5th Marianas History Conference Day 4 - 6

Page 71

The Kumision’s Nation-Building Mission and Vision

By Dr. Laura Souder

The Commission on Chamoru Language and the Teaching of the History and Culture of the Indigenous People of Guam

Abstract: One of the pillars of any indigenous nation-building effort is the continuity of peoplehood through the preservation of cultural sovereignty. Language as the umbilical cord to culture, connects First Peoples to the knowledge, traditions, beliefs, and skills of their ancestors. It is singularly, the most successful, time-tested vehicle for assuring the transfer of their unique way of knowing, communicating and being to future generations. The Kumisión, is at the forefront of this commitment to cultivate, ensure, and promote Guam’s Fino’ Håya and på’an taotao tano’ through the CHamoru Revitalization Center and its other programs and services. Our nation-building mission is decolonizing and inspires a vision which moves us closer to our inalienable right to self-determination as a People. The Kumision’s Vision will be the focus of this segment of the panel.

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