Annual Report 2020

Page 1





Ethel Jones Watson Price Ada Yovanovich Adolphus Marks

Kenneth John Davis John Thomas Jones Christopher M. Collison Barry Deon Bell Teddy Elroy Williams

Marchel Ann Shannon Shelley Louise Lavoie Waneeta Ruth Richardson Jennifer F. Davidson Ronald Torres Souza Alfred Setso James Irvin Stanley

NOVEMBER 18 Brad Collinson Frederick Donald Davis Mervin James Dunn Andrew Harold Edgars Lawrence Morris Jones Colin Stuart Richardson Ronald Richard Russ Noel Douglas White Martin Williams John Yeltatzie

NOVEMBER 20 Harold L. Yeltatzie Willard Wilson Diane Kathleen Brown Rose Lynn Russ Laura Carol Williams Richard Craig Williams Reginald Max Wesley James Franklin McGuire Merle Emily Adams Henry Grady Wilson Barbara Grace Stevens Jacqueline Kim Yovanovich

NOVEMBER 25 Valerie Jones Laverne Collinson Diana Jacqueline Hans Patricia Ann Gellerman Paulette Laverne Robinson Marni Lynn York Colleen Marissa Williams Audra Charlyn Collison David James M. Brock James Thomas Stelkia Mervin James Dunn Joey Abel T. Parnell Vincent Paul Pearson Jody Henry Russ Ronald Ernest Wilson Lawrence Drager Sally Ann Edgars Kathleen Marie Pearson Russell Clive Edgars Harold Owen Wilson Herman Collinson Clayton E. Gladstone Gordon Donovan Russ Stuart McLean Michael Earl Allen Troy Pearson Frank Coleman Baker Fred M. Richardson

NOVEMBER 28 Dorothy Eva Russ James Young

NOVEMBER 29 Linda Louise Day Beatrice Mae Drager Ronald Alexander George Nigel Marc Pearson Harold George Williams

THOSE WHO WERE CHARGED & CONVICTED Miles Richardson Jr. Guujaaw John Yeltatzie Diane Brown Arnie Bellis Frederick Davis Colin Richardson Roberta Olsen Lawrence Jones Martin Williams Michael Nicoll Yaghulanaas Willard Wilson

Cover: Jay Bellis, Gid Gindajing Hlk’yáan K’ust’aan Child’s Frog Blanket The crest designs on this blanket are hlk’yáan k’ust’áan frogs surrounded by xíl haanas flowers. Part of the Children’s Button Blankets Project (see page 8). Photo by Jack Litrell.


About Gwaii Trust .................................................................................................................................................2 Message from the Chair and COO ........................................................................................................................3 Featured Grants: Kids Camps / Youth Centred Communities ..............................................................................4 Our Staff ...............................................................................................................................................................5 Governance: Attendance & Committees .............................................................................................................6 Governance: Board Members ..............................................................................................................................7 Featured Grants: Arts Workshop / Arts Grant......................................................................................................8 2020 Financial Highlights ....................................................................................................................................9 Featured Grant: Major Contributions ................................................................................................................10 Where the Money Comes From ..........................................................................................................................11 Featured Grants: Community Innovation / Continuing Education.....................................................................12 What We Funded in 2020 ...................................................................................................................................13 Featured Grant: Youth Grant ..............................................................................................................................14 What We Did in 2020 ..........................................................................................................................................15 Congratulations to Successful Applicants ........................................................................................................16 Gwaii Trust Responds to COVID-19 ....................................................................................................................18 Successful Applicants to COVID-19 Grants .......................................................................................................19 Featured Grant: Vibrant Haida Gwaii Communities............................................................................................21


ABOUT GWAII TRUST The Gwaii Trust Society owns and manages a multi-milliondollar perpetual fund for the benefit of all the people of Haida Gwaii. The fund generates investment income and the Society distributes part of that income every year through a variety of grant programs.

WHERE IT ALL BEGAN In 1985, after more than a decade of attempts to work with the provincial government to protect the South Moresby Wilderness area, the Haida Nation designated what is now known as Gwaii Haanas, a Haida Heritage Site and a blockade was held on Lyell Island. The political standoff at Lyell Island brought worldwide attention to the issues of the land title dispute, the environment and economic matters. In 1988, the South Moresby Agreement was signed, which designated the area a National Park Reserve and created a Regional Economic Development Initiative fund. Representatives of the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN) and the Residents Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC) established an Accord on the Community Development Fund. In spite of legislative hostilities and other societal encumbrances to cross-cultural understanding, and after years of difficult work, the results evolved into the Gwaii Trust Interim Planning Society (GTIPS).  The GTIPS was established in accordance with the Society Act of British Columbia in November 1991. Its purpose was to develop a permanent model for a locally controlled, interest-generating fund. The Gwaii Trust Society would be founded on principles to achieving a sustainable Islands community.  The Gwaii Trust Society was formed in September 1994 to operate the perpetual Gwaii Trust Fund, and the GTIPS was dissolved as a society.

GWAII TRUST TODAY In 1994 the Society started with $38.2 million contributed by the federal government as part of the agreement that created Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. At the end of 2020 our fund was worth approximately $90 million.

Our goals are clear: to work together to promote the health and well-being of our community, and make Haida Gwaii an even better place to live. We make our decisions by consensus and we believe in fairness, equity, collaborating to solve problems, building trust, and being willing to change. We know that to ensure a sustainable community, we must plan and manage our development in ways that reflect our cultural and environmental uniqueness. Our fund is invested in equities, bonds and mortgage/real estate funds, and generates millions of dollars every year in investment income. Every year, we reinvest part of that income to protect our core value from inflation, and distribute most of the remaining money to communities, non-profit societies and individuals on Haida Gwaii through our grant programs. Our volunteer board is made up of eight directors and eight alternates, representing the Haida and Civic communities equally. Our chair is nominated for appointment by the Council of the Haida Nation. We also have a youth board made up of islanders between the ages of 13 and 21 who make recommendations on our Youth Grants.

OUR MISSION The Gwaii Trust will enhance environmentally sustainable social and economic benefits to Haida Gwaii through the use of the fund.

OUR VISION The Gwaii Trust will advocate and support an Islands community characterized by respect for cultural diversity, the environment, and a sustainable and increasingly self-sufficient economy.

LEGAL STATUS The Gwaii Trust Society is provincially registered as a non-profit society to maximize tax exemption for the Trust.

People are like trees, and groups of people are like the forests. While the forests are composed of many different kinds of trees, these trees intertwine their roots so strongly that it is impossible for the strongest winds which blow on our islands to uproot the forest, for each tree strengthens its neighbour, and their roots are inextricably intertwined. In the same way the people of our Islands, composed of members of nations and races from all over the world, are beginning to intertwine their roots so strongly that no troubles will affect them. Just as one tree standing alone would soon be destroyed by the first strong wind which came along, so it is impossible for any person, any family or any community to stand alone against the troubles of this world. Chief Skidegate – Lewis Collinson, 1966


This quote has served as a long-standing reminder to the Trust and its directors of the importance of unity and consensus.

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR Sii.ngaay’láa Greetings

To the community of Haida Gwaii, it is an honour to share with you the achievements of the Gwaii Trust Society in 2020. Our resilience continues to demonstrate our ability to come together as one in times of need. The State of Emergency declared in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic was a testament to what matters most to all of us as an islands’ people. Communities and individuals acted quickly, working collaboratively to protect the health of our elders and those most at risk. However, with restrictions and a travel ban in place, the social and economic impacts were immeasurable. Recognizing our struggle, the Gwaii Trust Society, its Board of Directors and staff helped play significant role in supporting the health and well-being of the citizens of Haida Gwaii. In response to this hardship, a move was made to reallocate funding streams

to address the immediate needs of our communities. With emergency funding made available through our COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant, the Board struck a committee to work closely with staff to manage and oversee applications. With additional support from our partners at the Vancouver Foundation and Community Foundations Canada (see page 18), the Trust invested over $1M in COVID-19 relief to help our communities through these tough times. Nevertheless, having faced similar adversity, the Gwaii Trust’s ability to navigate through market volatility over the years while continuing to invest in our communities is one of our greatest successes. It is our hope, in working with local leadership, to continue to play a role in helping to improve the lives of people living on Haida Gwaii by investing in our local economy. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish everyone a safe and healthy 2021. Haawa thank you Sk’aal Ts’iid Flicker Bird James D. Cowpar Chairman

MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER 2020 was a year of adaptation for Gwaii Trust Society (GTS), as it was for all organizations and people of Haida Gwaii. First, I want to recognize the trials, the grief, and the challenges that so many have gone through during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the difficulties, I look back at the work GTS has done this year with pride and gratitude. Thanks to the hard work of our board members and staff, this organization was able to fulfill its role in helping our island communities thrive. We provided funding that impacted many residents in a time of dire need. In addition to our continuing grant programs, there were two grants developed by the board in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (see pages 18-19). With an $875,000 budget the COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant provided support to individuals and communities as they adapted to these unprecedented times. The popular Staycation Grant became widely recognized in Haida Gwaii and beyond as an innovative effort to aid our ailing tourism economy. Some people were able to participate in the grant process for the first time and enjoy much-needed getaways while supporting local businesses. 2020 was the conclusion of GTS’ four-year Vibrant Communities Grant, highlighted on page 20. Each of the seven Gwaii Trust communities were provided with flexible, guaranteed funding of $250,000 per year for a total funding commitment of $7 million.

This funding allowed local governments to leverage other sources of funding to complete infrastructure projects in each community on Haida Gwaii. Gwaii Trust Society would not have been able to maintain its active role and its ability to respond to community needs without our courageous Board of Directors. Our Board maintained a strong sense of purpose and continued its work without missing a step, seamlessly shifting to virtual meetings when restrictions on gatherings began. GTS enters 2021 with its fund in a strong position thanks to sound fiscal management and a diversified portfolio. Despite 2020’s economic turmoil and an initial decline that culminated in March, the fund was able to regain lost value and earn an overall increase to a total value of $90.3 million by the end of the year. GTS also anticipates that legislation amalgamating Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust and Gwaii Trust may be completed in 2021. This will allow Haida Gwaii communities to benefit from an additional fund of approximately $54 million. Public consultation on the use of these funds will begin once the legislation has passed. No matter what 2021 may bring, our team at Gwaii Trust Society are here for you, the residents of Haida Gwaii. We continue to strive to improve island life by using our shared resources to benefit all islanders. Haawa thank you Carla Lutner Chief Operations Officer



Mount Moresby Adventure Camp, Camp, Out!

Mount Moresby Adventure Camp at Mosquito Lake has long hosted young Haida Gwaii campers. During their visits, students typically learn about the diverse natural and cultural landscapes of their island home. Camping was set to continue this year until the onset of the pandemic and COVID-19 restrictions. The Mount Moresby Camp Society’s Board of Directors and staff were able to adapt by creating an initiative called Camp, Out!: Bringing Camp to the Campers. The project allowed the camp to continue two crucial activities: maintaining the camp’s infrastructure and continuing the outdoor educational programming the camp is known for. To bring the camp experience to young campers on Haida Gwaii, educational modules were created for early learners, as well as primary-, middle-, and high-school students. The program also delivered lesson plans for teachers and, as COVID-19 protocols allowed, staff instructors offered in-person lessons.

YOUTH CENTRED COMMUNITIES GRANT Port Clements Historical Society, Developing a Social Media Presence While Port Clements Museum was physically closed to visitors during the summer of 2020, the museum was plenty active online. A Youth-Centred Community Grant supported the hiring of two summer students with the task of refreshing the museum’s online presence to engage a young audience. To achieve that, the students built a visually appealing new website. The up-to-date site provides essential museum facts and photos, and it tells stories of how Port Clements came to be. The two students also created and posted content on the museum’s Facebook page using historical photos and descriptions of museum artifacts. Many of these posts sparked conversations among local residents and boosted the museum’s visibility.  The students received training from Port Clements Historical Society volunteers and guidance from entrepreneurs with experience in digital communications. This training and experience has already led to a further work opportunity for one of the students. Visit the museum’s new website at


OUR STAFF Welcome to Meghan Cross and Deena Arens who joined the Gwaii Trust team in 2020. Haw’aa/Haawa to our outgoing Chief Investment Officer, Errol Winter, for his many contributions to the Gwaii Trust and to the communities of Haida Gwaii over the years.

CARLA LUTNER, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER Manages the day-to-day operations for the Gwaii Trust Society, including staff management, public relations and oversight of the various programs Gwaii Trust administers.

CHRISTINE CARTY, FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Manages the day-to-day financial operations, preparing accounts payable and receivables, payroll and in-house financial statements.

PAM HILL, GRANT COORDINATOR Manages the Continuing Education, Travel Assistance, and Haida Gwaii Staycation grant programs.

JOEY RUDICHUK, COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Manages Internal and external communications and supports the Gwaii Trust Board of Directors and Youth Board.

JAAD GUDANGAA ‘LAAS DANA BELLIS, PROJECT OFFICER Community resource to support islanders and local organizations through the grant application process and is their focal throughout the life of their project.



Manages a small portfolio of grants and assists more senior staff in all grant management activities. She also serves as the internal resource for Gwaii Trust’s technology systems.

Finance and administrative support for Gwaii Trust, Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust and the Haida Gwaii Community Foundation.


GOVERNANCE DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE ATTENDANCE 2020/2021 TERM The following chart presents the attendance record for the Gwaii Trust Chair, Directors and Alternates at board and standing committee meetings from May 23, 2020 to April 17, 2021. Notes: Alternate attendance is not mandatory at board meetings. Meetings of subcommittees and ad hoc committees are not included in the record of attendance. Standing Committees Board of Directors








Cecil Brown


Old Massett Village Council


Lisa Bell


Old Massett Village Council


Alfie Setso Sr.


CHN Old Massett


Trevor Russ


CHN Old Massett


Kim Goetzinger


CHN Skidegate


Jason Alsop


CHN Skidegate


Billy Yovanovich


Skidegate Band Council


Michelle (Ooka) Pineault


Skidegate Band Council


Audit, Governace & Finance


2/2 10/14 4/4

Clyde Greenough


Graham Island South


Shelley Sansome


Graha, Island South



Maureen Bailey


Graham Island Central



Elizabeth Condrotte


Graham Island Central


Bret Johnson


Graham Island North


Terry Carty


Graham Island North


Laurie Chisholm


Area E (Moresby)


Warren Foster


Area E (Moresby)


Youth Board


1/2 2/3

2/2 3/3


James Cowpar

Audit, Governance & Finance

Youth Board

Economic Dev


Cecil Brown

HGCF Steering Committee

Ahtlii Gwaii Legacy Trust

Covid-19 Emergency Response

• •

Lisa Bell Alfie Setso Sr. Trevor Russ

Kim Goetzinger

Jason Alsop Billy Yovanovich

• •

Michelle (Ooka) Pineault Clyde Greenough

• •

Shelley Sansome

Maureen Bailey

Bret Johnson


• •

• •

Elzabeth Condrotte Terry Carty

• •

• •

Laurie Chisholm

Warren Foster

• •



CHAIR: Sk’aal Ts’iid James Cowpar




Alfie Setso Sr

Trevor Russ


Cecil Brown

Lisa Bell


GidadGuudsliiyas Kim Goetzinger

Gaagwiis Jason Alsop


Ganaay Billy Yovanovich

Ooka Pineault


Bret Johnston

Terry Carty


Maureen Bailey

Elizabeth Condrotte


Clyde Greenough

Shelley Sansome


Laurie Chisholm

Warren Foster



Kwiadda McEvoy, Haana Edenshaw


Destiny Davidson




Xiila-T’aayii Guujaaw


Sol Reynolds


Tia Nicol, Caden Bergstrom


CIsaac Bowey, Greta Romas


Megan Ives


ARTS WORKSHOP GRANT judy mckinley, Watercolour Portrait Skills Development Artist judy mckinley (lowercase by request of the artist) has been working in various art genres for years and knows the need for diverse representation. As a woman of mixed-race Jamaican ancestry, judy has spent a lot of time looking for artists who portray the people and histories that she wants to represent through her art. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many workshops to move online, making them more accessible and affordable. With funding from the Arts Workshop grant, judy was able to participate in virtual watercolour workshops led by three international master artists who paint people of colour and use distinctly different techniques, providing an opportunity to stretch creatively. judy is already using her improved skills to benefit others on Haida Gwaii. Currently she is involved with the Hlk’yak’ii: To Start a Fire exhibition at the Haida Gwaii Museum, where she plans to reveal a large watercolour-inspired project. Photo by Patricia Guzman.

ARTS GRANT Jay Bellis, Children’s Button Blankets “We still see Haida children dancing without regalia,” wrote Jay Bellis in his 2020 Arts Grant application. With a desire to help children nurture their connections with culture at an early age, Jay has created six unique button blankets for local Haida dance groups.  The Old Masset-based artist made the new blankets in a style with roots in Haida traditions. With support from Gwaii Trust, he was able to purchase materials and research traditional Haida artworks at the Haida Heritage Museum in Skidegate and the Museum of Northern BC in Prince Rupert. The funds also supported the creation of each blanket using his wide range of artistic skills including design, painting, appliqué, sewing, leatherwork, beadwork and buttonwork.


2020 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Directors of the Gwaii Trust Society Opinion The summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at December 31, 2020 and the summary statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year then ended, are derived from the audited financial statements of Gwaii Trust Society for the year ended December 31, 2020. In our opinion, the accompanying summary financial statements are a fair summary of the audited financial statements, in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Summary Financial Statements The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-forprofit organizations. Reading the summary financial statements and the auditors' report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements and the auditors' report thereon. The summary financial statements and the audited financial statements do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the audited financial statements. The Audited Financial Statements and Our Report Thereon We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited financial statements in our report dated May 1, 2021. Management's Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of the summary financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the summary financial statements are a fair summary of the audited financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.

Chartered Professional Accountants Campbell River, BC May 1, 2021


MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS GRANT The Major Contributions Grant is designed to support larger projects in community infrastructure and planning. Our goal is to help build safer, healthier, and more attractive communities, making Haida Gwaii a more desirable place to live, work, play and visit. We funded six important community infrastructure projects in 2020, including the Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace

Greening the Roofs project which will install new roofing on six buildings in Masset. The Village of Masset were able to update their public works equipment including a lawn tractor, brush trimmer, and a turbidimeter to help assess water quality. And Rediscovery T’aalan Stl’ang received an $85,459 grant for safety upgrades.

QCC Fire Prevention Society, SCBA Equipment A Major Contributions grant funded the purchase of vital new equipment for the Queen Charlotte Volunteer Fire Department including an air compressor and 10 self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs).  SCBA units are critical to firefighter safety. As personal protective equipment, SCBAs provide firefighters with breathable air while working in potentially hazardous


environments. Each unit includes an air compressor system, air cylinders, a harness, regulator, and face piece, providing firefighters greater protection from respiratory dangers and heat as well as potential injuries to the face, eyes, and spine. Important equipment to help keep our volunteers safe during dangerous situations.

WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM Our fund is well diversified over a number of economic sectors, geographic areas, and fund managers. We invest in Canadian and global equities, mortgages, bonds, and real estate. We utilize the expertise of three separate fund managers with all trades managed by our custodial teams at RBC & National Trust.

The Trust’s rate of return for 2020 was 6.84% as of year end. The Gwaii Trust Board continues to look for additional revenues through conservative incremental portfolio adjustments as markets evolve.

2011 2012 2013

6.04% 12.33% 16.08%






7% 8.4%





2019 2020




Animal Helpline, Spay/Neuter Project Thanks to this project led by Gwaii Animal Helpline, many lowincome households have been able to give their pets muchneeded veterinary care at no cost. Eligible cats and dogs visited Haida Gwaii Animal Hospital for spaying, neutering and other necessary treatments. These included some feral animals and many family pets whose owners would otherwise have been unable to afford treatments. Many people and organizations contributed to this project’s success to make sure that as many animals as possible received the care they needed. The BCSPCA provided a grant of $8,200, which was matched by Gwaii Trust. The Haida Gwaii Animal Hospital generously offered to provide exams, vaccines, flea treatments and necessary surgery at significantly reduced rates. As a result, 82 cats and dogs were able to be spayed or neutered. These contributions, with support from compassionate volunteers, have helped to preserve community safety, public health, and the well-being of many of Haida Gwaii’s beloved creatures.


Isaac Hill, BComm, Sauder School of Business Isaac Hill from HlGaagilda Skidegate is pursuing his career goals by completing the second year of his Bachelor of Commerce degree at UBC’s Sauder School of Business. He is passionate about his area of specialization in finance and accounting. “I’ve always enjoyed the concept of helping individuals and organizations make informed decisions based on statistics and information,” he says, “as well as the strategy behind business decisions.” Isaac says the Continuing Education Grants have provided much-needed support amid a full-time school schedule and extra-curricular activities. “The support of Gwaii Trust Society has allowed me to focus on the aspects of my life that I am passionate about: family, friends, and academics. Without your support, I wouldn’t have the opportunity I need to succeed.” After completing his degree, he plans to continue his education and earn a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.




85.9% 8.3% 5.8%

The Gwaii Trust spent approximately $7.9 million in 2020, up $1.1 million from 2019, and set aside a further .7%, or approximately $436,000, to protect our perpetual fund from inflation. Our expenses fall into four main categories: project spending, investment management and other professional fees, administration, and inflation protection*. As always in 2020 the biggest portion of our spending was on the grants we distribute to communities, local non-profit organizations and individual islanders, through our suite of programs.


$6,797,848 (85.9%) ADMINISTRATION:

This represents the total amount distributed by Gwaii Trust as grants in 2020, providing direct benefits to Haida Gwaii.

$657,424 (8.3%)

Almost all this money is spent on Haida Gwaii. It includes wages for our staff, honoraria for our board of directors, and rent and other expenses for both our North and South offices.

*INFLATION PROTECTION: $435,404 (0.7%) INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT & REGULATORY EXPENSES: $458,248 (5.8%) (not physically spent - Just reallocated as protected) This pays for investment managers and their custodians to look after the perpetual fund and ensure we are balancing the generation of income in the safest way possible with the best possible returns.

We do not include inflation as true spending as it is a reallocation of funds from earned income to protected funds. Every year we reinvest a portion of our income back into the perpetual fund so that its value won’t be eroded by inflation, protecting the original investment for future generations. This year’s amount reflects the Canadian Consumer Price Index of .7%. The core value of the Gwaii Trust was just under $62.6 Million at the end of 2020. Under our bylaws, this money can never be allocated or expended.


YOUTH GRANT Skidegate Youth Centre The pandemic made planning difficult for grant recipients like Hiit’aGan.iina Kuuyas Naay Skidegate Youth Centre (SYC), where in-person activities were often curtailed by public health restrictions. However, SYC successfully adapted their 2020 programs to meet community needs in a difficult time, using several Gwaii Trust Youth Grants to help them along the way. For example, budgets stayed flexible as programming changed. Though SYC had to cancel two planned events – a science-andcreativity camp and a hide tanning event – the organization was able to reallocate funds from Spring Programming toward COVID-safe activities. SYC instead purchased musical equipment that would allow teens to take lessons on guitar, ukulele, or drums. They also received a grant supporting Haida Crafts and Language Sessions that took place between January and June. Youth and their families participated in traditional singing, drum-making and beading workshops held online with Haida elder Sgaalanglaay Gaamdamaay Vernon Williams Jr.

And finally, funding for Fall/Winter Programming supported a series of remote activities to help teens learn about food sovereignty, plants, traditional medicines, and the Xaayda Kil language. Participants followed a photo-based scavenger hunt and attended educational sessions online. As part of the program, they also received care packages of healthy food delivered door-to-door by volunteers. By keeping youth connected and active through these and other programs, the youth centre was able to promote emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being while passing Haida traditions forward.

Left: L-R Roseanne, Dale, and Maya. Photo credit Clayton George. Right: Sgaalanglaay Gaamdamaay Vernon Williams Jr.





178 33 260















CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUCCESSFUL GRANT APPLICANTS FOR 2020 ARTS Carsen Gray Christian White Jay Adrien Robert Bellis Village of Queen Charlotte Thomas Arnatt Lexi Forbes Renora Kwiaahwah Jones Cherie Goetzinger

Carsen Lee Gray Red Cedar Bark Ceremonial Mask Children's Button Blanket Honouring Queen Charlotte United Church Haida Bird Portraits Children's book - The Gassy Lass Gaayinguuhlaas: The Life and Adventures of Dr. Roy Jones Sr. Children's Book - Taryn Amelia, Kitty Gets A Kitty

ARTS WORKSHOPS Kirsten Oike Gwaii Singers Amber Faktor Judy Mckinley Haida Gwaii Arts Council Daisy White

Kirsten Oike Gwaii Singers: Spring 2020 Choral Workshops Tiny Dishes Workshop Watercolour Portrait Skills Development All Island Art Show - Workshop & Adjudication Tluu Xaadaa Naay Totem Pole

$3,000 $1,400 $3,000 $1,442 $2,342 $3,000

COMMUNITY EVENTS Village of Port Clements Village of Queen Charlotte Sandspit Community Society

Winter Events Easter, Fireworks, Holiday Lights, Night Market Winter Light Festival

$4,731 $5,000 $5,000

COMMUNITY INNOVATION Haida Child and Family Services Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission Village of Queen Charlotte Port Clements Historical Society Animal Helpline GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School Laskeek Bay Conservation Society Skidegate Youth Centre Q.C.C. Volunteer Fire Prevention Society

ASIST 2020 ASMR: Sounds of Haida Gwaii Queen Charlotte Fire Inspection Program Digitizing the Port Clements Museum Archives Spay and Neuter 2020 Food Safe for Students Lookout Point Observation Shelter Project and Deer Fence Storage Shed Uniforms and Apparel

EDUCATION & TRAVEL Continuing Education Travel Assistance*

260 Grants 67 Grants

$10,000 $8,100 $9,804 $537 $6,173 $2,000 $10,000 $2,500

$5,450 $2,683 $5,279 $7,000 $8,200 $2,875 $7,000 $10,000 $7,802 $370,000 $74,120

*Put on hold in March of 2020 following Covid-19 outbreak

FOOD SECURITY Skidegate Health Centre Islands Wellness Society Adult Day Program Old Massett Local Foods to School Program Healthy Communities Noni Lil's School District #50

Greenhouse Seeds Feed the People Food Bank ADP North End Food Bank Local Foods Pantry Feed the Hungry Soup Kitchen Caring and Sharing School Food

$1,000 $36,000 $40,000 $47,000 $2,500 $5,220 $94,000

HAIDA LANGUAGE Old Massett Village Council Haida Gwaii Museum

Xaad Kil Nee Haida Gwaii Mentor Apprentice Program

$60,000 $60,000

KIDS CAMPS Mount Moresby Adventure Camp Swan Bay Rediscovery Rediscovery

Camp, Out! Swan Bay Rediscovery Camps 2020* T'aalan Stl'ang Food Security and Xaad Kil Curriculum*

$30,000 $30,000 $30,000

MAJOR CONTRIBUTION Rediscovery T'aalan Stl'ang Q.C.C. Volunteer Fire Prevention Society Village of Masset Port Clements Historical Society Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace Qay'llnagaay Heritage Centre Society SCHOOL DISTRICT #50 Youth Leadership Award Highschool Bursaries


*Approved with condition that no camps be held while State of Emergency in effect

T'aalan Stl'ang Safety Upgrades SCBA Equipment Equipment upgrade 2020 Port Clements Museum Roofing Project HGSCP Greening the Roofs Project Haida Heritage Centre Building Repairs 2 students 33 students

$85,459 $109,200 $26,986 $33,745 $97,264 $47,346 $1,000 $45,000

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUCCESSFUL GRANT APPLICANTS FOR 2020 SPECIAL PROJECTS Misty Isles Economic Development Society Misty Isles Economic Development Society

Haida Gwaii Community Energy Plan Rennell Sound Recreation Site Improvement Project

$90,000 $600,000

VIBRANT HAIDA GWAII COMMUNITIES Graham East Coast Farmers Institute Tlell Firefighters Association Village of Port Clements Sandspit Community Society Sandspit Volunteer Fire Department Secretariat of the Haida Nation Village of Port Clements Skidegate Fire Department Society Village of Port Clements Old Massett Village Council Village of Masset Secretariat of the Haida Nation Sandspit Harbour Society Village of Port Clements Sandspit Community Society Village of Port Clements Village of Masset Village of Masset Miller Creek Neighbourhood Village of Port Clements North Coast Regional District Secretariat (Council) of the Haida Nation Village of Queen Charlotte Old Massett Village Council Village of Port Clements Lawnhill Community Association

Tlell Farmers Market Upgrade Tlell Community Hall Port Clements Tourism Advocate Mosquito Lake Rehabilitation Sandspit Fire Tender & SCBA Replacement Project Financial and Organizational Review Public Works Truck Replacement Fire Safety Equipment Upgrade/Replace Office Improvement Project OMVC Seafood Masset Market and Artisans Co-op Food Security Project Pile Driving / Storm Reinforcement Project Weight Room Upgrade Strategic Planning Firehall Floors and Stairs Upgrade Sewer Cleaner Masset Airport Storage Project Miller Creek Improvement Project Public Works Yard Improvement Vibrant Sandspit Haida Knowledge Project Firefighting and Public Works Improvements Sewer Cleaner Trailer Port Clements Public Works Truck Replacement Lawnhill Community Association Upgrades 2020

$67,000 $242,645 $51,515 $85,047 $283,153 $40,000 $131,562 $266,000 $23,007 $57,500 $43,070 $500,000 $185,370 $25,005 $4,933 $26,560 $102,135 $87,209 $14,738 $55,742 $211,642 $460,000 $55,000 $80,000 $131,562 $34,784

WINTER HOLIDAYS GRANT Old Massett Village Council Village of Masset Village of Port Clements Skidegate Band Council Village of Queen Charlotte Lord of Life Church Society Sandspit

Turkey, Gift Cards Gift Cards Food for Seniors, Breakfast with Santa, Tlell/Port Bucks Gift Cards Gift Cards, Food Bank, Hampers Hampers and Children's Gifts

$11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000

YOUTH GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School Gudangaay Tlaats'gaa Naay Athletics Sk'aadgaa Naay Elementary School Queen Charlotte Support Services Society Haida Gwaii Museum Society Skidegate Youth Centre Skidegate Youth Centre Mount Moresby Adventure Camp Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission Gudangaay Tlaats'gaa Naay Athletics Laskeek Bay Conservation Society Skidegate Youth Centre Haida Gwaii Museum Society Tahayghen Elementary School

Senior French Language Exchange Vancouver Sun Run Grade 7 Trip - Lepas Bay Youth Mentorship Grant Connectivity, Collaboration & Education Project Summer/Fall Skidegate Youth Engagement Haida Crafts & Language for Youth Rolling Kayaks Haida Gwaii Recreation Annual Summer Camp Program 2020 GTN Biking Project Limestone 2020 Youth Centre Spring Activities Connectivity, Collaboration & Education During Uncertain Times Tahayghen and PCES Bike project

$5,000 $10,000 $9,000 $5,000 $10,000 $9,098 $10,000 $1,313 $8,000 $2,500 $7,000 $3,500 $10,000 $7,390

YOUTH CENTRED COMMUNITIES Village of Queen Charlotte Sandspit Recreation Committee Skidegate Youth Centre Port Clements Historical Society

Queen Charlotte Youth Centre Operations 2020 Biking the Bay Peer2Peer Support Staff Developing a Social Media Presence

$10,000 $4,825 $10,000 $10,000


GWAII TRUST RESPONDS TO COVID-19 Covid-19 Emergency Response Grant Within weeks of the 2020 Covid-19 variant being declared a pandemic, the Board of Directors struck an emergency committee to discuss a response. The Covid-19 Emergency Response Grant was developed and made available to the public by the end of March 2020 to provide short-term financial assistance to organizations providing direct response and support to the residents and communities of Haida Gwaii. Between April and December, a total of 42 applications were approved, providing over $835,000 in grants.

Haida Gwaii Staycation Grant In July the Board of Directors launched the Staycation Grant, providing 178 grants to help residents of Haida Gwaii explore onisland adventure opportunities, and to provide support for local tourism businesses.

Community Foundations of Canada - Emergency Community Support Fund In partnership with Community Foundations of Canada and the Government of Canada, $110,000 from the Emergency Community Support Fund went to applicants working with vulnerable populations.

Vancouver Foundation - Capacity Grant The Gwaii Trust received a $30,000 Vancouver Foundation Capacity Grant. This grant supplemented the Old Massett Village Council’s Covid-19 Emergency Response Grant providing 5lbs of halibut to all households on the islands.

Clockwise from top left. Masset Soup Kitchen: 30-35 meals were served per week at the Masset Soup Kitchen. Food to School: Emmy O’Gorman supported youth managing school gardens all summer. Sandspit meals on wheels: Pat, a volunteer and Armand (chef owner of Cedar & Salt, one of the supplying restaurants in the program.) OMVC Halibut project: Ada Swanson loading bags for the community.


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS OF THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY RESPONSE GRANT COVID-19 EMERGENCY RESPONSE GRANT MIEDS / Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital Cedarview Church Bethel Assembly Village of Queen Charlotte Sandspit Senior Citizens / Thrift Store XaaydaGa Diaang Society / Skidegate Health Centre EOC Skidegate Saints School District #50 Island Wellness Society / Food Bank Sandspit Community Society Sandspit Community Society Skidegate Youth Centre Hecate Strait Employment Development Local Food to School Village of Masset Healthy Communities Haida Health Centre - Maternal Child and Health Haida Health Centre - Niislaa Naay Healing House Society Hospital Day Society Village of Masset EOC Queen Charlotte Support Services Council of the Haida Nation Council of the Haida Nation GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Games Club Delkatla Sanctuary Society Sandspit Community Society Haida Gwaii Fitness Association OMVC Admin Office Chief Matthews School NHA Haida Gwaii Mental Health & Addictions Village of Masset Local Food to School Village of Port Clements Local Food to School Village of Port Clements OMVC Admin Office Skidegate Fire Department Society Council of the Haida Nation Old Massett Village Council QCC Volunteer Fire Prevention Society QCC Community Club Local Food to School Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Skidegate Band Council Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital Living and Learning School St. Paul's Anglican Church

Healthy Snacks for Healthcare Workers Financial assistance for Port Clements residents Utilities & Food Delivery Covid Pandemic Response Thrift Store Rent Honoraria, PPE, Supplies, iPads, Communications Saints Give Back - K'aaw Technology Relief Fund (70 Devices & Internet for Families in Need) Food, Support Staff Food for Youth Meals on Wheels Youth Activities Support to Access Government Fund Assistance Food, Delivery, Support Staff COVID PPE Equipment Masset Soup Kitchen Meals for Families with Children under 6 Meal Prep and Delivery for Adult Day Program Clients iPads for Patients Soup Kitchen Youth Tutoring Youth iPads for Elders Business Supports GKNS Yearbook Utilities, Sanitizing Supplies Meals on Wheels Reopening Plan Garden Project iPads for Students Consumer and Family Initiatives Fund (Client Support) Community Garden Summer Food Hampers Meal Prep and Delivery (60 Community Members) Hire Students to Take Care of School Greenhouse Upgrades to Gym Halibut for All Island PPE Equipment PPE Bulk buying initiative Deer Meat for Old Massett Village Members PPE Equipment Insurance and Utilities for the Queen Charlotte Hall Haida Gwaii Food Strategy Webinars WISE (Winter activities for Isolated Seniors and Elders) Food Hampers Tents for Outdoor Wellness Warrior Meetings COVID-Related Cleaning and Air Filtration Thrift Shop Utilities, COVID Supplies


178 Grants



Halibut for All Island


COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS OF CANADA - EMERGENCY COMMUNITY SUPPORT FUND Literacy Haida Gwaii iPad loans for Seniors and Vulnerable Learners Vancouver Island Regional Library VIRL Digital Care Packages for Care Homes Queen Charlotte Support Services Haida Gwaii Summer School and Camp for Vulnerable Kids Canadian Cancer Society Upgrade Lodge Accommodations Let's Talk Science The Horizon Project - STEM Based Learning Resources Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace Flight to Freedom - Transition House Food Security Project Old Massett Village Council Deer Meat for Old Massett Village Members Skidegate Band Council Food Hampers and Men's Group Expenses Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace Flight to Freedom - Greenhouse Staff

$1,000 $20,000 $5,000 $10,000 $1,800 $10,000 $2,250 $50,000 $31,190 $5,000 $11,699 $1,778 $13,568 $25,000 $2,000 $14,563 $9,000 $26,400 $475 $16,700 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $2,000 $2,000 $17,738 $13,500 $42,190 $13,734 $25,000 $8,933 $33,600 $9,600 $2,700 $4,282 $116,300 $7,904 $11,000 $50,000 $5,620 $20,000 $5,000 $12,000 $30,000 $1,943 $6,936 $5,070

$4,300 $3,175 $5,000 $5,000 $824 $21,560 $20,000 $20,000 $30,000


VIBRANT HAIDA GWAII COMMUNITIES GRANT 2020 saw the conclusion of Gwaii Trust’s Vibrant Haida Gwaii Communities Grant which provided each of the seven Gwaii Trust communities with flexible, guaranteed annual funding of $250,000 per year over four years for a total funding commitment of $7 million. The grant was established in 2016 to fund community infrastructure projects and basic physical systems that are so

vital to a community’s economic development and prosperity. Grants have ranged from $5,000 for the Sandspit Community Society to do strategic planning, to a $500,000 food security project led by the Secretariat of the Haida Nation, but all have made an important impact within our communities.

Old Massett Village Council, OMVC Seafood The pandemic has been a challenging time for so many people, but Old Massett Village Council (OMVC) provided relief and meaningful assistance in the form of fresh, locally caught seafood. This project had two stages. The first focused on Masset and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett. Local fishers gathered 6,000 pounds of seafood to provide roughly 400 north Graham Island households with 15 pounds of seafood each – enough for many meals. An additional 1,000 pounds was collected, packaged, and given to food programs. This effort was funded by a Vibrant Haida Gwaii Communities grant of $57,500.

The second stage was even more ambitious. In a generous act of goodwill, five pounds of halibut were given to every household on Haida Gwaii. OMVC again led this all-island delivery program, which was funded by a COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant of $146,300. The widespread seafood gifts were a great boost to morale. They also provided much-needed material help, especially for lower-income families and those facing financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Left: Leona Clow fishing. Top right: one of the workers at CBI cutting Halibut. Right bottom: the Rangers and Alan Frick from CBI delivering the Halibut to Waan Kun Port Clements.


VIBRANT HAIDA GWAII COMMUNITIES GRANT Sandspit Harbour Society Pile Driving/Storm Reinforcement Project

After the docks at Sandspit Harbour sustained storm damage, an engineer advised that the Harbour required extra reinforcement for its most exposed docks. To protect the docks, Sandspit Harbour Society (SHC) used a Vibrant Haida Gwaii Communities grant of $185,370 to fund a pile driving project to install or relocate six piles. Community health remained a high priority during this project due to the potential spread of COVID-19. SHC’s volunteer board of directors hired contractors from Prince Rupert with expertise in pile driving and marine infrastructure, and the board ensured

that the project would follow all necessary safety precautions to prevent illness. To keep island communities safe, all workers arrived with Essential Work Permits, were isolated, and were brought any food and supplies they needed to avoid needing to come into direct contact with Sandspit residents. Sandspit Harbour is a key piece of infrastructure in North Moresby Island, and its continued operation will benefit Haida Gwaii residents and visitors while ensuring the tourism industry can rebound as quickly as possible after restrictions are lifted. Photos by Evan Putterill.

Village of Masset, Masset Market and Artisan Co-op During the fall and winter months, stormy weather makes it more difficult for Masset Market vendors and customers to gather outdoors. To help this weekly event thrive throughout the year, Masset Market has leased a vacant building on Main Street with support from a Vibrant Haida Gwaii Communities grant of $43,070.31. Masset Market has gained an indoor home while also providing a new, collaborative space for a local artisans’ co-op. Following this change, overall revenue at Masset Market is expected to rise along with higher numbers of vendors and

customers. The updated building will also house studio and gallery space for the artisans’ co-op, where artists and makers will be able to regularly to display and sell their work. The grant contributes to costs for site renovations. New roofing, siding, windows, doors, interior walls, and a second washroom, among other items, are being installed. The market will also gain dedicated on-site storage space. The end result will be an attractive destination for local residents as well as future visitors to Haida Gwaii. The new space is expected to open in May 2021.


Image: Jay Bellis Gid Gindajing Dudu.aayangaas child’s dragonfly blanket. The crest design on this blanket is a Duduaayanga dragonfly surrounded by k’aam little flies. Part of Children’s Button Blankets Project (see page 8). Photo by Jack Litrell.

PO Box 588, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 162 Raven Ave, Old Massett Phone: 1-800-663-2388 • 250-626-3654

PO Box 1257, Skidegate, BC V0T 1S1 226 Front Street, Skidegate Phone: 1-877-559-8883 • 250-559-8883

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