The Wey September/October 2013

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Diocese of Guildford

The newspaper from the Church of England for everyone in the Diocese of Guildford

September/October 2013 - Issue 69



‘A once-in-a-lifetime thing’ A youth leader from Fleet was one of eight young Anglicans from across the world to take part in the first Anglican World Youth Encounter (AWYE), which ran alongside the legendary international Catholic youth conference World Youth Day (WYD) in Brazil this July, reports Beth Richardson, communications intern.

AWYE was born out of a conversation between the parish priest of Rio’s City of God, Fr Nicholas Wheeler, and Guildford’s Bishop Christopher during a meeting of the AnglicanRoman Catholic International Commission in Rio this spring. Bishop Christopher and Fr Nicholas were keen for Anglican young adults across the globe to be part of the WYD celebration, and invitations were sent to dioceses in Brazil, UK, Italy, Africa, America, Canada and Australia. Bishop Christopher said: “The idea arose in a casual conversation with Fr Nicholas as we walked round his ‘parish’, the ‘favela’, shanty-town of the City of God on the outskirts of Rio. “Our baptism makes us all adopted children of God, so we are all sisters and brothers the world over – not least of Copacabana Beach!

“That lesson is a joy to learn, as those who took part in AWYE found Helen pictured with the group of Anglicans from Australia, Italy, UK, out.” Canada, South Africa, America, and Brazil, along with Revds Nicholas Wheeler and Daniel Cabral

Existing as little more than an idea

in May, by July a group of eight were ready to adventure forth in Rio with the Revds Nicholas Wheeler and Daniel Cabral from the Diocese of Rio de Janeiro, and the support of Diocesan Bishop Filadelfo Oliveira. Amongst them, representing the UK and the Diocese of Guildford was Helen Wolstencroft, youth leader at the Church on the Heath in Fleet. She said: “It was such an honour and a miracle to be asked to go, I was so excited and really nervous. “The young people there were just completely elated at the thought of participating in something so big and worshipping God in new ways with so many other young people from all over the world. “They were clapping and waving their hands in the air, and doing things they wouldn’t usually do in their own churches – including a flash mob during Sunday morning mass on Copacabana beach with three-and-a-half million people!” As well as attending the conference, the group got to know other young Christians from around the world, saw various projects in Rio

Helen Wolstencroft

and explored what it means to be a young Christian today. Helen said: “It’s completely changed me in a new way - I’ve never done anything like it before. “I’m going to try and get my young people to go on a pilgrimage and inspire them to do something similar. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but hopefully not!”

Bishop backs new campaign to ‘save’ Christmas Following survey findings which reveal knowledge of the Christmas story is fading, leading denominations are to unite this autumn to reverse the trend and focus on ‘saving Christmas’. The Christmas Starts with Christ campaign will run from 1 December to Christmas Day, with a range of resources available including a new free logo, specially produced Christmas cards, a chocolate advent calendar with a copy of the Christmas story in the box and a national advertising campaign using posters and radio adverts. It might be unpalatable but Christmas is being lost to secularism. Survey results (from ComRes 2007, 2010, 2012 and Children’s Society 2010) show just 12% of adults know the nativity story; and 36% of children do not know whose birthday is being celebrated during the festival. A crucial 51% of people now say that the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to their Christmas, indicating that for the majority Christmas is becoming simply a consumer-fuelled and family-filled happy holiday which is meaningless – albeit enjoyable.

Actor’s new role

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A movement made up of some of the nation’s leading Christian groups, including the Church of England, the Evangelical Alliance, and the Children’s Society, is coming together because they recognise something must be done.

communities. But the reason for the season is being forgotten; and the motivation which underpins the Church’s goodwill is largely unknown among the wider public. Our job is to tell the story.”

Leading the campaign is – the group behind the annual Christmas advertising poster and radio campaigns. This year, recognising the urgency and importance of bringing the Church together to save Christmas, the group has taken a new direction. The capaign kicks off with the first ever nationwide Christmas Starts Sunday on 1 December, the beginning of Advent.

Rallying call The Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Revd Ian Brackley, said: “The Christmas Starts with Christ campaign is a rallying call to the Church to save Christmas; to put Christ and the amazing story of his birth back as the focus of the nation’s favourite time of year. “Because He is where it all begins. Up and down the country, during the most wonderful time of the year, churches bring light into their

Teenagers help ring in Royal Prince

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Continued on page 3

Step in time this October

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A journey of faith

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News Cathedral announces ‘mix-of-six’ honorary Canons Guildford Cathedral has announced the appointment of six new honorary canons from varying traditions and denominations in recognition of their service. Diocesan director of ordinands, the Revd William Challis, and parish priests the Revd Karen Hutchinson and the Revd David Willey have all been invited to become clerical canons, while the chairman of the Cathedral Council Lady Elizabeth Toulson will be awarded the title of lay canon, and the Roman Catholic bishop of Arundel and Brighton, Bishop Kieran Conry, and Chair of the Methodist South East District the Revd John Hellyer are to be ecumenical associates.

Candidates for an honorary canonship - which is, as its name suggests, a largely honorary title - are selected by the diocesan bishop and reviewed by the dean and chapter of the Cathedral before being awarded. Each canon has their own ‘stall’ or seat in the Cathedral which they take up for special services. Bishop Christopher said: “It has given me the greatest pleasure to make my final five canonical appointments. “Karen Hutchinson and David Willey, two parish clergy of very different styles, are both equally valued and treasured by this diocese, and with William Challis, we have someone who has served us so well in terms of the nurturing of vocations to the ordained ministry.

“It has been a great pleasure to work with Lady Elizabeth Toulson on the appointment of the new Dean of the Cathedral, and this canonship also comes in recognition of her service to the Cathedral as chairman of the Cathedral Council. “My two ecumenical appointments reflect real commitment from the Methodist Church and the Roman Catholic Church locally and both are very valued colleagues within Churches Together in Surrey. The Revd John Hellyer always brings a vision of ecumenism for mission to the fore, Bishop Kieran has a passionate care for those on the margins and I have especially worked with him and colleagues in terms of prison ministry in this diocese.” Karen Hutchinson, vicar of the United

Benefice of The Bourne and Tilford and National Association of Diocesan Advisers on Women’s Ministry (NADAWM) representative for the diocese, said: “I am delighted to be made an honorary canon of Guildford Cathedral, which has been a part of my life since I first attended Easter Monday Pilgrimages as a teenager many years ago. “I look forward to serving the cathedral and diocese in this way.” William Challis said: “I feel very priveleged to be appointed an Honorary Canon by Bishop Christopher, and in our team we are delighted at this recognition of our work in promoting and encouraging new ministries across the diocese.” David Willey has served as team rector

French anthem greets visitors A group of visitors from protestant churches across northern France were surprised to be greeted by an order of service in French, a French anthem and an organ recessional by a French composer when they attended Evensong at Guildford Cathedral in July.

The group, led by Pasteur Sören Lenz, spiritual director of the Château du Liebfrauenberg - a retreat house in Alsace - were spending a week on a cultural tour of southern England. Staying at Guildford YMCA, they visited London, Windsor, Oxford and Salisbury Cathedral. While in Guildford they spent an afternoon at Emmanuel, Stoughton where the Revds Frank Scammell (Emmanuel, Stoughton), Mark Woodward (St John’s, Stoke), Andy Wheeler (St Saviour’s, Guildford) and Hugh Grear (St Mary’s, Worplesdon) gave them a taste of the work being done in town and country parishes of the Diocese. Pasteur Lenz, from the Lutheran Church of Alsace commented: “We received a very warm welcome from everyone we met at Emmanuel and were very impressed to discover how involved your churches are with work in their local communities. The varieties of Anglicanism and the young age of your church communities were also impressive.”

On Bishop Christopher’s right is Pasteur Sören Lenz, from the Lutheran Church of Alsace, who led the group of French protestants visiting southern England, together with Bishop Ian and members of the group at the Lakeside Restaurant

Following evensong at the Cathedral, the group were joined by Bishop Ian and Bishop Christopher for a meal at the Lakeside Restaurant, Surrey University.

of St Peter Farnborough for 11 years and was also a rural dean, he said: “It is a great honour that Bishop Christopher has invited me to this position. “Since moving to the Diocese almost 11 years ago, I have found it a place of great mutual encouragement in ministry. “I hope that in this role I may be able to encourage the Cathedral community in their witness to God’s saving love.” The new canons will officially be installed during the choral evensong and installation of canons at Guildford Cathedral on 8 September at 6:30pm – apart from the Revd John Hellyer who has prior commitments and will be installed later in the year.

Youth advisers look to the future The largest-ever gathering of diocesan youth advisers came together this summer in Haslemere, where the Diocese of Guildford hosted the national annual conference. Youth advisers from across the country came to learn from each other, and reflect together on ‘The Death of Youth Ministry?’ Guildford’s diocesan youth adviser David Welch commented: “Despite the shocking title, the group thought about the future of youth ministry within the Church of England, and how we might rethink what we do to reflect the cultural change in both the church and wider society. “We heard from Graeme Coddrington about ‘Generational Theory’ - what different generations’ norms and values are, and what each generation has to offer the other. We were encouraged to imagine what the Gospel, the Church and youth work and ministry look like as they ‘proclaim the Gospel afresh in each generation’, to quote the words said at ordination.” The conference is hosted by a different diocese each year, so we are looking forward to their return to the Diocese of Guildford in the 2050s, by which time some of the young people we are now working with may well be bishops themselves…

Shere actor’s new role The Bishop of Dorking, the Right Revd Ian Brackley visited St James’ Shere, this summer to officiate the confirmation of Callan actor, Anthony Valentine, preach at parish communion and induct a new member of choir. Anthony Valentine, best known for his TV role as the ruthless Toby Meres in the series Callan, as Major Horst Mohn, the sinister Luftwaffe officer in the BBC drama Colditz and the eponymous Raffles, was confirmed by Bishop Ian.

enthralled both by what the children had been making and their enthusiastic replies to his questions - which prompted him to comment to the congregation ‘I think I’m being upstaged!’ Bishop Ian’s last function of the morning was to induct eight-year-old Carissa Barnett as a full member of the choir. Carissa, who joined the choir in February has been singing at services both at St James and St Mark’s, Peaslake, ever since.

An interesting footnote: The Bishop’s pastoral crook was made more than 10 years ago by former rector of Shere, the Revd Geraint Meirion-Jones, from an ash sapling which he found growing in Peaslake Bishop Ian escorts Anthony Valentine cemetery.

After the affirmation of Tony’s faith, the Sunday Explorers children joined the congregationof well over 100 people. The Bishop was down the aisle after his confirmation

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The Wey September/October 2013

On a hot July day friends and colleagues from across the diocese gathered at Guildford Cathedral to bid farewell to the Archdeacon of Dorking the Ven Julian Henderson. The special afternoon service was held shortly before Julian and his wife Heather left for Blackburn. Julian will be consecrated as Bishop at York Minster on 10 October. Appropriately, Julian preached on Matthew 9: ‘Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”’ Julian had served for 21 years in the diocese – 13 years as incumbent at Holy Trinity, Claygate, and for eight years as archdeacon. Editors: For a letter from Julian and his wife Heather see page 14.

News White smoke as new rector starts

Taking Church into the streets – or at least the car park after a fire interrupted the institution of St Saviour’s new rector

It was a sure fire way to make sure no-one ever forgot the institution of the new rector at St Saviour’s Church, Guildford. Within minutes of the Revd Mike Norris being given full legal authority for the building, the organ caught fire. The service, attended by the Bishop of Dorking, the Archdeacon of Surrey and the Mayor of Guildford as well as international opera singer Jonathan Veira, continued in the car park while emergency services made sure the organ and the building were safe.

‘How Great Thou Art’. “The church’s welcome team took drinks and canapés to the open-air congregation before the evening ended with our new rector announcing the following Sunday’s services would be at the usual times – only without the use of the organ.” For more information about St Saviour’s visit or follow them at

St Saviour’s operations director Andrew Bagwell said: “Mike’s rectorship has certainly started with a bang. Forty minutes into the service, our organist John Ashworth noticed smoke coming out from beneath the keys. He has significant musical prowess but it doesn’t normally result in smoke!”

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Mike, his wife Bex and their three boys had just arrived from New Zealand where Mike was vicar of St Paul’s Auckland, and all their possessions were still on a ship somewhere in the Pacific. “It certainly wasn’t an arrival we will forget. The congregation evacuated the church in an orderly fashion and Bishop Ian presided from on top of a wall before Jonathan Veira led the congregation in

Teenagers help ring in royal prince To celebrate the birth of His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge, a quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles was rung at All Saints’ Church, Witley by Ruth Gill, Frank Rice, Mark Gill and Alison Collins together with Katie Collins (aged 14) and Laura Gill (aged 13), probably two of the youngest bell-ringers in the country. Katie Collins said: “It was an honour to ring for the newest member of the Royal Family. I really felt part of the event and was proud to be included in the celebration.”

Katie and Laura after ringing their quarter peal

Tower Captain Ruth Gill commented: “We were particularly pleased that both our girls rang – there cannot be many peals and quarter peals rung around the country which include two ringers who are likely still to be around to see the Prince crowned King! It was also good to have two children ringing with their parents.”

Bishop backs new campaign (from page 1) At Christmas time, thousands of churches

for the season is the birth of Jesus.

around the country do a huge amount to

The logo is available for use free of

carry the Christmas story into their local

charge, and the more churches that use

communities. The vision for this campaign

it the better. If you would like to download

is to use a common logo to join the dots

resources for your church or find out more

of these activities and project a powerful

about the campaign or help save Christmas,

message to our entire nation that the reason


Bishop Ian Brackley

There is none like you, O Lord, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

1Ch 17:20 (ESV)

The Wey September/October 2013

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Future for Women Bishops discussed post-Synod Discussions on women in the episcopate, which took place at this summer’s General Synod, were fed back to two separate meetings for clergy and lay people at Holy Trinity Church, Guildford, in July. At the first meeting around 50 members of clergy heard how a new format of business had been well received and that ‘conflict had turned into conversation’. General Synod members the Revd Karen Hutchinson (The Bourne & Tilford) and the Revd Philip Plyming (Claygate) explained that delegates had been split into groups of 20 to discuss the issues with a facilitator (often from outside the CofE) and reported back that being in small groups had given everyone a chance to speak and given a sense of being more consultative than confrontational. The Ven Julian Henderson explained the four options set out by the House of Bishops and stated that Option 1 was the chosen way forward. In simple terms this is to establish a steering committee to come up with proposals to have women bishops who are equal to male bishops in every sense - with an amendment put forward by the Bishop of Dover, establishing a mandatory procedure in the event of difficulty in arriving at a solution.

believed it showed that ‘conflict can be turned into conversation’

the General Synod would be voting.

Member of the diocesan communications team, Richard Peters, who was present at the meeting said: “Tributes were paid in the meeting to Archbishop Justin’s role. Although he did not play a big part on the day, those present felt he had set the tone for a positive outcome to the conference by trying to do things differently. His presidential address had been well received.”

“One questioner asked: ‘If Option 1 is defeated and that is the feeling of General Synod, on what basis can we expect a different outcome in 2015?’ Anne Martin responded that there was the will and acceptance of the urgency to find a way forward, saying that the majority knew there would be women bishops and it must be accepted that we ‘cannot all hold out for exactly what we want’.”

The second meeting attracted about 125 laity and followed a similar format with the diocese’s lay representatives, Adrian Vincent, Peter Bruinvels, Keith Malcouronne and Anne Martin (diocesan lay chair) sharing their reflections on the latest Synod.

Stephen continued: “The diocesan representatives asked for ‘prayer, not criticism’. ‘Criticism will not get the vote through’ was their comment and they were thanked for all the hard work they had put into the issues discussed.”

Diocesan secretary Stephen Marriott, who was at the meeting, commented: “After a relatively light-hearted start, the atmosphere became more tense during a Q and A session with comments that the Church should ‘just be getting on with it’ and should ‘stop pussyfooting around’. Others wanted to know how the diocesan representatives to

The Synod encouraged those wishing to comment to express their views direct to the Steering Committee via william.fittal@ The Revd Canon Robert Cotton has been appointed to the Committee and is happy to be contacted at

The aim is for the steering committee to come up with a draft for the Synod in November. It was felt important to resolve this before the next elections to General Synod in 2015, to avoid those elections being fought on the issue of women bishops. The clear impression was one of hope and optimism. Comparing it to the previous Synod, the Revd Canon Dr Hazel Whitehead (director of Discipleship, Vocation and Ministry) believed it showed that ‘out of bad can come good’ while the Revd Canon Robert Cotton (Holy Trinity, Guildford)

Do your shopping in comfort Cuddington church celebrates community heroes and confidence at Cross Rhythms Direct.

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The Ven Julian Henderson, then Archdeacon of Surrey, addresses the clergy meeting

The significant community contributions of three residents in Cuddington, Epsom have been recognised by their church and Residents’ Association (RA) through a new award introduced this year.

Ken Robinson was the first to be named ‘Citizen of the Year’ as part of the St Mary’s and Residents’ Award (SMRA) during a celebratory service on 14 July for his long-term dedication to the community. The award is designed to commend significant voluntary activity in Cuddington, while aiming to improve the church’s engagement with the community.

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The vicar of St Mary’s Church and organiser of the SMRA, the Revd Andy Cain said: “The event was brilliant, with a full church and glorious weather.

And thousands of CDs and DVDs now have FREE POSTAGE

“Ken Robinson has contributed a lot to the community over the years and is very well known here.


“Cuddington has no shortage of community-minded, caring people and this award is a great way of encouraging community

Page 4

Revd Andy Cain (left) pictured with SMRA Citizen of the Year Ken Robinson (right) after the award-giving ceremony

The Wey September/October 2013

and church engagement, even in its first year we feel it has done wonders in that respect.”

Ken worked for many years supporting the Kensington Philharmonic Orchestra and in his retirement has been a prominent member of the Probus Club of Ewell, a longstanding member of St Mary’s Church, and member of Cuddington RA.

Two other residents were also thanked for their time and support given to the community and were awarded certificates - Joyce Nicholas for her contributions to local and district scouting, and PC Dan Doherty for his policing in the Cuddington area. The ceremony was attended by nearly 220 people, including the Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, who presented the award, and the 2nd Cuddington Guides and Scouts.

Community Matters

Knitting hats to save lives Hats – a fashion icon? An unflattering must for weddings? Or a life-saving preventative from deadly illnesses to new-born children in Africa? A junior doctor at the Royal Surrey County Hospital is piloting a new hat-knitting initiative ‘Knitting for Our Friends in Africa’ (KOFIA – which is also the Swahili word for hat), to help save and protect the lives of babies in Tanzania. Blanche Oguti, who attends Guildford Cathedral, visited the Anglican-led 140-bed Berega Mission Hospital in Tanzania in early July and saw first-hand how a simple woollen hat can save lives by helping newborns regulate their own body temperature. Blanche, along with Debbie Donovan, her GP trainer at the Cranleigh Medical Practice, is encouraging people within the diocese to knit woollen hats to be sent to the hospital in Tanzania. KOFIA has already received 104 knitted hats, five knitted blankets and one knitted waistcoat – it’s time to whip out your needles!

Blanche said: “It’s so heart-warming to know that there are people willing to help a cause like this. “A hat is something so simple and yet, as the studies I researched showed, incredibly effective in helping to reduce the onset of hypothermia.” Wearing a hat after birth helps to retain babies’ warmth and protect them against potentially deadly illnesses such as hypothermia and pneumonia in the early stages of life.

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If you can’t knit, now’s the time to start! It’s quick and easy to learn online, with the hat drop off point conveniently located at the Fairtrade stand in Guildford Cathedral.

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One batch of hats is due to be sent to the Berega Mission Hospital at the end of August, one in September and another in November thanks to the charity Tools with a Mission (TWAM).

“If the drive is successful then setting up a long-term link may result from it, which would be amazing!” Blanche said. Huts belonging to an orphanage near the hospital in Berega village

For more information about Blanche’s campaign go to:

Bishop Christopher’s Prayer Walk – a ‘moving’ farewell As The Wey goes to press, planning is still under way, but the Bishop of Guildford’s five-day Walk of Prayer this October already promises to be a ‘moving’ farewell to the people and places of the diocese. Steamboat travel and sections of the Pilgrims’ Way and Monks’ Walk are already pencilled in, and while the provisional programme may change, everyone is welcome to join Bishop Christopher for prayer, walking, contemplation or conversation. The walk was announced with his retirement in June and Bishop Christopher aims to cover as much of the diocese as possible in five separate days: October 8, 15, 17, 19, and 23. Bishop Christopher said: “My plan is to pray, walk, and have a conversation with anyone who wants to join me along the way, whether for a short stage or a longer one.” The fine details are still being worked on with the relevant parishes, so please check the diocesan website and Facebook page for updated information. If any keen walkers would like to test out any of the routes, please report your findings, good or bad, back to

The provisional timetable:

Tuesday 8 October Fleet to Woking: 09.30 breakfast preceded by morning prayer at All Saints’ Community Centre, Fleet, for 10.15 start. Draft route: canal towpath then transport by steamboat courtesy of the Revd Mark Rudall to Aldershot and on to Ash Vale for lunch. Walk to Frimley then by car to canal at Brookwood and walk along towpath to Christ Church Woking for tea and evening prayer. Tuesday 15 October Burpham to Haslemere: 09.15 breakfast preceded by morning prayer at Burpham Vicarage for 10.00 start. Draft route: Walk to the Wey Navigation and then (courtesy of Mark Rudall’s boat) to Guildford, link up with diocesan staff before walking on to Godalming for lunch. By car to Thursley and walk from Thursley on the Greensand Way to Haslemere where the walk will finish with tea and evening prayer. Thursday 17 October Banstead to Epsom: 09.30 breakfast preceded by morning prayer at All Saints’, Banstead for 10.15 start. Draft route: Banstead to the Cricketers, Epsom Common for lunch, then through Horton Country Park on the route of the old railway line, through Chessington/Ruxley area for tea and evening prayer. Saturday 19 October Dorking to St Martha’s Hill: 09.30 breakfast preceded by morning prayer at Dorking St Martin’s. Draft route: Walk from Dorking through to Westcott then on to Wotton on the Greensand Way; then by car up to Effingham Forest and pick up the North Downs Way/Pilgrims Way into Shere for lunch. Then after lunch from Shere up to St Martha’s on the Pilgrims’ Way. At St Martha’s it is planned that there will be a gathering of the young people. Wednesday 23 October Thorpe to Pyrford: 09.30 breakfast preceded by morning prayer at Thorpe for 10.15 start. Draft route: Walk on Monks’ Walk to Chertsey Abbey, to Weybridge for lunch and then to Pyrford for evening prayer and tea. In addition, it is hoped to fit in a part-day around the parishes bordering the Thames Path, starting from Walton. This may need to be in November. Details later.


The Wey September/October 2013

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Advertising Feature

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and building this new house for 6 long years, so we are very excited that we have started to move in at last. But we still have a few things to finish to make it fully functional and give the students the best support we can. It will only take about 6 weeks of work to move in to part of the first house, but we have a shortfall of £12,000 preventing us from to getting there. We have been working and praying for a long time, not only for the house to be completed, but also for the staff to live as extended family with the students, so that our God-given vision based on the text from Psalm 68 ‘God sets the lonely into families’ can be fulfilled. We are pleased to say we are doubly excited, because not only are we starting to move in, but we also have a couple returning to become house parents in the new house, after being away from Gilead for 7 years. This new couple will complement the work of Bron and Ian Samuel, who founded Gilead over twenty years ago, and have for many years lived as extended family in the farm house with female students, as well as helping staff to oversee the male students living in caravans. This now gives us both male and female extended family groups. Would you please help us raise the remaining £12,000 to begin our partial ‘move in’ to the first house? After 6 long years, just 6 weeks work stands between us and this exciting move – can you help us over this hurdle? Loans or donations would be greatly appreciated by everyone here in the community at Gilead.

Freed from anger, hurt and resentment

Gary is just one of many that have found freedom from addiction, new life and a fresh start at Gilead. This is Gary’s story in his own words...

We have been raising funds

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The Wey September/October 2013

The lonely set in family, Gary & Kate with Isobel Mine is a stereotypical story really. I grew up in care homes and foster care from a young age and never really felt secure or loved. I have been an addict since the age of 12 on glue and petrol. The usual story - in and out of jail, girlfriends, kids, no sense of responsibility. I got into class A drugs when I was about 16 or 17 and ended up on heroin. I tried several rehabs and twelve step programmes without much success. Then in 2005 I injected into my groin and missed the vein. This resulted in a lot of complications and I ended up in hospital. I had two blood clots, no white blood cells and a collapsed lung. I was told that I needed to take Warfarin, an anticoagulant, to remove the blood clots but the risk was that this could start off bleeding in my lungs which would kill me. I took the Warfarin and sure enough the bleeding started. I should have died. Somehow I survived. I knew people who were Christians who were praying for me. Despite this experience I still didn’t stop using. In 2008 I was looking for a rehab again. I didn’t want another twelve-step programme and I remembered some of the Christians I’d come across in my life. I realised that they still had problems like everyone else but they seemed to cope with them and keep on smiling. I looked for a

Christian rehab and found Gilead who they said they would do a detox. I didn’t quite get it the first time I went to Gilead. I kept too many secrets and wasn’t open and honest. However I did meet Kate who became my wife. I’d always said that I would never marry because of experiences in my own family’s life but I eventually changed my mind. We came back to Gilead in July 2011; this time I was ready and willing to be open and honest. I took the “Genesis Relapse Prevention Process” seriously and found that it really does help if done properly. I released a lot of anger, hurt and resentment that I had been holding onto since childhood days. I forgave others and asked for forgiveness myself. It was like the weight of a dead horse had been lifted off my shoulders - quite a release! I still have my ups and downs, but things are good. Kate and I are expecting our first child together and we are starting to take steps to have Kate’s 9 year old daughter full-time. We have finished our programme and we have chosen to join the Gilead community as volunteers. I want to be able to give back to people what I’ve got from this place. I’m not ashamed to tell people my story and let them know the rewards I’ve reaped from it.

Growing in the Wey Growing St Andrew’s celebrates Silver Jubilee Smelly fish, carpenters’ nails, angels’ voices and a real boat have all helped bring the New Testament to life in a remarkable way as part of Silver Jubilee celebrations at St Andrew’s Church Centre, Goldsworth Park, Woking. Around 100 primary school pupils were among the many visitors to The One Way Experience, a brilliant interactive exhibition held in the church centre in July, which involved touching real fish and hearing the sounds of the carpenter’s workshop. Other events to mark 25 years since the church was consecrated included a successful Summer Fair and an outdoor service. Vicar of Goldsworth Park, the Revd Canon Richard Cook, said: “Being St Andrew’s church, the outdoor service focused on the call of Andrew, Simon, James and John, to be the first followers of Jesus, and gave an opportunity for recent new followers to show themselves

to the rest of the congregation. “Then at the end of our service, with the help of a boat provided by the local Sea Cadets, we re-enacted Jesus’ call to the fishermen on the nearby ‘Lake of Goldsworth’ - rather than Galilee! “Jesus called to the fishermen in the boat to leave their work, follow him and change the world. Having watched the action on the lake, the congregation then joined the former fishermen in following Jesus.” As part of their following, the congregation then replaced the battered Church Bibles (NIV version) with New Living Translation Bibles, in line with the Church’s aim ‘to know Jesus better and so to make Him better known’.

Jesus calls the fishermen from their work on the ‘Lake of Goldsworth’

“This is a real year of celebration for us,” continued Richard. “In October we will be marking the anniversary of the consecration of St Andrew’s and giving thanks for the vision and sacrifice of those who worked so hard to plan and build our church and get it open for

services. “We will also be reflecting on the encouraging growth in our congregation, which has seen a further 50 people added to our electoral roll in the past two years. This now totals more than 200.”

‘Weaving the stuff of life with the story of God’ at Weston All Saints’ Church, Weston is staging its first ever month of prayer this September – and inviting everyone, of all faiths or none. There will be prayer walks, prayer stations and a labyrinth as well as a 24-hour prayer vigil in what is hoped will become an annual event. Events taking place will include the launch of contemporary children’s and adults’ prayer spaces and a renewal of the use of existing traditional prayer spaces – the Lady Chapel and the Garden of Remembrance, plus the relaunch of a monthly prayer group. Parish Missioner Ian Whitley said: “The focus All Saints’ Church, Weston, is offering time to of all of these events will be how we at All Saints’ step back from life in a month of prayer this Church fulfil our mission statement – to be a blessing to our community by weaving the stuff of life with the September

story of God. “However these events are not exclusively for members of our church, they are not exclusively for members of the Church of England, they are not even exclusively for Christians (practising or nonpractising), they are for whoever wants to come and engage with them, who ever wants to find time away from their busy lives and have time and space to reflect on what is going on in their community, nationally or even internationally. “There will be time and space to contemplate and reflect on those questions that are important to people and they may even, just maybe, find some answers.” For more details visit or email Ian at

Action in high need communities The Guildford-based charity Matrix Trust was awarded a £1,500 grant by the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) from money donated to The Bishop of Guildford’s Foundation (BGF). The grant was used to help fund Ready4Action, an annual programme which offers practical help to families, individuals and communities who are unable to help themselves due to poverty, mental health or social issues - often leaving people disadvantaged in their own homes and communities.

This year, nearly 200 volunteers, half of them under 18, worked on more than 90 individual projects. They removed 36 tons of rubbish, 13 trees (one nearly 60 feet high), and replaced 24 fencing panels in Guildford’s high-need areas - Bellfields, Park Barn, Westborough and Bushy Hill. The projects undertaken included: ll One family living in rented accommodation desperately needing redecoration to be done. The landlord had refused to help and the mother was becoming concerned about the health of her children due to damp appearing. Sure enough, when the team started work they found they had to scrape two inches of mould off the bedroom walls. When the team had finished the family had three clean and freshly painted rooms. ll If allowed to grow un-pruned, trees can become a problem – particularly conifers. In a small garden belonging to a block of flats one conifer has been allowed to grow to more than 40 feet, blocking out light and killing the grass underneath. The team took it down and five families were grateful for the improved light in their homes.

Just some of the rubbish collected

ll The team was also able to help a number of families with fencing. For instance one lady had just moved in to a new rented house which had no protection

from a footpath running down the side of her property. Her husband had recently passed away and she was unsure how she was going to be able to cope. Another family were helped by the team erecting a boundary fence so that the children could safely play in the garden – but the team first had to take down six trees. Commented David Slinn, Director of Matrix Trust: “Each year I have this recurring nightmare that I’m standing alone in the meeting hall, with loads of jobs and no one to help – after all, why would people want to give up their bank holiday weekend to help other people? But every year I’m genuinely surprised and impressed by the numbers which turn out to help! The truth is, people believe that loving their neighbour means just that - helping others where there is need.

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“I love the Ready4Action weekend, I come back tired, often dirty and hungry but with a big smile on my face. Being able to make a difference and show God’s love is the dream and I’m so glad that so many people want to help.” Grant-making by the BGF is done through CFS, an independent charitable trust which is part of the national network of community foundations. By grantmaking through CFS, the Foundation is able to keep its administration costs down. To make a donation to the BGF please visit to-donate-to-the-foundation/

The Wey September/October 2013

Page 7

Focus on Education and Academies

Diocese to become a sig education provider in Su Holidays at Home LYNTON DEVON

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As reported in recent issues of The Wey, two church schools will become sponsored academies on 1 September - St John’s Community School, Dorking, and the Holme Primary School, Headley, near Bordon in Hampshire. Two more schools, St Paul’s Primary, Addlestone, and St Mary’s Primary School, Chiddingfold, join them on 1 October and others are likely to follow in January 2014.

Why the change and what does it mean?

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It is both a significant challenge and a tremendous opportunity for us all. We have the opportunity to improve the education prospects of a great number of children and build the diocese into a key provider of quality education in this area.” - Derek Holbird

The move to academy status started under the last Labour government, with organisations, universities and businesses being allowed to set up and contribute funding to secondary schools in difficulty. Under the coalition government there has been a further major change in that good or outstanding schools can now become academies either in their own right or as part of a group. They then effectively become state-funded independent schools, or ’converter’ academies. Other schools which, for one reason or another are not achieving the standards they should be, are required by the government to become ‘sponsored’ academies under an approved trust. In the case of C of E schools the diocese is asked to act in that capacity. Under the old system where all schools came under the county council it was sometimes difficult for struggling schools to be

given the focused support needed for them to improve rapidly. Becoming an academy means being part of a smaller organisation where greater support can be provided and problems can be more easily addressed. Such schools are also partnered with a successful school so that ideas, skills and good management practices can be transferred. Canon Derek Holbird, director of the schools, colleges and universities team explains: “The diocesan team has been approved by the Department for Education as an organisation to run academies. Whereas previously our main area of focus was the Christian distinctiveness of our church schools, for sponsored

The new a Education and

In legal ter academy trus trust, the first the purpose. Education Tru

A Right Royal Breakfast Subscribe or give a gift!

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“The breakfast was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Jolly John’s Breakfast Club at St John’s C of E Community School, Dorking, not only the coronation but what we have achieved in our marked the 60th anniversary of HM The first year.” Queen’s coronation by celebrating in style with the whole community.

The club has been funded with significant donations from the congregation of St John The Evangelist, North Holmwood and the Bishop of Guildford’s Foundation.

Children, parents and local residents were joined for the Right Royal Breakfast by the Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Revd Ian Brackley, the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey, Dame Sarah Goad and chair of Mole Valley District Council David Sharland for a sun-drenched breakfast served by pupils. Afterwards the invited guests were given a tour of the recently refurbished school and visited Jolly John’s Play Farm to see the progress the children, teachers and community volunteers have made in planting a wide variety of edible produce and plants, including a wild flower meadow. Jolly John’s Breakfast Club was started by the school last October to provide a good healthy breakfast for those children who want it and to help those parents who find themselves under pressure in the morning.

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Page 8

The club’s manager Jane Schofield said: “Jolly John’s Breakfast Club has had a significant positive impact on the children to come in terms of attendance, punctuality, concentration and behaviour in class and has enabled some parents to return to work. Jane Schofield (left) sported red, white and blue for St John’s School’s Right Royal Breakfast

The Wey September/October 2013

Focus on Education and Academies

gnificant urrey

schools, colleges school year.

Gilead Foundations is a Therapeutic Community,

Two heads are better than one

academies we now take responsibility for everything which was previously under the domain of the county council.” So the team’s work will now comprise: lStatutory l oversight of schools lSchool l effectiveness lInfrastructure l services lCapital l and property management This means the team becomes responsible for a huge range of issues from senior staff appointments, to governance and compliance issues, school leadership programmes, legal, finance and buildings matters, plus HR, IT, insurance and communications.

academies will receive their funding direct from the Department for d the education team will charge schools for the services provided.

rms the new academies are put into a trust; some will be single sts but others may choose to become part of a multi-academy t of which is The Good Shepherd Trust, set up by the diocese for All will come under an overall umbrella trust, Guildford Diocesan ust. Comments Derek Holbird: “It is both a significant challenge and a tremendous opportunity for us all. We have the opportunity to improve the education prospects of a great number of children and build the diocese into a key provider of quality education in this area. We want to work with our new academies in a collaborative relationship, focusing on school effectiveness and improvement, providing a value for money education system on behalf of the tax payer. We highly value our staff in the schools and believe we can give them additional opportunities, while providing and supporting sustainable, resilient improvement. We are aiming to build a family of successful schools in the diocese. “There is a steep learning curve ahead but I’m sure many will agree with me that it is tremendously exciting to see the Church being, more so than ever, right at the heart of education.”

Joint heads Joanna Jones (left) and Nikki Mackie (right) outside St Mary’s School, Chiddingfold

Joanna Jones – joint head, St Mary’s, Chiddingfold

Nikki Mackie - joint head, St Mary’s, Chiddingfold

“I have been joint head at St Mary’s since September 2012 and I am thoroughly enjoying the experience of working in a village school; it is quite a contrast to my previous headship in London. Over the past few years I have also worked with aspiring head teachers on the National Professional Qualification for Heads both in Surrey and across the South East. I hope that my appetite for strong school leadership rubbed off on a few colleagues and encouraged them to become heads too.

“I have been joint head at St Mary’s since September 2012. I joined St Mary’s nine years ago as deputy head and after a couple of periods of acting headship was successfully appointed as a joint head in Spring 2012. I started my career at a large four-form entry infant school in Eastleigh, near Southampton and then took on a middle leadership position as at a small school in Alton. I have been lucky enough to work with some inspirational heads in the past, which has helped shape my vision and drive for leadership “I am passionate about teaching and learning of my own school. always remembering that the children are my “My aim has always been to make sure that inspiration to come to work every day and make a children come to school with a spring in their step and difference for each and every one of them. “We know that there will be more challenges to a smile on their face and to ensure they all reach their face at St Mary’s over the coming months but we are potential. We know that there will still be a few hurdles looking to the future and our partnership with The to overcome on our journey forwards but am confident Good Shepherd Trust is a step towards continuing to that our partnership with The Good Shepherd is an develop our school.” extremely positive and exciting move for St Mary’s.”

Flagging up a school parade St Martin’s CofE Primary School in Dorking was honoured when the commanding officer of the nearby forces rehabilitation centre, Headley Court, attended a special parade and assembly at the school in July.

March organiser and school supporter, Canon Peter Bruinvels, helped judge the winning flags with headteacher Jane Gorecka, who was enthusiastic about the children’s involvement in the Freedom March and their flair for flag design. She said: “The pupils have really enjoyed finding out more about Headley Court and the special relationship

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Group Captain Clare Walton inspected flags specially designed by the pupils who had been inspired by Headley Court’s Freedom March through Dorking, which had attracted 5,000 spectators.

Group Captain Clare Walton, commanding officer of Headley Court enjoyed inspecting the winning designs on parade at St Martin’s CofE Primary School in Dorking

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the town has with it and it was a great pleasure to welcome our VIP guests to the school and for them to award prizes for the winning flag designs.

“It was a tough job narrowing down the winners, but all the children received a Headley Court wristband and other goodies to recognise their role in a great community event.”

The Wey September/October 2013

Page 9

Focus on Ockley, Okewood and Forest Green

Winter 2012



Okewood’s seeds of hope





Oscar’s winning ways at Paralympic s

Neurosurge on

See story on page 14

Russell Crow e to star as Noa h in new epic mov ie See centre pages

world with his revelatio

Dr Eben Alexander... experienced a spiritual journey during a seven-day coma


A top neurosu rgeon

has stunne

scientific world d the soaked his brain and by claiming he has lasting seven days. sent him into a deep coma proof that heaven underwent his exists. life was slipping In the days that followed journey, he could For years Dr his away, but Dr not reconcile Eben Alexander says his knowledge of neurosci academic, dismisse Alexander, a respected that he was living intensely ence with any in heaven, God, in his mind. belief or the soul. He claims God and heaven, d near-death revelations of encounte he journeyed beyond saying they this world and Today he is a doctor who were explaine by the way the red an angelic believes that health can be d into human brain true achieved only the deepest realms being who guided him is wired. But then in when we realize that God and of super-physical 2008 ence. There he the soul are exist- is not met, and spoke bacterial meningit Dr Alexander contracte the end of personal real and that death source with, d is. The deadly the Divine of the universe existence but transition. itself. infection only a Dr Alexander’s story is not a fantasy. Before he

See story on

page 7

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The Son. We love him! Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? Ex 15:11

Page 10

In the middle of Surrey woodland at a junction of paths sits a tiny ancient church – which isn’t afraid to think big or forwards. St John the Baptist Church, Okewood, just outside Ockley, was built in the 13th century as an outpost for workers on the nearby Albury Estate. In the 21st century it has a congregation with a vibrant heart and a tradition of reaching out to its community, and in 2013 it is meeting both urgent and strategic challenges head on. Following an architect’s report in October 2012, the church was placed on the Places of Worship at Risk Register by English Heritage, which stated that essential repairs to the roof were necessary as well as reshingling of the spire in oak shakes (to prevent woodpecker damage!, renewal of rainwater goods to prevent water penetration and further damage to ancient stained glass and medieval wall paintings.

awarded an initial English Heritage grant of £10,500 with a further £73,500 available for release for the project provided the church could raise £58,000 of match or ‘partnership’ funding by 13 December. Personal donations, grants and a John O’Groats to Lands End cycle ride by member of the congregation Jason Strange (see box) as well as the entry fees for a July weekend to the nearby Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden have raised a further £26,000 leaving £32,000 to raise by December. Tony said: “Looking at the big picture, we are over half way towards our target with just under half the available time period to go. “Though it is my first experience of managing a project like this and very much unknown territory, I do have faith that we shall achieve the target, and

The total bill was estimated at around £142,000. Churchwarden and appeal manager Tony Godby picks up the story: “It is a massive ask for a small church and community like ours. It was in many ways the news we had been dreading.

preserve this wonderful ancient building for future generations of worshippers. “I know that God is helping us in all sorts of ways - not least decent weather for the Hannah Peschar weekend for the first time in the three years that she has generously offered the facility!”

This autumn the church will be holding a sponsored 30-mile South Downs walk and a progressive supper culminating in an all together dessert course, auction and raffle. For more details see http://www.oofgchurch.

Follow Jason’s journey on Twitter @JasonLStrange

“But though it is intense and the pressure very real, many positives have come out of the situation. “The most interesting thing is how the scheme has motivated other worshippers to get really involved, so that the fairly heavy project load is being shared. “Beyond that, there are others who may not necessarily be worshippers but have a connection with the Church through weddings, baptisms and burial plots. They have been inspired to put the word out to a wider audience and raised helpful sums for us, for example through personal donations, auction lots - and ideas!” Earlier this year the church was

Young fundraisers get active Young people are taking an active part in a new campaign to raise funds for a much-needed youth worker for Ockley, Okewood and Forest Green.

“She is an enthusiastic spokesperson for the group and able to share the perspective of the young people locally. She helped make a compelling case for the PCC who have now charged the group with finding the funding.”

The parish had a paid youth worker for over ten years until 2009. Since then, despite the best efforts of volunteers, the number of teenagers has dwindled.

Georgie also gave a powerful contribution to the launch event this summer, telling guests: “As a young person growing up in Ockley it was really important to have a youth worker for guidance, to be a role model and provide support and a listening ear that was removed from the family.

This July, a campaign named 20.4 teens was launched with a target of raising £20,000 by 2014 for a part-time youth leader. It got under way with a supper served by the teenagers, followed by live music and an auction of promises. The evening raised an impressive £2,500 and the pace will be kept up with a barn dance on Saturday 28 September.

“A youth leader brings young people together to meet new friends and create a youth community to support each other as well as organising fun activities and things to do in the village making it a more exciting place to be. The youth leader gives encouragement and support through the hardships in a young person’s life. Having a youth leader is vital for the village.”

Volunteer children’s leader Sue Godby said: “Crucially, young people have been involved from the start, including 18-year-old Georgie Hamp, For more information see one of the teenagers who experienced Music from local band Men in Sheds helped ensure the launch of 20.4 the value of our previous youth leader. teens went down a storm

The Wey September/October 2013

Harvest “Please write a hymn for my funeral... THANKSGIVING FOR CREATION St George’s Windsor (Come you thankful people come). thanking God for plants and animals and…” Or, asTune: originally intended, to the tune Glorious Coming (tune of “When When asked across a breakfast table to write a hymn that celebrated all of creation, the instinct of diocesan Assistant Bishop the Rt Revd Michael Baughen (above), was to say ‘no’. But the seed had been sown…

challenges of earth’s environment, for all plants, for the myriads of animals that serve us and to praise and thank God for Jesus, for his suffering, the cross, resurrection, redemption of us and the whole creation and not least for us to include our need to repent for our sin and faulty stewardship of the planet.

Before he knew it the composer and author was wrestling with a brief to condense astral bodies, evolution, energy, habitats, life in all forms, resurrection and redemption in a single hymn. In this season of harvest Bishop Michael reflects on the journey to life for his new hymn Thanksgiving for Creation which was sung this year at the funeral of the lady who first requested it. He says: “The request was fired at me during a Greek Easter week I was leading by an impressive lady, Sylvia Sikes, who held a responsible position in the realms of health and ecology. She explained that she could not find a hymn to celebrate her huge appreciation of creation apart from ‘All things bright and beautiful’ - but it would need extra verses and anyway she wanted a hymn ‘with a grander tune’. “My first inclination was to say ‘no way!’ but I asked her to put down on paper what she would like.

“Her passion for the whole creation was glorious and utterly stimulating but a hymn that included all she suggested would have gone to some 40 verses, I guess!

“So I received three typed pages of A4! She began by writing: ‘I tend to have enough thoughts about praising God for the whole creation and the life forms with which he has stocked our own unstable planet, for the amazing freedom which he gave to them to evolve as successes or failures, and for the freedom he gave to the astral bodies in space to make new ones or die, that they would really f­­orm a whole thesis!’ “Then came the list of what the hymn should summarise and it is no exaggeration to say this ranged from the solar system to the tiniest life forms and everything in between which sustain them. “She wanted to praise God for His whole dynamic creation, for the variety and

“I endeavoured to do a first draft and it then went back and forth until she was finally happy with the result. “It was sung first with enthusiasm at her church’s harvest and has been sung in various places since to celebrate God’s creation. “My notes would be that it needs to have all the verses so a good pace is required the verse about yaks and other creatures was meant for children but adults wanted to sing it too! “This year this great servant of God died and of course, the hymn was sung at her funeral. I am sure she would rejoice if it was used by many other churches to enable many believers to rejoice in the glorious breadth of our God’s amazing creation.”

the Lord in glory comes” Hymns for Today’s Church 201) adding as the refrain: “Let the whole creation raise Songs of everlasting praise” (repeat)

1. God, creation comes from you, praise and glory are your due; through your Son all things were made and your splendour is displayed. thank you for the nights and days for the stars on which we gaze sun to warm and give us light moon to keep earth’s rhythms right.

4. For the frogs and butterflies, birds of beauty in our skies, ants and apes and yaks and hares horses, donkeys, polar bears; For all fish within the sea, for the chicken, cow and bee, for the eagle, sparrow, dove, for the dogs and cats we love.

2. Earth proclaims your mighty hand in the air and sea and land deserts, forests, rivers, lakes fertile plains and mountain ‘quakes; for the life-forms that abound for the joys of light and sound for the wonders that amaze we now bring our heartfelt praise.

5. You created humankind gave us body, spirit, mind breathed in us your living breath promised life instead of death; when we sinned, you came to save; Jesus Christ, your Son, you gave; dying for us on the cross bringing victory out of loss.

3. For the trees that clean our air give the nest, the perch, the lair flowers of beauty, nectar sweet. fruit and vegetables to eat. For all animals, our friends, on whom much of life depends giving friendship, transport, food working with us for our good.

6. We have harmed the world we’re in, Lord, forgive us for our sin; teach us all your gifts to share that the poor may not despair. Then, as children of new birth in new heavens and new earth we will worship, hearts ablaze, joining in creation’s praise.

© Michael Baughen, Jubilate Hymns. (Free to use in churches with copyright acknowledgement)

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The Wey September/October 2013

Page 11

Advertising feature

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Sheltered accommodation, care homes, respite care and long term care – all this and more is the kind of provision that many churches, charities and organisations offer.

Hospital of St Cross & Almshouse of Noble Poverty “England’s Oldest Almshouse” Vacancies for Brothers The Hospital, founded in 1132 and home to 25 retired laymen (Brothers), currently has vacancies and applications are welcomed. A registered Charity with a Christian foundation, the Hospital is situated a mile south of Winchester. Each Brother lives independently and occupies a flat which he furnishes himself. Further information and an application form are obtainable from: Clerk to the Trustees Hospital of St Cross Winchester, SO23 9SD Tel: 01962 878218 E-mail: Registered Charity No.202751

For people with a Christian faith, having a Christian care provider is often one of the main criteria when making a choice. Empathy, shared values and fellowship, are very important considerations when choosing a place to spend what could be many years towards the end of our lives. For those seeking to buy their own home, not yet in need of more thorough care themselves but wanting


The High Street, Bruton, Somerset, BA10 0AS The charity is a 17th century Grade One listed alms house providing single, and double flats, for independent sheltered living, and overseen by the Master and Matron. We currently have

4 vacant single flats for a modest rent,

subsidised by the charity, which includes heating, lighting and council tax. Applicants must be retired and over 60 years and in reasonable health since the alms house does not provide nursing care. For further information regarding qualification for admission please contact The Master by letter, or by telephone: 01749 813 369 or by email: Charity Registration No: 1130351

A rare opportunity to purchase a property in the exclusive Birtley Mews development The spacious two-bedroomed apartments provide all the advantages of an independent lifestyle for those not yet requiring care but who would value relief from such daily concerns as household maintenance, utility bills and food shopping, with the additional assistance of daily warden support

Price: £425,000 Birtley House

The Wey September/October 2013

The care providers, and opportunities to own homes, that are featured on these pages will hopefully give some ideas and choice for those wishing to find out more.

Birtley Mews

Living at Birtley Mews also removes the anxiety of an unknown future - a carefully planned and considered move to an apartment or room within Birtley House Nursing Home can be arranged when dependency levels require it

Page 12

help with maintenance and other daily chores, finding the right balance between private life and good levels of support is quite a task.

plus monthly support package

Birtley Mews are within the extensive grounds of the highly regarded Birtley House Nursing Home, just five miles south of Guildford For further information or to arrange a viewing please contact: Frank Whalley on 01483 892055 or email:

Advertising feature Deeper into community

Deeper into the countryside

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21-25 October



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29 November - 1 December

For details of all retreats, conferences and holidays see:  01598 752621 

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Registered charity number 1123613

The Wey September/October 2013

Page 13


A massive ‘Thank You’ Dear All, It has been known since March 1 that we would be leaving the Diocese of Guildford to go and serve the people of Lancashire and the Diocese of Blackburn. We have valued the time to conclude our work and enjoy farewells, as we have juggled commitments here with increasing demands from Blackburn. As we leave, we want to express our gratitude and thanks to God for all that our 21 years in the Diocese have given us. We have been nurtured and loved, stretched and tested, trusted and given responsibility, in ways that have formed us and prepared us for the next chapter of ministry. For all that we are deeply grateful. We would also like to thank the many

Further light shone on the Light Brigade

individuals who have written to us, wishing us well, and to those who contributed to a number of leaving gifts. If anyone wishes to be present in York Minster on October 10 and has not informed Frances-Anne Cross, it is not too late to do so. But most of all, we will value your ongoing prayers over the coming months. We will pray for you here in Guildford at a time of transition with significant staff changes taking place, that the Holy Spirit will guide all those involved in the appointment processes, will strengthen those who carry an extra load of responsibility during the various vacancies and will cause the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be fruitful in many lives.

Julian and Heather Henderson

Heather and Julian Henderson after Julian’s final service at Guildford Cathedral

Talking About Israel Parish Collection date for Nov issue: from October 22 Don’t forget to look at the Noticeboard section of the Diocesan website: and send us your contributions

EDITORIAL THE WEY is compiled at Diocesan House by editors Emma Nutbrown and David Green. If you have items for inclusion, or ideas for stories, please send them to: Diocesan House, Quarry Street Guildford GU1 3XG. Tel: 01483 790347 Fax: 01483 790311 E-mail: Editorial deadline for the June/July edition: October 7 (but ideally as soon as possible!)

DISTRIBUTION THE WEY is distributed through Deanery Centres and we are grateful for those who give their time to sort papers and enable individual parishes to receive their supplies. If you need advice on distribution of this newspaper, please call the Communications office on 01483 790345 or email ‘editorial’ as above.

ADVERTISING For advertising information in THE WEY please contact Glenda Charitos at Cornerstone Vision: 28 Old Park Rd, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4PY Devon Tel: 01752 225623 Fax: 01752 673441 Email:

The Wey is published by Cornerstone Vision on behalf of the Guildford Diocesan Board of Finance E-mail copy is preferred, although letters may be handwritten or typed. Unsigned letters will not be published. Please limit letters to 200 words. We do our best to take care of photographs and return them, but unfortunately accidents sometimes happen. We cannot guarantee to return submitted photographs.

Page 14

Israel and Palestine will be in the spotlight when Dr Jane Clements, an Anglican with long experience in interfaith dialogue, speaks to a mixed audience of Jews and Christians at Staines Synagogue on Wednesday October 9th. Jane is the founder and director of the Forum for Discussion of Israel and Palestine, which engages Jews, Christians and Muslims in sensitive dialogue about the Israel-Palestine conflict. The evening, entitled Can We Talk About Israel? starts at 8pm and is being organised by the Staines and District branch of the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ), a 70-year-old interfaith organisation, uniting people of both faiths. Staines Synagogue is at Westbrook Road, South Street in the centre of Staines. For more information, see, call 01252 622978 or email

The walk on Saturday 28 September is divided into morning and afternoon sessions to be flexible for those with busy weekends and of different abilities, with keen walkers able to complete the whole day. There will be a morning uphill walk from Staines to Englefield Green, setting off at 10am; an afternoon downhill walk back to Staines, setting off at 1pm from

Delegates meet at a conference in Jerusalem

● Hebrew reading group

A self-help group for those with some knowledge of Hebrew meets every month in Caterham, north-east of Dorking, to practise reading and translating parts of the Old Testament. Further details from Elizabeth Pullan, 01243 532065 after September 1.

Englefield Green, or an all-day up-and-down round trip for those who have the time and stamina. Linda, a member of Staines Methodist Church, said: “September is harvest time here, and so what better time to raise money to support our brothers and sisters overseas who live in situations that are so much more precarious than most of us here encounter. The Staines starting and finishing point will be the Methodist Church in Thames Street, where drinks and cake will be available from 9.30am ready for a 10am start. For more details contact Linda on 01784 456474.

Bringing heritage to life Booklets and posters to promote the weekend are available from the Tourist Information Centre in Guildford High Street and the borough council offices as well as at various village pubs, doctor’s surgeries and local shops.

events are included and this year is no exception. Guildford’s Bethel Chapel will be open, as well as the town’s Quaker Meeting House which has been used for worship since 1806. Visitors will also be able to look inside the ruin of the 14th century St Catherine’s Chapel. St Mark’s Church Hall, Farncombe, will be the venue for the Littleton Shepherd Hut, a must for all ages and Loseley’s own shepherdess, Chloe Dancy, will be demonstrating spinning and explain how life was in the early 19th century.”

Guildford borough’s village churches coordinator Valerie White said: “Every year new venues and

To find out more visit heritageopendays

Have a peek behind the scenes on 12-15 September as Heritage Open Days return to offer free tours of local venues from churches to factories and town halls to shepherd huts.

The Wey September/October 2013

What happened to the survivors is interesting. Despite Lord Cardigan making a promise that every man would be provided for, quite a number ended up in the workhouse. In 1891, knowing that there were twenty such cases, Kipling wrote his poem The Last of the Light Brigade to create awareness of their plight. Some survivors went to America and served in the Civil War. It is believed, though not officially confirmed, that one served in the 7th Cavalry under General Custer and died at the battle of Little Big Horn. Sgt Butler, a former British cavalryman, was sent to get help but was killed en route, and there were several Butlers in the roll of the charge.

Fight poverty step by step with the Runnymede Ramble Following the success of last year’s inaugural ramble, which raised over £1,500, Christian Aid’s local organiser Linda Marshall is hoping even more walkers will take part in this September’s Runnymede Ramble for the British churches’ development agency.

I was most interested to read in The Wey about the service to mark the centenary of the death of Trooper William Ellis (August issue, p2). However, he was not the last survivor as stated. In 1913 there were fourteen survivors of the charge, although only six were able to attend a final reunion dinner in London. The last survivor was Private Edwin Hughes, 13th Light Dragoons, who died at the age of 96 in May 1927, and was buried at Blackpool with full military honours.

Paul Crisp, St Lawrence, Chobham

Editor’s note: Paul, thank you so much for your interesting response. We stand corrected!

MU completes baby garment mission With hospital Special Care Baby Units across the diocese now thankfully receiving more support, the Mothers’ Union has decided that it has successfully completed its mission to supply baby garments to these units and the time is now right to move our energies to other areas. During the years that the project has been running, MU members have all made some absolutely beautiful garments, cards and blankets. I know how much they were appreciated both by the hospitals and the parents themselves. I would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to each and every one of you who has contributed over the years. Your love truly made a difference to parents of the little ones, who wore them at such a worrying or tragic time in their lives. Janet Warren, Project co-ordinator

Editor’s note: If you are interested in knitting garments for those in need, see page 5.

Hearing Champions Training: Three training days led by Royal Surrey County Hospital audiology department to train church volunteers to be able to carry out basic hearing aid maintenance. Facilitated by the Communities Engagement Team. Dates: 11 October, 15 November and 12 December Venue: Education Centre, Stag Hill, Guildford GU2 7UP Free and open to all but please register your interest with

Noticeboard GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL For services, concerts and events at the Cathedral please see the cathedral website www.guildford-cathedral. org or contact the events assistant at 01483 547860 or email

SEPTEMBER MU LECTURE 2 September, 8pm, Trinity Centre, Trinity Churchyard, Guildford Bye-Buy Childhood Campaign – Come and hear about the MU’s campaign to protect children from commercial exploitation. Further info: Alison Ney: 01483 822168 WIDOWED YOUNG? 6-8 September St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB For the recently bereaved. Create some time and space just for you. An opportunity to make friendships with people you could turn to for understanding and support in the future. For more information www.careforthefamily. Alternatively telephone Care for the Family on 029 2081 0800 or email mail@cff. FAMILY FUN DAY 8 September, 11am-3pm, Christ Church, Waterden Road, Guildford GU1 2HE Free face painting, bouncy castle, informal games & crafts for children, book stall – join us for Family Service at 10am in the Church, coffee served from 11am in the hall, BBQ starts at 12noon in gardens. All welcome! Info: www.christchurchguildford. com or call Louise 301927 QUIET DAY 9 September, 10am – 4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB A quiet day on a theme of healing. Led by the Revd Canon Adrian Esdaille Cost £20 to include lunch. Further info: 01483 766498 or retreats@ ORGAN RECITAL 11 September, 1.10pm, St Mary’s Church, Quarry Street, Guildford Andrew Millington, Exeter Cathedral Admission free – donations invited CREATIVE WORKSHOP 14 September, 9.30am – 12.30pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Preparing for Harvest – learn how to make decorations, stoles and altar frontals. Enjoy songs, music, books and resources. All materials provided. Led by Jan Brind and Tessa Wilkinson Cost £20 to include refreshments. Further info: 01483 766498 or

AUTUMN CONCERT 14 September, 7pm, St Peter’s Church, Old Woking GU22 9JE Programme to include Bliss, Vaughan Williams, Holst, Howells and Elgar. Rupert Marshall-Luck (violin) & Matthew Rickard (piano) Tickets £10 from www. or 01483 714761 SEMINAR 17 September, 10am-3pm, Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford An informative seminar on domestic abuse, featuring speakers who work in the field. Facilitated by the Communities Engagement Team. Free and open to all but please register your interest with emma. LECTURE 18 September, 7pm, Holy Trinity Church, High St, Guildford Jim Al-Khalili OBE, The Golden Age of Arabic Science - part of the Trinity250 celebrations. Tickets £8 from Tourist Information Centre. 155 High St, Guildford or www. and on the door PRAYER DAY 19 September, 9am–5pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Draw Near Prayer Day, starting with morning prayer, Holy Communion (noon) and evening prayer (4.30pm). Join for all or part of the day. Coffee and tea provided, bring your own lunch. Free but donations welcome. Further info: 01483 766498 or DEEPER HEALING DAY 19 September, 10am – 4pm, Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon Led by members of the Acorn Team, this day includes an introductory talk, individual prayer ministry and time for reflection, concluding with communion & laying on of hands. Cost £30 incl refreshments & lunch. To book contact 01420 478121 or email info@ COURSE 20-22 September, Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon Listening for Life. Led by members of the Christian Listener Team this course explores what it is to be a listening person in our everyday lives. Cost £160 fully residential. To book contact 01420 478121 or email


OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, GUILDFORD Heritage weekend Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September Holy Trinity will be showing artwork from local schools, a needlework exhibition and an historical exhibition. Wednesday 18 September A lecture by Professor Jim Al-Khalili OBE in Holy Trinity at 7pm entitled “The Golden Age of Arabic Science” Tickets £8 from Guildford TIC or on the door. Sunday 22 September at 10:00 Celebration Service in Holy Trinity with the world première of a new anthem by Guildford composer Will Todd. Afternoon tea will be served at 3pm, followed by a lecture at 16:30 titled “Seemliness with Propriety: Worship in the Age of Reason”, by the Revd Adrian Leak. The day of celebrations will conclude with Choral Evensong in 18th century style at 18:30. Lastly, in October there will be an art exhibition by Robert Wright (see Noticeboard) and the final event of the programme is a lecture on 19 October at 11am by local historian Mary Alexander, when she will be launching her history of the church. For further details, including dates, ticket details and event locations, see the parish website LIVING WITH MYSTICS 21 September, 10.30am-3.30pm, St Nicolas’ Church, Bury Street, Guildford, GU2 4AW The first of a series of quarterly days focusing on a different mystic each time. Daniel O’Leary is the chosen mystic for the first meeting. Study beforehand is preferable but not essential. Tea and coffee provided but bring your own lunch. No charge but a suggested donation of £5. More info from 01483 571469. 250th ANNIVERSARY 22 September, Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford 10am Celebration Service; 3pm afternoon tea; 4.30pm Worship in the Age of Reason, a talk by the Revd Adrian Leak, an ecclesiastical historian; 6.30pm Choral Evensong, 18th century style. For more info see www. holytrinityguildford, SONGS OF PRAISE 22 September, 3pm, St John the Evangelist, St John’s Street, Farncombe GU7 3EH Songs of Praise followed by tea and cakes in the church room. Retiring collection to be shared between St John’s and the Royal School of Church Music. All welcome COURSE 28 September, 9.30am–4pm, St Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking GU22 8AB Introducing the Enneagram, a system of personality types combining traditional wisdom with modern psychology. It is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and the people in our lives. Led by Rod Boreham, £35 to include lunch. Further info: 01483 766498 or retreats@

CALLED TO LISTEN WEEK 29 September- 5 October, Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, Bordon Listening for Life. Led by members of the Christian Listener Team, Listen is Acorn’s advanced course for those who feel called to develop their listening skills. Cost £435 fully residential. To book contact 01420 478121 or email


FLOWER FESTIVAL 27 - 29 September, St Lawrence Church, High Street, Chobham GU24 8AA Flowers are the glory of this year’s festival. Opening times Friday, 10am - 6pm, Saturday,

FLOWER FESTIVAL 4-6 October, 1-4pm, 10am-4pm and 1-4pm, St Mary’s Church, Church Lane, Ewshot GU10 5BD Pretty village church with special Harvest Festival display by an enterprising group of flower arrangers. Admission: £3 (children free). Tea and cake £1.

10am-5pm and Sunday, 12 noon - 5pm. Festival Café will be open. The Festival Songs of Praise on Sunday 29th includes Chobham Handbell Ringers and the Hallelujah Chorus. Everyone invited to come and join in. Entry: £3 More info: www.festival.

KNOW YOUR BIBLE ( KYB) 4 October, 10am-2.45pm. St. John the Evangelist, Stoke Road, Guildford GU1 1 HB Autumn conference for women. The Revd. Marion de Quidt will speak on the theme: ‘With Jesus in the boat, we can be at peace in the storm.’ Cost £8. Details from Doreen Horridge 01483 576568.

ART EXHIBITION 7-20 October, Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford “A beauty not yet seen” -an exhibition by Robert Wright, an Anglican priest who seeks to explore spirituality through the medium of abstract paintings. For further info see www. MU LECTURE 7 October, 8pm, St Saviour’s, Woodbridge Road, Guildford Mother’s Union – A Force to be Reckoned With – Come and hear about the work of the MU. Further info: Norah Morden: 01483 570431 ORGAN RECITAL 9 October, 1.10pm, St Mary’s Church, Quarry Street, Guildford David Saint, Birmingham Conservatoire Admission free – donations invited

VOICE TRIALS for boys aged 7 & 8

9 November 2013 Substantial scholarships are awarded and choristers enjoy the superb and extensive facilities of St Edmund’s School. Choir House OPEN DAY 12 October 2013 The Master of Choristers, David Flood, is always pleased to meet and advise parents and their sons. For further details please telephone

01227 865242

The Wey September/October 2013

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Fellow Travellers Farewell to an ‘extraordinary’ All change at Diocesan House humble Christian Senior staff from across the diocese have paid tribute to the Rt Revd Colin Bennetts, the former Bishop of Coventry, who died in July. Colin had been an honorary assistant bishop in the diocese since he retired to Surrey in 2008, after 10 years at Coventry. Diagnosed with a brain tumour

two years ago, he coped remarkably well, nursed devotedly by his wife Veronica. The Archdeacon of Surrey, the Ven Stuart Beake, who had been sub-dean at Coventry Cathedral while Colin was there, took his funeral. He said, “I felt incredibly privileged and humbled to have been asked by Colin to take his funeral. He was a very special person, there was something quite extraordinary about him and we became firm friends.” Bishop Ian Brackley, who attended the funeral, commented: “Coventry Cathedral was packed. There were moving tributes from his sons and grandchildren, a splendidly positive and affirming sermon from Bishop John Stroyan, Bishop of Warwick, and Archbishop Justin Welby, a former canon of Coventry, gave the final blessing at the west door of the cathedral.” Diocesan director of discipleship, vocation and ministry the Revd Canon Dr Hazel Whitehead added her own tribute: “He spoke honestly and with care and kept his sense of humour and a sparkle in his eye. I grew to appreciate and admire him, and to trust his judgement and advice. He will be sorely missed here.” Bishop Christopher added: “Colin was a warm, humane, intelligent and generous person. He was very wise and as an honorary assistant bishop in this diocese, was friend and mentor of a number of clergy, including members of the Guildford diocesan senior staff, who greatly appreciated his guidance.

Tributes flooded in for the former Bishop of Coventry, the Rt Revd Colin Bennetts, who died this summer

“May Colin now rest in peace in the loving embrace of his Maker and Redeemer. We send out love and prayers to Veronica and Colin’s family.”

Nick Edmonds (left) and Colin Harbidge

It’s hello and goodbye to familiar faces at Diocesan House in September as staff move between the neighbouring dioceses of Guildford and Winchester. Colin Harbidge, who has been deputy diocesan secretary for both Guildford and Winchester dioceses for the past two and a half years, leaves Guildford to take up the role full-time at Winchester. At the same time Nick Edmonds, communications officer for both dioceses, moves to Guildford full-time to take up a new role of deputy diocesan secretary and team leader for communications.

Respect Since joining Guildford diocese in January 2011 Colin has built up wide respect for his calm, unflappable approach. Many parishes have had reason to appreciate his support and gentle, challenging approach. He takes up his new role on September 1 after returning from honeymoon with his new wife, Jo.

Nick, who worked in a communications role for the Diocese of Lincoln before moving south, started to work for Winchester shortly before the new diocesan bishop was installed and so comes well-equipped to handle the new appointments which will be taking place in this diocese. His understanding of digital media, design and new technology is highly valued and has helped the team adapt to the fast-paced changes in the world of communications. Guildford Diocesan secretary Stephen Marriott said: “We are sorry to lose Colin. I first started working with him in 2010 when I was asked to be acting diocesan secretary of Winchester, while their diocesan secretary, Andrew Robinson was mobilised to Afghanistan. The workload was often frenetic but Colin coped well with the pressure and was a pleasure to work with. We are very fortunate to have someone of Nick’s calibre to take over from him. He has made a major contribution to communications in both dioceses and I’m sure his creative, intelligent approach will be a major asset to us all.”

Church Times letter respondent dies It was with sadness that we learnt that Christopher ‘Kit’ Haffner died on the 24 July, aged 77. An architect and lay minister in East Molesey, he will have been known to many as a regular respondent to questions in the Church Times letter column.



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The Wey September/October 2013

The Revd Paul Webb, vicar of East Molesey, said: “I first met Kit in September 2010 when I came for an interview for the post of vicar of East Molesey. I was initially somewhat intimated by this very knowledgeable contributor to the Church Times but he soon became a good and supportive friend and colleague. “His Christianity was affirming and inclusive. Many a good theological and philosophical conversation was had with Kit. It was a great privilege to know and work with him and to minister to him at the end of his life.”

Kit Haffner

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