Annual Report 2022

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Ethel Jones

Watson Price

Ada Yovanovich

Adolphus Marks


Brad Collinson

Frederick Donald Davis

Mervin James Dunn

Andrew Harold Edgars

Lawrence Morris Jones

Colin Stuart Richardson

Ronald Richard Russ

Noel Douglas White

Martin Williams

John Yeltatzie


Harold L. Yeltatzie

Willard Wilson

Diane Kathleen Brown

Rose Lynn Russ

Laura Carol Williams

Richard Craig Williams

Reginald Max Wesley

James Franklin McGuire

Merle Emily Adams

Henry Grady Wilson

Barbara Grace Stevens

Jacqueline Kim Yovanovich


Kenneth John Davis

John Thomas Jones

Christopher M. Collison

Barry Deon Bell

Teddy Elroy Williams


Valerie Jones

Laverne Collinson

Diana Jacqueline Hans

Patricia Ann Gellerman

Paulette Laverne Robinson

Marni Lynn York

Colleen Marissa Williams

Audra Charlyn Collinson

David James M. Brock

James Thomas Stelkia

Mervin James Dunn

Joey Abel T. Parnell

Vincent Paul Pearson

Jody Henry Russ

Ronald Ernest Wilson

Lawrence Drager

Sally Ann Edgars


Marie Pearson

Russell Clive Edgars

Harold Owen Wilson

Herman Collinson

Clayton E Gladstone

Gordon Donovan Russ

Stuart McLean

Michael Earl Allen

Troy Pearson

Frank Coleman Baker

Fred M. Richardson


Marchel Ann Shannon

Shelley Louise Lavoie

Waneeta Ruth Richardson

Jennifer F. Davidson

Ronald Torres Souza

Alfred Setso

James Irvin Stanley


Dorothy Eva Russ

James Young


Linda Louise Day

Beatrice Mae Drager

Ronald Alexander George

Nigel Marc Pearson

Harold George Williams



Miles Richardson Jr.


John Yeltatzie

Diane Brown

Arnie Bellis

Frederick Davis

Colin Richardson

Roberta Olsen

Lawrence Jones

Martin Williams

Michael Nicoll Yaghulanaas

Willard Wilson

| Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Those who stood on the line About Gwaii Trust Message from the Chair and COO Meeting Attendance Governance Project: Community Innovation Our Staff Projects: Youth and Food Security Year in Review Project: Haida Language What we Funded Project: Major Contributions Where the Money Comes From Projects: Community Events and Continuing Education Financial Highlights Successful Applicants 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
FRONT AND BACK COVER Arts Grant recipient, Carrie Anne Vanderhoop Naaxiin Robe: Monarch of the Sea
Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 3
(Photos Jack Litrell)


The Gwaii Trust Society owns and manages a multi-million-dollar perpetual fund for the benefit of all the people of Haida Gwaii. The fund generates investment income and the Society distributes part of that income every year through a variety of grant programs.


In 1985, after more than a decade of attempts to work with the provincial government to protect the South Moresby Wilderness area, the Haida Nation designated what is now known as Gwaii Haanas, a Haida Heritage Site and a blockade was held on Lyell Island. The political standoff at Lyell Island brought worldwide attention to the issues of the land title dispute, the environment and economic matters. In 1988, the South Moresby Agreement was signed, which designated the area a National Park Reserve and created a Regional Economic Development Initiative fund.

Representatives of the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN) and the Residents Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC) established an Accord on the Community Development Fund. In spite of legislative hostilities and other societal encumbrances to cross-cultural understanding, and after years of difficult work, the results evolved into the Gwaii Trust Interim Planning Society (GTIPS).

The GTIPS was established in accordance with the Society Act of British Columbia in November 1991. Its purpose was to develop a permanent model for a locally controlled, interest-generating fund. The Gwaii Trust Society would be founded on principles to achieving a sustainable Islands community.

The Gwaii Trust Society was formed in September 1994 to operate the perpetual Gwaii Trust Fund, and the GTIPS was dissolved as a society.


In 1994 the Society started with $38.2 million contributed by the federal government as part of the agreement that created Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. At the end of 2022 our fund was worth approximately $91 million.

Our goals are clear: to work together to promote the health and well-being of our community, and make Haida Gwaii an even better place to live. We make our decisions by consensus and we believe in fairness, equity, collaborating to solve problems, building trust, and being willing to change. We know that to ensure a sustainable community, we must plan and manage our development in ways that reflect our cultural and environmental uniqueness.

Our fund is invested in equities, bonds and mortgage/ real estate funds, and generates millions of dollars every year in investment income. Every year, we reinvest part of that income to protect our core value from inflation, and distribute most of the remaining money to communities, non-profit societies and individuals on Haida Gwaii through our grant programs.

Our volunteer board is made up of eight directors and eight alternates, representing the Haida and Civic communities equally. Our chair is nominated for appointment by the Council of the Haida Nation. We also have a youth board made up of islanders between the ages of 13 and 21 who make recommendations on our Youth Grants.


The Gwaii Trust will enhance environmentally sustainable social and economic benefits to Haida Gwaii through the use of the fund.


The Gwaii Trust will advocate and support an Islands community characterized by respect for cultural diversity, the environment, and a sustainable and increasingly self-sufficient economy.


The Gwaii Trust Society is provincially registered as a non-profit society to maximize tax exemption for the Trust.

| Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 4

Sii.ngaay’láa Greetings

I am grateful to be able to serve the Board in my new role as Chair, and I would like to express my sincere Haawa’s to the previous Board Chair, as well as Directors and staff. Their dedication, care and responsiveness helped Haida Gwaii communities remain resilient through the pandemic, and that deserves recognition.

We continue to adapt. Over the past several years, equity investments have been through a roller coaster of gains and losses. The Board felt a greater need for steady, reliable investment returns that align with our goals, so we began the year with a review and on-boarding of new investment managers.

Moving onward, we look forward to bringing the Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust under local stewardship. To make this happen, we continue to work with the Province of B.C. to correct the related legislation, and we have been engaged in community consultation with residents across Haida Gwaii. We want to be in a position to act quickly as soon as

the Athlii Gwaii funds are made available for projects. These funds, along with investments from new donors toward the Haida Gwaii Community Foundation, will make a meaningful impact on local initiatives.

Another priority is to create a new five-year strategic plan. In preparation, the Board has engaged the Centre for Social Innovation and Impact Investing from UBC Sauder School of Business. They will perform an external performance review of the effectiveness of the Trust as per the requirement of our bylaws. We anticipate community interviews, surveys and the delivery of a report back to the Board in early July. Once the report has been presented, we will book our strategic planning session, which is anticipated for September 2023.

After years of operating with vacant positions, we have undertaken a review of Gwaii Trust Society staffing to address capacity concerns. The Board has approved a new organizational structure, and we will soon be posting positions seeking local talent.

I look forward to the opportunities ahead to continue Gwaii Trust Society’s positive impact on all island communities.

Haawa Thank you, Huux Percy Crosby, Chair


Since 1994, the Trust has granted over $94 million in grants on Haida Gwaii. Hearing that number, people may wonder how the money has been spent and may be disappointed that the impacts of Gwaii Trust aren’t immediately apparent.

My response would be that while Gwaii Trust’s influence is not always conspicuous, it is ubiquitous. Gwaii Trust is woven into the very fabric of life on Haida Gwaii. Everywhere you look, funding from the Trust is improving life on our islands. Over the past twenty-nine years, the Trust has become an integral part of life on Haida Gwaii, assisting in areas such as education, language, food security, arts, travel, youth, infrastructure, and community events. In fact, there are few aspects of island life where Gwaii Trust has not had an impact.

We are fortunate to have this fund, and that we are able to pivot when needed in response to the changing needs of

the communities. Despite the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have remained resilient and adaptable, finding new and innovative ways to support Haida Gwaii and improve life where we can through the work of our grantees. The Trust is also always looking for ways to improve its own work.

This coming year, the Board is undergoing a review of its activities from 2017-2022. This review will help not only to ensure that the Trust is living up to its policies and stated mandates but will also recommend improvements to the organization and grant programs. The Board is looking for input from the community through surveys and engagement sessions on what they think the Trust is doing right and how we can improve.

We are proud to be a part of the fabric of life on Haida Gwaii, and we are committed to continuing to invest in initiatives that promote the well-being of the communities we serve.

Haawa Thank You

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Attendance record for the Gwaii Trust Chair, Directors, and Alternates at board and standing committee meetings from May, 2022 to April, 2023.

(Note: Alternate attendance is not mandatory at board meetings. Directors are in bold, Alternates are in regular text.)

“People are like trees, and groups of people are like the forests. While the forests are composed of many different kinds of trees, these trees intertwine their roots so strongly that it is impossible for the strongest winds which blow on our islands to uproot the forest, for each tree strengthens its neighbour, and their roots are inextricably intertwined.

In the same way the people of our Islands, composed of members of nations and races from all over the world, are beginning to intertwine their roots so strongly that no troubles will affect them.

Just as one tree standing alone would soon be destroyed by the first strong wind which came along, so it is impossible for any person, any family or any community to stand alone against the troubles of this world.”

~ Chief Skidegate, Lewis Collinson - March, 1966

This quote has served as a long standing reminder to the Trust and its directors of the importance of unity and consensus.

ROLE COMMUNITY Board Meetings Executive Audit & Finance Youth Board Huux Percy Crosby Chair 11/12 15/15 Freda Davis Director Old Massett Village Council 8/12 13/15 Jade Collison Alternate Old Massett Village Council 6/12 Lisa Hageman Director CHN Old Massett 6/12 Vince Collison Alternate CHN Old Massett 7/12 3/5 Gidin Jaad Erica Jean Reid Director CHN Skidegate 11/12 4/4 Gaagwiis Jason Alsop Alternate CHN Skidegate 0/12 Maureen Bailey Director Graham Island Central 12/12 15/15 5/5 Elizabeth Condrotte Alternate Graham Island Central 7/9 3/3 Berry Wijdeven* Alternate Graham Island Central 3/3 Bret Johnston Director Graham Island North 12/12 3/5 Terry Carty Alternate Graham Island North 8/12 Clyde Greenough Director Graham Island South 12/12 2/5 Geoffrey Martynuik Alternate Graham Island South 7/12 1/5 Billy Yovanovich Director Skidegate Band Council 12/12 Michelle (Ooka) Pinault Alternate Skidegate Band Council 8/12 Laurie Chisholm Director Area E (Sandspit) 9/12 2/5 Flavien Mabit Alternate Area E (Sandspit) 9/12 *joined March, 2023 | Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 6


CHAIR: Huux Percy Crosby

VICE CHAIR: Ganaay Billy Yovanovich




CHN SKIDEGATE Gidin Jaad Erica Jean Reid

SKIDEGATE BAND COUNCIL Ganaay Billy Yovanovich






Vince Collison

Jade Collison

Gaagwiis Jason Alsop

Michelle (Ooka) Pineault

Terry Carty

Elizabeth Condrotte / Berry Wijdeven

Geoffrey Martynuik

Flavien Mabit


CHAIR: Gidin Jaad Erica Jean Reid

VICE CHAIR: Elizabeth Condrotte




CHN SKIDEGATE Xiila Guujaaw, Tamara Hooper

SKIDEGATE BAND COUNCIL Marika Gladstone, Taanggunaay Grinder



GRAHAM ISLAND SOUTH Greta Romas, Zoey Collinson

AREA E (MORESBY ISLAND) Jordyn Zarry, Riley Dorman

L to R: Flavien Mabit, Terry Carty, Billy Yovanovich, Vince Collison, COO Carla Lutner, Clyde Greenough, Bret Johnston, Berry Wijdeven, Erica Reid, Percy Crosby, Laurie Chisholm, Maureen Bailey, Ooka Pineault, Freda Davis
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Community Innovation Grant

Haida Gwaii Renewable Energy Symposium 2.0

Swiilawiid Sustainability Society

Swiilawiid Sustainability Society is a place-based social profit dedicated to the well-being of the lands, waters, and people on Haida Gwaii. In 2022 the organization received a $10,000 grant from Gwaii Trust to support the second Haida Gwaii Renewable Energy Symposium, co-hosted with the Council of the Haida Nation.

The event, which took place over two days at the Haida Heritage Centre at K ay Llnagaay, was held in March of 2023 and welcomed over 160 guests. It brought together Islanders of all ages to learn more about Haida Gwaii’s current energy reality and our shared commitment to community-owned, small-scale renewable energy.

Community Innovation

| Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 8
Photo courtesy Swiilawiid Sustainability Society

Manages the day-to-day operations for the Gwaii Trust Society, including staff management, public relations and oversight of the various programs Gwaii Trust administers.

Manages the day-to-day financial operations, preparing accounts payable and receivables, payroll and in-house financial statements.


Manages the Continuing Education, Travel Assistance, and Haida Gwaii Staycation grant programs.

for Gwaii Trust, Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust and the Haida Gwaii Community Foundation.

Manages most of Gwaii Trust’s grant programs. Meghan acts as a community resource supporting islanders and organizations through the application process and project life cycle.

Manages communications for Gwaii Trust, Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust and the Haida Gwaii Community Foundation, and supports the Gwaii Trust Youth Board.

Carla Lutner Chief Operations Officer Pam Hill Grant Coordinator Christine Carty Finance & Administration Manager Ruby Decock Administration & Finance Assistant Finance and administrative support Meghan Cross Project Officer Joey Rudichuk Communications Officer
Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 9

Food Security Grant

Islands Wellness Society

Feed the People Food Bank

The Feed the People Food Bank serves HlGaagilda

Skidegate, Daajing Giids, K’il Kun Sandspit, Tll.aal Tlell, and surrounding communities. Run by Bonnie & Shani from the Islands Wellness Society, along with two volunteers, Doodie & Bree, their mission is to assist individuals and families in meeting their basic food needs and achieving food security. Their monthly food bank distribution list includes 350 individuals on average, as well as emergency food boxes upon request.

In support of food access for the residents of Haida Gwaii, Gwaii Trust offers two grants: the Food Security grant, which provides stable, annual funding to organizations that support access to food for the residents of Haida Gwaii; and the Food Sovereignty grant for smaller projects that contribute to improving sustainable local food production, harvesting, and distribution. In 2022 Gwaii Trust funded ten grants, including the School District 50 School Food Program, for a total of $327,020.

Youth &

Youth Centred Community Grant

Haida Gwaii Recreation

After School Program in K’il Kun

This pilot after school program provided quality, multi-day programming in K’il Kun Sandspit, led by certified instructors. Due to the remoteness of the location and lack of youth centre, this program created an opportunity for youth to stay in their communities while building a variety of fun skills. It also helped support local instructors from various communities who shared their knowledge in both arts and sports programs, providing opportunities for the kids to participate in gymnastics, karate, and felting.

The Gwaii Trust Youth Program encompasses both the Youth Grant and the Youth Centred Communities Grant, providing support for educational and recreational services aimed at youth on Haida Gwaii. In 2022 this included programs like the Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay trip to Ottawa, events for youth at the Port Clements Museum, and the Haida Gwaii Youth Soccer League.

Food Security

Photo courtesy Haida Gwaii Recreation
Trust Annual Report 2022 10
Bonnie Olson & Shani Goetzinger. Photo courtesy Island Wellness Society
YEAR IN REVIEW $180,000 $118,630 $123,000 $90,000 $60,000 $45,000 $60,000 $48,000 $341,000 $1.2 million Haida Gwaii Staycation Community & Holiday Events HAIDA LANGUAGE KIDS CAMPS All-Islands Protocol Table for HIGH SCHOOL BURSARIES Youth Programs CONTINUING EDUCATION TRAVEL for Major Contributions 230 GRANTS 120 GRANTS Community Innovation | food banks | soup kitchens | lunch programs | | community gardens | farmers’ markets | greenhouses | in Arts Grants $327,000 for FOOD PROGRAMS supporting initiatives to revitalize and sustain the Haida language 131GRANTS educational, cultural, arts, senior, sports events Designed to encourage all Haida Gwaii residents to pursue educational opportunities of all kinds, both on and off-island. Supporting larger projects in community infrastructure and planning. for for participate in Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 11

The purpose of the Haida Language grant is to support initiatives to revitalize and sustain the Haida language. Each year financial support is directed at the three Haida language organizations on island, Xaad Kíl Née, Skidegate Haida Immersion Program (SHIP), and the Haida Gwaii Mentor Apprentice Program (MAP), enabling them to pursue projects that will improve fluency, transfer knowledge from one generation to the next, and nurture mentorships.

Xaad Kíl Née has been running its language program since 2018. Last year, the organization expanded its Xaad Kil resources for the Gaw Tlagée Old Massett community and introduced remote learning, extending its reach into the United States.

With this $60,000 grant, along with a grant from the First Peoples Cultural Council, they were able to finance wages for two full-time staff, honoraria for three elder mentors, equipment, and four community sharing events.

SHIP also received a grant that supports instructor wages and Elder honoraria. Their experience is integral to the core function of the program; facilitating Elder’s knowledge, organizing class work, fulfilling proposal and reporting requirements, and hosting daily immersion classes.

Haida Language

Haida Language Grant Village of Old Massett, Xaad Kíl Née Skidegate Band Council, Skidegate Haida Immersion Program (SHIP) Xaad Kíl Née and SHIP come together for a luncheon in Skidegate.
| Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 12
Photo courtesy Xaad Kíl Née office


The Gwaii Trust spent approximately $4.2 million in 2022, and set aside a further 6.3%, or approximately $4.1 million, to protect our perpetual fund from inflation. Our expenses fall into four main categories: project spending, investment management and other professional fees, administration, and inflation protection. As always in 2022 the biggest portion of our spending was on the grants we distribute to communities, local non-profit organizations, and individual islanders, through our suite of programs.


Investment Management & Regulatory Expenses

$4.2 million


PROJECTS: $2,857,874 (68%)

This represents the total amount distributed by Gwaii Trust as grants in 2022, providing direct benefits to Haida Gwaii.


This pays for investment managers and their custodians to look after the perpetual fund and ensure we are balancing the generation of income in the safest way possible with the best possible returns.

ADMINISTRATION: $689,816 (17%)

Almost all this money is spent on Haida Gwaii. It includes wages for our staff, honoraria for our Board of Directors, and rent and other expenses for both our north and south offices.


(Not physically spent, just reallocated as protected)

We do not include inflation as true spending as it is a reallocation of funds from earned income to protected funds. Every year we reinvest a portion of our income back into the perpetual fund so that its value won’t be eroded by inflation, protecting the original investment for future generations. This year’s amount reflects the Canadian Consumer Price Index of 6.3%. The core value of the Gwaii Trust was just under $70 million at the end of 2022. Under our bylaws this money can never be allocated or expended.

Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 13

Major Contributions Grant

Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital

VOCERA Communication System

Our health care providers have faced a tremendously challenging few years throughout the COVID19 pandemic, and they are regularly competing for funding. Through the Major Contribution grant the Gwaii Trust has provided support to both the Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital (NHGH) in Masset and the Xaayda Gwaay Ngaaysdll Naay Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre (HGH) in Daajing Giids.

NHGH received a $117,000 grant to purchase a VOCERA communication system. This innovative and modern technology allows staff to communicate hands free with other healthcare workers, physicians and leadership without leaving their work area to get to a phone. It also provides a hands-free method to call outside of the facility for emergency assistance.

With a grant of $27,000, HGH was able to match budgeted funding to purchase, among other items, a lab microscope, defibrillator, and vaccine fridge.

Major Contributions

Nurse Manager, Michelle Simpson, and Cook/Housekeeper, Ryan Edgars wearing their VOCERA badge
| Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 14


Our fund is well diversified over a number of economic sectors, geographic areas, and fund managers. We invest in Canadian and global equities, mortgages, direct lending funds, infrastructure, bonds, and real estate. We utilize the expertise of four separate fund managers, including Nicola Wealth, PH&N, Axium Infrastructure and Northleaf Capital Partners.

The Trust’s rate of return for 2022 was .46% as of yearend.


In 2022 the Trust began the transition to a revised investment strategy to further diversify the funds. The new strategy decreases the equities and bonds in the portfolio and adds investments which have more predictable returns, such as infrastructure and direct lending.

In addition to reducing the volatility of the portfolio, the new strategy puts an emphasis on sustainable, fossil fuel-free investments. The Board moved its traditional investments from unrestricted pooled funds to fossil fuel free funds, Tla Yahda / Tll Yahda making right an error that had inadvertently allowed investment in companies that don’t align with Haida Gwaii values, including Enbridge, Suncor, and TC Energy.

The Board also selected two new Investment managers, Northleaf Capital and Axium Infrastructure, who have a focus on renewables and energy transition with investments such as wind and solar farms, and battery storage facilities.

Moving the funds over to the new investments will take time, with the full process taking up to two years to fully fund. We anticipate lower returns during this transition. These changes, over the long term, however, will reduce risk and smooth returns, ensuring strong and steady earnings in perpetuity.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 11.54% 0.4 6% 6.84% 11.4% -0.9% 8.4% 7% Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 15

Community and Holiday Events

Village of Daajing Giids

Easter Event

The Community and Holiday Events Grant is designed to support open and accessible community events for the residents of Haida Gwaii, providing up to $16,000 annually to each identified Gwaii Trust Community.

In 2022, Daajing Giids organized an Easter event, featuring a float that visited every street in Skidegate and Daajing Giids. Over 250 care packages were delivered by the Easter Bunny and two young supporters. The event also included an Easter egg hunt, which attracted over 80 participants who had fun searching for treats and toys and dancing with the Easter Bunny. In keeping with COVID-19 safety measures, all activities were held outdoors and set up for social distancing, allowing everyone to enjoy the day safely.

Continuing Education Grant

Hayley Mills

Early Childhood Education

Since 2020, Skidegate’s Hayley Mills has been working towards a goal of completing her diploma in Early Childhood Education at the Pacific Rim Early Childhood Institute. With continued funding from Gwaii Trust, she completed all three certificates required in January of 2023: Basic Early Childhood Educator, Infant/Toddler Educator, and Special Needs Educator. Congratulations, Hayley!

“Finishing these certificates gives [the] community another person to guide children through childhood with love, warmth, and respect.”

Community Events & Continuing Education

Photo courtesy Hayley Mills Photo courtesy Village of Daajing Giids
| Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 16


To the Directors of the Gwaii Trust Society


The summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at December 31, 2022 and the summary statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year then ended, are derived from the audited financial statements of the Gwaii Trust Society for the year ended December 31, 2022

In our opinion, the accompanying summary financial statements are a fair summary of the audited financial statements, in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.

Summary Financial Statements

The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the summary financial statements and the auditors' report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements and the auditors' report thereon. The summary financial statements and the audited financial statements do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the audited financial statements.

The Audited Financial Statements and Our Report Thereon

We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited financial statements in our report dated May 25, 2023.

Management's Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation of the summary financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.

Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the summary financial statements are a fair summary of the audited financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.

Chartered Professional Accountants

Campbell River, BC

May 25, 2023

2022 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Campbell River Office: 980 Alder Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 2P9 | Tel: 250.286.0744 | Fax: 250.286.1067 | Toll Free: 1.888.262.4829 Courtenay Office: #201 – 1532 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 2K4 | Tel: 778.225.1010 | Fax: 778.225.1011 Email: |
Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 17


ARTS Erica Jean Ryan ALM Drum Making Workshop $932.78 Tammy Jones Weaving Mentorship $3,000.00 Carrie Anne Vanderhoop Carrie Anne Vanderhoop $7,154.00 Jay Adrien Robert Bellis Chilkat Designing Mentorship $10,000.00 Dr. Norman A. Sloan Book - Blue Canada: Aquatic Area Conservation $7,500.00 Benedicte Hansen Red Silk River Art Project $2,227.92 Farah Nosh Those Who Went to Residential School Photography Project $7,500.00 Dwyer Gordon Cross Carving Apprenticeship $10,000.00 ALL-ISLANDS PROTOCOL TABLE Secretariat of the Haida Nation All-Islands Protocol Table $60,000.00 COMMUNITY AND HOLIDAY EVENTS Village of Daajing Giids Easter Event $1,000.00 Sandspit Community Society Loggers Sports Day $6,000.00 Skidegate Band Council Skidegate Days $16,000.00 Village of Daajing Giids Community and Winter Events $15,000.00 Village of Port Clements Winter Holiday Events $16,000.00 Old Massett Village Council OMVC Holiday hampers $16,000.00 Village of Masset VOM Community Holiday Events $16,000.00 The Lord of Life Community Church Area E Community and Holiday Events $10,000.00 COMMUNITY INNOVATION Masset Market Collective Society Mural Up Masset $3,500.00 Village of Port Clements Port Clements Seaview Ramp and Wheelchair Platform $10,000.00 Niislaa Naay Healing House Society Dental Dental Reconciliation $10,000.00 Niislaa Naay Healing House Society Wellness House Upgrade $5,929.44 Laskeek Bay Conservation Society Social Media Internship $8,485.10 Agnes L Mathers Elementary School Sandspit Weight Room Flooring and Equipment $3,664.12 Village of Masset Concept Plan for Masset Seaplane Terminal Building and Site $10,000.00 Archipelago Ground Search & Rescue 2022 PHS1 Training Logistics and Supplies Project $10,000.00 SD 50 Early Learning Programming PALS drum program $4,861.50 Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital Wellness Camp 2022 $1,500.00 Swiilawiid Sustainability Society Haida Gwaii Renewable Energy Symposium 2.0 $10,000.00 Islands Wellness Society Illness Whispers Workshop $1,822.49 Haida Gwaii Amateur Radio Club Haida Gwaii ham radio repeater replacement $10,000.00 Gowgaia Institute Gowgaia Poster Maps Update $10,000.00 Skidegate Band Council Youth Engagement & Empowerment $5,664.00 Niislaa Naay Healing House Society Mother's Art Group $7,143.32 Old Massett Village Council Haida Language App Art Project (HLAAP) $10,000.00 FOOD SECURITY School District 50 Haida Gwaii School Food Program $120,000.00 St. John's Anglican Church Caring and Sharing $3,000.00 Islands Wellness Society Feed the People Foodbank $47,000.00 Local Food 2 School Haida Gwaii Local Food Pantry $48,000.00 OMVC Adult Day Program OMVC Food Bank $52,000.00 The Haida Gwaii Healthy Communities Society Soup Kitchen 2022 $7,020.00
SOVEREIGNTY A L Mathers Elementary School Community Garden $1,572.75 Local Food 2 School Harvesting Traditional Food Program $15,000.00 Haida Gwaii Museum Society Haida Gwaii Food Strategy Project $19,477.25 Graham Island East Coast Farmers Institute Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Market Expansion $13,950.00 | Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 18
Niislaa Naay Healing House Society Niislaa Naay T'sang - Healing House Teeth $63,000.00 Old Massett Village Council Land Based Healing Camp $25,000.00 Haida Gwaii Hospital & Health Centre - Xaayda Gwaay Ngaaysdll Naay Kal Naay Alder House Integrated Mental Health Support $25,000.00 Island Wellness Society Mental Health Position $25,844.50 HAIDA GWAII COVID19 RESPONSE XaaydaGa Dlaang Society Tllyahda – Make it Right Healing Circles to Heal from the Residential School Experience $10,000.00 Haida Gwaii Mental Health & Addictions Advisory Committee COVID Emergency Fund $15,000.00 HAIDA LANGUAGE Old Massett Village Council Xaad Kíl Née $90,000.00 Haida Gwaii Museum Society Mentor Apprentice Program (MAP) $30,000.00 Skidegate Band Council Skidegate Haida Immersion Program $60,000.00 KIDS CAMPS Mount Moresby Adventure Camp Forest Stewardship Program $30,000.00 Rediscovery T'aalan Stl'ang Rediscovery T’áalan Stl’áng $30,000.00 Swan Bay Rediscovery Program Society Swan Bay Rediscovery Program $30,000.00 MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS Old Massett Village Council John T Community Park $201,995.00 Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre Minor equipment for lab and ER $27,344.00 Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital VOCERA Communication System $116,912.94 Old Massett Village Council OMVC Recycling Champions $55,500.00 Ging Gang Hla TllG_ad Independent Music and Arts Cooperative Electrify Ts'uu Naay, Cedar House Studio $123,000.00 Village of Port Clements Fire Department tanker truck $250,000.00 Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission GidG̱alang Kuuyas Naay Weight Room Revitalization $50,000.00 Old Massett Village Council New Town Park $157,846.00 Skidegate Band Council Revitalizing the Waterfront Playground $250,000.00 YOUTH GRANT Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission HG Rec Summer Day Camp Program 2022 $10,000.00 Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission Haida Gwaii Rugby Program $1,800.00 Haida Gwaii Youth Soccer League Haida Gwaii Youth Soccer League 2022 $8,129.82 Laskeek Bay Conservation Society Youth Engagement Intern - Laskeek Bay $7,500.00 Skidegate Youth Centre Haida Hawaii Youth Cultural Exchange $10,000.00 Niislaa Naay Healing House Society Old Massett Youth Program $10,000.00 Village of Daajing Giids DGYC Winter Programming 2022/23 $8,951.74 Gudangaay Tlaats'gaa Naay Secondary School GTN Ottawa Trip $10,000.00 Gudangaay Tlaats'gaa Naay Secondary School GTN Yoga $2,248.80 YOUTH CENTRED COMMUNITIES GRANT Port Clements Historical Society Events for Youth at the Port Museum $10,000.00 Village of Daajing Giids Youth Program Coordinator 2022 $10,000.00 Skidegate Youth Centre Youth Centre Staff $10,000.00 Old Massett Youth Centre Youth Centered Communities Grant $10,000.00 Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission After School Program in K'il Kun $10,000.00 HAIDA GWAII STAYCATION 120 Grants $58,558.50 CONTINUING EDUCATION 230 Grants $341,424.55 TRAVEL ASSISTANCE 131 Grants $144,213.47 YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS 2 Grants $1,000.00 HIGH SCHOOL BURSARIES $45,000.00
Gwaii Trust Annual Report 2022 | 19

Having apprenticed with her mother, established weaving artist Evelyn Vanderhoop, Carrie-Anne was ready to take on her first Naaxiin robe with support from a Gwaii Trust Arts Grant.

“The first row is the most important row,” she says. “You have to have a clear mind and only positive good energy. You have to be able to hold your intentions for the weaving. You have to have respect for the supernatural being you will be depicting on the weaving and have gratitude for them and the realm of the sea. You have to start and not have any distractions. You have to start and finish the row without putting it down. You have to ensure that every warp is aligned and your tension is even. This first row takes the longest time and most care. It was exciting for me to think about all my intention and the things I am so grateful for, my ancestors before me, the sea and how it sustains me and my family, and the supernaturals, how weaving connects me to the natural and supernatural world.” PO Box 588, Masset BC V0T1M0 162 Ave, Gaw Tlagée Old Massett Phone: 1 800 663 2388 / 250 626 3654 PO Box 1257, Skidegate BC V0T1S1 226 Front St, HlGaagilda Skidegate Phone: 1 877 559 8883 / 250 559 8883
Arts Grant Carrie Anne Vanderhoop Naaxiin Robe (Monarch of the Sea)
You have to be able to hold your intentions for the weaving”

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