s a quiet inner knowledge that you’re capable.

Confident people:

feel secure rather than insecure know they can rely on their skills and strengths to handle whatever comes up feel ready for everyday challenges like tests, performances, and competitions think “I can” instead of “I can’t” onto the field. They get in a group and pray or sing a team song to pump themselves up with positive energy and team spirit. You can do this whether you’re performing alone or as

Why confidence matters

Confidence helps us feel ready for life’s experiences. When we’re confident, we’re more likely to move forward with people and opportunities – not back away from them. And if things don’t work out at first, confidence helps us try again. people need to be active to relax; others need to be still and calm. Find out what technique works for you, then make a plan to use it in the downtime before a big performance.

ments, confidence gets even stronger.

How to be more confident

Everyone can work to gain more confidence. Here are a few tips to try: Build a confident mindset. When your inner voice says “I can’t”, retrain it to say “I can”. Or you could also say, “I know I can learn (or do) this if I put my mind to it.” Compare yourself kindly. It’s natural to compare ourselves with other people. It’s a way to understand ourselves and develop the qualities we admire. But if comparisons often leave you feeling bad about yourself, it’s a sign to work on your confidence and self-esteem. Shake off self-doubt. When we doubt our abilities, we feel inferior, unworthy, or unprepared. That can make us avoid people and situations we might enjoy and grow from. Take a safe risk. Sign up for a school committee, vol-

and set to go. Know that it’s up to you to manage it to your advantage. Use your positive peptalk and calming strategies to do just that. Then, go for it!

Look after yourself

Rehearse as much as you can and practise – alone or in front of others – at every opportunity. Practise until you feel relaxed and ready. Nothing calms nerves like the confidence that comes from knowing you’re prepared.

Psych yourself up

Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, rev up

part of a group. Have a friend give you a pep talk. Give yourself one too. Tell yourself, “I got this!”; “I’m ready to do this — here goes!” or “This is going to be fun!”

Learn ways to chill

Young performers, such as Olympic gymnasts and music soloists, talk about how important it is to prepare for the pre-performance jitters as well

Before big performances it’s easy to let taking care of yourself slip as you spend too much time on rehearsals and practice. You’ll look and feel your best if you get enough sleep and eat healthy meals before your performance. Exercise can also help you feel good, and along with sleep and nutrition, is an excellent way of keeping those stress hormones from getting out of control. (

It’s the opposite when confidence is low. People who are low on confidence might be less likely to try new things or reach out to new people. If they fail at something the first time, they might be less likely to try again. A lack of confidence can hold people back from reaching their full potential.

Believing in yourself

Has someone told you that you’re smart? Funny? Kind? Artistic? A good student? A good writer? A good athlete? When people praise us or recognise our skills and capabilities, it can boost our confidence – as long as we believe these good things, too. If you’ve ever doubted the good things people say about you, that’s the opposite of self-confidence. To feel truly confident, you need to really believe you are capable. The best way to get that belief is through using your skills and talents – by learning and practising. Confidence helps us move forward to discover and develop our capabilities. When we see what we’re capable of and take pride in our achieve-

unteer to help with a project or bake sale, or try out for a team or talent show. Raise your hand in class more often. Talk to that cute kid in your science class. Challenge yourself to do something that’s just beyond your normal comfort zone. Pick something you’d like to do if only you had more confidence. Give yourself a little push and do it. Now that you’ve done that, pick something else to try – and keep repeating this same process. Confidence grows with every step forward. Know your talents and help them shine. We’re taught to work hard to improve our weaknesses. Sometimes that’s important, like bringing up a bad grade. But don’t let working on a weakness prevent you from getting even better at the things you’re good at. Do your homework. Study. Do assignments. Prepare for class, tests, and quizzes. Why? If you’ve been keeping on top of class work all along, you’ll feel more confident in tests and finals. The best defence against test anxiety and school stress is to keep up and do the work steadily. (Excerpt from



monday, october 14, 2019 |

Guyana remains exposed to external shocks from prices, trade blockades – IMF ...also warns of effects of climate change


he International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that Guyana’s economy remains exposed to the effects of volatile commodity prices, economic slowdowns in the international market, and protectionist measures against Guyana’s exports. This was explained by the Fund in a recent report on Guyana’s economy, and it comes even as Guyana has already had to contend with protectionist measures from various countries which have blocked and even returned certain shipments of goods from local shores. “Guyana remains subject to commodity price shocks, heightened protectionist trends, and slowdown in international trade,” the report says. However, the IMF noted that based on the Government’s utterances, work is being done to build a more diversified economy. It also noted the importance of expanding opportunities and competitiveness for businesses to grow in the local economy, as well as supporting measures for

an economy that has ‘green’ initiatives at its core. The report acknowledges that export figures can be distorted by the large proportion of commodity exports Guyana ships, and the effects of shocks in certain economic sectors, like rice and sugar. Here, it used the example of the suspension of the PetroCaribe deal with Venezuela and the woes of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO).


Of recent, Guyana has had to contend with protectionist measures from the United States, United Kingdom and Trinidad. In the case of the US, that country imposed a ban on the exportation of catfish from Guyana. In explaining why the ban was imposed, Veterinary Public Health Unit Director Dr Ozaye Dodson had said that Guyana fell short of the US standards in three areas. In the first place, there were issues regarding the presence of inspectors. There were also issues with insufficient documen-

tation to verify the steps being taken in the sanitation and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) process. There was also insufficient documentation specifying how the industry manages adulterated catfish products. When it comes to the UK, their Environment Agency imposed restrictions on greenheart importation since 2015. At the time, it was claimed that proof of sustainable sourcing of the forest product was inadequate, and this has since resulted in a drastic decrease in export of the product to the UK. In December 2016, the EA relaxed the restrictions on greenheart, but only began to accept Category A FSC 100 per cent greenheart from Iwokrama. Guyana has, however, been involved in talks under the Guyana-European Voluntary Partnership Agreement to lessen the restrictions. In 2019, Jamaican authorities also rejected some 70 metric tonnes of white

Recent flooding in Mahaica has seen large-scale destruction of crops

rice. It was reported that after samples of the rice shipment were sent to the division’s microbiology lab for testing, the results from the tests demonstrated that the rice contained microbial levels which are beyond the accepted limits, thus making it unfit for human consumption. This seizure was the first for the year, but an epidemic of poor quality rice exiting Guyana was seen in the recent months when Panama rejected some 20 containers of rice from Guyana back in September 2018. Rice is a major contributor to the Agriculture Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of

Guyana. Guyana is presently a major paddy producer and one of the leading exporters of rice in the region.

Climate change

The IMF had also warned in its report that Guyana was at risk of the effects of climate change, something that has become obvious over the past few weeks with overtopping along the coast bringing with it flooding of communities. “With its coast being below sea level, Guyana remains highly vulnerable to climate change and the consequent trend in sea level rise,” the IMF said in its report.

Flooding in Mahaica this month saw more than 300 acres of rice being destroyed and hundreds of acres more being put under threat of destruction by saltwater. In addition, livestock was destroyed and properties sustained damages. Apart from the destruction of the rice, it has been reported that the flooded land is no longer suitable for rice production, since the soil composition has become too salty. Junior Minister of Public Infrastructure, Jaipaul Sharma, has himself ascribed the overtopping to the effects of global warming.

Special audit of UG finances

Pro-Chancellor steps in; Auditor General gets green light to investigate


fter initial attempts to carry out an audit of the University of Guyana’s (UG’s) finances were blocked, the University’s ProChancellor, retired Major General Joe Singh, has apparently stepped in to allow the Audit Office of Guyana (AOG) to probe UG’s books. This was revealed by Auditor General Deodat Sharma in a recent interview with this publication. When asked for an update on his office’s audit of the university and its spending, Sharma noted that the audit is likely to begin shortly. “The UG audit, I’ve been contacted by the pro-chancellor, so that should commence shortly. I spoke to the contracted auditors for us to do some terms of reference, so we are awaiting certain documents from UG. “There was an initial start, and then the PS withdrew. But now the Pro-Chancellor has indicted that he wants us to go ahead, so we’ll go ahead with it,” Sharma further explained to this publication. The UG administration has previously been accused of wanton spending, including hosting several events; standing the expenses of meals and accommodation for guest speakers, as well as hiring select individuals; paying them super salaries, and sending large delegations overseas, all on the University’s bill. Former Vice-Chancellor Professor Ivelaw Griffith

The University of Guyana

had always denied those claims. The University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) have levelled these accusations in particular. The Unions had joined forces to question why monies were allocated in previous budgets to entities which do not exist, and what became of those funds. They had also demanded answers from the administration on how much money was spent within the last two and half years on nonessential events — which included, but were not limited to: The Law and Society series, the TurkeyenTain talks, and the ViceChancellor’s installation ceremony. They had argued that while these monies were being spent, the core units of the University, which include faculties and schools, had been informed that no

money was available for essential repairs and payment for stationery, among other things. But after initially requesting that the Audit Office conduct an audit into UG’s finances, the Ministry of Education mysteriously withdrew its request for the audit. When questioned about this withdrawal, Ministry officials have been tightlipped. Initially, the Audit Office of Guyana had contracted an independent company to conduct the much-needed and highly anticipated audit into UG – in light of allegations of mismanagement of funds. When the Ministry withdrew its request, the Audit Office had heeded widespread calls to continue the exercise anyway. But it subsequently emerged that the special audit had been stalled until authorities could figure out who would stand the expense involved in conducting the probe.

In his 2016 Audit Report, Sharma had found that $209 million had been unaccounted for from the University of Guyana’s Science and Technology Support Project, funded by the Government of Guyana (GoG) and the International Development Association (IDA) under Credit Agreement No 4969GY. However, the University had insisted that the monies were used for infrastructure projects on the campus, including a fibre-optic

Pro-Chancellor Major General (retired) Joseph Singh

cable to provide students with Wi-Fi. It had also noted that some of the monies were used to renovate the faculty buildings. With Former Vice Chancellor Ivelaw Griffith walking away from the university earlier this year under a cloud, opinion has been divided over what benefits his tenure actually brought to the university, as opposed to the accusations levelled against his administration by the unions.

8 news

monday, october 14, 2019 |

IN THE COURTS Man charged for breaking lover’s car windows with brick A man who damaged his lover’s car windows appeared on Friday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, where

Terrence Thomas

he was arraigned for the offence. Twenty-four-year-old Terence Thomas of Lamaha Street, Kitty, Georgetown,

appeared before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly and pleaded guilty to the charge. The charge stated that on October 8, 2019, at Vlissengen Road, Georgetown, he maliciously damaged six windows of a motor vehicle belonging to Quincy McEwan. Police Prosecutor Christopher Morris stated that on the day in question, the men were in the vicinity of Survival Supermarket when they became involved in a heated argument which stemmed from the defendant possessing a handbag that belonged to his lover. The handbag reportedly had $70,000 in cash. The court heard that Thomas armed himself with

a brick and damaged the car windows. Hence, the matter was reported and the defendant was arrested. The Magistrate sentenced Thomas to six months of community service and he was also ordered to compensate the victim for the damage. Thomas was charged June last, for threatening another man whom he claimed wanted to have a sexual relationship with him. Thomas had pleaded guilty to the charge which stated that on June 1, 2019 at Lamaha Street, Kitty, he made use of threatening language towards 52-yearold Keith Mckenzie. He was fined $10,000 for the offence.



…a lame duck ust when you thought the Chronic, under the ministrations of Nagamootoo and his DPI shill, couldn’t sink any lower – snakes are already on the ground, aren’t they? – they just went and endorsed Granger as their preferred Presidential candidate among the PPP, PNC and ANUG!! Of course we know Nagamootoo is assiduously brown-nosing Granger, hoping against all the evidence that he’ll be PM pick!! Ahhh…hope springs eternal in the human breast and all that!! But back to the Chronic’s endorsement. They claim this coming election is a “referendum on leadership”, and insist that “from (David Granger’s) entry into the political arena a decade ago, he has demonstrated a (high) level of integrity and uprightness…” Now, let’s examine this assertion, which is obviously the best they can do, since there’s nothing of any note he’s done as President. Let’s start with “integrity”. Now, the dictionary informs us that the word “integrity” means “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles”. Your Eyewitness first encountered Granger from his history of the GDF, in which he describes the action of the GDF contingent that shot and killed those two unarmed civilians who were trying to prevent the hijacking of ballot boxes as “exemplary”!! Where is the “integrity” of an officer who can justify such a barbarous action? We next encounter him in 1979, when Burnham had consolidated his “paramountcy of the PNC” but was troubled by some young officers becoming influenced by the mockery of Walter Rodney, who dubbed him “King Midas” - everything he touches becomes transmuted to shit!! Burnham bypassed all the GDF officers senior to Granger, who maintained their professionalism, and appointed Granger as Head of the army!! All that meant was that Burnham knew Granger had no integrity as an officer, and would do whatever he asked. Granger confirmed his lack of integrity when he told a PNC gathering he’d “always” been PNC!! He thus obviously never had any problem with swearing personal loyalty to Burnham at the PNC congresses! And we arrive at his “election” as PNC leader in 2011. Integrity? Didn’t he connive with the disenfranchisement of the Linden delegation? Didn’t Aubrey Norton insist the elections were “rigged”? Didn’t he then ban Kissoon and Solomon from the party? Aren’t they still persona non grata?? Integrity?? A man who gave Nagamootoo - who helped him win the 2015 elections -Larwah rather than the promised expanded Prime Ministership?? Integrity?? A man who played Machiavellian plots to undermine the Constitution?? Who derided the judgement of our courts as “their perception” and said he was entitled to his? Integrity?? A man who oversaw the rape of the treasury over his Jubilee Park?? Pleese!! …PNC’s lies The Director of the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), Per Fredrik Pharo, has nailed the lie the new Minister of State Dawn Hastings told about Norway’s US$50M, which she claimed was being transferred to her Government. She’d gone up to the UN General Assembly meet, met the Norwegian Minister and breathlessly rushed home with her “revelation”. It was meant to deny that the international community was taking steps against her government’s illegally delaying the constitutionally mandated elections. The money was actually being turned over to the UNcontrolled GRIF [Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund] and will be available only to the new government formed after May 2 2020!! It’s rather pathetic how Hastings has opened up Guyana to the censure – and that’s what it is! – of a country that has played such a positive role in our low carbon development. But we can see why Hastings is now the preferred candidate for the PM position over Nagamootoo and Ramjattan: She not only lies like her leader, but, as a ‘real” PNC, she is “born to rule Guyana”! …ourselves Your Eyewitness will not say much about the Warriors’ loss to the Tridents at this time, save this: Like Lot in the Bible, we’re being tested by some cosmic force. But they’re still OUR Warriors, and we remain firmly behind them. Readers are invited to send their comments by email to

9 Man killed in Church St robbery news

monday, october 14, 2019 |

– unarmed security officer was unable to assist


n unidentified man was on Saturday evening killed during the commissioning of an alleged robbery on Church Street, Georgetown. Based on information received, about 21:30h, the now dead man was being chased by the 24-year-old suspect and went to the security officer at the Office of the Opposition Leader for assistance. The security officer who is being provided by the State as protection for Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo does not carry a

gun, baton, mobile phone or a radio set; hence, she was unable to call for assistance. Upon seeing the scuffle between the now dead man and the suspect, the female guard reportedly ran and hid out of fear that the suspect might have a gun. Guyana Times understands that the victim was severely beaten and eventually strangled to death with a belt belonging to the suspect. After committing the act, the suspect attempted to escape, but he was apprehended by public-spir-

The body of the unidentified man lying on the road on Saturday evening

ited citizens and handed over to the Police when they arrived at the scene sometime later in the evening. While the victim’s identity is unknown, he was of African descent and was clad in a pair of short camouflage pants, blue jersey and a pair of fawn coloured “Clarks” footwear. It is not clear what items were taken away from the victim. The suspect is expected to be charged with the capital offence of murder this week. The Guyana Police Force is seeking the pub-

lic’s assistance to identify the victim, whose body is at the Lyken Funeral Home. This is only one instance of the rise in crime although the Government remains reluctant to acknowledge the fact. Several robberies have been committed over the past few days as well as a few murders. In Georgetown, an elderly woman was found murdered in her Bourda home. On the Corentyne, two men were killed while two others are missing following a piracy attack on a fishing vessel.

No ban on importation of fruits – GRA ...urges importers to escalate concerns about delays with Authority


ollowing concerns being expressed by importers of an alleged ban on importing items such as fruits into Guyana, a senior official from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has denied the existence of any ban. In fact, the introduction of the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) is supposed to help fasttrack these transactions, although persons have contended otherwise. According to information reaching this publication, one importer in particular has encountered stumbling blocks when importing fruits. While that importer’s cargo was eventually released after delays, the importer was reportedly informed by GRA officials of prohibitions when it comes

have to go through the regular risk profiling. There’s no ban, and we’ve already catered for (that); so I don’t know why they would have a problem. “But they should (ventilate) it with management if they have a problem, be-

The Guyana Revenue Authority

to importing such items. When contacted, Deputy Commissioner General of GRA, Hema Khan, denied that there was any ban on the import of fruits and similar perishables. She explained that there are systems and Standard Operating Procedures

(SOPs) in place to deal with perishable items. “They should have been using that system. We have implemented ASYCUDA, and we put a special review in place for those persons, whereby as it arrives it can be released (in a timely manner). So you don’t

cause we do cater for those kinds of scenarios: the early release of perishable items; we do have a different SOP to deal with that.” ASYCUDA World is a recognized Internetbased system of documentation used in most of the

Caribbean territories to bring about significant benefits in customs and trade, such as the reduction in processing time of customs documentation, and the quick release of imported and exported goods. continue on page 14


monday, october 14, 2019 |

Former Journalist defies all odds to pursue law career T

hirty-year-old Tifaine Rutherford, the daughter of Member of Parliament Audwin Rutherford who endured a high-risk pregnancy, during her final year at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad, was admitted to practise Law in Guyana on Friday last at the Demerara High Court. The petition of Rutherford, a former Journalist, was presented to acting Chief Justice Roxane George by Attorney-at-Law Latchmie Rahamat, who described her as a woman of integrity and good character. The acting Chief Justice

New lawyer Tifaine Rutherford along with Attorney-at-Law Latchmie Rahamat, husband and daughter

told Rutherford that law was a profession that called for lifelong learning, honesty, integrity and courtesy, and encouraged her to be respectful so she could earn respect in the profession. “The journey so far may have seemed tough; I can assure you it will get tougher. I urge you to put your best foot forward at all times and strive for excellence. Do not sell yourself; the oath you took is to serve the people of Guyana with the best of your ability,” ad-

vised Justice George. Rutherford, after listening to the acting Chief Justice’s advice, expressed that she was grateful for the opportunity and committed to practising with integrity. The young mother expressed heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed towards her success. The young Attorney attended Watooka Primary School and then the Mackenzie High School in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice). She then commenced her A Levels at the St Stanislaus College and got her first degree in Sociology from the University of Guyana in 2010. In 2017, she secured a place at the Faculty of Law at the University, and later her Bachelor of Laws Degree. In 2018, Rutherford attended the Hugh Wooding Law School and was awarded the Legal Education Certificate (LEC) on Saturday last. In an interview, Rutherford revealed: “Just as I entered Trinidad in my second year, I discovered I was pregnant and while I wanted to take a leave of absence, I decided to con-

Tifaine Rutherford and Chief Justice (acting) Roxane George

sult with my family and see if that was the best route for me. “In the end, I decided that I was going to continue with the programme; that was something super hard and I got a lot of ‘fightdown’ from the school to write my exams; I actually wrote exams in August. Having high blood pressure too, I realised I had to push on because I didn’t want my daughter to see me as a failure,” Rutherford said. The young woman admitted that the journey

was not easy, because she was away from her family for two years pursuing her LEC, but was thankful for the journey and experience. She added that as a child she was very argumentative and with the help of her parents, she discovered her passion for the profession. The young lawyer advised anyone pursuing their career to not give up, for although it would be a lot of hard work, just keep on going. Rutherford will be practising criminal, corporate and civil law.



monday, october 14, 2019 |

Police manhandle villagers picketing Granger at school graduation ...violation of constitutional right of freedom of assembly – villagers


esidents of Cornelia Ida (C.I.) on the West Coast of Demerara (WCD) were reportedly manhandled by members of the Guyana Police Force during a “peaceful” protest held outside the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN), where President David Granger was the chief guest. The Head of State had attended the annual graduation ceremony of the educational institution located at Cornelia Ida (CI) Public Road, WCD. However, upon his arrival, he was greeted by placard-carrying protestors from surrounding villages, who were protesting his illegality in office. The picketing exercise was organised by members of the Association for Democracy and Human Rights (ADHR), which is comprised of residents of CI and surrounding villages. Speaking with Guyana Times, Director of the Association, Vikash Ramkissoon, explained that they had emerged from a street in their village opposite SVN, and were lined up on the shoulder of the public road picketing when some People’s National Congress (PNC) supporters started to counter-protest them. At the time, they were behind the “safe” area barricaded by the Police, who numbered over 150 ranks and officers.

yond the secured area while they were prevented from doing same by the officers, who formed a human barricade to block them off. “We asked why we can’t go through as well, and [the Police] had no answer,” he stated. As such, the ADHR member said, they subsequently moved the protest back into the street in the CI Housing Scheme located opposite the school where the President was. Ramkissoon said they were “peacefully” picketing behind the barricades when the Police returned in force and suddenly started to vigorously push back the protestors further into the street using the barricades like battering rams. This, he noted, further escalated the situation, and the protestors were manhandled. “We went into the street opposite SVN where the President was, and there was barricade there; and

A Policeman removing one of the flags

According to Ramkissoon, the situation escalated after the President’s motorcade passed and arrived at the school. He noted that the PNC “counter- protestors” were allowed through be-

so we stood behind the barricade protesting peacefully when the Police pushed barricades to get us further back, when they could’ve simply requested us to move back, and that was very

rude…. “If the Police had made a request formally to us that we needed to move back, then we would have (done so), because we were there peacefully protesting behind the barricades. But

they were rude, they wanted a confrontation. We didn’t go past the barricades, but they used the barricades to push back on us further into the street,” Ramkissoon recalled. “They had established a safe zone, but were now arbitrarily expanding it. In doing so, they were denying us our constitutional right to freedom of association and freedom to protest,” he contended. He related that this resulted in some of the protestors falling to the ground and even in the nearby drain, resulting in at least one man sustaining injuries to one of his feet. Ramkissoon related that he was capturing the entire ordeal on his phone when the Police arrested him. He said he was placed in a Police vehicle with cuffs on his ankle “like a criminal” and his phone was taken away. He further told his newspaper that there was a young man who was also detained with him, and they were left there shackled for more than an hour without being allowed to contact anyone. However, he said, nearly two hours after being detained, he was released. “They released me and told me to move my car and

go home, so I did just that. When I left, the other boy was there still, and I don’t know what happened to him, because after they told me to go home, I left; I didn’t want to cause any problem,” Ramkissoon said. Nevertheless, he contended that he was subject to “false imprisonment” by the Police because there was no reason for shackling and detaining him. However, that Sunday afternoon incident was the second ordeal that the ADHR members had to face that day. In preparation for their planned protest later in the day, the members were erecting black flags to

signify the “death of democracy” under the Granger-led Coalition regime. Those flags, however,

were removed by the Police, whom Guyana Times understands were instructed by the Ministry of the Presidency to do so. Another member of the Association, Jeewan Ramcharitar, pointed out that they were surprised by the action of the Police. “The Police instructed me to take the flags off, but I resisted and say I can’t take it off because it was mounted by some other members, who had to use ladders to place it on the poles…. The flags are actually withheld by one of the Police officers, and he said that if I want back the flags I have to go back to the station tomorrow,” Ramcharitar said. Moreover, protestors from the community said they were taken aback by the large number of Police ranks deployed to the location for just the presence of

the caretaker President. It was the largest gathering of Police they had ever seen on the West Coast. “It was very amazing that the taxpayers’ money has gone to this kind of things… I’m living for 15 years in CI and this is the first time so many Police and security force is out here,” one woman stated. Another man, Sham, pointed out that whenever any crime happens, there is never any Police to go to the scene, but they found ranks to line the community for the illegal President. Ramcharitar added that they were “intimated by such high presence of Police. We never see so much of Police here. I never expect that we have so much of Police up here. For example, if there is a robbery at your home, days after then you will see Police show up.”

12 news

monday, october 14, 2019 |

Police Constable, friend injured DDL commissions Guyana’s 1st in motorcycle accident Liquefied Natural Gas terminal


n allegedly drunken driver found himself in hot water after the minibus he owns and operates collided with a motorcycle, seriously injuring a Police Officer and his pillion rider. The injured men were identified as 22-year-old Police Constable Azad Fredericks, who is attached to the Alberttown Police Station, Georgetown, and 29-year-old Daniel Mondesir of Salem Village, Parika, East Bank Essequibo (EBE). The minibus owner and driver, 62-year-old Lachminayan Ramnarine, of Lot 26 A Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara (WCD), is presently in Police custody, assisting with the investigation. Reports are that on Saturday about 19:45h, Ramnarine was driving along “Bus Shed Street”, Anna Catherina, when he allegedly switched lanes, causing his vehicle to collide with the motorcycle. As a result of the impact of the collision, both Fredericks and Mondesir were thrown from the motorcycle and landed on the roadway. They sustained multiple injuries about their bodies. Guyana Times was told that the injured men were picked up by public-spir-


The motorcycle (CK 461) which Police Constable Azad Fredericks was riding, along with his friend, Daniel Mondesir, at the time of the accident

ited persons and taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, WCD, where the doctor on duty immediately transferred them to the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) after examining their injuries. After further examination by a doctor at the WDRH upon arrival, they were admitted. Fredericks is said to have sustained a fractured left leg while Mondesir is suffering from fractured ribs. In addition to those

injuries, the duo also sustained several lacerations about their bodies. According to a Police source, a breathalyser test was conducted on Ramnarine, and results revealed that the minibus driver had alcohol in his system that is above the prescribed legal limit. His vehicle, along with the motorcycle, is impounded at the Leonora Police Station, WCD, as the investigation continues. (Kristen Macklingam)

s part of its drive to employ clean energy sources for power generation, the Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) recently commissioned Guyana’s first Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) re-gasification terminal. The company is now using LNG to power its operations at its Diamond, East Bank Demerara operations. LNG is natural gas that has been chilled to minus 160 Celsius turning it into a liquid and making it safe to load and transport in specially designed containers. When warmed back to atmospheric temperature at DDL’s regasification terminal, the LNG becomes natural gas and is used to power electric generators and boilers. Natural gas, when used for power generation, emits significantly less carbon dioxide (CO2), fewer sulphur and nitrogen oxides, and almost zero particulate matter, making it the cleanest of all fossil fuels. Working with its Trinidad-based LNG fuel supplier, ICON LNG Trinidad Limited, DDL converted a pair of its diesel generators to dual fuel, powering them on a mixture of natural gas and diesel, thus helping it become one of Guyana’s cleanest power-producing companies. “We are very excited to be the first Guyanese company to use LNG for our power generation needs,” said DDL Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Vasudeo Singh. “As part of our efforts to diversify our fuel supply to cleaner alternatives, we studied the options and concluded that LNG or natural gas is a safe and proven fuel globally as well as here in the

Mark Superville of SPATT Limited with DDL employees during the practical sessions of the LNG training

Caribbean region where it is being used extensively in Jamaica, Barbados, and the Dominican Republic in operations similar to ours. We are also pleased to partner with ICON LNG who provided us a turnkey equipment and supply solution for regular LNG deliveries,” Singh noted. ICON LNG Trinidad Limited is dedicated to delivering liquefied natural gas to where it is needed throughout the Southern Caribbean. With support from its LNG suppliers and technology partners, the Trinidadian company offers turnkey solutions that enable companies to upgrade their electricity generating equipment or process heating equipment to dual fuel and receive LNG deliveries to their doorstep on a reliable and timely basis. In order to support the LNG operations, DDL recently held a full-day training seminar for a number of

its employees covering LNG awareness and safe handling procedures. The training course was conducted by experienced health and safety instructor, Mark Superville, of Safety Pass Alliance Trinidad and Tobago (SPATT) Limited. The course covered a range of critical topics including the properties of LNG, LNG tank design, loading and unloading procedures, required personal protective equipment and spill response procedures. Also included in the training was a hands-on curriculum at DDL’s regasification terminal where attendees became familiar with the operational controls of the LNG tanks as well as the proper procedures for connecting and disconnecting the tanks to the regasification terminal. Port personnel and truck operators from John Fernandes Ltd also attended the training seminar.



monday, october 14, 2019 |

Suspected piracy attack

Decomposed body of 2nd fisherman found … mother regrets allowing son to go out to sea

Dead: Otto Lemar Petrie


he body of 20-year-old Otto Lemar Petrie of Lot 90 Miss Phoebe, Port Mourant, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) who went missing following a suspected pirate attack a few days ago was discovered Sunday on the Abary Foreshore, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice). The discovery was made by a search party, which was led by Police Officers. The discovery of Petrie’s

The grieving mother of Otto Lemar Petrie

body came 36 hours after the body of his colleague was found in the same location. The body of 36-year-old Kawal Kissoon, also called “Ajai”, of Letter Kenny Village, Corentyne, was discovered on Friday with his hands bound behind his back and his feet tied

Dead: Kawal Kissoon, also called “Ajai”

Missing: Marvin Tamesar, also called “Buddy” or “Bin Laden”

Missing: Vishnu Seeram, also called “Kevin”

together. However, it was not until Saturday that his body was identified. Petrie’s body was in an advanced state of decomposition. His hands and feet were also bound. On October 5, the two men, along with Marvin Tamesar also called “Buddy” and “Bin Laden”, 20, of Miss Phoebe and Vishnu Seeram, called “Kevin”, 20, of the same village, left from a wharf at Number 65 Village for sea aboard Sara 1 -- a fishing vessel owned by Sharanand Rabindranauth of Number 68 Village, Corentyne. Sara 1 found on the Foreshore at Wellington Park, Corentyne on Friday afternoon, but none of the crew members were found. The owner was contacted and after the boat was inspected, the Police were called in. Following the discovery of the body on Sunday, members of the grieving families flocked a funeral parlour at Number Five Village, West Coast Berbice, to assist in identifying the body. Onicka Simon, the mother of the dead man, told Guyana Times that her son had on the same clothes he left home with on October 5. “That is how I know that is him,” she said. The almost inconsolable Simon, after seeing her son’s body,

blamed herself for allowing him to go out to sea. “Is I tell him that he got to find a work to do, and when he ask me if he could go …. I should have tell him ‘No’. He don’t know nothing about the water out there,”

had only worked on small boats before that did not venture far into the ocean. Since the family moved to the Corentyne late last year, he was unable to find work and it was only last week he was contacted by

Sara 1 – the vessel in which the men left on October 5

the grieving mother wailed out. “That is my son; that is my son and I know that they kill he. All he wanted to do was to work and help out,” the single parent related. Petrie was the eldest of six siblings. According to his mother, he wanted to make a difference, but now he will never get a chance to do so. “He was just in the prime of his life,” she noted. Petrie had been in the fishing industry for the past three years. However, he

the Captain of the boat to join his team. He informed his mother of the offer and permission was given for him to go ahead. “He came and told Lemar that they need one more person to go out to fish and when Lemar told me, I tell him that it is okay because he ain’t getting no work,” Simon said. Meanwhile, the search continues for the two other fishermen Tamesar and Seeram. The four men were expected back before the end of the month.

Guard accidentally shoots colleague while clearing firearm

Region Three Police Commander, Senior Superintendent Linden Lord


security officer attached to the Sheriff Security Services is now nursing a gunshot wound to his left foot after being shot by his colleague while they were delivering firearms to another security officer on Sunday morning. The injured man has been identified as 23-yearold Jamal Bourne of Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD). Reports received revealed that about 08:30h, Bourne and his co-worker, Travis Johnson, were handing over service weapons to their colleague who was stationed at a Chinese supermarket in Dairy, Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara (WBD) when the shooting incident occurred. Bourne was reportedly sitting in the back seat of the vehicle while Johnson was standing close to the nearby door “clearing” his service firearm, a 9mm Glock. It was at this time Johnson is said to have accidentally squeezed the trigger and the gun went off. The discharged round reportedly struck Bourne above his knee on his left foot and exited his body. The injured man was immediately rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH), where he was admitted for treatment.

Bourne was said to have been in stable condition before he was subsequently discharged from that hospital. The other security officers who were present when the incident took place returned to the company’s headquarters with Johnson’s service weapon. Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) Police Commander, Senior Superintendent Linden Lord, when contacted, explained that Johnson was presently in Police custody at the La Grange Police Station, WBD. He stated that such an incident was preventable and that persons who carried loaded weapons should exercise more caution especially in the presence of others, or in public settings. “I am urging the security companies using firearms to ensure that their personnel who are authorised to use those firearms know about the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). They need to be more careful as to when they are cleaning, handing over, and taking over firearms.” He added that a probe is under way as his ranks are in the process of retrieving Johnson’s weapon from the Sheriff Security Services to continue their investigations into the matter. (Kristen Macklingam)

14 news

monday, october 14, 2019|

First Lady urges pensioners to remain active in society


uyana’s First Lady Sandra Granger, on Sunday morning, urged pensioners to boost their acquired work experience and skills with technology, so that they would be able to further contribute to the growth and development of Guyana. Mrs. Granger made this plea during a Presidential Brunch held at the Baridi Benab in State House Compound to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Government Pensioners Association of Guyana. “In this Age of Technology which has also been called

First Lady Sandra Granger addressing members of the Government Pensioners Association of Guyana

the Fourth Industrial Revolution, you can develop and enhance your skills in information and communication technologies. Then, applying those skills and experience together with the knowledge and expertise you acquired during your careers in the public service, you can work from your homes, work full-time or part-time, and provide the services needed in Guyana’s expanding economy,” Mrs. Granger said while delivering the feature address. The First Lady said it is interesting that this year’s celebration is being held un-

der the theme “The Age of Promise”. “One would have thought that at this time in your lives…you would have been inclined to rest on your laurels and take advantage of quiet days of rest and relaxation. Instead, the theme for this commemoration gives the impression of anticipa-

procedures of their various ministries and agencies, of working towards deadlines and crunching numbers in their respective budgets, and of hustling to transmit documents to Permanent Secretaries and/ or Ministers. “This proves that your lives have meaning, with

Some of the members of the Government Pensioners Association of Guyana who joined President David Granger and First Lady Sandra Granger at State House for a Presidential Brunch to celebrate the Association's 70th Anniversary

tion, of hope and of eagerly awaiting fulfilment of certain goals and objectives,” she said. The First Lady complimented the pensioners for not “sitting back and anticipating quiet days at home”. Mrs Granger reminded the pensioners that their presence at the brunch is testimony to the shared knowledge of the rules and

the skills and expertise you share. It also means that you can continue to be relevant if you take advantage of the opportunities offered in this era of lifelong education,” Mrs. Granger said. Those in attendance were treated to poems, music and songs. This milestone celebration is occurring during the month in which senior citizens are honoured.

No ban on... Its introduction to the GRA was premised on the failure of the previous Total Revenue Integrated Processing System (TRIPS) to deliver as expected, with relevant customs modules such as e-manifest, wantof-entry, and warehousing. There, however, have been complaints that enough education did not precede the introduction of the system. While GRA did hold consultations with

from page 9

stakeholders, there is a perception that sensitisation efforts did not go far enough to reach importers. In addition, concerns have been expressed about the narrow window within which importers can lodge declarations before the ship arrives. However, GRA has said that the delay is necessary to ensure manifests and the relevant documents cross match.



monday, october 14, 2019 |

Mahaica residents battle with rising “smelly” water – without drinking water for days


esidents of several villages in Mahaica, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) are seeking the immediate intervention of Government as they battle with the rising level of “smelly” water. Several houses in Highdam, Mahaica were surrounded by discoloured water and in some instances, the lower flats were inundated. Two weeks ago, Anika Bickoon was forced onto the street after the floodwaters swept through her house with reptiles swimming in the 18 inches of water. On Sunday, there was no water in her house, but the stench was unbearable. “Since the last time the water recede, I came back home and clean up. I put away everything and start back living as normal and two days ago the water start to rise up stink, stink, stink, black and stink. I can’t live here. I can’t cook and do anything,” she explained. Nevertheless, another resident, Onica Prince, related that the garbage piled up needed to be removed as soon as possible. “We have nowhere to

The garbage piled up in the village

throw the garbage. All the things that we throw from the house, they are just left there and the NDC [Neighbourhood Democratic Council] is not coming to pick them up,” Prince said. When Guyana Times visited the area, Prince was taking a basket with clothes to another community to wash. “For the past two weeks we have been getting this water, it is not going anywhere; it is stagnant, dirty, and smelly. Presently, I cannot stay here. We need help

and immediate help. This is dangerous for our children. They have to go to school, but what can we do? Right now, there is an urgent need for water. We cannot drink the water from the tap. I live at the back, the truck use to come and we would buy water, but now the truck cannot come in because of the situation. Tomorrow, we cannot get water. Drinking water is most important. We cannot do anything,” she reiterated, adding that there is no water to wash dishes. Meanwhile, residents

Queen’s College Old Students’ Association elects new executives


he Queen’s College Old Students’ Association (QCOSA) on Saturday held an Extraordinary General Meeting at Queen’s College, Camp and Thomas Roads, Thomas Lands, Georgetown, Guyana. The gathering saw approximately 60 former students of the school participating in a much-anticipated meeting in the 175th anniversary year of Guyana’s premier high school. The Returning Officer appointed, Khalil Alli, duly declared the positions vacant and commenced elections to fill 11 vacant spots on the Executive Committee. Following the transparent electoral process, the following persons were elected: Dr Arron Fraser was elected as President while Pauline Chase will serve as First Vice President and Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon as Second Vice President. Martina McDonaldJohnson was elected as Secretary while Bobita Ram will serve as Assistant Secretary-Assistant Treasurer; Nelsonia Persaud Budhram will serve as Public Relations Officer and Kawbina Griffith as Physical Educator & Sports Advisor. Sanjeev Datadin, Samuel Hinds, Devindra Kissoon and Pearson Burch-Smith were elected as ordinary members. The Executive Committee is made up of 14 persons. Mizana Gonsalves is the sitting treasurer

Dr Arron Fraser, President of the Queen’s College Old Students Association (QCOSA)

while Errol Ramdhanny and James Rajroop are the other two sitting ordinary members of the Executive

Committee. The members thanked outgoing Secretary and Chair of the morning’s proceedings, Sharon SinghKreuter for her dedication and time, serving over the years. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association is constitutionally due in March of each and every succeeding year. The Association has not held an AGM in the past three years. The meeting saw the largest turnout of members in over a decade and Dr Fraser was elected unopposed. The College celebrates its 175th anniversary this month, for which several exciting activities are planned in celebration.

claimed that the Public Health Ministry has not visited the area since the sea defence gave way at Dantzig causing wide flooding and killing livestock and pets. While the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) has been constructing dams to prevent further intrusion of seawater, residents were footing the expense of pumping water out of their yards. “Minister Patterson came two times and nobody else came to tell us what happening. So, we decide to crown the dam at the back and take money out of our pocket and pump this water out,” Lloyd Noberga told Guyana Times. Region Five Chairman Vickchand Ramphal ex-

One of the many houses surrounded by water

plained that the water has been coming back onto the land, noting that some of the fields which had dried off are once again flooded. “This is because of the current high tide,” he ex-

plained. Two weeks ago, the sea defence at Dantzig, Mahaica gave way allowing the salty seawater onto the land, killing livestock, rice fields and vegetable farms.

Man shot in drive-by shooting during night out with friends


27-year-old man is now battling for his life at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was shot while attempting to solicit a taxi with two of his friends on Sunday morning. Alanka Hompus, of Best Village, West Coast Demerara (WCD), was seen consuming alcohol on Saturday evening with his friends at a popular bar located at Crane village, WCD. Based on information gathered, about 02:30h on Sunday, the trio left the location after the bar closed, but they want to party more, so they started to walk along the Crane Old Road area in search of a taxi

to transport them to another drinking spot. However, before the trio could locate a cab, they came under fire from one of the occupants of a blue motor car that was driving past them. One of the bullets reportedly hit Hompus to the left side of his abdomen causing him to fall to the roadway as the car sped away. Guyana Times was told that the injured man was picked and rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH), where he was immediately admitted. Upon initial examination, it was confirmed that the bullet was lodged in Hompus’ abdomen. At approximately 03:30h

on Sunday, the injured man was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital owing to the severity of his condition. Meanwhile, investigators visited the scene where they combed the area, but no spent shells were found. The car involved in the crime has not been located and no arrest in this regard has been made. Region Three Police Commander, Senior Superintendent Linden Lord, when contacted on Sunday, told this newspaper that an active investigation was underway, and his ranks were working to locate the motor car that was involved in the shooting incident.


monday, october 14, 2019


Military patrols Ecuador’s capital as clashes resume and many defy curfew


rmoured military vehicles patrolled the streets of Ecuador’s capital, Quito, on Sunday after Police and protesters clashed and many residents defied a curfew imposed by President Lenin Moreno in a bid to quell unrest triggered by fuel subsidy cuts. Ecuadoreans posted videos on social media of burning road blockades and standoffs between crowds

Demonstrators fire a homemade weapon during a protest against Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno’s austerity measures, in Quito, Ecuador, October 13, 2019

and security forces in downtown Quito ahead of the first round of talks aimed at ending 11 days of unrest. The Interior Minister said a group of vandals had again set fire to the comptroller’s office and that some 500 people had defied Police barriers in the city. The unrest was the worst in the small South American country in more than a decade and the lat-

est flashpoint of opposition to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Latin America. Moreno has cast the dispute as a battle between Venezuela and other left-leaning forces and more market-friendly ideologies. Nearly 60 roads in the city were closed, the municipal Government said, without elaborating. “Blocking roads is pun-

ishable by law and even more so during a curfew,” said Councilman Bernardo Abad. Indigenous protesters vowed to continue protests across the country until Moreno reinstates fuel subsidies, a sign that a potential breakthrough in the dispute announced on Saturday might fade under the Government crackdown. (Excerpt from Reuters)

Regional central banks UN migration agency launches to conduct survey US$10M appeal to support


ith the wide variety of payment options available to consumers, it is important for regional central banks to understand how and why people choose the payment methods they use to pay for goods and ser-

vices. To this end, the Central Bank of Barbados is teaming up with its regional counterparts for a survey. The survey runs until October 25, 2019 and the information received is being compiled by the

Caribbean Economic Research Team (CERT). All responses will be kept strictly confidential. “We want to hear from you, so please take a few minutes to tell us,” the Bank urged. (Barbados Advocate)

duction would result in less working hours or even job loss with the promise of a 15 per cent increase in salaries for workers and contractors at CEPEP. However, in a media release, Imbert said that he wished “to assure all CEPEP workers that they will get their increased salaries in December 2019, if not before, and, contrary to…Sunday Guardian front page story, their numbers and working hours will not be reduced. Prior to publishing the article, Guardian Media reached out to CEPEP line

minister Kazim Hosein and sought to find out how the increases would be calculated with a TT$21 million reduction in allocation. Hosein said, “We have a certain amount of contractors and a certain amount of workers and that is the allocation we received to handle that full amount. That is what happened in the last budget too.” He promised to look at the figures and provide more detailed information. Nothing else was received up to press time. (Excerpt from

T&T Finance Minister assures: no job cuts in CEPEP


inance Minister Colm Imbert has assured that there will be no reduction in manpower or working hours for those employed with Community-Based Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP). This response follows an article in the Sunday Guardian which quoted political scientist Dr Bishnu Ragoonath and former Housing and Urban Development Minister Dr Roodal Moonial as saying that millions of dollars in recurrent expenditure re-

Trinidad Guardian)

More protests in Haiti Thousands joined a protest in the Haitian capital Sunday called by the art community to demand President Jovenel Moïse resign, the Associated Press reported. Almost one month of

marches and protests have resulted in the shuttering of schools and businesses. “”Not our president” and “We want a different Haiti,” read signs in the protest in Port-au-Prince, where smoke could be seen rising

from debris fires started by protesters,” AP reported. “In contrast to recent demonstrations, Police did not intervene to stop the protesters and the march progressed without tear gas.”

African, Caribbean and Central American countries set out together from Tapachula. Following in the footsteps of past caravans, they planned to spend the first night in Huixtla, 41 kilometres (25 miles) north, but their journey was cut short approximately three quarters of the way there. Mexican immigration and security forces mounted a major operation on Saturday afternoon to halt the caravan’s advance. National Guard troops blocked the highway, the main corridor for commercial traffic between Mexico and Guatemala, while other National Guard troops, federal Police and immigration agents fanned out in the area.

“What can we do?” Lucie*, an asylum seeker from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, told Al Jazeera as she gestured at the security forces blocking the route. “We have no other option. We have to pass,” she said. The Mexican National Immigration Institute said in a statement on Saturday that the institute, “with complete respect for human rights, carried out actions to invite the foreign nationals who formed the contingwent that departed from the city of Tapachula, Chiapas, to turn to the institute to get to know the options for the regularisation of their stay in the country.” (Excerpt from Al Jazeera)

Mexican National Guard blocks US-bound migrant caravan


exican immigration and security forces cracked down on a caravan of migrants and asylum seekers on Saturday, the eve of the anniversary of the departure of the Honduran collective exodus that captured international attention. As the US and Mexico continue to restrict options for migrants and asylum seekers, many have been stuck for months in Tapachula, a city in the southern state of Chiapas, hoping for documentation that permits transit north through Mexico to the US border. Before dawn on Saturday, more than 1000 migrants and asylum seekers from various

hurricane recovery in Bahamas


he United Nations’ International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has launched a US$10 million appeal to assist The Bahamas as the country continues to recover from the devastation brought on by Hurricane Dorian just over a month ago. On Friday, IOM said the funding will support its operations in areas such as camp coordination and management, provision of shelter and non-food items, and emergency evacuations through April 2020. “Hurricane Dorian caused widespread devastation on the islands of Abaco (from Marsh Harbour to the North) and Grand Bahama (from Pelican Point east to McLean’s Town), leaving behind a trail of destroyed infrastructure, clogged with debris from devastated houses, domestic goods, vehicles and natural debris like trees and mangroves, uprooted by the storm surge,” said IOM officer Nazif Aliu. The UN said that when

Hurricane Dorian hit The Bahamas on September 1

Hurricane Dorian hit The Bahamas on September 1, the Category Five storm caused 61 deaths, while more than 600 people are still missing. UN Secretary General António Guterres visited the country shortly afterwards, describing the disaster as “Category Hell”. IOM has established two offices in The Bahamas – one in the capital, Nassau, and the other on Abaco – with a third planned for Grand Bahama.

The Organisation said it was already supporting the country through grants from the United States and the UN Central Emergency Relief Fund, representing nearly US$2 million of the appeal. The funding has allowed IOM to begin debris removal in Abaco, in partnership with the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Community Organised Relief Effort (CORE), the UN said. (Excerpt from CMC)

Lumberer, friend found murdered in Cumuto


lumberer by trade, Bryan Felix, 40, was asked by his neighbour Aleem Khan, 50, on Friday to help cut down some logs and build up a wooden structure on a parcel of land in Cumuto, Trinidad. The pair, who both lived off the Cumuto Main Road in Coryal Village, returned home on Friday evening, having completed some work. On Saturday, they went back out with the same intentions. However, they never returned home. Villagers from their community conducted searches to find the two men – Khan, a father of two, and Felix, a father of one. But their search ended in tragedy Saturday morning when the bodies of the two men were found near where they were last seen. Police told the Guardian Media that officers from the Cumuto Police Station re-

Aleem Khan

ceived information that two bodies were found at Sin Verguenza Road, Coryal Village. The officers went to a bushy area approximately a quarter mile off the northern side of the roadway where they observed two male bodies lying in the bushes with what appeared to be gunshot wounds to their heads. The wounds appeared to have been made by a shotgun. When the Guardian vis-

ited Coryal Village, relatives and friends of the two men had gathered in their numbers to pay their final respects. The overarching feeling at the two wakes was shock. No one understood why this had happened. “When we woke up this morning we weren’t expecting to hear this, nah. We were expecting to hear maybe they got lost or something. But not this,” Guardian Media was told by one villager. (Excerpt

from Trinidad Guardian)

monday, october 14, 2019


Around the World

Turkey-Syria offensive: Kurds Woman shot dead by Texas Police through reach deal with Syrian army bedroom window T

he Kurds in Syria say the Syrian Government has agreed to send its army to the northern border to try to halt Turkey’s offensive against them. Syrian State media earlier reported that Government forces had been deployed to the north. It follows the US decision to pull all its remaining troops from the area over the “untenable” situation there. The Turkish assault, launched last week, is aimed at forcing Kurdish forces from along the border area. Areas under control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the main US ally in the area,

have come under heavy bombardment over the weekend, with Turkey making gains in two key border towns. Dozens of civilians and fighters have been killed on both sides. In a separate development on Sunday, Kurdish officials said nearly 800 relatives of foreign Islamic State (IS) members had escaped from Ain Issa, a camp in the north, as clashes raged nearby. The Turkish offensive and US withdrawal has drawn an international outcry, as the SDF were the main Western allies in the battle against IS in Syria. But Turkey views the Kurdish groups within the force as terrorists and says


Dozens have been killed since the assault against Kurdish forces in Syria began on Wednesday

it wants to drive them away from a “safe zone” reaching 30 kilometres into Syria. It also plans to resettle more than three million Syrian refugees currently in Turkey within the zone. Many of them are not Kurds. Critics have warned this

could lead to ethnic cleansing of the local Kurdish population. The Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria said the Syrian army would deploy along the entire length of the border as part of the agreement. (Excerpt from BBC News)

the room,” Trudeau told reporters after helping volunteers pack boxes of food for needy families on Canada’s Thanksgiving holiday. “This will not change at all how I campaign,” Trudeau said. Trudeau – sleeves rolled up and not wearing a jacket – did not appear to be wearing a pro-

tective vest and security kept its distance compared with the tight circle they formed around him on Saturday. The decision to go ahead with Saturday’s rally was taken with the advice from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Trudeau said. (Excerpt from Reuters)

black woman was shot dead by Police through her own bedroom window in the early hours of Saturday, after a request to check on her welfare. Atatiana Jefferson, 28, had been living at the residence in Fort Worth, Texas with her eight-year-old nephew. A neighbour had called a non-emergency Police number after growing concerned that her front door was open at night. Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows an officer shooting within seconds of seeing her.

The clip shows Police searching the perimeter of the residential property, before noticing a figure at the window. After demanding the person put their hands up, an officer then fired a shot through the glass. The Fort Worth Police Department said in a statement that the officer, who is a white man, had “perceived a threat” when he drew his weapon. He has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation, officials added. The shooting happened at about 02:30 local time (07:30 GMT) on Saturday.

(Excerpt from BBC News)

Canada’s Trudeau vows to forge ahead Typhoon Hagibis: Japan deploys military rescuers with campaign after security threat


anada’s Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Sunday that he will not change the way he is campaigning ahead of the October 21 federal election after a security threat forced him to wear a bulletproof vest at a campaign rally on Saturday.

Trudeau arrived 90 minutes late to a rally outside of Toronto wearing the bulky protection under his shirt after he had received a security threat. No details have been provided by the Liberal Party or Police. “My first concern was for the safety of my family and for all the Canadians in

Tunisia election: Kais Saied to become President, exit polls suggest


etired academic Kais Saied is set to become President of Tunisia, exit polls suggest. The poll said the law professor, 61, had secured 76 per cent of votes. No official results have yet been published. He was up against media mogul Nabil Karoui, 56, who campaigned from prison after being arrested on charges of money laundering and tax fraud. He denies the charges and officials have warned he may appeal, arguing he has

not been allowed a fair campaign. After the exit polls were released, Saied appeared in front of jubilant supporters in Tunis and thanked “young people for turning a new page” in Tunisia’s history. “We will try to build a new Tunisia. Young people led this campaign, and I am responsible for them,” he said, flanked by his family. Karoui, who was freed by a court order just four days ago, came second in the

Supporters of Kais Saied celebrated the unofficial results in the capital Tunis

first round of voting, with 15.6 per cent of the vote to

Saied’s 18.4 per cent. (Excerpt from BBC News)

Johnson to set out post-Brexit law and order drive in Queen’s Speech


ueen Elizabeth will today announce several new pieces of legislation to reform Britain’s justice system, in a ceremonial speech setting out Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s post-Brexit plans. The so-called Queen’s Speech is the highlight of a day of elaborate pageantry in Westminster and is used to detail all the bills the Government wants to enact in the coming year. It is written for the 93-year-old monarch by the Government. But, with Brexit unre-

solved, and any plans beyond even the next seven days likely subject to an unpredictable election, rival parties said Johnson was misusing the politically-neutral Queen for political gain. The speech will lay out 22 new bills – pieces of proposed legislation – including several covering tougher treatment for foreign criminals and sex offenders, and new protection for victims of domestic abuse. “Keeping people safe is the most important role of any government, and as the

Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves Downing Street in London, Britain, October 3, 2019 (file photo)

party of law and order it is the Conservatives who are cracking down on crime and better protecting society,” a

statement from Johnson’s office setting out some details of the speech said. (Excerpt from Reuters)

as deadly storm hits


apan has deployed tens of thousands of troops and rescue workers after one of the strongest storms in years hit, killing at least 23 people. Typhoon Hagibis made landfall south of Tokyo on Saturday, moving north and bringing severe flooding. Seventeen people are missing from the storm, public broadcaster NHK said. In central Nagano prefecture, water surrounded Japan’s famous bullet trains while helicopters plucked stranded residents from rooftops. A total of 27,000 military troops and other rescue crews have been deployed in

relief operations, authorities said. “The Government will do its utmost,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, promising to deploy more troops if needed. By Sunday the storm had weakened and moved off land. In Kawagoe city, north of Tokyo, emergency crews used boats to help residents trapped in a nursing home. Nearly 150,000 homes in the greater Tokyo area are without power with running water also hit. Train and flight services cancelled under the threat of Hagibis are resuming. (Excerpt from BBC News)

Hong Kong protests: President Xi warns of “crushed bodies”


hina’s President Xi Jinping has issued a stern warning against dissent as protests continue in Hong Kong, saying any attempt to divide China will end in “crushed bodies and shattered bones”. His comments came during a State visit to Nepal on Sunday, China’s State broadcaster CCTV said. Several peaceful Hong Kong rallies descended into clashes between riot Police and protesters on Sunday. Public transport stations and shops deemed to be pro-Beijing were damaged. Several neighbourhoods saw rallies, and by Sunday afternoon at least 27 stations on the MTR – Hong Kong’s metro – were closed. Police said they had used “minimum force” to disperse protesters, but television

footage showed weekend shoppers caught in the chaos. Some were filmed screaming and apparently injured as officers rushed into a shopping centre. According to Reuters news agency, Riot Police with shields were forced out of one mall by chanting shoppers who took the side of the protesters. Petrol bombs were thrown at Mong Kok Police Station, and one officer was slashed in the neck, authorities say. He is in stable condition in hospital, the South China Morning Post reports. A second man was allegedly beaten by protesters who found a baton in his bag and believed he was an undercover Police Officer. (Excerpt from BBC News)


monday, OCTOber 14, 2019



A roadblock will occur if you are vocal about your plans. Feel out situations before you reveal your ideas. A change someone makes will leave you questioning your next move.


Your plans are likely to change unexpectedly. Be prepared to go with the flow and to take care of business as usual. Turn instability into opportunity. Romance is in the stars.

(March 21April 19)

(April 20May 20)


GEMINI (May 21June 20)

CANCER (June 21July 22)


Calvin and Hobbes

Stick to what’s tried and true. Tread lightly around the people you deal with daily. It’s best to be a good listener if you want to get the lowdown and stay in control.

VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22)

Learn all you can. The information you gather will encourage you to pick up new skills that will help you explore alternative ways to earn a living.


Consider what you want to do next. Be open to suggestions, but don’t lose sight of your long-term goal. Set priorities and put your plans in motion.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19)


Don’t fear change when it’s being left behind that you should be worrying about. Align yourself with people who are progressive and ready to make a difference. A friendship will lead to new beginnings.

LEO (July 23Aug. 22)

(Sept. 23Oct. 23)


Hidden matters will be revealed. Before you get involved in someone else’s affairs, make sure you haven’t got anything to hide. A relationship will be on shaky ground.

solution for saturday’s puzzle AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 19)

PISCES (Feb. 20March 20)

Make your move before someone tries to intervene. Staying one step ahead of anyone who tries to challenge you will help you to gain support and respect and to form a notable partnership. Stay on top of your responsibilities to avoid falling behind or being criticized. Don’t ignore a detail that could influence the outcome of a situation you face. Set goals and boundaries. Set standards, embrace change and put your best foot forward. Home and professional progress can be made if you aren’t afraid to take a chance on someone or something new. Consider what needs to be done, and don’t stop until you are satisfied that you have eliminated a pending legal, financial or medical issue. Good fortune is heading your way. Don’t miss out on a chance to grow your assets because you are too busy dealing with other people’s requests. Initiate a personal upgrade.

monday, october 14, 2019


SBF Petroleum/CGI Jaguars 50-over franchise cricket tourney…

Essequibo storm past Georgetown on heroics from Beaton, Savory Sampson scored 28 down the order. Bowling for Georgetown, Qumar Torrington snatched 3-64 in 10 overs, while Paul Wintz, Steven Jacobs and Ashmead Nedd each took two wickets. In reply, Georgetown lost Raymond Perez (06), Robin

with only Alphius Bookie who scored 15 reaching double figures. Between themselves, Motie and Kevin Sinclair shared six wickets. Premier left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie grabbed 3-15 in six majestic overs, which included one maiden; while the right-arm off-spin-

Ronsford Beaton took 5-18 against Georgetown

Paul Wintz celebrating a wicket with Robin Bacchus and Leon Johnson By Brandon Corlette


efending champions of the SBF Petroleum/CGI Jaguars 50-over Franchise cricket tournament, Essequibo, began their title defense with a 122-run win over a star-studded Georgetown team in a match played at the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) ground at Bourda yesterday. In pursuit of 222 to overhaul the Essequibo score, the Leon Johnson-led Georgetown team were shot out for a mere 99 runs scored in 26 overs, after Ronsford Beaton had rampaged through their innings with a haul of 5-18, augmented by Anthony Adams

and Akinie Adams each taking two wickets. Essequibo’s tally of 2219 was chiefly because of the chanceless innings of the elegant Kemol Savory, who contributed 81 from 112 balls as he led the charge. At one stage, the city side had reduced Essequibo to 63-5, but the partnership between Savory and Ronsford Beaton added 86 runs to rebuild the innings. Savory’s knock of 81 ended with he found Chris Barnwell at point off an Ashmead Nedd delivery. The innings of this left-handed number three batsman spanned 166 minutes and was decorated with six fours and two sixes. Beaton slammed 26, while Quinton

Ashmead Nedd got rid of the dangerous Kemol Savory (Brandon Corlette photos)

Bacchus (00), Winston Forrester (04), Leon Johnson (23), and Barnwell (00) in quick succession, before Joshua Persaud scored 26. Jacobs, who was caught down the leg-side for 24, was the final Demerara wicket to fall.

West Berbice demolish East Coast

The Gudakesh Motie-led West Berbice franchise destroyed the East Coast boys by 10 wickets in a match played at Lusignan. Batting first, East Coast were rattled out for 53 in 22 overs,

ner Kevin Sinclair grabbed 3-16 in six overs that included one maiden. Sinclair also smashed an unbeaten 36 that included two fours and two sixes, while his opening partner Leon Andrews supported with 14 not out as the West Berbice team ended victorious on 54-0 in 11.5 overs.

Lower Corentyne defeat East Bank

Lower Corentyne defeated East Bank by 38 runs via the DLS method in a match played at the historic Albion Community Centre

Nial Smith bagged four wickets for Lower Corentyne

Ground. Batting first, Lower Corentyne scored 170 all out in 41.1 overs on the back of Jonathan Foo’s 83, even as Trevon France took 4-25 in 10 overs. In reply, East Bank scored 112-8 in 27.3 overs, with Vishaul Singh scoring an unbeaten 38 while Ronaldo

Ali-Mohammed scored 24. Impressive paceman Nial Smith continued his brilliant run of form with figures of 4-48, while Junior Sinclair took 2-22 in 7.3 overs. In the other match played at Port Mourant, West Demerara won by nine wickets as they successfully chased down Upper Corentyne’s 124. Alex Algoo scored 63 for the Corentynebased franchise, while Tavon Hector took 3-12 for West Demerara. In reply, Tagenarine Chanderpaul scored a solid 46 to lead his team to a 9-wicket win. The matches will continue tomorrow (Tuesday) with Upper Corentyne meeting Essequibo at Everest, Georgetown meeting West Demerara at Tuschen, East Bank playing West Berbice at Bush Lot, and Lower Corentyne and East Coast engaging each other at Enmore.

Clarke earns gold at CAC Championships – Grimes snares bronze


ive-time Mr Guyana title holder Kerwin Clarke has added a gold medal to his resume after using his well-defined physique to dominate his weight class yesterday at this year’s CAC Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships staged in the Dominican Republic. With his 175 pounds of striated muscle, Clarke obliterated the competition in the under 176-pound class of nine musclemen. In the overall display, he returned on a quest to capture a coveted pro card, but that was won by overall champion Yordan Feliciano of the Dominican Republic. Clarke had earned a gold medal in this competition in 2016 in the same host na-

tion. Meanwhile, 2017 National Men’s Physique Champion Yannick Grimes snared a bronze medal in the under-170cm class in the Men’s Physique category in his CAC debut. Emmerson Campbell, bronze and silver medalist at the last two championships, surprisingly failed to place in the top six in his Men’s Physique Class, the under 174cm, and will have to return to the drawing board to work on his strategy. Guyana’s other representative at the meet, Darius Ramsammy, placed fifth in the 154pound-and-under class. The next CAC Championships, the 47th edition, will be staged next September in Colombia.

Kerwin Clarke and Yannick Grimes pose with their hardware. They are flanked by Emmerson Campbell (left) and Guyana’s other representative, Darius Ramsammy



monday, october 14, 2019

Pee Wee 11 & Under Football Tournament…

St Puis, West Ruimveldt, North GT remain dominant in Round of 16

St Agnes Primary held off their opponents for a 2-0 win


t Pius Primary made a resounding statement about their intention to retain the Courts Pee Wee 11 and under football tournament; as they stormed into the quarterfinal with a 5-1 victory. The round of sixteen action went down at the Ministry of Education Ground, Carifesta Avenue on Saturday last, as St Agnes, Genesis, Timehri, Tucville, Soesdyke, North Georgetown, West Ruimveldt and St Pius Primary schools bagged wins to advance to the more exhilarating rounds of the competition.

St Agnes Primary were the first to etch their names on the quarterfinal schedule as they brushed aside Redeemer Primary in a 2-0 affair. Cleon London granted St. Agnes the lead in the 16th. St Agnes maintain their 1-0 lead into the second as Shaquille Dalrymple extended the lead in the 38th for the win. Genesis Primary stunned Mae’s Under-12 Primary in a battle of the private institutions. Mae’s drew first blood in the 16th, when Elijah Bynoe found the back of the net. However, Genesis managed to pull off a ‘come from behind’ stunt

when Ezekiel Yarde netted a brace in the 26th and 31st minutes to shatter Mae’s quarterfinal dreams. Timehri primary were made to hold their nerve in their encounter against St Stephen’s Primary, as they defended a lone goal for the victory. Esteban Medina was once again the man for Timehri, netting a goal in the 19th. Thereafter, the boys from Timehri fought hard to hold off their opponents for a win. Soesdyke displayed their dominance against Craig in a 3-0 encounter. Samuel Tasher opened the scoring in the 11th and the team held onto the 1-0 lead into the half. When Craig thought they could make a comeback, Jermaine Mitchell bagged two goals in the 25th and 27th for the win. Tucville Primary edged past Marian Academy to book their quarterfinal spot. Wayne Solomon was the man with the golden boot for Tucville, with a goal in the 17th for the 1-0 win. North Georgetown was excellent once again as they registered a 3-1 victory. Garey Primo started the scoring early with a goal in the second to give North Georgetown an early lead. St Ambrose’s Keandre Carr levelled the scores in the 10th, to intensify the game. However, Primo netted his second goal in the 26th and Akeem Joyce netted another in the 31st to seal the victory. Last year’s runner ups West Ruimveldt Primary fought hard to keep their slate clean as they defeated Enterprise Primary 2-0.

Genesis Primary fought hard to pull off a comeback

Cleon La Rose scored the team’s first goal in 8th and then minutes later Emanuel Phillips found the back of the net in controversial circumstances to secure the second goal. Jamal Fraser once again led from the front for St Pius Primary as they trashed Uitvlugt Primary 5-1. Bryan Brown was the first to etch his name on the score sheet in the 6th and was closely followed

by Troy Macy in the 8th. Jamal Fraser netted the first of his two 18th to finish the first half 3-0. An own goal was the only blemish on St Pius record, which came in 21st. Donovan Welcome and Jamal Fraser then scored back to back goals in the 38th and 39th for the 5-1 tally. The Pee Wee quarterfinal will be contested this Saturday, October 19 at the Ministry of Education Ground.

ANSA McAL Trading Ltd Lucozade Handicap Squash Tournament…

Narain claims Open title T

he ANSA McAL-sponsored Lucozade Handicap Squash Tournament ended on Sunday with Nicholas Narain (-15) being crowned king after a three-game battle in which each point had spectators spellbound with the standard of play of both athletes. Nicholas Verwey (-10) was a truly worthy opponent in this ultimate match-up for the title. He displayed irrefutable evidence of his disciplined training regimen and enthusiasm for the game. As Narain tactically kept Verwey off the T and worked him around the whole court in the first game, Verwey’s retrieval skills kept the rallies running long; and often, 20+ shots were kept in play by either player performing the impossible. In the second game, Verwey used his drops effectively and worked Narain into the corners to secure the win; but the third game of an outstanding match of great depth, great squash and great athletes landed on the side of the experienced Narain for the 15/14, 13/15, 15/11 win.

Daniel Ince took the Plate title, while Louis DaSilva obtained his first title in the Category ‘A’ group, and Lajaun Munroe nabbed the ‘A’ Plate. In the Open Plate, after a game apiece, the tired legs of both players in the third game between Daniel Ince (-9) and Ian Mekdeci (-4) slowed down what had been a fast-paced clash. Ince took the first in smooth fashion with tight lengths and low drops. Mekdeci pulled it back in the second, pushing to hold Ince off at 15/14. In the decider, relying on talent rather than fitness, Ince was able to move up his deficit and close off the game at 15/9, 14/15, 15/11. The title of the Category ‘A’ was earned by a much improved Louis DaSilva (-8) over Zachary Persaud (-8). DaSilva came out strong and played a clever tactical game from the outset, placing his shots to get them past Persaud. Persaud came out determined in the second game and made his bid to stay in the game with tighter play, which set him ahead.

DaSilva kept his head and worked away to even out, and eventually push in the last two points to close off in straight games 15/6, 15/14. For the Category ‘A’ plate, Joshua Verwey made a valiant effort with good lengths against eventual winner Lajaun Munroe. Munroe forced the younger Verwey into every corner of the court as he worked him through most of the rallies, but Verwey stuck with it and kept the scores close. Munroe managed a 13/15 win in the first, and Verwey answered with a 15/14 win in the second, but couldn’t quite hold on in the third, and conceded the decider. Munroe triumphed 15/13, 14/15, 15/12. The Guyana Squash Association would like to extend their gratitude to long-time sponsors ANSA McAL Trading Ltd for making the tournament possible.

Sunday’s results

Open Category Nicholas Narain (-15) defeated Nicholas Verwey (-10) 15/14, 13/15, 15/11 Deje Dias (-15) defeated Gianni Carpenter (5) 15/, 15/ Open Plate Daniel Ince (-9) defeated (-4) 15/9, 14/15, 15/11 Kirsten Gomes (0) defeated Ethan Jonas (4) 15/9, 12/15, 15/12

Category A Louis DaSilva (-8) defeated Zachary Persaud (-8) 15/6, 15/14 Shiloh Asregado (3) defeated Matthew Spooner (9) 15/8, 15/6 Category A Plate Lajuan Munroe (5) defeated Joshua Verwey (3) 15/13, 14/15, 15/12 Teija Edwards (0) defeated Angel Rahamin (2) 13/15, 15/12, 15/9

Nicholas Narain

monday, october 14, 2019

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Yadav and spin duo wrap up innings win, series for India T

he hallmark of Virat Kohli’s captaincy on the field in Test cricket has been the clinical execution. His field placements, his declarations, and his bowling changes have tended to err on the side of conservatism. On Sunday morning in Pune, he took a trip to the wild side by enforcing a follow-on on South Africa, and thus asking his bowlers to bowl a second day in a row. It turned out it wasn’t that wild a ride. The combination of India’s ruthless attack and South Africa’s ordinary batting meant India cruised to a crushing win by an innings and 137 runs, India’s biggest against this opposition. It also sealed their 11th consecutive series win at home. By agreeing to bowl for two days in a row, and doing it so well, the bowlers earned an extra day off between this and their third straight Test. Modern cricket has shown that you enforce the follow-on only in extreme circumstances, unless you are certain the opposition is so far gone it is not capable of fighting back. There was no rain forecast so that took out one extreme circumstance. India probably felt the pitch was dying down, as was evident with the South Africa lower order’s ease with the old ball, so they needed to make use of it when it was still lively. What the follow-on had going for it was that India had five bowlers, and even if

Ravindra Jadeja took the key wickets of Quinton de Kock and Temba Bavuma after lunch

South Africa batted five sessions to save the Test, India couldn’t lose the Test. Despite all those circumstances, it is highly likely it all came down to the huge difference in class between the two sides. It has taken some miraculous batting in both the first innings of this series for South Africa to bat over 100 overs. India just didn’t expect South Africa to bat over 100 overs here. They lasted 67.2 overs. Damage began with Aiden Markram falling for a silver pair. So short is his confidence that he didn’t go for the review even though it seemed he wanted to. As was seen in the replays, this inswinger from Ishant Sharma was swinging too much. Theunis de Bruyn, whose series has been only marginally better than Markram’s, soon became a

victim of some Wriddhiman Saha magic with a flying catch down the leg side off Umesh Yadav. Dean Elgar and Faf du Plessis, promoting himself to No. 4 this time, provided some resistance but R Ashwin broke through that in the second hour of the day to go past Dennis Lillee’s tally of 355 Test wickets. It wasn’t without some help. Saha gladdened the hearts of those who facilitated his comeback after he sat out for 22 months, a hiatus that was not his own making. Ashwin drew an inside edge from du Plessis, on to his thigh pad, thus changing direction and heading towards Saha’s ribs. Saha’s gloves followed the ball, but didn’t quite keep up with it. He did get enough to keep the ball in the air, then in desperation he threw his left glove

at the ball, lobbing it down the wicket. Now he was about to lunge for the ball, the lunge had started, and he realised there is time. So he took a mini step before lunging, getting enough distance on the dive to finish the catch where silly point would be. Just before lunch, Elgar made an argument for a long-off despite a big lead because batsmen these days can’t help hitting in the air. Because there was a long-off in place, Elgar tried to clear mid-on, and the ball turned to fly off the outside half of his bat for a catch to Yadav. Post lunch, it was the turn of Ravindra Jadeja to get among the wickets, beating a Quinton de Kock slog sweep and drawing an outside edge from Temba


Bavuma. The latter was pretty significant because of the pressure Bavuma was under. He got a start, looked like their best player of spin in this innings, but after getting in and with the ball getting softer, he played a loose drive at Jadeja. Mohammed Shami produced an over from hell to almost blast the bat out of Vernon Philander’s hands and then get Senuran Muthusamy fending at a short ball. On day four on an Indian pitch. As has been the norm, there was resistance in the lower order against the softer ball with first-innings fighters Philander and Keshav Maharaj adding a half-century stand. However, once Philander tickled Yadav down the leg side, the end came swiftly.



India 601-5d SA 1st Innings – 275 SA 2nd Innings South Africa 2nd Innings (following on) AK Markram lbw b I Sharma 0 D Elgar c Yadav b Ashwin 48 TB de Bruyn c †Saha b Yadav 8 F du Plessis (c) c †Saha b Ashwin 5 T Bavuma c Rahane b Jadeja 38 Q de Kock † b Jadeja 5 S Muthusamy c RG Sharma b Shami 9 VD Philander c †Saha b Yadav 37 KA Maharaj lbw b Jadeja 22 K Rabada c RG Sharma b Yadav 4 A Nortje not out 0

Extras (b 8, lb 3, w 2) 13 TOTAL (f/o) (67.2 Overs, RR: 2.8) 189 all out Fall of wickets: 1-0 (Aiden Markram, 0.2 ov), 2-21 (Theunis de Bruyn, 5.4 ov), 3-70 (Faf du Plessis, 23.3 ov), 4-71 (Dean Elgar, 25.2 ov), 5-79 (Quinton de Kock, 28.2 ov), 6-125 (Temba Bavuma, 43.2 ov), 7-129 (Senuran Muthusamy, 44.5 ov), 8-185 (Vernon Philander, 66.1 ov), 9-189 (Kagiso Rabada, 66.6 ov), 10189 (Keshav Maharaj, 67.2 ov) BOWLING: I Sharma (5-217-1), UT Yadav (8-3-22-3), M Shami (9-2-34-1), R Ashwin (21-6-45-2), RA Jadeja (21.24-52-3), RG Sharma (2-04-0), V Kohli (1-0-4-0)

Biles dazzles on floor to win record 25th World Championship medal S 223-7230-1 (Ext 55)




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Phone: 223-7230 EXT: 55

oon after securing a convincing victory on the beam in Stuttgart to overtake Belarusian Vitaly Scherbo’s record tally of 23 world medals, the 22-year-old Biles successfully defended her floor title to win medal number 25. The four-time Olympic champion is now the owner of 19 gold medals across four championships against 12 for Scherbo, who competed in five world events between 1991 and 1996. Making her final appearance of the week in front of a raucous crowd, Biles wasted no time as she landed a superb triple-twisting double back flip — known as the Biles II - on her first pass. Biles’s double layout with a half turn — another skill named after her — put her out of bounds for a 0.1 penalty but she did enough to post a winning score of 15.133. “Honestly, I just couldn’t move. I was so tired,” Biles said of her final pose on the stage. “This is really the best worlds performance I have ever put out.” The Americans took a one-two finish as Sunisa Lee finished with 14.133 for the silver medal, while Russian Angelina Melnikova came third.

Beam brilliance

Earlier, Biles delivered a polished rou-

tine on the beam before a full twisting double tuck dismount for an impressive 15.066. Although Biles had twice before won the world beam title, in 2014 and 2015, it has not always been plain sailing for her on the apparatus. Her slip on the landing of a front tucked somersault at the 2016 Rio Olympics meant she had to settle for a bronze in the event. Last year again, she dropped off the beam during the women’s all-around final at the world championships. But she has regained her swagger this week, under the watchful eyes of balance beam coach Cecile Landi, and posted top scores in all four attempts — qualifying, the team and all-around finals and Sunday’s apparatus final. “It meant a lot because Cecile has really been working on bringing my confidence back up to where it used to be on the beam,” Biles said. “To go out there and nail the routine, just like I do in practice, it felt really good and I knew she was really proud.” As another title-winning score was announced in the arena, Biles punched the air in jubilation before joining celebrations with the U.S. team. “I was really excited,” she added. “I thought it was going to be at least 14.8, 14.9, but to see 15, I was like well that’s pretty

crazy, so I was very proud.” Last year’s winner Liu Tingting of China took silver with 14.433, while team mate Li Shijia won the bronze. Biles finished her campaign in Stuttgart with five gold medals from six events to mark ideal preparations for next year’s Tokyo Olympics. Her barnstorming run included a record fifth all-around gold, an individual vault title, as well as helping the U.S. to a fifth straight world team title. (Reuters) Simone Biles of the US celebrates with her five gold medals, breaking the World Championships medals record


monday, october 14, 2019


BCB/Shimron Hetmyer 2019 Intermediate Tournament…

Anderson slams unbeaten 128 as Rose Hall Town Pepsi clinch title W est Indies under-19 selectee Kevlon unbeaten batsman on two. Bowling for Albion, Beesham Surujnarine, Anderson showed his class and demonstrated why he is widely Gourav Ramesh and Sarwan Chaitnarine each regarded as Guyana’s best youth batsman took one wicket: for 31, 34 and 23 respectively. Needing to score 207 from 240 deliveries, when he stroked a majestic 128 not out to lead his team, Rose Hall Town Pepsi, to a 19-run Albion lost Jetendra Outar (00) and captain victory over Albion in the finals of the Shimron Kandasammy Surujnarine (01) to find Hetmyer/Berbice Cricket Board Intermediate themselves reeling at 12 for 2 in the 3rd over. Former National Under 19 pacer Sylus tournament on Saturday last. Playing in front of a sizeable crowd at the Tyndall, in a fiery opening spell, had Outar Port Mourant Ground, Anderson used his feet caught behind by Kevin Sewraj, while well to tackle the all-spin Albion bowling attack, Surujnarine’s wickets were sent flying. National which comprised Kevin Umroa, Beesham Under 17 batsman Sarwan Chaitnarine and Surujnarine, Devindra Latchman, Gourav Berbice Under 17 player Reyad Karim struggled Ramesh, Sarwan Chaitnarine, Kandasammy to get the ball away in a 3rd wicket partnership before Karim threw away his wicket to offSurujnarine and Ramesh Kasinauth. spinner Junior Sinclair for 21. Having won the toss, Rose Hall Town elected Kevin Sinclair then dismissed to bat on a dry pitch. They lost the attacking Chaitnarine for 09, Ritesh Kevin Sinclair for five in the second over, when Umroa and Ramesh off-spinner Surujnarine trapped him in front Kasinauth added 31 after he missed a sweep shot. r u n s , but left- arm Anderson, batting at the crucial number three position, joined fellow national junior player Junior Sinclair, and they repaired their team’s innings by adding 95 crucial runs in 20 overs before Sinclair was caught off left-arm spinner Gourav Ramesh for a well-crafted 35, which included three boundaries. Surendra Kissoonlall and Anderson continued the repair job by adding another 55 runs for the third wicket, before Kissoonlall (18) sacrificed his wicket by getting involved in a mix-up with Anderson. Former Berbice Under 19 allrounder Keith Simpson then joined Anderson, and they took the score to 173 before Simpson was seemingly unlucky to be given out caught at the wicket by Ritesh Umroa for 07. Anderson reached his century with spinner a single to extra cover in the 38th over, Keith Simpson broke before opening his arm to score 28 off Seon Hetmyer the last nine balls of his innings (128 not the partnership when handing over the Championship out), which included ten boundaries Kasinauth was caught Trophy to RHT and two massive sixes. at the wicket with Pepsi Captain Albion on 84 for 5 in Former National Under 15 batsman Shawn Pereira Jonathan Rampersaud was the other the 22nd over. Big hitting

Minister Norton praises Warriors for exceptional CPL season


ollowing a moment of heartbreak for Guyanese cricket fans, as they watched the Barbados Tridents pick apart the exceptional Guyana Amazon Warriors on Saturday night during the Hero Caribbean Premiere League (CPL) final, Social Cohesion Minister Dr George Norton has extended heartiest congratulations to the Guyana Amazon Warriors (GAW) team for an exceptional performance in the 2019 season. This Minister, who holds responsibility for Culture, Youth and Sport, has mentioned the Warriors’ exceptional performance this year as the highlight of the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) 2019 tournament. “Even though we did not win, I believe that Guyana was a massive force to reckon with in the tournament. We have been consistent in reaching the finals, and when the time is right, we will stun the cricketing world with a spectacular win,” Minister Norton has said. Minister Norton is further encouraging Guyanese citizens to upkeep, and continue to build on, the unifying momentum that the CPL and the Amazon Warriors brought through their spectacular record of 11 straight

Minister of Social Cohesion, Dr George Norton

wins. “The CPL may have come and gone, but the togetherness and love that we displayed as One People, One Nation with One Destiny while rallying around the GAW deserves to live on,” Dr Norton urged. In good nature, the Minister has extended heartfelt congratulations to the winning team, noting that they played excellently. “The Barbados Tridents played well, and Guyana congratulates them for once again copping the coveted title as the CPL Champions,” Dr Norton has declared.

The winning RHT Pepsi team pose with Seon Hetmyer and BCB officials

Anthonio February joined Umroa, and together they took the attack to the Rose Hall Pepsi team before leg-spinner Shawn Pereira had February caught by Keith Simpson for 26, and then Kevin Sinclair dismissed Umroa for 56. Albion eventually were dismissed for 187 off 39.3 overs to suffer a 19-run defeat despite a quick-fire 26 by Devendra Latchman batting at No 9. Bowling for the champions, Sylus Tyndall took 2 for 15 (5 overs), Kevin Sinclair 2 for 53 (8 overs), Junior Sinclair took 3 for 18, Shawn Pereira took 2 for 31 (8 overs), and Keith Simpson took 1 for 29 as the successful bowlers. Anderson was named Man of the Finals, while the champions and runners-

up took home $100,000.00 and $50,000.00 respectively along with trophies. BCB President Hilbert Foster praised both teams for playing a final game of the highest order, and for doing so in an atmosphere of friendliness. Rose Hall Town and Albion, as the top two clubs in Berbice, have a duty to lead by example, and Foster has hailed the relationship that the clubs currently enjoy. The BCB boss also expressed gratitude to West Indies player Shimron Hetmyer for his sponsorship of the tournament, which serves as a bridge between Second and First Division players. Foster has said that at the end of his twenty-two-month term in December, a record 58 tournament would have been completed at the schools, U13, U15, U17, U19, U21, female, second division, double wickets, intermediate, internal zone and first division levels. He said he is very pleased when cricketers assist administrators to develop the game, and hailed Hetmyer as a true Berbician for remembering where his career started.

GT Beer/Keep Your Five Alive starts Thursday F

ollowing a brief lull in the indoor format, the National Gymnasium is again expected to burst alive when the 7th Annual GT Beer/Keep Your Five Alive’ Futsal Tournament commences next Thursday, with opening action beginning from 19:00hrs. Promoter Kevin Adonis, speaking recently, disclosed that this year’s competition has been tailored to provide riveting action throughout the seven days; while, unlike in previous years when the top two teams were the only ones compensated, this year will see the top four teams winning cash in excess of one million dollars. Adonis said he has acquiesced to a request made by the teams, and will now reward the top four teams with cash prizes and other incentives. Another change made is that the total number of teams invited to the tournament has moved from 32 to 24, and they will be divided into 6 groups of four, with the top two from each group automatically advancing to the knockout phase, along with the best four third-placed finishers following completion of the round-robin stage. The teams invited are: Gold is Money, Sparta Boss, Leopold Street, Tiger Bay, Albouystown, BV, Melanie, Vryheid’s Lust, Avocado Ballers, Future Stars, Back Circle, North East La Penitence, Showstoppers, Broad Street, Alexander Village, GWI, Upsetters, LA Ballers, Bagotstown, Sophia, Spot 7, Charlotte Street, OL Skool

Part of the action in the 2018 edition of the tournament

Ballers, and Bent Street. Adonis added that team representatives will very shortly be provided with all the relevant information regarding group placements and fixtures, along with the breakdown of the individual prizes for the respective winners. Among the corporate entities that have signalled their intention to support the tournament are: GT Beer, Hits and Jams 94.1 Boom FM, Star Party Rentals, Royal Castle, Prime Security, Fireside Grill and Chill, Keep It Clean Car Wash, Flashback 2020, and BK. International. The defending champion is Gold is Money.

monday, october 14, 2019

CONCACAF Nations League


Wounded Jaguars hunting crucial win tonight

By Jemima Holmes


uyana’s senior men’s football team the Golden Jaguars will tonight have a shot at redemption as they suit up to take on Antigua and Barbuda for the second time in three days, as part of the CONCACAF Nations League. Despite the disappointing 2-1 loss to Antigua and Barbuda at their home turf on Friday night, the Golden Jaguars are confident that they can even the scores with Antigua when the lights come up at the National Track and Field Facility tonight. As a precursor to the must win game, the Jaguar’s Head Coach Marcio Maximo spoke extensively with the media about his expectations for today’s match and furthermore the remainder if the Nations League. He was keen to note that despite two losses from three games, he is still of the be-

lief that the National Men’s team is performing well. “Our performance was well in my view, in most of the games and also our reaction after sometimes conceding a goal too early,” the Head Coach mentioned. The Coach went on to explain that while winning is a priority; giving local players some much needed exposure to the international stage is also of utmost importance. It is for that reason that six local players were used in the Golden Jaguars’ last game and Maximo went on to reveal that the same number of more local players may be used tonight. “Somebody asked me before if you develop or you compete? I think that you do both, I don’t think that you can compete with teams without local players. For me that’s not really development,” he stated. Echoing similar sentiments was long time Golden Jaguar Neil Danns, who admitted that the players

alize that in order for everything that we achieved in the Gold Cup to filter down, it’s got to filter down to the local players,” Danns noted.

Ready to battle: Offense is key

Golden jaguars’ Head Coach Marcio Maximo

are cognizant of the transition that the National outfit is going through and are comfortable with the level they’re at. “I think at this moment

in time, I think everyone can feel that Guyanese football is going through a transitional period and we’re all on board and are fully committed to this period. We re-

With focus on tonight’s encounter, the Head Coach joked that he would not be able to reveal the team’s secrets so close to the crucial encounter, but was careful to mention that offensive plays will be imperative, if the Jaguars are to walk away with another three points. “Always you are offensive. Even against Jamaica we were offensive, we were offensive against Antigua but we will be more offensive tomorrow (today). We’ll play smart, offensive and tactical.” Furthermore, Head Coach Maximo stated that the team will need to improve their accuracy, as they look for a victory, in order to jump back to second position in the Group.

“They are more clinical than us. Our opponents had few chances and they used their few chances. We had a lot of chance but we only score one goal. I hope that tomorrow we change the situation, win the game that is very important for us and move back to second position,” Maximo noted. As he went on to emphasize the importance of today’s game, the Coach noted that it is not ideal to lose again, since they team does not want to rely on winning in Jamaica next month, in order to finish in the top two. Stressing on the need for a vociferous crowd support, the Coach encouraged Guyanese football fans to come out and play a part as the team’s figurative ‘twelfth man’. “We need the support of Guyanese people and I hope that after tomorrow everybody can celebrate a good win for us. I want you to be our twelfth player tomorrow,” he said.

8th annual Kadir Mohammed Memorial Cycle Race…

Briton John clinches ‘ounce of gold’ Michael Anthony takes down Jamual John in the battle for second position

Outstanding cyclists at the presentation ceremony Story and Photos by Brandon Corlette


t was all Briton John in another episode of dominance yesterday, Sunday October 13, as he clinched the eighth annual Kadir Mohammed Memorial Cycle Race in three hours 18 minutes. Pedalling off from Homestretch Avenue towards Dora on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway, 38 starters traversed 75 miles in cool morning conditions and sharp sunshine. After Briton John had separated himself by a distance from the rest of the competition to clinch the ‘ounce of gold’ race, Michael Anthony and defending champion Jamual John fought for second position,

with Anthony riding in second in the Open category while Team Coco’s Jamual John finished in third. Walter Grant-Stewart finished in fourth, Jornel Yearwood in fifth, and Berbician Andrew Hicks in sixth. Team Evolution’s Christopher Griffith rode in seventh position, while Team Coco’s Marcus Keiler rode in eighth position. Deeraj Ghabarran, Balram Narine and Jamual John each had two sprint prizes, while Briton, Anthony, Stewart and Keiler each had one sprint prize in the exciting contest. In the Juveniles category, Flying Ace cyclist Mario Washington topped the charts, while David Hicks rode in second

position. Steve Bhimsen (third) and Sherwin Sampson (fourth) were the other top wheelsmen.

Taste of victory! Briton receiving awards from Kadir Mohamed family representative after his resounding win

The Over-45 race was dominated by Ian Jackson, while Nigel London and Oliver Young rode in second and third respectively. Lear Nunes won the Under-45 race, clocking in at three hours 29 minutes, while Paul Choo-Wee-Nam (second), Kwamie Ridely (third) and Junior Niles (fourth) were the other top veterans. Ajay Gopilall continued to conquer the junior category, clocking in at three hours 22 minutes, ahead of his fellow Berbicians Ralph Seenarine and Jason Sampson. In the mountain bike category, Ozia McCully rode in first position while Jamal Coppell and Jermain Jordan rode in second and third respectively. Numerous representatives of the Kadir Mohammed family graced the occasion with their

presence at the presentation, where more than one million dollars in cash prizes were distributed to outstanding cyclists. After the race, Briton disclosed that he attacked the field around Craig on the East Bank; that was the moment he left the others in his wake. “I was doing 24 miles per hour and I was holding it. I saw one of the main cyclists was cramping, so I decided to attack, and it was only me”, Briton stated. Both Johns, who are not related, have been dominating the highways. Briton was happy to come out ahead of Jamual on this occasion. “He like my brother; he always watches over me. We share races together and we train together”, Briton said of his relationship with Jamual.

monday, october 14, 2019

Sports is no longer our game, it’s our business

8th annual Kadir Mohammed Memorial Cycle Race…

Golden Jaguars’ Captain Samuel Cox, Head Coach Marcio Maximo and experienced player Neil Danns

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Briton John finishing alone to clinch the ‘ounce of gold’ race

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Briton John clinches ‘ounce of gold’ GUYANA TIMES -, email:, NEWS HOTLINE: 231-8063 EDITORIAL: 223-7230, 223-7231, 231-0544, 225-7761 SPORT: SALES AND MARKETING: 231-8064 - - PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GUYANA TIMES INC.

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