GSA Celebration of Giving: 2021-2022 Annual Report

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2021-2022 Annual Report Fall 2022 George Stevens Academy Strong Interest Sparks Welding Courses p. 7 Celebration of Giving

Every Single Student, Every Single Day

Dear GSA Community:

We share this Celebration of Giving to acknowledge everyone who enables George Stevens Academy to be the school we want to be for our students, the top-quality educational institution they deserve. Your gifts support ALL of our programs, thus they touch every single student, every single day. Without all of you, GSA would be a different school, a lesser school for all of them.

You may have heard that, through the generosity of many and as the result of a great partnership with community members, we have welcomed to campus three students who are refugees from difficult and dangerous circumstances in their home countries. Joining our boarding program this year are a boy from Afghanistan and two from Ukraine. Having them here is a great experience for them and a wonderful thing for their peers in the student body. They join a slowly rebuilding boarding program, which, as I write this, includes fourteen students from eight different countries.

The school year is off to a strong start, and it is so nice to have no special policies, procedures, or protocols related to the pandemic. We are gathering as a community again, and we look forward to continuing to engage our students with the experiences—and fostering in them the values—that make GSA a special place.

Thank you for your continued support of the peninsula’s high school.

Our Mission

George Stevens Academy is a town academy on the coast of Maine. Founded in 1852, we are the high school for nearly all students from the seven towns in our rural community. We also enroll private-pay day and boarding students from around the world. Our students’ interests, talents, and aspirations reflect the diversity of the communities from which they come.

GSA provides a comprehensive and challenging education for all students, for those who will build futures in surrounding communities and for those who will make lives elsewhere in the world. Our many academic and experiential programs foster a love of knowledge, inspire creativity, instill self-confidence, encourage good character, and prepare each graduate for a purposeful life in a changing world.

Our mission was approved by the GSA Board of Trustees on April 25, 2019.

Head of School Tim Seeley
2 Celebration of Giving

On the Cover: Senior Sam Page runs

by Corey Esposito ’87.


What’s on

more on

Celebration of Giving

of the GSA Advancement Office. Stay up-to-date by visiting and following us on social media. Facebook: George Stevens Academy Instagram:

Mark Messer, Editing and Design

Director of Communications

Trudy Bell

Advancement Associate

Rada Starkey

Director of Advancement

Liffey Thorpe

Advancement Special Projects

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 3
is a publication
the minds of our new faculty members? Read
page 6.
a bead
a new welding class taught
In These Pages 4 Welcome, and Welcome Back! 6 Edible Landscape Project Empowers Students 9 Philanthropy Highlights 8 From the Board Chair 10 Music Focus of 1898 Society Reception 11 Our Generous Donors 23 Thank You, Advancement Volunteers 23 Performing Arts Grant Awarded 7 Welding Courses Meet Interest, Need 24 Trustee News 26 Duane B. Gray ’64 Memorial Golf Tournament Sets Record @georgestevensacademy
22 Deborah Brewster Memorial Scholarship Awarded

Welcome, and Welcome Back!

In August, musicians and athletes were the first back at George Stevens Academy as they prepared for the honors jazz combo performance at the Blue Hill Fair and fall sports. They were soon followed by new boarding students arriving for orientation. At the turn of the month, everyone came to campus to prepare for the traditional start of classes after Labor Day. And just like that, the 2022-23 school year was off to a great start.

Most of our more than 300 students are from Hancock County (Blue Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Hancock, Orland, Otis, Penobscot, Sedgwick, and Surry), but our boarding program is a welcoming home to students from towns in the U.S. and seven other countries (Afghanistan, Austria, China, France, Mexico, Spain, and Ukraine).

Whether our students are from up the street, across the country, or the other side of the world, we are grateful for the unique perspectives they bring to GSA and the larger community. Together, we make GSA a truly vibrant learning community!

Teacher and advisor Emma Baker leads 10th-graders in tarp ball, an orientation exercise designed to boost communication, problem-solving, and collaboration skills .
4 Celebration of Giving

GSA’s honors jazz combo performs at the Blue Hill Fair. Steve Orlofsky filled in as director for Phelan Gallagher ’02, who was home with wife Holly and their new baby girl. READ MORE at

Hello, New Faculty & Staff

At George Stevens Academy, we provide our students a comprehensive and challenging education to prepare them for their futures, whether they remain on the Blue Hill Peninsula or make their lives elsewhere in the world.

The value of a GSA education comes from

• our comprehensive and engaging academic and experiential classes, from foundations level to AP and Honors;

• extraordinary learning support provided in our Ninth-Grade Seminar class, Library, Learning Center, and RISE program;

• our arts, athletics, and other extracurricular programs, where students discover their creativity, learn to be part of a team, and explore new interests;

• the many ways we care for our students’ well-being, including our unique advisory program, which fosters self-reflection and character development;

• and the community connections created when our students perform in an ensemble or cast, play on a team, interact with experts in the classroom or on field trips, or participate in our signature Independent Study and Internship Program.

But none of our success in educating generations of GSA students would be possible without a dedicated, hardworking, and caring faculty and staff. Thank you to ALL for their continued support of our students, our mission, and our vision. Late last year and this summer, those listed below have joined our team or taken on new roles.

Nate Cole ’13, IT Coordinator

Matt Donovan, Math Teacher, XC/Track Coach

Craig Gilbert, Ed Tech

Lila Gilbert, 504 Coordinator, Ed Tech

Mark Hundhammer, Boys’ Soccer Coach

Rebekah King ’94, Girls’ Soccer Asst. Coach

Jill Kofton, Ed Tech

Billie L’Heureux, Athletic Director

Brock Muir, Director of Finance & Operations

Dale Nevells, Custodian

Tracy Knights, Ed Tech, Dorm Support

Juli Perry, Girls’ Soccer Coach

Lexie Prescott, Volleyball Coach

Maria Razi, French Teacher

Tom Sawyer, Ed Tech

Jessica Smith, Custodian

Alexandra Wessel ’09, Admissions Associate

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 5

Students prep a root ball before planting a fruit tree last spring.

Edible Landscape Project Empowers Students

In winter 2022, Steve Whitney and his Exploring Earth Systems classes began a multiyear edible landscape project behind GSA’s Hinckley House dormitory on Tenney Hill to improve the biodiversity of the area.

“It’s been forested several times,” Steve said. “It’s pretty quiet when you walk through. You’re not seeing the variety of animals that would normally be in our forest.”

Steve and his students were helped by Blue Hill Heritage Trust Development Director Chrissy Allen ’98, and Kathy Pollard and Ann Pollard-Ranco of Know Your Land Consulting, a mother-daughter team that specializes in restorative ecology.

Together, they mapped the area, researched native plants, and prepared a project proposal to submit to BHHT with a grant request.

After generous BHHT donors agreed to support the project, Steve’s classes put into action their plan to provide food and shelter for native animals, including pollinators, like butterflies and bees, which are critical to the food system.

By the end of the semester, they had weeded an existing garden bed, installed fencing, propagated grape vines, and planted raspberry canes, pear trees, cherry trees, and other plants to attract pollinators and other wildlife.

“Kids hear about all these terrible environmental problems,” Steve said, “like habitat degradation and climate change, and they feel helpless, but here’s a project where they can actually be involved, plan, and take action.”

This fall, Steve’s new classes took over the project. “I am excited,” Steve said, “to see the continued growth and to build upon the hard work of last year’s group. We also want people from the community to see it and enjoy it and think about their role in the natural landscape.”

The site is located behind the Hinckley House dormitory and alongside the Murphy Trail, an accessible trail built by BHHT in 2020.


6 Celebration of Giving

Welding Courses Meet Interest, Need

When Corey Esposito ’87 was a GSA student, metals class teacher Scott Shepard taught him to stick weld. After Corey finished making an anchor, his teacher thought it looked good. “At that point, I thought ‘Wow,’ “ Corey said, “welding may be something I’d like to do.” So Corey pursued his interest in Independent Study his junior and senior years, and he eventually began welding professionally at L.S. Thorsen in Ellsworth. In 2001, Corey opened Esposito’s Welding and Fabrication in Surry, a business he still runs today.

Though Corey’s love of welding began early, “I fell in love with teaching,” he said, as a long-term substitute at the Hancock County Technical Center in 2015. When GSA needed a new Industrial Tech teacher, Corey was quick to apply. “Teaching at GSA is a dream come true. Not only am I getting to teach, but I’m doing it where I discovered my passion.”

And that passion, it seems, is catching. “Last year, almost every kid that came in [the shop] asked ‘Can we try welding?’,” he said.

Corey already had the equipment needed thanks to prior gifts from Airgas and Hypertherm (READ MORE), so the teacher made his students an offer. “If we accomplish what we need to, and there’s time at the end of the course, you can have a few days to try welding.”

Interest in welding continued to grow, so Corey proposed a sequence of welding courses to the Curriculum Committee. The sequence began this fall with full enrollments. With these new courses, Corey said, “every GSA student has the opportunity to try welding, and they only have to commit to half a year. A lot of kids just want to learn how to weld to fix their own stuff, and a lot of students just think it’s neat.” Corey expects others will embrace welding as an artistic medium.

Students who’d like to help meet the growing demand for professional welders can take all four classes and earn certificates. Corey has already heard from area businesses that would like to host GSA students for their Independent Study and Internship Program projects.

Regardless of why they choose to take the new courses, Corey is excited to have more students interested in welding. “It’s so fulfilling when you’re in the welding booth with a student and they run their first really pretty bead, just to see the excitement and enthusiasm.”

We are grateful to Airgas in Bangor and account manager

Ted Harris for their generous support of GSA’s welding program. Airgas recently provided two more stick/tig welders and a large, industrial mig welder with a spool gun ($8,300 combined value).

Right, Welding I students with the new mig welder.

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 7

Relationship with Towns is Mutually Beneficial

Dear GSA Community:

I am honored to begin my third year of service as the chair of the GSA Board of Trustees. The board has been busy this summer, not least in drafting the 2022-2023 budget with input from the Budget Review Committee, a newly-formed structure with a representative from each sending town.

GSA and its communities have always had a symbiotic

relationship: GSA families live and work in the towns that, in turn, support the school through tuition. It is gratifying that this past spring, all sending towns again voted to approve our request for supplemental tuition. I can’t say enough about how much we appreciate this support and commitment. With this investment, we are able to tackle much-needed deferred maintenance projects, as well as continue to provide the imaginative curriculum that has served multiple generations of graduates. Until and unless the state opts to significantly increase its base tuition rate, our need for supplemental tuition will remain. Even with this supplemental tuition, there remains a significant gap between the amount of tuition received, which is capped by the state, and the actual costs of educating our students. It remains GSA’s job to make up the difference by maximizing other sources of revenue, including philanthropy, enrollment (both local and boarding), the endowment, and creative uses of our campus during the summer months.

As my younger son enters his senior year and I compare my experience to his, I am struck by the consistency of education we received at GSA. Robbie is even following in his mother’s footsteps and performing in a play! I am also grateful that he has been exposed to an even greater range of experiences than I was back in the day, not least the friendships he has made with boarding students from all over the world. GSA has served me and my family so well. On a personal note, and on behalf of the whole board, I thank you, the community, for your support.

Board Chair Sally Mills ’85
8 Celebration of Giving

GSA Celebration of Giving: 2021-2022 Annual Report

Clockwise from top left, a boarding program scavenger hunt; students work on math problems outside; teammates at GSA’s home cross-country meet; the giraffe hole at the Andy Collier ’98 Invitational Golf Tournament; GSA jazz musicians improvise at the Downeast Art & Antiques Show Preview Party; a 9th-grade orientation activity. Thanks for the top photos, Andy Hipsky ’23, Isaac Vaccaro, and Mahdi Hussainzada ’23.
GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 9

1898 Society

Celebrates Giving, Music Program

Noel Stookey, right, joins Phelan Gallagher ’02, Jillian Eldridge ’23, and Austin Chandler ’23 (back) of Tasty Bites.

In July, members of the 1898 Society celebrated leadership giving to George Stevens Academy. The 1898 Society brings together alumni, parents, and friends who support virtually every aspect of academic and student life with gifts of $1,000 or more to GSA in a fiscal year. Last year, leadership giving totaled more than $500,000.

The reception also celebrated the first year on the job for GSA’s new music director, Phelan Gallagher ’02, a year in which he led GSA into the world of music production thanks to a generous gift from Noel Stookey.

When the prospect of live concerts looked dim last fall, Phelan spoke with Head of School Tim Seeley about setting up a recording studio in the band room.

“Tim was enthusiastic,” Phelan said, “and a few weeks later, I got an email proposing that we meet with Noel Stookey,” who had some equipment he no longer needed.

“I was eager to see what Noel had in store for us, but I could never have expected that he would donate thousands of dollars’ worth of vintage mics, mixers, and recording gear.”

After the decision was made to host a virtual winter concert, that equipment came to good use very soon. With help from Ed Conte ’19 and Quinn Stabler ’20, two GSA alumni studying music production at Husson University, “we were able to produce high quality recordings of our concert band, jazz band, jazz combos, and even, thanks to Martin Conte’s help, the pan program as well,” Phelan said.

The videos have been viewed nearly 2,000 times. “Particularly heartwarming,” Phelan said, “were messages from grandparents and family far away expressing gratitude that they had been able to tune in online where they would not have been able to attend an in-person performance.”

In late winter, the music studio was in use again for Independent Study & Internship Program projects, and then to record for the National Jazz Festival. The studio will get even more use this year with the addition of Music Production to GSA’s course catalog.

“Music Production aims to engage more students in the GSA music program while incorporating the 21st century production skills becoming essential in the field,” Phelan said. “Students will delve deeper into the world of making beats, composing original music, microphone technique, and overdubbing and layering their performances. It will certainly be a music program of the future.”


10 Celebration of Giving

1898 Society

Leadership Gifts of $1,000 or more


$25,000 and up Anonymous*

The Becton Family*

Jim and Mary Crawford* Francis T. and Louise T. Nichols Foundation*

Tyler Knowles and Laurence Flood*

Joyce Snow



Gerald Blodgett and Deborah Miller* Charles Wentz Carter Memorial Foundation*

Peter and Anne Gilchrist

The Page & Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation



Leslie Clapp and Blaise deSibour*

Robert and Patricia Clapp* Davis Family Foundation

The Merle B. Grindle Agency* Chris and Susan Pappas*

Robert and Emily Stribling Donald Sussman and Chellie Pingree Tree of Life* Christine Wanning

HEAD’S CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous

Michael and Patricia Astbury* Bar Harbor Bank & Trust* Steve and Susan Brookman First National Bank* Richard French

Terrance and Sally Gray* Prudy and Fred Heilner* Elizabeth Johnson Kristyn LaPlante and Emy Taylor* M.E. Astbury & Son*

Zachary and Laurel Martin Michael and Abbie McMillen* Benjamin Mendlowitz* John and Renee Richardson* William and Arlene Schwind Thomaston Place Auction Galleries

Lorinda Toscas and Robert Manheimer



Buddy and Lucy Allen Ronald Austin*

Amy Baker and Skip Pile Mary Barnes and Peter Neill William Beddow Christine and Dana Black Sally Chadbourne and Delacroix Davis* Judith Chertoff

Sarah Clapp and David Gribbin* The Clements Family* Mark and Libbie (†) Cluett

James and Joan Darby* Jennifer and Kurt Denlinger* Preston and Sarah Everdell* Joelle Florian* Elizabeth Harries (†) Will Holloway

Douglass Hutchins Matthew and Catherine Hyde James Inglis* Michele Inglis

Tom Leigh and Sarah Kip Miller

Robin Lincoln Deborah and David Ludlow* JoDee Lymburner* Maine Community Foundation Maine Environmental Education Association

Jim Markos* Jon McMillan and Kathryn Rensenbrink MELMAC Education Foundation*

Hannah Mendlowitz Marion and Tom Morris* Brock and Cathy Muir Thaddeus and Margaret Parker

Samantha and Mark Politte* Thomas and Sachi Rodes

Robyn and Michael Sealander Tim Seeley and Jill Clendenen* Frank and Libby Silver

Stanley Subaru*

Kristina and Robert Stephens* Stephen and Luciana Taber Phyllis and Will Taylor* Susan Stanley Taylor

Zoë and Keith Tenney* Liffey Thorpe and Peter Suber* Robert Walker* Wardwell Oil

Horace and Sylvia Wardwell William and Doris Webb* Wilder-Guiles Family* Gus and Suzanne Williamson* Withington & Company

Lynne Yurosko and Mark Rosenthal


Bell Tower Club $500-$999

Anonymous (2)

Jeffrey and Tina Allen* Frank Anastasio

Craig Berry and Christine Feorino* Thomas Bjorkman and Roxanne Donahey* Blue Ledge Carpentry Christopher Spitzmiller, Inc.

Julia Cluett and Robert Shepley* Community Pharmacies

Jim Dow and Ciona Ulbrich* Downeast Properties* Jean Eysenbach* Catharine Fender

Allison Fleck and Joshua Elliott

Marjorie and David Gray* Hodinkee Team

Kent Huyser Jane MacElree

William and Caroline Mayher

James and Susan Noyes*

Chris and Samantha Pickering

The Poetry Foundation

Hal and Lisa Reynolds Franklin and Grace Roosevelt Gil Schafer and Courtnay Daniels Curtis and Barbara Shaw* Cynthia Situ

Rada and Robert Starkey* Andy Stephenson and Becky Leamon Martha Stewart Noel and Betty Stookey* Adam Zemans

Gifts made July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. We do our best to make these lists accurate. Please let us know of any errors or omissions.


Academy Club $250-$499

Ronald and Mary Allen

Emil and Ellie Andy*

Michael and Jessica Astbury*

Andrew Baldwin Baldwin, Inc. The Bay School

Trudy and Scot Bell* BHD Containers Andrew and Donna Birdsall Alden Blodgett Joceline Boucher* Brooklin Boat Yard Loren and Rita Brown Dwayne Carter* Christopher Group, LLC Deeper Waters Marketing, LLC

Anne and Steve Dentino* Todd Eckenfelder and Rian Rosenthal* Raymond Egan Full Circle Printing Solutions Carlton Gray

Patricia Griffith

Hale and Hamlin*

Richard Hero and Jane Whitney

James and Emily Hildebrand* Martha and Patrick Horne* Mark Hurvitt and Tracy Lameyer* Jennifer Jackson

Anita Jacobssen

Jones, Kuriloff & Sargent, LLC

Vaughn and Melanie Leach Legacy Properties Sotheby’s International Realty

Annie Loeb

Angeline Long Lynam Agency Insurance Lynam Real Estate Maine Shellfish Co., Inc. Ray Merrill* Mark Messer*

Sandy Murphy and Charlie Loeb

Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital Parker Ridge Retirement Community Sally Pillion

*denotes 5 or more consecutive years of giving (†) deceased

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 11

Head of School Tim Seeley talks about GSA’s Boatbuilding class with a visitor to the school’s display at the Blue Hill Maritime Heritage Festival in August. The class is supported by a generous grant from the Charles Wentz Carter Memorial Foundation.

Kimberly Reilly

Max Reiter

Thomas and Joy Richardson*

Peter and Judy Robbins*

Libby and Scott Rosemeier*

Laura Rossi and Janice Pinto

Hector Sapien and Melissa Mattes

Karl and Katherine Schoettle

Frederick Seeley*

Butler Smythe

TradeWinds Market Place

Variable Movement LLC

Daniel and Melisa Walker

Ebb Walton

Donald and Diane Wescott*

Steve White

Emily and Douglas Wilson* Jon Wilson and Sherry Streeter* Samuel Woodward


Maroon & White Club $100-$249

Anonymous (3)

Allen and Pamela Abrahamson

Michael and Dana Aker

Mohammed Ali

Annie Allen and Michelle Duprey*

Paul and Lois Allen*

Timothy and Diane Allen

Lucy and Michael Anastasio


George and Rachel Arey Thelma Astbury

Dorrance Atherton*

Robert and Elizabeth Baldwin

Michelle and John Bannister* Bill Barton and Marcia Wakeman

Leanne Bateman*

Grace Bell*

Ross Bell

Justin Bennett*

Harvey and Fran Berger

Michelle Berger and Kevin Bach

Warren and Nancy Berkowitz*

Casey and Jim Bernard

Jesse Bessett

Elisabeth Bixby Margaret Bixby

Donald Blodgett

Blue Hill Accounting, LLC

Blue Hill Books

Blue Hill Cabinet & Woodwork, Inc.

Blue Hill Co-op, Inc.

Blue Hill Fair

Blue Hill Garage

Blue Hill Heritage Trust

*denotes 5 or

Blue Hill Inn

Blue Hill Wine Shop

Cheryl and Rich Boulet

Judy Bourgault

Karen Brace

Charles and Judy Brenton* Anne Bridges and Paul Bates

Bonnie Brody

Bayard and Kerry Brokaw

Jerry and Jackie Butler*

Gregory and Susann Campbell

Ferol Candage*

Harvard and Linda Candage* Dale and Gail Carter

Bill and Deborah Case*

Beverly and Robert Cecchini*

Val and Patty Chamberlain

April and John Chapman*

Allison and Ken Charles

Cheryl L. Boulet, CPA

David and Carolyn Ciampa*

Stephen and Sandy Collier

Compass Point Real Estate

Martin Conte

Bonnie and Merle Copper* Douglas and Posie Cowan*

Sean Crowe

Alfie and Malcolm Daniels

David W. Gray Carpentry

Dead River Company

Peter and Amey Dodge

Ryan Doherty

Edith Dunham

Libby Edwardson and Michael Fitzpatrick

Donald and Meredith Eley*

George and Pamela Elias*

Philip Elkin and Sandra Phoenix

Ellen S. Best, Attorney at Law Elliott Architects*

Libby and Matthew Elliott* Benjamin Emory

Corey and Vicki Esposito

James Farr

Tim and Susan Farrar

Fish Net

William and Sandy Fletcher

Katharine Fodnaess

Riley Ford

Jack and Brenda Frost*

Jacques and Rebecca Gagne*

Sharon Garcia*

Lydia and Steven Garrant*

Gary’s Fuel Service, Inc.

Linda Generali*

Owen Gilmore*

Daniel Gommel

Timothy Gordon

Joshua Gott and Tessa Grindle

Ken Graham*

years of giving (†)

12 Celebration of Giving
more consecutive
Ansel Tenney ’25, left, and Mahdi Hussainzada ’23 show off their finds from a boarding orientation scavenger hunt. Congratulations, Mahdi, on finding the tail of a lobster, which is itself a scavenger.

Rebecca Gratz and Steven Sitrin

Chris Gray and Charlene Spindler

John Gray and Carol Skoglund*

Jack Gray

Jerry and Becky Gray

Mark and Kelle Gray

Edward Grimball

Bruce and Linette Grindal*


Brinley and Ann Hall

Duncan Hamilton

William and Nancy Hanley

Mert and Ashley Hanscom*

Rolf and Linda Hansen

Joseph and Elizabeth Hare

Samantha Haskell

Karyl and Richard Hayes* Lisa Haynsworth

William and Jane Heizmann

Beverly Henry*

James and Patricia Henry

Judyth Herrick*

John and Beth Hikade

Hiram Blake Camp

Forrest and Janet Horton*

Horton, McFarland & Veysey, LLC CPAs

Alan and Diantha Howard Gloria Howard*

Humblebee Cafe

Jean and Doug Hylan Hylan & Brown Boatbuilders

John H. Gray Electrical, Plumbing & Heating

Jonathan Edwards College Staff

Bonnie Johnson Cynthia Johnson

Jared Jordan*

Walter and Patricia Kane Becky Kelly

George and Cynthia Knapp Kollegewidgwok Yacht Club

Karen and Doug Koos

Chris and Patricia Kowalski*

Jennifer Lapham and Paul Sacaridiz*

Lenny and Marlilyn Lawson

Leaf & Anna

Lisa Lemov

Joseph and Sharon Lendvai

Lusheng Li and James Tannehill

Linda and Stephen Lindsay*

Susan Loomis

Lucy’s Granola

Ignatius and Eleanor Maclellan

Mainescape Nursery and Garden Shop*

Shannon Robertson Maresca

Paul and Lyn Mayewski

Robert and Rebecca McCall

The McClure Group*

Kathleen McClure*

Dan and Nancy McGraw* Kevin McTighe Bryan and Sally McVay McVay’s Service Lawrence Merrill Eugene Meyer

Sally Mills*

Lorenzo Mitchell* William and Carolyn Mor* Jodie Morris

Terry and Bebe Moulton* Carroll Nevells

Tony and Olivia Nicholas C. Martin Nowland and Joy Bicknell Jane O’Connor*

Michael and Sonja O’Donnell Clifton Page and Lucy Benjamin Abigail Parker

Kristin and Scott Parker Lin and Anne Parker* Frederick and Christine Parson* Carole and Thomas Pascal* John Peabody

Elaine Peebles*

Roger and Julie Perillo Kim-Anne Perkins

Victoria Perry David and Patty Persson Kimball Petty and Deborah Marshall Kate Pilotte

Ann Potts

Janice Prior-Crofoot* Stephen Pulvirent Brendon Reay and Caroline Bicks* Lauren and Neil Reiter Muriel Remsen

Meredith and Lauren Richardson Rioux Catering

William and Ann Rioux Matthew Robbins Dale and Stephanie Robertson*

Frank Roda

Rooster Brother* Saltmeadow Properties

Sandy’s Blue Hill Cafe Rick Sawyer and Penny Ricker Cory and Michelle Schildroth* Jennifer Schroth and Jonathan Ellsworth* Sealander Architects

Richard Seeger and Jihong Deng Richard Seeley

Rachel Seligman

Dorrance and Patty Sexton

*denotes 5 or more consecutive years of giving (†) deceased

During our first all-school assembly of the new school year, students mingle on the gym floor, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.

Director of College and Career Counseling Peter Goss speaks with juniors about planning for their futures, a process that began in earnest this fall. During orientation, students heard about mental health resources from counselors Seanna Macomber ’95 and Hector Sapien, as well as GSA’s Independent Study and Internship Program from Dean of Curriculum & Instruction David Stearns.

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 13

Above, teacher Kate Kennedy ’99 with Rhode Island’s 1663 charter, granted by King Charles II.

Below, Kate points to Benjamin Franklin’s original “Join or Die” cartoon.

In July, Kate took part in a weeklong National History Day “Revolutionary Ideals” institute.

FIND OUT how the experience will help her students at

Michael Sheahan and Michelle Keyo

Michael and Roxanne Sherman

Shoreline Detailing

Janet Simpson

Albert and Margaret Smith*

Thomas and Marilyn Smith

Snow’s Plumbing & Heating Daniel Souza

Heather Spangler Matthew and Martha Stackpole

Nicholas Steenberg

Nancy and Ronald Stoller* Dennis and Clare Sullivan Paul Sullivan and Jillson Knowles*

Patricia Taylor

Lowell and Judith Thomas

Joe Thompson

Lisa and Rex Thors* Sally Tomkins

Jaime Torre

Jennifer and Andrew Traub* Max Treitler and Mary Alice Hurvitt

Jennifer and Paul Trowbridge*

Megan and Jeremy Tyler

Donald Varnum Sharri Venno* Anne Vogt

W.R. Allen, Inc. Eileen Webber

Wellness Chiropractic

Jeffrey and Anita Wessel Lori and Noddy Wessel*

Peter Williamson Cynthia Winings and David Dillon

Diana and David Wood* Yanni’s Pizza Marjorie Yesley and Claude Dupuy Lucas Yoder

Jon Zemans

Jeffrey and Jennifer Baroody*

Joanne Barrett*

Carolyn and Roger Bennatti*

Patricia Bergstrom

Seth Berkman

Aaron Berman

Emily Bernstein

Dorothea Black and Steve Logowitz

Niamh and William Blumentals

Ellen Booraem

Marcie Bowden and Robin Bowen*

Merrill and Gerald Brache

Winslow Brokaw

Blas and Elizabeth Bruno

Sara Bushmann and Scott Howell*

Josie Callari

Belinda Carter*

Jeanette Casey

Karen and Neil Chandler

Donald and Connie Christie* John and Kathy Clapp

Peter and Sandy Clapp

Sally Clinton Margo Conary

Donald Condon

Florence Conley* Martha and Daniel Cooper* Marnie Couture

Chad Davis

Debbie and Blaine Davis*

Erik Davis

Galen Davis and Thomas Batt

Hank Davis and Tracy Spencer*

Henry Davis (†)

Morgan Davis

Peter Davis and Alicia Anstead Jill Day and Jim Picariello

Leif Deetjen

Timothy Dentino*

Nancy Dewey

Susan Dietz



Anonymous (9) Payson Allen* Lakeisha Allen Parker Allen* Ege Asyali

Ender and Hale Asyali June Atherton Marla Atherton* Oryon Atwood

Jodelle Austin*

Samuel Bach Nicole Bakeman

Robert and Helen Bakeman Clementine Bannon

Terryellen Duffy

Abby Dunham

Rebecca and Joseph Emerson Sherwood Emerton

Anna Emery

Scotland Farmer

Lynda Fill

Daphne Fitch

Janis and Ernest Fitch

Phoebe Fitch

Karen Frangoulis

Eric Gallant*

Maggie Garfield* Martha Garfield*

Christy and Gerald Gontarz

Sharlene Grant*

*denotes 5 or more consecutive years of giving (†) deceased

14 Celebration of Giving
Club up to $99

Olivia Graves

Shelley and Parnell Graves

Lydia Gray

Sharon Gray

Roxanna and James Grindle

Alta Gross*

Arnold Gross

Mark Gross

Samuel Guilford

Susan Guilford*

Libbey and John Gulliver

Tom and Amy Gutow

Miriam Hamilton

Nancy Hastings* Alexander Heilner* Keith Herklotz

Timothy Horton

Lionel and Virginia Howard*

Rob and Shelley Jackson

Tom and Corinne Jackson

Nikki and Curtis Jaffray

Sophia Jennings

Justin Kaley*

Dan and Amie Kane*

Kate and Bryant Kennedy

John and Joanne Kimball

Edie King (†)

Marisa and Matt Kogan

Antonia Lanza

Jacob Larrabee

Robert and Joyce Leck

James and Nada Lepper

Frances Leyendecker

Timothy Lloyd

Patricia Lown Anna Ludlow John Ludlow Will Ludlow

Luna Lyman William MacArthur Linda MacLeod

Christopher Marshall and Lisa Arhontes-Marshall Della Martin*

Erin McCormick* Maeve McLaughlin

Moira McMahon and Jeffrey Allwine

Sargent Means

Tammy and Michael Merisotis*

Sean and Carra Miller

Nina Milliken and Jesse Wessel

William Moorehouse

Jim and Linda Murphy

Brian Nanson and Pam Morgenthaler-Nanson

Stacia and Crocker Nevin

Peg O’Connor

Steve and Carol Orlofsky*

Diana Page and Oscar Ruiz

Lee and Judy Park

Freida Peasley

Kathleen Podraza and Joseph Perkins*

Thomas Perkins

Paul and Kip Perkinson* Bernard and Linda Pietrowski Bowen Posner

David and Joan Rackliffe

Joanna Raible* Catherine Razi Florence Reed and Bruce Maanum Sarah Reid

Wendy Ritger and Henry Elliott* Dennis and Trish Robertson

Virginia Royster*

Eric and Eveleen Sass

Michael Scott and Maria Matthews* Louise Shackett

Chloe Sheahan

Laura Sherman* Nancy Sherman* Katya Silitch

Robert Slayton

Shelley and Donald Small* Katherine Smith* Victor and Debra Smith

Emma Snow

Scott and Catherine Springer Stahnke & Kitagawa Architects Bruce Stahnke and Erlynne Kitagawa William and Barbara Starkey David Stearns*

William and Peggi Stevens David and Caridad Stover* Gail and Christopher Strehan* Kathy Sylvia Alex Taylor-Lash Erik Taylor-Lash

Tom and Holly Taylor-Lash Lilian Day Thorpe

Edward and Amy Turner*

Florence Tyler

Lawrence Vaughan Peter and Vicky Wardwell Kaylin Welts

Griffin Werner Alexandra Wessel Norris and Elaine Wessel* Johanna Whitmore Steven and Kari Whitney Haleigh Young Grete Zemans Noah Zemans

Geoffrey Zentz and Emily Nash* Paul Zierk

Young Alumni Club


Graduated in the last 10 years

Anonymous (2)

Payson Allen

Parker Allen Ege Asyali Oryon Atwood

Samuel Bach Clementine Bannon Chadbourne Davis Morgan Davis Timothy Dentino Scotland Farmer Olivia Graves Jack Gray Alexander Heilner

Sophia Jennings Jacob Larrabee

Timothy Lloyd Will Ludlow

Anna Ludlow Luna Lyman William MacArthur Maeve McLaughlin

Abigail Parker

Chloe Sheahan

Emma Snow

Nicholas Steenberg Alex Taylor-Lash

Erik Taylor-Lash

Kaylin Welts Griffin Werner Haleigh Young Noah Zemans



Sara Ardrey

Michael Astbury ‘03 Alden Blodgett ‘78

Bill Case

Sally Chadbourne

Jim Crawford K. Guinness Prudy Heilner

Mark Hurvitt

Tyler Knowles

Deborah Venno Ludlow ’79 Michael McMillen Sally Mills ’85 Terry Moulton Robyn Sealander Zoë Robbins Tenney ‘93

John Clapp ‘57

Robert Clapp ‘73

Peter Dodge

Libby Elliott

James Henry

Mary Alice Hurvitt

Susan Loomis

Jim Markos

Melissa Mattes

William Mayher Dan McGraw Marion Morris

Lin Parker

Thomas Perkins

Samantha Politte Dennis Rackliffe ‘65

Brendon Reay

Katherine Keefe Smith ‘53

Phyllis Taylor

Robert Walker Horace Wardwell ‘57


Trustee Committee Members

Amy Baker

April Chapman ‘91

Sarah Clapp ‘02

Larry Flood

Marjorie Gray ‘81

Jim Markos

Joyce Snow

Phyllis Taylor

Christine Wanning William Webb

Lynne Yurosko


Faculty and Staff

Anonymous (2)

Trudy Bell

Karen Brace

Sara Bushmann

Martin Conte ‘11

Debbie Davis

Todd Eckenfelder

Libby Edwardson

Corey Esposito ‘87

Joelle Florian

Katharine Fodnaess

Eric Gallant

Sharlene Grant ‘86

Rebecca Gratz

Lydia Gray ‘10

Mert Hanscom Martha Horne

Jennifer Jackson

Former Trustees


Jeffrey Allen ‘79

Emil Andy Michael Astbury ’70 Michelle Bannister

*denotes 5 or more consecutive years of giving (†) deceased

Nikki Jaffray ‘04

Dan Kane

Kate Kennedy ‘99 Chris Kowalski

Kristyn LaPlante

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 15

Lusheng Li

Erin McCormick ‘00

Mark Messer

Brock Muir

Jane O’Connor

Lee Park

Hector Sapien

Cory Schildroth

Tim Seeley

Robert Slayton

Rada Starkey

David Stearns

Andy Stephenson

Gail Strehan

Liffey Thorpe

Jaime Torre

Alexandra Wessel ‘09

Lori Wessel ‘81

Steven Whitney

Cory and Michelle Schildroth

Michael Sheahan and Michelle Keyo

David Stearns

Kristina and Robert Stephens Zoë and Keith Tenney Jen and Andrew Traub Megan and Jeremy Tyler Adam Zemans

Douglass Hutchins

Eileen Leach Webber


Jerry Butler Sharon Abbott Garcia Miriam Snow Hamilton Forrest Horton

Anne Bridges

Donald Condon

Marnie Sanborn Couture

Mark Gross

Timothy Horton

Della Leach Martin

Kevin McTighe

Freida Lowell Peasley

David Rackliffe

Nancy Billings Sherman




Florence Pert Conley


Muriel Hale Remsen Elaine Christy Wessel Norris Wessel, Sr.

1962 Lawrence Merrill Samuel Woodward 1963

Peter Clapp Sandra Grindle Clapp Edie McVay King (†) Linda Ricker McLeod Donald Wescott


Katherine Hooper Sylvia

1971 Jeanette Babson Casey

Margo Friend Conary Sherwood Emerton Roxanna Saunders Grindle

Libbey Winsor Gulliver

Lionel Howard




Ender and Hale Asyali

Amy Baker and Skip Pile

Andrew Baldwin

Justin Bennett

Michelle Berger and Kevin Bach

Casey and Jim Bernard

Christine and Dana Black

Sally Chadbourne and Delacroix Davis

David and Carolyn Ciampa Galen Davis and Thomas Batt

Jill Day and Jim Picariello

Edith Dunham

Libby Edwardson and Michael Fitzpatrick

Rebecca and Joseph Emerson Corey and Vicki Esposito

Sharlene Grant

Rebecca Gratz and Steven Sitrin

Shelley and Parnell Graves

Jerry and Becky Gray

Michael and Kara Heino

Jennifer Jackson Nikki and Curtis Jaffray

Jon McMillan and Kathryn Rensenbrink

Sally Mills

Brock and Cathy Muir

Brian Nanson and Pam Morgenthaler-Nanson

Clifton Page and Lucy Benjamin

Kristin and Scott Parker

Roger and Julie Perillo

Florence Reed and Bruce Maanum

Kimberly Reilly

Meredith and Lauren Richardson

1951 Carroll Nevells Florence Walker Tyler

1952 Harvard Candage Walter Kane


Ferol Bisset Candage Katherine Keefe Smith


Paul Allen Donald Varnum


Lois Allen

1956 Beverly Wescott Cecchini


John Clapp Lynda Grant Fill Horace Wardwell


Mary Bragdon Allen Ronald Allen Susann Wardwell Campbell Beverly Farnham Henry Elaine Hatch Peebles


Thelma Astbury Linda Abbott Candage Terrance Gray Shannon Robertson Maresca Janice Woods Prior-Crofoot Louise Conary Shackett Sylvia Conner Wardwell

1960 Gregory Campbell Karyl Ricker Hayes

James Farr Sharon Leighton Gray Debra Sanborn Smith Victor Smith

Lawrence Vaughan


Dale Carter Dennis Rackliffe Dale Robertson Nancy Lymburner Stoller David Stover


Robert Bakeman Terryellen Bradley Duffy James Grindle Nancy Butler Hastings Gloria Howard Margaret Dow Rackliffe Joanna Stover Raible


Belinda Carter Bruce Grindal Linette Bridges Grindal 1968

Gail Douglass Carter Joan Osgood Rackliffe 1969

Patricia Leach Astbury Gerald Blodgett Timothy Gordon Carlton Gray Kathleen McClure Noddy Wessel


Michael Astbury Dorrance Atherton June Grindle Atherton

James Lepper

Frances Williams Leyendecker Ray Merrill Dennis Robertson

Trisha McKay Robertson

Peter Wardwell

1972 Joanne Barrett Alta Gross

Alan Howard Nada Cole Lepper Edward Turner

Jeffrey Wessel

1973 Robin Bowen

Patricia Astbury Clapp Robert Clapp

Ken Graham Kim-Anne Perkins Michael Sherman

Roxanne Allen Sherman

1974 Marla Atherton Donald Blodgett Patricia Lymburner Henry Amy Bartlett Turner

1975 Andrew Birdsall Bryan McVay

1977 Jennifer Durnbaugh Denlinger

Maggie Garfield

Libby Austin Rosemeier

Scott Rosemeier

Gus Williamson

16 Celebration of Giving (†) deceased


Alden Blodgett

Blaine Davis

Peter Williamson


Jeffrey Allen

Deborah Venno Ludlow Tammy Burke Merisotis Martin Nowland William Rioux

Jennifer Schroth Thomas Smith Sharri Venno


Dwayne Carter David Gray

Vaughn Leach Sally Krasnowiecki Pillion Johanna Whitmore


Robert Baldwin Marjorie Austin Gray Mark Gray Lenny Lawson Sally Rankin McVay Lori Herrick Wessel


Annie Allen

Allison Hill Charles Leslie Clapp Susan Dietz Martha Garfield Penny Ricker Ann Allen Rioux


Jodelle Austin Leanne Bateman

Craig Berry Marilyn Carter Lawson 1984 Andrew Baldwin Christopher Marshall Kristina Anderson Stephens

1985 Christy Johndrow Gontarz

Sally Mills

Jodie Clapp Morris

1986 Sharlene Grant Jaye Gross Stacia Eaton Nevin

1987 Ronald Austin Corey Esposito JoDee Lymburner Daniel Walker 1988 Lisa Whittaker Haynsworth Lisa Carey Lemov Richard Seeger 1989 Jared Jordan 1990 George Arey Christine Howe Black Jeremy Tyler 1991 Marcie Bowden April Cote Chapman Lydia Gray Garrant Emily Biss Wilson

1992 Dana Black Niamh O’Leary-Liu Blumentals Molly Wanning Cooper Richard French 1993 William Moorehouse Zoë Robbins Tenney 1994 Gerald Gray Will Holloway 1995 Anonymous 1997 Emily Lewandowski Hildebrand James Hildebrand James Inglis Chris Pickering Samantha Astbury Pickering Megan Tait Tyler 1998 Sarah Rosemeier Cutter Kate Manning Pilotte Jesse Wessel 1999 Kathryn O’Quinn Whittle Kennedy

2000 Christopher Gray Charlene Spindler

Justin Kaley

Erin McCormick Shelly Astbury Schildroth Laura Sherman

2001 Jeffrey Baroody Jennifer Friend Baroody Ryan Doherty

2002 Sarah Clapp Curtis Jaffray Noah Tapley

2003 Michael Astbury Sean Crowe

Joshua Gott 2004 Owen Gilmore Nikki Betts Jaffray

2005 Lakeisha Allen Jessica Driscoll Astbury Daniel Gommel Samuel Guilford Samantha Haskell 2006 Ross Bell 2007 Winslow Brokaw Abby Dunham 2008

Joshua Elliott Hannah Mendlowitz Ebb Walton 2009 Grace Bell Allison Fleck Lilian Day Thorpe Alexandra Wessel

2010 Lydia Gray John Ludlow Max Reiter Lucas Yoder

2011 Martin Conte 2012 Nicole Bakeman 2013 Will Ludlow

2014 Alexander Heilner Nicholas Steenberg

2015 Timothy Dentino Anna Ludlow

2017 Alex Taylor-Lash Erik Taylor-Lash


Payson Allen

2020 Parker Allen Chadbourne Davis 2022 Anonymous (2) Ege Asyali Oryon Atwood

Samuel Bach Clementine Bannon Morgan Davis Scotland Farmer

Olivia Graves

Jack Gray Sophia Jennings Jacob Larrabee Timothy Lloyd

Luna Lyman William MacArthur Maeve McLaughlin Abigail Parker Chloe Sheahan Emma Snow Kaylin Welts

Griffin Werner Haleigh Young Noah Zemans


Parents of Alumni

Anonymous (4) Allen and Pamela Abrahamson Michael and Dana Aker

Annie Allen and Michelle Duprey Jeffrey and Tina Allen

Ronald and Mary Allen

Timothy and Diane Allen Emil and Ellie Andy Robert and Helen Bakeman Michelle and John Bannister

Joanne Barrett

Trudy and Scot Bell

Patricia Bergstrom Warren and Nancy Berkowitz Andrew and Donna Birdsall

Cheryl and Rich Boulet

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 17

Save the date!

Kara van Emmerik, Adam Hatch, and Nicole Bakeman are taking the lead on planning a GSA Class of 2012 10th reunion under the Hinckley House tents on May 20, 2023. A jam session in the Esther Wood Music Room is in the works, so be ready to shake your tail feathers, Eagles!

Marcie Bowden and Robin Bowen

Merrill and Gerald Brache

Charles and Judy Brenton

Bayard and Kerry Brokaw

Sara Bushmann and Scott Howell

Jerry and Jackie Butler

Dale and Gail Carter

April and John Chapman

Robert and Patricia Clapp

Stephen and Sandy Collier

Donald Condon

Debbie and Blaine Davis

Hank Davis and Tracy Spencer

Peter Davis and Alicia Anstead Anne and Steve Dentino

Peter and Amey Dodge

Jim Dow and Ciona Ulbrich

Terryellen Duffy

Donald and Meredith Eley George and Pamela Elias

Philip Elkin and Sandra Phoenix Libby and Matthew Elliott

Anna Emery Tim and Susan Farrar Lynda Fill

Janis and Ernest Fitch Joelle Florian Karen Frangoulis

Jack and Brenda Frost Jacques and Rebecca Gagne

Maggie Garfield

Marjorie and David Gray Mark and Kelle Gray Bruce and Linette Grindal James and Roxanna Grindle

Susan Guilford

John and Libby Gulliver

Tom and Amy Gutow Mert and Ashley Hanscom Prudy and Fred Heilner James and Patricia Henry Keith Herklotz

Judyth Herrick

John and Beth Hikade

Timothy Horton

Mark Hurvitt and Tracy Lameyer

Mary Alice Hurvitt and Max Treitler

The GSA Class of 1972 gathered outside the Hinckley House dormitory on Tenney Hill in July for a 50th reunion to remember, thanks to classmate and organizer Alta Gross. Would your class like to hold a reunion on campus? Find out how the Advancement Office can help. Contact Rada Starkey at

James and Nada Lepper

Susan Loomis

Patricia Lown

Deborah and David Ludlow

Jim Markos

Della Martin

Melissa Mattes and Hector Sapien

Robert and Rebecca McCall

Moira McMahon and Jeffrey Allwine

Bryan and Sally McVay

Benjamin Mendlowitz

Lorenzo Mitchell

William and Carolyn Mor

Jodie Morris

Marion and Tom Morris

Jim and Linda Murphy

Stacia and Crocker Nevin

Steve and Carol Orlofsky

Lee and Judy Park

Carole and Thomas Pascal

Thomas Perkins

Kimball Petty and Deborah Marshall

Samantha and Mark Politte

David and Joan Rackliffe

Dennis and Margaret Rackliffe

Catherine Razi

Lauren and Neil Reiter

William and Ann Rioux

Wendy Ritger and Henry Elliott

Dennis and Patricia Robertson

Libby and Scott Rosemeier

Virginia Royster

Jennifer Schroth and Jonathan Ellsworth

Michael Scott and Maria Matthews

Robyn and Michael Sealander

Michael and Roxanne Sherman

Nancy Sherman

Katya Silitch

Janet Simpson

Robert Slayton

Katherine Smith

Thomas and Marilyn Smith

Scott and Catherine Springer

Jean and Doug Hylan Michele Inglis

Rob and Shelley Jackson Dan and Amie Kane

Karen and Doug Koos

Chris and Patricia Kowalski

Jennifer Lapham and Paul Sacaridiz

Lenny and Marlilyn Lawson

Vaughn and Melanie Leach

Robert and Joyce Leck

Bruce Stahnke and Erlynne Kitagawa

William and Peggi Stevens

Noel and Betty Stookey

Gail and Christopher Strehan

Paul Sullivan and Jillson Knowles

Tom and Holly Taylor-Lash

Liffey Thorpe and Peter Suber

Sally Tomkins

Jennifer and Paul Trowbridge

Anne Vogt

Robert Walker

18 Celebration of Giving

Christine Wanning

Horace and Sylvia Wardwell

Peter and Vicky Wardwell

William and Doris Webb

Lori and Noddy Wessel

Norris and Elaine Wessel

Jonathan Wilson and Sherry Streeter

Marjorie Yesley and Claude Dupuy

Geoffrey Zentz and Emily Nash

Ellen Booraem

Joceline Boucher

Bonnie Brody

Steve and Susan Brookman

Blas and Elizabeth Bruno

Josie Callari

Suzanne Carmichael

Bill and Deborah Case

Val and Patty Chamberlain

Judith Chertoff

Leslie Clapp and Blaise deSibour Alice Clements

Larry Flood and Tyler Knowles

Antonia Lanza

Tom Leigh and Sarah Kip Miller

Joseph and Sharon Lendvai

Robin Lincoln Linda and Stephen Lindsay Annie Loeb

Angeline Long Jane MacElree

Ignatius and Eleanor Maclellan Zachary and Laurel Martin

Paul and Lyn Mayewski

Carol Skoglund

Shelley and Donald Small

Albert and Margaret Smith

Butler Smythe

Joyce Snow

Daniel Souza

Heather Spangler

Matthew and Martha Stackpole

William and Barbara Starkey

Martha Stewart

Robert and Emily Stribling

Dennis and Clare Sullivan

Grandparents and Grandparents of Alumni


Michael and Patricia Astbury

Harvey and Fran Berger

Judy Bourgault

Loren and Rita Brown

Karen and Neil Chandler

Donald and Connie Christie

John and Kathy Clapp

Peter and Sandy Clapp

Henry Davis (†)

Jean Eysenbach

Linda Generali

John Gray and Carol Skoglund

Patricia Griffith

John and Joanne Kimball

Kathleen McClure

Bernard and Linda Pietrowski

Peter and Judy Robbins

Laura Rossi and Janice Pinto

Dorrance and Patty Sexton Frank and Libby Silver



Anonymous (6)

Buddy and Lucy Allen

Frank Anastasio

Lucy and Michael Anastasio

Sara and Guy Ardrey

Mary Barnes and Peter Neill

Beverly Bartlett

Bill Barton and Marcia Wakeman

Cynthia Becton and Philip Levendusky

Henry and Jeannie Becton

Jeffery and Hillary Becton

William Beddow

Carolyn and Roger Bennatti

Seth Berkman

Aaron Berman

Emily Bernstein

Jesse Bessett

Elisabeth Bixby

Thomas Bjorkman and Roxanne Donahey

Dorothea Black and Steve Logowitz

John and Anika Clements

Robin Clements and Beth Gutcheon

Tom and Kitty Clements Tyler Clements

Sally Clinton

Julia Cluett and Bob Shepley Mark and Libbie (†) Cluett

Bonnie and Merle Copper Douglas and Posie Cowan

Jim and Mary Crawford

Alfie and Malcolm Daniels

James and Joan Darby David De Heras

Leif Deetjen Nancy Dewey

Raymond Egan

Benjamin Emory Preston and Sarah Everdell

Catharine Fender Daphne Fitch

Phoebe Fitch William and Sandy Fletcher Riley Ford Peter and Anne Gilchrist Annie Taylor Gray Edward Grimball

Arnold Gross Brinley and Ann Hall William and Nancy Hanley Rolf and Linda Hansen Joseph and Elizabeth Hare Elizabeth Harries (†)

William and Jane Heizmann Richard Hero and Jane Whitney

Judith Hotchkiss Kent Huyser

Matthew and Catherine Hyde

Amelia Jackson

Christopher Jackson Tom and Corinne Jackson Anita Jacobssen

Bonnie Johnson Cynthia Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Becky Kelly

George and Cynthia Knapp Marisa and Matt Kogan


William and Caroline Mayher

Dan and Nancy McGraw

Ellie McMillan

Mike and Abbie McMillen

Sargent Means

Eugene Meyer

Sean and Carra Miller

Terry and Bebe Moulton

Sandy Murphy and Charlie Loeb

Drew Myers

Azaiah Nanson

Tony and Olivia Nicholas

Phil Norris and Deborah Wiggs

James and Susan Noyes

Peg O’Connor

Michael and Sonja O’Donnell

Diana Page and Oscar Ruiz

Chris and Susan Pappas

Lin and Anne Parker

Thaddeus and Margaret Parker

Frederick and Christine Parson John Peabody

Kathleen Podraza and Joseph Perkins

Paul and Kip Perkinson

Victoria Perry

David and Patty Persson

Bowen Posner

Ann Potts

Stephen Pulvirent

Jonathan Edwards College Staff

Sarah Reid

Hal and Lisa Reynolds

John and Renee Richardson

Thomas and Joy Richardson

Matthew Robbins

Frank Roda

Thomas and Sachi Rodes

Franklin and Grace Roosevelt

Eric and Eveleen Sass

Gil Schafer and Courtnay Daniels

Karl and Katherine Schoettle

Bill and Arlene Schwind

Frederick Seeley

Richard Seeley

Rachel Seligman

Curtis and Barbara Shaw

Cynthia Situ

Donald Sussman and Chellie Pingree

Stephen and Luciana Taber

Patricia Taylor

Phyllis and Will Taylor

Susan Stanley Taylor

Lowell and Judith Thomas

Joe Thompson

Lisa and Rex Thors

Lorinda Toscas and Robert Manheimer

Steve White

Wilder-Guiles Family

Cynthia Winings and David Dillon

Diana and David Wood Lynne Yurosko and Mark Rosenthal

Grete Zemans

Jon Zemans

Paul Zierk

Businesses and Organizations


168-152 Lisbon of Lewiston LLC 40/15 Tennis

Airgas Amazon Smile Arborvine

Baldwin, Inc.

Bar Harbor Bank & Trust BHD Containers

Blue Hill Accounting, LLC

Blue Hill Books

Blue Hill Cabinet & Woodwork, Inc.

Blue Hill Co-op, Inc.

Blue Hill Country Club

Blue Hill Fair

Blue Hill Garage

Blue Hill Heritage Trust

Blue Hill Inn

Blue Hill Wine Shop

Blue Ledge Carpentry

Brooklin Boat Yard

Cheryl L. Boulet, CPA

Christopher Group, LLC

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 19

Above and below, guests mingle and browse dealer exhibits at the Downeast Art & Antiques Show Preview Party at GSA.

The August show, featuring 27 national and international art and antique dealers, brought more than 600 visitors from far and wide to campus and raised $33,000 for the GSA Fund.

Special thanks to show director Laura Carrigan and the dealers for putting on such a spectacular show, and to Gil Schafer and Courtnay Daniels, co-chairs, and our sponsors for their leadership and support.

“We cannot thank GSA enough, especially Rada Starkey,” Laura said, “for their support and hard work on this great event.”

See MORE PHOTOS on our website at

Christopher Spitzmiller, Inc.

Community Pharmacies

Compass Point Real Estate

Darling’s Auto Group

David W. Gray Carpentry

Dead River Company

Deeper Waters Marketing, LLC Downeast Properties

Ellen S. Best, Attorney at Law

Elliott Architects

First National Bank Fish Net

Full Circle Printing Solutions

Gary’s Fuel Service, Inc.


Hale and Hamlin

Hiram Blake Camp

Hodinkee Team

Horton, McFarland & Veysey, LLC CPAs

Humblebee Cafe

Hylan & Brown Boatbuilders

John H. Gray Electrical, Plumbing & Heating

Jones, Kuriloff & Sargent, LLC

JPMerc & Co., Inc.

Kollegewidgwok Yacht Club

Lawrence Family Fitness Center Leaf & Anna

Legacy Properties Sotheby’s International Realty

Lucy’s Granola

Lynam Agency Insurance Lynam Real Estate

M.E. Astbury & Son

Maine Environmental Education Association

Maine Maritime Academy Maine Shellfish Co., Inc.

Mainescape Nursery and Garden Shop

The McClure Group

McVay’s Service

The Merle B. Grindle Agency


NOAH Publications

Noah Tapley Golf

Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital

Parker Ridge Retirement Community

Rackliffe Pottery, Inc.

Rioux Catering

Rooster Brother Saltmeadow Properties

Sandy’s Blue Hill Cafe Sealander Architects

Shoreline Detailing

Snow’s Plumbing & Heating Stahnke & Kitagawa Architects

Stanley Subaru

Thomaston Place Auction Galleries

TradeWinds Marketplace

Tree Of Life

Variable Movement LLC

W.R. Allen, Inc.

W.S. Emerson

Wardwell Oil

Wellness Chiropractic

Jeffrey F. Wessel

Wight’s Sporting Goods

Withington & Company

Yanni’s Pizza


Trusts, Estates, and Foundations

Alaska Community Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Charles Wentz Carter Memorial Foundation

Davis Family Foundation

Francis T. and Louise T. Nichols Foundation

Maine Community Foundation

MELMAC Education Foundation

The Page & Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation

The Poetry Foundation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program


Gifts in Kind

40/15 Tennis


Sara Ardrey

Beverly Bartlett

Alden Blodgett

Blue Hill Country Club

Blue Hill Heritage Trust

Suzanne Carmichael

Sally Chadbourne

Darling’s Auto Group

David De Heras

Corey Esposito

Annie Taylor Gray

Jaye Gross

Prudy Heilner

Mike and Kara Heino

Judith Hotchkiss

JPMerc & Co., Inc.

Tyler Knowles

Lawrence Family Fitness Center

Deborah Ludlow

Maine Maritime Academy


Drew Myers

Noah Tapley Golf

Phil Norris

(†) deceased

20 Celebration of Giving

Rackliffe Pottery, Inc.

Thomas and Sachi Rodes

Eric and Eveleen Sass

Stanley Subaru

Noel Stookey

Zoë Tenney

Jen Traub W.S. Emerson Wight’s Sporting Goods

In honor of Alexandra Wessel ‘09 Judyth Herrick

Benjamin Emory

Catharine Fender

Allison Fleck and Joshua Elliott

Katherine Smith

Daniel Souza

Heather Spangler


Gifts Made in Memory

In memory of Wayne Astbury ‘59 Thelma Astbury

In memory of Gerald Austin ‘64 James Farr

Riley Ford

Maggie Garfield Bruce and Linette Grindal William and Nancy Hanley Rolf and Linda Hansen Prudy and Fred Heilner

Matthew and Martha Stackpole

Rada and Robert Starkey

Kristina and Robert Stephens

William and Peggi Stevens

Robert and Emily Stribling Dennis and Clare Sullivan

Patricia Taylor


Matching Gift Companies

Apple, Inc.

Bank of America Charitable Foundation Horizon Therapeutics T-Mobile

Gifts Made in Honor

Gifts Made in Honor

In honor of Merrin Brache ‘17 Merrill Brache

In honor of Bill Case

Jack and Brenda Frost

In honor of the Class of 1991

Emily Wilson

In honor of the Class of 2022

Clementine Bannon

In honor of Phelan Gallagher ’02, Martin Conte ’11, and the future of GSA’s music program Jennifer Lapham and Paul Sacaridiz

In honor of Jack Gray ‘22

Lydia Garrant

In honor of Morgan Lowe Amy Baker and Skip Pile

In honor of Sally Mills ‘85 Peter and Judy Robbins

In honor of Steve Orlofsky-“Mr. O” Grace Bell

Warren and Nancy Berkowitz

In honor of David Stearns and Paul Gilden

Max Reiter

In honor of Zoë Robbins Tenney ‘93

Peter and Judy Robbins

Rachel Seligman

In honor of our Veterans

Harvard and Linda Candage

In memory of James Austin Jodelle Austin Marjorie and David Gray Chris Gray and Charlene Spindler Libby and Scott Rosemeier Sarah Rosemeier Cutter

In memory of John F. Bartlett, Jr., James C. Bartlett, and Hollis M. Turner

Edward and Amy Turner

In memory of Deborah Brewster Anonymous (2)

Mohammed Ali Timothy and Diane Allen Frank Anastasio

Lucy and Michael Anastasio Emil and Ellie Andy Michael and Patricia Astbury Mary Barnes and Peter Neill Grace Bell

Ross Bell Trudy and Scot Bell

Seth Berkman Warren and Nancy Berkowitz Aaron Berman Emily Bernstein

Jesse Bessett

Elisabeth Bixby Margaret Bixby Dorothea Black and Steve Logowitz Ellen Booraem

Bayard and Kerry Brokaw Blas and Elizabeth Bruno

Josie Callari

Val and Patty Chamberlain

Judith Chertoff

Peter and Sandy Clapp

Robert and Patricia Clapp

Sally Clinton

Bonnie and Merle Copper Alfie and Malcolm Daniels Anne and Steve Dentino

Nancy Dewey

Jim Dow and Ciona Ulbrich Terryellen Duffy

Richard Hero and Jane Whitney Hodinkee Team

Will Holloway Rob and Shelley Jackson Tom and Corinne Jackson

Anita Jacobssen

Bonnie Johnson

Jonathan Edwards College Staff

Becky Kelly

George and Cynthia Knapp Marisa and Matt Kogan

Antonia Lanza

Joseph and Sharon Lendvai

Robin Lincoln Annie Loeb Susan Loomis

Patricia Lown

Jim Markos

Paul and Lyn Mayewski

William and Caroline Mayher Robert and Rebecca McCall

Benjamin Mendlowitz

Hannah Mendlowitz

Sally Mills

Marion and Tom Morris

Jim and Linda Murphy

Sandy Murphy and Charlie Loeb

James and Susan Noyes

Peg O’Connor

Steve and Carol Orlofsky

John Peabody David and Patty Persson Kimball Petty and Deborah Marshall Bowen Posner Ann Potts

Stephen Pulvirent

Sarah Reid

Lauren and Neil Reiter

Matthew Robbins

Peter and Judy Robbins

Frank Roda

Franklin and Grace Roosevelt

Eric and Eveleen Sass

Karl and Katherine Schoettle

Jennifer Schroth and Jonathan Ellsworth

Laura Sherman

Janet Simpson

Cynthia Situ

Albert and Margaret Smith

Joe Thompson

Sally Tomkins

Jonathan Wilson and Sherry Streeter

Cynthia Winings and David Dillon Marjorie Yesley and Claude Dupuy

In memory of Margaret McIntyre Bridges and Wilbur McIntyre

Anne Bridges and Paul Bates

In memory of Walter Butler ’44, Helen Osgood Butler ’39, and Janet Butler Torrey ’79

Nancy Hastings

In memory of Alida Camp Tony and Olivia Nicholas

In memory of Ronald Candage ‘49 Ferol Candage Harvard and Linda Candage

In memory of Carl and Susan Chase Martin Conte

In memory of deceased classmates from the Class of ‘50 Muriel Remsen

In memory of Janice Gillis Cleveland ‘43 Belinda Carter

In memory of Andrew Collier ‘98 Bar Harbor Bank & Trust William Beddow Blue Ledge Carpentry

Bonnie Brody

Robert and Patricia Clapp

Steve and Sandy Collier David W. Gray Carpentry

Deeper Waters Marketing, LLC

Marjorie and David Gray

Hale and Hamlin

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 21

Deborah Brewster Memorial Scholarship Awarded

At Class Night in June, Maeve McLaughlin '22 was honored as the first recipient of the Deborah Brewster Memorial Scholarship. Following Deborah's passing in 2021, her family established this scholarship in tribute to Deborah's decades-long legacy of service to her community.

During her four years at GSA, Maeve was a campus and community leader on LGBTQ issues, particularly focusing on advocacy and increasing awareness related to identity and visibility. Her senior year, Maeve made a presentation about the importance of language and identity, and their impact on students, at an employee meeting. Her work was applauded and greatly appreciated by the community, and she went on to present to educators at local elementary schools.

During Maeve’s time at GSA, she inspired adults and peers alike, and her impact on the community still resonates.

Maeve is attending Wheaton College in Massachusetts where she is majoring in gender, sexuality, and women's studies.

Thank you to Deborah’s family and friends who gave generously to this new endowment fund (p. 21).

Jones, Kuriloff & Sargent, LLC

Lynam Agency Insurance

Lynam Real Estate

The Merle B. Grindle Agency Sean and Carra Miller

Chris and Samantha Pickering Libby and Scott Rosemeier

Ebb Walton

In memory of Walter and Veronica Conary Louise Shackett

In memory of Richard and Agnes Gallagher William and Doris Webb

In memory of Stanton Garfield, Jr. Maggie Garfield Martha Garfield

In memory of James Gray, a passionate music educator Annie Taylor Gray

In memory of Sheldon Gross ‘66 Alta Gross

In memory of Clifton Merle Hatch ‘58 and Alice Izona Nevells Hatch ‘28

Elaine Peebles

In memory of Nancy Herrick Leanne Bateman

In memory of Susie Hutchins ‘74 Joceline Boucher

In memory of Calvin E. Keefe ‘55, Sylvia E. Duffy ‘56, and Malissa K. Carter ‘59

Katherine Smith

In memory of Nan Carter Lake ’72 Joanne Barrett

In memory of Elaine Butler Locke ‘49

Jerry and Jackie Butler

In memory of Benjamin Long ‘68 Angeline Long

In memory of Grace and Blaine Lymburner Nancy and Ronald Stoller

In memory of Bob Marshall— English and Theatre Teacher 1976-80

Johanna Whitmore

In memory of Anjie Dietz Murphy ‘81

Susan Dietz

In memory of Sonja Grant Neri ‘59 Lynda Fill

In memory of Nicene-Marks Pascal ‘89

John and Joanne Kimball Carole and Thomas Pascal George and Pamela Elias Rooster Brother

In memory of Thomas R. Perkins, Jr. ‘75 Kim-Anne Perkins

In memory of Salvatore and Angela Pinto Laura Rossi and Janice Pinto

In memory of Hattie Piper ‘43 Katherine Smith

In memory of Helen Reed Florence Reed and Bruce Maanum

In memory of David Snow Thomas Bjorkman and Roxanne Donahey Laurence Flood and Tyler Knowles

Joyce Snow

In memory of Evan Soukup ‘17 Mert and Ashley Hanscom

In memory of Sheila Carter Varnum ‘58 Donald Varnum

In memory of Dwight S. Webber ‘60 Forrest and Janet Horton

In memory of Michael Winters ’79 C. Martin Nowland and Joy Bicknell

In memory of Paul Woodward and John Peirce

Samuel Woodward

In memory of Ethtelyn Woodye Debbie and Blaine Davis Gail and Chris Strehan

In Memoriam


Hattie Nevells Piper ’43

Mona Robertson Goodwin ’49

Lee Partridge Leach ‘50

Robert Babson ’55

Lorraine Carter Lounder ’58

Sumner Lymburner ‘59

Chloe O’Neill Conklin ’60

David Gross ‘60

Harold Sweet ‘62

Edie McVay King ‘63

Katherine Snow Peasley ’63

Albert Varnum ’64

Joyce Torrey Gilley ‘66

Charrisse Astbury Stanko ‘66

James Yates ‘67

Robert Austin ‘68

Robin Alexander Alzeraca ‘69

Sandra Varnum Kuykendall ’69

Mona Kennedy ‘72

Geraldine Saunders Nevells ’72

Susan Hutchins ‘74

Georgine Saunders ‘77

Daniel Champlin ‘78

David French ‘80

Robert Cass ‘97

Kameron Proud ‘98

Matthew Farrar ‘03

Nicholas King ’18

22 Celebration of Giving (†) deceased

Award Supports First Album

Jazz pianist Yvonne Rogers ’17 was awarded a grant from the Hylan Family Alumni Fund for the Performing Arts to help her record and produce her debut album.

The “Seeds Project” features Iago Fernandez of Spain on drums, Nadav Erlich of Israel on bass, and Emmanuelle Bonnet of Switzerland on vocals. Yvonne composed the music and wrote the lyrics for the project.

The album was recorded in late September in Basel, Switzerland, where Yvonne took part in Focusyear.

“Seeds Project” is expected to debut in the summer of 2023.

Thank You, Advancement Volunteers

We’d like to thank the members of George Stevens Academy’s Advancement and Development committees. They generate a positive and immediate impact on the student experience through their efforts to grow the GSA Fund, build our endowment, and lead capital initiatives. Here, we honor current committee members.


Phyllis Taylor, Co-Chair

Rada Starkey, Co-Chair Sara Ardrey Larry Flood K. Guinness

Mark Messer Sally Mills ‘85 Tim Seeley Joyce Snow


Amy Baker, Co-Chair

Rada Starkey, Co-Chair

April Chapman ‘91 Sarah Clapp ’02 Carrie Clifford ’94

Margie Gray ‘81 Prudy Heilner Mary Tobey ’93

Lynne Yurosko Chris Wanning

We’d also like to thank our current class agents, liaisons between their graduating classes and the Advancement Office. They help with class correspondence, news, updates, reunion organizing, and generating support for the GSA Fund. To serve as a class agent or recommend a classmate, email Rada Starkey


Lucy Ledien ‘43

Donald Varnum ‘54

Beverly Cecchini ‘56

Janice Prior-Crofoot ‘59

Marilyn Brossmer ‘61

Marjorie Longwood ‘61

Lawrence Merrill ‘62

James Farr ‘64

Belinda Carter ‘67

Christine Lamb ‘67

Sylvia Tapley ’69

Joan Wardwell ‘73

Stormi Wentworth ‘77

Deborah Ludlow ‘79 Merton Bunker ‘80

Margie Gray ’81

Craig Berry ‘83

Tina Stephens ‘84

Stephanie Vetne ‘86

Darlene Hatch ‘87

Gary Milliken ‘88

Jeb Billings ‘89

Dawn Nason ‘89

Christie Snow ‘90

Emily Wilson ‘91 Seth Cole ‘97

Emily Hildebrand ‘97

James Hildebrand ‘97 Brooke Miller ‘97

Jacob Berkowitz ‘02

Madeleine Park ‘09

Julianna Smith ‘09

Max Reiter ‘10

Lucas Yoder ’10

Martin Conte ‘11

Madison Sawyer ‘12

William Navarre ‘13

Timothy Dentino ‘15

Emmaline Richardson ‘15

Tate Yoder ‘15

READ MORE in Yvonne Rogers ’17 in the Old Town in Basel, Switzerland. Thanks for the photo, Yvonne!
GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 23

Board Welcomes Four, Bids Four Farewell

The Committee on Trustees is pleased to announce four new members of the Board of Trustees as we acknowledge the service of four who are leaving the board. Terry Moulton, a valuable member of the Finance Committee for the past four years, has joined the board and taken over leadership of the Finance Committee as Jim Crawford’s term has expired. We are truly sad to lose Jim, whose wise guidance and strategic thinking have been invaluable, but also grateful that we can turn to Terry, who worked hand in hand with Jim and whose understanding of the fine details of budgeting is crucial for GSA. Terry’s background is in finance: Morgan Guaranty Trust and Airline Capital Associates. He was on the board of the Bay School and recently headed Blue Hill Heritage Trust; thus he brings both financial acumen and an understanding of education and of the Blue Hill Peninsula with him. In addition to Terry, Rachel Grivois, a CPA with Accounting Services of Maine, has also joined the board and brings her accounting knowledge to our budgeting process.

We have said goodbye to Deb Ludlow, who completed her second nine-year term on the board (that is 18 years!!!). Deb brought her understanding of the school as a parent and alum to every meeting. She chaired the Development Committee and, for the past two years, was the vice-chair of the board. Her wisdom will be sorely missed. However, we are lucky to have added a new parent to the board, Amy Baker, whose daughter Molly Pile is in the 10th grade. Amy and her daughter (and husband) are such fans of GSA that they moved from San Francisco to Blue Hill so that Molly can attend. In San Francisco, Amy served on the board of the San Francisco Friends School. Earlier this year, Amy joined the Development Committee at GSA and has accepted the invitation to chair it. We are grateful that she accepted this leadership position.

Mike McMillen, whose term has also ended, has done a tremendous amount of work and strategic thinking about the condition of facilities at the school. He has brought in experts in many fields to help us plan for the future. We are grateful for all he has done. Sally Chadbourne has taken on a major role at Maine Maritime Academy, necessitating her leaving the board. She had headed our Advancement Committee and was a valuable member of the Committee on Trustees as well as the Boarding Committee. Her thoughtful, hard work will be missed enormously.

We are delighted that Sue Loomis is returning to the GSA Board of Trustees after recently retiring from Maine Maritime Academy. At Maine Maritime, she was professor of humanities and communications, academic dean and dean of faculty, and earlier chair of the Arts and Sciences Department. Sue was a trustee at GSA from 2004-2013, and we are so very glad that she has chosen to return to GSA.

24 Celebration of Giving

Aspiring Student Leaders

George Stevens Academy is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees, each of whom is dedicated to supporting the academy, its mission, and its vision. We share below a list of our current trustees as well as the memberships of three selected committees. Our volunteer trustees and committee members make a difference in the lives of our students, the well-being of the school, and the future of the Blue Hill Peninsula. We thank them for all they have done and all they will do.

Our Trustees 2022-2023

Sally Mills ‘85, Chair, Blue Hill

Terry Moulton, Treasurer, Blue Hill

Sara Becton Ardrey, Blue Hill

Amy Baker, Blue Hill

Alden Blodgett ‘78, Penobscot

Rachel Grivois, Brewer

Kenelm “K.” Guinness, Blue Hill Prudy Heilner, Blue Hill

Bill Case, Clerk, Blue Hill

Mark Hurvitt, Blue Hill Tyler Knowles, Blue Hill Sue Loomis, Castine Robyn Sealander, Brooklin Zoë Tenney ‘93, Sedgwick

Selected Standing Committees


Terry Moulton, Chair

Larry Flood Anne Gibson

Rachel Grivois

Mark Hurvitt

Jim Markos

Sally Mills ’85

Brock Muir

Brendon Reay

Tim Seeley


Robyn Sealander, Chair

Alden Blodgett ’78

Eden Cowart

Wilson King Chris Kowalski

Terry Moulton

Brock Muir

Tim Seeley Bruce Stahnke

Bill Webb

Committee On Trustees

Tyler Knowles, Chair

Kenelm “K.” Guinness Sue Loomis

Sally Mills ’85 Tim Seeley Zoë Tenney ’93

Left photo, from left: 10th-graders Ansel Tenney, Mya Schildroth, Grace Macomber, and Matilda Sorich after making speeches as candidates for Student Council. Right photo, from left: 11th-graders Brady Hutchins, Violet Czuj, Oceania Black, and Emmett Watters after their speeches.
GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 25

Golf Tournament Boosts GSA Fund

In early September, 75 golfers came out swinging at the Blue Hill Country Club to show their support for GSA and to have a good time. As a result, the 2022 Duane B. Gray ’64 Memorial Golf Tournament at the Blue Hill Country Club raised more than $17,000 for the GSA Fund, which helps pay for programming of all kinds at the academy, and much more.

We are grateful to the golfers (below) and to our generous sponsors (next page) for helping us set a new tournament record!

Many thanks also to the Golf Committee and other volunteers who organized the tournament and helped make it so much fun!

Brandon Allen ’03

Jeff Allen ’79

Parker Allen ’20

Payson Allen ’18

Simeon Allen ’01

Spencer Allen

Josh Astbury ’08

Mike Astbury ’03

Riley Astbury ’23

Jodelle Austin ’83

Mikey Bannister

Dustyn Bates ’02

Justin Bennett

Robbie Bennett ’23

Belinda Carter ’67

Dean Carter

Mark Carter

Nick Carter

Bill Case

Mark Clapp ’03

Kitty Clements

Patrick Dagan ’24

Barry Duffy ’89

Rick Ferretti

Erik Fitch ’99

Larry Flood

Amanda Gardner

Christopher Gardner

David Gray ’80

Margie Gray ’81

Mark Gray ’81

Laela Heino ’24

Martha Horne

Duncan Howell ’20

Brady Hutchins ’24

Eric Hutchins ’95

James Hutchinson Don Lehman

Ignatius MacLellan

Tony McKim

Zachary McNally

Sarge Means

Will Morey Bebe Moulton

Brockett Muir ’23

Dan Myerowitz

Gail Myerowitz

Havi Myerowitz

Rachel Myerowitz

Chris Page

Adam Palmer

Bonnie Paulas ’69

Brady Pert ’24

Chris Pickering ’95

Tyler Player

Randy Redman ’87

Libby Rosemeier ’77

Mark Rosenthal

Jasper Rosney

Michael Rosney

Fred Seeley

Harrison Seeley

Richard Seeley

Doug Siebert

Terry Siebert

Tim Siebert

Noah Tapley ’02

Phyllis Taylor

Will Taylor

Owen Vinall ’20

Ed Volkwein

Ebb Walton ’08

Ryan Welch

Jake Young

Baren Yurchick ’02

Thank you to all the golfers who came out to support GSA programs!
Left photo: AM champions Will Morey, Terry Siebert, Doug Siebert, and Tim Siebert. Right photo: PM champions David Gray ’80, Mark Gray ’81, and Baren Yurchick ’02 (not pictured, Barry Duffy ’89). FULL RESULTS at
26 Celebration of Giving

george stevens academy

The Duane B. Gray ’64 Memorial Golf Tournament at the Blue Hill Country Club

Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022

Thank you to all our generous sponsors!



Our ALBATROSS Sponsors

Downeast Properties, Inc.

Hammond Lumber

John H. Gray Electrical, Plumbing, and Heating, Inc.

Legacy Properties, Sotheby’s International Realty - Laura Pellerano

Merle B. Grindle Agency

Mike’s Market II Saltmeadow Properties Real Estate Variable Movement

Our EAGLE Sponsors

The Bay School

Blue Hill Cabinet & Woodwork

BHD Containers LLC

The Christopher Group, LLC

Bar Harbor Bank & Trust

Blue Hill Books

Blue Hill Fair

The Blue Hill Inn

Blue Ledge Carpentry


Blaze Blue Hill Blue Hill Co-op

Blue Hill Garage Blue Hill Heritage Trust Blue Hill Wine Shop

Brooklin Boat Yard

Beverly and Jiggs Cecchini

Cheryl L. Boulet, CPA

Ellen S. Best, Attorney At Law

First National Bank

Full Circle Printing Solutions Maine Shellfish Co., Inc.

Our BIRDIE Sponsors

David W. Gray Carpentry

Dead River Company

Hale and Hamlin Hiram Blake Camp Mark Gray Carpentry

Our PAR Sponsors

Elliott Architects

Fish Net HMV, LLC Certified Public Accountants


Rooney Hall Humblebee Cafe Kollegwidgwok Yacht Club

Mainescape Garden Center Marlintini’s Grill

M.E. Astbury & Son W.R. Allen, Inc. Lynne Yurosko and Mark Rosenthal

McVay’s Service

Sandy’s Blue Hill Cafe Sealander Architects Snow’s Plumbing & Heating Tradewinds Marketplace W.S. Emerson Wellness Chiropractic P.C. Yanni’s Pizza

GSA Annual Report 2021-2022 27

stevens academy

23 Union Street Blue Hill, ME 04614

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