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guyana No. 103941 friday september 5, 2014

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PRICE: $60


AG mulling legal action in face of Greenidge’s attacks on judiciary Page

Police Service Commission members sworn in




President Donald Ramotar with the members of the Police Service Commission after they were sworn in yesterday. From left are Harold Martin, Carvil Duncan, President Ramotar, Chairman Omesh Satyanand, Lloyd Smith and Keith John (Cullen Bess Nelson photo)

Hairdresser’s murder was aftermath of a drug bust


KILLED: Ashmini Hariram

- Hitmen reportedly paid $2.5M by brother-in-law and accomplice for contract killing


Health Page 6 Ministry establishes action plan against Ebola virus

Surujbally bemoans ‘unacceptable, unwarranted and undeserved’ castigation of GECOM Page



Police Service Commission members sworn in

THE five members who will be serving on the Police Service Commission were sworn in yesterday before Commander-in-Chief of Guyana’s armed forces His Excellency President Donald Ramotar

at the Presidential Complex in Georgetown. The Commission will be headed by Omesh Satyanand who will serve as its Chairman while the other members are Lloyd Smith, Keith

guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Police Service Commission Chairman Omesh Satyanand looks on as President Donald Ramotar appends his signature during the swearing-in ceremony yesterday. (Cullen Bess Nelson photos) John, Harold Martin and Carvil Duncan. Delivering brief remarks at the swearing-in ceremony, President Ramotar said it was a fulfillment of a promise made earlier this year when he addressed the annual Police Officers’ Conference at Eve Leary. “I did say that as soon as I got the names from Parliament, I’d be ready to appoint this body and now today we have that reality”. The Head of State reminded the new PSC members to take their oath to serve the people of Guyana very seriously and with distinction. In keeping with Article 212 of the Constitution, Chairman Satyanand said the body will work with this framework and administrative mat-

ters will be prioritised. A statutory meeting is scheduled shortly, and all of the members will be updated on the work ahead. Consultations between President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David Granger saw the parties agreeing on the reconstitution of the service commissions on August 22. The four service commissions are: the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), Teaching Service Commission (TSC), the Public Service Commission, and the Police Service Commission. The lives of these commissions expired over the past year and the constitutionally mandated provisions for their reconstitution have finally been completed.

President Donald Ramotar congratulates Chairman Omesh Satyanand and the other members of the Police Service Commission after they were sworn in yesterday.

Police Service Commission Member Lloyd Smith and President Donald Ramotar at the swearing-in ceremony yesterday.


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Surujbally bemoans ‘unacceptable, unwarranted and undeserved’ castigation of GECOM By Vanessa Narine

CHAIRMAN of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Dr. Steve Surujbally, yesterday, was emphatic in rejecting what he termed “ill-advised” accusations against the Commission and its Secretariat, over the last few weeks. “While we are not speculating about why X, Y and Z is being done, we do have the right, a duty and an obligation to tell this nation the truth and bare naked the falsehoods and unprovoked innuendoes, which seem to General-Secretary of the have as a sole objective to PPP Mr. Clement Rohee, blemish the image and cred- on Monday last, called ibility which we at GECOM on GECOM to explain a have so painstakingly and number of issues with much effort nurtured over the years,” he said. His comments were made at a news conference held at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street, which was attended by GECOM Commissioners, senior staff and a significant number of representatives from the diplomatic corps. According to Dr. Surujbally, GECOM’s efforts have

“harvested” global recognition from Commonwealth member states and many other international organisations. “There is international recognition for us. We feel so strong about our electoral process that as soon as we tidy up loose ends we could [apply] for international standards certification,” he said. The GECOM Chairman bemoaned the “unacceptable, unwarranted and undeserved” castigation of the Commission.

“While we are not speculating about why X, Y and Z is being done, we do have the right, a duty and an obligation to tell this nation the truth and bare naked the falsehoods and unprovoked innuendoes.” – GECOM Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally He said, “GECOM and its Secretariat have been subjected relentlessly to an unacceptable, unwarranted and undeserved amount of castigation under the guise, and that is the hypocrisy of it, of supposedly pointing us technicians, policy-makers and elections management professionals in a direction we are supposedly not knowledgeable about.” Surujbally noted that the “ill-advised accusations have been unremitting,” despite the fact that GECOM’s “A Team” has prepared for and mastered

elections that have contributed to improving the election processes of emerging democracies elsewhere. MAJOR CRITICISMS To this end, the Commission’s Chairman undertook to challenge “misinformation” peddled by the entity’s critics. The point-by-point response to several areas of concerns, all of which were raised by the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), effectively answered the party’s call for answers. On Monday, General-Secretary of the PPP, Mr. Clement Rohee, called on GECOM to explain: * The increase of almost 80,000 voters on the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE); * How persons living at the same address in Georgetown but are placed on different divisional lists; * Why it has not yet conducted a physical verification of the discovery of 18 electors at one address; Dr. Steve Surujbally, see page 9 Chairman of GECOM


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Ukraine and rebels back peace plan, ceasefire from Friday

A death by suicide every 40 seconds, says WHO

A man walks past a garage set ablaze by what locals say was shelling by Ukrainian forces in Donetsk, September 4, 2014. ( R e u t e r s ) UKRAINIAN President Petro Poroshenko and the main pro-Russian rebel leader said they would both order ceasefires on Friday, provided that an agreement is signed on a new peace plan to end the five-month war in Ukraine’s east. The breakthrough came after a week in which the pro-Moscow separatists

scored major victories with what NATO says is the open support of thousands of Russian troops. Speaking on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Wales, Poroshenko said the ceasefire would be conditional on a planned meeting going ahead in Minsk today of envoys from Ukraine, Russia and Europe’s OSCE security watchdog. “At 1400 local time (0700 ET on Friday), provided the (Minsk) meeting takes place, I will call on the General Staff to set up

a bilateral ceasefire and we hope that the implementation of the peace plan will begin tomorrow,” he told reporters. Alexander Zakharchenko, head of the main rebel Donetsk People’s Republic, said in a statement his men would also order a ceasefire, from one hour later, provided that Kiev’s representatives signed up to a peace plan at the Minsk meeting. There have been local agreements to hold fire, for example during the recovery of bodies from a Malaysian airliner shot down

DATE: 03/09/2014 D 01 07 19 21 09 20 04





over rebel territory in July, but Thursday’s announcements were the first time the two sides have called for a full truce.

(BBC News) SOMEBODY dies by taking their own life every 40 seconds, according to a significant report by the World Health Organization (WHO). It said suicide was a “major public health problem” that was too often shrouded in taboo. The WHO wants to reduce the rate of suicide by 10% by 2020, but warned that just 28 countries have a national suicide prevention strategy. Campaigners said there needed to be more education in schools. The WHO analysed 10 years of research and data on suicide from around the world. It concluded: * Around 800,000 people kill themselves every year * It was the second leading cause of death in young people, aged 15 to 29 * Those over 70 were the most likely to take their own lives * Three-quarters of these deaths were in low and middle income countries.

* In richer countries, three times as many men as women die by suicide. It said limiting access to firearms and toxic chemicals was shown to reduce rates of suicide. And that introducing a national strategy for reducing suicides was effective, yet had been developed in only a minority of countries. Dr Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization, said: “This report is a call for action to address a large public health problem, which has been shrouded in taboo for far too long.” Social stigma attached to mental health disorders is known to stop people seeking help and can ultimately lead to suicide. The WHO also attacked the reporting of suicide in the media, such as the details revealed about the death of Hollywood actor Robin Williams. There was also a call for countries to provide more support for people who had previously made a suicide attempt as they were the most at-risk group.

Islamic State kidnaps 40 men in Iraq’s Kirkuk region: residents (Reuters) - ISLAMIC State militants kidnapped 40 men from a town in Iraq’s northern province of Kirkuk on Thursday, dragging the men into cars before driving off, residents said. Residents of the Sunni Muslim town of Hawija said by telephone they did not know why the men had been taken, from a district on the edge of the town.





They added that Islamic State, which controls Hawija, had not faced any resistance from its inhabitants. Islamic State has seized hundreds of Iraqi and Syrian soldiers as well as members of other insurgent groups, journalists and civilians. Some have been sold for ransom and others have been killed. The group launched a lightning advance through




northern and central Iraq in June, declaring an Islamic caliphate. With the help of U.S. air strikes, Iraq’s army and Kurdish forces have been able to push the fighters back from some areas. The Ministry of Defense said on Thursday on state television Iraqi forces had killed three “leaders” of Islamic State in three separate attacks on Mosul and Tel Afar in the north.

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014


Blind Welfare workers ‘hijack’ CEO’s SUV (Trinidad Guardian) POLICE were called to the T&T Blind Welfare Association’s Port-of-Spain headquarters Wednesday, after protesting workers refused to allow chief executive access to his Xtrail SUV. More than a dozen blind workers held the vehicle to ransom on the compound in protest of chief executive officer Kenneth Surat’s failure to organise their two forthnightly salaries, which had been due since August 8. The SUV belongs to the association but is being used by Surat. As such, he could not access it when he was ready to leave. The salaries range from $1,250 to $1,700 a worker and there are more than 55 workers at the TTBWA. The workers, who have been camping out at the building since Thursday, reiterated that they were taking the sit-in action because they had no money to go to their respective homes, take care of their families or even buy water to drink. Members of the All Trinidad Sugar and Gen-

9,000 confirmed cases so far, 37 deaths

T&T Blind Welfare Association member Darryl Joseph sits on the SUV used by CEO Kenneth Surat as he and other workers continued their protest yesterday over unpaid wages at the association’s Duke Street, Port-of-Spain, headquarters. PHOTO: RISHI RAGOONATH eral Workers Trade Union, which represents them, were present overseeing the protest. Speaking with reporters, ATSGWTU president general Nirvan Maharaj said he asked Surat for leniency to the workers and to understand their plight. Instead, Maharaj

said Surat went to the Central Police Station shortly after 5 pm and made a report against the workers. The police arrived at the compound shortly afterwards but took no action. Instead, they stood close by and looked on as the blind

workers sang as they formed a human barricade around the vehicle. Branch security representative Joseph Vautor-La Placeliere (Lingo), a former national extempo champion, vowed to go down fighting for the rights of his co-workers and himself.

Road crashes claim 20 lives in five days NRSC calls for urgent action to curb careless driving KINGSTON, Jamaica – THE National Road Safety Council (NRSC) says that a total of 20 people have been killed in road crashes over the five day period since August 28, especially due to the breaking speed limits and careless overtaking. “This situation calls for urgent action,” Vice Chairman of the NRSC Dr Lucien Jones said as he expressed sympathy to the bereaved families of the victims. Among his suggestions, Jones said that “the first action

Caribbean warned to brace for full impact of chikungunya

needs to take place with the police significantly ramping up their campaign against speeding and careless driving across the island. “The second action should take place with the Government supplying the traffic division of the Jamaica Constabulary Force with the necessary resources they need to clamp down on reckless drivers, such as speed guns, motor cycles and motor cars. “Thirdly, combined effort of the public and private sector to provide the NRSC with ad-

ditional resources, and together, with the funds provided by the Government of Jamaica, through the National Health Fund, assist in ramping up considerably the kind of public education required to address this national problem.” Meanwhile, NRSC Executive Director, Paula Fletcher, is advising parents and teachers to be particularly vigilant in ensuring that children, especially during the back-toschool period, are properly supervised whilst traversing the roads.

“Please observe carefully and use the information provided by the NRSC in the media,” she urged.

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (CMC) — THE Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is warning the Caribbean to be prepared for the “full impact” of the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus, eight months after the first case was detected. CARPHA executive director Dr James Hospedales told the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) that almost all Caribbean Community (Caricom) countries have now reported cases of the virus. “There are more than 9,000 confirmed cases. There is an estimate in excess of 600,000 cases in total, most of those being from the bigger countries like The Dominican Republic and Haiti, with 37 deaths in total. “... So it continues to spread; we will have an expert consultation next month to look at

all the plans and also to see how we better inform and protect people and protect the economy of the Region,” Dr Hospedales told CMC. He said, however, that Caribbean governments were making a “valiant effort” in dealing with the virus, adding “what we have been doing has not been sufficient and the increase of dengue that we have seen in the last years is a marker that what we are doing is not working as well as it ought to work. “That’s partly why we are having this experts meeting next month to look at what’s new in terms of the science and how can we better educate people and how can we deal with the mosquitoes that are so prevalent,” he added. Chikungunya is a viral disease, carried mainly by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito and causes a dengue-like sickness.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

EDITORIAL The truth is alien to some media operatives As even more revelations on the perfidious and even fraudulent acts of Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall continue to surface, this self-anointed crusader against corrupt practices has proven to be the epitome or embodiment of all that he pretends to abhor, but which he has been exposed to have practised with abandonment – such as reports of him stealing millions of dollars of electricity; being linked to a stolen transformer from GPL, which is alleged to have been found on premises in which he has interest; being revealed by U.S. investigation as a human trafficker; among many serious crimes, for which he has never been prosecuted; and from this, one can safely surmise that he is a sacred cow – untouchable because,

like C.N. Sharma, if he is prosecuted for crimes he is alleged to have committed, all the supporters of the criminals – opposition parties, media operatives, NGOs, even some foreign envoys would jump on a bandwagon and accuse the Government of vendetta and abuse of state power to suppress press freedom, without letting the law take its course. The Government would, in the interest of peace in the nation, be forced to back down and allow a felon to once again get off without prosecution. During observances to commemorate the death anniversary of the Father of the Guyanese Nation, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, at the Port Mourant crematorium on Sunday 1st March, a couple of years ago, then Guyana’s Head-of-State, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, and at

that time General-Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Mr. Donald Ramotar, spoke of the role some sections of the Guyanese media are today attempting to play as kingmakers, or in this instance, president-makers, in efforts to chart a new course in this nation’s political demographics, with no pretence at seeking facts or clarifying issues to attain some degree of objectivity in their news reports. Addressing the large gathering paying homage to a man who epitomised truth, sincerity and uncompromising adherence to integrity, the leader denounced the propensity for gutter journalism that has become a norm in Guyana’s media world, and adjured media practitioners to become more professional in their approach to executing their duties, because those

duties are mandatory and above self-serving agendas and prejudices, if the credibility of both the reporter and the media house he/she is representing is not to be compromised. Lo and behold, only three days after being adjured to strive for greater professionalism, there appeared on Page 13 of the Kaieteur News an article vilifying the Guyana Rice Producers Association and its General-Secretary, ascribing to the General-Secretary remarks that he could not possibly have made, because he was not present at the meeting they had alluded to and had not been asked by the media house for a clarification on his position on the issue that was in contention. Yet he was quoted as having made the remarks for which he was being taken to task by the Kaieteur News.


This lack of a sense of responsibility on the part of some media houses to report the news accurately and not to serve the vested interests of interested parties by vilifying public personalities, besmirching the reputations of business firms without verification of facts, and tarnishing reputations of innocent parties, without ensuring that their facts are accurate, if indeed that is their intent, redounds to no one’s benefit, and discredits the profession as a whole. We urge our colleagues in the media fraternity to be objective and fair in their reporting, and the Guyana Press Association to be fair in its representation of Guyana’s media fraternity, because it has been noted that the GPA took strong action when Mr. Gordon

Moseley was sanctioned by Guyana’s Head-of-State for inaccurate coverage of an event, then for being disrespectful and making disparaging personal remarks in a published statement about Guyana’s then President, but was thunderously silent when PNC Chairman of the Region 4 Council ejected an NCN reporter from a meeting to which he was entitled to attend, for no given offence whatsoever, among a plethora of other anomalies. The once respected profession of journalism has become the footstool of the power brokers and the opportunists, and reporters are mere pawns in the clutches of the moneyed and the moghuls, with their ethics guided by the all-powerful dollar.

Health Ministry establishes action plan against Ebola virus GUYANA is moving towards establishing an action plan to deal with the Ebola Virus, and in this regard a wide cross section of stakeholders from various organisations met yesterday to establish the measures to be undertaken in order to put the plan into operation. Participants were drawn from the Ministry of Health, various hospitals, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Civil Defence Commission, Ministry of Foreign Trade and International Co-operation, Guyana Revenue Authority, Veterinary Public Health, Ministry of Agriculture and the Civil Aviation Department, among others. Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran expressed appreciation at the number of agencies which had rep-

resentatives at the meeting. He noted that they would be helping the Ministry of Health to focus on the public health approach to the disease. The Minister pointed out that Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Shamdeo Persaud had been having discussions with smaller groups which were supported by the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO). The movement to address Ebola, he noted, follows similar moves to address Chikungunya and SARs. Minister Ramsaran pointed out that even before yesterday’s meeting, work had been ongoing regarding students in Guyana who came from Africa. However, he noted that checks on them

Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran addresses the stakeholders on the plan to fight the Ebola Virus have proved them safe. “I am happy that you have joined us in this multi-stakeholder approach, and I hope that you will create for us a barrier against the disease penetrating (Guyana), and

if we do have cases, we will quickly identify and isolate them, and the good work that you will do today, will allow us to triumph quickly,” the Minister stated. The Health Minister ob-

served that a lot of work has been done in relation to identifying isolation areas. He noted that there is the intellectual capacity and the infrastructure along with the ‘political will’ to address the issue. Spearheading the meeting, Dr. Persaud gave an overview of the disease which he said was 90% fatal. He said that the issue was to spearhead the plans and programmes which are mainly couched under International Health Regulations, and pointed to the need to identify the symptoms. Meanwhile, Dr. Mariano Bonet, Epidemiologist, PAHO/WHO, gave the participants a background of the Ebola virus, pointing out that the virus is not new but is approximately 40 years

old. He lamented the fact that there is still no vaccine or treatment for it. Noting that the response is weak, he stated that it is growing in West Africa and expanding. With an incubation period of 20 days it is a rapid infection which can kill in about two days. Dr. Bonet pointed out that the United Nations has allocated US$500M to stop the virus in West Africa in nine months. Dr. William Adu-Krow, Representative of PAHO/ WHO in Guyana urged that all should be on the alert. He also insisted that rapid detection is necessary to capture the symptoms of the disease. Dr. Adu-Krow added that risk reduction was just as important through the involvement of Customs, Immigration, Police and Travel Agents. He

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014 stressed that the travel agents would be able to link travellers to their susceptibility to the disease through their line of travel. The PAHO/WHO representative underscored that the process which would be put in place would be able to be adapted in other situations. DRAFT PLAN The draft plan addresses five areas. The first for co-ordination and control will see the activation of the national health emergency committee which will hold regular meetings. This committee will develop and approve the action plan and work on the constitution of the national rapid response team. It will also establish communication systems and develop targeted communication materials. This material will include an airport

The second area of Point Of Entry (POE) will identify all points of entry into Guyana with the possibility of introducing the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) into the country. The POEs will concentrate on the CJIA and Ogle airports; the Lethem and Moleson Creek crossings and the various sea ports such as Georgetown, New Amsterdam, Bartica, Charity etc. The points of entry will also seek to have personnel ensure that all arrival procedures are in place. This will include aircraft and ship sanitation, general flight declaration including the health sections and the training of flight attendants among other issues. The POE personnel will also ensure the examination of flight manifests to identify any possible traveller from infected areas and maintain

formation and identify port quarantine facilities at both airports and provide all basic equipment and supplies. POE personnel will also identify and equip ambulances for special transfer of suspected EVD cases. The third area is clinical preparedness. This will ensure that personnel follow the standard precautions guidelines and implement the infection control plan. They will also meet with hospitals to identify isolation units and train health workers on infection control. Workers will also be trained on clinical management of Ebola. The fourth area regards laboratory work and will ensure testing to ensure that all differential diagnosis diagnostic testing takes place with feedback transferred to physicians. There will also

Multi stakeholder meeting to formulate action plan against the Ebola Virus advisory in the form of a poster; traveler’s information in pamphlet form; public information; health care provider information. The committee will also be responsible for the implementation of WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) plan including a Situation Room.

a register of such travellers. They will also meet with persons from the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority and the Airport Authority for establishing control points. Posters for arrival areas at the CJIA and Ogle Airports will also be organised. In addition, they will provide outgoing travellers with in-

be moves to identify a reference laboratory and establish protocol whilst establishing guidelines for EVD. The fifth area deals with epidemiology, public health and prevention. This will strengthen the surveillance for febrile illness accompanied by analysis and reports which includes a case definition. Personnel will also

Accused ex-policeman to face new trial as…

Schoolboy drug-smoking murder trial aborted - member of jury admits he and brother of accused went to school together By George Barclay JUSTICE Franklyn Holder, on Tuesday, aborted the Patentia Secondary School drug-smoking murder trial after a male member of the jury admitted that he and the brother of the accused went to school together. The judge had conducted the inquiry in his Chambers in the presence of the accused Quancy John and lawyers representing both sides. At the end of the inquiry, the judge ascended the bench and declared: “I have to abort this trial because a member of the jury has admitted that he knows the

accused. And according to law we cannot carry on a murder case with eleven jurors. We must have twelve.” Before the jurors had taken the oath yesterday, the judge, as customary, had enquired from them whether they had known the relatives and friends of the accused and the deceased or were associated with the lawyers or any person concerned with the case. According to the particular juror, he gave the impression that at first he was not aware that the accused was known to him, but as the trial continued and names were called he became aware and brought this to the attention

of the judge’s registrar. The resulting effect was that the trial was aborted and the jury were told to return to court on Monday morning, September 8, for a possible selection in another panel that will hear the same matter. NOTICE Justice Holder also sent out a call to the other jurors who were to return to court on September 22 , asking them to return to court on Monday September 8, instead. Attorney-at-Law Miss Diana Kaulesar represented the prosecution, while lawyer Mr. Glenn Hanoman defended.

7 define the target audience and conduct briefings for all health workers. EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE Ebola is a severe febrile illness that affects humans and nonhuman primates and is often fatal. EVD outbreaks mainly occur primarily in Central and West Africa. Ebola is transmitted to the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected wild animals such as infected fruit bats, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, etc. The virus is spread through humans by direct person to person contact through broken skin or mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) with the blood, secretions, organs or other body fluids of infected persons with Ebola signs and symptoms. This virus can also be spread through indirect contact with environments contaminated with such body fluids. The initial symptoms are sudden fever, headache, sore throat, muscle pain and intense weakness. These symptoms advance to vomiting, diarrhoea, skin rash and bleeding (internal and external). The virus attacks the body quickly, and causes the infected individual to be sick in as little as two

Dr. Mariano Bonet, Epidemiologist, PAHO/WHO gives a background of the Ebola virus. days but can take up to 21 days for the symptoms to show up. Protection against the disease can be done by washing hands regularly with soap and water. Hands carry lots of germs that cause diseases. Avoiding direct contact with body fluids (urine, tears, saliva, sweat, semen, vaginal fluid, blood, etc). Using protective clothing such as gloves, etc, when handling urine, stool or attending to wounds. Semen and vaginal fluids also contain virus that can cause Ebola and other diseases. Avoid sexual intercourse

with a sick person or a person recovering from EVD for at least three months. Avoid contact with or handling of wild animals, alive or dead or their raw or undercooked meat. Avoid unprotected handling of contaminated corpses. If you have fever, seek medical attention – fever is one of the early indications of viral infections. There is no specific treatment and there is no vaccine currently available for humans. It is just supportive care. Pain relievers and fever medicines are recommended. (GINA)


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Hairdresser’s murder was Suspect allegedly aftermath of a drug bust confesses to killing - Hitmen reportedly paid $2.5M by brother-in-law and accomplice for contract killing

INVESTIGATORS have cracked the case of the murder of Lusignan cosmetologist, 18-year-old Ashmini Hariram wide open and all the persons who had a hand in her murder are now in police custody. On Wednesday the police were able to pick up two men in Georgetown who confessed to the crime - one being the driver of the getaway car and the other the triggerman, both of whom led investigators to the persons who hired them to carry out the hit on the relative of one of the men. The information reaching this publication states that the taxi driver was hired to transport the gunman to Lusignan on the East Coast where they were being updated by the victim’s brother-in-law about her movements. And following those directions the suspects were able to locate their victim and KILLED: Ashmini Hariram, neutralise her speedily an 18-year-old cosmetologist from Lusignan before fleeing the area. MOTIVE The men in their statements told investigators that they were hired by the woman’s brother-in-law and another man who were convinced that the teenager was the one responsible for law enforcement officers seizing a large quantity of their drugs earlier this year. When the two were hired they were given the facts surrounding the seizure and the need for them to get the job done. They were instructed by the relative and the other man to kill

the woman and take possession of her mobile phone. The persons who hired the two wanted to search her phone to see who the woman was in contact with and who she may have informed of the shipment of the drugs. This newspaper was told that one of the men being accused of hiring the driver and triggerman was in the past arrested by law enforcement for drug-related activities. On the day of the murder of Ashmini Hariram, the driver of the vehicle which was used to transport the gunman was in contact with his handlers. They then approached the victim and her friend as they were walking and carried out the act after the driver pointed out the girl to the triggerman according to the clothes she was wearing. Investigators were reportedly told that when the victim was pointed out to the triggerman by the driver, he exited the car, aimed the gun to the teenager’s head and shot her before grabbing her phone. Many persons in the area had suggested that the killing was a robbery since the girl’s phone was snatched even as others asked why her friend was totally ignored by the gunman. The suspects then travelled back to the city and made contact with the person who had put the contract out and turned over the mobile phone to him. This newspaper was also informed that after the phone would have been examined, there were to be follow-up killings in relation to the very drug seizure. It is not clear why this aspect of the organised crime saga has not yet been executed. Meanwhile, the files on the gunman and the taxi driver are being prepared to be sent to the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice even as the brother-in-law of the cosmetologist and his accomplice are in police custody assisting with the investigations. Ashmini-Hariram was killed on July 10 and her relatives up until Wednesday were still trying to come to grips with the murder as they puzzle over the motives for what they had described as the senseless killing of the teenager. Now that the details of the incident are emerging it is not clear how family members are treating with the developments.

Process to remove deceased persons from NRR under review – GECOM Chairman By Vanessa Narine THE procedures followed by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) are not etched in stone, according to the Commission’s Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally, who said concerns over the continued inclusion of deceased persons in the National Register of Registrants (NRR) is being addressed. “It is not etched in stone that all of our manuals and components of our documents cannot be changed, we constantly review things,” he said at a news conference held yesterday at Cara Lodge, in Georgetown. The GECOM Chairman noted that the names for the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) are generated from the NRR and as per the Commission’s procedures names are removed from the NRR only after the General Registrar’s Office (GRO) has forwarded authentic documentation indicating a death. “Removing the deceased from the National Register of Registrants is not something you do flippantly,” he said, adding that from January 2008 to April 2014 a total of 12,404 names had been sent to GECOM and flagged as deceased; so are not included in the PLE. Dr. Surujbally added that GECOM is engaged in reviewing this process. “We have had talks with the GRO on several occasions,” he said. According to him, once the review is completed, the Commission expects to forward a proposal to the various stakeholders for input and approval. He said, “Considerations when we review the policy can in-

clude establishing essential coordinates, which can be agreed upon by all, for example if only a lot number is missing from the data provided by the GRO, in the past, I’m sorry. “…some of the Commissioners have said that at this stage when we have done so well we can possibly relax a bit, we can establish even margins of acceptable error, or we can proactively interact with the police, hospitals, and funeral parlours to ascertain a death.” The Commission’s Chairman added that the current procedures employed to remove names of deceased persons from national electors’ lists are similar to what is done in most Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states. He highlighted too that this issue was the subject of discussion at the last meeting of the Association of Caribbean Electoral Organisations (ACEO). Dr. Surujbally said, “That topic was very much discussed and all participating EMBs (Election Management Bodies) recognised the problematic nature of the issue and agreed that you cannot willy-nilly remove people from the voters’ list. “Nevertheless, even in situations where distrust is highly pronounced, it is possible to introduce criteria, which could remove names of people who are genuinely deceased, without actually having documentation from the GRO.” According to him, he is also in talks with regional counterparts in addressing this issue. “When we have everything we can draft regulations to anchor those proposals,” he concluded.

Mahaica Farmer

- to appear in court today By Leroy Smith THE man who is accused of killing Mahaica cash crop farmer, 52-year-old Balkissoon on Tuesday afternoon in the Mahaica backdam has reportedly confessed to the crime, according to sources close to the investigations. The Chronicle was informed early Wednesday that the man who goes by the name ‘Tailor Man’ told investigators that he whipped out the deceased’s cutlass from behind his bicycle and dealt him a chop to the neck. It was also mentioned to this newspaper that the man, during a caution statement, told investigators that persons throughout Mahaica would usually torment and provoke him with their accusations that he steals their belongings, including cattle. The man has since denied those allegations to investigators but he reportedly cooperated with the police when he was questioned. A statement was also taken from him in which he told the police that on Tuesday he chopped the farmer when the man was harassing him. However, the dead man’s 15-year-old son told investigators that when his father and the man crossed paths on Tuesday along the dam to the backdam the man began cursing his father and all his father said was that he should move on and leave him alone. The lad said that it was at that point that the man took the cutlass from behind the man’s bicycle and chopped him to the neck before fleeing the scene. Persons in Mahaica said that the accused is a known drug addict and Balkissoon, the slain that he is the one who actually harasses perMahaica farmer sons in the community. Meanwhile, a post-mortem performed on the body of the farmer on Wednesday morning by the government pathologist stated that the cause of death was an incised wound to the neck. Up to late Wednesday police in ‘C’ Division were preparing to have the file sent to the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice. Speaking with the Chronicle on Tuesday evening, the dead man’s eldest son said he was at home when the incident occurred. The 29-yearold man said that his father had just left home to head back into the backdam at around midday on Tuesday when he reportedly crossed paths with his killer. The farmer was heading to water his crops and had a water pump and motor blower, according to his son along with his cutlass on the bicycle. The man had seconds before leaving home sharpened his cutlass. The suspect is slated to appear in an East Coast Magistrate Court today to answer the capital charge of murder. The late farmer, Balkissoon, will be cremated tomorrow.


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…

Can you picture Granger as President of this country? OLD Kai has been quietly observing statements emanating from the Opposition regarding why citizens should vote for them in what seems like impending elections. Here are some of the main reasons: It is time for change after 22 years of the PPP/C in Government. So who should we put in Government, the PNC/R=APNU and the AFC? What kind of change will that be, can you picture David Granger as President of this country? This is a man who has still not managed to do a simple investigation to establish whether his driver physically assaulted a female David Granger PNC/R delegate at its recent Congress and called her a ‘dog’, simply because she supported another candidate. This is a man who has articulated a ‘jook fuh jook’ foreign affairs policy without even a twitch in his eyes. This is a man who cannot account for several guns which were issued by the GDF to the PNC/R, some of which were found in the hands of criminals. Let us be reminded that he was a Commander in the GDF when the weapons were issued and now he is the leader of the PNC/R and

would never lose a moment to lecture Guyanese on professionalism but I guess the old saying applies, ‘do as I say not as I do.’ This is a man who has proven he cannot be trusted to keep up his end of a commitment, when he denied he ever agreed to an increase in electricity tariff for Lindeners even though subsequent evidence provided proved otherwise. Therefore, what makes Opposition supporters confident that he will keep up his end of all the promises he has been making to them? Now what are these promises he has been making? Guyana will be more secure under David Granger! Fair enough, but how secure was the PNC/R recent congress under Granger? An unlicensed gunman was allowed to enter the compound,

This is a man who has still not managed to do a simple investigation to establish whether his driver physically assaulted a female PNC/R delegate at its recent Congress and called her a ‘dog’, simply because she supported another candidate. This is a man who has articulated a ‘jook fuh jook’ foreign affairs policy without even a twitch in his eyes. This is a man who cannot account for several guns which were issued by the GDF to the PNC/R, some of which were found in the hands of criminals.

fired a shot, and in so doing placed the lives of all the PNC/R delegates in danger and all David Granger could muster was that it was the PPP/C which was somehow responsible only to turn back and defend the culprit, when the Police intercepted him trying to escape via the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. This is a man who has consistently refused to support critical legislation to aid crime fighting, even though he has failed to provide any alternative to that which was crafted by the PPP/C government. Granger even refused to support legislation which included recommendations from the Disciplined Forces Commission of which he was a member. If one is going to reject their own recommendations out of political spite, what kind of leader do we expect that person to be? Is this the change we want for Guyana? Finally, let’s relook at the Congress Place gunman; we have observed countless persons being charged with discharging a loaded firearm. Inexplicably, the individual was only slapped with a charge of ‘threatening behaviour’ and the case was dismissed even though the witness has claimed that she was never informed to attend court to give evidence and was always ready to do so. Everyone in the Opposition camp remained quiet, the Police and the Judiciary was most professional in their eyes but can you image their reaction if the accused had been someone seen as close to the Government? That is exactly the type of change the Opposition is offering Guyanese. I leave you to make the other logical deductions. (To be continued)

Surujbally bemoans ‘unacceptable, unwarranted ... from page 3 * The discovery of 10 persons listed at an address at Prospect, East Bank Demerara, which is an unoccupied empty lot “overgrown” with bushes; * The listing of approximately 2,958 persons, although the deceased are still included on the PLE. Regarding the latter, Dr. Surujbally made it clear that no laws will be broken by the Commission and, as per the Commission’s procedures, names are removed from the National Register of Registrants(NRR) only after the General Registrar’s Office (GRO) has forwarded authentic documentation confirming a death. As for the discovery of 10 persons listed at an address at Prospect, East Bank Demerara, he explained that when the concern was raised with the Commission, personnel were dispatched and investigations revealed that the persons were registered at a real address, but the house at that address collapsed last year and the 10 persons are currently staying with relatives. “All 10 people were accounted for,” the Chairman stressed. He added that as it related to the physical verification of the discovery of 18 electors at one address, GECOM confirmed the address; findings that indicated that indeed there were multiple persons listed at one address. Dr. Surujbally explained that there are cases where multiple persons live at one address and in this case there is nothing else that GECOM can do, except confirm this. The Chairman highlighted too that all verification efforts are done in the presence of party scrutineers.

Another issue that was addressed was the establishment of an International Monitoring Unit, which Dr. Surujbally dismissed. “I have never heard of that,” he said, adding that the complaining party could have been referring to the Media Monitoring Unit (MMU), which has been a successful feature in local elections since 2006. Also, the alleged refusal of GECOM to make use of a Joint International Technical Assessor (JITA) was debunked by the Commission’s Chairman. “JITAs have always been identified in the past and funded by the international development partners. In view of the possibility of imminent elections, GECOM has not waited, we have already engaged the international development partners to benefit from services of a JITA,” he said. During the news conference, it was also acknowledged that there was a legitimate problem with persons living at the same address in Georgetown being placed on different divisional lists, but this was confirmed as having been addressed. The resolution of the issue was also reportedly communicated to the political party. NO PADDING Probably the most sensitive issue addressed by Dr. Surujbally was the assertion that the increase of almost 80,000 voters on the PLE could mean there was some level of “padding” being done. “GECOM takes umbrage at the use of the word ‘padding’….the word ‘padding’ strongly suggests that GECOM is consciously and wilfully increasing the vot-

ers’ list with persons that ought not to be on the list. We collectively resent and debunk such statements in the strongest terms,” he said. The Commission’s Chairman pointed out that GECOM has a menu of measures to ensure that persons who are not eligible to vote will not be able to cast a vote. “One of the reasons could be that people have in fact left Guyana, but come back to be registered…once their paperwork is in order they have every right to register in Guyana,” he said. Dr. Surujbally added that Guyana’s Elections Commission is working with international best practices. “No list will ever be 100 per cent perfect,” he said. On the question of a fresh house-to-house registration to negate concerns over the PLE, the GECOM Chairman underscored the fact that to go that route would require a significant investment of taxpayers’ dollars. “In 2008 we did a house- to- house registration and we went into every area…a new- house- to- house registration will take us to the billons. It is not cheap, which is why we will do it after every 10 years. Our colleagues in the Caribbean do it every eight, nine and 10 years,” he said, adding that the continuous registration cycles ensure GECOM maintains a presence on the ground. Dr. Surujbally asserted that the areas of criticism that have been raised are unacceptable, unwarranted and undeserved, but also gave the assurance that GECOM is working to correct whatever discrepancies, externally or internally, that exist.


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

AG mulling legal action in face of Greenidge’s attacks on judiciary

GUYANA’s Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, has sent a scathing response to Mr. Carl Greenidge, following what he dubbed a “callous attack” on the personal integrity of Guyana’s judges and the independence of the Judiciary. Nandlall disclosed that he will be reviewing the legal options to address the issue. “In this regard, I will be reviewing the legal options,” he said. In an article published in Wednesday’s Kaieteur News, headlined ‘Courts deciding on MPs’ discipline further erodes separation of powers – Greenidge’, the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP) said, “It leaves us with a Judiciary keen to intervene at the behest of the Executive and handing out decisions Attorney-General and Minthat are damaging and ister of Legal Affairs, Anil inconsistent with the Con- Nandlall stitution and its roots.” In defence of the judiciary, the AG stressed that Greenidge’s comments are both an unwarranted and a distasteful verbal assault that is clearly intended to bring GuyGreenidge seems to still be “mentally incarcerated” in the prison of that era, where the judiciary was expected to be beholden to the PNC as a matter of political policy - Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall ana’s judges into disrepute and intimidate them. “It is patently obvious that Mr. Greenidge has a tendency to proffer comments, publicly about matters which he knows little. It is equally obvious that his characteristic arrogance prevents him from consulting with those in his party whom I am aware know better. It is evident that his political leader is incapable of reining him and therefore, he continues to make careless, disrespectful, unfounded

and embarrassing outbursts,” Nandlall declared. OBLIVIOUS TO FACTS Minister Nandlall contends that Greenidge seems oblivious to the fact that all of Guyana’s judges were lawfully and constitutionally appointed, and are competent to discharge the functions of their office and are not political stooges to the Executive. He said, “Two things are obvious from this uninitiated disclosure. Firstly, Mr. Greenidge is unaware that in civilized societies, a person who is aggrieved by a decision of a judge Not only must it be condemned in the strongest possible manner but the relevant legal process ought to be activated so that appropriate sanctions can be imposed to protect our judiciary from such and similar scurrilous attacks, if not, our judges will not be able to rule fearlessly and in accordance with law” – AG Nandlall

is free to challenge that decision by invoking the relevant legal procedure rather than ‘cuss out’ the judge in the newspapers, attributing to those judges nefarious motives, and humiliating and intimidating him publicly. “Secondly, he is oblivious to the legal right which every citizen possesses to have unhindered access to the Court to challenge any perceived violation of the law or the constitution. Mr. Greenidge further incredulously alleges that the APNU Member President appoints judges Carl Greenidge ‘alone’ and in disregard of the constitution and the Judicial Service Commission. According to him, ‘as a consequence, an increasing proportion of those who are appointed are not only inappropriately experienced, but politically connected, have been inflicted on the public’.”

NAMILCO salesman robbed of over $300,000 at gunpoint By Asif Hakim NAMILCO salesman, twenty-threeyear-old Mickey Cheddie was on Wednesday robbed of over $300,000 by two men at gunpoint while he was on company business at a shop in Friendship Village, East Bank Demerara. Reports are that Cheddie of Best Village, West Coast Demerara, along with two other workers, was making a delivery of flour to the Friendship shop. A senior police officer told the Chronicle that according to reports Cheddie was transacting business in the shop when two armed bandits went up to the truck and demanded money from two others who were in the truck. The officer said that the two who

were in the truck were scared for their lives and told the bandits that they didn’t have the money but Cheddie had it. As soon as the Cheddie was walking out of the shop the bandits held him at gunpoint and snatched the bag containing the money before escaping on foot. The officer said that no shots were fired nor was anyone injured. The police are continuing investigations into the matter. And only on Tuesday the Guyana Post Office Corporation Training Centre on Lamaha Street was robbed of $5M. In that robbery a security guard was injured as two bandits reportedly carrying firearms robbed the Training Centre shortly after it was opened to members of the public.

Nandlall said the APNU MP’s comments are “most contemptuous” and strike at the heart of the independence of the judiciary. “Not only must it be condemned in the strongest possible manner but the relevant legal process ought to be activated so that appropriate sanctions can be imposed to protect our judiciary from such and similar scurrilous attacks, if not, our judges will not be able to rule fearlessly and in accordance with law,” Nandlall said. GRAVE SITUATION The Attorney-General made it clear that the situation is a grave one. He said, “Mr. Greenidge continues his delusional utterance by stating that in September 2000, the President appointed four persons as Justices of Appeal ‘in defiance of the recommendations of the Judicial Service Commission’. Something must be fundamentally wrong with an individual who is not only capable of conjuring up these occurrences and convincing himself that they actually took place, but is prepared to assert them publicly.” Additionally, he noted that Greenidge seems to expect the Guyanese public to believe that these “grave constitutional tragedies” took place in this country and not a single legal Something must be fundamentally wrong with an individual who is not only capable of conjuring up these occurrences and convincing himself that they actually took place but is prepared to assert them publicly - Minister Anil Nandlall

challenge was launched against them. “The situation becomes even graver when one recalls that when Mr. Greenidge’s party was in government it preached and practised the doctrine of ‘party paramountcy’. That meant that all institutions of the state were subject and subservient to the ruling party. They abolished the Privy Council as Guyana’s final court of appeal in order to control the judiciary. Then they flew the PNC (People’s National Congress) flag on top of the Guyana Court of Appeal,” Nandlall said. Greenidge seems to still be “mentally incarcerated” in the prison of that era, where the judiciary was expected to be beholden to the PNC as a matter of political policy, the AG concluded.

Pulitzer Center ‘Child Lives’ map shows 42% reduction in under-five mortality rate in Guyana By Raveena Mangal ‘CHILD Lives’ is a new innovative map made by the Pulitzer Center of Crisis Reporting illustrating the extraordinary decline of the rate of child mortality in the world. Using United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) data, the interactive map shows data visualisations created by information designer Dan McCarey. The map shows Guyana’s 42% gradual decline in the under-five mortality rate, since 1990 to 2012. The Pulitzer Center is a nonprofit journalism organisation that focuses on international under- reported issues. The map demonstrates that the world has made impressive strides in achieving the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality. UNICEF data cite 90 million lives saved just since 1990. Attributed to improvements in neonatal and maternal healthcare, treatment of preventable, communicable diseases and other health and development initiatives, children in most counties are surviving their most vulnerable years.

In India, nearly a quarter of the 6.6 million children who died each year before the age of five are there. Since the 1990’s however, its rate of under-five deaths has dropped by more than half. China has reduced its less than five mortality rate by 74% largely due to its economic growth. Bangladesh has also reduced its rate by 72 percent - the best amongst high-mortality countries. One of its main reasons for this reduction is the jump in the number of infants who are exclusively breast-fed. Nigeria recorded a 47% reduction while Ethiopia had 67% and Sierra Leone showed 29%. The sub-Saharan Africa region with its continued high birth rate, accounts for nearly half of the under-five deaths in the world, where one in 10 children die before the age of five. While the statistics for some Third World countries showed improvement, “diseases of poverty” such as pneumonia, diarrhea and malnutrition remain among the leading causes of early childhood death in the world. (Sources:

guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Linden Town Council mum on setting up of Debt Collection Unit - ignores advice of Local Government Minister By Derwayne Wills

FOLLOWING a visit paid by Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Mr. Norman Whittaker to the Linden Town Council on August 15, 2014, the Council is yet to accept the minister’s advice to formally set up a Debt Collection Unit. In light of recent allegations of financial mismanagement and a “lethargic” attitude to the

collection of taxes, revenue and other charges by the Linden Town Council, the minister had suggested that a ‘Debt Recovery Unit’ be established in order to collect outstanding monies owed to the Council. The Council would then employ persons to serve as debt collection officers. The minister added that not only would such a decision be within the ambit of the law, but also the Council would be able to sustain these workers by “pay-

Linden Town Council to hire municipal treasurer - ahead of financial mismanagement claims By Derwayne Wills WHILE Linden Town Council workers breathe a sigh of relief as July and August payments are released, the Town Council has advertised to fill the post of Municipal Treasurer. Some controversy had fallen on the local government body of the Region 10 mining community, Linden, as workers employed by the Council were placed in a dangerous situation of uncertainty as to where their July and August payments were coming from. These revelations were uncovered during the last visit of the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Mr. Norman Whittaker to the community, when it was disclosed that not only were payments to the workers not made, but those very workers were under the impression that payments were being withheld by the Local Government Ministry. The August 15, 2014 meeting at the Linden Town Hall was attended by the staff and Council of the township. It was at this meeting that the minister addressed the gathering making clear that the Town Council’s cash flow problems rested entirely on the poor management of its financial resources. Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle, Minister Whittaker had noted that there was some misinformation among the Council workers that the Government was withholding their salaries. “There is a perception among staff of the Linden municipality that Government is responsible for paying salaries. This is not true.” The Local Government Minister explained that according to the legislation, municipalities and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) are allowed “to rake in their own revenue.” Revenue is acquired through the collection of rates

and taxes and from other services charged by the municipality or NDC. He expressed, however, that the Council in performing its duty had become “lethargic in going after defaulters” and this has resulted in an inability to meet financial obligations of payment to staff. The Government, by way of a grant, had, in November 2013, paid workers of the Town Council the sum of $9.2M, after the Kara Kara toll booth set up illegally by the Council was ordered removed by the Local Government Minister - a decision taken by Cabinet. On the payment of workers, Whittaker disclosed that, “municipalities are expected to meet operational costs.” He added that where, in spite of best effort, these municipalities “fall short”, then “using the grant that is made available to the minister” the minister will “enter and assist”, as was done in 2013. The minister expressed strongly that he “will not be going back to Cabinet for money” to pay the workers. He charged that his reasoning for not doing so is because “what you are doing is taking money from people who pay rates and taxes to subsidise a set of people who do not appear to do the right things.” It was reported that the Council had not only ignored the Minister’s advice but they had employed new staffers placing added pressure on the current financial situation. Efforts made by this publication to contact the Town Clerk of the Linden Town Council, Ms. Jonella Bowen, proved futile. The Town Clerk’s Secretary, Ms. Doreen Peltier, however, disclosed that she will be out of office until next week. The advertisement for Municipal Treasurer to the Linden Town Council was made on the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development webpage on August 27, 2014, and will close on September 5, 2014.

ing them a percentage” of all monies collected. The minister strongly bemoaned the nonimplementation of that decision. The Guyana Chronicle made several attempts to contact the Town Clerk of the Linden Town Council, Ms. Jonella Bowen but those efforts proved futile as the publication was informed by the Town Clerk’s Secretary, Ms. Doreen Peltier that the Town Clerk was unavailable and would not be available until next week. The ability of the Council to perform its financial obligations has since been impaired because of the lack of resources under the belt of the local government body. In a document from the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) website titled ‘The Local Government System in Guyana’, it is recognised that “Municipalities are required to execute a range of services such as drainage and irrigation, solid waste collection and disposal, maintenance of infrastructure, market operation and management, and child welfare. They also levy and collect rates.” The local government authority’s ability to hold to these obligations depends in part on its collection of rates and taxes which it is legislatively authorised to do.


Mr. Norman Whittaker, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development

The Local Government Minister had said recently that with the activation of the Fiscal Management Act, “The amount of subvention received in one year depends on the financial performance of the NDC or the municipality in the previous year.” He stated that under the new formula system, there is some $260M available in Government grants and subventions, where “$130M is given up-front with each NDC receiving $2M. The other $130M is determined by the formula which looks at population size, land mass, and what percentage of collectables [rates and taxes] were actually collected.” The formula, according to Minister Whittaker, was designed in such a way that “an NDC that only collects 30% of what should have been collected should not hope to score higher points as one that scored 70%”. He said this formula is similarly applied to municipalities where subventions are reserved for capital works. The Linden Town Council has recently come under the microscope for its inability to provide basic services as well as the lack of capacity to pay salaries to officers employed under the township.


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Police Commissioner cites conflicting reports in cop shooting incident By Leroy Smith

COMMISSIONER of Police (ag), Seelall Persaud said, yesterday, that reports on the high

speed chase and subsequent shooting of Constable Leroy English on Wednesday morning are conflicting and contradictory.

When asked to comment on the fact that a police constable was shot by another rank, Seelall said initial reports coming to him do not suggest that

English was shot by another rank, and as such an in-depth investigation is ongoing. Persaud said that statements will have to be taken from everyone involved in the matter.

windows, the Commissioner believes that there is room for improvement with respect to the enforcement of the law concerning tinted windows. On Wednesday morning, Constable Leroy En-

Reports on the high speed chase and subsequent shooting of Constable Leroy English on Wednesday morning are conflicting and contradictory – Seelall Persaud

The businessman’s vehicle which the police ranks were chasing early Wednesday morning

Brazilian businessman Euclid Da Silva

Ask to comment on the standard procedures for stopping and searching vehicles and persons, the Commissioner said that these are clear. The law, according to Seelall, allows for the police to stop and search anyone on reasonable suspicion, once they are operating within the borders of Guyana. On the question of vehicles travelling around the country with tinted

glish was reportedly shot by Police Constable Jeffers, both of whom were chasing the car of a businessman which was being driven by his son. The police reportedly told their superiors that they were chasing the car without the use of fire power, while the businessman’s son claimed that gunfire came from the cars chasing him, as they drove from the West Bank of Demerara onto the East

Police Commissioner (ag) Seelall Persaud Bank of Demerara. The injured police rank was reportedly shot while all three vehicles involved in the chase came to a stop at a location on the East Bank and were joined by a vehicle driven by the businessman. Meanwhile this publication, in doing its background checks on the businessman, found that he was deported from Guyana in 2010, something that local law enforcement received high praise for from Brazilian see page 13


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Education Ministry adopts no-nonsense approach to unprofessional conduct from teachers - Head teachers cautioned to enforce disciplinary action against errant teachers AS the Ministry of Education observes Education Month and has also commenced the 2014/2015 academic year, the Chief Education Officer, Mr. Olato Sam is encouraging school Heads to properly manage the attendance, punctuality and preparedness of their teaching staff. At a recent Heads of Schools meeting, the Chief Education Officer stated that the education system has shown progress. However, the concern is that this progress is still concentrated in pockets and is not as widespread as the system requires. He noted that the ministry has devised programmes and initiatives that are centred Chief Education on moving the system even Officer Mr. Olato Sam further, and at the core of this

is what he terms the “teacher factor.” He said teachers cannot continue to show up late for duty and in some instances neglect to show at all. “In 2014, it really is an indictment of the system that we are still grappling with issues in relation to teacher attendance and punctuality. I maintain that we cannot see true progress in education if our teachers continue to arrive to work late, unprepared and abuse their annual leave concessions,” Sam was quoted as saying in a statement

‘In 2014, it really is an indictment of the system that we are still grappling with issues in relation to teacher attendance and punctuality. I maintain that we cannot see true progress in education if our teachers continue to arrive to work late, unprepared and abuse their annual leave concessions’ - Chief Education Officer, Mr. Olato Sam

yesterday from the Education Ministry. In his message to the meeting of Heads, he posited that the Ministry of Education has adopted a no-nonsense approach to such unprofessional conduct. He said, “the reality is that the system can no longer condone these malpractices if we are serious about progress.” Mr. Sam cautioned all Heads and Officers to follow proper procedures in relation to disciplining of teachers who breach these basic policies. Education managers must establish a work ethic that makes attendance, punctuality and preparedness priorities in their schools. These are key pillars upon which improved output depends. Head teachers are encouraged to state openly to all of their teachers that they are now expected to demonstrate a higher level of output in these areas and devise monitoring mechanisms to ensure this is realised. All Department Officers have been informed that where the evidence shows that heads have not taken the necessary disciplinary steps to curb these ills in the system the Ministry will take the steps to charge the errant teachers but also institute disciplinary action against the Heads and the Deputies.

Police Commissioner cites conflicting reports ... from page 12

The injured Constable Leroy English on his hospital bed on Wednesday

authorities who had the man listed as one of their most wanted persons for money laundering and drug trafficking activities. The man, who operates a business in the city, was first arrested by local police on suspicion of being in possession of a forged Guyanese birth certificate, something he denied through his lawyers.


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Aries A trip by air may be in the offing. You may be planning to tour distant states or foreign lands. You could be going with friends or a group you’re associated with. Unusual new interests could capture your attention, enticing you to further study. You might enroll in a workshop. You’re looking toward expanding your horizons. Take care not to spread yourself too thin.

Taurus Unusual experiences may give rise to a new interest in the sciences or occult practices like magic or alchemy. This is an excellent time to start perusing such subjects, or embark on a formal study of astrology. A lucky money break could come your way today. It might be a gift or a repaid loan. Your inclination might be to go out and spend it all. Take care!

Gemini Upsets in the home or neighbourhood could lead to a sudden decision to move, causing a great deal of activity. You might not yet be sure where you’re going. Organisation and discipline are vital at times like this. It might be helpful to make lists and cross off each task as you finish it. Don’t panic. This could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Cancer You could get upsetting news regarding your job. There could be a shakeup in the hierarchy or someone in a position of authority could abruptly leave. You and your co-workers could have some momentary fears about job security, but they’re probably unwarranted. Your security will survive these events, and you’ll probably be better off than you were before.

Leo Expect to fall in love at first sight today. Someone new will come on the scene and you’ll feel an instant attraction. Whether it turns into anything lasting or not isn’t certain, but whatever happens, you’ll remember this person for a long time! You may also have a sudden interest in new forms of artistic expression and want to start learning videography or computer graphics.

Virgo The wonders of technology may come to your home today. You might purchase some new equipment like a computer or phone, or decide to go for a state-of-the-art home entertainment centre. Whichever it is, expect a lot of activity in and around your home as friends come to see your new toys and family members learn how to use them. It will be exciting for everyone! Libra Valuable and interesting information could come your way through modern technology. You might discover new information online that awakens an exciting new interest in you, perhaps related to the sciences, occult, or metaphysics. You could even discover a talent for astrology. Group activities may also be appealing now, particularly those regarding humanitarian pursuits. Scorpio Finances could take on a new dimension as you look to technology to help you increase your bank balance. You could decide to invest online or try some new means of recordkeeping. Whatever you try will bode well for your financial future. Expect a lucky break or two as well.

Sagittarius Bizarre, unexpected developments might turn your life upside down today. Money could be involved. New people could arrive who open doors that eventually lead to a new life. You could even fall in love at first sight. It isn’t easy to make predictions for a strange day like this. Rest assured that when you go to bed you won’t be the same person you were when you woke up.

Capricorn Positive change rarely happens without effort. Keep this in mind as transformation occurs quickly. You may feel as though you’re in the middle of a whirlpool and getting sucked deeper and deeper, unsure of where you’ll ultimately end up. This is merely the “nose to the grindstone” phase. Trust that your efforts will ultimately be rewarded. Aquarius You could have a strong urge to seek adventure. You might want to take a spontaneous trip to an exotic place, meet new people in exciting fields, or try new pastimes, perhaps as outrageous as skydiving. Go for it if you want, but this urge could indicate boredom in some part of your life. What can you change about your lifestyle to avoid future stagnation?

Pisces An unexpected career break could come your way. It should be exciting and encouraging - and a little scary! Don’t let apprehension get to you. You won’t want to let this opportunity pass you by. Your good fortune could arouse envy in some of your co-workers, but don’t let this bother you either. Simply do what you need to do to get the ball rolling and then go ahead with it.


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Go-Invest embarks on countrywide campaign

…promoting its services

THE Guyana Office for Investment (Go-Invest) has embarked on an outreach campaign to increase its promotion of services offered, according to Research and Public Relations Officer, Alexis Monize. In a series of planned outreaches across Guyana, Go-Invest has to date held outreaches in Anna Regina, New Amsterdam, Rose Hall, Linden and Parika. Monize said, “We are currently planning one for the East Coast of Demerara and the public will be made aware of the time and venue for this.” She said most of the persons who attended these out-

reaches were solid persons who had legitimate questions and interest in business. “We sought to work with the Chambers of Commerce in each area and have received very favourable responses from these bodies. We basically requested they invite their members and we also advertised in the daily newspapers, as well as on television and radio. In some cases we worked with the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and Regional Democratic Council (RDC) in the areas,” Monize said. She noted that the sessions were largely informal and in every case senior officers as well as junior staff were present to interact with attendants. Monize said they intend to carry out outreaches every three months, and Go-Invest works with all categories of

businesses- small, medium and large. She explained that in some cases they were able to provide technical advice and support in starting up and expanding businesses. She told this publication that Go-Invest aims at promoting the work and services of the agency, meet with prospective clients and to advise on steps needed to set up their business.

Police find unlicensed pistol, shotgun - in two separate districts POLICE arrested two men after they were found with an unlicensed gun in their possession in Berbice on Sunday. According to a police press release, at about 11:00hrs on Sunday, ranks conducted a search on two men on the roadway at Corriverton, Berbice, during which an unlicensed .22 Browning pistol was found. And in a separate incident at about 15:00hrs on Sunday, police conducted a search on a mining camp at Chinese

Landing, Barama River, during which an unlicensed 12-gauge shotgun along with three cartridges were found. Four men have been arrested and are in police custody assisting with the investigations. Meanwhile, miner Glendon Cox, 45, of Aberdeen, Essequibo Coast was fatally stabbed at about 01:00 hrs on Monday. According to reports, Cox was involved in an argument with a man at 4 Miles, Arakaka, North West District (NWD), when he was fatally stabbed. The suspect has been arrested and is in police custody assisting with the investigations.

Guyana Rastafari Council calls for National Marijuana Commission The Rastafarian community in Guyana is calling for the setting up of a National Marijuana Commission. At the last meeting of the Guyana Rastafari Council held at the F.E. Pollard School on August 24, 2014, members called on the Government to immediately implement the mandate of the last CARICOM Heads of Government meeting that each CARICOM member state set up a National Marijuana Commission to complement the Regional Marijuana Commission to look at decriminalising marijuana for medical, religious and recreational purposes. At the meeting, another resolution passed endorsed the work of the Guyana Reparations Committee in coming up with the correct historical narrative for Guyana, among other

things, as part of the CARICOM Reparations Claim. Members also expressed concerns over the general allocation of land in Guyana and are calling on members of the Rastafari community to utilise the land in more organic agricultural pursuits for food security. This is in light of recent concerns raised about genetically-modified seeds and food entering the Guyana food chain. The Guyana Rastafari Council is about to embark on the process of building its headquarters in Georgetown, and developing an agricultural project on the outskirts of Linden. The pioneering community organisation will be holding its Annual General Meeting and election of new office bearers on December 21, 2014.

for friday september 5, 2014 – 14:00hrs for saturday september 6, 2014 – 14:30hrs


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Health Minister lauds GBCHA for successes through ‘strategic partnerships’ - urges that model be followed to deal with chronic illnesses

A NUMBER of companies and individuals were awarded for programmes conducted in workplaces and communities which address HIV and other health and wellness issues like cancer, tu-

Category. * Scotiabank received two awards for the Community Investment and Workplace Programme Categories.

“I have come to respect and admire GBCHA’s mission and dedication to support the national programme to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS, and have been impressed by their innovative approach to a complex issue,” Dr. Giles said. She also highlighted the continued support given by Canadian-based companies like Scotiabank, Guyana Goldfields and Guyana Lottery Company in community investment efforts. Meanwhile, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, Minister of Health, also commended the GBCHA for the successes achieved through its “strategic partnerships” and challenged that the model should be followed to deal with chronic illnesses. Dr. Ramsaran encouraged partners to join the efforts of the Coalition and emphasised the need for the organisation to continue to reach out to the Ministry of Health as GBCHA broadens its mandate. Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran addresses guests at the GBCHA’s 7th Annual Awards for Business Excellence

berculosis (TB), healthy diets and gender-based violence when the Guyana Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GBCHA) hosted its Awards for Business Excellence at the Pegasus Hotel on Friday, August 29, 2014.

Other winners The annual event is organised by GBCHA to promote the unique and vital contributions made towards health and wellness by the Business Community. According to a press release, the awards were presented as follows: * Edward B. Beharry & Company Ltd for the Workplace Programme and Rohini Ramkumar for the company’s Peer Educator Programme. * Guyana Revenue Authority’s Jaunelle Marks received honourable mention in the Peer Educator

Winners of GBCHA’s Business Awards for 2014 * Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited’s Jannis London and Richard Pitman of Radio Guyana Inc were honoured for Advocacy & Leadership and Media Action respectively. * Other companies which received commendation were Ansa McAl, Kings Jewellery World and New GPC. Dr. Nicole Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana praised the work of the GBCHA in the fight against HIV/AIDS and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Also present at the event were Ms. Jennifer Webster, Minister of Human Services and Social Security; Mr. Brian Hunt, Charge D’Affaires, US Embassy; Dr. Yoran Green, CDC; Mr. Dereck Springer, PANCAP and other international and local partners. Veteran broadcaster and Executive Director, Merundoi, Ms. Margaret Lawerence chaired the programme and patrons were entertained by Classique Dance Company and Ms. Candace Fields. (Shirley Thomas)


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

Route 44 drivers threaten strike for 100 percent fare increase By Savitri Laikram

ROUTE 44 (East Coast Demerara) minibus drivers are holding firmly to their decision for a massive strike to acquire a 100 percent raise in bus fares. The Chronicle revisited the route 44 minibus park where drivers and conductors explained that their decision has not changed and they will not be persuaded into reducing fares. For minibuses working directly to Mahaica from Georgetown, the standard fare is $200. However, those working shorter distances, for example Georgetown to Buxton/Strathspey, the fair is kept within $100 - $120. The drivers and conductors have informed this publication that many minibuses are already off the road and more are going off on a daily basis as a result of passengers refusing to pay the $200 fare. Minibus drivers declared that after 15:00hrs on weekdays and Saturday, persons who do not wish to pay $200 bus fare “can stay at the park or walk home.” As a result of the “short drop” minibuses demanding a hike in their fares,

some minibus drivers working directly to the Mahaica route on a daily basis have been increasing their fares as well from $200 to $300. The minibus workers are blaming current economic conditions for their fare hike demands. They contended that everyone has a family to take care of and the present fare is not enough to pay both driver and conductor and in some cases minibus owners. Drivers and conductors claim that they will not settle for anything less than double the present fare, as an increase by just $20 or $40 will not make any difference. Although some passengers are trying to resist the new fare hike, most are at a loss after waiting at the park for hours for a minibus to pick them up. This has since resulted in persons grudgingly paying double the regular minibus fares. Some commuters are claiming that they are willing to pay the ridiculous fares to get home, but although it is one thing to double the fare, overloading the buses and asking to “double up” is unacceptable. Travellers are maintaining that gas

Route 44 buses at the East Coast park in Georgetown (Cullen Bess-Nelson photo) prices have not increased and fares should not be either. Concerns have also been raised about the recklessness and rudeness of the minibus drivers and conductors. Passengers are asserting that doubling the fare will make things extremely hard on them, as it will be financially difficult to travel to and from Georgetown on a

daily basis. Representatives of the minibus union were still unavailable for comments on the matter and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Mr. Willet Hamilton, in an earlier interview had assured that the matter will be investigated and dealt with accordingly.

U.S. Chargé d’ Affaires addresses Peace Corps’ Camp GLOW participants UNITED States Chargé d’ Affaires, Bryan Hunt, last Tuesday addressed approximately fifty girls aged 12 to 18 who participated in Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World), a Peace Corps initiative which was conducted through August 28 at the Kuru Kuru Training College on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, Upper East Bank Demerara. Speaking about the U.S. Embassy’s role in fostering leadership and empowerment of young women, Hunt explained some of the Embassy’s public diplomacy programmes for young people, including its very active Youth Action Network (YAN) and the Youth Ambassador’s Programme, a three-week leadership exchange in the United States of America. His speech came at the tail end of a week-long camp designed to inspire and empower young women to become strong leaders. Campers participated in workshops on leadership, self-esteem, teamwork, and healthy life-

style choices. Peace Corps Guyana volunteers served as counsellors at the camp, which held its first meeting in Guyana in 2011. The first

Camp GLOW was established by Peace Corps volunteers in Romania in 1995, and the initiative has since grown to more than 60 countries worldwide.

Glow Girls listen as Chargé d’ Affaires at the United States Embassy in Georgetown as Mr. Bryan Hunt delivers his address

Chargé d’ Affaires at the United States Embassy in Georgetown Mr. Bryan Hunt with Glow Girls during the Kuru Kuru forum


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Telephone Contact # 616 0301 or 227 5216

Naya Zamana 19 was a royal twist indeed!!

WHEN the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha hosted the much anticipated Naya Zamana 19 showcase at the National Cultural Centre recently, none was prepared for the riveting masterpiece that unfolded before their eyes. This show was a blinding fusion of startling colour, magnificent costumes, and mind-boggling choreography, entwined with intense musical charm, dazzling smiles, and joys of a lifetime as the dancers created magic in the venue. Love oozed in sensual rivulets saturated by mesmerizing waves of romance. Sorrow came to life in arresting flashes, cocooned by thick coats of assurance, forgiveness and solace before the mind could barely fathom its intensity. Ancient tales of infinite unions danced on the horizon before being engulfed by the unwelcomed wounds of disappointments; setbacks; and raw, wrenching sorrows. But not before they were excellently ruled away with joyful tears, mirthful laughter and peals of exquisite mirth that mirrored the eventual successes of true love, which of course is relentless, and never dies. Dubbed as a ‘royal twist’, the show was more than that. It was a royal blast into the very centre of entertainment galaxy… The story covered two eras and, as the name suggests, exploded with fabulous dance pieces, resplendent costumes, magnificent sets and intense drama. Director and Choreographer of the production, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, has been working long hours with the 70-member cast to achieve the perfect visuals for her story, an original one which she has penned. I say Dr. Persaud certainly ripped right through the jackpot! According to Dr. Persaud, this year’s production has allowed her to let her imagination run riot in crafting a script which conjured up the splendour and romance of a bygone era, as well as the drama of present day. With numerous dance styles being featured, a talented cast, majestic sets and costumes, and the inclusion of the E-Networks band, which features musicians from India and Guyana, the production sparkled from start to finish. Costumes and sets were designed by the talented Trishala Persaud.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Mr. Guyana International 2014

OVER the years, we have seen a decline in the morals of our men in society - be it their involvement in rape, armed robberies, violence against women and their male paramours, etc. Moreover, many of the social responsibilities as expected to be portrayed and acted out by our men in society today have been significantly reduced and somewhat replaced by education, as is being relayed through the new trend of music, movies and fashion. Many of our young sons, brothers, friends and relatives hardly have someone locally to call their mentor, role model, or even trend setter. It is with this fact in mind that this programme was conceived – Mr. Guyana International. Five of the eleven contestants would be representing Guyana at their individual international male competitions/pageants – Mr. International, Mr. Global International, Mr. World (once all goes as planned), Mr. Caribbean International, and Mr. Caribbean. At each competition, the Guyanese male must be showcased as positive and influential; and in every way, the male representative must try his utmost to remove that stigma that has us down as thieves, murderers, rapists and ignorant people. This local competition will have several segments to test the contestants’ strength, both physically and mentally. There will be workshops and mentoring programmes with their mentors etc. all of which would be documented and forwarded to the Administration in an effort to play our part in exorcising that spirit of ego that seems to have engulfed our men today. AIMS OF THE COMPETITION The competition aims to foster in its participants the knowledge of their responsibilities as men in society. It aims to encourage men to take a stand in the fight against many of the social issues affecting them; to create a sense of ‘self styling’, ‘self respect’ and ‘self motivation’ in regard to their personal well being in a socially acceptable environment. Realising their self worth and fostering their will power to achieve their goals, the competition is open to males of Guyanese nationality and Guyanese parentage from all walks of life. They must be between the ages of 17 and 45, and as per the competition’s mission statement, “Empowering men to empower themselves”, they must be able to empower their communities and their fellow men’. At the end of it all, these contestants must leave with the

The contestants vying for the first ever Mr. Guyana Pageant title following winning attributes: decorum, intellect, leadership, courage, culture, spirituality. This programme is dedicated to all the Guyanese men, known and unknown, for their valuable contribution to the preservation of our culture, academic achievements, nation building, and family values over the years. From the humble labourers to the elite executives, we all have a part to play in the social upliftment of our male gender. In order to make this competition a success, we, the committee members, are depending on you to partner with us and lend your support as we strive to foster the education and empowerment of our men in the hope of possibly eradicating the many criminal offences and social issues that seem to be affecting

our men, and to encourage corporate Guyana to spend on these programmes, which are of benefit to our leaders. Competition dates: Community spirit building fun day: October 19th, 2014 Venue to be announced Swimwear and fashion challenge: October 24th 2014: Duke Lodge Talent and Question and Answer: October 29th 2014: Venue to be announced Final competition/Coronation would be held on November 2nd 2014 at Le Meridian Pegasus.

Fashion craze? Or has Guyanese take top honours in ‘Don Killa’ movie fashion gone crazy? EVERY day, we welcome the grand influx of very amazing shoes that come to our local shores; and yes, indeed, our dons and divas most times look very smashing in them as they flaunt their choices. But I almost caught a fit when I came across some new shoes which are said to be hot items on the international market. I saw shoes made as the hooves of cattle, some affixed with heels resembling automatic revolvers, and some so much more that I almost swooned with shock. Well, for those with intense shoe fetishes, feast your eyes, and I dare say enjoy… May I ask just one question? Is this fashion craze, or have shoes gone crazy? What shocking shoes… Are these shoes to die for?

GUYANESE actors are indeed taking things to the next level, and this is quite evident in the fact that the new hit film, ‘Don Killa’, is featuring a cast that is predominantly of Guyanese descent. Starring in this movie are Guyanese Javid Udai and Roy Hernando. Still in production, “Don Killa” is a crime drama which rolls back the curtains way back to the 1970s in Guyana, and unfolds a brilliant story of Ram, a hardworking young man who turned to crime when his savings were stolen by the very people he trusted. The idea for the film comes from a series of flashbacks detailed from another feature film, “Shady Business”, which was never recorded due to scheduling issues. This time around, the writer/director and the producer have decided to go into production with this film, as the precursor of “Shady Business”. While part of the cast was said to be formed by the use of referrals, others were selected from the Richmond Hill/South Ozone Park neighbourhoods. There was also an advertisement in mainstream online publications, to which mostly actors of East Indian descent responded. Producers, however, wanted to ensure the film has a West Indian cast. The film is currently in production, and shooting will continue throughout the month of September. For updates and news on the production, persons are advised to follow the link on Facebook ,or by visiting their website: This is the first full-length feature film by writer, director and photographer Teri G, in collaboration with Producer Mustafa Ali

VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE Bombshell hereby informs that the article titled ‘Closet queen keeping young boy in vice of horrible relationship’, printed on Friday, August 29, 2014, is in no way referring to any staff member of the Guyana Chronicle, as was suggested via an Internet website. This article was posted in the ‘Gossip Column’ of this segment, and referred to individuals far from the environs of this newspaper.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Purple Hearts Productions: The perfect avenue for developing young theatrical talent

Some of the children who are involved in Simone Dowding’s annual Children’s Drama Workshop EVER so often, we wonder about selective and correct avenues by which our kids can be educated and be able to discover and develop their theatrical skills; and we are at a loss as to where to send them. In many cases, we end up giving up in frustration, and thus allowing excellent young talent to go wasted. Ponder no more, my good parents, because talented, award-winning local actress Simone Dowding comes to the rescue with an initiative specially designed to unleash the theatrical skills of your young ones, and to take them certainly to the next level in their aspirations.

Each year, Dowding conducts her annual Children’s Drama Workshop for participants aged 6 to 19. This initiative is used as a forum to search, discover and develop the natural drama skills of students, to prepare them for bigger and even international stages. It also serves as a positive space created where children can be taught the basic disciplines of drama, which include acting, directing, playwriting, costume and stage management, and choreography techniques, amongst other related concepts. At this venture, students are made to create their own story line, which is later scripted into a play for workshop

Nine shortlisted for Miss Guyana Universe 2014 NINE young women have completed etiquette training, and are now in the gym getting that perfect physique for pageant night, which is slated for October 12 at the Pegasus Hotel. Reports coming out of the training camp suggest that the delegates are all hyped and are in competition mode. The nine beauties were chosen from various communities throughout Guyana. There is, however, one delegate who is Guyanese born but now resides in the United States of America. That young woman is reportedly a force to be reckoned with, since she possesses all the qualities of a beauty queen. The 24-year-old Guyanese model takes her sister’s murder as her main motivation, as she has embarked on a journey to speak out and to educate others on the ripple effects of domestic violence.

The reigning Miss Guyana Universe 2013, the most lovely Katherina Roshana Then there is Miss Jamzone International, Soyini Fraser, who has vast experience in pageantry. She recently copped the coveted title

after outshining seven other regional and international delegates. She is also Miss United Nations, and also participated in the Miss Jaycee’s International Pageant. Another delegate to keep your eyes on is Guyanese model Nikita Barker, who is no stranger to pageantry as well. Moreover, she is beautiful, talented and intelligent. There are some fresh faces in the lineup, but those are not walkovers, since they are keen on competing with the aim of winning the prestigious title. The nine beauties would be unveiled to the public in a week’s time. The winner of the pageant will have a chance to represent Guyana in the Miss Universe Pageant, slated for later in the year. The young ladies will compete in swimwear, evening gown, talent and intelligence segments.

Simone Dowding during rehearsals with actor Henry Rodney production. Ms Dowding’s exploits have seen the making of ‘Emerged 3’, an award-winning children’s’ group that won Best Theatre Production this year at the Theatre Guild Awards Ceremony. At the workshop, students are also involved in poetry, dance and short plays. This year, the workshop has created five short plays, with the centerpiece being ‘Sliding Floors’ directed by Dequan Allen (guided by Dowding). The assistant director of this piece is Hannah Walters. The annual workshop has been supported by Guyana’s First Lady, Madamme Deolatchmie Ramotar, Habitat for Humanity, Car Care Plus, Lambert’s Electrical, Capital News, NALICO/ NAFICO, and Guyenterprise. Dowding, however, continues to welcome the support of other corporate entities or individuals as she sets about to further enhance the initiative. Ms Dowding can be contacted on telephone number 685-0743.

Sad news for the nation…

Delma Lynch passes on

VETERAN singer Delma Lynch, 67, is no more. S h e re c e n t l y p a s s e d away, leaving to mourn four children and eleven grandchildren. For years, she graced the stage of several local productions, and was an astute woman with a melodious voice, who sang her way into the hearts of many who heard her. She spent almost her entire adult life as a singer, and maintained a good reputation during those years. She had worked with musician and movie producer Bonny Alves on several initiatives, including two movies, dubbed, ‘The Will to Live’ and ‘Right Choices’. Two of her popular selections ‘50/50 Love’ and ‘Start Over’, were also recorded at Mr. Alves’s SSignal studio.

Delma Lynch She had also performed with Ezie Rockcliffe’s ‘Mischievous Guys Band’ alongside the talented Rita Forrester. In 1982, Rockcliffe took Lynch to the USA on his first tour, and she performed alongside the now deceased legendary artistes

Pamela Maynard‘, Czerina Ali, Otis Holder and Pat Thompson. During her stint with the Mischievous Guys, Lynch also toured Trinidad and Tobago with the Rhythmaires, and performed with the Jazz Crusaders.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Miss India Guyana chalking up points in the fashion and charity arena

Miss India Guyana 2013, Divya Sieudarsan, on her recent outreach ventures

REIGNING Miss India Guyana, the lovely Divya Sieudarsan, has been doing quite a lot during her reign; and quite lately seemed to be kicking up her heels in the areas of fashion, charity-related events, and working with the under-privileged. Just recently, she partnered with “Operation Dreamcatchers”, a non-profit organization based in the USA, in a joint initiative that was of great profit to all concerned. On her way back home from Dubai, UAE, after competing in this year’s Miss India Worldwide Pageant, she stopped in New York for a while and was introduced to this organization by a close friend. She instantly fell in love with how selflessly these young people were giving up their free time to raise funds to buy medical equipment to bring to underprivileged institutions in Guyana. She joined them at the Port Mourant Hospital in Berbice, where, with members of the organization, she worked towards renovating the Port Mourant Hospital’s Physical Rehabilitation Unit. After that, they headed to Camal’s International Home for Children and Battered Women,

HOT BARS that reek of ‘electric action’ Gravity Restaurant & Bar

Location: 6th Floor of the United Center Mall Camp & Regent St. Georgetown Gravity Lounge is Guyana’s first modern contemporary restaurant and bar. LOCATED on the top floor of the Footsteps Mega Store on Regent Street, Gravity offers a spectacular view of the city. Its indoor-and-outdoor dining areas, along with its elevated VIP area, make Gravity the perfect place to relax while enjoying their delicious international cuisine.

704 Sports Bar

in Chesney-Kilcoy village, to execute a fun nutrition lesson and play games with the kids. Next, she invested her energies in becoming involved in the ‘Save Abee: the Children of Guyana’ drive, where she participated in the Save Abee medical outreach in Cotton Tree, Berbice, where free medical care was offered to the public. Free dental; eye care, including free glasses; testing of blood pressure and free general checkups were done; while free prescription medication was also distributed. This group raises funds abroad, and has established a centre in Cotton Tree, WCB, where they are empowering the public by offering computer courses and helping various causes every year. Divya also made special appearances at the Berbice Expo this year, meeting her supporters and various people in her hometown. At the recently concluded ‘Just Youth It Conference’, she modelled her pageant gown (Randy Madray’s design). This event was held in commemoration of International Youth Day. It was a forum wherein motivational speakers and leaders in various communities were making a positive impact in society. This outstanding beauty also collaborated with Gizmos and Gadgets in a children’s charity event, where they cooked and took food, snacks and dessert for the children of the “Drop in Centre”. They also donated clothing and engaged in motivational talks. Our queen has also modelled at the Jamzone Charity Event, along with Jamzone International 2014 Queen Soyini Fraser and the other contestants, showcasing Randy Madray’s Designs. Just Monday gone, she made an appearance at the Amerindian Heritage Month celebrations at Sophia, to celebrate the Amerindian culture in Guyana.

For the discreet fan, there is a private room Located at lot 1 Queenstown, on the corner of Lamaha and Albert Streets, Georgetown option that allows persons 704 Sports Bar is 4,000 square all of this while enjoya glass of wine, mojito, or to enjoy all of the above in feet of continuous sports, ing affordable, delicious, a bottle of the finest cham- an extra elite, rich environentertainment, and food in a freshly prepared local and pagne while they celebrate ment featuring luxurious luxurious setting that is sure international bar snacks seating, custom panelling, their team’s conquests. to magnetize sports and enand foods. The staff will cater to fully state-of-the-art, indetertainment lovers. The extensive beverage your every need, and pro- pendent audio, and visual With a custom built cirselection will allow pavide you with the white center to accommodate 20 cular bar and a revolutiontrons to enjoy a fruit shake, guests or more. glove service you deserve. ary pentagon of televisions, 120-inch projection screens, state-of-the-art audio system, along with a grand video wall accompanied by over 30 high definition flat screen televisions and projectors strategically placed throughout the bar, 704 will immerse sports fans in the excitement of court-side seats at a championship game! For the fans who not only love watching the games but also enjoy joining in on the action, the facility has the latest sports titles on PS4 and Xbox1 for their gaming pleasure. Patrons can experience


guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014



guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014



guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014

guyana CHRONICLE friday september 5, 2014



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

First Test... If the gulf between the two teams in the one-day series is anything go on, then West Indies will be heavily favoured to not only win but dominate Bangladesh. They won the first ODI by three wickets, the second by 177 runs and the third by 91 runs – after piling up over 338 runs at Warner Park. Worryingly though, veteran opener Chris Gayle struggled with scores of three, 58 and six in the three matches but Darren Bravo and Ramdin were among the runs with centuries. Opener Kraigg Brathwaite, who scored his maiden Test hundred against New Zealand in June, will join Kirk Edwards, Jermaine Blackwood and the in-form veteran left-hander Shiv Chanderpaul, as those also entrusted with run-scoring. New-ball bowlers Jerome Taylor and Kemar Roach, both of whom excelled against New Zealand on return from long injury breaks, will again lead the attack which also features lanky pacer Jason Holder and spinners Sulieman Benn and Shane Shillingford. Ramdin said the make-up of the XI had not yet been decided. “We know they don’t like a lot of seam bowling but at the same time we have good spinners in our squad,” he said. “Hopefully we will make a decision by this afternoon or tomorrow morning (on the team composition). Whatever team we put out hopefully we can get the results that we want which is a win. “Once everyone does

From back page his part, everything will go well. The batters need to put runs on the board and give the bowlers something to bowl at. It’s always good when you have players who can contribute and I’m sure we will continue to strive for excellence and be happy for each other’s success.” Despite their confidence, West Indies do not plan to be complacent, with Ramdin admitting that Bangladesh boasted players who had the ability to perform at the highest level. “We are (focusing) on our fast bowling at the top of the order. They have some aggressive batsmen so we have to set some strategic fields and try to get them out,” he noted. “They have some patient batsmen as well … but we have the quality of bowlers to get 20 wickets and we have no doubt in our minds once we put runs on the board … you never know.” SQUADS: WEST INDIES – Denesh Ramdin (captain), Sulieman Benn, Jermaine Blackwood, Kraigg Brathwaite, Darren Bravo, Shiv Chanderpaul, Kirk Edwards, Shannon Gabriel, Chris Gayle, Jason Holder, Kemar Roach, Shane Shillingford, Jerome Taylor. BANGLADESH – Mushfiqur Rahim (captain) Tamim Iqbal, Anamul Haque Bijoy, Imrul Kayes, Mominul Haque, Mahmudullah, Nasir Hossain, Rubel Hossain, Shamsur Rahman, Robiul Islam, Shafiul Islam, Taijul Islam, Shuvogoto Hom, Elias Sunny.

Leonora Synthetic... Works such as landscaping, the football field and creation of the parking area are also completed. A soft launch which was scheduled for later this year had to be delayed because of the need to replace a contractor. The minister also expressed satisfaction that a lot of persons and athletic groups have shown interest in the facility. Further, flood lights are scheduled to be installed shortly and a list for persons to be employed has already been compiled. Advertisements will soon be published for workers. Government anticipates hosting local competitions when the track is up and running, as well as other meets that will be created for the facility. President of the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) Aubrey Hudson said the AAG is on a constant drive to

From back page

improve athletics and with collaboration with the Minister and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, the organisation is elated to have access to a certified track and is anticipating bringing track and field to the synthetic track and receiving expected results so athletes can perform and compete internationally. Hosting of South American seniors, Under-23 and junior track and field is also anticipated, and further bids will be placed to host Caribbean Free Trade Association games (CARIFTA). Hudson said the new track with fully automatic timing system (FAT) allows precise judgment of winners and better rating of athletes internationally. “We can accurately compare our athletes to international athletes,” Hudson said. (GINA)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Faf du Plessis ton helps South Africa to set up Australia final

Scoreboard SOUTH AFRICA innings Q. de Kock c Taylor b Chatara 2 H. Amla c Chigumbura b Madziva 14 F. du Plessis c Chigumbura b Nyumbu 121 R. Rossouw b Williams 36 A. de Villiers run-out (Nyumbu) 16 J. Duminy c &b Madziva 51 D. Miller not out 10 W. Parnell not out 10 Extras: (lb-2, w-9) 11 Total: (for 6 wickets, 50 overs) 271 Fall of wickets: 1-2, 2-26, 3-96, 4-120, 5-223, 6-246. Bowling: T. Chatara 6-0-31-1 (w-1), N. Madziva 6-0-53-2 (w-4), J. Nyumbu 8-0-53-1, S. Williams 10-1-38-1, P. Utseya 10-0-55-0, M. Waller 100-39-0. ZIMBABWE innings V. Sibanda run-out (de Villiers) 11 S. Raza c Miller b Parnell 29 H.MasakadzacdeVilliersbM.Morkel 26 B. Taylor b Duminy 79 S. Williams c Amla b Duminy 3 E. Chigumbura c Miller b Rossouw 13 M. Waller c de Kock b Phangiso 17 P. Utseya c Amla b Steyn 0 N. Madziva run-out (Miller, de Kock) 3 T. Chatara not out 10 J. Nyumbu lbw b Duminy 4 Extras: (lb-1, nb-1, w-11) 13 Total: (all out, 47.2 overs) 208 Fall of wickets: 1-31, 2-46, 3-77, 4-85, 5-110, 6-156, 7-157, 8-166, 9-202. Bowling: D. Steyn 8-1-24-1 (w-1), J. Duminy 8.2-0-35-3 (w-1), M. Morkel 8-0-41-1 (nb-1, w-3), W. Parnell 8-039-1 (w-1), A. Phangiso 10-0-38-1, R. Rossouw 3-0-17-1.

(REUTERS) Faf du Plessis smashed a third century in four matches as South Africa beat Zimbabwe by 63 runs yesterday to set up a final showdown with Australia in the triangular series tournament. Zimbabwe were bowled out for 208 in reply to South Africa’s imposing tally of 271 for six off their 50 overs in the last of the round-robin matches. It was always going to be difficult for Zimbabwe, who upset Australia in their last match on Sunday, to beat South Africa and make a considerable improvement in their run rate in order to usurp their neighbours and advance to Saturday’s series finale.

Faf du Plessis scores his third ton of the series in Harare.

McMillan named New Zealand batting coach WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Reuters) Former New Zealand batsman Craig McMillan has been awarded a two-year contract as the national team’s batting coach, the country’s cricket board (NZC) said yesterday. The 37-year-old former middle-order batsman had filled the role on a temporary basis recently and the stint

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had earned him a full-time contract, the board said in a statement. On Wednesday, the NZC extended Mike Hesson’s contract as New Zealand’s head coach by two years, putting him in the role until April 2017. “The West Indies and NZ A-tours were his first as a coach at that level, and we’re very happy with his development,” NZC head

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of cricket Lindsay Crocker said. “He’s been awarded his two-year contract on that basis and I’m confident he’ll continue to form an excellent coaching trio with Mike (Hesson) and Shane (bowling coach Shane Bond).” McMillan played 55 Tests and 197 one-day internationals between 1997 and 2007.

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Zimbabwe needed to overhaul South Africa’s total in just 29 overs to reach the final but fell well short despite wicketkeeper Brendan Taylor amassing 79 in 96 balls. “We were always behind the A-ball, losing too many wickets. But we’ve learnt a lot from engaging against the best and we can take a lot of positives from the experience,” Taylor said. du Plessis, promoted up the South African batting order to three to fill a void for next year’s World Cup, continued to flourish as he scored 121 after smashing five fours and four sixes in his knock.

DIFFICULT SURFACE He and JP Duminy put on a 103-run partnership for the fifth wicket to haul South Africa to a decent tally on a difficult surface with early morning turn for Zimbabwe’s spin attack. du Plessis, when on 41, offered just one chance for a caught-and-bowled to John Nyumbu, but the spinner dropped the ball and then saw it spill onto the stumps and run-out South Africa captain AB de Villiers at the non-striker’s end. Nyumbu eventually got du Plessis’ wicket three overs from the end after the

batsman misjudged the ball while attempting a third successive six, allowing Elton Chigumbura to take a catch. Duminy was caught and bowled by seamer Neville Madziva for a workmanlike 51. South Africa topped the standing after winning three of their four matches, while Australia made sure their shock three-wicket defeat by hosts Zimbabwe did not cost them dear as they qualified for the final by winning two matches. Zimbabwe’s win over Australia was their solitary success.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

WICB president dismisses Arthur reports KINGSTON, Jamaica West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) president, Dave Cameron, has dismissed reports that former Australia and South Africa coach, Mickey Arthur, is a front-runner for a similar post in the Caribbean. Arthur, who guided world champions Australia between 2011 and 2013, and South Africa from 2005-

2010, has been tipped to take over from Ottis Gibson, who parted company with the WICB recently. “His (Arthur) name has been mentioned by the press, not by the West Indies Cricket Board,” said Cameron when asked about the South African. “We have been accepting applications, and, have shortlisted a couple of

people and are having talks with them. “We expect that this process will take a few months, as mostly everybody is already contracted, but it will be very transparent.” Arthur, who led a transformation of South Africa’s fortunes during his tenure, including several series wins over Australia

Mickey Arthur and England, coached the Jamaica Tallawahs during the recently concluded Caribbean Premier League Twenty20. The 46-year-old, who was the first foreign-born coach of Australia, was last month also listed as a frontrunner along with fellow ex-

South African coach, Ray Jennings, for the position of coach of Sri Lanka. NO POLICY POSITION Meanwhile, Cameron, who is hoping to fill the vacancy by later this year, said the board has not adopted a policy position as

to whether or not the coach should be West Indian. “There is no preference at this point,” he said in response to questions as to what is the preferred choice of the new coach’s nationality. West Indies, who are at present being coached by manager Sir Richie Richardson, against touring Bangladesh, are scheduled to travel to India next month for three Tests, five one-dayers, and a one-off Twenty20. They will then travel to South Africa, where they are scheduled to play three Tests, five one-dayers, and three Twenty20s in December and January. The ICC World Cup in Australia and New Zealand will then follow in February and March 2015. (Jamaica Gleaner)

Game would be better off without IPL, says Botham LONDON, (Reuters) - The Indian Premier League (IPL) should be scrapped to safeguard the long-term health of cricket, according to former England all-rounder Ian Botham. Botham believes the big-money Twenty20 competition featuring eight franchises which bid for the cream of the world’s leading one-day talent has become too powerful and could be fuelling corruption in the game. “I am worried about the IPL,” Botham said during his MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey Lecture at Lord’s. “In fact I fear that it shouldn’t be there at all as it is changing the priorities in world cricket. “Players are slaves to it. Administrators bow to it.” Former England batsman Kevin Pietersen was picked by Delhi for this year’s tournament, a deal worth 20 million rupees, although India’s Yuvraj Singh drew the highest bid of 140 million Indian rupees ($2.32 million) from the Vijay Mallya-owned Bangalore franchise. “How on earth did the IPL own the best players in the world for two months a year and not pay a penny to the boards who brought these players into the game?” Botham said. Botham said the IPL, which has been tarnished by several corruption cases since its inception in 2008, could fuel the scourge of spot-fixing. “Corruption is enough of a problem in itself, but the IPL compounds that problem given it provides the perfect opportunity for betting and therefore fixing,” he said.

Former India Test bowler Shanthakumaran Sreesanth has been banned for life. Earlier this year India’s top court temporarily relieved N. Srinivasan of his duties as the country’s cricket board president in the wake of his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan being indicted for illegal betting on the 2013 IPL tournament. The scandal surfaced when former Test bowler Shanthakumaran Sreesanth and two other local cricketers, all playing for the Rajasthan Royals, were arrested on suspicion of taking money to concede a fixed number of runs. Sreesanth, who had denied any wrongdoing, was subsequently banned for life by the BCCI. (1 US dollar = 60.3750 Indian rupees)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

What should we expect from the next coach? THE West Indies Cricket Board and coach Ottis Gibson recently parted company and the Board is now searching for a new coach to revive the team. Let’s hope that it chooses wisely this time and not repeat its mistakes of the last decade. M.S. Dhoni once told me that the main difference between good organisations and the others is the interval between mistakes. Good organisations make mistakes, learn from them and hardly ever repeat them. Lesser ones keep repeating them. Performance is not only influenced by history and past experiences but also by goals and visions formulating the future. Our last three coaches seemed to have a limited and fuzzy picture of what they wanted the team to achieve and become and acted as if our cricket did not have a rich and successful history. Why did the Worrell/ Sobers and Lloyd/Richards teams play so well? Why is Lloyd’s team universally regarded as one of the best teams in the history of sport? What worked for these teams and why do we have so little of it now? Good coaches create environments in which players learn, grow and play to the best of their ability. In the last decade our players did not learn enough from their coaches to improve performance or change the fortunes of the team. Were the coaches poor teachers? Did they focus on the wrong things? Were their teaching methods out of sync with the learning style of the players? Did they understand the beliefs, values, culture and motivational profiles of the players? And did they truly comprehend the role of the coach? Sir Garfield Sobers once told me that if he were a coach he would initially devote most of his time teaching the basics of the game - physical and mental - but would then spend an equal amount of time teaching the players how to identify and deal with the many situations they will face in the game. He feels that this combination gives the player the best chance of doing well. In schools, why do some teachers succeed in getting ‘average’ students to learn while other teachers fail to

do so? Successful teachers begin with the belief that all children can learn if properly taught. It is amazing to see what can really happen when teachers believe – and make their children believe – that they can learn whatever they put their mind to. Expectation and belief are extremely powerful.

Ottis Gibson When athletes are made to believe that they can truly make a difference to the performance of the team they bring with them a level of motivation and discipline which when correctly directed satisfy a major requirement for success. Shouldn’t this then be a major priority of the coach? In an excellent Frank Worrell memorial lecture in Trinidad recently, Sir George Alleyne quoted Sir Wesley Hall as saying that Frank Worrell was a great man-manager who spent a lot of time getting to know and understand his players. He never denigrated them publicly. And Cammie Smith is quoted as saying that Worrell spent as much time speaking about life and living in personal interaction as he spent in discussing cricket. Such was the rapport and respect that there was ready compliance with his instructions on and off the field, because one did not want to disappoint the skipper. The importance of manmanagement cannot be overstated. According to U.S. General Omar Bradley, the greatest leader in the world could never win a campaign unless he understood the men he had to lead. Good coaches know that plans and goal charts do not accomplish performance and that strategies are worthless if they are not well executed.

It is the players who get things done. Players breathe life into the team’s goals and strategies. At the end of the day it is competent, well trained, highly disciplined and highly motivated players that are the key to the team’s success. Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are dime a dozen. The ones who win get into their players and motivate them. Clive Lloyd built his leadership on three strong pillars. The first was an agenda for change that included a clear and detailed vision of what he wanted his team to achieve and become, as well as an intelligent strategy to achieve that vision. And he made sure that the players bought into that vision and strategy. Second he selected a group of competent and highly motivated players who were committed to implementing his strategy. Third he got rid of the insularity, indiscipline, bad habits and weak excuses that were harming the team. Playing better is often more about unlearning or removing bad habits, fears, indiscipline and outmoded traditions than about learning or adding new ones. Good coaches focus strongly on execution and spend a lot of time motivating, communicating, facilitating and monitoring. They motivate by coaxing, praising, kicking, correcting, and inspiring. They communicate by telling and listening, informing each member about his role and place in the team, and by giving and accepting feedback. They facilitate by linking players’ aspirations to the common vision and by building good relationships with them. And they monitor by putting people and systems in place to oversee the process. Fitness and technique are important parts of coaching but should be servants not the master. The new coach will do well if he understands this, broadens his agenda, concentrates on improving the players’ strategic and mental skills and pays attention to the wise words and examples of our great players. (Rudi V. Webster, author of Think Like a Champion. September 2, 2014)



GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014

Stag Beer ‘West Side’ 5-A-Side football semis tonight … Showstoppers to play New Road Eagles; Stewartville Gunners and De Kinderen to collide

IT ALL boils down to the top four teams in the semifinals and based on the way things have been going so far, more upsets can be expected. The inaugural Ansa McAl/Stag Beer ‘West Side’ 5-a-side football tournament will see Showstoppers, who are coming off a dramatic upset win over former tournament favourites Tuschen Up-Top Youths; play the undefeated New Road Eagles while Stewartville Gunners and surprise contenders De Kinderen Village will go head-to-head tonight from 20:00hrs. Vergenoegen Rice Mill Tarmac was the venue for Wednesday’s quarterfinals that saw Showstoppers and Tuschen Up-Top Youths play each other in a game that went all the way to suddendeath penalty shootout to decide the winner. Showstoppers’ Marvin

Josiah, the tournament’s leading goalscorer, put his team in the lead, scoring his first of a hat-trick in the first minute of the game, but just before the end of the first half, John Waldron equalised for the Tuschen team. The resumption of the game in the second stanza saw Dexroy Adams hit home in the 21st minute, giving Showstoppers a 2-1 advantage. John Waldron completed his double in the 27th minute to silence the large crowd who were in jubilation to see the team many regarded as favourites on the verge of elimination. After both teams failed to find the nets, the game went into extra time, and it was Tuschen Up-Top Youths through back-to-back goals from Calvin Shepherd (33rd and 34th) that took a 4-2 lead which did not last long since Josiah, Showstoppers’

Devon Millington lucky charm completed his hat-trick scoring in the 35th and 39th minutes to send the game to sudden death penalty. The two sides exchanged a number of goals until Tuschen

Up-Top Youths’ Devon Millington missed the goal that could have sent his team to tonight’s semi-finals but instead, he opened the door for Adams to go to the charity spot and calmly tuck the ball

in the goal. So Showstoppers edged one game closer to the tournament’s $200 000 first prize. New Road Eagles kept their unbeaten record intact, doing so when it mattered the most and sending home the lone Georgetown team that remained in the competition following their 2-0 victory. Through goals from Leroy Pedro (20th) and Jermaine Junior (25th), New Road Eagles easily deposed of Broad Street in a game that was a onesided affair. Stewartville Gunners lived up to their nom de plume; shooting their way to a 2-0 win over Uitvlugt. The game got off to a terrifying start as tragedy struck the Gunners with one of their players breaking his leg following a collision with a Uitvlugt player when the two tackled each other. The game was

momentarily brought to a halt as organisers and teammates whisked the player away to a nearby hospital. Showstoppers, though, being the better team seemed motivated to win the game for their fallen player and made light work of Uitvlugt, who had few chances of scoring, having being smothered by the tenacious defending of the victors. Meanwhile, Vergenoegen All-Stars failed to shine when it mattered the most as the tournament’s other undefeated team folded 2-0 to De Kinderen Village. It is anticipated that another mammoth crowd would be on hand as the tournament nears its climax. It’s anybody’s tournament for the taking, with the rollercoaster-like momentum continues, forcing fans to think twice before making a wager on the team they want to win it all.

Serena eyes revenge and Hamstrung Clarke place in U.S. Open final doubtful for Pakistan series By Simon Cambers

MELBOURNE, Australia (Reuters) - Australia captain Michael Clarke is doubtful for next month’s series against Pakistan in the United Arab Emirates after scans confirmed an injury to his left hamstring. The 33-year-old strained his hamstring in training before the one-day international (ODI) tri-series against Zimbabwe and South Africa in Harare following a long break from the game and missed the first two matches. He returned to the team during Australia’s humiliating three-wicket loss to Zimbabwe but aggravated the injury and was ruled out of the rest of the tournament.

Clarke returned to Sydney on Tuesday and later had a scan. “Michael Clarke had an MRI scan on returning from Zimbabwe that has confirmed a left hamstring muscle injury,” Cricket Australia physiotherapist Alex Kountouris said. “He will have intensive rehabilitation for this injury and we will be monitoring his progress over the next week before deciding when he can return to training and playing.” Australia will start their series against Pakistan with a Twenty20 International, a format Clarke does not play, on October 5 and will go on to play three ODIs and

Michael Clarke two Tests. “Had a scan on the hamstring, some damage as expected but I will be back fitter and stronger,” Clarke said on his official twitter handle. “I have some great people helping me get my injury right. I will do whatever it takes to get back on the field with the boys.”

NEW YORK, USA (Reuters) - Top-seeded Serena Williams will twin revenge with ambition when she faces Russia’s Ekaterina Makarova today with a berth in the U.S. Open final at stake. Williams is bidding for her third consecutive U.S. Open title and 18th career grand slam victory. But having lost to the left-handed Russian at the 2012 Australian Open, she knows not to take anything for granted. “She’s beaten me before,” the 32-year-old American said of her 17th-seeded opponent. “She moves well, doesn’t care (about reputations), she gives 100 percent. “It’s going to be interesting for me to do the best that I can because she has a lot of momentum going into this match as well.” Having failed to reach the quarter-finals at any of the other three grand slam events this year, Williams joked that reaching the last four in New

York was already a success. “Realising that I don’t have to win anymore, so everything now is just extra,” she said. “That also helps.” Makarova beat seventh-seeded Canadian Eugenie Bouchard and Belarussian 16th seed Victoria Azarenka en route to her first grand slam semi-final and is also in the women’s doubles final.

“I’m trying to stay in the shade and to be in my world,” she said. “But I’m really enjoying playing on the big stage and the big courts with all this crowd. I’m feeling differently than in other places. “I feel that I’m ready. I’m feeling good in my game and mentally and I believe in myself. I was feeling that I can do more than quarters.”

CRICKET QUIZ CORNER (Friday September 05, 2014) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1) Tamim Iqbal-37 (2) 62 Today’s Quiz: (1) Who is the current WI Test captain? Who is the Int’l T20 captain? (2) How many Int’l T20 games Bangladeshi Mamadulah has played to date? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

GUYANA CHRONICLE Friday September 5, 2014



Surujnarine shines as Berbice thrash National U-19s … Demerara scrape past Essequibo

By Calvin Roberts FOLLOWING their six consecutive victories in the recently concluded West Indies Cricket Board Regional Under-19 limited overs tournament, the Brian Sattaur-led Guyana Under-19 team were brought back down to earth yesterday by Berbice, who recorded a mammoth 105run opening round victory at the Everest Cricket Club ground. The two sides were meeting in the first round of the Guyana Cricket Board senior Inter-county limited overs tournament, where the Under-19 lads were making their debut. Berbice won the toss and opted to bat first in brilliant sunshine. Thanks to 81 from Kandasammy Surujnarine who was later named Man-of-the-Match by the adjudicator and Match Referee Reon King, 54 from Devon Clements, a swashbuckling 31 from Veerasammy Permaul and 30 from Jonathan Foo, the Berbicians posted 278 for 7 from their 50 overs. Damion Waldron, who bowled a much better line and length in comparison to some of his spells delivered during the Regional tournament, took 2 for 33 for the national youth side, who were forced to make do without their number one spinner in Shiraz Ramcharran, who picked up a

first-ball injury. In their turn at the crease, the Youths were struggling at 68 for 5, before Kemo Paul resisted the pain from a finger injury to blast three fours and a similar number of sixes in his 47, backed by 28 from Ronaldo Ali-Mohammed and 26 from Kemol Savory. Berbice skipper Narsingh Deonarine and Krisendat Ramoo took three wickets each for 26 and 37 runs respectively, as their side completed the comfortable win by bowling out their opponents for 173 in 47.5 overs. Earlier in the contest, Berbice lost Seon Hetmyer (8) who was lbw to Paul at 28 for 1, before Surujnarine and Clements added 101 for the second wicket, with Clements posting his 50 from 72 balls, counting three fours and two sixes that was struck off Steven Sankar (1 for 60). Surujnarine followed suit shortly after, posting his 50 from 74 balls with five fours, following which he opened up his shoulders and struck Sankar for 4 and 6 in the bowler’s final over, following the demise of Clements who was caught by Paul at long off, off Sankar. Berbice lost Surujnarine who was bowled off the first delivery of the 36th over by Waldron, but boisterous hitting from Deonarine who steered Paul for two fours, Foo and later Permaul, who took a six and four in the final

over from Ali-Mohammed, steered the Ancient County to their eventual total.

During this time, Paul retired hurt after aggravating a finger injury, doing so at 55

Well done! Devon Clements (left) shakes the hand of his Berbice teammate Kandasammy Surujnarine, shortly after he posted his half-century, as umpire Zaheer Mohammed (backing camera) looks on. When the Under-19 lineup began their reply, they were rocking at 68 for 5 in the 18th over, losing Shimron Hetmyer 9 (1x4) who was caught by his elder brother Seon at backward square leg off Keon Joseph, Sattaur (0), Ashkay Homraj (10), Baldeo (0) and Tagenarine Chanderpaul 21 (3x4).

for 2 off 11 overs, with his personal contribution at the time being 11. Ali-Mohammed and Savory revived the innings with their 45-run sixth-wicket partnership, which saw AliMohammed pull Ramoo for 6, after chalking up backto-back fours off Permaul, before Gudakesh Motie-

Guyana Media XI and Gas Masters clash in T20 at Everest today RIDING on a high after their morale-boosting win over Enmore Masters in early June, the Guyana Media XI will take on Gas Masters in a feature T20 match this afternoon at the Everest Cricket Club ground. Action is set to bowl off at 13:00hrs and a keen contest is expected as the Media boys look to continue their winning ways, having been unbeaten after two games. The second innings of the match against the Georgetown Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association was washed out at the Georgetown Cricket Club ground on Independence Day, with the rematch still in the pipelines. The Calvin Roberts-led Media unit have been in training over the past week at the Police Sports Club ground, Eve Leary, and according

to the skipper, confidence is high in the camp as they hunt another win. The Media workers had physical sessions, as well as batting, bowling and fielding drills and are keen on executing their plans in this afternoon’s contest, with the aim of recording another victory. Roberts, who was devastating against Enmore with a three-wicket burst, will lead the bowling attack with support from seamers Ishaka Jackman, Kizan Brumell and Chad Ramsaroop, left-arm spinner Ravi Persaud and spinner Imran Khan among others. The batting will hinge upon openers John Ramsingh and Rajiv Bisnauth, Persaud, wicketkeeper Daniel Singh, Avenash Ramzan, Jackman, Khan, Clifton Ross, Esaun Griffith and hard-hitting

Orlando Charles. Gas Masters will be led by Nadir Baksh, called ‘Gas’ who is the head groundsman at the venue for today’s highly anticipated contest. Admission is free. Guyana Media XI squad reads: Calvin Roberts (captain), John Ramsingh, Rajiv Bisnauth, Ravi Persaud, Daniel Singh, Avenash Ramzan, Clifton Ross, Imran Khan, Chad Ramsaroop, Orlando Charles, Esaun Griffith, Kizan Brumell, Keon Blades and Ishaka Jackman. Gas Masters squad reads: Nadir Baksh (captain), Haresh Loaknauth, Terrence Narine, Feroze Bacchus, Chandrika Jeenarine, Chatpaul Balkissoon, Fazleem Mohamed, Satesh Persaud, Talish Ramotar, Sodie Mohamed, Ramo Malone and Vivakanand Ramsaywack.

Kanhai removed him. Savory followed in the next over, bowled by Deonarine when he attempted to run a quicker ball to third man, before Paul, who resumed his innings at Ali-Mohammed’s demise, threw caution to the wind and hit both Permaul and Ramoo for sixes back over their head, after doing the same to Deonarine. But when he was dismissed, stumped by Anthony Bramble off Ramoo, it was all over for the national youth side, as Deonarine wasted little time in mopping up the tail, to hand his side the massive first round victory. Across at the Wales Community Centre ground, a star-studded Demerara lineup, which included 10 players who represented Guyana at the senior level within the past five years, were made to work overtime by a determined Essequibo lineup, before they came out on top by two wickets. Asked to bat first by their opponents, the Cinderella County squandered a 62-run first-wicket stand between Kevon Boodie 42 (6x4) and Norman Fredericks (12) and were dismissed for 152 which was scored off 39.2 overs, with only Hemchand Persaud 26 (29 balls, 2x6, 1x4) showing resistance. National off-spinners Steven Jacobs (4 for 32) and Zaheer Mohammed 3 for 16, did the damage with the

ball for Demerara, , in rely saw their openers Andrew Lyght Jr. 38 (7x4) and Trevon Griffith 47 (38 balls, 8x4, 1x6) adding 93 for the first wicket. But just like the Essequibians, Demerara wasted that start and were reduced to 138 for 7, thanks to the bowling of skipper Anthony ‘Kunta’ Adams (5 for 38) and his unrelated deputy Ricardo Adams who took 3 for 19. Among the lot were Robin Bacchus (16), Rajendra Chandrika (12), skipper Christopher Barnwell (7), Chandrapaul Hemraj (1) and Jacobs (1), before Mohammed and Shemroy Barrington pushed the score to 147, at which point Mohammed was lbw to Anthony Adams for 2. Despite the fall of wickets, Barrington who strolled to the crease at 126 for 4, found a useful ally in Paul Wintz (6), who partnered him to take Demerara to victory as they finished on 153 for 8 off 28.4 overs, with Barrington being unbeaten on 10. The second round will bowl off tomorrow with Demerara and Berbice clashing at Wales and not the Enmore Community Centre ground as was previously mentioned, while Essequibo will take on the National Under-19 at the Demerara Cricket Club ground.

Contrasting wins for Antigua, SVG as Grenada held ST JOHN’S, Antigua (CMC) - Hull City striker Calaum Jahraldo-Martin scored and fellow United Kingdombased forward Keiran Murtagh weighed in with a double, to help Antigua and Barbuda crush Anguilla 6-0 in the CFU Caribbean Cup Qualifiers here Wednesday night. Playing in Group 5, Jahraldo-Martin, who is yet to get a Premier League game for Hull, opened the scoring for the hosts in the eighth minute while Murtagh, who plays for Woking in the Conference Premier, added the second in the 35th minute. Exciting teenaged forward Tevaughn Harriette netted in the 41st

minute to ensure a 3-0 scoreline for Antigua at the break, at the Antigua Recreation Ground. On resumption, veteran striker Peter Byers struck in the 55th minute before Quinton Griffith, who plays professionally in the United States for Charleston Battery in the USL, poked in a penalty in the 70th to put the Antiguans 5-0 up. Murtagh completed the rout when he scored in the 71st minute In the other game in the group, St Vincent and the Grenadines edged the Dominican Republic 1-0, thanks to a 43rd minute goal from 18-year-old Oalex Anderson. In Group 4 action in Puerto Rico, Grenada and

French Guiana played to a 1-1 draw at the Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium while Curacao and Puerto Rico finished 2-2 at the same venue. Following a goal-less first half, Grenada got in front in the 59th minute through Terry James but a minute later, Belgiumbased Sylvio Breleur struck to level the score, and grab a share of the points for French Guiana. The other Group 4 game saw Puerto Rico squander a 2-0 advantage after Joseph Marrero netted twice, in the seventh and 51st minutes. Prince Mathilda started the comeback when he scored in the 59th minute and Shelton Martis completed it when he found the nets with eight minutes remaining.


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Surujnarine shines as Berbice thrash National U-19s See Story on page 35

First Test starts today

… Confident Windies eye continued domination KINGSTOWN, St Vincent (CMC) – A buoyant West Indies enter the first Test against Bangladesh here today, convinced they can brush aside the minnows and extend their domination of the Home Series. The hosts rolled over Bangladesh 3-0 in the preceding One-Day International series with the greatest of ease and will carry this momentum into the two-Test series, when it gets going at Arnos Vale. More importantly, the Windies will use the series to rebound from the disappointment of their loss to New Zealand in the threeTest series back in June – their third straight Test

series defeat. “We were disappointed to have lost that series. It was 1-1 going into Barbados and we had the confidence, but we didn’t bat as well as we wanted to. We’ll take the positive from that series – the guys who got runs, the guys who got wickets,” said captain Denesh Ramdin, who will be seeking his first series win since succeeding the axed Darren Sammy earlier this year. “This is a very important series for us and we’re going to take it very seriously and go out there and beat the opposition. It’s always good to win Test matches and win series at home.” Turn to page 30

Captains Mushfiqur Rahim (left) and Denesh Ramdin pose with the series trophy, yesterday.

Leonora Synthetic Track certified by IAAF

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr Frank Anthony and president of the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) Aubrey Hudson hold the IAAF certificate.

THE National Synthetic track was yesterday certified by the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) as part of the Government’s quest to renew sport and athletics and boost Guyana’s capacity to host international sport activities. Minister of Culture Youth and Sport, Dr Frank Anthony while at the Leonora, Region Three site, said, “We are very pleased that we have been able to certify the track. This will be the first certified facility that we have in Guyana for athletics, so while its looks like a simple thing, it is really a big deal

The minister added that the track is classified as Class Two which pleases the Government because it allows local athletics to race on a surface that would allow their record breaks to be recorded internationally. “A lot of our athletes would have travelled to places like Trinidad and Barbados; now we can do that right here. I see it as a good thing for competition. The venue itself would also allow for training,” Minister Anthony said while adding that the ministry envisions that at some point in the future athletes from outside of Guyana will also utilise the track for training.

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208

He added that there are still works that need to be done at the facility, and explained that the northern stand is just one component of the set that will be built. In addition, stands will be built at the southern, western and eastern sides of the track, in phases. Once the northern stands and the VIP area are completed (which are expected to accommodate approximately 10 000 people), the facility will be launched. “The other stands will be built as we get money in our budget,” Minister Anthony said. Turn to page 30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

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