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Finishing the Semester Strong

Finishing the Semester Strong

Harvey Moody Resident Advisor Year: Junior Major: Public Relations

I don’t know about you, but for me, fall semester is a breeze. I blink, and it’s over, and then I’m enjoying Christmas break at home. In the fall semester, I am on top of my game and I may even turn in a few assignments early. However, spring semester is a whole different story. Spring semester seems to drag along, and by spring break, I am barely making it to the finish line.

It may seem like I am exaggerating, but any of my friends will tell you that I am up later than usual trying to get things done during the spring. This is primarily because motivation is down and I’m in need of a pick-me-up. There are a few tips that get me through my ‘hard times’ during the semester.

The first tip is to talk to someone who cares and can help you during those times of low motivation. Call your parents! I personally talk to my parents once (sometimes twice) a day. I know that may be a lot for some people, but talking to my parents who have already gone through what I’m currently going through really helps me.

When you talk with someone else (like your friends, grandparents, or mentors), you are able to gain perspective and find solutions instead of worrying about it in your own head.

My second tip is to rest when you can. Hopefully, during spring break you got some much needed rest, and you are begrudgingly ready for the final half of the semester. It’s okay to take a mental health day or say “no” to extra tasks right now.

My final tip is to ask for help! One of my main mistakes my freshman year was not asking for help, and I’m currently still paying for it. Back when I still took math classes, I would sit in the class and pretend like I knew what I was doing when I really should’ve been asking for help in order to really understand the material. It is important to understand what you’re learning so you can apply it in future classes.

There is a tremendous amount of resources on our campus. We have the Academic Success Center and of course our professors. On the specifically the Statesboro Campus, we have the math ER and weekly tutoring happening in your halls every Sunday from 7-9 p.m. Everyone struggles, but don’t let it stop you from finishing strong!

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