Guyana Times Daily

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LOOK ! INSIDE Nationwide coverage from the best news team in Guyana Issue No. 1977


Monday, December 9, 2013

Police shoot dead two suspected bandits See story on page 3

Tradewinds enlivens “Romancing the Fort” outing


$60 vat included


Guyana Civil Aviation P7 Authority honours 39 for dedicated service John Lewis Styles opens children P8 section

See story on page 14

American Stores opens for business


A.I.D.S. P12 confident Guyana could sustain HIV programmes

The Tradewinds, led by Dave Martins, serenading the audience during the “Romancing the Fort” outing at Fort Island, the home of Fort Zeelandia on Saturday

Kaieteur News $8B story false – Finance Ministry

See story on page 13

Ramotar P13 commits to establishment of procurement body Corentyne P13 girls deny running away from home


monDay, december 9, 2013 |



The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on Monday, December 9from 10:00h-11:30h. The Berbice River Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on Monday, December 9 from 09:15h-10:45h.

WEATHER TODAY Weather: Thundery showers are expected today and into the evening over coastal regions and near inland locations. Temperatures are expected to range between 24 degrees and 28 degrees Celsius. Wind: North easterly between 1.94 and 2.22 metres per second.

High Tide: 09:34h and 22:01h reaching maximum heights of 2.35 metres and 2.32 metres respectively. Low Tide: 03:00h and 15:31h reaching minimum heights of 0.79 metre and 0.91 metres respectively.

saturday, December 7, 2013


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Daily Millions


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MonDay, december 9, 2013|

Police shoot dead two suspected bandits T

wo suspected bandits were on Saturday evening killed in Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) during an alleged shootout with police minutes before they had planned to invade the property of a miner. The incident occurred about 22:30h. One of the men has been identified as Paul Bascom of Diamond Housing Scheme, EBD while the other is Alberto Grant, 27, of Meadow Brook, Georgetown. Guyana Times understands that there might have been a third person in the robbery, who managed to escape. Police in a statement disclosed that they were acting on information received that a robbery was planned on a gold miner; hence, ranks staked out an area at Golden Grove, EBD on Saturday night. According to the police, about 22:30h, ranks challenged two men who were approaching on foot when one of them pulled out a handgun and opened fire on them. In retaliation, the police returned fire and killed the two men. “A .38 snubnose revolver with two live rounds and two spent shells, along with one 9mm. round and two 7.62 x 39 rounds were recovered by the police,” the statement added. The bodies were taken to the Lyken Funeral Home awaiting post-mortem examinations.

Contrary reports



Draw De Line

01 06 07 09 15

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However, contrary to the police’s reports, persons in the neighbourhood told Guyana Times that the en were shot in cold blood. Based on information received, the three men who were armed, invaded the property of Ravi Dookram,

The house where the gunmen were shot and killed

a businessman of Lot 756 Golden Grove. The bodies were removed from the businessman’s yard about 02:00h, some four hours after the shooting. When Guyana Times visited the man’s home on Saturday morning, a young man, who claims to be a relative of the businessman walked down the stairs, took out a cigarette and lit it before he enquired the purpose of the visit.


Upon asking for the owner of the business, he disclosed that Dookram was not home. The man refused to give his name and a contact number to the media for the businessman while claiming that he does not know anything about the shooting. He claimed that he returned from the interior a few hours before this publication arrived. Several spots of blood were seen close to the gates

and under the house next to a black Toyota vehicle. Some neighbours were tight-lipped about the incident and while some of them spoke, it appears as though they were hiding information. One neighbour, Toressa Williams said she was asleep when she was awakened by rapid gunfire. She said surprisingly she did not hear any talking, not even from members of the police force. Williams said she immediately ran for cover along with her brother and son. At the time of the shooting, Guyana Times understands that the businessman, who is a licensed fire armed holder, his wife and three step children were at home. The woman said she

was scared as she has never seen anything of this nature before. Another neighbour told media operatives that he was also asleep, and when he heard the rapid gunfire, he jumped out of his bed, along with his wife and three children, to seek cover. He said that he did not come out of his house until Sunday morning. The neighbour also said that he did now see the Dookram family while noting that they are reserved. Singh explained that from the sound of the gunshots, it appears as though high-powered weapons were used. He said after the first few shots, he saw a few policemen and felt much safer.


Monday, december 9, 2013

Views The past in the present Editor: Nigel Williams Tel: 225-5128, 231-0397, 226-9921, 226-2102, 223-7230 or 223-7231. Fax: 225-5134 Mailing address: 238 Camp & Quamina Streets, Georgetown Email:,


Hope for WTO?


he World Trade Organisation (WTO), formed in 1995, is the only “world” organisation demanding the unanimous concurrence of all its 159 members before a deal can be struck. As can be expected, with every country trying to protect its own interest, the goal of unanimity on agreements is almost impossible. On Saturday, December 7, the first agreement was finally reached in Bali, Indonesia and prompted the new Director General of the WTO, Roberto Azevedo to quote the just-departed Nelson Mandela: “It seems impossible till it is done.” But it took a tremendous paring down of the expectations raised by the Doha round of negotiations, launched in 2001, which was dubbed the “development round” to reach the milestone. The thrust of Doha was to lower trade barriers and revise certain restrictive trade (and immigration) rules especially by the developed countries, led by the U.S. It was supposed to be consummated by 2011, but talks derailed in 2009 and 2011 after the developed nations balked at assuming their responsibilities in the wake of their 2008 economic collapse. To achieve the Bali agreement, Director General Azevedo confined the agenda to three broad areas – trade facilitation, food security, and the development dimension. The first was pushed by the developed countries because they wanted easier access of their goods into other countries. The second was an item India, China and other larger nations wanted since it would allow them to subsidise some agricultural food production for “food security” purposes. Last and lowest on the totem pole was the concern of the lesser developed countries that formed the vast majority of the WTO – development issues especially agriculturally based ones. The biggest winners at Bali were the developed countries which were able to have all other countries go along on “trade facilitation” measures. The emerging economies such as the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) bloc went along because they are now in the major leagues as far as exports are concerned. This component is being hyped as it will increase the value of world trade by US$1 trillion – 40 per cent of which will go to the developed countries. With their lesser numbers compared with the 120 other countries, their individual shares are astronomical. The larger developing countries also came out smelling roses after the U.S. and India, which had taken the lead on “food security”, hammered out a compromise. The compromise shields countries like India from WTO dispute challenges over their agricultural supports if they are more transparent about what they are doing. While getting some crumbs covering customs, agriculture and assistance, the world’s impoverished, least developed nations were left with promises more than anything else. For example, instead of guaranteeing duty-free access for goods for poor countries, the Bali deal contains a vaguer commitment to do so in the future. Following the Bali Agreement, the negotiators in Geneva are now supposed to focus on the long-stalled issues of the Doha Development Round in a work programme they committed to complete within 12 months. The director general optimistically declared: “The Bali Declaration is the stepping stone to the completion of the Doha round.” But consummation of the Doha round is extremely unlikely and it was telling that the U.S. negotiators and many others were hurrying off to another set of trade talks – this time to the bilateral format of the TransPacific Partnership, in which the U.S. has the lead role. Substantive trade matters are increasingly being dealt with in such mega regional free trade deals instead of global talks and the WTO remains in danger of becoming a forum for simply settling trade disputes rather than creating a more equitable trading system. Even putting the best spin to the agreement, host Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wijaran could only announce: “We have agreed there is a need to change the WTO’s agreement on agriculture, which will take time.” The poorer countries do not have much, if any, time.

The Court of Policy at Fort Zeelandia on Fort Island, Essequibo. The court building now houses a museum displaying Dutch artefacts. The brick fort was built in 1743 for the Essequibo colony, replacing an earlier wooden fort built in 1726, and is among the oldest structures in Guyana. The 15x20 metre structure, surrounded by four ramparts at each corner, replaced Fort Kyk-Over-Al as the capital of Essequibo in 1739. This site, along with the Court of Policy building, was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tentative List on November 15, 1995 in the cultural category

ARMS staff refutes the claims made by Samantha Henry Dear Editor, We the teachers of the Anna Regina Multilateral School (ARMS), wish to refute the claims made by Samantha Henry regarding Herbert Gaime. Exactly one year ago, a student represented the school abroad and so she did not get to complete her coursework grade during that time for biology, as well as other subjects. The other subject teachers willingly excused the student and gave her back her coursework assignments to complete. However, the subject teacher for biology, who is Henry, subsequently gave the student an “F” grade. Gaime, the form base teacher, asked Henry to give the student another piece of coursework since she was representing the school and it would not have been fair. She agreed and asked the student to write an essay. When the student submitted the essay, she scrapped the paper, threw it into the bin and refused to change the “F” grade. If the student was representing the school, then it was only fair that she got another chance. However, Henry sees otherwise. As the form base teacher, Gaime also has the right to see to the welfare of the students. Since that incident, that same student has been victimised on many occasions by Henry. She even took it to the point as to when she saw that the same student topped the school for this year’s graduation according to the school’s criteria, she was furious. She stayed away from school for many weeks making several attempts to contact persons in high authority in the

Education Ministry to do something about that. Please note that many classes could not write a biology examination this term nor integrated science, since they were not taught by Henry. Coursework assignments were not done and some classes only did one or two topics. Is it fair that students should suffer in this selfish way? Since the school did not change its best graduating student, Henry found it wise to call up parents and cause a whole lot of confusion at the school. Also she attacked Gaime. She reported to the headteacher, Lalljeet Rooplall, that she has a video of Gaime writing derogatory remarks about her on the biology lab door. To this date, she cannot produce that evidence but she just goes around the place in an effort to try to frame Gaime. She reported to the police that Gaime threatened to slap her and she had police authorities forcing Gaime out of his class to go to the police station. The police told her that this is the matter for the school to deal with and every place has a protocol to follow. When nothing came out of that, she took her mother to Gaime’s house to make remarks and sent text messages to his cellphone to embarrass his family in public. Gaime, a true Christian, has found it in his heart to forgive her, but she will not stop. At the staff meeting, in her presence, Gaime expressed his dissatisfaction at the turmoil Henry has caused himself and family. When she heard this, she took up her belongings and started to

leave without permission in the middle of the meeting, as is customary with this same teacher in all staff meetings. The headmaster then said that no one should leave the meeting, but she disregarded this instruction. The staffroom does not have enough furniture so many teachers were standing by the door, one of whom was Gaime. At that moment, a teacher who was administering a test, came to the meeting. When she pushed the door it became slightly ajar and Henry pushed her left fingers through, not her hand as she claimed. Upon seeing that the entire staff asked Gaime to move from the door so that she could go. Please note that she left unharmed and the teacher entered. Henry then injured her right hand from elbow to wrist (because she was not even touched by the door) and went to the Suddie Public Hospital for medical attention. As teachers, we are fearful for our lives because if she can hurt herself, then she can hurt anyone. She did not stop there! The entire staff who witnessed the incident went to the Department of Education to share their concern. The regional administration asked the school administration to take the lab keys from her (since they have dangerous chemicals for lab use) and give it to a lab technician at the school. Please note that only a lab technician was supposed to be in possession of those keys. Henry then found it convenient to issue letters to many teachers via students, who are still traumatised but are fearful of being vic-

timised by her. She sent letters to the administrator, the headteacher and many other teachers. We cannot see how she has the authority to do that and get away with it. We believe she lives in a fantasy world – one filled with lies and deception. She then took her mother twice this week to William’s home to verbally assault him and his family in public as well. Since she has been here as a teacher, much of our time has been wasted on solving false issues fabricated by Henry. She also went to the extent to publicly humiliate past and present students and they cannot do anything in fear of her victimisation. We believe someone is protecting her in the Education Ministry since she is acting as the head of the department when there is a teacher who is more qualified in that same department. The vacancy was advertised and interviews were conducted yet it was re-advertised and interviews re-conducted. Until now she is still acting and she is not a trained teacher! Also letters were sent for many incidents now and nothing is being done at the ministry level against this teacher. In a staff meeting recently held to discuss exam plans, Henry took photos of the staff on her cellphone without anyone’s permission. We cannot understand what she hopes to accomplish but when she does not get her way she embarrasses her rivals. We feel unsafe in her presence. Disturbed and concerned, Staff of Anna Regina Multilateral School

Monday, december 9, 2013


You can send your letters with pictures to: Guyana Times, 238 Camp & Quamina Streets, Georgetown, Guyana or

GuySuCo’s approach is not to CPCE should be more forthcoming displace labour with machines Dear Editor, Please publish this letter in response to that from Tony Vieira, published on December 5, and headlined “The sugar industry will not recover with this board and management”. Excluding the cane farmers, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) currently has 27 per cent of its total area of 48,000 acres under cane configured for mechanical harvesting. The conversion programme is concentrated on estates that are more adversely affected by the shortage of labour; Skeldon, LBI and Enmore. At Skeldon, 56 per cent of the area under cultivation is configured for mechanical harvesting; 63 per cent at LBI and 80 per cent at Enmore. With Uitvlugt now showing a steep decline in labour, efforts are being made to convert some of the lands on that estate for mechanisation. Prior to conversion for mechanisation, GuySuCo had basically three traditional layouts: English Beds, Dutch Beds and conventional ridge and furrow. The conversion programme undertaken by GuySuCo focused on converting the English layout. This operation entails taking three English Beds approximately 10-11 metres in width and making one bed 30-33 metres in width. This converted bed (3033 metres) is a Cambered Bed with a designed slope of 3.5 per cent, quite similar to that of the traditionally Cambered English or Dutch Bed which Vieira was referring to in his letter. This operation is done using a Long Boom Excavator to establish the slope/camber. This kind of layout (30-metre bed) can facilitate all three methods of harvesting: fully mechanical, semi mechanical (Bell Loading) and manual. At the corner of the bed where soil is removed to establish the camber, it is treated with additional Low Grade Rock Phosphate (LGRP), a soil ameliorant, to correct the possible high acidity environment created. Also, filter mud whenever available is added to these areas to assist in replacing organic matter. Conversion being the major contributory factor to the reduction of yields across the industry, as stated by Vieira in his letter, is plainly wrong. Enmore, which has 80 per cent of its areas converted, is experiencing higher yields than some locations which

have little or no conversion. Also yields in the converted areas are comparable to those in the traditional areas. There are a number of factors that are responsible for the reduced yields over the last five years in GuySuCo – the major one being the weather. It is important to note that at Skeldon, 3947 hectares of the 5000 hectares configured for mechanisation were developed from flat lands (new expansion areas), only 1053 hectare were converted from the traditional layouts Guyana, as a sugar-producing nation, is not singular in this respect. Decline/low yields are a major challenge to many sugar-producing countries, including Brazil and Australia. Vieira, in his letter, suggested that we should stop the conversion/mechanisation programme and go back to manual (labour). At Enmore, for instance, to grind for 24 hours in any one day, the factory requires 24 hours at 105 tonnes of cane per hour, equal to 2520 tonnes of canes per day. An average cane harvester will cut and load approximately 2.4 tonnes per day. Therefore, to supply canes to Enmore to have continuous grinding, 1050 harvesters are required to work on a daily basis. Currently, Enmore and LBI together are having an average daily total turnout of 500 cane harvesters. Such a turnout could only supply canes for 12 hours of grinding. At Skeldon with the potential grinding rate of 300 tonnes of cane per hour, the estate will require 3000 cane harvesters to supply the factory for 24 hours. The current daily turnout of harvesters at Skeldon is averaging 510, which is equivalent to four hours of grinding per day. The approach to mechanisation in the industry is not to displace labour with machines. As labour availability declines, machines will be introduced. The conversion process is indeed very timeconsuming and also expensive and cannot be done overnight. GuySuCo cannot wait to begin the process until labour becomes unavailable. Rehabilitating (re-tilling) a converted hectare costs 65 per cent of the amount compared to re-tilling a traditional hectare. The current fleet of machines GuySuCo has is quite adequate to supply the two factories with canes from the location where they are be-

ing used, that is, Skeldon and Enmore. Skeldon has eight Billet Mechanical Harvesters. These machines working 16 hours per day at 40 tonnes each per hour (eight machines at 16 hours at 40 tonnes) will harvest 5120 tonnes of cane per day. The estate also has eight Bell Loaders, which can load 2300 tonnes per day (eight machines at 16 hours at 18 tonnes). The total amount of canes harvested from the billet harvesters and Bell Loaders equals 7420 tonnes of cane, which is sufficient to supply canes to the factory for 24 hours at 309 tonnes of cane per hour. The 510 harvesters currently turning out at Skeldon are adequate to supply the 2300 tonnes of cane that are required by the Bell Loaders. To cut 9161 tonnes of cane per day using mechanical harvesters requires 14 harvesters and not 47 as posited by Vieira. Vieira accused GuySuCo of not doing mechanical application of fertiliser and inter-row cultivation. This is totally inaccurate. Mechanical application of fertiliser is being done at Skeldon, Enmore and LBI. The industry currently has six mechanical fertiliser applicators and another two have been ordered. An implement called the rut repair locally manufactured by GuySuCo is used to correct damages between rows caused by harvesting under wet conditions. Canes in the mechanically harvested areas are planted one to seven metres apart to facilitate safe passage of the machines during harvesting. Cane rows are not being damaged or traversed on during harvesting as suggested by Vieira in his letter. GuySuCo is also applying herbicides mechanically on conversion areas using mechanical boom Sprayers. This conversion programme does not only facilitate mechanical harvesting but a number of crop husbandry activities using machines. These include semi-mechanical planting, mechanical fertilising, mechanical application of LGRP, mechanical application of herbicide. Doing these operations manually requires excessive labour, which is definitely in short supply. Yours faithfully, Raymond Sangster General Manager, Agriculture Services GuySuCo

Dear Editor, Trainee teachers from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) recently found themselves involved in a protest that attracted the attention of the media and the general public. The protest was meant to establish awareness of the disgraceful conditions under which the trainees are subjected to. CPCE currently provides lodging accommodation to approximately 200 students. Many of them

have complained about the unhygienic conditions that they are forced to dwell in. Additionally, concerns were raised regarding the quality and quantity of food that is being offered to them. Chief Education Officer Olato Sam stated his overall disappointment in the manner in which the matter was dealt with, and has subsequently embarked on a mission to alleviate the concerns of the students. CPCE offers individuals the opportunity to embrace

teaching as a profession. It is the only institution of its kind in Guyana and is located at Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown. People of varying personalities and peculiarities can often be encountered and though it may not be an easy task to manage CPCE, the relevant authorities need to ensure that proper facilities are put in place to accommodate all students. Yours, Annalisa Ally

Offering CAPE to Guyanese Dear Editor, I must commend the Education Minister Priya Manickchand for considering and brainstorming the idea of establishing a national sixth form school. Students who wish to undertake the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) can now make use of this new initiative to adequately prepare themselves for better opportunities. For the purpose of clarification, I must ask, is it standard for all students who write the Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC) to automatically become eligible for entry into CAPE or is it just the higher achieving students that have this option? The answer to this question will determine wheth-

er or not we should make amendments to the present secondary school system further enabling it to allow for the additional years required for CAPE. The establishment of the CAPE school will require all the relevant provisions to be made, inclusive of staffing and logistics. It will evidently be seen as a continuous work in progress. In the meantime, CAPE subjects can possibly be taught through the University of Guyana (UG) and even through the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) on weekends. This will allow the institutions and their staff component to be fully maximised. I think that more emphasis and awareness should be placed on CAPE. Many students are unaware of the

benefits that it offers and so they embark into the working world or onward to UG just after completing CSEC. Some universities offer a three-year degree programme instead of four. Whether or not the University of Guyana allows for a one year exemption for those students who have completed CAPE is uncertain to some. We must familiarise ourselves with the advantages of CAPE and its capacity to offer exemptions in courses and, therefore, a shorter academic duration at the university level. Students who undertake CAPE after CSEC will now be able to earn their degree in a shorter period of time. Sincerely, Babita Ramsamugh


monday, december 9, 2013



Parenting For Success

Alternative care guidelines

Alternative family care for children


– ChildLink’s vision is a Guyanese society where every child enjoys the right to a childhood in a safe and caring family, free from poverty, violence, and exploitation


lternative care of children is any care provided for children other than by their parents. Making provision for children who are separated from their biological parents or those at risk of being separated from their parents is of utmost importance to the children’s well-being. Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children were endorsed by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 2009 in honour of the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) with the aim of further supporting the implementation of the convention. The guidelines encourage efforts to maintain children with their families, where possible. When this is not in the child’s best interest, the state is responsible for protecting the rights of the child and ensuring appropriate alternative care: kinship care, foster care, and other forms of family-based or family-like care, residential care, or supervised independent living arrangements. Options to alternative care should only be taken when necessary,

Caring For Children If you can’t find the time to wash the floor, Who will remember or care? If you can’t find the time to patch the hole in the blue jeans, They can just wear another pair. The dust can sit right there, for tomorrow there will be more, If the day is too short to bake a cake, You can always run to the store. But if I forget to wipe a tear, Or kiss an injured knee, Or turn a frown upside down, Until it chuckles with glee... Or hear a story, read to me, Or if I fail to stop a chat, Or listen to unspoken words that only sad eyes can tell, if I miss a chance to see the world through these precious eyes, A flower, A crawling bug, a rainbow in the sky, A new book, A birthday, then I’ve missed a chance to share the day, To share the future with a child. For children I was too busy to hear. Children come and stay for a short while, Then they’re gone. A hundred years from now it will not better what kind of car I drove, Or what kind of house I lived in, But the world may be a better place because I was important, In the life of a child. – unknown and in forms appropriate to promote the child’s wellbeing. The aim should be to find a stable and safe longterm environment; where possible, reuniting the child with their family. Evidence shows that the quality of

alternative care is critical to children’s well-being. Children in long-term residential care are at risk of impaired cognitive, social, and emotional development (particularly for those below the age of three).

Society role in alternative care of children As members of civic society, we need to assume a duty to care for children within our reach and those out of reach. Children need love and security and when for whatever reason they may be unable to acquire such, we need to work on filling the gaps in their lives. There are many ways that individuals and civil society can help in the response to the crisis faced by children in Guyana, Fostering a child that is in need of a safe environment, providing literacy support, etc. More children are becoming vulnerable as a result of poverty, crime, corruption and they are exposed to abusive situations that may cause them to be separated from their parents. Children have little or no power to protect or provide for themselves and little influence on so much that is vital to their well-being. Children need others to speak out for them, they need their parents, their extended families, their neighbours, their teachers, the friends and peers, community leaders,

sports men and women to put their ahead of selfish adult interests. Adults must respond when a child cries out for help, their cries should impel us to help and create positive changes for children who are in need. They are children who need a foster parent because their family environments are not safe. Please take a moment to connect with a child you think may need your help and assume the duty to care. Or call and visit the Child Care and Protection Agency and seek to foster a child who needs alternative care. Children should never be without a family type environment simply because of poverty, please step in and provide a safe and secure environment for children in need. To contact the Child Care and Protection Agency, call 2264420 or 2274082. Please contact ChildLinK on telephone number 231-7174 or email us at for any support you may need on parenting and other challenges you are experiencing with your children.

he following is an excerpt from the UNICEF on “Guidelines for alternative care of children”. All decisions concerning alternative care should take full account of the desirability, in principle, of maintaining the child as close as possible to his/her habitual place of residence, in order to facilitate contact and potential reintegration with his/her family and to minimise disruption of his/her educational, cultural and social life. Decisions regarding children in alternative care, including those in informal care, should have due regard for the importance of ensuring children a stable home and of meeting their basic need for safe and continuous attachment to their caregivers, with permanency generally being a key goal. Children must be treated with dignity and respect at all times and must benefit from effective protection from abuse, neglect and all forms of exploitation, whether on the part of care providers, peers or third parties, in whatever care setting they may find themselves. Removal of a child from the care of the family should be seen as a measure of last resort and should be, whenever possible, temporary and for the shortest possible duration. Removal decisions should be regularly reviewed and the child’s return to parental care, once the original causes of removal have been resolved or have disappeared, should be in the child’s best interests, Financial and material poverty, or conditions directly and uniquely imputable to such poverty, should never be the only justification for the removal of a child from parental care, for receiving a child into alternative care, or for preventing his/her reintegration, but should be seen as a signal for the need to provide appropriate support to the family. Attention must be paid to promoting and safeguarding all other rights of special pertinence to the situation of children without parental care, including, but not limited to, access to education, health and other basic services, the right to identity, freedom of religion or belief, language and protection of property and inheritance rights. Siblings with existing bonds should in principle not be separated by placements in alternative care unless there is a clear risk of abuse or other justification in the best interests of the children. In any case, every effort should be made to enable siblings to maintain contact with each other, unless this is against their wishes or interests.



monday, december 9, 2013 |

Guyana Civil Aviation Authority honours 39 for dedicated service


he Guyana Civil Aviation Authority on Saturday evening honoured 39 persons for their long service to the local aviation sector, as the country joined the rest of the world in observing International Aviation Day. The ceremony saw 11 pilots, five engineers and more than 15 other aviation staffers being awarded for more than 20 years of service to the industry, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported. The day was celebrated under the theme: “Evolving to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century Air Transport”. Speaking at a dinner and awards ceremony Saturday night at the Umana Yana, Kingston, to mark World Aviation Day, Transport Minister Robeson Benn acknowledged that much work remains to be done. “We have to recognise that the movement of people by air is the most important, the most significant way of moving people to and from Guyana.” Benn said the challenges of meeting the future demand that air transport is “not just about simply being in the air and flying planes”, but rather the aviation sector will have to enable us “to have the regional, extra-regional and international air transport linkages which would allow for the direct development of our country”. He noted that it was not simply about connecting to the traditional destinations in North America and Europe. Mention was made of the plans to improve the Cheddi Jagan and Ogle international airports as part of a 50-year, long-term plan by Minister Benn. This plan has to be extended further to be part of a 100-year project, he said. “We know that when we speak of turning out a new air transport policy document, fashioning new regulations, upgrading and updating them in trying to get Category One status (Federal Aviation standard) in identifying our young people to become trained and capable, and also our administrator… to everything at the level of air transport, we have to have a vision for the next hundred years.”

Long-serving aviation sector personnel with their awards

The Ogle airport’s public/private partnership was cited as an example of the partnership needed, but the minister acknowledged that the working relationship has not been as good as it should be, and this has to change. The challenge of creating

strategic planning to address its imminent challenges.” The GCAA chairman highlighted some of the challenges, including Guyana’s ability to respond to issues which deal with aviation safety and the modernisation of air-

al civil aviation community with respect to the issues. Since 1993, the body has not been in full conformity with international standards and recommended practices. The local aviation sector is now subject to ICAO’s Universal Safety Oversight Audit, Denbow said.

Aviation sector stakeholders and GCAA staff at the organisation’s 100th Anniversary Dinner and Awards at the Umana Yana observing a minute of silence to mark the passing of former South African President Nelson Mandela

and sustaining a national airline was also mentioned by the minister. “We have that challenge to overcome, the question is whether it will be in a public partnership, a private/public partnership or whether it will be again, a national airline… The most important thing for the future is bringing in new people, regenerating the industry and re-indexing aspirations in respect to civil aviation, ” he said.


Giving an overview of the local aviation sector, GCAA Board Chairman Hugh Denbow said the theme recognises the significant re-evaluation of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as a whole undertaking, as aviation seeks to forge wider consensus and practical

Former Guyana Airways pilot Peter Murray receiving his long service award from Transport Minister Robeson Benn

port facilities. “… the obvious question is what is being done to respond to them and also to evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century,” Denbow noted. He opined that Guyana and, more specifically, the GCAA may have been too slow in reacting to the dynamics of the internation-

The need for a national airline was stressed by Denbow, who said quoting author Dr Bing Chang, ‘Civil aviation is an instrument of one’s foreign policy’. It is not wise for the local sector to depend on the services offered by foreign airlines, he added, citing the more than 20 airlines that

have come and gone from these shores. For 2014, several goals will be pursued by the GCAA, according to its chairman. These include providing leadership in the development of a national aviation policy, reviewing the Civil Aviation Act 2000, strengthening the capacity of the GCAA, modernising the international airports and hinterland airstrips, and implementing and enforcing regulations. In brief remarks, GCAA Director General Zulficar Mohamed said given the pace of technological advances and new regulations coming into force, Guyana will find itself “in a black hole” if it does not keep up. The GCAA, he said, is already in the process of modernising its operations, management systems, data and communications networks, with surveillance capabilities earmarked for future improvement. Guyana remains challenged in terms of sourcing specially trained personnel, Mohamed said and its current Category Two Federal Aviation Administration

(FAA) rating will be improved to a category one once all requirements are met. He outlined the huge increases in passenger traffic, as well as the increased tonnage of cargo being moved over the last decade in particular, noting that the CJIA, in particular, will need expanding to keep up with future demand.

8 news

monday, december 9, 2013|

Cataract surgery being done at Linden Hospital


esidents of the Linden community requiring cataract surgery in order to improve their vision can now look forward to having the service performed at the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC). This is being made possible through consultant ophthalmologist, Dr Rameeza McDonald. Dr McDonald indicated that she will be assisted by Charles Vandyke through Eye Care Guyana and the Caribbean Council for the Blind (CCB). She said so far she has received several pieces of equipment, which include a new operating microscope to assist in carrying out the delicate microsurgical procedure. According to Dr McDonald, residents of Linden have been looking forward to having the cataract removal service available at the LHC for more than a year now, since her appointment to the eye clinic within the medical institution. However, she noted that all of the relevant equipment were not in place at the time. After receiving three new sets of microsurgical instruments, with a new autoclave to aid in sterilisation,

Rainy day... O Dr Rameeza McDonald and Dr Chad Rostron

Dr McDonald said, the scene was almost set to commence the operations, but for a few small consumable surgical items, which were eventually donated by the CCB. This, she noted, enabled the first set of patients to have the surgery conducted successfully on November 8.

15 procedures

Fifteen cataract procedures were carried out within 10 days, which helped in clearing the backlog of patients who require the surgery. The operations were carried out with help from

visiting ophthalmologist, Dr Chad Rostron of London, who expressed his satisfaction at having the services finally available in Linden. “I am so glad to see the cataract service at last up and running in Linden. I have been very impressed with Dr McDonald’s ophthalmic surgical skills, and I am delighted that Linden has such a highly trained and competent ophthalmologist to serve their needs,” he said. Dr McDonald noted that although the surgeries were a success, another micro-

surgical instrument was needed, which was eventually provided by Linden goldsmith Francois Costello, who fabricated the small device. She noted that surgical management was also enhanced through the donation of a keratometer, a diagnostic instrument, by the Jesus in Action Charity. Dr McDonald emphasised that the equipment will enable more accurate optical outcomes after cataract surgery. She noted that so far the results of the surgeries performed on patients are “looking excellent”.

John Lewis Styles opens children section

Ribbon cutting: Mr and Mrs John Lewis join their children Victoria, Sarah and John Lewis Jr, along with another child, in the ribboncutting exercise


fter 10 years of offering men and women’s clothing and accessories, John Lewis Styles has finally entered the children’s market. The store on Saturday opened its children’s department, located on the second floor. In a release, the boutique said that initially it was planned that

Eyew tness

the children’s department would be delayed until the completion of the third floor, but customers’ requests for the same became more demanding. It was also a business decision since the women’s department was not as strong in sales as the men’s and had the same operational expenses.

The department offers children’s clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers as well as children and teenagers: casual wear, sleepwear, swimwear, underwear, shoes, bags, watches and even fragrances. Brands include Kids Land, Bongo, Bon Blues, Max Steel, Peanuts, and many others direct-

ly sourced from the manufacturers. Prices are very competitive and the quality is synonymous with John Lewis. Saturday’s launch also included entertainment for the children with free games, face painting, a balloon station and icecream to jump start the Christmas festivities.

...Sovereign funds ne of the tragedies of the Third World is that even though the countries are chock-full of natural resources, most of them have remained grindingly poor. Nigeria’s a perfect example of this. Even though it’s been one of the biggest producers of petroleum for decades, it’s still lagging when it comes to breaking into the economic big leagues. While many blame it on “corruption”, it’s also a case of poor strategic planning. Other countries blessed with natural resources have managed to piggyback on the income generated by their exploitation and gone on to bigger and better things. What’d they do differently? Nothing new: it’s a re-enactment of the old tale of the grasshoppers and the ants. Remember? During the summer, the grasshoppers saved their grain...nest egg and and all that, while with the ants it was wine, women (well, female ants) and song. Came winter, and we all know the denouement. But somehow few nations apply the moral of the tale in their economic strategy, even though the modern day grasshoppers like Norway and the Gulf States have done pretty well, thank you. The latter created nest eggs, now called “sovereign wealth funds” (SWF), into which the income from the extracted resource are placed. These funds are rigorously structured and monitored so that their investments deliver consistent returns to take care of the inevitable winters ahead. In Guyana, we’ve also been blessed with abundant natural resources....And recently, a top official of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) suggested that we too should establish an SWF. He mentioned that it’ll be useful for any economic downturn – economic winter. But SWFs take care of more than that contingency. They can also have investment guidelines that ensure solid returns and not have the money frittered away in present-day frivolous expenditures. SWFs of course, presume that the extractive industry has generated substantial surpluses. Recently, there was a false alarm raised about returns from Bauxite extraction. This was rather silly, in light of the state of the global bauxite/aluminium industry. It’s depressed. If we think we were generous with Bosai, we ought to look at what Jamaica had to do to save their bauxite industry. Anyhow, back to SWFs. The idea will never take hold in Guyana. Why? Because, like the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), which was supposed to privatise and invest the funds – there’ll be constant carping since some company or other will also benefit – like the government. We’ll never move ahead unless we realise that in development within a free enterprise economy, somebody or some company’s gonna make profits. Before we redistribute wealth, we have to create it. ...aftermath in GT that the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth has subsided (somewhat) over the overnight rain that drowned Georgetown in garbage and sewage, what are we gonna do about it? And in this vein, we raise once again the pledge by the political parties (made before the floods, granted) to hold hands and clean up the city in a show of brotherly and sisterly love. Okay, this being Guyana, we know you’ll echo Tina Turner and demand, “What’s love got to do with it?” Well, if you look anything like Tina you can get away with a statement like that. But with Hamilton Green at the helm of the city, there’s got to be a whole lot of love to bail him out of the fix he’s gotten Georgetown into. We hope no one’s taken in by his “boy crying wolf” act – with the government as the big, bad wolf. We all know how that story ended. When will local government elections do the same for Green? ...ban It doesn’t matter whether we have a substitute or not...let’s ban Styrofoam food containers. And enact a “take no prisoner” approach to littering. Penalty of picking up litter in a public space during lunch hours.



MONday, december 9, 2013 |

Rockstone residents want power, regular water supply BY UTAMU BELLE


esidents of Rockstone, Region 10 are pleading with the relevant authorities to address several developmental issues plaguing the remote farming area. A few of these major issues were highlighted during an emergency interactive meeting with Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon and Regional Democratic Council (RDC) councillors in the community on Thursday. The main issues include the lack of qualified teachers at schools, the inability to access potable water and the lack of medical drugs and proper equipment to treat patients at the Rockstone Health Centre, as well as the issue of land ownership. Residents said they would like to see upgrade works being carried out constantly on the main access road, since currently, with the increase in rainfall, it is in a deplorable state. “The condition of the road is very bad, we would also like to see more roads developed in the community. We’re experiencing a lot of problems with our vehicles because of the state of the road,” Ortex Jonas, a resident told Guyana Times. “We need electricity in this area. The solar panels can only use two bulbs but then that’s all you get. You can’t use your electrical ap-

pliances and most people have to buy generator, but then not everybody can afford it. The government was working with the toshao to build a reservoir with a pump to distribute water, but that was two months ago and up to now, no water,” another resident highlighted. Checks on the reservoir at Rockstone indicated that it is still under construction. The call was also made by residents for the development of telecommunication systems, including landline and cellular phone services. Rockstone does not have support for any mobile network.


It was noted that Digicel representatives over a year ago promised to conduct a survey of the community to install a remitter, upon residents’ request, however to date, that has not been done. One resident related that “certain parts of the community have phone signal, but it needs to be boosted”. Solomon assured the citizens of the farming community that the RDC is scheduled to conduct a meeting with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) next week in which the issue of adequate service for areas of Region 10 will be addressed. Recently, residents of Moblissa, Linden-Soesdyke Highway had also com-

personnel to create groups to access financing and loans. Lewis noted that economist and specialist on cooperative groups, Rawle Lucas, is currently working on developing the initiative for Region 10. Solomon, while highlighting that the three most important activities in Rockstone are tourism, mining and agriculture, reiterated the call by Lewis to see rapid advancement in agriculture.


Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon

plained about the lack of adequate telephone service within their community. “As early as next week, you will have a word from my office about what the situation is regarding you having access to better telecommunication,” Solomon told residents. In addressing the residents, Regional Vice Chairman Byron Lewis advocated moving agriculture to “another level” within the community. He noted that while the region’s budgetary allocation for agriculture was not large, he would like to see the community move towards the development of cooperatives, which he noted may help in its agriculture advancement and the securing of finances. He said the RDC is moving towards securing skilled

Residents disclosed that the community has been divided over the issue of Amerindian communal lands, as well as which body is in charge of managing the affairs of the community. They noted that the Community Development Council (CDC) installed last April and the toshao council are divided. This, they noted, may be one of the reasons for its slow progress. Solomon told residents that the community “needs a change in attitude in order to move forward,” noting that its issues are not economic but social. “You may watch at the state of a place, and it might be financial or economical, that doesn’t make it look progressive, but you wouldn’t believe to fix the problems of that place it may require a change in attitude,” he said. The regional chairman said that he will continue to work with the appointed CDC

body to bring development to Rockstone. “On the 11th of April last year, you sat at a very democratic process and elected the CDC and that is what we will continue to work with. We are not creating any situations, whatever decisions you make, that is what we will respect.” He said the community belongs to all citizens who reside in it regardless of race and they should work together, dispelling grievances which residents outlined with a particular group wanting the entire community to be an Amerindian reservation. “I will not attempt to dissuade anyone from embracing the Amerindian Act... this is your community, it is not communal land. We don’t have to say to our Amerindian brothers and sisters whether having communal lands is good or not, because that shouldn’t even be part of the discussion... you should not allow people to use a situation to create division in your community... this issue is slowing up progress in the community,” he noted.

Land issues

Solomon said the issue of land will be addressed with the Region 10 Land Selection Committee next week, where residents with issues of private land ownership will also receive help. Persons from farming areas in Linden,

including Dalawala, West Watooka and Moblissa who have land title issues are also invited to attend the meeting, Solomon related. “On the agenda of the Land Selection Committee, because that committee has been constituted, we will set out to bring together all the people with issues of land and we will have those issues sorted out with the Lands and Surveys Commission... we will ensure that these matters are expedited, where you will get results as soon as possible... four weeks ago, we issued land in Rockstone and we will continue to do so,” he said. He further noted that issues relating to health and schools will be addressed by the RDC. It was brought to the attention of the visiting party that the lone community health centre is presently experiencing a shortage of medical drugs. Residents also disclosed that currently no ambulance is stationed in the community and they would sometimes have to travel to Linden in cases of emergency. Councillor Charles Sampson, in addressing the small gathering, stated that the community will remain divided if the attitude of residents does not change. He also reiterated that every citizen is entitled to enjoy facilities within the community.


monday, December 9, 2013

News American Stores opens for business – manager says lowest prices guaranteed

Georgetown Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene cutting the ceremonial ribbon to officially open the mega store


he American Stores will bring fresh ideas to buyers, extended warranties, the lowest prices guaranteed and hasslefree hire purchase, Country Manager Austin Ogle announced at the grand opening on Saturday evening. An elated Ogle said after market research here, American Stores representatives found out that the market was lucrative, hence, the opening of the spanking new building on the corner of Regent and Cummings streets, Georgetown. While he is well aware that the Guyana market is competitive, he feels that his company’s products and prices are unbeatable. The new store sells a variety of goods ranging from home furnishing to construction products and equipment. The store is staffed with at least 25 Guyanese. Ogle also disclosed that the store will commence manufacturing its brand of furniture in Guyana to cater for the needs of the public.

De headitor turn crappo in front de Mook


rudgefulness does mek people do all kinda spiteful things just because dem want to be like other people. Bhai friend and gyal friend does call it rivalry. A man in Berbice was goin by he woman and he see she talkin to he rival. He get grudgeful, so he tek out spite and kill de woman. Now he gon get de same ting in jail whah he was goin to give de woman at she house. Dem boys who seh dem is boys down by Saffon Street, Waterloo Street and de office near de Cathedral roundabout gon visit he steady. Some of dem boys does deh by de Con Place in Sophia too. A doctor seh he not sure whah cause Mook Lall and de headitor and dem other boys who seh dem is boys to turn out so grudgeful and spiteful. De doctor thought was depression. He seh it could be rivalry too. It got different kinda rivalries whah got different symptoms. Some people, like de Mook, does hide dem age and dem hair does fall out. Some people, like de headitor, does lose dem teeth and leff space and dem does can’t chew dem own food. So dem does only drink soup. De Mook had want to get nuff guvament friends, includin de former prezzie. He get kick out and now he kickin up a storm. He get spiteful and grudgeful. De headitor spite every body who he bass wid out de “b” gotta grudge wid. That is why he does do any ting fuh a livin. From kissin fuh a livin, to soup drinkin fuh a livin, to stoopin fuh a livin. One of dem boys seh de headitor gone so low that he crouchin like crappo in front of de Mook. Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! And although crappo back does burn when yuh pee pun dem, de fire whah waitin fuh de headitor in hell gon burn more!

Orealla teen allegedly raped by logger

A The newly-opened American Stores at the corner of Regent and Cummings streets

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) President Clinton Urling told Guyana Times that he welcomes the investment in Guyana, while noting that any foreign investment is always welcomed, since it contributes to Guyana’s economy and at the same time, satisfies the

public’s needs. He said that while Court Guyana Inc has been serving Guyanese for the past 20 years, he feels that with the establishment of the American Stores here, it will add competition which is good for business as well as for customers. “While Courts offers a high-level of service, American Stores brings a new dimension to Guyana which will compete, but at the end, the consumers win.”

Excellent timing

Brandon Harding performing at the opening

He congratulated the management of the store, noting that their timing is excellent since it is a time which will see Guyanese filling their homes with new furniture and other items. “Guyanese will see items here that they have never seen, and as such, I urge them to take full advantage of its services.” Georgetown Deputy

Mayor Patricia ChaseGreene congratulated the management on the store, noting that despite all the negativity in Georgetown and Guyana as a whole, they found the confidence in Guyana to invest. Chase-Greene added that she was pleased to witness the number of people who turned up to be a part of the opening and hopes that the store continues to spread Christmas joys and goodwill during the season. Meanwhile, the opening of the mega store saw a number of performances by several Guyanese artistes including Brandon Harding, George Anthony Abrams, X2, Big Red and Prince JP. They fully entertained the hundreds who turned up to the memorable event. Also, 10 persons were also lucky winners of various gifts such as refrigerators, suites, television sets and other fabulous items.

15-year-old girl from Orealla, Corentyne River was reportedly raped last Sunday by a 22-year-old logger of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice. According to information received, the teenage shared a one-month relationship with the logger and on December 1, about 12:00h, the victim reportedly went to the Orealla Hilltop where she met the suspect. They reportedly went to an old abandoned home located in the area, and there

the act was committed. However, the victim also told investigators that the suspect was not her boyfriend and claimed that she had sex about two years ago with a guy from Paramaribo, Suriname. Nevertheless, the victim was escorted to the Skeldon Hospital where she was examined by a doctor while the suspect was arrested and is presently in custody at the Springlands Police Station. The police are investigating the incident.

Motorcyclist critical after slamming into utility pole


motorcyclist is clinging to his life in the High Dependency Unit of the Georgetown Pubic Hospital after he sustained severe injuries about the body in an accident at D’Urban Street, Georgetown, on Saturday evening. Devon Corbin, 32, reportedly lost control of his CG motorcycle and crashed into a utility pole. He was flung several feet in the air and landed on the roadway. From all indications, the man might have been under the influence of alcohol and was riding at a fast rate.

Moments after the accident, he was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was admitted and underwent emergency surgery. Corbin up to Sunday evening was being monitored by staff of the medical facility. Hospital officials say the man was taken to the institution about 22:45h with serious injuries to his head, arms, legs and abdomen. He was reportedly taken to the hospital in a semiconscious state. Attempts to make contact with his family proved futile.

11 News

monday, DEcEMBER 9 2013

Times Notebook Legal conundrum – how are we going to respond to same-sex marriages?


he talk about the same-sex marriage of a Trinidadian lesbian couple in Johannesburg, South Africa will persist. An increasing number of samesex marriages are taking place among Caribbean nationals in jurisdictions far from home. One group of people the late Nelson Mandela fought for is the group referred to as Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendered and Intersex (LGBTI). South Africa took bold action in the aftermath of apartheid to guarantee rights under its constitution and laws to LGBTI. Globally, about 60 per cent of countries now recognise same-sex relations. In the British Commonwealth, only 20 per cent of countries do. Not all countries that recognise same-sex relations have legalised samesex marriages. More than 100 countries have decriminalised same-sex relations, but only about 18 have legalised same-sex marriages. Same-sex relations are illegal in Caribbean Community (Caricom) countries, except for Suriname, and same-sex marriages are illegal throughout Caricom. But same-sex relations are increasingly becoming vis-

The increasing number of same-sex marriages among our citizens occurring in countries where same-sex marriages are legal create an interesting scenario for us that will challenge our legal minds and create a moral debate that is likely to be contagious and contentious

ible in all of our countries. Increasing, too, are samesex marriages, even though they are not legal. Facebook, in the last two weeks, has been buzzing about the marriage of the lesbian couple from Trinidad. While it is clear that same-sex marriages, right or wrong, are illegal when they occur in Caricom countries, what about those which take place in jurisdic-

tions elsewhere where they are legal, when the couples come back to their own countries to live?

Sexual orientation and fundamental rights

The much-publicised marriage of the Trinidadian lesbian couple in South Africa raises this question. Times Notebook sees a busy time for the courts in the Caribbean and for the

Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). Already, the courts in Guyana, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica have been approached to address the issues of fundamental rights relating to sexual orientation. In Guyana, the court was asked to pronounce on whether transgender dressing is illegal and the acting Chief Justice Ian Chang ruled that there is no ille-

gality in transgender dressing in public. But he also ruled that only the legislature can change the law criminalising homosexuality. It is possible that local individuals and organisations will be joined by international groups to challenge this ruling. In the meantime, courts in Belize, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica are addressing motions brought to challenge the legality of laws which prohibit homosexuality. In Guyana, Belize, and Jamaica, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights through the Universal Procedural Review has given these countries until 2016 to bring their laws in compliance with international conventions.

Moral debate

The fact is that while our legislatures are slow in reacting to a new dispensation around the world, citizens demanding fundamental rights are challenging the systems by practice and through the law courts. The increasing number of same-sex marriages among our citizens occurring in countries where same-sex marriages are legal create

an interesting scenario for us that will challenge our legal minds and will create a moral debate that is likely to be contagious and contentious. As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the emancipation of African slaves in the Caribbean, we now cannot escape the inevitable new frontiers of human freedom. Our countries have risen from political oppression, slavery, indentureship, and racism. Our legacy is that we overcame these major human rights violations. We are at a new stage in confronting our past and the legacies we are proud of – the legacies of fighting oppression and violations of our human rights. Some of our citizens believe that freedom is restricted and their fundamental rights are being violated. They are not waiting for our legislators to correct the anomalies – they are taking the bull by the horn and challenging us through public affront and through the courts. These are interesting times. Readers are invited to send their comments by email or Facebook to times.

Polls proved right as opposition sweeps elections in India By Vishnu Bisram in Delhi


he pre-election and exit polls have correctly predicted the outcome of Indian’s state elections. This writer interviewed some voters and came up with similar results as the other pollsters. The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has won sweeping victories defeating the ruling congress in elections to four critical state assemblies in what is being called a semi-final election – the outcome being suggested by analysts as a harbinger of what is to come in the May general election. This writer has conducted polls and covered general elections in India since 1998.



The election commission reported that the BJP got absolute majorities in three states (Rajasthan, Madya Pradesh, and Chattisgarh, which is a breakaway section of Uttar Pradesh to where most Indo-Guyanese trace their roots). In a fourth state, Delhi, the BJP won the most seats (a plurality), but is short of a working majority by four seats. The counting for a fifth state will take place today. The BJP chief minister’s candidates will be asked to form the government in the states it won convincingly. But it is not clear which combination of parties will be asked by the governor to form the government in Delhi territory. Thirty-six seats are needed to form the cabi-



net, but the BJP has only 32 seats with the newly-formed AAP running a close second with 28 seats, the Congress eight and the BSP two. Stunning defeat It is conceivably possible that the AAP and Congress could form the government but the AAP is insisting it will not team up with any group to form a government. If no party can get a majority, the governor could ask someone to be a caretaker chief minister and dissolve the assembly paving the way for a fresh election. The most stunning defeat was of Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit who was trounced by 25,000 votes by AAP founder Arvind Kejriwal from the New Delhi constitu-



Madhya Pradesh
























BJP star campaigner and prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming May general election, Narendra Modi, displaying a lack of ego, credited “team work” for the winning streak

ency. Kejriwal got 44,269 votes, while Dikshit received 18,405 votes. It is the first time Dikshit has lost an election. Conceding defeat, Dikshit submitted her resignation to Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung, who dissolved the legislative assembly and forwarded her resignation to President Pranab Mukherjee. It was a carnival atmo-

sphere at BJP chief ministerial candidate Harsh Vardhan’s residence in Krishna Nagar where he won his seat for a fifth consecutive term. Supporters burst firecrackers and distributed sweets outside Vardhan’s Krishna Nagar residence where this writer met the BJP leader early in the morning offering congratulations. The activists of AAP, a product of an anti-corruption campaign, also celebrated their performance waving a broom in the air symbolising the desire to sweep out the old corrupt politics of the past. The BJP’s star campaigner and prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming May general election, Narendra Modi, displaying a lack of ego, credited “team work” for the winning streak and thanked the people for reposing faith in the BJP. Commenting on the outcomes, leader of the Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi said she was very, very disappointed, point-

ing to the need for “deep introspection”. Gandhi and her son, Rahul, congratulated the opposition for their victory. She attributed the defeat to price rises and expressed confidence that the results of assembly polls will not have a bearing on the next Lok Sabha polls. “General elections are quite different. People in state elections do focus on personality at the state level, at leaders who are likely to lead them,” she said. However, in national elections “people look at the person who is likely to guide them and govern them at the national level”, the Congress chief said. Rahul said through the elections, “people have given us a message, which we have heard”. The Congress party has to transform itself to stand up, he said. “We have to move to a new paradigm and give serious space to the common masses.”

12 news

monday, December 9, 2013 |

A.I.D.S confident Guyana could APNU attacks NIS for sustain HIV programmes poor customer service – despite drying up of donor funding BY SAMUEL SUKHNANDAN


rtistes in Direct Support (A.I.D.S) is confident that Guyana has the ability to sustain many of the HIVrelated programmes being funded by international donor agencies as the country continues the fight against the disease. A.I.D.S Executive Director Desiree Edghill told Guyana Times that while it is worrying that global funding is expected to dip in the coming years, she believes that Guyana should be able to cushion the effects of that loss by taking actions to make its programmes sustainable. “What the government has done to a wide extent is to do health system strengthening… so all the clinics around the country in all the different regions are now offering the prevention of mother to child programme, voluntary counselling and testing, all free of charge of course with funding, so that speaks to sustainability,” she said. Edghill noted that at present, most of the funding for HIV/AIDS here, comes from the Global Fund and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Project. Edghill said Guyana has already achieved many successes and is well on the way to eliminate mother to child transmission of HIV. Guyana has also achieved universal access where more than 85 per cent of people infected with HIV and AIDS receiving treatment free of cost.

Artistes in Direct Support Executive Director Desiree Edghill

Still struggling

However, Edghill pointed out that the country is still struggling, with reducing stigma and discrimination; something that has the potential of continuing in years to come. At present, most of the remaining funds obtained from overseas for the fight against HIV are being placed towards fighting stigma and discrimination in key population at higher risk include men who have sex with men, commercial sex workers, miners and youth. “To say that Guyana doesn’t have work to do would be telling a lie. We still have a lot of work to do, but we must all come together and get it done. We have to put our head together. We can make this happen if we try,” Edghill added. She said the government is already making plans to take over the fight and this

is mentioned in the HIV/ Vision2020 plan. However, this, she noted will need the support of all stakeholders, including NGOs that work in the area of HIV and AIDS. She also noted that little time is left to achieve the 2020 goals set by the United Nations to have zero new infections and zero discrimination. In explaining the true meaning of “country ownership” in the fight against the disease, Edghill said that it is not specific to government, but includes all stakeholders in the fight.

Free treatment

Edghill, who is also the current vice chair of Country Coordinating Mechanism for Global Fund, said she is a bit worried about the continuity of providing free treatment to HIV and AIDS patients. At present, most of the funding to provide treatment comes from the Global Fund, which will soon stop

funding. Already, the Global Fund no longer funds second line treatment for persons living with AIDS. The government through the Health Ministry has however stepped in and is assisting with providing this service for free. The agency will soon pull out from offering first line treatment to HIV patients. Edghill said that work is being done by all stakeholders to sustain many of the programmes and continue the fight, but it will take a lot of courage and will for it to continue the way it ought to. “It is not going to be easy, but we have to try… this will be a new experience for Guyana because we have relied so heavily on international donors and now it’s going to be left up to us to continue this fight,” she stated. The director said while there is still more time for Guyana to put all arrangements in place to take over the fight, it was noted that plans need to be made now to secure greater success in the fight against the infectious disease. The National AIDS Committee (NAC) recently said that Guyana is not on track to close the AIDS resource gap by 2015, despite prolonged calls for the government to plan for the scaling down by donors. The NAC said there is no information on the current National HIV Strategic Plan. This is specific to the integration and strategic transition planning process being implemented to support integration of antiretroviral funding into Health Ministry. (


Partnership for National Unity (APNU) executive member Joseph Harmon has complained about the alleged poor customer service at the National Insurance Scheme (NIS). According to Harmon, pensioners travel from all parts of the country to access the services of NIS, but are more than often confronted with a situation in which the services are below par. He emphasised that customer service at the scheme leaves much to be desired, and according to him, employees are not to be blamed holistically. Based on information reaching APNU, NIS employees operate under inhumane conditions. “We believe that the conditions under which these employees work have a lot to do with the type of enthusiasm which they display in dealing with the public,” he opined. Even as technology continues to evolve, Harmon said NIS is operating in a world of manual typewriters, traditional time-keeping methods and stand fans. He said the government should take the necessary steps to upgrade the facility, paving the way for staff to operate in comfort. Harmon was speaking at APNU’s weekly press conference at the opposition leader’s office on Friday. APNU had also called for NIS to be reformed to avert a major collapse. The coalition on Friday declared that the scheme was in a crisis. In 2011, NIS recorded a deficit of $371 million while in 2012; it had a deficit of approximately $474 million. The coalition is contending the figures will jump at the end of 2013. “Contributions collected over the period January

APNU parliamentarian Joseph Harmon

to August 2013 were approximately $7.754 billion while total expenditure over the same period was approximately $9.120 billion,” Granger was quoted as saying. He said the government should be swift in implementing the eighth actuarial review which indicated that NIS was rapidly approaching a “crisis stage”. APNU is contending that the NIS has indulged in risky investments as it alluded to the scheme’s investments of US$30 million in the bankrupted CLICO and the US$10 million toward the Berbice River Bridge. But following a series of consultation, the Donald Ramotar administration had concluded that the recommendations in the actuary report were not favourable. The recommendations contained in the eighth actuarial review were presented in the three counties, but did not find favour with sizable segments of those consulted and other stakeholders of the NIS. NIS operates out of 14 offices countrywide, providing social security to over 45,000 pensioners and medical insurance for thousands of Guyanese in the formal and informal workforce.

Republic Bank focuses on energy saving


everal of Republic Bank’s branches in Grenada, Guyana and Barbados are now benefiting from reduced energy consumption and operating costs, thanks to the implementation of the Lutron Quantum Lighting System. According to a release from the bank following global corporate trends aimed at lowering environmental impacts, the bank pioneered the installation of the energy-efficient solution at 11 of its regional branches, reducing the kilowatt-per-hour (kwph) consumption. After reviewing the energy costs in Republic Bank’s subsidiaries in 2010, IT Energy Management (ITEM) proposed the Lutron Eco Lighting System, the pre-

decessor of the quantum system. The bank piloted the system at the Melville Street branch of Republic Bank Grenada, and since then has been able to reduce lighting energy consumption by 60 per cent, with a resultant reduction on its energy bills and saving upwards of 18 per cent. These, and other preliminary findings, led to the bank’s implementation of the system at the other subsidiaries in Barbados and Guyana, where energy costs are particularly high. In commenting on the project, Republic Bank’s Corporate Operations and Process Improvement General Manager, Farid Antar noted “Republic Bank has always been environmentally-conscious, constantly seeking new

Republic Bank head office, New Market Street, Georgetown and innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint. We are pleased

with the outcome and expect to widen our use of similar technologies going

forward”. The Lutron Quantum Lighting System maxi-

mises the efficient use of lighting in the building, primarily through dimmable ballasts. It has the ability to detect fine motions and adjust lights, whether on or off, according to the needs of the user. It also makes use of ambient lighting, by dimming lighting fixtures to a level that is sufficient for normal business operations, thereby reducing electricity consumption. The system also manages, monitors and reports on all the lighting usage in a building via software, which tracks and reports lamp failures. This ability reduces the need for physical monitoring, while allowing the bank to manage the system in a centralised manner.



monday, decEMBER 9, 2013 |

Corentyne girls Ramotar commits to establishment of procurement body deny running away from home P

– accuse caretaker of mistreating them

The three girls have denied running away from the Camal International Home


he three girls who were sentenced to four years at the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) on the charge of wandering have refuted claims of them running away from




Home. They said they were being ill-treated at the home and when they refused to do whatever they are told to do, the caretaker would verbally and physically abuse them and also limit their food. The girls said they had to go to the home of the caretaker to do her housework when they come home from school. Unrepresented The girls ages 15, 13 and 11 made an appearance at the New Amsterdam Magistrate's Court unrepresented last Monday, where the sentence was handed down by the magistrate, and to date, they are still at the Albion Police Station awaiting a probation report. According to the girls, they were never found on the road and the police collected them from the home after a call was made about them wanting to commit suicide and their refusal to stay at the orphanage. One of the girls told this newspaper: “When I come from school the afternoon before, she start lashing me and asked me why I went to school and I said aunty Shalo son is a waste man, I told her I did not do that, the next day she tell me to weed the grass, I take the cutlass and chop when I ask for some water, she told me to stay right there

and weed. I got upset and chopped up the dirt and she told me to continue and when I done go sit in the corner, when it was meals time I was given very little food.” She said when the cursing starts; she would go and hide in a secluded area of the home. The young lady related that she got tired and fed up of the orphanage and wanted to leave as the caretaker would accuse her of going to school to have relations with men. Secluded area The teenager said the night when the police came, about eight of the girls were in the secluded area, and they were taken to the police station. The others were sent home and they (the three) were kept back. She thanked the police for taking care of them, noting that they are being treated better than when they were at the orphanage. The young lady said prior to Friday, the police would buy them lunch or dinner as they have no one to care for them. Another one of the girls said “the aunty” would take them to her home to do work and because they refused, she has been picking on them. They have been at the orphanage for four years and have been getting along fine until they refused to do the housework of the caretaker. Teachers at the Corentyne Comprehensive High were alerted of the girls’ plight on Friday after a probation officer visited the school to enquire of them.

The teachers visited the girls the said afternoon and were shocked to find out that they are in police custody since last Monday. The caretaker has reportedly seized their belongings. Probation Officer Philina Singh said she was unaware that the children were still at the police station as she was under the impression that they were sent to the New Opportunity Corps. Verbally abused When Guyana Times contacted the caretaker Carmen Kissoon, she was very upset and verbally abused the reporter. “Shut up, and listen, because of ya’all and these girls, I have been taking hundreds of calls, people accusing me of mismanaging the home and their funds. The girls want to go away, I can’t stop them,” she said before hanging up the telephone. As word spread of the dilemma facing these girls, several persons including their teachers, the Poonai Bhigroog family and the Anamayah family visited and ensured that the girls were properly fed, clothed and provided with basic personal hygiene items until the situation is resolved. There were commitments for pro bono legal services as well as finding a home for them where they can be cared and counselled. Several persons from the diaspora have reportedly made enquiries regarding adopting the children.

resident Donald Ramotar said the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) stands willing to establish the Public Procurement Commission (PPC), but the Public Procurement Act of 2003 must be amended to allow it to retain its no-objection power. On November 7, Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh tabled the Public Procurement (Amendment) Bill 2013 with the intention of preserving Cabinet’s role in granting its no-objection as it relates to the awarding of contracts, subsequent to the establishment of the PPC. The PPP/C is hoping to garner the National Assembly’s support in amending Section 54 of the 2003 Procurement Act by deleting subsection six, which transfers the responsibility of the Cabinet in the procurement process to the PPC. In the presence of stakeholders, drawn from all parts of the country, the Caribbean and North America, at the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry‘s 124th annual gala and awards ceremony, President Ramotar reiterated his government’s position to establish the PPC. “Let me make it clear, that we want to have a Public Procurement Commission.

President Donald Ramotar

We are ready to set it up now, but we have concerns,” the president said, emphasising that Cabinet should be granted the opportunity to retain its no-objection. The PPC is expected to be a monitoring unit, but Ramotar asked who will oversee it if Cabinet’s no-objection power is taken away. “Guyana, as it stands, now has given up more authority in that area than any other government in the Caribbean. We are the only Cabinet that does not award contracts,” he lamented. But A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) shadow finance minister Carl Greenidge said “we are absolutely unprepared to en-

tertain such amendments”, during an interview with Guyana Times on Friday. APNU is pushing for the PPC to be established under the current PPC Act (2003). “The government is trying to roll back its decision by not implementing a portion of the Constitution and thereby maintain the no-objection. I don’t see either of the opposition parties being prepared to entertain it under any circumstances,” Greenidge said. The Alliance For Change (AFC) has echoed similar sentiments. It has repeatedly indicated that the PPC must be put into operation using the existing law.

Kaieteur News $8B story false – Finance Ministry


he Finance Ministry has debunked an article in the Kaieteur News captioned “Finance Minister fails to account for $8000 million in five years”. The report claims that for the past five years, more than $8 billion from the revision of wages and salaries budget is unaccounted. The report further claims, including the level of salary increase that can be paid as provided in the national budget. In a response on Sunday, the ministry said that the article in question clearly demonstrates that the Alliance For Change (AFC) is unfamiliar with the purposes and uses of the revision of wages and salaries allocation as the methodology used to determine the proposed salary increases for public servants is fundamentally flawed. As a point of clarification, the uses and purposes of the revision of wages and salaries allocation in the national budget are a matter of longstanding public record, the ministry said. According to the min-

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

istry, as a matter of policy, and of practical necessity, the national budget only provides allocations to meet the cost of posts filled in budget agencies at the time the national budget is finalised. “Should a budget agency promote or recruit new staff, increase salaries or otherwise adjust salaries during the course of a year, that budget agency must revise its budgeted allocation to meet its shortfall,” the ministry statement said, adding that the shortfall is met by what is described as an inter-depart-

mental warrant of funds provided by the Finance Ministry from the revision of wages and salaries allocation to the agency where the shortfall has arisen. The ministry said this treatment of financial allocations for positions that are unfilled at the time of preparation of the national estimates or other employment cost shortfall is long established and honoured by time. “These facts are well known to the National Assembly and its members. In addition, this information has been provided every year during consideration of the national estimates. This very explanation was offered as recent as Tuesday, April 2, 2013 during the budget debates in response to a similar question posed by Mr Carl Greenidge,” the ministry stated. “Therefore, the AFC’s claim that the difference between what is allocated and what was actually paid to public servants is inaccurate and unfounded, as is the claim that the 2013 budget catered for a 15 per cent salary increase.”


monday, December 9, 2013


Tradewinds enlivens “Romancing the Fort” outing

Fort Zeelandia in Fort Island, Essequibo

Acting Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali serving guests dessert

These clay bottles were found on the island BY VAHNU MANIKCHAND


he Tourism Ministry’s “Romancing the Fort” dinner saw an excellent turn out as couples, families, friends and even co-workers stepped out on an intriguing trip which they will remember for the rest of their lives. Romancing the Fort was held at Fort Island, the home of Fort Zeelandia in the Essequibo River, on the lawns of the Court of Policy on Saturday. The trip was inclusive of a tour of the island and performances by the

Tradewinds, Dave Martins and Friends. Over 100 persons made the trip. The journey began with patrons being transported from the Guyana National Stadium, East Bank Demerara to the Parika Stelling, East Bank Essequibo. There were four tour buses, each with its own tour guide, who pointed out major landmarks along the way. When they arrived at the stelling, patrons were escorted onto the Sandaka Ferry where they were served with rum punch as they socialised and soaked up the mesmerising and

A tomb on the floor of the Court of Policy museum

breathtaking view along the Essequibo River on the onehour sail to Fort Island. Upon arriving there, acting Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali was welcomed to the island by residents. The trip was set back by an hour as against the planned time, and as such, immediately after landing on the island, patrons split into two groups: one heading to Fort Zeelandia located on the eastern side of the island while the other went to visit the Court of Policy, which is the oldest non-military structure in Guyana. It now houses a museum. Inside were bits and pieces of artiefacts collected from around the island. These include Dutch bottles, clay jugs and tools, among other things. There were also boards with Dutch history, of not only Fort Island and Essequibo, but the entire Guyana.

European Union Ambassador Robert Kopecký, checking out the artiefacts on sale


Meanwhile, the trip to the fort was intriguing as the guides explained the history behind it. By this time, night stepped in and patrons gathered under the tent for dinner. At this time, acting Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali addressed the gathering, thanking them for coming on the trip. He said the event is just a stepping stone to Guyana’s journey of becoming the number one tourism destination in the region. “We have one of the most comprehensive tourism products, we have one of the most beautiful products and I’m always excited when those who are serving our country can get to see its beauty and appreciate it,” the minister stated. He expressed gratitude to those who made the event possible. Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh said the objective of the dinner is to promote the island as a tourist attraction. “Guyana has a very rich heritage and culture and each one of you got a taste

A couple singing a karaoke duet

of that today.” He told the gathering that by purchasing tickets for the event, they are supporting their heritage and history, and implored them to visit other historical sites in Guyana to keep their invaluable importance alive. The GTA director disclosed that Guyana has been listed among the top 21 destinations around the world in 2014 by National Geographic.


Even the residents of the island welcomed the initiative, stating that it brought “life to the island”. They

thanked the minister as he passed by their yards and encouraged him to make the event an annual feature. Meanwhile, Martins dished out some of his most popular tunes, serenading the patrons. These included “Is We Own”, “Cricket In The Jungle” and “Honeymooning Couple”. He had the entire audience’s attention with his jovial and stylish demeanour. While he was singing, everyone had their dinner, a scrumptious meal served buffet-style after which the minister took it upon himself to serve dessert.

A section of the audience enjoying the sounds of Tradewinds

When everyone was full and the band finished its more than one hour performance, the floor was opened for karaoke and several persons took advantage of the opportunity to showcase their talent. To make the visitors remember the trip, the islanders assembled a few artifacts for sale so that persons would be able to take back a part of Fort Island with them. An hour later, everyone assembled at the stelling and boarded the boat, which soon after set off. Being on the island, everyone felt the romantic atmosphere that was created and while on the boat, they continued the karaoke. With the moon in its waxing crescent shape and the skyline illuminated with stars, everyone enjoyed the last few moments of their trip before disembarking at Parika, where the buses waited to transport them back to Georgetown. All in all, for $10,000, everyone got their money’s worth, and the Tourism Ministry and the GTA should be commended for a job well done.

15 Around the world

monday, dECember 9, 2013

Thai PM calls snap election, UN inspectors visit Iranian site linked protesters press on to nuclear programme


hai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra dissolved the parliament today and called a snap election, but antigovernment protest leaders pressed ahead with mass demonstrations seeking to install an unelected body to run Thailand. Protesters have been on the streets of the capital for weeks, clashing with police and vowing to oust Yingluck and eradicate the influence of her self-exiled brother, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The clashes petered out last week as the nation celebrated the revered king’s birthday, but political hostilities are set to resume in earnest. The demonstrations are the latest eruption in nearly a decade of rivalry between forces aligned with the Bangkok-based establishment and those who support Thaksin, a former telecommunications tycoon who won huge support in the countryside with propoor policies. “At this stage, when there are many people op-


Anti-government protesters dance during a rally at Government complex in Bangkok, December 8

posed to the government from many groups, the best way is to give back the power to the Thai people and hold an election. So the Thai people will decide,” Yingluck said in a televised address as thousands of protesters resumed demonstrations across Bangkok. The leader of the an-

ti-government movement, Suthep Thaugsuban, said he would not end his demonstrations and would continue a march to Yingluck’s offices at Government House. “Today, we will continue our march to Government House. We have not yet reached our goal. The dis-

solving of parliament is not our aim,” Suthep, a former deputy prime minister under the previous militarybacked government, told Reuters. Police estimated as many as 50,000 people joined protests at different sites in Bangkok. (Excerpt from


N inspectors visited an Iranian plant on Sunday linked to a planned heavy-water reactor that could yield nuclear bomb fuel, taking up an initial offer by Tehran to open its disputed nuclear programme to greater scrutiny. The increased transparency is the result of a thaw in relations between Iran and the West that culminated in a deal struck last month under which Tehran is to curb its nuclear programme in return for some easing of sanctions. It was the first time in more than two years that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had been allowed to go to the Arak heavy-water production plant, which is designed to supply a research reactor under construction nearby. Iran’s heavy water work is a big concern for the West, because it could be used in the process of making a nuclear bomb. Tehran says its programme is for peaceful

purposes. Two inspectors arrived in Tehran on Saturday and met experts from Iran’s own atomic energy agency before travelling to Arak in the evening, Iran’s ISNA news agency reported. “The inspection is under way and will be finished this afternoon, and they (the inspectors) will return to Tehran,” said Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Iranian atomic energy agency. “The inspectors will go back to Vienna tonight.” The inspection is part of a deal between the IAEA and Tehran, separate from the November 24 interim nuclear accord reached between Iran and the so-called P5+1 in Geneva. Officials from Iran and the United States, France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia are to meet December 9-10 in Vienna, where the IAEA is based, for expert-level talks on implementing the Geneva deal.

(Excerpt from Reuters)

Huge pro-EU rally Scores of world leaders to head to grips Ukraine S Africa to mourn Mandela


undreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in the Ukrainian capital Kiev seeking the resignation of the government for refusing a deal on closer ties with the European Union. Protesters, who oppose a customs union with Russia, toppled a statue of Lenin and smashed it with hammers. President Viktor Yanukovych has said he shelved the EU deal after Russian opposition. Protest leaders have given him 48 hours to dismiss the government. As darkness fell, protesters were blockading key government buildings with cars, barricades and tents. Witnesses said a group of protesters toppled the statue of Soviet leader Lenin

at the top of Shevchenko Boulevard using metal bars and ropes. Then they began smashing it up with hammers. Others stood by chanting “glory to Ukraine”. Correspondents say the statue has symbolic importance as it underlines Ukraine’s shared history with Russia. One opposition parliamentarian, Andriy Shevchenko, tweeted: “Goodbye, Communist legacy!” Prime Minister Mykola Azarov compared the toppling of the statue to the Taliban’s destruction of the giant Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001, Interfax-Ukraine news agency reported. “War on monuments is always barbarity,” he said.

(Excerpt from BBC News)


ome 60 heads of state or government have announced they will take part in the memorial service or state funeral of Nelson Mandela, South Africa says. U.S. President Barack Obama, Francois Hollande of France and UK PM David Cameron will be among those attending Tuesday’s memorial at a Soweto stadium. South Africa’s first black president died on Thursday and the nation has held a day of prayer and reflection. Mourners in their millions visited places of worship and community halls. At Soweto’s Regina Mundi Catholic Church, a centre of the anti-apartheid struggle, the priest Sebastian Roussouw said

Lighting a candle for Mandela in Soweto

the late leader had been “a light in the darkness”. “Madiba did not doubt the light. He paved the way for a better future, but he cannot do it alone,” he said, referring to Mandela

by his clan name. Mandela’s ex-wife, Winnie MadikizelaMandela, was among the congregation at the Bryanston Methodist church in Johannesburg,

where President Jacob Zuma urged South Africans not to forget the values he had stood for. In Cape Town, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba said Mandela was a powerful and continuing reminder that individuals have the power to make change happen in the world. Over the next eight days, a series of events will commemorate the man who steered their country out of white-minority rule. International leaders, global figures and celebrities will join 95,000 ordinary South Africans at the memorial service at FNB stadium in Soweto, where Nelson Mandela made his final major public appearance during the 2010 football World Cup. (Excerpt from BBC News)

Singapore bus death triggers riot


olice in Singapore have made 27 arrests after hundreds of people took part in a riot sparked by the death of an Indian national. Trouble started after the 33-year-old man was knocked down by a private bus in a district known as Little India. About 400 people took to the streets, hurling railings at police and torching police cars and an ambulance. At least 16 people were

hurt, most of them police officers, before the violence was brought under control. Police Commissioner Ng Joo Hee said it was the first rioting in Singapore in more than 30 years. He condemned the rioting as “intolerable, wanton violence”. “It is not the Singapore way,” he added. Pictures and videos posted in social media showed two police cars being overturned by the mob. Several private vehicles were also

damaged. Rioting in Singapore is punishable by up to seven years in prison plus caning. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that “whatever events may have sparked the rioting, there is no excuse for such violent, destructive, and criminal behaviour”. “We will spare no effort to identify the culprits and deal with them with the full force of the law,” he said in a statement.

“The protesters were overcome with rage”

Correspondents say the outbreak of public disorder is rare in strictly governed Singapore. The hi-tech,

wealthy city-state depends heavily on guest workers, with labourers from South Asia dominating sectors like

construction. Many congregate in Little India on Sundays to shop, drink and socialise.

(Excerpt from BBC News)


monday, DECember 9, 2013

International Financial and Economic Report Chairman, Guyana Americas Merchant Bank


o taper or not to taper: that is the question and it has the market very nervous with many arguing that a cut in bond purchases from US$85 billion a month will start in less than two weeks at the next Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting from December 17-18. Friday’s employment figures for November which came in high will complicate the issue, but the so-called “Beige Book” argues that gains in manufacturing, technology, and housing have only kept the U.S. economy expanding at a “modest to moderate” pace from early October through mid-November. There is a psychological factor involved with Federal Reserve Chairman Dr Ben Bernanke not wanting to end his term of office having presided over an increase in interest rates nor does Dr Janet Yellen want to start her term in the same way. Still, sooner or later, the Fed will reduce its bondbuying programme and 10year interest rates will rise well over 3.0 per cent and the 30-year rates well over 4.0 per cent. Apart from the November employment numbers, Thursday saw the publication of the second estimate of the thirdquarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, which is calculated to have increased by 3.6 per cent. U.S. banks are brac-


Market Summary at 16:00h December 5, 2013 Currencies: Euro






Swiss franc


Mexican peso











Equity Indices since before last Friday:



Dow Jones














ing for tighter regulations as regulators have agreed to vote favourably on the “Volcker rule” on December 10. This will result in tighter restrictions on certain trading activities and which go beyond what regulators had agreed to just a few weeks ago. Demonstrating a new resolve to punish banks for misconduct, the European Union (EU) fined a group of global financial institutions on Wednesday a combined total of US$2.3 billion to settle charges that they collided to fix Libor and other benchmark interest rates. This was the largest settlement ever levied by the European authorities and covered Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Societé General. Interestingly, the yuan has surpassed the euro as

the second-most used trading currency in the world. The yuan accounted for 8.66 per cent of letters for credit and collections used in global trade finance in October, second only to the dollar and passing the Euro’s 6.64 per cent share. GDP numbers and the Beige Book report: there were a number of economic reports published in the U.S. last week. On Monday last, the ISM manufacturing index rose to 57.3 in November from 56.4 the month before which was a surprise. Light vehicle sales on Tuesday for November did well in October selling at a rate of 15.2 million at an annualised rate in October and September. On Wednesday, it was reported that the ISM nonmanufacturing index fell to 53.9 in November from 55.4 in October, but pur-

Market statistics Gold Prices – Guyana Gold Board

Cambio Rates

Fixed as at July 24, 2013 Calculated at 94% purity

Bank of Guyana Cur






















Indicators as on December 5, 2013 Live Spot Gold

USD Per Once













1230.75 752.38 900.59

1233.00 753.99 901.71



Dec 5


1234.00 752.38 907.69

Last: 16020.20

Price Silver


London Gold Fix

Dec 6

Indicators Crude Oil

1222.50 753.99 894.75 Changes: +198.69

US$ per barrel

$110.98 USD per Ounce

$19.55 $1355.00

Change %

-0.81 Change %

+0.59 -0.29


chase of new homes surged by 25.4 per cent in October which the biggest increase in three years. The ADP report on private sector jobs was up 215,000 in November which reinforced the “tapering” view. Last Thursday, initial jobless claims fell 23,000 to 298,000 in the week ended November 30. It was also reported that factory orders declined 0.9 per cent in October as compared with the 1.0 per cent drop forecast by economists. Last Friday, it was re-


ported that consumer spending rose more than forecast in October increasing by 0.3 per cent. Consumer sentiment increased more than forecast in December to the highest level in five months. In overseas news, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England left interest rates unchanged. The euro-area’s GDP rose by only 0.1 per cent in the third quarter after rising by 0.3 per cent in the previous three months. The Brazilian economy fell 0.5 per cent in the three

months ending September which was the biggest drop since the first quarter of 2009. Interest rates rose last week given all the talk about tapering, with virtually all securities increasing in yield, including mortgages. At the same time, the euro rose sharply to US$1.37 from US$1.35 last Friday as did the pound sterling. The yen fell to 1018, the Australian dollar from A$0.92 to A$0.91 and with the Brazilian real falling back to 2.36 although the Indian rupee rose slightly to 61.76 against the dollar. Gold has continued to fall and was US$1225 an ounce last night. The Dow Jones fell 0.4 per cent in the first days of the week, but then rose Friday by over 130 points. There is no doubt that the U.S. economy is doing better – but the question is, will it convince Dr Bernanke and Dr Yellen? The answer is that they will want to see more evidence that substantial expansion is under way. March is still a good date for tapering to start.

Investors' guide

Asian shares advance on Chinese trade, falling yen


ost Asian share markets moved higher today, energised by a potent cocktail of upbeat Chinese trade data, a weaker yen, and a firm finish on Wall Street. Both the dollar and the euro extended their gains on the yen, with the single currency hitting a fiveyear high in what should be a boost to Japanese exports, profits, and stocks. A Reuters poll found confidence at Japanese manufacturers rose for a second month to a threeyear high in December, adding to the evidence of steady recovery in the world’s third-largest economy. The Nikkei share index jumped 1.8 per cent and was fast approaching

last week’s peak at 15,794. South Korean stocks added one per cent and MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan gained 0.2 per cent. While Friday’s solid U.S. jobs report may have brought forward the day when the Federal Reserve starts tapering its asset buying, the figures also suggested the economy was recovering well enough to withstand the move. A total of 203,000 jobs were added in November, while the unemployment rate dropped three-tenths of a percentage point to a five-year low of seven per cent. “Markets are trading like they were well positioned for strong data,

and would actually be relieved if the Fed tapers in December and so removes the tapering timing uncertainty,” said Alan Ruskin, global head of FX strategy at Deutsche Bank in New York. “That equities are this strong is a clear signal to the Fed that tapering will not do too much damage to risk appetite.” On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average ended Friday with a gain of 1.26 per cent, while the S&P 500 put on 1.12 per cent. Treasuries also proved resilient, with 10-year yields settling back at 2.86 per cent after a brief spike to 2.93 per cent immediately after the jobs report. (Reuters)

Business concept – Expense

Open: 15825.55


% Change: +1.26 Low: 15825.55

% YTD: 22.25

52Wk Hi: 16174.51

52 Wk Lo: 12471.49

Money spent or cost incurred in an organisation’s efforts to generate revenue, representing the cost of doing business. Expenses may be in the form of actual cash payments (such as wages and salaries), a computed expired portion (depreciation) of an asset, or an amount taken out of earnings (such as bad debts). Expenses are summarised and charged in the income statement as deductions from the income before assessing income tax.



MONday, December 9, 2013 |

Region Two administration launches Mashramani activities

A section of the gathering at the launch of Mash activities in Region Two

A float at the Region Two 2012 Mash celebrations

he Planning Committee for Mashramani celebrations in Region Two on Friday officially launched its programme of activities at the Anna Regina Fire Station compound. The launch was held under the theme “Cultural folklore: Celebrating 44” and featured various cultural items, including dances, poems and calypso. The activities were declared opened by regional Mash representative Portia Jocobs. Regional Mash Planning Committee Chairman Humane Odit thanked those who made the launch of

Pupils of the CV Nunes Primary performing a dance at the launching


Mash 2014 possible. He said a number of activities have been planned, all of which will showcase the young talents in the region. Meanwhile, Region Two Vice Chairman Vishnu Samaroo said Mashramani is an important event in Guyana, and early planning is needed to kick off the celebrations. Some of the activities planned for the Mash celebrations next year include children’s art and essay, dramatic poetry, calypso, dance, masquerade, costume, physical display, road relay race, steel pans in the street, best decorated and

illuminated buildings, folk and patriotic songs and differently-able competitions; cultural shows; and a flagraising ceremony. Mashramani is an annual festival that celebrates Guyana becoming a republic in 1970. The festival, usually held on February 23 – Guyana's Republic Day – includes a parade, music, games and cooking and is intended to commemorate the birth of the republic. The word “Mashramani” is derived from an Amerindian word and in translation means “the celebration of a job well done”.

155 graduate from IDCE programme in Anna Regina

A section of the Anna Regina IDCE graduating class


he labour market has gotten a significant boost in the various fields following the graduation of 115 persons from the University of Guyana, Institute of Distance and Continuing Education Anna Regina Centre on Friday. The students gradu-

ated in supervisory management, language and communication, computer training programme and community courses. The courses had a duration of seven months. The graduation was held in the Anna Regina Town Council’s boardroom. Delivering the charge to

the graduates at the 26th graduation and prizing giving exercise, senior education officer Deodat Singh urged the graduating students to be determined in whatever they do. He encouraged the graduating class not to lose hope, faith and to aim for higher heights. Singh charged the

students to build on what they would have achieved and strive for excellence in their future endeavours. He told them to respect authority and display a sense of charity, serving others with pride. The education officer advised them to give of their best when at work and uphold a good character. IDCE Director Barbara Thomas Holder congratulated the students, noting that she is proud of their achievements and encouraged them to further their education at the University of Guyana. She urged those who did the supervisory management course to apply for promotion and those who did the community courses (catering and home management) to become selfemployed. The IDCE director also encouraged the graduates to dream big and to be the best they can be. She said IDCE was established 33 years ago to provide educational training, thereby giving persons a second chance to unlock their dreams and potentials. Presenting the centre report, IDCE tutor

Cindy Jacobs, one of the graduating students, receiving her certificate in supervisory management

Parmeshwar Lall said the academic year 2012\2013 can be deemed satisfying, despite the many challenges faced. He said the centre continued to play its usual multifaceted role in organising programmes that address specific needs of individuals in Region Two. He said some of the subjects taught are computer software, English and mathematics at the Caribbean Secondary Education

Certificate (CSEC) level, introduction to sociology, supervisory management, catering, cake decoration, pastry making, language and communication. He also said the centre needs extension and renovations, furniture and a clerk\typist. Also attending the graduation was Region Two Vice Chairman Vishnu Samaroo and Regional Health Officer Allison Brown.


monday, december 9, 2013

thursDAY, march 11, 2010 |


By Bernice Bede Osol

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19) An unusual plan will end up working out quite well. Innovation can bring greater opportunity to work alongside individuals who can inspire and motivate you.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 19) You need to concentrate on improving your income, status or reputation. Look over contracts or paperwork that need to be addressed before the year comes to a close.

Calvin and Hobbes

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Keep your ears and your mind open today. It would be best to move at your own speed without relying on anyone to make choices for you. A good investment will pay off. Believe in your talents.



CANCER (June 21July 22) Venture down avenues that could lead you to learn something unusual or teach you about a culture or philosophy that you know little about. Plan a romantic adventure.

LEO (July 23Aug. 22) If you don’t like your current situation, do something to change it. Explore new people, places and pursuits to get you thinking about future prospects.

VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22) Get into the mainstream. Enjoy life and the activities, events and people that interest you. Look for a way to turn your thoughts into reality. Don’t get angry -- get moving.



(March 21-April 19)

(Sept. 23Oct. 23)

Know ahead of time what needs to be done to avoid being frazzled by the unexpected. A moneymaking idea can be launched. Keep personal issues in perspective. Don’t overspend on luxury items.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Add a personal touch to whatever you do, and it will be appreciated. Make a promise to someone you want to spend more time with, and the momentum generated will take care of the rest.

Dig deep, ask questions and get the answers you need to make a big move. Overly hasty action will lead to an oversight. Know your limits and rely on your experience.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) Get your ideas and projects off the drawing board and into the boardroom. Don’t hesitate to express your beliefs, attitudes and opinions. You have what it takes to excel, so be confident in everything that you do.

Saturday's solution GEMINI (May 21June 20) Don’t leave anything to chance. Stay on top of what needs to be done and deliver on your commitments. It’s not a good time to mix business with pleasure.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21) Think matters through today. Uncertainty is the enemy. Remain calm and be mindful of what is going on around you. Make changes at home that will add to your comfort and joy.

news 19


Venezuela’s ruling party leads local polls – officials

monDay, december 9, 2013

dentistry Dentures provided in 72 hours from as low as $4500. Contact Dr B Stuart, 209B Charlotte St, Lacytown. Tel: 225-5034

EDUCATION SAT/AP/CXC/IGCSE English classes, personalized tutoring. Phone: 6124821 after 4pm, 274-0437 after 7pm.

flowers Available: Fresh long-stemmed roses, fresh dried and silk floral arrangements, gift items, bridal boutiques and wreaths. Nesha’s Flowerland. 78 Church Street (opposite St George’s Cathedral). Tel: 227-3553/225-3315

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lAND FOR SALE Promising gold and diamond mining land for sale in different areas. Phone: 699-3992.

LOST One Dog which answers to the name Zion. Colour Cream/White/ Brown about 1 foot tall. Last seen on Wednesday, November 13, between Success & LBI, ECD. If seen please call on numbers 619-8086, 699-7077, 220-3183.

MEDITATION Learn transcendental meditation and reduce stress & anxiety, develop full brain potential, increase creativity and intelligence, concentration, focus and memory, be healthier & happier, increase energy vitality and longetivity, enjoy more success in life, improve relationships and develop higher states of consciousness, a technique that works for everyone, for next introductory lecture. Contact Ashoke phone 233-6921, 6093701, email: or Sherlock phone 2252243, 614-9726

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property for sale

Toyota Hilux extra cab, pick up $3.m. Phone: 264-2682. Titan (hardly driven) $3.5M neg. Phone: 691-9984

TO let

2 bedroom apartment – central Georgetown. Couple/Small family. 227 3471/614 1069.

1 flat concrete house at Parfaite Harmonie. Phone: 643-4740

House at Lamaha Gardens. Hot & cold water, AC, etc. Phone: 2194535.

One two storey house at lot 93 Atlantic Gardens, ECD; upperflat-3 bedrooms, kitchen and bath; lower flat-2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath. Call 592-619-4483, 592-656-7471 EXECUTIVE TWO STOREY BUILDING 3 BEDROOMS WITH ALL MODERN CONVIENCES, MEADOW BROOK GARDENS, MR NARAINE. PHONE: 696-8230 Gas station land. Size: over one acre Phone Ms Liverpool on 625-7582, 681-9293. 1 three-building centrally located downtown in Thomas Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown, recently renovated, fully air conditioned, ideal for office with spaces for boardroom, or any other business. Immediate possession. Phone: 609-2876.

services Dutch healing and upliftment, for clearing of land, dredging and ground work (strictly interior operation). Phone: 662-1247.

HILUX SURF 4 DOORS, minor parts needed, sold as is $750,000 TEL: 2273939, 621-4000

Mitsubishi 3000 GT sports car, fully powered, $1.7 cash or credit available TEL: 227-3939, 621-4000

Small business space suitable for technician shop, taxi base, etc. Phone: 691-7164, 231- 2619.

1 property at reasonable price, located in Bareroot, East Coast Demerara. Phone: 612-6417.

LEROY TRIDENT car 250 CC, 4 doors, power window, $495,000 cash or credit TEL 227-3939, 621-4000

Stretch limousine, Lincoln Town car, fully powered $6.5 million or credit available Tel 227-3939, 621-4000


Lot 48 Light Street, Alberttown. Contact Ram on 619-4483, 6017883 or 227-1454, 226-6325.

Trike Can-Am style motorcycle, 200cc new, unregistered $450,000 neg or credit TEL 227-3939, 621-4000

Nissan Maxima, fully powered needs repairs sold as is $300,000 cash 2273939, 621-4000


Da Silva’s Optical. For Your Eyes Only, Look Better See Better. Phillip A Da Silva OD, Shannon L Da Silva OD, Natalie Da Silva OD. 248 South Road, Bourda. Phone: 227-3529, Linden: 444-6376, Corriverton: 339-3536, Meten-Meer-Zorg: 275-0322, Grand Cayman Islands: (345) 943-1515 for the perfect trendy touch.


Business place for rent , Plantain Walk ,Vreed –en Hoop. Phone:649-0707.

Two modern apartments at Campbellville, hot & cold water, etc Phone: 219-4535 One house located in Lamaha Gardens, hot and cold water. Call 219-4535 EXECUTIVE TWO STOREY BUILDING 3 BEDROOMS WITH ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES FURNISHED/ UNFURNISHED, MEADOW BROOK GARDENS, MR NARAINE. PHONE: 696-8230 Two-bedroom self contained apt. Caneville, Grove. PHONE: 669-1954 Two modern apartments at Campbellville, hot & cold water etc. Call: 219-4535 Recently constructed bond with house and office space on the same lot, centrally located in Broad Street, ideal for business or manufacturing. Phone: 623-0425, 6092876

VACANCIES One customs clerk with at least three subjects CXC including English language and mathematics. Applicant must be computer literate. Please submit application before October 11, 2013 to email: or call 669-6874 or 682-3481


WANTED BODYWORK MAN TO SPARY MOTORCYCLE, HANDYMAN TO WORK IN STORE, MAID GO AND COME CLEANING ONLY (UNDER 30 YRS) APPLY GUYANA VARIETY STORE Tel 227-3939 One experienced production manager to work in Furniture Factory and one AutoCAD/draft person. Contact 657-1414 Urgently needed! One plot of land in Parfaite Harmonie, Herstelling and Eccles. Phone: 675-7292 One female babysitter, between 40 & 45 years, must be from Georgetown, be able to work flexible hours and some weekends, applicant with a sound secondary education may apply. Phone: 614-5711, 9am- 3pm

Classified Ads $5+VAT per word Call: 226-9921

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro gestures to supporters before voting during municipal elections in Caracas, December 8


enezuela’s ruling Socialist Party won a majority of votes in Sunday’s local elections, giving a major boost to President Nicolas Maduro in his quest to preserve the socialist legacy of his late mentor Hugo Chávez, officials said. With 257 of 337 mayoralties counted nationwide, the ruling party won 44.16 per cent of votes, versus 40.56 percent for the opposition, the electoral authority announced. Turn-out was 59 per cent, officials said. The local elections were seen as a key test for President Maduro. Maduro narrowly won a presidential election in April to replace Chávez who had died from cancer. Since November, Maduro has been ruling by decree, promising to tackle corruption and control price rises. The opposition accuses him of failing to deal with crime, inflation and a shortage of basic goods. The National Electoral Council said the voting went smoothly but some problems have been reported. The BBC’s Irene Caselli in the capital, Caracas, says local elections are usually low key, but this one was filled with expectations for the government and the opposition.

Voters were electing mayors to 337 municipalities and officials to more than 2000 city councils. The opposition currently controls about 50 municipalities. Most polls accurately showed the government coalition was likely to win in a majority of municipalities. But what is less clear is whether it will be able to maintain control of Caracas and Maracaibo – Venezuela’s two largest cities. As polling started, President Maduro reminded Venezuelans in a tweet to celebrate “a day of loyalty and love towards Chávez and the Motherland”. Sunday’s elections coincided with the anniversary of Chávez's famous speech in which he announced that his cancer had returned and named Maduro as his preferred successor. Maduro was granted special powers to rule by decree for a year to deal with Venezuela’s economic crisis. Since then he has legislated on the prices of electronics, toys, clothes, and new and second-hand cars. The opposition says the government’s left-wing policies are keeping foreign investment away and hurting the economy. (Reuters and BBC News)

Colombia’s FARC announces unilateral ceasefire


olombia’s largest rebel group, the FARC, has announced a 30-daylong ceasefire starting on December 15. The announcement came a day after five soldiers, one police officer and three civilians were killed by a FARC car bomb attack against a police station. The FARC declared a similar ceasefire when peace talks began in Cuba a year ago. It was abandoned on January 20. The Colombian government insists it will only stop fighting the rebels when a final peace accord is reached. In their statement on Sunday, the rebels criticised the government for its unwillingness to agree to a truce.

“Soldiers and policemen shed their blood unnecessarily, while the perplexed general public watches this strange cocktail of dialogue and death with which the government sees the reconciliation through,” reads the document signed by the FARC’s high command. Saturday’s FARC attack demolished a police station in the south-western state of Cauca. Bombs were launched and a vehicle exploded just as the town market in Inza was about to open in the morning. At least nine people died and dozens were injured, authorities said. President Juan Manuel Santos promised to redouble efforts against the armed group. (Excerpt from BBC News)


monday, december 9, 2013

South Africa cruise to series win I

ndia made significant changes to their bowling attack, played on a surface far more suited to them than the Wanderers was - a slower Durban track - and showed some improvement from Thursday, but the result was still the same on Sunday. They conceded too many runs to South Africa’s opening pair and their own top order were shot out to leave the series decided with a game to play. South Africa, in fifth place on the ICC’s one-day rankings, will consider this a major coup. AB de Villiers had slammed suggestions they were underdogs because of India’s position at the top of the list, because he believed home conditions would give his men a sizeable advantage. He has been proved right. With minimal time to adapt to South African surfaces, India’s batsmen have yet to present the technique required to prosper against pace and short-pitched bowling while their seamers have yet to get a measure of the lengths required of them. Mohammed Shami was again the most impressive of the pack, using the slower bouncer and yorker to good effect but even with turn on offer, India could not stop Hashim Amla and Quinton de Kock, who both scored centu-

Quinton de Kock scored his second hundred in as many games in this series (AFP)

ries. They paced their partnership to perfection, starting fairly slowly, milking the bowling, scoring with ease and then accelerating at the right times. In the process, Amla became the fastest to

4,000 ODI runs, achieving the feat in 81 innings, seven quicker than Viv Richards. De Kock’s hundred made him only the third South African, after Amla and Herschelle Gibbs, to score back-to-back centuries in ODIs, and main-

tained his 100% conversion rate of fifties into hundreds at this level. De Kock offered one chance early on. He was on 13 when he edged off Shami but the ball fell short R Ashwin at first slip. Apart from that, de Kock and Amla’s partnership was flawless. They scored all around the field and by the 11th over, Dhoni was already searching for options. He introduced spin but Ashwin and Suresh Raina posed little threat. He tried the medium pace of Virat Kohli, which was also ineffective. With the South African batsmen in no rush and runs available, India were facing a total in the region of 300. Boundaries were not a priority for either Amla or de Kock - they did not hit a single six - but they found them on occasion. De Kock seemed the more aggressive but Amla’s strike rate was just as high. Both reached their half centuries off 57 balls before de Kock overtook Amla. His third hundred came with a single off Ishant Sharma and he looked to up the ante. He swept Ashwin, hoping to clear square leg, but found Rohit Sharma to end his second successive century opening stand with Amla on 194. Given their platform,

South Africa chose to send AB de Villiers in at No. 3, instead of Jacques Kallis, but the plan backfired. De Villiers was stumped after stretching forward to hit Ravindra Jadeja down the ground and he became the second wicket to fall in the second Powerplay. It was in that period that India pulled South Africa back. Ravindra Jadeja was the architect of the strangle-

hold as he spun the ball and varied his lengths cleverly. Between overs 35 and 48, India gave away only 66 runs and dismissed JP Duminy, David Miller and Kallis, who was sent in at No.6. All that unraveled when Ryan McLaren and Vernon Philander took 20 runs off the final over to set up a competitive target. By the ninth over of the reply, the game was up.


SCOREBOARD South Africa innings Q de Kock† c R Sharma b Ashwin 106 H Amla c †Dhoni b Mohammed Shami 100 AB de Villiers* st †Dhoni b Jadeja 3 JP Duminy run out (Yadav/†Dhoni) 26 D Miller lbw b Mohammed Shami 0 J Kallis b Mohammed Shami 10 R McLaren not out 12 V Philander not out 14 Extras: (b 1, lb 2, w 6) 9 Total: (6 wkts, 49 overs) 280 Fall of wickets: 1-194, 2-199, 3-233, 4-234, 5-249, 6-255 Bowling: U Yadav 6-0-45-0, M Shami 8-0-48-3, I Sharma 7-0-38-0, R Ashwin 9-0-481, S Raina 6-0-32-0, V Kohli 3-0-17-0, R Jadeja 10-0-49-1

India innings R Sharma c Amla b Tsotsobe 19 S Dhawan c Duminy b Steyn 0 V Kohli c †de Kock b Tsotsobe 0 A Rahane c †de Kock b Morkel 8 S Raina c Miller b Morkel 36 MS Dhoni*† c †de Kock b Philander 19 R Jadeja c de Villiers b Tsotsobe 26 R Ashwin c †de Kock b Steyn 15 M Shami b Tsotsobe 8 U Yadav b Steyn 1 I Sharma not out 0 Extras: (b 4, lb 1, w 8, nb 1) 14 Total: (all out, 35.1 overs) 146 Fall of wickets: 1-10, 2-16, 3-29, 4-34, 5-74, 6-95, 7-133, 8-145, 9-146, 10-146 Bowling: D Steyn 7-1-173, L Tsotsobe 7.1-0-25-4, M Morkel 6-0-34-2, V Philander 6-1-20-1, JP Duminy 5-020-0, R McLaren 4-0-25-0

Everton hold leaders Arsenal Celtics rip Knicks 114-73, boos fill Madison Square Garden


ubstitute Gerard Deulofeu’s late strike on Sunday earned Everton a draw and denied Arsenal a seven-point lead at the top of the Premier League. The 19-year-old smashed past Wojciech Szczesny from inside the box to cancel out Mesut Ozil’s close-range finish. Everton’s Tim Howard had earlier denied Aaron Ramsey and Olivier Giroud, before Szczesny thwarted Kevin Mirallas. Giroud hit the bar in injury-time, but the point moves Arsenal five clear of Liverpool at the top of the table. Everton manager Roberto Martinez, who was relegated with Wigan on his last visit to the Emirates, praised his side’s “lack of fear” ahead of the match and Deulofeu’s late strike spoke volumes for the Blues’ character as they remain the only side with one loss in the Premier League. Arsenal, who have now led in 13 of their 15 league matches, will be frustrated to have squandered the advantage having battled to break down their visitors with Ozil’s fourth league goal of the campaign. Their manager, Arsene Wenger described the visitors’ midweek win over Manchester United as a “warning” for his side ahead of kick-off and with the two best defences in the league on show, goal-mouth action was in short supply during the early exchanges. Everton, who last won at Arsenal in 1996, enjoyed large bouts of possession and drew protestations from Wenger for the intensity of their pressing without the ball. Sylvain Distin swiped a volley wide for the visitors, before Ross Barkley, operating behind Romelu Lukaku,

– George, Pacers power past Spurs 111-100


Substitute Gerard Deulofeu (left) earns Everton a 1-1 draw

fed Mirallas on a breakaway but the Belgian’s effort was wasteful. Martinez described Arsenal’s attacking-play as “as good as it gets” in the run up to the fixture and late on in the opening period, Wenger’s side began to showcase the guile which had earned them four consecutive wins. Howard, seeking a fourth successive clean sheet, dived at the feet of Giroud to block after a neat Ramsey pass, before the Arsenal charges reversed roles. This time Giroud dummied to release the Welshman, but Howard was again swift and brave to block at his feet. The Gunners started the second period with the intensity their opponents had the first and Carzola headed tamely at Howard after a delightful interchange with Wilshere. The intricate play was not lost on Martinez’s side and Steven Pienaar collected Barkley’s confident flick to warm the hands of Szczesny in Arsenal’s goal. Ramsey, whose eight goals make him the Premier League’s most potent mid-

fielder, was denied by Howard before the influential Barkley blasted straight at Szczesny at the other end. After making four changes from the midweek win against Hull, Wenger highlighted the strength of his bench ahead of the match and the introduction of Theo Walcott, Tomas Rosicky and Mathieu Flamini backed up his confidence. Flamini instantly shot wide, before Rosicky and Walcott combined to present Ozil with the opener. The German, who now has four goals and six assists in his last 12 Premier League matches, volleyed high past Howard from six-yards, sparking relief amongst home supporters. Their emotion was soon swung by Deulofeu, who had been on the field just five minutes when he collected a pass inside the area to unleash a shot past Szczesny. Giroud’s volley from 30 yards at the death almost offered a dramatic end to a pulsating final 10 minutes of play, but the ball cannoned back of the angle of post and crossbar to ensure the points were shared. (BBC Sport)

EW YORK - Jordan Crawford scored 23 points and the Boston Celtics posted the most lopsided victory in the NBA this season, bursting out to another sizzling start and pouring it on from there to batter the New York Knicks 114-73 on Sunday. Jared Sullinger added 21 for the Celtics, who jumped to leads of 12-0, 18-1 and 25-3 and improved their Atlantic Division-leading record to 1012. Boston scored the first 14 points Friday in a victory over Denver, though that one eventually got close.

Not this time.

The Celtics led 58-31 at halftime, then Crawford made four 3-pointers in a 34-point quarter that extended Boston’s lead to 92-56. The Celtics then scored the first four points of the fourth for a 40-point bulge, triggering loud boos that would get louder at the final buzzer. Boston went on to surpass a 38-point victory by the Clippers over Chicago that had been the NBA’s biggest victory this season. Carmelo Anthony scored 19 points for the Knicks, who had done to them what they had done to their previous two opponents. Coming off a 30-point victory over Brooklyn and a 38-point rout of Orlando, the Knicks. New York fell to 0-6 in its orange uniforms, which the Knicks are wearing in weekend home games and also donned at Chicago on Halloween in their road opener. Their three worst losses of the season have

Paul George

come in their alternate colors, 31-point losses to San Antonio on November 10 and Atlanta on November 16. Crawford hit six 3s for the Celtics, who stay in New York for the next couple of days during something of a reunion week. They face Kevin Garnett and Brooklyn Tuesday for the first time in the regular season since last summer’s blockbuster trade, then return home to face former coach Doc Rivers and the Clippers on Wednesday. It was 12-0 before the Knicks finally got on the board on Anthony’s free throw after the Celtics were called for a defensive 3-second violation. Crawford and Sullinger then hit consecutive 3-pointers to make it 18-1 before the Knicks finally made a basket on Anthony’s basket with 5:45 remaining. The Celtics led 34-11 after one and opened a 26-point lead when Courtney Lee nailed a 3-pointer to open the second. Leading by 17 late in the period, then ran off 12 in a row, Jeff Green’s three-point

play making it 58-29 with 37 seconds remaining. Knicks starters were 3 for 23 in the first half, including a combined 0 for 8 by guards Raymond Felton and Iman Shumpert. In San Antonio, it was no ordinary victory for Paul George and the Indiana Pacers. They know how difficult it is to beat the San Antonio Spurs. George scored 28 points and Indiana defeated San Antonio 111-100 on Saturday night, snapping an 11-game skid against the Spurs. ‘’It means a lot,’’ George said. ‘’We haven’t won here since 2002. So it definitely means that we’re onto something. Something great is going on in here, if we just continue to keep on this path, we have a positive future.’’ David West had 20 points and Lance Stephenson scored 15 for the Pacers, who enjoyed a 41-34 rebounding edge. Roy Hibbert and Luis Scola each had 12 points and 10 boards. ‘’I couldn’t be happier with how they played, particularly in the second and third quarter,’’ Pacers coach Frank Vogel said. ‘’Second quarter, getting back in the game, but in the third quarter, really busting it open. Tough to pick a star in the game with as many contributions as we got. Just great balance and a great team win.’’ Kawhi Leonard scored 18 points for San Antonio, which has dropped three of five. Manu Ginobili added 16 points, Tony Parker had 13 and Tim Duncan finished with 10. (AP)

monday, december 9, 2013


Six people held by police over football fixing claims S

ix people are in police custody after an ex-Portsmouth player told an undercover reporter he had been involved in fixing football matches. Sam Sodje was filmed by the Sun on Sunday describing how he punched an opponent in a League One game to get a red card in exchange for £70,000. He also said he arranged for another player to be paid £30,000 for getting a yellow card in a Championship match. Portsmouth Football Club said it was “shocked and saddened” by the claims. The six people being held have not been named. In the video, which was filmed secretly, Sodje also claimed he could rig Premier League games and was prepared to fix matches at next year’s World Cup.

Sending off

In a statement from Portsmouth Football Club, spokesman Colin Farmery said: “If these serious allegations are true then we are extremely shocked and saddened by them, as match-fixing of any type goes to the heart of the integrity of the game. “The player in question no longer plays for the club and we have not been contacted by the authorities, but of course we would co-operate fully with any inquiry.”

Former Nigerian international Sam Sodje was filmed by an undercover reporter

Sodje was sent off in the 50th minute of a League One match while playing for Portsmouth against Oldham Athletic on February 23. The Sun on Sunday also reported that an Oldham player, Cristian Montano, apologised to Sodje after failing to get a yellow card in the first half of a match against Wolves on October 22. And it reported that Sodje’s brother Akpo, a striker at Tranmere Rovers, had said he would be prepared to be paid to be booked. Oldham Athletic said in a

statement: “Oldham Athletic Football Club has been made aware of the incident and allegation surrounding one of its players, Cristian Montano. The club will commence an immediate internal investigation to establish all the relevant facts of the case. “The club is co-operating with other agencies in this matter and cannot comment on specific facts at this stage. The club will not be issuing any further statements at this time.” Tranmere Rovers FC said: “Tranmere Rovers Football Club are aware of Sunday newspaper allegations regarding Akpo Sodje. As this is an ongoing investigation the club will make no further comment at this time.” The National Crime Agency, which is investigating the claims, said: “We can confirm that the Sun on Sunday has passed material from its own investigation to the NCA. “An active NCA investigation is now under way and we are working closely with the Football Association and the Gambling Commission. Six people are in custody and are being questioned by NCA officers. We cannot comment further at this stage.”


The Football League said it took claims of criminal activity “extremely seriously” and would assist police.

Football League chief executive Shaun Harvey encouraged anyone with any evidence to report it to the police. Harvey added: “We treat any allegations of criminal activity in our competitions with the utmost seriousness. We will be giving our full assistance to the police during their investigation.” The Gambling Commission and the Football Association both said they were aware of the investigation and were working with the NCA. Guy Whittingham, who was manager of Portsmouth at the time, said the claims brought back memories of the match in which Sam Sodje was sent off. He said: “Sam came racing over - and I didn’t actually see the incident at the time itself - but then you see it in the cold light of day afterwards and you see what he’s done and you can’t fathom out why he’s done it.” Former Oldham player and manager Andy Ritchie told BBC News he was “dismayed” at the allegations. He said: “They are only allegations at the moment but if you’re sent off in a game you’re letting your players down, you’re letting the team down because more often than not 10 men lose a game of football. “If you’re in a tough situation, maybe a relegation dogfight, you could lose those three points -

that could cost you a place in that league.”

Betting syndicate

The Professional Footballers’ Association said in a statement: “The PFA is aware of the reports in today’s media regarding allegations of ‘match fixing’ and other related activity. “These allegations, if proven, unfortunately demonstrate the real issue football faces in terms of corruption and highlights the necessity of the work carried out by the PFA and other stakeholders in the game in educating players of these risks. “We take the issue of integrity very seriously and will continue in our efforts to eradicate this evil from our game.” In a separate NCA investigation into an alleged international betting syndicate, two non-league footballers were earlier this week charged with conspiracy to defraud. Michael Boateng and Hakeem Adelakun, both 22, play for Whitehawk FC, based in Brighton, in the Conference South. Two other men, Singapore national Chann Sankaran, 33, and Krishna Sanjey Ganeshan, 43, who has dual UK and Singapore nationality, were charged with conspiracy to defraud in November. The pair has been bailed and are due to appear at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday. (BBC Sport)

Siddle and Harris give Australia 2-0 lead


ustralia took a 2-0 lead in the Ashes series, with three to play as they inflicted a 218run defeat on England in the Adelaide Test to follow up their overwhelming 381-run win in the opening match in Brisbane. It took Australia only 11.4 overs to remove England's last four wickets for the addition of a further 65 runs after light morning rain, which delayed the start by 10 minutes, cleared and the Test was completed with floodlights piercing the gloom. England's one consolation was a return to form for Matt Prior, albeit in insignificant circumstances. Prior, 31 not out overnight, was ninth out for 69 from 110 balls, the first time he had passed 50 in 17 attempts, a sequence stretching back to his matchsaving century against New Zealand in Auckland in March. It will probably be enough to protect his place in Perth. Prior pulled with gusto, but the shot also proved his downfall as he deposited Peter Siddle into the hands of Ryan Harris at deep square. It was a bountiful morning for Siddle and Harris, who had toiled away impressively on the fourth day, but who did not have to extend themselves unduly to round things up with two wickets apiece on the final morning. Siddle and Harris took seven wickets between them. That should not alter the salient fact: Mitchell Johnson might not be the only reason for the shift in power, but he has been the overriding reason.

Quite what Stuart Broad was up to, only he knew. Five balls into the day, he became the third England batsman to perish to the hook shot. Siddle fired in two short balls in his first over of the day. The first, a lackadaisical affair, was pulled by Broad for six. The next ball was quicker and shoulder height and Broad hooked it into the hands of Nathan Lyon at deep square. Harris, delayed until first change, was also presented with a wicket in his first over as Graeme Swann dangled his bat at a wide one, which moved away slightly, and presented a comfortable catch to second slip. His second wicket of the morning, Panesar driving feebly to short extra, completed the job. (Cricinfo)

Joe Root stood firm in a 113ball half-century (Getty Images)

Australia, after seven defeats in nine, have now won two Tests on the bounce; England, unbeaten in 13 before this series, have been heavily beaten in both. Under the coaching influence of Darren Lehmann, Australia are playing positive cricket, fielding tigerishly and their bowling plans are working. England look weary and disorientated, a team which has so far failed to challenge the notion that it is in decline. No England team has ever come back from 2-0 down to win a series in Australia, the one thing in England's favour being that they only need to draw the

The Aussies celebrate another wicket as they edge closer to victory (Getty Images)

series to retain the Ashes. But England will be particularly unsettled by the fact that they have lost so heavily in Adelaide where a dry pitch of comfortable pace bore a similarity to surfaces on which they have achieved many recent victories and offered arguably their best opportunity of the series. Adelaide's first drop-in pitch displayed the ground's traditional characteristics, offering more spin as the match progressed, and will have delighted the curator Damien Hough. Alastair Cook said three times at the post-match ceremony that England need to "look at ourselves". It will be

the mantra ahead of Perth. He said: "We had a few opportunities on that first day to put pressure on that first day and we missed them. Mitchell Johnson has bowled well and quickly and we have to look at ourselves, our techniques and our shot selection." Michael Clarke, Australia's captain, admitted that he had been unsettled when he drew back the curtains to see rain falling. He said: "The last thing we wanted was rain today - and I guess not enforcing the follow-on made me a little more nervous. I thought our bowlers could do with a rest and come out fresh in the second innings.

"We have to be realistic: that is only our second Test win in [11] months and that is not good enough if we want to be the No 1 Test side in the world - and that is our goal." Johnson, man of the match after his first-innings 7 for 40, can now look forward to what is routinely viewed as his banker: the WACA. He said: "I'm really excited about being back in this team." He confirmed the mo stays on for the rest of the series. Once the skies cleared so quickly, England's cause was hopeless: 304 runs short of victory with only four wickets remaining. They played as if they knew it.

SCOREBOARD England 2nd innings (target: 531 runs) AN Cook* c Harris b Johnson 1 MA Carberry c Lyon b Siddle 14 JE Root c †Haddin b Lyon 87 KP Pietersen b Siddle 53 IR Bell c Johnson b Smith 6 BA Stokes c Clarke b Harris 28 MJ Prior† c Harris b Siddle 69 SCJ Broad c Lyon b Siddle 29 GP Swann c Clarke b Harris 6 JM Anderson not out 13 MS Panesar c Rogers b Harris 0 Extras: (lb 1, w 4, nb 1) 6 Total: (all out; 101.4 overs) 312 Fall of wickets: 1-1, 2-20, 3-131, 4-143, 5-171, 6-210, 7-255, 8-293, 9-301, 10-312 Bowling: RJ Harris 19.4-354-3, MG Johnson 24-8-731, PM Siddle 19-4-57-4, NM Lyon 26-7-78-1, SR Watson 6-3-6-0, SPD Smith 7-0-43-1


monday, december 9, 2013

wins Nedbank K&S kicks off schools football Bjorn Challenge by two tourney with grand opening shots in Sun City By Treiston Joseph


he Kashif and Shanghai Organization (K&SO) on Sunday began a new era in football when their secondary school football tournament kicked off at the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) ground. After a colourful march past that featured some of Guyana’s top schools in football, Sport Minster Dr Frank Anthony declared the event open. “It is for me a real pleasure to be here again with Kashif and Shanghai as we launch a new era of football. For the past 24 years I had the privilege of being there for six of those occasions and it was always Guyanese football at its best. “What we are seeing here is that they are launching a new era of Guyanese football and I look forward to them (Kashif and Shanghai) to play a greater role at the school level because it is from these young people that we will have future players and we will expect great things from them,” Anthony stated as related to non-communicable diseases that have hit Guyanese due to the lack of exercise. Prior, to Anthony’s speech co-director of K&S Kashif Muhammad reminisced on what the past 24 years have meant for football in Guyana, noting that the schools tournament will be the organisation’s new passion. “We take this competition seriously and we look forward for it to be a success; this tournament is in keeping with everything for the children and we are seeking to take this event to an international level. “Our coaches at the end of the event

Thomas Bjorn


Minister of Sport Dr Frank Anthony makes the first kick of the tournament to declare the tournament open

will be selecting a team to represent Guyana in the first quarter of the year to play against teams from Suriname and St Lucia,” Mohamed revealed. President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Christopher Matthias was at hand and commended the organisation for playing its role in the development of football, stressing that the government should play an equally important role as well as the federation to make the sport better.

Chief Education Officer of the Ministry of Education Olato Sam was also at hand at the event and implored the children to use to tournament to better themselves as players and individuals. Meanwhile, Anthony who noted that his ministry is in talks with the GFF to formalise a grassroots plan for football, made the symbolic kickoff to officially open the event before the first game was played.

Fulham end seven-game skid to beat Aston Villa


ulham ended a run of seven consecutive defeats by beating Aston Villa to give head coach Rene Meulensteen his first win in charge of the team on Sunday. Steve Sidwell angled a shot in on the stretch to give the home side the lead. The influential Dimitar Berbatov added a second from the penalty spot after Leandro Bacuna was adjudged to have fouled Alex Kacaniklic. John Arne Riise’s header hit the post for Fulham against a Villa side who might have had a late penalty. Striker Gabriel Agbonlahor went down following a tackle from Aaron Hughes and Fulham would have been relieved referee Mike Dean saved them from a nervy finish by rejecting the away side’s appeals. Defeat ended Villa’s fivegame unbeaten run, while the Cottagers celebrated only their second home win of the season in the second game since Meulensteen succeeded Martin Jol last Sunday. Fulham remain in the bottom three but are now only separated by goal difference from West Ham, who are one place above them.

eteran Dane Thomas Bjorn fired a closing 65 containing two eagles on the back nine to capture a two-stroke win at the Nedbank Challenge in Sun City on Sunday. The 42-year-old finished 20 under for his second European Tour victory of the year and 15th in total. Sergio Garcia also shot a 65 and was second with Welshman Jamie Donaldson, who began the final day with a three-shot lead but could only return a 70. World number three Henrik Stenson was four shots back in fourth. Donaldson, who won the Abu Dhabi Championship in January, began steadily in the 30-man event at the Gary Player Country Club, with four pars before adding birdies at the fifth and seventh. But he dropped a shot at the ninth and was joined by Garcia, without a win this year, who collected six birdies on his outward half. However, Bjorn, playing his 424th European Tour event, produced the decisive burst of scoring, with eagles at 10 and 14.

Garcia birdied consecutive holes from the 14th but when he bogeyed the 16th Bjorn’s lead was three and the Dane could afford to drop a shot at the last and still win comfortably, his fourth European title since turning 40 in February 2011. His maiden title in South Africa represents the 11th country in which he has won an official event on the European Tour and it extended his exemption on the tour to 2016. “Obviously having two eagles on the back nine on a Sunday doesn’t happen very often,” Bjorn said. “The shot into 14 was a bit fortunate but that’s what happens when you win golf tournaments, I guess.” Fans surrounding the 18th waved streams of South African flags in late afternoon sunshine on a day dedicated in the country to prayer and reflection following the death of former President Nelson Mandela. “To see what one man can do, it’s an inspiration to all of us,” Bjorn said. “If we all just did a bit more, this world would be a better place.” (BBC Sport)

Vonn continues comeback from injury with 11th in Canada


Steve Sidwell (centre) scored the opening goal for Fulham

The change of manager at Craven Cottage appears to have had an instant impact, with Fulham showing a marked improvement in their attitude and application under Meulensteen. The home side almost took an early lead but Villa keeper Brad Guzan acrobatically palmed a Berbatov header against the woodwork. The visitors responded with the recalled Christian Benteke, who has gone nine league games without a goal, glancing a header wide and having a low 18-yard shot parried away by keeper Maarten Stekelenburg. However, the Cottagers

were the dominant side and Ashkan Dejagah, who appeared to be offside, stole in behind Villa’s defence before Chris Herd recovered to get in a last-ditch tackle. The ball rebounded off Guzan to Kacaniklic and after his initial shot was blocked, his follow-up was cleared off the goal-line by Nathan Baker. But Fulham’s efforts eventually paid off when Berbatov knocked the ball down to Dejagah and he slipped a first-time ball though to Sidwell, who angled in a shot as he fell under pressure from Bacuna. The second Fulham goal arrived via a more conten-

tious route. Berbatov flicked the ball though to Kacaniklic and, after he went down as he was closed down from behind by Bacuna, Dean signalled a penalty. Berbatov waited for Guzan to dive to his left before nonchalantly putting the spot-kick in the opposite corner. Riise had a chance to put the game beyond Villa’s reach when Guzan missed a Giorgos Karagounis cross, but the left-back’s header hit the outside of the post. And although Villa had that strong late penalty claim turned down, they rarely threatened as Fulham earned their first win since October 21. (BBC Sport)

lympic champion Lindsey Vonn continued her recovery from a knee injury by finishing 11th in the World Cup downhill at Lake Louise in Canada on Sunday. The 29-year-old American is trying to prove her fitness ahead of the Winter Olympics, which start on 7 February. She said improving 29 places from 40th on Friday, her first competitive run since rupturing cruciate ligaments in February, was “a great step forward”. German Maria HoflRiesch won Saturday’s race in one minute 55.09 seconds. That gave her a second victory in as many days, with Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein, disqualified on Friday for wearing an arm protector over her ski suit, second in 1:55.43 and Austrian Anna Fenninger third in 1:55.56. Vonn clocked 1:56.35. An icy course saw several racers crash, with Swiss Nadja Jnglin-Kamer escaping serious injury despite

sliding sideways down the steep section of the slope and slamming into the safety netting. Vonn, who last month partially tore the right anterior cruciate ligament she initially injured in February, produced a more aggressive run than on Friday. Ahead of Sunday’s Super-G at the same venue, she said: “I could be much more aggressive on the course. I still made a couple of mistakes but I’m really happy with the run I put together. “It gives me confidence to bring into Sunday’s race.” Hofl-Riesch, who won gold in the super combined and slalom at the 2010 Vancouver Games and the World Cup overall title in 2011, said after her fifth World Cup downhill win at Lake Louise: “The slope was faster today but my run wasn’t as clean as yesterday. “I lost a little bit of time in the middle section, but my performance was still good enough for the win, so I am really satisfied.” (BBC Sport)

monday, december 9, 2013


Eight more teams record wins in Guinness street football

GCB/GT&T/Hand-in-Hand Senior Inter-County Four-Day…

Singh’s unbeaten century earns draw for President’s T XI against Berbice

Seon Hetmyer was watchful during his innings

By Rajiv Bisnauth


determined batting effort from skipper Vishal “Cheesy” Singh ensured the President’s XI walked away with a draw against Berbice in their Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) senior Inter-County four-day tournament match on Sunday at the Everest Cricket Club ground Facing a deficit of 134 runs, after Berbice had declared on 319-8, they were in some difficulty at 77 for 4. But Singh finished with an unbeaten even 100, to follow-up his first innings score of 55. He featured in a 130run fifth wicket partnership with Seon Hetmyer (40) to guide the President’s XI to the draw. Singh’s innings lasted for 188 balls, inclusive of six boundaries, and took his side to safety with some resolute batting, playing the bowling on merit. At the end of the final day, the President’s XI were 260-7 off 90 overs. Earlier, Royston Crandon hurried to a century after resuming on 79, before Berbice declared. That left the President’s XI with

Royston Crandon

an hour of batting before lunch. Crandon moved from his overnight 79 to 112 not out. His innings included six fours and two sixes. Kellon Carmichael (224) struck twice, removing overnight batsman Eugene LaFleur (3) and Devendra Bishoo (11), before the declaration was made. Off-spinner Collis Butts, son of the former Guyana and West Indies off-spinner and current Chairman of Selectors of the West Indies Cricket Board Clyde

Butts, was the pick of the President’s XI bowlers, snapping up 3-64. Robin Bacchus, Romario Shepherd and Steven Sankar claimed a wicket each. Facing a huge first innings deficit, Berbice compounded their advantage by removing opening batsman Shemroy Barrington without scoring. Fellow opener Robin Bacchus and former West Indies opening batsman Ryan Ramdass took the President’s XI to the interval at 48 for 1. Upon resumption Ramdass (11) and Dominique Rikhi (0) were removed in quick succession. However, Bacchus capitalised on his flourishing start by completing his halfcentury, smashing some delightful strokes on both sides of the wicket. Bacchus was looking ominous, but a loose shot led to his dismissal; he scored 63 off 65 deliveries with the help of nine fours and two sixes. After Bacchus’s departure, skipper Vishal Singh quietly settled down and, together with Hetmyer, wiped off the deficit and carried

the total to 146 at Tea. After the resumption, Singh and Hetymer batted patiently against the varied Berbice attack for the most part of the final session. Hetymer was eventually dismissed, followed by Jason Sinclair (17). Kellon Carmicheal (1*) joined Singh and safely guided their team without further trouble. Devendra Bishoo followed up his first innings six-wicket haul to finish with 3-87, while Royston Crandon and Raun Johnson claimed 2-54 and 2-41 respectively. In the other game played, Demerara spanked Essequibo by an innings and 54 runs inside three days on Saturday at the Enmore Community Centre ground. The next round is scheduled to start on Tuesday and will see Demerara playing Berbice at the Enmore Cricket Club ground and President’s XI opposing Essequibo at the Georgetown Cricket Club ground. The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) and Hand-in-Hand Insurance have joined forces with the GCB to sponsor the tournament.

UDFA year-end tournament launched, kicks off on Wednesday


he Upper Demerara Football Association (UDFA) launched its year-end football tournament on Saturday at the Wisrock Bus Park, Mackenzie Market, Linden. The event was expected to set the tone for seven days of intense football rivalry among 14 teams, primarily from Linden and the rest of Region 10, including Comacka and Kwakwani. In a collaborative venture with the UDFA, Banks DIH will be sponsoring the knockout competition to the

tune of $6.6 million. The prize money of $2.2 million will be shared by the winning team, which will get $1 million and a trophy. The second place team will receive $700,000 and a trophy and third and fourth place teams will receive $500,000 and $300,000 respectively. The local brewery giant is also granting in excess of $1 million to finance necessary immediate upgrading of facilities at the Mackenzie Sports Club, including the installation of new floodlight bulbs, rehabilitation of gates

and clearing of drains within distance of the perimeter fence of the ground. Dubbed the UDFA GT Beer Cup tournament, it will feature seven days of double-header matches between Wednesday and New Year’s Day, climaxing with the third place playoff and the final. All teams participating in the competition will receive an appearance fee beginning with $30,000 for the first round. A higher appearance fee will be given to the teams at each new round they reach in the competition.

However, the full complement of players are expected to appear in their respective team uniforms at the march pass, which will be part of the opening ceremony to be held before the first two matches on Wednesday. The appearance fee will be forfeited if teams do not comply with this requirement. Apart from Banks, the UDFA is collaborating with 104 Power FM, the new radio station in Linden and the National Communications Network (NCN)-Linden, for branding the tournament.

he Georgetown leg of the sixth annual Guinness Street Football competition continued on Saturday evening at California Square with another eight teams emerging with victories. In the opening game of the night, Sophia needled Queen Street, Tiger Bay, 1-0 with Ryan O’Selmo’s opening minute goal sealing the match. Sherman Anthony also decided the outcome of the match as early as the third minute as Castello Housing Scheme gained a 1-0 win over Laing Avenue. Gregory Jones and Akeem Frank, with goals in the seventh and 16th minutes, led North Sophia to a 2-0 victory over North East La Penitence, while Alpha McPhoy (fourth) and Paul Porter (17th) scored for Island All Star in their 2-0 success over Cross Street, Tiger Bay. South Ruimveldt won 3-2 on penalties against California Square after a goalless draw, while Back Circle and West Front Road earned 2-0 wins over Festival City and East Front Road respectively. Scoring for Back Circle were Wayne Wilson (third) and Andy Duke (ninth), while West Front Road’s goals came from Michael Oie (sixth) and Randolph

Alpha McPhoy

Wagner (17th). In the other game of the night, East La Penitence got a walkover from Durban Street, who were a no-show. The competition will continue this evening with another eight games at Demerara Park from 19:00h. Berlin Massive will take on Norton Street West, North Last Entrance will tackle Stevedore Housing Scheme, Hope StreetTiger Bay will face South Ruimveldt, and Tucville will confront Globe Yard before the interval. Upon resumption, Albouystown A will challenge Durban Street, Riverview will trade skills with Albouystown B, Sophia South will meet Queen Street- Tiger Bay and defending champions Leopold Street will square off with Broad Street B.

Judah comes up short against Malignaggi


ab Judah came up well short in Saturday night’s hyped “Battle of Brooklyn,” losing to Paulie Malignaggi at the Barclays Center and putting his career back in doubt. After getting more or less routed by Malignaggi at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, there are renewed doubts about where Judah fits into the boxing landscape, as his days as a legitimate contender now have to be considered over by just about everyone following a truly lackluster performance. Judah, 36, told Showtime’s Jim Gray after the fight that Malignaggi (33-5, 7 KO) was content to stay on the outside. “I came to fight and so did Paulie,” he said. “It just wasn’t there. This was a great opportunity and a great event. I wanted to be the King of Brooklyn. He wasn’t tougher than me. He stayed on the outside and didn’t engage.” Judah (42-9, 29 KO) seemed simply lost during much of the fight, unable to pull the trigger and unable to cope with the jab of

Zab Judah

Malignaggi, which dominated the action. Zab did have moments when he let his hands go, but they were truly few and far between. Even his father and trainer Yoel Judah shouting at him in the corner couldn’t get Zab to wake up for more than a moment. Is Judah done as a relevant fighter, or was this a case of Malignaggi simply having a lot more left in the tank and a better game plan? Did Zab look disinterested to you last night, which is something the Showtime team pushed on TV?

Sports is no longer our game, it’s our business

monDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013


South Africa 280-6 (De Kock 106, Amla 100, Shami 3-48) beat India 146 (Tsotsobe 4-25, Steyn 3-17) by 134 runs; England 172 & 247-6 (Root 87, Pietersen 53, Prior 31*, Broad 22*) need another 284 runs to beat Australia 570-9 dec and 132-3 dec

K&S kicks off schools football tourney with grand opening See story on page


President’s College won the best dressed team award

Teams present at the opening ceremony after the march past (Treiston Joseph photos)


Eight more teams record P23 wins in Guinness street football

GCB/GT&T/Hand-in-Hand Senior Inter-County Four-Day…

See story on page


WICB withdraws Under-19 from Bangladesh

Singh’s unbeaten S century earns draw for President’s XI against Berbice

Vishal Singh played a patient innings (Photos: Rajiv Bisnauth)

T JOHN’S, Antigua – Acting in the best interest of the safety and security of the West Indies Under 19 team, the West Indies Cricket Board on Sunday took the decision to withdraw the team from its tour of Bangladesh. The WICB’s decision was taken following consideration of a report on the situation in Bangladesh as prepared by WICB Security Manager Paul Slowe. The report emphasised that the current security environment in Bangladesh is not conducive to the playing of cricket in light of the 72 hours nationwide blockade and calls for countrywide dawn to dusk protest. The State Department of the United States of America has also issued a travel alert to its citizens living in and travelling to Bangladesh. Travel arrangements are being made to allow for the team’s return to the Caribbean as quickly as possible. The team will remain safely accommodated at the team hotel under adequate security protection until departure from Bangladesh. An explosion had occurred a short distance away from the team hotel in Chittagong on Saturday

WICB Security Manager Paul Slowe

evening. The players and members of team management were not targeted and were not in immediate danger as a result of the incident. The WICB also thanked the Bangladesh Cricket Board for their hosting of the team and the security arrangements provided to the team while in Bangladesh. The WICB has contacted the parents and guardians of the players to advise them of the latest developments. (WICB)

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