FOCUS ON Business 3 March-April 2022

Page 1 No. 2 (3) | March–April 2022 ISSN 2720-3549 PRICE EUR 6 (INCL. 8% VAT)

An ideal climate for the BSS sector Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship | p. 54

Polish Deal – looking for positives | p. 12

Using PR services has never been so easy Public Relations on demand


Ladies and Gentlemen, An unexpected war broke out in Ukraine and completely remodeled many busi­ nesses across Europe. Ukraine, one of the top outsourcing destinations in Europe, has already experienced significant exclusion from international business relations. Many Ukrainian companies with operational centers in Kharkiv, Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, and other cities decided to transfer their employees to Poland and beyond. The war in Ukraine will change the lives of many people for many years to come; but it will also change the way many businesses operate. Let us hope that the international care extended towards Ukrainian companies enables them to carry on growing – and thus provide for a dignified life of their employees and their families. Pro Progressio, the publisher of FOCUS ON Business, from the very first days was involved in a number of initiatives aimed at supporting legislative changes in Poland, and at shortening and optimizing the process of employing emigrants from Ukraine. We hope that these activities will signi­ficantly improve the processes of employing foreigners in Poland. Visit the FOCUS ON Business website to read our interview with Konstantin Vasyuk, Managing Director of the IT Ukraine Association. We spoke before the war broke out in February 2022. This conversation should allow you to gauge just how developed the Ukrainian IT industry was before the war started. It should also highlight the magnitude of prob­ lems that will result from it. As always, we also bring a variety of business, investment, and HR news in the hope that you will find them interesting and worthwhile.

Editor in Chief

Editorial office EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Dymitr Doktór | MANAGING EDITOR: Elwira Przybylska | DTP: Iwona Księżopolska ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED BY: Pro Progressio spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa ul. Dziekońskiego 1, 00-728 Warszawa EDITORIAL OFFICE ADDRESS: ul. Dziekońskiego 1, 00-728 Warszawa

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Selected photos come from An electronic version of the Magazine see the website All rights reserved. No copying, reproduction or photocopying allowed without written consent of the publisher.

The views expressed in this publication as well as the content of the adverts are not necessarily those of the editor. LEGAL SUPPORT: Chudzik i Wspólnicy PRINT: Drukarnia Jantar

CIRCULATION: 3000 copies PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: Warsaw, 23.03.2022 AUTHORS: Janusz Arczewski • Dorota Chudzik • Konrad Matuszewski • Piotr Maksymiuk • Jarosław Karlikowski • Tvrtko Stosic • Konrad Krusiewicz • Monika Smulewicz • Szymon Stadnik • Daniel Clark • Natalia Brzostowska • Sylwia Kozioł • Anna Szawluk • Agata Piotrowska • Justyna Rak • Krzysztof Drozd • Mieczysław Struk • Peter Ryan• Bogusław Wieczorek • Kasparas Butkus • Konstantin Vasyuk • Adam Augustynowicz • Piotr Ćwikliński • Joanna Wanatowicz • Rafał Glogier-Osiński • Natalia Myskova • Justyna Lach



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BUSINESS NEWS Tailor-made employee benefits What can we do to safeguard the best interest and well-being of our employees at the time when we are all kept on our toes?

Middle-class tax relief Is the practical aspect of the relief so "rose-coloured"?

The Polish Deal – looking for positives Some interesting solutions can be found in the new regulations.

Can doctors certify employees as unable to work and prescribe sick leave for burnout? At the end of 2021, news circulated in the media that professional burnout is being recognized as an illness.

Contact Center trends for 2022 and beyond Creating an amazing customer experience is a top objective for every business.

Against all odds: moving to new head office during the pandemic? Over 1,400 employees, 40 change agents and 30 months: these are just a few of the most important figures illustrating the scale of the 3M GSC Poland undertaking.

Designing a sustainable work environment – opportunities and challenges Interview with Konrad Krusiewicz, architect and founder of the architectural studio The Design Group.

Innovation through payment platform transformation It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change – Charles Darwin.

Abundance Mentality in Business How approach to clients, competition or workers can take the leader and company to the next level of success.

Nearshoring to Poland – is it still an attractive prospect for companies from Western Europe looking to boost their competitiveness? Szymon Stadnik's feuilleton.

We need to talk about technology and fear We need to admit that words like “digital” and “data” often provoke fear.

SSC LIONS Direction: innovation and continuous improvement Interview with leaders of financial divisions at Elanco Solution Center.

Lean implementation – stairway to heaven or highway to hell? Do we have enough experience to speak about Lean?

When you are under fire or don’t want to be under fire – Problem Solving In the business of today, many leaders and researchers try to answer the question what company attribute would safeguard existence and expansion.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

54 60 62 64 68 70 74 78 82 86 88 92 96 98 102 106

MAIN INTERVIEW An ideal climate for the BSS sector. Pomerania – one of the most desirable locations for business in Central and Eastern Europe Interview with Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

INVESTMENT NEWS Trends, Pros, and Cons of BPO destinations in 2022 Interview with Peter Ryan from Ryan Strategic Advisory.

A multifunctional ecosystem in Oliwa Interview with Bogusław Wieczorek, Management Board Representative for Public Relations at Olivia Centre.

Lithuanian GBS ecosystem fully embraces ESG practices Standing for Environmental, Social, and Governance factors, ESG is a framework that covers a wide range of sustainability issues across three verticals.

The Ukrainian IT industry is thriving Interview with Konstantin Vasyuk, Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association.

Elbląg's investment diversity Elbląg is a city of many successful domestic and foreign investments.

Business is doing well in Łódź Today, we are already dealing with the fourth industrial revolution – and the words that are constantly repeated are automation and robotization.

Kielce attractive for the investor More and more production plants and innovative enterprises contact the Investor Assistance Centre of the Kielce City Hall.

Contemporary Katowice The last two years have clearly highlighted the transformations that are taking place in almost all sectors and industries of the economy.

Business Summary of the Year 2021 in Poznań Last year was excellent for business in Poznań.

IT & more IT is a Bydgoszcz specialty on the Polish market of modern business services.

HR NEWS BSS: this is where work is looking for people Interview with Joanna Wanatowicz, Grafton Recruitment Managing Director.

Focusing on Employees’ needs Interview with Rafał Glogier-Osiński, Country Manager at LMC Polska.

Are foreign employees cure for the Polish labor market? We talk to Natalia Myskova, Director of International Recruitment and Justyna Lach, Director of the Progres HR Logistics Line from the Grupa Progres company.


BUSINESS NEWS SPACE 3AC FROM OLIVIA CENTRE ATTRACTS CREATIVE COMPANIES TO WORK IN GDAŃSK Wojciech Drewczyński. – Both in terms of implementing innovations, attracting talent to Poland, developing their activi­ ties in the startup ecosystem or support­ ing business through the development of cultural diversity. Accelerated startups can also count on access to financing from local venture capital funds after the end of the program. Projects that receive support often belong to industrial solutions. However, they also include the so-called soft pro­ jects, the most interesting of which were Battlejungle from Hungary (an online platform for the effective management of employee engagement activities: pro­ viding a collection of gamification acti­ Startups from all over the world come to

Estonia and France. The total amount of

vities, thanks to which companies are bet­

Olivia Centre to respond to the challenges

support for the projects has so far exce­­

ter able to attract, motivate and retain

created by the largest Polish companies.

eded PLN 30 million.

the best talent in the workplace), Korean

Submissions for the Poland Prize II are

The Poland Prize is run by the expe­

Andcards (an easy-to-use IT platform

rienced Space3ac team from Gdańsk,

for managing coworking spaces) and

Participants of the program include

headed by Wojciech Drewczyński, CEO of

the Argentinian LESS Industries (a set of

market leaders such as Bank Pekao S.A.,

the program. Experts appointed by

products using IOT (Internet of Things)

PGNiG, Orange and PZU Lab. Space3ac

Space3ac evaluate all projects, and

technologies to improve the efficiency

is an accelerator that supports startups

directors of individual departments of

of agricultural and industrial processes

with funding of up to 65,000 euro for solv­

the project principals assess the tech­­­-

through intelligent monitoring).

ing the challenges companies have pre­

n­o­­­logy created.

now being accepted.

– As part of Space3ac, we orga­

great: you are invited to a new country,

bringing innovative and creative compa­

nize acceleration programs for startups,

receive funding from the government as

nies to Poland. Enterprises gain solutions

research and programming teams. We

a grant, mentoring and help in under­

for the challenges they face, and interna­

have been successfully connecting start­

standing the local business culture, and

tional teams gain a springboard to estab­

ups with corporations for the six years

above all, the client – emphasizes Sebas­

lish lasting business contacts and space

now – says Wojciech Drewczyński, CEO

tian Cerone, co-founder of Less Indus­

for the development of their own busi­

of Space3ac.

tries, one of the participants of the Poland

ness. They also gain experience in co­­­

Poland Prize also offers startups

Prize. – In our specific case, we coopera­

ope­ration with the largest Polish corpo­

comprehensive support in the field of

ted first with the Port of Gdansk, and

rations and the opportunity to continue

soft­­-landing, i.e. help with a visa, opening

then with the Olivia Centre. In both cases,

their activities in Poland in cooperation

a bank account, a Polish branch of

the dynamics were the same: a business

with other companies in an environ­

the company, renting an office if they

partner had a challenge that could be

ment in which they have already learned

need it, and accommodation. Most start­

solved with one of our products, we imple­

to navigate.

ups implement their solutions in Poland

mented a pilot version, and then the part­

and then run an online business.

ner tested the product to be able to decide

So far, over 150 startups from more


– The concept of Poland Prize is

pared. Poland Prize is a program aimed at

than 50 countries such as South Korea,

– Without undue exaggeration, we

if he wants to pay for the final product

Argentina, Canada, Portugal, Luxem­

can confirm that attracting these enti­

implementation. Poland Prize allowed us

bourg and the USA have applied for

ties to Poland resulted in an increase in

not only to cooperate with large organi­

the program. The largest number of ap­­­

the competitiveness of our country on

zations in Poland, but also to get to know

plicants came from Ukraine, Germany,

the international arena – emphasizes

Gdańsk, its great history and heritage.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

VIDEO GAMES ACCOUNT FOR 33% OF GOOGLE SEARCHES IN THE US The video game industry is booming.

However, this is optimistic news

The COVID-19 has only had a positive im-

for the gaming industry despite these

pact as a significant portion of the popu-­ favoura­ble conditions. According to num­ lation has stayed indoors. According to

bers from Accenture, the video gaming

the figures presented by SafeBettingSites.

industry was worth $300+ billion in 2021.

com, video games accounted for a signifi­

It is expected to almost double by 2025.

cant 33% of product-related searches on

In the United States, the video gaming

Google in the United States.

industry is valued at around $90 Billion.

According to numbers from the la-­­­ It is expected to grow by more than 11% test 2022 Google Trends, the clothing pro­­

in 2022.

duct category inspired the most Google

No other sector accounted for

searches in the US. As per the latest num­

the share of Google searches as signifi­

bers, 38% of Google searches in the US

cant as Clothing and Video Games. Toys

were focused on this category.

contributed to 13% of product-related

Surprisingly, video games occupied

Google searches in the US in the dis­

the second spot, ahead of popular catego­

tant third. Like Video Games, the holi­

the US are purchasing products in these

ries such as home appliances and elec­

day period is also a significant time in

categories on the internet.

tronics. As stated before, video games

the toys industry.

Vyom Chaudhary, an editor at Safe­

accounted for 33% of Google searches

Cosmetics-related searches accoun-

BettingSites, commented: Google Trends

in the US. This means that one in every

ted for 10% of all Google product searches

are a good indicator of consumers’ mood.

three Google searches was centred on

in the fourth spot. The last two places

Like other digital sectors, the video game

video games in the country. The New

were occupied by Home Appliances

industry witnessed a huge boost with

Year period is the peak business period

(4%) and Electronics (2%). One might

the onset of the pandemic. As the nation

in the video game industry. Further­

expect these previous two categories to

battles against the latest wave , consu­mers

more, the pandemic has led to a signifi­

fetch more interest on Google. However,

are once again forced to stay home and

cant increase in video games.

it appears that not many consumers in

video games are high on their minds.


all of that at the same time – says Paweł

– says Sławomir Pawlak, CIO in the Raben

ing of time and attendance as well as sup­

Szymański, IT Project Coordinator in


porting the employee safety monitoring

the Raben Group.

The TIMATE system uses the capa­

operates in several dozen halls and ware­

Today, the solution is used by em­­­

bilities of both IoT (Internet of Things) and

houses of the company. Raben Logistics

ployees in nearly forty facilities in Poland.

IoB (Internet of Behaviours). It is a new

will use 4,500 TIMATE cards.

The company decided to use the TIMATE

platform that offers a range of possibili­

Raben started implementing

cards for the working time measure­

ties in terms of personnel management.

the TIMATE system in 2020. – We embar-

ment in large warehouses where tradi­

It records the working time and measu­

ked on the project by reviewing time and

tional readers would not be an effective

res its use, but it also cares for the safety

attendance systems available on the mar­


of employees. In consequence, our com­

ket. We verified traditional solutions requ­

– The solution offered by TIMATE

iring TIMATE offered a comprehensive

enables recording of the working time

solution: hardware and software with

of a large number of employees in many

– The implementation at Raben gave

interfaces to external systems. As a result,

locations in Poland without the need to use

us the chance to prove that our system is

we could work with TIMATE to provide our

standard card readers set up at entrances

scalable and can work in large enterprises

facilities with necessary installations, to

to the company premises, warehouses,

operating multiple facilities. We estimate

prepare integrations with the HR system

offices etc. It also allows to check the actual

that it is one of the largest installations in

and the working time scheduling system

number of employees within a given

Poland and Europe that works by combi­

as well as to configure the application, and

area, which is very important informa­

ning radio technologies and Web techno­

tion for emergency services when there is

logies into a single IoT platform. Today, it

a threat of fire. Furthermore, the collabora­

already comprises a network of several

tion with TIMATE is part of Raben’s p­­olicy

thousand devices. The successful imple­

to support start-ups offering inte­resting

mentation of the TIMATE system was pos­

solutions. Undoubtedly, the IoT cards and

sible thanks to the effective collaboration

the system of receiver stations along with

of our employees with the customer’s expe­

the software constitute an appea­ling tool

rienced team – says Sebastian Młodziński,

for large and medium companies. By inte­


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

pany has ongoing real-time visibility of how particular facilities function.

grating it with other systems opera­ting

The implementation at Raben Logis­

within the enterprise, one can get measura­

tics Polska covers all of the company’s

ble benefits in terms of safety and efficiency

facilities in Poland.



Tailor-made employee benefits Text | Janusz Arczewski

As the new challenges , not only those related to health, drag on, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs are forced to adopt new market strategies. For a business to succeed, a committed and motivated team is a must, especially when things get tough. What can we do to safeguard the best interest and well-being of our employees at the time when we are all kept on our toes?

For many months, the pandemic has dis­

than PLN 760m on private insurance,

to Statistics Poland (GUS), at the end of

turbed the daily routine of employers

which is nearly 15 percent more than

2019 in Poland there were 6,9m peo­

and employees alike. For once, emplo­

the year before. A standard life insur­

ple aged 65+ (18.1 percent of country

yers had to alter working patterns due to

ance product may be supplemented with

population). Demographic changes are

an increased risk of infection. Also, many

a number of health riders to make sure

reflected in population health, wellness

employees had to reconsider their career

that the scope of coverage is most suita­

and family life patterns. Population

choices and rethink the role of work in

ble for the employees in addressing their

ageing leads to a decline in labour pro­

their lives. On top of that, there has been

individual needs.

ductivity or evolution in geographical

plenty of anxiety about health and other

For employees, the option to have

threats that arise. All this poses further

their family members covered as well

Early retirement has lost some

challenges for employers. Under the cir­

brings a sense of security, especially

of its appeal and most people want to

cumstances, empl­oyers are now faced

when insurance coverage includes small

stay active as long as possible. In view

with a broader range of factors that may

children or relatives exposed to elevated

of all those developments, additional

affect mutual relations between emplo­

health risks.

employee support plans are created.

yers and employees.

distribution of labour.

As for employers, they should edu­

In recent years, the insu­rers increased

cate and build awareness about disease

the coverage entry age to 70–74, approxi­


prevention and mental well-being. There

mately. They are prepared to offer

According to the risk mapping for Poland,

is an array of health and wellness webi­

group solutions and coverage custo­

developed last year by the Polish Cham­

nars and training programs to benefit

mized to the needs of senior citizens.

ber of Insurance (PIU), we continue to per­­­­-

from; ranging from self-care and family

For instance, an employee may choose

ceive health as a top priority. This includes

care to behavioural change, good habits

to enhance their basic coverage with

our own health as well as the well-­being

and corporate culture.

an oncological or cardiological rider.

of our nearest and dearest. We fear death and ill health. Pandemic outbreak has made us feel even more insecure. On the other hand, it turns out that we are now more ready to accept the risk which used to be perceived as rather distant and unrealistic. When confronted with

According to the PIU data, as of the end of the third quarter 2021, Poles spent more than PLN 760 m on private insurance, which is nearly 15 percent more than the year before.

a tangible threat, we look for a tangi­


Importantly, in addition to insurance

In this context, health insurance

When considering the impact on em­­­­

benefits, such riders offer 24-hour medi­

has been gaining popularity. We often

ployee and employer communities, one

cal assistance services with doctor's

decide to get one after a negative expe­

must not ignore demography. Our popu­

appointments or consultations, labora­

rience with public health care system.

lation is ageing: people tend to live longer

tory tests done on an outpatient basis,

According to the PIU data, as of the end of

and the group of old age pensioners

nursing care, psychological counselling,

the third quarter 2021, Poles spent more

becomes bigger and bigger. According

or sanatorium care.

ble solution.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Multiplying challenges and anxieties has put our mental well-being in sharp focus. The collision of business and family duties under one roof, the widespread atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty, the restrictions that are imposed and lifted in quick succession… all of these obviously put a strain on our psyche.

PEACE OF MIND Multiplying challenges and anxieties has

design, a model with a fixed benefit

disease cases. These include cardiovas­

put our mental well­-being in sharp focus.

amount applicable across the board can

cular diseases, cancer, type 2 diabetes or

The collision of business and fa­m ily

be replaced with a solution where insu­

autoimmune diseases. The insurers con­

duties under one roof, the widespread

rance benefit is defined as a multiple of

tinue to finetune their health insurance

atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty,

the employee's salary to provide espe­

packages to make sure that they are truly

the restrictions that are imposed and

cially meaningful and much-needed help

needs-based and the insured are taken

lifted in quick succession… all of these

in emergency.

care of. Group insurance coverage takes

obviously put a strain on our psyche.

into account employee’s personal needs.


At a time when health is a key asset we

ble economic situation, which makes us

Research findings have shown that pro­

want to protect, insurance is there so

question the prospects for continuity of

longed stress and inaccessibility of spe­

that employers can demonstrate to their

employment, career advancement and

cialist care may cause a wave of chronic

employees how much they care.

This is aggravated by unfavoura­

financial security. Once again, group insurance can provide a quantum of solace. In the event


of death, serious disability or health cri­ sis, a cash benefit is payable. Insurance coverage can be continued after termina­ tion of employment, which should reas­

Janusz Arczewski Group Business Director, Unum

sure the insured and their loved ones. At the stage of group insurance program

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Middle-class tax relief Text | Dorota Chudzik and Konrad Matuszewski

'Widely promoted', 'a guarantee to maintain the current salaries' level, 'allows to avoid the negative effects of the Polish Deal' – such slogans are displayed on government websites, where the tax relief for the middle-class is "advertised". However, is the practical aspect of the relief so "rose-coloured"?




The middle-class tax relief is a form

In order to calculate the allowance cor­

T h e m a i n d i ffi c u l t y i n a p p l y i n g

of compensation designed to mitigate

rectly, it is vital to remember that it

the al­­­­­lowance is the unclear regulations.

the changes introduced to the deduc­

comes in both monthly and annual set­

The best way to explain the issue is to use

tion of part of the health contribution.

tlements. The monthly allowance is used

an example.

The wording of the new regulations is

for salaries and wages, and in this case,

An employee receives a gross

pretty intricate, so it requires more pro­

monthly income is taken into account.

monthly salary of PLN 5,500 and once

found analysis. Within the framework

The income amount fitting in the middle­-

a year gets a bonus of PLN 1,000.

of the Polish Deal, employees and per­

-class tax relief is between PLN 5,701 and

The presented rules indicate that,

sons running taxable businesses may

PLN 11,141. The relief should be calcu­

in general, the employee will not take

benefit from several improvements,

lated using the formula presented in

advantage of the middle-class tax relief

such as the increased tax-free amount

the table below.

because their monthly income does not exceed PLN 5,701. However, in

and raised tax threshold. On the other hand, the possibility to deduct a part of the health contribution, which allowed for an actual reduction of the tax burden, was taken away. In practice, this means that the legis-­ lator both lowe­red and raised taxes when

Income from PLN 5,701 to PLN 8,549

the month when they are paid the bonus, (A x 6,68%-380,50 PLN)/0,17

because the payment in the bonused

Income from PLN 8,549.01 (A x (-7,35%) + 819,08 PLN)/0,17 to PLN 11,141

month will amount to PLN 6,500. The problem arises in the annual set­ tlement of the tax relief. Our employee will receive PLN 67,000 of yearly income

introducing the Polish Deal changes. The construction of the presented alter­

The calculated value is the amount

together with the bonus. So, the total

nations aimed at reducing the tax bur­

that reduces the taxable income. When

amount will not be subject to the tax

den for the lowest earners while penali­

calculating the annual middle-class relief,

relief on an annual basis. That means

sing those with higher incomes. However,

it is necessary to consider the entire

the taxpayer will be obliged to pay extra

in real life, it turned out that the unfa­

income earned from the employment

tax in the yearly settlement because of

vourable consequences also affected peo­

relationship. The revenue eligible for

the relief applied during the year.

ple with relatively low salaries. Thus, to

the relief should be above PLN 68,412 but

Another issue not explicitly men­

expand the circle of the Polish Deal bene­

not exceed PLN 133,692. As in the case

tioned in the Act is the application of

ficiaries, the legislator took steps to estab­

of calculating the monthly allowance,

the relief in case of joint spouses' tax

lish a tax relief for the middle-class. Its

the legislator has provided a formula to

settlement. Only in the guide issued

amount is limited, and it only applies to

determine its amount.

by the Ministry of Finance can we find the answer to this question. In order to

annual incomes ranging from PLN 68,412 to PLN 133,692 under the employment contract. The relief constitutes an amount reducing the taxation base, which affects the tax amount. Within the employment relationship, a taxpayer may opt-out of calculating the allowance during the year and settle it after the end of the fiscal year.


the employer will make use of the relief

Income from PLN 68,412 to PLN 102,588 Income from PLN 102,588.01 to PLN 133,692

clearly explain the relief mechanism in (A x 6,68% - 4,566 PLN)/0,17

the case of joint settlement, we will again use an example. Spouses plan to settle their 2022 PIT

(A x (-7,35%) + 9,829 PLN)/0,17

together. The husband has PLN 50,000 income, and the wife PLN 140,000.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

The middle-class tax relief was supposed to be a remedy for some taxpayers by allowing them to avoid the adverse effects of the Polish Deal. However, it seems to be just an additional problem in practice due to its multi-facet nature.

the allowance. However, once the income is earned, they will be able to use the tax relief. An additional problem may arise from the necessity to separate the social In the case of both spouses, neither

the taxpayer will not be entitled to take

insurance contributions, assuming that

of them can benefit from the middle-class

advantage of the relief. However, the situ­

the entrepreneur includes them as tax­�

tax relief if they settle taxes individu­

ation is quite different when an employee

-deductible costs.

ally. However, if they settle jointly, they

simultaneously runs a business sub­

will be able to benefit from the allow­

ject to a flat-rate tax or a lump-sum tax.


ance. The relief will be available on half

In such a case, the basis for calculating

The middle-class tax relief was sup­

the amount of the joint income. There­

the middle-class relief will be only the in­­­-

posed to be a remedy for some taxpay­

fore, each spouse will be able to apply

come obtained from the employment

ers by allowing them to avoid the adverse

the middle-class tax relief on the reve­


effects of the Polish Deal. However, it

nue of PLN 95,000.

Also, the determination of the basis

seems to be just an additional prob­

An issue with the middle-class

for the relief in the case of entrepre­

lem in practice due to its multi-facet

allowance may also arise for those

neurs may prove problematic. Entre­

nature. More difficulties are still coming

earning income from a full-time job

preneurs pay income tax incrementally,

from the emerging interpretations by

and their own business. The problem

and the allowance is, in their case, calcu­

tax authorities and attempts to "patch

may be to determine what income will

lated on the income. Therefore, depend­

up" the unconsidered changes through

form the basis for using the tax relief.

ing on the business income and costs,

regulations. Such actions destabilise

In the case of persons employed under

there may be periods of entitlement to

the labour market and do not allow for

an employment contract and running

the relief. Thus, if an entrepreneur taxed

planning payroll policy within the com­

a scale-taxed business, the base will be

per the tax scale does not achieve income

pany. That, in turn, involves additional

the total income. Thus, if the total reve­

for the first quarter of their business

costs that have to be borne by every

nue exceeds the threshold of PLN 133,692,

operations, they will not be eligible for

entrepreneur employing workers.

Authors Dorota Chudzik

Konrad Matuszewski

general manager | tax advisor, Chudzik i Wspólnicy Radcowie Prawni

legal and tax consultant, Chudzik i Wspólnicy Radcowie Prawni

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



The Polish Deal – looking for positives Text | Piotr Maksymiuk

The entry into force of the "Polish Deal" began as Alfred Hitchcock said: “A film should start with an earthquake, and then the stress should continuously increase”. It is already evident that many provisions of the "Polish Deal" have the potential to keep taxpayers' tensions at the highest level. However, some interesting solutions can also be found in the new regulations.

TAX RELIEFS The existing tax relief for research and

of specific expenses. There is also a tax

apply exemptions or reduced WHT rates.

development (an additional reduction of

relief for the purchase of new indus­

As it currently stands, the pay & refund

the tax base by some types of expenses)

trial robots and related equipment and

principle does not apply to payments for

has become more attractive due to the pos-

intangible assets, which make it possible

intangible services subject to WHT (e.g.

sibility of deducting up to 200% of ex­­­

to re-deduct up to 50% of expenses; how­

advisory, advertising) or any payments

penses for the salaries of employees and

ever, this is valid only until 2026.

to unrelated entities.

Moreover, if it is not possible to deduct


duced WHT rate, a tax remitter has two

the entire tax relief from the CIT tax base,

The definition of beneficial owner has

options. Firstly, a member of the payer's

the taxpayer may reduce the amount of

been modified, which is relevant for

management board (previously the sig­

PIT advances to be paid to the tax office

the application of reduced rates or

natures of all management board mem­

from the salaries of employees directly

exemptions in withholding tax. Part of

bers were required) may submit a dec­

involved in R&D projects by the product of

the definition is the requirement that

laration confirming that the tax remitter

the unused R&D tax relief and the appro­

the entity receiving the payment conducts

has the necessary documentation and,

priate CIT rate. It is also possible to use

a genuine economic activity in the coun­

after examining the situation with due

the R&D tax relief to calculate the tax base

try of establishment. When assessing this

diligence, is convinced that the applica­

of qualified income from intellectual pro­

premise, one should take into account

tion of the preferences in WHT is justi­

perty under the so-called IP Box.

the nature and scale of the activity con­

fied. However, the submission of an incor­

The R&D relief is complemented by

ducted in connection with the receiva­

rect declaration may lead to the personal

a new preference that allows for an addi­

bles received. The changed definition

crimi­nal and fiscal liability of the mana­

tional deduction of 30% of the selected

seems more flexible than the previous

gement board member and additional

trial production costs of a new product

one, which was very casuistic.

financial liability of the company.

contractors involved in R&D projects.

To apply the exemption or the re-

created as part of R&D and its introduc­ tion to the market. A taxpayer may also obtain the right to an additional deduction from income even up to PLN million annu­ ally by incurring certain expenses for promotion and sales support for manu­

After three years of postponing its entry into force, the principle of so-called pay & refund for payments in excess of PLN 2 million per year will now apply.

factured products, provided that the tax­ payer increased their sales revenues or entered a foreign market.


After three years of postponing its

From the tax remitter's perspective,

entry into force, the principle of so-called

there is a more advantageous alternative

Also new is the relief for sponsors

pay & refund for payments in excess of

– requesting the tax authority for an opi­

of sport, art or science (in practice, the tax

PLN 2 million per year will now apply.

nion on the possibility of applying WHT

relief covers also internships and appren­

Accordingly, the tax remitter should col­

preferences. From 2022, such an opi­

ticeships for students and graduates)

lect WHT at the statutory rate (19% divi­

nion may be requested in any instance

allowing an additional deduction of 50%

dend, 20% interest and royalties) and not

by the tax remitter (previously, it was

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

only if they had to pay WHT from their own resources. Otherwise, only a foreign taxpayer could request an opinion). The opinion may also apply to double tax treaties, and not only exemptions from WHT resulting from the CIT Act. Despite the need to wait for an opinion for about six months, it is a beneficial solution for the tax remitter, who may safely apply the exemption or a reduced WHT rate for the next 36 months. An important change in practice is that the tax remitter is allowed to use a copy of their certificate of residence, regardless of the amount of the payment subject to WHT, if the information resul­ ting from the submitted copy of the certifi­ cate of residence does not raise reasona­ ble doubts as to compliance with the facts.

SUBMITTING ACCOUNTING BOOKS Taxpayers who keep books of accounts will be required to keep them using

expensive (fees may exceed PLN 500,000),

which for several professional groups

computer programs, and after the end

the agreement is concluded for a period

(e.g. IT, doctors) have been lowered.

of the tax year (on the date of submit­

of up to 5 years and meets the expec­

The Ministry of Finance even promotes

ting the annual tax return), send them to

tations of large companies looking for

this method of taxation. Indeed, it can

the tax office by means of electronic com­

greater security for their investments.

be an attractive alternative for people

munication. Tax authorities, not having to

conducting business activities, espe­

initiate audits or inspections, will there­


cially as it allows you to pay a predict­

fore gain a detailed insight into account­

In addition to the widely discussed chan-

able and usually lower health contri­

ing entries affecting tax settlements.

ges (tax-free amount, the 32% thres­

bution. Many types of services can be

Fortunately, in this case, the legislator

hold, health insurance contributions),

taxed at a rate of only 8.5%. The Minis­

decided to apply vacatio legis and this

new items in the field of PIT include tax

try of Finance has announced plans to

obligation will enter into force on 1 Janu­

exemptions (up to a total limit of PLN

introduce further changes to this tax in

ary 2023.

85,000) of taxpayers returning to Polish

the future, so the question of its future attractiveness remains open.

Entrepreneurs planning or starting investments in Poland worth at least PLN 50 million may conclude an investment agreement with the Minister of Finance.

SUMMARY Despite the fact that frequent chan­­­ges to tax law are a constant feature ofour reality, the "Polish Deal" is an excep­ tional event and has caused a lot of con­


tax residence (provided that additional

troversy. This article indicates several

Entrepreneurs planning or starting

conditions are met, e.g. moving to Poland

rather positive aspects, but this does

investments in Poland worth at least PLN

only from certain countries), taxpayers

not alter the conclusion that the overall

50 million may conclude an investment

who continue to work having reached

quality of the new rules is poor. The new

agreement with the Minister of Finance.

retirement age and parents with at least

tax solutions will be a great challenge

In practice, it is a combination of a tra­

four children.

not only for entrepreneurs, but also

ditional tax interpretation, an advance

The flat-rate personal income tax is

pricing agreement on transfer pricing,

experiencing a renaissance, the rates of

for the tax authorities themselves, and finally also for the courts.

a security opinion on the general antiabuse clause and rate classifications in the field of VAT and excise duty. A differ­ ence in relation to the traditional pro­ cedures is the possibility of meeting and negotiating with officials in person and conducting the meeting in English

Author Piotr Maksymiuk Senior associate, Baker McKenzie

(the agreement itself can also be issued in English). Although the procedure is quite

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Can doctors certify employees as unable to work and prescribe sick leave for burnout? Text | Jarosław Karlikowski

Professional burnout is a severe condition that affects people who work in many different professions. At the end of 2021, news circulated in the media that professional burnout is being recognized as an illness. Does this mean that a wave of employees will soon be taking sick leave for burnout?

It is widely accepted that, due to the in­­­

defined as a set of symptoms resulting

inability to work, medical indications

creasing pace of today’s life and work,

from chronic workplace stress and

(either: “the patient may walk” or “the pa-

employees’ mental health is deteriora­

characterized by feelings of exhaustion,

tient should lie down”) and the statistical

ting. This problem has been compounded

increased mental distance from one’s

number corresponding to the insured’s

by the situation caused by the COVID-19

work or a sense of negativity or cyni­

illness as established in accordance

pandemic. Many workers complain of dif­

cism about one’s work, and a sense of

with the International Classification of

ficulty in adjusting to the new situation.

ineffectiveness and lack of achievement.

Diseases, i.e. the ICD version in force at

For workers who have been (or are) per­

Burnout has been assigned code QD85 in

the time. Such a certificate justifies the em-

manently or periodically forced to work

the ICD-11.

ployee’s absence from work and entitles

from home, personal issues are added

In Polish law, the rules for issuing

him/her to sick pay (as provided for in

to professional problems. This addi­

medical certificates for sick leave (popu­

Article 92 of the Labour Code) or sick ben­

tional stress can be expected to increase

larly known as L4) are regulated by

efits in accordance with the provisions of

the prevalence and intensity of profes­

the provisions of the Polish Act of 25 June

the abovementioned act.

sional burnout in employees.

1999 on monetary benefits from social

It should be highlighted, that accor­

Professional burnout is most often

insurance in case of sickness and mater­

ding to the regulations in force, the certi­

understood as a situation in which work

nity (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item

ficate must include the number of the dis­

stops giving us satisfaction, we have

1133, as amended). Pursuant to Arti­

ease described in the ICD. This cannot

a feeling that we have stopped developing

cle 55 of this act, such a certificate is

be just any code in the classification, but

and we feel overloaded with duties that

issued (as a rule) via the IT system of

must refer to a medical condition recog­

are no longer pleasant for us. The medi­

the Polish Insurance Institution (ZUS),

nized by the medical community.

cal designation for such a situation is “pro­­­fessional burnout syndrome”. Its official definition is found in the ICD-11, the ele­venth version of the International Classification of Diseases drawn up by the World Health Organization (WHO). Like its previous versions, the ICD-11

Professional burnout is most often understood as a situation in which work stops giving us satisfaction, we have a feeling that we have stopped developing and we feel overloaded with duties that are no longer pleasant for us.

is a set of terms used in health care to refer


to diseases and other medical conditions

after a direct examination of the health

The definition of burnout is found

and procedures which are assigned appro­

condition of the insured or a sick member

in the chapter of the ICD-11 entitled Prob­

priate codes. The purpose of crea­ting these

of the insured’s family, and is confirmed

lems associated with employment and

terms was to standardize the designa­

by an entry in the patient’s medical

unemployment, along with such situ­

tions of diseases and procedures around

docu­mentation. The content of the cer­

ations as Occupational exposure to dust

the world. The new version of the classifi­

tificate itself includes data concerning

(code QD84.0) or Problems associated

cation went into effect on 1 January 2022.

the insured (the patient), the contribu­

with a change of job (code QD81). Such

The ICD-11 actually includes a des­­­­

tion payer (the employer) and the doc­

classification of burnout indicates that

cription of occupational burnout. It is

tor, the period of the certified temporary

it is not a medical condition such as for

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

may set an earlier date of cessation of ina­ bility to work, determined in the e-ZLA medical certificate, in which case he/ she will issue a new certificate. This will, of course, result in the employee being denied the right to sick pay for the time when he or she was able to work. However, the question arises as to whether employees themselves should have to bear the consequences of the doc­ tor’s issuance of a certificate which erro­ neously indicates professional burnout as the basis. There is as yet no defini­ tive answer to this question. On the one hand, employees should not bear the con­ sequences of the mistakes of others, and employees cannot be expected to con­ trol their medical diagnoses themselves. Of course, this would be different for employees who mislead their doctors, but this seems unlikely in this context. Never­ theless, such action on the part of emplo­ instance depression, which is classified

The definition introduced in ICD-11 is

yees should be considered grounds for

in the chapter on Mental, behavioural or

more detailed, but its mere presence in

imposing consequences on them, includ­

neurodevelopmental disorders and which

the classification is not a novelty.

ing termination of their employment con­

is assigned a group of codes that allow

For these reasons, a physician

tracts. In addition, due to the fact that in

to further describe varieties of this dis­

should not issue a certificate of inabi­lity

such a case there will be no grounds for

ease (e.g. code 6A70 refers to a single epi­

to work which indicates professional

recognizing the employees’ incapacity to

sode of depressive disorder, code 6A70.0

burnout as its basis. This would be con­

work, they would not have the right to

refers to a single mild episode of depres­

trary to the provisions of the Act on mone-­ receive the remuneration referred to in

sive disorder, and code 6A70.4 refers to

tary benefits from social insurance in

a single severe episode of depressive dis­

case of sickness and maternity and will

It is also important to note that

order with psychotic symptoms).

very likely be challenged by the relevant

occupational burnout itself may also be

Article 92 of the Labour Code.

ac­­­­companied by other ailments more con­

Occupational burnout is currently considered an “occupational phenomenon” that is reported by patients and must therefore be classified accordingly by healthcare specialists.

sistent with a standard illness. Chronic stress at work may be accompanied by psychiatric disorders (e.g. depression) and/or a number of somatic diseases (e.g. cardiovascular diseases). Thus, occupatio­­ nal burnout may be a part of the diagnosis and, as such, may appear in the patient’s

Occupational burnout is currently

social security institution. If a certificate

medical record, but it should not be

considered an “occupational phenome­

with a code indicating professional burn­

the only reason for a physician to certify

non” that is reported by patients and

out is issued as a result of a doctor’s error,

that employees are unable to work. Emplo-

must therefore be classified accordingly

the doctor may correct it within three

yers would be well advised to consider

by healthcare specialists. The fact that

days by sending a correction to the ZUS.

whether their employees’ work atmos­

occupational burnout has been entered

Incorrectly issued medical certificates are

phere could be conducive to occupational

into the ICD-11 classification does not

also subject to inspection by the ZUS, as

burnout and to try to limit employees’

mean it has been defined as a new dis­

a result of which the certifying physician

exposure to stress and burnout.

ease. This is confirmed by an official state­ ment on the WHO website1, in which it is also reminded that occupational burn­ out was already included in ICD-10. Burn-out an "occupational phenomenon: International Classification of Diseases”, WHO,; last accessed at 15.02.2022


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Author Jarosław Karlikowski | Attorney-at-law, Expert in Labour & Employment, Noerr



Contact Center trends for 2022 and beyond Text | Tvrtko Stosic

Creating an amazing customer experience is a top objective for every business. Here is a short list of customer service and contact center trends for 2022 and beyond.


applications with on-premises Unified

also seen many disillusions – driven

In 2022 we can expect an increased focus

Communications stacks, IVRs (Interac­

by the fact that bots can still perform

on Total Experience as successful organi­

tive Voice Response Systems), Work­

only very basic tasks and often mirror

zations have already realized that supe­

force Management Systems, and simi­

bad practices of traditional IVRs. How­

rior CX can be delivered only through

lar. On the other hand, SMB (Small and

ever, any company that underestimates

harmonizing together the four crucial

Medium Business) customers are already

the value of AI in this area will inevita­

dimensions: the multi-experience (MX),

benefiting from the ability to afford dif­

bly be left behind. In 2022, it is expected

customer experience (CX), employee

ferent advanced capabilities from cloud

that the approach to bots will become

experience (EX), and user experience

– capabilities that were previously out

more realistic. A strong focus will be

(UX). Here, we can anticipate a particu­

of their buying reach because of high

put on improving dialogs and designing

lar focus on EX because of its tremendous

implementation, hardware and other

superb services behind conversational

impact on CX. In any case, companies will

costs associated with on-premises model.

user interfaces. Integration with cogni­

be expanding their CX programs with EX,

Those advanced features, accessible only

tive intelligence (context-sensitive know­

MX, and UX – by correlating their vari­

to enterprises in traditional world, ena­

ledge management, predictive analytics,

ous aspects, focusing on employee jour­

ble SMB companies to deliver better CX,

and similar) is key here. Much attention

neys, and creating common measure­

expand their reach, increase sales, do

will be paid to properly separating work

ments framework aimed to fuse all essen­

more with less, and in general – overcome

between bots and human agents where

tial elements of the experience equation.

being small. The complexity of digi­tal

organizations have gathered significant experiences. Here, handing-off interac­

In 2022, it is expected that the approach to bots will become more realistic. A strong focus will be put on improving dialogs and designing superb services behind conversational user interfaces.

tions by live agents to bots (and not just from bot to agent) for process completion is becoming an increasingly interesting option. With all of this, bots will be taking a more critical role in delivering superb CX, and conversational user interfaces will further increase synergy between


customer journeys, where there is no sin­

humans and technology – just like graphi­

gle vendor able to adequately cover all

cal user interfaces did decades ago.

We should anticipate further growth

necessary elements, motivates dif­ferent

So far, we have reached the point

and evolution of CCaaS (Contact Center

technology providers to partner to form

where CX no longer depends on contact

as a Service) in 2022; an increasing num­

multi-cloud ecosystems. Their custom­

center platform features but on its abi­

ber of companies are choosing this flexi­

ers will benefit from innovative solu­

lity to collect, process, and react upon

ble model to support their customer

tions composed of various complement­

data. In this sense, Communication Ana­

services, while vendors are expanding

ing capabilities.

lytics represents a real game-changer

solutions and capabilities at a surpris­

tomers' conversations into small data or

optimal migration paths for their exist­ ing on-premises solutions – through v­a­

In 2021 we reached the peak of excite­

sions. Communication Analytics provides

rious hybrid options that combine cloud

ment with voice and chat bots. We have

unparalleled insights into customers'

slower in CCaaS adoption, will look for


– as it converts big data hidden in cus­


ing rate. Large enterprises, that are

actionable insights that the company can use to make strategic and tactical deci­

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

As customer services are critical for CX, companies are now showing a growing interest in enabling contact center agents to quickly get in touch with employees from different departments – while han­ dling customer requests. Ability to consult colleagues or even pull them into interactions with custom­ ers – to benefit from their knowledge, experience, and wisdom in different customer situations – decreases effort and improves the experience of both customers and agents. Technologies like presence, messaging, screen share, voice, and video conferencing – integrated with agent desktop applications – are playing a vital role here.

REDEFINING ROLE OF CONTACT CENTER AGENT Customers today are very well informed, experiences, emotions, perceptions, and

focus on enabling end-to-end processes in

and they can resolve most of their re­­

behaviors. Among other things, it also

the digital space. We all know situations

quests using advanced, more and more

helps companies to identify good and

where we start something on the Web but

AI-driven self-services. This means that

bad practices, products, or services gaps

must visit physical places to fill in forms

inquiries reaching agents are more

and understand the root causes of things that are happening. As such, Communi­ cation Analytics holds great potential to improve not just CX but also every aspect of internal operations.

Instead of focusing on channels integrations, we expect that successful companies will be putting much more attention on Predictive Analytics.


or sign documents. These types of fric­

complex than ever before – which dra­

Instead of focusing on channels integra­

tions increase customer effort and costs

matically changes their role. Because

tions, we expect that successful compa­

for the company. The synergy of customer

of that, companies are abandoning tra­

nies will be putting much more attention

touchpoints and agent desktop applica­

ditional workforce optimization con­

on Predictive Analytics. Predictive Ana­

tions with technologies like conferencing,

cepts – characterized by a focus on strict

lytics utilizes historical data to predict

screen share, collaborative documents

adherence to rules and procedures –

future outcomes. Applied in customer ser­

creation, electronic forms, and digital sig­

and embracing a workforce engagement

vices, it helps to determine the wants and

natures will remove those frictions and

approach instead.

needs of a specific person at a particular

enable fully digital customer journeys,

Here, agents are empowered to use

journey moment. As such, it enables com­

improving CX and reducing costs of cus­

their own experience and judgment when

panies to do the right things for their cus­

tomer services.

dealing with customer requests. Instead

tomers – at every step of their journeys.

of being contact ans­wering robots, agents

Considering that insights from Predictive


are becoming creative thinkers, prob­

Analytics can dramatically improve CX,

CX is everyone’s business today, and

lem solvers, and real ambassadors of

we anticipate its increased utilization for

every employee impacts it in a certain

the brand – critical assets for success in

next-best-action suggestions, proactive

way, not just front-line representatives.

an experience­-derived economy.

retention, preemptive support, micro­� -targeted outbound campaigns, predic­ tive contacts routing, and similar.

DIGITAL-THOROUGHLY INSTEAD OF DIGITAL-FIRST Digital-first for customer services has been

Author Tvrtko Stosic | Consultant in fields of customer experience and engagement

trending for years already, but in 2022 and beyond, we will see an increased

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Against all odds: moving to new head office during the pandemic? Over 1,400 employees, 40 change agents and 30 months: these are just a few of the most important figures illustrating the scale of the 3M GSC Poland undertaking. When the business services centre in Wrocław decided to move its head office, the project leaders and the operational team began working on creating a modern and functional space for employees, as well as on the implementation of a precise logistics and communication plan. Thus, the project has become a pioneering example of managing the move and profitability of office space during the pandemic on such a large scale.


related to the pandemic and the need

the operational team. This was another

to adapt to the changing situation. How­

challenging part of the project.

At first, the decision to move the head­

ever, the team managed to turn these

– It is worth noting that we worked

quarters to a larger office during the pan­

threats into opportunities and thanks

almost exclusively virtually – this cer­

demic might seem counterintuitive. How­

to the right approach to project mana­

tainly had an impact on how we managed

ever, after analysing many business

gement, the move was a success. These

the project and somehow communicated

simu­lations and company development

characteristics made the MidPoint71 pro­

with each other. The whole team actually

plans for the coming years, the manage­

ject unique and innovative – after all, few

met only once at the very beginning, when

ment board of 3M GSC Poland decided

such large corporations had decided to

we had the opportunity to get to know each

in 2021 to begin work on consolidating

open a new and more modern office

other, so it was very important that they

the two currently operating office spaces

that would meet the requirements of

had a good connection, understanding,

and moving to a completely new space.

hybrid work.

but also openness to the needs of others. Of course, throughout the entire process,

There is no doubt that managing such a complex process requires perfect planning and work management of the operational team. This was another challenging part of the project.

we used a lot of tools enabling efficient or groups on Teams – explains Łukasz Paluszkiewicz, Transition and PMO Lead.


As emphasized by Joanna Kontecka

– The project to change our office

When planning the executive part, pro­

and Łukasz Paluszkiewicz – MidPoint71

was unique in many respects – also

ject leaders identified 8 main areas –

project leaders at 3M GSC PL – the simu­

because we found ourselves in a situ­

at least one manager was responsible

lations and collected data confirm that

ation in which we had no knowledge of

for each of them. In difficult situations

locating all business operations in one

similar experiences of other companies.

mana­gers were supported by two active

building would be the most effective

It was also difficult to prepare by analy­

sponsors. At this point we should also

solution in the face of introducing a new

sing the benchmarks of similar projects

mention the 3M change methodology

hybrid work model and expiring lease

in the time of a pandemic. This is why we

based on the Science of Change model in

contracts in existing offices.

had to create a great part of the processes

which 40 change agents were involved in

and assumptions with the team basically

the project. They acted as links between

from scratch – says Joanna Kontecka, EHS

the project team and all employees in

and Facility Lead.

the company, providing communication



cooperation, such as Mural, video chats

The project coordinators have no

There is no doubt that managing

support and serving as change ambassa­

doubts – the biggest challenge for them

such a complex process requires per­

dors ensuring understanding of the next

was the constant uncertainty directly

fect planning and work management of

steps of the project among all GSC teams.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

– We also cooperated with exter­

Importantly, good communica­

nal companies, supplementing our own

tion was essential for the company even

competences in the areas that required

before the outbreak of the pandemic.

it, e.g. by translating our requirements,

According to the coordinators, the pri­

needs and preferences into a functional

mary goal was to ensure satisfactory

architectural design, or by making sure

cooperation for employees, regardless of

that construction works are carried out

who they work with and where every­

in accordance with the schedules – adds

one is located.

Joanna Kontecka.

Due to the focus placed on a hybrid work model, a large part of the office will


be dedicated to virtual meetings and

As part of the employee needs research,

phone, hybrid and small meeting booths

the project team coordinated the research

for convenient short conversations.

and team play, which resulted in an ex-

Of course, a large co-working space will

tremely extensive report. It includes va­­

also be available – not only open spaces

rious options for functional solutions and

for work and meeting rooms, but also

preferences regarding the size of office

auditoriums and large training rooms

space. Thanks to these employee opi­

on each of the 3 floors, where work­

nions, it was possible to present the most

shops, exercises and team meetings will

optimal concept and vision of a new work

be held. All this is supported by the latest

space to the architectural studio.

communication technologies that allow

video­conferences. There will also be tele­

As part of the employee needs research, the project team coordinated the research and team play, which resulted in an extremely extensive report. It includes va­­rious options for functional solutions and preferences regarding the size of office space.

Joanna Kontecka and Łukasz Paluszkiewicz in new 3M GSC Poland office.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



the implementation of innovative solu­

comfortable work in hybrid mode makes

tions for closer and further cooperation.

it a pioneering project in many respects.

The new office will also feature

– It is worth noting that while

green, relaxing zones – perfect for some

working on the project we did not look

peace and quiet after stressful meetings.

at the change solely through the prism

There will also be rooms for games and

of a new office. We analysed many dif­

rooms with massage chairs. It is worth

ferent aspects related to this process,

mentioning that the employees voted

including: the future development of indi­

for the above amenities themselves, thus

vidual teams, the sense of comfort and

having an impact on the creative process

safety of employees, a flexible approach

when designing the office, and thus on its

to the style of work, as well as distin­

final design. A new feature will be a shop

guishing ourselves from other companies

with 3M articles, where employees will be

in our region. Another extremely impor­

able to purchase various types of items

tant goal for us was to create a space not

produced by the American company, and

only for creative work, but also for inte­

a showroom designed in an avant-garde

grating with people who together create

mode of a spacecraft, where various 3M

the unique DNA of the company – adds

products will be on display.

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz.



The MidPoint71 project is unique due to having been carried out during the pan­ demic. The multitude of solutions that are to contribute to effective, safe and

Joanna Kontecka and Łukasz Paluszkiewicz in new 3M GSC Poland office.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Designing a sustainable work environment – opportunities and challenges In the era of growing environmental awareness, employees expect their companies to be increasingly sensitive to environmental issues. Ecology and a business model favouring ESG (environment, community and compliance with corporate governance) is not only the direction expected by investors and their employees but also required by EU regulations with the entry into force of the sustainable development reporting directive. We talk to Konrad Krusiewicz, architect and founder of the architectural studio The Design Group, about the challenges and realities related to designing a sustainable work environment.

Elwira Przybylska, FOCUS ON Busi-

might say that the scale of influence of

about the cost of implementing a sus­

ness: Office space in Poland is mil-

the offices versus big industry is a gulf

tainable office space: it is more expen­

lions of square meters and millions

– yes, but every step is worth its weight

sive, even significantly more expensive.

of employees, and thus the enormous

in gold.

Green solutions cost more. However, we

scale of the impact on the urban fabric,

must understand that this price includes

the natural environment, and human

Does it happen nowadays that you have

a higher production cost, various certifi­

health and comfort. Sustainable deve­

to persuade investors to use environ-

cations or a recycling plan. We pay more,

lopment is a watchword that is talked

mentally friendly solutions in office

but in return, we are confident that our

about at lengths by the business world.

buildings? Are such solutions profita-

actions help to protect our planet, and

What does it mean for your studio and

ble at all from a business point of view?

at the same time we provide the office

how important is it in your work? Konrad Krusiewicz, The Design Group: That's true. The office space in Poland is approximately 12,000,000 square meters. It is a huge amount of carpets, ceilings, lamps and all kinds

The awareness of our impact on the surroundings and the natural environment is growing. We also see this among investors. This is a great sign that I am very happy about!

of finishing elements. Bearing in mind

Society is maturing, people's thin­

users with healthier solutions. Another

the degree of the environmental impact

king is changing. The awareness of our

aspect of cost-effectiveness is of course

of our decisions (as designers of these

impact on the surroundings and the natu­

building ESG scoring. This element of

spaces), we have to and we look care­

ral environment is growing. We also see

the internal policy of many investors is

fully at what we use in our projects. For­

this among investors. This is a great sign

important and happily supports a balan-

tunately for our team, this comes natu­

that I am very happy about! Of course,

ced investment approach. This leads

rally and while working on new con­

openness about the topic may vary,

us to another business benefit – a sus­

cepts, we select finishing solutions from

but there is understanding – and this

tainable office, both environmentally

certified, natural materials and those

is enough to start an honest conversa­

and socially, as an HR tool. To sum up:

operating within the Circular Economy.

tion about the advantages of sustain­

a pro-ecological investment is more

We as designers and our colleagues in

able design. The question of profitabi­

expensive, but pays off in the long

the "industry" must look very carefully

lity is a very broad one. Business is busi­

term environmentally and in terms of

at our decisions in this regard. Someone

ness and excel must match. If we talk

the image of the company.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Above: TechnipFMC office in Cracov. Project: The Design Group. Below: Autodesk office in Cracow. Project: The Design Group.

Is it possible to introduce pro-ecologi-

solutions and materials to be selected

of employer the producer is: whether

cal solutions at each stage of the design

from a particular supplier.

he provides work in a socially comfor­

process – from planning through imple-

Firstly – what is the product itself.

table environment, whether he is open

mentation and use of a given facility?

Of course, it is also important what and

to diversity, whether he focuses on

Absolutely yes. Starting a project,

how it is made: whether it has certifi­cates,

the development of his people, whether

we adopt basic internal guidelines:

components or whether the ingredients

he does not use prohibited practices,

we use natural and recyclable materi­

are certified and if so, how. At the same

whether he does not work for partners

als as well as low energy consumption

time, it is important to bear in mind

of dubious reputation.

solutions. The project is the first step – the next is the implementation. At this stage, you should also pay attention to your decisions. Of course, choosing local suppliers reduces carbon footprint. How­ ever, a selection of socially and environ­

Choosing local suppliers reduces carbon footprint. However, a selection of socially and environmentally responsible suppliers is also of great importance.

mentally responsible suppliers is also of great importance. What is the process of selecting part-


what impact this product may have on

Whether we pay attention to

the environment even after it has worn

such issues in our choices determines

out in the office.

whether or not we support the sustain­

ners, e.g. suppliers of materials and

Secondly – we pay attention to what

equipment with sustainable invest-

company the manufacturer is that pro­

ments? Are there criteria that such

duces this product: whether the very

What else is worth remembering

partners must meet?

functioning of his enterprise is environ­

and thinking about when looking to

Many elements must be taken into

mentally sustainable, how the transport

the future in terms of a sustainable

account. There are two sides to con­

is planned, how production waste is ma­-

approach to the implementation of

sider when deciding which equipment,

naged, etc. It is also important what kind

office space?

ability chain.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

and corporate governance – these are the aspects that should pay attention to by a company that cares not only about customers, but also investors for whom the sustainable development po­­licy plays an increasingly important role. ESG is now an important factor taken into account when making business decisions in many companies around the world. The evolution and constant extend­ ing of possible areas of responsibility has also given us the RVC (Regenerative Value Creation). It is a concept that aims to com­ bine economic success with the impact of regeneration of the planet's ecosys­ tem – in short: not only do no harm but also contribute to the reconstruction. RVC goes far beyond CSR and ESG business

Clariant office in Łódź. Project: The Design Group.

models and focuses mainly on a positive

The topic of sustainable design and

In addition, CSR has been treated by many

impact on the economy. RVC can trans­

operation of companies has been with us

companies as a good marketing strategy

form the cost of a positive impact on in­

for a long time. However, it is constantly

that will help to warm up the company's

vestments, which will allow the genera­

building in the minds of investors and

image in the eyes of employees, cus­

tion of specific business value by creating

evolving. The most important thing is to

tomers and potential investors. For this

a more attractive company in the market

approach this topic honestly.

purpose, not only independent posi­

for stakeholders and investors.

There are things that we know well,

tions were created, but also entire CSR

By taking into account all the above

such as CSR, or corporate social respon­

departments, which thus strengthened

concepts, we have a chance to implement

sibility. It is a concept that appeared in

the brand's prestige.

the environment in an attractive and

many companies some time ago. Although

Years later, it turned out to be too

it relates to sustainable development,

little value, so today this concept is being

its actions in the face of the growing cli­

replaced by a broader issue, which is

mate crisis have proved to be insufficient.

ESG. ESG, i.e. the environment, society

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

environmentally, socially and business sustainable way. Thank you for the interview.



Innovation through payment platform transformation It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change – Charles Darwin.

Today’s global trends, including changing

maintaining both at par and excelling in

strain on banks’ compliance functions as

customer demands, new entrants, inno­

one is difficult to achieve on their own.

well as on payment margins. The strate­

vative technologies, regulatory pressure,

In an effort to balance short-term

gic response should be increase in effi­

higher costs and lower profit margins are

growth with long-term strategic transfor­

ciency of payment processing and cost

driving significant changes in the finan­

mation, banks struggle with a multitude

reduction. Banks’ intuitive and logical

cial services market. In the wake of ra­­­

of challenges.

response to margin pressures in the past

pid­ly evolving customer expectations,

There appeared a steep rise in de­

has been to steer the strategic focus away

new digital standards for financial ser­

mand for real-time cross-border. Many

from low profit margin products like pay­

vices are now increasingly being met by

countries around the world have imple­

ments and focus on more profitable ones

agile fintech companies which leverage

mented real-time payment schemes,

like lending and investments. Low reve­

technological advances to enhance cus­

while others are planning to launch them

nue combined with increasing opera­

tomer experiences.

in the near future. Also, regional cross­�

tional and compliance costs has led to

Navigating these uncharted waters,

-border real-time systems like the Euro­

payments getting gradually handed over

banks are challenged on their traditional

pean SCT Inst gain attention and define

to card schemes and payment processors.

value chain by two driving forces: one

the future of payments.

Some of these players are now

is the struggle for banks to retain cus­

The same efficiency, speed and cost

starting to address the consumer mar­

tomer relations through innovative front-

is required from international payments.

ket directly, which potentially puts them

end services in an environment where

There is, however, no ubiquitous global

in competition with the banks – not for

both challenger banks and tech giants

payment scheme currently available and

services delivered, but for the consum­

are vying for the end-user’s attention;

most cross-border payments are handled

ers’ attention. Finally, with the PSD 2 and

the other is the demand for increased

through an intricate web of correspon­

open banking economy in place, tradi­

efficiency and scalability as a way of low­

dent banking networks involving mul­

tional banks are being pushed to open

ering costs of non – differentiating opera­

tiple intermediaries. This makes them

their data pools and account – based pay­

tions in the back-end.

costly and slow. The next few years will

ments capabilities to third-party provi­ ders. These companies are typically better

Many countries around the world have implemented real-time payment schemes, while others are planning to launch them in the near future. Also, regional crossborder real-time systems like the European SCT Inst gain attention and define the future of payments.

at delivering innovative financial solu­ tions at a faster pace because they have the distinct advantage of being unburdened by complex legacy systems and processes. Banks will have to decide how to best accelerate innovation and time-to-­market capabilities, either through partnerships, acquisitions, or internal initiatives.


Expenditures for maintaining and

see the cross-border payments landscape

Most banks choose a combination.

upgrading existing IT infrastructure are

transformed by a variety of advancing

Moving from a more competitive perspec­

limiting the resources banks can devote

technology alternatives like e.g. distri­

tive, both banks and fintechs are begin­

to innovation and investments in new

buted ledger technology (e.g. Ripple),

ning to realise the benefits of collabora­

digital technologies – effectively driving

while incremental service renewals

tion – or co-innovation. Banks are leve­

the need for banks to pursue alternative

(e.g. SWIFT gpi and ISO 20022 XML) and

raging the knowledge, technology, and

options. Therefore, Banks need a clearly

Instant Payment services in Europe and

resources of fintech companies while

defined strategy that focuses either on

beyond will continue to yield benefits.

fintechs are leveraging the banks’ infra­

front-end initiatives or back-end opera­

The growing volume and complex­

tions for leveraging scale and volume, as

ity of financial regulation places a great

structure, key capabilities, broad client base, and capital.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Unlike data-driven fintech compa­ nies which have organised themselves around customer needs, the challenge for banks is that legacy infrastructure ties data to product and process silos. As most banking services are transac­ tional, the data generation is substan­ tial and continuous. Yet few banks have tapped into the value that the transac­ tion data holds. The focus has been on mission-critical functions like deposits, accounting, lending, and payments pro­ cessing. But to stay competitive and rele­ vant, banks need to find a way to utilise the immense value in transactional data they possess. As legacy systems appear to have reached their limit, banks are faced with

not a key competence for most banks,


the question of what to do next.

and scouting for the right partner can

In an attempt to keep up with the com­

be a time-consuming process.

petition in a fast-paced digital financial

There are a number of different approaches with various pros and cons

• Outsourcing to third party: Choosing

environment, banks are exploring ways

to consider.

out­­­sourcing as an approach will help

to streamline non-differentiating back-

• Upgrading the existing system: The main

the bank to develop a more service-orie­n-­­ end processes and transfer resources to

benefits of this approach are definitely

ted banking IT infrastructure. It enables

differentiating front-end developments.

the high degree of familiarity associated

to add new channels and services, as well

They have started to reassess their busi­

with working with the same vendor and

as phase out old core systems. It can

ness strategies to determine where to

the fact that a bank does not need to

deliver a new degree of flexibi­lity to

cut costs, reduce risks and improve cus­

make any upfront investment in the area

the bank, where the bank is free to pick­­­-

tomer value. For this purpose, banks are

of new software and solutions.

-and-choose new functions and services

increasingly turning to experienced thirdparty providers, who deliver fully inte­

The next few years will see the cross-border payments landscape transformed by a variety of advancing technology alternatives.

grated coverage of the banks’ payment value chain and who offer a modular step-by-step-approach to payment pro­ cessing that helps banks of all sizes to address their specific needs.

• Building in-house: This approach allows

it wishes to integrate into the payment

By partnering with a specialised

banks to retain a full control of every

platform. In addition, transferring

payment service provider, banks ensure

aspect of the development while ensur­

the payments processing functions –

they have a stable, scalable and flexible

ing that the new system can be inte­

or part of them – to a specialised third-

payment environment with multi-chan­

grated with other adjacent in-house

party provider will help to minimise

nel coverage that is fully compliant and

solutions. However, building in-house is

the complexity, costs and risk related

capable of accommodating modern pay­

very costly and it does not remove any

to non-differentiating operations, as

ment requirements. In doing this, banks

of the present or future maintenance,

the provider will handle the regulatory

will be able to lower their expenditures

compliance or improvement costs.

burden of staying compliant, retaining

on non-differentiating back-end func­

Finally, a single bank will not on its own

payments experts, making costs lower

tions like payment processing and free

be able to achieve that scale-benefits

and operations more efficient. Outsour­

up resources to focus on core business

compared to the volumes that shared

cing back-office payments processing

strategies and differentiating activities

solutions can generate.

will enable banks to free up resources

that will help them compete in the new,

• Buying off-the-shelf: Banks might also

to focus on core competencies and dif­

digitised financial era.

consider buying a solution from a spe­

ferentiating activities like customer

cialist third-party provider. Off-the-shelf

relationships, advisory services, client

products, however, entail an upfront

acquisition, and value-added services.

The article is an abstract of an extensive whitepaper, and that the complete whitepaper can be downloaded from the website: www.

investment by means of license costs, and will provide the bank little control over release cycles. • Partnering to invent: Partnering with


a supplier that can provide a bank with an agile and innovative best of breed system that includes scalable benefits. Partnership management is, however,

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Abundance Mentality in Business Text | Monika Smulewicz

How approach to clients, competition or workers can take the leader and company to the next level of success.


clients, take a piece of cake that is so big

contract, never-ending striving for acqui­ sition of new clients – this is the profes­

The term 'abundance mentality' was

take somebody else's success as their own

sional reality of people of success. Today's

coined already in the 1980's by Stephen

defeat. It has been illustrated perfectly by

record becomes tomorrow's starting

R. Covey in his best-selling book titled

prof. Bogdan Wojciszke, a world-famous

point. Blood, sweat and tears yield higher

"Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

psychologist: "when a canon in Lublin

profits, better position, business develop­

(1989). He explained the abundance men­

becomes a bishop, a shoemaker in Cra­

ment and, thus, we never stop running.

tality as focusing on possessed capabili­

cow gets peptic ulcers out of spite". This

We have all heard that if you are not

ties and resources instead of what we

way of thinking is explained by the said

moving forward, you are moving back­

lack. Focusing on living in the belief that

assumption of a limited pool of goods

wards. We keep running until we are out

these resources and capabilities are

available for all people, the approach to

of breath. We check where the competi­

available, they are abundant and can

life assuming that it is a zero-sum game

tion is at, continuously comparing our­

be reached for freely. It means thinking

where the result is an advantage for one

selves to others, nervously looking over

in the spirit of self-agency, enabling also

side and a loss for the other.

our shoulders.

the choice of minimalism if it makes us

In microeconomics, the game the­

But does it really need to be like

happy. As opposed to the abundance

ory (as a field of science) examines

that? Does this fight never end? Does

mentality, Covey presented also the the­

the interdependencies between deci­

somebody else's victory need to be my

ory of scarcity (insufficiency/deficit) men­

sions of various individuals, assuming

defeat? And if I stop even for a minute,

tality which, in practice, is a collection of

that costs and benefits are not pre-deter­

will life grind me up and spit me out, and

beliefs about the world, business or rela­

mined but rather depend on the choices

will the competition get million miles

tions with others where we assume that

of others. In the case of the zero-sum

ahead, snatching my clients on the way?

everything is limited.

game, there is no notion of cooperation

Continuous chase after victory, another

that they will be left with nothing. They

Where is the limit reaching which you could finally say: "Enough. I am content"? Anniversaries provoke reflec­ tion, and since I am currently celebrat­ ing my 15th anniversary of work under the brand of Grant Thornton, I started looking back – in terms of myself, clients

People with scarcity mentality suffer from constant fear that someone else will prove "better", that he or she will claim their promotion, clients, take a piece of cake that is so big that they will be left with nothing.

and company. I started analysing how dif­


ferently the stories of the people I know

In the corporate life, we are deal­

that would allow everybody to reach

and their businesses have unfolded and

ing with limited resources – time, posi­

the point of higher profit. There is also no

how strong the connection between their

tions, money, etc. This nurtures the per­

possibility for one player to gain a signifi­

mentality and their individual scenarios

ception of the world where the existing

cant return without affecting others – this

was. I have noticed a repeating pattern:

amount of goods is limited. People with

means that the advantage of one compet­

the abundance mentality is conducive to

scarcity mentality suffer from constant

itor must be mean the loss of another.

success, at the same time leaving space

fear that someone else will prove "better",

I have met very different people

for rest in the never-ending race.

that he or she will claim their promotion,

during my professional career. I have

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

observed the paradigms of interper­

procurement specialist) who started nego­

sonal relations: win-win, win-lose, lose-

tiating the price terms determined a long

-win, lose-lose and simply win. The way

time ago anew. "I'm not sure if your col­

of thinking of interpersonal and business

leagues have brought you onboard with

relations speaks volumes about the busi­

this, but we've already closed the nego­

ness partner. Today, after years of expe­

tiation stage", I said. "But I also wish to

rience, I can estimate with a high dose

have my part in the process, I like put­

of certainty the course of future coope­

ting unexpected pressure on the pro­

ration with a prospective partner based

vider like that", she replied with stagger­

on how the sale process and negotiations

ing bluntness. That declaration left us

of contractual terms go – as they are usu­

all speechless. After that, the head of HR

ally its reflection.

responded: "This means, my dear, that we

I will forever remember one of

have made a terrible mistake in recruit­

the negotiation processes regarding a big

ment. Our company follows completely

outsourcing project. We were already on

different values. I am very sorry for this

the homestretch and met to lay down

behaviour, let us get back to the merits

the final contractual provisions and deter-

of our meeting", she concluded speaking

mine the deployment schedule. On the set

to me. The said specialist did not parti­

date a new meeting participant appeared

cipate in any further meetings and her

on the part of the client (a newly hired

career ended together with the expiry of

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

The scarcity mentality-based approach to business results in focusing on sale transactions instead of value creation for the clients, society or the world.



her trial period. We have been running

left for savings or investments. Money

this project successfully for years now,

trauma can affect also the members of

in the atmosphere of mutual respect and

the middle class. This applies especially

understanding. Obviously, we encoun­

to the households where parents would

ter more difficult moments, overload of

always worry about money, households

work, unexpected issues. However, we

that sometimes had better times but

always sit down at the table and deter­

the risk of scarcity was always there,

mine the best solution for both parties,

be it due to losing one's job or earning

following the WIN-WIN philosophy.

lower income from a private business. Fear, uncertainty of tomorrow, infectious



chronic stress would linger in the air.

When trying to understand how peo­

Currently, the number of factors

ple around us think and act, one should

conducive to money trauma is even

remember about the causes of certain

higher, headed by concerns about the eco-­­­­

tendencies in their behaviours. The com­

nomic repercussions resulting from Rus­

mon historical identity of Poles is, unfor­

sia's invasion of Ukraine. Subsequent

tunately, conducive to the scarcity men­

economic slumps, a pandemic result­

tality. The fate has been against us, we

ing in bankruptcies of millions of busi­

have suffered due to wars and partitions.

nesses around the world and personal

Many of us, at least from the generation

tragedies of countless fami­lies, growing

of our parents, still remember episodes

indebtedness of societies, insufficiency of

of hunger. Nevertheless, the so-called

funds to repay mortgage or pay for medi­

money trauma does not affect only poor

cal treatment – that is something more

families that never had any money, and if

than an unfortunate set of circumstances.

some money appeared, it was used imme­

As claimed by Galen Buckwalter, Chief

diately for current needs with nothing

Executive Officer at PsyML and expert

In Galen Buckwalter's opinion, financial trauma is the reality of at least onethird of millennials. He defines it as a dysfunctional response to chronic financial stress that disrupts the ability of the affected person to pursue normal tasks at work and in family life.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

in financial trauma, long-term effects of


have to necessarily mean that I lose and

this type of stress are tangible for many

Functioning in the 21st century is definitely

vice-versa. The best approach is to look

people and cause symptoms characteris­

fraught with challenges and oversatu­

for solutions that yield bilateral bene­

tic for post-traumatic stress disorder

rated with variability of circumstances,

fits, allow to generate the effect of syner­

(PTSD). In his opinion, financial trauma

with pace tweaked to the maxi­mum. What

­gy, open the door for long-term rela­

is the reality of at least one-third of mil­

remains constant, however, is the fact

tions based on cooperation and not com­

lennials. He defines it as a dysfunctional

that every break-through moment may

petition, in the spirit of mutual trust

response to chronic financial stress that

be the beginning of both favourable

and respect.

disrupts the abi­lity of the affected person

and unfavourable changes for the given

In business relations, I often say:

to pursue normal tasks at work and in

business or individual. A lot depends

"a service provider, not a servant". There­

family life, manifesting in multiple areas

on perception of reality and attitude, as

fore, unethical behaviours, abuse or dis­

of his or her functioning.

in the example with two shoe sellers –

respect for the business partner are not

However, wealthy people can also

having been sent to an African village,

allowed, even for the sake of the contract.

suffer from money trauma. It may so hap­

one of them reports to the headquar­

Bold and sensitive leaders never stay

pen that they fail to appreciate the value

ters: everybody walks barefoot here, we

silent in uncomfortable matters. Instead,

of money, wasting it on whims – extre­­

won't sell a thing, while the other claims:

they discuss difficult topics, look for solu­

mely expensive (overpaid) clothes, desig­­

everybody walks barefoot here so there's

tions and protect their teams against

ner watches or gadgets, premium cars,

a huge market for the taking.

toxic relations.

exorbitantly high-priced drinks, food or other stimulants that are to make them happy. Meanwhile, their happiness often proves short-term or even false. They become prisoners of materialism. They suffer from intense stress and growing expectations regarding their own finan­ cial standing. Money becomes the indica­

Unethical behaviours, abuse or disrespect for the business partner are not allowed, even for the sake of the contract. Bold and sensitive leaders never stay silent in uncomfortable matters.

tor of their status, power or even worth.

The scarcity mentality-based ap­­­

The case is similar for relations with

Therefore, we may assume with confi­

proach to business results in focusing on

co-workers – treating them like people

dence that financial trauma is omnipres­

sale transactions instead of value crea­

who will perform and demonstrate

ent, but we remain unaware of it and,

tion for the clients, society or the world.

hones­ty only if forced or tricked to do so

thus, it remains unresolved.

It means concentrating on the conti­

results, at best, in attracting people of this

This paradigm can be frequently

nuous fight for the next piece of cake –

kind specifically. Meanwhile, the right

noticed in negotiations of terms of coope­

with customers, suppliers, competitors

employees who we can trust and who

ration, when the interlocutor refuses to

or even co-workers. It is a never-ending

we remunerate well will be committed,

accept any rational arguments, such as

tug of war competition, a constant fight

putting their heart and creativity into

galloping inflation, difficult situation

to be the strongest and have the last say.

their work. Setting your mind to abun­

on the labour market and related wage

It means using your position, abusing

dance mentality lets you enjoy the suc­

pressure. They focus only on their pro­

relations and bending the contractual

cess of others and leads to true leader­

fits and digits, completely disregarding

terms to your advantage.

ship – being an inspiring leader who sets

the fact the even if they win the set, they

Meanwhile, my experience shows

will lose the match due to very high costs.

that the fact someone else wins does not

directions and leads the team towards building a better future.

The same applies to managers focusing only on the budget, their targets and bonus, paying no attention to the busi­ ness surroundings, co-workers or emer­ ging difficulties. This may result in, for instance, increased personnel rotation, decline in the team's commitment and,

Author Monika Smulewicz Partner, Managing Director

in consequence, risk of target accomplish­ ment becoming impossible – i.e. the exact oppositive of what was intended.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Nearshoring to Poland – is it still an attractive prospect for companies from Western Europe looking to boost their competitiveness? Szymon Stadnik's feuilleton

Back in 2005 I read a McKinsey report indicating that Poland could become one of the most important players in the modern services sector. I was extremely excited.

After the dynamism of the 1990s,

E&Y Attractiveness Survey, and Tholons

data, GBS and BPO-type operations in

the beginning of the 2000s in Poland

just to name a few).

Poland deliver services in 38 different

had witnessed a period of high unem­

This remarkable success is the joint

languages, where 100% of centers have

ployment. The report stated that Poland

result of numerous factors. The diversi­

English language speakers, 80% German,

could generate jobs for highly qualified

fied, huge, and affordable labor mar­

63% French, and 50% have Italian speak­

professionals and strengthen its advan­

ket and the human capital that has been

ers on board.

tages by creating SSC, BPO, and R&D cen­

nourished over the years.

tres. Working for KPMG at the time, I got involved in preparing investment attrac­

turity of the modern services sector, and

Poland and Polish cities are among the top choices in many international outsourcing investment attractiveness rankings and often occupy top spots in Europe.

land has also become a synonym for

Over the last two decades Poland has

Poland has a very high share of po­­­

offer in Germany or Scandinavia. Quality

grown to join the ranks of world leaders

pulation aged 25–34 years holding a ter­

of services generates trust – a key compo­

in this sector.

tiary degree – 43%, which is above the EU

nent in any business.

tiveness reports aimed at bringing for­ eign investment to Poland. I was thrilled. Working as an auditor, I only had time to work on these reports over the week­ ends – and, much to the displeasure of my fa­mily, I kept writing the Tri-City report during the Easter holidays. The final result exceeded even the enthusiastic expectations of the report authors, myself, and all of us involved in the development of the Business Services.


Do the changes currently taking place in the Polish labor market, the mathe widespread automation and use of artificial intelligence constitute a threat to the further growth of the industry? Are they not adversely affecting the attrac­ tiveness of Poland in the eyes of interna­ tional corporations? Can European com­ panies still strengthen competitiveness by nearshoring to Poland? On top of excellent numbers, Po­­­ the quality of skills, comparable to those

Nowadays, Poland is among the lar­

average. According to the latest Eurostat

We have built the BSS market from

gest outsourcing markets in Europe and

report from 2021, in Germany that num­

scratch. Initially, the processes transferred

it is a leader in the CEE region. Accor­ding

ber stands at 35%, in Italy it is 29%, in

by foreign corporations to Poland were

to ABSL, the sector currently employs

Hungary it’s 31%, and in Bulgaria and

relatively simple and mainly comprised

350,000 people, and 1,600 companies

the Czech Republic it stands at 33%.

F&A transactional back-office functions

have located their SSC, GBS, ITO, and R&D

The number of students in Poland

centres here. Poland and Polish cities are

stands at over 1,4 million and is higher

among the top choices in many interna­

than the total number of students in all

tional outsourcing investment attrac­

other CEE countries put together!

(AP and AR), customer service or simple IT processes (such as user support). What proved helpful was that, right from the beginning of the 1990s,

tiveness rankings and often occupy top

Over the past 30 years Poland has

large international corporations estab­

spots in Europe (according to the Kear­

been active in building excellent lin­

lished their regional headquarters in

ney Report, CEOWORLD analysts, Everest,

guistic capabilities. According to ABSL

Poland and started introducing modern

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Warsaw skyline.

management methods, as well as creating

middle-office and knowledge-intensive

– have developed their skillsets in busi­

competences and skillsets that could later

functions. This, in turn, forces a flexi­ble

ness analytics, RPA, or have been pro­

be utilized by other companies entering

approach and the need for the talent to

moted to SAP and BI consultants and pur­

the Polish market – including those locat­

adapt to new market realities, given that

sued their careers in IT. Many Help Desk

ing their SSCs here. Polish specialists and

many processes initially moved to Poland

and Customer Service specialists have

managers accumulated their experience

are now going through a process of auto­

gone on to become developers, cloud, UX,

the same way I did – working for large

mation. Employees constantly improve

SEO or re-commerce experts.

multinationals such as KPMG, Deloitte,

their skills through postgraduate diplo­

Incoming investors are increasin­

Philips, GE, Siemens, Volkswagen, Unile­

mas, courses, trainings, and webinars –

gly willing to utilize the know-how of

ver, Nestle, LG, Dell, HP, or Citibank.

all to keep pace with evolving market

local managers in order to carry out com­

As the market developed, the so-­­­­ demands. Adaptability and resilience

plete process migration to Poland, both

phistication of services delivered by

are what sets us apart.

in the nearshoring and offshoring model

the Polish talent shot up – but without negatively affecting the price factor. Poles know very well that the only constant in life is change; and the modern business services sector exemplifies this perfectly. Evolution and upgrading of qualifications are etched into the sector’s DNA. These are also embedded in the Polish work cul­ ture. This is a true match made in heaven. The organic development of SSC,

The organic development of SSC, GBS, and BPO centers directly influenced the sophistication level of functions being relocated to Poland. The last 5–7 years in particular saw a significant jump in strategic processes moved here as companies are increasingly willing to drive their core business competences from Poland.

GBS, and BPO centres has directly influ­ enced the sophistication level of func­

Over the course of my career in

– drawing up a project plan first, mana­

tions being relocated to Poland. The last

Frista or ITELENCE I have been lucky to

ging expectations, mapping the process,

5–7 years in particular, have seen a sig­

work with highly motivated specialists

documenting it and then moving on to

nificant jump in strategic processes being

and managers whose aspirations pro­

transition, standardization, and – finally

moved here as companies are increas­

pelled them to continuous development.

– automation.

ingly willing to drive their core business

I believe that many leaders who are

Our foreign partners know that

competences from Poland. This would

involved in setting up professional envi­

they can place their trust in us to proper­­

not have happened had it not been for

ronments in Poland have shared a simi­

­ly implement a particular process, as

the trust capital fostered over years of

lar experience.

well as execute even the most deman­

excellent cooperation.

Many team members who started

ding transformation project. The suc­

Poland is therefore building its posi­

out in the transaction-focused teams

cess stories they have heard of other

tion as a partner-country, where back­­­-

I have set up for our international clients

companies only further enhance their

-office processes are being replaced by

including accounting and supply chain


Focus on Business | March–April 2022



I was lucky enough to witness it

employees need to possess. Having con­

a multipronged way for companies

first-hand when I was building a GBS-

ducted various recruitment proces­ses

from the West to bolster competitive­

type operations as well as a large out­

over the years I have not come across

ness: from having access to specialists

sourcing organization, both in Warsaw.

even one technology that I couldn’t

with rare and very sophisticated skills,

While working on a rapidly growing

source in Poland.

through a general operating costs cut,

BPOs, with plans to reach 400 FTEs by

Polish universities – almost 400 of

a rise in quality of delivered processes,

the end of this year, I am finding large

them – as well as international organi­

all the way to having access to the latest

international corporations and support

zations operating in Poland are con­

management methodologies. Poland is

them in transferring back-office, mid­

stantly producing new talent. Accord­

also becoming the best possible choice

dle-office, and IT processes at various

ing to Eurostat, Poland ranks 4 th in

for any international corporation em­­­

sophistication levels.

Europe in terms of the number of STEM

barking on its business and digi­tal trans­ formation journey. It is a place where,

In recent years, clients from Western Europe and the US have been particularly interested in the transfer of advanced IT functions, including technologies based on artificial intelligence and cloud solutions, Big Data, as well as business analytics, SAP, data analysis and integration.

for a reasonable price, alone or in coope­ ration with a trusted partner, one can transfer and centralize global back-­ -office processes. Specialists fluent in 38 languages are at your disposal while you expand your international middle-office competences in HR, marketing, controlling, and business analytics; or

Initial co-operation with our clients

graduates in the 20–29 age group. Poland

you’re assembling highly qualified IT

was focused on transactional processes

is becoming a real hub for machine lear­

teams in the area of e-commerce, cloud,

– we optimized those processes, gradu­

ning, cloud infrastructure, and artificial

AI, BI, cybersecurity, automation, soft­

ally nurtu­ring their trust in Polish spe­­

intelligence; Google, Microsoft, Nvidia

ware development, and implementation

cia­lists. Step by step, we took over increa-

and many others are expanding their

of large ERP systems.

singly strategic functions. A technology

Polish centres by working on these tech­

P.S. Two new McKinsey reports

hub I set up for a Swiss client is among

nologies. HackerRank ranks Polish deve­

have been published recently and both

the truly spectacular success stories –

lopers among the top three in the world.

indicating that Poland may become one

the hub’s core responsibilities have cov­

We are becoming a true competitor

of the European leaders in artificial

ered the implementation and, later on,

for Germany or the UK, particularly in

intelligence and cloud solutions. These

maintenance of an e-commerce platform

terms of knowledge base, experience, and

reports are correct – I’m familiar with

for a leading fashion brand. Other fantas­

tech-savviness. On the other hand, Poland

the potential of Polish engineers and

tic success stories included assembling

remains a more attractive location pay-

I keep experiencing the large interest

a complete SAP have implementation

wise than Western Europe. According to

in this area among foreign and local cli­

team or putting together a business ana­

Eurostat, the average salary in Poland is

ents. The fact that I get to actively partici­

lytics and data science team.

still only 30% of that in Germany and 35%

pate in shaping Poland’s future by build­

of the average salary in France.

ing fast growing outsourcing provider

In recent years, my clients from Western Europe and the US have been

Coming back to the original ques­

particularly interested in the transfer of

tion, nearshoring to Poland still represents

ITELENCE excites me as much as it used to back in the day.

advanced IT functions, including tech­ nologies based on artificial intelligence and cloud solutions, Big Data, as well as


business analytics, SAP, and data analy­ sis and integration functions. The Polish labour market responds very actively to the growing investors’ expectations regarding the sophisticated skills their


Szymon Stadnik | CEO of ITELENCE, outsourcing service provider, co-owner and co-founder of BPO FRISTA

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

DO YOU KEEP YOUR BOOKS IN ORDER? Accounting, HR and payroll outsourcing Professional support on a daily basis, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.


We need to talk about technology and fear Text | Daniel Clark

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear.” (Litany Against Fear, from "Dune" by Frank Herbert).

We need to talk about technology and

It includes competences that are vario­

Access and awareness are prere­

fear. We need to admit that words like

usly referred to as computer literacy,

quisites for developing your digital lite­

“digital” and “data” often provoke fear,

ICT literacy, information literacy and

racy, followed by learning specific skills

especially when they are expanded into

media literacy.

(how to carry out tasks). These skills can

phrases like “digital transformation”,

What should be clear from this is

then be incorporated into your practice,

“digital literacy", “Big Data” or “data ana­

that digital literacy is not the ability to

helping you achieve your goals in your

lytics”. People who throw these phrases

use certain software tools (as important

work and life.

around sometimes mentally cross their

though this may be), rather the way we

fingers and hope no one asks about them

embed digital tools into our practice and

too much.

our life.

It’s a real shame, because this fear

It also does not mean using every

is unnecessary, and it’s holding many

available piece of software at every op­­­

organisations back from making the most

portunity – it’s more about thoughtful

of the technology tools that are available.

decision-making about which particular

Enormous value could be created if we

technology to use and how. As the infor­

could overcome it.

mation paper also emphasises, these

A particular focus of my work for the last 12 years or so has been the deve­

skills are critical to the future success of individuals, organisations and nations.

lop­ment of digital literacy for myself and

As well as thinking about what

those around me, and this offers some

digital literacy is, it is helpful to under­

pointers to overcoming fear. The term is

stand the process by which digital lite­

Developing your practices then

used a lot, along with more or less identi­

racy develops. A model I found useful

encourages you to think of yourself as

cal terms such as digital capability, digi­tal

for thinking about this was created for

someone who is good with technology,

fluency or digital mindset. But what does

JISC, which supports higher education

which, in turn, gives you the confidence

it actually mean?

in the UK by Helen Beetham and Rhona

to further develop your practices and

Sharpe (see image below).

learn more skills. In this way you can

One of the most comprehensive definitions was offered by the United

move both ‘up’ and ‘down’ the pyramid.

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul­­­-

To take a very simple example, you

tural Organization in its information

may decide that, like most of us, you need

paper, Global Framework of Refe­rence on Digital Literacy Skills: The abili­t y to access, manage, understand, inte­ grate, communicate, evaluate and cre­ ate information safely and appropriately through digital technologies for employ­ ment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.


Digital literacy is not the ability to use certain software tools (as important though this may be), rather the way we embed digital tools into our practice and our life.


I am

to get better at working without distrac­ tions (practice) and to do this you want

I do


to turn off email alerts, perhaps setting

I can I have

an exception for your boss and other key stakeholders. To achieve this, you need to find out how to change your email alerts

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

PowerBI offers easy ways to visualise and analyse vast data sets. There are low code/no code tools like Alteryx and Tab­ leau which can do almost anything with to be more specific and learn the skill

data, and programming tools like Python

of doing so. You can then apply this to

and R which can do the rest, limited only

your practice and improve your control

by what you can think of.

over distractions.

The fundamental problem, I think,

If you do this sort of thing often

is a lack of confidence and skills for

enough you may start to see yourself as

people to make best use of these tools.

being good with technology, or at least

Of course, there may well be organisa­

someone who knows how to find things

tional issues too around quality of and

out. This change in identity encoura­

access to data, but a group of people suf­

millions every day, but only to a small

ges you to look for other ways you can

ficiently skilled and motivated will usu­

fraction of its capabilities.

use technology to achieve your goals,

ally work out solutions to these.

Something as simple as improving

and look for other practices you can

It is not as if the tools are especially

Excel skills can lead to change happe­

improve and skills you can learn. Over

difficult to use, or require years of train­

ning at the level of identity. We have

time, this can be transformational and

ing before you can get started. They have

seen extraordinary results from gradu­

reduces fear.

been designed to be user-friendly and

ally learning new skills – quick increases in capability, productivity and confi­

We are back to that confidence issue, though. As long as people believe it’s very difficult to use these tools, a mental block will stay in place and organisational benefits will not be gained.

dence. And people wanting to know what is next, really getting started on their data journey. Conversely, I am still astonished at the number of professionals I hear saying things like “I’m not very good with tech­ nology”, which in the modern world is

All of this may sound obvious but,

I believe that the vast majority of people

in my experience, almost all initiatives

in most organisations are perfectly capa­

Changing these beliefs doesn’t

about digital literacy operate at the level

ble of using them if given a bit of train­

mean a lot with introspection; what it

of skills and occasionally practices. That

ing and support. Of course, full mastery

means is trying out some new things

will limit their impact.

does take years, but significant benefits

and then reflecting on whether it changes

will be seen long before that.

the way you think about yourself. This is

So if you and your team want to

an incredibly self-limiting belief.

move beyond these basics and overcome

We are back to that confidence

this fear, where is a good place to start?

issue, though. As long as they believe it’s

My answer will depend on the situ­ation

very difficult to use these tools, a men­

So, ask yourself a question – what’s

and likely benefits, but the most com­

tal block will stay in place and organisa­

my experience of developing digital lite­

mon answer I give is – data. As we are

tional benefits will not be gained.

racy? Whether it has gone well or badly?

not a quick fix, but over time the results can be very powerful.

constantly reminded, data is growing, it

So how to break this block? When

If my future success relies on great use

has fuelled incredible business success

I’m talking to organisations about this,

of data, how am I and my organisation

for many organisations already, and it

I usually advise to start simple, start

going to get started building the neces­

is only going to be become more criti­

small and start where the benefits will

sary skills, or continue down that path if

cal going forward that an organisation

be seen quickly. For data, that usually

you already have? What is my next step

can manage and exploit its data well.

means starting with Excel, a tool used by


The business case for investing in data is overwhelming. If it’s so obvious, what’s the prob­


lem? Why isn’t every organisation seeing huge benefits from use of data? The prob­ lem is certainly not lack of tools. There are now readily available tools which

Daniel Clark | Head of Technology Professional Development at BPP School of Technology, Chartered Accountant

have breath-taking capabilities – our old friend Excel can do more than ever, and

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Natalia Brzostowska, RTR Director, Elanco Solution Center.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Direction: innovation and continuous improvement Interview with leaders of financial divisions: Natalia Brzostowska – RTR Director, Sylwia Kozioł – PTP Director, Agata Piotrowska – Order to Bill Director and Anna Szawluk – B2C Director at Elanco Solution Center.

FOCUS ON Business: Elanco Animal

approach, the ESC center runs such com­

our company for over 50 years. Elanco

Health is a global leader in pet and

prehensive services.

aims to create the most effective pro­

farm animal health. You provide

At the beginning of this year, we

ducts as parts of the comprehensive offer.

products, services, and innovations in

started the next phase of expanding our

This creates a portfolio that, together

the field of animal disease prevention

organization, a long-planned integration

with technological develop­ments, offers

and treatment. In Poland, you have

of ERP systems of Bayer Animal Health

products for our pets, as well as for poul­

a Shared Services Centre – Elanco

business, which in August 2020 became

try, livestock, and even fish farmers,

Solution Center. What kinds of busi-

a part of Elanco. That means a signifi­

this are future of nutrition. The merger

ness processes do you manage?

cant expansion of the scope of activities

with Bayer Animal Health has opened

Natalia Brzostowska, RTR Direc-

both in Warsaw and Kuala Lumpur, but

up markets and areas previously inac­

tor: Elanco Solution Centers are located

I am sure that thanks to the great com­

cessible to us and strengthened our abi­

in Warsaw and Kuala Lumpur and pro­

mitment of our teams, we will quickly

lity to explore new solutions allowing

vide global support for North America,

achieve the stabilization of processes for

us to better support customers in their

LATAM, EMEA, and APAC regions. In addi­

the integrated units.

animal care. What’s more, thanks to

tion to financial operations (PTP – Pur­ chase To Pay, OTC – Order To Cash, RTR – Record To Report), ESC has teams of spe­ cialists in the areas of HR Services, Inter­ nal Audit, Treasury, Tax, Procurement, IT, Supply Chain, Master Data, Quality, and Financial Controls, among others.

At the beginning of this year, we started the next phase of expanding our organization, a long-planned integration of ERP systems of Bayer Animal Health business, which in August 2020 became a part of Elanco.

Projects to establish shared ser­ vices organizations most often begin

How important is innovation and tech-

the acquisition, we have expanded our

with the formation of OTC, PTP, and RTR

nological development for the Elanco

global reach, and we are advancing our

financial towers first. In our case, a much

Solution Center and for the entire

omnichannel strategy.

wider portfolio of services was included

Elanco company?

For our shared services center, In­­­

from the very beginning, which proves

Anna Szawluk, B2C Director: Inno-

novation and Productivity is all about

a high level of trust placed in our orga­

vation and develop­ment are the pillars

implementing the latest systems, auto­

nization and recognition of Poland and

of company’s va­lues expressed in the IPP

mating processes, and attracting the best

Malaysia's potential as locations with

strategy that stands for Innovation, Port-

people, guided by a philosophy of conti­

high quality of work. Thanks to that

folio, and Productivity, the signposts of

nuous improvement.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Sylwia Kozioł, PTP Director, Elanco Solution Center.


Polish Elanco SSC employs nearly 380

training programs and complemen­

people. Why is it worth working for

tary e-learning platforms, including

you? There is lot of flattering opinions

a micro-learning platform, the imple­

of employees about the company that

mentation of which coincided with

can be found online...

the pandemic period and the tran­

Sylwia Kozioł, PTP Director: We

sition to remote working. We work

are a company that offers employees

in a dynamic environment; there­

the opportunity for harmonious devel­

fore, quick and short course modu­

opment. There have been as many as

les make development processes

27 promotions at ESC in 2021. We have

more efficient.

We have a lot of attention and understanding for our employees and their well-being.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Anna Szawluk, B2C Director, Elanco Solution Center.

Innovation and development are the pillars of company’s values expressed in the IPP strategy that stands for Innovation, Portfolio, and Productivity, the signposts of our company for over 50 years.

We listen to the voice of the youth generation and respond with tailored

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

We also have a super-modern and safe office adapted to hybrid work.

benefits. Today the most desired one

We are pleased with good feedback.

is the flexibility of place and time of

We did a challenging project in a very

work. Our employees also appreciate

unpredictable environment, and it really

the extra days off. We use the Inspire

cemented us as a team. The pandemic

platform, where employees can appre­

taught us that even working from home,

ciate the work and help of other col­

we are still a community, so we focus our

leagues and exchange collected points

efforts on building a great place to work.

for material things in a platform store.

That’s why we have a lot of attention and



Agata Piotrowska, Order to Bill Director, Elanco Solution Center.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

understanding for our employees and

you perceive the role of women in

us how they spend their free time, how

their well-being. We organize compe­

your organization?

to cook Korean dishes or how to take care

titions and skills sharing festivals, par­

Agata Piotrowska, Order to Bill

of their skin according to Asian rituals.

ticipate in tournaments and celebrate

Director: In ESC, the majority of the team

In return, we present to them how Polish

diversity by organizing meetings with

are women, which is reflected in the ma­-

winter looks like, how to weave mac­

the team from Kuala Lumpur. It's ama­

nagerial structures. Right now, sixty-six

ramé, and how we travel. In total, both

zing how curious people are about each

percent of ESC's leaders are women,

locations employ about 11% foreigners,

other and how hungry they are for a dif­

including the leader of our branch in

and we speak a total of 14 languages.

ferent perspective.

Malaysia. And they are not only very

At our company, we celebrate PRIDE

competent employees but also promote

month every year to not only promote

The pandemic has changed the nature

a work culture and ethics that coincide

the inclusion of all employees but also

of work and the rules of cooperation

with the company's values.

to celebrate the diversity of individuals.

in teams. How has this affected the hiring of new specialists for your growing financial teams? A.S.: Shared service center environ­ ments, due to the global reach of their processes, have for years offered their employees flexibility in both working hours and location. Many teams are dis­

Right now, sixty-six percent of ESC's leaders are women, including the leader of our branch in Malaysia. And they are not only very competent employees but also promote a work culture and ethics that coincide with the company's values.

persed all over the world. The last two

We care about Integration. Our

We unequivocally condemn hate-based

years have only strengthened this model

team members must know and feel that

violence that targets people because of

of work and extended it to teams pre­

they are co-creators of the company

their difference, disability, race, religion,

viously working from a local office.

atmosphere, and their opinion is valid.

sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Of course, this has forced the change of

We have a thriving team of local ambas­

It has no place at Elanco.

communication channels and tools to

sadors who cascade engagement through

virtual ones, not only in the process of

their teams. We often ask employees to

How do you see the role of leadership

everyday work but also in recruitment

share their opinions in surveys, making

in your company? What are the leaders

processes. The majority of the current ESC

decisions or choices together. Recently,

at Elanco?

team are people hired through remote

we organized the skills sharing festival.

A.P.: Just like people, leaders in

recruitment. This experience is proof that

Our employees from Warsaw and Kuala

Elanco are different from each other.

the Future of Work is inextricably linked

Lumpur conducted workshops for other

Some are very charismatic, while others

to hybrid work or even, in some areas,

colleagues. They could tell others about

are more balanced in their actions. For

entirely remote work. We are currently

their passions, present themselves from

us, the key is authenticity. Our center is

preparing to create new positions as part

a different side than the professional

developing rapidly, and so are our lead­

of our process integration with Bayer Ani­

one. Some even involve their families in

ers, whose bar is set very high. What

mal Health, and one of the key things we

the workshops and presentations.

counts is not only expert knowledge,

consider when planning teams is flexibi­

We especially enjoy such events as

work ethic, and persistence in pursuing

it is a chance to draw from diversity and

a goal, but also the ability to support and

multiculturalism, to tell stories about our

inspire others and openness to change.

What is the Elanco Solution Center's

traditions. Malaysia itself is multicultural.

ESC was established during a difficult

Diversity & Inclusion policy? How do

Our colleagues from Kuala Lumpur tell

time of the pandemic, which proves that

lity, engagement, and efficiency.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



our leaders can build teams and mana­ge

on our internal communication platform,

them effectively remotely. A leader in

where anyone can help find new homes

Elanco is a person who gets new chal­

for dogs and cats from shelters. Besides

lenges all the time, therefore the ability

the ESC actions, we encourage emplo­yees

to think innovatively and agilely really

to volunteer for local organizations on

matters. I personally believe that a good

their own. Volunteers are even eligible

leader creates a friendly environment to

for extra days off for this purpose. Addi­

show initiative and continuous improve­

tionally, every year during the Global

ment. They focus on opportunities, not

Day of Purpose, all Elanco employees

adversities. They should have an indivi­

have the opportunity to participate in

dual approach to their employees and be

numerous CSR initiatives, both globally

a partner they can trust.

and locally.

Does the fact that you are involved

work lives, and our pets are certainly

in animal health inspire you to take

winners in this situation, as we work

pro-animal activities? Can an employee

from home and spend much more time

bring a dog to work?

with them. Little friends often show up at

The pandemic has changed our

N.B.: In line with the company's

our meetings – they sit on our laps, walk

vision of 'Food and Companionship

on the backs of our chairs, and some­

Enriching Life' animals and their health

times on our computer keyboards. They

are at the very center of our activities. We

make us laugh and put us in a positive

have become friends with the Guide Dog

mood, which is wy we decided that the

Foundation, which we support with fund­

dogs would be able to accompany us on

raising events, and we are 'godparents'

some days when we started going back to

to two guide dogs in training: Bruno and

the offices in a hybrid model.

Mars. We also run an Adoption Corner Thank you for the interview.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Lean implementation – stairway to heaven or highway to hell? Text | Justyna Rak

It may look strange, two great Rock Legends side by side in a serious magazine. Well, I thought that this is how I would get your attention and I guess that they match really well to the topic which I would like to talk about. Today I want to share with you my subjective, view on Lean implementation and why sometimes it’s a nightmare. Do I have enough experience to speak about Lean? I believe so, in my career I went from Lean hater to Lean enthusiast.

In many companies, at the certain period

several events, print poster to be visible

us to succeed. Seems that everything is

of time, the idea of having lean appears.

on every single wall. A set of new train­

going as planned. But then, everything

The reasons behind such decision might

ings and new roles are being prepared for

begins to change. Top managers are not

be different. Starting from the concept

emplo­yees. All looks like a great plan and

appearing so often on the open space

that it may help improve the company’s

something what must be a great success.

as they used to be and start delegating

results, through the fact that others have

their tasks to other people including Lean

it and it’s trendy, ending with the posi­


Champions. Consultants are not any more

tion that from the marketing perspec­

In beginning it’s going quite smooth.

so welcome as they ask difficult ques­

tive it looks good to say: “We Have Lean”.

A great internal marketing campaign

tions (also to top managers), ask for some

When decision is taken the whole ma­­­

has been prepared perfectly. Everyone,

actions. People are getting lost as they are

chine starts working. Depending on

including top management, is engaged as

expected to deliver their usual tasks but

what we chose we send people for some

this is something totally new. After first

also provide ideas for improvements, pre­

Lean trainings or we are hiring the exter­

weeks we even see the initial results,

pare experiments and present the results.

nal consultants. We all understand that

small but important. Consultants are

The expectations for efficiency are high

this is a huge initiative and we want all

always welcome as they know all those

and already added to their targets. What’s

emplo­yees to know about it. We organize

“magic words” and tools which will help

more, people are asked to fill in some tables, white boards which were bought for every team. However, except them and those “crazy consultants” nobody uses them, especially Leaders. On top of all people are requested to implement “a one standard” (which works perfectly in another department in which it had been piloted) but no one ever checked before that they have a totally different process. In the beginning they were told that their opinion counted but now no­­­ body is listening to them. The frustration arises when the re­­­­sults we have been expecting are not much visible. People start blaming each other and instead of the benefits we can only see the costs of trainings, con­ sultants, printed posters etc. We are on the highway to hell exceeding speed limit and wondering what went wrong.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

STEP BY STEP Let me explain you why, in my opinion,

supervisors and observing them. If we

it didn’t work. First of all we tend to

want to be successful we need to lead peo­

think that Lean is like a magic pill which

ple through this change. Like it was said

is believed to heal all of our diseases.

by Jacko Willing in Extreme Owner­ship

Secondly in many cases we treat it like

– If someone isn’t doing what you expect

another tool which we will simply buy,

or need them to do, look in the mirror and

train people how to use it and it’s done.

first determine what you can do to better

And last but not least, we like to think that

enable this. If we as leaders don’t show

if we hire the consultants their will do

what is the desired behavior, we shouldn’t

everything for us with a minimal involve­

blame people that they are not doing what

ment from our side. It’s not like that.

we want. The best way to do this is to be

Lean is something more. It’s all

engaged in the changes and invite your

about people as they are our greatest

employees to this change. We can do this

asset we have in the company. It’s about

by making sure that we involve teams in

how we manage the business but also,

the decisions. And show that we think

what is the most important Lean is

about the needs of others as much as

the mindset. That’s why it needs to be in

about ours. We can do it in a different way.

DNA of the organization in order to work

The one which I would recommend

so we could see the benefits. How would

is to go to your people and start talking

I start doing this? Step by step.

and listening to them. Part of you may

First of all everyone from organiza­

say: But I do, I listen to my people! For

tion needs to be involved in the change

sure but do you listen what they are tell­

and managers must be the ‘role models’

ing you or only what you would like to

and ambassadors of this change in

hear? The leaders more often inform than

the organization mindset. People are

really listen and that’s why they hardly

always looking at their managers or

get to know what is really happening.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

It’s all about people as they are our greatest asset we have in the company. It’s about how we manage the business but also, what is the most important Lean is the mindset That’s why it needs to be in DNA of the organization in order to work so we could see the benefits.



It’s a long and difficult journey but when we get the trust of people and make them feel safe we will be able to achieve everything, so: Listen to your people, trust them and take care about them. OUT OF GLASS CASTLES


And here I’m think about the effective

involve the external consultants to help

You may say that I’m talking only about

listening what means – understanding

us? I would say that it’s always good to

leadership, engagement and listening

the point of view of the employees as well

ask for help.

to others. Nothing about tools and how

as the obstacles they face. That’s why in

A consultant is always a person

to use them. Yes, you are right but what

Lean we encourage all leaders and mana­

from the outside of the organization.

do you need tools for if you don’t have

gers to come out from their glass castles

May not know all the rules, also those

people willing to learn about those tools?

and go to GEMBA to really feel and see

unspoken and may need some time to

And even more, not interested in using

the struggles which people tackle every

understand the organizational structure.

them? Tools are important, but without

day. Visits in GEMBA need to become our

But above this a consultant brings with

people who support our vision we will

new routine. In the beginning people

him not only knowledge about Lean,

not get far.

might be suspicious. They will treat it as

it’s principles, tools, and history but

It’s a long and difficult journey but

a temporary trend. Sometimes they might

also his experience and what is more

when we get the trust of people and make

even make bets how fast you will stop

important a fresh view. He will help

them feel safe we will be able to achieve

these visits. Believe me, I’ve been there.

you to see things the organization could

everything, so: Listen to your people,

Talking with the people is not

become blind to, or simply doesn't want

trust them and take care about them. Lis­

enough. We need to respect and show

to notice. He will be the person who will

ten to your consultants and talk to them.

to our employees that their opinions are

be asking questions which nobody has

They really want to help you and ensure

important. We need to be consistent in

wanted to ask before but we all know

that you can succeed.

our behaviors. Encourage them to expe­

they need to be answered. So I would

Lean is pretty simple but not easy

riment to help to solve the problems, to

say the consul­tants are important and

as it requires change in the mindset on all

raise their hands when they stuck. You

may help you, but they need to become

organization levels and takes time.

do not need to know all the answers but

a part of your organization. You need to

At the end, it’s your choice which

be there when they will be looking for

engage them like any other employee

path of Lean journey you shall choose –

solutions. …results will be more robust in

and trust them.

a stairway to heaven or highway to hell.

a long run when leaders don’t simply tell employees what to do or just do it them­ selves, but have “other focus” – being con­ centrated on people to help them succeed – said Daniel Goleman and I trust this man.


Author Justyna Rak | Program Manager / Senior Consultant at Adaptive Solutions & Advisory Group

And now the question appears, should we do all those things alone or we should


Focus on Business | March–April 2022


When you are under fire or don’t want to be under fire – Problem Solving Text | Krzysztof Drozd


the above-mentioned categories stood no

sweeping them under the carpet. Others

chance and eventually went into bank­

love to debate on the problems for ages

In the Middle Ages, it was popular to

ruptcy. Pan Am, the biggest in its sector

believing that the problem discussed is

search for the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail

for years. Nokia, possessing the biggest

the problem solved. We know the term

was considered as a magical artifact to

market share and the most loyal cus­

‘firefighting’. It is not addressing a prob­

solve all the problems and guarantee

tomers. Lehman Brothers as the most

lem at a source. There are two other

eternal life. In the business of today, many

innovative bank in its 150 years of exist­

superficial approaches to problems

leaders and researchers try to answer

ence. Compaq, expanding faster than its

identified. Applying blindly the measu­

the question what company attribute

archrival with superior quality products.

res that were effective in the past when

would safeguard existence and expan­

Or Pontiac, the mostly recognizable brand

solving other problems (‘let’s stand­

sion. Is it being the biggest? Is it being

in its time. All of them have two things in

ardize’), or simply moving the prob­

the most innovative? Is it to possess

common. They do not exist anymore. And

lem to somebody else’s desk. Problems

the most recognizable brand? Is it to have

all of them ignored… problem solving.

are like a virus. They love to go under­

the biggest market share? Or to have

ground. They love to grow in the dark­

the most loyal customers? Or to compete


ness and ignorance. And finally, they

on the highest quality? None of them.

Many companies do not solve problems.

love to explode and erupt (see: Illustra­

History shows that top companies in

Quite often they ignore problems by

tion No. 1 below).

Illustration no. 1. Typical reaction to problem situations.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022


the situation as it was. Even if the base­

competence helps them to exit any crisis


stronger. A great example to reflect upon

Clariant GBS is a rather young organi­

solve real problems based on the metho­

is the Peak Oil Crisis in 2008. Sales figures

zation in the SSC sector with just more

dology, with rhythm and rigor. People

dropped by 40% in 2009 vs. 2008. ‘Detroit

than 7 years in business history. In 2018,

around the world love their comfort

Big Three’ (General Motors, Chrysler,

GBS leaders decided that all employees

zone, love to be trained, and to get a cer­

Ford) acted in panic: closing plants, termi­

should be professional problem solvers.

tificate for the training, but to engage

nating many projects, freezing R&D, mas­

The Structured Problem-Solving program

individually, to commit to something

sive lay-offs and huge assets sold off. Only

commenced with an aspiration to create

serious and difficult, to be monitored,

in the USA over 300 thousand employees

higher value for the whole organization.

assessed – not so much. Majority of

There are companies that cultivate the art of problem solving. Surprisingly, that

line was recognized, it was not easy to mobilize and motivate emplo­yees to participate in GBS Structured Problem Solving. In particular to practice and

in the automotive sector received a termi­nation letter. The only company that acted counter-intuitively was Toyota. They intensified Problem Solving training, workshops, and initiatives. Their Board of Directors started a structured deep dis­­­­c ussion on reasons, root causes

People around the world love their comfort zone, love to be trained, and to get a certificate for the training, but to engage individually, to commit to something serious and difficult, to be monitored, assessed – not so much.

explaining why this oil crisis impacted them, and how to be better prepared for

Clariant GBS was not free from typi­

business organizations failed in highly

any crises in the future. They did not dis­

cal reactions to the problematic issues.

desirable and excellent ideas because

miss anyone, closed any factory, or cut

The organization openly admitted that

they did not challenge the mindset.

R&D investments, but kept recognizing

approaches such as problem ignorance,

Clariant GBS decided not to repeat that

profit and maintaining posi­tive cash flow.

problem debate, firefighting, blind copy-

common mistake. The mindset change

As a result of the intensive and massive

paste of past solutions, and ‘selling’

in Clariant GBS organization was

Problem-Solving Workshops in their flag

the problem to other colleagues or teams

achieved through three mechanisms

factory in Kentucky, they reco­gnized

occurred in the organization. GBS acted

put together and synchronized like in

2 million USD savings in 2009.

in a mature way to recognize and admit

a Swiss watch.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Illustration No. 2. Example of the selected Problem-Solving practices presented in GBS SPS Program.


communication was based on full trans­

CLOSING REFLECTIONS We observe that problem solving prac­

In a traditional approach, leaders set goals,

parency. Every employee can see in

tice and habits are valued not only in

organize resources, motivate, and control.

PowerBI reports how he/she, other indi­

the business environment. In today’s

In the GBS Structured Problem-Solving

viduals, teams, departments, locations

military training, there are quite inten­

Program, the change started from the lead­

and the whole GBS progresses against

sive trainings, and simulations on prob­

ers: top and middle level. Of course, it did

the targets. Everybody has access to any

lem solving. US Special Forces are prac­

not go smoothly or ideally from the begin­

SPS case OnePager to be inspired, to

ticing After Action Review (AAR) which

ning. Some leaders embraced the change

learn from successes and failures. All SPS

is nothing else but Lessons Learned or

and decided to be role models. Typical

cases are traced in the system by apply­

‘hansei’ in project management or Lean.

change agent behavior. Other leaders fol­

ing the aging perspective for Not Started

Psychologists recommend problem

lowed the first ones. There were and still

Yet or Delayed in any phase of the case.

solving exercises with real or simulated

are leaders who occupy the observer's

As the ancient Romans loved to say:

cases as the best recipe for our brains

position and offer multiple excuses not to

finis coronat opus2, the success of the SPS

and emotions, in particular in pandemic

walk the talk. But the gravity of leading by

program in Clariant GBS is measu­red by

times, when people often stay and act in

example was becoming significantly big­

facts and figures. In 2018 when the pro­


ger year by year.

gram was kicked off, there were just

Problem solving is indispensable

There is a statement often repeated

a few SPS cases delivered. In 2019 when

and will never become obsolete. You

in the Lean community that the hero's

the scope included basically middle

may be top one in anything. Like Pan Am,

path does not work. You need a system

mana­gement, there were ca. 40 cases.

Nokia, Lehman Brothers, etc. But if you

(ancient Romans used to say: serva ordi­

In 2020 all levels engaged, and the yearly

do not cultivate Problem Solving, the next

nem et ordo servabit te1). The Opex/Lean

result was 98. Last year, 2020 ended with

challenge or crisis may hurt you badly.

Team in Clariant GBS developed, tested,

170. The aspiration for 2022 goes far

On the contrary, as Clariant GBS decided

and implemented multiple schemes like:

beyond 200.

strategically and seriously 4 years ago,

SPS Mentorship program, Dojo-Kata­-Kumite laboratories, SPS Coaching Model, SPS Practitioner certification (provided

each challenge, or even a big crisis can 2

The end crowns the work.

make you stronger. Because you are a Professional Problem Solver.

when an individual successfully deli­vers two real problem-solving cases). And many new ones are in the pipeline (see illustration no. 2 above). People love to repeat that commu­ nication is key. In the GBS SPS Program, 1


Author Krzysztof Drozd | Senior Project Manager, Clariant Global Business Services

Keep the rule and the rule will save you.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Interview with Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Wiktor Doktór, Pro Progressio: Accor­

Another factor is the growth of glo-

manner. We are also the first region in

ding to last year's Business Environ-

bally valued specialised operations such

Poland to have our own Migration Policy.

ment Assessment Study, the Tricity,

as advanced financial operations, rapid­ly

All these factors mean that from

together with the entire Pomeranian

growing R&D centres and the develop­

year to year the position of Pomerania

region, is one of the top four areas most

ment of AI, Biotech and offshore sectors.

as a location for investments in the BSS

attractive for business, with as much

The Tricity also plays host to many pres­

sector is strengthening both in Poland

as 13% share of the region in foreign

tigious international business and sec­

and in Europe.

direct investments in Poland. In turn,

toral conferences.

the modern business services sector

The development of the sector

You mentioned access to world class

is one of the fastest growing areas of

is of course seen in the numbers men­

talent. Which employees are most often

the economy, with Pomerania as one of

tioned above, but it is more than that.

looking for by investors? Does and how

the strongest points on the industry map

It is implementing the values that

does Pomerania compete for talents –

of Polish. What makes the region's in­­­

guide us to create a conducive business

in Poland and in the world? What is

vestment climate so attractive for BSS?

atmosphere. It is leveraging our natu­

the interest of forei­gners in working

Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of

ral advantages of being a seaside loca­

in Pomerania?

the Pomeranian Voivodeship: Indeed,

tion with a high quality of life to act

Pomerania's competitive advantage

FDI, especially in the business services sec­

as magnets to attract new talent from

lies in its multi-sectoral and diversified

tor has made it one of the most dynami­-

across the world and thus attract bigger

economy, which creates many opportu­

cally developing sectors of the regional

investors. Undoub­tedly, being the larg­

nities for talented employees. Add to this

economy. 2021 was a record year, we had

est agglomeration in Northern Poland

the excellent quality of life and ameni­

more than 20 new investments and rein­

with a stable business friendly govern­

ties offered, and it will come as no sur­

vestments and generated more than 2000

ment and an education centre also plays

prise that we are one of the most desira­

new jobs.

an important role in helping us achieve

ble locations not only in Poland, but also

our goals.

in Central and Eastern Europe.

As a region we are very attractive for BSS investments for a multitude of

For many years, we have been com­­­-

Who are our investors looking for?

reasons, including but not limited to

mitted towards implementing our values

For this I would have to broadly classify

access to modern office facilities, access

of inclusivity, openness, tolerance and

the economy into the high-tech, manu­

to world class talent, universities, and

respect for diversity. We have gone

facturing, shipbuilding and logistics sec-

road and air networks. We are also

a step beyond and together with the Tri­

tors. Each of these sectors is looking for

working on constantly expanding these

city authorities, signed a Declaration of

talented people from all over the world,

services to meet the growing needs of

Values to further commit ourselves to

with the skills needed to maintain

the investors.

develo­ping in a sustainable and inclusive

the dynamic development of the region.

It is leveraging our natural advantages of being a seaside location with a high quality of life to act as magnets to attract new talent from across the world and thus attract bigger investors.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

In order to meet the development of modern technologies in the Tricity, we have created and curated many tech communities like the AI Pomerania community and the Aviation hub.

In the technology sector, Tricity

Who wouldn’t, indeed. Pomorskie is

the IT Manager of Tomorrow conference,

investors are mainly looking for tech­

also a real innovation hub and hub

Code Europe and other meetups and pro­

nology specialists such as Java, .Net,

for companies in the area of state-of-­­ gramming marathons. This is comple­

Python, UX and testers across the spec­

-the-art technologies, including AI or

mented by a rich educational offer at

trum of experience. They are also looking

electromobility. Does this mean that

public universities, as well as in private

for linguists to develop in the customer

while in the country there is a lot

codi­ng schools, which has a direct impact

ser­­­­vice and technical support depart­

of talk about the conditions for Indus-

on the quality and number of graduates

ments. An interesting fact is that there

try 4.0 and introducing new solutions,

of faculties and trainings important

are more than 35 business langauges

here the fourth industrial revolution

for the development of AI and other new

spoken in the Tricity!

has been happening for a long time?

technologies. Definitely, the fourth indus­

In the manufacturing, shipbuil­

Naturally. It is worth distinguishing

ding, offshore, port and logistics sec­

two levels of the issue here. On the one

tors, investors are looking for engi­

hand, we are talking about modern

On the map of the province you can

neers with marine, electrical, electronic

industries, products or technologies, we

find as many as 4 (!) science and tech-

and mechanical specialisations. They

are talking about AI or electromobility.

nology parks. Who uses their offer

are also looking for marine architects,

Yes, in this respect, Pomerania has long

most often? What kind of activities

sustainability engineers and logistics

been on the map of key locations where

can they carry out?

experts. In addition, these industries are

such solutions are being worked on. Suf­

The parks offer flexible office space,

always looking for factory and assembly

fice it to mention Intel's largest R&D cen­

access to support, mentorship and trai­

line workers.

tre in Europe, which is developing data

nings, that make them relevant to both

analysis technology used in autonomous

startups and domestic or international

Over the last ten years, the cam­

trial revolution has been here for a while.

paigns Invest in Pomerania, Live more.

cars; Amazon working on the world-­ small or large companies.

Pomerania and Jobs@Pomerania com­

famous Alexa, Aptiv, which also pro­

Currently, the science and tech­

bined with sustainable infrastructure

duces advanced electronics for cars with

nology parks and incubators are pri­

development in cities and the region and

a higher degree of autonomy and North­

marily used by entrepreneurs and start­

our natural assets have made Pomera­

volt producing energy storage systems

ups developing services based on new

nia a very desirable destination for com­

that are to be a key aspect of the green

technologies. In Pomerania, these parks

panies and talented people who want to

energy transition. On the other hand, we

are also being used by global corpora­

study, live and develop their careers here.

are talking about the progressive auto­

tions using the excellent scientific and

If you look at statistics from Live more.

mation of production, robots in factories,

research infrastructure.

Pomerania and Jobs@Pomerania, it can

which is nothing new

The tenants are dominated by trans-

be noted that most of the people inte­-

In order to meet the development

port and logistics companies, IT startups

rested in working in the region come

of modern technologies in the Tricity, we

and companies, biotech companies and

from Eastern and Central Europe, Asia,

have created and curated many tech com­

creative industries. The Pomerania scien­

South Asia and even parts of South Am­e­

munities like the AI Pomerania commu­

­ce and technology parks are more than

rica and Africa.

nity and the Aviation hub. We have also

just places of work. They provide valu­

Who would not want to live, work

partnered with institutions and organi­

able networking opportunities and also

and study in a truly friendly, hospitable

sations like the Infoshare Foundation

host events and conferences. A combi­

and international region like Pomerania?

and their Tech3camps and roadshows,

nation of these tech parks combined

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



An investor interested in development in Pomerania can count on a number of incentives and facilities. First of all, it is a comprehensive service on behalf of the Invest in Pomerania initiative.

with attractive offers from flexi working

support aspect is also extremely impor­

spaces has also gone a long way in help­

tant to us. It includes, building a local

ing companies coming under the Come­

business community, support in the pro­

2Pomerania and Poland. Business Harbor

cess of legalising the stay of foreign­

program set up in the region.

ers, because we care more. The result of this support, is the trust placed in us

What incentives and facilities can an in-­­­ by the investors. The results can be seen vestor who wants to start a business

in the increasing number of investments

in Pomerania count on? Can they also

and reinvestments in the region.

benefit from support during the implementation of the investment project?

What current or upcoming projects and

An investor interested in develop­

initiatives addressed to business will be

ment in Pomerania can count on a num­

in your opinion crucial for the develop-

ber of incentives and facilities. First of all,

ment and strengthening of the business

it is a comprehensive service on behalf

potential of the voivodship?

of the Invest in Pomerania initiative.

First of all, the Management Board

It acts as a "one-stop shop" in the region

of the Pomeranian Voivodeship has

providing information and support at all

decided to increase the budget of Invest

stages of the investment process.

in Pomerania for the years 2022–2023

At the outset, an investor's project

by PLN 20 million. Thanks to this, it

manager is assigned to the investment

will be possible to increase the scale

project, who is with them during all

of use of the tools operated by the Invest

stages the investment decision. The first

in Pomerania team, for the benefit

support includes preparation of reports

of investors.

and analyses, assistance in establishing

Secondly, we are developing a sys-­­

contact with local authorities and part­

tem of supporting training aimed at re­­­

ners, organisation of local visits, etc.

training. Currently, you can get support

After the decision to open the center,

for training in Data Science, Java and

Invest in Pomerania helps in marketing

Front-end. Additional trainings will be

activities building the employer's brand

launched in the near future. In the area

on the labor market and provides sup­

of training, we are also working on

port in access to candidates. That's not

the continuation of this support within

all, the investor can also count on the sup­

the framework of European funds from

port from the Słupsk Special Economic

the new financial perspective.

Zone and the Pomeranian Special Eco­

Thirdly, additional funds for Invest

nomic Zone, as well as apply for govern­

in Pomerania will increase the pool of

ment grants.

funds to support entrepreneurs conduct­

Pomeranian investors can count

ing industrial and logistics investments.

on support at every stage of the invest­ ment process. The post-investment


Thank you for the interview.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



and the UK (5.1m sq m) drove the lion’s

In Poland, take-up of industrial

boom is continuing to drive demand

share of leasing activity, whilst Romania

space in 2021 reached an all-time high of

for industrial and logistics assets across

(+63%), France (+63%) and Spain (+62%)

7.35 million sq m with an 84% year on

Europe, as new records were set for both

performed the strongest above their five

year increase in net absorption. Under

levels of investment and leasing acti­

year averages.

construction space is 55% pre-leased

vity in 2021. In Poland, take-up in 2021

Savills has observed that the re-

before completion and vacancy rates have

reached an all-time high and indus­

cord shortage of prime stock has driven

fallen to under 4%. With EUR 2.96 billion

trial assets accounted for over a half of

upward pressure on rents, rising an ave-

transacted, industrial assets accounted for

the total investment volume.

rage of 5% year on year. London (+25%),

over a half of the total investment volu­-

Dublin (+17%) and Prague (12%) were

me recorded in 2021, representing a 15%

the fastest growing markets in 2021.

increase year-on-year.

Some EUR 62bn was invested into industrial real estate across Europe, marking a 79% increase on the previous

Marcus de Minckwitz, Head of

John Palmer, Head of industrial In-

five year average. The UK (EUR 19.5bn)

Industrial & Logistics, Savills EMEA, sug­

vestment, Savills Poland, says: – The ware­

outperformed the rest of the continent

gests – Market fundamentals have been

house market in Poland is recording

and accounted for 31% of total invest­

hugely favourable for the sector in recent

record-breaking figures. This trend is set

ment activity. Germany (EUR 8.6bn),

years, and they will continue to underpin

to continue if not accelerate in 2022 and

France (EUR 6.5bn) and Sweden (EUR

another strong performance for the year

beyond. Investor appetite remains strong

5.8bn) and the Netherlands (EUR 5.7bn)

ahead. Our European Logistics Census

for both income producing assets and

also recorded strong levels.

last year indicated that 46% of occupi­

portfolios and forward funding of new

Savills research also noted that in­­

ers anticipate that they will increase their

developments.. Poland offers competitive

vestment into industrial assets accounted

warehouse floor space over the next 12

labour rates, FDI incentives, an efficient

for 66% of European omnichannel invest­

months, among the highest in the online

planning and building permitting system;

ment in 2021, up from 47% in 2019, as

retail sector. With such constrained sup­

and all this is backed by growing domes­

investors were willing to pay premiums

ply, we expect to see increased develop­

tic consumer spending. The dynamics of

to gain exposure to the sector.

ment in the sector, despite rising con­

the occupier is changing with require­

– The trend for customers shifting

struction costs, as well as appetite for

ments increasingly focused on quali­

to online shopping throughout the pan­

assets in non-core locations as inves­

­ty, sustainable and ESG focused proper­

demic triggered the e-commerce boom,

tors move up the risk curve in search of

ties, professionally managed by long-

which has been a major catalyst for

higher returns.

term landlords.

this sector’s growth – comments Mike Barnes, Savills European Research. – So far it has shown little sign of slow­ ing, even as restrictions have lifted and, as a result, the significant weight of capi­ tal targeting these assets has compressed prime yields by an average of 27bps to 4.20% over the last six months. Portugal, Spain and Finland have hardened by 50 bps each. This demand is clearly represented by the unprecedented levels of leasing activity in the industrial sector across Europe last year, with take up reach­ ing 38m sq m, 28% ahead of the previ­ ous five year average. Germany (8.6m sq m), the Netherlands (6.9m sq m)


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

CYBERCENTER COMES TO KATOWICE configuring systems and handing over projects, to day-to-day support to protect an organization’s data, assets and identity. – To keep our clients’ data and assets protected against constantly evolving threats, Capgemini’s Cyber Defense Centers are designed to equip organizations with the best components and resources they need to prevent, detect, and respond to security incidents. Powered by innovative solutions, Capgemini’s pools of certified cybersecurity experts across the world provide clients with improved resilience, and comprehensive intelligence to secure their critical infrastructures – said Geert Capgemini has opened a Cyber Defense

The Katowice-based CDC will be

Center (CDC), expanding the Groups CDC

tasked with securing infrastructure sys­

van der Linden, Cybersecurity Business

network. It is the first such center in

tems across a wide range of sectors.

The Polish Center in Katowice,

Eastern Europe and will play a strategic

The company’s specialists will secure end-

located in the Face2Face Business Cam­

role in protecting critical infrastructure

to-­end project support, from transitioning

pus office building completes thirteen

across the territory, as well as globally.

and migrating cyber security processes,

CDCs Capgemini’s existing network.

Lead at Capgemini.

VILNIUS DEDICATED FINANCIAL TIMES AWARD TO KYIV Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, has

innovative ideas, and solutions, benefit­

To participate in said categories,

just received a prestigious award by

ing the residents, investors, scientists,

Vilnius submitted an application, which

fDI Intelligence, a specialist division of

and entrepreneurs.

contained pandemic management re­­­

the Financial Times, for first place in fDI

This year the capital of Lithuania

view, descriptions of current and past

Strategy and second place in the Mid-Size

made it to the top 10 in other sub-cate­

investments, sustainability initiatives,

European Cities category of European

gories of this group, ranking third in Eco­

and tourism promotion activities. The city

Cities and Regions of the Future 2022/2023

nomic Potential as well as Human Capi­

also listed biotechnology, ICT/fintech,

ranking. However, as a gesture of relent­

tal and Lifestyle, as opposed to the fifth

and laser technology as their three main

less Lithuanian camaraderie, the city dedi­-

place last year. It also secured the sixth

growth sectors with great potential for

cated the award to the war-afflicted Kyiv,

spot in Business Friendliness.

inward investment and post-pandemic

the capital of Ukraine.

In the Small European Regions of

economic recovery.

During the award ceremony which

the Future category, Vilnius was named

fDi Intelligence produces the Euro­

celebrated the most entrepreneurial,

fifth. The capital also earned the seventh

pean Cities and Regions of the Future

financially, and economically advanced

spot in the Economic Potential sub-cate­

rankings every two years in order to dis­

cities and was held at the world’s biggest

gory, ninth in Human Capital and Life­

tinguish the best locations for business

property event MIPIM in Cannes, Remi­

style, tenth in Cost-Effectiveness, and

development and investment.

gijus Šimašius, Mayor of Vilnius, took

the sixth spot in Business Friendliness.

the opportunity to commend Ukraine for its resistance in the war. – When I was collecting the award, I voiced out a phrase printed on my t-shirt: on behalf of Vilnius, we dedicate this award to Kyiv – the European capi­ tal of the future in all aspects – said Mr. Šimašius. According to the Mayor, both Vil­ nius residents and Lithuanian citizens can be rightfully proud of their capital, which is continuously focused on growth,

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Trends, Pros, and Cons of BPO destinations in 2022 Interview with Peter Ryan from Ryan Strategic Advisory.

Wiktor Doktór, Pro Progressio: The BPO

shows that Colombia and Bulgaria need

Latin America is a crucial part of

and CX (Customer Experience) worlds

to be top of mind. Bottom line is that there

the BPO offshore puzzle. There is hardly

are changing every day. The same is

are a lot of shifting sands when it comes

a day that goes by when you don’t hear

also true regarding the global location

to offshoring and what is seen to be a top

about Colombia as one of the most in-­

trends for the BPO and CX companies.

destination one year can fall apart in

-demand destinations for both US and

What has 2021 been like in this regard?

a matter of months.

European Spanish. Equally, Mexico’s

Peter Ryan, Ryan Strategic Advisory: If anything 2021 showed that there is still a great of disruption in the BPO space globally. The return to ‘normal’ never occurred the way it was supposed, while the appetite for new delivery destina­ tions continued at a frenetic pace. Equally,

Bottom line is that 2021 indicates that the BPO space is likely to continue no clear patterns or trends in 2022, until there is a line in the sand where the global economy is going in a post-COVID world.

acquisitions were notable and aplenty too. Bottom line is that 2021 indicates that

Let’s take a closer look at Asia. India has

value just keeps getting more and more

the BPO space is likely to continue no clear

been the top BPO destination for a very

important, given its status as the nearest

patterns or trends in 2022, until there is

long time, often closely followed by

of the nearshore in the American con­

a line in the sand where the global eco-

the Philippines. Broadly speaking, how

text. A true Cinderella story is Honduras,

nomy is going in a post-COVID world.

is Asia viewed as a BPO/CX delivery des-

which overcame great odds a decade ago

tination and/or an offshoring location?

to become perhaps the most-sought after

At Ryan Strategic Advisory you have

It is still seen as a very high caliber

conducted a number of very interesting

destination, one that is scalable and that

studies in 2021. Some have presented

has great talent. Take India for a moment.

Let’s move to Africa. For a long time

the global CX and BPO preferences.

My last business trip prior to the pan­

it was either Morocco or Egypt when

What, according to your research, are

demic was to Mumbai and Bangalore.

the subject of outsourcing to Africa

the top 5 destinations BPO and CX com-

What an amazing country. Equally,

came up. But Africa is changing as

panies should consider in 2022?

the Philippines retains a great deal of

well. According to your research South

Well, this is a tough one because

value in key demand markets. Let’s also

Africa is the top-performing outsou­r­

what ‘should be’ and ‘what are’ can be

not forget Malaysia, which is a mainstay

cing destination that should be taken

two very different things. That said, our

of offshore activity for pan-Asia cam­

into consideration. Is this right?

research is showing continued interest in

paigns, and for the ever-important Aus­

South Africa (the most preferred desti­

tralia / New Zealand market.

nation for BPO buyers in 2021), Jamaica,


Central American BPO option.

South Africa can be considered the most mature BPO delivery point in sub-Saharan Africa, there is no question

Egypt and Poland. India cannot be coun-

That’s Asia covered. What does the situ­-

on this. The country has attracted out­

ted out either. That said, according to our

ation in South and Latin Ame­rica look

sourcers from around the world, due

most recent study assessing how outsour-

like? I heard some great stories about

to a focus on quality labor, strong Eng­

cers in nearshore / offshore locations feel

such outsourcing destinations like

lish skills and a dynamic industry. That

about where they are operating from

Colombia, Mexico or Costa Rica.

said, this is not to mean there aren’t

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

challenges. Stability in South Africa

Central & Eastern Europe than ever

is under close scrutiny, especially fol­

before. Not just the established destina­

lowing the sad events in Durban and

tions but also some of the more up and

Johannesburg several months ago.

coming countries that include Croatia,

Equally, the country’s electricity grid

Republic of Georgia, Slovenia and Alba­

is also a point of contention and rightly

nia. The opportunity to source value­-

so. Unless South Africa can ensure

-driven partners and solid language skills

improvements in the power supply,

in some of these emerging destinations

BPOs will be forced to look elsewhere.

knows no bounds. Watch this space for

South Africa can be considered the most mature BPO delivery point in sub-Saharan Africa, there is no question on this. Last but not least – Europe. What’s

more interest and activity in the emer­

the story on Europe and, more speci­

ging Central & Eastern European coun­

fical­ly, countries like Poland, Roma-

tries in 2022.

nia, Lithuania or Bulgaria? Can we expect more outsourcing focus on

Peter, thank you. It will be great to lis-

this part of the world in 2022? What

ten to you during The BSS Forum orga­

are the main benefits of Europe as

nized in Tricity, Poland on April 7th,

a business destination?

2022. I’m already looking forward to

Absolutely – I have had more en­­

your presentation.

quiries come across my desk about

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



A multifunctional ecosystem in Oliwa

We talk to Bogusław Wieczorek, Management Board Representative for Public Relations at Olivia Centre about the projects implemented and developed within the centre, and also about successes achieved in 2021.

FOCUS ON Business: Last year was

Olivia with the maximum score of 25

from pathogenic microorganisms, and

full of new investments, openings and

points out of a possible 25, in 22 basic and

in addition, the level of air filtration was

awards. Attention is drawn, among

3 ad­­­­­ditional categories related to innova­

raised to the highest level available (from

others, by the award that named

tion in the field of employee safety and

G4 to F7).

Olivia Centre as the safest business


centre in the world. What made you win this title?

This is not the end of the awards

No other facility in the world has

we are proud of. The jubilee jury of

obtained such high marks so far. Such

the 20 th edition of CIJ Awards Poland

Bogusław Wieczorek, Manage-

a result was possible only thanks to

awarded Olivia Garden – the tropical gar­

ment Board Representative for Public

the commitment to the implementation

den opened in May 2021 on the ground

Relations at Olivia Centre: All thanks

of the most modern safety solutions: air

floor of Olivia Star, with a victory in

to the Well Health Safety Rating, con­

handling units were equipped with air

the Best Interior / Exterior Design cate­

ducted by 600 scientists from around

ionizers that purify the air in buildings

gory. In an exotic garden with 8,720 m³ of

the world, cooperating with the Inter­

removing fungi, viruses and allergens. In

green space, there are 3,000 plants, some

national Well Building Institute in New

the common areas, active titanium coat­

even 11 meters high, compri­sing 150 spe­

York, which in March 2021 awarded

ings were used, creating surfaces free

cies from 4 continents. Importantly, it is

Olivia Centre.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

a place inspired by residents. In 2018, dur­

over 12,000 people, companies and 3,000

for Tai Chi classes organized by the local

ing workshops, employees of companies

non-business signatories in over 160

association Park On, the organization

located in Olivia indicated that they want

countries. Together with this organiza­

of a sports and educational path at

a natural, green oasis in order to fully

tion, in March 2022 one of our annual

the Primary School No. 35 in Oliwa and

regenerate, regain energy and stimulate

awards will be presented – the Olivia

the Christmas Festival, organized on

creativity during breaks at work.

Prize Eco. Together with the UNGC, we

the market square in Oliwa by the Tri-City

will reward the initiatives that protect

NGO’s called Inicjatywa Miasto. For years,

Does this mean that concern for human

the environment and promote environ­

we have been supporting the Kropelka

safety and comfort has set the main

mental responsibility by employees of

Energii campaign, under which blood is

directions of the company's activity?

companies from the Olivia Centre.

donated. This year 150 liters have been

It certainly had a huge influence on them. We are also active in the field of ecology. In January, we announced the implementation of a new environ­ mental policy and social responsibility standards, creating initiatives to raise environmental awareness among our employees and residents, as well as participating in educational campaigns

The jury of the 20th edition of CIJ Awards Poland awarded Olivia Garden with a victory in the Best Interior / Exterior Design category. In an exotic garden with 8,720 m³ of green space, there are 3,000 plants, some even 11 meters high, comprising 150 species from 4 continents.

contributing to the spread of good ESG

Olivia is also engaging in various acti­

collected, and the total number of edi­

practices. At the end of the year, our com­

vities in corporate social responsibility

tions has already reached 45.

pany joined the United Nations Global

area. What was achieved in this field

Compact (UNGC) which emphasizes our

in 2021?

commitment to care for the natural envi­

We also take care of the good shape and development of our employees' pas­

We are involved in many initiatives

sion. In 2021, a volleyball court was built

that create an active, integrated commu­

next to Olivia, residents had numerous

The United Nations Global Com­

nity. For example, we support the resi­

opportunities to sail around Gdańsk Bay

pact was founded in 2000 and is now

dents of the Gdańsk district by organ­izing

as part of the Olivia Yacht Club, not only

the largest corporate sustainable devel­

the Oliwa Neighborhood Budget every

in the season, but practically during

opment initiative in the world, involving

year. This year, funding was obtained

the entire year. There are also clubs

ronment and its resources.


Arco by Paco Perez Restaurant. Photo: IHIL Ivo Ledwożyw.

related to employees' private passions

festival, which for years has attracted

cooperation with the largest Polish com­

in the centre. The running club prepared

thousands of residents of the district to

mercial banks results in a safe and diver­

its members to participate in numerous

street fairs, cultural events and street

sified financing structure of the Olivia

marathons and half-marathons as well

parades. This year, the choir recorded

Centre project.

as several ultra-marathons, also taking

their first music video, and preparations

The year 2021 was also the time to

place in the Tri-City Landscape Park adja­

for the release of their debut album will

start new investments in the area of hou­

cent to Olivia. Lovers of outdoor recre­

soon begin.

sing construction. @Home has been built

ation took part in over 30 hiking and

in Gdańsk Zaspa. It’s one of the most eco­

biking tours, organized as part of the Ex­

And what was the past year like from

logical residential buildings in the Tri-

pedition Club.

a business point of view?

-City, which will be intended for longterm rental. The essence of the invest­

Olivia Centre is much more than just a space to work. On the top floors of Olivia Star there are prestigious restaurants run by Paco Perez, winner of 5 Michelin stars, a public observation deck and a conference centre.

ment is the Scandinavian way of think­ ing about energy efficiency and minimiz­ ing the necessary natural resources that were used during construction. @Home is a five-storey building, which was built on Rzeczypospolitej Street in Gdańsk. Its representative entrance zone, facade


During the year 12 photography

We definitely also have something

and common spaces will be decorated

workshops were organized, during which

to celebrate in terms of commercializa­

with graphics by Seikon, a mural artist,

the employees of companies from Olivia

tion of the space. 36 thousand sq m in

painter and sculptor who comes from

had the opportunity to develop their urban,

signed contracts, with 18 thousand sq m

Gdańsk and is recognized in Poland and

portrait and business photography skills.

of the newly acquired space make the last

around the world. In this way, the build­

The workshop ended with an exhibition

year the second best since the beginning

ing fits in with the local tradition of deco­

of the best works in the main lobby of

of the project in 2010. Most contracts

rating the facades of buildings and cre­

Olivia Star. However, one of our most

included extension of existing contracts,

ating an open-air gallery of large-for­

original initiatives is the choir, which

which shows how positively the presence

mat paintings. Each of the functionally

brings together the employees of a dozen

in Olivia is received by her current resi­

designed premises at @Home will be fully

or so companies based there. For a long

dents, who, even in such dynamic times,

equipped and furnished. Also the inte­

time their performances have graced

decide to stay in the current location.

rior design comes from The Design Ana­

not only the events in the centre, but

Importantly, we also enjoyed great inte­

tomy studio, the award wining com­

also important events for the local com­

rest from investors. Bond issues in 2021

pany which designed many office and

munity, such as the Oliwa Viva Oliwa

ended in oversubscription. Our long-term

recreational spaces in the Olivia Centre,

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Conference centre, 34th floor. Photo: IHIL Ivo Ledwożyw.

the interior of the Olivia Star observation

hugely popular attractions that attract

This shows how unique and multi-func­

floor and the conference and event cen­

crowds of tourists, lovers of excel­­­

tional the building is.

tre on the 34th floor of this building. Long-

lent cuisine, and also fans of Polish

term rental will also be one of the vari­

music at its best. Last year, two nights

ants of the offer for our residents, who

in the Olivia Stars series took place on

more and more often relocate their

the 34th floor of Olivia Star. These are

employees to the Tri-City, often with their

prestigious evenings, during which there

entire families. Currently, the recruit­

were concerts by Krzysztof Zalewski

ment level in our office centre residents

and Daria Zawiałow, tasting of exclu­

reaches nearly 2 thousand positions, so

sive types of alcohol, culinary shows by

the building located near the business

chefs and an afterparty at a height of

centre is another important convenience

130 meters above the ground.

for recruited employees.

Olivia Centre, in the difficult, se­cond year of the COVID-19 pandemic,

In common understanding, a busi-

used the time to increase its attractive­

ness centre is associated with a work-

ness for tenants, Tri-City residents and

place. How is the concept of multi-func-

tourists by creating a project unique on

tional, user-friendly space that is open

a European scale, in which the largest

to the city, implemented at Olivia Cen-

global corporations open their head­

tre, perceived by tenants, residents

quarters, but also in which micro-com­

and guests?

panies thrive in the O4 coworking space,

Olivia Centre is much more than

located across 4 buildings of the com­

just a space to work. On the top floors

plex. In 2021, Olivia Star mana­g ers

of Olivia Star there are prestigious res­

received the award of the Marshal

taurants run by Paco Perez, winner of

of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for

5 Michelin stars, a public observation

the tourist offer created on its top floors.

Thank you for the interview.

Olivia Centre, in the difficult, second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, used the time to increase its attractiveness for tenants, Tri-City residents and tourists by creating a project unique on a European scale.

deck and a conference centre. These are

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Lithuanian GBS ecosystem fully embraces ESG practices Text | Kasparas Butkus

Standing for Environmental, Social, and Governance factors, ESG is a framework that covers a wide range of sustainability issues across three verticals. The framework gained traction after the successful “Who Cares Wins” program by the UN Global Compact, a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles. The core elements of the ESG framework revolve around reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, improving social justice, human rights, as well as fair wages and benefits of employees. In this article, I’d like to show the many ways that Lithuania’s Global Business Services (GBS) sector has embraced this progressive framework.

Photo: Matas Jankauskas.

THEORY IN PRACTICE In Lithuania, where the business com­ munity is tight-knit and best practices spread quickly and efficiently, the ESG framework has gained massive ground in the last couple of years. First of all, we see many examples of policy-oriented research happening in the country. For instance, Lithuania’s Agency for Scien­ ­ce, Innovation, and Technology (MITA) opened its Sustainable Economy and Ana­ lytics centre in September 2021. The cen­ tre is already focusing on the digitalisa­ tion of industry, circular economy prin­ ciple, strategic value chains, and the use of green hydrogen. Research aside, we see multiple enterprises in Lithuania showcasing their strong commitment to the ESG frame­ work and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, actions taken in Lithuania-based branches and departments have a truly global impact. A good example of this is Danske Bank Lithuania, which employs over 4,000 talen­ted specialists who develop banking products, services and ensure the smooth day-to-day operations of the entire Dan­ ske Bank Group. In addition to a myriad of other functions, Danske Bank Lithuania also helps the Group achieve its sustainabi­ lity goals. Danske Bank has a sustaina­ bility risk methodology embedded into


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

the way they analyse investments and

been popularising the idea of impact

includes representatives from several

make evidence-based decisions. By tak­

measurement for startups. Launched

major players of the Lithuanian GBS sec­

ing not just financial, but also ESG fac­

in 2021, their Rockit Impact Accelerator

tor – Cognizant, Moody’s, and Nasdaq.

tors into account, the Nordic bank gains

2.0 is the first B2B accelerator in Lithua­

The structure of Lithuania’s ESG

greater insights into their investments

nia that matches positive-impact start­

strategy is multifaceted. While global mar­

and can identify sustainability risks and

ups with top industry companies to scale

ket leaders such as Danske Bank, Moody’s,

investment opportunities.

sustainable solutions.

Nasdaq and Cognizant drive the imple­

In the long-lasting quest for ESG

mentation part of the process, the pub­


implementation, the academia also

lic domain and the academia function as

“If you want to change the world, start

played a crucial role. Especially, institu­

the central pillar of support. By combi-­

with yourself” is a quote attributed to

tions like ISM University – one of the main

ning the efforts of the leaders of the pri­

Mahatma Gandhi. The saying perfectly

management institutes in the Baltic

vate sector, as well as the bright ideas

encapsulates the actions taken by many

region. In 2022, ISM established its own

of start-ups, academia and the support

global companies that are embracing

ESG Council that will help disseminate

of govern­ment bodies, Lithuania moves

the ESG framework and other sustainabi­

the ideas of sustainable governance in

closer towards collective conscientious­

lity practices. Let’s take a look at a couple

the country. Unsurprisingly, the Council

ness for social and environmental factors.

of examples from Lithuania. Telia Global Services Lithuania, for instance, already

Photo: Andrius Aleksandravicius.

reached a 100% renewable energy goal for its office in 2021, an achievement that many will seek to emulate in the future. Interestingly, Telia had also previously pioneered sustainability reporting in the country, being one of the first com­ panies to start following this practice in 2006. By the way, soon it is going to be even easier to go green in Lithua­ nia, as the country is planning an off­ shore 700 MW wind farm able to gene­ rate a yearly output of 2.5–3 TW/h. That’s almost a quarter of the country’s needs! In addition to focusing on their environmental footprint, Telia also encourages employee initiatives that are geared to com­­­­munity outreach (another impor­

Photo: Andrius Aleksandravicius.

tant aspect of the ESG framework). One of the long-lasting initiatives of this sort is EduCare – an outreach program meant to educate young children about ways to safely navigate the online space. When it comes to corporate social responsibility, similar programs and initia-­ tives are becoming more and more com­ mon in Lithuania’s GBS sector. According to an annual industry survey conducted by Invest Lithuania, the share of GBS cen­ tres carrying out CSR activities has almost doubled between 2018 and 2020 — from 38% to 68%.

KNOWLEDGE-SHARING IS KEY TO LONG-LASTING CHANGE Sharing knowledge on sustainability practices is crucial for successful adop­ tion. In Lithuania, we see more knowl­ edge sharing spaces emerge each year.

Author Kasparas Butkus | Investment Advisor, GBS & ICT, Invest Lithuania

One of them, Rockit Vilnius – Home of Fintech and Sustainable Innovation – has

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



The interview was conducted a few days before the start of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian IT industry is thriving

Ukraine is very successful IT hub and one of the largest exporters of IT services in Europe. We talk about sector’s structure, growth and initiatives with Konstantin Vasyuk, Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association.

FOCUS ON Business: Ukraine is well

Ukraine is a 44.13 million nation

USD 2,800 in the above-mentioned cities,

known as the IT business destina-

with a gigantic IT talent pool dissemi­

the data underlines the high level of spe­

tion. What is the size of the industry

nated throughout its territories. The big­

cialists’ proficiency with no correlation to

in the beginning of 2022?

gest cities have had highly evolved Tech

the areas and the clients’ indifference to

Konstantin Vasyuk, Executive

communities for years and are conti­

the location of IT specialists itself.

Director of the IT Ukraine Association:

nuing their development as the local

Overall Ukraine is providing high-

2021 became a year of substantial growth,

popu­lation strives to tie their lives with

-class professionals and is creating the per-

the Ukrainian Tech sector has been mas­

the world of IT. On the other hand, small

fect environment settings for the ongoing

sively expanding over the last 25 years

and medium-sized cities are also not

expansion of IT ecosystems.

and for the first time in its history, the IT

being neglected and have been notori­

industry is no longer a niche sector, but

ous for forming IT hubs in recent years.

The IT Ukraine Association has recent-

instead a very broad and diversified one.

Currently, there are 21 active IT clusters

ly completed the important report des-

It encompasses almost 300,000 thousand

operating across the country, formed to

cribing IT Industry. What are the main

professionals with 54% of Ukrainian high

create horizontal communities between

outcomes from that report?

school students surveying that they want

local IT companies, educational institu­

to work in IT.

tions, and legal and financial advisors.

Over the last few years, the IT industry has undergone many changes.

Each year Ukrainian universities and non-formal education institutions prepare around 16-17 thousand new bachelors and 10-12 thousand new IT specialists respectively. The increased interest of applicants to the specialty and state financing of training will make the number of universities’ graduates

The Ukrainian Tech sector has been massively expanding over the last 25 years and for the first time in its history, the IT industry is no longer a niche sector, but instead a very broad and diversified one.

soar to 23 thousand in 2025. The “Com­


puter Science” and “Software Enginee­

Kyiv serves as the primary busi­

Therefore, the Association together with

ring” majors of Ukrainian universities

ness location for the IT industry due to

key stakeholders decided to conduct

alone have attracted more than 80 thou­

its attractive opportunities and active

a comprehensive study that would show

sand applications from prospective stu­

population, the most prominent IT hubs

what Ukrainian IT looks like today, and

dents. However, the size really speaks for

following the capital are Kharkiv, Lviv,

why Ukraine is a very promising player

itself when we take a look at the impact

Dnipro, and Odesa. These are the areas

in the region as an IT hub. The Ukraine

it has had on Ukraine’s economy over­

present on radar screens of the majority

IT report 2021 provides a lot of engross­

all – over $6,8 billion made from service

of IT companies operating in Ukraine or

ing information, for instance, in 2021,

export in 2021 and, statistically, gene­

considering to enter the Ukrainian mar­

the Ukrainian IT sector grew by 36%

rating 1,5 times more export revenue

ket. Here, the number of IT specialists

from USD 5 billion to USD 6.8 billion in

than the mechanical engineering indus­

living in the cities ranges from almost 100

exports, it already tops the list of ser­

try in 2020.

thousand in Kyiv to just a bit more than

vice exporters and generates more than

a dozen thousand in Odesa. However,

4% of Ukraine’s GDP. At the same time,

What are the main business locations

what does not differ as much through­

the number of specialists increased from

and how the IT industry is organized

out the regions is the median income of

244 thousand to 285 thousand. Thus, over

in Ukraine?

IT specialists. Varying from USD 2,600 to

the past three years, the industry has

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

more than doubled in exports and has

(40% of exports) and Great Britain (10%),

digitization, production, and business

grown by more than 50% in the num­

followed by Malta, Israel, Cyprus, Ger­

process automation services, across

ber of specialists. Now Ukraine is one

many, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Ca-

the entire spectrum of the economy.

of the largest exporters of IT services in

nada, and Denmark. They are represented

The IT sector is quite diverse, as well as

Europe. The above-mentioned attests to

by diverse companies ranging from big

the services provided by it. Ukrainian

a small fraction of the report where you

corporations looking for specific IT solu­

companies have competencies in e-com­

can also find both short-term (up to one

tions to SMEs considering to outsource

merce, banking & fintech, pharmtech

year) assessments and medium-term

individuals for separate projects. Now

& healthcare, logistics, media & enter­

(until 2025) forecasts for the development

Ukraine continues to develop sustainable

tainment, education, and so on. Defi­

of the IT industry, specialized education,

partnerships also with Asian countries,

nitely, it’s not a full list because reason­

as well as a comparison of Ukraine as

the Middle East and the African region.

ably everything can’t be named here,

an IT hub with the neighboring coun­ tries. The study also presents data on the state of the office real estate market and the impact of COVID-19 on the for­ mat of work of the companies. What is the profile of an international client of IT suppliers in Ukraine? International clients of Ukraine IT

In 2021, the Ukrainian IT sector grew by 36% from USD 5 billion to USD 6.8 billion in exports, it already tops the list of service exporters and generates more than 4% of Ukraine’s GDP. At the same time, the number of specialists increased from 244 thousand to 285 thousand.

services are buyers prominently located

The business clients of Ukrainian

however, Ukrainian developers provide

in the European region and North Ame­

Tech are from both the private and pub­

splendid solutions for businesses’ needs

rica, the main growth drivers are the USA

lic sectors. They are on the lookout for

in all sectors of the economy.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Every year Ukraine hosts important IT

• U Tomorrow Summit – a yearly meet­

events – what are they and where are

ing of leading senior executives of

they organized?

the Eastern European innovative com­

• Synergy. IT Business & IT Education.

management of the Ukrainian outsour­ cing service industry.

Being quite a big country and

panies, venture investors, tech start­

The biggest specialized conference in

having a highly developed IT infrastruc­

ups, prominent intellectuals and jour­

Ukraine that drives IT Education dev­e­­­-

ture, Ukraine is a host to many state and

nalists in order to develop partnerships,

lopment. Since 2014, IT Ukraine Asso­

international events. Working on the IT

find new opportunities to scale business

ciation has been gathering representa­

market requires businesses and profes­

and identify global trends, hosted by

tives of government, business and edu­

sionals to exchange information quickly

UNIT.City, the largest innovation park

cational institutions on a single plat­

and steadily. In addition, the diversity

in Eastern Europe.

form to boost IT Education. These are just a few of the confe­

Working on the IT market requires businesses and professionals to exchange information quickly and steadily. In addition, the diversity of the IT industry in Ukraine creates a strong demand for events that allow a free exchange of experience and ideas. of the IT industry in Ukraine creates

• Lviv IT Arena – an annual event in Lviv

a strong demand for events that allow

that brings together developers, mana­

a free exchange of experience and ideas.

gers and business owners to share expe­

Hundreds of conferences and meetups

• iForum – an annual conference dedi­

try in business communication and pro­

cated to Internet business, techno­

fessional growth, and thousands of online

logy, and startups. The event has been

and offline seminars and lectures ensure

held in Kyiv since 2009 and is annually

the relevance of knowledge and skills of

attended by tens of thousands of people.

specialists of all levels. Some of the main

• Kyiv Outsourcing Forum – a forum

events are:


riences and discuss new trends.

annually meet the needs of the IT indus­

rences Ukraine invites you to. Come, see them with your own eyes, feel the atmos­ phere, become a part of the community, and join our journey to great success. That sounds highly appealing. Thank you very much for the interview. The Ukraine IT Report 2021 – a national study on what the IT industry is like today and what its prospects are for the future, is available here:

that annually gathers the owners and

Focus on Business | March–April 2022


Elbląg's investment diversity

Elbląg is a city of many successful domestic and foreign investments. The business are thriving, among others, due to their location, Elblag’s growing infrastructure potential, good university base and support for investors from the local authorities. We asked representatives of two entities that make up the city's business fabric: the Polish geoinformatics Research and Development Center OPEGIEKA and the global BPO leader – Transcom Worldwide, about how they perceive their presence and development prospects in Elbląg.

MADE IN POLAND – OPEGIEKA FOCUS ON Business: OPEGIEKA in Elbląg dates back more than 30 years. How has the company's activity evolved during that time? Adam Augustynowicz, President of the Management Board, OPEGIEKA: Thirty years ago, we were a branch of a geodesic and cartographic company from Gdańsk. In 1989, through its com­ mercialisation, the present OPEGIEKA in Elbląg was established. At that time, we were involved in land surveying, land register maps, master maps, maps for design purposes, divisions of land plots. We still carry out many of these activities, but in a more modern form of course. In the 1990s we started new activities such as IT, cartography, photogrammetry and GPS measurements. It was a result of the development of IT and measurement techniques. In 2009, we decided to transform the company into a research and deve­ lopment centre. It was a breakthrough moment not only for our company, as it was the time when the opportunity to benefit from EU funds arose. The first grants were used to create a base for future innovation activities. In the follow­ ing years, we invested in airborne plat­ forms, cloud computing, drone techno­ logies and machine learning. To date, we have completed a total of 20 R&D&I grants co-financed from national contests of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), Regional


Adam Augustynowicz, President of the Management Board, OPEGIEKA.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Operational Program­mes (ROP) as well

the key issue for us. Of course telework

A communication barrier for our air­

as H2020 and ESA European contests.

is possible, but direct contact, creating

crafts is the lack of a paved runway at

Since 2013 we have maintained the sta­

new ideas in teams, creating innovations

our airport.

tus of Research and Development Centre

are important in our work, because they

granted to us by the Minister of Economy.

translate into work efficiency and com­

What are the company's further deve­

pany competitiveness.

lopment plans? What else will it sur-

In 2021, by the decision of the Com­

prise us with?

mission for the Evaluation of Science,

I think that a common saying is still

we were recognised as a scientific unit

true among Elbląg residents: 'The grass is

It is not easy to answer the ques­

belonging to the system of higher educa­

always greener on the other side'. I think

tion about future plans, because the envi­

tion and science in Poland, just like uni­

that the opinions of outsiders, people who

ronment in which we operate is changing

versities and institutes. The research and

come here for a while only, like our cus­

rapidly. Technology is changing, competi­

science element has become our trade­

tomers and subcontractors, but also those

tion is growing. All this affects the direc­

mark on the market and drives our inno­

who decide to stay here for longer, like

tions of development of the technology

vative approach. It is also an opportunity

some of our employees, are more unbi­

company that we want to be. For our

for those who would like to pursue not

ased. The first group appreciates easy

plans the ability to adapt quickly to new

only a business career but also a science

access via the S7 road, the greenery

conditions is fundamental. In recent

career path.

in the city and of course the boat trip

years, we have invested a lot in tech­

along the slipways. The second, i.e. our

nology, while putting aside soft matters such as organisation, promotion and

At that time, we were involved in land surveying, land register maps, master maps, maps for design purposes, divisions of land plots. We still carry out many of these activities, but in a more modern form of course. What is the company currently focu­

employees, appreciate the peaceful life,

sing on and what is the significance of

lack of traffic jams, proximity to the sea,

its location in Elbląg in this context?

the Tricity, lack of problems with access

We currently focus on remote se­n­ sing, information technology and land

to schools or kindergartens, and competi­ tive real estate prices.

surveying activities in business and scien­

We are glad that we are able to pro­

tific context. We are involved in the cap­

vide a very interesting and modern work­

ture of airborne data, the construction of

place here, which makes people even

information systems and the digitisation

from big cities decide to move to Elbląg,

of map resources. We have three photo­

sometimes with their whole families.

HR. I hope that this year we will com­ plete a number of activities addressed to internal needs of the company and we will work on our corporate image and building international relations.

In my opinion, the role of geospatial information will continue to grow. Location and navigation are already commonplace today. But the most interesting is yet to come.

grammetric aircrafts, with the fourth one taking delivery in March this year. We have the latest airborne laser scan­ ners, large-format aerial cameras, obli­ que came­ras, thermal cameras, our own datacenter-tier processing centre, a con­ fidential office, and we are developing our own technologies using geographi­ cal information systems, big data and artificial intelligence. We have IT specia­lists who develop complex systems using geoportals, e-ser­ vices or mobile applications. We have land surveyors who handle investments and create geodatabases. We use really high-tech, advanced and automated tech­ nologies on a daily basis, but the essence and advantage in our business is the cre­ ative work of people and their compe­ tences. Technology can be built or bought. But how to attract and keep interesting and talented people to work in Elbląg is

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Main office of OPEGIEKA in Elbląg.

This is a result of the development of Industry 4.0 concept, and the increa­sing digitalisation of our lives. In order for robots or autonomous vehicles to move, digital spatial awareness and precise 3D models are necessary. They are also necessary for public administrations to optimise management, development and implementation of e-services. We are working to ensure that our data, images and maps are understood not only by humans but also by machines, so that they can be retrieved, processed and analysed automatically. In Poland we are already an interesting place to work, where you can ‘touch’ the latest techno­ logies in the field of obtaining and pro­

We are also looking for further develop­

administration and everyday life, they

cessing aerial data, creating IT systems,

ment opportunities in the fields of IT and

are built-in in our phones. But the most

building mobile applications, cloud com­

ICT, as well as aerial and satellite remote

interesting is yet to come. Until recently,

puting technology, big data or machine


we were talking about the idea of a smart

learning. It is time for the company from

In my opinion, the role of geospatial

city. Today we are talking about digital

Elbląg to be heard more about in Europe

information will continue to grow. Loca­

twin, that is, accurate and digitalised

and beyond.

tion and navigation are already common­

models of the reality around us, digital

place today. We use them in business,

models of entire cities or even countries.

Thank you for interview.

INTERNATIONAL ACCENT – TRANSCOM WORLDWIDE FOCUS ON Business: Elbląg is another location for your

What is the main scope of your activities and how does

operations in Poland and the second one in the Warmiń­

the city fit into your business strategy?

sko-Mazurskie province. What convinced Transcom to enter Elbląg?

Transcom Worldwide is one of the global leaders in the sector of business services outsourcing that operates cus­

Piotr Ćwikliński, Client Service Manager, Transcom:

tomer service centres for clients in various industries in 25

That's right, Elbląg is the fourth location of Transcom World­

countries worldwide. We provide support in 33 different lan­

wide in Poland (after Olsztyn, Gdańsk and Białystok – currently

guages from over 60 branches, where we employ over 28,000

works are underway to build our fifth branch, this time in

consultants. As I mentioned earlier, we currently have four

Poznań), but in a way it has a pioneering and unique character.

branches in Poland, with a fifth on the way. In these branches

As a result of the dynamic development of our projects,

we run projects for leading brands from the telecommuni­

we have decided to modify our current strategy of choosing

cations, e-commerce, banking, automotive, household appli­

the cities in which we want to establish our offices – we have

ances and many other industries. It is also worth mentioning

decided to use the model of the so called satellite branches – in cities with approx. 100,000 inhabitants, located no further than 100 km from one of the already existing branches. We have analysed a few different cities in Poland that would meet the above criteria and finally we have chosen Elbląg. Today, after almost two years in the city, we can only confirm that it was the right choice. Our decision to locate the future of Transcom Worldwide Poland in Elbląg was largely influenced by excellent connection via the S7 road with our branch in Gdansk, access to a wide selection of job applicants available on the local labour mar­ ket, the proximity of several universities, which is of course also important for us, since an important element of working for Transcom is the flexibility of working hours, especially appreciated by pupils and students. We also appreciate great support and responsiveness we have received from the local Town Hall and Labour Office.


Piotr Ćwikliński, Client Service Manager, Transcom.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

here that, like many other companies

The goal we set ourselves before

Usually the percentage of employees who

in the industry, since the beginning of

entering Elbląg was to quickly build

express their satisfaction with work in

the COVID-19 pandemic we have been

a strong base of qualified and satis­

our Elbląg branch is over 90%.

implementing our projects in a hybrid model, with a large part of our consult­ ants working remotely. Elbląg fits perfectly into our busi­ ness strategy in Poland, because we see a great demand for this type of work here – our job offers are very popular from

The goal we set ourselves before entering Elbląg was to quickly build a strong base of qualified and satisfied employees in our company. And I am pleased to say that we have more than fulfilled this goal.

the very beginning and we find here a lot

fied employees in our company. And

Time will tell what the future holds,

of talented and ambitious people who we

I am pleased to say that we have more

but one thing is certain – the experiment

teach from scratch how the work of a pro­

than fulfilled this goal: We are currently

with building satellite branches, which

fessional customer consultant should be

using our available office space in almost

we have just started in Elbląg, can be

like – no previous experience is neces­

100%, we employ about 80 consultants

considered a big success. It will certainly

sary, what we expect is willingness and

guided by four excellent team leaders.

contribute to choosing other potential


As for employee satisfaction, I can also

locations of new Transcom Worldwide

proudly say that Elbląg stands out in this

branches in Poland.

Considering the development path

respect among all our locations – in our

of Transcom in Elbląg, what can we

regular employee satisfaction surveys

expect in the short and long term?

we receive a lot of satisfied votes here.

Thank you for your comments.

More information Promotion, Culture and Tourism Department, Promotion and Entrepreneurship Unit | City Hall of Elbląg Stary Rynek 25 Street, Ratusz Staromiejski, IV floor, room 400, 82-300 Elbląg Phone: +48 55 239 32 90, 55 239 33 17 e-mail:

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Business is doing well in Łódź

Industrial revolution – a term probably used for the first time by the French diplomat Louis-Guillaume Otto in a letter from 1799, describing the first leap of mankind towards new technologies. Back then, people were talking about water wheels, steam engines or power looms that would increase the efficiency in weaving by as much as 40 times. Today, we are already dealing with the fourth industrial revolution – and the words that are constantly repeated are automation and robotization.

At the end of 2021, Business Develop­ ment and International Relations Bureau


of the City of Łódź Office has conducted a study on the dynamics of employment. It turned out that in Łódź the number of people working in BSS (Business Ser­ vices Sector) amounted to nearly thirty thousand.

The opening of our Shared Services Center in Łódź was not a difficult decision, although War­

The report focused not only on

saw and Prague were also taken into account. There is

the past but also on the future, presen­

already a powder coatings department in Łódź but we did

ting the market demand. It shows that

not have BSS unit. Ultimately, 50 people will be employed

the most, over half a thousand appli­

there. Our office employs people from Warsaw, Poznan,

cants, will find a job in Finance and

Sosnowiec, and we even have a friend from the Czech

Accounting Departments. IT, customer

Republic who moved to Łódź for us.

service, logistics and human resource

We have been saying in the company for 150 years

employees are most in-demand, right

that our varnishes are to be durable, efficient and stand

after accounting staff.

out with perfect colors, leaving the smallest possible

Łódź, like it used to be in textile in-

footprint on the environment. This is still the case today

du­­­stry, today has become a leading loca­

thanks to R&D centers located in Wuppertal, Philadelphia,

tion on the investment map of the shared

Shanghai, Mt. Clemens.

services sector and business process out­

Our office in Opera Park meets the strict standards

sourcing. Why did this happen? Not only

of our US headquarters. We took care of relaxation zones

due to its central location, strong aca­

as well as interesting and functional interiors conducive

demic centers educating future staff,

to effective work. We want working at Axalta to give you

but above all thanks to the unique atmos­

satisfaction and we want people to associate their future

phere and cultural and entertainment

with it.

events characteristic of this former fac­ tory town. The maturity of the BPO/SSC sector

Łódź is especially close to me, because it is my city of origin and I am very pleased to say that I contributed to the establishment of the Shared Services Center in my city.

in Łódź is confirmed by the hundredth foreign investor who decided to locate his center here – the company "Axalta", a leading supplier of liquid and powder varnishes.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

However, Łódź is not only an ideal place

to find themselves in the economy of

Nordea (with its center in Łódź) is Busi­

to work and live. It is also a city that edu­


ness Process Automation. For its gradu­

cates staff for current and future inves­

An example of the field of study

ates, terms such as robotization or auto­

tors. The universities of Łódź build their

that was created as a result of close

mation will not be secrets, and everyone

education programs in such a way as to

cooperation and exchange of experi­

will benefit from their knowledge com­

provide practical skills that allow them

ences between the University of Łódź and

bined with enthusiasm and creativity.


three-year study cycle had the same com­

with new technologies and foreign experts.

What is RPA?

petences as his / her peer receiving a Bri­

So far, classes have been conducted not

tish or American diploma.

only by scientists from Poland, but also

Automatisation Business Process – BPA is directed for all interested in new

from Finland and Italy.

technologies, who would like to find

What is the university-business re­­­la-

themselves in the era of the digital revo­


What are the possibilities and prospects after completing the course? What

lution. In our studies, we combine digi­

The relationship between the Facul­

tal competences with inter-team commu­

­ty of Management and business is the foun-

nication – we allow students to fuse hori­

dation for the development of BPA. Thanks

The main places of employment for

zons by involving various experts classes

to the exchange HR and support from

BPA graduates are companies that decide


companies such as Nordea, DXC, Digital

to introduce robotization and automation

Teammates, Digital Workforce, Fujitsu,

of their processes. Nevertheless, we try to

What does education look like? What

BSH or Mindbox, we are able to provide

make students start their own business

are the practical classes?

our students with the most up-to-date

(including in the consulting area). BPA

A full course in the field of study

knowledge and skills, which are a key

students write a final thesis, but work on

is six semesters, one of which is fully

axis of their development in the era of

a practical project solving a specific prob­

devoted to apprenticeships. Most of

the digital revolution.

lem identified in the company or in a spe­

the activities are practical. Thanks to

industries can you work in?

cific technological space. This is the time

the accession of the Faculty of Manage­

Does the university help in finding

when some of them can develop their own

ment to at the prestigious Blue Prism

internships / jobs and where?

start-ups, and we are willing to support

Academy, students can use the Blue Prism

Students in the fifth semester of

program to create RPA solutions. In our

studies undergo internships – largely in

them in this process.

studies, classes in this program are over

companies associated with them around

Why do you assume that it will be rela­

100 hours workshop. During the entire

our Program Council. At the same time,

tively easy to find a job after gradua-

cycle, we place great emphasis on deve­

the university practically does not have

tion? Is this field of study promising for

loping soft skills – work in an IT team,

to support them in finding a job – most of

the future?

researching technological needs or pre­

them find employment while still study­

Business Process Automation is defi­

senting your own ideas. English is also

ing. Our students meet with interns from

nitely the field of study of the future. We are

becoming the key language, which is

various companies during each semester

sure our students will find employment

the basis for working in international

– this builds relationships, which often

without any problems – they often ma­nage

technological environment.

result in further professional projects.

to do it while still studying. We talk to our

Has business had an influence on cre-

Who will conduct the classes?

business partners on an ongoing basis and ating the study program?

The teaching staff in the field of BPA

The BPA course was created on

are practitioners from friendly companies,

the initiative of business, and its program

scientists recognized in Poland dealing

we realize that the demand for a BPA grad­ uate is enormous and in the coming years the trend is not likely change.

was co-created by practitioners and aca­ demic teachers working at the Faculty of Management (Prof. Tomasz Czapla, Ph.D. Dominika Kaczorowska­-Spychalska, Emilian Gwiaździński MA). At the same time, we were drawing good practices from our befriended foreign universi­ ties, so that a student completing our

Focus on Business | March–April 2022




Łódź and other companies on the mar­

business processes for the last 6 years,

ket was to create new faculty: Business

which helped us to increase our custom­

Process Automation. I am impressed how

ers satisfaction due to high quali­­ty and

quickly and efficiently we managed to

speed of delivered service.

put this concept into practice. The pro­

IT area has been developing in

gramme of studies was created by both

a super dynamic way, it is not about years,

great specialists from the University but

months but days that bring new solutions.

also business experts. I am convinced that

The question we all face is not IF but HOW

companies from Łódź region look for­

to enter the train called “AUTOMATION”,

ward to employing our future automa­

as it will rapidly leave the platform.

tion specialists. Having in mind speedy

While building robotics center of

development of technologies, which will

excellence we focused on training our

in the end change completely job mar­

own talents but also we tried to recruit

ket eliminating 30-40% of existing posi­

developers from the market. We faced

tions, this profile and faculty guarantees

huge difficulties due to high competition

solid future.

and low supply of employees with those

Additionally I think that building

capabilities. One of the constructive and

new Tech Hub in Łódź can bring poten­

fruitful idea discussed with University of

tially new investors to our region.

More information Business Development and International Relations Bureau Piotrkowska 104a Street, 90-926 Lodz Phone: +48 42 638 59 39, Fax: +48 42 638 59 40, e-mail:, Linkedin: Invest in Lodz


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Modern office space | Restaurants and cafes | Theatre Museum | Concerts and events | Art galleries


Kielce attractive for the investor More and more production plants and innovative enterprises contact the Investor Assistance Centre of the Kielce City Hall with inquiries about the possibility of locating their activities in Kielce or for help with expanding their existing business.

Recently, we have observed a signifi­

approved the land development plan as

cant increase in the popularity of our

well as the architectural and construction

city among companies from all over

plan and granted a building permit for

Poland, which is undoubtedly related

Cromodora Wheels Sp. z o.o. for the con­

to the investment of the Italian manu­

struction of an aluminum rims factory at

facturer of rims, the Cromodora Wheels

Olszewski Street in Kielce.

company. The second magnet that signifi­

– We are in constant, ongoing con­

cantly influences the growth of inte­rest

tact with the investor's representatives,

in Kielce among investors and entre­

and just like throughout the administra­

preneurs wide range of production (but

tive process, I also declare full cooperation

also logistics) industry is the opening

of the city in the implementation of this

of almost 80 ha of investment areas in

investment. I appreciate the fact that this

a perfect location, intended for indus­

is one of the largest, and certainly the most

trial activities.

important, investment in the city recently – emphasizes Bogdan Wenta, Mayor


of Kielce.

At the beginning of February this year

and service building, a social and office

The Mayor of the Kielce City, Bogdan Wenta,

building and an access control building,

The issued permit covers construc­ tion of a production building, a technical

Magnet that significantly influences the growth of interest in Kielce among investors and entrepreneurs wide range of production (but also logistics) industry is the opening of almost 80 ha of investment areas in a perfect location, intended for industrial activities.

Areas of logistics and warehouse services.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

as well as an underground fire-fighting

willingness to develop the economic

as well as proposals for halls and offices,

tank, a ceramic pipe washing system and

zone in this area, allocating the land to

please visit the Investment Offer Data­

a bicycle shelter.

the needs of the production sector, indus­

base, run by the Investor Assistance Cen­

try and warehouses.

tre of the City of Kielce at www.mapa.

The city authorities emphasize that this is an important, priority project

– There is no doubt that such

for Kielce. About 400 people will find

a large investment area is an opportu­

employment in the plant, and another

nity for hundreds of new jobs in newly


half a thousand jobs will be provided

established enterprises. Therefore,

An undoubted advantage of Kielce

by cooperating companies. Cromodora

the priority today is to make every effort

in the challenge for an investor from

Wheels plans to invest over EUR 100 mil­

to ensure that these industrial functions

the logistics industry is a very good loca­

lion in Kielce.

of the area are preserved. We are work­

tion in the immediate vicinity of the S7

Companies interested in develop­

ing on updating the spatial development

route, between Warsaw and Krakow, as

ment opportunities in connection with

plan for three hundred hectares of land

well as the strong production industry

the new investment are invited to contact

in Dyminy, and in particular 80 hectares,

present in the city and already devel­

the Investor Assistance Centre of the City

which have changed owners – declare

oping companies from the logistics and

Hall of Kielce [].

the city authorities.

warehouse sector.

Cromodora Wheels is the largest investment project supported by the In­­­ vestor Assistance Centre of the City of Kielce. Other successful Centre’s projects include the introduction to the Kielce market such companies as Britenet or Transition Technologies, representing the IT industry.

Investment area of 78.6 hectares of space is located in the southern part of the city, by the national road no. 73 (Kielce - Tarnów). Recently, there has been a change of owner of this property, extremely valuable for economic development.


The Investor Assistance Centre of

The increase of the attractive­

the City Hall of Kielce confirms the great

ness of Kielce for logistics is also influ­

Investment area of 78.6 hectares of space

interest in the investment area, after

enced by the opening of new investment

is located in the southern part of the city,

the former Belgian Brewery at Ściegien­

areas and the already existing potential.

by the national road no. 73 (Kielce – Tar-

nego Street. Currently, several signifi­

The availability of warehouse space in

nów). Recently, there has been a change of

cant investors interested in locating their

Kielce and its vicinity is appro­ximately

owner of this property, extremely valua­

activities in this area are being guided.

90 thousand m 2 , more than half of

ble for economic development. The repre­

For more information on investment

sentatives of the new owner declare their

areas available in Kielce and the vicinity,

which is located in two modern logis­ tics centers.

Infrastructure of the Kielce Technology Park and investment areas.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Office complex in Kielce. Photo: Łukasz Zarzycki.

buildings or their parts and structures related to business activities in the field of production. The draft resolution introduces a real estate tax exemption for newly constructed buildings or their parts and structures related to business activities in the field of production, constituting an initial investment, located in Kielce. The adoption of the resolution allows entrepreneurs carrying out initial invest­ ments to obtain real estate tax exemption for a maximum period of 3 years.

CLOSER TO BUSINESS The Mayor of Kielce, Bogdan Wenta, con­ siders good contacts with entrepreneurs to be a priority in his local govern­ment


the usable area will be high-standard

activity. In addition to proposing resolu­

The city of Kielce has a constantly growing

office space.

tions exempting real estate tax, he person­

potential for the development of the office

The real estate tax exemption for

ally visits companies located in the city,

sector: 20,000 students, good quality of

newly built office space is a clear sign

talks with owners and employees. This

life, location between two strong centers,

for companies from the modern business

takes place as part of the Closer to Busi­

which are Warsaw and Kraków, by the S7

services sector and office space develop­

ness initiative, which aims to show

expressway, and companies that have

ers that Kielce wants to be at the fore­

the potential of local companies, support

been operating for many years make

front of cities with top-class office space

their development and promote entrepre­

a favorable climate for investment. This

and attracting the modern business ser­

neurship. Through a series of direct visits

is reflected in the proposal for resolu­

vices sector.

to the companies, the Kielce authorities

tions on the property tax exemption for newly built office and production build­ ings, which were adopted by the Kielce City Council. The resolution on the exemption from real estate tax for the initial invest­ ment in the field of newly built office buildings was a response to the trend and expectations of investors visible through­ out Poland. This is an important progress

The city of Kielce has a constantly growing potential for the development of the office sector: 20,000 students, good quality of life, location between two strong centers, which are Warsaw and Kraków, by the S7 expressway, and companies that have been operating for many years make a favorable climate for investment.

in creating the economic development of Kielce.

This is an important step for Kielce

want to present the current needs of

The adoption of the resolution

– resolutions along with other incen­

enterprises and talk about how to support

allows entrepreneurs carrying out ini­

tives for investors offered in the city,

their development by creating favorable

tial investments to obtain real estate

incl. human capital, competitive rental

conditions for running a business.

tax exemption for a maximum period

prices, or the support offered, are

So far, the president has already

of 3 years. The resolution introduces

a bargaining chip in the competition for

visited companies from the IT, produc­

an exemption from real estate tax for

new investments.

tion and food sectors. The visits are very

newly constructed buildings with a usable

Another important document is

popu­lar in the local media, and more

area of at least 3,000 m2, related to run­­­­-

also a draft resolution on real estate

entrepreneurs are waiting in the queue

ning a business, where at least 80% of

tax exemption for newly constructed

to host the Mayor.

More information Investor Assistance Centre | Kielce City Hall Strycharska 6 Street, 25-659 Kielce Phone: +48 41 36 76 571, 41 36 76 557, e-mail:,


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

FOCUS ON complete reports about Polish cities


Contemporary Katowice The last two years have clearly highlighted the transformations that are taking place in almost all sectors and industries of the economy. Here, the COVID-19 pandemic has become either an intrinsic generator of transformations or their undeniable intensifier.

It is difficult to make unambiguous value

knowledge-based economic sectors.

were 120 centers with a much higher

judgments about such transformations.

A high level of education, knowledge

level of employment. What needs to be

In some cases, they have had a very posi­

of foreign languages, ability to work in

particularly emphasized, this sector is

tive impact on the development the cer­

a modern business environment, and

characterized by an extraordinary diver-

tain industries, such as e-commerce or

familiarity with advanced IT and tech­

sity in terms of the type the services pro­

courier services, while in others – such as

nological tools – these are the dominant

vided, because it includes both a wide

MICE or HoReCa – they have clearly be­­­

features of employees who find employ­

range of IT and technology services, as

come the beginning of negative economic

ment in the most dynamically develop­

well as telecommunication services, but

consequences that bear the hallmarks of

ing industries, and the abundant human

also logistics, banking, finance and

a crisis.

resources of such high quality are cur­

accounting, payroll, HR and human re­­

In this context, it is worth taking

rently one of the most important factors

sources management services which are

a closer look at the economy of Katowice

influencing the attractiveness of Kato­

gaining more and more popularity in

in search of the most significant features

wice. The knowledge-based industries,

the international environment. The best

determining the current directions and

the development of which so significantly

proof of their scale and range is the fact

scale of its transformation. Most reports

shapes the economic image of Katowice

that companies from this sector offer

and studies stress the phenomenon of

today, comprise three harmoniously con­

their clients specialized services in more

Katowice's economic transformation

nected areas – the business services sec­

than 30 languages!

which, in just three decades, has com­

tor, R&D centers of new technologies, and

In relation to research and develop­

pletely shattered the city's decades-long

the creative industry, with a particular

ment centers for new technologies, it is

stereotyped image. A good example of

focus on the computer games sector.

worth pointing out, that they have a long

the changes is the development of busi­ ness tourism, where Katowice before the pandemic recorded a steady upward trend exceeding the magic limit of 1 mil­ lion visitors in 2019. This is not just an effect of Kato­ wice's effective promotional campaign, but a verifiable set of facts that have been objectively recognized and appreciated by, for example, granting the city the sta­

The knowledge-based industries, the development of which so significantly shapes the economic image of Katowice today, comprise three harmoniously connected areas – the business services sector, R&D centers of new technologies, and the creative industry, with a particular focus on the computer games sector.

tus of host of the 11th edition of the World


Urban Forum, that will held in June 2022

The business services sector is

tradition in the structure of science and

under the theme Changing our cities

the most talked about one because al­­­­

the economy of the whole agglomeration

towards a better future.

ready in the middle of 2021 in Katowice

and can boast an impressive track record,

So what is the phenomenon of

and the Upper Silesia Metropolis in 115

the particular attribute of which has been

Ka­towice and the new quality the city's

centers providing IT, BPO, SSC/GBS, R&D

and still is a close relationship between

economic structure, in which we can see

services, located in the of Upper Silesia

the solutions developed and the needs

the great dynamics of development?

capital and the Metropolis, it gave em­­­

of the dynamically operating industry.

The answer is simple – in the last

ployment to an impressive number of

The change of the profile of these centers

years the leading branches have become

27,500 people. By the end of 2021 there

and directions of research results from

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Photo: Przemysław Borsuk, Katowice City Hall.

economic transformations in the context

The above presented information

from the academic education, Katowice

of which the heavy mining, metallurgy,

shows, that the transformation the Kato-

can also boast an excellent educational

machine-building and chemical indus­

wice's economy towards knowledge-

offer at the level of secondary educa­

tries give way to the production of tech­

-based industries would not be possible,

tion, which also includes, for example,

nologically advanced products for which

if it were not driven by science and edu­

the P-TECH world programme whose

innovative solutions based on the results

cation institutions. In the case Katowice

main goal is to support local communi­

of the latest scientific research and tech­

and Metropolis GZM, they provide on

ties by properly preparing young people

nical expertise are necessary, all the more

the labour market 23,000 well-edu­

to work in IT professions, where apart

so because the current research areas

cated graduates every year. Therefore,

from a high school diploma they need

are being extended into completely new

it is worth pointing out what potential

appropriate skills, but not necessarily

fields, such as technological effectiveness

the Upper Silesia capital city can boast.

several years of the university education.

or nanotechnology. Katowice and Upper Silesia can also be impressive, cause the Silesian Voivodeship has the largest number the industrial, scientific and tech­ nological parks in Poland – 23, of which 8 centers are located in Katowice.

The transformation of Katowice's economy towards knowledge-based industries would not be possible, if it were not driven by science and education institutions

The importance of the creative in­

Currently in GZM Metropolis ope­

With such an impressive potential

dustry, including the computer games

rate 26 higher education institutions

in the science and education area the City

industry, for the dynamic development of

(including affiliates), educating ca. 90

of Katowice in cooperation with the Uni­

Katowice has already been mentioned in

thousand students, and Katowice has 11

versity of Silesia have been consistently

our last publication "Focus on Business"

universities with almost 52 thousand stu­

striving to formally confirm its high status

in the article "Katowice – the best game to

dents. What requires special emphasis is

in education area as "a city with a special

play", one of the most spectacular proofs

closer direct cooperation of Kato­wice's

role in the science development". There­

of the importance of the gaming industry

universities with employers' organisa­

fore, as a result of joint actions, the pres-

in Katowice are the Intel Extreme Mas­

tions, production companies operat­

tigious title has been obtained and in 2024

ters e-gaming championships, which take

ing on the basis the advanced technolo­

Katowice will be the European Capital of

place every year in the capital of Upper

gies, science and technology parks and


Silesia and are a global event.

business services sector. And yet, apart

More information Investors Assistance Department Katowice City Hall

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Business Summary of the Year 2021 in Poznań

Last year was excellent for business in Poznań. We announced 13 new investments in the modern services and IT sectors. In addition, companies, present in Poznań for many years, have developed significantly. In comparison with the year 2020, we observed the growth in the number of students in Poznań. For the third time, we have organised one of the most substantive events for IT specialists – the Pozitive Technologies conference.

– The investment potential of Poznań is

the category of the "Most dynamical­­­­­­­-

IT, among others Infosys, ALTEN Polska,

proved by investors’ decisions, who more

ly developing city in Poland". Both

B. Braun, Transcom or Nobl9. Over 120

and more often choose our city and cre­

the Moody’s Investors Service agency and

BPO/SSC, employing in total over 24 thou­

ate here attractive workplaces for our

the Fitch Ratings confirmed Poz­nań’s high

sand workers operate in Poznań.

residents, as well as by high international

rating in 2021. It means that the City has

Last year we have celebrated seve­

ratings of the Fitch and Moody’s agency.

a very high capacity of keeping its com­

ral anniversaries. The MAN Shared Ser­

I am glad that the employment rate in

mitments. The stable prognosis notifies

vices Center was opened in Poznań 15

Poznań is becoming low again, retur­ning

that Poznań’s financial credibility should

years ago. The McKinsey office has been

to the pre-pandemics levels. Last year

not change in the nearest future.

operating in our city for a decade. Rock­

proves that we manage to create a great

wool Global Business Service Center,

climate for investments and that busi­


Volkswagen Group Services and Cap­

nesses can develop and grow here – states

The year 2021 abounded in new invest­

gemini are present in Poznań for already

Jacek Jaśkowiak, the Mayor of Poznań.

ment projects in the sectors prioritised

5 years. Computacenter has celebrated its

In April, at the CEE Business Ser­

for the City of Poznań. We have anno­

third anniversary. All employers declared

vices Summit&Awards 2021 confe­rence,

unced 13 new investments in the sec­

to increase employment soon, enlarging

the City of Poznań was the winner in

tor of modern services for business and

their staff in Poznań.

Deputy Mayor of Poznań Bartosz Guss with representatives of Poznań business during the ABSL gala.


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

In the middle of 2021, we published the second edition of the IT Sector Investment Potential in Poznań 2021 report, prepared for us by ManpowerGroup. At the occasion of the premiere of the report a debate of experts, who tried to answer the question Is the IT sector is booming during the pandemic period? was held. Poznań is the second most attractive city for business in Poland according to the Business Environment Assessment Study, carried out by Antal, Cushman & Wakefield and Vastint.

Additionally, the Chinese company

most important real estate industry­-

partners and the program council – says

Tuopu – the world leader in producing

-related events in Europe – the fair MIPIM

Katarzyna Sobocińska, Deputy Head of

components for electric-powered cars,

in Cannes and Expo Real in Munich.

Investor Relations Department.

has announced its new investment in

– This year’s offer of municipal pro­

In the middle of 2021, we pub­

Poznań. Over 450 people will get a job

perties turned out to be very attractive

lished the second edition of the "IT Sec­

in its modern factory. Although we have

for investors. The property at Olsztyń­

tor Investment Potential in Poznań 2021"

not presented it officially yet, another

ska street and the investment fields in

report, prepared for us by Manpower­

new Chinese investment in the produc­

the Franowo area and the Rataje round­

Group. At the occasion of the premiere

tive sector – the Sinoboom factory will

about were sold in the tenders organi­sed

of the report a debate of experts, who

hire around 100 people.

in 2021. Now our priority is to sell further

tried to answer the question "Is the IT

It is worth mentioning that the de­­­­-

properties at the corner of Hetmańska and

sector is booming during the pandemic

mand for warehouse spaces has increa-

Górecka streets and the Unii Lubelskiej

period?", was held. At the headquar­

sed during the pandemics (in Poznań at

street – stresses Bartosz Guss, the Depu­ty

ters of the Data Center a dis­

the record level of +31% y/y). Currently,

Mayor of Poznań.

cussion on the recruitment process took

i.a., two large logistic investments of Panattoni are in progress in the Poznań

The up-to-date offer of investment areas is available on our website.

Agglomeration area, of a total area of 70 thousand sqm. The CLIP company is enlarging its transshipment terminal.

De­­mand for warehouse spaces has increased during the pandemics (in Poznań at the record level of +31% y/y).

place. Justyna Mazur, head of Expe­ ris IT Perm (ManpowerGroup), Beata Lewicka­-Arendt, head of HR


and Wojciech Wencel, CEO summ-it took part in it.

Over the last year, we carried out many

On social media and the website,

projects aimed at the promotion of the em-

we posted a series of publications enti­

ployers in Poznań, though the most

tled "Start IT up! In Poznań", which was

important one was undoubtedly the third

dedicated to companies whose success

Pozitive Technologies conference.

stories started in Poznań. In a series of

– Nearly 1000 participants from

posts and articles, we presented the most

Poland and abroad registered to attend

interesting projects of summ-it, STX Next,

this year’s edition. Panels were divided

Verseo, Curiosum, IC Solution and Mood

into 5 thematic tracks – NaraMobile,

up Team.

GrundSec, WilData, Jeżyce ++ i PiątkOps.

Furthermore, we attended the JOBI­


For the first time, Żabka company became

CON, the festival of job offers, organi­sed

the strategic partner of our event. Obvi­

by The participants could find

After a break due to the pandemic, this

ously, Pozitive Technologies could not take

out more about the current job offers

autumn we again took part in the two

place without the support of our other

of the employers operating in Poznań

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Fifth anniversary of the Capgemini branch in Poznań.

during the online meetings with repre­

the city. The scholarship is predicted for

for co-financing 10 internship places.

sentatives of two HR agencies – CPL Jobs

six months in the amount of PLN 6,000.

We are also continuing cooperation

and HAYS. In the "Poznań #EMPLOYS"

After completing the internship, it is

with Poznań universities in the field of

file we published job offers of nearly 30

required to employ an intern and main­

promoting the city as a strong academic

companies operating in Poznań. Many

tain the workplace created in this way

centre. At the beginning of February,

employers are looking for candidates

for 6 months.

an agreement for the launch of the base

with knowledge of foreign languages. In the folder, we have especially high­ lighted job offers for foreigners without knowledge of Polish (or with basic knowl­ edge of Polish). These include the offers of such international giants as Carl Zeiss, Carlsberg, Duni EFF, Franklin Templeton,

The Adam Mickiewicz University and the Poznań University of Technology have signed a letter of intent with IBM on the creation of new fields of study related to quantum computer science.

Imperial Tobacco, Lorenz, Lumen, MAN, Miele, and Roche.

Last year, a scholarship program


was signed. Thanks to it, the Poznań

– We begin the year 2022 by updating

Supercomputing and Networking Center

the "Move to improve" booklet, which is

joined the IBM Quantum Network and

already available on our website. In March,

together with Polish scientists and IBM

the stand of the City of Poznań once again

will develop quantum-computing tech­

will be presented at the MIPIM invest­

nology. In addition, the Adam Mickiewicz

ment and real estate fair in Cannes. We

University and the Poznań University of

also believe that in the autumn of 2022

Technology have signed a letter of intent

we will meet in person in Poznań during

with IBM on the creation of new fields of

the fourth edition of the Pozitive Techno­

study related to quantum computer sci­

logies conferen­­ce – sums up Katja Lożina,

ence. Highly qualified employees are one

BOI Director.

of the reasons why Poznań is an attrac­

for students preparing for employment

For 2022, we have planned the con­

in Poznań has been launched once again.

tinuation of many projects and initia­

All updated information from

It aims to make it easier for Poznań stu­

tives. The next edition of our scholar­

the Poznań business may be followed at

dents to find attractive internships, and

ship program for Poznań students has

the "Invest in Poznan" profile on Face­

then to work in companies operating in

already started. This year, we have funds

book and LinkedIn.

tive city for investment.

More information Investor Relations Department | City of Poznań Za Bramką 1 Street, 61-842 Poznan Phone: +48 61 878 54 28, e-mail:


Focus on Business | March–April 2022


IT & more

IT is a Bydgoszcz specialty on the Polish market of modern business services. This is evidenced by, among others, a high concentration of IT companies in the City, which makes Bydgoszcz one of the leading locations chosen by global technology companies. Local competences and an attractive investment environment of the City are also important. Thanks to these, for many entities, Bydgoszcz has become a convenient place to expand business activities with more and more advanced projects, including the R&D area which is of key importance for the further development of the industry.

In Bydgoszcz, IT is responsible for ap­­­

and offer attractive jobs in internatio­

automation activities. Moreover, in 2020

proximately 80% of employment in

nal teams implementing projects on

the investor decided to establish a new

the entire sector of modern business ser­

a global scale.

company focused on IT research and

vices. The dominant share of companies

development – Atos Poland R&D. A sepa­

of the sector distinguishes the City from


other BSS centres in Poland. The main

Atos GDC Poland has been intensively

representatives of the sector in the City

developing its activity in Bydgoszcz for

are developing specialised business pro­

years. It has become the largest entity

cesses and realise projects for the lar­gest

from the BSS sector on the local market,

global IT, telecommunications, insu­rance,

and in 2019 it moved its headquarters

or automotive companies, confir­ming

here. Specialists from Bydgoszcz carry

the highest level of services and compe­

out strategic projects for global clients

tences of their Bydgoszcz branches.

and participate in work on such impor­

from this industry in the local structure

Service centres of such global cor­

tant and prestigious projects as, for exam­

porations as Atos, Nokia, Asseco and Sii,

ple, IT services for the Olympic Games, for

already existing in Bydgoszcz, appreci­

the office of the Prime Minister of Belgium

ate the qualified specialists, office oppor­

or the Municipal Service Center for Refu­

tunities offered in the City, as well as

gees from Ukraine in Bydgoszcz, as part

the region's experience in supporting acti-

of which the company launched a dedi­

vities in this field. The competences and

cated helpline to register refugee visits.

availability of staff, convenient location

Atos GDC Poland develops R&D

or the City's attractive investment offer

activities through the Atos + Google part­

also encourage new entities from the IT

nership, IOT projects and a wide range of

rate R&D department was created as a response to the needs in the field of new

Specialists from Bydgoszcz carry out strategic projects for global clients and participate in work on such important and prestigious projects as, for example, IT services for the Olympic Games, for the office of the Prime Minister of Belgium or the Municipal Service Center for Refugees from Ukraine in Bydgoszcz.

industry to enter the Bydgoszcz market. The prospect of further develop­ ment of the IT industry in Bydgoszcz is currently related to, among others, the dynamic growth of the e-commerce market, the development of cloud tools, data security, 5G technology, industry 4.0, and smart city solutions, as well as auto­ mation, or the possibility of cooperating with various other sectors and indus­ tries. Therefore, companies located in Bydgoszcz are not slowing down – they develop innovative technologies, invest in R&D activities, develop novel solutions


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

technologies and innovations, as well as the implementation of end-to-end pro­ jects. Just a year after starting its ope­ra­ tions, the company received the status of a Research and Development Centre from the Ministry of Development and Technology, and recently registered two new patents. – The latest ideas registered by the R&D company are dedicated to deepsea shipping and concern increasing effi­ ciency while reducing CO2 and SO2 emis­

sions. They fit into the global Atos strategy of offering environmentally friendly solu­ tions and developing a zero-emission IT world – emphasizes Aleksandra Tyszkie­ wicz, Research Lead at Atos Poland R&D. – The number of new patents clearly shows our innovativeness. Having them increases our credibility and proves our constantly strengthening position in the field of tech­­­nical solutions – comments Robert Wichłacz, member of the Atos Poland R&D management board., operating on the Bydgoszcz market since 2018, has also been running interesting projects that also con­ tribute to the protection of the natural environment. The company produces advanced information systems based on artificial intelligence and deep machine learning. In addition to implementing commercial projects, it actively partici­ pates in the scientific development of these fields, and teams have

The IT industry in Bydgoszcz has its well-established, historical traditions – it derives from the telecommunications industry, which has been rooted in the City for decades, strongly connected with the education system.

been occupying leading positions in pres­

IT DEVELOPMENT IN LINE WITH THE BYDGOSZCZ TRADITION The IT industry in Bydgoszcz has its well-established, historical traditions – it derives from the telecommunica­ tions industry, which has been rooted in the City for decades, strongly con­ nected with the education system. Today, the over 90-year tradition of the ICT industry in Bydgoszcz is successfully continued and constantly developed by Nokia. Nokia's internal factory in Byd­ goszcz, the Industrial Competence Cen­ tre (one of three in the world), deals with the integration and testing of advanced systems and ICT networks. It is also here that the company has created its Techno­

tigious global competitions in the field of

and the smart city idea, are also created

logy Centre, which combines the know­

advanced data analysis for years.

in PIXEL in Bydgoszcz. The company pro­

ledge and experience of experts from

One of the most interesting deeps­

duces electronic devices and IT systems

many different departments of Nokia in projects was the system created

primarily for the public transport market

one location.

for the National Oceanic and Atmos­

(public transport and railways). Recently,

The largest branch of Nokia Soft­

pheric Administration – an American

in Białystok, the company has introduced

ware R&D in Poland is located in Bydgo­

governmental institution that deals with

and implemented an advanced toll col­

szcz, which creates software for the lar­

protection of the oceanic fauna and flora.

lection system – Smart PixBee Tariff.

gest operators in the world from the con­

The aim of this project was to develop

The latest project of PIXEL is a dynamic

cept stage to implementation. The com­

an automatic whale identification sys­

passenger information with displays in

pany is also included in the group of

tem based on the analysis of aerial pho­

the ECO-SDIP e-paper technology. It is

leaders in the field of ICT services, and

tographs to track the migration of spe­

characterized primarily by a minimal

the Global Services Delivery Excellence

cific representatives of this endangered

power consumption which, combined

department with the Service R&D team

species and to develop protection over

with the installed photovoltaic panels,

located in Bydgoszcz is behind the success

the entire population. Based on artifi­

ensures energy autonomy for the devices.

of these projects. The Bydgoszcz depart­

cial intelligence and computer vision,

– We develop and introduce innovative

ment deals with architecture, program­

the system successfully replaced long-

solutions, thanks to which both the trans­

ming and testing of solutions that are

term manual analyzes by researchers,

port operator and travelers see benefits.

used by telecommunications giants in

reducing the process of identifying indi­

As a result, we encourage passengers to

the United States on a daily basis for net­

vidual whales from three hours to just

use public transport as often as possible,

work management, development plan­

three minutes.

which has a positive impact on the qual­

ning and designing new services. Every

ity of the surrounding environment – sum­

day, huge amounts of data are automati­

marizes PIXEL.

cally collected and processed, allowing

Technologically advanced solu­ tions, in line with pro-ecological trends

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



not only to solve current problems, but also to predict potential issues. All this means that the servers in Bydgoszcz are constantly working on over a thou­ sand projects at the same time, and the services are provided in the "follow the sun" model.

LOCAL SKILLS AND TALENTS FUEL THE INDUSTRY It is human capital that is a strong advan­ tage of Bydgoszcz and that is noticed by companies from the IT industry investing here. The local specialisation of the City means, among others, better access to talen­ted specialists. Bydgoszcz has a good academic base and is constantly develo­

the City organized by local IT companies

partner relations with the environment.

ping its potential in creating IT staff.

– "bITconf", or the annual event of Nokia

In the coming year, we will signi­ficantly

Also at the level of secondary schools,

"IT Women", promoting science and infor­

expand our recruitment activities.

the City focused on education with a tech­

mation technology among women, show­

On the local market, WTT is also

nical profile, and the Electronic Techni­

ing many opportunities for professional

an example of an innovative approach

cal School in Bydgoszcz is one of the best

development in the industry of modern

in selecting staff: – We extend the tradi­

in the country. In addition, Bydgoszcz


tional approach based on roles and posi­

actively supports cooperation between

– Bydgoszcz is a dynamically deve­

tions (Tech Lead, UI Engineer, QA Engi­

science and business. Bydgoszcz pupils

loping agglomeration with a strong techni­

neer, etc.) by understanding what kind

and students benefit from attractive

cal background – notes Łukasz Mądrzak-

of skills our employees have (skills-based

programmes of patronage classes and

Wecke, CTO at Wunderman Thompson

approach). Instead of the role an employee

courses created in cooperation with com­

Technology (WTT). – When you think about

plays in the project, we plan to organise

panies investing in the City.

Bydgoszcz, you can think of res­pected

work based on competences (e.g. creating architecture, fixing application errors).

The potential of the Bydgoszcz IT industry is primarily talented specialists representing various fields, many interesting projects focused on creating more and more advanced solutions, as well as the stories of global successes of our investors.

This will result in the development of peo­ ple adjusted to the emerging project needs. We open doors (also completely remote ones) for front-end, Java, .NET program­ mers, project managers, AI specialists and technology enthusiasts who will feed our ranks with knowledge and innovation – comments Łukasz Mądrzak-Wecke. – The potential of the Bydgoszcz IT

The development of human resour­­

universities, valuable meet-ups and meet­

industry is primarily talented specialists

ces for the IT industry in Bydgoszcz is

ings devoted to the industry, as well as

representing various fields, many inte­

also fostered by more and more initia­

intensive development of IT companies.

resting projects focused on creating more

tives popularising the research and devel­

The City can be proud of strong IT staff and

and more advanced solutions, as well

opment sector, and building a commu­

talented young people interes­ted in new

as the stories of global successes of our

nity around the industry itself. Bydgoszcz

technologies and focused on education in

investors. This is our local specialty, which

hosts, for example, meetings of specia­lists

this direction. By running one of the offices

undoubtedly constitutes a unique element

who exchange practical knowledge on

in Bydgoszcz, we create jobs and contri­

of the investment offer of our City – sum­

an ongoing basis, the Bydgoszcz Hacka­-

bute to the City's business development.

marises Edyta Wiwatowska, President of

thon initiated by the Bydgoszcz IT Clus­

We employ fantastic people who want

the Management Board of the Bydgoszcz

ter, the typically technical confe­rence in

to develop their skills and we establish

Regional Development Agency.

More information Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency 4C Unii Lubelskiej Street, 85-059 Bydgoszcz Phone: +48 52 585 88 23, e-mail:


Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Work With Us. Work The Future. Talent acquisition and development of the best specialists determines the success of organization on the market as never before. Cpl deliver advanced RPO solution that comprehensively supports the company's development in the current talent shortage. Looking for Recruitment Process Outsourcing services?


SOFTSERVE POLAND WILL EMPLOY 1,000 PEOPLE IN 2022. SEBASTIAN DRZEWIECKI IS THE NEW COUNTRY MANAGER gender equality and support women in business. The company employed a new managing director to meet the ambi­ tious goals of its new business strategy. At present, SoftServe Poland employs nearly 1,000 people, and the company plans to double this number by the end of the year. They will include experts in the areas of data analysis and migra­ tion – Big Data, DevOps, Cloud, but also artificial intelligence, machine learn­ ing or augmented reality and more. These experts will be working for cli­ ents from Europe, USA and the APAC region. Increasing number of clients (mainly from FinTech, Healthcare, and new technologies industries), projects


SoftServe Poland presents a refreshed

-Packard, and Sabre – in Poland, the Philip­-

(by more than 70 in 2021 alone), employ­

development strategy. Sebastian Drze­

pines, India, China, Malaysia, and Costa

ees or even geographical locations (in

wiecki, the company's new vice presi­

Rica. When managing an organization,

2021 SoftServe Poland has expanded

dent and Country Manager of the Polish

he believes in proper relations between

to 3 new cities) – it all creates new

branch, will be responsible for its imple­

key stakeholders and his team, which

challenges related to the functioning

mentation. Ambitious goals have been

he builds on the foundation of transpa­

of the operational offices. In the near

set, such as increasing employment by

rent communication, mutual trust, and

future, the company expects to improve

1,000 people, strengthening the compa­

a development-oriented working envi­

its internal structure and processes in

ny's position in local markets and adapt­

ronment. In his free time, Drzewiecki

order to accommodate the business

ing the structure and internal processes

runs a podcast and a blog titled “Mod­

growth. Additionally, it seeks to become

of the organisation to changing business

ern Leader” [“Nowoczesny Lider”]. He is

an employer of choice in the highly com­


an active mentor and a winner of multi­

petitive market for IT professionals.

Sebastian Drzewiecki is a manager

ple industry awards, recently received

Paweł Łopatka, the former coun­

with over 20 years of experience in IT.

an award in the Male Champion of

try manager of SoftServe Poland,

Throughout his career, he has led the deve-

Change category in the Sukces Pisany

remains within the company and is

lopment of technology centers for com­

Szminką foundation competition. It is

now a Client Success Lead. He will help

panies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Hewlett-

a recognition for his efforts to promote

develop a new market, APAC region.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022


countries – says Sebastian Młodziński,

TIMATE’s Chief Business Development


Officer. He will be responsible for setting

Grzegorz Cichoń is a manager with

up a network of distribution partners in

nearly 20 years of professional experi­

Europe as well as developing and imple­

ence. For a long time he worked for Eti­

menting a strategy aimed at launching

soft. He was responsible for sales devel­

the TIMATE system in foreign markets.

opment on foreign markets among other

The TIMATE system has been on

duties. He studied law at the Univer­

the market since 2019. Today, thousands

sity of Silesia in Katowice and he also

of TIMATE cards are operating in many

holds the MBA degree from the Oxford

Polish businesses. They mainly include

Brookes University.

companies from the sectors of logistics

At TIMATE, he will be organising

(Raben Logistics), manufacturing (Hal­

an international network of distributors

and who will enthusiastically recommend

sang) and healthcare (ALAB).

for the purpose of selling our product in

it. Therefore, it will not be a large network

selected European markets.

of distributors. We will choose seve­ral

– We have a strong network of cus­ tomers in Poland and many companies are

– Our goal is to start collaborating

companies for whom TIMATE will be­­­

testing our solution as part of the Proof of

with distributors who specialise in imple­

come the key system in their portfolio –

Concept. The TIMATE system is proven to

menting IoT solutions and have custo­mers

says Grzegorz Cichoń. The new mem­

be reliable and ready to operate in orga­

who are potentially interested in using

ber of TIMATE’s team will also manage

nisations of different sizes. We are fully

the TIMATE system. Importantly, we want

the collaboration with the company’s

prepared to offer our product in other

partners who will understand our product

Polish partners.

KAROL GREJBUS HAS BEEN APPOINTED TO THE POSITION OF ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR IN SAVILLS OFFICE AGENCY delivering offices for new work models. Prior to joining Savills, Karol was Head of Tenant Representation at Knight Frank. In the course of his professional career, he has advised on more than 100,000 sq m of leases, representing such companies as InPost, X-Trade Bro­ kers (XTB), ENEA S.A, Wonga, and Flint Group. Karol has his personal YouTube channel “Karol Grejbus – Biura wyso­ kich lotów”, dedicated to showcasing unique office locations across Poland. – I am delighted that another experienced and market-leading profes­ sional has joined our team. Karol brings a significant contribution to our grow­ Karol Grejbus, an expert with almost

to office tenants in the Polish market as

ing market position to support our fur­

15 years of commercial real estate expe­

a complementary service to its busi­

ther expansion. I am confident that his

rience, has joined the Tenant Representa­

ness line dedicated to international cor­

extensive experience and fantastic energy

tion team of Savills Office Agency in

porate clients. He will be responsible

will closely align with the nature of our

Poland, led by Jarosław Pilch.

for driving the expansion of Savills cli­

team to deliver true value to our current

Karol Grejbus has been appointed

ent portfolio and providing companies

and future clients – says Jarosław Pilch,

to the position of Associate Director to

with a complete leasing service and assis­

Head of Tenant Representation, Office

further develop the firm’s offer dedicated

tance in response to today’s challenges of

Agency, Savills.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



BSS: this is where work is looking for people An interview with Joanna Wanatowicz, Grafton Recruitment Managing Director.

FOCUS ON Business: Investors are

companies more willing to entrust this

enough. Employer branding, employee

more and more willing to locate in

role to specialized agencies. The employee

opinions, and whisper marketing are

Poland centers focused on servicing

market, the growing role of specialization

playing an increasingly important role.

complex processes e.g. in the field of

in the field of new technologies make also

The most successful companies are spon­

finance, IT, Big Data or research and

the role of recruitment agencies not only

taneous recruiters – if candidates apply

development; robotisation is also beco-

significantly increased, but also changed.

themselves, companies can announce

ming more common. How is the recruit-

They are partners to an ever-increasing

their success.

ment industry changing, in the context

extent, who, together with their princi­

It is worth remembering that can­

of the demand of the modern business

pals, build a recruitment strategy and

didates have easier and easier access

services sector?

a route to reach candidates. Trust and

to information about companies, their

Joanna Wanatowicz, Grafton

knowing what to expect is crucial. As time

organizational culture, opportunities

Recruitment: Poland is a country valu­ed

passes and the projects are carried out,

for development, atmosphere. They

by investors because of its attractive geo-­­ the agencies become more and more

do research, they consult the commu­

graphical location and a good quality-­ familiar with the companies they coop­

nity, they check. The opinions they trust

-to-cost ratio. We have become a deve­

erate with. They often do not multiply

first are those of people who work at

loped and mature shared services mar­

the number of suppliers, but focus on

the recruiting companies. The conclusion

ket. After a downturn, the industry is

cooperation with several or even one in

is obvious – the candidate will choose

thriving, handling increasingly complex

the area of a given specialization. It is

the company that is closest to their valu­es

processes that require specific, speciali­

more efficient, recruiting is done more

and expectations. If it turns out that

zed competencies. It hires all the time.

efficiently and faster.

the promise doesn't match the reality,

This has an impact on the recruitment industry as a whole, which is facing challenges in recruiting employees with the expected and often rare competen­ cies. Meanwhile, companies from abroad began to reach for Polish staff by offeri­ng remote work, interesting projects and higher remuneration. In the BSS sector, we have long been


Employer branding, employee opinions, and whisper marketing are playing an increasingly important role. The most successful companies are spontaneous recruiters – if candidates apply themselves, companies can announce their success.

in the employee market. This is where

For a long time we have been dealing

the hire will leave sooner or later. That

work is looking for people. According to

with the employee market in Poland,

is why the recruitment process is also so

our latest "Business Services 2022" report,

the earnings of employees in the mo-

important, choosing a candidate who will

supply chain (+103 percent), HR and Pay­

dern business services industry are

"blend in" with the company, who will

roll (+93 percent), marketing (+83 per­

constantly growing. How to attract and

function well in it. So what if you recruit

cent), as well as finance (63.7 percent),

then retain qualified employees?

someone with outstanding skills if they

customer service (60.3 percent) and

It is a complex subject. The prob­

accounting (47.1 percent) roles have seen

lem of finding employees has been seen

don't find their way in the organization.

very strong growth over the past year.

for some time, and solving it is a key to

What motivates employees? What bene­-

This growth means competition for staff,

maintaining the growth rate of the BSS

fits are attractive to them today?

even closer cooperation between HR and

industry. Currently, the number of offers

Poles are increasingly looking for

business, and the need for recruiters to

is at a record high. So it is not easy to find

opportunities to influence the organi­

improve their competencies.

employees. Even a very good recruitment

zation. They like to get goals, accomplish

The increasingly difficult and time-

campaign – eye-catching, original and

them on their own, create value, and

-consuming recruitment process makes

full of encouraging information – is not

grow. We have candidates who are not

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

The instability of Polish economy and the supply chain, and above all the geopolitical situation, must not be forgotten.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022



Currently, there are already over 1,600 shared services centers in Poland, and by the middle of this year another 50 will be opened. ABSL data shows that employment in business process outsourcing (BPO), shared services centers (SSC/GBS), information technology outsourcing (ITO) and research and development centers (R&D) exceeded 360 thousand last year, and at the end of 2022 it may reach 370 thousand. Forecasts for the coming years are equally optimistic. Not without significance is the attractiveness of Poland's location on the European map and access to qualified staff.

willing to blindly perform tasks, but sug­

architecture, Big Data, process automa­

expectations. This is all the more chal­

gest improvements. They want to feel part

tion, but also security. At the same time,

lenging because we are seeing tremen­

of the company, not a cog in a big machine.

digital competencies are increasin­gly

dous growth in the demand for recruit­

This is worth keeping in mind. The era of

neces­sary in other industries such as

ers. Competent employees are at a pre­

true leadership meani­ng partnership,

marketing or sales, logistics, finance,

mium – the industry is thus becoming

openness, flexibility is coming. Leaders

accounting. Outsourcing centers employ

vulnerable as it hunts for talents itself.

who don't understand this will lose.

people with very good knowledge of

We exercise caution at the same

What matters is how benefits blend

foreign languages, including niche lan­

time. There may be a slowdown in

into the company culture, how consist­

guages. We can also see that soft skills

demand due to higher costs for compa­

ent they are with it, and whether they are

– openness, flexibility, communication

nies resulting from rising inflation and

a set of benefits from which employees

skills – are becoming more and more

changes in tax legislation. With higher

can choose. News? Companies are outdo­

desirable, not only in customer service.

labour costs, Poland may cease to be

ing themselves with proposals. Interest­ ing benefits are additional days off, e.g. more days every year, and in some orga­ nizations even with no limit. In the era of hybrid work, we all work more, it's harder to separate our personal and

The HR sector is inextricably linked to the economic condition. If it continues to grow, the developmental trend will continue in our industry.

pro­­­­­fessional lives, and we lack distance.


Not surprisingly, this benefit is among

What is the future of the recruitment

an attractive country for foreign inves­

the most popular.

industry since it is doing so well at

tors. The instability of the economy and

the moment?

the supply chain, and above all the geo­

What has changed recently, especially

The HR sector is inextricably linked

political situation, must not be forgotten

under the influence of the pandemic

to the economic condition. If it contin­

either. The crisis across our eastern bor­

in terms of required competencies in

ues to grow, the developmental trend

der is a global crisis.

various professional groups?

will continue in our industry. Last year

I expect companies to increase their

The acceleration of technological

and the beginning of this year were

optimization processes – the competitive­

change, to which the pandemic has con­

record-breaking in professional recruit­

ness of the market requires them to be

tributed significantly, makes the need for

ment of specialists. At Grafton Recruit­

very disciplined with their budgets. How

employees with specialized skills in par­

ment we are still up and running and we

might this affect employment? Employers

ticular areas even greater. The emergence

have many orders. We are focused on

will not want to increase the number of

of more specializations in IT is obvious,

the ongoing challenges of record demand

employees, but to retain the best ones.

there is a need for specialists with high

for employees, labour shortages, rising

competence not only related to cloud

staffing expectations and competency

Thank you for the interview.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022


Focusing on Employees’ needs “2022 will see a definite return of the employee market as for another year we will be facing the lack of specialists. Therefore it should be the time to take care of the needs of employees: the ones we have and those who would like to work for us in the future”, says Rafał Glogier-Osiński, Country Manager at LMC Polska.

FOCUS ON Business: What is happening

expert and specialist positions – who

learn what conditions have to be met in

in the labour market in 2022? What are

impose the conditions. If they want to

order to get the right position. And here

the biggest challenges?

work with us, it is a good sign about

I would see an opportunity for companies

Rafał Glogier-Osiński, LMC Polska:

the way we recruit and induct them – it

and employers to present their offer as

The challenges that recruiters faced

is also positive information about our

one that potential employees should take

before the pandemic have now intensi­

corporate culture.

advantage of.

There has been a high demand for spe­

So the challenge is how to reach with

What, then, should employers pay atten-­­­

cialists for several years, and employers

your offer those who want to change jobs?

tion to in 2022?

are increasingly feeling the lack of people

The challenge is that out of 38 mil­

In the era of the employee mar­

willing to work. The pandemic has only

lion Poles 16.5 million work. According

ket, I would take care of the well-being

accentuated these problems: there are

to the December 2021 Polish Internet

of the team first and foremost. Physical

workforce shortages in all sectors, pro­

Research Mediapanel, there were 14.1

and mental health should be at the top

fessions and specialities.

million internet users who use web­

of the list of things companies need to

2022 will definitely be an employee

sites from the ‘job’ category. These are

address today. Tired, overworked, isolated

market, or to be more precise a labour

the users of all recruitment sites in

and additionally burdened with, for exam­

shortage market. Therefore, it should also

Poland and other sites that post job ads

ple, the remote schooling of their children,

be a time to take care of the needs of em­­­­

or write about work-related topics. This

white-collar workers are beginning to

ployees: the ones we have and those who

is a huge number.

deteriorate in health. It is worth suppor­

fied, they have never actually gone away.

would like to work for us in the future.

Probably not everyone is looking

ting them with health programmes that

for a job, but almost all working Poles are

improve physical condition or, for exam­

How, then, can we find and retain em­­

interested in something related to work.

ple, subsidising ergonomic chairs and fur­

ployees when unemployment is at its

These can be such questions as How to

niture for work at home. I would support

lowest level ever and all Poles who

develop yourself? What are the popular

production department employees with,

want to work already have a job – here

benefits now? How to get a raise?

for example, an additional health package

or abroad? When we are looking for emplo­ yees, let us do it effectively. And let us measure effectiveness not by the num­ ber of CVs received. Rather, it should be measured by the number of hires and the number of employees who stay with

Probably not everyone is looking for a job, but almost all working Poles are interested in something related to work. These can be such questions as How to develop yourself? What are the popular benefits now? How to get a raise?

us after the trial period, i.e. for longer


than three months. This shows that

Poles also make online searches

for the family, facilitating shift work

the recruitment was properly conducted,

for information on specific employers.

for families, flexible working hours for

that we found the right people, that they

Today nothing can be hidden. Everything

peripheral production employees, and

liked working for us.

is known about everyone. Most Poles

subsidising meals, which – incidentally –

We must remember that today it

use the internet to look for a job or to

is a major logistical challenge in the reali­

is rather the employees – especially in

find out about job opportunities, to

­ty of health-­related security regimes.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

2022 will definitely be an employee market, or to be more precise a labour shortage market. Therefore, it should also be a time to take care of the needs of employees.


Once employers have succeeded in

important in every company. And they

recruiting and retaining staff for the long

will need good and – I emphasise it yet

term, it is necessary to continu­ously work

again – effective solutions.

on their commitment and sense of job

2022 will indeed be a difficult year

satisfaction. I would recom­mend pay­

in the labour market: not only because of

ing attention to the needs that the team

the lack of employees, but also the next

themselves signal. It is also worth ask­

waves of the COVID-19 pandemic and tax

ing employees what they need, what is

changes, which are already causing a stir,

important to them, what benefits they

among employers and employees alike.

would choose from the available ones.

All the more reason to pay attention

For example, LMC Polska’s own study1

to whether what we are doing is effec­

shows that Poles value development and

tive and good for our company. And for

training. As many as 65% of the respond­

our people.

ents of our survey said that they would change their job if another employer

What about benefits? In line with what

offered them a better development pack­

you say, we should examine whether

age, e.g. training.

they are effective and tailored to

We cannot forget about training for managers – direct team leaders also

employees. Are benefits the way for enterprises to attract people?

need knowledge and new skills, e.g. how

We hear today about new needs for

to manage a dispersed team, how to

benefits, because the existing COVID-19

build and maintain commitment when

pandemic has turned them upside down.

the team works in a hybrid formula, how

In fact, it makes sense to start by asking

to motivate and appreciate employees.

employees what kind of benefits would

The line supervisor is the first person

increase their sense of satisfaction and

whose skills detect problems. It is also

engagement. From conversations with

the first person who, lacking competence,

employers, but also job candidates,

can seriously harm the employee, them­

I know that employees expect health

selves and the company.

packages extended to immediate family

Will new, different benefits attract employees to companies? What surely will, above all, is a good salary, an empathetic and mature leader, a supportive organisational culture and good opinions about the enterprise or brand found online. There are many opportunities to achieve this.

members, extra days off, meetings with Work takes place online, and recruit-

therapists and home-delivered meals

ment too. Are there solutions that help all

when working remotely.

those who meet in the labour market?

I would also stress the need for

Today, the most important thing

training and development, which I have

Will new, different benefits attract

is to have solutions for employees that

already mentioned. Polish employees

employees to companies? What surely

support their work. Starting with making

want to learn and we know what it is that

will, above all, is a good salary, an empa­

joining a daily video conference fast,

they want to learn. In LMC Polska’s study,

thetic and mature leader, a supportive

simple and intuitive, and ending with

employees have indicated that they need

organisational culture and good opi­

making the flow of documents smooth

language courses (number one), followed

nions about the enterprise or brand

and seamless. All employees may have

by those in the area of personal develop­

found online.

switched to remote work, but it is too

ment and those related to the accelerated

There are many opportunities to

bad if they cannot go online efficiently

digitisation of life and work, e.g. opera­

achieve this. I encourage you to be sen­

or deliver an important presentation

ting computer programs used for profes­

sitive to your employees’ needs in 2022:

because, for example, their private con­

sional purposes.

those you have and those you want

nection is too weak.

to hire.

Other departments in companies

fying the opinion of employees on the be-­­­­­

also need support. It is worth checking

nefits offered, to check whether they

whether certain tasks take up too much

receive what they need, what gives them

time – perhaps we could use a solu­

pleasure and is necessary. It is impor­

Rafał Glogier-Osiński is Country

tion available on the market? There

tant to distinguish between a benefit

Manager at LMC Polska, which owns

are many tools that can support e.g. HR

and a work tool. Are subsidies to elec­

the application Praca Za Rogiem,

departments, which in 2022 will be very

tricity bills and unlimited internet and

the recruitment system Teamio, a portal

home web connection a benefit or simply as well as an online

a reimbursement of additional expenses

learning platform

LMC Polska’s own study conducted on a sample of 2004 working Poles aged 18 to 64 in July 2021.



From time to time, it is worth veri­­­­-

Thank you for the interview.

of an employee?

Focus on Business | March–April 2022


The interview was conducted a few days before the start of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

Are foreign employees cure for the Polish labor market?

More and more Polish entrepreneurs are becoming convinced that employing foreigners is conducive to development of their businesses. We talk to Natalia Myskova, Director of International Recruitment and Justyna Lach, Director of the Progres HR Logistics Line from the Grupa Progres company, about the challenges and overcoming barriers of the process of taking up employment by foreigners in Poland.

FOCUS ON Business: According to ZUS

Belarus, Armenia, Georgia and Mol­

with, and how do you help them? Amid

(Social Insurance Institution in Poland)

dova. Until now, it has been much easier

so many formal procedures, is there

at the end of 2020, a record 725,000

to legally employ people who have just

room for a case-by-case approach?

foreigners were working in Poland,

arrived in Poland, compared to those

J.L.: When it comes to regulations

while in April 2021 there were already

who have been working in our country

concerning foreigners, they change fre­

780,000. Is it easy to employ a foreigner

for some time. This is because a change

quently and we update our knowledge

in our country?

of employer meant a change of residence

practically every day to keep up with

Natalia Myskova, International

permit documents, which was a compli­

them. The greatest barriers concern

Recruitment Director, Grupa Progres:

cated and lengthy process. It is modified

the employment of people from countries

The process of employing foreigners in

by regulations in force from the end of

not covered by the simplified procedure.

Poland has never been simple, but – for­

January 2022. They are intended to make

In most cases, in order to legalise their

tunately – it is easier now than it used

many things easier, including the afo­

stay, foreigners need an “A” permit, which

to be just a few years ago, when only

rementioned laborious procedure for

takes much longer to obtain than a simple

the largest employment agencies were

hiring foreigners when they change

declaration of employment. Apart from

willing to recruit foreigners. It required

positions or move to another employer.

that, there is the time-consuming and

specialist knowledge that few experts possessed. Training on the legalisation of foreigners’ employment was very popu­ lar, and more and more positions were created for specialists dealing with such legalisation, who can now be found in many companies. There has also been

There are noticeable changes in relation to the organisation of foreigners’ employment. Currently, a simplified employment procedure applies to citizens of six countries – Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova.

an increase in the number of small busi­ nesses employing foreign nationals,

Will this happen and will it become sim­

difficult process to obtain a Polish visa.

and helplines have been set up in pub­

pler? It is difficult to say at this point, as

Although we have many people willing

lic offices to answer questions on legal

time is needed – a ‘trial period’ that will

to work in Poland, very many of them

employment. Moreover, instructions,

show how the new rules work in practice.

drop out of the recruitment process at

publications and video consultations


subsequent stages, while they are wait­ Collecting tons of documents, intricate

ing for a set of documents enabling them

Justyna Lach, Director of Progres

rules and complicated official proce-

to come to Poland.

HR Logistics Line, Grupa Progres:

dures – all this looks like an area that

N.M.: Changes in the law require

There are noticeable changes in rela­

requires a lot of knowledge, not to

us to constantly check what the cur­

tion to the organisation of foreigners’

mention the responsibility it entails.

rent regu­lations prescribe. We remove

employment. Currently, a simplified

What kind of barriers connected with

this burden from our clients, to whom

employment procedure applies to citi­

the demand for workers from other

we provide comprehensive service.

zens of six countries – Ukraine, Russia,

countries do your clients come to you

We start with a full audit of their needs.

are available.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Justyna Lach, Director of Progres HR Logistics Line, Grupa Progres.

Then we get down to business – we han­

makes citizens of that country want

dle the entire multi-step process of hiring

to work here in such large numbers?

and retaining workers: legalisation of

What skills and qualities do Polish

resi­dence and work, quarantine, accom­

employers look for in them? And in

modation, training, medical examina­

what industries?

tions, contracts, payment of wages, and

N.M.: The cultural and linguistic

even provision of working clothes for

proximity of Poland and Ukraine, as well

employees. Despite our growing num­

as the very similar mentality of the two

ber of clients, we approach each one

nations, mean that Ukrainians assimilate

indivi­dually and adapt our actions to

quickly in Poland. This works both ways,

the diverse needs of organisations.

and is the reason why Polish employers hire Ukrainians and why Ukrainians

The largest group of foreigners wor­­

willingly choose Poland as a country for

­k ing in our country (about 75% of

labour immigration.

the total) consists of Ukrainians. It

J.L.: I would like to add that when

was in Ukraine that the Progres Group

it comes to employers, Polish companies

opened its first foreign branch. What

value Ukrainians for their commitment,

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

Polish companies value Ukrainians for their commitment, perseverance, willingness to perform professional duties even in difficult conditions, as well as the ability to quickly acquire the competencies required for a given position.



Natalia Myskova, International Recruitment Director, Grupa Progres.

perseverance, willingness to perform

about jobs that require specialisation

professional duties even in difficult con­

and higher qualifications.

ditions, as well as the ability to quickly


acquire the competencies required for

So are workers from the East the cure

a given position. An advantage of Ukra­

for the labour shortages that are

inians is their willingness to work over­

increasingly affecting companies? Are

time and at weekends, which guaran­

employees from Ukraine potentially

tees them the possibility of earning more

those who can stay with the company

and supporting their families living in

for the long term?

Ukraine. Some employers offer jobs for

J.L.: Employees from Ukraine are

couples, they willingly take advantage

a very good solution for Polish compa­

of such offers and come to our country

nies. However, this group may shrink

together, starting a new life here. Indus­

every year, as other EU countries are

tries in which there is no shortage of

increasingly willing to employ our eastern

jobs for Ukrainians and in which they

neighbours, offering them, among other

are most willing to take up work include

things, much higher salaries. We pre­

logistics and manufacturing, although

dict that attracting and keeping Ukrain­

there are more and more enquiries

ians at work will become increasingly

Whether workers from the east will stay in Poland for longer depends on several variables. In our experience, there are groups who not only make such declarations, but actually live in Poland for many months.

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

difficult. Not only will the salary offered

Therefore, it is best to use the services

assistance to return voluntarily to their

be important, but also the social condi­

of large agencies – such as ours – which

country of origin and for the period of

tions, accommodation or free transport

have many years of experience and

the entry ban to Poland to be reduced.

to work, and the additional benefits they

ensure the legality of the employment

Moreover, the provisions of the pandemic

expect, which unfortunately are rarely

process, and support employees at every

shield provide ample scope for resolving

provided in the case of temporary wor­

stage of that process, including after

any problems related to legal residence

kers. And this is a mistake, because

its completion.

and help avoid many of the unpleasant

every additional element and any non-

J.L.: I agree with what Natalia says,

wage benefits make a company’s offer

you should only work with experienced,

situations that arise from working in the black economy.

more distinctive, attract candidates, and make them want to stay with the com­ pany for longer. N.M.: Whether workers from the east will stay in Poland for longer depends on several variables. In our experience, there are groups who not only

The provisions of the pandemic shield provide ample scope for resolving any problems related to legal residence and help avoid many of the unpleasant situations that arise from working in the black economy.

make such declarations, but actually live in Poland for many months. Among

recognisable, proven employment agen­

Is the amended Foreigners Act really

them are foreign students and university

cies that have a good reputation and are

a ‘game changer’? What changes does

graduates starting their careers in low-

able to provide stories of people who

it provide that are beneficial from

skilled jobs, but planning to progress

have used their services. It is important

the point of view of foreign workers

and, over time, change from blue-collar

to check the credibility and opinions of

and employers interested in hiring

to white-collar work. Professional long-­ previous employees. From the beginning

a foreigner to join their team?

-distance movers also include people

of the recruitment process the agency

N.M.: The amendment, which came

moving to Poland with their families, and

should be represented by a person who

into force on 29 January, is in fact the big­

those who have been here for some time

communicates with the candidate in his

gest change in the last 10 years, that is,

and are planning or have started the pro­

or her mother tongue. It is also necessary

since the number of foreigners employed

cess of buying an apartment.

to read the documents you sign, and cer­

in Poland started to increase significantly.

tainly to ask the employer to write them

The most anticipated modifications con­

For a foreigner who does not know our

in your mother tongue or another lan­

cern the extension of the validity period

language and regulations, finding a job

guage you understand. As a preventive

of the declaration of employment and

in Poland can be extremely difficult

measure, before arriving in Poland it is

simplifications in issuing decisions on

and may create a situation in which

advisable to find out where the Ukrai­

temporary stay and work. The question

one is exposed to dishonest interme-

nian embassy is located, which will

remains, will the implemented changes

diaries and companies ready to employ

provide legal and information support

work in practice?

illegally. Every now and again we

if necessary.

receive reports, for example, of viola-

J.L.: I, too, ask myself this ques­ tion and hope that the new rules can be

tions of workers’ rights or of the inhu-

It is no secret that many foreigners are

implemented without too many prob­

mane conditions in which workers

staying in our country illegally. Can

lems. This is particularly important

from other countries are forced to live.

you also help such people who want

because the amended law was needed.

What should a non-Polish person wish-

to “start over” and work in Poland?

Its main changes regarding the exten­

ing to work in our country do to avoid

J.L.: Workers are often employed

sion of the validity of declarations mean

illegally not through their own fault, but

that an employee will be able to work

N.M.: Such situations do happen,

because they have come across a dis­

in Poland for a longer period of time

but they should not. The Progres Group

honest intermediary. Of course, we are

without having to take a break and go

is opposed to such practices and we are

in a position to help such people, but

to Ukraine. In addition, the rules on

doing a lot to counteract them. Our organi­-

we have to look at each case individu­

the validity of Residence Cards and “A”

sation has over 20 branches located in

ally. In addition to support such as legal

Permits are changing – there will be no

Poland and several in Ukraine, each

employment, we can also provide assis­

need, as before, to change documents

staffed by bilingual consultants. Contac­

tance such as professional advice from

when changing positions or rates. This

ting them is the first and fundamental

our legal experts, who are well versed in

will facilitate access to the legal market

step to take to avoid the fraudsters who

current legislation.

for many people who, because of various

such risks?

often mislead workers. Unfortunately,

N.M.: Unfortunately, not every

the number of lawbreakers and dishon­

person working illegally in Poland can

est brokers is high, and we still hear very

be helped. However, we do not leave

often about attempted sales and forger­

them on their own – we advise them to

ies of documents, or unsigned contracts.

contact the border guard and apply for

Focus on Business | March–April 2022

life events, have had to part with their previous employer. Thank you for the interview.


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