At The Museum Detailed Program

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AT THE MUSEUM ©2017, Benaki Museum, Athens. Photographer: Leonidas Kourgiantakis


MUSEUM OF CYCLADIC ART Τhe Museum of Cycladic Art is dedicated

to the study and promotion of ancient cultures of the Aegean and Cyprus, with special emphasis on Cycladic Art of the 3rd millennium BC. It was founded in 1986, to house the collection of Nicholas and Dolly Goulandris. Since then it has grown in size to accommodate new acquisitions, obtained either through direct purchases or through donations by important collectors and institutions. Enjoy a conducted tour to its unique collections and exhibits and close your visit with a wine tasting lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products at the Cycladic Café where culture meets the rhythms of everyday life, combining Cycladic minimal aesthetics with authentic Cycladic tastes.


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the Museum of Cycladic Art Wine tasting lunch at the Cycladic Café

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes

GOULANDRIS NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM The Natural History Museum was founded in 1964 by Angelos and Niki Goulandris, as a private non profit institution devoted to study and protection of natural environment, the first museum of its kind to be established in Greece. The Museum galleries host extensive collections of animal and plant fossils, representative samples of contemporary flora and fauna from all over the Greek territory and a rich minerals and rock collection. The exhibits illustrate the evolution and biodiversity of ecosystems, while a special display is dedicated to man’s first appearance and development on earth. Get excited by the special collections of the Museum and close your visit with a wine tasting lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products at the calm and atmospheric aura of the Museum's cafÊ.


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the Goulandris Natural History Museum Wine tasting lunch at the Museum Café–Restaurant

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes

ATHENS CITY MUSEUM Athens City Museum presents the modern history of Athens, Europe’s oldest and most famous city, since it became the capital of the newly founded Hellenic State in 1834 under the first royal couple, Otto and Amalia. Enjoy a guided tour to the various facets of the Athenian history, culture and life as well as several other collections and a series of typical late 19th century - early 20th century sitting and living rooms of the Athenian aristocracy which complete the different aspects of the city of Athens. End up at the Museum's lovely and of high aesthetics bistrot where you will enjoy an exceptional wine tasting lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products and an atmosphere you will sure find remarkable!


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the Athens City Museum Wine tasting lunch at Black Duck Garden – Athens City Museum Bistrot

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes

BENAKI MUSEUM OF GREEK CULTURE The Benaki Museum of Greek Culture is housed in one of the most beautiful neoclassical-style buildings in Athens, near the National Garden and the Hellenic Parliament. It was converted into a museum in order to shelter the collections of Antonis Benakis and was donated to the Greek nation by himself and his three sisters, Alexandra, Penelope and Argine. Following its most recent refurbishment (1989–2000), the building houses a unique exhibition on Greek culture arranged diachronically from prehistory to the 20th century. Enjoy a guided tour at the museum and end up at the roof of the museum, where you will have the chance to taste exceptional Greek wines along with a delightful lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products.


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the Benaki Museum of Greek Culture Wine tasting lunch at the Benaki Museum Café

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes

THE B&M THEOCHARAKIS FOUNDATION Founded in 2004, this private non-profit foundation focuses on the visual arts and music, with a special interest in modernism. The driving force behind the imposing cultural center, housed in a neoclassical building opposite the Greek Parliament, is Basil Theocharakis, a prominent businessman who is also an avid and talented painter, and his wife Marina. Temporary exhibitions, classical concerts, and workshops are held here on a regular basis, while Merlin Café, the elegant first-floor café, offers a welcome respite from the city's hustle and bustle. Take the chance to admire the unique exhibits and combine it with a delightful wine tasting lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products at Merlin Café which welcomes visitors in a luxurious way and pleasantly extends their experience beyond the Foundation's admirable exhibitions.


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the B & M Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts and Music Wine tasting lunch at Café Merlin

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes

ILIAS LALAOUNIS JEWELRY MUSEUM The Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum situated just below the Acropolis, is a quiet hidden gem off the buzzing Dionysiou Areopagitou street, created by the renowned Greek jewellery designer Ilias Lalaounis and exhibiting thousands of pieces dedicated to the history and art of jewellery making. Take the chance to enjoy a guided tour to its interesting collections. Just afterwards experience the taste of exquisite Greek wines and enjoy a lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products at the chic café on the ground floor and atrium of the neoclassical building or the roof garden with a view to the South side of the Parthenon.


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum Wine tasting lunch at the Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum Café

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes

BENAKI MUSEUM 138 PIREOS ST. The new Benaki Museum building is located at 138 Pireos Street, one of the central development axes of Athens. The general principles of the design were based on the idea of an inward-facing building with openings towards the central courtyard. Movement through the exhibition halls is designed to take place around the perimeter of the courtyard, in such a way as to ensure maximum visibility for the visitor and flexibility in the utilization of space. Take your time to walk through the building, enjoy a guided tour at its exhibits and end up at the modern cafĂŠ of the Museum where you will have the unique opportunity to enjoy a delightful wine tasting lunch prepared especially for you with Greek products.


WHAT'S INCLUDED Guided tour of the Benaki Museum - 138 Pireos St. Wine tasting lunch at Benaki Museum - 138 Pireos St. Café/Restaurant

OPERATING BASIS On sharing and on private/semi-private basis.

OPERATING PERIOD AND DAYS All year. According to Museum's working days and hours.

STARTING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

ENDING TIME & POINT Upon confirmation.

SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES Experienced tour escort.

OPERATOR GW The Greek Wine Routes



This brochure is accompanied by a separate

All of the trips visiting archaeological sites

price list which clearly states the time that it

and or museums are accompanied by a

was issued and the validity of the price list. All

professional licensed guide according to the

stated prices are subject to modification

Greek law. For the trips that only escort or

without previous notice. Inclusions within the

assistant is mentioned in the inclusions, there

price are clearly stated in each tour of this

will be no guiding. Escorts and assistants are


not entitled to do any guiding and are provided only to ensure your comfort and


safety, lead the way and give practical

Unless otherwise stated in the description of


information about the various locations and

the trips, personal expenses, cost of drinks during meals, supplementary services, transportation to/from the starting and ending


point of the trips, tips and gratuities (to drivers,

GW The Greek Wine Routes acts as agent for

guides, assistants, escorts, restaurants) are not

the owners or contractors providing means of

included in the prices. Entrance fees to various

transportation or other services. As such, GW

sites and museums are included only when

The Greek Wine Routes shall not become

specifically stated in the description of each

liable or responsible in any way in connection


with such means of transportation or other services for any loss, injury or damage to or in


respect of any person or property howsoever


caused or arising. GW The Greek Wine Routes

In the description of each trip, the provisional

accommodation and restaurants used, and

starting and ending points, as well as, starting

has no liability for loss or damage caused by

and ending times are mentioned. These are only

the proprietors or operators thereof. In the

indicative, and in no case binding. Times and

event that places of interest are closed or

starting/ending points should always be

road conditions, or weather conditions prevent

reconfirmed at the time of booking or with our

the trip from being operated as advertised,

office 3 days prior to the trip.

GW The Greek Wine Routes will make all

does not own or manage the ships, vehicles,

efforts to provide adequate alternatives and substitutions, but the company reserves the right to cancel the trip.



All personal items carried by the passengers

Upon confirmation of a reservation, you are

during the trips, are the sole responsibility of

required to deposit 30% of the trip cost within

the client. GW The Greek Wine Routes will

3 days of booking confirmation. The rest of

make all efforts to assist in retrieving lost or

package trip price should be paid not less

forgotten items, but it cannot be held

than 15 days prior to departure. Payment for

responsible in any way for such losses.

the trips in this brochure can be made in cash or by credit card. All cancellations must be received in a written form. GW The Greek Wine Routes will charge 50% fees for trips cancelled more than 15 days prior to departure and 100% fees for trips cancelled less than 15 days prior to departure.

All matters and disputes that may arise concerning the booking and operation of the trips in this brochure shall be subject to the Greek law.

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