Outsourcing&More #36 September-October 2017

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www.outsourcingportal.eu No. 5 (36) | September – October 2017 ISSN 2083-8867 PRICE EUR 6 (INCL. 8% VAT)


Irish companies are heavily focused on product innovation Wiktor Doktór talks to Bartosz Siepracki, Enterprise Ireland Director in Poland page 16

SSC: Is Poland still attractive for investments in the Shared Services sector? page 12


Plovdiv – rising BPO and ITO location in Bulgaria page 38


Open minded and analytical approach as the recipe for success in F&A industry page 68


Editor-in-chief Dymitr Doktór dymitr.doktor@proprogressio.pl @DymitrDoktor

Dear Readers, After the last 8 months of an intense period in the industry, the business activity is even starting to become greater. The number of new investment inquiries in modern business services is not going down, and the outsourcing industry as well as its environment adapts to new challenges and expectations of the market. This time our main interview is run with Bartosz Siepracki – the Head of Enterprise Ireland in Poland. Mr. Siepracki is sharing Irish business approach and the market strategy of companies from Ireland. In current edition of Outsourcing&More we present you another set of interesting publications related to Polish cities and investment environment in Poland. This time we decided to pay more attention to the so-called smart regions. The cities have quickly adapted intelligent solutions and these can be spotted in public transportation, urban infrastructure as well as the approach of residents or investors. We asked the Polish cities to comment on this issue, and the collected information is presented in the urban part of the Outsourcing&More. The business section will familiarize you with a wide range of topics related to HR, real estate, entrepreneurship and law. You will also find the continuation of Monika Reszko’s column, this time tackling the three mistakes killing employee’s commitment at work. HRK’s Monika Serwa presents a you-cannot-go-wrong recipe for SSC/BPO cooperation with recruitment agencies. This is not the only publication in this area. We also encourage you to read about the continued interest in robotics and process automation presented in the KPMG publication. Every year autumn presents interesting business events, such as The BSS Tour hosted in Opole, Poznań and Rzeszów. All important conferences from the outsourcing and modern business services sector are hosted under the auspices of Outsourcing&More media patronage.

Managing Editor Kamila Cyranowicz kamila.cyranowicz@proprogressio.pl DTP Dariusz Skuza Advertising reklama@outsourcingandmore.pl Published by PRO PROGRESSIO Editorial address ul. Sobieskiego 104/29 00-764 Warszawa www.proprogressio.pl

P: +48 22 213 02 45 F: +48 22 213 02 49 editor@proprogressio.pl www.outsourcingandmore.pl Print Drukarnia Jantar Legal support "Chudzik i Wspólnicy" An electronic version of the Magazine see the website www.outsourcingandmore.pl Selected photos come from shutterstock.com website Circulation 3,000 copies All rights reserved. No copying, reproduction or photocopying allowed without written consent of the publisher. The views expressed in this publication as well as the content of the adverts are not necessarily those of the editor. Partners

Enjoy your copy of Outsourcing&More and we are looking forward to seeing you at the conferences. AUTHORS

Dymitr Doktór, Chief Editor

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

Mariusz Szałaj • Bartosz Siepracki • Robert Fintak • Anna Damas • Aneta Płusa • Bartłomiej Zagrodnik • Maciej Wójcik • Katarzyna Dziewicka • Laisvis Makulis • Alena Palasheva • Loredana Niculae • Anna Mielczarek • Włodzimierz Tutaj • Monika Reszko • Małgorzata Serwa • Agnieszka Stróż





Market News


IAOP creates European Outsourcing Council

IAOP – the largest international outsourcing professionals’ association keeps on growing, worldwide. With significant experience and growth in US and on all continents, the management of IAOP decided to start a new initiative named European Outsourcing Council (EOC).


The real estate industry raises the bar even higher with another record



Silesia Now! Metropolis as a chance for a dynamic development of the region

With translations, as with diplomacy, one word can be crucial

Does selecting an incompetent translator or translation agency have consequences for your business? Of course it can. It may have not only legal or financial consequences but also global ones and may even put your business at risk.


Privacy in a smart city, or protection of personal data versus smart solutions The idea of a smart city is a concept which when combined with the Internet of things improves society's quality of life by employing new technologies and using them to manage infrastructure.


Katowice traditionally associated with coal mining and heavy industry has been undergoing an impressive metamorphosis for several last years.


Why do we migrate? Conclusions from the survey conducted in the Pomerania Voivodeship

Company kindergarten – it’s easier than you think

Changing your work place, moving to another city or region is always a huge challenge. You have to find a new apartment, school for your children, discover this new place.


Warsaw, 11 August 2017 – A record-breaking 379,210 PLN was raised at the 8th edition of the Charity Real Estate Beach Volleyball Tournament, including donations transferred by anonymous donors after the conclusion of the tournament.


SSC: Is Poland still attractive for investments in the Shared Services sector?


Irish companies are heavily focused on product innovation

Lithuania’s GBS sector future focus: talent development and transformation

In the light of current problems in Poland with securing places for children in public day-cares and kindergartens and very high costs of their private substitutes are the main reasons for searching for alternatives. KiDS&Co. offers such an alternative.


Lithuania is constantly in the spotlight for business services next to other CEE countries such as Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. Thanks to well-educated and keen to transform Lithuanian talent, the country has come a long way since the first companies started to set up their GBS Centers in 2008-2009.


Plovdiv – rising BPO and ITO location in Bulgaria


Investment News


Record year of the office market The pace of growth of the Polish office market allowed for some record results this year.

Wiktor Doktór talks to Bartosz Siepracki, Enterprise Ireland Director in Poland.


Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria, is one of the most ancient cities in the world – a city of more than Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


8000 years. Regardless of its ancient history or perhaps due to this centuries- long existence, the city is extremely modern, with great potential for business, science and education.


What do the international investors focus on when choosing Romania for business investments?


Opole – The Smart City Preparations for the use of EU funds that Poland has obtained to invest by 2020 are under way. ITI – Integrated Territorial Investment is a new financial tool introduced for territorial strategies (voivodeship cities and their areas).


Smart and life-enhancing solutions in Poznań


In smart most important is the man Częstochowa, as all Polish cities faces day-do-day tasks and problems, trying to make up for historical, and civilizational events, and not to be left behind when it comes to “intelligent” urban solutions.



HR News


The climate in the organization – in other words: 3 mistakes that will kill any commitment

Romania is strategically located at the crossing of numerous corridors of the region that facilitate the access to the European channels. Also, having a potential market of approximately The city for people – this is the main 20 million consumers, Romania has the advantage to be thesis of the Strategy for the City now one of the most dynamic economies in Central and of Poznan 2020+. Eastern Europe.


Bydgoszcz – a good start


Szczecin – today we are shaping tomorrow

September is the time when students are busy preparing for the next academic year and looking for a job they can combine with studies. Companies from the modern business services sector which operate in Bydgoszcz are happy to employ them, offering flexible working hours and other amenities.

According to the report Poland 2025 – New motor growth in Europe, developed by McKinsey & Company, the average number of hours worked in Europe is 1,600 hours per year. The Polish worker works on average 1,929.


Cooperation between a SSC/BPO company and a recruitment agency – what is the recipe for success?


Smart Lublin A key factor in "Smart City" concept is a quality of life changing due to smart transport and communication management and sustainable use of natural and human resources.


Kielce – Smart Solutions for Business

Szczecin is developing and facing the challenges of modern cities head-on. Innovative solutions are implemented, modern industries are encouraged, human capital programmes are implemented and new links between science and business are forged.


Łódź – the Smart City

The city of Kielce has been implementing the ideas of a smart city and sustainable development for almost 10 years, by proposing smart solutions to the residents and entrepreneurs. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

The quality of life in a city is one of the key aspects, which contribute to a city’s attractiveness to its residents, tourists, visitors and also investors.

The SSC/BPO sector is one of the most dynamically growing areas in Poland, with 32 thousand new jobs created between January 2016 and January 2017 alone*.


Open minded and analytical approach as the recipe for success in F&A industry

Interview with Agnieszka Stróż, Operations Director in BSS SA.


Recruitment Ads 5


MARKET NEWS The Big Eastern Europe Talent Discussion – hiring, nurturing, and retaining talent UK

Attracting and retaining talent is one of the key concerns of SSC leaders in Eastern Europe. In fact, it has been identified as the number 1 regional concern in this year's CEE Shared Services Industry Report. In its 11th edition, the Eastern European Shared Services & Outsourcing Week brings together insights from industry experts to help attendees decrease their attrition levels – for good. The meeting, taking place from 9th – 11th of October in Budapest, features keynotes, interactive discussion groups and interactive panel sessions devoted completely to helping you create an outstanding talent strategy which will enable participants to innovate solutions to win the talent war.

Free programming lessons in Kaunas LITHUANIA

Hundreds of children in Lithuania’s second city, Kaunas, will be learning and practicing programming throughout the next academic year thanks to Devbridge Group’s Sourcery for Kids initiative. Through this initiative, Devbridge Group, a US-based provider of programming services with a division in Lithuania, will provide free basic training in programming to 7-12 year-old children in Kaunas. More than 200 children will be enrolled, with the programme lasting throughout the academic year. Sourcery for Kids seeks to inspire and educate creative technologists, giving them the opportunity to learn and apply technological product development skills. For the entire academic year, the children will study key aspects of programming, from logical concepts and functions, through to variables, sequences, coordinates, and movement. And just as importantly, they will learn how to apply them in practical projects.

Paris to host the fourth edition of the European Universities & Graduate Schools championship, the Morpheus Cup, in 2018 LUXEMBURG

It is now official: the most important challenge for European students will take place in the French capital on April 12th, 2018 at Palais Brongniart. After Luxembourg in 2017, Paris City Hall just gave its green light to welcome the event to the capital. Since its launch in


2015, the Morpheus Cup has been placed under the high patronage of the European Commission with the support of Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Carlos Moedas in 2017. The event already attracted hundreds of campus from more than 20 countries and rewarded many of them included Warshaw School of Economics, Mannheim Business School, HEC Paris, Polytechnique Nantes, universities from Oxford, Luxembourg, Athens and Barcelona. The next edition will take the competition to another level by featuring tech, business, science, marketing, creative challenges in five different rooms, suggesting meetings with employers through 50 stands and presenting not less than 20 categories for students to submit their projects/startups ideas. Apart from the live experiences and challenges designed by entrepreneurs or partners of the event, almost 500 research projects and startups will be showcased to win awards, the championship and up to €50,000 worth of prizes. Art, circular economy, human capital, smart cities, mobility, FinTech, design, industry, sport, artificial intelligence… topics, regardless of the students’ profiles and education level, invite them to be creative in many different fields. Finalists will have to pitch in front of an international jury. Past editions welcomed jury members from Google Lunar XPrize, WarnerBros, Accenture, European Investment Fund, FC Barcelona, ESA, Canal+, Novak Djokovic Foundation etc. Registrations will open as of September 1st for students. First partners, jury members and employers will be unveiled before Christmas season.

Quigleymedia forms strategic partnership with emerging Europe UK

QUIGLEYMEDIA announces that it has formed a strategic partnership with Emerging Europe, with the aim of promoting the Central and Eastern European (CEE) Region’s outsourcing proficiency across the UK sourcing industry, as well as other markets. The partnership will see the provision of unparalleled insight and in-depth information on the many countries within the region that currently deliver technology and/or business services to the global sourcing market. The ‘Sourcing

in Emerging Europe’ programme will also provide opportunities that will make it easier for meaningful collaboration and cross-border partnerships to develop.

ELIV 2017 – Attraction of the industry DÜSSELDORF

Cars are getting smarter, the electronics used in them are getting more and more complex. On the 18th and 19th of October 2017, the focus will be on electronics in vehicles at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB). Experts will be discussing the megatrends in automotive electronics at the International VDI Congress "Electronic in Vehicles" (ELIV). The international congress with the accompanying exhibition is the most important industry meeting for experts in the field of electrics, electronics and system integration in the car. The 18th edition of the event is expecting a record number of delegates of up to 1,600 participants. The event boasts of more than 70 plenary and specialized presentations. Participants will be able to meet with more than 120 international trade exhibitors that showcase the latest developments and trends in vehicle electronics. The presentation program of the ELIV 2017 will deal with key issues such as Highly Automated Driving, Smart & Connected Car and Electromobility. Additionally, to the varied program, the exhibition is an excellent benefit for international participants, consisting of decision-makers and experts from vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and service providers and high-profile academics. Delegates will be shown innovations from the fields of driver assistance systems, electrical power supply, networked systems, infotainment and HMI. Further highlights are the special exhibitions on Highly Automated Driving and Charging as well as a Start-up area.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


85% of Indian enterprises increasing their ICT budgets in 2017 UK

India’s strong economy, which remains the fastest-growing major economy in the world, has prompted its enterprises to increase investments pertaining to information and communications technology (ICT), with 85% of survey respondents willing to increase their ICT budgets in 2017, compared to 75% in 2016, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData. The company’s latest report states that Indian enterprises are investing in core technologies such as software, hardware, and IT services to improve their efficiency and productivity. Additionally, the government’s ‘Digital India’ campaign is helping Indian enterprises rework their technology investment strategies. As data centers form an integral part of digital transformation, enterprises in India allocate a substantial proportion of their ICT budget to this domain. Indian respondents also aim to benefit from IT sourcing, as service support and help desk stands as the most popular outsourcing function. Although cloud adoption is at a nascent stage in India, the information ministry’s guidelines to embrace cloud solutions is providing ICT vendors with the required impetus to grab these opportunities. Indian enterprises also invest in internet of things (IoT) to make use of the data generated for developing new business strategies.

Ericsson builds endto-end NB-IoT system for Chunghwa Telecom SWEDEN

Ericsson will build a NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) system for Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan’s largest integrated telecommunications services company, enabling the island to take its first steps toward joining the Internet of Things. Chunghwa Telecom will use the system to trial a range of IoT devices and applications in its laboratory. NB-IoT is a 3GPP standards-based Low Power Wide Area technology that offers significant improvements in areas such as deep indoor coverage, power consumption, device complexity, system capacity and spectrum efficiency. The end-to-end NB-IoT solution developed for Chunghwa Telecom will comprise a range of Ericsson offerings including the Ericsson Radio System, Massive IoT radio access network (RAN) software, virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC), virtual Subscriber Data Management (vSDM),

and the IoT Smart Device and Application service on the AppIoT platform. The vEPC is deployed as a dedicated IoT Packet Core, using network slicing functionality, enabling Chunghwa Telecom to explore massive machine type communications use cases and rapidly bring new services to market.

280% surge in cyber-security translations from English in the first half of 2017 The growing wave of cyber-attacks that is shaking countries all around the world caused a surge in demand for translations in the cyber-security field in 2017. The target languages of cyber-security practitioners include surprising languages such as Danish. One Hour Translation examined around 71,000 English translation projects in 2016 and 2017 and found that the number of cyber-security translation projects in the 14 most popular languages jumped 280% in the first half of 2017 compared with the first half of 2016. The most popular target languages for translations from English in the cyber-security area during the first half of 2017 are as follows: Danish (21% of the projects); German (19%); French (11%); Simplified Mandarin (10%); Italian (9%); Dutch, Japanese and Russian (5% each);

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

European Spanish (4%); Turkish, Traditional Mandarin (3% each); Brazilian Portuguese (2%); Korean and Latin American Spanish (1% for each language). The growth in cyber-security translations in the first half of 2017 compared to the first half of the previous year registered a surge in the number of projects translated from English to Danish (growth of 1,636%); Dutch (899%); Japanese (784%); Russian (634%); Italian (609%); Korean (412%); German (391%); Simplified Mandarin (382%) and French (145%). Most languages saw a growth in the number of translation projects in the cyber-security field in the second half of 2016 which as described continued to grow in the first half of 2017. The surge in the demand for cyber-security translations into Danish is linked to the growth in the cyber-security threats to Denmark since the beginning of 2017, which was articulated in the Danish Defense Minister’s warning that Danish hospitals and energy infrastructure were exposed to cyber warfare from Russia. In April 2017, the Danish government’s Center for Cybersecurity reported that Danish Foreign and Defense Ministries e-mail accounts and servers were under constant cyber-attacks in 2015 and 2017. Another prominent Danish cybercrime was the "Petya" ransomware attack at the end of 2017, which paralyzed Danish transport and logistics giant Maersk. One unusual factor that explains the surge in the demand for cyber-security translations into Dutch was the Global Threat Intelligence Report published by NTT Security in April 2017. The report estimated that 38% of the world’s phishing attacks come from the Netherlands. Another factor was the wave of DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks by groups of Turkish hackers in March 2017 on prominent Dutch websites such as NL Times, Rumag, and Versio hosted sites. These attacks likely explain the surge in Dutch cyber-security translation projects, which grew by 121% between the first and second quarters of 2017. The dramatic surge in translations into Japanese is also not coincidental. For example, a Kyodo News survey found that in 2016 alone, cyberattacks on Japanese companies caused 12.6 million leaks compared to 2.07 million in 2015. At least 600 targets in Japan were hit by the massive WannaCry ransomware attack that hit more than 200,000 computers in 150 countries in May 2017. The severity of the threat to Japan was further illustrated when at the end of June, Honda Motor announced that it was forced to temporarily shut down operations at the Sayama Automobile Plant near Tokyo (which produces the Honda Accord, Odyssey, and Step Wagon) because of WannaCry’s damage to Honda’s computer network.

Cushman & Wakefield announces tech partnership with metaprop NYC POLAND

New Exclusive Partnership Allows Top Real Estate Technology Startups to Engage with Cushman & Wakefield’s Clients and Resources Around the World. Cushman & Wakefield announced today that it has partnered with MetaProp NYC, the world’s premier real estate technology nexus, to provide the global real estate services leader with exclusive worldwide strategic advice and corporate development across business lines and support services. The Cushman & Wakefield-MetaProp tech partnership provides qualified startups with: • Single point of entry to the global Cushman & Wakefield ecosystem • Insight into Cushman & Wakefield operational and client business needs • Fast tracked technology and business diligence • Matching with appropriate Cushman & Wakefield client and business champions • Pilots, partnerships, investments, and acquisition. •




EU initiative against counterfeit medications. From February 9, 2019 prescription drugs may only be sold in Europe if each package has a unique identifier. A data matrix code is added to the packaging of the medication. As well as the serial number, the data matrix code contains the product code, information about the product batch and the expiry date. Each package of medication is therefore unique. Verification of the authenticity of medication is through the The PTV Group and the French institute VEDECOM announced individual identification code meaning that their collaboration on a three-year strategic initiative. VEDECOM items are authenticated throughout the focuses on research and development in the field of MaaS entire delivery chain. (Mobility as a Service) in Smart Cities, including the integration The Dutch Medicines Verification of autonomous vehicles and their monitoring in real-time. This Organization (NMVO) was founded is where PTV Group can provide valuable assistance, with in August 2016 by pharmaceutical appropriate software and know-how. manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers The cooperation between PTV and VEDECOM follows a first and pharmacies in the Netherlands. initiative in which PTV assists VEDECOM in modelling The organisation supports the introduction a new research area located in the Satory district near Paris. of the new European system and is Optimal access routes to the area will be defined using PTV responsible for building and operating the software for traffic and pedestrian simulation (PTV Vissim and Netherlands Medicines Verification System. PTV Viswalk). The new research area consists of a lab and a circuit As official Blueprint Provider for the where autonomous vehicles can be tested. In addition, PTV will European Medicines Verification take part in the CoEXist research project which aims at depicting Organization (EMVO), Arvato Systems will the driving behaviour of autonomous vehicles in a realistic manner build and operate the Netherlands National (PTV Vissim). In a second step, additional PTV software tools, Verification System. such as PTV Optima and PTV xServer, may be deployed to enable Since January 2013, Arvato Systems has the Smart City platform to supervise access to the area in real time offered a national IT solution for protection for all transport modes, including autonomous vehicles. against counterfeit medicines. This system keeps and manages all the packaging data of medicines that are required by The Netherlands implements National the legislation and were provided by Verification System with Arvato Systems the industry to offer the verification of NETHERLANDS medications before they are delivered to the patient. This procedure ensures that all the medicines are valid throughout the entire supply- and delivery chain.

Investment Plan for Europe: EIB fosters Nosto’s expansion and product innovation

Plan for Europe, aiming at reviving investment in strategic projects around Europe. Nosto operates in the rapidly evolving software-as-a-service (SaaS) segment, specialising in helping e-commerce merchants to improve their sales and overall customer experience by using Nosto Solutions' proprietary technology. The EIB financing will make it possible to create more innovative features using Nosto’s cutting-edge patented technology to help retailers grow their businesses with strong local support.

Transcom Spain awarded at the Platinum Contact Center Awards 2017 SPAIN

Transcom has once again been recognized with this important prize awarded by the Contact Center Magazine in one of the most prestigious customer care galas in Spain: the Platinum Contact Center Awards. In this year’s event, which was held at the Goya Theater in Madrid, Transcom was awarded in the “Best Customer Experience in Banking” category for the high-quality services provided to one of its main clients. The awards ceremony was attended by more than 300 contact center industry executives from various sectors, and the participating Contact Center and Technology companies. These awards recognize the excellence and know-how of companies that each year demonstrate their firm quality commitment and their efforts to develop the relationship with their customers. Companies in the sector are awarded for their high degree of professionalism and competitive services, adapted to the needs of each client. •


Counterfeit medication is on the increase around the world – placing patients, insurance systems and the pharmaceutical industry at risk. Directive 2011/62/EU is the start of the


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided a EUR 15 m loan to Nosto, a Finnish-based company providing an e-commerce personalisation solution. The loan will support Nosto’s next stage of growth – global expansion and continuous product research, development and innovation. This EIB operation is guaranteed under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), a key element of the European Commission’s Investment Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


IAOP creates European Outsourcing Council IAOP – the largest international outsourcing professionals’ association keeps on growing, worldwide. With significant experience and growth in US and on all continents, the management of IAOP decided to start a new initiative named European Outsourcing Council (EOC). The Council members are top managers representing outsourcing organizations as well as other business institutions who from now on will focus on close representation of IAOP in Europe.


The EOC was developed to gain knowledge of the European outsourcing market, broaden IAOP’s reach and strengthen its brand in the region in an effort to really set IAOP apart as the organization that works to empower European buyers, advisors and providers, to improve business service models and outcomes. The EOC is comprised of members committed to working with IAOP to serve its European membership and the greater EU outsourcing industry. Members of the EOC leading this important initiative include:

Marko Kovacevic (Serbia), CEO of Trizma and the Chair of European Outsourcing Council (EOC). Marko has more than 15 years of experience in areas of international relations, consulting, marketing, business development and business process services. He is the Chair of IAOP European Outsourcing Council. Since 2012. he has been the CEO of Trizma, Business Services Provider. His fields of interest are business process services, new technology and business model design. Susanne Richter-Wills (Germany), Director BPO Solution at Kofax Inc. She has been working for over 20 years in the European Outsourcing industry. During this time she has been able to experience all sides of the relationship – as a customer, an international outsourcing provider and currently as a technology supplier to the industry. Serge Librot (Belgium), Chair of IAOP Brussels chapter. With 20 years of IT experience from the side of the customer, the provider and now advisor, Serge has supported outsourcing-enabled client transformations including process redesign and ITO. He worked with clients on determining how best to leverage outsourcing to support their evolution. Next to his COP certification, Serge is recognized as an ITIL expert, an experienced project/ program manager and as a forward thinking Enterprise Architect. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

Wiktor Doktór (Poland), CEO of Pro Progressio with 20 years of Customer Care and BPO experience. Recognized as one of the most influential outsourcing personalities in Poland. Within Pro Progressio, Wiktor runs the large scope of BPO and SSC business initiatives including media channels – OutsourcingPortal and Outsourcing&More Magazine, business events – The BSS Forum and Outsourcing Stars Gala and many more. Vishal Khanna (Switzerland), Vice President, Commercial Outsourcing Services, QuintilesIMS. Vishal heads the Commercial Outsourcing Services business globally for QuintilesIMS. Vishal has been in the outsourcing services business for over two decades. He is a Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) from the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (www.iaop.org) and a COP for Governance and Business Development. Anders Gjørup Hansen (Denmark), Global Marketing Manager of ISS working with Service Management and Service Design strategies on how to position ISS within the FM industry. Anders is also teaching bachelors at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in marketing and business strategy. Before joining ISS, Anders worked in the hospitality sector for more than 10 years and therefore has a broad knowledge around service management. Anders holds a master in Marketing and Economics from CBS. Adrian Quayle (UK), Managing Partner of Avasant Europe. He is an experienced Sourcing and IT business Management Consultant working with a wide range of clients and service providers globally across all areas of the Sourcing Lifecycle. This has included a number of engagements conducting sourcing strategies and supporting the management of complex IS/IT functions. In October 2015 Adrian was inducted into the IAOP Leadership Hall of Fame. Adrian was Chair of the ISO Committee which recently published the International Standard ISO 37500 Guidance on Outsourcing which sets out good industry practice intended for use by outsourcing customers, providers and advisers world-wide. Jonathan S. Yarlett (UK), Co Founder and COO of Intelligent Sourcing, a print and digital publication and events company focusing on global issues around topics including Sourcing, BPO, Shared Services, RPA and more. Jonathan has been working in the industry for over 12 years and in his time has worked with many global vendors and inward investment agencies to help them reach in to the end user community and has formed partnerships with many key organisations in the sourcing world. •



The real estate industry raises the bar even higher with another record Warsaw, 11 August 2017 – A record-breaking 379,210 PLN was raised at the 8th edition of the Charity Real Estate Beach Volleyball Tournament, including donations transferred by anonymous donors after the conclusion of the tournament. All of the tournament's proceeds have been donated to the Foundation of Fulfilled Dreams. Other records were set as well – 48 teams and 336 players competed during the tournament. The whole event was attended by approx. 1,500 people. The MLP Group won with Skanska and BNP Paribas Real Estate claiming the other podium positions.

Left: Handing the check.

Below: Winners.


Below: Three winning teams.

Right: 1rd place MLP.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

BUSINESS Left: 2rd place Skanska.

Right: 3rd place BNP Paribas. Right: Warm-up.

Below: MLP team. Above: JLL team.

Left: Skanska team. Below: Games.

Right: BNP Paribas Real Estate team.

– We would like to thank all the partners, sponsors, and people who took part in the auction, for their participation in the tournament and their wonderful co-operation. As for the volleyball teams, I would like to thank them for their competitive spirit on the field. Each year, more and more teams and players participate in the event, and as a result, we are able to collect more and more money for charity. In the eight editions held so far, we have donated nearly 1.56 million PLN that have helped patients of several different foundations. We all – including the whole real estate industry as well as others – can be proud of this result. However, we never rest on our laurels and so we will continue to play for this noble cause – said Tomasz Trzósło, Managing Director, JLL Poland. All proceeds raised from the registration of teams, an auction of items donated by sponsors as well as individual and anonymous contributions will be used for the purchasing of medical equipment used for treating cancer in the youngest of patients. • Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017




Word of admission: SSC Lions is a new project run by Pro Progressio and focused on the communication support provided to Shared Service Centres. On Outsourcing&More Magazines’ pages we will present business cases and interviews with leaders of Shared Services Centres, industry experts and consultants. Our interlocutors will provide the answers to the questions related to best business practises, project management and employer branding.

This is already the third publication devoted exclusively to the subject of shared service centers. This time we decided to interview one of the Partners of the SSC Lions project, an outstanding expert and expert in the area of Shared Service Centers and Global Business Centers market – CEO of 4Synchronicity – Mr. Mariusz Szałaj, who speaks about opportunities and challenges for further development of SSCs’ in Poland.


O&M: How do you evaluate the interest in our country over the last two years from the perspective of projects you are leading in the area of Shared Services? Mariusz Szałaj: We're certainly past the 'waiting' period, i.e. the 'slowing down' of the decision-making process in regards to investments in this sector. We now know that was a transitional period. Taking into account our current projects and the experience of other representatives of this industry, I can say without a doubt that we're back on the path of dynamic growth, both in 'green field' investments as well as in the expansion of the range of operations. The number of jobs in already functioning shared service centres is also growing. I think, that's the best indicator when evaluating the condition of the sector. In your opinion, what are the key success drivers in this expansion of the Shared Services sector? Despite the last increase in labour costs, the level of salary arbitrage is still attractive to foreign investors. Paradoxically, one of the main factors is also the size and maturity of our sector. This has a snowball effect and opens up opportunities for achieving a better cost-value proposition than just a few years ago. Only in a relatively mature market, where you have an experienced, knowledgeable and up-to-date managerial staff, it’s possible to find solutions in the early stages of the investment for optimizing business processes, automation or robotics. These are very important factors which speed up the investors' decisionmaking process. Let's not forget the promotion of cities: the big ones, as well as


those which can fulfill the role of 'satellites', where the Centre of Excellence is located in a metropolis while the Centre of Operations and Support is in a smaller outpost. (e.g. the Warsaw – Radom model). This type of model, which functions both in a captive environment as well as in hybrid solutions, is an excellent answer to 'offshoring'. It enables for further cost optimization while simultaneously eliminating cultural differences, optimizing coverage (when it comes to logistics availability), as well as eliminating problems stemming from time-zone differences. We're currently realizing a few such initiatives, and interest in this area is increasing. What factors should investors be paying the most attention to now? What can be the most difficult in terms of time and expenditure? My answer probably won't surprise anybody. Based on information we've gained from current projects, I can say that the biggest challenges are costs as well as the time needed to find competent employees, who for example speak foreign languages (e.g. German or Dutch) or have deep knowledge in the areas of business transformation management and business process migration. Of course, alternative solutions exist, such as employees’ recruitment from outside of Poland; we see this in the increased number of foreign workers in the Shared Services sector. Also, one can use the services of outside consulting firms, which fill a specific gap and satisfy interim needs which may be integral to achieving the investment goal.

All of this contributes to the growth of the entire sector, and consequently, of companies such as ours. This makes us, our clients and the other players in this sector are all very happy!

potentially underlying these solutions.

And here is where we have an advantage, since the number of existing centralized operating models/shared services centres in In your evaluation, are there any our country has made us the ideal conditions or specific trends place for testing and implementing (e.g. robotics) which could affect these types of projects. the attractiveness of investing in the Shared Services sector in Because of that, the maturity of our country? this sector and its attractiveness for There are a few key points which further investment are increasing. raise the attractiveness of the entire region and Poland in particular. Wrapping up this interview, What I have in mind is the moving please tell us how you see this away from “offshoring”, which can sector developing over the next be seen specifically in European few years? companies. The nearness of Basically, except for a shallow job services supplied from Poland or market, I don't see any larger Central Europe, the lack of cultural/ threats. In any case, we shouldn't communication differences and look at that problem as a threat qualified workers – all of these but as a challenge, a natural result are important factors which have of dynamic year-on-year growth caused the moving away from of the Shared Services sector countries such as India, which combined with the country's until now was the most popular economic growth. It's no wonder 'service hub'. that this causes wages to increase and limits the availability of It's hard to call this a trend, since workers with desired competencies. we've only been doing these projects Besides that, as I mentioned for over 6 years. Clients appreciate earlier, efficiency of work and its all the aspects I mentioned earlier productivity are increasing. and, despite slightly higher costs, are moving forward with 'green On the other hand, a prospective field' investments in this part of slowdown of the economy, the world or are moving out from which is bad for our country, is services provided from other advantageous for investors, since continents in favour of 'nearshore' this means less dynamic salary solutions. We're also seeing this growth and lower labour costs. in the number of 'insourcing' projects which we're realizing for To summarize, regardless of macroeconomic factors, Poland our clients. shouldn't lose its attractiveness As for RPA (Robotics Process over the next few years when it Automation), I generally agree comes to the Shared Services sector. with the assumption that the costs are similar regardless of And with that optimistic accent, location. To implement them, it we end our interview. It was is still necessary to define the a pleasure to talk to you. Thank environment, scale and scope you! • Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017



4Synchronicity is the Partner of SSC Lions project run by Pro Progressio Foundation in Poland. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017



IRISH COMPANIES ARE HEAVILY FOCUSED ON PRODUCT INNOVATION Wiktor Doktór talks to Bartosz Siepracki, Enterprise Ireland Director in Poland.

Wiktor Doktór (CEO, Pro Progressio): Ireland and Poland since many years are co-operating on many business firelds. What is the scale of Irish investments in Poland at the moment and which industries are growing the fastest? Can you share few examples of successful Irish investments in Poland? Bartosz Siepracki, Enterprise Ireland Director in Poland: Polish National Bank estimated the total value of Irish FDIs in 2015 at PLN 7.5 BLN so it’s not a large figure but then again the bilateral trade between Poland and Ireland keeps on growing at 10-15% pa both ways. In 2015, two-way trade amounted to €2.9 billion, with the value of Irish exports to Poland exceeding the €2 billion mark. This strong dynamic was sustained in 2016. The biggest Irish FDIs in Poland are Grupa Ożarów, owned by CRH, Kingspan, manufacturer of insulation panels, meat processing company ABP Food Group, JFC who design and manufacture plastic products for agriculture, construction, marine, Steripack – manufacturer of medical equipment. Special mention goes to PM Group who are celebrating this year 20th anniversary of their office in Poland. PM Group have contributed so much to Polish economy and FDIs with its world-renowned expertise in project management, process design, facility design and construction management. They have worked in Poland on key investment projects for the likes of Unilever, Dell, LG and dozens of other multinationals who picked Poland as

the destination for their production facilities. Now PM Group employs over 220 people between Wrocław and Warsaw who work not only on projects in Poland but in wider CEE region and Middle East. Fantastic Irish success story in Poland. Let’s focus a little bit of business services like IT, technology, software development and BPO services. Do you think suppliers of such services look for business partners in Poland or rather are interested in setting up their own offices in Warsaw or other Polish cities? Most of the Irish companies are heavily focused on product innovation and in export markets such as Poland tend to work with local sales partners rather than open own office. However, we have several examples of companies who have built tech operations in Poland. The most recent example is 3D4Medical who are setting the standard for medical grade human body visualization with its Complete Anatomy app. It has been used by Apple to showcase iPad Pro’s graphic performance. Last year the company opened office in Warsaw to employ Polish 3D graphic designers to develop new products on its platform. Other notable software and tech companies present in Poland include Fineos in Gdańsk (insurance software), S3 Connected Health (health tech) in Wrocław, Benetel in Gdynia (telecom hardware design), Sysnet Global Solutions in Poznań (network monitoring

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and security) to name just a few. It shows that there is a lot of interest in Polish talent from Ireland but we also have cases where Polish engineers decided to come back from Ireland to Poland and establish new operations in Poland. You are running Enterprise Ireland office in Warsaw and your co-operation with Irish business has a long history. What exactly is EI doing and how does it support Irish business or perhaps also Polish companies? Enterprise Ireland is an Irish government agenc y that helps Irish companies achieve global success. We do it through supporting them in developing business ideas, innovation process, export activities and winning new business. According to Pitchbook we are also one of the most active seed investors in Europe. Last year Enterprise Ireland invested over €30 mln in 229 companies. What’s interesting is that 64 of them are run by women which goes to show that EI is a fantastic supporter of female entrepreneurship. Our main goal as an investor is to create high quality jobs, boost export sales and support development of world-class IP. Some of the companies we invest in are later on acquired, recent examples include Movidius (by Intel), Britebill (by AmDocs) and InifiniLED (by Facebook) and our share goes back to Irish government’s budget. We also had a big acquisition in Irish BPO sector last August when Voxpro founded in Cork in 2002 by Dan and Linda Kiely was bought out by Telus


BUSINESS International in a deal valued at 150 mln EUR. Voxpro who works for the likes of Google and Airbnb has grown from 6 to 2,700 people across several markets. It is a great success story of a determined couple with a vision of building innovative, disruptive BPO company and executing this idea perfectly well. Enterprise Ireland was an early backer of Voxpro and supported their growth in several markets including Romania.

than in 2015! In that context it’s worth reminding that Ireland is the European home for so many US-based tech and pharma companies. Their presence and opennes for innovation is a fantastic opportunity for overseas startups.

Let’s assume Poland based company is interesed to search for business opportunities in Ireland, how would you recommend to start such process? There are several organizations I would EI’s Warsaw office that covers also the recommend to contact: The Trade and Baltics is one of 31 overseas locations Investment Section of the Polish Embassy where we help Irish companies on is one of them. Przemysław Buczkowski the local market with our expertise, and his colleagues have been very active contact network, marketing activities and supportive for Polish companies and business development. We do not looking for business in Ireland and we offer our services to Polish companies ourselves participated in some business unless they are interested in setting events organized by the Embassy. Both up their HQ in Ireland. We are Irish Polish Chamber of Commerce and particularly interested in tech startups iCham are excellent for networking and who are looking for friendly business getting first feedback on a business environment, access to global markets idea. The latter one is an association of and investment. In 2016 Irish companies Irish Chambers of Commerce from CEE raised €888 million funding, 70% more region and the members are seasoned entrepreneurs and business people with experience of doing business between Ireland and CEE. Our main goal as an investor is to create high quality jobs, boost export sales and support development of world-class IP.

EI is organizing various business networking events both in Ireland but also in Poland. What are your flag initiatives that help companies to build business relations? If you’re a client of Enterprise Ireland once a year you have the opportunity to meet all our overseas offices’ representatives in Dublin during International Markets Week and discuss business plans for a particular export market. In Poland we focus on sectoral events and individual client companies. Earlier this year I had the opportunity to bring 5 Irish companies with BPO tech solutions to Lublin for the Gala Outsourcing Stars where they presented their solutions across customer service automation, cybersecurity, analytics and telecommunication infrastructure. Irish BPO technology companies are quite advanced in these areas thanks to long traditions of Irish BPO sector in such segments as financial processing, funds management, customer service. Irish companies like Fexco, Arise, CPL, Cashbook and many other Irish providers across cybersecurity, back office and customer service are at the forefront of BPO tech innovation and my plan for 2018 is to build stronger links between Poland and Ireland in that space. For the end let’s look on the similarities and differences between Polish and Irish nations from the business perspective. Can you identify the most important ones of them? How Polish businessmen should talk to his business partner from Dublin, Cork or Kilkenny? When we organized Irish Polish Innovation Forum in the Google Campus in Warsaw in February one of the Polish representatives of 3D4Medical said he was very positively surprised with the level of trust and flexibility he was given by his Irish colleagues in building Polish operations. He also appreciated the direct relationship and the social aspect of doing business. So, it’s best to be direct (meaning less formal), have some time for small talk before going straight to business, make sure to followup with next steps. After work hours go together to a pub, have a pint and enjoy remarkable Irish storytelling skills. Thank you. •


Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


With translations, as with diplomacy, one word can be crucial Does selecting an incompetent translator or translation agency have consequences for your business? Of course it can. It may have not only legal or financial consequences but also global ones and may even put your business at risk.

Would you like to hear an example? Here you are. Several years ago, an international franchise network, which had over 20 affiliates in Poland, commissioned the translation of an 80-page agreement (franchise) into Polish. This was forced by changes to the law and regulations governing the use of mother language. This seemingly simple job with a small number of pages almost caused the collapse of the company’s headquarters in Poland. This was all because of a mistake with one word! In the original version, the franchisee was to pay licence fees based on the total gross business revenues and, in the Polish translation, the word “revenues” was replaced with the word “income”. Now, here I will ask a rhetorical question: is anyone under the illusion that Polish franchisees would be unable to manage their companies in a way so that, despite large revenues, they would not generate any income? I think. everybody knows the answer.

doctor was written as 0.02, resulting in a prescribed dosage ten times higher. The consequences? Acute drug intoxication, being in a life-threatening condition and near death. The woman made a full recovery. Unfortunately, there are plenty of such examples. Is it possible for translations to be perfect and the risk of error by a translator or a translation agency just theoretical? Yes, of course. They should be perfect but this requires cooperation and trust between the ordering party and the contractor. In addition, the contractor – a translation agency – should guarantee several elements as standard.

First of all, it is impossible to deliver a cheap, fast and highquality translation. A translator is like a minesweeper – he/ she cannot afford to make a single mistake, but nobody can expect to measure the length of time during performance of the service. It is a marathon, not a sprint because quality always Another example? The translation industry is a famous for comes first. It is also not a wholesaler, market or discount store the case of a construction and assembly manual of a printing in which cheap goods are thrown at you. Quality comes at machine which cost almost one million euros. After its a premium. installation in a brand new and luxurious factory, as soon as the machine was started, it quickly broke down. Experts wondered With the right processes implemented by a translation agency, how such a failure could have occurred and what had caused it is also possible to establish fast and achievable deadlines it. The engineers swore they had installed the machine in at attractive prices, however this is always of secondary accordance with the manual. Well, according to the manual importance. Therefore, it is worthwhile asking or checking which had been translated from German. It transpired that during the market research stage if an agency or translator has the translator had made a mistake in one place, and two small a certified translation quality management system in place – cables were connected upside down, resultantly causing ISO 17100 – as it often is a guarantee of quality. a failure in the control computer and it having to be replaced. The cost of repair was just short of 75 thousand euros! This requires a competent team of individuals familiar with managing translation projects, experience in servicing One final example? A woman came back from medical corporate clients and, above all, a professional team of treatment in a prestigious Swiss clinic as she had decided translators. I would also include brand and market recognition to continue treatment in her home country. She took all of as they are developed over a longer period of time. This is as the documents and her medical history report to a translator a result of translating hundreds thousands of pages with the who undertook this very important job without any hesitation. utmost quality and care. Bearing that it mind, I wish the same His translation was 99% error-free. Well, he made just one translations for you because after several years of experience Robert Fintak, mistake – an editorial gremlin – some may believe. However, it in this market, I am fully convinced that translations can be CEO, ILS. wasn’t. Instead of 0.002, the drug dose prescribed by the Swiss perfect. •


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First of all, it is impossible to deliver a cheap, fast and high-quality translation. A translator is like a minesweeper – he/she cannot afford to make a single mistake, but nobody can expect to measure the length of time during performance of the service.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017



Privacy in a smart city, or protection of personal data versus smart solutions The idea of a smart city is a concept which when combined with the Internet of things improves society's quality of life by employing new technologies and using them to manage infrastructure. The implementation of those concepts brings to life solutions such as smart power grids, traffic lights management networks or integration of data from public registers. Innovative solutions, increasingly implemented to organise life in cities, often require their users to provide personal data.

We should be aware that personal data collected within the smart city concept includes our image recorded by monitoring used in the public space.

It should though be remembered that such a phenomenon cannot exist in isolation from legal regulations on personal data protection which aim at ensuring balance between the best quality of life and maintaining maximum privacy.

The smart city concept and the Internet of things can pose a specific threat for essential expectations towards personal data protection procedures such as providing information to individuals on who, when and upon what terms and conditions can use their personal data and ensuring a proper level of data protection.

Collecting data, including personal data, is an indispensable element of bringing smart solutions to cities. It is necessary just for better management of public transport systems, supply of utilities, traffic management or adaptation of public services to current needs. Our personal data is collected e.g. when we ourselves decide to make it available, as it happens in case of collecting personal data of inhabitants who benefit from public services or infrastructure, such as public bikes, Internet access, parking zones, etc. The concept of a smart city also involves exchange of personal data among various databases within municipal infrastructure or data analysis within the Big Data model. We should be aware that personal data collected within the smart city concept includes our image recorded by monitoring used in the public space. A question now arises: is our privacy sufficiently protected? Which laws affect our personal data processing?


Innovative solutions, increasingly implemented to organise life in cities, often require their users to provide personal data. In the Polish legal system, privacy protection is predominantly stipulated in the Constitution which guarantees each citizen the right to legal protection of their private life (art. 47 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2nd April 1997, Off. J. 1997.78.483). Protection of privacy, understood in terms of private rights, is also reflected in provisions of the civil code (Off.J.2017.459, consolidated text) where art. 24 states that any person whose personal interests are threatened by another person's actions may demand that the actions be ceased unless they are not unlawful. Then the personal data protection itself, understood in a narrow context of the Polish law, is regulated by the act of 29th August 1997 on personal data protection (Off.J.2016.922, consolidated text). The aforementioned regulations, together with EU laws (i.e. Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data of 28 th January 1981, Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard

to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) amended by directive 2009/136/WE) constitute the rules which regulate the safety of data obtained within activities related to the smart city concept. According to the general rule applicable on the basis of the aforementioned regulations, liability for lawful processing of personal data lies with the data administrator, i.e. a body, organisational unit, entity or individual who makes decisions on purposes of personal data processing and means used to this end. Administrator's obligations include primarily ensuring that the data is collected for specific, lawful purposes and is not further processed against such purposes, is substantially correct and adequate for the purpose. However, the current personal data protection act and other specific acts of law applicable in the Polish legal system do not introduce any special mechanisms to regulate the protection of data processed due to the use of new technologies. The smart city concept and the Internet

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of things can pose a specific threat for essential expectations towards personal data protection procedures such as providing information to individuals on who, when and upon what terms and conditions can use their personal data and ensuring a proper level of data protection. What are the hazards which innovative technological solutions used in cities bring about? First of all, the equipment used for collecting and receiving processes the data automatically, which often excludes informed and voluntary consent for data processing. Also a risk arises of no control over the data generated by the equipment which the user utilises and by the equipment to which the data is transferred. The current legislation does not limit the time for information gathering which can now be stored for a long time and that in turn relates to a risk of its secondary use for any intentions other than the purpose for which it has been collected. At the same time, in the era of common access to information of public nature, a balance should be found between transparency of such information and personal data protection.

In that respect, previous regulations on protection of privacy and personal data, public electronic services, access to information and its reuse for commercial and non-commercial purposes were subject to frequent criticism which resulted in amendments to the regulations, including new EU laws and updates of the already existing solutions. The introduced changes brought about new instruments for personal data protection, including an obligation imposed on data administrators to assess how planned processing operations shall affect personal data protection and an obligation to report any infringement of personal data*.

processing processes in which they participate in respect of infringement of individuals' rights and liberties. When assessing the risk, it would be necessary to consider the data range, purpose, context and nature of processing. Analysis' results shall translate into the scope of regulatory obligations and protection measures adequate to possible threats.

In a modern information society, personal data circulation is unavoidable. Frequently, protection of individuals' privacy contradicts other values such as a need to develop or transparency of public information. Smart city systems are supposed to primarily serve the public good. They can support In the nearest future, a significant change protection of some personal rights, such in this respect shall be brought about by as health e.g. by providing a higher the General Data Protection Regulation safety level but concurrently breach (GDPR) which is to be implemented in other rights, chiefly freedom or privacy, May 2018 and which aims at establishing in particular in respect of recognising legal framework for data processing in identity of individuals. Therefore, the social networks and which regulates very essence lies in balancing values of such phenomena as: Big Data, calculation importance for the public and creating cloud, wereables, augmented reality, legal frameworks to allow for the use geolocation, etc. According to the of innovative technologies in a way Regulation, data processing entities shall which most precisely fulfils the need Anna Damas, Legal trainee be obligated to analyse personal data to protect privacy.•

*Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

in the Law Firm "Chudzik i WspĂłlnicy Radcowie Prawni" sp.p. www.chudzik.pl



Company kindergarten – it’s easier than you think In the light of current problems in Poland with securing places for children in public day-cares and kindergartens and very high costs of their private substitutes are the main reasons for searching for alternatives. KiDS&Co. offers such an alternative. Guaranteed by the employer access to the company kindergarten or day-care that are located within a very close distance from the office and its affordable cost creates a fantastic facility and opportunity. In today’s economic situation and the lowest unemployment rate this solution are not only beneficial for employees and their children but also for employers who strive to keep their valuable employees and reach to the potential ones.

Nowadays, no one needs to be convinced XIX century, the Polish employers remain of further advantages brought by reluctant to implement this solution. this type of investment including Why? Corporate Social Responsibility and newest trends of personnel policy such In spite of many good changes in the as employer branding, family-friendly Polish legislation system that allows corporate culture, work-life balance and to qualify the spending on educational units as the cost of revenue and to use diversity management. the existing, or increased by 7.5% for As early as in 1875 on the grounds of this purpose, company social fund, the Settlement part of the factory a lack of knowledge and experience in “Inu” in Żyrardów there was a pionee- similar projects was a barrier for many ring construction built named Ochronka companies. Additionally, the project z Babińcem. It was a kindergarten for is considered time – consuming by the children of factory workers. It fitted employers and demanding permanent 1200 children and included the residential secondment of the whole team. part for teachers. Beside the already existing five schools it supplemented One basic mistake that companies the social system of the Settlement. commonly make is partnering with Despite of all the advantages of company operators that do not have experience kindergartens and the fact that they in running educational units for have been known in Poland since the corporate clients. These operators


are small businesses that run their educational units in private houses. They do not have sufficient knowledge on how to operate educational establishments in modern office buildings, particularly for institutional clients. The employer is forced to fully engage in the project itself as a result of hiring this type of operators. The activities that require time, energy and funds usually include: significant amount of time spent with architects and contractors, project coordination, looking for and hiring the personnel and last, but not least constant auditing of the kindergarten’s management. These aspects are certainly not the key ones for the organization. On top of this, the organization is not an expert in this sort of activities. For this reason costs of the

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One basic mistake that companies commonly make is partnering with operators that do not have experience in running educational units for corporate clients.

project become incomparably high and the kindergarten area is ineffectively and inefficiently designed. What is more, the lack of an innovative syllabus makes the kindergarten simply a place where nothing happens and kids are bored. In order to avoid the above stresses and strains employers are advised to choose a partner who will be able to take a full responsibility for all the above aspects of opening and running the business. Such competent partner estimates costs related to the opening and functioning of the educational unit, partners in talks with developers, coordinates the project, recruits personnel and takes full responsibility for the management of the unit. It’s not an easy thing to do due to a small number of educational businesses that really understand the needs of corporate clients and can be equal partners for them. One such institution who is capable of meeting high expectations of its clients is KiDS&Co. It specializes in opening and running company kindergartens and day-cares and it has operated on the Polish market for many years. It’s probably the only business in Poland that managed to successfully link many years of experience with educational knowledge. The effect of this combination is the constantly developing and perfectly functioning nationwide chain of kindergartens and day-cares that is run according to a bilingual syllabus. KiDS&Co.’s client base is constantly growing and so far includes Infosys Poland, FORTE – the furniture plant, with Nokia joining next year.

Employers should be proud of their kindergartens that should provide fun for parents. The success can only be achieved when choosing an appropriate and experienced operator. At the start of a project KiDS&Co. focuses on preparing a thorough and long – term business plan relating to the functioning of the kindergarten and builds the most optimal financial model. The company offers complex and professional assistance in planning and designing the most functional unit in a given location followed by coordination of works from start to finish. KiDS&Co’s client can rest assured that every square meter will be efficiently used in order to accommodate the maximum number of children. The operator hires and trains the staff. It also solely manages the unit. KiDS&Co. understands its clients and constantly develops its agendas and syllabus. It constantly works on expanding its offer by organizing weekend activities for kids of all ages e.g. “summer/winter in town”, day room and language classes for school

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

kids and inspiring workshops for parents that enrich communication and play skills. Every company strives to be portrait as the best company in its area of expertise. Their employees should have access to the best educational establishments for their children. Employers should be proud of their kindergartens that should provide fun for parents. The success can only be achieved when choosing an appropriate and experienced operator. Having access to an affordable kindergarten funded by an employer is a massive benefit for employees who will treasure its employer and will be loyal to them. •

Aneta Płusa, Sales & Marketing Director KiDS&Co.



INVESTMENT NEWS Modern, bilingual kindergarten KiDS&Co. in Warsaw Spire

a famous Italian design studio Pininfarina. The general contractor of the construction POLAND was HOCHTIEF Polska. The building has received environmental certification BREEAM Excellent. The building’s largest tenant is the local branch of American manufacturing company Stanley Black & Decker, which occupies approximately 17 percent of the total leasable area. Along with Polish advisory company Grupa Pracuj and From the beginning of September the chain KiDS&Co., Japanese pharmaceutical company Takeda, specializing in creating and running kindergartens in office blocks, they take up around 40 percent of the is opening another bilingual kindergarten in Warsaw Spire. Its building’s total leasable area. Other tenants offer is aimed at children to employees of the Warsaw Spire offices. include the branch offices of international The kindergarten is located on the ground floor in the building on companies such as Manpower, Six 31 Wronia street and it is part of Ghelamco project that is run in and Hines Polska. With this purchase, Warsaw Śródmieście. the CSNF has increased its property The company hired a highly specialized, trusted and awarded team portfolio to 12 buildings. The total market of architects that is responsible for ensuring the highest interior value of the fund’s property portfolio after design and furnishings standards. The style code of the interior, the acquisition of the Proximo I building common for all the KiDS&Co. branches, is based on the modern exceeds CZK 15 bn. The fund now owns aesthetics. 6 properties in Prague, 3 in Bratislava and It not only corresponds with the office architecture but, first one each in Warsaw, Brno and České and foremost, stimulates the child’s imagination. The project Budějovice. includes spacious educational rooms that fit 75 kids and an outside The purchaser was advised by international playground situated within a very close proximity to the building. advisory firms CBRE, CMS, TPA and DIL whereas the seller was represented by Cushman&Wakefield, Crido and Dentons.

ČS nemovitostní fond acquires an office asset in Poland for over EUR 116 mil. CZECH REPUBLIC

Immofinanz appoints Savills as property manager in Czech Republic CZECH REPUBLIC

International real estate advisor Savills has been appointed by IMMOFINANZ AG to property manage a portfolio of four office buildings in Prague. The portfolio includes: myhive Pankrác House, Jindrřišská 16, Jungmannova 15 and Airport Business Center, accommodating over 70 tenants including: OMD Czech, GrECo JLT, Customs Office Prague, CPL Jobs and The largest and oldest Czech open-ended real estate fund, managed others. The Savills team working on this by REICO investiční společnost České spořitelny, purchased the instruction will be led by Petr Machula, Proximo I office building in Warsaw at the beginning of August Head of Property Management at Savills for a price of ca. EUR 116.6 mil. in form of an enterprise deal. Czech Republic, who will provide This transaction represents a significant step in the geographical comprehensive property management diversification of the fund’s assets – until now the fund has been service. active only on the Czech and Slovak markets. The seller is the Hines Russia & Poland Fund, which is sponsored and managed by Hines. Hines Polska developed the building, which was completed in 2016. Proximo I is a 15-story office building with space distributed over 12 above-ground levels. Three levels of underground garage offer 428 parking spaces. The total leasable area of the property is about 29,200 m2 and 95 percent of the lettable area is currently occupied. The property was designed by well-known British architectural studio Rolfe Judd. The ground floor lobby and selected common spaces were designed by


Crown square fully leased POLAND

Savills, an international real estate advisor has completed the recommercialisation process of Crown Square office building. Last free office units in the building were leased by Sportradar Polska and Mediaplanet. The property is managed by Invesco Real Estate.

Polish Office Research Forum releases data on the office market in regional cities for H1 2017 POLAND

Polish Office Research Forum has published its figures for H1 2017 for office market in eight major regional cities in Poland (Kraków, Wrocław, the Tri-City, Katowice, Poznań, Łódź, Szczecin, Lublin). The market data prepared by a team of analysts includes modern office stock, new completions, take-up volumes and vacancy rates. • At the end of H1 2017 total modern office stock in eight regional cities amounted to 4,117,500 m2. The largest regional office markets are Kraków (992,200 m2), Wrocław (873,100 m2) and the Tri-City (645,500 m2). • In H1 2017, 188 400 m2 of office space was completed. The majority – 80,900 m2 was completed in Kraków and in Łódź (33,700 m2). • In eight major regional markets 393,000 m2 remained vacant. The highest vacancy rate was noted in Szczecin – 14.3%, the lowest in Łódź – 6%.

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Credit Agricole chooses Business Garden as its headquarters

• Gross take-up in H1 2017 amounted to 331,400 m2. The strongest leasing activity occurred in Kraków (98,300 m2 leased) and in Wrocław (91,700 m2). • The largest transactions in H1 2017 include a pre-lease of 15,500 m2 for Credit Agricole in Business Garden II in Wrocław, a renewal of 15,100 m2 for Energa Group in Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk and a renewal of 14,700 m2 for Brown Brothers Harriman in Orange Office Park in Kraków.


Colliers International to commercialize Cu Office building in Wrocław POLAND

over 26 years employing over 3,500 people in eight offices located in Gdańsk, Katowice, Cracow, Łódź, Poznań, Rzeszów, Wrocław and Warsaw as well as in Center of Excellence in Gdańsk and Service Delivery Cente in Katowice.

Colliers International to manage Concept Tower office building Colliers International has been appointed as an exclusive agent for the commercialisation of Cu Office complex in Wrocław. REINO Deweloperski FIZ, managed by REINO Partners, and Buma Group own the two office buildings under construction, totalling 23,500 sq m. Cu Office is being built in the very centre of the Western Business District in Wrocław (11-13 Jaworska Str.). The complex will comprise two 8-floor office buildings of the highest standard. Building A, the development of which commenced this May, will offer roughly 13,000 sq m of office space and will be delivered in Q4 2018. In turn, the development of over 10,000 sqm building B is expected to start 12 months after the commencement of phase A and will last until 2019.


Colliers International has won the mandate to manage Concept Tower in Warsaw’s Wola district, totalling roughly 9,000 sq m of leasable area. Concept Tower is Poland’s first office building with two prestigious green certificates – LEED Gold and BREEAM. Concept Tower is owned by the Concept Development Group and comprises over 8,800 sq m of modern office space. The building is conveniently located in 87 Grzybowska Street in the fast developing Wola district. It provides easy access to public transportation and other parts of the city.

PwC expansion in International Business Center POLAND

PwC, one of the leading international consulting companies that has been operating on the Polish market for over 26 years, has decided to expand its Warsaw office in the International Business Center by 3,600 sq m, occupying now over 13,700 sq m of office space. Deka Immobilien, the owner of the building, was represented by Savills in the transaction. PwC offers business, tax and legal consulting services as well as audit. PwC has been operating on the Polish market for Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

Vastint Poland has signed a lease agreement for 15,000 sq m of office space with Credit Agricole in Business Garden Wrocław. The company will occupy two buildings that are being constructed within the second stage of the investment. The new location will be the head office of the Credit Agricole Bank and the European Leasing Fund as well as CA Insurance. During the negotiations the tenant was represented by CBRE, real estate advisor.

Octava FIZAN finalised the acquisition of 11 properties POLAND

Octava FIZAN has finalised the acquisition of 11 properties through the purchase of 30 entities owned by the BPH FIZ Sektora Nieruchomości in liquidation and BPH FIZ Sektora Nieruchomości 2 in liquidation. The new owner of the portfolio was represented by real estate advisor Savills. Disposal of BPH Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Sektora Nieruchomości in liquidation and BPH Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Sektora Nieruchomości 2 in liquidation, managed by BPH Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A., is a key phase of funds’ liquidation process that started 29th of December, 2015. The transaction was finalised after the fulfilment of various conditions precedent and after obtaining the approval from the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. The parties did not reveal the value of the acquired assets. The property portfolio totalling 140,000 sq m consists of 11 office and retail buildings, including Centrum Krakowska 61, Renaissance Tower, Eureka Park complex, Viking House, Rodan, Onyx office building in Cracow, Media Markt in Chorzów and Carrefour in Bolesławiec. After the transaction Octava FIZAN holds 19 commercial real estate assets totalling 210,000 sq m of gross leasable area. •

Panattoni Europe launched the courier parcel distribution center project for GLS Poland. This cross-dock facility will cover approx. 7,600 sq m and is being developed in the BTS and BTO formula in Janki near Warsaw. Execution of the project officially commenced on 20 July and the actual project start-up is scheduled for February 2018. Knauf has leased roughly 1,300 sq m of office space on the 12th floor of Altus skyscraper, the tallest building in Upper Silesia, where the company has located its IT Service Center. Colliers International represented the tenant in lease negotiations.



RECORD YEAR OF THE OFFICE MARKET The pace of growth of the Polish office market allowed for some record results this year.

Business services sector remains the main tenant of the offices. Between the first quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2017, the sector generated almost 60 per cent of the total volume of lease seen on the regional office markets outside Warsaw. 28

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS This year office space in Poland has has a chance of celebrating this year. a chance to increase by 800 thousand Moreover, office segment saw a historic sq m, with over 500 thousand sq m of high score in terms of leased space. offices commissioned in the regional The reason for this, are the contracts cities. Everything indicates that this signed only in the first three months of year, facilities in smaller cities will see 2017 concerned space that constituted a record supply. In the near future, the about 30 per cent of all of last year's combined resources of regional markets lease volume. may reach similar volumes to the Warsaw office market. FEW VACANT OFFICES In regional cities, the demand for office space is growing year by year. Unlike the Warsaw market, where vacancy levels dropped to less than 14 per cent, they are characterized by very poor availability of office space, and pre-let contracts represent the majority of transactions. Meanwhile, in Warsaw in the first half of the year, agreements of this type covered only a dozen per cent of the lease volume.

It is worth noting that in the past 10 years, the regions have made up almost half of their losses to Warsaw.


The lack of vacant space is particularly noticeable in Łódź, Kraków and the Tri-City. Despite the increasing supply, the vacancy rate in Łódź office market is currently at the lowest level in Poland – about 6 per cent. Recently, Łódź has definitely been emerging among the regional centers. Large commercial projects are being prepared and implemented throughout the city, including office hub near the new railway station.

Mid-2017, Warsaw offered 5.16 million sq m of modern office space. The first 6 months brought over 130 thousand new offices in the capital. Three times as much office space has been leased. In the first half of the year, over 390 thousand sq m of offices in the Warsaw agglomeration found tenants. High demand for new offices is stable throughout the country, therefore in Warsaw and in the major regional cities, the vacancy rate is declining, despite the rapid increase GLOBAL PLAYERS ON THE POLISH of resources. MARKET Also Kraków office market, which is the In the first half of the year, there were second largest one in terms of volume a few large transactions that involved in Poland (after Warsaw) is developing leasing several thousand sq m of space very fast. Companies from the modern on the Warsaw market. Millenium business services sector are the most Bank renewed an agreement for over influential, opening up many centers 18 thousand sq m of space in Harmony which are working for their global clients Office Center, whereas Alior Bank in in Poland. the Łopuszańska Business Park and AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company What is more, new offices are not waiting in Postępu 14 building have contracted for tenants in Wrocław, Katowice and over 13 thousand sq m. Also, a pre-let Poznań. In these cities, expansion of the agreement for a similar size space has existing companies, but also new ones, been signed by Citi Service Center Poland including the largest international players is also visible. The largest service network in Generation Park X. developers, who so far have been implementing projects exclusively on REGIONAL MARKETS INCREASE THEIR POTENTIAL the Warsaw market are becoming more In the meantime, eight largest cities in active in the regional cities. Poland, apart from Warsaw, offer a total area of 4 million sq m of offices, which COMPANIES FROM THE BPO/SSC/IT is about 80 per cent of resources of the SECTOR LEASE THE MOST SPACE metropolitan agglomeration. It is worth Business services sector remains the main noting that in the past 10 years, the tenant of the offices. Between the first regions have made up almost half of their quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of losses to Warsaw. A decade ago, regional 2017, the sector generated almost 60 per cities such as Kraków, Wrocław, the Tri- cent of the total volume of lease seen City, Katowice, Poznań, Łódź, Szczecin on the regional office markets outside and Lublin, had offered a total volume of Warsaw. According to the data from the about 40 per cent of all Warsaw resources. latest ABSL report, in most major cities – except Poznań and Szczecin – the share The new supply that can be reached of this industry exceeded 50 per cent. by the regional markets is not the In Kraków, companies from the modern only record that Polish office market business services sector account for Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

almost 70 per cent of the office space lease volume in 2016. ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING SEGMENTS OF THE ECONOMY

Over the last 12 months, 92 new service centers have started operating in Poland by the end of the first quarter of the year. Currently, there are a total of 1078 business service centers in our country, 748 of which are owned by foreign companies. Most centers are located in Warsaw (167 facilities). Among the 724 companies that located their service centers in our country are 80 investors from the Fortune Global 500 (2016). Among the centers opened last year, the largest number of the investments came from the US. Last year, employment in the industry increased by 32 thousand individuals, that is by 15 per cent. As many as 3/4 of the new jobs were generated by foreign centers, which bring together 198 thousand people. The sector currently employs a total of 244 thousand professionals, and ABSL predicts that in 2020, it will exceed 300 thousand people in Poland. Kraków remains the undisputed leader in the sector, with service centers employing 55.8 thousand individuals, which constitutes about a quarter of all employed in the industry. Apart from that, the largest centers of business services are Warsaw, Wrocław, the Tri-City, Katowice, Łódź and Poznań. The mentioned seven agglomerations, bring together 85 per cent of the total number of employees. In the other nine cities, service centers employ from 1 thousand up to 10 thousand people. Jobs in this segment of the market are generated by as many as 39 locations in Poland.

This year office space in Poland has a chance to increase by 800 thousand sq m, with over 500 thousand sq m of offices commissioned in the regional cities.

In the first half of the year, over 390 thousand sq m of offices in the Warsaw agglomeration found tenants.

Currently, there are a total of 1078 business service centers in our country, 748 of which are owned by foreign companies.


Boom, experienced by the Polish office market, is characterized by much greater dynamics of development of the new investments, than in other countries in Europe. Despite the steady decline in the resources of attractive investment areas, Warsaw still offers far greater opportunities in this respect, than other European capital cities. New investments in the city are popping up like mushrooms. Over 800 thousand sq m of offices are under construction in the Warsaw agglomeration. In the remaining cities, another 900 thousand sq m of space is also emerging. Each year, Polish office market increases its potential by about 10 per cent. This is another record- Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, breaking achievement of the sector, this CEO of Walter Herz time on a European scale • consulting company.



Silesia Now! Metropolis as a chance for a dynamic development of the region Katowice traditionally associated with coal mining and heavy industry has been undergoing an impressive metamorphosis for several last years. Commercial, social and spatial transformations make this city an important cultural and business centre. Moreover, investors are also more eager to establish their offices in this city, as evidenced by a rapidly growing office market. The capital city of the Upper Silesia and neighbouring cities of the region started on the 1st July a new chapter in their history. The created metropolitan organism has a chance to become a strong brand that will attract foreign capital and will become a significant point on the international investment map.

Above: Culture Zone.


The Silesia Metropolis integrates 41 cities in the Silesia and Zagłębie regions with over 2.2 million inhabitants. It is the largest urban centre in Poland after Warsaw, covering the area of over 2,000 sq km. The investors appreciate its unique history, interesting architecture as well as the presence of objects improving the quality of life, such as concert halls, sports centres, green areas as well as shopping, service and entertainment centres. Good traffic infrastructure and human resources are additional advantages

of the region – a large group of welleducated people who speak foreign languages fluently is available. More than 1.2 million people are professionally active within the metropolis and next 100,000 is studying at 25 Silesian universities and academies. Resiliently developing sector of modern business services for BPO/SSC (the 4th place in Poland) constitutes also a distinguishing mark of Katowice. According to the ABSL – Business Services Sector in Poland 2017 Report there are nearly 86 centres

of modern services within the metropolis, employing over 19,500 people. We should not forget about the importance of transformation that has taken place in the recent years, thanks to which the capital city of the metropolis has become a unique place in Europe. Thanks to economic, social and urban transformations, the city has gained a new identity element that is reflected, among others, in innovative technologies and modern business. The symbol

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS of impressive spatial metamorphosis which took place within former mining areas in the very centre of the city is the Culture Zone. This is the best expression of an effective implementation of the ambitious downtown revitalization polic y, thanks to which the representative part of Katowice with the legendary “Spodek” venue gained new seats of the International Convention Centre, the philharmonic hall of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, and also the Silesian Museum surrounded with green areas. In the near future, this notable group of buildings will also include .KT W office complex, a flagship project of TDJ Estate with a total area of 62,000 sq m. Simple but spectacular high-rise buildings are designed to symbolize the strength and characteristics of Katowice, which has always been a modern city focused on a dynamic development.

railway, we can easily and quickly reach Warsaw in less than 2 hours as well as other European cities. There are three

Resiliently developing sector of modern business services for BPO/SSC (the 4th place in Poland) constitutes also a distinguishing mark of Katowice.

international airports nearby: KatowicePyrzowice, Kraków-Balice and Ostrava, that is why this city is a perfect place for business meetings. Therefore, the capital city of the Upper Silesia can be considered as one of the best Polish Katowice and the metropolitan area have centres in terms of the traffic and a highly developed traffic network. transport network. When we add an It consists mainly of road infrastructure: extensive base of hotels and conference two motorways (A1 – 20 km from the centres (International Convention Centre centre and A4 – within 1 km), national is the largest building of this kind in and regional roads. Thanks to the modern Poland), Katowice is one of the leading

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

Polish cities best suited and adapted for organization of global events. Very good infrastructure and experience in organizing global mass events were the main determinants of choosing the capital city of the Upper Silesia to be the host of the most significant global forum devoted to global climate policy. In December 2018, the 24 th session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) will be held in Katowice as well as the 14th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP14). Katowice will become a global ecological centre for several days and will attract, according to the UNFCCC estimates, 18,000 participants from 200 countries. Poland intends to base its climate policy on forests and soils that absorb carbon dioxide, thus the selection of one of the most “green” cities in the country as the summit organizer is more than apt. According to the latest research of the Central Statistical Office of Poland, 46% of the area within the capital city of the Upper Silesia are green areas and thus, it is the third place among the largest cities with the status of a poviat (only Sopot and Zielona Góra rank higher). These

The Silesia Metropolis integrates 41 cities in the Silesia and Zagłębie regions with over 2.2 million inhabitants. It is the largest urban centre in Poland after Warsaw, covering the area of over 2,000 sq km.

Below: Nikiszowiec – one of Industrial Monuments Route attraction.



Above: Silesia Park.

results show that the city which was associated mainly with heavy industry, is an environmentally friendly place suitable for leisure and recreation.

According to the The recent efforts of Tarnowskie Góry latest research of the aiming at entering the complex of old Central Statistical Office of Poland, 46% mines to the UNESCO World Heritage of the area within List proves how important for the the capital city of metropolis are the issues concerning the Upper Silesia are environmental protection and cultural green areas and thus, heritage. The UNESCO World Heritage it is the third place List was extended on 2 July by the mines among the largest cities with the status of lead, silver and zinc together with the of a poviat (only Sopot underground water management system. and Zielona Góra It is the 15th object in Poland and the first rank higher).

Radio Symphony Orchestra is one of the regularly in the Katowice events calendar. most modern architectural buildings After two years, the International recognized worldwide with many Conference Centre (one of the most prestigious awards. Katowice which modern conference centres in Poland) was awarded with the title of the City of started to partly co-organize this Music, together with Cracow – the City tournament. It hosted also: the 7th annual of Literature, will host the Creative Cities ABSL conference or last three editions of the European Economic Congress. Congress in June 2018.

Katowice is not only the centre of music but also sports events. The leader in their organization is the sports and entertainment hall Spodek which for the past 45 years can be found on the map of the city. It has served as a venue for such events as: World Volleyball in Silesia which has been recognized Championships, European Handball as an "exceptional universal value" for Championships or W TA Katowice humanity. It is worth to emphasize that Open. Crowds of fans are also attracted the historic mine in Tarnowskie Góry is by the Intel Extreme Masters e-sports a part of the Industrial Monuments Route tournament. The world final was – a unique tourist route including objects organized for the first time in Spodek associated with the industrial heritage in 2013 and since that time it appears of the Silesian voivodship. Not only the extraordinary history of Silesia but also its modern culture have been appreciated by UNESCO.

In 2015 Katowice joined the prestigious UNESCO Creative Cities Network. This title honoured diverse music events offered by the city – from classical music, jazz, blues to alternative and electronic music. The fact that Katowice is the host of the biggest musical events in Poland, such as OFF Festival, Tauron Nowa Muzyka festival or Rawa Blues and Maciej Wójcik, Metalmania, played a significant role. CEO TDJ Estate. Moreover, the seat of the Polish National


Thanks to a dynamic development of business tourism (in 2016 it was visited by more than 530,000 people), Katowice build its strong brand. Today, the economic potential of the capital city of the voivodship and the metropolitan area ensures a possibility of putting them together with Copenhagen, Prague or Dublin. Furthermore, the signed Metropolitan Act provides real tools for a coherent spatial planning, organization and development of public transport and joint promotion of the metropolis as a single “supercity”. •

Right: International Convention Centre, "Spodek" venue, .KTW office complex. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

“Since the last year, we have been seeing a considerable local market revival, which is visible through the launch of new projects as well as higher interest among Leaseholders�


Why do we migrate? Conclusions from the survey conducted in the Pomerania Voivodeship Changing your work place, moving to another city or region is always a huge challenge. You have to find a new apartment, school for your children, discover this new place. Why do we decide to challenge ourselves in such ways? Does looking for a better job motivate us to take this effort? Are we looking for high quality of life? We decided to find out what are the main reasons that attract employees to Pomerania Voivodeship. We made a survey among the employees of Business Services Sector who decided to move to Tri-City*.


Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


Let’s move to another city. The easiest way is to move to a place you know, have your favourite spots and friends you know from university times. The surveyed employees that had studied before in Tri-City distinguished this as the main reason of relocation to Gdansk, Sopot or Gdynia – 40% of the respondents. Perhaps nobody will be surprised by the fact that 32% of the respondents had started a job in Tri-City, secured their financial stability and only then decided to move. However, another 28% of the respondents have showed more complex motivations. For nearly 1/5 of the respondents one of the most important factors were relatives – 18% moved to Tri-City because they wanted to stay with their girlfriend or boyfriend. The spontaneous decision to relocate were indicated by 5% of the respondents, they just wanted to live in a new place, change the environment and 1% were looking for a place with cleaner air. Other opinions reflected emotional aspects of the removal.

position of factors in the ranking related to private life (3,56 points). This may reflect how often the decision to migrate is a complex and multi-layered process that not only affects us personally but also the whole family.

Employees value most possibilities of development, stability while employee benefits and company’s prestige are secondary matters. At the same time, the respondents pointed out that factors related to the place of employment such as quality of life or prospects for labour market development were also of less important when deciding to move.

Our respondents confessed that they “fell in love with Tri-City” or “were on holidays and decided to stay”. These opinions, though in the minority, are an important signal which proves that motivation for a change is not always connected with economic reasons. This relatively not-so-small percentage of spontaneous decisions may reflect contemporary trends among the younger generation who are often searching for new challenges, trying to ‘taste’ life and work in many different corners of the world. Among other factors that had less impact were employee benefits (3,62 points) and renowned brand of the company WORK OR ENVIRONMENT – WHICH (3,63 points). Surprisingly, the factor FACTORS ARE MORE IMPORTANT? To clarify the reasons for removal we listed which usually has a great influence on 14 factors that are directly connected with our decisions – the recommendations work and life. This time our respondents from friends and relatives, did not matter had to rate the most important ones much when it comes to migration using a 5-point scale. It turned out that decisions (2,68 points). It seems that for 76% of the surveyed employees the neither low costs of living in Tri-City most important factors were the ones (2,94 points) nor prestige or image of connected with life. Among the most the city (2,99 points) did not play the significant ones were the following: leading role. personal development in the workplace (4,32 points), stable job prospects From the employer’s point of view, (4,29 points) and work-life balance these data are extremely valuable for (4,11 points). It is worth mentioning setting the employment strategy – that high remuneration was on the 4th employees value most possibilities of place in the ranking (4,09 points). Other development, stability while employee factors were connected directly to Tri-City benefits and company’s prestige are characteristics such as: good prospects of secondary matters. At the same time, the labour market development (4,01 points) respondents pointed out that factors and high quality of life (3,85 points). related to the place of employment Other interesting observation is the high such as quality of life or prospects for

labour market development were also of less important when deciding to move. However, it is important to note that 25% of the surveyed employees mentioned their own motives for relocation. This clearly showed the different reasons for relocation and we discovered that the city of migration was very important for 1/4 of the respondents. They said that natural conditions of the Pomerania province, its close proximity of the seaside, forests and lakes were the most important. Many respondents mentioned also clean air, pollution-free air and the Tri-City image as a big, modern and rapidly growing agglomeration with many domestic and international connections. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR THE REGION?

Understanding the reasons, motivation and expectations of the employees is the foundation for building the strategy of development not only of the city itself but also of the whole region or voivodeship. It seems that factors related to work have greater impact. The environment of city or region plays in this case a complementary role. Natural factors attract more like the above-mentioned high quality of life of its residents. However, we cannot forget that if we want employees to consider changing the workplace or relocating, we must take care of the positive stimulus from both sides – the attractive work opportunities combined with the attractive place to live. In this case, the role of cities and regions creating their image as a good place to work and live and raising awareness of the opportunities offered by the local labour market could not be overestimated. •

• The survey “Pomeranian labour market in a context of employee relocation. Challenges and opportunities” was prepared by the Center for Social Research and Analysis commissioned by the Pomeranian Development Agency Co. The main objective of the research was to determine what are the main reasons that attract employees to Pomerania Voivodeship. The survey was addressed to two groups – employees from IT and BPO/SSC sector in Tri-City (367 people) and students of Pomerania universities (635 people). The survey was conducted from November to December 2016. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

Surveyed employees that had studied before in Tri-City distinguished this as the main reason of relocation to Gdansk, Sopot or Gdynia – 40% of the respondents.

Invest in Pomerania Al. Grunwaldzka  472 D 80-309 Gdańsk +48 58 32 33 260 investinpomerania.pl

Katarzyna Dziewicka, PR & Marketing Invest in Pomerania.



Lithuania’s GBS sector future focus: talent development and transformation 85% of all centers currently perform three or more functions, with 24% performing from five to seven. These services are also global in reach as 41% of centers in the sector serve 10 or more countries.

Lithuania is constantly in the spotlight for business services next to other CEE countries such as Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. Thanks to well-educated and keen to transform Lithuanian talent, the country has come a long way since the first companies started to set up their GBS Centers in 2008-2009. In the Third Lithuania’s Global Business Services Report, we see that the sector is future-focused more than ever, while the talent and transformation (robotic process automation in particular) are what pushes it up the value chain.


Laisvis Makulis, Head of Business Services Team Invest Lithuania.


In the past five years alone, the number of centers has almost doubled. The local GBS sector is roughly divided between the country’s two main cities, Vilnius and Kaunas (population 1.4 million), where majority of centers are located, with few companies also expanding in other cities. Vilnius is the location for more than two thirds of all centers in Lithuania, while Kaunas is becoming a strong sister city and was nominated a few times in recent years as the best emerging location for shared services and outsourcing projects in CEE.

Built on the backs of large GBS centers for multinationals like Western Union, Barclays, Danske Bank, and Intermedix, the local sector has become increasingly diversified in the functions and locations that it serves. 85% of all centers currently perform three or more functions, with 24% performing from five to seven. These services are also global in reach as 41% of centers in the sector serve 10 or more countries. The largest destination for the services provided by the Lithuanian GBS sector is Europe, although North America and Asia also rank highly.

This reach would not be possible without vast language competencies of the local talent pool. With 98% penetration, English has become the professional norm while Swedish, German, Norwegian and Finnish are also on the rise. In addition, two centers do not even work in English as they concentrate on the latter languages. The learning curve for new intake can indeed be steep. Take Cognizant, the leading provider of information technology, consulting and business services, which is able to train and have its Lithuanian GBS employees

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS ready to provide services in Scandinavian languages from zero knowledge in six months. All of this is done at the company’s own language school that it inherited after acquiring Storebrand center in Vilnius.

or WIX, a desire to leverage local talent to drive innovation and their product development is the thing these companies have in common. For some tangible fruits of this commitment to develop innovative technology with the help of local talent, one needs to look no further than Danske Bank’s app IT COMPETENCES DEFINING SERVICE MobilePay. This app, which is installed EXCELLENCE AT GBS SECTOR What is more, innovation and Lithuanians’ in 90% of Danish smartphones, was IT competencies have also been defining developed by the bank’s Lithuanian team. factors in the local sector’s growth in recent years. With 73% of centers EMBRACING TRANSFORMATION providing IT services, and just as many AND AUTOMATION involved in developmental activities, The Lithuanian GBS sector is fast to fluency in programming languages embrace transformation and even helps also matters. Fortunately, the local talent to push it forward. This is nowhere more is more than qualified. Currently, 64% pronounced than in the burgeoning of centers utilize a combination of SQL, field of robotic process automation Javascript and Java, while a significant (RPA). Two out of three of the sector’s share of them also uses .NET, C#, C++ as centers integrate some level of RPA, with 58% developing RPA solutions well as other languages. as this magazine is being published. IT talent has unquestionably been at Furthermore, most of this development the heart of much of the diversification is in-house led. From simple VBA that the GBS sector has experienced. scripts, and spreadsheet based simple From global banking giants like Barclays, data through to autonomic process Nasdaq or Danske Bank to product automation, local talent has helped companies like Bentley Systems, Uber companies to optimize all kinds of

business processes. Meanwhile, by developing these systems in-house, they have also helped global business to maintain greater control and improve service quality. FOCUS: TALENT

Finally, when it comes down to the success of the Lithuania’s GBS sector, there is one word that keeps standing out in this year’s survey – talent. It is what every company is after, and it is something the country is increasingly cottoning onto. Companies like Festo, Intermedix, DXC. technology, Cognizant and Western Union are among the few working hand in hand with universities to mold the right talent for the market. Besides, a newly crafted Work in Lithuania program that will be released by Invest Lithuania this fall reflects the holistic approach to talent attraction and development possessed by the Lithuanian government. The Lithuanian GBS sector has indeed come far since its inception. By remaining future-focused, IT savvy, and driven to learn, its future may yet be brighter still. •

The local GBS sector is roughly divided between the country’s two main cities, Vilnius and Kaunas (population 1.4 million), where majority of centers are located, with few companies also expanding in other cities.

Two out of three of the sector’s centers integrate some level of RPA, with 58% developing RPA solutions as this magazine is being published.

NO. OF CENTERS | 20171

60 52

Left: Number of BSS centres in Lithuania.










Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017












Plovdiv – rising BPO and ITO location in Bulgaria Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria, is one of the most ancient cities in the world – a city of more than 8000 years. Regardless of its ancient history or perhaps due to this centuries-long existence, the city is extremely modern, with great potential for business, science and education.

Left: Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture 2019.


Alena Palasheva, Head of Business Development Department, Municipality of Plovdiv.


sourcing of qualified staff, infrastructure security, macroeconomic stability and predictability for the business. All of this every investor could find in Bulgaria and particularly in Plovdiv.

In the last four-five years Plovdiv has been developing as one of the most attractive IT & BPO locations in Southeastern Europe, the second most developed The city offers modern office spaces, Bulgarian destination in the sector after which prices are relatively low compared the capital Sofia. to those in Central and Eastern Europe as well as those in the capital Sofia. The IT & BPO sector shows an impressive The companies that choose Plovdiv growth rate and the number of as an investment destination have employees has tripled in 4 years, while access to human capital because the companies operating on the territory there are 9 universities with over of the city are over 60 (international and 40 000 students and a very developed Bulgarian ones). What makes investors system of renowned high schools and to expand or relocate to Eastern Europe? vocational training centers. Under The short answer is: The investors are these criteria, Plovdiv is positioned as searching for cost-effective solutions for a leading educational center of national their businesses, great possibilities for importance. The Philology Department

The investors are searching for cost-effective solutions for their businesses, great possibilities for sourcing of qualified staff, infrastructure security, macroeconomic stability and predictability for the business. of Plovdiv University offers studies in 15 foreign (European and Asian) languages. Again, the Plovdiv University together with the Technical University – branch Plovdiv have long traditions in preparing high-level students for the IT industry. The local educational institutions are clearly aware of their role in preparing future talents and are becoming more and more opened to business cooperation, conducting relevant educational programs, training for soft skills, practical internships and more.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS The total cost of recruiting skilled workers in Bulgaria and particularly in Plovdiv is among the most competitive in Europe. This was the most important factor in choosing Plovdiv for the next location by any investor. During the years, this factor has begun to lose its significance particularly for the IT industry. The salaries for senior web developers in the IT industry in Plovdiv and Sofia are gradually become equal. Of course, the salaries in the business Above: process outsourcing sector in Plovdiv Mayor Shenzhen. are still significantly lower than those in Central Europe. Despite all this, other criteria has become more important – not how much does the labor force cost, but whether there is an availability of young talents that are now entering the labor market. Therefore, retaining talents and returning of qualified personnel from abroad back to the city of Plovdiv is one of the top priorities of the local administration. One of the leading companies in the BPO sector has recently launched an initiative that aims to return 150 Bulgarians who have lived abroad for many years, giving them the opportunity to start a career in an international environment. The company provides a necessary support to its new employees through a special relocation package and with a significant starting remuneration as soon as the contract is signed.

next industrial revolution“, which will be held on September 28-29, 2017. Some of the topics of the two-day forum will be the new production automation processes/digital factories, acceleration of advanced technologies that blur the boundaries between the digital and physical world, how industrial leaders handle with the new realities and integrate new processes and intelligent solutions in their productions. Below: The conference will analyze what Shenzhen – Plovdiv. companies and the industries are doing in order to become part of the new wave, what will this mean for the workforce, the growth and the development of Southeastern Europe. The conference program will show the innovators in the industry, who are already shaping the future. The panel themes are available on the event web page: www.capital.bg/Industry/en •

One of the leading companies in the BPO sector has recently launched an initiative that aims to return 150 Bulgarians who have lived abroad for many years, giving them the opportunity to start a career in an international environment.

According to the latest data, there are more than 300,000 people of Bulgarian origin living in Ukraine. This is a great sourcing pool for the IT & BPO sector and we are starting to take advantage of it.

For a second consecutive year, Plovdiv Municipality together with the Plovdiv University has launched the international educational program “Software Engineering”, Bachelor’s degree, where Ukrainian and Moldovan citizens of Bulgarian origin are studying. The major was created in accordance with the guidelines of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society. In this regard, the new major offers excellent conditions for both good student practices in some of the strongest international IT companies in Bulgaria and successful professional realization during and after graduation. According to the latest data, there are more than 300,000 people of Bulgarian origin living in Ukraine. This is a great sourcing pool for the IT & BPO sector and we are starting to take advantage of it. The dynamics in this sector goes hand in hand with the activities of coworking hubs and business clusters and with organizing of specialized events. Regarding this, Plovdiv will host one of the largest international business conferences in Bulgaria –„INDUSTRY 4.0: How to accelerate in the fast lane of the Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017



What do the international investors focus on when choosing Romania for business investments? Romania is strategically located at the crossing of numerous corridors of the region that facilitate the access to the European channels. Also, having a potential market of approximately 20 million consumers, Romania has the advantage to be now one of the most dynamic economies in Central and Eastern Europe. The international actors found here a proper environment to base an European platform to internationalize its production, enter new markets, and foster new partnerships in different fields. Many advantages are on our side when it comes to establishing here a headquarter, basically because we proved to be a trustable partner to rely on mostly when it comes to outsourcing.


The latest statistics place Romania on the 13th place globally as a preferred destination for outsourcing in 2016. Currently, out of a total of 600,000 of employers within this industry in the Central and Eastern Europe, 100,000 are Romanian. Therefore, Romania is well settled on the European outsourcing map and will remain at this firm position a long time for now on.


Companies are inclined to invest where they meet their employees’ profile. Our country’s sizable and multilingual labor force and also the student body is among the main reasons to outsource here. If we choose the IT&C domain as an example, we are a European leader in the number of certified IT specialists. Higher education in this area sustains this fields since it produces over 7,000 computer science and engineering graduates per year. Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iași, and Timișoara are the main academic centers, and altogether they create a pool of talented IT specialized workforce. If a few years ago Romania was appreciated for its low cost IT services, nowadays investors emphasize the high quality of the IT&C services delivered by the Romanian professionals.

On the other hand, investors can find that Romanians have high skills for speaking foreign languages. 24 languages are spoken in Romania at a proficient level and this provides the employee's wages above the average level. Another asset of the Romanian workers is the flexibility they have proven over time. Aspects of the educational system and the changes that came across over the years help them to quickly adapt to new circumstances and overcome challenging situations, which is of great importance in the business medium, especially in the demanding present. In an era where companies sell services instead of goods, investors value people as their greatest assets and that why our country attracts investments. SECOND, INVESTORS LOOK AT OURS CITIES AND OUR INFRASTRUCTURE

Romania is now preferred thanks to its geographic location and market potential. We are situated at the turning point between EU, the Balkans and CIS

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS with 100,000 jobs, Austria – above 95,000, Cyprus – 80,000 and Luxembourg with over 40,000 employees. The main sectors that investors had an eye on are IT, HR, Accounting, Logistics & Purchases, Online Marketing and Call Center.

The latest statistics place Romania on the 13th place globally as a preferred destination for outsourcing in 2016.

countries, one of the largest markets in Central and Eastern Europe, which provides Romania with rich natural resources and EU unique market gateway (access to approximately 500 million consumers) and also branch offices of numerous well-known international banks. These seem to be a significant advantages for many multinationals who are looking for a flexible culture. Nonetheless, these are the contextual reasons if we may say so. Studies show that foreign investors have specific arguments that support their decisions of moving their businesses to our country. For example, one thing that Romania has been proud of is the highspeed internet connection, an essential element that helps businesses grow and work at a fast pace. Recent studies prove that Romania is the 10th on a global level in what concerns the internet’s speed. This benefit brings advantages in fostering the newest technology entries and innovative business plans.

table make this city a business-reliable one), Iași leads in getting electricity, good practices in construction made Craiova remark able and Oradea stands out for its higher quality land administration. However, the study Doing Business in the European Union 2017: Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania released in July this year, shows that Romania’s capital exceeds its smaller peers from Bulgaria and Hungary in most areas measured when it comes to delivering a high supply of professional services. THIRD, THE PRICE

Moreover, a study conducted 2 years ago on 126 German companies activating in Romania showed that Germany regained trust in Romania’s economic potential and are optimistic about the future perspectives of their industry here. 15% of the companies participating in the survey assessed the local economic situation as good, while over half (56%) believe that the Romanian economy has been bettering in the last years and is keeping this ascending way. The number of those who consider their company is in good standing has increased this year to 54% (2014: 50% 2013: 36% 2012: 42%). When asked to compare their situation to 2014, 75% believe that it will improve, from 54% the year before. WHAT KEEPS THE ROMANIAN MARKET ON TOP?

Romania is situated among the European states having the highest economic progress. The rise of GDP by 4,8% last year appeal to the development of new operational regional centers. Research shows that more than 150 office buildings have been built in the past 10 years, meaning over 1.7 million square meters and more than 200,000 employees. Besides, an annual rise of 20% is foreseen for the Romanian outsourcing sector. We expect that by 2020 there will be 150,000 individuals employed, which will represent 4-5% of GDP. Due to the high number of foreign investors, the local software and information technology are expected to surpass the EUR 4 billion milestone in 2017 and, in the meantime, the outsourcing jobs are supposed to increase by 20% in 2017, surmounting the 100,000 threshold.

Outsourcing is no longer considered a mere low-cost business. Besides the costs optimization, companies now see the added value that the external professional services bring to the table, the innovative tools that support the growth of the organization and the aid in extending business activities and brand awareness. In 2016 Romania was classified among And when it comes to cities, Bucharest is the last countries in EU regarding the the first to be taken into consideration medium wages level. But reduced by many consulting companies, salaries mean another advantage for the keeping a high ranking in the Tholons incoming investors. While an IT specialist TOP 100 Outsourcing Destinations. gains around EUR 1,000 per month in Bucharest is efficient in dealing with high a local multinational – above the average demand for business services, ranking salary in Romania, the wage for the same in the half top among Romanian cities. work will rise to EUR 5,000 in countries Undoubtedly, the Romanian capital like Sweden, Denmark or Norway. Be that as it may, even though the has the advantage of being the largest unit labor costs are projected to city and therefore having the greatest THE IMPACT OF THE EXTERNAL grow due to recent changes in the business market. Out of the average INVESTMENTS CAN BE SEEN minimum wage and public wages number of the workers in Bucharest, IN NUMBERS adopted this year compared to EU 27% work for great corporations settled In 2015, foreign companies registered countries, Romania remains an excellent in modern buildings and it is estimated a turnover of over EUR 55 billion. Dutch and cost-effective labor market with that their number will rise to 10% by the companies are on top, their business a skilled and talented workforce. end of this year. value being estimated about EUR 35 Outsourcing companies will continue billion, followed by Germany with EUR to enter the Romanian market as the real Notwithstanding, the main cities 20 billion and Austria, that generated estate agencies offer them customized across the country that deliver high- almost EUR 13 billion. The latest studies solutions and renting costs lower than quality workforce have their specific (2015) show that foreign investments in Central and Eastern Europe. Taking perks. Timișoara is appreciated for its have created around 1 million working this and the above mentioned factors performance in contract enforcement (it places in 2015. Most of them have into consideration, we can expect that has been designated by Forbes the best German and Dutch capital and not only has Romania the prerogatives area for business in Romania two years around 200,000 employees each. to become a leader in the outsourcing in a row; the economic indicators and Italy is the next big investor, having area, but it also has what it takes the added value of industries like IT and created workplaces for around to become a successful emergent automotive companies brought to the 130,000 employees, followed by France business land. • Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

24 languages are spoken in Romania at a proficient level and this provides the employee's wages above the average level.

Out of the average number of the workers in Bucharest, 27% work for great corporations settled in modern buildings and it is estimated that their number will rise to 10% by the end of this year.

Loredana Niculae, CEO NNC Services Romania.



Bydgoszcz – a good start September is the time when students are busy preparing for the next academic year and looking for a job they can combine with studies. Companies from the modern business services sector which operate in Bydgoszcz are happy to employ them, offering flexible working hours and other amenities. For many young people this is often their first serious employment where they learn about corporate principles and begin their career paths. It is worth to ask these questions already today: “Will they stay in the City on the Brda River after they finish studies?” and “What does the City of Bydgoszcz offer to young people?”.

More than a half of the people employed in the City is employed in the industrial sector, however, the City is increasingly opening up to other sectors.


Bydgoszcz is a modern city open to the world and the people. It is also the largest academic centre in the region of Kuyavy-Pomerania with nearly 33,000 young people studying at technical, economic, humanistic, medical and artistic specialisations. The industrial history of the City continues to exert a tremendous impact on the jobs offered to the inhabitants. More than a half of the people employed in the City is employed in the industrial sector, however, the City is increasingly opening up to other sectors. Road investments in the region have contributed to a rapid development of the logistics and shipping sector, strong traditions in telecommunications and electronics as well as access to qualified specialists have led to a rapid growth in the modern business services

sector. According to the estimates of ABSL, Bydgoszcz is one of the main BPO/ SSC sectors in Poland. International companies such as Atos, Mobica or SDL have located their largest divisions here. The sector employs more than 8.7 thousand people. When including local IT and financial companies that provide services to international clients, the number rises to 10 thousand which represents a large and important segment in the diversified economy of the City. DIVERSE WORKING ENVIRONMENT

of this sector in Bydgoszcz is the dominant share of IT companies that employ a total of nearly 8,000 people. Financial-accounting service centres employ approximately 1,000 people with another 1,000 employees working in contact centres. The requirements for the candidates vary widely. International corporations, in addition to specialised skills, require English. Those without foreign language knowledge will also be able to find good offers in companies that provide services to companies in Poland, such as Bank Pocztowy, PZU Group Customer Centre, Media System or Great Call.

Young people are very welcome in modern business services companies, where they are offered many WORKPLACE opportunities to develop within the Companies in the industry compete company structures. A typical feature for the employees with the different

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Financial-accounting service centres employ approximately 1,000 people with another 1,000 employees working in contact centres.

On the other hand, employers praise Bydgoszcz for their loyalty and diligence. Bydgoszcz is a good place to live because, on one hand, it offers all the attractions and facilities of a metropolis and, on the other, it has the charms of a smaller town. Lack of traffic jams, a large number of parks and green spaces, rich cultural and social offer combined with low real estate prices are attractive aspects for young people seeking stability. R&D FOR THE BEST

working conditions which generates an increase in the supply or modern office spaces. The largest employer – Atos Poland Global Delivery Center – that employs nearly 3,300 people, is located in Kraszewski 1 Business Park which is the largest office park in the KuyavianPomeranian Voivodeship. What other companies do to attract employees is choosing a convenient location for their offices. At the beginning of 2017, Great Call company started to operate in the Optimum Park located in the campus of the Bydgoszcz College of Banking. In July 2017, Media System rented 1,700 m 2 of office area in the new railway station Bydgoszcz Main Station. Three other office investment projects are under construction. Next year, class A buildings – Immobile


Bydgoszcz is also a strong research and development centre where work is waiting for the best specialists. In its Bydgoszcz branch. Softblue is developing modern drones for air pollution testing in collaboration with the University of Technology and Life Sciences. Sybilla Technologies startup specialises in space technology. PESA Bydgoszcz is the first non-German rail transport manufacturer that received an approval for their DMU “LINK” trains. Boruta-Zachem is the first company in the world which created biosurfactants from rapeseed meal to be used in the chemical and cosmetic industries. HTG company creates innovative, multifunctional, heated, bulletproof or fireproof glass.

According to recent data by the Central Statistical Office, the salaries in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship have been growing at the fastest rate in Poland. In May this year, the average salary in our region equalled to 3.726,11 PLN, i.e. 7.9% more than 12 months ago. Despite such a dynamic growth, salaries are still attractive to investors. BPO/SSC companies are desirable employers in the eyes of young people, they offer relatively high wages and a wide range of non-wage benefits.

Bydgoszcz is a city with a great potential. It realises a strategy to create a city friendly for residents and entrepreneurs. The effect of these activities is the constant development of companies operating in the City and a large number of young people who wish to build their future in the City on the Brda River. Talking to them, we can hear that Bydgoszcz is a city good to work and live in. •

K3 and Arkada Business Park – will be opened. This year, construction of another building will begin as part of Scan Park investment which currently also holds the local division of Mobica.

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Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency Unii Lubelskiej 4C St. 85-059 Bydgoszcz p: +48 52 585 88 23 barr@barr.pl www.barr.pl



SMART LUBLIN A key factor in "Smart City" concept is a quality of life changing due to smart transport and communication management and sustainable use of natural and human resources. Smart Lublin means living in healthy atmosphere: effective transport infrastructure, sustainable, low emission transport, quality of residents' life, energyefficient buildings, pervasive greenery and attractive leisure and recreation areas.

In the years 2010-2014, Lublin invested PLN 2.2 billion, majority of which was spent on transport infrastructure, including PLN 1.5 billion having been acquired from EU funds.

Currently, in the city with population of around 350 thousand, there are almost 900 bicycles available in the bicycle sharing system (including 20 bicycles for children). This ranks Lublin high among national leaders with 2.62 bicycles per 1,000 inhabitants.

Strategy and Investor Relations Department, The City of Lublin Plac Litewski 1, 20-080 Lublin tel.: +48 81 466 2500 fax: +48 81 466 2501 e-mail: inwestorzy@ lublin.eu invest-in-lublin.com


Basic needs of contemporary urban residents include comfortable life in clean, green and noise-free areas as well as access to fast, comfortable and safe means of transport. With increased frequency, we have been looking for alternatives for cars which used to be the symbol of wealth over the last few decades. They have been successfully replaced by bikes, buses and even by foot traffic. In response to these trends, Lublin focused on public transport and alternative ways of mobility. The city depots have been housing increasing number of modern and environmentally friendly trolley buses and buses and the municipal government has been considerably active in implementing cycling standards, including city bike system based on the Park&Ride model and new cycling infrastructure. Pedestrian traffic and transport sharing have also become increasingly popular. Consistent investment in the already existing and new green areas resulted in creating green oases in the city centre and adjacent districts. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PUBLIC TRANSPORT

In the years 2010-2014, Lublin invested PLN 2.2 billion, majority of which was spent on transport infrastructure, including PLN 1.5 billion having been acquired from EU funds. The largest project in city's history having been cofinanced by the EU was development of public transport system worth PLN 0.5 billion. The city purchased 100 modern, low emission buses and 70 trolley buses, extended public transport routes, introduced passenger information system, modernised bus stops by fitting them with real-time information tracking buses and providing live bus departures.

buses have been equipped with bus tracking devices connecting to the system which therefore gives priority to buses approaching junctions, phasing lights to give traffic flowing with buses a ‘green wave’ through the city. In order to encourage residents to use public transport instead of commuting by car, Municipal government of the City of Lublin is working on improving the entire bus network and the number of connections with adjacent communes. It is planned to make further purchases of low emission buses, continue extention of trolley buses routes, delineate preferential bus lanes on main traffic routes and construct new bus and trolleybus loops featuring Park&Ride car parks. This infrastructure will be complemented by interfaces of regional and urban transport systems, interchanges between urban transport routes and metropolitan card system.

In 2016, Lublin was the first city in Poland to introduce Green Civic Budget.


While creating energy-efficient transport system, the municipal government of the City of Lublin is also developing Urban Bicycle Sharing System. Following its tremendous success in 2014, the number of docking stations was doubled. Currently, in the city with population of around 350 thousand, there are almost 900 bicycles available in the bicycle sharing system (including 20 bicycles for children). This ranks Lublin high among national leaders with 2.62 bicycles per 1,000 inhabitants. Each district has an access to a bicycle docking station. The city is constantly expanding the network of bike paths with the total length of over 130 km. The city also appointed a bicycle officer who is in charge of supervising the implemented bicycle standards.

Lublin, in cooperation with partners from These activities also involved imple- non-governmental organisations started mentation of Traffic Management to actively support initiatives aimed at System with bus priority features. City making the city more pedestrian-friendly.

The main idea behind the pedestrian infrastructure standards in Lublin is to collect best practices and models that would help in designing pedestrianfriendly infrastructure. The main objective of the standards is to reduce walking time and adjust the infrastructure to the needs of people with disabilities, parents with children, travelers with suitcases, women wearing high-heeled shoes, dog owners and skaters. They are also aimed at inspiring creation of places intended for doing sports, studying, working or relaxing, which-at the same time-would be aesthetic and ad-free.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


For years, Lublin has been perceived as a green city with plenty of green areas per capita. In this respect, the city ranks fourth in Poland. Green areas, which are being constantly expanded as part of various projects, make up one third of the total city area. In 2016, Lublin was the first city in Poland to introduce Green Civic Budget. The project is supervised by Municipal Designer of Green Areas and project proposals are evaluated by experts in greenery, spatial development and landscape, in consultation with project initiators and all interested residents. CITY OF PARTICIPATION

Lublin leads in citizen participation, which is confirmed by being the only city in Poland to be awarded by TÜV Rheinland Polska a certificate for implementation of standards and procedures enabling the residents to engage in city management. This follows from the Local Government Activity Programme co-financed by Swiss Fund and implemented in Lublin. As part of the initiative, for two years, representatives of the local authorities were meeting with local leaders in order to encourage cooperation. As a result, twenty different social advisory bodies having a real impact on city management were established, e.g. Public Benefit Board, Culture Board or Entrepreneurship Board, which assess actions undertaken in specific areas. Another important step involved establishing Civic Budget that proved to be extremely successful. As it was of particular interest to the citizens of Lublin, the funds available in the second edition were doubled and Civic Budget became an inherent part of the city’s management culture.

There are 37 cities twinned with Lublin, 27 of which are located in Europe. Under the twinning agreements, study visits as well as student, cultural, and business exchanges are organised.

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It allowed municipal authorities to cooperate with the residents in implementing dozens of projects. Furthermore, in-depth analysis of topics raised in proposals allows for accurate identification of areas which the citizens find particularly important and urgent. Participation mechanisms are supported by digital tools allowing the residents to communicate with the city office instantly. These include, for instance the "Social dialogue contact form" and "Let's fix it" platform which enable city staff to quickly and successfully address problems reported by residents. •



Kielce – Smart Solutions for Business The city of Kielce has been implementing the ideas of a smart city and sustainable development for almost 10 years, by proposing smart solutions to the residents and entrepreneurs. For more than a decade, the Investor Assistance Centre has been operating in the city, which is a unit responsible for the first contact with entrepreneurs interested in the investment process in the Kielce Functional Area /KOF/.

life quality, as well as facilitates spatial data exchange. This project will provide an impeccable and transparent view of the economic and social situation in the city in an accessible and modern way.

By making the policy of economic promotion and attracting investors focused on preparing a comprehensive and customised offer based on spatial data system solutions available in the city, Kielce meets the increasing market requirements. Also next year, the Kielce Technology Park – a local innovation hub – is going to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its existence. SMART SOLUTIONS IN THE CITY IDEA KIELCE

Investor Assistance Centre Kielce City Hall: Strycharska 6 St., 25-659 Kielce p: +48 41 36 76 571, 41 36 76 557 coi@um.kielce.pl www.invest.kielce pl/en www.mapa.invest. kielce.pl/en


Integrated city management system based on the spatial information system is one of the key elements of the smart city idea in Kielce. The Internet Spatial Data Server (ISDP) is an IT system that allows for collecting, updating and sharing interactive maps and reports in a web browser environment. Its role is to link data from multiple databases for quick and secure viewing of a variety of information. Administrative Application Handling System (SOWA) is a system that supports a document workflow and information exchange within the organisation. Thanks to the possibility of defining document workflow paths among individual organisational units, the SOWA facilitates

and advances the process of rendering decisions, and at the same time, allows for tracking the progress in handling a given case. The next units strategic to handling investments and investors are being connected to the integrated city management system based on the spatial information system, and nowadays, the Urban Spatial Information System (MSIP) users cannot imagine working without it. And the residents expect the continuity in sharing information through it. The system is being prepared for new challenges in implementing the idea of a smart city and the emerging smart city strategy for Kielce. At the turn of 2015/2016, the project of Smart City Platform, based on the MSIP, was developed. It provides extended opportunities to share internal and external services, as well as use open data thanks to modern tools for direct communication. The Smart City Platform supports management and decision-making processes, integrates urban strategies and policies by providing effective access to up-todate spatial data and indicators for city development, urban services and

Smart activities, that have been undertaken for years, have determined us to collect all directions for smart city development into one strategic document that will be created in the near future. Kielce is working on the Smart City Strategy. Well-functioning system has been recently appreciated. The handling of investment process has been honoured by the World Bank whose economists point out how much may Kielce offer to other cities in the field of the handling of investment process for physical and legal persons. They also appreciated the level of computerisation, and especially the well-developed Urban Spatial Information System. Thanks to its tools, architects may prepare a building permit design much faster, just like more quickly may a planning application be considered by civil servants. The process of handling investors in Kielce was also recognised in the ranking prepared by the Warsaw School of Economics – in 2016, the city of Kielce was awarded with the title of “Gmina na 5!”. Kielce was also among the finalists of the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, where GIS (Geographic Information System) was presented as one of the tools of the system for sustainable development of the city. A social participatory platform called Idea Kielce, being a portal of

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS communication and cooperation between the authorities and residents of the city, may successfully compete with the best urban technological solutions. This is a base platform for a smart city functionality. It provides residents, entrepreneurs and investors with access to strategic data. A modern Geoportal follows the guidelines of the INSPIRE Directive and provides transparent access to key thematic layers. Participatory Budget, Express Yourself! Public Consultations, Sustainable City, Invest in Kielce – these are other modules of the Idea Kielce portal. Userfriendly map services presented in an attractive graphical form allow for viewing the situation in the city – from historical retro maps and 3D cities to environmental maps and investor’s profile. All social functions mentioned above enable the residents to participate actively and directly in public life, and provide investors with the opportunity to preview investment areas and investment offer of the city. COMPETITIVE WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS. NEXT INFRASTRUCTURAL INVESTMENTS

Let us begin with numbers – they are really impressive. In the previous EU perspective 2007-2013, over PLN 1 billion 200 million was spent on projects and tasks in the city, including PLN 573 million for improving road infrastructure and public transport. Nowadays, nearly PLN 300 million has been allocated for improving transport infrastructure and city sustainable mobility as part of two projects cofinanced from the European Regional Development Fund under OP Eastern Poland 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Modern Transport Infrastructure”, Measure 2.1. “Sustainable Urban Transport”.

system in Kielce”, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in Kielce is another convenience for the residents and entrepreneurs. This enormous investment covers 62 road intersections. Some of them will be modernised and expanded, and a number of modern control devices will be installed to improve traffic flow in the city. The traffic, which is not too big when compared with other agglomerations in the country, will be organised in such a way so as to improve the level of competitiveness of Kielce in this field. Under the same project, the characteristic main bus station will be changed into a modern communication centre, that will act as an element integrating the communication network of the region and Kielce public transport. Under the project "Development of public transport infrastructure in Kielce" a modern hybrid bus will be purchased and another 30 stops in the city will be equipped with information boards. Assembly plates will greatly improve the quality of urban transport in real time when buses depart. The boards will also include additional information such as planned timetables, tours, etc. Tables will be provided with a voice system that will allow blind people to use the information on the screen.

Another PLN 23 million (with the EU support), the city is planning to allocate for the revitalisation of historic city centre – stage 3. The city is also planning to increase the supply for modern office space by meeting the market needs with the project called “Projekt Leśna” thanks to which a modern seven-storey high class office building will be constructed in the city centre. Kielce is changing for the residents and investors in a dynamic but responsible way, and according to the principles of Implemented now under the project functionality and due respect for the “Development of public transport natural environment.

Work-life balance – this is what cities use to attract employers and employees. In Kielce, the offer of spending leisure time is extremely rich, especially for sport lovers. Thanks to exceptional natural conditions, Kielce is a real geological paradise. In addition, there is a very interesting and diversified cultural as well as sport and recreation offer. In the Kadzielnia open-air theatre, there are concerts organised by the nationwide radio and television stations.

The Internet Spatial Data Server (ISDP) is an IT system that allows for collecting, updating and sharing interactive maps and reports in a web browser environment. Its role is to link data from multiple databases for quick and secure viewing of a variety of information.

Trade fairs and exhibitions organised by the pride of the region – Kielce Trade Fairs for years have been a mandatory point in entrepreneurs and scientists’ calendars, not only those from Poland, but also those from Europe, Asia, both Americas and Africa, as well as among the Kielce’s residents themselves. The Kielce Technology Park /KPT/, celebrating the 10 th anniversary of existence next year, is increasingly gaining in importance as well. A fullyrevitalised, post-industrial and northern corner of Kielce, thanks to the dynamic development of the KPT, is now one of the hottest addresses in the city around which modern infrastructure is emerging, and young companies are seeking to locate their offices there. The quality of life in the city and the level of satisfaction of its residents is a subject which is undertaken by the city of Kielce on a regular basis. This year, we have started our development monitoring system according to the international standard ISO37120 – Sustainable Social Development – indicators of urban Kielce was also services and quality of life, developed among the finalists of the Smart by the World Council on City Data.

City Expo World Congress in Increased city investment attractive- Barcelona, where ness, appreciated investment process, GIS (Geographic implemented smart solutions and Information System) international standards for monitoring was presented as one of the tools of the life quality – these are the key system for sustainable achievements of Kielce in its way to development of the city. become a smart city of the future. •

Left: SMART CITY 2030+ Strategy of Kielce SMART CITY Pillars.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017



Opole – The Smart City Preparations for the use of EU funds that Poland has obtained to invest by 2020 are under way. ITI – Integrated Territorial Investment is a new financial tool introduced for territorial strategies (voivodeship cities and their areas). Opole is ready to use these resources efficiently.

Eastern Railway Station


West Railway Station

Opole was distinguished with fifteen other Polish cities for the best strategy in attracting Foreign Direct Investment. This fact is consistent with the latest fDI Polish cities of the future project for 2017/18, collected and published by the Financial Times LTD.

Main Railway Station

The major target area, within public We will undertake the following actions transport, planned for investment by between 2017 and 2018: 2020 include, among others, improving –– replacement of the bus fleet, the public transport system for the Opole –– implementation of a modern ticket sales system with the assistance Wschód Railway Station and building of the latest IT technology, integrated transfer centres along with modernizing the Opole Główne and –– building dynamic information screens and bus lanes, Opole Zachodnie stations infrastructure.

–– construction of cycle paths.

The main benefits arising from the implementation of these projects include making the public transportation system more attractive, establishing new bus connections, reducing car traffic in the city, offering the passengers more comprehensive access to public transportation, improving traffic flow, and reducing noise as well as the negative impact of transportation on Opole was the environment.

distinguished with fifteen other Polish cities for the best strategy in attracting Foreign Direct Investment.


We will undertake the following actions between 2018 and 2023:

–– ITS deployment throughout the city, –– street lights replacement in major parts of the city, –– construction of cycle paths –– construction of transfer centres at Opole Główne, Opole Zachodnie and Opole Wschodnie railway stations, –– launch of new bus lines enabling all residents of the city to have access to the transportation system The implementation of these underas at present some parts of the city takings has already started in 2016 when have only limited or no access the new cycle paths were built and street to public transportation. lighting replaced.

It is a great honour for Opole to be distinguished as part of the list, as we offer exceptionally favourable conditions for establishing and running your business. Unique opportunities, which the success of the companies operating in our area is based on, are due to several factors. These include infrastructure of exceptional quality, well-educated residents, integrated and attractive investment incentive system, in-depth cooperation of Opole universities with the business world. And last, but not least our Investor Service Office offers comprehensive assistance to the investors throughout the entire process of implementing the investment. The strategic approach to creating favourable conditions for business development is based on supporting key industries for the city and the region. IT

Opole is becoming the next IT hub, especially for companies looking for IT specialists speaking fluent German. Here, they will find good conditions for development, growing office space offers and a large pool of potential employees. They are supported by numerous institutions.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


A business environment bridging companies and new technologies available on the market. Soon, the construction of the IT High Technology and Engineering Design Building along with the Data Processing Centre will begin. A new dedicated IT and engineering design facility with a total area of approximately 2,700 square metres will be fitted with a modern computer network, offering a possibility to rent computer performance in form of virtual machines, co-location services, web and e-mail hosting, or IT systems administration. This will be the third PNT facility. 80% of companies leasing the existing office space are operating in areas related to the IT.

and deformation measurement system. Specialized engineering software opens up new opportunities for companies in the region and additionally, STP provides adequate computing power. The Data Centre being created in the new building will be the greatest and the most secure co-location space in the Opole voivodeship. Appropriate certification will ensure that the Tier 3 standard will maintain high security of the investment. Currently, we are in the course of negotiating the establishment of the Fraunhofer Institute in the newly founded IT high-tech building along with the Design Centre for Engineering (DCE) at the Science and Technology Park in Opole with the comprehensive contribution

The Design Centre for Engineering offers machines, which are indispensable for conducting innovative research. The DCE has a material laboratory offering services with the use of the Instron fatigue testing machine, vibration measurement system

of the Opole University of Technology. The Fraunhofer Institute is the second largest research organization in Europe and third in the world. They research solutions applicable in the industry and everyday life activities. Research activities are conducted by 69 institutes and research units. The city of Opole offers exceptionally favourable conditions for establishing and running your business:

• Green Light for the BSS – Opole In September this year, we will host the fifth edition of the conference, which will focus on the prospects for the development of the business services sector, aimed at attracting BPO/ITO and developer companies to Opole to build office space for outsourcers. This event is dedicated to presenting flexibility and innovative approach of local authorities, and representatives of Opole universities to the cooperation with the business sector.

Currently, we are in the course of negotiating the establishment of the Fraunhofer Institute in the newly founded IT high-tech building along with the Design Centre for Engineering (DCE) at the Science and Technology Park in Opole with the comprehensive contribution of the Opole University of Technology.

Opole is becoming the next IT hub, especially for companies looking for IT specialists speaking fluent German. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


INVESTMENTS • The Festival Conference at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole is hosted at many interesting sites throughout the city The conference is organized for the representatives of the world of business and science at KFPP. The event hosts Polish leaders in business industries which are key for Opole, including joint services or food industry. At the conference we also present the investment potential of the city. Every year the event becomes more and more popular, which is later observed in the Opole investment market.

The “Business and Science” program is another response of the city to the unfavourable outflow and unemployment among university graduates as well as an attempt to support the scientific potential of the city.

Opole Municipality. Investor Service Department. tel: 77 54 11 379 tel/fax: 77 45 11 861 economy@um.opole.pl www.investinopole.pl


The cooperation of business, science and Opole authorities is not just a slogan. Agreements between Opole universities and entrepreneurs bring tangible results. The modern business services sector companies, which have recently signed cooperation agreements with universities include Capgemini, Future Processing and opta data. These companies run a series of presentations at the Technical University in Opole and the Opole University, which focus on practical issues directly related to their business profiles. These presentations provide students with the necessary know-how to work in the company of their choice.

business facilities in the city centre and in the area of the Special Economic Zone. Investors who opt for this type of investment can count on real estate tax relief and support in attracting tenants.

Markets located in the vicinity of Opole, i.e. Wrocław, Katowice and Kraków show major shortages within the labour market of the SSC/BPO sector (after the KPMG report). On the other hand, Opole has a significant human potential to meet the needs of new investors, which means a growing demand for modern office space. In the near future, Opole will see developers erecting modern facilities, generating up to 20,000 sq m of high • National Congress for Food An important goal of the cooperation standard office space in total. The city has Industry – Exhibition and is encouraging students to become also prepared 6.5 ha dedicated to creating Congress Centre in Opole professionally involved during their a new office district, which will become The Congress is primarily dedicated university education, so that when a part of the Special Economic Zone. to gather managers of the largest they graduate they can start working processing companies (including plant in a given industry with experience AN ADEQUATE STANDARD OF LIVING managers, process managers, production gained at the university and the open IS ONE OF THE KEY FACTORS KEEPING engineers), processing companies presentations given by the corporations. THE EMPLOYEES IN THE CITY: owners, farmers, logistics, marketing Manufacturing companies are also ready • The Polish song/festival traand technology providers, and all to actively cooperate with universities, ditions – make the city stand out among others as the event gathers those who seek inspiration to take on the example of which is the ifm ecolink many people and offers huge publinew challenges and search for the out- company. The agreement includes the city; the activity of the Polish Song of-the-box solutions. The purpose of the following areas of cooperation: scientific Museum and the National Centre Congress is to integrate the agri-food research and internships for students for the Polish Song. The Millennial sector companies at every stage of the and academics at the universities, as Amphitheatre which is the symbol well as participation in scientific and production process. of the city; innovative projects. • The shared identity – the majority The Investor Service Office in Opole of Opole residents are attached has yet another goal – to encourage Opole local authorities also introduce to their city; the emigrated city residents to return a number of innovative accommodations to the city. The Opole Work Campaign is for the residents of the city. One of these • The Piast Tower – one of the most significant symbol of the city; one of the activities promoting this tools is the Opole+ system, which is endeavour. The investors from Opole intended to be a mobile application • The Bolko Island and the Zoo – a green area in the centre of the can place a free of charge work ads combining services available in the city city; on the www.investinopole.pl website. in a single pool, an information service They can also count on the support based on data transferred from the city • Peace and security – the two characteristics of the city, which are from the County Employment Office of Opole and an analytic tool to efficiently most frequently mentioned by the closely cooperating with our office on and precisely transfer information residents; implementing new investments in the between the user and the city to improve city. Another tool offered by the Office the quality of services rendered by • An intimate character – small distances between the main points, is hosting press conferences with the the city of Opole. The application will the possibility to explore the city on participation of the investors. The Investor enable its users to trade electronic foot or by bike, efficient organization Service Office closely cooperates with money within the services available in and close relationships in the city; Opole universities, which adapt their the application. The complete solution educational offer to the needs of the with all its functionalities will make up • The Oder River/Opole Venice – unique water area development; the Opole + system. In order to analyse market and Investors. the expectations of the potential • History of Opole/multiculturality – a city boasts a rich history, German The “Business and Science” program Opole+ users, the stakeholders’ needs minority, initiatives promoting 800 is another response of the city to the were studied within the framework of years from granting municipal rights unfavourable outflow and unemployment the system. to Opole, activity of the Opole Silesia among university graduates as well and Opole Countryside Museums; as an attempt to support the scientific Opole is considered to be a good place for potential of the city. The principal reason the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) • Kamionki – remnants of the Opole cement plants, at present a site for for the undertaken actions is to assist and SSC (Shared Services Centre) rest and relaxation; with the development of the city’s industries due to its large number of economy based on the state-of-the-art university students, and future-oriented • Cement mining traditions; and innovative technologies and services. university majors including linguistics • The economic worth of the city and region – supported by The This program is a clear message from and IT specializations. The demand Investor Service Centre, Science and the Opole authorities to the academic for modern office space in Opole is Technology Park, The Opole Centre and entrepreneurial circles that the self- increasing along with the growing for the Development of Economy government is ready to use its budget interest in Opole's shared services and the back office for other means to support cooperation with the industry. Therefore we have prepared business institutions. • best partners from these environments. an attractive space offer for developing Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017




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Smart and life-enhancing solutions in Poznań The city for people – this is the main thesis of the Strategy for the City of Poznan 2020+. The document drawn-up in cooperation of the inhabitants, experts and authorities point out the image of a city good to live in. How the Smart City concept is implemented in Poznan?

Quality of life is the condition brought up by the investors with increasing frequency. The more friendly the city is, the more attractive for talented employees it becomes. And that is a key source of business success. Also the employees themselves pay increasing attention to what both the employer and the city it operates in have to offer. The areas of interest of the prospective employees are not limited to salary per se, but include also clean air in the city, smooth public transport and innovative Investor Relations solutions making the everyday living Department just… enjoyable.

City of Poznań 17 Kolegiacki square 61-841 Poznań p: +48 61 878 54 28, inwestor@um.poznan.pl www.poznan.pl


Sustainable transport and reducing traffic in the city are among the priorities to influence the quality of life in Poznan. The city takes multifaceted

efforts to implement its sustainable transport concept. Numerous changes targeted at traffic mitigation have been implemented in the downtown. Tempo 30 zone, dedicated bicycle paths and counterflow lanes make the Poznan inhabitants and tourists more willingly to use the downtown offer. CAR-SHARING AND ENVIRONMENTFRIENDLY CITY SCOOTERS

The Poznan inhabitants will soon drive the city with a rental car or scooter. The interesting fact is that the vehicles will be not available in limited locations. Each user will be able to check where the nearest scooter or car is using a dedicated app. After travel, the vehicle can be left at any parking place toll-free – also in the paid parking zone.

Tempo 30 zone, dedicated bicycle paths and counterflow lanes make the Poznan inhabitants and tourists more willingly to use the downtown offer. The rental companies will offer lowemission and environment-friendly vehicles – electric scooters as well as electric and hybrid cars. Initially that is in October 2017 there will be 200 vehicles available. As car-sharing works out, it will be developed with more vehicles in future, exactly as in the case of one of the first technological novelties – city bike. Modern approach to transport is appreciated by the inhabitants, who willingly switch to bicycles. After

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS Left: Mayor of the City of Poznań Jacek Jaśkowiak enjoys driving ecological cars from car-sharing rental.

After two years of operation of the city bikes in Poznan we have 88 stations with 923 bicycles.

two years of operation of the city bikes in Poznan we have 88 stations with 923 bicycles. The number of city bike users increases rapidly. Between March and June this year more than 500 thousand rentals were made. To compare – in last season, the bikes were rented 388 thousand times. MOST POPULAR START-UPS ARE FROM POZNAN

Below: OMNI3D, a 3D printer manufacturer, is an example of Poznan successful startups.

Poznan is a cradle of start-ups revolutionising the everyday living. It is the home of popular urban transport connection search engine – jakdojade.pl. The system displays most convenient transport connections along with estimated change time. The app has already more than 8 million of users and operates in the technologically advanced Za Bramką all largest cities of Poland. Smaller cities office building. continue to be added. Another example of Poznan start-up success is OMNI3D – manufacturer of industrial 3D printers in FFF technology. OMNI3D along with the other Poznan start-up – IC Solutions – presented their offers at polish stand during the greatest industrial fair i.e. Hannover Messe 2017 among the other 20 awarded polish start-ups. IC Solutions are the inventors of IC Pen – a pen converting handwriting into electronic version. This digital pen enables drawing-up of two versions of documents – conventional and electronic – at the same time. IC Pen is applicable for the most in public and private health care facilities, public administrations and research and development institutes.


Poznan has been encouraging to creative co-development of smart society and providing access to its digital resources to all persons concerned for several years. The first version of API (Application Programming Interface) service poznan. pl, was established in 2011 and was most probably the first website in public administration unit in Poland providing continuous access to data sources and contents published by the city’s selfgovernment. API provides common access to spatial data derived primarily (among others) from the reference Spatial Planning System of the City of Poznan. Thanks to access to these resources, the external users can develop the advanced The City of Poznan supports its start-ups information services with the use of by, among others, the Polish Champion digital maps. programme co-organised with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and In recent months, API was enriched with consulting company PwC. The aim of the data collected by the Poznan city bike programme is to promote the companies operator. This data includes among other and support their expansion on the statistical data on rentals concerning e.g. foreign markets. The other platform for use time, most popular stations and many supporting development of innovative more. It forms the basis for the external enterprises is co-working office space in users to create new solutions. It is this Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

data that was made available to the users of the 1st Allegro Hackathon – the first one from the series of events aiming at joint development of a complex service for bicycle users, local communities and self-governments. The portal will be the most extensive information base with, among others, heat maps of bicycle activity in Poland and analysis of routes selected by the bikers throughout Poland. Smart and life-enhancing solutions have been also promoted in the offices. The Smart City Poznan initiative enables handling the official cases in the Internet, including among other registering a vehicle, payment of real-estate tax or making an appointment in the office. •

The first version of API (Application Programming Interface) service poznan.pl, was established in 2011 and was most probably the first website in public administration unit in Poland providing continuous access to data sources and contents published by the city’s selfgovernment.



Szczecin – today we are shaping tomorrow Szczecin is developing and facing the challenges of modern cities head-on. Innovative solutions are implemented, modern industries are encouraged, human capital programmes are implemented and new links between science and business are forged.

There are already Today, the attractiveness of a city is intellectual capital and attractiveness of three fast-charging measured in terms of its development the metropolitan city, all of which are stations for electric vehicles in Szczecin. relating to all spheres of life. To spark the consistently pursued. The City owns a few interest of new investors and encourage electric cars and the current ones to further develop Innovative solutions, which improve their number is to be their businesses, a city must have everyday operations, are implemented gradually increased a solid transport and communication in the city under smart management. over the coming months. infrastructure. At present, investors The city invests in ICTs, consistently

increasingly require smart architectural solutions to be applied both inside the buildings and to the infrastructure. The availability of human resources, raising human capital and the needs of workers and enterprises become the key to business.

Urząd Miasta Szczecin Plac Armii Krajowej 1 70-456 Szczecin P: (+48 91) 4351164 fax (+48 91) 4351165 www.invest.szczecin.eu


A modern city must also have a vision for the future. And Szczecin has one – Szczecin Floating Garden 2050, which at the same time is a symbol of this vision and a message sent out to the world. A message which says that Szczecin is an open, cross-border, innovative, visionary, multicultural and multilingual city. Adopted in 2011, the City Development Strategy focuses on four strategic goals: high quality of life; modern, competitive and innovative economy ; high

develops the infrastructure required to implement the e-administration projects for which it was awarded the title of the IT Leader of the Last 20 Years in the prestigious IT Leader 2016 Competition. Furthermore, modern portals and municipal apps are launched for the benefit of the residents and tourists.

Ecological development is one of the priorities of Szczecin. To reduce electricity consumption and lower the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, renewable energy technologies are being introduced in the city. Photovoltaic panels have been installed on public facilities. Parks and open green spaces are carefully maintained; they cover 1/4 of Szczecin’s area. In 2012, Szczecin was the first city to introduce preferential parking

fees for electric and hybrid cars. Green technologies are also being introduced to the city’s public transport system. The city aims to achieve electro-mobility – a tender for the procurement of 16 hybrid buses will be announced this year, and in the near future 15 fully electric busses will be purchased. There are already three fast-charging stations for electric vehicles in Szczecin. The City owns a few electric cars and their number is to be gradually increased over the coming months. The energy-saving and modern solutions are also used in public transport and include smart street lighting systems and smart traffic signals. Szczecin is aware that implementation of even the most advanced technologies of municipal infrastructure control is not the only task of a smart city. As a result, the city is open to the needs and suggestions of residents, entrepreneurs and investors, including openness to novel solutions which stimulate the development of economy, spur the labour market and facilitate access to knowledge. One of

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS the first actions aimed at involving the today’s labour market – highly qualified residents in the city’s decision-making IT specialists. The new school will provide process was allocating from the city a modern IT curriculum, new computer budget an additional element, the labs, practical classes run together with so-called Participatory Budget, which entrepreneurs and internships in IT allowed the residents, community companies. councils and non-governmental organisations decide how the funds As result of cooperation of the City with the universities, the project allocated there should be spent. called Academic Szczecin has been Managing the financial affairs of the city implemented since 2010. Under the in such a way, one the one hand, allows project, scholarships for students for the implementation of a number of and PhD students are awarded, and investments included in: the Szczecin competitions for best diploma thesis Participatory Budget, Co-financing of the concerning spatial and architectural investments of Community Councils and issues, urban landscaping, competitions local social initiatives; on the other hand, for researchers and alumni of Szczecin it builds the social capital of the residents universities for best doctoral, Master’s and diploma thesis concerning modern and stimulates social activity. technologies and innovations and To meet the expectations of the investors commercial research, are organised. and local business owners, Szczecin implements a number of investments Housing policy actions concerning regarding the construction of access implementing housing investments routes and granting access to technical aimed at the young people are also infrastructure for the investment areas. taken. The programme called A House for Furthermore, in response to the demands the Student is a flat renting programme put forward by small and medium-sized aimed at the incomers starting or enterprises which cannot profit from continuing education at universities the presence of special economic zones of Szczecin. On the other hand, the in Szczecin, the City is developing an programme called A House for the Alumni, economic zone called Park Dąbie. is a programme aimed at encouraging the persons completing their education At the beginning of the year, the to stay in Szczecin. This programme is Economic Council for the Mayor of designed to assist the alumni in finding Szczecin, which is an opinion-forming a functional flat on favourable terms, and advisory body on matters related tailored to their financial capabilities. to the economic development of the city, changed its operating formula. The development of enterprises Five sectoral teams were appointed operating for years in Szczecin as well to be in charge of construction and as the introduction of global brands spatial development, modern services caused changes to the labour market (BPO, IT, SSC), maritime economy and in Szczecin. Year 2017 is the year when logistics, biotechnology, research and employers representing well-known development, and trade and craft. companies from e-commerce, IT, The representatives of businesses and BPO and renewable energy sources universities based in Szczecin participate sectors compete for employees. in shaping the economic policy of the city In response to the growing numbers and the entire Szczecin Metropolitan Area. of job opportunities on the labour market, the City launched an initiative Implementing the smart city initiative, called Szczecin is recruiting using the Szczecin develops and supports its slogan “Good climate for work”. About educational offer by building cooperation 80 entities representing the key sectors networks among various institutions, participate in the project, including supporting talents and improving IT, logistics/e-commerce, production, the quality of educational facilities. customer service, HR, and others. Among Scholarship programmes, contests, the participating companies are globally housing and recruitment programmes known corporations as well as local are run in order to attract new residents businesses building their reputation and workers. Every year, substantial as good employers. The campaign funding is allocated to the development is aimed at everyone who has not or modernisation of educational facilities, recognised the fact that Szczecin is including schools, swimming pools a city with a great potential, which when and gyms. favourably exploited, provides numerous development, cultural, housing and In September, a Vocational Secondary above all professional possibilities. School for ICTs will start operating in Szczecin the school will provide This attractive and modern city is education for the most desirable by the exceptionally creative and unique. employers and best paid professionals on Located amidst the greenery and Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

marshes of the Oder River, Szczecin attracts unique projects which make the city famous. Recently, the spotlight fell on two bold projects recognised as fine examples of global architecture. The City now has a new symbol ­– its state-ofthe-art Szczecin Philharmonic, and the superbly designed Breakthroughs Centre for Dialogue at the National Museum in Szczecin. The rapidly developing local commercial real estate market will provide new, unique, and environmentally friendly buildings, such as the Posejdon office/conference/hotel centre, the Hanza Tower – an exclusive apartment and office & commercial space complex, the Szczecin Business Plaza and the Stettiner Business Centre.

The Secondary School of General Education No. 13 in Szczecin has been the best in Poland for years now.

In response to the growing numbers of job opportunities on the labour market, the City launched What is also exceptional about the City an initiative is its robust creative milieu, cultural called Szczecin is institutions and attractive artistic recruiting using the slogan “Good package, including the “Counterpoint” climate for work”.

Small Theatre Forms Festival, the “Jazz Struggles” International Festival, and Szczecin Music Fest. Add in the excellent location, easy access to the Baltic, good transport connections to the rest of Europe, and beautiful natural environment, and you have an extremely attractive destination. This is why this year Szczecin will again have the pleasure to host The Tall Ships Races finale and welcome some of the world’s largest sailing vessels. All efforts made by the City are intended to significantly improve the comfort and quality of life in the City. Szczecin’s desire is to combine the dynamic and creativity of a metropolitan area with the spacious and peaceful nature of a people- and environmentally friendly place. In line with the Smart City concept, Szczecin is implementing smart management solutions to prove that modern urban areas do not have to be overwhelming. •

Below photo: Łukasz Popielarz.



ŁÓDŹ – THE SMART CITY The quality of life in a city is one of the key aspects, which contribute to a city’s attractiveness to its residents, tourists, visitors and also investors. No wonder, since precisely such a broad understanding of quality of life renders a city friendly and appealing and makes us feel like staying longer. The importance of efforts aimed at improving the quality of life in Łódź was recognised long ago and we can now see tangible results brought in the recent years.

It seems that a significant element in shaping the image of Łódź as a smart city was the Strategy of Integrated Development of Łódź, adopted in 2012, which laid the groundwork for a deliberate and targeted development of the city. The strategy was meant to provide a response to long-term development challenges, but also a tool for planning town hall actions and investments and – importantly – an instrument of communication of the city authorities with residents. The most important challenges specified in the strategy were, above all, improvement of residents’ quality of life, creation of a sustainable Investor Service communication network in Łódź and and International its agglomeration as well as urban Cooperation Bureau regeneration.

Piotrkowska 104a Str 90-926 Lodz The strategy was founded on three pillars: p: +48 42 638 59 39 fax: +48 42 638 59 40 economy and infrastructure, culture e-mail: and society, space and environment. boi@uml.lodz.pl The vision which inspired the strategy


was to create a friendly, creative and and assignation of new functions. Nearly dynamic city of sustainable development 100 hectares of land in the heart of with good life, work and investments the city is the subject of wide-ranging conditions, while simultaneously actions. The purpose of the project of benefiting from its historic, infrastructure the New Łódź City Centre is to create and creative potential. a modern, functional city centre offering its residents, those working in Łódź and Within the first pillar – economy and visitors, an opportunity to experience the infrastructure – measures were taken forgotten splendour of its downtown. with a view to creating an economy based on knowledge, innovation and The revitalisation processes form part creative industries under the heading of the large programme of urban of “Entrepreneurial, creative and regeneration which is being carried out innovative Łódź” in the area of the Łódź at the moment and is one of the key agglomeration. One of the projects of this challenges that Łódź will face in the pillar is the programme of construction of upcoming years. In order to improve a New Łódź City Centre, the biggest and the quality of life of residents and thus, most important element of regeneration the city’s attractiveness to investors, an activities carried out in the city. Called area revitalisation is being carried out “an open-city surgery”, it is one of the key which affects not just particular buildings, elements of downtown regeneration but whole quarters of the city. Łódź aimed at bringing out the beauty of has been divided into areas requiring “Łódź undiscovered”. The centre needs renovation and activities aimed at a revival, a boost of its attractiveness breathing new life into them are gradually Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS One of them was the redevelopment of the W-Z route which channelled part of the traffic into the underground tunnel and the Piotrkowska Centrum stop, connecting two most important tram routes in the city. Thanks to the redevelopment of the intersection, changing to other lines is now much easier and faster. Moreover, the stop is covered with a roof which has an effect on the comfort of the public transport users.

In order to improve the quality of life of residents and thus, the city’s attractiveness to investors, an area revitalisation is being carried out which affects not just particular buildings, but whole quarters of the city.

carried out. In connection with Poland’s candidacy for the right to organise the Expo International exhibition in 2022 in Łódź, if successful, the city will have an opportunity to present its achievements in this area.

Planetarium or 3D cinema. The focal point of the New Centre of Łódź is the underground Fabryczna railway station, put into use in 2016, which is the largest investment of this type in Poland and one of the most modern, multimodal railway stations in Europe. The transport hub is to be completed with a tunnel connecting the Fabryczna and the Kaliska railway stations, whose completion is expected by 2022.

One of the key elements of the New Łódź City Centre is, i.e., the revitalised old power station EC-1. The unique character of this place, fully reminiscent of the industrial past of the city, allows us to take advantage of new opportunities The Łódź idea of “smart” determines while simultaneously assigning it an also other processes taking place in educational and cultural role, i.e. the the area of transport which contribute Science and Technology Centre, the to raise the standard of living in the city.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

The purpose of the project of the New Łódź City Centre is to create a modern, functional city centre offering its residents, those working in Łódź and visitors, an opportunity to experience the forgotten splendour of its downtown.

During the redevelopment of the route and changes in the schedules of the urban public transport the area system of traffic control was also improved. Currently, the Central Traffic Control System with a new connections’ network is being verified and calibrated. Today the programme operates at 104 intersections and, among other things, it gives priority to the trams. In April this year new schedules of the urban public transport have been introduced, together with modified routes of some lines, following a consultation with the residents of Łódź. Other changes include, i.e. the introduction of a single Łódź and Zgierz ticket or reciprocal recognition of urban public transport, Łódź Agglomeration Railway and Przewozy Regionalne [Regional Transport] tickets in the area of the city. As seen above, recent years have brought many positive changes for the residents of the city, and also innovative solutions introduced with both the city dwellers and its promotion among visitors in mind. In June this year a mobile application of the Piotrkowska street was put into use and Łódź became the first Polish city to enjoy such a tool dedicated to a single street. It offers the option to search interesting venues on the map, such as shops, restaurants of cultural institutions but it can also be used as a street guide, indicating interesting spots worth visiting. A map with practical information such as car parks or city bike stations and the calendar of events is also meant to help promote the centre of Łódź. A consistent implementation of the strategy includes not only the activities mentioned above. The public bike system, introduced in 2016, which in its first month of operation beat the Polish rental record, or the participatory budget maintained on the largest scale in Poland, mark subsequent steps towards the smart city. •

June this year a mobile application of the Piotrkowska street was put into use and Łódź became the first Polish city to enjoy such a tool dedicated to a single street.



IN SMART MOST IMPORTANT IS THE MAN Częstochowa, as all Polish cities faces day-do-day tasks and problems, trying to make up for historical, and civilizational events, and not to be left behind when it comes to “intelligent” urban solutions. They can be seen in various areas of self-government activities: urban infrastructure, public services, and social area.

Transfer nodes will also contribute to development and integration of bike routes systems, which length in the city is about 75 km now (above double more compared to 6 years ago).

The Programme functions under the slogan “Better Communication” and assumes lower emission, that is why the city invests into low emission transport developing and modernizing trams line, as well as replacing railway and bus stock.


Communication standards of nowadays Polish cities often remain not ideal or are not as dreams of citizens about efficient, fast, and safe transport. Częstochowa has done a lot in recent years with aid from European sources to improve transit and connections between districts. Next challenge is to connect communication of the city and areas of economic activity with junctions of A1 highway ring road, which is under construction (which should relief traffic through the city, especially Częstochowa section of DK-1). First, 3 integrated transfer nodes will be constructed at bus/train stops in Częstochowa to join all available means of public transport with individual transport. To increase the effectiveness of public communication, transfer nodes and selected stops in the city will be covered by the System of Dynamic Passenger Information [SDIP] (there will be 50 SDIP Boards located in the city to show information for passengers). The system is to be friendly for people with poor visions and blinds: the project assumes purchase of about thousands of remotes for them to operate SDIP. Transfer nodes will also contribute to development and integration of bike routes systems, which length in the city is about 75 km now (above double more compared to 6 years ago). Same as in the case of road communication system, the city tries to act methodically, gradually connecting different sections of routes and constructing new bike routes connections with adjacent communes (it is really worth to go to Jura by bike from Częstochowa!). After selecting the operator, Częstochowa Urban Bike will also be launched.

The city is the leader of energetic effectiveness and low emission economy, thus a winner of many rewards and an active member of the Association of Communes, Polish Network “Energie Cités”.

“Low Emission Limitation Programme” has been functioning in Częstochowa for years aiming at improvement of air quality by replacement of boilers in districts, multi-family buildings, and in residential buildings, as well as replacement of heating system in buildings of public facilities, and thermal modernization of buildings, which has direct impact on effects of fuel and energy savings. Only in last four years (2013-2016) thermal modernization covered 110 communal residential buildings and public facilities. At present, investments co-financed by, amongst others, European Union, cover comprehensive thermal modernization in several objects: schools, sport hall and swimming pool.

City budget grants designated subsidy for pro-ecological tasks undertaken by the citizens and connected, amongst The Programme functions under the others, with modernization of heating slogan “Better Communication” and systems to energy saving and ecological assumes lower emission, that is why the ones, as well as assembly of solar city invests into low emission transport collectors supporting heating system developing and modernizing trams and used for production of domestic line, as well as replacing railway and hot water (the city has already granted bus stock. Even though innovative over 1,200 subsidies for furnaces and project involving ordering (financed about 110 for solar panels). Moreover, completely from sources obtained from Częstochowa has additionally obtained the programme “Green Investments” few millions this year for programme Gazela) 40 gas and electric hybrids of “sunny” subsidies – for installation did not prove to be defect-free during of equipment to generate energy of operation, authorities and the carrier renewable sources: solar installations, plan to consequently modernize photovoltaic and heat pumps – air and transform the city transport and land. into ecological one. Częstochowa has got 40 buses recently which meet most The city is the leader of energetic strict European standards, and submitted effectiveness and low emission economy, European Union projects under which thus a winner of many rewards and an it wants to purchase, amongst others, active member of the Association of Communes, Polish Network “Energie 15 new trams. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

INVESTMENTS Cités”. Częstochowa has been creating and implementing balanced energy economy for years presenting activity in such areas as energy planning, electric energy free market, energy effectiveness, and energy and environment management in urban facilities. These activities are carried-out in compliance with 5xE rule: Energy, Economy, Ecology, Education, and Effectiveness. The example may be continuously executed project “Energy and Environment Management in Public Facilities of Częstochowa City” (about 120 objects) aimed at constant optimization of fuels, energy, and water consumption, and limitation of related costs. Thanks to joint orders for electric energy for the City Hall and about 140 urban facilities and companies, savings for the city since 2009 compared to standard tariffs will amount this year to PLN 35 mln. The city also carries – out common tenders for property and civil liability insurance, mailing services insurance, and recently for supply of gas fuels as well. Cheaper internet is the result of common procurement not only within the scale of the whole city, but also within the Association along with 14 other local governments, which is the effect of the European Union project ‘E-region’. Under the project, 350 km of optical fibre was placed within the subregion (there is 70 km of optical fibre only in Częstochowa, also in result of previously executed projects), which is a high potential for development of “smart” type technology. Visual monitoring system is already implemented in Częstochowa, which connects above 70 cameras, and where levels of water in rivers are also monitored. The city wants to extend air monitoring as well, which currently is based on measurement stations of environment protection inspectorate. Since talking about safety, a bit different, but large project is carried-out by municipal company which administrates communal buildings. It has already installed about 4.5 of carbon monoxide and smoke sensors. When speaking of achievements in the area of energetic effectiveness, “white certificate” has to be mentioned, which is granted to Częstochowa by the President of Energy Regulation Office for one of the programmes executed in recent years, i.e. replacement of street lights to energy saving LED ones. Since 2012, new lighting fixtures have been mounted in over 110 streets of Częstochowa. City Hall of Częstochowa wants to be “smart”, that is why it has been applying ISO standards for a long time, and implements work procedures and management procedures appreciated, amongst others, by the board of national contest Best Quality – QI, both in the area of services, as management. City Hall also encourages to use e-administration, amongst others, making two electronic inboxes available on platforms www.sekap.pl and www.epuap.gov.pl with rich base of services that can be executed online. Integration of both platforms allows you to deal with official matters faster using the same information and electronic forms. Land surveying or cartographic materials, or data from civil register can be obtained electronically. Most popular service amongst Częstochowa citizens are services related to civil register and applications for issuance or replacement of identity card. Obviously, e-services are subject to some limitations that is why sometimes our presence in the office is required. In such a case, one may use Appointments Selection System, which allows for reservation of the date without the necessity to wait in lines. Most popular are services related to vehicles Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


INVESTMENTS Visual monitoring system is already implemented in Częstochowa, which connects above 70 cameras, and where levels of water in rivers are also monitored.

registration. Reservations of weddings via internet becomes more popular as well. Intelligent city, which wishes to stimulate local labour market has to undertake actions aimed at adjustment of type and manner of education to market demand, preventing unemployment and ensuring required personnel to developing companies. In addition to profiled professional education and execution of large projects of support for professional education, e.g. “Professional Cooperation”, internet platform enabling cooperation between administrative units, employers, and education establishments has also been implemented. It has been launched not long ago and is available at: praca.czestochowa.pl. It is aimed at associating employers and employees

of given specializations, presenting possibilities of education in professions for which there is demand on the market, suggesting new profiles to be offered by professional education establishments, inspiring the search for a better employment in the city. Activity of the platform within frameworks of the Centre for Better Workplaces (one of the basis of municipal activities titled “Better Work Now”) is coordinated by the Investor Service Centre for the City Hall. Investor Service Center Department of European Funds and Development City Hall of Częstochowa ul. Waszyngtona 5 42-217 Częstochowa phone +48 34 3707 212 Investor Assistance Centre phone +48 34 3707 213 coi@czestochowa. um.gov.pl fer@czestochowa. um.gov.pl www.czestochowa.pl Authors: Anna Mielczarek, Włodzimierz Tutaj.


City is not only place of education and work, but also entertainment, recreation, services, and shopping. System of Częstochowa Citizen Card based on local government loyalty programme has been launched in Częstochowa at the beginning of 2017. Citizens receive the card free of charge, which enables them to collect points from local entrepreneurs, which then may be exchanged to attractive bonuses. The card integrates previous local programmes (Częstochowa Senior, Family Plus), and provides access to Municipal Library. The card is an innovative product, it is to gradually extend its possibilities integrating with next municipal systems and gaining payment card function. City and LEW Group (system operator) have received

award for implementation of the card free of charge pre-schools, employment during this year Smart City Gala in Warsaw. of baby-sitters under the project “Active Parents – Happy Children”). Widely When speaking about the Card, mobile understood idea of an intelligent city application “Częstochowa, it’s clear” also covers healthy lifestyle contest, which intended for tourists and citizens, as well can be seen not only in construction as for elders, has to also be mentioned of new fields and recreational areas, with its previous Municipal System of but also many events for bicyclists, Tourist Information including, amongst runners, or Nordic-walking fans. Each others, network of information points year Częstochowa citizens participate located in various areas in Częstochowa. in the competition of cities within Entrepreneurs and investors may use frameworks of Honourable Doner of geoportal based on data from Spatial Energy Fortum organized in favour Information System, which is also a part of selected public benefit institution. of e-services. “Intelligent” solutions are Such company as Fortum is a key partner also included in municipal programme of the city in activities related to energetic supporting entrepreneurship involving effectiveness, whilst municipal companies system of real estate tax reliefs intended Waste Treatment Company “Warta” and for investing companies, which employ Częstochowa Public Utilities Enterprise their employees for permanent period have installations which utilize OZE of time and against fair salary, and which (biogas) for the needs of energy and are located in economic zones (there are heat production. two special economic zones in the city), using new technologies and constructing It can be seen that there are more solutions, projects, and technologies in offices of B+ standard. Częstochowa in line with the idea of “an “SMART” TYPE SOLUTIONS intelligent” city, which is so understood Częstochowa has been running social by present City Mayor Krzysztof economy and social participation Matyjaszczyk – There is no doubt that our course (development of Citizens generation is the witness of transformation Budget, Local Initiatives of Citizens, in functioning of nowadays metropolitan wider commissioning of tasks areas on global scale. Changes in the cities to public organization NGO, realization related to development of new technologies of consultations and many social cover various areas of life essential to the initiatives). Częstochowa is without citizens: transport, ecology, power industry, any doubt a leader in social economy or construction. For me, it is also important and employment support programme to search for new methods and means of applying social clauses in tenders (in such communication with citizens as we need a way about 700 persons have found to remember that they are most important employment since 2013), developing in the city. All innovations and changes centres and clubs of social integration, are to serve them, improve their comfort, establishing social cooperatives, and meet various needs…Pursuing concluding next sector partnerships: for development of an “intelligent” city, most the family, seniors, disabled, prevention important goal is to find balance between of homelessness or violation, as well as economic success of the city and citizens aimed at development of local activity in satisfaction. In addition to integration individual districts. Częstochowa proved of municipal systems, provided public to be a government which develops services, social integration is also required. health programmes recently as well (not These are difficult challenges but they must only co-financing of in vitro procedures), be undertaken if the city wants to develop promoting foster care or forms of care in a balanced way, which is to use its over small children, amongst others, advantages and remain friendly for people to facilitate parents return to work (e.g. at the same time. •

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

News, Articles, Reports



HR NEWS New Executive Manager of Life Sciences & Supply Chain division at Devire

Katarzyna Wierzbicka has joined Devire recruitment agency (formerly Devonshire) as Executive Manager, Life Science and Supply Chain divisions. Prior to joining Devire, Katarzyna worked for Page Group as recruitment Manager. She also gained her professional experience and in-depth knowledge of biotechnological and pharmaceutical market by working for Sanofi Genzyme and Menarini Group in the supply chain departments. In her new role, she is responsible for managing demanding recruitment processes for Devire’s clients long-term lease strategies, property marketing as well as negotiations and re-negotiations of agreements.

Cresa, a global tenant-only real estate advisor, has announced that Michał Śmietański, a legal counsel with many years of professional experience in the commercial property market, has been appointed to sit on the board of directors and head the legal department of Cresa Poland. Michał is responsible for every legal and compliance aspect of business, provides legal advice and coordinates professional services delivered for Cresa and its clients, analyzing risks and identifying the best scenarios. Michał Śmietański has 20 years of experience in the legal profession, specializing in work for commercial real estate services firms. Prior to joining Cresa, for over twelve years he had been an in-house lawyer at Cushman & Wakefield with responsibility for international legal and compliance issues and coordination of related activities. He also participated in real estate transactions and lease negotiations.

Iwona Skalska appointed marketing director at Cresa Poland

Two new Partners at Colliers International Colliers International strengthens its management structure in Poland.

Marta Machus-Burek and Jonathan Cohen have been appointed Equity Partners of Colliers in Poland. As the Director of Retail Agency Marta Machus-Burek oversees a team of 14 experts. She has over 20 years of experience which spans across strategic advisory for shopping center owners and investors, mixed-use projects, as well as shopping centers’ value management, leasing of space and marketing of shopping centers. Moreover, Marta provides strategic advisory for retail chains, including expansion plans and competition analysis. She also advises on the development of investment strategy for the acquisition and sale of retail chains.

Michał Śmietański to sit on the board of directors and head the legal department of Cresa Poland

Iwona Skalska, who has more than 20 years of professional experience in commercial real estate marketing and PR, will head the marketing department of Cresa Poland. Iwona, together with her team, will be responsible for launching the US brand Cresa on the Polish market, development and execution of a successful marketing strategy and supporting all the operational departments.


Jonathan Cohen joined Colliers International in 2012 and took up the position of the Director of Building Consultancy Services for Central and Eastern Europe. He has roughly 30 years of experience in building-investment sector gained in the United Kingdom and Poland, as well as in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Ukraine. He is a member of the prestigious Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


New property managers at Savills

Marta Pyziak will run new JLL office in Łódź

Two new employees has joined Property and Asset Management Department at Savills, global real estate advisor.

Marta Pyziak will be appointed as the head of JLL’s new department in Łódź.Furthermore, Marta's experience as a member of the facility advisor team responsible for managing Dell’s real estate portfolio did not just apply to Poland but to Russia, Kazakhstan, Baltic states and Ukraine as well. Her previous position involved providing top-tier quality services and support in order to achieve both the strategic and operational objectives for Dell. Before Dell, Marta co-created Investors Relations Department in the City of Łódź. She was also a board member of the Łódź Property Managers Association.

Wioletta Nowotnik has been hired as Senior Portfolio Manager, while in Poland. He is responsible for providing investment consultancy, coordination of transaction processes, carrying out due diligence investigations and financial analyses.

Mateusz Wójtowicz has joined Devire

Przemysław Piórek has joined as Senior Property Manager. Wioletta Nowotnik and Przemysław Piórek will strengthen Office Property Management division lead by Agata Janowska. Wioletta Nowotnik has 11 years of professional experience in the field of real estate management. Previously she worked in Orco Poland and Knight Frank. She managed Immofinanz's portfolio of properties comprising 220,000 sq m and maintained relation with a group of over 160 tenants. She held the position of Key Account Manager for the entire Immofinanz portfolio managed by Knight Frank. Wioletta graduated from marketing and management studies. She completed her education with a postgraduate studies in property management. Przemysław Piorek has 11 years of professional experience. Before joining Savills he worked in Knight Frank managing office space of total 58,000 sq m. He has an engineering degree gained at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Jędrzej Suchowolec joins the capital markets department of Cresa Poland Jędrzej Suchowolec, an expert with professional experience in real estate acquisition and sale consulting, has joined global real estate advisor Cresa as a Senior Advisor in its capital markets department

Tomasz Czuba appointed regional director at JLL JLL has announced the promotion of Tomasz Czuba, Head of Office Agency at JLL to Regional Director. Tomasz Czuba manages a team of 20 experts specializing in office leasing throughout Poland. At JLL, he is responsible for projects in the field of Office Landlord Representation – provided for both national and international developers and investment funds. He provides advisory services including establishing long-term lease strategies, property marketing as well as negotiations and re-negotiations of agreements. • Mateusz Wójtowicz has joined Devire recruitment agency (formerly Devonshire) as an Executive Manager, Sales & Marketing division. Previously, Mateusz worked as Head of Sales & Marketing division at HAYS, where he managed recruitment processes in Retail, FMCG, Consumer Electronics, Media & Advertising and Digital & E-commerce sector. As an enthusiast of modern technology, he will not only be responsible for recruitment, but he will also be supporting Devire and its clients in the area of Digital Marketing and Employer Branding.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017



The climate in the organization – in other words: 3 mistakes that will kill any commitment

According to the report Poland 2025 – New motor growth in Europe, developed by McKinsey & Company, the average number of hours worked in Europe is 1,600 hours per year. The Polish worker works on average 1,929. With the increase in GDP, the number of hours worked decreases. In practice, this means less work with greater productivity. The climate of the organization is one of the key determinants of whether we work a lot or wisely.

In my experience, as a recruiter, I confirm that the most frequent response of the candidates to the question of the reason for termination of cooperation with previous employers is the failure to meet the arrangements made during the recruitment process.


And it’s not about creating a familiar atmosphere where team members will spend time pleasantly. The goal is a foundation whose main ingredient is trust. These, however, necessarily affect efficiency. Below are three critical mistakes that can kill the highest level of motivation.

Cooperation standards exist in every company. Not in any case, however, they are understandable and transparent to employees. During the dozens of hours devoted to the development of the strategy, it is hardly ever devoted more time to analyzing the conditions under which it will be implemented.

of the organization is not constant. It is transformed by the external factors, the company's goals, but also, and perhaps most importantly, its internal participants.

Consciously or not, every company operates based on some (non)written standards. They play a key role in the process of building relationships, communicating, or making decisions. These standards shape the culture of the organization. There are companies where the main focus is on teamwork and joint decision-making. In others, there are numerous procedures, and each organizational unit is strictly specialized. There are also such companies in which the worship of the leader functions as the only right instance, where the subordinate sentence is an addition to the already decided leader. The culture

• are its business card and generate THE FIRST MISTAKE revenue – BUILDING MOTIVATION • are responsible for the quality The mistake of building the motivation of service provided is based on Incorrect assumption that • condition (not)customer satisfaction employees need motivation. Almost • have a direct influence on acquiring in each of my articles appears the new customers issue of motivation and working with

For a better understanding of the importance of the topic, let's remind ourselves that employees of every business:

Maintaining the market position and further development of the company requires not only the conscious management of material resources, but also the assessment of the effectiveness of activities aimed at the internal relations. Success is more real if they are stable, and employees can express their opinion.

passion. Let us recall: motivation is the internal state of the body that induces it to achieve a certain goal. Passion, on the other hand, is an intense and liberating pleasure of engaging in a given activity. In practice, this means that employees are motivated to come to work – at least on their first day. This does not mean, however, that they will engage in their

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

CAREER & DEVELOPMENT work. This element will occur if the scope of tasks, responsibilities and working conditions triggers positive emotions and satisfaction.

not depend on external promotional The right distance is when the boss and activities. Employees are the key to employee are partners, and the ideas success. They are the business card of both parties are treated with the of the company and they can either same respect. We create a long distance promote or ruin its image by expressing when, in addition to the hierarchy of More and more actions for employees their satisfaction. advantage, there is a communication and are designed to build motivation, rather decision advantage, and only the divine than to remove factors that interfere Solution: Verify the promises, prepare finger of the boss can indicate what is with the ability to engage in work. a plan for the new employee's right. In this case, we do not count on Another benefits, colorful offices and adaptation period, and make sure the the active participation of employees employee bonuses pose a problem on first day of new job is not the beginning in the development of the company. Consciously or not, we just do not give the head. Yes, for a moment it may satisfy of the end of its employment period. them a chance. Is it worth it? Of course, the employee, but in no way, give him you can do everything by yourself a sense of meaning and fulfillment at and join the group of companies that, work. I have written many times about Ryan and Decie's self-determination according to K. Ayers study, 35% of your theory, where the need for self-fulfillment personal expenses are unproductive. is one of the three most important. People therefore would like to have Solution: Answer yourself a question: the sense of impact and the ability what kind of the boss are you. Pay to decide. This is also confirmed by the attention to the words you say. They theory of Herzberg, in which factors arouse emotions. These positive related to social background and pay are activated in the left hemisphere, he called hygiene factors, ie, which thereby releasing the resources of the must necessarily occur and they are the right hemisphere that is responsible for such highly desirable creativity absolute minimum. Relationships and and imagination. Since you attracted self-fulfillment are factors that build engagement and motivation. the stars, do not let them out. Solution: Change your assumption. You do not have to motivate people. Just remove the demotivating factors. Identify them and instead of the other toys, consistently build in employees a sense of the work done. THE SECOND MISTAKE – A LOT OF TALK AND VERY LITTLE ACTION

We created employer branding to to become the employer of choice. This is how we want to get the best employees. Recalling the emotions, values and needs of candidates, we use all of today's knowledge of advertising, marketing, persuasion. The employer brand that we build offers the promise. Fantastic workplace: relationships, development opportunities, atmosphere, independence. What happens to the emotions and needs of potential candidates when they become employees? How satisfying is the fulfilment of promises that you've promised to your candidate after signing the contract? In my experience, as a recruiter, I confirm that the most frequent response of the candidates to the question of the reason for termination of cooperation with previous employers is the failure to meet the arrangements made during the recruitment process. If you are looking for mature workers, ready to offer their knowledge, experience and full commitment, remember that this kind of employee does not forgive unfulfilled expectations, communication errors, and certainly false statements. Employer reputation does

Employees are motivated to come to work – at least on their first day. This does not mean, however, that they will engage in their work. This element will occur if the scope of tasks, responsibilities and working conditions triggers positive emotions and satisfaction.


Now, if you've just realized that one of the above mistakes affects your business, it remains a question of whether and what can be changed within the organization. Both increase and decrease in turnover as well as in revenue has its cause. The causes should be sought within the organization, if they are not obvious external causes, such as economic crisis, THE THIRD MISTAKE – THE DIVINE contractor payment defaults, or changes FINGER OF THE BOSS in commodity prices. The climate of the We expect innovation. Members of organization is created by interpersonal innovative teams share with each other relations and communication that knowledge and experience. They support takes place at every level. Therefore, it's each other, trust each other and take necessary for you to implement the care of relationships, thereby allowing research. Financial audits show hard data. them to acquire new skills. Under such conditions, in exchange for feeling Satisfaction surveys or communication strength and agility, people are willing audits which are carried out systemto reciprocate their ingenuity and loyalty. atically, they are also the cheapest We hear it at every conference, lecture, and the most effective prophylaxis we read about it in books. Continually, of management. In international it is so difficult to give up pointing out companies, so-called "global survey" is mistakes and shortcomings. It's still easier a popular practice. As the name itself to see what's not working than to focus indicates, they give a "global picture". on constructive feedback and positive Remember that employees consider reinforcement. According to the theory their immediate supervisor as the of reinforcement, we get from the people employer's representative. Therefore, in what we reinforce in them, however the order to improve communication and action of praise will be repeated more internal relations, conduct local research, likely than abandonment of action and engage your people in the changes which was criticized. The position in the that have been made. Even the best company is still associated with authority consultant does not know the company and authority. The function of authority better than its employees. Thus, in order consists in influencing emotions, thinking to increase productivity and become and behavior. The strength and scope of a favorite employer, communication and this influence may vary. In organization relationships which create a climate, have context, the level of distance between to be improved not for people but for boss and employee is mentioned. their participation. •

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

We create a long distance when, in addition to the hierarchy of advantage, there is a communication and decision advantage, and only the divine finger of the boss can indicate what is right.

Monika Reszko, Communications Expert, Business Psychologist.



Cooperation between a SSC/BPO company and a recruitment agency – what is the recipe for success? The SSC/BPO sector is one of the most dynamically growing areas in Poland, with 32 thousand new jobs created between January 2016 and January 2017 alone*. In the light of a growing demand for qualified workers, SSC/BPO companies are increasingly turning to recruitment agencies to source their employees. What should this kind of cooperation look like to succeed?

Many foreign investors recognize the advantages of Poland as the best location for their new business centers. Three most popular Polish cities include Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw, but the dynamically growing Tri-City market also deserves attention. The growing number of new investments leads to a rise in demand for candidates with a good command of foreign languages who are interested in customer service, accounting or IT jobs. Expanding needs of SSC/BPO companies make their representatives more willing to use the services of a recruitment agency, which may support their internal HR departments in the search for appropriate candidates. What aspects should be considered important in terms of cooperation between a HR consulting company and a SSC/BPO organization? What is the recipe for success? SMOOTH COMMUNICATION AND DYNAMIC OPERATIONS

When compared to other industries, the SSC/BPO sector calls for a completely different execution of recruitment process. One of the major issues with all new projects is the need for dynamics


While managing a project for a given client, the recruiter becomes an ambassador for the client’s brand on the job market, which is why they should have the best possible knowledge of the company.

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

CAREER & DEVELOPMENT and responsiveness, which is why cooperation with SSC/BPO companies requires smooth communication. This should be kept in mind by both parties – the HR consulting company and its client alike. If the recruiter is not able to provide suitable candidates in the initial phase of the recruitment process, it is important that the client be made aware of the reasons. It may well be the case that the requirements set for candidates are not that obvious or easy to fulfil. This is why feedback is of crucial importance. It allows for a fast analysis of the situation and potential adjustment of the search criteria.

to make them aware that processing recruitment process execution and often speed may prove of crucial importance is the key to success. for the entire process. VERY GOOD COMPANY KNOWLEDGE CLIENT INVOLVEMENT

While the recruitment company presents the best candidates, managers of teams searching for new team members also play a significant role in the recruitment process. Often it is them that have to adapt to the market dynamics and demonstrate the benefits of working for them. Another fundamentally important issue is flexibility in terms of scheduling candidate interviews. Candidates usually prefer to meet in the afternoon or in the morning, and Another good example illustrating the it is essential that both parties reach need for efficient communication is a consensus. This is particularly important the situation where at the moment of mainly because a candidate’s availability being selected for a project, a candidate in the labor market may change already participates in several ongoing practically overnight. Considering the recruitment processes. The client should above, ongoing communication with the be informed of that at the very beginning, client facilitates faster and more effective

What is also of great importance here, is the opportunity to get to know the company for which the recruitment process is being conducted. This includes an understanding of the employer’s organizational structure, benefits and development opportunities offered to potential candidates, as well as a visit to the office to see the future employee’s workplace. While managing a project for a given client, the recruiter becomes an ambassador for the client’s brand on the job market, which is why they should have the best possible knowledge of the company. This is particularly valuable during meetings with candidates, as consultants may provide them with a more detailed picture instead of a basic job description.

One of the major issues with all new projects is the need for dynamics and responsiveness, which is why cooperation with SSC/BPO companies requires smooth communication. This should be kept in mind by both parties – the HR consulting company and its client alike.


Another key element facilitating successful cooperation is a partnership relation based on mutual trust. Companies should be open to market information provided by the recruiter, who may use their exper tise to recommend potential changes or strategies to help find the best candidates. Such information exchange may result in more efficient ongoing and future recruitment processes. HONESTY AND COOPERATION

When clients hire a HR consulting company, they are usually interested in finding a suitable person in the shortest possible time. The role of the recruiter is to assess the current market situation and to advise the client whether or not it is possible to complete the recruitment process in such a short time. This requires honest communication, which should form the basis of the relationship between the client and the HR consulting company. The recruiter should assess the feasibility of a given project and agree upon a joint execution schedule with the client. This helps define a solid framework for cooperation and indicates that both parties are interested in the final success.

Companies should be open to market information provided by the recruiter, who may use their expertise to recommend potential changes or strategies to help find the best candidates.

There is a number of factors contributing to a successful working relationship between a HR consulting company and a SSC/BPO client. More often than not, satisfactory cooperation is the outcome of a longer process. One important thing to remember is that this relationship should always be based on shared commitment of both parties, which is the key for success. • *ABSL report: „Sektor nowoczesnych usług biznesowych w Polsce 2017” [Modern business services sector in Poland 2017]. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

Małgorzata Serwa, Associate Consultant HRK SSC/BPO.



Open minded and analytical approach as the recipe for success in F&A industry Interview with Agnieszka Stróż, Operations Director in BSS SA.

Flexibility and focus on self-development are the key characteristics of a person who would like to pursue a successful careaer in finance. The labour market of today has plenty of opportunities for such people – one just has to seize them.

Outsourcing&More: What characteristics should a candidate who is going to start a career in finance and accounting have? Agnieszka Stróż: First of all, a candidate embarking on a career in finance or accounting should be open to changes. Over the last few years, we have experienced ever more rapid changes resulting from galloping technological progress. Young people have to accept such changes, those strictly connected


with what they have already learnt and how they perform their duties. They have to be active and always on the lookout for new solutions, as well as constantly ready to respond to customers’ needs and changing market conditions. Representatives of the young generation think in modern way and feel at ease with new technological developments. It is a major asset that they should put to good use at work. Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

CAREER & DEVELOPMENT In finance and accounting, just as in other industries, employers seek people who are flexible, development-oriented and innovative, and who have the courage to challenge the status quo and put forward their own solutions. What is also important, without a doubt, is the ability to think analytically and the will to continuously pursue selfdevelopment and update one’s knowledge of legal regulations (i.e. in the scope of accounting or tax law). Flexibility and focus on self-development are the key characteristics of a person who would like to pursue a successful career in finance. The labour market of today has plenty of opportunities for such people – one just has to seize them. Are the same skills necessary to work in the Accounts Payable Department and the General Ledger Department, or is a different type of expertise and experience required? Work in the field of accounts payable does not require as wide a knowledge as work in the field of general ledger. Employees working in the GL department should have a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the entire financial and accounting process, know all links and understand interrelationship between the individual stages and scopes of the process. They should also be able to detect any irregularities that may occur without being identified at the individual stages of the process. The General Ledger Department assumes responsibility for the entire process, so it is also significant to see accounting as a process and to have a good understanding of customers’ business cycles (e.g. sale, purchase, investment and management of funds), as opposed to AP.

happy to employ candidates who have some basic knowledge We are happy to acquired at university or on accounting courses. We give them employ candidates who have some basic a possibility to learn new things and apply them in practice. Specialist positions require a solid basic knowledge of accounting and relevant legal regulations. The recruitment process includes a test that is subsequently verified and discussed in detail with the candidate. We are looking for people with potential, willingness to learn and pursue selfdevelopment – aspiration to gain new knowledge in the scope of accounting and taxes is one of the key characteristics of any candidate. We offer a wide range of opportunities. Throughout their career at BSS, an employee may go up the corporate ladder from the position of an accountant up to a specialist position. We give an opportunity to work for various customers (including companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and New Connect). Our job offers are available, inter alia, on Outsourcingportal.eu.

There are many education and certification programmes for financiers on the market. Do the programmes offered by CIMA or ACCA help finance experts to build their career paths? What is your experience in this area? In my opinion, both programmes, just like other programmes with a similar scope, give a wide, comprehensive, and – most importantly – practical knowledge. People holding such certificates have a solid knowledge confirmed by examination, something that pays off during performance of professional duties. For sure, such programmes support employees in the realisation of their planned career paths and As regards the accounts payable team, it is an ideal place for help them to achieve success. a person who is thinking about self-development in the field of accounting but has only started their career. It is a good From the point of view of the employer, people who take department to start your professional path in. As an accountant up a challenge like CIMA or ACCA courses stand a chance of in AP, an employee focuses on and hones their skills in one receiving extra points during recruitment or simply standing part of the process; they may broaden their knowledge and out from other candidates. This type of training is a huge develop expertise in the field of cost allocation, payment and challenge and the exams are really hard to pass. A person cooperation with suppliers. It is often a valuable experience taking up such a challenge without any special motivation for people who later pursue a successful career as accountants or belief will never complete it. Such a certificate also proves in GL. one’s strength of character, goal orientation, focus on selfdevelopment and strong internal motivation. Such people are Still, we should remember that an AP employee should have valuable assets on the market. an awareness of the whole process. Their knowledge may be less comprehensive than that of a GL employee, but they have What has been your career path so far and what is the to know all the interrelations and consequences of their action. biggest challenge in your position at the moment? My career in finance started almost 15 years ago. An accounting process is a mechanism composed of a number Throughout those years, I have worked in the field of finance of elements, namely sub-processes, each of which is significant outsourcing, in particular accounting outsourcing. For the last and all of which are interrelated in numerous ways. It is of key 13 years, I have been working in an international company in important for each process participant to know their role and the BPO industry. I have gone through a number of various possible influence on the actions of other participants. But tiers, starting from an operational position, though managerial there is one person who sees this mechanism in its entirety positions to the role of manager in the last years. I have wide and this person is a GL employee. experience in management and transformation of accounting processes, as well as in management of operational teams. How many people does Business Support Solution employ at the moment? Is there any ongoing recruitment at the I currently hold the position of Operations Director for moment? Accounting Divisions at Business Support Solution. I think that At the moment Business Support Solution employs more the biggest challenge at the moment is the recruitment of than 300 people, including more than 220 people in the specialists. BSS SA is looking for people with high qualifications accounting and reporting departments. The company covers in accounting. My team is composed of experts with a wide and comprehensive knowledge of accounting in general more than 260 companies. and specific knowledge of our customers. The recruitment The two departments recruit accountants and experts on of specialists is sometimes challenging, considering a regular basis. We employ people with different levels the availability of suitable candidates on the market. of expertise and we offer them an opportunity to gain A careful selection process is necessary to find people with new experience and – something unique in the market in proper expertise. the field of BPO – a possibility to gain a comprehensive and practical knowledge in the scope of Polish accounting. We are Thank you for the conversation. • Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017

knowledge acquired at university or on accounting courses. We give them a possibility to learn new things and apply them in practice.

From the point of view of the employer, people who take up a challenge like CIMA or ACCA courses stand a chance of receiving extra points during recruitment or simply standing out from other candidates.

Agnieszka Stróż, Operations Director in BSS SA.



Recruitment Ads RECRUITER:


R&D Manager – New R&D Department in Poland (19 000 – 21 000 PLN / month gross)

Responsibilities: • Prepare and execute the development plan in close communication with contributing department (engineering sites, purchasing, quality, controlling) • Guarantee the product development activities according to process and tools Ensure the achievement of the projects under his responsibility in terms of cost quality and time • Monitor regularly the progress of projects and takes adequate decision • Ensures a good level of coordination within his Department and with other Group functions, respecting policies, guidelines and deadlines: implements initiatives or guidelines set up within the Group, and seeks required support • Ensures a good level of coordination with other R&D sites for cross projects and lab activities • Ensures all employees are recruited, trained and developed to effectively carry out their duties efficiently in line with business objectives • Motivate and develop the teams and maintains a good social climate favorable to the achievement of business objectives respecting the company values • Ability to generate team spirit, collaborators listening and support, organizational skill, brand of control, ability to work under pressure • In charge of controlling the total R&D budget of the Department (internal costs, expenses, investments) • Ensures early involvement of industrial teams in projects and completion of industrial project targets for new products (productivity, scrap, manufacturing time)

Requirements: • • • • • • • •


Education level: Electronic engineer (HW) Minimum 5 years of experience in an electronic R&D department (automotive or in a structured company) Experience in project management International activities background Experience in team management English speaking and writing skills – level B2 (additionally French or German will be an asset) Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Leadership and team-building skills

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017




Chief Accountant (Salary: up to 20 000 PLN / month gross)

Responsibilities: • Ensuring compliance of the Polish books and records with all tax and accounting regulations, both under Polish GAAP and US GAAP. • Developing and maintaining strong relationships with Senior stakeholders as well as the team members. • Various reporting requirements including monthly balance sheet variance, Tax, SOX, flux reporting and Audit. • Leading closing of the month process, including review of balance sheet • Ensuring adherence to the Polish tax and statutory legislation

Requirements: • Qualified accountant (CPA, ACCA, ACA, etc) with minimum 8 years of experience, gained preferably both within Big 4 public practice firms and/or International Organizations • IFRS/US GAAP experience • Fluent English is a must • 2+ years of leadership experience preferred • Knowledge of Oracle/General ledger & Microsoft office applications is a plus • Ability to communicate effectively with Senior Stakeholders, understand the details as well as see the big picture

Outsourcing&More | September – October 2017


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