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Information and Communication Information

Our world today is undeniably digital Image Manipulation and graphics design GROUP 4

Web design and online creation tools, platforms, and applications

Communication Information

Productivity tools






Editorial’s Note and Process of its Development….. 1


Information and Communication Technologies….. 4

Information Communication BY: Florence Joy Camua….. 1

Technology for a Better Life BY: Yesha Denise Bernal….. 1

Reflection Paper ICT’s Stories BY: Bron B. Benedictos…. 5 Information and Communication Technologies BY: Princess Geronimo….. 6 ICT Our Future BY: Jana Marie C. Rufo…..8 EmTech’s Notes BY: Clarence Philippe V. Salas….. 10 ICT: Information and Communication Technologies BY: Paul Pantaleon….. 11 The ICT Nature and Application BY: Francis Terrence R. Caceres….. 12 What is ICT? BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan….. 13 The Gigantic Impact of ICTs BY: Stephanie Vera C. Garcia….. 14

C. Integration of Produc

Microsoft Word (Mail Mergin BY: Stephanie Vera C. Garcia

Microsoft PowerPoint Present BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdangan Microsoft Excel BY: Princess Geronimo….. 24

Manipulation D. Image Graphics Design….. Infographics

There is Hope With One Vote BY: Bron B. Benedictos….. 27 Guide for 2K22 Election BY: Paul Pantaleon….. 27

Eleksyon 2022 Husgado para BY: Yesha Denise Bernal….. 2

How to be a Responsible Vote BY: Francis Terrence R. Cacere

Your Vote Matters BY: Clarence Philippe V. Salas


n Technology (ICT) 16

How Voting Responsibly Affects our Future? BY: Princess Geronimo….. 30


Factors to Consider when Voting BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan….. 32 The Suffrage: Guide for Electing the Leaders that our Nation Deserves BY: Stephanie Vera C. Garcia….. 34

ctivity Tools….. 19

g) ….. 20

Your Vote is Your Voice BY: Jana Marie C. Rufo….. 36

ation nan….. 21

n and 25

e 6

a sa Hinaharap 27

er es….. 27

s….. 28

Ready set Vote! BY: Florence Joy Camua….. 37


Web Design and Online Creation Tools, Platforms, and Applications….. 38 Webpage Design & Collaborative Reflection

THE DIGITAL WORLD Editor in Chief - Stephanie Vera C. Garcia

Managing Editor - Princess Geronimo

Art and Section Editors - Yesha Denise Bernal - Clarence Philippe V. Salas - Bron B. Benedictos

0 3

Senior Writers - Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan - Paul Pantaleon


Associate and Assistant Editors - Florence Joy Camua - Francis Terrence R. Caceres

Copyeditor - Jana Marie C. Rufo

Editors’ Note


The digital world is defined as all digital tools, smart devices, digital devices and other technologies that are communicating on the internet. The ‘digital world’, sometimes abbreviated as “Digi-World”, is a world that exists parallel to Earth which has a solid link to the data on Earth’s telecommunications networks. Digital is the common language for information, whether in the form of text, pictures or video images. Also, people use both visible and invisible computers. Invisible computers are available on cars, weapons, medical equipment, and transportation systems. The digital world explains how computer software, hardware, network, and systems work. Digital technologies transform the way human’s do business, live, and work. Simply, the ‘digital age’ or information age is the time when large amounts of information are widely available to many people, largely through computer technology. The expression “we live in a digital world”, has been constantly said by most people, but what does it actually mean to be living in a digital world? In this day and age, for almost all individuals in developed countries, digital technologies are involved to some extent in most aspects of our lives, even if we are not aware of it. In the majority of cases, these digital technologies have developed out of a desire to make our lives easier, or more efficient. Our world today is undeniably digital. The pace at which disruptive technologies are arriving is accelerating , and they are changing how we live. CONTRIBUTORS: Digital devices have made our lives better. Technology is about to move much faster and converge with entertainment, Vera Garcia, Princess until life is entertainment and entertainment is life. As our Geronimo, Jana Rufo, digital world grows, devices will have to expand until it can Florence Camua, Lorin serve us totally. This won’t happen instantly. But it’s time to Pagdanganan, Yesha Bernal, start realizing that it will happen. The inspiration behind this Terrence Caceres, Paul magazine is to be able contribute as a member of Summit Pantaleon, Bron Benedictos, Media. Due to the fact that the members are inspired to put their effort by gathering Clarence Salas

Editors’ Note information and editing, we were able to know and utilize our knowledge regarding on Communication Technology (ICT), thus, this online magazine became reality. This magazine was established with the assistance of team members who were inspired by the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). We came up with the concept to develop an online magazine using the information we gathered from the previous discussion because we are well-versed in its utilization. Furthermore, this online magazine was created to represent academic areas of interest and to highlight the members' efforts in developing various ICT-related tasks. Finally, the motivation behind this magazine is to provide individuals with the opportunity to observe or witness a type of online publication that not only contains information but also the team's realizations, perceptions, and commitment to delve deeper to every possible reader. Indeed, technology has a positive impact on collaboration by creating a space in which individuals can get things done in a simpler, faster, and much more productive manner, especially in today's generation. In this magazine, a broad variety of technological tools and resources are utilized to convey, maintain, develop and disseminate information through graphics design, various productivity applications, and website creation. Where the process of creating, expressing, and perceiving



design concepts is effectively and creatively used for function, engagement, and entertainment. All in all, technological improvements enhance modern life in a variety of ways, seeing that they have a significant impact on society and education. Experience is a necessary component of the journey. To get and appreciate more of this website, our group has made the following efforts. The cooperation executed by each members lead us to experience less inconvenience. Following that, everyone is free to write freely on our selected topic, we are able to express our ideas on the subject, accompanied by a valid source. The duties were distributed evenly, making it more convenient for the whole team to finish the task on time. Vera as the editor had difficulty in finding the appropriate template for our chosen topic, despite the fact that there are numerous templates that we can choose from on the Wix website. It takes patience and time to look through the data to verify that it is relevant to our issue. We also experienced difficulties in compiling all of the material and condensing it into paragraphs due to the volume of information. Due to the group's intense cooperation and firm support, this task also had a positive effect on each member because it assisted the group in selecting a relevant and timely issue. Overall, we were able to finish the website due to the group's cooperation and discover new things that help us to learn more.

Editors’ Note Having a simple meeting with the group members helped us to equally distribute the parts and content of the assigned tasks. In that way, we can overview how we will accomplish the task immediately and clearly by making each member productive. Meeting with the subject teacher helped our team to grasp the guidelines, criteria, and content of the tasks. It helps us to generate the overall performance and tasks that must be executed by each member of the group. Also, it helps us to be guided for the assigned tasks that we must accomplish within the given time. To keep the communication going between the members of our team, we’ve created a group chat that serves as our instrument to share ideas and consult each members' work. It helps us to keep connected with each other so that we can easily accomplish the task within the given deadline.

Developing the magazine

Conducting meetings with group members

Meeting with the subject teacher

Consultation with the team’s members



Information and Communication CONTRIBUTORS: Technologies


REFLECTION PAPER Nature of ICT and the application of online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practices in the context of life.

ICT’s Stories BY: Bron B. Benedictos



Information and Techno BY: Princess

Communication ologies Geronimo


8 ICT Our Future BY: Jana Marie C. Rufo


ICT Our Future BY: Jana Marie C. Rufo


EmTech’s Notes BY: Clarence Philippe V. Salas


11 ICT: Information and Communication Technologies BY: Paul Pantaleon

The ICT Nature and Application BY: Francis Terrence R. Caceres


What is ICT?


BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan



The Gigantic I BY: Stephanie

Impact of ICTs Vera C. Garcia



Information Communica

BY: Florence

ation Technology (ICT)

e Joy Camua


Technology for a Better Life BY: Yesha Denise Bernal


MS SOFTWARES Microsoft Word BY: Stephanie Vera C. Garcia The use of mail merging technique is utilized to conveniently create and send multiple documents all at once.

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan The use of hyperlinks, transitions and animations.

Microsoft Excel BY: Princess Geronimo The use of formulas in calculating values.

Integration of Productivity Tools



MICROSOFT WORD Mail Merging BY: Stephanie Vera C. Garcia

Mail Merging

How to Mail Merge? Here’s how: XT/view?usp=sharing


MICROSOFT PPT Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan

Mail Merging



MICROSOFT PPT Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan

Mail Merging



MICROSOFT PPT Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation BY: Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan

Actual PowerPoint Presentation: Yc8BN0xnqlI2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104539805416918101787&rtp of=true&sd=true 22


MICROSOFT EXCEL Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

BY: Princess Geronimo




=SUM(select the cells that you want to add)


=AVE(select the cells that you want to get the average)


=MIN(select the cells that you want to get the minimum value)


=MAX(select the cells that you want to get the maximum value)

Actual Excel Sheet: MgDKzNMaq/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104539805416918101787&rtp of=true&sd=true 23

Image Manipulation and Graphics Design


INFOGRAPHICS Theme: Celebrating #VictoryandHumanity:VOTEWISELY

There is Hope With One Vote

Guide for 2K22 Election

BY: Bron B. Benedictos

BY: Paul Pantaleon



How to be a Responsible Voter BY: Francis Terrence R. Caceres

Eleksyon 2022 Husgado para sa Hinaharap BY: Yesha Denise Bernal



Your Vote

BY: Clarence Ph

e Matters

hilippe V. Salas



How Voting Responsib BY: Princess

bly Affects our Future? Geronimo



Factors to Consi

BY: Lorin Gaile D

ider when Voting

DR. Pagdanganan



The Suffrage: Guide for Electing th BY: Stephanie

he Leaders that our Nation Deserves Vera C. Garcia


36Your Vote is Your Voice BY: Jana Marie C. Rufo

37 Ready set Vote! BY: Florence Joy Camua

Web Design and Online 38 Creation Tools, Platforms, and Applications



Bron B. Benedictos Paul Pantaleon Clarence Philippe V. Salas Francis Terrence R. Caceres Princess Geronimo Jana Marie C. Rufo Loring Gaile DR. Pagdanganan Stephanie Vera C. Garcia Yesha Denise Bernal Florence Joy Camua



Designing the website and establishing meaningful contents are challenging since there’s a criterion that we need to observe. Everything starts from scratch and gladly, with the members’ active participation and cooperation during meetings, we are able to complete all of the required information ahead of time, which causes us to have less inconvenience while the website is being developed. The members' suggestions, comments, and critiques assist our website become more organized and aligned with the content standard that this activity requires. Stephanie Vera C. Garcia

WEBPAGE Creating a webpage, including its contents, will take time and effort from those who are involved in the project. Writing a content demands patience and time when reading searched information, because it is better to be paraphrased, and keep it aligned to our topic. Collaboration within the team will make the output richer because of the ideas contributed by the creators.


Lorin Gaile DR. Pagdanganan

WEBPAGE I had a difficult time analyzing the criteria and requirements needed because this task involves ICT, which is a subject about which I am unfamiliar. However, with the assistance of my groupmates, we were able to do our responsibilities successfully, and they helped me comprehend the process in ways I never imagined. We supported each other in completing the required content, and by working together, we were able to finish the task in such a way that each of us was able to prove our knowledge and expertise.


Princess Geronimo

WEBPAGE Knowing that we will have to create a website for a performance task makes me feel overwhelmed and pressured as I anticipated there would be a lot of tasks that needed to be completed in a short period of time. Fortunately, all of the group members are cooperative, making the task easier and simpler to complete. Since our group has participants who are willing and devoted to our initiatives and obligations, we are able to complete all of the essential information promptly.


Jana Marie C. Rufo

WEBPAGE The task I chose is not that easy for me but with the help of my comember I find it much easier. Gathering data about factors and reasons why they are vulnerable in fake news is fun, because it gives me more knowledge and lessons as well.


Florence Joy Camua

WEBPAGE After announcing that the final task for this quarter will be a website, I find myself befuddled because there is so much going on, primarily because we need to finish our research. Developing a website requires time, effort, and multiple changes to work. It is challenging, I admit, but because I have exceptionally cooperative groupmates, it makes the task more manageable, and we comply on time.


Yesha Denise Bernal

WEBPAGE Having an idea that we are going to create a website in performance task 4 , I feel overwhelmed because my performance task 3 is not yet done. Honestly I'm having a hard time accomplishing my task but because of my group mates that are very motivated to do their own task, it makes me motivated also in doing my task. I accomplish my task more easily because of my group mates that are always there when I have a question.


Paul Pantaleon

WEBPAGE In making PETA 4, website production, our cooperation was really in full swing and it ended quickly due to the good cooperation of each member. It’s scary because it’s a heavy task anchored in two subjects. So, even if we finish it quickly, our website is definitely creative, productive, and informative. The activeness of each member also helped a lot so that we could produce the output we were asked to. So, worth the effort and time with the beauty of our website.


Clarence Philippe V. Salas

WEBPAGE After I hear the final task that announced I feel the pressure of course because it's a website that we will do and we have to brainstorm and work together as possible because creating a website is not that easy but with teamwork we will finish it accurately


Francis Terrence R. Caceres



Completing the overall tasks that are assigned to the group creates an impact on the group members because there are a lot of tasks that we should accomplish in a week. For that reason, there are some instances that we may feel to experience difficulties due to the assigned tasks as well as the deadlines for each task. More of that, the contribution of each member creates a big role for the group because we are all cooperative in terms of the assigned tasks so that we can easily accomplish the assigned tasks for each member. In that way, we can support each member's needs, especially the time availability in terms of the accomplishment of the group. Bron B. Benedictos

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