Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 46, No. 01 1967

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Georgia Tech





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Ge rgia Tech K '67 ALUMNUS




Vol. 46, No. 1

EXERCISE IN CANDOR After completing a year as Tech's dean of engineering, Dr. Arthur G. Hansen has some things to say about the direction Tech is going in and what must be done to insure the constant quality of the educational programs. WHAT




A quick profile of Bill Myddelton, the Tech football lineman of the past three years who, it seems, has been writing poetry (and good poetry, at that) on the sly. 12




Tech's new placement center is as much a success a t 891 Hemphill Avenue as was a restaurant that once occupied the premises and in the process took a man to the Governor^ chair. 16





The team will be better this year, according to reporter Bob Wallace, b u t the new coach faces a schedule t h a t includes four of the top ten teams in the nation plus some other toughies. 23




In a new format, the news by classes, the latest happenings on the campus, a n d other items of interest mainly t o Tech alumni may be found back of the second cover which introduces this section.



Seldom does a football fan catch this many officials pointing in the same direction, b u t last season, photographer Deloye Burrell caught this rarity during a Tech fumble recovery.



ROBERT B. WALLACE, J R . , editor/T>E GILMORE, editorial assistant /CHARLOTTE DARBY, class notes editor/BILL POTEET, advertising manager

Published six times a year—Jan.-Feb./Mar.-Apr./May-June/JulyAug./Sept.-Oct./Nov.-Dec.—by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30332. Subscription price 500 per copy. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.

September-October 1967

of the very strong showing of Tech alumni and their publications program at the recent national conference of the American Alumni Council, it is a pleasant task to further inform you that you have set another batch of records during the Annual Roll Call which ended on June 30. Alvin Ferst, who obviously did a superb job as president of the Association over the past year, released figures in mid-July and they show that 15,861 of you contributed a total of $408,323 to the past year's fund drive which supports the faculty salary supplementation and many other Foundation programs for the continued quality growth of Georgia Tech. This means that 280 more Tech alumni contributed over $70,000 above the previous record which was set during the 1965-66 year. It means that for the third consecutive year over 50 per cent of all Tech alumni (52 per cent this year) contributed to the annual fund drive, a record unmatched by any other public institution in the country. It also means that the average gift, an area where Tech has traditionally been deficient, went up to $25.75, well over $3.00 more than in the previous record year of 1955-56. But we still trail the average of all the alumni of America's colleges in average gifts by a full $20, which appears to set up new president, Howard Ector, with a ready-made project.



Speaking of projects, you will notice several changes in the magazine beginning with this issue. In addition to the obvious design changes made to the cover, this page, and the "Journal" section, we have also adjusted the schedule of the magazine for a couple of reasons—one, the editor was having a difficult time making the deadlines under the old schedule and the Post Office Department had begun a crackdown on such delinquency; and two, the price of printing in Atlanta has gone up. All of this is predicated, of course, on the ability of the editor to maintain his newly-found regimentation which we fear may just be another New Year's resolution with the same results as those made on January 1.


in Candor FOR HIS OWN peace of mind, not to mention the welfare of the college, the fledgling dean had better have an answer to that inevitable question, "Tell me, dean, just where are we going?" And yet an answer, per se, is not enough. It may have form but little substance. All too often the answers tend to fall into one of two categories. The first category I would classify as the love and motherhood category. Goals and programs are stated in terms of non-debatable generalities. Typical are "We are going to have the best school in (choose one) the USA; the Southeast; Northwest Atlanta," or "Our staff will be the best anywhere, our students, scholars of the first magnitude." One suspects that to say less than this is tantamount to heresy. The second category is best classified as refuge from reality or deluxe daydreaming. Here the administrator makes claims, sets goals, and plans programs without a solid assessment of resources or recognition of the constraints that will influence his actions. "Next year we will double our graduate faculty," or "By 1970 every school will have a new home," are typical statements that may thrill the faculty but are apt to be unrealistic and empty. On this and the following pages is an attempt to answer the question posed as it applies to Georgia Tech's College of Engineering. It can only be hoped that the philosophy and September-October 1967

At the close of his first year as dean of engineering Arthur G. Hansen looks at Tech without a trace of chauvinism

goals outlined will lie in the fairway between the trap of generality and the bunker of unreality. The strengths and limitations Ask the average industrial recruiter why he comes to Georgia Tech and the answer is likely to be, "Because Georgia Tech produces good engineering graduates." In fact, the reputation of Georgia Tech to a large measure rests on the quality of its undergraduate program. This, then, is a prime strength—a solid, undergraduate engineering program. And with this program we recognize the existence of a god faculty and reasonably good facilities. Other strengths include the pact that Georgia Tech has been able to recruit good students and a program must be measured by its graduates. Tech students have had pride in their Alma Mater and have represented her well. And there is the asset of Tech being the State's only engineering school, which is a considerable one when it comes to concentration of financial support. On the other hand, Tech is located in a region that to a large measure does not demand significant numbers of highly sophisticated engineers. There is no west coast aerospace complex or midwest concentration of heavy industry. Relations with industry that encourage staff professional growth and motivate students are limited.

An honest viewing of Tech's potential indicates that the College of Engineering is not apt to become a significant center of highly specialized engineering research in the tradition of M I T or Cal Tech. Means to move in this direction are not apt to materialize in the near future, although this is not so much a liability as a fact of life. To urge the College in such directions is to ignore Tech's positive potential in other areas. On-the liability side of the ledger is the constraint imposed on a technological institute to remain a technological institute rather than move toward university status. Desirable non-enginering programs may be discouraged or at least limited in scope. Engineering education defined How then should the engineering program be planned? The answer seems simple—at least in principle: Follow the old adage of gamesmanship, "play to your strength." The main strength in this case is a strong program in enginering education backed by a research potential within Tech's Engineering Experiment Station and to a more limited extent within the Engineering College. But at this point definitions are of extreme importance. What do we mean by an engineering education. Again, a simple answer—an education that makes our students engineers. The emphasis here is on en-

CANDOR—continued gineers as those who build, design and create with mankind's resources for mankind's ultimate benefit. Although more than one news broadcaster has said that scientists have launched another space vehicle, engineers are not scientists. For sake of definition it is not the function of a scientist to ask, "Is the knowledge practical or useful?" But the engineer must always have this question in mind. The scientist seeks truth for its own sake. The engineer uses the findings of science as tools to achieve an end. He is first and foremost a pragmatist. He is problem oriented rather than truth-oriented or value-oriented, as is the case of the student of humanities. The answers he finds to problems are not singlevalued. The answer is but one of the many possible answers that are formulated within a certain set of constraints and hopefully it is an optimum answer within those constraints. He may wish that he had other materials to work with, that the environment was not h'ostile, that he did not have to watch cost, but such is not the engineer's lot. All of this is as equally true of the engineers of several decades ago as it is of those of today. But today's engineering educator has problems that his former colleagues did not have. We are currently living in a time of extremely rapid technological growth and change. Mankind has the technological potential for shaping its future on a scale never before imagined. The tools exist and the resources exist. Our graduating engineering students must be able to function effectively in such a technological environment or be passed by. Challenges to engineering A degression perhaps is in order to illustrate what lies ahead for the engineer of the next decade. In assessing the "goals of engineering education," a committee of * the American Society of Engineering Education explored, the engineering needs of the future. Their interim report published in April, 1967, stated in part "These forecasts suggest (1) that large scale systems will be created for the development, control and use of our natural resources, and (2) that development will continue (a) of automated manufactur-


ing industries, (b) of synthetic foods to meet the needs of an expanding world population (c) of rapid transportation systems for land, sea, and air (d) of space programs and design of more efficient and humane military defense systems, and (e) of bio-social systems having to do not only with medical advances, housing, community development and pollution control but with their coordination into large scale social systems such as vast metropolitan complexes that will utilize technological advances more effectively." The report then states, "The stability of governments, the lessening of international tension, and the prevention of future wars may all be conditioned by the success or failure of the engineer to recognize and to occupy his important place in an increasingly complex and interrelated society." This, then, is the engineering educator's challenge and program planners should keep it clearly in mind. As a minimum it would seem that a modern engineering curriculum should therefore seek to do the following: • From the first day on the campus to the last the student should be motivated to think as an engineer. The message must come through that an engineer has a vital task to perform—that his skills are to be used rather than displayed in irrelevant activity. Too narrow? Perhaps.

But the sad commentary on much of our engineering education is that this message has not come through loud and clear. Students who have come to college with a fairly accurate picture of the engineers' role have left the place bewildered and with a lack of a sense of identification. The zeal of many; to teach the abstract and the esoteric have often killed the spark that might have kindled the flame of creative engineering. • The student needs to be grounded in fundamentals of science, and mathematics as never before. The engineer of the future is increasingly less apt to be a "handbook" engineer. Whereas a prime function of engineering education in the past had been to pass on the "state of the art," the problems of today and tomorrow are often so new and complex that a "state of the art" does not exist. The danger, of course, is that the teaching of fundamentals may become an end in itself, and the student is given tools that he is not capable of using because he has never seen how they might be employed. If ever the engineering educator must use care and balance on a fine line, it is in this area. • The student must be encouraged to use all of his knowledge to think creatively. This is as simple to state as it is difficult to achieve. Ask a student how to transport a person from his home to his place of business, and he will recommend far too The Georgia Tech Alumnus

often a device not too different from a very conventional transportation vehicle. How does one encourage such students to employ their knowledge in a creative manner and free themselves from the restrictions of previous and often unsatisfactory answers? As educators we have much to learn about the psychology of creativity and motivation. But more than ever that atempt to learn must be made. Graduate and continuing education

So far we have been alluding mainly to the education of the undergraduate student. The sharp increases in both graduate programs and educational programs for the practicing engineer have placed additional requirements on engineering educational institutions. What, for example, should be the nature of graduate engineering education? Should the aim be to broaden the background of the student and increase his ability to perform as a generalist or should it make him a highly trained specialist? Should the doctoral program have as its primary goal the classic purpose of making the student a researcher or are other emphases needed in engineering? The education of the post-graduate engineer is even more complex in character. While Tech has long been active in the so called continuing education area, it is becoming clear that engineers within the state and September-October 1967

their employers want more. Requests for advanced degree programs have become more numerous. While staff members are often happy to participate in such ventures, the structuring of industry-oriented graduate programs is another story. Potential students in industry are often quite differently motivated than the recently graduated engineering students. Background, training, and length of time from graduation make the typical industry group far from homogeneous. Pressures of work, family, and social responsibilities make the rigors of a graduate education even more severe for them than for the typical on-campus student. Yet, if the educational community is to fulfill its responsibility to the entire profession and to keep otherwise most-capable engineers from suffering technological obsolescence, satisfactory ways of dealing with continuing education must be found continually. Engineering programs at Tech

The stage is now set to attempt to answer the key compound question, "What is the Enginering College actually doing and what is being planned to make it an even more effective educational unit of Georgia Tech?" Obviously, no program can be succesful without a first-rate faculty. The type of persons being sought would be quality faculty members at

"From the first day on the campus to the last, the student should be motivated to think and to act as an engineer." any engineering school, and the offers being made to prospective faculty can be considered as being quite competitive. As much as possible, the various schools of engineering are being encouraged to either hire faculty members who have a good feeling for the engineering profession, with experience as working engineers or those who desire to grow as engineers and engineering educators. Along with the importance of a good faculty is the importance of sound educational programs. Here again schools are being urged to make engineering courses relevant. Theory by itself is just not enough. The relevance of theory and course content to real life engineering problems needs to be stressed more than ever. The student should always have the right to ask "so what?" in a course of instruction and get meaningful answers. Under study is a core curriculum for the Engineering College. Such a curriculum would stress engineering from the first semester onward rather than postponing engineering to a time in the sophomore or junior year. It is hoped that graduate programs will stress more heavily the applied

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"As much as possible, the schools are being encouraged to hire teachers who have a good feeling for the engineering profession."



fective teaching will be organized and consultants on education will be brought to the campus. The students will work with the faculty in reviewing laboratory instruction. One school is planning staff seminars in education. Flexibility and innovation will be stressed.

The "Goals" report phases of engineering. Recognizing that a prime function of an engineer is to design, the Engineering College is inaugurating this fall a program that will lead to "design Ph.D.'s." Five students enrolled in this program will receive support from NASA and will work on a complex systems design project. As an example, one project considered in a graduate course in this area was the design of an urban transportation system for Atlanta. While design courses in undergraduate programs are not new, such courses at the graduate level are still a rarity. Finally, efforts are being made to up-date curricula. Several schools have recently revamped their programs to reflect modern technological trends. Laboratory work will be emphasized and will be supported with funding. First steps are being taken to work more closely with industry. A meeting was held with state industrial leaders this spring to assess their needs and desires in engineering education. An industry advisory committee for the Engineering College is in the offing. Off-campus courses taught by a remote electronic writing system called a telewriter have been tried and further experiments are contemplated. Expansion of offcampus activities is being studied with the intent of bringing advanced engineering education to an everwidening audience. As the program in the Engineering College grows, as graduate study and research increase, there is always the danger that the student—especially the undergraduate student— will get lost in the shuffle. To not only keep this from happening but to move ahead to give students the best education possible, a theme, "Emphasis on Education," has been set for the Engineering College during the coming year. During the year a select committee of the faculty will explore ways to make teaching more effective. New techniques of instruction will be tried. Workshops on efSeptember-October 1967

Earlier reference was made to the "Goals of Engineering" interim report prepared by a committee of the American Society of Engineering Education. This report will undoubtedly have a great impact on engineering education, and is so controversial that all engineering educators are often asked for their reactions to it. I find the most recent version of the report—the Interim Report—a worthwhile document in that it presents a great deal of significant data on engineering education. However, conclusions reached from an analysis of the data are another matter. I would like to point out that the report places great emphasis on graduate education, and schools are strongly encouraged to lengthen their programs. This encouragement is based to a large part on observed growth in graduate enrollments. However, reasons for this growth are not thoroughly assessed. Possible reasons given in this report are: (1) increasing importance attached to formal education in contemporary society, (2) the affluence of our society which permits a greater portion of students to continue their education, (3) the increasing availability of graduate fellowships in colleges and universities, (4) expanded opportunities to pursue graduate work on a part-time basis, and (5) the changing aspirations of collegebound students. Conspicuous by its absence is the important point that graduate education has grown in response to a genuine need—especially from the industries that support our economy. The encouragement of graduate education for its own sake with the concomitant competition for students, funds, and the graduate teacher is bound to create serious problems. Effects are already being felt in the educational community. When engineering educators lose sight of their true mission—the education of engineers capable of responding to genuine social needs— we have gone far toward harming

our programs and have done a disservice to the student and the social structure in which he will ultimately perform. Beyond a technical education Last, but certainly by no means least, the education of engineers cannot be wholly technical. Men cannot live by computers alone. Somewhere and somehow engineering educators must refrain from looking on the humanities as being either a deterrent on the road to achieving technical competence or as a means to a practical end—something to be used by the engineer as great as this need may be. In turn the enginering student must be reached and taught to find value in the non-technical. As one educator, Sidney Hook, phrased it: "The development of our capacities of aesthetic appreciation and imaginative identification multiples the occasions for joy and delight in a tragic world. It refreshes the spirit without suffering on other human beings. "The educational experience itself, when teachers have both skill and vision, may become both source and support of the love of truth, the love of justice, the love of beauty, the love of human freedom . . . it enables us to hope without illusion, to fight without despair, and to stake our life in defense of the things that make life worth living." It is the hope, therefore, that more than ever before we shall find ways and means of working with our nonengineering colleagues more effectively to give our students an education that will not only make them engineers of first-rate competence but citizens able to build a society based on enduring values. And perhaps more than that, we would hope that our students shall be able to live with themselves in an indifferent world and to both find and create reasons for existence and an appreciation of their own dignity and that of their fellowman. Challenges are everywhere present at Georgia Tech. They shall not be met and conquered by any single person or group. Staff, students, alumni and friends working in concert can only achieve the goals. The desire to be first-rank and a true leader in education is not an empty one. It can be done if the effort is made. The time to begin is now.

What is a Poet Like You Doing in a Place Like This ?


IT BOGGLES T H E MIND considerably to c o n t e m p l a t e t h a t a

fledgling poet might take u p residence in t h e interior line of a major (or, for that matter, minor) college football team. P e r h a p s that rare back or flashy e n d might have a creative streak n o t related to h i s ability to move a football u p a n d down t h e field, while t h e linemen a r e traditionally t h e hard-headed, unfeeling beasts whose only ambition is to knock somebody down, get u p a n d then repeat the process. B u t for t h e past three years, t h e Georgia Tech varsity h a s featured a s t u m p y offensive guard-defensive tackle named William Smith Myddelton, who it seems h a s been writing poetry on t h e sly. T h i s came to light last spring when Tech English Professor William Metcalfe read some of Bill Myddelton's poems a n d urged h i m to enter t h e Robert B u r n s competition for Georgia college students. Myddelton, n o w a senior whose eligibility as a n athlete^ h a s r u n out, ac10

cepted Metcalfe's challenge a n d came out of t h e competition with second-place money of $50. M y d d e l t o n began writing poetry as a senior in Valdosta H i g h School where h e was a n all-America tackle on t h e great team of 1962 t h a t also gave Tech Giles Smith a n d Bill Schroer of last year's starters. O n e spring d a y , h i s high school English teacher asked t h e class to write down things they thought were beautiful a n d M y d d e l t o n tied the words together with a theme. " T h e teacher thought this was a n unusual approach a n d encouraged m e to write," h e said recently. " I have been hunting a n d fishing since I was two a n d have always been impressed with nature, so I guess this led m e to romantic poetry." Oddly enough, M y d d e l t o n h a s read very little poetry a n d h i s approach to writing it is as unique as a poet who likes contact sports. " W h e n I get a n idea for a poem," h e says, " I p u t down every word t h a t idea brings to mind. The Georgia Tech Alumnus

By Robert B. Wallace, Jr.

A stumpy i has been v even his te until he wc

rior lineman named Bill Myddelton ng poetry for four years and mates had been in the dark about it major college award for his poems

Take 'Rain,' one of my first poems. In it I just put down all of the words that rain brought to mind and then edited them down to the ones that seemed to go together: Sudden darkness! Chilling breezes, Looking upward Rolling thunder. Sparkling flashes, Misty droplets, Run for shelter! Light swirling gusts, Cool caresses. Larger droplets, Heavy branches, Splashing water. Widening puddles, Tiny tricklers, Gully washers. Yearning flowers Dripping diamonds— Solemn stillness, Radiant freshness, Glimmering quiet. Life is restored! It's rain, rain—rain. Bill Myddelton still approaches the building of a poem in this manner but his style has changed. Two poems written during the past year reflect the maturing process as the light-hearted school boy became a man who now sees the tragic in even his beloved world of nature. The first one, "Live on a Promise" has more than a touch of the Houseman philosophy although Myddleton does not remember ever reading the work of the famed English poet of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The witch of winter rides bone-chilling winds As the earth turns to hide its dying face And cry icy tears—each groaning tree bends While the year struggles toward its resting place. A time for survival—this masquerade Brings death beneath her cloak of beauty white To those whose plans for life were poorly made. Lend ear to their hollow moans in the night. Squirrels dig in frozen earth 'neath leaves of brown Thank their memories and live for one thing— The hoped-for day when geese will pluck their down And welcome new life—the promise of spring. In nature for all time one thing holds true— Each is full grown who lives the winter through. September-October 1967

By the time he had mgyed on through a series of five or six more short poems to "The Maze," Bill Myddelton's father had died suddenly in January, 1967. This and the long wait he sees before he is married to his fiancee, Miss Tommy Lynn Medlock, brought on this poem: As I stumble in misdirection Through the maze of no reward, I see the face of your perfection Amidst my lonely discord. My weary soul is outward reaching, Finding, touching nought but air. "Have pity," cries my heart beseeching— False eyes envision you there. In restless slumber this mirage forms A torment to my oneness. I need your love for destiny's storm And days that will be sunless. Ahead of me there will always be The void that only God knows— In the vastness of uncertainty My own bewilderment grows. Relentless time thrusts us toward our fates And cares not, yet all the while A fertile dream lies dormant and waits For your awakening smile.

His urge to write is a mystery to Bill Myddelton. "There are no writers on either side of my family as far as we can trace," he says. "But there are a number of school teachers including my grandmother, who taught for 42 years and who has constantly encouraged me to express myself just for my own amusement. I have no desire, nor do I think I have the talent, to make a living as a writer. I don't even like to write prose. But I would like to get into the public relations field when I finish school in 1968. "It's a funny thing, I never thought of poetry as a contact sport until I went to the Burns dinner. The man who was master of ceremonies made some remarks that evidently offended another man who was there. After the program was over, this other man just walked up without a word and flattened the M.C. with a single punch. I've seen a lot of people striking each other, but I don't think I've ever been that surprised. If this keeps up all the poets may have to be athletes." 11

k&.M..^.. .(JMUM^

This is DeRosa Country BILL CHILDRESS

T H E LONG one-story building at 891

by Mary Ann Walker 12

Hemphill Avenue that was in the not-to-distant past the home of the Pickrick Restaurant where Atlanta businessman Lester Maddox served up his celebrated fried chicken and his equally famous philosophies that led him to the Governor's chair last year is now the Georgia Tech Placement Center. But the Governor would recognize little about the building today, less than three years after he sold it to the Institute. The carefully groomed facade of inlaid brick and redwood is complemented by well-manicured landscap-

ing. And the interior with its deep rugs, air-conditioning and soft background music set the tone for Tech's new approach to this business of placing the college graduate. Tech Placement Director A. P. (Neil) DeRosa feels that the facilities are a tribute to the Institute, and a reflection of the quality service the Placement Center, strives to provide to students and industry. DeRosa's office is carpeted and furnished with a brick fireplace, a carryover from the Pickrick days. It is an easy, congenial room, conducive to the exchange of ideas. The room is The Georgia Tech Alumnus

The new Georgia Tech Placement Center is busy even in the summer now that it has moved to the site of one of America's most famous restaurants of the past

characterized by the always open door, a tradition with Tech placement directors. Adjacent to the director's office is a comfortable lounge where interviewers can relax and sip coffee when they are not talking with students. Down the halls stretch the rows of interview rooms, neat compartments with desks and chairs designed to create an inviting atmosphere for the important meetings that go on behind the closed doors. DeRosa is obviously pleased about his sudden change of fortune: "Before we moved in here, we used to hold interviews in partitioned cubiSeptember-October 1967

cles. It was a bad set-up because we would have as many as eight people discussing confidential information all within hearing of one another. "The new interview rooms provide maximum privacy which contributes to the rapport between the student and industry representative. This is tremendously important." In addition to the individual interview roms, a large multipurpose room is available for group meetings. When not being used by the Placement Center, it is occasionally used by other departments of the school. In the spacious reception area, stu-

dents have access to a vast library that gives them information on hundreds of different jobs. There are permanent career books published by many of the companies that interview regularly on the Tech campus. The Tech Placement Center has 28 interview rooms. DeRosa would like to have 40. "One week last year," he recalls, "we had 56 interviews going on at the same time. When we need it we find space somewhere." He is sure to have 12 new rooms by fall. Why the magnitude of business? "Georgia Tech has one of the busi13

"Traditionally we haven't worked with placement during the summer, but with the new center we have had some 25-30 companies on campus this year."

ings. "A centralized office is important," h e vows. "And it proved itself in less t h a n a year." Almost everyone who visits the Placement Center is impressed. D e R o s a has stocks of complimentary letters, so m a n y in fact, h e candidly admits h e h a d to find a n automated means of replying. H e a n d his staff moved into their new offices last fall. T h e y began interviews while carpenters a n d masons were finishing the remodeling job. H o w have facilities changed the placement process at Georgia Tech? D e R o s a smiles, " F o r one thing t h e students dress a lot better. W h e n they showed u p for interviews a t the old office in the Knowles Building, they would often come in blue jeans and sweat shirts. W h e n they come here they are dressed in coats a n d ties. Occasionally a s t u d e n t shows u p in casual campus attire, but invariably, h e goes back a n d changes when h e sees the other students. And the faculty members often tell m e t h a t half of their classes must b e interviewing today, for they are wearing coats a n d ties."


DeRosa Country est placement centers in the country. Last year 19,000 interviews were conducted by more t h a n 700 companies," D e R o s a says, adding the reasons. "Basically, America is still a n industrial-manufacturing country. Tech is a popular school with industry because we usually graduate the third largest n u m b e r of engineers in the nation each year. After y o u t a k e out t h e over 20 per cent of our students who go on to graduate school a n d those who enter military, almost 95 per cent of our students go to work for industry. And we still 14

have a low number going to graduate school compared to most of the other technological institutions, which makes us a prime hunting ground for talent." So prime in fact, t h a t some companies have resorted to unethical recruiting practices. W h e n bird dogging of students became a problem a t Tech, a faculty placement committee was appointed to draw-up guidelines for recruiters a n d students. D e R o s a is particularly p r o u d of the well-equipped a n d remodeled building, because for 35 years the placement office a t T e c h was spread over several floors a n d several build-

According to DeRosa, the new facilities have m a d e it possible for the placement office to expand to a year-round operation, for the first time. " W e h a d 25 to 30 companies interviewing this summer. T r a d i tionally we haven't worked with placement during the summer, b u t the air conditioning a n d improved conditions have m a d e it possible. These interviews are mostly for the students graduating in August. "We've also started fall interviews which we have never done before." H e sees this as a distinct advantage. Previously the operation was limited by a small staff and cramped quarters. B u t most industries are accustomed to working colleges in search of potential manpower in the fall. T h e new Placement Center is handling such a large volume of business, plans are being made to extend office hours into the evenings. And just try to get on the schedule to interview students a t Georgia Tech. D e R o s a flips through his appointment book which shows t h a t the The Georgia Tech Alumnus

interview rooms are filled as much as six months in advance. "We allow for a lot of freedom," he explained. "We have no restriction on the number of companies a student can interview." Industry is soaking up all the engineers it can get. Most Tech graduates today wind up with eight to twelve job otters. "The employment picture isn't the same today as it was a decade ago," says DeRosa. "The deciding factor isn't dollars and cents, the money seems to level out. The student wants to know what kind of job he will be doing within the company, and where he will be located. He not only wants to know what he will be doing right away but the kind of thing he will be doing several years from now. Too many companies don't consider this."


September-October 1967

Another change seen by DeRosa is the location of industry. "We used to send most of our students up north. But now, companies have spread out all over the country. We keep a lot more Tech men in the South than we used to." DeRosa begins the matching game of jobs and students in the fall with a student employment forum, a project that grew out of Tech's 75th Anniversary program in 1963. Representatives from 50 to 60 organizations come to campus for a single day and talk informally with the students and faculty. This gives the student a basic orientation to business. When actual interviewing begins, a company may only send a single man to talk to Tech students, or like some large organizations, it "We are just not strong in the area of vocational guidance. I hope that we can do something here at Tech to develop a program."

may send a team to talk to as many as 300 potential employees. DeRosa is proud of the new facilities, but he credits the phenomenal success of the Georgia Tech placement operation to his predecessors who laid the ground work for the smoothly functioning operations: "Tech's placement office, one of the first in the country, was the brainchild of Dean-Emeritus George C. Griffin who took money out of his own pocket to begin operations in 1932, Griffin was followed by Fred Ajax and Joe Guthridge, both of whom have moved on to other administrative posts. They made my job much easier and the fact that my current boss, Vice President Joe Guthridge, was once in this job hasn't hurt any." The cooperation of the Tech faculty is another factor in his formula for success. "After a student has interviewed, his next most important contact is his faculty advisor. We feel as if our rapport with the faculty is exceptionally good. Without their support, we couldn't function." But DeRosa see flaws in his operation—in the whole college placement system: "We lack good vocational counseling. We need to start in the freshman or sophomore year to expose students to business experience. "We just are not strong in the area of vocational guidance. I hope we can do something here at Tech to develop a program. We need to test students several times, not just once when they are freshmen. This would keep us in tune with their academic performance and the changes in their career goals." DeRosa keeps working on methods of streamlining the placement process. His goal is to make it as easy as possible for the company to talk to the student and vice versa: "We want companies to get their man, and we want the students to get the best possible job. But it is not the number of interviews we handle that really counts. It is the kind of job we are doing—quality, not quantity is the criterion. The centralized office and the interview rooms make our job a little easier, that's all." Tech's 20 year campus development plan will move a major section of the campus adjacent to the Placement Center. And like the new expansion plans, the Placement Center emphasizes the philosophy of Tech —quality. 15

After the Texas A & M game of last season, Dodd and Carson exchanged congratulations, never knowing that this picture by Joe McTyre of Atlanta Newspapers, Inc. would be prophetic.

By Robert B. Wallace, Jr.



Inaugural Autumn of BUD CARSON

FOURTH full-time head football coach in Georgia Tech's history is a man beseiged by more than his share of problems. In order they are the 1967 schedule which features four of the nation's top ten teams in the preseason polls— Notre Dame (1), Miami (3), Georgia (5), and Tennessee (8) . . . an untried set of defensive backs and an equally inexperienced offensive line . . . the installation of a new offense . . . and a series of night games and time changes unequalled in Tech's football history. On the day of his retirement, Bobby Dodd told the press, "If I were to coach another year, I would feel t h a t I would be fortunate to have a 5-5 season." Carson concurs publicly with his predecessor, b u t in his most optimistic moments he will tell you t h a t a 6-4 or 7-3 season is possible, providing his team gets the breaks with injuries and that "we do a superior coaching job." If long hours and constant effort can be equated with "good coaching" then the Carson staff will have done its part. For never in the memory of the oldest resident of 190 Third Street in Atlanta has a staff p u t in the hours t h a t the Carson group has during the past seven months. Out of these work sessions have come a new offensive approach, a series of position changes to beef up weak spots, and a team morale t h a t may be the equal of any in Tech's history. For if Bud Carson had no other talent as a football coach, he would have to be one of the most inspirational men with his own staff and his squad this side of Bobby Dodd. T h e quiet confidence of Dodd has been replaced by the fiery, open, competitive spirit of Carson, and if the spring practice was any indication, this will be a different Tech team in the fall. More likely to stumble in the early going (Dodd had to be the master a t getting a team ready for the opening games), it should be a team t h a t will grow in strength as the season goes along—an important factor in a year when three of the four toughest games close out the season. The new Tech offense will feature a large number of formations including the winged T, the pro set, the I, and the tight or power T. The line will be quicker than any in recent years, b u t its inexperience may endanger the overall effectiveness of the offense early HE

Although the team may be one of the best in years, that murderous schedule legislates against Tech's new coach 16

The Georgia Tech Alumnus

Carson's Autumn — continued in the season. Only two starters are back from last year's front seven— Rick Nelson at guard and Steve Almond at tight end. Since spring practice, Carson has been toying with the idea of moving Nelson out to tackle and starting one of his converted backs at guard. He' has already moved the other starting guard of the spring, Lamar Melvin (a converted end) to tackle to get more speed at that position. If Nelson moves, the starters at guard will be Joe Vitunic, a sophomore who was the regular fullback for last year's freshman team, and Larry Davidson, a high school quarterback from Coral Gables, who has been a B-team fullback and kicking specialist for two years. John Collins, number two center last season, now looks like the starter at this position, but Galin Mumford, a quick giant who spent last season recuperating from a knee operation, may have recovered enough to give Collins a battle. If Mumford shows up as the starter here, Collins, who is a superior blocker, may move to guard. The other tackles who figure in Carson's plans are Jim Penley and Terry Storey, who were the number two men at these positions last season. At the tight end position, Almond will have a fight on his hands holding off Joel Stevenson, who was a split end last year. In the power T, Stevenson and Almond may both be in the game. Under the new Carson offense, the split end is interchangeable with the wingback and Jimmy Brown, a tailback and punt returning specialist last season, is the starter here. John Sias, fastest man on the team, will start at the wingback and back of these two are a pair of speedy pass catchers—sophomore Percy Helmer and junior Tim Woodall. These positions are probably the best manned of all of the offensive slots.

0 \ f uarterback is, another well-fortified position at first glance. Kim King, who has put on 15 pounds in his arms, chest, and legs, had a great spring and now must be considered the starter. He has developed into a reliable short passer, a must for the Tech offense, and is an adequate runner. Larry Good is the better runner but a sore arm hurt his chances this 18

spring. If Good can pick up his passing and play-calling, King will be fighting for this job. Lenny Snow, the all America tailback last season, is back for his final year. He will be used for blocking this season as well as for his great running ability. In typical Snow style, he turned into a fine blocker during the spring, a factor that will favor the new attack. Back of Snow is Gene Spiotta, who was held out last season, and who had an impressive spring. The fullback position is stronger than at any time in recent years. Incumbent Doc Harvin is being pushed by John Weaver, a 210-pounder who was a hurdler for the track team in the spring. Bain Culton, another strong runner, is also in this free-for-all, and with the power T, two of the fullbacks will be in the backfield with Snow and the quarterback. Weaver or Culton also may be used as a back-up tailback.


I he offensive strengths are good running backs and quarterbacks, fine receivers at the key places, and a quick, eager line which now operates with a low, scramble-blocking technique taught by offensive chief Dick Bestwick, a coach with a great knack for on-the-field instruction. Its weaknesses are the lack of experience in the front seven and the slowness of its tackles. Its question-mark is the ability of the quarterbacks to throw the quick, short patterns to the split ends and flankers that the new offense must have to succeed. The defensive strengths are in the front seven, and the weaknesses lie in the inexperience of most of its backs. Tommy Carlisle, Alan Glisson, and Danny Adams, all experiencer operators, will fight it out at the end positions with a newcomer, Rick Black, who hails from the same high school as Carlisle (Avondale, Ga.). Carlisle and Glisson appear to be the starters on their spring showing but both Adams and Black have the potential to break through here. The two starting tackles are back from last year's fine defensive unit. But Mike Ashmore was injured part of the spring, and John Lagana missed the entire practice period because of a knee operation following his serious injury in the Orange Bowl. Bob Seamon and Jim Gibson

will help out at this position, and a linebacker, probably Lou Santospago, the all America junior college transfer, will be moved to help bolster, these important positions. The linebacking positions are in the best hands since the days of George and Larry Morris. Randall Edmunds has been moved to the middle and in the spring looked like an all America in practically every scrimmage. Eric Wilcox, moved from end, his starting position of last year, has found a home at the up position in the Carson system. And big Mike Bradley, the best first-year lineman to grace the flats in a long, long time, was the sensation of the spring at the other linebacker slot (the down backer). In back of this impressive contingent are some others who would have been starters in years past. Steve DeBardelaben, another sophomore who had a great spring, is up to 195 pounds from his high school weight of 165, and is a fierce tackier and a competitor of the Carson style. Claude Shook, who acted as the number one replacement for all three linebackers last season is back as is Larry Hollander, another fairly small but quick one. Santospago and Larry Bell could help here but Ronnie Bass, who might have possibly broken into the starting fight, came up an academic deficiency. Even with this rather impressive loss, these positions have suddenly bloomed as the best on the entire squad.


I he defensive backs are something else again. Under Carson's defensive concepts, here is where the game is won or lost. Bill Eastman, a two-year starter, is back with all America possibilities. Of the brilliant student from Columbus, Mississippi, Carson likes to say, "I don't know how anybody could be better at his job than Eastman is at his." On the other side at defensive halfback another Columbus boy is the heir apparent. But Doug Dale faces a fight from Derrel Parker of Macon, who spent his freshman year recovering from a shoulder operation. Both Dale and Parker have the makings of great defensive backs but the inexperience tells here faster than any other position on a Carson team. The safety man is currently Bill Kinard, a fine pass defender who is short of Sammy The Georgia Tech Alumnus

Lenny Snow (41) will again be the heart of Tech's running game, but this year he will be relieved somewhat by other backs and by a passing game developed by Carson. Burke as a tackier at this time. Kinard, a runner of superior talent who h a d to be moved from offense last season because of a chronic muscle problem, m a y t u r n out to be t h e surprise of the year. Bill Wallace a n d J o e Bill F a i t h are back of Kinard, but one of them m a y be moved to the important Tech wrecker position to play behind David Barber. T h e wrecker, another key to the success of Carson's Raiders, m a y be the balance wheel this season because Barber has a history of head injuries, a n d his loss would be t a n t a m o u n t to disaster early in the season. Barber alternated with Giles Smith a t the position last year a n d is the surest tackier on the squad ( a n d we might add, the fiercest). I n three games last year, a Barber tackle turned out to be the play t h a t started Tech to a win. T h i s year Barber is even more valuable to the team because he will call the defensive signals. T h e p u n t e r will be either Derrell P a r k e r or T o m m y C h a p m a n with T o m m y Elliott as a dark horse. Both Parker and C h a p m a n had a fine spring. T h e automatic extra point m a n of the past three years (73 for 75 during his Tech c a r e e r ) , B u n k y H e n r y , is gone a n d the Tech kicking game will suffer. T o m m y Carmichael, the excellent kick-off and long field goal m a n is back, as is J o h n n y D u n can, a fairly accurate short kicker. T h e new p u n t rule is not much more popular here t h a n a t other schools because of the chance of injuries. B u t the J a c k e t s do have J i m m y Brown going for them, a n d there is no better p u n t return m a n in the business. If the two-safety system is used, P a r k e r will join Brown in the deep position. Brown and P a r k e r will also be the kick-off returners with Weaver, Chapman, a n d Sias as other possibilities for this chore. On its spring practice showing, this team appears to be better than last year's a t the same stage of its development. It has a much stronger defensive front and the new offense should take some of the pressure off the defense this year. With the new p u n t rule, the coaching staff will have to uncover a quick kicker, for this phase of the game will come back September-October 1967


season is anybody's guess. But it is highly unlikely that the Jackets will have the picnic they had last year. Then comes the heart of the schedule. Charlie Tate's Miami team, one of the superb defensive teams in the country last year, is being touted along with Georgia and Alabama as the best in the South in 1967. With a day less to prepare for the Hurricanes (the game is on a Friday night), Carson will have another problem to face besides the Tate genius, the strong Miami squad, and that humidity and heat that always shocks an out-of-Florida team when they travel to the beach area in the late fall.

r. ;• Xr_ i |fr*i r* v ftQL

The biggest surprise of the spring was the switch of little Jimmy Brown to split end but Brown proved even more dangerous here.

Carson's Autumn — continued in style with a rush this year. Injuries to King or Barber or Bradley or Good or Snow would hurt badly. And despite King's hiatus last season due to his broken hand, the Jackets were phenomenally lucky as far as disabilities were concerned. The schedule will definitely legislate against a season's record which could come close to last year. Vanderbilt figures to be much improved over 1966 with a new coach, a new attitude, and a host of the top players back from the past season. And opening in Nashville under those dim lights is definitely no easy task as Tech found out two years ago when the Jackets were lucky to escape with a tie. TCU, the home opener in the expanded Grant Field (almost 60,000 capacity), also has a new coach. Last season the Horned Frogs were a sophomore team that disappointed both their followers and the sports writers who picked them high in the Southwest Conference. They may be much harder, to handle than you might expect, especially if they can uncover a consistent quarterback. Clemson returns 40 of its top 44 players, and Carson considers the Tiger offense the best he witnessed all last spring. Frank Howard, whose team has appeared as high as eighth. 20


and no lower than fifteenth in the polls, figures he has a chance to really smash the Tech jinx now that his old Nemesis Dodd has retired. Tennessee must be faced in Knoxville, and the Vols are still smarting from the Tech loss in Atlanta before that national television audience. This time, the game will be televised regionally. The Vols will be much stronger offensively and Doug Dickey never shows up with a weak defensive team. Auburn had all types of injury problems last season, and the Plainsmen will not be so plagued this season if there is any justice in the world. For Shug Jordan is one of the real gentlemen in this game. They, too, will come to Atlanta with revenge in mind after losing three in a row to Dodd's Jackets. Tulane was tough last year and came close to beating Tech the past three outings. The new regime is now in full swing in New Orleans, and Tech has had few easy victories in that city in recent years. Bobby Duhon returns and the Pittman defense that gave a number of good teams a hard time in 1966 will be stronger than ever. The homecoming game with Duke is a mystery. The Blue Devils, minus their top two quarterbacks, were a weak team in Durham last season. What they will come up with this


ollowing are the Irish of Notre Dame, merely everybody's choice as number one this year. Big and strong, possessed of a great passing attack and one of the country's best coaches, the Irish will be in the final stretch in their quest for a second "Team of the Year" crown, this time hopefully without all the controversy that surrounded their choice in 1966. Georgia's Vince Dooley, who has whipped Tech every time he has faced the Jackets, comes in with his experienced Bulldogs a week later. The traditional week off before this one has been eliminated for television reasons. Dooley, a superb tactician, faces defensive rebuilding to an extent but his offense is in practically the same hands that last year made his control game so successful. Looking back over the schedule is enough to temper the most optimistic spirit. But as Carson says, "I never sent a team of mine out on the field thinking we were going to lose and I don't intend to start now." Given any kind of a break in the injury department this could be a very surprising football team to those who think that Tech football has been going downhill. (Although we fail to see how three 7-3's, a 7-2-1, a 6-3-1, and a 9-1 over the past six years could possibly be construed as a downward trend.) If this observer were the type who enjoyed getting out on limbs he would be tempted to predict a 7-3 or possibly an 8-2 for this first Carson year. But then that would be a foolish thing to do at this writing and with that schedule. The Georgia Tech Alumnus

YELLOW \CKET CONFIDENTIAL GIVES YOU MORE INSIGHT INTO TECH FOOTBALL THAN ANY OTHER PUBLICATION IN THE BUSINESS CARSON'S RAIDERS and the Tall Gray Fox have one thing in common—they were both named by Yellow Jacket Confidential, the Georgia Tech football newsletter. The readers of this publication have come to expect original definitive writing and they subscribe year after year because they know they will get just that. Wherever the Jackets play, Yellow Jacket Confidential is there to report the flow of action and the behind-the-scenes events to its readers. If you are looking for a different, inside view of Tech football after each game during the season plus a spring and fall preview of the Tech squad, Yellow Jacket Confidential is for you. The only sportswriter to cover every Tech game each year is Bob Wallace, now in his fifth year with the 17-year-old publication devoted to Tech football. Last season, over 40 of the Nation's top sportswriters used Yellow Jacket Confidential as column material on Tech football. You can get the complete story on the Jackets by filling in the order blank, now. Your subscription will start with the preseason letter, which follows the preview game, Sept. 16. Please make your check out to Yellow Jacket Confidential.

Get into the action with Yellow Jacket Confidential Order your on-the-scene report of all Tech games for 1967 starting with the preview letter by filling in the enclosed blank and sending it with your check for $4 ($5 for air mail). NAME. ADDRESS. CITY

Yellow Jacket Confidential P.O. BOX 9831 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30319

September-October 1967


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Some of the Georgia Tech alumni in Massachusetts Mutual service: Stanley A. Elkan, '22, Macon

Daniel E. Herlihy, '46, Jackson

Paul J. Kreitner, '65, Syracuse

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Donald I. Rosen, C.L.U., '49, Macon

John C. Grant, Jr., Sacramenro

Henry F. McCamish, Jr., C.L.U., '50, Atlanta

G lopgia Tech Journal


A digest of information about Georgia Tech and the alumni

z**ÂŁ$} a* GOVERNOR MADDOX AND FRIENDS When Governor Lester Maddox returned to his old neighborhood to help break ground for a new dormitory complex, he threw out the written text he had prepared and just talked about the old days and old friends. One of the old friends he talked most about was Georgia Tech, "If someone else had to occupy the Pickrick, I am glad it was Georgia Tech." After the short talk, he jumped down from the platform to help in the groundbreaking ceremony and during a wait, Bill Childress caught the Governor and a couple of young boys who seem to have their eyes on the Governor's chair themselves, someday.


NEWS FROM THE CAMPUS Dean Hefner dies at 64 O N THE final day of June, exactly a year away from his planned retirement, Dr. Ralph Hefner, dean of the General College at Georgia Tech since its founding in 1948, died at his home in Burge Apartments. The quiet, former mathematician who built Tech's science and industrial management schools to their current size and strength, was 64. Dr. Hefner came to Tech in 1929 as an instructor in mathematics. He was elevated to professor and head of the mathematics department in 1936. In 1945, he was appointed by the late president, Blake R. Van Leer, to head u p the faculty committee which produced the Institute's first set of statutes which established the new theory of administration that did away with the one-man and two-man rule that Tech had operated under since its founding. Dr. Hefner received his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Roanoke College in 1925 and his master's from the University of Chicago in 1927. He returned to Chicago to receive his doctorate in 1931. Survivors include his widow, the former Addye Pillow Williamson; sons, Robert James and Oscar Vernon; and six grandchildren. An amateur magician of great talents, he was a member of the Atlanta Society of Magicians as well as several professional mathematics and engineering administrative organizations. Named to succeed Dr. Hefner as acting dean of the General College was Dr. Sam C. Webb. Dr. Webb has served as director of Tech's office of evaluation studies and professor of psychology since 1965. According to President Edwin D. Harrison, "Dr. Webb has earned the respect of his colleagues on campus

for his research and other activities." Dr. Webb majored in English and education at Davidson College. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of North Carolina. He served as professor of psychology and director of Testing and Counseling at Emory prior to coming to Tech. According to the new administrative plan, the General College is scheduled to be split into several smaller colleges within the next year.

Top medical researcher joins staff A NOTED medical researcher, Dr. Walter Bloom, has been appointed assistant to the vice president for academic affairs and professor of applied biology. Dr. Bloom received his pre-medical training at Emory and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine degree from Yale in 1940. He returned to Atlanta in 1947 as an instructor of medicine at Emory. In 1957 he became director of Medical Education and Research for Piedmont Hospital. He is the author of hundreds of articles published in medical professional journals.

Faculty promotions announced FACULTY promotions for the 1967-68

academic year have been announced by President Harrison. Dr. Glendell W. Gilman has been promoted to the rank of Regents' Professor of Industrial Management, highest academic rank at Tech. Dr. Robin B. Gray was appointed Associate Director of Aerospace Engineering. Also heading the list of promotions was the appointment of Henry A. Corriher, Jr., and Douglas W. Robertson to the rank of Princi-

THE SECOND COVER ON JULY 19, Governor Lester Maddox returned to his "old stomping grounds" to help break ground for the new $3,000,000 dormitory complex which will include Tech's first women's residence hall. Joining him at the ceremony west of the main campus, were Chancellor George Simpson (to his right); Vice Chairman of the Regents, H. G. "Pat" Pattillo,'. '49; and President E. D. Harrison.


pal Research Engineer for the Engineering Experiment Station. Six members of the faculty were promoted to the rank of full Professor. They are: Dr. Ramon G. Gamoneda, Industrial Management; Dr. Don S. Harmer, Physics and Nuclear Engineering; Dr. William B. Mullen, English; Dr. David E. Fyffe, Edward C. Franklin, and Cecil G. Johnson, all in Industrial Engineering. Named to the rank of Associate Professor were: Dr. Edward M. Burgess, Chemistry; Dr. Dewey K. Carpenter, Chemistry; Dr. Jamie J. Goode, Mathematics; Dr. Patrick Kelly, Social Sciences; Dr. Hong Shik Min, Applied Biology; Dr. L. Hugh Moore, Jr., English; Charles B. Pyles, Social Sciences; Dr. William A. Schaffer, Industrial Management; Carl E. Steinhauser, Modern Languages; Dr. Edwin Wilfred Thomas, Physics; Dr. Sandra W. Thornton, Social Sciences; Dr. Howll Kenneth Wilson, Mathematics. Also named were Dr. Michael Charles Bernard. Engineering Mechanics; William E. Gates, Civil Engineering; Dr. Charles S. Martin, Civil Engineering; John B. Peatman, Electrical Engineering; Donald H. Smith, Engineering Graphics; Joseph N. Smith, Architecture; Dr. Charles E. S. Ueng, Engineering Mechnics; Dr. Neil H. Wade, Civil Engineering; Dr. Jack R. Walker, Industrial Engineering; Dr. Roger P. Webb, Electrical Engineering; Dr. Paul H. Wright, Civil Engineering; Dr. Ben T. Zinn, Aerospace Engineering. Promoted to assistant professor were: John C. Nevitt and Hardy J. Smith of Engineering Graphics; Numan V. Bartley, Jr.. Social Sciences; Richard L. Hawkey, Modern Languages; Frederick N. Henderson, English; Delford L. Santee, Modern Languages; and William R. Spruill, English. Promotions in the Engineering Experiment Station include: Dr. Richard C. Johnson, Principal Research Physicist; John E. Husted, Research Professor of Geology; Dr. Nancy W. Walls, Senior Research Biologist; Lewis W. Elston, and Dr. Raymond D. Kimbrough, Jr., Senior Research Chemist; Senior Research Engineers, Arthur B. Abeling, Paul Boland, Harvey Diamond, William C. Eisenhauer, Maximo Munoz, Charles Murphy, and Charles Stuckey. Promoted to Senior Research Physicist was Frederick B. Dyer; Senior Research Scientist, William I. Denman, Jr., and David C. Morgan; Associate Chief for Administration, Nuclear Sciences Division, Robert L. Zimmerman; Research Engineer, Kenneth H. Breeden, Robert Cheng, George W. Ewell, III, Nelson C. Wall, George P. Burdell; Research Physicist, James Lee Hubbard; Research Scientist, Gary Nolan. The Georgia Tech Alumnus

Large grant goes to Information Science A TWO-YEAR grant for the establishment of an interdisciplinary research center in the field of information science and engineering has been awarded Tech by the National Science Foundation. Administering the $450,000 will be Dr. Vladimir Slamecka, Director of the School of Information Science. The research effort will include both applied and basic studies. It will emphasize the use of computer and information utilities as aids in human problem solving, decision making and learning.

A week's chemical grants total $349,097 TECH'S Schools of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry along with the Engineering Experiment Station received a total of almost $350,000 during a single week in July. The School of Chemical Engineering received $214,386 in grants from the National Institute of Dental Research. The grants will be distributed over a five-year period and will allow for graduate research and training in dental metallurgy. Presently, one post-doctoral and three doctoral students are investigating the materials used in dental restorative work, such as gold inlays and crowns, orthodontic devices, and dental bridges. The program is under the direction of Dr. Robert F. Hochman, associate professor of Chemical Engineering. The School of Chemistry received a $23,300 grant from the American Chemical Society's Petroleum Research Fund. The three-year grant will support research on fundamental problems in organic reaction mechanisms. This area of complex metal hydrides is relatively undiscovered in chemistry because of difficulty in studying the systems. Under the direction of Dr. Eugene C. Ashby, associate professor of Chemistry, the researchers hope to find the reaction and composition of this unexplored part of chemistry. Dr. Raymond D. Kimbrough, Jr., senior research chemist at the Engineering Experiment Station, was awarded a $45,000 grant by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The three-year grant will support research Kimbrough is doing with the insecticide DDT. His study involves the storage and metabolism of D D T in higher animals and man. The major application of his investigation is to make insecticides safer for use around higher animals and man. Dr. Henry A. McGee, Jr., associate professor of Chemical Engineering, has September-October 1967

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— CONTINUED received a $66,411 grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The two-year grant will allow McGee and his staff to do investigation of high energy, chemical rocket propulsion. Part of the research will involve the use of the cryogenic mass spectrometer, a unique machine that allows molecules to be analyzed under extremely low temperatures, similar to those in outer space.

Tech group visits Russia A GROUP of Russian students were host to 12 Tech students during a twomonth tour of the Soviet Union this summer. Students left New York June 21, with an itinerary that included stops in Berlin, Leningrad, Moscow, Bucharest, Vienna, and other pionts. Numan V. Bartley, social science instructor, accompanied the group. H e called the trip a cultural exchange. "It gives students an opportunity to live in a different environment." The tour is coordinated in the United States by the YMCA. Tech

was the first school in the country to send its own tour group last summer. Students who participated were Albert W. Culbreth, Jr., of Atlanta J. Penn Whittenberg, Rome, Ga. Howard Serkin, Coral Gables, Fla. Victor Charles Theiling, Jr., Coral Gables, Fla.; Bruce Kent Richard, Oreland, Pa.; Jack H. Derrick, Greenville, N.C.; James E. Meyer, Springfield, Tenn.; William N. Smith, Rockingham, N.C.; William N . Scott, Fort Smith, Ark.; Jack Addams, Port Thomas, Ky.; Tom Roller, Danville, Ky.; William Benton, Fort Worth, Texas.

Basketball hopes are high RETURNING four of the five starters from a team that broke all school shooting and scoring records, Coach Whack Hyder looks to the 1967-68 basketball season with a great deal of anticipation. Starters Phil Wagner (called by many the best all-around basketball player in Tech history), Stan Guth, Pete Thorne, and Ted Tomasovich will be joined by Dave Clark, who also started several games last season, to make up the most experienced line-up Hyder has ever put out on the floor. Only the lack of height keeps this group from being one of the best in Hyder's long career. If rising sophomores Allen Tison and Bob Seemer, the two biggest men (each are 6'7") on last season's freshman team come through, this may be a surprisingly solid team, capable of giving anybody a battle on a given night. THE SCHEDULE Dec. 2 Rice Houston Dec. 4 Southern Methodist .Dallas Dec. 7 Georgia Atlanta Dec. 18 Auburn Auburn Dec. 21 Texas Christian ..Atlanta Dec. 28-30 Chicago Classic* ..Chicago Jan. 2 Yale Atlanta Jan. 6 Tulane Atlanta Jan. 8 Jacksonville Univ. Jacksonville Jan. 17 Furman Atlanta Jan. 20 Florida State** ..Atlanta Jan. 22 Ohio State '. Columbus Jan. 27 North Carolina . . Charlotte Jan. 30 Virginia Mil. Inst. Atlanta Feb. 1 Clemson. Atlanta Feb. 7 West Virginia . . Charleston Feb. 10 Wofford Atlanta Feb. 12 Jacksonville Univ. Atlanta Feb. 15 Georgia, Athens Feb. 17 Army Atlanta Feb. 20 Tennessee Atlanta Feb. 24 Florida State** Tallahassee Feb. 28 Clemson Clemson Mar. 2 Tulane New Orleans * With Loyola of Chicago, Western and Illinois. * * Afternoon games 26


NEWS OF THE ALUMNI 'f""4 0 George W. Scott died June L J O 28. His widow resides at 223 Winona Drive, Decatur. 'r™4~7 William V. Kingdon, Sr. has LJ / recently retired as vice president and chief engineer of The Belt Railroad and Stock Yards Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. Kingdon has helped organize the Western Seniors Golf Association and served fourteen years as secretary. ' P | Q Joseph R. Bracewell, CE, L J O died June 8 at his Toccoa residence. Burial was at Crestlawn Cemetery, Atlanta. He is survived by his widow and two sons, Joseph R., Jr., CE '32 of Jacksonville, and James L., '36, of Toccoa. ' / l f - ^ Married: Royston Cabaniss IU to Mrs. Hilary R. Mott, May 20, at the First Presbyterian Church in Pensacola, Florida. Only members of the families were present.

'15 S"

Harold A. Todd, chairman the board of Wisconsin Motor Corporation, died at Lutheran Hospital of Milwaukee, July 14. His widow resides at 1919 Forest Street, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. '/| Q George H. McWhirter was I CD one of twelve Atlantans attending the life insurance industry's top convention, the Million Dollar Round Table's annual meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland. Sixteen nations were represented. Mr. McWhirter is president of the Planning Company. Paul H. Nichols, Sr., EE, died June 27 and was buried at Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Nichols was a manufacturer's representative. He was past chairman of the Atlanta Section, ASME. He is survived by his widow who lives

at 4240 Wickersham Drive, N.W., and sons Dr. Paul H., Jr., Edward D., ME'55, and brothers Hiram T. and James G , E E '28. 'Q/| C. C. Whelchel, E E , was C I selected to the "Fellow of the American Nuclear Society" at the 13th annual meeting of the Society in San Diego. He was honored for his creative research leading to improved containment systems and his contributions to the development of commercial nuclear power. ' f^ (^ John Franklin Hassell died £ _ C_ at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital in Florence, Alabama. He owned Hassell Lumber Company and Hassell-Dowdy Sand and Gravel Company of Clifton, Tennessee, Savannah (Tennessee) Aero Corporation and Hassell Concrete Company in Florence. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Billie Brown Hassell, and three daughters. Frank Dixon Howden received the bachelor of divinity degree from the University of the South's School of Theology. Mr. Howden, his wife and three children, reside at St. John's Episcopal Church in Savannah, Georgia. ' O O Frank H. McCormick of C. L , Rome, Georgia died recently. Mr. McCormick was employed with the Georgia Power Company of Rome, Georgia. Brigadier General Robert Watkins, Comm., died July 14. General Watkins was president of Robert L. Watkins Associates, an Atlanta advertising firm. His widow resides at 126 East Parkwood Road, Decatur. ' 1^ " 7 We recently learned of the C / desdhotWilliamH.Carlisle,Jr. The Georgia Tech Alumnus

From Building 56 , we make industrial engineerin; theory work ...and if you've had too much of theory there's this plant

Choice is what we can offer the industrial engineer whether he joins us from college, from graduate school, from military service, or from a well reasoned decision that his present employment lacks promise for the long haul. Typical of the choice open to him at entry is the difference between the practice of industrial engineering at Building 56 and at the brand new Apparatus and Optical Division complex now staffing up. Both are in the Rochester area. Both come under a top management that has demonstrated financially the value of leading the field in applying the most advanced concepts of your profession. You'd find, however, that some of your colleagues at Building 56 go in a bit more for publishing and presenting papers than do the industrial engineers of our A&O Division. In Building 56 you hear more about behavioral and motivation studies as a guide to job design, about multiple regression technique, about mathematical model building. True, this talk doesn't stop many a Building 56 industrial engineer from swinging over to one of the intramural

client departments for a climb up to where the big ship is steered. And some choose not to swing. At A&O Division the house motto reads: "The industrial engineer's job is to recognize the need for a change, devise the change, sell it to the people, and then help the people obtain near-perfection in the change." The change is for cost reduction without jeopardy to quality or quantity. Pride is taken in "turning on a dime," and talk is of the task team of manufacturing engineer, design engineer, and industrial engineer who battle things out at the preproduction stage of the most complex color printer or the simplest family-type camera. Drop a note about your preference to Busi- ^ ness and Technical Personnel Department, EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY,

Rochester, N.Y. 14650. An equal-opportunity employer offering also a choice of locations: Rochester, N.Y., Kingsport, Tenn., Longview, Tex., and Columbia, S.C.









Llewellyn William Pitts, Arch., died June 23 at his home in Texas. His widow resides at 1080 Thomas Road, Beaumont, Texas. As an architect, Mr. Pitts was honored nationally and internationally. One of his major projects was the new Labor Department Building in Washington, D.C. H e was made an honorary member of the Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos and a former president of the Southeast Texas Chapter of the AIA. i n n H. W. Gregory, E E , has reCL fcj tired from American Airlines after serving them for 34 years as a pilot. His last flight was a 9 hour nonstop trip from Tokyo, Japan to Los Angeles, after having delivered some 73,000 pounds of war material to the Air Force Base at D a Nang, Vietnam. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory reside at 1 Thyme Place, Portuguese Bend, California. H. Gordon (Mac) Millican, an electrical contractor and owner of Millican Electrical Company, died June 16. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Frances Millican; a daughter, Mrs. Eric Hodgkinson of Colchester, England; and one grandson. 1t~\ Q We recently learned of the C-\3 death of A. W. Carlson, Jr., CE. His widow resides at Route 4, Box 269, St. Simons Island, Georgia.






' O f " | Edgar R. Blount, T E , has O U been appointed research manager of Wet Spinning for The Beaunit Fibers division of The Beaunit Corporation at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He presently resides at 4901 Yadkin Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27609. » 0 / | Edwin E. Camp, T E , has j j I been promoted to assistant manager of West Point Pepperell's Opelika Mill in Opelika, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Camp and their three children reside at 1409 Piedmont Avenue, Opelika, Alabama. We recently learned of the death of B. F. Smallwood of Swainsboro, Georgia.

ed president of the Palos Verdes Rotary Club, Mr. Nordin's address is P. O. Box 852, Palos Verdes Estates, California 90274. ' Q O Albert Neil Bray, ME, died O D June 16. His widow resides at 4325 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa. Harvey L. Fell, Jr., ChE, has been named engineering manager for Southern Bell Telephone Company's Eastern States areas with headquarters in Atlanta. Edwin A. Peeples has been named to jointly head the public relations department of Gray & Rogers, Inc. He and his wife and three children reside at Vixen Hill, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. » O —j Joseph F. Oliver, T E , has O / been appointed assistant professor of Physics at The College of Artesia. » O Q Richard D. Clark died reJ U cently. Mr. Clark was employed with Georgia Power Company of Rome, Georgia. James E. Corr, ChE, has been plant manager at American Viscose Division, FMC Corporation, at Lewiston, Pennsylvania.

'39 appointed

' yi /-~i Joseph A. Lacerenza, CE, has ^ T U been appointed New York district manager for the Utility Division of Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut. » yj /I William P. McGuire, Jr., ^ T I ME, has been appointed director of personnel at Tennessee Eastman Company. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire and their five children reside at 4509 Brightwood Lane, Kingsport, Tennessee.

' O O Cecil E. Johnson, ChE, has O l— been appointed a director in Monsanto Company's Central Personnel Department in St. Louis.

» y i O , Eugene L. Pirog, IM, died £~T^L after returning home from a business trip July 7. Mr. Pirog was a Safeway executive and officer in the Naval Reserve. He is survived by his widow, Lois von Morpurgo Pirog and three daughters. They reside at 7044 Saroni Drive, Oakland, California. E. J. Price, CE, has been named manager of water works and industrial sales, Eastern Division, Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company, Pittsburgh.

' O O Clifford D. H. Bierman has O O been elected administrative vice president of the American Association of Cost Engineers. We recently learned of the death of Neel Hammond. Mr. Hammond was employed with the Georgia Power Company of Rome, Georgia. John G. Nordin, E E , has been elect-

' y\ O Thompson Gait Anderson, H O IM, died July 1. His widow resides at 2872 Elliott Circle, N.E., Atlanta. Forester Booker, CE, has become Assistant State Highway Bridge Engineer (Administrative). Captain Thomas Richard McMurry, AE, is the assistant chief of Staff The Georgia Tech Alumnus

Shell is a pair of sneakers—made from our thermoplastic rubber. Shell is a milk container—we were a pioneer in the all-plastic ones. Shell is a steel island—we are installing deepwater platforms for drilling and producing offshore oil and gas. Shell is a clear, clean country stream —aided by our non-polluting detergent materials. Shell is a space capsule control—energized by Shell's hydrazine catalyst. Shell is food on the table—made more plentiful by Shell's fertilizers. Shell is mileage gasoline—developed through Shell research. Shell is a good place to build a career

Shell is an integrated research, engineerbusiness, Shell offers an unusual spectrum ing, exploration and production, manufacof career opportunities. W h y not find out turing, transportation, marketing organizamore about them by sending a resume to tion with diverse technical operations and Manager, Recruitment Division, The Shell business activities throughout the United Companies, Department E, 50 West 50th States. To talented graduates in the y " f T j ) - Y Street, New York, New York 10020. An scientific disciplines, engineering a n d A ^ ' A E q u a l Opportunity Employer. THE SHELL C O M P A N I E S N ^ \ \ | / / ^ / Shell Oil Company/Shell Chemical Cnmpnny W_X I Shell Development Company/Shell Pipe Line Corporation.

Kennan E. Hollingsworth, '27, sales utilization engineer, retired from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company with headquarters in Bellevue, Washington, in July after almost 38 years of service. He came to work in 1929 as a contract clerk. J. E. Carter, '37, has been elevated to second chief officer of the Huntington Alloy Products Division of International Nickel Company. He is now executive vice president. His association with the Division dates from 1937 when he came to the firm. Marvin G. Mitchell, '39, has been elected as senior vice president for commercial activities throughout the world for Chicago Bridge and Iron. He assumes his new duties after six years as vice presidentsales. He has been a director since 1964. Ralph W. Pries, '40, was elected International President of Variety Clubs International, an organization devoted to helping handicapped children. Pries will visit Variety Clubs in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and many other countries. William R. Sanderson, ' 4 1 , will be responsible for development engineering and also be in charge of the model shop in his new position as manager of development engineering for Graflex Corporation, a subsidiary of General Precision Equipment Corp. A. J. Hackl, '46, president of Worthington Air Conditioning Company, has been elected a vice president, group executive of Worthington Corporation, responsible for all Worthington activities in the field of air conditioning, heating and refrigeration. Malcolm Patterson, '48, is the new manager of facilities planning for distribution for Union Carbide's Chemicals and Plastics Division. Prtbr to his promotion he was with the Engineering Department a t i h e Technical Center in South Charleston, W. Va. Alex S. Anderson, III, '49, has been elected treasurer by the board of directors of the Muter Company of Chicago, III. Prior to his election he was controller of the company, a responsibility he retains. He served as treasurer of Ero Manufacturing previously.


for Administration of Naval Air Reserve Staff 82 at the Naval Air Station, New Orleans, Louisiana. We recently learned of the death of Fred P. Miller, ME. » yi y\ Captain Horace Riley, Jr. is ^~X^~X the new commanding officer of the USS Mars (AFS1). The Mars is a remarkable new computerequipped fleet supply ship. » yi p - James H. Robinson, EE, has ^ T C J been named coordinator of Inventory Systems for International Paper Company's Southern Kraft Division. » J\ r^ Duncan U. Nesbitt, TE, has ' T D been promoted to assistant manager of West Point Pepperell's Carter Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt and their three children reside at 416 Hare Avenue, Auburn, Alabama. ' y/1 "-7 Lieutenant Commander William R. Bell, USN, of the Naval Air Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, recently received the "Letter of Merit Certificate." The Certificate stated that Lieutenant Commander Bell "has made outstanding contributions to enhancing the readiness of Naval Reserve Anti-Submarine Warfare Forces assigned to augment the Atlantic Fleet." R. L. Chapman, Jr., CE, has assumed the duties of State Highway Bridge Engineer. T. C. Graham, ChE, has been named manager, transportation and supplies for Shell Oil Company at Houston, Texas. Major Delphin D. Herbert, Jr., ME, has completed the final two-week phase of the Army Reserve School Associate Command and General Staff Course at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Married: N. Richard Miller, IE, to Miss Nancy Lee Rosenthal of Shelby, North Carolina. Mr. Miller is a vice president of RCA and lives in Philadelphia. W. S. Tutwiler, Jr., CE, has been appointed State Traffic Facilities Administrator in Charlotte, North Carolina. q Q Claiborne P. East, CE, has T C J been appointed district engineer at U. S. Steel's Los Angeles plant of American Bridge Division. Gregory S. Moshkoff, EE, was graduated from the eleven-week defense weapon systems management course at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Married: James Andrew Panagos, IM, to Miss Margaret Rossman Rogers. They will reside at 11917 West Diane Drive, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226.

' J\ Q Lieutenant Colonel Charles 4 u F. Greer, EE, was graduated from the Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. William H. Woodward, IM, has become a partner in a new real estate firm, Woodward-Thompson Company, specializing in sales to investors and developers of industrial, apartment and residential land. The firm's offices will be at 1705 Commerce Drive, N.W. He is a life member of the Atlanta Real Estate Board's Million Dollar Club, qualifying as a million-dollar producer for the last three consecutive years. John Hunt Cunningham, Arch., is now president of '50 Cunningham and Forehand, Architects, Inc. Henry McCamish, Jr., IM, was one of twelve Atlantans attending the life insurance industry's top convention, the Million Dollar Round Table's annual meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland. Mr. McCamish represents Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. Virgil E. New, EE, has been appointed assistant vice president of personnel at Southern Bell Headquarters in Atlanta. Thomas Glenn North, Jr., EE, has received his master's degree from Rutgers. He resides at 30 Meadow Lane, Flemington, New Jersey. James D. Willis, EE, has been named director of engineering for Royal Crown Cola Company. /I

Gordon E. Dasher, ME, has been transferred to the Spartanburg, South Carolina, Container Plant of Union Camp Corporation as manufacturing manager. His address is 121 Dolphin Drive, Spartanburg, South Carolina. James P. Fulford has been promoted to manager, foot service market, for Reynolds Metals Company's consumer sales division. Robert J. Petrina. EE, has been promoted to a general engineer with velopment at Aladdin Electronics Division of Aladdin Industries, Nashville, Tennessee. Robert E. L. Ray, CE, has been promoted to a general engineer, with the Department of Defense, Value Engineering Services Office, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia. His new address is Box 9175, Alexandria, Virginia 22304. R. O. Usry, EE, has been promoted to power pool manager with the Southern Services, Inc., in Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Usry and their daughter reside at 625 Shadywood Drive. Birmingham. ' p ~ C~\ William E. Dean, AE, has KD C been appointed a deputy assistant program manager on the Saturn Second (S-II) stage program at The Georgia Tech Alumnus

North American Aviation's Space Division in Downey, California. John T. Kratzer, CE, will be Assistant State Highway Bridge Engineer (Design). Ernest Scheller, Jr., IM, has been elected to the Young Presidents' Organization, an educational association for successful chief executives who have become presidents of sizable companies before the age of 40. ' p ~ O Major Joseph H. Barker, BS, « J v J has completed the final twoweek phase of the Army Reserve School Associate Command and General Staff Course at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. He and his wife, Joan, reside at 3200 Rehoboth Drive, Decatur, Georgia. Don Cole, TE, has been named vice president in charge of marketing, research and development at Universal Carpets, Inc., Ellijay, Georgia. Cedric G. Roberts, Jr., Text., has been appointed tire and automotive coordinating manager of Monsanto Company's Textiles Division. Gerald B. White, AE, has been appointed to another year of membership on the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Technical Committee on Aerodynamic Deceleration Systems. » p ~ /I George W. Finison, EE, was O ^ " graduated from the U. S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. ' p r EZ Joe Aycock, ME, has reC J l_J turned to Atlanta from Carrollton as planning and construction manager with the Building Planning Department of Coca-Cola. Married: Wilson T. Dreger, HI, to Miss Geraldine McDaris. Mr. Dreger is employed by Dreger Realty Company of Atlanta. We recently learned of the death of Captain Charles H. Frazier, IM. Leland H. Gregory, Jr. has received his master's degree from the University of Colorado. John S. Newman, IM, has been promoted to vice president by the Board of Directors of Citizens and Southern National Bank. USAF Captain George W. Poole, CE, is flying combat missions over Vietnam in an aircraft that is taking heavy toll of Viet Cong guerrillas— the AC-47 Dragon Ship. Lewis A. Safar, ME, is presently working with the Boeing Company at Cape Canaveral. Florida, where he is a design specialist. He now resides at 1435 Central Avenue, Merritt Island, Florida 32952. Jose A. Suarez, IM, has received his master's degree in business administration from Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. Mr. Suarez is employed as an assistant group engineer in the September-October 1967

n """^IHWiySlI

A T L A N T A - A NEW SETTING FOR THE FAMOUS GOLDEN FLEECE On Tuesday, Sept. 12, Brooks Brothers will open a handsome store on the second floor of the RhodesHaverty Building at 134 Peachtree Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. In a setting that will be familiar to those who have visited us in other Brooks Brothers stores throughout the country.. .we will have the pleasure of welcoming old friends in the Atlanta area... as well as serving the many new friends whom we anticipate meeting. We will feature, of course, our exclusive clothing and furnishings—both our famous Own Make and "346"... as well as representative stocks from our University and Boys' Departments. Throughout, we will offer the merchandise and service that has earned the Brooks reputation through 149 years. We believe the men of Atlanta will like the individuality and distinctiveness of Brooks Brothers... while we, for our part, are proud to become active members of this fine community.


in^A l^ens % Boys' fumis lungs, Pats 3r if hoes 134 P E A C H T R E E STREET, N.W., A T L A N T A , G E O R G I A 30303 NEW YORK • BOSTON • PITTSBURGH • CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO • LOS ANGELES

C E S IN T H E N E W S Robert W. Fuller, '49, has been named Greensboro, N.C., district manager by Square D Company. He will supervise the sales operation of the company throughout North Carolina. He joined the firm in 1949 and has held various sales supervisory positions. Jack Phillips, '49, is serving in the newlycreated position of Field Sales Manager for the Kearney Company, Division of Kearney-National, Inc. With headquarters in St. Louis, Phillips will be responsible for formulating and executing sales policy and directing field sales. Hal B. Tucker, '49, who has been serving Duke Power Company as superintendent of its Riverbend Steam Station in Gaston County since 1962, has been promoted to the company's Charlotte office.

Lee R. McClure, '50, recently elected president of the South Carolina Development Association, is the youngest man to be named "Engineer of the Year" by the South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers. He is an executive in Columbia. Webb M. Alspaugh, ' 5 1 , has been named assistant regional manager for administration for Sinclair Refining Company in Chicago. A native of Dublin, Ga., he joined the accounting department of Sinclair in Atlanta in 1950.

James A. Cain, '52, an industrial engineering graduate, has been named branch sales manager of the Square D company in Orlando, Fla., where he will supervise the sales activities of the firm in central Florida. He joined Square D in 1957. Robert E. Pickett, '52, is the new Export Sales Coordinator for the Buckeye Cellulose Corporation. In his new job he w'\\Fbe responsible for all the exports from both the Memphis, Tennessee, and Perry, Florida, cellulose operations. F. C. Whitefield, '52, has been appointed technical service manager for Geon and Hycar Latex at B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company's Cleveland, Ohio, headquarters. He joined the, organization in Akron, Ohio, in 1952 as a textile \ engineer.


A L U M N I - CONTINUE! Manufacturing Engineering Department at Martin Marietta Corporation's Orlando, Florida, Division. William Wong, Jr., Arch., of Hong Kong, visited Atlanta in June. ' C C Robert B. Clayton, IM, has *—' *—J been promoted to major in the U. S. Air Force. Major Sam R. Winborn, Jr., IM, has been decorated with the U.S. Air Force Combat Readiness Medal at Bien Hoa AB, Vietnam. He has also been decorated with the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. Major Winborn was wounded during mortar attacks on Bien Hoa AB, Vietnam. ' UZ ~~7 Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Carol •"J ' Freedenthal, ChE, a daughter, Stacey Lynn, June 20. Mr. Freedenthal is employed as a project supervisor with Kennecott Copper Corporation at Waterbury, Connecticut. The family resides at 128 Laurell Terrace, Cheshire, Connecticut. Eugene D. Scott, Text., has been promoted to construction products manager for the Southeastern Region of the L. B. Foster Company headquartered in Atlanta. E. Walter Wilson, IE, received his master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Georgia. He is employed as a special industrial engineering agent with the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Georgia. He and his wife, Shirley, reside at 289 Janice Drive, Athens. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Don'58 ald Wayne Bledsoe, IM, a son, Darren Lee, July 13. Major Joseph E. Brown, Chem., has returned from one year's tour of duty with the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam. Among his awards are a Department of Army Commendation Medal, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star, and a US Bronze Star. His new address is Department of Mathematics, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York 10996. Thomas E. Hadden, EE, has received his master's degree from UCLA. Mr. Hadden is now employed as an engineering analyst on the Staff of the Director of Engineering for Litton Guidance and Control Division, Woodland Hills, California. Mr. and Mrs. Hadden are presently residing at 18397 Citronia Street, Northridge, California 91324. Rich Havenstein, IE, was one of twelve Atlantans attending the life insurance industry's top convention, the Million Dollar Round Table's annual meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland. Mr. Havenstein represents National Life

Insurance Company. Homer B. Lovuorn, IM, has been promoted to assistant vice president at North Carolina National Bank in Charlotte. Thomas J. Rabern, IM, has been appointed a special agent with the Peninsular Insurance Company, Atlanta District Office. Mr. Rabern resides at 2821-H Clairmont Road, N.E., Atlanta 30329. Clyde L. Roberts, Jr., IE, has joined Florida Steel Corporation as corporate industrial engineer. Mr. Roberts and his family will make their home in Tampa. Army Lieutenant Colonel Story C. Stevens, AE, has received his eighth award of the Air Medal. Colonel Stevens has also received the Bronze Star Medal. ' C Q Charles W. Almand, BC, has *—' « been promoted to assistant director of Technical Services, US Gypsym Company in Washington, D.C. Mr. Almand now resides at 3900 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203. Lawrence R. Crawford, IE, is now stationed with Training Squadron Two of the Naval Air Basic Training Command at Whiting Field in Milton, Florida. Mr. Crawford has recently been promoted to lieutenant commander in charge of the squadron's computerized functions. David Kenneth McLain, Phys., has received his master's degree from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Mathematics. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith, ME, a daughter, Meryl Andrea, June 11. The Smith family resides at 1467 Warwick, Thousand Oaks, California. ' C n Robert L. Alston, CE, has beL J L J come assistant State Highway Location engineer. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bliss, IE, a daughter, Stefanie Colleen, May 4. George O. Brown, Jr. has been promoted to systems service specialist for Division 2 of The Foxboro Company. Mr. Brown and his family reside at 6301 Ferry Drive, N.E., Atlanta. Army Lieutenant Colonel Florian O. Cornay, EE, has completed five months of study at the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia. Captain Gary F. Dolin, Chem., has completed an armor officer career course at the Army Armor School, Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Henry Lawrence Eskew, Jr., IM, has received his Master of Arts degree from American University. Donald E. Hide, IM, is now associated with Summer-Minter and Associates real estate company at 2964 Peachtree Road, Atlanta. The Georgia Tech Alumnus

We also gave him a raise Policyholders get special treatment from Connecticut Mutual —and good dividends too! This year, we again raised their dividends thus reducing the cost of their life insurance. It's the twelfth dividend increase in the last 20 years. Another reason why this 121-year-old firm is called the cBlue Chip' company.


YOUR FELLOW ALUMNI NOW WITH C.M.L. Charles E. Allen, '56 Atlanta Frank R. Anderson, '29 Miami Mac H. Burroughs, '39 Miami John W. Cronin, Jr., CLU, '49 . . . Philadelphia Stanley K. Gumble, '56 Atlanta John R. Howard, Jr., '59 Atlanta Elmer W. Livingston, '51 . . . . Jacksonville Norris Maffett, CLU Home Office James T. Mills, '49 Atlanta William C. Walden, '36 . . . . Swainsboro, Ga. John A. Wooten, '30 Bradenton, Fla.

r A L / t b

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Dr. David A. Gordon, '53, has been appointed Director of Applications Research in the Research Division of Geigy Chemical Corporation. He will be responsible for directing all applications research and technical development of chemical products and polymers. Jack E. Woodall, '53, will supervise the sales activities of the Square D Company in central North Carolina as the newly appointed branch sales manager. He joined Square D in 1954 as a field sales representative in Tampa, Florida. H. L. Tannehill, '54, is one of three members of Kurt Salmon Associates who was recently promoted. He has been appointed a field supervisor. His duties with KSA have been divided among textiles, tufting and apparel engineering since 1959. J. C. Leathers, '55, has been named superintendent of the Riverbend. Steam Station of the Duke Power Company. A native of Decatur, he joined the company in 1957 and served in three Duke steam generating stations prior to his recent promotion. Cecil R. Phillips, '55, co-author of the textbook, "Project Management with CPM and Pert," has joined Kurt Salmon Associates, Inc., as Senior Consultant in KSA's Textile Division. He will specialize in management systems projects for the firm. Winston Evans, '60, who joined Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation as a sales representative in Atlanta in 1963 has been promoted to Sales Supervisor of the Phoenix unit, Supply and Contracting Division. He was recently named to the Fiberglas Sales Builders Club. Gerald G. Naddra, ' 6 1 , has been appointed to the post of district manager of Allegheny Strapping Division, Cyclops Corporation. Naddra will call on Allegheny distributors and users of strapping in the state of Georgia. Charles E. Whaley, ' 6 1 , an IM, was recently elected Commercial Officer of the Trust Company of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia. He is the Factoring Department New Business Representative and Client | Contact Officer for part of the Southeast.


A L U M N I - CONTINUED Jose Carlos Irastorza, EE, has graduated from Lehigh University with a degree in IE. Robert E. Johnson, IM, has recentlyaccepted a position as manager, production planning and inventory control with Travenol Laboratories at Kingstree, South Carolina. His new address is Emily Drive, Lake City, South Carolina. Married: Bernard Schwartzman to Miss Bonnie Jean Barrett, of Daytona Beach, Florida. Mr. Schwartzman is presently stationed at Milton, Florida, with the US Navy as a flight instructor assigned to VT-3. A. A. (Sandy) Simon, Jr., BC, has been promoted to vice president of Scott Hudgens Realty and Mortgage, Inc., Atlanta.


Born to: Mr. and Mrs. E. Maxey Abernathy, ChE, a daughter, Jean Ann, April 30. Mr. Abernathy has completed his internship at John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas, and will enter active duty with the Medical Corps, US Army. He will be stationed in Germany. Army Captain Arnold D. Amoroso, IM, received the Air Medal in Vietnam. Captain Amoroso earned the award for combat aerial support of ground operations. Reverend Marcus A. Booker, ME, has become pastor at Mt. Carmel Methodist Church in Norcross, Georgia. His address is R F D Box 98-B, Norcross 30071. Army Captain John D. Craig, IE, has assumed command of Headquarters Company of the 69th Engineer Battalion near Vung Tau, Vietnam. US Air Force Captain Charles E. Franklin, ME, has received his master's degree in mechanical engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Alan S. Koralek, Phys., has recently joined the DuPont Company's Plastics Department's Research and Development Division at the Experimental Station near Wilmington. Dr. Koralek resides at 912 Peachtree Road, Claymont, Delaware. T. Earle Saye, IM, has been named manager of the Orlando branch sales office of Honeywell's electronic data processing division. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warlick, TE, a daughter, Margaret Lynn, March 28. Mr. Warlick is a southern sales representative for Carolina Maiden Corporation, sales subsidiary of Carolina Mills, Inc. They reside at 115 Third Street, N.E., Conover, North Carolina. Married: Wingfield '62 Davis, Jr., IM, to

Austin Miss

Helen Louise Worley. Mr. Davis' father Wingfield Austin Davis was graduated from Tech in Comm. '34. The newlyweds reside in Atlanta. Richard T. Drummond, IM, has returned from a two-week training mission in Europe. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. L. Holmes Harrison, Jr., IM, a daughter, Laurie Ann, May 30. Mr. Harrison is staff assistant to the general manager at Flint Electric Membership Corporation, Reynolds, Georgia. Dr. J. J. McAlpin, ChE, has been awarded the Monie A. Ferst Memorial Prize by the Georgia Tech Chapter of Sigma Xi. This honor was in recognition of the outstanding research he did on his PhD thesis. Engaged: James Fleming Morris, IM, to Miss Lallie Gray Rogers. Mr. Morris is employed by the IBM Corporation in Atlanta. The wedding will be September 16. Charles R. Snow, IM, is now an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and has completed all requirements but the dissertations for his doctorate in business from Indiana. ' O O Married: Ralph Hyman D J Cooper, Jr., ChE, to Miss Elizabeth Ann Hutto. Mr. Cooper is employed as a project engineer by the Coca-Cola Company. Engaged: John Robert Dillon, III, EE, to Miss Joyce P. Francis. Mr. Dillon is attending Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Evelio E. Gil, ME, has been appointed as sales promotion specialist of Otis Elevator Company's Associated Company in Spain. First Lieutenant James S. Hawkins, Psy., is on duty at Pleiku AB, Vietnam. Jonatham O. Huffs, Text., has just returned from three years active duty with the Army and is now attending graduate school at Georgia Tech. Mr. and Mrs. Huff and daughter are now residing at 220 Forest Avenue, Marietta 30060. Robert A. Matthews, IE, has joined the Industrial Engineering Department of the Armstrong Cork Company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. William H. McDaniel, Jr., EE, has been promoted to lead engineer with Radiation, Inc., of Melbourne, Florida. Captain John R. Sellmer, IM, has been certified as a C-141 Starlifter aircraft commander at Charleston AFB, South Carolina. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Wharton, E E , a daughter, Colleen Gray, June 6. Mr. Wharton is currently working towards his P h D in Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Married: William Whitlow, EE, to Miss Wilma Ball. The wedding was held in Metairie, Louisiana. The Georgia Tech Alumnus

Report from


Inside Solidifying Metals MICROSCOPE

SOLID-LIQUID INTERFACE E x p e r i m e n t a l s e t u p i n w h i c h p h o t o g r a p h s such a s t h a t below w e r e t a k e n . T h e glass s l i d e or c e l l — c o n t a i n i n g a liquid w h i c h f r e e z e s like a m e t a l — i s p l a c e d b e t w e e n hot a n d cold blocks of b r a s s . T h i s p r o d u c e s a t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e along t h e s l i d e . A solid-liquid i n t e r f a c e t h e n f o r m s b e t w e e n t h e two blocks. By moving t h e slide toward t h e cold block a t a c o n s t a n t r a t e , o n e c a n o b s e r v e t h e steady g r o w t h of t h e crystal u n d e r t h e m i c r o s c o p e .

Bell Laboratories' m o d e l ( 2 0 0 x ) p e r m i t s physical s i m u l a t i o n of a e u t e c t i c p h a s e d i a g r a m for an alloy such a s l e a d - t i n . D i a g r a m r e l a t e s l i q u i d p r o p o r t i o n s ( h o r i z o n t a l s c a l e ) to t e m p e r a t u r e ( v e r t i c a l ) . T w o d i f f e r e n t l i q u i d s w e r e p u t into a single s l i d e . . . h e x a c h l o r o e t h a n e o n t h e l e f t a n d c a r b o n t e t r a b r o m i d e on t h e right. A f t e r a brief p e r i o d , t h e l i q u i d s f o r m e d a g r a d e d m i x t u r e , f r o m 1 0 0 % of one a t t h e left to 1 0 0 % of t h e o t h e r a t t h e right. T h e m i x t u r e w a s partially f r o z e n , t h e n p h o t o g r a p h e d w i t h t h e slide stationary. T h e s o l i d - l i q u i d i n t e r f a c e ( a r r o w s ) then showed t h e f r e e z i n g point for every possible c o m p o s i t i o n . T h e " g r i d " u n d e r t h e solid-liquid i n t e r f a c e is m a d e u p of a l t e r n a t e solid layers of t h e two chemicals (the eutectic region).

At Bell Telephone Laboratories, metallurgist Kenneth A. Jackson has devised transparent models of solidifying molten metals. With these models, we can now study what happens inside a metal as it freezes. This gives us a tool which promises to improve existing alloys and will perhaps help us find new and better ones. The models are hollow microscope slides (diagram) containing such organic liquids as camphor or carbon tetrabromide. These compounds are among the few transparent substances whose molecules freeze without having to rotate into a specific orientation. Metal atoms act the same way, hence the similarity in freezing behavior. Various modes of metal-crystal growth—planar, dendritic (tree-like branching) and cellular—have been studied in detail with this technique. Also, the solidification of alloys has been simulated (photo). To do this, liquids with freezing characteristics corresponding to those of two metals are mixed and cooled. With this procedure, Jackson and J. D. Hunt (now at the University of Oxford) observed, for the fjrst time, the process by which the "equiaxed" zone forms in alloy castings. This is a zone of relatively small crystals, usually found in the center of an alloy casting. The new technique shows that the equiaxed zone results from "branches" melted from dendritic crystals. As the alloy cools, freezing begins at the outer surface, producing dendrites which project inward toward the hotter, liquid center. Branches, melted from these growing dendrites, are carried to the center of the casting to form the crystals of the equiaxed zone. Until now, the only methods for studying metal freezing were laborious . . . cutting, polishing and etching, for instance. The new technique is not only simpler but also reveals hitherto unknown details of crystal growth.

h i p i ) Bell Telephone Laboratories V v /

Research and Development Unit of the Bell System

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ALUMNI—CONTINUED ' r ^ si John R. Babb, ME, is emD ^ T ployed with Texas Instruments, Inc., in Dallas Texas. Mr. Babb resides at 841 Spring Lane, Piano, Texas 75074. Married: David Coleman Blackwood, ME, to Miss Elizabeth Ann Vormick. Mr. Blackwood is working on his MBA degree at Rutgers University and is employed as a quality control engineer by Celanese Corporation in Newark, New Jersey. First Lieutenant Joel H. Doobrow, EE, recently was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for outstanding service while in the US Army in Vietnam. John E. Hayes, Jr., IM, was selected as Regimental Commander, US Naval Officer Candidate School, Newport, Rhode Island. After graduation, Mr. Hayes will be assigned to the Naval War College as aid to foreign naval officers. Married: Frank Little Holland, Jr., IE, to Miss Catherine Susan McLeod. Mr. Holland is a project engineer with the Coca-Cola Company. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holt, Biol., a daughter, Sara Elizabeth, May 21. Mr. Holt is a fourth year medical student at West Virginia University School of Medicine. The family resides at 411 Newton Avenue, Apartment 202, Morgantown, West Vriginia 26505. Captain Richard T. Iannacone, IE, has received a regular commission in the US Air Force at Stewart AFB, New York. Hagen Michael Kleinert has received his PhD from the University of Colorado. Whitefteld W. Mayes, CE, has been promoted to captain at Ft. Eustis, Virginia. Ensign Mallory L. Smith, IE, is stationed with the US Navy in Norfolk, Virginia, aboard the destroyer USS Cony. Presently the destroyer is on a seven month deployment to the Western Pacific. His address is: USS Cony (DD-508), c/o Fleet Post Office, New York, New York 09501. ' O C T M a r r i e d : William Harold D O Avery, ChE, to Miss Carolyn Lea Humprey. Joseph E. Baker, ChE, has completed his studies at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Graduate School and is now working as a production engineer for Union Carbide Corporation in Taft, Louisiana. He resides at 3030 Edenborn Avenue, Apartment 110, Metairie, Louisiana 70002. Married: Arthur Hamilton Clephane to Miss Cheyl Milwin Waring. Mr. Clephane is employed by Owens Corning Fiberglass in Atlanta and attends graduate school at Georgia State

College. Married: Lee Rawls Cullom, IM, to Miss Joann Macon Smith. Mr. Cullom is attending graduate school at Georgia State College. Married: Ensign John Hue Devin, B 0 , to Miss Constance Ann Enzbrenner. Ensign Devin is stationed with the US Navy at the Pensacola, Florida, NAS. Dennis Christopher Goettsche, IM, has received his Master of Business Administration degree from American University. Married: First Lieutenant Robert Edward Hardin, Jr., IM, to Miss Ellen Kaye Wingo. Lt. Hardin is stationed with the US Air Force in Denver, Colorado. Jonathan D. Hawkins, IM, systems engineer for IBM, has recently been transferred from Chattanooga back to Atlanta. He and his wife reside at 6433 Stewart Lake Court, Apartment 32, Lithonia. Stephen D. Hester, E E , has received his master's degree from Lehigh University. Frank R. Leibrock, SANE, has been promoted to captain during ceremonies at Vietnam. Married: Lieutenant Ralph E. McMorris, EE, to Lyndall Lee Booth. Lt. McMorris will enter the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration in September. He is now stationed with the US Army 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Joseph A. Mendrzycki, IE, has been named an associate resident engineer in the core structurals procurement section at The Babcock and Wilcox Company in Barberton, Ohio. He and his family reside at 1806 South Florissant Road, Florissant, Missouri. Married: Michael Trower Morton, EE, to Miss Gail Humprey. Mr. Morton now attends graduate school in business administration at Georgia Tech and is employed by the First National Bank of Atlanta. They will reside at 1484 Willow Lake Drive, N.E., Apartment A, Atlanta. Second Lieutenant Douglas M. Nix has been awarded US Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Craig AFB, Alabama. Second Lieutenant Grover C. Paulsen, III, IM, was graduated at Tyndall AFB, Florida, from the training course for US Air Force weapons controllers. First Lieutenant Ray Pope, Jr., CE, has entered US Air Force pilot training at Laredo AFB, Texas. Married: Lieutenant James Lenoadus Respess, III, IM, to Miss Jeannette Louise Nabell. Mr. Respess is stationed with the US Navy Supply Corps at the Pensacola, Florida, NAS. First Lieutenant James B. Stanley, Jr., CE, is on duty at Cam Ranh Bar AB, Vietnam. Married: James Boyce Thomas, The Georgia Tech Alumnus

Success never eluded Charlie Spear but his most lasting satisfaction has come from his association with New England Life. Charlie was president of his class at Northeastern University, played on the hockey team and was an outstanding student of mechanical engineering. As a sales engineer, first with AllisChalmers and then with Mobil, he had become a sales supervisor of a seven-state territory when he resigned to join New England Life. "Although I had been on the escalators of promotion, it took this business and its professiona I

sales approach for me to find Working 200 miles from his real career satisfaction," is the general agency in Milwaukee, way Charlie sums it up. Charlie Spear is especially apWhen he made his move he was preciative of the cooperation he 38 with a wife and 5 small chilhas gotten from his Company dren, and was living far from his and his general agent in giving home city of Boston. He continues him the preparation and backing to live and thrive in Wausau, to offer the kind of service b d u , Wis vvi: consin,and gives testito businessmen mony to the fact that a C W that could meet his man can make his own f ^ 1 r v f - Âť / 4 high standards. way in this business and on his own terms.



New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Home Office: 501 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 02117

Charles G. Spear, C.L.U. (right) talks with client David Graebel (left) who operates a major Midwest moving firm.

The following GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Alumni are New England Life Agents: G. Nolan Bearden Carl S. Ingle, CLU

'29, Los Angeles '33, Jacksonville

Joe A. Sowell, Jr William L. Simmons, Jr

'47, Montgomery '49, Atlanta

Chem., to Miss Melissa Drane Sanders. Mr. Thomas attends the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Major Robert I. Thompson, Jr., IE, is chief of Management Engineering at Tachikana AB, Japan. He is also teaching Business Management courses in night school at the University of Maryland, Far East Division. ' C O Wendell R. Becton, Jr., IE, D D has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the US Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Martin P. Brown, Jr., EE, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the US Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Thomas R. Burnett, Text., has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps and is now stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia. Larry E. Carlton, EE, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the US Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at.Lackland AFB, Texas. Stephen DeLos Hester, EE, was graduated from Lehigh University with a degree in IE. John F. Locke, EE, has been commissioned an Army lieutenant after completion of the Ordnance Officer Candidate School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Nevin J. Miller, Jr., B.S., has completed a radio teletype operation course at the Army Southeastern Signal School, Ft. Gordon, Georgia. Dewey L. Moss, IM, has been promoted to Army specialist fourth class at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where he is serving with the 4th Training Brigade. Delbert N. Murray, Jr. has completed a radio course at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. John D. Norgard, EE, has received his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology. Phillip N. Richardson, EE, has received his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech. He has gone to work with General Dynamics Company in Fort Worth, Texas, as an aerosystems engifieer. Mr. Richardson resides at 2528 Ridgemar Boulevard, Apartment 19, Fort Worth, Texas 76116. Robert T. Saterbak, ME, has joined the Technical Division of Humble Oil and Refining Company's Baytown Refinery. He is an engineer in one of the project engineering sections of the Design Engineering Department. Second Lieutenant Theodore T. Smith, Jr., Arch., has completed ' an ordnance course at the Army 38

Ordnance School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Lieutenant Donald P. Spann, IE, was a distinguished graduate of Officer Training School, USAF. He is now assigned to the 19th Civil Engineering Squadron, SAC, Homestead AFB, Florida. David M. Turpin, ChE, has received his master's degree from Georgia Tech and is working for Union Carbide Corporation, P. O. Box 471, Texas City, Texas, as plant design engineer. Married: Earl Wayne Walworth, EE, to Miss Wilda Ruth Murphy, March 27. They reside at 9683 Muirkirk Road, Apartment D-75, Laurel, Maryland, 20810. Married: Armin Franz Witte, HI, ChE, to Miss Cheryl Cooper Simpson. CI ~ 7 Jonathan R. Abrams, IE, has ÂŤ-J / been commissioned a second lieutenant in the US Air Force upon graduation from Officers Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Engaged: Lester McTier Anderson, IM, to Miss Patricia Lynn Middlewood. Ronald B. Bush, Chem., has been awarded a National Defense Education Fellowship for a three-year period. Engaged: Richard C. Ernst, AE, to Miss Mahala Jean Potter. Mr. Ernst is planning to attend graduate school here at Georgia Tech in the fall. The wedding will be September 16. Married: Thomas Fiebelkorn, IE, to Miss Cathy Diane Mitchell. Samuel H. Fulford, ID, has joined Mobil Oil Corporation at Dallas as a sales engineer trainee. Michael Granata, ME, has joined Shell Oil Company's Delta Production Division in New Orleans, Lou-

isiana. Eugene Kelley, Jr., IE, has joined Mobil Oil Corporation at Dallas as a sales engineer trainee. Army Private James L. Martin, Jr., IM, has completed eight weeks of advanced infantry training at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. Terry J. Richardson, ChE, has joined the Babcock and Wilcox Company and is in the initial phase of a company-wide orientation program. Private John Q. Sineath, III, BC, has completed eight weeks of military policy training at the Army Training Center, Ft. Gordon, Georgia. Married: Sterling Eugene Skinner, EE, to Miss Helen Lynn Collins. Married: Robert James Smith, Jr., IM, to Miss Patricia Ann Allen. Mr. Smith is in officer training at Ft. Dix, New Jersey. Married: William Merrill Sorenson to Miss Violet Wendy Salter. Mr. Sorenson is employed with Beloit Corporation as a product line specialist. They will reside at Northgate Apartments, Cranston Road, Beloit, Wisconsin. Eugene B. Van Etten, ME, has joined the Babcock and Wilcox Company and is in the initial phase of a company-wide orientation program. Richard H. Volavka, ChE, has joined the Babcock and Wilcox Company and is in the initial phase of a company-wide orientation program. Married: Carl William Whitley, IE, to Miss Linda Gayle Burnette. Mr. Whitley is employed by Kaiser Aluminum in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Douglas J. Wilcox, CE, has joined the Babcock and Wilcox Company and is in the initial phase of a companywide orientation program. Married: James Ronald Woodrufj to Miss Peggy Kennette Studdard.

THE GEORGIA TECH NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Officers and Trustees / Howard Ector, Marietta, president / L. L. Gellerstedt, vice president / D. B. Blalock, vice president / Dakin B. Ferris, treasurer / W. Roane Beard, executive secretary / L. Travis Brannon / Arthur B. Edge, III, LaGrange / George W. Felker, III, Monroe / Alvin M. Ferst / Allen S. Hardin / Raymond A. Jones, Jr., Charlotte / Rayford P. Kytle / Philip J. Malonson, Marietta / W. E. Marshall / Willard B. McBurney / George A. Morris, Jr. / Thomas V. Patton, Doraville / Charles H. Peterson, Metter / James P. Poole / James B. Ramage / Chester A. Roush, Jr., Carrollton / Talbert E. Smith, Jr. / J. Frank Stovall, Jr., Griffin / Marvin Whitlock, Chicago /

THE GEORGIA TECH FOUNDATION, INC. Officers and Trustees / Oscar G. Davis, president / J. J. McDonough, vice president / Henry W. Grady, treasurer / Joe W. Guthridge, executive secretary / Jack Adair / Ivan Allen, Jr. / John P. Baum, Milledgeville / Fuller E. Callaway, Jr., LaGrange / Robert H. Ferst / Y. Frank Freeman, Hollywood, California / Jack F. Glenn / Ira H. Hardin / Julian T. Hightower, Thomaston / Wayne J. Holman, Jr., New Brunswick / Howard B. Johnson / George T. Marchmont, Dallas / George W. McCarty / Walter M. Mitchell / Frank H. Neely / William A. Parker / Hazard E. Reeves, New York / Glenn P. Robinson, Jr. / I. M. Sheffield / Hal L. Smith / John C. Staton / Howard T. Tellepsen, Houston / Robert Tharpe / William C. Wardlaw, Jr. / Robert H. White / George W. Woodruff / Charles R. Yates /

The Georgia Tech Alumnus

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