Publication materials provided by the Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA)
Guam's Washington Representative 200Maryland Ave.,N. E. Washington, D. C. 20242
June 1970
This report is prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions of Section 15102 of Public Law 70163 of the Seventh Guam Legislature.
A. B. Won Pat
Antonio B. Won Pat - Guam's first elected Representative in lhe Nation's Capital, was, on March 15. 1965 elected -- and on November 5, 1968 reelected to fill lhe office established by an Act of the Guam Legislature ... "to establish and maintain residence in Washington. D. C. as well as to establish and maintain an office headquarters in the Nation's Capital for the purpose of full-time representation of the people of Guam at the United States Congress and with the various agencies of the Federal government on matters of local application to Guam ... ·•
INTRODUCTION HIGHLlGHTS OF FISCAL YEAR 1970. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MAJOR EVENTS - FISCAL YEAR 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LEGISLATIVE PROJECTS AND PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . 11 PUBIJC LAWS AFFECTING GUAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Appropriations... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Other General Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PENDING LEGISLATION AFFECTING GUAM.........
Voting Rights - National Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delegate in Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land Grant College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starfish Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oceanography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unemployment Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airport and Ai.rways Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automobile Information Disclosure , . , ... , , • . . . . . . . . Prevailing Wage Rates . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immigration - Alien Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Historic Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Milk Program for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Welfare - Family Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medicaid - Social Security Title XlX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agricultural Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Highway Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disaster Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Works Improvements , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 26
ROTC for the University of Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of Living Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Projects With the Navy Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improvements in Ai.r Service to Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shipping Service to Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fisheries Research and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tax Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veterans Administration - G. L Loans...... .. ... ... Mortgage Money for Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27 27 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 iii
RELATIONS ...............
ON GUAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ... , . . . . . . . . . .
A - Summary of Federal Expenditures - Lists of Funds Allocated or Expended - by Program and activity..
B - Testimony of Representative Antonio B. Won Pat at Various Congressional Hearings . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In support of the Nomination of Dr. Carlos G. Camacho as Governor of Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regarding H. R. 12374, H. R. 12780 and Related Bills on Aviation Facilities Expansion . . . . . . . . . . .
On the Nomination of Cristobal C. Duenas as Judge for the District Court or Guam . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Support of H. R. 445 - Immigration Act Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Support of s. 2991 - Federal Agricultural Services to Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Support of H. R. 106 and s. 1149 - Bills to Provide Land Grant Status to the University of Guam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Support of S. 3153 - Coral Reef Protection
In Support of H. R. 7913 - A Bill to Provide that the American Citizens of Guam be Represented in the U.S. House of Representatives by a Nonvoting Delegate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Message of the Honorable Wayne N. Aspinall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs U, S, House of Representatives, Washington, D, C,
Rafa Mai, Mr. Speaker, Members of the 10th Guam Legislature, friends and fellow citizens of Guam and the United States of America.
It waa recently brought to my attention that your Washington Representative, Antonio 8, Won Pat, was returning to Guam to make the Annual report to the people o~ Guam and the Guam Legislature on the activities of his office during the fiscal year. Having learned this, I felt it incumbent upon me to express to you, the people of Guam, some personal observations concerning my friend, Antonio B. Won Pat, and the activities of his office here in Washington, D.
Since the establishment of your Waahi.ngton office "Tony" Won Pat has set about the task of acquainting Washington officialdom with the concerns of the people of Guam, which, in the real sense, ia Guam. In doing so, "Tony" Won Pat has won for himself and the people of Guam the admiration and a£fection of people in governn,ent here in Washington, D.. c. In turn, the activities of your Washington office have been moat effective and constructive in representing the territory of Guam and its people, in 1965,
I extend to you and your Washington Representative my beat wishes for continued success in pursuing the ambitions of the people of Guam in our democratic form of government. /}ino,erely
~~~t{l~ c:._______ ~ N. Aspinall, Chairman _l V
Message of the Honorable Henry M. Jackson Chairman, Committee on Interior and I.nsulai: Affairs United States Senate, Washington, D. C.
to my the to
As you return to Guam to make your annual report the people, I want to take this opportunity to express sincere appreciation for the assistance you have given Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs and its individual members du.ring the 91st Congress.
One major piece of legislation we have considered this year was 5. 3153, the Crown of Thorns bil~to authorize $4.5 million to study the causes and effects of the recent population explosion of the Crown of Thorns starfish and to develop better methods of control. Your help in suggesting e.xpert witnesses with firsthand knowledge of this serious ecological problem in Guam and your own excellent and persuasive testimony were largely responsible for Senate passage of this bill. over the years you have played a vital role in the enactment of legislation important to all the people of the territory. I want to express the hope that your effective representation of Guam's interests will be continued Capital. here in the Nation's Sincerely
!.k~(\.~~ Chairma~;--·-
Mr, Speaker, Members of the Tenth Guam Legislature, honored guests, friends and Fellow Citizens of Guam: Hafa Adai, my friends. I rejoice in being here today. Guam is my home and I love it dearly as you do. Your deliberations in this place, deliberations in which I participated for many years, have been most productive. I am pleased and happy to be with you again and to report to you on the activities of the Washington office since I addressed you a year ago. I appear before you today at a time of stirrine: events. The American scene is vibrant with change and movement. This is a time of considerable uncertainty. Established values are being challenged, chiefly in the social and economic fields. On the mainland there is much unrest. People are nervous. Many are unhappy and appear spiritually depressed. Accordingly, those of us here on Guam must be continually on the alert. Eternal vigilance is the mark of wisdom. At the moment things appear to be going reasonably well for Guam. The march of progress goes forward with steady tread. Our economic well being is at a high level, Federal programs have been But unsettling most helpful. I will elaborate on that later in this report. shifts could occur. National domestic policies could change due to shifts in circumstances. They are always subject to revision anyway. The same holds true for the Administration's foreign policies, particularly in the Far East with which we on Guam are vitally concerned. There is much confusion in Washington. With a Republican President and a Democratic Congress, that is understandable. Both parties are split on a number of issues. Mr. Nixon gets some Democratic support and some Republican opposition. The general situation is fraught with uneasiness. Public men are largely unsettled because of the swiftness with which events crowd upon each other, by virtue of their official responsibilities they have to ponder public questions with a concentration not required when times are normal and agreeable. Those of us charged with prom::>ting the welfare of Guam find ourselves immersed in this sea of confused uncertainty like everyone else. Those of us here on Guam are affected by the day to day developments. We must be wary and thoughtful in order to take care of our interests sensibly.
My purpose in speaking this way is not to alarm or frighten anyone, but merely to suggest careful contemplation of all developments made so that our own policies can be shaped to provide for the greatest good of the greatest number of our people. The advances we have so far made in education, industrialization, agriculture and commerce should be further extended in the Iuhu·e. I am confident they can be. Further growth and development can be had if we are intelligently determined to stay the course. There is some reason to be disturbed by the trend of events in Washington. The tone set by the Nixon Administration has a wavering pitch. You are familiar, I am sure, wiU1 the President's decisions and actions regarding national policies in South East Asia. Many support him. Many do not. The differences of opinion are deep and have led to clamorous argument and debate publicly and privately. So much for war policies at the moment. Insofar as domestic policies are concerned, they are marked caution and restraint, No clarion call to bold new innovations is heard. The Administration seems to !eel it is the part of prudence to abstain from big undertakings. The accent is on retrenchment. During this era of retrenchment, fewer legislative measures arc becoming P:.iblic Laws -- but the flood of bills and resolutions being introduced continues at an ever increasing rate. By the first of May, more than 24,000 measu1·es had been introduced and were under consideration by the Congress. By this time, however, only 236 of lhese had actually cleared Congress and had been approved by the President. During this period of caution and retrenchment, the difficulty and complexity of our work here in Washington has consequently continued to increase. With more bills under consideration, and with less being done about them, we have to work harder than ever just to hold our ground -- and harder still to achieve significant gains. This attitude has affecled some legislation, pending since last year, which relates to Guam. For example, several biUs were introduced to permit the entry of skilled workers to Guam. Nothing has been done about them because the Labor and .Tustice Depa1'lmenls to which they were referred for recommendation have not reported on them, The special milk program which we wanted was ruled out by the Secretary of Agriculture. We wanted legislation to authorize the payment of prevailing wage rates on Federal building repail· and construction. The Executive Branch has so far failed to give its views or support on lhat idea, so it is dormant too. W•:! were successful dul'ing the year in prevailing upon the Federal National Mortgage Association and lhe Government National
Mortgage Association to alleviate the mortgage money crisis blighted the economy of Guam £or so long.
It has been estimated Guam needs about $8,000,000 in mortgage money right away and $15,000,000 for the 1971fiscal year. GNMA has given assurance it will supply us with $4,000,000 forthwith and FNMAwill buy Guam mortgages both single family and multi family. This is a new departure for the agency based on the premise that FHA and GI mortgages on Guam housing are salable to large investors. Guam home building and home financing industries will sw·ely benefit. By far, Guam's greatest gain this past year has been its inclusion in the Airp~rt and Airways Development Act of 1970. Senate and House versions of this measure were finally resolved a few weeks ago, and the bill went to the White House for final approval. It went to the White House with Guam included for a minimum of $422, 500 per year for the next five years. I am happy to report that my efforts in this particular area have finally paid off and that we will be entitled to more than merely "discretionary" funds from which we have received nothing at all for the past three fiscal years. The Washington office is charged with maintaining close liaison with all Federal agencies having responsibilities concerning Guam. We are required to be thoroughly familiar with all financial assistance programs in which Guam participates or is entitled to participate. Very frequently Federal agencies call upon us to provide them with Guam's objectives, desires and intentions. We are called upon to explain why some of Guam's programs are delayed or only partially executed. Sometimes, it is pointed out that Guam has failed to apply for assistance available under certain Federally sponsored programs, We have endured some moments of embarrassment because we have not been advised of the thinking of Agana. We are not always advised of plans, surveys, grant applications, changes in policy or directives, I fully realize the enormous amount of work performed by Guam officials. There are times, though, when we feel there is a lack of coordination and communication between Guam and Washington. All gears do not mesh all of the time.
It may be there is a shortage of competent, skilled, knowledgeable personnel capable of analyzing the details of the opportunities created by Washington. Expansion of the University of Guam may take care of any such shortage. Other executive development programs and specialized recruitment programs should also be thoroughly explored and weighed. The task of examining these opportunities is truly formidable. There are 1, 138 separately identifiable programs financed or supported by Federal money. It is pertinent to report that Guam, which ranks fifty-fourth in population among the other states and territories, ranks fifty-fifth in the receipt of Federal funds expended in our territory. This statistic becomes even more startling with the realization that in thP. fis~al vear 1969, the Deoartment of Defense alone spent more than 3
$143. 5 million of the total of S174. 5 million
in Federal funds spent on Guam. Should those Pentagon funds be sharply curtailed or discontinued Guam's financial position would be precarious.
In another very important matter, the Administration's slowdown has agaill had an adverse effect on the affairs of Guam. This was in relation to funds which we need to improve our highways and our proposed inclusion in the Federal-Aid Highway program. The Secretary of Transportation, John Volpe, has trallsmitted to Congress a Territorial Highway Study covering Guam, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands. The key sentence in the letter of transmittal is "Federal technica.J assistance should be provided through agencies of the Department of Transportation. Financial assistance in the form of highway improvement programs is not recommended at this time. " The study included a detailed analysis of the highway situation on Guam. It points lo the long pending negotiations, now apparently moribund, whereby the Navy would turn over to the Government of Guam It goes on, ownership of certain rights of way and highway facilities. "The Government or Guam has no intention of undertaking improvement of highways it does not own. A comprehensive highway improvement program cannot be undertaken in the near future unless some drastic change in direction of efforts to effect the transfer of ownership is adopted. '' At another point the study notes that lhe Buxeau of Public Roads, a unit of the Department of Transportation, is ready, willing and able to assist in the initiation o[ the insular highway development program tlu·ough participation by persons skilled in the techniques of planning, locating, designing and constructing of highway facilities. It continues, "in Guam there is an immediate need to develop internal capacity lo prepare plans, specliications and estimates for projects to be lel to conti·act. Recruiting of competent personnel for this work under conditions conducive to their retention in the territorial service is the first problem Guam musl solve." M•~anwhile, there are other troublesome which we must approach and treat with caution.
matters in Washington
I can give you a very clear cut example of one of lhe pitfalls we must watch for. During lite floor debate on the bill to give the University of Guam land grant status, Senator Gordon L. Allott (A-Colorado) He complained made some sharp remarks about Guam's taxing policies. that all tax money, including income taxes, collected in Guam -- and also Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands - - is consigned to the Territorial Treasuries. Nothing goes to lhe Federal Treasury even though the United States makes substantial appropriations to lhe Territories. He cited my annual report of last year to point oul Guam received $13,467,235 in 1969 from Washington. It became quite clear from Senator Allott's remarks, as well as those or some colleagues, thal U1e matter will be reviewed by one commillee or another al a taler date. There is a possibility that Guam's taxing procedures will be altered. Senator Allott is deeply disturbed, It will be difficult to mollify him unless Agana makes readjustments.
It is appropriate in this report to make reference to the deliberations of the First Constitutional Convention. The very act of holding such a Convention is indicative of the public-mindedness that has al~ays been characteristic of the citizens of Guam. The Guam Legislature is to be commended for its wiSdom and foresight in creating this Constitutional Convention. I have been following closely its deliberations and the discussions of the issues have been spirited. The arguments pro and con on the questions of the future status of Guam, such as statehood, commonwealth status, and the controller question and so forth, have been cogent and forceful. The ideas were well marshalled. Incidentally, they have been followed closely by the Senators and Congressmen who have responsibilities for Guam. We have been furnishing them with the transcripts of the Convention proceedings. We are anxious to see the final report of the Convention which is to be presented to President Nixon and the Congress. Guam is on the move in a forward direction. A major legislative highlight of the year occurred on May 18 and 19, when the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee conducted hearings on H. R. 7913 to provide Guam with representation in the House of Representatives. The bill, intrqduced by Rep. Philip Burton of California and 17 co-sponsors from both political parties would permit the voters of Guam to elect a non-voting delegate to the House. We have been pressing for such legislation for years. It was endorsed by the late President Eisenhower in two budget messages to Congress in 1960 and 1961, and by the Democratic National Convention in 1968. Ou1·point of view on the proposition was presented extensively both in oral testimonv and in written statements. Testifying in person were your Representative, Speaker Joaquin ·c. Arriola, Senator Edward Terlaje, the Vice Speaker, and Governor Carlos G. Camacho, Written statements presented to the Committee were made by former Governor Manuel F, L. Guerrero, Senator Ricardo J. Bordallo, the Guam Chamber of Commerce and the Constitutional Convention. Guam needs this formal representation in the U. S. Congress. It would give us a voice in Congressional deliberations and insure a more responsive attitude from the Federal agencies. My present status as elected Representative to Washington is quasi-official. There are times we feel somewhat on the outside. The very fact that the House committee held hearings is encouraging in itseU. In the idiom of the day, there may very well be a light at the end of the tunnel, Now that the Committee has conducted its hearings, the question arises as to when Congress will act. There is a strong feeling in the Committee that the best course is to wait until next year before approving the Bill and presenting it to the full House for disposition. Members say privately they would like to see how Guam's elective process functions in the Gubernatorial balloting, which takes place next fall. After that event the Committee will decide. It should be noted that if, as and Wilen tile House votes the mater must be considered by the Senate. All this will take time. The light at the end of the tunnel is still some distance away.
Now that the voters of Guam are preparing to elect a Governor of their own choosing U1is fall, il is fitting and proper to report on recent developments in Washington which have a definite impact on our voting structure here on Guam. The Iirst came last winter when the Comptroller General of the United States, Elmer B. Staats, promulgated a ruling that Federal workers on Guam can vote in the Territory's local elections without losing their fringe benefits, including the right to home leave and other fringe benefits such as the wage differential. This,came to pass as a result of our intervention. On Dec. 30, 1969, we wrote to Chainnan Wayne N. Aspinall, (D-Colorado), of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, enclosing a letter from Archie K. Bengtson, President of AFGE Local 1689, asking for a ruling with respect to a ·"presumed unwritten policy which precluded a United States Citizen, recruited from the United States mainland", from voting. The highly satisfactory ruling from the Comptroller General was the result. Another development of interest to note occurrg_d .on April l, 1970, when I wrote to Secretary Melvin R. Laird of .the Defense Department, seeking clarification on whether military personnel can vote in Guam elections. The answer came from Brig. Gen. Leo E. He wrote that servicemen stationed outside the forty-eight contiguous states are entitled to foreign duty pay and concluded "the entitlement to foreign duty pay would be te1'minated where a service member elected to change his legal residence to Guam" while serving U1ere.
In view of that ruling by the General, who is Deputy Assistant Secretru·y of Defense, it seems reasonable to presume that few military personnel will choose to forego their foreign duty pay and vote in Guam. Just as the tides of the blue Pacific rise and fa.U with the rotation oI the Earth on Its axis, so the tides of human events in a Democracy shift and change. Guam is in the American mainstream now and will so remain. Wilh faith in the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God we will go forward. Si Yuus
Shown above at a recent reception in honor of Goyernor Camacho, from left, the Hon. Carlos G. Camacho, Governor of Guam; the Hon. Antonio B. Won Pat, Guam's Washington Representative; the Hon. Wayne N. Aspinall, Chairman of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; and former Governor of Guam, Richard B. Lowe.
Shown above, at right, is U. s. Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), accepting a resolution of gratitude of the Tenth Guam Legislature in appreciation for his support in the United States Congress in all matters affecting Guam -- from Guam Senator Earl C. Conway and Washington Representative Antonio B. Won Pat.
Shown above are two of the most influential men in the U. s. Congress on matters affecting the people and the Territory of Guam. They ru·e the Hon. Quentin N. Burdick (D-N. D. ), Chairman of the Territories SulJcommittee; and the Hon. Hugh L. Cai·ey (D-N. Y. ), Chairman of the House Territories Subcommittee.
Shown above are the lwo mosl influential M,~mbers of the U. S, Congress with 1·espect to appropriations that are voted to the Territory or Guam. They are the Hon. Julia Butler Hansen (D-Wash.), and the Hon. Alan Bible (JJ-Nev. ), Chairman or the Sennte Subcommittee on IJ1tcrior AppropL"iations.
Fiscal Year 1970 was not particularly characterized by major legislative ac-complishments. With the onset of the new Administration, the change of National political philosophy was accompanied by a general atmosphere of caution, retrenchment, and reappraisal which has permeated the activities of the entire of the City of Washington. By contrast, Fiscal year 1969 was generally an eventful and especially productive year for Guam. Through several new measures which became Public Law during 1969, the citizens of Guam gained both additional monetary benefits and political rights, status, and privileges. Meanwhile, the flood of bills, resolutions, and other legislative measures under consideration by the U. S. Congress has continued to increase. Last year at this time, there were 15,887 measures introduced in this, the 91st Congress. As of April 30, this number had increased to more than 24,000, However, only 236 of these m~ures had been approved and signed into Public Law by the President. The cautious rate at which legislation is moving becomes quite apparent when one compares the number of Public Laws enacted with prior Congresses. By April 30 of the Second Session of the 90th Congress, 298 Public laws had been approved; 409 during the 89th. Also during this last fiscal year, the difficulty and complexity of our work here in Washington has accordingly continued to increase. With more bills under consideration, with less action being taken, and with continued emphasis on economy and retrenchment -- we have had to work much harder just to maintain the status quo -- and harder yet to achieve significant gains. On the pages that follow, I have included a detailed account of the activities of this office during fiscal year 1970. It ic:; divided into two m·ain sections -- "Legislative Projects and Problems" and "Administrative Projects and Problems". The former concerns matters which require the introduction of appropriate legislation in order to change the scope of a program or obtain new benefits. The latter concerns matters which may be settled administratively within the several Federal Departments or Agencies. A third section gives a brief account of many of the other administrative activities and projects in which this office served the interests of the people of Guam during the past year.
Our thanks to two good friends in Congress -- Rep. Patsy T. Mink (D-Hawaii), who strongly supported us in hearings to provide for a nonvoting Delegate in Congress Crom Guam; and 11ep. Spark N. Matsunaga (D-Hawaii}, who sponsored a bill to provide for the extension of PL 88-584 -- the law which authudzed agricultural assistance to Guam.
We also indeblecl to two other influenlial McmlJci·s of Congress -Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-11:nva ii). who spon:;urccl our inclusion in the Airporl ru1d Airways Development Ad; :uid Sen. Hiram L. fo'ong (fl-Hawaii), who sponsored a bill lo prevent Lhe further destruction of our coral 1·eefs l>y the C!'own or Thorns sl:ufish.
As 1 indicated earlier in this report, there are fewer new Public Laws on which to report than there were in past years. Not only has the pace of legislation been slower, but there have been no new measures enacted or approved in which the people of Guam were either the dfrect recipients or the subject of the legislation. Numerous measures are under active consideration. These will be covered later in this report under the heading or "Pending Legislation Affecting Guam". APPROPRIATIONS
In general, all appropriations have been difficult to justify and obtain. The Bureau of the Budget has been under strict orders to pare all agency requests to the very bare minimum. Accordingly. there have been extremely few new starts. Funding for new legislative programs has been the exception rather than the rule. The appropriation for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare offers an illu,;tralion of this. Lengthy battles were waged over the funding of Elementary and Secondary Education Act programs such as supplementary teaching materials, strengthening state and local educational agencies, and other basic ESEA activities. Not only were these funds minimal as compared with our increased school populations, but even the impacted area funds were trimmed significantly.
In addition, the hidden impact of one remote clause of the "Economy in Government Act" of the last Congress is beginning to be felt on other HEW programs. That Act limits to 110%the total in Federal funds which may be expended on continuing obligations of the Federal Government and requires the states to assume a larger share of financing family assistance and Medicare programs where participation and total costs have been steadily 1•ising as a resull of both population growth and the outreach effect. The Interior Department's appropriation has also been limited and there have been no significant increases in funds for programs administered by that Department which are of direcl benefit to Guam. Even the amount of funds requested for the administration of the Guam Rehabilitation Act have been modest. Highly disappointing, however, is the fact that the Interior appropriation will include no funds whatsoever for the implementation of the Guam Development Fund Act. The [uncling of the Act, of course, has been dependent upon the approval by the Secretai-y of the Interior of a plan for the utilization of the Fund. There could be reason to believe, however, that the Secretary's delay in approving the Plan mav have been influenced bv economv considerations. 11
At any rate, the importance and emcacy or the Guam Development Fund cannot be denied and I am continuing to press Ior its early approval with the hope that we may be able to have it fonded through a supplemental appropriation. The orderly development of a diversified and viable economy Ior Guam is at least as important today as it was when the Act was approved. We cannot continue to rely on the Defense Establishment as the single most important influence in our economy. Meanwhile, even the current appropriations for the Department of Defense reflect retrenchments and cut-backs that will have an adverse effect on the economy of Guam. There have been reductions in bolh military construction and in defense housing. Base closings and lhe deactivation of other military activities have been announced and others are scheduled. Some of my activities lo sustain a level of military activity in Guam consistent with our needs for a stable economy -such as retention of the SRF and the relocation of the ammunition wharf -- are covered later in this reporl.
OTHER GENERAL LEGISLATION Although the1·e are currently numerous legislative measures under considerntion by the U. S. Congress in which I have played an acll ve and conllnuiJlg role to insure that the Interests of the people of Guam will be protected and benefited, very few have thus far overcome the lethargy, caution, and complexity of the legislative p1·ocess to have reached the stage of now Public Laws. M:>st important of the new Public Laws in which Guam has benefited are the rouowing.
ESEA AMENDMENTS OF 1970 (PL 91-230) ln a rather simple amendment of less than Clvc full Hues, Sec. 104 of Public Law 91- 230 amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Includes Guam as one of the U.S. juriSdiclions eligible to receive a shru·e (or funds earmarked for a specific purpose, and entitles us to Federal funds for the support of education of children adjudicated to be neglected or delinquent. Guam was not previom;ly eligible to receive these funds and I have been attempting to correct lhis situation for some time. l was successful in convincing lhe Bureau of U1e Budget to include this tH·ovislon in the Adminisll'aliun's rocent bill to amend the basic ESEA Act, and in insuring ils 1·elention in similar bills thal were eventually passed by bolh the House and the Senate. Although introduced as H. H. 514 in Lhe opening days of the 91st Congress and passed hy the House on April 23, 1969. this Act was nol passed by the Sen::ile until February 19, 1970. Amendments were finally we>l'l<ccloul in Conference and the measure w::i.scleared [or lhe While
House on April ·1. With the President's approval of the Act on April 13, my efforts in this single small area were finally rewarded, and Guam is now eligible to receive an approximate minimum of $30,000 annually in additional funds for the education of its school children. Other provisions of PL 91-230 are of interest to Guam. The Act incorporates impact aid to children in public housing, provisions for vocational education, and to gUted children and children with lesser difficulties. Listed below in capsule form are a number of other major new Acts of the 91st Congress. They are all general legislation measures in which Guam is either eligible for continuing benefits of the programs affected or would be otherwise interested. EMERGENCY INSURED STUDENT LOAN ACT (PL 91-96) Introduced as H. R. 13194 on July 30, 1969, and signed by the President on October 22, 1969, this Act provid'es authority for Federal incentive payments in order to assure that students will have reasonable access to such loans for financing their education. WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT
ACT (PL 91-224)
Introduced as H. R. 4148 on January 23, 1969, and signed by the President on April 3, 1970, this Act extends and expands the original Federal legL3lation which assists state and local governments in their efforts to control pollution and improve the quality of water resources. ENVIRONMENTAL
QUALITY (PL 91-190)
Introduced as S, 1075 on February 18, 1969, and signed by the President on ':January 1, 1970, this Act establishes an Environmental Q.iality Control Council. CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1969 (PL 91-137) Introduced as S. 2276 on May 27, 1969, and signed by the President on December 5, 1969, this Act extends for one year the authorization for research relating to fuels and vehicles under the provisions of the Clean Air Act. MEDICAID (PL 91-56) Introduced as H. R. 5833 on February 3, 1969, by the President on August 9, 1969, this Act allows states and other localities the authority to reduce Medicaid services and payments.
(PL 91-211)
Introduced as S. 2523 on July 1, 1969, and signed by the President on March 13, 1970, this Act amends and extends basic legislation which provides assistance to states and other localities [or Community Mental Health Centers and services. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
(PL 91-152)
lntl-oduced as S. 2864 on August 13, 1969, Lhis Act was signed by the President on December 29, 1969, and is chiefly concerned with the extension of the existing programs of Federal assistance provided by the several Housing Acts currently in force. LABOR - BUILDING TRADES (PL 91-54) Introduced as H. R. 10946 on May 6, 1969, and signed by the President on August 9, 1969, this Act provides for the promotion of health and safety in the building trades on Federally rinanced projects. TAXATION (PL 91-156) lntrnduced as H. R. 7491 on February 24, 1969, this Act was signed by the President on December 24, 1969, and provides (or State taxation of National Banks. OLDER AMERICANS (PL 91-69) Introduced as R. R. 11235 on May 14, 1969, and signed by the President on September 17, 1969, this Act extends and expands the authorization of the basic legislation which provides for programs of Federal assistance for our senior citizens. FAMILY
(PL 91-41)
One provision of this Act, added by the Senate as a rider to a House bill which was concerned with an entirely different matter, repeals the freeze earlier enacted by Congress in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. The original bill, Introduced as H. R. 8644 on March 11, 1969, was signed by the President on July 9, 1969. Should you have any questions regarding any of the above new Public Laws -- or desire further information regarding any of them 0r their specific provisions -- please write to my omce and let me know.
Much of the past year's work is summarized in the topics discussed in this section of this report. Limitations of time and available space; however, will not permit me to discuss many of these topics in great detail, Some of the subjects will appear to be treated superficially and will not re.fleet all of the time, effort, heartbreak or emotion that has been expended on these activities. On the whole, however, they represent the most fruitful areas in which this office may be of service to the needs and interests of the people of Guam -- and the areas in which.I shall continue to devote most of my energy and interest.
VOTING RIGHTS - NATIONAL ELECTIONS On September 18, 1969, the House passed H.J. Res. 681, which provided for an amendment to the Constitution of the United States so as to provide for the direct popular election of the President and Vice President of the United States, thereby doing away with the present Electoral College system. The vote was 388 to 7. A similar measure, S. J. Res. 1 is now in the Senate. It was recently approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee and now is facing Senate floor action. However, in spite of the many efforts that were made to include the American citizens of Guam within the provisions of the amendment, neither the House-passed nor the pending Senate bill includes Guam. As you may recall, Senator Burdick (D-ND), Chairman of the Senate Territories Subcommittee, was able to introduce a Committee Amendment to the basic Bayh resolution, S. J. Res. l. However, the members of the Committee felt that the provision would jeopardize the chances of the Electoral Reform measure passing at all. M•:!anwhile, Representative Emmrinuel Celler (D-NY), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and other eminent Members of the House have indicated to me that they would officer separate legislation "in the course of time" to deal with the aspirations of Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico to vote in National elections. Since this would require an amendment to the U. S. Constitution, such as was the case of the Dist.rict of Columbia, and since a constitutional amendment with Guam alone would probably not survive all the rigors of the amendatory process; I have been working with the Representative from the Virgin Islands and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico to have a joint measure introduced on behalf of all three voteless areas.
DELEGATE IN CONGRESS After many years of waiting and cautious urging, our patience has finally been rewarded! The House Subcommittee on Interior and Insular Affairs has set the date for hearings on H. R. 7913, a bill Lo provide that. the Aml?rican citizens of Guam be represented in the U. S. Congress by a nonvoting Delegate. I consider this a nnjor personal victory, since I have been pressing for hearings on lhis matter since the early part o! lhe 91st Congress when the measure was re-introduced. As a matter o[ fact, bills providing for a nonvoting Delegate [rom Guam have been introduced in each Congress ever since the 87th Congress, and I have always strongly supported the legislation before the House Subcommittee on Territories. Hearings on H. R. 7913 were held on May 18-19, 1970 and I have the assurances of support. from several members of the Committee including Rep. Hugh L. Carey (D-NY), Chairman of the Territories Subcommittee and Rep. Wayne N. Aspinall (D-Colo.), Chairman of the full House Commit.lee on Interior and Insular Affairs. This bill, I feel, is long ove1·due. The right of the people of Guam to be represented in the U.S. Congress is a great right -- greater even than the right to vote for an elected Governor or to vote for the President and Vice PJ·esident of the United States. As a m;itter of interest, boU1 Rawaii and Alaska had Delegates in Congress before they had the right. to elect their own Governor. Even in the case of Puerto Rico, our fellow-American citizens there had the right to be represented by a Resident Commissioner long before they had the right to elect their own Governor. My st.alem:?nl in support of a nonvoting Delegate i.n Congress for the people of Guam appears in the appendix of this report.
LAND GRANT COLLEGE On april 15, the Senate finally passed S. ll48, a bill to give the University o{ Guam status as a Land Grant College, an endowment of $1,019,000, and an annual grant of $415,000. These amounts are those recommended and reported by the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and are substantially less than U1ose which were earlier reported by the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular AUairs. Although the chru1ces seem somewhat slim, there is an outside hope that the House may be able to increase the amounts awarded. There was no record vote when the bill passed the Senate, and S. U48 is now in the House where it is going through the Committee process. Cleai-a.nce is anticipated by both the House Committees on Jnterior and Insular Ailairs and Agriculture. Eventual House approval is expected. •
The first Public Law establishing so-called "Land Grant Colleges" was enacted on July 2, 1862. It is known as the Morrill Act and was passed to benefit colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts. At that time, colleges were given land to enable them to finance the fulfillment of their missions. The University of Guam, in lieu of land, is to receive $1,019,000 in a cash grant. The original figure in S. 1148 was $3,000,000 but the basis for this amount could not be determined, and the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry used the yardstick applied to the University of Hawaii and the Federal City College or the District of Columbia in determining the lesser figure. The annual grant of $415,000 is being e.xtended on a formula basis under the terms of a number of statutes enacted since the passage of the original Land Grant College Act. The subsequent Acts provide for support of programs which provide for instruction, research, and service work in the distribution of agricultural products and for the promotion of cooperative agricultural extension work. STARFISH CONTROL The drive to halt the depredations of the voracious "crown or thorns" starfish, acanthaster planci 1 which threaten to destroy the coral reefs which surround and protect Guam, is gaining momentum in Congress. The Senate has passed S. 3153, a bill to provide $4,500,000 in the next five years to eradicate this dreadful mP.nace to our shores. I testified before the Committee in favor of the bill. others who spoke out similarly at a public hearing were Dr. Robert S. Jones or the University of Guam, Dr. R. H. Cheshire of Westinghouse's Ocean Research Laboratory and representatives of the Department oi the Interior and the Smithsonian Institution. I pointed out to the Committee that three-fourths of the reefs or the northern and western part of Guam are destroyed by the starfish. Dr. Jones testified the destruction by the starfish at the rate or half a mile a month is so extensive that in two years time Guam will have no reef at all unless something is done. Dr. Cheshire's testimony was that man is probably responsible for this horrible development. Pesticides and wastes from industrial plastics have been found in starfish tissues. Support for the bill is strong. Guam is by no means the only area aITected. Hawaii, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and American Samoa are of necessity greatly concerned. The House has yet to consider the legislation. OCEANOGRAPHY There is growing concern in Congress, particularly in the Senate, about the manifold problems of oceanography. The awareness of the need of Americans to enlarge their share oi the harvest of the seas in the light or Russian and Japanese exertions in this area is growing constantly. A leading figure in the deliberations is Senator Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC). He is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oceanography and the author of a bill to create a Research and Development Agency. It would be known as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency and headed up by an Administrator. At present, the Federal Oceans Program is scattered through 22 Departments and Agencies.
The Administration, up to now, has not accepted the Hollings propo:;al. Rather lha11consolidate all those 22 Agencies into one unit, it would place them all under the Department of the Interior. My own view is that would be a good thing for the country a11dfor Guam whose intere:;l in the ocean began with the dawn of time. Admini:;tration witnesses at Senate hearings have contended a so-called "Wet NASA" might develop into a new bureaucracy in violation of the Nixon doctrine of retrenchment. Senator Hollings sought in a vehement floor speech to refute that contention. RELATED LEGISLATION -The Hollings Subcommittee has bcCore il another bill, S. 2802, which is of great importance to Guam. It was introduced by the very influential Senator Warren Magnuson (D-Wash), Chairman of the full Commerce Committee. The measure would ammd the Act crealing a National Council on M:1rine Resources and Engineering Development by providing that the several states be encouraged and asststed in formulating a Coastal Zone Management Program. The bill specifically says that in this regard Guam is lo be considered as a stale eligible to participate. The bill notes that the coastal zone of the United Stales is rich in natural commercial, industrial. recreational and esthelic resources which can be lost. or destroyed unless the proper planning and management steps arc taken. The bill would authorize the Nalional Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development to pass on any master plan tor oceanic environmental protection the coastal authority of any state or territory might submit. A fund of $75,000,000 would be created to finance such programs as approved by the Council. This is all very sensible and wholesome. The hitch, however, insofar as Guam is concerned, is that il has no coastal authority which can initiate programs and apply for marine council approval and financing of them. I bring this situation to the attention of the legislature in the hope something will be done. UNEMPLOYMENT
Legislative managers for the House and Senate have agreed on a bill to revise U1eunemployment compensation laws in favor of Guam. However, the conference report that was recently reported indicates that Guam is slightly affected and will not benefit nearly as much as we had hoped. In its present form, the bill provides only that a contract worker on Guam employed by a mainland based corporation would be entitled to unemployment compensation when he or she gets home and is without a job. Last year, Representative Patsy T. Mink (D-Hawaii), introduced a bill on ou1· behall, H. R. 10347, which would provide for full Inclusion in lhe Federal-State unemployment compensation system. However, Guam
cannot be included in the national program since it must first set up an unemployment compensation system of its own that meets Federal requirements. Such a system must be submitted to the Secretary of Labor for approval, and then we will be able to apply for full membership in the Federal-State program.
Guam's greatest financial gain from any of the legislation enacted by the 91st Congress came a few days ago when Congress completed action on the Airport and Airways Development Act of 1970 -an act to authorize a five-year program for the construction and expansion of airport facilities on a nationwide system plan. For the first time, Guam has been included in Federal airport legislation under a formula plan for the grant of funds. Prior to this, we had been entitled only to "discretionary" funds in competition As a result, we have received absowith all other specific projects. lutely nothing in Federal funds ior airport construction during the past three years. Under the Act of 1.970, which cleared the Congress and was sent to President Nixon on May 13, 1970, Guam is assured of a minimum of $422,500 per year for the next five years, plus a share of an additional "discretion" fund for merit projects. However, I must caution that this is an authorization bill and not an appropriation bill. The exact amount to be appropriated will be determined later by both House and Senate Appropriations Committees and finally by floor decision. This account would not be complete if it did not include a tribute to Guam's good friend, the Chairman of the House Interior and As the Insular Affairs Committee, Wayne N. Aspinall (D-Colorado). House Bill came on the floor, Guam was not included in the Territories slated to get money. We pointed this out to Mr. Aspinall, who promptly introduced amendments so as to include us at the expense of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, These amendments were accepted and as a consequence, we appear to be in the Federal airport business.
Last year I reported to you that legislation to extend the coverage of the Automobile Information Disclosure Act to Guam had been introduced by Representative Patsy T. Mink (D-Hawaii) and Resident Commissioner Jorge L. Cordova (-P.R.). It was referred to the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. No action has been taken on it and none is in prospect at this time.
However, I have been working closely with Resident Commissioner Cordova on this matter, and we are hopeful that Chairman Staggers of lhe Bouse Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce wiU schedule hearings on this measure as soon as reports are received from the Executive Departments and Agencies. PREVAlLING
Last year Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), introduced a blll, S. 2288, lo require the payment of prevailing rates o( wages on Federal public works on Guam. It was 1·e[erred to U1e Senate Committee on Labor and Public Weliare. Committee attaches report that agency and departments on this bill have not yet been 1·eceived and that hearings consequently have not yet been scheduled. I will keep checking this. The llill would extend the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act which provides that workers on public buildings in the states and the District o[ Columbia get the same rates or wages as those which prevail in private construction.
In 1940, when both Hawaii and Alaska were Territories, of the Davis-Bacon Act were ex-tended to them.
IMM1GRATION - ALIEN LABOR For several years now, I have been working with both the Immigration and Naturalization Service and with Members or the House and Senate Committees on the Judiciary in an attempt to obtain a liberalization or the u. S. Immigration and Nationality Act. Wjth construction progressing at a run-away pace, we are faced with extremely critical shortages or skilled construction workers and at times are completely unable to keep abreast of lhe demands for our expanding tourist industry. Several avenues or labor are available to us. Flrst of all, u,e Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) feels that we can realize some of ouJ· objeclives through the entry of permanent residents from areas throu~houl the world where quotas are unused. Japanese enterprises, however, have been using their own nationals as employees notwithstanding regulations governing such employment. INS suggested thal to curb this practice, it will be necessary to take the matter up with the Consular Service of the U. S. Department of State and to request stricter surveillance in such cases. There appears that there Is little thal lhe INS can do with respect to the liberalization of the entry of aliens into Guam for temporary employment other than that which is permitted by law. But the U. S. Congress has done little to enacl legislation to liberalize the H-2 provisions of the Immigrntion and Naturalization Law. M,>re of this below, however. SeconcUy, we have within our unemployed ru1dunderemployed on Guam the available mai1power source which, In lime, could be t1·ai11edand developed lo fill our manpower needs in both the construction trades and service industries resulting from our tourism boom. Time, however, is lhe mitigating factor. Whereas the U. S. Department of
Labor feels that we should first exhaust all our local labor sources through manpower development and training -- and is therefore reluctant to permit the entry of more temporary aliens into Guam -- our current manpower needs are immediate and we must have relief soon. For this reason, I have been pressing both the House and Senate Committees on the Judiciary to give early consideration to H. R. 165 and similar bills which have been introduced to make additional immigrant visas available from certain foreign countries. This is our third and last avenue. For more than a year now, H. R. 165 and similar and companion bills have been pending before respective House and Senate committees. They would allow more skilled workers to migrate to Guam on a temporary basis. And although our need for such workers ts undeniable, the House panel has not yet seen fit to take any constructive action on the proposals which have been presented. FOOD STAMPS It is with a great deal more of both optimism and pleasure that I am able to report to you on the status of legislation providing for Guam's inclusion and eligibility under the Food Stamp Act. As you have probably observed, the entire Food Stamp program has been undergoing a complete overhaul in both the House and the Senate. I am happy to report, however, that whatever Food Stamp legislation is finally reached through a compromise of independently passed Rouse and Senate versions of the reform plan, that the outlook for Guam's inclusion is very favorable. In s. 2547, which has already been passed by the Senate, the people of Guam would become eligible to participate in the Food Stamp program. That bill has now been referred to the House Committee on Agriculture -- the committee which is now processing H. R. 12, 222, the Administration version of the Food Stamp reform. As a result of the efforts of this offic;e, Guam has been included in both bills as a jurisdiction eligible to participate in the program. At this point, a move might be made in the House to strike Guam from th~ bill, but that appears unlikely. I will continue to watch this measure, however, and do all that I can to retain our eligibility. NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK
Ever since the opening of the First Session of the 91st Congress -- since January 30, 1969, as a matter of fact -- the House Interior Committee has had under consideration H. R. 5580, a bill introduced by Representative Richard White (D-Texas), to provide for the establishment of a National Historic Park on Guam. A ma.Ster plan of a proposed ''War in the Pacific" National Historical Park has been prepared by the National Park Service, U. S. Departm~nt of the Interior, as a unit of the National Park System.
Meanwhile, notwithstanding the fact that there has been npproved a site and a prcllminal'y engineering design for a memorial to our U. S. dead who gave their lives in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. Lhe American Battle Monuments Commission has again bee~ unable to ove1·come the restraints, or the apathy, of the Adminislrahon and obtain the mere S200, 000 which has been apprnved for !ts constn1ction. Here again are more examples of the dilficulty which we have been encountering in recent years in obtaining funds for other than the m-:>sturgent ai1d critical needs of the Nation.
SPECIAL MILK PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN I regret to report that unless we can garner some support from some unexpected source, thal H. R. 5554, a bill to provide a special milk program for children, is dead for this Session of Congress. As you may recall, Guam wns not included as a ·•state" in the original program and was unable to participate in lls benefits. Ever since it was passed in 1966, however, I have been attempting to have the enabling legtslation amended so as to include Guam. Wilen H. n. 5554 was introduced lo extend the Special Milk Program, I again exerted myscU energetically to have the measure extended so that our chlldrcn would benefit, and succeeded in having Guam included ln lhe version of the biU lhal passed the Hou~e on M1y 6, 1969. Thal bill was then referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry which has been conside1'1.11gits own simHar or companion bills on the subject, S. 644 and S. 3550. M,mnwhUe, Secretary of Agl'iculture CliHord M. Hardin has written to Chairman Allan J. Ellender (D-La), or lhc Senate Agriculture Committee, that ''The Department does not favor enactment of this bill''. WUhoul Administration support. therefore, it seems that our children will continue to be deprived of the opportunity of sharing in a surplus commodity which is quite essential lo their nutritive needs. WELFARE On April 16, the House pas:,;ed by a vote of 243 to 155 President Nixon's Welf::u·e Reform Bill to :;ct a Fcdet·al income floor for the working and non-working poor. It is calculated the bill, il enacted into law, would more than double the ten million persons now receiving public assistance. The measure now is in tho Senate where efforts to incrcas~ benefits will be made. However, the mosl p1·estigious tax authol'lty 111 Con«ress, Representative Wilbu1· Mills (D-Ark), Chairman of the House w·iy°s and Means Committee. has said if the Senate increases the amount or the bill, he will kill It. The bill moans much to Guam. It would set a mlnimu~ . federal paymcnl of $1,600 a year for a family of four. For the f11·_sltime il would c;,,.1.cncl aid to Lhe poor who cam very low wages. In a~dlt1011, poor families would earn $740 a year without losing any benefits. Should tho family's carnlng 1·oach $3,920 annually, ll would be phased out of the pro1!l'am.
One provision in the bill would create a system of optional state or territorial grants, 30 per cent federally financed that could be added to bring families up to the poverty level. Guam comes under the general provisions of the bill. However, the bill also contains a clause which says the income floor for the aged, blind and disabled will be reduced in proportion to the e:;.1:entby w:tich its per capita income is below that one of the 50 states which has the lowest per capita income. The state that holds that position at present is Mississippi. The per capita income of Guam is currently higher than that of Mississippi hence no reduction is in immediate prospect. The bill stipulates that the Secretary of Health, Education and W!:!lfare shall periodically review the situation on the basis of income data supplied by the Secretary of Commerce and promulgate a revision that might become obligatory. Early in May, the Senate Finance Committee sent the entire Welfare Reform proposal back to Secretary Finch of the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for further study and restructuring -- and the Committee recessed indefinitely subject to call of the Chairman. It will be interesting to see if the Administration gets its W-alfare Reform bill at all during this Congress. However, one special provision -- the provision which would provide for the first time, the same benefits to the citizens of Guam as those residing on the mainland -- is vital to us and I will continue to work to see that it is retained, SOCIAL SECURITY COVERAGE - GOVGUAM EMPLOYEES The Ways and Means Committee of the U. S. House of Representatives, which constitutionally initiates all tax legislation, is now considering our request that employees of the Government of Guam be given coverage under the Social Security Retirement Act. There is SO!'Ue reason to believe that the action will be favorable, or at least, I very earnestly hope so. Actually, I have from time to time discussed this matter with the Ways and M,~ans Committee ever since 1967 when it was first considered. However, the feeling then was that a special amendment to the Social Security Act involving just a single jurisdiction could not be approved. But when in mid-December, Governor Cal'los Camacho wrote me asking that I bring this matter to the attention of the Ways and M,~ans Committee, I once more requested Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark} to see what could be done. MEDICAID When Medicaid (Tille XIX of the Social Security Act) was originally enacted, m~dical and dental benefits becan1e available to eligible beneficiaries. However, it was set up as a ''vendor" program and payments could not be made directly to bene£iciaries who received the services, but were limited to the vendors who provided medical and
dental services. The Johnson Administration, in 1967, recommended that a provision he added to l.he Medicaid Title which would require t.he states to assure lhal people eligible for the MiJdicaid program would have freedom of choice of health practitioner or medical facility. ln lhe Social Secu rily Amendments of 1967, this rreedom of choice, to be effective June 30, 1969, wns enacted for all or the states, with the exception that Lhe effeclivC! dale few Puerto Rico, Guam. and the Virgin Islands would be June 30, 1972. A new bill, H. R. 16625, was recenlly introduced by nepresenative Jacob H. Gilbert (D-NY), a membe1· of the House Committee on Ways and Means. Il would eliminate the limitation on freedom of choice and place all beneficiaries under the Medicaid law on an equal basis by; payments Lo be made to ali patients receiving services Crom physicians and clenlists.
AGIUCULTURAL ASSISTANCE The U. S. Department or Agriculture has agreed to continue its Extension Service program on Guam until lhe final enactment of the bill which will give ''Land Grant College" status to the University of Guam. As pointed out earlier in this report, that bill has been passed by the Senate and is now being processed by the House of Representatives. A formal document for lhe retention of USDA E,-tem;ion Service Agent .Tames Hubbard on Guam was ::;igned ln my office by Governor Carlos G. Camacho of Guam. M1·. Woodward Jenkins nf Lile U. S. Department of Agriculture rcpl'es1.mlcd lhe Director of the Federal Extension Service.
M·,·. Jenkins and I have di:;cusscd at length the agricultura I problems which con.front Guam, inclucling the need for Guam lo produce more or its owu foodstuffs so as to l~sscn Lile need lo import :is many agricultural products as we do. 1 have also canvas:,;ed this entire siluation with Mr. Edward l-1. Hansen. Deputy A::;sisl:ml ll, lhc Sccret:u·y of A[;rin11lu1·c ,u1clMr. Norimui A. Der!!, Assisl:u1t Aclmi111s1r:uor or the Soil Consc1·valiun Service. The consew;us seem!. th.ti 1t tl> vl>\'inus lhal wt! will nL•~d a11 cx1cnslon ur PL 88-584 :;o thnl the ser\'i<'c::. <Jf Lhc U. S. Depflrl ml•11tor .i\~ricu ltm·c in Gunm <·:rn propc l'ly ronlmuc. a11dcan cvPnlually be expaJ1clccland cxrcndcci. Several l>ills to this end ha\'l' :1lrc:\d\' hcc11lnL1·oclucNI. L:1st yc:1r Chairman W. 11. Pn:1guc (D-Tcx) t1f Lhe H·ousc Agric11lture Cvmmitlet•. nncl Rcp1·c~<•nlalivc Spnrk N. !\fatsunag.a (D-Hawaii). i.nll'Ocluccd bills i11the Houst• lo cxlt-11d the prnvisions uf Public L:1w 88-584 lhmu~II )!)75. In nclclition. the M::1.lsuna~:1hill. H. H. II, 269, would remove the :;,GO.000 iund limilatiun aulhori1.ect l<) cal'l"y out the provisions or lht! Act. The lluu::;e A~rir11llurc Committee yet been Lakcn on either measure.
rcpol'LS that no action ha::;
A conm:inion hill was i11L1·oclucedin Lhc Senate l>y Chainnan
Allen J. Ellender (D-La), of the Senate Agriculture Committee, but no action has been taken on that one either and none is scheduled at present, pending reports and comments from the Administrldion. I wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Bardin, asking to discuss with one or his assistants the agricultural needs and problems of Guam in an eUol't to support the legislation now pending in the Committees on Agriculture in both Houses of Congress. Early in May, I met with Mr. John P. Orcutt, Assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture for Federal-State Relations and others, and I am quite hopeful that favorable action will be taken by the U.S. Congress in the near future.
FEDERAL HIGHWAY AID A new drive to include Guam in the Federal-Aid Highway program is now underway in the Senate. Senator Jennings Randolph (D-W. Va.), called a hearing of a special Subcommittee for May 20, to consider proposals to provide such aid not only to Guam but also to the Virgin Islands and American Samoa. This is good news for Guam. The 90th Congress authorized an extensive study of our highway problems but nothing much came of it due to the slowness of the Bureau of the Budget in acting on it. The final survey report, which was to have been submitted to Congress by April 1, 1969, was not finally finished until January 1970. And unfortunately, the report, reflecting lhe views of the new Administration and of certain critics who are opposed to use the Highway Trust Fund monies in areas and on activities where no funds are collected and deposited into the fund, did not recommend the expenditure of Federal funds for our highway needs. But although nothing was done by the highway study, something is now being done by the Senate Subcommittee and we can justifiably exercise our right to hope. DISASTER ASSISTANCE Senator Birch Bayh (D-Ind.), Chairman of the Special Subcommittee on Disaster Relief held hearings on April 27, 28, and 29 to reflect the Federal response to Hurricane Camille, and also to gather information on S. 3619, the "Omnibus Disaster Assistance Act of 1970". The bill under consideration, S. 3619, which was introduced by Senator Bayh on March 20, would create an Office of Disaster Assistance, and update, revise, and expand all Federal programs for relief from the eUects of a major disaster such as earthquake, floods, hurricanes and typhoons. It would also provid~ for a national major disaster insurance program 'lS well as for improved coordination of disaster assistance administratiun.
Although Congress has enacted n number of beneficial disaster rclic.f laws during the past twenty year::., many of these have ueen limited in scope. temporary in duration. and retroactive responses lo particular catastrophes. The advru1tages to ue g-aincd from codifying the many, diverse disaster assistance statutes, as well as the need at least to extend the life of the essential provisions of Uie 1969 Act. by themselves would he sufficient justification £01· a c:u·cful ex:uninalion of the whole matter of disaster relief.
I am happy to 1·eport that Guam is inc ludcd in the major disaster relief Acts that exist. at present. :rnd fuUy Included as :lll eligible •·stale" in the bill which is under consideration.
Last year a clouble-baJTellecl effort was made In Congress to arrange for Lhe Corps of Engineers to make a study of the rivers ::ind harbors facilities of Guam with a view to providing for their enlargement and imp1·uvement. The ChaJrnrnn or the Senate Public Works Commillee, !:icnawr Jennings Randolph (D-W. Va.) a,1d Represenlalive .John A. Blatnik (D-Minn). a meml>el' of lhc House Rivers :met Harbors Subcommillec, .introduced identical bills alllhorizing the Corps of Engineers lo make such a study. This mallei· is lo be coni-;idcrcd by the Rivers and Harbors Subcommillec of the Senate Public Works Committee wilhin the next few weeks. Thal panel is now holding hearings un an omnibus Rive1·s and Harbors Bil I. J have been inviled by lhal Subcommittee to leslify on behaH ur lhe people or Guam and have accepted.
In addition to problems and projects which can be solved by legislation, there are numerous others which may be solved by administrative actions within the executive departments and agencies. The following is a brief account of our involvement in some of the major areas of this activity during Fiscal Year 1970.
ROTC FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF GUAM - On June 27, 1969, the University of Guam re-submitted Usapplication for the establishment of a senior Reserve Officers Training Corps unit on the campus. The Army has advised me that the University of Guam was one of forty institutions of higher learning to apply for an ROTC unit. Several mainland colleges such as Harvard and Dartmouth are currently getting out of the program. Mr. Arthur W. Allen, Jr., U1eDeputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, has directed that the facilities and capabilities of all forty applicants be exami.ned. The University of Guam is being evaluated on a comparative basis. In due course of time, perhaps by au.tumn, the Army will decide which of the applicants should be accepted. The number probably will be small, perhaps a half-dozen. Actually, the applicants are in competition with each other for acceptance. A determination will ultimately be made as to how many Second Lieutenants and Ensigns are needed. I am told that once the selections are made, it will be at least two years before the new units will be functioning. COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES -I have been urging officials Civil Service Commission to apply the cost of living allowof the U. ance to all Federal white collar and postal positions on Guam. At present, only employees on Guam who are recruited from the mainland are entitled to these benefits.
Allowances of five per cent in the Virgin Islands were recently cancelled on the basis that the cost of living in that territory is no higher than in Washington. Rates for Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico have not changed, however. 27
PROJECTS WITH TIIE: NAVY DEPARTMENT AMMUNITION P1ER - L:1tc last yea.i· it developed lhal lhe United States Navy w,rnted lo construct a sizeable ammunition wharf on the shores of Sella Bay lo replace the facility at Apra Hru•!Jor. The announcement of lhal desil'e ignilecl a controversy in which I immediately became Involved. I received a rJood of mail from constituents including the Guam Federation of Teachers strongly opposing the project as destructive of an area uf educational, scenic, and recreational value. 1 promptly wrote the Secrelai·y or Defense, Melvin R. Laird, lnforming him of the extent of the opposition lo the relocalion of the ammunition wh:u·[ on Guam. Subsequently. l personally talked with the Deputy Assistant Sec reta.i·y of Defense for lnslaliations and Loi,>istics and his staff. Mem 1jers of his slaCTbriefed me on the µoint of the view of the Navy Department. In essence. the Navy cont.ends that. the present facllity is unsalisfaclory and dangerous because of ils proximity to Lhe activities in Apra Harbor, because or lhe distances involved and the wave action a.I.alternate sites. The Navy says it made an exhaustive study of many alternative possibilities {or a new location before sellling on the Sella Bay site. The Navy explaiJts it chose lhe Sella Bay site because il is remote and has nalural pl'otcctive feaLUres not existent. elsewhere. At lhe moment, lhc malter is in the hands of the Secretary of the Navy, John H. Cllafee. A joint use of the area as a park is suggested and can be worked out between Governor Carlos Camacho and lhe Commander of the Nnval Forces of the M:u•iana.s, Roar Admiral Paul Pugh. IlETENTION OF GUAMAN1ANS AT THE SHF - Another encounter which l had with U1eNavy Department during lhe past year Involved a proposed reduction in the level of activities of the Navy's Ship Repair Facility (SRF). Following my inle1·vention in the matter, the Navy assured me that "efforts lo maintain U1e workload at the snF al a level which will support the size or an establishment our l'equirements dictate, and to increase the proportion or local citizens employed would continue' The Navy Depal'lment said that Guamanian workers al the be 1·ct.ained, although lhe number or private conlracl and "stateside hire" would he reduced.
snF would
The Navy denied that lower costs of labor in Lhe Philippines and Japan, which arc not subject to U. S. lalJor standards, as are the 1:epair facilities and yards on Guam, were causing diversion of work lo bases in foreign countries, pointing out lhal "Lhc workload in the Weslcrn Pacific area is decreasing generally". ''The slralei,>ic impo1·lance of Guam aud lhe Ship Repair Facility is clearly t'ecognized by the Navy," Admiral E. n. Crawford. the
Acting Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Logistics, decl:u·ed; and consequently, it appears that at Least partly as a result of our efforts, the SRF will remain in full operation on Guam. L'VIPROVEMENTS IN AIR SERVICE TO GUAM
In just the few past years, Guam has moved from a few-timesa-week stop on a single airline to a several times-per-day transportation center in the air traliic of the world. I recently learned, through discussions with officials of Japan Ail·lines, that there is a possibility that air service to Guam will again be increased. Japan Airlines has applied to the Civil Aeronautics Board for a franchise which would put it into competition with Pan American, TWA, and Continental. Hearings on the JAL application have been held. I have supported Japan Airlines application on the basis that adequate air travel between Guam and Japan, as well as from Guam to and from other areas, is vital to its economic growth. The examiners report is expected to be released in a matter of weeks. Japan Airlines wants to make three flights a week to Guam and return. The flights would originate in Tokyo with an intermediate stop at Osaka. The line hopes to begin service on October ffrst iI the CAB is willing. It hopes to expand the service eventually by adding a slop on Saipan. J AL'S proposal calls for the use of DC-8 aircraft on all of the runs applied for.
SHIPPING SERVICE TO GUAM We have all been aware for quite some time now that the freight rates for ocean shipping to Guam are altogether too high. Accordingly, a broad gauge drive lo bring them down got underway this spring. The Maritime Trades Department of the AFL-CIO and the Transportation Institute conducted a conference in Washington to see what could be done. I appeared at that conference and took part in the panel discussions. A principal topic was the Jones Act which, as you know, requires that all goods shipped in domestic trade from the mainland to Guam, must be transported in American flag vessels. I argued for a relaxation of that resfriction, pa.rticularly in view of the fact that our sister tenitory, the ViTgin Islands, is exempt and thereby has an economic advantage of considerable proportions. Guam has basically lhe same problems as the other non-contiguous states and territories with respect to shipping rates. Guam needs relief. The present cost of shipping is oppx·essive. Guam is the cross-
roads of the Pac Uic and lhe gateway lo Micronesia. Il is an important center of distribution and trade ru1dculture. There are several ways the relief which we seek can be worked out. Guam, first of all. might be exempted from the .Tones Acl on an oulrighl hasis as is the case of the Virgin Islands. Secondly, a provision might be inserted into the .Tones Act calling for operation ancl construction subsidies plus a lax deferment clause. H. R. 15424, a bill introduced by Chairman Garmatz of the Rouse Comm:ttee on Me1·chanl Marine and Fisheries, was recently reported favorably in the House where, early action is anticipated. FISHERIES The Senate Commerce Commillee has approved unanimously a !Jill, S. 3176, to authorize a In-ogram for the development of a tuna fishery in the central and western Pacific Ocean. The bill introduced Inouye jointly by Senators Hiram L. Fong (R-Hawaii), and Daniel (D-Hawail), would provide for a three year program for the development of latent tuna resources under an appropriation of $3,000,000. The program would be clit·ccled by the Secretary of the Interior in cooperation with the Governments of Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
TEACHER CORPS program future.
There is justiliable reason to be! ieve that a Teacher Corps for Guam may be available at some time ln the reasonable
Over several of lhe past years we have been working with Teacher Corps Director, Dr. Richard Graham lo see whal could Ile done lo sl:u-L a Teache1· Corps program on Guam. This program has never been fully funded hy the appropriations commiltces of the House and Senate, and conscquenlly, Lhe program has never become nationwide. Many of the competing aI·ea1; with mertol'ius programs and needs have had lo lie cleicrred pending lhe :wailabi l lty of funds. In adctilion, it has been the policy of lhe Teacher Corps to accumulate smalle1· amounts of funds thal have been allocated lo an eligible area until enough wns availahle to conduct ['l viable program. Such has been lhe case for Guam. eligibility for available funds has been accunr.ilaling during the past four of lhe Teacher Corps program, aucl il now appears that we may Ile included for action ill Lhe next fiscal year. Out· program concept has been found lo be essentially and we can expect Lhe program to stad. as soon as funds are nvailai>le. TAX PJ10DLEMS In connection wilh Lhe debate of Lhc Land Graul College Bill, Senator Gordon Alloll (R-Coloi·adn), in his speech on lhe Senale floor said, "We lax ourselves here in lhe United Slates lo give lhem (the lel'l'itol'ies) I.he benofil of money :uicl innumerable ~ranl-in-nid progrnms of one kind 01· another. On Lhc other hand, lhe la,xes they r:dse by wny of Federal Income Ta.xes do not contribute one penny to those aid programs.•·
"I believe that the excise tax exemption particularly is discriminatory against goods manufactured in the United States and marketed in Guam. It should be noted that U. S, corporations doing business in Guam are treated as foreign corporations and a 30 per cent foreign corporation lax is imposed upon such U, S. corporations. So here ngain, is a discriminatory tax made against the very citlzens who In tum are subsidizing the territory of Guam" It became abundantly clear during lhe discussion on the Land Granl College Bill that Senator Allott had struck a responsive chord with his remarks. Senator Frank E. Moss (D-Utah), said that "al an appropriate tim(!" lhe issues or the Colorado Senator mig,1t well be considered by the Senate, and Senato1· Herman E. Talmadge (D-Georgia), a member of the powerful Finance Committee spoke up Lo say that his Committee might well consider the whole Lax question in U1e future. Meanwhile, Senator Quentin N. Burdick (D-N. Dakota) and Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) have joinlly introduced S. 315:5, a bill to amend the Organic Act of Guam t.o clarify the applicalion of tax on transfer of funds lo a United Slates corporalion from a Guam subsidlai-y. Representative Harold T .. Johnson (D-California) has introduced a similar bill in the U. S. House of Representatives. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION
For quite some time I have been endeavoring to arrange for the Veterans Administration to ex'tend its G. I. Home Loan program to Guam. Our veterans who fought for our country are surely entitled to the same benefits as other American citizens. Resorting to Congressional assistance, the Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Olin E. Teague (D-Texas), communicated with the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, Donald E. Johnson.on the matter, I am pleased to report that the outlook is !Jrighlening. I have been in touch with the Veterans Administration in recent days and have been told that the VA has been consulting with the Director of Fannie May (the Federal National Mortgage Association). In my interview two mo.,ths ago with Fannie May's Director, Alan Oakley Hunter, I asked him about this possibility and indicated at that time that he will discuss the matter with the VA. I have been told by VA Administrator Johnson recently, that very probably concrete action will be taken this summer. MORTGAGE MONEY FOR GUAM I am pleased to report that the Federal Government has acted to alleviate the mortgage m-:>neycrisis which has afflicted Guam for years. Six Senators interceded with the Government authorities in our behall. They were John J. Sparkman (D-Alabama), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash),
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Inlerior ancl ln:;ular Affairs, <..:ucntin N. 13urdick (D-N. D:tkot:1). Chairman of the Terdlories Sul>commiltee. Edmund S. Muskie (D-Mainc). Hiram L. Fong (R-Hawaii), and Cliff()rj P. Hansen (H-Wyoming). The1·c a1·e two agencies responsible for money -- the Fcclcral Nalion:tl Mortgage As~ocinLion, a feclcrally sponsored privnte or:raniz::ilion which buys ::inclsells rehidential mortgages insured l>y the Government; ::inclthe Government·s Nnlional Mortgage Assoc:iatlon whict !,!.Pls its money from the U. S. Treasury. The President and Chief Executive Officer of FNMA. Allan Oakley Hunt0r. told me that "the law governing Fannie May requires that the modirages we buy be salable Lo large investory who might buy them from lhc U. S. al :;ome lime in lhe future. We now IJelieve that FHA aucl G. l. mortgage!> on Guam housing have achieved lhat status. The acllon we have taken i:; lo say lhal FNMA will buy Guam mortgages. liolh single-family and multi-family. This action should he helpful lo tho Guam home building and financing ·• In a somewhat parallel statemcn~ the President of GNMA., Woodward Kingman, told me earlier lhal his organizalion would provide Guam wilh three million dollars in morLgage money wilhin a month. Il has been estimated lhal Guam needs about $15,000, 000 in mortgage money for the next risc:11 yenr and this need is continually riSing. TN'T'ERGOVERNMF.NTAL
There arc some political :;cienlists who contend that the American Governmenlnl system is unmanageable ancl can never be made lo work efficiently. l do not go lhul far. But I du know that th<! gov:)rnmental mccha 1ism is complicaled, unwieldly and cumbersome. C11n.,ide, lha~ it con:;ists :,f th,1 F1..:d,•r,ll Gove::-nm?n~, fifty state governments, thr.'.)C lcrrilorial go"Jernment,;, three thousand s!at.e governments and unco:rnf.ed municipal goverom,inls and 5chool districts. Till' torrent of laws, ordina ice:;, decisions :ncl rulings promulgated by all these jurisd·ctions with their executive. legislative and judicial l)r:mches is so formidable as to defy human comprehension.
My responsibility as Guam's Washington Representative is to keep labs 011 what the F'cdera.l Government does regarding Guam. Thal c:tlls for my constant contact with Congress which, as you know, has :u, inli-icate committee system. That calls [or my appearance in per:;on before the commillee which deals wilh Guam and daily conversations wilh members and attaches on legislation relating to our territory. I am aL50 in daily communic:ttion with offices of the Executive Bnu1ch. Those wilh whom I have been in touch in ou1· interests
range from the President and members of lhe Cabinet down to modest and unpresuming program officials who often have a wealth of information that ls useful. Fiileen states have liaison offices comparable to mine in Washington. I often consult with U1ose representatives as well as the representations of Puerto Rico and the Vfrgin Islands. We all can Learn from each other. The National Governors' Conference, as well as the Council of State Governments, maintain offices here whicl_t often prove helpful in supplying information.
All information that I and my staff gather is relayed promptly to the appropriate officials of the Government of Guam. That is my job. And I frequently hear from Guam officials too. That is right and proper. The morning mail often includes communications from Agana. either requests for information l1r sugge:stions for :tel ion. I we!com~ each and every one o·f those -:ommuni ;al'on:,. lt is also my job to ad or. 1hern. My routine involves dealing with a wide and varied assortment I think that of challenges every day. That holds for all public officials. you and I can adequately respond to our challenges. We have maintained a satisfactory rapport as far as I, personally, am concerned. The American governmental system may or may not be unmanageable, but I submit we of Guam managing our affairs at reasonably well. OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE J.nforma.tion Services - As island of Guam here on the mainland, Representative continues to perfo1·m services that is constantly increasing
the only instrumentality of the the Office of Guam's Washington a variety of multi-functional in both volume ru1d scope.
Almost daily we receive requests for factual material about Guam on subjects ranging from general historical background and government, to specific interpretations of tax and labor laws, legislative objeclives and programs, and political aspirations of the people of Guam and the entire of the W•~stern Pacific. Requests are made by government officials, representatives or industrial and consulting firms, potential investors, industrialists or visitors, future residents, and by students throughout the country from elementary schools to institutions of higher education, Such requests by both mail and telephone -- including an unexpectedly large number of long-distance calls -- account for the expenditure or much or our time. In the dissemination of information about Guam, its history and background, industrial potential, business opportunities, employment opportunities and contacts, and other requests on other matters; we have expended countless man-hours and have mailed hundreds or pamphlets, booklets and brochures all over the mainland.
This aclivity indicates lhe degree by which we n1·0 becomini.r bc-t(er known on the mainland and lhc- clcgree to which go\'crnment olTicinl:-:: nncl lh{' public in general :ire incrc:1.singly relying on this offir:c :lS a source ol inronn:ilion. Services lo Visitors - One of ou1· most limt'-c:onsumin~ activities is (ortunalely a very pleasant onC'. H involves meelin(! ;u1d p·ccting and keeping in touc-h with vi!;ilors Lu the omu• - particularly (he visitors I rom back home in G~1am. Our isolation and rcm:.itcncsslront Guam makes communicalions a p1·0Jlcm. and it is always a pkasure to have lhe opportunity lo greet vlsilo1·s lo Wrtshington. to exc:1an~e our ''Hafa Ada ls", and lo listen to first-hand accounts or events and ~ilualions on our island. o·,er 350 pcr~ons visited t:1c office during the past fiscal yea:r. Although lhe majority o[ them were from Guam. the balru1cc consisted of ofCicials from Federal ugenclcs, rcprescnlallves of industrial, commercial, and consulling firms. sludcnls front ,JI over lhe mninland. people serving in the Armed Forces, nnd officials or unions. societies, and stale ru1cllocal governments. For our numci·ous official visitors from lhe Govemment or <Jf the Guam, the Guam Chamber of Commerce, lhe Trllsl Territory Pacific Isl.ands, and other similar groups. we have also provided desk space, telephone service, and appointment and reservation services. Overall -- for all visito1·s from Guam. 1·cgal'C!Jessof party affiliation. position. -- the office door has always t,een open lo all :rnd l have ende:ivored to make thiii office ":i warm :incl pleasant home away from home". and as well, n place where lhc l>usincss o( govcmmcnl may be facilitated for lhe l>encfil of the people or Guam.
Conferences and MeeU11gs- On severa.1 oc·casion:,; throughout. the year, your W:ishington Heprcsentative was clesi~nntecl ~•s lhe official representative oi the people and the lerrito1·y of Gu:un for various nongovernmental conferences. workshops. and other similal' meetings. During Fiscal year 1070, Uiis office 1mrllcipalecl in numerous regular and !:>1xicialmeetings o( the National Governors· Conference. the Council of State Governments, the Katlonal Association of Travel Organization:;, Department of Stale Karional Fnreign Policy Conference. National Conference on Legislative Leadership, Lhe Conference in Slalc Technical Services, and the United Slates 1'ravcl Service. Your Washington Representative is also au active participant in bulh lhe Amel'ican Academy or Political and Socinl Sciences and the Am?ricni1 Society uf Fublic Administration.
Appendix "A" on pages 41- 64 of lhis 1·eport lists all significant Federal expenditures in Guam, They are shown in two separate categoriei; -- (1) Financial Assistance Programs and (2) Other Operating Expenditures. Financial Assistance programs are identified in terms of both their program content and the Federal statutes which authorize them. All programs and expenditures are grouped under the Federal Departm,,mt or agency which administers them. Data on expenditures contained in the ''Summary of Federal Expenditures in Guam" have been obtained from the financial and budgetary i·ecords of agency headquarters offices in Washington, and do not include minor expenditures which could not be derived from such records. Details were supplied only in cases where these agencies maintain cost distribution systems with geographical area breakdowns. In other cases such as general health studies, the operations of the FCIC, FHLBB, and the NLRB - where only occasional field trips ai·e involved and no offices or regular expenses are involved - or when less than $1,000 could be identified as an expense in Guam - these data are not included. The summary of Federal expenditures on page 41 shows the fiscal year total for Financial Assistance Programs as $22,676,942; for Other Operating Expenditures as $174, 717, 312; and a grand total in Federal Outlays of $197, 394, 254 for Fiscal Year 1970. This .represents an increase of approximately 113t%over Fede1·al expenditures in Guam last year.
The 1970 edition of the CATALOG OF FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS to be released in the near future by the Office or Economic Opportunity lists a total of I, 138 separately identiliable programs which are financed or supported by Federal funds. Many of these programs apply only to specific geographic .u·eas. Others, such as programs for medical and other research apply only to jurisdictions which have facilities which can utllize them. Still others, such as the 80 HUD specialized programs under which the Federal Housing Administration insures private lenders, are primarily available only to Individuals or to private organizations.
However. it is interesting to note that Guam. which ranks 54th in population in 1·e!ntion to the olher stales. rruiks 55th in lenns or Federal funds which are expended on Guam. This slalislical disparity becomes far more apparent when the type of expenditure is analyzed. In Fiscnl Year 1969. lhe Deparlment or Defense alone spent m,,re than $143. 5 millton of the total of Sl7-L 5 million in Federal funds which were spenl on Guam. Should these Defense Dep:H·tment funds either be discontinued or sharply curtailed. it is obvious that Guam's rru1k in relation lo Lhe other stntes would fall even furthe1· behind. From the above. one could suggest lhal it is possible that GovGuam is not trying quite hard enough -- al least in relation to the other states -- Lo com:>ete [or such Federal funds as may be available or to parlicipale in programs that are available. As an exruuple of available programs in which GovGuam could take a more active role, the following three programs which could be of immeasurable benefit in casing our critical housing shortage. could easily and quilc properly :Jl· :;limulaled by the Government of Guam even though lhey are cs:;cnlially available to privale organizers or sponsors: Rent supplements to owners of certain private Lo:111slo non profit housing sponsors Loans lo non profil private organizations
housing projects
In addition to these three housing assistance programs are lhe following which provide direct financial assistm1ce Lo Local public agencies. Although Guam is clip;iblc lo participate in all of the programs listed below. it will be noted f1·om the listing or funds on pages 52-53 fhaL the U. S. Department of Housing a.nclUrban Developm~nt is neither expending 1101·proposing to expend ru1y funds during lhe next year. Homeowncrsl1ip - Sale of Public Housing Units to Occupa11ts Leased Housing !or Low l!\come Families New Low Rent Public Housing Projects including ''Turnkey" Public Housing - Acquisition and Rehabilitation Code Enforcement Community Rencw,tl Demonstration Grru1ts Interim Grants Neighborhood Development Urbnn Open Space Parks Advance Acquisition of La11d - Grru1ts Historic Preservation - Grru1ts Open Space Grants Public Works Plruming Advai1ces (Interest F1·ee) Urban System:, Engineering Dcmonslration Grants Mnss Trru1sit Research & Training Grants (Institutions) M;:iss Transit Research, Development & Demonstration Grnnts
Mass Transit Studies Comprehensive Planning Assistance - Grants Urban Information Clearinghouse Information Technical Assistance - Grants M,:,del Cities - Grants Research and Technical Training Funding Low Income Housing Demonstration - Grants Urban Planning and Research Demonstrations Urban Renewal Demonstrations - Grants Relocation Assistance • Of equal importance is also the relative nonchalance of the Governmmt of Guam ·.vith respect to the numerous Federal programs available in the area of Manpower Development and Training. While we continue to weather a shortage of skilled construction and service workers, and at the same time continue to observe an increasing number of our own native Gud1anians among the unemployed and underemployed, Federal manpower training programs have gone wanting. Secretary of Labor George P. Schultz recently announced that "Manpower program enrollments were up 46,000 in one year; jobs and hires nearly triple". He spoke of the JOBS program, which had more than two-anda-hali times the number of disadvantaged persons employed in January than a year ago, He described the Concentrated Employment Program (CEP), which concentrates in an economically depressed target area all Federal mru1power services through a single local sponsoring agency. CEP showed an increase of almost 4, 200 over the previous year for a total of 55,000. He also spoke of Operation Mainstream. New Careers, Job Opportunities in the Business Sector -- and other programs for which Guam is eligible and in which Guam is not participating. Although we are currently participating in some MDTA programs, we still have quite a way to go to catch up with other areas and to avail ourselves of all of the Labor Department's programs. The College of the Virgin Islands, a two-year community college until just this year, operates as a side-line the multi-milliondollar-per-year Carribean Research Institute -- one of the spots to do primary analysis on the first lunar samples to be returned to Earth. The Economic Development Administration of the U. s. Department of Commerce offers six separate and distinct financial assistance programs. Guam is currently receiving funds under none of these. The National Science Foundation annually announces the award or millions of dollars in research grants, fellowships, conferences, institutes, seminars and other activities related to the dissemination of scientilic research findings. Guam could participate in several of these.
Recently, HEW announced the award of $1. 3 m'.llion lo colleges and universities lo help citizens solve problems in urban and rural communities, and commitments of $15. 5 million to 150 colleges and w1iversities in connection with Upward Bound -- a pre-college program for low-income students. Guam again was the recipient of none of these Federal dollars. These are but a few of the Federal assistance programs under which Guam is not receiving its available share. I oCfer these examples nol either as criticism or derision, but as a reminder -- an appeal ror all of us lo assess our needs, to work together, and to "try hai·der·•. Several states and localities have ex'}Jandedtheir activities and expenditures in the area o[ "grantsmanship" and have been realizing a remarkable and substantial return as a result. The states of New York and California, or course, are prepared in advance with merit proposals to be submitted for programs yet to be funded by lhe U. S. Congre!:>s. Puerto Rico assigned six full-time professionals lo a four-month project in cataloging and assisting the grants available to the Commonwealth and has realized approximately a $2 million-per-year return. On a smaller scale, U1e Virgin Islands engaged a $16,000 per-year analyst who ferreted out more than $75,000 for the Virgin Islands in a matter of three months. If we want to take advantage of the available Federal grantsin-aids in terms of our needs and requirements, il will require a little more effort - - and cxpendilure of money. I reel thal Guam is just as entitled to receive Federal assislance as any other jurisdiction, and that we loo can "try harder" and increase our standing in relation to the other states and localities which are eligible and receiving Federal assistance.
2nd Sl:SSIOII •l•t
10P 81111SEATEDL£l'T 10 RlClff: l!Anuel WJAII (Nev 11,txlco): Joho II. lteppy CA.'IJ' (Oolaboaa); John \l0IJ) (Wyoafog); 1'11111• t. l0.IPP£ (lllchig•o): Ooo II. Cl-'USEII (C•U£ornl•); J•""• A. HcCWII!: (W.ho): S... STEICER (ArhoM): Joho Kn. (lo,_); Lo11~oce J. BURroll (Utoh); Cr.lg IIOSKU (C.Hfornu); E. Y. SERRY (South Dok<>to); John P. SAYLOl (Pffln1ylv•nh): Cb•lmon \lay"" N. ASP OU.LL (COlo«do): J-• A. IL\I.EY (Plorid•); Ed El»IONDSOM (Oklahoma): Walter S. BARING{Hevada}i Roy A. TAn.0R (Nonh Carolina): Harold T. JOHlisat (California): Hugh L. CAREY Robe-rt U. KASt'EKHElER(Wltconatn); Wlllln P'. BY'AM(Nev York.); (Kew York): Mord.IX.. IJDAU (Arizona): ThO'Ma S, rou:Y (Waahingtoo): ,_, KEE (Wut Vlrstnu). stCOtm MN SeAtt.D LEFT TO UClrT: .Jorge, L. CORDOVA (Puerto R.ic:o); Lloyd K£EDS (\la1hlna,t0ft); Abnb• W~. Jr. (Te-ue); IUl .D. 80.ll.lsat (IUUOllrl) • stAFF stANDDG LEFT TO RlGHT: Edwrd G•ddh (He.Honger); Cluirle• Lepper-t. Jr. (A•et .. Coun•el •nd C:cm1ulunc on Terrltan.•l and lneul■ r A.Hat re); K.othleaa S«ndy (Clede) t Jia t. C.aey (CoMultanc. on tni3aclon orid Recl-..tion); Levi• A. S!gler (CounHl end COn1ulu1nt oa lDdla.o Aff.atu); P•trici• Murray (Clerk); Sidney L. McFarland (Sulf Director); DWI! S. 8,arton (Cle.tic); Willi• L. Shllar (Con■ulunt on Kinlnt. Klnerats. •nd Public I.And■); Hirl•ci \ladde11 (Clerk): Le~ KcElv.>fn (AHt. Counsel and Con■ultao.t on N•tlot'd Pub and bcrf:•Uon): P,urid• frc-CNn (Clerk): Suun Centner (Cle rt); Ka-r•ton I,. !tteker (Prlnting Clerlc.). KDmERS AJ.SDff: .John V. TIJHN'EY(CallfocnJ■); Phllltp IUfa'Ott (CAltrornl1); .Jme• a. 0 1 1lARA(Michigan); P■ c.1y T. Hllnt (U1wU)i Joo SKUllltt (K,tnut): llov•rd l'Ol.l.OCII:(AlHk•).
LEFT TO RlGffT: Ket.calf, Montana; Nel•on,. Wi.■con■ in, Burdick, North Utah: Church, Ida.ho, Bible, Nevada: Anderson, New Mcx1co: Cl\utman W••hlngton: Allott, Colorado: Jordan, Idaho: F•nnin, Arizon.:i; Ho1nlien,
Alaska: McGovern,
Grave 1. Alaoka • South
Financial Assistance Programs (Grants, loans etc.)
Other Expenditures (Salarie5> direct payments etc.)
Total Federal Expenditures
Departments: Agriculture Commerce Defense Health, Education, & Welfare Housing & .Th-banDevelopment Interior Justice Labor Post Office State Transportation Treasury
312,680 20,133 21,000 7,561,401 4,046,050 9,514,926 308,000 609,620
33,182 271,865 163,607,000 380,400 331,000 67,840 1,224,000
345,862 291,998 163,628,000 7,561,401 4,046,050 9,895,326 639,000 677,460 1,224,000
5,412,744 7,728
5,412,744 7,728
69,700 51,000 795,000 625,000
33,716 69,700 179,900 795,000 625,000
Independent Agencies: American Battle Monuments Commission Office of Economic Opportunity National Aeronautics & Space Administration Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Selective Service Small Business Administration U.S. Civil Service Commission Veterans Administration Nati.onal Science Foundation
33,715 128,900
Judiciary U. S. District
Court of Guam
Itemized listings and an explanation appear on pages 4 2 through 64 .
ol expenditures by program and activity
FY 1969 (Actual)
Description of Program or Activity and Basic Statutory Authority U. S. DEPARTMENT FEDERAL
Federal Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimatedl
FY 1971 (Proposed)
$ 40,000
$ 33,012
Direct purchase (including distribution) Financial assistance Special child feeding program State administrative expenses
(PL 81-272)
a/ 9:-906 47,328 8;764
37 650
162,849 4,238 22,128 9,691 4.310 5,466 38,000
164,477 4,574 26,554 12, 114 4,310 6,040 38,000
15,487 2,241
Cash Pa1,ments to States: School lunch program (PL 79-396) Special cash assistance School breakfa.-;t program Non-food assistance program State administrative expenses Non-school food program Commodity procurement (Sec. 6) Total - U. S. DEPARTMENT
150,325 697 7,843 512
to estimate at this tlme
U. S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census: 52,000
19th Decennial Census Economic Develo_e_mentAdministration: Development Facilities
31, 265f;
Environmental Science Services Administration: Weather forecasts and warnings Earth description, mapping and charting Marine description, mapping and charting
126,800 45,000 600
140,000 48,000 600
145,000 51,000 600
Subtotal - ESSA
Oilice or State Technical Services: 1969 State program grant Total - De(l_artment of Commerce
1/ -
c.o ""
Amount shown reflects actual disbursements through March 31, 1970. Estimates for the remainder of FY 1970 and FY 1971 cannot be made since payments will depend upon the progress of the project.
... ... Description of Program or Activity and Basic Statutory Authority U, S, DEPARTMENT Military Civilian Mllilary Other
FY 1969 _{_Actual)
Federal FWlds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimatedl
FY 1971 (Pt·oposed)
OF DEFENSE Personnel Pay Pay Construction
Subtotal - All Other Installations
55,812,000 38,304,000 12,656,000 36,857,000
56,045,000 40,394,000 20,265,000 46,903,000
60,413,000 39,494,000 12,941,000 47,759,000
18,000 6,000
143, 653, 024
163, 628,000
omce of Civil Defense Operations and Maintenance Shelter Surveys and Marking Total - DeE_artment of Defense
160, 607, 000
Office of Education Elementary and Secondary Education; Aid to School Districts: Educationally deprived children (ESEA I): Basic grants State administrative expenses Supplementary services (ESEA m) Federally affected areas:
(860, 742
Maintenance (P. L. 81-874) Construction (P. L. 81-815) Grants to States for School Library Materials (ESEA ll) Strengthening State Departments of Education (ESEA V): Grants to States Grants for special projects Acquisition of Equipment and Minor Remodeling (NDEA m): Grants to States Loans to non-profit private schools State administration Guidance, Counseling, and Testing (NDEA V) Planning and Evaluation Bilingual Education (ESEA Vll) Subtotal - Elementary
and Secondary Education
2,155,781 903,710 34,595
2,003,000 30,485
Subtotal - Education for the Handicapped Construction: Public community colleges and technical institutes (HEF A I - Section 103) other undergraduate facilities (HEF A I - Section 104) Graduate facilities O{EFA II) State administration and planning (HEF A I - Section 105) Undergraduate instructional equipment (BEA VI-A) College Personnel Development (NDEA IV; EPDA Part E) Subtotal - Higher Education (HEW cont'd on next page)
4,000 20,000
4,000 17,000 16,500 160,000
Education for the Handicapped: Preschool an_dSchool Program for the Handicapped (ESEA VI) Teacher Education and Recruitment Research and Innovation
16,500 160,000 1,510,088
60,000 50,000
55,774 50,000
60,000 50,000
Lescri11tion or Program or Activity and Basic Statutory Authority
Education Professions Development: Grants to States (EPDA 8-2) Personnel Development Programs Teacher Corps Sublotal - Education Prnfessions
·ederal Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 _{_Estimatea)
YY 1969
40,000 224,898
40,000 75,038
35,949 10,059 9,706
34,014 10,059 9.880
34,014 10,059 9,880 21,315
Community Education: Public Lihra.ries: Services: Gl'ants to States (LSCA I) Interlibrary cooperation (LSCA ID) State inslilullonal library services (LSCA lV-A) Liur:u-y services for physically hru1dicapped (LSCA IV-B) Construction (LSCA Il) Coll~ge Libl'ary Resources (REA 11-A) Liurarian Training (HEA ll-B) Educational Broadcasting Facilities University Community Service Programs (BEA 1) "Carry-over
FY I 1171 (Proposed)
21, 823•
(247, 203
(267I 274
from 2-yeai· funds appropriated
Vocational and Adult Education: Basic State Grants: Annual Permanent Adult Basic Education (Adult Education Act): Grants to Slates Special projects and teacher education Work-Study and Cooperative Education Research and Innovation Programs for Students with Special Needs
24,365 25,380 14,081
Subtotal - Vocational and Adult Education Higher Education: student Assistance: Educational opportunity grants (HEA IV -A) Work-study and cooperative education (HEA IV-C) Loans: Direct (NDEA II) Insured: Advances for reserve funds Interest payments Special pro~rams for the disadvantaged: Talent search Institutional Assistance: Aid to land-grant colleges: Annual Permanent Strengthening developing institutions (HEA m) Language training and area studies Subtotal - Community Education
13,121 137,243
20,200 115,450
20,200 115,450
' 110,000 90,158
100,000 102,770
100,000 102,262
Total - Office of Education
Total - Office of Education - Comparable Basis*
(HEW cont'd on next page)
Description or .Program or Activity and Dasie Statutory Authority SOCIAL AND REHABILITATION SERVICE
Fecleral Funds Allocated or Expended FY H,70 (Estimated)
FY 1969 (Actual)
Grants lo States ror Public Assistance: MaintenrU1CCassistance: Old-age assistance Aid to the blind Aid to the permanently and toially disabled Aid lo ramilies wilh dependent children Emergency assistruice Stale and local administration (included in social se1·vlces below) Suulotal - Mainlenru1ce assistruH:e Medical assistance Social services (includes Slate/local training & maintenance asst. admin.) Child weU:u·e services Slate and local training (incl\lded in social services ahove) Subtotal - Grants to St.ates for Public Assist:u1ce
FY 1\171 (Proposed)
78,993 2,298 17,577 259.010
70,000 3.000 16.000 235,000
117,000 3,000 22,000 498,000 3,000
148,000 129,000
198,000 112,000
• The 1969 actual column shows obligations ror project ty11e programs where the Stale-by-State distribution cannot be pre:. dieted 1n advru1ce. and therefore, is not shown in the 1970 ,lnd 1971 column. For this reason the 196\l comparable Cigure excludes obligations for project type programs.
110 uof States' 11/69 estimates or 1970 requirements.
W,1rk Incentives: Ti·ai11i11gaud incentives Child care
53,100 65,000
80,000 70,000
Subtotal-Work Incentives Rehabilitation Services and Facilities: Services: Basic State Grants Innovation Reh:ibllilation se1·vlce projects State-wide planning Facilities: Facilities for the mentally retarded Subtotal - Rehal>ililation Services and Facilities Programs for the Aging: Slate planning and sel'vice gl'ants Foster-G1·andparents Subtotal - Programs
for U1eAging
Juvenile Delinquency P1·evention and Control: Planning, prevention, and rehabilitation Subtotal -Juvenile Delinquency Prevention & Control
94, 2i7
ns, 100
346, 747. 25,000
500,000 25,000
--40,300 35,475
315, 120
Funded by the Office of Ecot1omic Opportunity Research and Training: Train.Ing Subtotal - Research and Trainin_g_
Description of Program or Acllvily ,utd Basic Statutory AuthoritL__ Total - Social and Rehabilitation
FY 1969 tActuall
FY 1971 (Pro11osed)
Stale, Regional and Community Support GranLo;: Formula grants: C0mprehensive health planning Comprehensive health services Maternal and child health services Crippled children's services Project grants: Comprehensive health services Subtotal - State. Regional & Community Support GrantsConstruction Grants: Hospital construction Subtotal - Construction
Federal Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimal:edl
97.343 310,900 144, 178 261,404
81,800 328,200 152,152 154,506
76.800 328,200 155,015 155,999
843. 898
Direct Operations Total - HS & MB AdministrationNATIONAL lNSTlTUTES OF HEALTH Direct Operations (includes contracts) Total - Nalional Institutes
of Heallh-
ENVIRONMENT AL HEALTH SERVICE Environmental Grants: Planning
Total - Environmental
Health Service -
SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Old-age and Survivors Insurance .Payments Disability Insurance Benefit Payments Health Insurance Benefit Payments: Hospital insurance Supplementary medical Insurance Direct Operations
Total - Social Security Administration TOTAL - DEPARTMENT
461,000 45,000
498,000 78,000
562,000 89,000
87,000 17,000 29,000
98,000 20,000 30,000
118,000 21,000 31,000
"' Description or Progr:im
FY 1969
and Ba.sic Statutory Authority
·ecteral Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimated)
FY 1971 (Proposed)
Community Resources Development Administration Basic Water ,md Sewer Facilities
Office of Henewal Assistance Rehabilitation Uehal.lililation
Loans, Sec. 312 Grams, Sec. l 15
3,450 3.000
168,450 2/ 30.f>OOy
1. 975. 900 3/
:-lA NA
Federal Housing Adminislration MJrtgage lnsur:u1ce Programs: Home Mortgages Prope,'ly tmprovemcnl Loans Multifamily Mortgages: 3/ Sec. 221 Bl\1IR. Low & Moderate Income Housing Subtotal:
6,700 ]/
l. 864. 500 5,133,950
Operating Eiq>enditures - Salaries and Other Expenses
Tola! - Dept. of Housing & Urban Develepment Through March 31, 1970 2/ Through February 28, 1970 ;iThrough December 31, 1969 NA - Not available
U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR l. Financial Assistance
Office of Territories Grants and loans under PL 88-170 - the Guam Rehabilitation Act of 1963 Loans Grants Subtotal:
5,493,000 2,670,000
4,733,000 2,900,000
4,456,000 4,093,000
l, 667,200
1,513, 742
Federal Water Quali.!X_Administration Waste treatment works construction Water Pollution Control - Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, PL 80-845 State and interstate
agency program grants
Subtotal: (Department of the Interior continued next page)
~ (11
75,000 1,816,000
U1 ,i,.
Description o[ Program or Activity and Basic Statutory Authority Bureau of Commercial
FY 1969 (Actual)
Federal F\mds AUocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimated)
FY 1971 (Proposed)
Federal aid for commercial !ishedes research and development - PL 88-309, Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act of 1964 Aid to States
:Sureau of Outdoor Recreation Grants for land and waler conservation PL 88-578, Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965, as amended and PL 88-29, Outdoor Reci·eation Act Amount apportioned ror State and local use to finance half the cost of preparing recreation plans, acquiring land and water areas, and developing area ror public outdoor recreation purposes Bureau of Sport Fisheries
and Wildlife
Wildlife restoration - 50 Slat. 917, 16 U, S, C. 660 and 669i
Fish restoration Dingell-Johnson 77k
- 64 Slat. 430, the Act, 16 U.S. C. 777 and
Subtotal: Subtotal - Financial Assistance Programs:
20 000
IL oeeratin!,; Expenditures - Salaries and Other Expenses: Office of Territories Governor's Office Controller's Ofilce Subtotal:
103,000 2,000
104,000 260,000
43,000 12,200 _!i 500
2,000 14,000 400
15,000 400
52,000 257,000
Geologieal Survex Topographic Surveys and Mapping Water Resources Investigations General Administration Subtotal: Subtotal - Operating Expenditures: Total - U. S. Department or the Interior
(11 (11
56 700
0, ~
Oescl"iption of Program or Activity and Basic Slatuto!}'_ Authority
Financial Division
FY 1969 (Actu.!ill_
Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimated)
FY 1971 ( P l'O_EOSed)
of Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Assistance under P. L. 90-351, the Safe Stre ts and Crime Control Act of 1968.
Block Grants Discretionary
53,328.90 43,414.00
LEEP Grants Subtotal - Financial IL
198,000 110,000
277,000 Estimates have not been made
104.!.042. 90
U.S. Attorneys & Marshals Support of Prisoners Immigration & Naturalization
97,000.00 3,000.00 176,000.00
118,000 4,000 2.01:1,000
134,000 5,000 232,000
Subtotal - Operating Expendihu·es:
380.!.042. 90
- Salaries & Other Expenses:
Total - U.S. De.E_artment of Justice
Financial Assistance ProFams: Manpower Development and Training Activities Institutional Training On-the-Job Training· Part-Time and Other Training Vocational Education Employment Security - state Administration Summer - Disadvantaged Subtotal:
77,000 18,000 5,000 25,000 28,000
77,000 18,000 5,000 25,000 30,000
7,000 97,000 43,000
12,000 378,000 19,000
11,000 503,000 44,000
25,000 32,000 2.5,000
Economic Opportunity Act (Office of Economic '?POrtunity delegated programs Neighborhood Youth Corps: In-School O•Jt-of-School Summer Job Opportunities
in the Business Sector
Subtotal: Work Incentive Program (Health, Education and Welfare delegated program)
27,000 147,000
Description of Program or Activity and Basic Statutory Authority
Grants to States (for unemployment compensation and employment service adminiStration)
Bureau of Employees' Compensation, Clain1s and Expenses (long-term benefits to Federal employees for injuries and disabilities)
Total - U. S. Department of Labor
FY 1969 (Actual)
Federal Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (EstimatecJ.L
FY 1971 iProposed)
1. II.
Total - U.S. Post Office Department
No Financial Assistance Programs Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
- Salaries & Other Expenditures:
or Operating
Financial Assistance Pro_g_rams:
Operating Expenditure_§_-_Salaries & Other Expenses: Bureau of the Public Debt
Total - Treasury Department
Financial Assistance Pro£ams: Grants-in-Aid
for Airports
Operating Exependitures -Salaries
& Other EX})_enses
U, S, Coast Guard Operating Expenses Acquisition, Construction & Improvements Subtotal - Coast Guard Expenditures
1,666,266 59,828
1,757,000 287,844
1,783,000 2,040,000
2,880,400 46.z.700
3,356,900 11.!_000
3,729,900 330.z.OOO
Federal Aviation Administration Operations Facilities and Equipment
en 0
Federal Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimated)
FY 1971 (Proposed)
Description or Program or Activity and Basic Statutory Authority
FY 1969 (Actual)
Subtotal - FAA Expenditures
Total - Department or Transportation
a/ FY 1970 public housing project which will probably be slipped to FY 1971. The Navy is presently - contract and will later bill the Coast Guard for its share of the housing project.
negotiating the
No Financial Assistance ture.s
Program or Operating Expendi-
Financial Assistance
Community Action Programs - PL 88-452, The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, as amended, Title II - includes administration and conduct of programs, Senior Citizens Development, Job Development and pre-job training and other Communitv Aclion activities.
IL Operating Expenditures - Salaries & Other Expenditures VISTA - Administrative expenditures
costs & other
Total - Office of Econom1c Opportunity
* 24,353
* - Through May 6, 1970 NA Not Available NATIONAL AERONAUTICS & SPACE ADMINISTRATION II. Operating Expenditures - Salaries & Other Expenses: Operation of Apollo Network Ground Station Total - NASA
I, 700,000
I, 600,000
l, 700,000
Financial Assistance Pro_[rarns: Planning and implementation of programs for the Arts - PL 89-209, The National Foundation of Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, as amended by PL 90-348 University of Guam
Total - NFAH
... O>
33, 715
"" Description oI Program or Activity and Basic Statutor:i:: Aulhori!I
FY 1969 (Actual)
Federal Funds Allocated or Expended FY 1970 (Estimated)
FY 1971
Assistance Programs:
oI Guam
Tota.I - National Science Foundation:
N, A. ·Not available
Operating Expenditures
- Salaries & Other Expenses:
Total - Selective Service System:
Small Business Financial Assistance Program - The Small Busiuess Act or July 30, 1953, as amended - nusiness Loans made during - Disaster Loans - Small Business A-:t. as amended
11. Operatini
- Salaries & Other Exeenses
Total - Small Business Administration N.A.
Data not available at this time
Operating Expenditures Annuities, Refu.nds & Death Benefits (Trust Fund)
Total - U. S. Civil Service Commission:
Operating Expenditures Veterans Benefits
Total - Veterans Administration
0, (.)
Description o{ Program or Activity and Dasie Statutory Authorily
F'Y 1969 (Actual)
Fedc,·al Funds Allocated or F:xpended FY 1970 (Eslimaled}
FY 1971 (Proposed
- Salaries & Cthar~Q_e-nditures:
Salaries of Judges
-!I, !JOO
Salaries of Supporting Personnel
Fees of .Turo1·s and Commissioners
and Miscellaneous
Fees and Expenses of Court-Appointed
-Total - U.S. District
Courl of Guam
We are grateful to Representative John A. Blatnik (D-Mlnn, ), Chairman, Subcommittee on Rivers & Harbors, for his efforts to include Guam in the annual Rivers and Harbors Act; and, right, Senator Jennings Randolph (D-W. Va.), Chafrman, Committee on Public Works, has reopened our hope for inclusion in the Federal Aid Highway program,
Shown above, left, is toe Hon. John P. Saylor (R-Pa. ), Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Together with Chairman Aspinall, he will be visiting Guam soon. At right is shown U. S, Senator Gordon Allott (R-Colo, ), Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.
and Mem'Jers of the Com:.nittee:
Thank you for U1e opportunity appearing before you again. I always deem it an honor to be accorded this privilege in view of this particular Committee's knowledge and understanding of matters affecting or relating to Guam. It has been my pleasure to work with you and members of your staff on legislation relative to Guam for many, many years, beginning with the l950 Organic Act. We have accomplished a great deal together. G~1ru11 has indeed made a lot of progress since substantial selI-government was granted by the 81st Congress. The rapid strides that Guam is nowm1king is. in a ~real measure, the resull of Lhe sympathetic interest, hard work, and posilive action of this Committee over the pa!:>lyears. beginning with the Organic Act to enactment of the Elective Governorshlp Act last year. As you know, the provisions of U1is law do not take effect unlit the general election in November, 1970. The change of Administration brought about the verdict of the A1mrican people in the presidential election of November 6, 1968, necessarily broughL with il changes in lhe policy-nuking administrative personnel in the various Executlve departments, agencies a11doth':!r echelons. Thus, the incumbent appointed Governor of Guam, Manuel Guerrero, will terminate his tenure of duty on June 30, 1969. I am glad that President NLxon has appointed a nalive Guamanian to be the next Governor of Guam. As Guam's elected representative in Washington, I want to go on record endorsing the nomination of Dr. Carlos G. Camacho, a member of lhe Republican Party of Guam who has been nominate'cl by the President of the United Stales. He will, in aJJ probability, be the last appointive governor, if l may say so. Dr. Cam,\Cho's background and qualifications officially on the record and there is little need for me to elahorale further except to state that having been closely idenlified with the public liJe and political development of the territory of Guam since the Naval Admin-
istration of the island until now, a period of thilty years, I have come to know most of the people both in and out of the government. . l have known Dr. Camacho since he was a very young man. I served He 1S a person of good chai-acler, ambition and potential. with him in the 8th Guam Legislature and although he and I have cliHerent political tendency and may have differing outlooks, I know him is a man dedicated to the same objective as I have -- serving the best interest and welfare of the American people of Guam and our Nation. I believe that he has the background on GtMun's needs and aspirations that should-enable him to meet the challenging and complex responsibilities of the office he is to assume. I stand ready to work with him wil:h~nthe reso_u~·cesof my office toward the enhancement of our economic, I ui·ge, therefore, that social and_poht1cal growth and development. the Committee recommend his confirmaiion by the Senate. Thank you. STATEMENT OF ANTONIO B. WON PAT GUAM'S REPRESENTATIVE IN WASHINGTON, D, C. BEFORE THE AVIATION SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON INT ERST ATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE "Regarding H. R. 123741 H. R, 12780 and Related Bills on Aviation Facilities Expansion" July 29, 1969 Mr.
Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:
1 appreciate the opportunity of appearing before you today. As you know, Guam serves as the air transportation hub of the western Pacific and as the United States' gateway to the Orient. Thus, our aviation facilities serve not only the territorial interest, but meet national needs as well.
In spite of this, however, Guam is not eligible to receive Federal funds as a "state" under exLsUng U.S. aviation legislation. Instead, it receives only "discretionary'' funds from the Federal Aviation Administration for minor airport development projects. The Secretary of Transportation has recently pointed out to me the fact that only discretionary funds are available for use in Guam does not necessarily represent a limitation on the amount of the g1·ant." However, we must compete for these funds on a national basis, and in reality, this £act does constitute an actual limitation. For example, Guam is currently eligible for only $29, 000 in discretionary funds from the FAA- and even that is a carryover from our 1968 allotment. By contrast, the Virgin Islands, _with a population that is far less than that of Guam, was recently apportioned $120,000 for Fiscal year 1970 from "Territorial Funds" which are available to Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
We of Quam [rankly feel that Lhls silualion is discriminatory, inasmuch as PL79-377, the Federal Airporl Act, as amended, p1·ovides prefe1·enlial treatment for Hawaii. Puerto mco ru1d the Virgin Islands. Thi:; preferential treatment is continued in Section 205 oI H. R. 12374..Aviation Facilities Expansion Act of 1969.that you arc now COI\Sidcrlng. Undet· the existing federal Airporl Act, PL 79-377. Federal funds for expansion of ai1· terminal facilities ruid other capital imllrovemcnts are made :waLlable on a 40-40 and 20 per cenl basb to Hawaii. Puerto Tiico and the Virgin islands under Section 1104. Seclion 1109 authorizes a 75-25 per cent bairn; for funding. la addition. Section 1106 provides th:u the Vil·gi.n fal:uids can expend funds for ad,·ancecl planmnp; ,Uld engineering. ).fr. Chairm:rn. we of Guam believe thnt we not only have a i::ood cnsc in equity for the inrlusion of Guam in Sections 204 and 205 of lhc proposccl Acl on lhe snme basis a:; Hawui i. Pucrlo 11ic'o, and the Vi rt;in Islands, IJul Lhat the nalton:11 Lnlercsl demands it as well.
Our Intel'national Alrp<ll'l is hal'clly two years old and is lready In need of exp:msion of its ail· lermlnal and general ground fadllties to keep p::tce with lht> rapi.d exp::tnsion of .1ir lrans11ortation that is occurring throughout lhc Pacific area. Projection:,; show Uiat traffic will more lha.11I rip le in lhc l'CCent five years and that Guam will need close lo $18. 000. 000 to expand our [acililics to meet these needs. :i
To quole lhc fif,"1.ll'es, total passenger traffic is projected nt 332. 000 for 1074. cargo at 17. 285. 000 pounds, and 111111is 13.170, 000 pounds. This comp:u·es willl n v,,1ume or 92. 250 passenµers. 4. 978. 000 pvunds of rargo and 6 .175, 000 pounds of ma.ii in 1968. And let me note lhnl in 1968 our airport facilities were stratncd Lo lhe l'ullcst w handle lhc above volume. There arc frequent p;rouncl clel.tys 111 boarding ,\J1cl alighling even today. These delays sometimes am:,unl to an hour or mc>1·cwith as many as five or six aircraft waiting lo use our terminal facilities. ln 1968, we wekomcd 18. 000 tourists into Guam -- as well a:,; into the U.S. Dollar Arca. This fi~1rc will be awut 25. 000 for calcnd(U' year !969 and is expected lo reach ove1· 150,000 per ya.11· w1Lhi11lhe next five years. Tu keep al>rnast of our need for tourist [acililies, we cuncntly have over ,\ thousand addilion::tl hotel and mole! rooms elthc1· unclc1· conlrac·t or nctual conslructlon, :mcl have begun ex1,rnge skills thal tensive progl'ams for developing the vocatiunal ancl Ja111:, will he required to h:u1clle lhi:; lourist traffic. Jn adclilion, with the new transpacific route which was recently awarded lo Trans World Ai1·1lnes, we must be prepared immediately lo handle the trai[ic of an nddilional, major, round-the-
world airline. TWA will begin this new service on August 1 with fourteen addition-al weekly landings and departures scheduled at a terminal which is already overloaded. Ev~ at this moment, there is no ticket counter space available to TWA, and existing passenger facilities are being torn out and hurriedly remodeled to provide makeshift ticket, check-in, and baggage space available. A Master Plan for the development of the Guam International Air Terminal Complex -- showing facilities neede·d for the next 25 years -- has been completed and was recently approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. We note at this point that H. R. 12374 belatedly proposes to make Guam eligible on an equal basis with all other public agencies for airport planning. And although we have thus far borne the cost o[ our Master Plan entirely without the Federal financial assistance provided by this bill, such assistance certainly would be most welcomed in the future for incremental project planning. In closing, Mr. Chairman, I would also like to point out that based on this Master Plan, we have also completed a "Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan'' which is now ready lo be implemented. However, based upon an assessment of bolh the capital requirements to meet these projections, and our own greater National interest, it has become obvious that we cannot go it entirely alone. The Territorial Government does not have the financial resources to fund the $17,647,200 that will be required during the next five for capital improvements in ou1· airport. It had hoped to be able to issue revenue bonds to lake care of these needs. Unfortunately, a study made by Standard Research Consultants, Inc. brought out that many of the needs are not revenue producing such as apron paving, drainage, grading, fill and the like. Thus, Guam will not be able to use bond financing in the forseeable future. 1 know, Mr. Chairman, that you are cognizant of Guam's role as the aviation center for the United States in the Western Pacific, a critical and strategic role that is certain to increase in the years ahead. Therefore, l urge you and the Subcommittee to include Guam in Section 204 ,U1d205 of H. R. 12374 -- on the same basis as Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands -- on grounds of both equity and priority National interest. Should you require further information and justification for the inclusion oi Guam :.n this bill, I will be pleased to provide such data to the Committee. Thank you.
and Mem!,ers of the Committee:
It is a distinct privilege and pleasure [or me t.o appear before you in suppo1·t of the nomination or OlU' Island Court. judge, Cristobal C. Duenas, to be judge of lhe United Slates District Cow·t in Guam. 1 have known Judge Duenas ror many years, and I am sure lhal lhe people or Guam share my opinion that he is eminently qunliliecl by characte1· and c:-qlerience and temperament to merit the conridencc reposed in him by the President. of the United Stale:; in naming him to lhis lmpo1·tant Federal post..
The actual presence ln Guam ?f a unil of the Federal judicial system has been a source of assur:ince and pride for us. and has done much lo sel high stancl:u·ds for our local judiciary to emulate. Since both Senator:; f1•om Michigan are members of this Commitlee, it may be well lo call altentlon lo the fact. lhat Judge Duenas received his higher education and his Law degree in that Stale, a!ler at.lending elementary and secondary schools in Guam. ln 1946, twelve years aJ1er receiving his high school diploma and as soon as he could afford it after the lil.Jeralion or Guam Crom Jnpanese occupation, lhis ambitious scholar sel out for Aquin:1s College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Two years later, he moved over to Ann Arbor and in 1950 received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Michigan and a degree o( doctor of jurisprudence from its law school in 1952. nesponding to the needs of his home island, he returned lo Agana and for Cive years served as assistant altorney gener::tl for the Government. o( Guam and then for lhc next three years as Director of our tenilory's Deparlmenl of Land Managemenl. Since 1060, he has been an eminent member of the Bench of our Island Court. I am sure that all of you alre:'ldy have had a chance to conside1· the more complete recot·d or his personal data and achievemc11ls as provided by the Dep:lrtment or Just.kc, 50 lhere is no need for me lo take more of your time to elaborate on lhcse details.
His record shows, conclusi11ely, that Judge Duenas ls highly qualified by his professional attainments, by his experience and by his character to serve in the high office to which he has be:n ,ppointd by the President of the United States. He will be the first Guamanian to serve in this office. As a fellow Guamanian, and the elected representative of the people of Guam in Washington, permit me, gentlemen, to commend to you the nomin~tio~ of Judge _Cristobal C. Duenas to fill the vacancy on t~e Federal D1stnct Bench rn Guam caused by the retirement of Judge Shriver.
M~. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: Thank you for permitting me lo appear before you in support of H. R. 445. Specifically, I appear in support of the first paragraph, which would go far toward correcting a serious labor problem affecting the economy of Guam. I am Antonio 8. Won Pat, Guam's Washington Representative. Before making my statement I would like firi:-t to present a statement by the Guam Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber's statement represents the sentiment of the business community of the island. It has my full support and the full support and approbation of the new governor of Guam. Also, the current Guam Legislature-the Tenth-has passed three resolulions, Nos. 37, 41 and 42, setting forth Guam's serious lack of labor and urging action such as H. R. 445 provides. Copies of these resolutions are before you, attached to the Chamber's statement.
May I make a few supplement::il observations regarding Guam's unique and bleak labor situation ::ind why it is so necessary lo provide early-if not immediate-relief. The best proposed solution is the importation of alien contract laborers to fill the job vacancies in the civilian service industries as allowed by the bill under consideration today. As you know, these workers would enter Guam temporarily rather than as permanent immigrants. Also, as such, they would never be eligible to become U. S. citizens as a result of such entry. They could only remain on Guam for a maximum of three years before returning home. Additionally, each year the Government of Guam must review their petitions for extension and grant a labor clearance. thus removing all danger of depriving any qualified Guamania.n-Americ::in of a 71
job. Kor would the alien workers be able lo bring lhelr families, as lhey nowdo in the Virgin Islands, and thus creaLe a ghetto situation. I am a native-born Guamanian. I taught school from 1926 until 1941-the ouLl.>reak of World War II. I helped draft the current Organic Act of Guam which was passed by Congress in 1950 and, as som~ of you know, I have been active In Guam's behalI ever since as Speaker of the Legislature and as Guam's elected Representative in Washington since 1965. As such I am fully aware of lhc Guam labor shortage plight-past and present-so 1 feel I can speak from [irst-hand knowledge. That background prompts me lo give full support to lhe Cham!Jcr of Commerce statement which is a factual resume of the situation as it exists today. The civilian population of Guam is about 67,000, of whom 25,000 arc of school age or under. This leaves only 42,000 above 16 years of age, of whom 21,000 are housewives, students. nged, ru1d othcnvise unavailable to the work force. As set forth in the Chamber's statement, the remaining 21, 000 arc essentially fully employed-hence there is no pool of Lallor available to work in the civiJ!ru1 service industries of the island to fill the many new jobs. The Navy. ALr Force and Government of Guam for years have had to bring in alien contract laborers (all from the Philippines under the orfshorc Labor agreement between the Amarican and Philippine Govcrnmcnls) to support. the Navy's Ship Repair, Public Works ru1d supply facilities and Andersen Air Force Base. Additionally, the Navy, Alr Force, and lhe Government of Guam have found it necessary to bring in 2. 500 stateside contract workers to fi 11professional and skilled jobs. There are 4,000 alien contract workers on the island who ru·e noL eligible lo work in the civilian economy except in the construction industry. NJnc is available or will be available lo the service industries. Now, what of Guam's future prospects for a local work force'? Guam has a very high birth rate-10%- and indications arc il will continue to remain al 10%. In the past, as the teenagers finished school or were othenvlsc ready to work. they have been absorbed by the military Government of Guam, and [amily-ownecl enterprises. Vocational training has been slow lnking hold and the Guam worker has not I.Jeenattracted by heavy industrial and menial-type labor. Our educati.onal system i::; now geared up lo train in the vucaliunal skills, and the isl.and youth is I.Jccoming more inclined lo l~Lke up Lhis type of work in I.he civilian economy. However, we shall need several years at until suUicient youn~ men ::metwomen are prepared for these jobs-so until then, Mr. Chafrman, there is only one apparent solution to the almost complete lack of an inciigenou::; labu1· pool lo man and operate Guam's rapidly-growing economy and lhe many hotels ancl restaurants, the oil refinery. [eccl mill, ancl other f:11·ill1ics nuw ~etling under way. Thal is to u1 alien contract worl<crs under temporary visas to lake these ·•permanent-type" jobs.
Ii the alien workers al'e not made available--then these projects will have to be manned by preference-type immigrants who will, if they so wish and most seem to so wish, work on Guam for a few months and then use such entry as a stepping stone and go on to Hawaii or the continental U. S. and thus torce Guam·s civilian employers to request and import more and more preference-type workers. Addilionally, those who do remain on Guam would hold on to the jobs intended for our youth when they are able to take their place in the economy. It is my view and that of the Guam Chamber of Commerce that the solution as supplied by H. R. 445 is the most equitable for Guam and the rest of the United States and we strongly recommend its early enactment. Once again, as I have noted, Guam must have relief from its labor shortage, and early relief, or else the construction of the many needed facilities m'Jst come to a halt or be abandoned. I can see no other equitable solution. Guam either gets authority to bl'ing in more temporary alien contract laborers or stagnates economically. Thank you. STATEMENT OF ANTONIO B. WON PAT GUAM'S REPRESENTATIVE IN WASHINGTON D. C. BEFORE THE COMMITTEE
"ln Support of S. 29~1 - Federal Agricultural
Mr. Chairman
and Members
to Guam"
of the Committee:
I am Lndeed grateful for this opportunity to talk with your Committee about the agricultural problems in my home island of Guam, and to urge enactment of legislation that will assure us of desperatelyneeded Federal assistance in that field. As you know, Public Law 88-584, which inilially authorized Federal Agricultural Services to Guam expired on September 7, and the meager assistance extended by agreement between lhe Secretary of Agriculture and the Government of Guam pursuant to the provision of the Acl is lhus subject to the statutory limitation of the Act. Bill S. 2991, now before you, simply provides for the extension of that law, and I therefore earnestly urge your favorable consideration of it. We are confident that there is enough land still available in Guam, that an adequate livestock industry could be developed, and that the fish and other marine resources of the vast Pacilic waters surrounding us could be better utilized, that all these things could feed our rapidly-growing population and probably satisfy the nutrition requirem,~nts of most of the military installations in our Territory as well. There was a time, of course, when Guam, isolated as were most ocean islands, was sell-sufficient in food. It had to be. Since the
beginning of this century, however, increasing segments of our nnst tillable land have been appropriated for U. S. milita.i·y use. To be specliic, actually 34 pe1· cent of the island is under control of lhe military and most of the Guamanians who would be cultivating the 1·emaining land have been gradually absorbed into employment with U. S. Dclense activities or with the Govemment of Guam. Gtiam imports about 85 per cent of the food it consumes annually. but we feel that we cru1 offset this economic imbalance if items such as fruit, vegetable, poultry, eggs, aJ1dmeats can be produced more economically to meet the quantity and quality of competitive imports. So today we need much more intensive cullivalion of our island's soil. we need continuation and expansion oi the work of the one United States Department of Agriculture ei-1.ension agent now stationed in Guam. we would benefit substantially from participation in the Federal soil and water conservation program, the assislancc of the Farmers Home Administration, plant and animal quaranline, crop insurance, plant and animal disease control. and il is highly likely that some technical advice on terracing, such as has long been practiced in Taiwan and lhc Philippines, would prove to be a.11excellent investmP.nt in Guam. Our basic problem. as far as getting help from Federal agricultu1·al programs, appears to slem from semantics and legal lnterpretat.ions and the accidents of time. Until 1950. as you know, Guam was under U. S. Navy government and its problems were approached through military channels rather than through cooperation with the civilian agencies. Most of lhe major agricultural. assislance programs were brought: into being before 1950--the Farmers Home Administration, one of the last, was established in 1949--and lhe laws creating those programs specifically included Puerto Rico and lhe Virgin Islands along with lhe States as potential beneficiaries. Thus. administrators hold that Guam does not qua!U'y for help because it was not specifically named. Moreover, until just a year ago our Organic Act of 1950 contained a section providing that Guam or the word "possessions" had lo be listed along with the States and other jurisdictions in legislation authorizing new programs, or else it >w-ouldbe excluded from such programs. Thal section was repealed in the Guam Elective Govcrnot· Act or 1968, under which we shall have the right to choose our own territorial chic[ executive (or the first time next year. Since 1958, we have been securing Federal assistance to help Guam solve its agricultural problems, but not until 1964 did Congress eventually pass a special brief piece of legislation that clearly permitted the USDA to help Guam for a limiled period of five years. However, il was only a year ago that a token implementation of the Act was made by U1e USDA when they sent a Federal extension agenl to Guam, and his contributions lo ou1· agricultural progress arc thoroughly appreciated. Discussions also have been held looking toward cooperation in other agricultural programs, but these unfortunately could nol l)e completed prio1· to Lile expiration ln September of the l964 Act. 74
In May of this year, the very able representative from the beautiful State of Hawaii, the Honorable Spark Matsunaga, introduced a bill that would have removed the time limit Crom the legislation that was due to expire in September, 1969. Some experts of the Department of Agriculture felt that legislation was no longer necessary in U1e light of the amendment of our Organic Act last year. More recently, I have had the privilege of appearing before the Committees on Interior and Insular AfCairs o[ the two Houses of Congress in support of changes that would qualily the fast-growing University ·or Guam for participation in the Federal-State cooperative land-grant college program. Those bills, too, include some additional agricultural extension activities which might be clouded if there is no blanket authorization for Guam to share in USDA assistance. In October, your Chairman introduced a new bill that would retain the money limit of the 1964 Act for Guam and would authorize Federal assistance until June 30, 1975. As you might expect, the people of Guam would much prefer the provisions of U1e Matsunaga bill. We are not unmindful, however, of the conflicting pressures that become generated in the legislative process, and, realistically, we shall be decidedly grateful for whatever measures of help the Congress in its wisdom can establish for us. A number of surveys have been made in the past. The Department of Agriculture, I am sure, is well aware of the details of our greatest needs. 1 am confident, too, that the Department is eager lo show us the way toward greater self-sufficiency in food and better nutrition for all of the more than 100,000 Am:?ricans living in Guam. We respectfully urge you to add the approval of the Congress toward the achievement of those goals. Tilank you. STATEMENT OF ANTONIO B. WON PAT GUAM'S REPRESENTATIVE IN WASHINGTON, D. C. BEFORE THE HOUSE AND SENATE TERRITORIES ''In Support or H. R. 106 and S. 1149 - Land-Grant September 29, 1969
SUBCOMMITTEES College "Programs"
October 1, 1969
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: I am indeed grateful for this opportunity to appear before you in behaU of H. R. 106, which would bring the University of Guam into the nation's highly successful land-grant system of assisting institutions of higher learning. For more than a century now, as you know, the Federal and State Governments have been engaged in a partnership effort to
promote, as the first Morrill Acl signed by President in 1862 declared. "liberal and practical education ..... pursuits and pn1fessions of l.ife. ••
Abraham Lincoln In the several
Just seven years ago. in observance of the one hundredth anniversru-y of lhal forward-looking legislation. President John F. Kennedy said in a proclamation that the Act had "opened lhe doors of colleges and universities lo all wlU1 the ability and will to learn, irrespective of heredity. occupation, or economic status. " In recent years the Congress has passed many Jaws to add more Federal support to education. at the univen;ily level as well as for lhe elementary and secondary schools, but the strong foundations or the land-grant system will always sland as a monumenl to the pioneers who (ir,\;t made higher education available to the less affluent of our people. Although land-grant aid originally was offered to stimulate teaching in agriculture and the mechanic arts, the scope of the system has broadened tlu·ough the yea1·s to encompass all facels of the university concept. In Guam, however. we do have real need even today of more teaching in af{ricullure and the mechanic arts, and lhe bill before you will help us lo move subsla11lially forward in lhal dii·cclion. There is a solid record, moreover, o[ land-granl help to the territories. Hawaii had been brought inlo the sysl&m before it adieved 5tatchood, and the University or Hawaii now is one of the country's finest. There is a rtourishing program al lhe University of Puetto Rico. The Guam Legislature created a College of Guam in 1952, only two years after adm inislration shifted from military lo civilian government :Uld our people becnme American citizens. The ()riginal cmnhasls was on teacher training, but growth has l>ee11rapid and we no,v have a mull I-purpose institution dedicated to the development of the :nls ancl sciences, a wide r:rnge or technical and vocational services. and programs of general culluntl enrichment for adults. ll is the only Amcl'ic:ui institution or higher learning in the Western Pacific, and has come to be a cultural center for all of Micronesia, im:luding the slraleE,ric i~lancl or the Pacific Trust Territo1·y. Most of the young people of the Tl'ust 'Tc1-ritory c:urnot afford to go [al'lher afield Umn Guam in put'::.uil or advanced education. That is equaUy lruc of our own young people. We make high-quality university wo1·k available fol' them, 01· lhey do not gel il. And those few whose parents somehow are al.Jle to senct them lo the mainland for shidy uilcn al'e reluct:mt lo nilurn tn our life. and thus we lose the adv:mta~es o[ lheir pro[cssional training. To offset that drain o[ surely-needed
manpowel' and lalcnl. It now has a full four-year progr:1m. and a Graduate S<'hool was added recently, starling with courses leading to a degree of Master of Arts 10 Education. The University ii:; acc;reclitccl by lhe Western Association of SC'hools and Colleges.
we have been constaJ1lly upgrading om· university.
Our young university this year has an enrollment of 1, 655 students, of whom 239 are graduate students and 38 arc enrolled in the new College of Continuing Education, which includ<ls courses in electrical engineering technology, civil engineering technology, and drafting and design engineering technology. Two hundred and forty-two of our ~udents are from lhe Trust Territory, and several hundred attend extension classes at Andersen Air Force Base and at Navy installations. As an indication of our growing need for the kind instruction and support that will be nnie possible by enactment legislation ·before you today, I would like to quote a portion of by Mr. Frank Aguon of the university staff, until recently the of the territorial Department of Agriculture.
of of the a report Director
'The number of skilled technical and professional people in the fields of agriculture, home economics and engineering both in Guam and the Trust Territory is quite limited, he reports. There are twentyeight professional agricultural experts and engineers employed by the Government of Guam, twelve home economics teachers from the mainland, and nine agricultural professionals working in lhe Trust Territory." Of course these arc only the present employees. and not the actual need, which could easily be tripled for Guam and the Trust Territory. ln addition, the needs of the private sector should be given consideration. Since the Land-Grant Program is directed towarcl improving the knowledge and skills of the masses, emphasis should be placed on extension and research programs. We are currently dra.fling legislation for submission in the January session of Uie Guam Legislature that would transfer the extension and research functions of the Guam Department of Agriculture to the University of Guam. Together, we hope that the two territorial units will provide services of lhe scope and caliber now avail::ible in all the states of lhc Union. l speak for all of the people of Guam when I assure you of our eagemess to become part of the land-grant system and of our confidence that the nation will re::ip rich dividends from the educational help that we ask it lo invest in us.
Ha.Ia Adal Ml'. Chairman
March 18. 1970
and Distinguished
Thank you fur the opportunity in support of the bill, S. 3153.
Members of this Commiltee: or appearing before this
Guam, like most of the coral-reefed islands of the Pacific, is deeply concerned over the regressive eating away of its protective b,u-riers by the exploding, predatory crown of thorns starfish. The recent upset or the ecological balance caused by this voracious creature of the sea has been worrying Hawaii, the Trust Tenitory of the Pacific Islands, American Samoa. :ind the people who live close to Australia's "great barrlei· reef." and other islanders, too. Oecause this ls such a new twist in Lite eternal battle between species who live in the earth's environment, all of us have been caught short and ,u·e puzzled over what lo do about il. Some stopgap measures have been undertaken. as you know, but we need to know mo1·e. and 11101·0 research is the only road on which we•can learn the true nature ;ind m'.lgnitudc of our problem. The standard scicnUl'i.c approaches, I u11clc1·st::u1d,have been undertaken. Experts Crom the University of Guam and from other inslitutions throughout that part or the vast ocean have tried chemicals to kill ore the booming starfish population. Forced feeding of the coral lhat for centuries have built up the vital reefs also has IJeen attempted. But now we sec that this is a nation:,] and international problem thal will only gcL worse and more costly un Jess we launch an attack -- a sl1·011~ coherent attack -- immediately. Thal, gentlemen, is why the Nation's most westernmost Island Terrilory---the part of the USA where om· national day begins--joins with our Pacific cousins in urging swlfl enactment of the legislation so generously sponsored by Senators Fong ru1elInouye and Jack3153, which is unde1· consicleralion today by your Committee, son---$. lo authol'ize the Secretaries of lntel'ioJ· and the Smithsonian Institution to flnancc with us efforts for conservation of our '"protective and productive coral reefs. •·
The Government of Guam, which of course includes the Tenth Guam Legis! ature and the Office of the Governor and our educational institution. too, is united in its suppo1·t for this proposal for a $4,500,000 program to continue until June 30, 1975. As the elected representative here in Washington of the people of Guam, m-ay I add my official and personal endorsement of this statesman-like approach to this vexing problem. Even from this distant point--or perhaps especially because of it, inasmuch as this is where we see the wheels of the Federal Government turning most effectively---! have been deeply disturbed by what has been happening to the coral surrounding Guam and the neighboring islands of the Central, Western and South Pacific. I have learned that actually three-fourths of the reefs on the northern and western part of Guam are destroyed by the starfish. We need Federal assistance. We need the resources that are available from Washington. We will do our share. We urgt you to direct the executive branch of the Federal Government lo aim some of its resources in the direction of lhe ''coral vs. starfish struggle for survival." With your enUrnsiastic endorsement, I am hopeful all of us will then be able to ask the Appropriations Committees for interim action to get the attack under way. Tnank you.
''In Support of H. R. 7913 - Non-Voting
May 18-19. 1970 Mr.
and Members
of the Committee:
My appear.mce before you here today in support of H. R. 7913, a bill sponsored by 18 distinguished M~mbe1·s of this House from both political parties to provide for a non-volinfr Delegate from Guam, marks a culmination of some 20 years of political progress, both for Guam :rnd for the United Stales as a whole. Let me say at the outset that I have great and abiding respect for all Members of this Committee for their keen judgment and com,mssionate understanding in the problems and weliare of Guam. I have appeared before you many times and I want to reiterate lhe gratitude of the people of Guam for all lhe assistance and benefits that you have done for Guam. Over the years this Committee initialed and processed a great deal of legislation relating to and affecting Guam. The rapid economic, social and political progress of lhe Territory of Guam since the Organic Act is a tribute to this Committee and the Congress of the United Stales. IL was just a little over 20 years ago that I, as the Speaker of the Guam Assembly. an advisory body to the Naval Governor of Guam, came to Washington to work with the Senate and House Interior Committees 7'd
on H. R. 7273, 81st Congress. the bill sponsored by lhc tlwn Chairman of this Committee, Cc)ngl'essnrnn J. H,u·din Peterson of Florida. lo pt·ovide civil government for Guam. This hill became Public Lnw 630. 81st Congress. This is the Org;uiit: Act of Guam that has uccn the ('0rnerstone or so much progress. I will want to tou<'h upon some of the development::; that have taken plnce under this musl ccmslrudivc legislation. liut first T would like LO say a few words abom the pending bilL ll is n source of p:rcat satisfaction ancl significam:c thal the measure has many sponsor£ and I wanl lo thank the sponsor:,; of lhe uill antl is a truly bipartisan errvrL the Chairman of the Committee ror srhecluling hearings on this vitally important legislation to the ))<'Opie or Guam. The is:-;ue or n ckleg:ate for Guam has 1,cen inpanlsan frnm The idea of cn:u:ting lcgi:.lntion Lo provide Lhe the very beginning. people of Guam wilh represcnlation in tho House of Reprcsentnlives is not new. Reprcsenl:\lives O' 13rien and Powell of New York introduced hills pi-ovidin~ for represenlalion on M.ty 7, 1956 in tho 84th Cmigrcss. Hepresent at ion bills have been put forward in every se:.sitm nf Cong res~ sinct• that Lime. Various lilies for the 11epr<.'sentalive have IJecn suggested. Some called fur a "Teri•itorial Dt'puty·•, c11hers 1'01·a Hcsiclcnt Commissioner. :-is is the cnsc in Pucrlo mco. !Jut musl call for n non-voling clelegat e. The evolulionru·y patlern eslal>lishecl in the history of lfawnii. AlnHkn and Puerto Rico led those of us in Guam to believf! that Congress in your councils to whil'h we aspire. will sec fit tu ~ivc lhc rcprcsenlation W•:1feel we :ti'<.' qualified hy reason or our expericnt·c as a politic·:il cnlity wilh an elected lcgislnh1rc. nnd lhil> year. an clcdccl Governoi·. In all the deliberations on lite mallcr since 1956 and tuclny, we think we have demonstrated our capacity and the record of uur :ichiC'VC'tnCnls on Guam Is a ful"lhcr altcslalion of ouI· self-cletcrmination.
ln WG0 ;lncl a~ain In 1961. Presidc:n1 Eiscnhuwt•i- rc1:om111cnded 111his hud!!;el messa~es that lhe Co11g-1·csstalw action fo1· Lh:ll pu1·posc.
The President
" ... To foste1· further clcvclopmcnt of democ ralic inslituLiuns. a.nd in keepin~ with tlw g-r(1wlh of lo<.:nl scU--governmenl, Con~1·css should take :wl ion !o authorize lhc representation or the pc-oplt' of th£' Virt~in Lslands aJ1dGuam through 11011-voting Del Pg-a!p:-; in Cong-res:.. " A~ai11. in the .fohnsu11Administration, the Deptu'lmenl or the lnl l'l'ior :.ullln!ll c:clclt·ah lcgislalion to Cnngress to provide lhal Gunm and 1 cl in Congress 1hc Viq~in 1:-.l:inctsshuulcl be- rc1>t·C'sentc by non-voting delegates.
Mr. Chnirm:m. 1 oi'll'l' a l'opy of the Executive Comnrnnic:ilion the Interior DPp:lrtmcnt. tl:11l'd .Tami.u·y 16, 1969, if the Committee elves 110I h~ivc• it. :111<1 :1:-;kI hat th<' ll'xl !Jc made pnJ·t or the record ol lhe:.e hearings.
At this point, it is pertinent to note that Puerto Rico has had non-voting repres~ntation in Congress fo~ mQ_rethan half-a-century-since 1903. Certamly the arrangement with respect to Puerto Rico has worked, and worked well. Also, it will be recalled that prior to Statehood of Alaska and tta.waii, each of these Territories was represented in this body by a nonvoting delegate respectively, since 1900 and 1906. Again, the arrangem,?nt was mutually beneficial. Now, Mr. Chairman, a very few words by way of background. 1 am certain all of you are familiar with the basic facts, geographic, political and sociological, but for the record I will run over them briefly. Guam came w1der the American flag more than 70 years ago as a result of the war with Spain in 1898, and had been under military government of the United until 1950, when Guam became an unincorporated Territory States. Our population now numbers more than 100,000 persons, and at the present trends, we well may even exceed the population of some of the States. Our economy, our social institutions, including our education systems, and our political maturity all have been growing and developing along with our population. As you all know, in World War II, Guam was the only inhabited area under the American flag to suffer enemy invasion, conquest, and occupation. During those dreadful years of occupation, in which many of my fellow Guamanians suffered, there was not a single defection or act of disloyalty to the United States on the part of any Guamanian. In later conflicts, the Korean action and now the war in Southeast Asia, the young men and women of Guam have been quick to resp:>nd to the call to the colors. While we are of course subject to Selective Service, few Guamanians wait to be drafted. Most enlist. The records show they acquit themselves like the true Americans they are. Guam has sustained more casualties in combat in Southeast Asia than in any other area of comparable size and population. Now, in view of our attainm,wts and m:,r own status here today as the elected Representative of the people -- the American citizens of Guam -- you well may ask: "Why do you need, why do you want this bill?" But of course to ask the question is to answer it. I am here by virtue o( an Act of the Legislature of Guam. I have no status in Federal Jaw. I do not sit in the House as does the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. I cannot introduce bills. I am not a m9mber of this or any other committee of the Congress. I cannot participate in discussions of proposed legislation affecting my 100,000 constituents except as a witness, an outsider, a guest, if you will. 1 have no official standing in the Executive Branch except such as the separate agencies see fit to accord me as a matter of comity. W•! believe that this is not the American way as we have learned it. It is not the way it has been and is with Puerto Rico or other areas under the American flag whose citizens have been accorded citizenship 81
and who have shown themselves worthy of that citizenship, as have the people of Guam. Guam is America and the people are as Aml:!rican as the Alaskans, the Puerto; means qr the Californians. The people of Guam need H. R. 7913. Without it, these loyal, progressive American citizens do not have the status and cannot achieve the development to which they are entitled by virtue or their attainments and their services and loyalty in peace and war to our country. Now, having endorsed the bill as it is, I would like to suggest an amendment which I think would make it even better. That is, to make the term of the delegate the same as the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, four years, rather than two as it is in the measure as introduced, The reason a longer term i.s desirable for Guam rests in the physical facts of the territory's location, nearly 10,000 miles from Washington, nearly half way around the world. To travel that distance is expensive, is time-consuming, and involves a great deal of wear and tear. li U1e Guam delegate had a four-year term he could spend m-;ire time in Washington in the sel'vlce of his constituents rather than in the 10, 000-mile shuttle across the continent and across the Pacific several times a year to keep in touch with the voters. Mr. Chairman and M,~mbers or the Committee, I submit to you that the people of Guam have earned the right to lhe representation tllis bill provides, that they have shown themselves worthy of it, and that enactment will be in the best interests or the people of Guam and their fellow Americans everywhere.
GSA OC 10. U.11U:J