Kaieteur News

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Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210




ore than a quarter of the world’s democra cies have coalition governments. Guyana had its first two-party coalition government in 1964 when the PNC and the UF coalesced to defeat the PPP. The reason for that arrangement was that neither the PNC nor the UF, by themselves, could have defeated the PPP at the polls in a winner-take-all political system. The positive aspect of coalition governments is that every party has to compromise and make sacrifices for the common good. The largest party cannot implement its own agenda, and if it does, as in the case of the PNC, it can disappoint and frustrate the voters who could lose faith in the government. Coalition governments represent a broader spectrum of public opinion than one-party governments. Coalition governments provide consensus politics in which consultation on issues takes priority over unilateral decision-making. However, this has not been the case with the sixmember multiparty coalition government, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). In just over a year in office, disagreements between the AFC and APNU began to emerge over power sharing and unfair hiring practices. The problem is, the coalition government is a “coalition of convenience” formed principally to defeat the PPP. Coalitions of convenience do not have any particular ideological framework that could be used as common ground on which its differences can be hammered out. In a “coalition of commitment,” each party in the coalition will compromise for the common good of the country despite the disequilibrium of size between the parties. Prior to the May 2015 elections, the diminutive AFC loomed large; its presence in the coalition led to the defeat of the PPP. But once the elections were over, the Cummingsburg Accord began to erode. Most PNC members believe that the 40 percent allocation of seats and positions to the AFC was extravagant. The truth is the AFC has always been aware that when it joined APNU in February 2015, it would face the existential threat of being controlled by the PNCled coalition and could lose its identity. It was a gamble it took and lost because it did not manage its affairs well. It took only three years for the AFC to encounter its worst crisis of its 12-year history as a junior coalition partner. Mesmerized by the trappings of being ministers and handsomely rewarded by a huge reservoir of power, its leaders have neglected their responsibilities to their constituency. They have also failed to put in place mechanisms to keep their larger partner, the PNC, in line, address the insecurities of the people and ensure fairness in hiring and assigning of senior positions. Caught in the public glare of dissent with its coalition partner on several issues and with APNU’s refusal to agree to a 60-40 percentage allocation of candidates for Local Government Elections (LGE), the AFC has decided to contest the November 12 LGE as a separate party. In a pathetic statement, the AFC said it is contesting the LGE separately in order to preserve its identity, but it does not, in any way, affect its commitment to the coalition government, nor does it change the AFC position on coalition politics at the national level. Yet there is the other view. The AFC believes that it has made a difference in the political landscape of the country. And indeed it has. Race politics is not a part of that political party and that has appealed to the young Guyanese. These young Guyanese are silent so the adults who may have gravitated to the party are the ones preaching the doomsday scenario. The future of the AFC may

DID PROFESSOR THOMAS CONSIDER THE POSSIBLE INFLATIONARY EFFECT? DEAR EDITOR, The announcement by Professor Clive Thomas of the distribution of cash from the projected oil revenue to every Guyanese household caught me by surprise. For the skilled and talented Professor to make such a declaration without considering the possible inflationary effect worries me. With the proposed payout, there is every likelihood that the price paid for goods and services will invariably increase, thus reducing the real purchasing power to the beneficiary. Firstly, we need to secure a new contract that will guarantee our country 10% of the gross revenue in the form of royalty. With approximately 4,000,000,000 barrels of high quality oil in our basin, it will extrapolate to 400,000,000 barrels paid to us in royalty. With an average price of US$60 per barrel, our revenue from royalty alone should be in the vicinity of US$24,000,000,000. The cost of oil production

varies around the world. The cost of producing a barrel for: Saudi Arabia $9 Russia $19 Norway $21 Canada $26 Venezuela $27 Nigeria $29 Brazil $35 and The UK $44 The cost for Guyana is not yet determined, but we can make an informed estimate that it will cost much less than the UK. I will use the cost of Brazil to assess our proposal, even though I believe that the cost to produce our oil will be much less. Our profit oil should be: Price per barrel $60 Cost of production (35) Profit oil 25 Capital spending

(iv) Payment to lawyers (v) Payment of VAT (vi) Mileage for car us-

15 Profit to share $10 With the 50/50 formula, Guyana will get $5 per barrel x 4,000,000,000 = $20,000,000,000. Estimated total revenue from our oil reserve using a selling price of $60 per barrel is $44,000,000,000 Now, let us talk of how the Guyanese public will benefit. Firstly, there should be no handout. This will likely make us complacent and the brilliance of our people will be eroded. My recommendation: 1. Tax returns must be filed by everyone who is of workable age 2. A refundable tax credit for each child below a certain age 3. A tax credit for earners with high income (amount to be determined) 4. Deductions for: (i) Mortgage interest (ii) Payment for school lessons (iii) Payment to doctors, hospital

age (vii) Charitable contribution (viii) Payment of alimony and child support (ix) Dependent care expenses 5. Tax credit for education expenses 6. A refundable earned income credit for those below a stated income. These recommendations will go a long way for fair and equitable distribution of our new wealth. In addition, the Government should bring our infrastructure to international standard. We need to increase wages and salaries bearing in mind possible inflationary effect of such increases. I would also suggest that a fixed percentage of the revenue be placed in the Sovereign Wealth Fund for our future generations. Sincerely, Charles Sugrim CPA

ONCE MORE SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: DEBUNKING FAKE NEWS DEAR EDITOR, During the period of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) government it was subjected to vile and consistent attacks about corruption. Most of the allegations were downright lies, some were half-truths (these are often worse than lies) and almost always they were distorted. The PPP/C has answered these accusations over and over again. Yet the charges of misconduct and corruption persist to this day. It is clear that the PPP/C haters have seen that this is potent and, even now after more than three years out of office, the wicked lies are continuing. The editorial of the ‘Kaieteur News’ of Monday, August 6, 2018, is a good example of how the news continues to be twisted. They are indulging in this type of journalism to protect the really corrupt PNC-led APNU+AFC regime, while at the same time trying to hold on to some credibility. In the editorial, the PNCled APNU regime’s obviously corrupt dealings were mentioned very mildly. The Leader of the Opposition was even quoted on a few of the corrupt deals. Clearly, this was fig leaf to pretend to be fair and balanced. However, it was once more placing blame on the PPP/C and slandering its administration.

About sole sourcing of medicine, it stated that; “….it was practiced frequently by the PPP government”. That is the first lie. The second lie is put in the following way; “…. While in opposition the APNU+AFC criticized the PPP… for the sole sourcing of drug contracts to the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, whose owner, Dr. Bobby Ramroop is a friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo….” It is just slander to repeat the lie that Dr. Ramroop’s company, New GPC, got contracts on a sole sourcing basis. For the reader to understand this, it is necessary to go into a bit of a background. On assuming office, the PPP/C sought the assistance of the international community to design a system of

procurement of medicines. The whole idea was to prevent shortages of pharmaceuticals and minimize the need for emergency purchases. The system that the PPP/ C administration developed was done with the technical assistance of the World Health Organisation (WHO). It was best described as prequalification tendering. That model was developed by the WHO and the World Bank based on international best practices and applied here to our specific circumstances. The guidelines which the PPP/C administration followed in allocating contracts and procuring drugs were: 1) the financial capacity to deliver on the contracts; 2) acceptable storage to ensure that there was enough supplies in the country and stored

at the correct temperature; 3) meet the Guyana’s Food and Drug Department regulations; 4) that the entity was legally authorized to operate as a business; 5) there was a points system that all bidders must meet. Moreover, to ensure quality, all medicines had to be procured from WHOprequalified manufacturers. Therefore, suppliers had to list the companies they were procuring drugs from. Those companies/suppliers that met those criteria were then prequalified. When procuring the Ministry sent orders to those companies inviting them to bid. It is clear that the PPP did not sole source. It was all based on sound principles. By extension, (Continued on page 5)

The direction in which the arrow pointed was being contended DEAR EDITOR, In less than 24 hours of your publication of my letter regarding misleading traffic signs at the junction of Thomas Street and paralleled roads of Stanley Place and Vlissengen Road, the One-Way Arrow sign was completely removed. I am assuming that the Arrow sign was removed by those authorized to do so. I do not know whether to fully compliment the expeditious action or become further perplexed. The Arrow sign itself was not a problem. It was the direction in which the arrow pointed

the procession of traffic that was being contended. I believe it would have been more logical to change the sign’s direction as against removing it completely. With respect to the STOP signs on the bridge connecting Vlissengen Road and Thomas Street, I am advised that they are necessary for traffic exiting Stanley Place unto Vlissengen Road, and not suggestive that Thomas Street is open for west-bound traffic. Yours faithfully, Orette Cutting

Thursday August 09, 2018

AN EXPRESSION OF ‘TOUGH LOVE’ FOR THE COALITION GOVT. DEAR EDITOR, I wish to add some analysis to the move by the Alliance for Change (AFC) to contest the Local Government Elections (LGE) independent from its government partner, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). I also wish to respond to some of Dr. David Hinds’ comments in articles published on August 6, in the Stabroek News titled ‘AFC being forced to prove ‘electoral worth’ with solo campaign’ and in the Kaieteur News ‘AFC’s decision to contest LGE solo leaves it politically exposed’. I am of the view like Dr Hinds, that the decision does leave AFC politically exposed, but I believe that the party will do exceptionally well at the LGE. My reasons for this conclusion are as follows: I don’t believe that our political leaders really understand the psyche of the current electorate. Many Guyanese have bought into the idea of coalition politics because they see this approach as a practical solution or the only solution for moving the development of the country forward. After 52 years of independence, with oil on the horizon and a multiethnic society, coalition politics has to be our approach to governance. The coalition government came into office with unbelievable goodwill. I mean unbelievable! I met an East Indian brother of mine about two days after the May 2015 elections and he said to me with much glee in his eyes and voice, ‘Audreyanna, every Indian person I know, voted for the ‘coalition’. I thought, whoa, this coalition thing was taken seriously. I spoke to another East Indian friend of mine a few days ago and he said, ‘I voted for Granger, not anybody else’. I thought whoa... I basically highlighted two elements of the 2015 elections which attracted East In-

dians to vote for the coalition government. While I singled out one ethnicity, even though many other groups had issues with the PNC party, 2015 elections was hardly about PNC; it was about the PPP party versus the possibility of a coalition government. This was intriguing; it made the impossible seem possible. Those who thought that Guyana could never get better because of the approach of the two major political parties to governance became enthused again. People who did not vote for years, voted for, as they fondly would say, ‘the coalition’. Let’s fast forward to 2018 LGE, AFC is a key part of the coalition concept. However, many coalition supporters, not members - because the coalition government does not have members like the individual parties do, it has supporters. Hence, what is critical for the coalition government is not how to keep and increase membership on roll, but how to maintain and increase its supporters. As I was saying, many coalition supporters are not happy with how the coalition has been working as a government, for example the quality of the relationships, to some extent, the quality of its leadership, delivery of campaign commitments, such as Constitutional Reform, lack of proper structure, strategic thinking and planning, as well as the general leader-people relationship (some Ministers apparently changed their numbers after they got into office), among others. What am I saying is that the expectations when the coalition government came to office in 2015 were high, very high, and over the past three years, many of these supporters have become very disappointed - some to the point of disillusionment. There is a general perception among the coalition government supporters that the


Kaieteur News

people in government are not listening or are not listening enough. Therefore, my prediction is that the decision of the AFC to go alone to the LGE has given many of these persons an option. While many persons still would like to see the coalition concept work, the LGE could be a ‘tough love’ reaction. I am of the view that many persons will vote for the AFC to teach APNU a lesson. What is the lesson? That the people want the coalition concept to work. The challenge for the PNC/R will be that while a large percentage of votes for the 2015 elections came from their traditional constituencies, it would be inaccurate to conclude that those voters were PNC/R supporters. A large percentage of the voting population, are young people who do not have the affinity to the PNC like those persons over 50 or 60. What many young people know is about PPP, AFC, APNU and ‘Coalition’. The affinity is more towards the AFC, APNU and ’Coalition’. So my analysis is that many persons under 40, particularly under 30 years in the traditional PNC/R ,constituencies, will vote for the AFC. with the approach to governance over the past three years being a key stimulus. Many intellectuals and independents now have an option and will more than likely vote for the AFC (this is the group that want to teach the APNU side a lesson, with the hope that this will create the shift needed towards greater internal cohesion in the coalition). I also believe that some PPP supporters will/may also vote for the AFC because (Continued on page 6)

NIS GM’s admission seems far-fetched DEAR EDITOR, The Stabroek News in an article titled “NIS pursuing GuySuCo for $250m” which appeared in its August 07, 2018 edition quotes NIS General Manager, Ms Holly Greaves in relation to the jobless sugar workers as saying “A large number have re-registered as self-employed or have moved on to different companies. Around 60% of them are still contributing to the scheme”. For the GAWU, this is more than a surprising admission. From our own interactions with the former, now jobless, sugar workers, many of them manage to eke out life by securing odd jobs, usually lasting for just a few days. In such circumstances, more often than not, NIS deductions are not effected as it reduces the worker’s take home pay and also is more costly for the employer.

This situation was confirmed by a report which appeared in the August 06 Stabroek News reported that in Vive-la-Force, West Bank Demerara, one woman said that “[s]ince Wales close down, it hard out here, cause people ain’t buying anything, they just trying to get a lil hustle to take care of their family.” This is the scenario that plays out at many communities that are linked with the closed estates. We are, therefore, befuddled as to where it is that thousands of ex-sugar workers have either secured jobs or become business owners. Certainly, in our view, something is definitely amiss. We do, however, accept that some workers have managed to secure formal jobs, thus allowing them to continue their contributions to the NIS, but they represent no

more than a small minority of the thousands who have been put on the breadline following the closure of estates. In those circumstances, the claim that as many as 60 per cent of the now former sugar workers continue to contribute to the Scheme seems farfetched to us. It would be interesting to see the data that gives rise to the NIS’ admission. Of great importance would be the average income the now former sugar workers contributions are premised on vis-à-vis what obtained when they were employed by GuySuCo. Such an explanation, we believe, would be revealing and most telling and demonstrate where the workers really stand, since their jobs were snatched away from them. Yours faithfully, Seepaul Narine General Secretary GAWU

Once more setting the record straight:... From page 4 Dr. Ramroop’s company was also not given any contract on a sole source basis. The New GPC supplied medicines to the health sector based on the pre-qualification model that the WHO recommended for global use in the national supply chain system. The New GPC, like all others, had to bid in an open tender to become pre-qualified. In the case of an emergency, which was usually for one or two drugs, the amount was limited. This means that not a lot of money was spent on emergency purchases. It was never in tens of millions of dollars. Even in this case, the companies that were pre-qualified were asked to bid. The time, of course, was shorter. Those are the facts. For a section of the media to perpetuate this

disinformation about the PPP sole sourcing could only be for political reasons. I say this because the system set-up by the PPP/C administration was tested in our Court. The International Pharmaceutical Agency (IPA) took a case in Court, claiming discrimination in awarding of contracts. The company had among the best legal representation. The Judge was Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang. The PPP/C government’s case was argued by the then Attorney General Anil Nandlall. The finding and ruling of the Judge was that the

charges were baseless. The system was of International Standards and no discrimination took place. Yet, a section of the media, including ‘Kaieteur News’, persists in the fallacy. Why? Without doubt the PPP/C would welcome a debate on corruption. If the regime feels that it is clean then it should take up the challenge In the meantime, all who are doing it should stop, in the words of US President Donald Trump, spreading fake news. It is an abuse of free speech. Donald Ramotar Former President


Addressing curriculum reform in Guyana’s education sector Dear Editor, I take this opportunity to address the issue of curriculum reform in Guyana’s education sector. It has been recognised for quite some time now that there is a skills gap that exists in Guyana. This refers to the mismatch of education and training offered by the education sector and what is required in the job market. Through one lens it is the case of a complete mismatch, while through another lens, the current training being offered has not been refined to meet current international standards. Hence, some private sector entities are sometimes forced to provide additional training for staff. As a result of this reality, quite a number of Guyanese find it hard to gain employment within their desired field, while a large number resort to migrating to seek employment. Recently, a stark reality was highlighted, which is that the public education curriculum has not been upgraded since 1976. That calculates to 42 years since Guyana has had curriculum reform. Why did Guyana sit idly by for four decades? The global economy has undergone so many changes. It is no wonder we have not been able to properly tap into the global market as other countries have, because we simply do not possess the human resource capacity. It is necessary that the curriculum is dynamic, remains current, and is structured in such a way that it

Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News

feeds the job market and responds to labour market demands. This is necessary, particularly since there is so much talk about sustainable development. Economic growth can only be sustained when the workforce is replenished in keeping with the demand regardless of sector. Guyana needs an education system that is dynamic and able to adapt to changes in the economy and labour market demands. It is in this vein that I view the recent move towards curriculum reform as monumental and important for nation building. The world is going digital and Guyana is slowly making strides in catching up with the rest of the world. A restructuring of the education system with a focus on ICT would greatly serve to propel Guyana’s move in this information age.This global focus has been recognised by the Ministry of Education. The process has started to develop a framework that will facilitate curriculum reform in the public education system from nursery to secondary. Clearly, it has been recognised by the Education Ministry that young people now require much more than the traditional skills to be relevant in today’s world. Additionally, based on what has been reported, the curriculum reform process will result in a curriculum that caters to our cultural diversity and more so promote social cohesion within our society, which historically can become fragmented based on cultural,

racial and socio-economic differences. This move by the Ministry of Education under the leadership of its Minister is of national importance and relevance, and should not be taken lightly. The consultations which took place last month by learned minds in education will surely serve to guide this process in the right direction to obtain the best results for Guyana. Thankfully, the curriculum reform will not only address the content that is taught, but will also look at the manner in which education is delivered. This is a holistic approach which is quite commendable. Lastly, with the curriculum reform programme pegged at US$6M, I do hope that money will be well spent. I say this since Guyana will soon be an oil and gas producing country. It would be wise to tailor subjects to accommodate some degree of oil and gas to inform our children about the sector and hopefully encourage some to pursue studies in that field. Curriculum Reform is an important process; all of Guyana needs to support the Ministry of Education in this endeavour to ensure the best product. Yours Respectfully, Elizabeth Williams

Economic liberation for the common people of Eldorado DEAR EDITOR, The astute historian that he is, the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana Brigadier David Arthur Granger along with first lady Sandra Granger for the past three years have been keen to promote the development of communities through the efforts of the residents of those communities. Their emphasis on skills training and education has been their mantra; at every opportunity President Granger encourages young people to get technical and vocational skills in this era of technological development worldwide, and mainly because of the oil industry that will start production come 2020. Our President has the right to analyse the African Guyanese pitfalls that result in very clear underdevelopment of the communities

in which they reside. Spree, party and drunkenness is the new norm among Guyanese youth and it must be rebuked. The President is within his right as Head of State to let the young people know they are not on course for National development, and therefore their needs to be a change of attitude and behaviour on their part, as they are expected to be the pillar for the development of this new industry and the revitalizing of the African village economy. it must be the mandate for all African Guyanese leaders to embrace our President as he seeks to work with all Guyanese to realize the dream of a good life for all. RAS Aaron Blackman Social Worker

I commend the AFC for making this bold move DEAR EDITOR, I write to publicly commend the Alliance For Change for making this bold move to contest the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE) independently. In 2016 the coalition government held LGE after more than 20 years, giving citizens a chance to elect their own community leaders. Understandably, there was a lot of education needed and much still needed (hint, hint GECOM), but I am happy that the process has started. I was also happy to hear that the decision to go alone does not affect the coalition at the national level. The President has said publicly that he respects the decision of the AFC. This speaks to a very high level of respect and maturity in both of these parties. This synergistic relationship between APNU and the AFC bodes well for the citizens of Guyana.

Recently President Granger committed to dutifully holding Local Government Elections at the prescribed time. This is highly commendable and is very good for democracy. We must not let our leaders, national or local, to become complacent. I note the negative comments by the opposition leader, regarding the AFC’s decision to contest independently, but I will not take seriously the words of anyone who was in government for more 12 years or whose party was in government for more than 20 years and made ZERO attempts to hold Local Government Elections. This is not a person that has any authority, moral or otherwise, to speak on these issues. I look forward to clean and vibrant LGE campaigns. Cheers Earl Hamilton

An expression of ‘tough love’ for the Coalition ... From page 5 when one really analyses the issues between the AFC and PPP, while some are ideological and behavioural, to a large extent, much of it is relational; essentially between three persons. More and more persons, especially young people are realizing that they do not have to vote for a party for life. Another point on the PNC/R is that President Granger may have his issues, but he is still seen among certain groups as a major asset for the government. The President still has huge credibility on areas of integrity and honesty, and being in touch with his human side. There is a general perception that he commands respect on the regional and international stage and does well in mobilizing international interest; however,

that has to be supported more with good technical follow-up and follow through. This LGE, the players are changing, the ‘Granger factor’ is receding in the PNC/R while other players are emerging and these other players are yet to distinguish themselves, I will leave it there. Based on these and other factors, it is my view that the AFC will do very well at the LGE in November but the party would have to campaign hard and be strategic, particularly since they are still a part of the Coalition.Remember what many citizens want is a ‘coalition government’! Yours faithfully, Citizen Audreyanna Thomas

Thursday August 09, 2018


Kaieteur News

Special Prosecutor chairs new Public ... From page 9 Commission promotes a professional Public Service by ensuring that its appointments are based on the principle of merit rather than political patronage and that disciplinary action and removals, when necessary, are just. The Commission can enhance the professionalism of the Public Service by appointing public servants who evince the qualities of impartiality, integrity and intelligence,” President Granger said. Further, the President stated that Citizens' access to public services – such as public education, public health, public infrastructure, public security, public telecommunications and social protection, for example – requires the existence of an impartial Public Service. He stated such a service would be committed to implementing the policies and programmes of the Executive and to ensuring that the delivery of services to all Guyanese continues regardless of the political party in office.

The President noted that Guyana's development demands a proficient, professional Public Service and public servants are essential to the country's administration since they exert direct and daily influence on the lives of Guyanese through various official agencies, boards, commissions, departments and ministries. “The Public Service serves the public good. It ensures the efficiency and efficacy of the delivery of public services. Public servants are responsible for advising and assisting ministers of the Government; implementing government programmes and projects; delivering public services and executing public policy intended for the benefit of the people,” President Granger noted. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency's Department of the Public Service (DPS), Mr. Reginald Brotherson stated that the new Commission has a number of matters to deal with. Some of these will include appointments.


Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News

New Charges...

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION, W E D D I N G S , ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK;Guyanapassport application. G r a p h i c s design, advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. ICONIC MARKETING & PRINTING –TEL: 6004212: We create A/works, logos, busi ness cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. Installations, Repairs and parts for AC, Fridge, Washing machine, Stove etc call Nick 627-3206, 630-1600 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158

FOR SALE 1 45ft fishing boat with 48HP engine & 3000lb icebox Negotiable. Water pump (never used) $15,000. Call #648-7606 Parts for Tacoma Tundra Titan for sale. Tel#686-9608. Generac Pressure Wash for sale 3100 PSI. Tel#654-5267/ 652-2244/220-4203 1- Honda 450 ATV. Contact # 275-0367/683-7225 3 Mining Blocks $6M Contact# 650-0402/603-1402 Mix breed puppies. Tel#6920126/646-7745 1 (3) bedroom ranch house with business on EBD, 1 acre land. Tel#266-5013/681-8333 Second hand 1500 watt transformers, 1 countertop showcase, hanging baskets, fluffy puppies- Free pair of crutches. Tel#266-5013 Yamaha boat engine 250. 6625524, 681-4563, 627-8000




1 Air compressor 5HP 3 Phase 230/220 volts. Call: 628-1486/698-1134. Land to buy in Parafaite Harmonie, Eccles, Uitvlugt, Tuschen,Covent Garden, Herstelling, Diamond, Providence & Zeelugt. Tel#686-9608

1 (3) Bedroom apt in Enmore. 662-5524, 681-4563, 627-8000 Two Bedrooms cottage house at 97 Fourth St, Pearl, EBD Call: 219-5462/625-3981

Experienced Roti/Puri Cook, cleaner, handy boys. Apply Hack’s Halaal. 5 Commerce St.

2 bedroom apartment, unfurnished & Furnished (AC, Parking, WiFi etc.) Eccles. #667-2536

Live meat birds to buy. Tel# 625-2108

1 Downstairs for business at Vreed-en-Hoop W.C.D Tel# 227-4377, 227-0613, 6246013, 645-7248 1 Three (3) Bedroom upstairs flat in Atlantic Gardens E.C.D Tel# 227-4377, 227-0613, 6246013, 645-7248 For Rent-Hotel Bar & Restaurant $400,000 monthly in 5th Street Albertown, Georgetown. Call: 684-9409 House at Kuru Kururu on roadside. Contact #678-7906 One and two bedrooms apartments to rent located at Nurses section, Turkeyen. Contact#680-5944/656-4211 2 Two bedroom apartment with AC, ceiling fans, grilled and 24-7 water system & parking. Herstelling. Tel# 2652171, 676-5824, 601-0223 LEARN TO DRIVE


Unregistered 2009 bluebird. Fully loaded. 1500cc front wheel drive. 35,000km. Tel# 265-2171, 676-5824, 601-0223 1 Nissan Pathfinder Jeep and 1 Nissan Laurel car in excellent condition- Final sale bargain, call to view: 225-8427/609-7766


N. Outar Driving School, Learn to Drive the right way. Affordable package. Call: 6445166/691-2561

Study in Canada/US 100% acceptance MicroGraphics #264-3057 2019 Processing now. CXC 2018 Computer deal 9 course Diploma $40,000 4 Course Computerized Accounting MicroGraphics Vreed-en-hoop #264-3057

Attractive live in waitressCall: 327-0252/674-4665 Wanted land- Parfaite Harmonie, Farm, Eccles, Providence, Uitvlugt, Diamond, Tuschen, Zeelugt, Herstelling, Best price pay and Cash #604-6724 Wanted experienced hire car drivers at Ramada Princess Hotel, Providence E.B.D. Contact on 616-5419, 2657075 One live in domestic. Must know to cook indian dishes. 610-3974. Salary $20,000 weekly. (25-50yrs) Security Company Manager. Valid driver’s license. 30-55. Call 629-9450. One male able bodied clerk. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954 One cleaner to work shift system. Call 231-0136 1 Female cook to cook for family in the interior #6889450

PEN PAL 35 year old male, looking for a female companion. Tel# 673-4454 PROPERTY FOR SALE Property for sale (1) 3 story building at 97 Sugarcane street S/Rvldt Gardens. Price US 1.5M neg. Tel: 695-1356 & 687-8445


Live-in Waitress to work in a bar, must be 18-22 yrs old, must have ID. Contact#2212785/692-3877

Lot 15 Public road #2 Vill. WCB 3 House Lots. Rice Cultivation 49ftx10,314ft length. Price $18M. Contact# 648-7109/686-4818 Super newly renovated property 2 storey house with 2 washrooms, one with bathtub, Lowland ECD Price $15M Neg. Cell: 647-0655 House lots for sale at Blankenburg WCD 40ft x 150ft $3.9M. Contact #6500402/603-1402

SALON September Cosmetology Courses $40,000 Nail Technology $25,000 Advance Make-up $15,000, All products provided. Abby #614-6749 VACANCY 1 Live in domestic, Salary $80,000 monthly. Call: 6694436 Vacancy for persons with knowledge to work repackaging machine. Apply at Alabama Trading. 65 Robb Street Bourda Vacancy for 1 cleaner. Apply at Alabama Trading, 65 Robb Street, Bourda

VACANCY Experienced washbay staff. 646-8748 Vacancy for experienced carpenters. Apply at Alabama Trading. 65 Robb Street Bourda Vacancy for 1 female tutor for a 3 year old boy. Apply @ Alabama Trading 65 Robb St, Bourda CSR for Internet Service Provider. Must be customer oriented and able to multitask. Email cv to jobs@awngy.com or Tel#227-2001 Fantastic Job Opportunities. Architects, Engineers, Draftsmen, Construction workers. CXC Graduates. Email Experience & Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s guyanajobs@yahoo.com Tel# 656-0075 Carpenter, labourers, tilers. (Must have experience in the installation of sheet rack work) to work in Georgetown. Contact: 6085303 Urgent vacancy exist @ Natural Beauty Salon & Spa. For experience Nail Technician Located @ Grove EBD. Contact Ms. Rasharie #652-5800 Maid for East Bank to cook and clean. 614-4358 Vacancy exist for 1 Pharmacy assistant to work @ reputable pharmacy in Georgetown. Call: 227-0630/ 628-8811 between 8-4 Pm. Salesmen - Age 18-40 knowledge in stocktaking & salesmanship, apply with written application KeyFood McDoom Village. Hick’s Ville Hotel, Receptionist/Washer & Presser/ Hotel attendant/ Bell boy. info@vgiworld.com 2310951/223-3448 One experienced legal computer clerk. Call: 6247087/ 226-4283/258-0213/ e m a i l : husainsaphier@yahoo.com Now Hiring- Management Staff, Services Staff, Office Staff. Call: 233-6997/622-1957 Training available www.JobfairWorldwide.com Vacancy exist for 1 Security, Apply with application at Millenium Manor Hotel 43 Hadfield & Camp Street.

From page 12 warned Malaysia not to push China too hard. "If [Mr] Mahathir wants to review big projects agreed to by his predecessor and damage the interests of Chinese companies, those companies have the right to claim compensation," it said in aneditorial.Professor Terence Gomez, of the University of Malaya, said the close relationship between China and Malaysia that existed until the election in May was convenient to both sides. He said Mr Najib needed foreign investment and China under Xi Jinping was willing to provide it as part of its Belt and Road initiative, which aims to connect the country with the rest of Asia and beyond."Two state governments, both authoritarian regimes, both single dominant party states with powerful leaders, had an agenda," he said.Professor Gomez said many of those investments were good for Malaysia, such as last year's deal by the Chinese car firm Geely to buy a stake in the ailing Malaysian automaker, Proton.And he said there was still an appetite in the new government for Chinese money. He pointed out that one of the first businessmen to visit Mr Mahathir when he took office was the Chinese e-commerce billionaire, Jack Ma.But some Chinese investments now appear to be tangled up with the investigations into 1MDB, which was set up by Najib Razak in 2009 to spur economic development in Malaysia.So far, the only tangible product of 1MDB is a new business district being built in central Kuala Lumpur called Tun Razak Exchange, where workmen swelter in the heat to complete the project. LAND FOR SALE 18,731 acres mining land Gold & Diamond Mazaruni $5,000,000 USD Contact: 6951356, 687-8445 Uitvlugt $2.2M. Parfaite Harmonie $1.3M. Herstelling $3.8M. Farm $2.2M. Schoonord $2.3M. Tel# 6585897, 629-7760 Parafaite Harmonie, Eccles, Uivlugt, Tuschen, Covent Garden, Herstelling, Diamond, Providence, Zeelugt. Tel# 686-9608 Lot 1 Sophia For sale Wren Avenue Land for sale, Land at Kuru Kururu For sale. Contact# 227-1042

Factory workers from 18 years & over must have Police Clearance, for more info contact: 223-0090

Parfaite $1.4M Uitvlugt $2.7M Farm $4.5 Pouderoyen land road to river, Diamond $4M Tuschen $1.5M $6M Call: 666-2326

Vacancy for 1 experienced female account clerk, must have Mathematics & English. Apply @ Alabama Trading 65 Robb St, Bourda

Herstelling (New scheme) 1st Bridge $9M 2nd Bridge $4.5M (110ft x 60ft) 3rd Bridge $4.8M Tel#656-1345

Thursday August 09, 2018


Kaieteur News

Natural resources career is a worthy endeavour Twenty-six youths are being encouraged to keep an open mind as they embark on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Youth in Natural Resources Apprenticeship Programme 2018. The programme, which is in its second year, runs over a three-week period with youths from all across the region participating. They will be awarded opportunities to learn about the country’s natural resources sector, job opportunities and gather experience in hinterland regions. Raphael Trotman, Minister of Natural Resources, expressed his hope that during the course of the programme the youths “see the natural resources sector as being something that is a worthy endeavour.” “We hear about the …mud and sand and noise and grease but it is a worthy endeavour. It just has to be done correctly.” He added, “It has to be done in a way that you respect the people that live in the hinterlands,” explaining mining activities should not result in the pollution of their water supplies and that people passing through hinterland communities have consideration for the occupants. “On the one hand, we want you to love your country and on the other, we want you to appreciate that mining and forestry…drilling for oil and exploring and developing oil wealth, all of these are healthy and good endeavours.” He reminded them that “people who live in the hinterland, who live in the coast, those who work in a mine, or those who work at a forest station each of us has an important place in the development of this country.” Youths who participated in last year’s programme shared some of their experiences with the new batch and urged them to “keep an open mind” and to “be bold, brave and enjoy your new journey”.

– Min. Trotman tells apprentices

Participants of the program along with Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman and other representatives of the sector

EWDC workers benefit from negotiations for better pay, working conditions - get 25% wage increase

Workers attached to the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC) are reaping the benefits of ongoing dialogue between the General Workers’ Union (GWU) and officials attached to the Ministry of Agriculture. After some six years of receiving monies way below the minimum wage, workers recently received an increase of approximately 25 percent on their remuneration package. Last April, the GWU and the EDWC workers led a protest exercise outside the Ministry of Agriculture, Vlissengen Road main office over what they termed failure of the relevant persons to adequately address issues of, “measly remuneration packages and unacceptable employment conditions.” The workers threatened strike action if the issues, which were brought to the attention of the Ministry since a year before, failed to see redress. The workers were initially receiving $46,000 a month. However, following negotiations between the Union and Ministry officials the EDWC workers have been getting their rightful minimum wage of at least $60,000 per month. Chief Executive Officer, (CEO) of the National Drainage and Irrigation, (NDIA) Frederick Flatts, told Kaieteur News that the workers are now receiving their rightful amount which is in keeping with the minimum wage for public servants. “One of the main issues was salaries and we have addressed that. We have brought their basic salaries up to what is correct which is the rightful wage because you can’t pay workers less than

the minimum wage,” Flatts said. He explained that the EDWC management has always been concerned about the issues facing the workers. However, Flatts told this publication that EDWC does not fall directly under the purview of Government. He explained that the EDWC is serviced through payments made by Neigbourhood Democratic Councils, (NDCs), GUYSUCO and other proprietors. “The holdup was caused by outstanding payments. The NDCs, GUYSUCO and proprietors have been behind a lot with payments for some time.” At this point, the CEO noted that there have been some changes as it relates to the payments of the outstanding sums. He said there will still continue to engage the parties on the outstanding amounts. “We plan to have a meeting with the proprietors to let them understand the difficulties they put us in when they don’t honour their payments.” Meanwhile, Flatts said the Ministry is engaging in further talks with the Union to address the issues affecting the EDWC workers. President of the GWU, Norris Witter, confirmed that the Union is in negotiations and that it is their hope that matters will be resolved. The life of the EDWC board had expired but a new board was installed about two weeks ago, but we are still engaging them to bring an end to the issues. In addition to their below minimum wage pay of $22,000 a fortnight, the employees of the EDWC have contended

CEO of NDIA, Frederick Flatts

GWU President, Norris Witter

that they are owed outstanding allowances, including the bush and meal allowances. They are also claiming there are problems as it relates to the payment of NIS and income tax. The affected workers complained that the contributions are deducted from their salaries but not remitted to the relevant agencies. At the picketing exercise in April, Witter had explained that the intent of the march

was to mainly address the issue of outstanding wages and allowances dating back to 2012. “Our view is that the management has misinterpreted our willingness to cooperate as a sign of weakness and the situation has met the point of intolerance. We cannot and will not any longer cooperate with a management that is demonstrating scant respect and regard for the welfare and wellbeing of its employees

Father of murdered ... From page 14 Georgetown. Earlier on in the PI, Detective Police Sergeant Keith Conway said that Government Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Sigh, took swab samples from the remains of the murdered High School teacher. According to Sergeant Conway, he was at the Georgetown Hospital mortuary where Dr. Singh performed a post mortem examination on Branche's corpse, Also testifying was Detective Police Sergeant Rodwell Sarrabo, who was deemed an expert in the field of data recovery from cellular phones, memory cards, and computers. Sergeant Sarrabo testified to a question and answer interview he conducted with Munroe at the Brickdam Police Station. The police witness further give details as to investigations he did in relation to the murder of the school teacher.

who are, incidentally, members of this union,” Witter said. He noted the workers had protested over the issues before. “That was over six months ago…There was a meeting where the management committed to respond to us expeditiously on the issues that we highlighted. But there has been no response to date until we issued an ultimatum in January of this year. They responded three months after saying the issues were more complex than they thought.” The GWU President also used the occasion to call on the intervention of the Labour Department. “We want to use this forum to call on the Ministry of Social Protection’s Labour

Department to intervene through conciliation with a view of having this matter resolved.”Witter noted that for over 15 years there has not been a renewal of the collective bargaining agreement for the EDWC. He expressed concerns over what he termed a lethargic attitude by the Labour Department. The Union head related that in addition to this, the management had reneged on paying out travel allowances that were usually awarded to accommodate the employees traveling out of the backdam, every week. “They have also resisted management’s attempt to employ the workers on temporary contracts, even as workers employed for as long as 20 years have only on verbal contract agreement.”

New initiative to feature... From page 16 three lakes in Region Two, a Victoria Heritage Trail in Region Four, upper Mahaicony River Tour in Region Five, East Berbice Water route in Region Six, Bartica yachting destination in Region Seven, Mahdia Kaieteur route in Region Eight, a trek through the Rupununi in Region Nine and a Bauxite Centennial Heritage Park in Region Ten. During his presentations, President of Region Three Chamber of Commerce, Halim Khan, shared his idea garnering support from investors and tourism officials to enhance the grossly dilapidated Vreed- en- Hoop stelling. Under his proposal titled “Waterfront Development Project” Khan shared his idea of roving the aesthetics of the harbour. The proposed new Vreed-en-Hoop Stelling will include a boardwalk, adequate lighting and vending areas.


Kaieteur News

Thursday August 09, 2018

Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Thursday August 09, 2018

Thursday August 09, 2018


Kaieteur News

Massive opportunities on the horizon for players – TD Greenwood With the Senior National Team set to depart this weekend for a historical Train/Play Camp in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Technical Director of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Ian Greenwood believes that this investment is what is needed to compliment the development of the local players. Many of the young and talented ball weavers would be given the opportunity to showcase what they have and put the new Head Coach Michael Johnson and Technical Staff on notice that they have what it takes to aid in the GFF’s quest to firstly qualify for the CONCACAF Gold Cup in 2019 and then the FIFA World Cup in 2026 which would be hosted by the USA, Canada and Mexico. Greenwood believes that the

Brazil sojourn is massively important since it will open the eyes of the players as to what can be achieved as they would have firsthand experience to what the real standards are and where the game can take them across the world as well as what it can do for them and their families. ”The first eighteen months of my tenure is really focused on the younger players because if we just start at the senior level we wouldn’t have a conveyor belt of players coming through, so we have to invest a lot of time and energy in the younger age groups. We have our U20 programme in November which is the link between the NAMILCO U17s and the seniors.” Greenwood believes that the GFF is now getting to a level where they will have a con-

stant flow of quality players produced in Guyana that will feed into the senior team with the various age group tournaments feeding into each other and being complimented by those players that would come from the Diaspora. ”As President Forde said, this Brazil experience will be a regular feature for our teams; it’s not just going to be a senior team to Brazil. We’re looking at the U13s, 15s, 17s, female programmes as well and really tapping into the Brazilian side. So it’s going to be a real avenue of how we can develop our players at first class f a c i l i t i e s . ” Academy Training Centers &Intra Association Tournaments playing a huge part in d e v e l o p m e n t Greenwood also took some

Thursday August 09, 2018 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) This could be a challenging day, Aries. You might receive a call that brings disconcerting news, making you angry or upset. You could be tempted to take it out on the caller, but don't. TAURUS(Apr.20–May20) Vivid dreams are likely to cause you to wake up feeling angry for no clear reason, Taurus. You might want to take a close look at your dreams and try to analyze them. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Either your lover or a colleague is likely to be irritable today, Gemini, which you might find upsetting. Bear in mind that this person's mood probably has little, if anything, to do with you or anything you've said or done. CANCER (June 21–July 22) Too many unfinished tasks may have you feeling pressured, Cancer, creating unnecessary stress. Pace yourself and don't panic if you have to let some go for now. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Emotions run high as disagreements turn into quarrels among members of a group you're affiliated with, Leo. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Pressure to get unfinished tasks completed and new ones begun causes emotions to run high, Virgo. Everyone, including you, is likely to feel tired and stressed, and quarrels may erupt.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) If you're involved in a class or any kind of group activity or social situation, be prepared for quarrels to break out among people there, Libra. You could find this counterproductive and useless. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Frustration could tempt you to release that energy by spending a lot of money, Scorpio. You might overindulge in food or drink or resort to impulse buying. Treat yourself a little, but don't go overboard. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Frustrated energy resulting from an inability to put plans into action could have your nerves on edge today, Sagittarius. CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Overwork and the resulting stress and nerve strain could result in tension headaches today, Capricorn. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) You're probably feeling especially energetic but with little if any outlet for your energy, A q u a r i u s . I n creased irritability and frustration could tempt you to take it out on friends, children, or your significant other. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) A conflict between career and home obligations could arise today, Pisces. You may feel powerless, so it could make you feel irritable.

Flashback! Coaches of the GFF Scotiabank Academy Training Centre with GFF TD and East Bank FA players at the orientation session at the Diamond Community Center Ground in November 2017. time to highlight the importance of the Academy Training Centers and Intra Association tournaments in the entire scheme of development noting that the NAMILCO U17 and Pele/Frank Watson U15 leagues are vital. ”We’re going to launch the U13 and U20 leagues as well and this is where our player pool comes from. So the de-

veloping players at the academies allow us to extract the best players in each of the regions of Guyana where previously, you may look at a national youth team and it may be more heavily Coastal or Georgetown. But now that we have full time officers in each of the regions it allows us to produce players at a much earlier age.”

Greenwood posited that the fundamentals need to be taught to players at a very early age like U11s, 13s and 15s noting that this focus would be a huge one aimed at developing the fundamentals of our players. GFF President Wayne Fords noted that the fruits of the Academy Training Centers are currently on display at the CFU Boys’ U14 Challenge Series being played in Curacao. ”So, that consistency is paying dividends, there is so much more that we have to do with the academy training centers, the TD would be putting together a programme on some of the added investments we need to make. It’s really a challenge for the federation, a lot of this we are doing on our own, the support is not exactly what we hoped it would be but we are patient and taking our time. Once the Government and corporate sees the evidence and recognize we are serious about what we are doing they will come on board, we always have to be optimistic about that.” Forde also stated that the structure and consistency of the academies is a huge fillip towards the overall vision of development. ”One of the other things that we are going to being doing soon is that we are developing a strategy where the associations would be playing a greater role in the academy in terms of ensuring that the players are attending; more or less, monitoring the academies since it is really the association academy. The federation is funding it, we put a staff there but it is the West Dem., East Bank and Linden academy.” Forde concluded that the process would be a slow, painful and methodical one but we all have to be patient. ”The kind of change that is required to turn eth tide on Guyana’s football is not going to come overnight.”


Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News

Keen competition at GSSF’s 3-Gun Match sponsored by Queensway Group of Companies Inc.


n what some com petitors called the hottest day of July 2018, The Guyana Sport Shooting Foundation hosted yet another Multi-Gun Practical Shooting Match at the GDF’s Timehri shooting range. This match was under the sponsorship of the Queensway Group of Companies Inc. The Match Director, Mr. David Dharry welcomed participants and thanked the Management of the Queensway Group of Companies for their continued support for the sport and more so the Foundation. Mr. Dharry called for a safe and fun match and declared the competition open. 3-Gun gets its name from the fact that competitors use three different types of firearms over the course of the competition: a shotgun, a rifle, and a pistol. You score points by hitting designated targets, which in this Match

included cardboard targets and steel targets of varying sizes.The first stage called “El Prez” required the shooters to start facing up-range with wrists above their shoulders and engage 3paper targets with only two rounds, perform a reload and again engage each target with only two rounds. This set the momentum for the remainder of the match with some fierce competition mixed with an overall jovial atmosphere. The second stage called “Rock, Paper, Steel” consisted of 8 paper targets, 6 falling plates and 4 poppers and called for shooters to begin the stage facing downrange with an unloaded and holstered firearm while holding a rock in each hand. This however proved to be little challenging for all as there were (rocks) plates and poppers falling and targets having to be hit accurately. The third stage dubbed “4 Boxes” saw competitors

strategizing on the method of completing the stage while within the confines of the rules. This consisted of 3 paper targets side by side downrange and 4 shooting boxes as the name suggests, placed at varying distances from the targets. Shooters were instructed to engage each target with a minimum of two rounds from within each box, before performing a mandatory reload before engaging the targets with at least two rounds each from within the next closest box. After the final shot, shooters hoped to achieve at least 8 perfectly placed shots in each target. The fourth and final stage entitled “3G in GT” was the main multi-gun stage. The stage called for the shooters to engage a host of paper and metal targets from within four different shooting areas, using either a rifle, shotgun or handgun as specified by the stage instructions.

Shiv Chanderpaul, former Bahamas PM to get UWI awards PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - CMC – Former West Indies cricket captain, Shivnarine Chanderpaul, will be given the Honorary Doctors of Law by the St. Augustine campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI) later this year. The Guyanese born Chanderpaul, 43, is still actively playing professional cricket in England. Chanderpaul has played 164 Test matches for the West Indies and 268 One Day Internationals and 384 first class games. Shiv has 11,867 Test runs, only behind Brian Lara for Windies players, while he has scored 8,778 ODI and 27,498 First Class runs. The Guyanese runs machine, known for his dogged occupation of the crease, has a highest Test score of 203 not out against South Africa in 2005 and Bangladesh in 2012. He made his debut on March 17, 1994 at Bourda in Georgetown versus England. The Former Bahamas prime minister, Hubert Ingraham, is among a number of Caribbean academic, sporting and other professionals that will be honoured by the St. Augustine campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI). Ingraham, 71, who served head of government from August 1992 to May 2002 and again from May 2007 to May 2012, will be awarded an Hon-

Shivnarine Chanderpaul orary Doctor of Laws. UWI said that the honorary degrees will be conferred at the St. Augustine campus graduation ceremonies scheduled for October 25-27. UWI said that apart from Ingraham and Chanderpaul, the annual business meeting of the University Council, held in April, had also agreed to confer honorary degrees on the Trinidad and Tobago Calypso legend Winston Bailey, better known at The Mighty Shadow and Paula Lucie-Smith, the founder and chief executive officer of the Adult Literacy Tutors Association (ALTA) in Trinidad. Bailey, who celebrates his 77th birthday in October, is known for a number of social

commentaries and is a former Calypso Monarch and Road March winner. Lucie-Smith founded the non-profit organisation in 1982 addressing the issue of adult literacy in Trinidad and Tobago. Shivnarine Chanderpaul Career statistics Competition Test ODI FC LA Matches 164 268 384 423 Runs scored 11,867 8,778 27,498 13,439 Batting average 51.37 41.60 53.29 41.99 100s/50s 30/66 11/59 77/144 13/98 Top score 203* 150 303* 150 Balls bowled 1,740 740 4,812 1,681 Wickets 9 14 60 56 Bowling average 98.11 45.42 42.20 24.78 5 wickets in innings 0 0 0 0 10 wickets in match 0 n/a 0 n/a Best bowling 1/2 3/18 4/48 4/22 Catches/stumpings 66/– 73/– 192/– 118/– Source: ESPNcricinfo

Queensway 2018 3-Gun Match Winners. Competitors were first required to begin the stage with their handgun loaded and holstered, chamber empty, while holding the loaded rifle at a 45 degree angle to the ground. On the start signal specified metal targets were to be engaged using the rifle, after which it was to be unloaded and placed safely before retrieving the next firearm, a shotgun and proceeding the to the designated area for engaging the assigned metal targets. Upon completion of this and having safely placed the unloaded shotgun on the designated table, shooters would then draw their handgun and engage all paper targets from within the remaining shooting areas. While the dust was still settling, the Stats Officer, Dr. Pravesh Harry, was ready to hand over the final standings to the Match Director. Scoring used the competitor’s to-

tal points divided by the time it takes to shoot those points on the targets in each stage which results in a Hit Factor. The shooter with the highest accumulated points from all stages in a match wins overall. Courses of fire in the practical shooting sport are often designed so that the shooter must be inventive. Shooting was under the USPSA Practical Shooting Handbook Rules and immediately uploaded to the scoring software online, Practiscore. Overall match Results are as follows: LIMITED DIVISION OVERALL Shooter Points First Ryan McKinnon 440.2476 Second Pravesh Harry 377.5218 Third David Dharry 300.8722 PRODUCTION DIVISION

OVERALL Shooter Points First Michael Blake 415.633 Second Joshua Ramlakhan 354.180 Third Dallas Thomas 329.0048 The GSSF would like to extend its sincerest gratitude to the Guyana Police Force, Acting Commissioner David Ramnarine, Assistant Commissioner Hicken, the OC TSU Mr. Guy Nurse and the ranks of the GPF Armoury and TSU. Additional thanks are extended to Brigadier Patrick West and the GDF for the use of their range facility at Timehri and to Mr. Harold Hopkinson for the use of his personal props, steel plates, poppers and targets stands for some of the stages. For more information on the GSSF please visit our w e b s i t e www.GuyanaSportShooting.com.

Ninth Boyce and Jefford Classic promises much excitement this weekend in Linden The ninth edition of the Boyce and Jefford Classic track and field meet which is set for this weekend at the Mackenzie Sports Club in the mining town of Linden promises much excitement. The competition, which will see a record number of eight clubs and 168 athletes participating, was launched yesterday at Ansa McAl, Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara head office. Those clubs set to battle for overall honours are University of Guyana, Upper Demerara Schools, Police, CWSS, Guyana Defence Force, NATC, Super Upcoming Runners and Mercury Fast Laners; over $1.5m will be up for grabs. Speaking at the launching ceremony founder of the

Boyce and Jefford Track and Field Committee, Edison Jefford, expressed gratitude to the sponsors which he found to be remarkable in this their ninth year. He bemoans the fact that the Government of Guyana hasn’t seen it fit to support this event substantially in a community which has produced a number of talented national athletes. Jefford said that they are working to raise the standard of the competition and is looking forward to the completion of the synthetic track in the area soonest so that their overseas participation can increase for their 10th anniversary next year. He added that the lack of such a facility there is one of the reasons they have eased on the overseas athletes partaking in this

year’s edition, but hope to reenergise next year. Jefford pointed out that due to the lack of adequate funding they have not been able to offer overseas athletes as much but they have extended an invitation and all the events are packed. Among the athletes set to thrill the fans are Onasha Rogers, Alita Moore, Compton Caesar, Cassie Small, Tevin Garraway, Kevin Abbensetts, Samuel Lynch, Jeremiah Simon, Salim Yusuf, Joanna Archer, Chantoba Bright, Cindy Fraser, Tinesha Cort and Natasha Alder. The event is being sponsored by I cool Water, Stag, Lucozade, Builders Lumber Yard, Fruit Stand Tucville and R and D Engineering; action gets underway at 10:00hrs.

Thursday August 09, 2018


Kaieteur News

BV/Triumph 8th of May Movement Emancipation Cohesion Football League

Bakewell Funds top prize of $350,000

Business giant, Bakewell, provided the BV/Triumph 8th of May Movement with an enormous contribution of $350,000 for the Top prize of the Movement’s inaugural Emancipation Cohesion Football League, which kicks off from 16:30hours tomorrow at BV Play ground in Republic Drive, Beterverwagting. Bakewell, who has sponsored football for a number of years, appears to have immediately jumped on the opportunity to support the empowerment Movement base on their kind request. The Movement originates from the Beterverwagting community of which Bakewell has a thriving outlet. Bakewell joins the main prize contributors of Lloyd WP Britton Enterprise and Gladstone O. Benjamin (an overseas Baroian) who have respectively donated $250,000 for the second prize and $150,000 for the third prize.

The chairperson of the Movement, Latecia Stuart, thanked Bakewell, Lloyd WP Britton Enterprise and Gladstone O. Benjamin for their generous contributions, and indicated that their valuable contributions have significantly lifted the interest of the competition. Stuart also thanked the Guyana Football Federation for embracing and supporting the initiative. Meanwhile, she alluded to the fact, that the financial benefits, give players an insight into exploring football as a career path. She opined, that she trust, that the players take the competition seriously, and utilize the opportunity afforded them to gain recognition, to exhibit the expected high levels of discipline, to demonstrate their abilities and capacities for following procedures, and upholding rules and policies with dignity and respect.

Latecia Stuart indicated that as a means to an end, the Emancipation Cohesion League, will be monitored and controlled by GFF match officials. She posited that it is the Movement’s hope that the end product would bear a semblance of what is required and expected of players in competition at the highest level. Tomorrow’s first round preliminary matches will witness a number of competitive teams battling for supremacy, with Melanie scheduled to take on Kitty in the first match from 16:30hours, Eastveldt coming up against St. John’s Basco Orphanage at 17:45hrs, the rural boys from Mahaicony confronting town boys, Tucville from 19:00hours, the experience players from Mahaica will fiercely tackle, the fast emerging talents of Plaisance from 20:15hrs and the home team boys, BV, would come up against GWI in the last match

- Gladstone Benjamin hands over third prize of $150,000

(Left) Gladstone O. Benjamin presents the second prize to Chairperson Latecia Stuart. of the night from 21:30hours. There will be three preliminary rounds, with the second and third rounds scheduled for Sunday 12th August, and Friday 17th August respectively. Sunday 19th August will see semi-final matches, where the winner of Group A,

(Left) Representative of Bakewell hands over the first prize to the Chairperson of BV/Triumph 8th of May Movement.

will compete with the second placed team from Group B, and the Winner of Group B, will battle the second placed team from Group A, for the coveted final spots in the Saturday 25th August scheduled finals. The BV/Triumph 8th of

May Movement encourages the general public to come out and help discover the emergence of new talents by witnessing and cheering on players via for recognition, cash and prizes. The Entrance fee for preliminary matches is $500.

RHTYSC Patron’s Fund: OPM, Fitness Express, Len’s Craft, Farfan & Mendes make contributions

A representative from Len’s Craft hands over Cheque to Simon Naidu. The plans of the ten cricket teams of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, MS to distribute bicycles, school bags and cricket bats to youths in the Ancient County, on Tuesday last received a major boost of financial contributions from several sponsors. The Club received financial contributions from the Office of the Prime Minister, Fitness Express of Sheriff Street, Georgetown, Len’s Craft of Croal Street, Georgetown and long time sponsor Farfan & Mendes Co Ltd of Providence, East Bank Demerara. Under the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club 2018 Patron’s Fund, the ten cricket teams would be sponsoring a Cricket Tournament, which would be organised by the Berbice Cricket Board in honour of President

Anisha Ramzan of the Office of the Prime Minister hands over donation to RHTYSC Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster.

David Granger 73rd Birthday Celebration. Close to $500,000 worth of cash prizes and trophies would be shared out to the top four teams, while the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club and the Berbice Cricket Board would use the opportunity to promote the Country’s Green Economy Programme. The teams have already started the distribution of bicycles and school bags while more would be shared out next week to youths nominated by the general public. The teams would also be assisting at least fifteen youths with their own cricket bats as part of the 73rd Birthday Celebration. The oldest resident of Rose Hall Town would also receive a sewing machine, while numerous families would receive food hampers. The Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports

Club under the Patron’s Fund also donated close to $100,000 worth of items to the Buxton Cricket Club for their 2018 Cricket Academy, while the Mayor & Town Council of Rose Hall Ton collected $90,000 worth of paint, flags and trophies for the Township 48th Anniversary Celebration.

Ian Rogers of Fitness Express hands over donation to Vice President Mark Papannah and Asst Secretary Simon Naidu.

Numerous Clubs, Schools and Organisations have also benefitted from donation of trophies, medals and prizes from the Patron’s Fund, while the top ten students in the recent Grade 6 National Examination would also be honoured next Friday. Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Fos-

ter expressed gratitude to the sponsors for their cooperation and special mention was made of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Jamie McDonald of Fitness Express, Alstair Parris of Len’s Craft and Onai Vasconcellos of Farfan & Mendes Co. Ltd.

Trophy Stall makes good on promise to... From page 33 NTN, Prem’s, Retired Jockey Abdul Latiff, businessmen Deo Persaud, Jaikaran Sergobin and Jaikishan Persaud among others. The feature is for animals classified D and lower over four Furlongs for a winning purse of $400,000 and trophy which will see the likes of TNT and Isn’t She Charming powering for the attractive purse.

The other events are for horses classified H and lower for a take home prize of $260,000 and trophy over 3 Furlongs.There is the race for 3 yearold animals for a winning take of $200,000 and trophy also over 3 Furlongs.The event for 2 year-old animals has a winning purse of $200,000 and trophy over 4 Furlongs.The K Class and Lower animals will have at stake a first prize of $140,000 and trophy over 3

Furlongs.There is an event for male animals classified L and lower over 4 Furlongs for a winner’s money of $100,000 and trophy.The L class event for female horses over 3 Furlongs also has a first prize of $100,000 and trophy.Race time is 12:00hrs and there will be lots of other attractions for the family and kids. An action packed day of racing is anticipated.


Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News

Warriors/Patriots face-off tonight from 6PM at Providence By Sean Devers It is said when night falls the stars come out to shine and this evening when the ExxonMobil Guyana Amazon Warriors face off with St Kitts & Nevis Patriots from 6:00PM at Providence there will be no bigger star than Patriots Captain Chris Gayle. Yesterday at the Marriott Hotel, both teams promised a keenly contested and entertaining contest for what is expected to be a capacity crowd of 15,000. Pakistan’s Shoaib Malik will lead the Warriors tonight and said that although the Warriors have never won a title despite reaching three finals and two semi-finals in the five-year history of the CPL, there is no pressure on him or his players because of this. Warriors’ Coach South African Johan Botha said that his chargers are ready since they are now accustomed to the conditions and heat in Guyana after spending a week here.Both Windies T20 Captain Carlos Braithwaite, standing in for Gayle at yesterday’s press conference, and Malik said the conditions here are expected to favour the spinners. Braithwaite, the powerfully built Bajan, whose claim to fame is his four consecutive sixes against England in

final over of the last T20 World Cup to give Windies the title, says he has never played a CPL match at Providence but feels the conditions could favour the home side. “While the conditions could favour the Warriors we have had a one-week camp in St Kitts and we have some good spinners in our side.” In last year ’s final Trinbago Knight Riders beat the Patriots by three wickets with six balls to spare. “We are aiming to repeat our good performance from last year and to go one better than we did then,” Braithwaite said. Malik disclosed that he is very impressed by the confidence shown by 21-year-old Shimron Hetymer and 19year-old Sherfane Rutherford in the practice games. Guyanese Kemo Paul had a very good series with the ball against Bangladesh in ‘White Ball Cricket’, while Devendra Bishoo and Veerasammy Permaul have played at the highest level and are very experienced. “If the local players can do well and with the international players bringing experience to the side then it makes it easier to be successful in these conditions,” Malik said. Imran Tahir, Malik, Bishoo, Permaul and Austra-

‘Bowlers responsible for winning matches’ - Malik

Windies’ Shimron Hetymer cuts for four during his 66 in their first practice match at Providence. lian off-spinner Chris Green, who bowled impressively in the two practice games, should all relish bowling their spin at Providence. But the Warriors also have pace options in Paul, Rutherford, Sohail Tanvir, Rayad Emrit and Rohan Primus.“It is the bowlers responsibility to win matches,” Malik opined. Luke Ronchi, Chadwick Walton, Malik, Rutherford,

Bolt closes in on possible professional contract

SYDNEY, Australia, CMC – Eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt’s dream to become a professional footballer could soon become a reality after he negotiated an “indefinite training period” with Central Coast Mariners in Australia’s A-League. Since retiring from athletics in 2017, Bolt, who holds the 100m and 200m world records, has publicly declared that he would like to play football professionally. The Mariners said the agreement does not guarantee Bolt a professional contract, but does give him the opportunity. “It has been my dream to play professional football and I know that it will involve a lot of hard work and training to get to the level required to play and make an impact in the A-League,” the 31-yearold Bolt said in a statement released by the Mariners yesterday. “I am very excited about coming to Australia and would like to thank the owner and management of the Cen-

Usain Bolt could possibly sign a professional contract with the Central Coast Mariners. tral Coast Mariners for giving me this opportunity.” Bolt has already tried to play with clubs in Germany and South Africa, albeit unsuccessfully. While some critics have regarded speculation of his latest attempt in Australia as a public relations stunt, Mariners chief executive Shaun

Mielekamp said he is optimistic about Bolt’s opportunity. “I always say that ‘Anything is possible, don’t think limits,’ and I look forward to the challenge,” said Bolt, who is set to travel to Gosford, north of Sydney, this month to join the squad for practice. The A-League season opens in October.

Hetymer, Jason Mohammed, Gajanand Singh and the allrounders give the hosts plenty of batting options. The Patriots will bank on

the powerful top order of Gayle, Evin Lewis, Mahmudulla and Braithwaite to do the bulk of the scoring. The Television coverage

of today’s will be delayed by one hour and will start at 7PM local time. Guyana Amazon Warriors Sohail Tanvir, Shoaib Malik, Chadwick Walton, Cameron Delport (replaced by Chris Green for first 4 games), Rayad Emrit, Imran Tahir, Jason Mohammed, Luke Ronchi, Veerasammy Permaul, Roshon Primus, Shimron Hetmyer, Devendra Bishoo, Gajanand Singh, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd, Kemo Paul, Saurabh Netravalkar, Akshaya Persaud. St Kitts & Nevis Patriots Chris Gayle, Evin Lewis, Ben Cutting, Carlos Brathwaite, Mahmudulla, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tom Cooper, Sheldon Cottrell, Brandon King, Devon Thomas, Graeme Cremer, Fabian Allen, Shamarh Brooks, Sandeep Lamichhane, Jeremiah Louis, Alzarri Joseph, Ibrahim Khaleel, Javelle Glen.

Lights installed at Waramadong Village Sports Ground DPI, Guyana, 12 1,000 watts lamps were installed at the Waramadong Sports Ground in the Upper Mazaruni, Region Seven in time for the hosting of the annual Upper Mazaruni District Games being held from August 05 to 12. The initiative forms part of the National Sports Commission’s ‘Light it up campaign’ which started in 2017. A total of $15Million was spent to procure the lights and supplies for various grounds across the country where competitions are held. Director of Sport, Christopher Jones explained that the aim is to install lights at every community ground, in the Upper Mazaruni district, where the games are hosted every year. The first batch of lights was installed at the Kamarang’s community ground last year. In addition, Jones said funds were provided for upgrades to the field and pavilion among other areas. “Essentially, we provide from $1.5Million to $2 Million for ground enhancement, but because of where these communities are located, we may have to give double that amount. So, every year, in whatever village the games are being hosted we will give that support,” the Director of Sport assured. (Synieka Thorne)

… Initiative part of the Sports Commission ‘light it up’ campaign

Lights installed at Waramadong Sports Ground. (Images: Keno George)

Director of Sport, Christopher Jones

Thursday August 09, 2018


Kaieteur News

More sponsors throw support behind Guyana Cup 2018 horserace meet

Fix It Tyre Shop Manager Mr. Remy Ramsammy hands over their sponsorship to Roy Jafarally. As the date for the 12th edition of the annual Guyana Cup horserace meet at the Rising Sun Turf Club fast approaches, more sponsors have come forward to support the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee and Port Mourant Turf Club who have collaborated to stage the mega event. Over $15 million in cash and prizes are up for grabs in the August 19th event dubbed as the most lucrative horserace meet locally. Joining the growing long list of support for the event are Caribbean Nations Group, Fix It Tyre Shop, Ganesh Singh of Associated Investments, Atlantic Marines Supplies Inc. and Mr Asquith Hamilton Snr of A&A Engineering Services.Caribbean Nations Group representative Miss Narisa Gopaul presented the sponsorship cheque to Roy Jafarally of the organisers recently to cement their support. Fix It Tyre Shop Manager

Mr. Remy Ramsammy did the honours of handing over their support to a busy Jafarally. Jafarally was on hand again when he met with Ganesh Singh of Associated Investments who gave their contribution to him for the Guyana Cup.Atlantic Marines Supplies Inc. came on board the Guyana Cup 2018 and Miss Fiona Sukdeo, Sales Representative of that entity gave their sponsorship package to Roy Jafarally recently. And Mr. Asquith Hamilton Snr of A&A Engineering Services recently presented that company’s sponsorship to Shavhanand Gansan of the Jumbo Jet Auto Sales to signal their coming on board with the much anticipated horseracing event. Among some of the sponsors involved are Big G Lumber Yard, KGM Security, Discount Store, Hand-in-hand Insurance, Superbet, Gizmos and Gadgets, B.M. Soat, Mazi

Caribbean Nations Group Representative Miss Narisa Gopaul hands over sponsorship cheque to Roy Jafarally of the organisers.

Race organisers’ Roy Jafarally was again on hand to collect Atlantic Marines Supplies Inc contribution from Miss Fiona Sukdeo, Sales Representative. Night Club, Hyper Malt, 4R bearings and Rohan Auto Spares.The programme of events for the day will see the

Fox Sports Australia joins forces with CPL

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – Australian cricket fans will be able to view all 34 games being played in the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) thanks to a partnership with Fox Sports Australia. The partnership between the CPL and Fox Sports Australia was announced on Tuesday and is for a four year period. Starting yesterday when Australian David Warner turned out for the St Lucia Stars in the opening match against the Trinbago Knight Riders, FOX Sports is providing exclusive live, advertisement free, HD coverage of all 34 games.A number of Aussies will feature in the two-month competition, with Warner joined by Steve Smith playing for the Barbados Tridents, Chris Lynn, Ben Cutting and Chris Green.Pete Russell, Chief Operating Officer of the Hero CPL said he was very excited about the new deal. “We are delighted to have signed a longterm commitment with FOX Sports Australia.

Ganesh Singh of Associated Investments is on board Guyana Cup 2018 here Mr. Singh, Manager of the entity, gives their contribution to the busy Roy Jafarally.

It is exciting for the Hero CPL to be partnering with a broadcaster whose reputation for delivering high-quality cricket coverage is globally recognised. So we are thrilled that FOX Sports will be our home for the next four years,” Russell said. Head of FOX Sports, Peter Campbell, said he was pleased to add the CPL to the station’s growing number of cricket tournaments. “Fans love the excitement and action the T20 format delivers. And with so many Aussies competing in this year’s Hero CPL including Steve Smith and Dave Warner, there is going to be plenty of interest. “The tournament adds to our extensive line-up of the best local and international cricket as we gear up to deliver a massive summer of action. Every men’s Test, ODI, T20 and BBL match played in Australia, plus more women’s cricket will be shown live, with no ad-breaks, during play on a dedicated channel — FOX Cricket,” Campbell noted.

C Class event as the main attraction. The day’s full race programme reads: 1) C class and lower, 1600m. Total purse: $3,875,000 2) 3yr old Derby 1100M – purse: $2,000,000.

Mr Asquith Hamilton Snr of A&A Engineering Services presents the sponsorship to Shavhanand Gansan of Jumbo Jet Auto Sales. 3) G1 and lower 1400M – purse: $1,550,000. 4) H3 and lower 1100M – purse $1,350,000. 5) 2yrs old Guyana Bred 1100M – purse: $680,000. 6) I class and lower 1400M – Purse: $581,000.

7) J3 and lower 1400M. Purse: $485,000. 8) L class 1400M – purse $390,000. 9) L class 1400M – purse $390,000. 10) L class 1100M – purse $290,000.

Corriverton Spartans and Regal All stars set to clash on Sunday at Everest Corriverton Spartans and Regal All stars will clash in a 20-over fixture on Sunday at the Everest Cricket Club. The game is being sponsored by Ravi Lutchman to coincide with his birth anniversary and promises much excitement. Among the players set to appear for Corriverton Spartans are Krishon Sobhai, Chandrashekar Arjune, Vishal Phillips, Randy Baichan, Kishan Gangaram and Eon Hooper. Regal All stars will be led by Mohamed Ayube and include Khalid Haslim, Fazal Rafiek, Patrick Rooplall

and Sachin Singh. Trophies and incentives will be given to the winning team, best batsman, best bowler and man-of-thematch; the game will commence at 10:00hrs. Two quarterfinal games of the Georgetown Softball Cricket League (GSCL) Inc Crown Mining Supply, Ink Plus and Elegant Jewellery and Pawn shop tournament will also be contested on Sunday at the said venue with Mike’s Wellman playing Fisherman Masters and HS Masters facing Success from 09:30hrs.

Additionally, the second edition of the Prime Minister T20 Cup will be launched at the Everest Cricket Club pavilion, also on Sunday. Prime Minister ( a g ) K h e m r a j Ramjattan, Minister of Sport Dr. George Norton, Director of Sport Christopher Jones and GSCL Inc President Ian John will be on hand. Among the sponsors onboard so far are Banks DIH, Regal Stationery and Computer and Centre, Star Party Rentals, Crown Mining Supply and Dass Enterprise of Bartica.


GAW’s 2nd practice match

Ronchi, Malik lead their side to victory Set a target of 155 in 20 overs, Shoaib Malik’s X1 reached 156-5 in 19.4 overs to beat Reyad Emirt’s X1 by five wickets with two balls to spare in their second practice match Tuesday night at Providence Luke Ronchi hit a carefully constructed unbeaten 48, while Malik supported with 37 as they shared in a fourth wicket stand of 68 before Malik was bowled by off-spinner Chris Green at 119-4. Jamaican Chadwick Walton (15) fell to Kemo Paul at 15-1 as both players played after returning from Florida with the Windies team which lost their three-match T20 series to Bangladesh. Shimron Hetymer, who made the only half-century in the first practice game, was also bowled by the impressive Australian Green for 17, while Jason Mohammed (9) was LBW to Imran Tahir who also removed Sherfane Rutherford for 15. Green had 2-20 from three overs to follow-up his two wickets in two balls on Monday night, while Tahir finished with 2-33. Earlier, Emrit’s X1 batted first on another slow track and only Chris Barnwell (36) who fell to Veerasammy Permaul offered resistance as only Anthony Bramble (16), Trevon Griffith (14) and Roshan Primus (13) reached double figures. Permaul (3-24), Devendra Bishoo (2-23) and Berbice and Guyana pacer Clinton Pestano (2-32) got the wickets for Emrit’s X1. The Warriors face-off with St Kitts Patriots today from 16:00hrs at Providence in their first match of this year’s tourney. (Sean Devers)

he Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), in collaboration with Cricket West Indies (CWI) and Scotiabank, commenced its School holiday Camp activities on Tuesday last at the Fort Wellington Secondary School ground in West Berbice. T h e c a m p i n We s t Berbice continued yesterday and will conclude tomorrow. The West Berbice camp will be one of four such camps to be held during the school vacation. West Demerara and Essequibo shall conduct simi-

Regional Under-19 Championship – 2nd day, 2nd round

T&T rattle Guyana to secure 9-wkt win

Leonardo Julien of Trinidad and Tobago in action during his match wining innings. (Robertson Henry SportCaraibe)

Clinton Pestano had a good night at the office.

Malik shared in a fifty stand with Ronchi Tuesday night.

KINGSTOWN, St Vincent, CMC – Trinidad and Tobago rattled Guyana to claim a comfortable nine wicket victory on day two of their second second round of matches in the Regional Under-19 Championship here yesterday. Playing at Sion Hill Playing Field, Trinidad and Tobago claimed their nine wickets victory compliments of Leonardo Julien 87 not out and Cephas Cooper 41 not out. The pair pushed their team to 141 for 1 after being set 140 for victory following another poor batting performance by Guyana. Joshua Persuad 71 and Baskar Yadram 26 were the Guyana standouts, while Justyn Gangoo 5-27, Nathaniel McDavid 3-35 and Navin Bidaisee 2-40 bowled well for T&T. Scores in the matches: At Sion Hill Playing Field:

Trinidad and Tobago won by nine wickets GUYANA 104 (Baskar Yadram 25; Navin Bidaisee 431, Rivaldo Ramlagan 2-14, Justyn Gangoo 2-20) and 137 (Joshua Persuad 71, Baskar Yadram 26; Justyn Gangoo 527, Nathaniel McDavid 3-35, Navin Bidaisee 2-40). TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 102 (Kevin Sinclair 5-42, Ashmed Nedd 3-34) and 141 for one (Leonardo Julien 87 not out, Cephas Cooper 41 not out). At Park Hill Playing Field: Leeward Islands require 239 more runs for victory with seven wickets intact. BARBADOS 249 (Matthew Forde 45, Nyeem Young 44, Shian Brathwaite 32, Kilano Brathwaite 26; Elroy Francis 4-56, Mikyle Louis 244, Zawandi White 2-52) and 239 (Antonio Morris 49, Kadeem Alleyne 37, Nico

Reifer 30, Kilano Brathwaite 29, Nyeem Young 28; Elroy Francis 4-73, Mikyle Louis 242, Uri Smith 2-47). LEEWARD ISLANDS 239 (Joshua Grant 89 not out, Mikyle Louis 59, Javin Spencer 34; Joshua Bishop 9-70) and 10 for three (Matthew Forde 3-8). At Arnos Vale Playing Field: Jamaica need 63 more runs for victory with eight wickets intact. WINDWARD ISLANDS 184 (Tahj Tavernier 53, Mica Joseph 34, Johnel Eugene 29, Kimani Melius 25; Sanjay Brown 3-12, Raewin Senior 345, Andre McCarthy 2-40) and 125 (Kimani Melius 43, Jahseon Alexander 31; Sanjay Brown 5-17, Raewin Senior 344). JAMAICA 263 (Bryan Brown 73, Ricardo McIntosh 64, Kirk McKenzie 33; Rayan Williams 3-39, Simeon Gerson 3-75) and 13 for two.

Golden Jaguars' 'Train/Play' in ...

2018 GCB/Scotiabank Kiddy Cricket Camps commence


Thursday August 09, 2018

Kaieteur News

lar camp exercises from next Monday, 13th August 2018 to 17 August 2018, at the respective venue s o f Z e e b u r g g r o u n d o n We s t C o a s t Demerara and Imam Bacchus Ground on the Essequibo Coast. It should also be noted that East Coast Demerara commenced their camp activity o n M o n d a y 6 t h A u g ust 2018 at the Ogle Community Center ground. This camp will concludes today at the said venue. All four camps in the respective areas of East Coast Demerara, West Berbice,

West Demerara and Essequibo will be conducted over four days, with the daily exercise duration being 09:00 to 15:00 hours. The GCB/Scotiabank Kiddy Cricket Camps targets students between the ages of eight and fourteen, and shall be primarily used to impart cricket knowledge and its requisite discipline and commitment attributes to said participants . The objective of the camp activity is to identify, encourage and begin to develop 40 talented players from each of the targeted district locations.

From page 33 (Ademola Bankole), Development Coach (Calvin Allen), Development Coach (Levi Braithwaite), Development Coach (Phillip Carrington), Development GK Coach (Eon DeVeira). MEDICAL - Team Doctor (Dr. Alex Hawkins), Physiotherapist (Denzil Hernandez).SPORTS SCIENCE - Head of Sports Science (Dr. Mark Faghy), Head of People & Culture (Michael Jones). RECRUITMENT - Head of Recruitment & Player Liaison (Faizal Khan), Performance Analyst & Head Scout (Asser Lutu). OPERATIONS - Team Operations Manager (Rawle Adams), Assistant Operations Manager (Ken Grant), Equipment Manager (Trevor Burnett). Senior Men's Staff: Fact Sheet Men's Senior Coach – Taff Rahman ? Academy Coach at Tottenham Hotspurs FC and Arsenal FC ? England Youth Team Coach ? England FA Coach Educator Goalkeeper Coach – Ademola Bankole ? Former Professional and International Goalkeeper with Nigeria ? GK coach at Barnet FC, ColchesterUnited, Queens Park Rangers

? England FA Goalkeeper Coach Educator Performance Analyst & Head Scout – Asser Lutu ? Worked at Birmingham City FC, Wycombe Wanderers in analytics ? Performance analyst (Recruitment and GPS) – Qatar Stars League ? Head of Performance and Recruitment at Grimsby Town FC Head of Recruitment & Player Liaison Officer – Faizal Khan ? Head of International Scouting Malta FA ? Head Scout with Trinidad & Tobago FA ? Assistant Manager & Head of Player Recruitment with Monserrat FA Head of Sports Science – Dr Mark Faghy ? Worked at Nott's County, Aston Villa and Derby County ? Lecturer in Exercise Physiology at University of Derby in 2016. He has expertise in applied exercise physiology and works regularly with professional sports clubs and athletes. Head of People & Culture – Michael Jones ? Expert on culture and neuroscience having graduated in Masters of Sporting Directorship from Manchester University ? Has worked in Football, Horse racing, Rugby, and British Weightlifting

Kaieteur News

Thursday August 09, 2018


Golden Jaguars' 'Train/Play' in Brazil attracts record-breaking staff complement

CONCACAF Nation's League Countdown As Guyana prepares for its first match of the CONCACAF Nations League in September, Guyana's Senior Men's National Team, commonly known as the Golden Jaguars, will benefit from the most comprehensive and experienced Technical Staff Guyana's National Football has ever had, during the “Train and Play” scheduled for August 12 – 26 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The 17-man staff includes the Head Coach, Senior Coach, Goalkeeper Coach, Team Doctor, Head of Sports Science, Head of Recruitment and Player Liaison, Head of People and Culture, Performance Analyst and Head Scout, Development Coaches and operations staff. Head Coach Michael Johnson said a qualified staff is critical to the achievement of the GFF's national programme's goals: “This comprehensive technical team is vitally important for the Nations League campaign; we are pushing the boundaries to keep up to date with modern football trends and compete with Regional and International competition. The Guyanabased Development Coaches are there on merit by excelling in recent

Taff Rahman Senior Coach

Michael Jones - Head of Culture and People

Dr. Mark Faghy Head of Sports Science

Asser Lutu - Performance Analyst and Head Scout

Ademola Bankole Goalkeeper Coach

C O N C A C A F / F I FA coaching courses as well as their work at various clubs and ATC's. In Brazil, they will be mentored as part of their Coach Education but ultimately will have to prove their potential within the coaching staff, with the ultimate goal of taking the knowledge back into their own coaching contexts.” Johnson added that a topclass support staff is also necessary to “develop, inspire, and motivate not only the team but the nation.” Technical Director, Ian Greenwood, said a “machinery of excellence” is being developed for the senior national programme: “The high quality professionals that

complement the staffing structure are all vital cogs to the machinery of excellence as we look to develop a vibrant and successful senior national team programme. Their primary focus is working to achieve the short, medium, and long-term targets of the GFF, but their expertise and added value of mentoring in areas of sports science, performance analysis, sports medicine, coaching methodology will significantly improve the national team programme at y o u t h l e v e l s . ” President Wayne Forde, for his part, said this staff structure serves as a solid platform to realize greater success among the senior national team: “While we are laying in place a solid youth

development foundation that will definitely evolve in the coming years, it is of critical importance that we build the Senior National Team's management structure to support and maximize the performance of those players that emerge from the Youth Development structure. The transfer of knowledge and expertise is a key objective in the selection of the National Team Staff. Our collaboration with Brazil

will also buttress our capacity building targets. We have to be humble, patient and open to learning new and modern principles and methodologies.” The “Train and Play” is a national encampment of senior footballers as part of the preparation for the CONCACAF Nations League. Guyana has been matched against Barbados, Turks and Caicos Islands, French Guiana and Belize

and will play host to Barbados and Belize in September 2018 and March 2019 respectively, while Turks and Caicos Islands and French Guiana will host Guyana in October and November 2018. TECHNICAL STAFF Technical Director (Ian Greenwood), Head Coach (Michael Johnson), Senior Coach (Taff Rahman), Goalkeeper Coach (Continued on page 32)

Trophy Stall makes good on promise to Nand Persaud Sprint Classic Horserace meet The Trophy Stall of Bourda Market, which is one of the leading trophy and Engraving entities in Guyana, continues to make good on its many promises. The entity with businesses now in Bourda Market, City Mall and South Road, through its Managing Director Ramesh Sunich made a significant contribution to the Nand Persaud Karibee Rice Mega Sprint Classic Horserace meet set for Sunday at their No.36 Village, Macedonia Estate, Corentyne, Berbice, Racing Facility. The event is organised by the Company’s Sky Plus Promotion Group. The Trophy Stall has furnished the Champion Jockey and Champion Trainer trophies along with incentives for other outstanding participants on the day. There are seven races carded for the day with over $4M in cash, trophies and other incentives up for the taking. The event will see the horses running in a straight

Devi Sunich of the Trophy Stall display some of the trophies on offer. line on Guyana’s Only grass track.Over 40 horses have entered and a number of other sponsors have come onboard.

Among them are Ansa Mc Al and Stag Beer, Republic Bank, Jumbo Jet Auto Sales, (Continued on page 29)

rt o p S

Warriors/Patriots face-off tonight from 6PM at Providence ‘Bowlers responsible for winning matches’ - Malik P. 30

Warriors Captain Shoaib Malik & Patrios’ Carlos Braithwaite listen as Warriors Coach Johan Botha makes a point at yesterday’s Media briefing (Sean Devers photo)

Ninth Boyce and Jefford Classic promises much excitement this weekend in Linden P. 28

Chairman of Boyce and Jefford Track and Field Committee Colin Boyce (right) and Edison Jefford (2nd from right) with representatives of the sponsors at the launching.

Shiv Chanderpaul, former Bahamas PM to get UWI awards

P. 28

Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd., 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown. Tel: 225-8458, 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/226-8210.

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