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me n tors W H O



G R O T O N ?

On the cover, Melissa De Jesus-Akuete, art teacher and Eleanor Dunn ’20; this page, Classics teacher David Ross

“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” w. e . b. du bois

From the outset, school founder Endicott Peabody understood the importance of role models. His emphasis on a school modeled after a family points to the profound influence of the faculty who work with Groton students. In Mr. Peabody’s era, teachers committed themselves to the thorough development of each student. In this respect, the past certainly has a hold on today’s Groton. Some of the nation’s most prominent leaders in business, service, the arts, and politics—even a president—have attended Groton School. Behind our graduates’ success—decades ago, and today—are faculty members who encouraged, informed, pushed, supported, nudged, and inspired. They taught by example, in and out of the classroom. When you choose to attend Groton School, you choose to join a community where a wide array of talented teachers will know you well. They will challenge you. And with their guidance, you will challenge yourself. Interaction between a teacher and a student is a critical part of anyone’s education. Come to Groton, and meet your mentors.


jennifer wallace H I S T O R Y




T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

Why teach at Groton?

My first international curiosity . . .

I wanted a serious academic high school

In high school I started a Russian club,

that had the resources of a college, and I

and I convinced the school to teach Russian.

wanted to build relationships with students.

It was during the Gorbachev years, and interest was high. When I was a high school

How did teaching in Beirut and the Philippines influence you? Working at international schools made me a better teacher. I picked up innovative ideas and methods working with diverse students, and I’ve brought those ideas back to Groton.

junior, I went to the Soviet Union, and in college I did a semester abroad in Thailand.

Winter running, really? We run outside no matter the weather; we prepare for the Hyannis (MA) HalfMarathon. Most of the students have never done more than a 10K. The esprit de corps is really high. It’s not about speed; it’s about the camaraderie of the group. They finish the half-marathon, and after that they know they can do anything.


BS, MS, Foreign Service, Georgetown University F. Trubee Davison Chair in History Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Jonathan Choate ’60 Award for Excellence in Teaching and Coaching History teacher, American Community School at Beirut, 1998–2000 History teacher, Brent International School Manila, 2007–11 Published article in Asian Affairs on Chinese organized crime and human trafficking


BS, Columbia University MS, PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching



michaella chung T E A C H E R


My favorite thing about teaching . . . I love being present for the moment when an idea becomes truly tangible for a student. It’s important for me that my students see math and science in their lives, and conversely, that they see themselves in the larger math and science communities. Watching students make real connections between their personal interests or experiences and a new concept can be quite magical! An “aha” moment was . . . In Environmental Science during our study of air pollution, we had had many theoretical discussions about sources of particulate pollution. Once we left the classroom to measure particulates around the Circle, it became clear that this was relevant to the class’s everyday lives. The students found more particulates around the Athletic Center on game days and quickly launched into a wonderful discussion about what they could do to prevent idling vehicles. Fingers crossed that we pay attention to these scientists!






Why is your work on new methods for observing watershed data important? In Mediterranean-type climates like Northern California, the dry season coincides with the summer and results in a water resource bottleneck that affects both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Fog and groundwater provide relief to vulnerable vegetation and freshwater species. More accurate measurements help us understand the effects on the watershed. Why teach high school with a PhD? I entered graduate school unsure of many things except for my love of learning. Several mentors encouraged me to share that love by teaching undergraduates and volunteering in local public schools. Very quickly, it became obvious that teaching would be the highlight of my graduate school experience.


natha n la m ar r e-vincent C H E M I S T R Y

T E A C H E R   /   D O R M

H E A D   /   C O A C H

Why science?

Ultimate Frisbee?

There is a lot of beauty out there, from

There is an intensity and passion in the game

a Bach overture to the swirling geometric

that is tempered by a carefree camaraderie.

storms at the poles of Saturn. At a

Playing well requires stamina, speed, skill,

basic aesthetic level, everyone can

and synergy—and I love working hard.

appreciate the elegance of these things. Understanding the physical nature

I play Frisbee with my advisees because . . .

of the world adds richness that deepens

Throwing the disc helps with the conversation.

my appreciation of that beauty.

I’m not exactly sure why: maybe because when your concentration is divided between

A cleverly devised experiment is . . . Thrilling! The distillation of passion, logic, imagination, and ingenuity that goes into a novel chemical synthesis or the elucidation of a biochemical signaling pathway makes scientific research endlessly exciting to read, learn, and practice.

throwing, catching, and talking, you are less worried about what other people will think of you, or maybe it just gives you something to do if you don’t want to say anything.


Science is the exploration of the unknown and the mapping of the true nature of our world. How could that not be exciting?!


BA, Carleton College PhD, Chemistry, California Institute of Technology; Postdoctoral fellow, genomics research, Harvard Medical School Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Coach, soccer and squash Faculty advisor, Ultimate Frisbee Faculty-Sponsored Activity (FSA)


BA, Connecticut College MA, Liberal Studies, Dartmouth College LuAnn Polk Co-Education Chair Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Crisis Response Team Leader Joined the Groton Fire Department in 1993


cathy lincoln M A T H

T E A C H E R   /   D O R M

H E A D   /   C O A C H   /   E M T

Outside the classroom . . .

On teaching math

I love the connections I make with kids

I work best with kids who are not so strong

in the dorms and on the fields. I get to see

in math. People who haven’t struggled

a different part of their lives. I try to see

with math don’t know what it’s like to sit

the big picture. If it’s crunch time—say, if

in a classroom and not get it. For those

a student has a part in an upcoming play—

who struggle, I feel their pain—I’ve been

I try to be sympathetic. We’ll actually

there. I think this allows me to help them

talk about these things in class; the kids

figure it out.

think they’re getting me off on a tangent, but I know exactly where we’re going.

Lessons learned as an EMT Don’t get locked in to someone else’s

Tips for succeeding at Groton First, connect with teachers and fellow students. The teachers are here because, yes, they like their subjects, but they also really like working with teenagers. Second, be organized and do things in small chunks before they get too big. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s no reason to go it alone. It’s a sign of strength to recognize when you need help and to ask for it.

opinion of who or what you should be. Who would have thought I would be a teacher at a boarding school and a member of the Groton Fire Department, giving me the opportunity to drive big trucks?!


stephen fer na ndez S P A N I S H

T E A C H E R   /   D O R M


What is your favorite book to teach?

Why teach?

I certainly enjoy teaching novels such

French philosopher Simone Weil once said

as Don Quijote de La Mancha and One

that “attention, taken to its highest degree,

Hundred Years of Solitude, but most

is the same thing as prayer.” A good class

rewarding is delving into poems, especially

feels this way.

those written by Ida Vitale and Alejandra Pizarnik. There’s always great mystery at the center of a good poem. It’s like a black hole: one can only sense its core by observing the surrounding light. I find that teenagers are attuned to the subtle connections between the visible and the invisible.

I find myself re-reading . . . T. H. White’s The Once and Future King. The entire first part focuses on education. Merlyn is not just a wizard but serves as Arthur’s tutor before he is crowned. The book presents important lessons on a variety of topics, from ethics to hawking, and contains all the clues to good teaching.


Any memorable teaching moments? In Spanish 2, while analyzing a short story in which different rooms in a house keep disappearing, I asked my students to think about something that has vanished inexplicably from our world. Someone replied: “Simplicity.” She was fifteen years old. These wonderful answers are not uncommon. Each time I enter my classroom, I say to myself: this is the realm of magic.

BA, Spanish Philology, UNED Madrid Jonathan Choate ’60 Award for Excellence in Teaching and Coaching


BA, Delhi University MA, English, Delhi University MA, Classic Modern English, University of London Post-graduate Certificate in Education, University of Oxford Peter B. Camp Chair in English and the Humanities Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching




sr ava ni sen-das


Leading Groton’s Diversity and Inclusion program, I’ve learned . . . That we are a product of our own histories and as such have blind spots and biases; that we need education on the ways we exclude; and that inclusion is something we need to engage in actively and not something we can be complacent about.

H E A D   /



Favorite books George Eliot’s Middlemarch because every time you re-read it you are moved by its beauty and wisdom and compassion; Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake because I admire its elegant exploration of our shifting world; and James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man because it made me unlearn everything I had learned

My culture’s influence . . . I was born and raised in a country that is still wrestling with its colonial past, and I am acutely aware of the silences and gaps in literature. I recognize that what we read shapes who we are, and I believe it’s important to teach our students a balanced curriculum: that is, to teach literature that introduces them to different literary voices, traditions, periods, and cultures.

about language and words on a page.

Why teach at Groton? To sit around a table of ten to twelve students eager to read a book and to talk about what makes us human is an English teacher’s idea of paradise!


temba m aqubela H E A D M A S T E R   /   C H E M I S T R Y


Why teach as headmaster?

When I’m not working . . .

For me, the inspiration comes from

I love the arts. The arts remind us that

students in the classroom. I love to learn,

we’re living rather than existing. My

and I learn from my students when I’m

great-grandfather was a composer—I love

teaching them.

classical music, jazz, blues. I also love sports. When we watch people do what

Education is a mission. Four generations of my family have been teachers. In South Africa, I was arrested for anti-apartheid activities while in my mother’s classroom. I vowed always to carry out the educator’s mission. It’s such a privilege to be in the position to shape the future.


they love, we’re inspired in return. And I’m a huge activist for the underserved, the vulnerable, and those who don’t have opportunity.

Education and freedom . . . They are intertwined. I was given the opportunity of freedom when I left South Africa. You can’t really give people freedom without giving them an education.

BS, University of Ibadan, Nigeria / MS, Chemistry, University of Kentucky Desmond Tutu Social Justice Award / White House Distinguished Teacher / MIT Inspirational Teacher Twenty-six years at Phillips Academy, Andover as Assistant Head for Academics, Dean of Faculty, and Teacher Spearheaded the GRoton Affordability and INclusion (GRAIN) initiative / Founded GRoton Accelerate Challenge Enrich (GRACE) summer program American Chemical Society Hall of Fame (NE)


BA, Harvard University Rhodes Scholar MPhil, University of Oxford DPhil, University of Oxford Charles C. and Ann W. Alexander Chair Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Advisor, Debating Society Author of Archaic Cyprus, The Stamp-Seals of Ancient Cyprus, Abbreviated Lays, Intermediate Latin, C. S. Lewis’s Lost Aeneid, The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur, Jordan (two volumes, with J. S. McKenzie and J. A. Greene) 16

a ndy r eyes ’80 C L A S S I C S

T E A C H E R   /   A U T H O R

Favorite quotation

“γηράσκω δʹαἰεὶ πολλὰ διδασκόμενος.”

Groton is unique because . . . It’s small. On one hand, there is very little

It’s a quotation attributed to Solon

privacy. On the other hand, I’ll cross

of Athens, and it translates as, “I grow

paths with a student several times a day,

old teaching myself many things.”

and I get a sense of how that student is doing. At a larger school, that relationship

Favorite time of the day

would be very different.

Evening or afternoon meals with students at my house on Peabody Street. They drop in (sometimes invited, sometimes impromptu), and we talk about all sorts of things.

Advice for young people Mr. Waugh, a former English teacher and baseball coach here at Groton, once told me to “just read stuff.” I have always thought that was a succinct way of putting it. Another former teacher here, Mr. Scudder, who taught Classics, would say, “Listen.” So my advice is to read stuff and listen.


Latin is worth studying because it teaches you patience. You have to read it slowly and examine every syllable.


sha nnon jin C H I N E S E

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

On teaching beginners . . .

Sharing Chinese culture . . .

I see the expectation and excitement in

I love to see students celebrate all different

the students’ eyes, and I find it joyful

cultures. During Chinese New Year and

to work with them as they start exploring

the Moon Festival, we’ve practiced Chinese

a new language. It sounds so pretty to

calligraphy, made dumplings, tried

me when they try to manage their tones

on traditional Chinese outfits, and played

or put together a sentence. We role-play

games such as Jianzi. Students who are

and re-tell stories so we can bring the

from China or studying Chinese celebrate

language to life.

Chinese New Year together with a traditional dinner. I’ve also led Groton’s

And advanced students . . . In higher-level Chinese classes, the conversations and discussions get deeper and deeper. It is joyful to hear my students use Chinese as their second or third language to discuss topical issues, to express opinions, or to communicate with each other. I have the privilege to share their success and happiness, through which I find my own success and happiness.


summer trip to Shanghai, Inner Mongolia, and Beijing, which immerses students in a dramatically different culture.

In my free time . . . I play volleyball and doubles tennis regularly. I feel lucky to coach volleyball and tennis here at Groton. Besides sports, reading and traveling are my best friends.

BA, Inner Mongolia Normal University M.Ed, University of Minnesota MBA, Management of Information Systems, Southeastern University Murphy Family Chair for Asian Studies Founder, Minnesota International Chinese School (MICS) Women’s 4.0 singles champion, United States Tennis Association tournament


BA, Swarthmore College MS, Biology, University of Michigan Kendall W. Foster Chair in the Sciences Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching


stephen belsk y S C I E N C E



Why science?

What’s distinctively Groton?

The great stories—about people, about

We are all about close relationships—

explanatory models, about quantitative

doing genetics problems with the kid I

relationships and reasoning, about

just cheered on the basketball court or

skepticism and perseverance and fruitful

applauded in the recital hall or had lunch

competition. And science must be a part

with in the Dining Hall.

of the solution to many pressing problems and vexing issues.

Why teach science? Part of it is selfish—it can be great fun to watch students get excited about stuff

An elusive challenge . . . Modeling the appropriate mix of humility and confidence is lots more challenging than describing the subject matter, and also more difficult for teenagers to assimilate.

that excites me. Part of it, while not always fun, is important—helping kids grow intellectually and otherwise.


r ebecca sta nton W O R L D



A surprise career shift My original studies were in law, so when I came to Groton as a substitute French teacher, I was apprehensive. But I found that teaching was a way for me to share my culture. And the students were so young and full of curiosity that they forced me to re-evaluate myself. The give-and-take was fulfilling, and I’ve been here ever since. On learning a second language It pushes you out of your comfort zone— it’s a way for your mind to work differently than it is used to working. That’s why we teach classes in the language itself. We want students to learn a living language, not a translation.


Advice for international students Embrace the new culture that you’re in without losing touch with your roots. Try everything—food, culture, sports, academics. And call your parents often to reassure them. I love French cinema because . . . It’s a reflection of French culture. And the pace is slow. American movies move quickly, and there’s more of a direct appeal to emotions. French movies are much more subtle. In French film, the ending isn’t always happy, and the bad guy doesn’t always go to jail. And the actors aren’t always gorgeous with perfect teeth.


Don’t forget who you are as teenagers. As you grow up, the world will get serious fast enough. But always, somewhere, keep a part of you young.


BA, Université Paris V René Descartes LLM, Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris LLM, Boston University Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Languages spoken: French, English, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew International Community Coordinator


AB, Harvard PhD, Ecology, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K. Geoffrey deC. Gund 1960 Teaching Chair Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Curriculum Development Writer, “Planning for a Sustainable Future,� Rutgers Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Trustee of the Groton Conservation Trust


david black E N V I R O N M E N T A L


T E A C H E R   /

C O N S E R V A T I O N I S T   /   C O N S E R V A T I O N

On original research I take great pleasure in getting students outdoors to do original research and to see wildlife. I have seen students outdoors handling a vole or a snake, and it changes everything for them.

“Real science” Students need to be involved in real science and not just learning the facts described by others. Many of the “facts” that I was taught thirty-five years ago have since been proven wrong, and new ideas have emerged that better explain the natural world. I want my students to think critically and to recognize that the facts are far less important than the process.



In light of climate change, is there hope for the planet? There is hope for the planet, but much effort will be required to save the natural systems upon which we depend. Over the years, we have worked to improve the habitat quality of some of Groton’s open spaces with the hope that these sites will provide refuges for plants and animals as they are displaced from other habitats. My hope is that Groton graduates will play a role in this battle, and indeed we have a large number of alums working in the renewable energy field and a growing number working as researchers in the protection of biodiversity. Tip for succeeding at Groton Work to identify teachers who have similar interests to your own and chase them down mercilessly.


stacey spr ing H I S T O R Y

Why teach? I believe in the power of potential. Teaching affords me the chance to see realized potential—often on a daily basis. Why history? I began my career as an English teacher.

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

On a Yankees / Red Sox Marriage I root for the New York Giants and the Yankees; Ryan is a Patriots and Red Sox fan. We generally agree that you can only root for and celebrate your own team’s success—not the demise of the other. We do agree on soccer— especially the U.S. Women’s National Team.

While I have not lost my passion for Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Jane Austen, I relish connecting students to the Mongols or to sixteenth-century followers of Islam in Africa.

In my spare time . . .

Coolest class assignment Either the debate on whether the U.S. presidential system or the UK parliamentary system is more democratic, or a paper on how the U.S. measures up to Aristotle’s understanding of democracy.

I did my fourth Olympic distance triathlon but now focus on running middle distances, Crossfit-style workouts, and yoga.

BA, Middlebury College MA, Political Science, Lehigh University PhD, Political Science, Boston University Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Coach, basketball and soccer


rya n spr ing H I S T O R Y

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

Why history? An understanding of history can illuminate the complexity of current issues at home and abroad. If I do my job well, my students will be more interested and concerned citizens. The study of history is also a great opportunity to develop empathy and the ability to look at situations from multiple perspectives.

An “aha” moment in class They happen with some regularity. I enjoy when students struggle with an idea and return to a text, maybe “Federalist #10,” and read it really closely a second or third time. They start challenging each other’s interpretations and building on the one that emerges as most promising.

Why Russian history?

In my spare time . . .

My electives on 20th-century Russian history

We have children; therefore, my hobbies

allow me to return to graduate school topics

include playing Legos, cleaning up cracker

and begin exposing Sixth Formers to a more

crumbs, playing “I Spy,” going for walks

sophisticated world of ideas.

in the woods, and cleaning up more cracker crumbs. I also like cooking, running, and hiking, and rooting with irrational passion for New England professional sports teams.

BA, Bates College MA, History, The George Washington University Jonathan Choate ’60 Award for Excellence in Teaching and Coaching Led girls soccer team to New England (NEPSAC) championship


vuyelwa m aqubela E N G L I S H

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

Why do you have your Second Form students write letters? I want to connect with them on a personal level outside of the classroom. I write the first letter—I want them to get to know me and feel comfortable with me and know that I care about who they are and their well-being. And I want to keep letterwriting alive in this day of social media.

Through literature . . . Students gain a good sense of the world we live in. I want them to see themselves in characters. I want them to ask why a character makes decisions, why an author makes decisions. Why teach at Groton? The intimacy of the place allows for much deeper connections with students.

Goals in the classroom To make students understand that words matter, to have them really think heavily about what those words mean.


How do you get to know your advisees so well? I do a lot of one-on-one with them. I go to their dorms, see how they live, meet their friends. I go to their games and recitals. I’m very much aware of how they’re doing in their classes. If they’re not doing well, I call them in and say, “Let’s make a plan.” As a group, we come together and just have fun.

BA, University of Fort Hare, South Africa M.Ed, Lesley University Post-Graduate Higher Diploma in Education, University of Witwatersrand Track and field coach


BS, Northwestern University Former member, Tectonic Theater Project, New York City; cowrote two original plays Studied Shakespearean acting at the British American Drama Academy, University of Washington Professional Director Training Program Former Associate Director of Education, McCarter Theatre, Princeton, N.J. Spent two summers at International Symposium for Directors, Spoleto, Italy (through Groton’s Dillon Fund)


laur ie sales D I R E C T O R



The process of creating The arts enrich the lives of human beings in their souls as much as in their minds. Theater, for me, is all about process. The process of creating something with a group of young people is about the most fulfilling experience I can imagine. The students here tend to teach me as much as I teach them.


Character you most want to portray That’s easy. There’s a rather obscure play called Eleemosynary, by Lee Blessing. It is about the relationship between three generations of women. I’ve played the mother, and I’ve coached a student performing the daughter. Someday I’d like to play the grandmother.

What made you fall in love with theater? Favorite play King Lear. King Lear is full of dramatic tension; no scene is unnecessary, no line is wasted, every character is fully drawn . . .  it’s just perfect.

When I was a little girl, my grandmother took me to a Broadway play once a month. I remember seeing Barnum, a play that can appeal to both young people and adults. I saw it with my grandmother, brother, and my parents, and it was the first time as a kid that I felt like my parents and I were on the same page. That’s my goal in theater— to create a moment where people can find


something in common.

Make space for yourself. I think it becomes easier to make good decisions if you reserve a piece of your day to get to know yourself as a person.


k athy leggat A C A D E M I C

D E A N   /   M A T H

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

Why puzzles?

Small school, many hats

I love puzzles—number puzzles, logic

I’m not just the math teacher, grading

puzzles, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles—I do

papers, or the academic dean. I’m involved

them all, online, on paper, on a tabletop.

in kids’ lives in the dorms, on the athletic

A good puzzle clears my mind because I

fields, in the Dining Hall, as an advisor.

have to give myself to it completely. Math

I’ve had remarkable conversations with

is like that, and I try to help kids develop

students on the way to the Schoolhouse or

the tools they need to see a math problem

practice or simply when passing in the hall.

as a challenging puzzle. Working with students as they plan out their course loads is also like a puzzle—which piece fits where, and when.

How I became a teacher When I graduated from college, I knew three things I would never do: go to medical school, go to business school, or be a teacher. After college, a friend hired me as a tutor at a ski academy in New Hampshire and, after two winters, I decided I ought to see whether I would enjoy a more traditional teaching set-up. I took a position at a boarding school, and on about day one-anda-half, I knew I loved what I was doing.


Tips for succeeding at Groton First, learn to be efficient. Stay ahead of the details, and use those ten or twenty minutes of down time to do homework. If you make good use of those short time blocks, you’ll have all sorts of time to do other things. Second, get involved in a wide variety of activities. Finally, take advantage of how many inspiring people are here. Get to know as many students and teachers as you can.

BA, Dartmouth College Thomas S. Williams Chair Field hockey coach Cofounder, Dartmouth College’s women’s hockey team


BFA, Valedictorian, Massachusetts College of Art MFA, Photography, Yale University School of Art Director, de Menil Gallery Leader, Buddhist Sangha Selected as one of eight best photographers under age thirty by Life magazine, 1987 Selected exhibitions include “Open Ends” at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and “Contemporary American Photographers” at Jingshan Tushuguan Guangxhou, China


monik a a ndersson V I S U A L




H E A D   /

T E A C H E R   /   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Erasing misconceptions A lot of kids think they can’t do art, that they’re not artistic. They often surprise themselves with how talented they are, and then they become very excited to think of themselves as artists. I love helping them make that discovery.

If I didn’t teach . . . I have traveled to India eight times. There

Why traditional black-and-white photography still matters With traditional photography, you make more interesting mistakes. Unlike in digital photography, you can’t just delete them. They are there on the roll of film, and you get a chance to think about them. Most of the time they don’t work, but sometimes they are a gift that opens up new ways of seeing and thinking for the photographer.

I have seen firsthand the pain and suffering that exists in the world. It made me much more sensitive to the needs of other people. If I didn’t teach, I probably would be an

Favorite photographers Henri Cartier-Bresson and Sebastião Salgado

aid worker.


We tend to measure ourselves by the ideals defined by society, but I think happiness comes from accepting our quirks and strengths and weaknesses. Hold on to your sense of wonder.


luis viacava S P A N I S H

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

Favorite author

Lessons from the boathouse

Mario Vargas Llosa is one of Latin

Rowing helps keep things in perspective.

America’s most significant novelists and

Think about it—all that work to race just

essayists, and one of the leading authors

two thousand meters! It’s a lesson about

of his generation. He won the Nobel Prize

just how much hard work goes into doing

in Literature in 2010. I love the plots

one small thing really well.

in his fiction, and his descriptions of the landscape and people are exactly the way I remember Peru.

On cultural differences and family In Peru, where I come from, you normally live with your family until you are married. I lived with my mother until I was thirtythree. I understand that’s very different from how it is in the United States.


Tip for succeeding at Groton It’s a good thing to relax and be social— those are important parts of life—but there is work to do, too. So make sure you make good use of your time to stay on top of everything.

BS, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Peru MA, Spanish, Middlebury College Squash coach Managed Peru’s National Food Assistance Program Former member, Peruvian National Rowing Team; won sixteen Peruvian national rowing titles


BA, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, India MA, Mathematics, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, England Jonathan Choate ’60 Award for Excellence in Teaching and Coaching Squash coach Director of Global Education program, which provides student exchanges and experiential education through Global Education Opportunities (GEOs) in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America




nishad das

T E A C H E R   /


How global education supports Groton’s mission Our Global Education Opportunities (GEOs) inspire, develop character, and through experiential education provide exposure to a different way of life, which prepares students well for the global arena of the twenty-first century.

E D U C A T I O N   /   C O A C H

On the benefits of teachers who coach Students’ actions on the sports field bring forth components of their character that are not seen in the classroom. One secret to a winning squash team Harnessing individual talents into relationships and team unity so that success is defined by the team’s ability to

Why I love math Math is an exact science with no room for error or doubt. No other science has theoretical proofs, crafted by humans, that through logic and reason provide an educational path that weaves through a variety of mathematical landscapes with hidden gems of elegance and beauty scattered along the way.

pull together.


paula m ar ks S C I E N C E


Why teach at Groton?

Why science?

I find that I am always learning new

I was a science major in college and worked

information and techniques; the caliber

in research for ten years before teaching.

of students at Groton drives me to be my

The events that occur at the cellular and

very best. I deeply appreciate the flexibility

molecular level absolutely amaze me

that I have designing my curriculum

because, when all of these small reactions

and the support of my science colleagues.

are summed up, they allow the organism to survive. The interface between science

Coolest class experiment

and technology is truly stunning and

A hard question! The two standouts

has allowed us to understand and visualize

are regeneration experiments with

biological processes on a more intimate level.

Planarians and transformation experiments using bacteria and GFP

It’s exciting when . . .

(green fluorescent protein).

Science is always exciting! The best examples are typically in AP Biology, when an article or finding is published that has direct correlation to a topic we have just covered. It allows the students to take it to another level. The ideas and questions that arise from these spontaneous and open discussions are amazing!


BA, Connecticut College Jonathan Choate ’60 Award for Excellence in Teaching and Coaching Coached girls ice hockey and lacrosse for 10+ years Published in various scientific journals


BFA, MS, Art and Design Education, Pratt Institute Co-director, Brodigan Gallery Pratt Outstanding Merit Award; five-time recipient, Pratt Presidential Merit Award; two-time recipient, Black Alumni of Pratt Award Artist-in-residence, Cope NYC’s “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and the 4th R Re-imagine Project” Fellow, Center for Art, Design, and Community Engagement K-12, NYC


melissa de jesus-akuete A R T


You draw, paint, sculpt, design clothing, make jewelry. What’s your favorite medium? Drawing was my first love because it was the first thing I learned how to do as a young artist. Therefore, pencils are one of my favorite mediums because of their connection to my childhood and their simplistic quality and ability to render so much detail.

Why is art important? Art gives students not only voice, but also the agency and confidence to stand up for the things they feel passionate about. It teaches them how to come up with multiple solutions to a problem. It expands their minds to think conceptually about issues and creates a space for important dialogue among diverse groups of people. It helps build empathy and compassion in our students and teaches them to develop

What would we be surprised to learn about you? I really love storytelling. Stories inspire my own work and empower students to share their ideas and to explore and appreciate commonalities and differences among their peers. Effective storytelling can serve as an outlet to express life experiences or emotions that may otherwise be difficult to communicate.

abstract ways of thinking.

I’m inspired by . . . So many things: my identity and culture, other cultures, education, teaching, my students, people, stories, world/social issues, current events, the environment . . .  basically, the world around me.


john conner D E A N


F A C U L T Y   /   S P A N I S H

Biggest influence My parents. My mother was an elementary school teacher, and my dad was a Methodist minister. They put service first, and that was the example I grew up with.

T E A C H E R   /   C O A C H

A journey of learning Teaching is a creative profession. My best teachers made me feel like I was on a journey of learning with them. I try to inspire that same feeling in my students.

Why I changed career paths

Favorite space on campus

At first I wanted to go to law school, but

Team room “C” in the O’Brien Rink. I

I got wait-listed. So I spent the summer

remember meeting there with the tennis

teaching tennis, and then went to Spain

team after an exciting victory over Exeter.

with a friend. When I came home, I spent

We had just learned that our opponent in the

a year teaching Spanish and enjoyed it so

finals of the A Division of the New England

much I decided to forget about law school.

Interscholastic Championships would be Milton Academy. The kids let out this loud roar because that’s who they wanted— Milton had spoiled it for us so many times in the past. We went on to win the title.


One of my favorite quotations from the Spanish Golden Age writer Baltasar Gracián: “ Lo bueno, si breve dos veces bueno—what is good, if brief is twice as good.” I love when students can create beauty with a single sentence, a spontaneous smile, or, especially, with a backhand passing shot.


BA, Amherst College MA, Spanish Linguistics and Literature, University of Wisconsin E. Roland Harriman Chair Henry and Wendy Breck Award for Distinguished Teaching Tennis coach Author and publisher of Breaking the Barrier, a French, Spanish, and English textbook series; first Spanish series on Apple’s iBooks textbook platform Consulted on College Board’s Advanced Placement program; served on Test Development Committee for Spanish AP language and literature examinations



• P.O. BOX 991

GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01450 978-448-7510



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