Pet Boarding and Daycare July August 2021

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VOL 11 • ED 4







Profile of Success

Percy ’s

Playground RECYCLED




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STAFF PUBLISHER Barkleigh Productions, Inc. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rebecca Shipman ART DIRECTOR Laura Pennington SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jenn Barraclough

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Percy’s Playground






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Copyright JULY 2021. Pet Boarding & Daycare is published bimonthly by Barkleigh Productions, Inc, 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. Postmaster: Send change of address to Pet Boarding & Daycare c/o Barkleigh Productions, Inc., 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Editorial offices: 970 West Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA 17055. (717) 691–3388 FAX (717) 691–3381 Email:


12 16 20

5 Reasons Why a Culture of Compliance is Hurting Your Team We Are in the People Business (Not the Pet Business) An Important Task Managers Cringe Over and Why

Facility 34 Recycled Enrichment for Dog Daycare


Animal Health 42 Taking Action: Toxicities in the Pet Care Facility

Think Tank 48 How Do You Get A New Business Known??

Industry News 52 New Products



Photos by Ryan Brix

Let’s face it as great as our facilities are, they’re not home, and we’re not our guest dogs’ humans. So, at least in the beginning, there’s some level of wariness for most dogs.


or some the caution goes away quickly, but for many—especially with the high number of “pandemic puppies” we’re all seeing—fear accompanies most new experiences and relationships. Most dogs being boarded experience at least some level of stress during their stay. If it’s not upon arrival or during the day, it might be overnight, during a thunderstorm, while the neighboring property is having its lawn mowed, or when feeding or potty time has been delayed a bit due to an unforeseen circumstance. Stress affects how a dog thinks, feels and behaves. Eustress, or the “good” stress, can be extremely helpful by allowing dogs to use energy in a positive way. Whereas stress, technically referred to as distress, is the “bad” kind. The physiological response to stress can cause many issues, including illness, a suppressed immune system and behavioral issues. It’s important we recognize signs of stress, which can


be obvious and perhaps not so obvious. Common signs of dogs who are experiencing stress include: • Not eating treats or food • Stressed body language (yawning, lip licking, drooling, panting, various body postures, etc.) • Vocalization (can include whining, excessive barking, etc.) • Inappropriate elimination • Displacement behaviors (sniffing, scratching or other behaviors out of context) • Avoidance or, the opposite, comfort-seeking (avoiding interactions with people or dogs or, conversely, seeking out those interactions) • Hyper-vigilance (the dog who’s always on alert) • Destructive behaviors (such as tearing up bedding) • Aggression To provide the best quality of care we should seek to minimize stress in all our guest dogs. Thankfully, there are many measures we can take to help dogs’ boarding experiences be as stress-free as possible. Gather Information One of my favorite mantras is, “The best time to stop an unwanted action or behavior is before it starts.” So, finding out about each dog’s stressors can help prevent stress in your facility. By having conversations with pet guardians and making notes in a dog’s file or asking about stressors on your


profile/intake forms you can find out what are aversive stimuli for each dog. An aversive stimulus is an unpleasant stimulus that causes a change in behavior. Where possible and practical, we can look to minimize exposure of dogs in our care to those stimuli. By gathering pertinent information prior to each new guest dog’s stay, we can assess what each dog’s needs are. During temperament tests or intake interviews is a great time to review what stressors any given dog may have and go over any questions or concerns the clients have about their dog’s stay. This, in turn, helps minimize any anxiety or stress the humans might also have about leaving their pet. Remember; stress can be contagious! Additionally, this is the prime time to inquire about what measures they take at home to best help keep their dogs calm. Do they like to be petted on the chest when they’re nervous? Do they normally give their dog calming treats during thunderstorms? Does the dog have a favorite banket or toy they like to have in stressful situations?

Slow & Easy Trial Run These initial contacts are also a great time to give a tour of your facility and discuss setting up a play day prior to any overnight boarding. Doing so gives guest dogs an opportunity to acclimate to staff, the facility and the routine. Routines are especially important for dogs and help them feel secure in their environments—especially when in a new place with new faces. Slow & Easy Introducing dogs slowly to their space can be extremely helpful, especially with a new dog and dogs exhibiting signs of stress. Talking softly to and petting dogs, careful to avoid the head and face, can also be helpful. By making ourselves smaller (i.e., sitting or even getting down on the floor with the dog) while avoiding postures such as direct eye contact, approaching too quickly and head-on greetings can also work to help a dog feel calmer. Stimulate the Senses

Indoors we can play music; studies



show classical is still at the top of the list, and there are dog-specific options available as well. If you have a musician on staff he or she could possibly play for the dogs. Aromatherapy is also a great option when used with care and appropriate caution. So, what happens when you’ve taken steps to help prevent stress, but a dog is still stressed? There are many additional actions you can take to help a dog feel more at ease.



Just Breathe Perhaps the simplest thing we can do is slow down, take deep breaths and hang out with the dog a minute or two prior to taking them out. Studies show our breathing affects dogs’ sense of calm. Sitting with a stressed dog in their space, even if only briefly, can help them feel more comfortable and can be a great preventative measure as well. However, in these situations, we must be mindful again of body language and spatial pressure; some dogs do not want their space “invaded.”

Consented Contact

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If the dog enjoys petting (believe it or not, many do not), contact can also be a stress reliever, as can massage. Whenever possible, it’s strongly recommended to perform a consent test with dogs for petting. A quick search online will yield several videos/resources for this. But, in a nutshell, during these brief “tests,” the human allows the dog to approach, reads their body language, and if OK, proceeds to pet a couple of seconds then stops. If the dog returns for more and the body language is calm (no lip licking, yawning, etc.), he’s giving consent; if not, he’s not feeling it and we should respect that to further help alleviate stress.



Created for dog handler employees at dog daycares, boarding facilities, vet clinics, and more.




Calming Products Calming coats/shirts are also another option; having several different sizes on hand is always a good idea. Additionally, discussing calming collars or other vet-approved measures with clients who have dogs suffering from persistent stress and anxiety can provide a potential remedy.


Exercise is a top stress reliever. We can give the dog some one-on-one time, engaging in one of their favorite activities or with a familiar toy. When possible, take the dog for a walk or, better yet, a “sniffari,” where he can really use his nose and get great mental exercise. Make a Move If your facility’s set up allows, see if a change of scenery helps. So, if you have a larger space, a space closer to the main lobby/office (or farther away from it, depending on the needs of the dog) or away from the neighboring barking dog, house the dog there instead. Simply the difference in environment can work wonders for some dogs.


Behavior Modification Moreover, fearful and shy dogs could benefit from behavior modification. If your facility has a trainer on staff or a solid relationship with one, this could be a win-win for the dog, the human client and for the facility’s revenue. Veterinary Advice Finally, a dog who, despite your best effort, is unable to be calmed may warrant a call to your facility’s veterinarian for advice. Understanding the impact stress has on our guest dogs and working to alleviate it can help all the dogs in our care have a successful boarding experience.


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By Ashley Caywood

As a leader, I’m sure you’ve had those days. The ones where it feels like no one is doing their job and you say to yourself, “If everyone would just do what I tell them to, everything would be great.”


erhaps that feeling may ring true in the moment, but what you’ve described is a team that runs on compliance rather than on commitment. But what’s the difference? Compliance is the result of a team adopting a process simply because they’ve been instructed to do so. They’re taking orders, whether or not they believe in what it is they’re doing. In contrast, a culture of commitment is the result of a team feeling supportive of a course of action. If you currently find yourself leveraging compliance more often than commitment, here are five reasons you may want to reconsider that strategy: 1. Compliance requires a lot of inspection. If people are doing things because


they’ve been told to, then they may view NOT being told to do something as an opportunity to simply…not. This means that you’re constantly going to have to be vigilant, ensuring that everything is on track and as you intend it. And when you’re not there to force compliance? Good luck... 2. Compliance makes it difficult to inspire your people. There’s a reason that grassroots efforts can gain traction and inspire change. People like to feel like they’re making a difference. An important part of that is allowing them to be part of the process. If your team feels like they’re unimportant cogs in a wheel, it’s going to be that much more difficult to inspire them. And uninspired employees are not usually tenured employees.


3. Compliance doesn’t breed trust. If you constantly have to inspect your team’s work, they’re always going to be looking over their shoulders wondering if and when they’re being inspected. Compliance naturally pits “you” against “them;” undermining or even fully preventing a bond based on trust. It’s hard to imagine meeting your business goals without trust, right? 4. Compliance inhibits creativity. You’re smart, right? You had the brains to think up a brilliant business idea, and the courage and fortitude to follow through with it. However, the fact is that you don’t know everything and you can’t do everything. Sometimes there’s a better, smarter, more creative way you could be doing something, but you just haven’t thought of it. Chances are, your team

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has lots of ideas to make your business more efficient or more competitive. But if they think their role is to simply execute your orders, they’re not likely to share their strokes of brilliance with you. And then your business is limited to thoughts and solutions that come from only one brain—yours. 5. Compliance keeps you at the center of your business’s day to day as “chief problem solver.” In our experience working with leaders, we’ve never heard one of them say, “There just aren’t enough problems for me to solve.” In fact, on the contrary. The number one frustration we hear from business owners is that they’re so busy fighting fires, they don’t have time to work on moving their business forward. What’s one way through this? Creating commitment rather than compliance. If your team believes in, supports and maybe even helped create a process,


they’re naturally going to follow through at a higher success rate. That level of buy-in is going to ensure that they’re moving in the direction that YOU want them to move. They’re equipped with the thought processes that inform your decision-making process, and they’re using them to solve problems on their own as they pop up—whether or not you’re there to enforce it.

You’ll need to model the behaviors you’re looking for and frequently check in to ensure the team is moving forward in the right direction. Occasionally you may need to step in and redirect a team member or a process, but with a lot of trust and consistency, you’ll eventually find that commitment leads to a happier and more motivated team—which leads to a happier and more balanced you.

So, the next time you’re having “one of those days” where you want everyone to “just do what you tell them,” take a moment to reflect. Is that really what you want? Do you want your team to rely on you to direct their every move? Maybe it would be better to collaborate with them to create alignment on processes and procedures, inspire them to take ownership within their roles and trust them to follow through. Does this mean you allow your team to be fully self-directed? Of course not.

Ashley Caywood is founding partner at, empowering petcare entrepreneurs to take control of their business so they can continue to pursue their passion. Zolvy provides targeted solutions for the behind-the-scenes challenges facing business owners every day. In addition to her work with Zolvy, Ashley is founder and co-owner of Roscoe’s Bed + Bark in Portland, ME, the city’s first 24/7 supervised dog daycare, growing it to seven figure revenues in less than three years. Ashley holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship from Boston University.


» Diminished Quality of Pet Care » Increased Owner Stress » Increased Employee Stress » Overwhelmed Employees Quit » Revenue Suffers » Profits Fall

We will… •

Write a compelling advertisement that gets RESULTS. Because we specialize in the pet care industry, we have proven strategies and ads. Ads are customized for your company and market and are posted after your approval.

Provide a sample job description to help you with on-boarding.

Place the compelling ad on the best online platform(s). We use your account so, if interested, you can see all applicants. However, you don’t need to do a thing as we’ll reach out to you as soon as we have interesting candidates.

Review all applicants--AS THEY COME IN. Combined with our industry knowledge, this is where we shine. Most business owners just don’t have time to check new applicants constantly.

Screen all interesting candidates RIGHT AWAY and reach out to you with any we feel might be a fit.

Support you with a dedicated team. Speed is necessary in this hiring environment. We can respond to applicants IMMEDIATELY because we have a dedicated team that does nothing but find good team members for our clients. We do need you to be very responsive to our calls and emails. If you’d prefer texts, let us know.


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H we are in the

(not the pet business) By Denise Rodriquez

If every pet could be completely in charge of their lives and be the ones to choose which facility they’d like to stay at; if they could be the ones paying the bills or expressing any complaints, then you’d definitely be in the pet business. 16


owever, that’s not the case at all. These pets are under their owner’s care. They are banking off of their owner’s judgment to choose the best facility to care for them while their owner is at work or on vacation. These owners are the ones verbally expressing their appreciations or complaints. Yes, in your facility, you need to provide the best quality care and attention to every pet that walks in. Yes, you need to be able to understand a dog or cat’s temperament. Yes, you will want the pets to fall in love with each staff member. And yes, those pets are the reason you have a business. However, if we deny that we are in the people business, we could potentially be walking slowly downhill to no business at all. The two-footed humans that walk through that front door are the ones that decide if their pet should come into your facility—not the pet. They are the ones whole ultimately decide whether they want to give you business or not. So, how should these two-footed humans be treated? Customer Service Providing the best customer care and service to each client is a huge asset for your business. With today’s culture, people need immediate response. When they are searching around in their area to find a good facility to board their pet, they are looking for a quick response. Are you answering that phone every single time it rings? Are you returning voicemails and replying to emails as soon as possible? The phone should be answered every single time it rings, within the second ring if possible. If you don’t answer, there’s only a small chance your potential customers will leave a voicemail, because they need results right now and don’t have the time to

There are those that will find any angle possible to put the blame on you. It’s your job as the management of your facility to not show offense. The secret is to not defend yourself on social media or anywhere publicly.


wait for a returned phone call. Any voicemails or emails should receive a quick response, not waiting until the next day (or even the next few hours) to respond. Most likely the pet owners will be very interested in the facility that responded back within minutes. They are not here to wait for you. So, you need to be there for them at the first sign of interest. Addressing Issues That Arise By nature, it’s easy to get offended when a customer complains publicly about your facility. Humans will be humans, and not every single person that walks through your doors will LOVE your facility. There are those that will find any angle possible to put the blame on you. It’s your job as the management of your facility to not show offense. The secret is to not defend yourself on social media or anywhere publicly.


So, how should you handle problematic customers? Simply repeat back their complaint and tell them you are very sorry they feel that way. And then in a calm, respectful tone of voice, express to them the reason behind their complaint and your perspective of why you or your team did what you did. Keep your cool and stay calm. Heated arguments go nowhere. They will seriously hurt your business. With gossip and the social media world, the word will get out on how you responded to those clients, and I guarantee this will turn people away from your facility. How Your Clients Feel How do your clients feel the moment they walk into your facility? Does it smell good? Does it look clean? These are huge factors that affect the feelings of these pet

When they come to pick up their pet, is your staff showing interest towards them personally? A simple, “How was your day?” or “How was your trip?” goes a thousand miles.

owners. And they are instantly deciding in their minds if they will come back to your facility. How is the atmosphere of the office? Is every staff member welcoming your clients with a “Hi” and a smile? When they come to pick up their pet, is your staff showing interest towards them personally? A simple, “How was your day?” or “How was your trip?” goes a thousand miles. The more you show incredible value and care for their pets when they drop off or pick up, the more you will have a lasting imprint on your customers, knowing you truly care about their pets. Your facility can provide the best quality care for every animal that comes walking through your doors; however, if the customer care is lacking, there is a very slim chance they will be recommending you…let alone coming back. These clients ultimately are putting their trust and confidence into your business. If your customers can feel, see and know that you care about them, plus provide the best pet care to their furry child, without a doubt they will be coming back to your facility, and recommending you to all their friends and family. We are in the people business, not the pet business.

Denise Rodriquez is the owner of Golden Wood Kennels in Chambersburg, PA. She and her husband are successful entrepreneurs and real estate investors with multiple businesses. At Golden Wood Kennels, they were able to implement online systems for customers and the staff, add on extra services, remodel parts

of the facility, and hire amazing staff right before COVID hit. With all the new things they implemented, last year they were able to maintain a steady income at their 60-run dog boarding facility. They are passionate about growth and seeing every business advancing! www.

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ne of the tasks your

provided the steps to be good at it—

managers probably dislike (ok, hate) is hiring.

especially with these post-COVID employment challenges.

gling) to hire, you’re not alone. As published in a recent article from The

Why are Pet Care Facilities

Economist, “In the spring of 2020 the country’s unemployment rate was

While they may love the idea of welcoming a fabulous and productive


new employee, it’s easy to understand why they cringe at the hiring

Struggling to Hire? COVID was a massive gut

part. After all, wading through (or drowning in) the process can feel overwhelming while they place ads, determine budgets, reach out to candidates, leave messages, play phone tag and conduct interviews... who would look forward to it? However, the reality is, we’re in a travel boom—and you’re likely desperate to hire immediately. This industry is dependent on proper staffing, and without adequate quantity and quality of staff, stress rises for everyone. And, more importantly, the quality of pet care can suffer. Managers understand the need to hire, but haven’t always been

punch to most small businesses. Yes, government PPP loans helped small businesses catch their breath, but then the new and improved unemployment benefits kicked in. Countless potential employees are happier collecting unemployment benefits and aren’t eager to find a job. As if that wasn’t challenging enough, the unemployment benefits aren’t going to change in most states until the fall. But wait, there’s more... many of us are now vaccinated, which has increased the already pent-up demand to get out of our houses. So, travel is coming back with a fury, and all the new COVID pups mean lots of demand.


If you’ve been trying (but strug-

nearly 15%. Now it is already just 6% after a year containing five of the ten best months for hiring in history.” So, great, we have jobs to fill. But we still have to find the right people and do so in the quickest possible time. Competition is incredibly fierce, especially among industries like ours that were forced to downsize significantly. Truthfully, it’s not going to be easy. A 2021 survey by SHRM revealed 75% of HR professionals believe there’s a skills gap among their applicants. This means it’s more critical than ever to reach and secure the right candidates quickly, especially when you consider the cost of a bad hire; a staggering average of $15,000, according to Career Builder.



So, we need to accept a few facts: • You need to hire regardless of how challenging it is. • Qualified candidates are becoming fewer and farther between, and they’re being pulled at by your competition. • You need to balance the rate of pay with a healthy labor ratio and your financial profitability.


is the authority in producing exceptional results for our clients. Our consulting and training firm helps pet care facility owners realize the revenues they deserve.

How do You Find Good Candidates in this Post-COVID Environment? Write a great

advertisement. Whether we like it or not, it’s time for owners (or someone else qualified in the company) to “sell” candidates on working for their business. You would think paying people more than what you’re comfortable with is enough. Unfortunately, it’s not.

“ Looking back just the few short years we’ve been with OPC, the amount of growth in our company brings me to tears. I’m not just talking about revenue growth, but growth in myself, my sister, and my staff. I now have an entire team of people working to make my goals and dreams a reality, and truly making the pet industry great. You have honestly changed our lives.” –Sydney Sjaardema, Ankeny Bark Avenue, Ankeny IA

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Prospective employees need to be sold on why they should join your company, the value of the job, any opportunities for career advancement and more. A job description helps you define what you expect and the kind of work a new employee will do. It’s important to be as specific as possible when creating a job description. Job descriptions usually include information like duties, responsibilities and other details about the job. The job description will help you with the important next step of writing your ad. Place an advertisement where your target pool of employees search. Today, there’s no need to place job advertisements in any newspapers. Most of your ideal employee pool want to look for ads on their phone, tablet or laptop. Many job seekers will visit employer websites to find job listings,

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with Gallup reporting as many as 77% of

hourly or salary range in the ad gives

talk to applicants and hopefully hire

applicants will check your website for a

you the opportunity to reach out and

quickly. As shown in a recent Glassdoor

direct application link.

find out how much a quality candidate

survey, the average time it takes to hire

needs to make a move.

a new employee can be as many as 53

The other major way job seekers find openings is through digital hiring

days, which feels like an eternity when

you the ability to understand what the

com, LinkedIn and Facebook Jobs. You’ll

current market is paying. According to

be asked to place a daily budget, but don’t

LinkedIn, compensation is the single

at 10:01, make it your goal to reach

forget to only list the job for a short period

highest consideration for most job

out to them by 10:05. Yes, this is very

of time. If you list it for a long timeframe,

seekers. So, if your ad lists too low of a

difficult (if not impossible) to do when

like a month, it’ll get costly, and you want

wage range, you may repel potentially

you’re running around owning or man-

to find someone great now.

great applicants.

aging a pet care facility. Unfortunately,

Consider not includ-

ing the pay range in the ad. This advice

may seem unusual, but

The most powerful

tool is your response.

you need help now. So, if someone applies electronically

it’s necessary. Why? If you call someone right away after they apply, they know who you are. It’s fresh in their mind.

All the strategies listed

This is very different from calling later

above are essential, but

that same day or the next after they’ve

it’s effective. Your cap

they don’t mean anything if you don’t re- sent many applications to many compa-

of wage may or may

spond properly. The best responses are

nies and your name has gotten muddled

fast, frequent and extremely friendly.

with the rest.

not be correct. What if a great candidate was available for just a little more than your listed pay range? Not having the


This information will also give

platforms like, ZipRecruiter.

Fast is the first key. If you respond quickly, you’ll get the opportunity to


This also helps you manage your pool of applicants. If a candidate isn’t

interesting to you, you can politely

second interview soon after the first—

Laura Laaman is president of

move along. If they are interesting, set

waiting too long increases the risk someone else will get to them before you do.

Outstanding Pet Care. Outstanding Pet Care now offers industry-expert

However, in today’s especially fierce job market, many companies are choosing

hiring assistance at a fraction of the cost of recruiters. For over 20 years we

to offer the position immediately at or following the first interview. If you find

have helped pet care businesses increase revenues to unprecedented levels and, of

someone you feel is truly great for the position, it may be best to move ahead

course, we guarantee our clients’ success.

right away.

contact for a free consultation.

them up for a face-to-face or Zoom interview the same or next day. Set up individual

or group interviews. If you’re hiring for pet care positions, you may want to try a group interview. Group interviews involve inviting a group of people to meet with you at the

Go to

same time. They’re worth a try but can make candidates feel less than special. The best option is holding individual interviews. A study by iCIMS revealed 67% of employed Americans say the interview process influenced their decision to take a job, so it’s critical to make a good impression on the phone and in person. Have an organized hiring protocol. Having an organized hiring protocol starts with having a prepared list of questions for your phone screening and individual interviews, as well as keeping your notes and feedback well organized. Always make notes during or immediately after the interview, as candidates can start to blend together when you’re meeting many people back-to-back. An organized process means you can most easily compare candidates to determine the ones you want to move ahead with. What about second interviews? Having more than one interview is common. A second interview provides another opportunity to see if the applicant is reliable, timely and how he or she interacts with other members of management. You can ask more detailed questions about their past experience as well as discuss wages, benefits and other job details not normally touched on in the first interview. Be sure to schedule the PET BOARDING & DAYCARE



Percy’s Playground




Exception THE RULE NOT

By Kathy Hosler Photos by Ryan Brix


ur story is a bit different from many others,” says Rachel Brix, owner/operator of Percy’s Playground. We are the Ozarks' only canine

enrichment center. We offer dog daycare and boarding, but without playgroups. Instead, we focus on individualized dog/human interaction, enrichment, and client education.” The approach Rachel and her husband, Ryan, use is dog-centered and caters to a dog's mental, physical, emotional and instinctual needs. Their dream of opening a canine enrichment center became a reality when Rachel and Ryan purchased a veterinary complex in Eagle Rock, Missouri. In December 2018 they began renovations to the facility and property. They started by fencing in 10,000 sq. ft. of three separate PET BOARDING & DAYCARE


“Our two main goals, enrichment and education, are key components in ensuring a happy and successful stay for our canine guests.” Ryan Brix, owner/operator of Percy’s Playground

outdoor areas, and also installed security fencing around the perimeter of the entire property. The complex had an existing 2,100 sq. ft. office building and a 1,200 sq. ft. kennel building. Rachel and Ryan planned to live onsite, so part of the facility was remodeled into their living quarters. The veterinary exam rooms were converted into roomy, 85 sq. ft. indoor suites and the kennel building became a cozy canine bunkhouse that has traditional indoor/outdoor housing. Each dog gets a 60 sq. ft. bunk area with a 100 sq. ft. outdoor patio. All of the overnight accommodations are spacious and comfortable so the time the pups spend in them is more like being at home rather than being in a cage or cubicle. “Our two main goals, enrichment and education, are key components in ensuring a happy and successful stay



“Dogs love human interaction. Even when they are in a playgroup, some dogs want to interact with the people and not so much with other dogs.” Rachel Brix, owner/operator of Percy’s Playground

for our canine guests,” says Ryan. “Our

love human interaction. Even when

dog Percy, a husky mix who we named

they are in a playgroup, some dogs want

much with other dogs.”

our facility after, did not care for other

to interact with the people and not so

“The dogs enjoy plenty of indoor and outdoor activities such as digging

dogs at all. She taught us a tremendous amount about enrichment and how it can solve many behavior problems.”


“Initially some pet parents questioned why we didn't do playgroups,” says

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Rachel. "But once they see how much their dogs love and benefit from the enrichment experience they receive when they are here, the owners are thrilled.

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“Playgroups can be great, but not all dogs are social, and many don't do well in groups. Some dogs are dog tolerant,

Our webcam solutions can help to build your business by providing peace of mind for your clients.

others are dog selective, and still others are dog reactive. So, that excludes a lot of dogs from having a good time in a traditional daycare group setting. “Dogs have so many diverse needs,” Rachel continues. “That's why we wanted to be a different kind of facility. Dogs




in sand, doing agility, scent work, forage for food, play with flirt pole, etc.," says Ryan. “When dogs receive one-on-one human interaction, we discover what they like to do. It is really quite fun to see dogs come out of their shell. “It is immeasurably gratifying to have the pet parents see how their dogs respond to our approach. We can show them how to incorporate these enrichment activities into their dog’s daily routine which will

Rachel is a CPDT-KA (Canine Professional Dog Trainer–Knowledge Assessed) and a Fear Free Certified Trainer. From the beginning, training services have made up a huge portion of their business.

improve their dog's quality of life and their relationship with the owner. “We have a Fear Free, force free approach to everything we do,” Ryan adds. “Everyone we add to our staff must adhere to our policy.” Rachel is a CPDT-KA (Canine Professional Dog Trainer–Knowledge Assessed) and a Fear Free Certified Trainer. From the beginning, training services have made up a huge portion

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of their business. “Training is a process, not an event,” says Rachel emphatically. “Dogs are constantly learning regardless of their age or breed. Our approach to training is strictly positive reinforcement—no pain, no fear, no force, no way. We want to improve the quality of the dog's life, and the owner's too, by adding enrichment along with training. We involve the pet




parents in the training to enable them to continue at home the procedures we work on here. Successful training is all about consistency and repetition.” Group classes can provide needed socialization, but Rachel prefers to do one-on-one training sessions with the owner and pet. In a group class, there is a lot less flexibility to be able to work on specific issues that may arise


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for different pets in a class. “Being small allows us to be very invested in how the dogs do here," Ryan says. "We are in our third year

Ryan always takes lots of pictures of the canine guests throughout their stay and then sends them to the pet parents. The owners go wild over the adorable personality photos and the breathtaking action shots he is able to get.


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now and we know what we do is working. We establish really good rapport and bond with the dogs and the pet parents. They love the human


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enrichment and interaction and the one-on-one time Rachel and I spend with them.” Their website, www.percysplayground. com, was built and is maintained by


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Rachel's dad and brother. In this age of less contact, it is vital to have all the


forms, facility requirements and details

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about their training, boarding and enrichment programs readily available online. The user-friendly website makes it easy for people to find them and see all they have to offer. “Our Facebook presence is also a huge part of our business,” Rachel




says. "People are on their computers so much. It enables us to highlight aspects of our business that are really cool, and showcase our canine guests. The owners love our posts and training tips and share them with their family and friends. That gets the word out for us too.” A 30-second Facebook video can give viewers a personal glimpse of what the facility is like and the kinds of activities they offer at Percy's Playground. One of the videos shows Ryan playing his guitar for the pets. As he strolls from room to room, the pets are all content; no panting, no barking, no pacing. Happy pets are the best advertising in the world. Percy's Playground has carved out a special niche and their clients have really embraced their unique approach to dog care. Ryan always takes lots of pictures of the canine guests throughout their stay and then sends them to the pet parents. The owners go wild over the adorable personality photos and the breathtaking action shots he is able to get. That has led to an unexpected business opportunity. Now, people want to have the pictures made into posters, canvases, digital prints, calendars, mugs, etc. “We love everything we do and we're excited for the future,” share Rachel and Ryan. “We work really hard, but we believe in what we are doing and we see the results. It's totally worth it.” Their hard work is certainly paying off. Percy's Playground has already reached the point where they need to erect a new building to keep up with client demand. “This year we are going to expand and are also going to add a Fear Free certified groomer to our staff,” says Rachel. Then she adds with a warm, wide smile, “Of course, we are going to continue to be the exception, not the rule!”



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ENRICHMENT By Annalisa Berns

PHOTOS BY Alaina Wiskoski of Canine Country Club


arbage litters the oceans and buried trash in landfills takes centuries to decompose. Making enrichment equipment for dog play from materials destined for the dump is a great way to keep unnecessary items from littering the earth—and save a few dollars too! Passionate about budget- and environmentally-friendly projects, Alaina Wiskoski of Canine Country Club in Fair Haven, Vermont came up with a fun idea: Make a playground for the dogs at her daycare facility out of recycled tires. "I've seen similar ideas for children's playgrounds but nothing for dogs. I found that dogs would play more when there was something they could run around in a circle. It seemed to encourage chase play more often than just having an empty yard to run in," Wiskoski said. Once she had the idea, Wiskoski found a trucking business that was willing to give her old tires, and even deliver them for free. With tires, paint, fill dirt and elbow grease she turned unwanted tires into a playground wonderland for pooches at her daycare. "The first time I let the dogs



out to play on it, they were obsessed! Dogs that hadn't played much or would just watch from the sidelines joined in and had a blast," Wiskoski reported. While the dogs love their play time, clients appreciate the thought and time put into making a space great for their pets. As a bonus, it can be an excellent feature to highlight for new potential clients and in marketing. Supplies needed: • Extra-large semi-truck tires • Stakes with string or a garden hose • Empty cardboard boxes or coffee cans • Ground cover (if needed) • Soap and water • Mulch, dirt or sand to fill tires • Shovel • Leftover spray paint (select low VOC, non-toxic outdoor paint) • Spray paint primer (optional) • Carpenter's level Directions for recycled tire playground: Start by identifying the area to


use. Mark off the area with stakes and string, or just lay a garden hose on the ground. Use empty cardboard boxes or coffee cans to lay out and plan where the tires or other features will go. This will help determine how many and what size tires to obtain. Take into consideration how high the play structure should be and don't make it too steep. Add your own creative ideas along the way. Wiskoski added a few of her own design details: "I decided to add an upright tire on top for the dogs to go through. Some go around, some go through and some go over!" Some preparation work might be necessary if the ground in the area is uneven, rocky or overgrown with weeds. Make sure the ground cover is in place before laying out the tires and other enrichment features. Options for ground cover include grass, artificial turf, gravel, decomposed granite, sand or rubber mulch. An area that is level is best for the play


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area, but with some strategic planning, tires can be placed over smaller rocks to hide them. If necessary, try using different sized tires to make an even foundation. Once the layout is created, area prepared and ground cover in place, it's time to get some tires. Contact a trucking business and ask about unwanted extra-large tires. Tire shops or junk yards might also have used tires for free. Damaged or old tires might have dangerous edges, valves or even nails in them. Inspect all tires and wash

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off any dirt, oil or chemicals with soap and water. Take a few "before" pictures, and remember to take pictures to document the progress which can be shared on social media for advertising. Snap lots of pictures when the project is complete too with dogs having a great time exploring their new playground. It is recommended to paint the tires light colors versus leaving the tires black or painting them dark colors. Dark colors absorb more of the sun's energy, making the tires hot to the touch. Especially in areas that get lots of sun, it isn't safe for a dog's paws. In areas without lots of sun, it is fine to leave the tires black. Use leftover spray paint to give the tires some pizazz. Spray paint primer can be applied first which helps the paint adhere to the rubber tires. Select non-toxic outdoor paint that has low VOCs (volatile organic compounds). To find leftover spray paint, ask at the local hardware store or post on a community social media page. Many people have a box of leftover spray paint collecting dust. Take into consideration that the process of manufacturing paint, paint application and drying does impact the environment. Brushing on paint from a can is more environmentally friendly. Paint outdoors or in well-ventilated areas and use a respirator rated for painting. Let the tires completely dry. For branding, consider adding the business name or logo in a few high-visibility locations on the tires. Logos or names can be added with a stencil, vinyl stickers, paint markers or even chalk.


• Re-purpose a wood pallet to make an “Agility Pause Table.” • Put an unwanted sofa or cozy chair outside. (Tip: Be careful of resource guarding.) • “Fill an old kiddie pool with empty water bottles or balls.” – Erynn Connors of Wanderlust Canine Services in Rutland, Vermont • “Use unwanted kids’ playsets and slides. Pups love to climb and play on them.” – Cassandra Bauer of Grand View Canine Care in Arkport, New York

Start by setting out the bottom layer of tires. Lay each tire down, wiggling each tire around to set it into place. Shifting the tire back and forth a little can help settle it into the ground. This technique levels each tire. Then, use a carpenter's level to make sure the tires are plumb. With a shovel, use dirt, mulch or sand to fill each tire. This fill will help stabilize the tires. Using sand also provides fun digging spots for dogs. Use care when filling the bottom level of tires, as these tires are likely to shift. The fill will settle, so plan on adding more during the building process. Next, add another layer of tires, check that they are level and add fill. Repeat this process until the canine playground is complete. Add some branding touches like a flag with your business logo at the top of the tire pyramid. Once your dog playground of tires is finished, make sure to "Human test it, before having it dog tested!" Wiskoski said. If it can support romping dogs, get a camera ready and let the dogs out to explore! Keeping garbage out of the landfill and providing dogs with fun enrichment? Priceless.

• “Make an A-Frame Agility Ramp from leftover wood.” – Alaina Wiskoski from Canine Country Club in Fair Haven, Vermont • “Repurpose plastic culvert liner for a tunnel.” - Alaina Wiskoski from Canine Country Club in Fair Haven, Vermont • Use empty cardboard boxes for play. Make tunnels, toys or even a DIY agility course. • Recycle egg cartons, yogurt containers or even empty paper towel rolls as treat dispensers. (Tip: Supervise dogs with items that they shouldn't eat.) PHOTO BY Cassandra Bauer of Grand View Canine Care

KENNEL SALES SLIPS Make more money without raising your prices! With space for all the little extras you haven’t been charging for! a Salesperson or groomer

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a number of days, weeks, or months of boarding a next grooming appointment a And much more!

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• Fill an old kiddie pool with sand for a digging area. (Tip: Drill holes in the bottom to let water drain out.)





ometimes the most difficult step of feline boarding is getting the cat to the facility. It does not matter how much we market and cater to felines, create a stimulating atmosphere, or challenge the kitties in our care mentally and physically, if the owner cannot get the feline to us, it is all for nothing. When catering to cat owners, it is as much about what the owners do before their reservation as what your boarding facility does during the stay. The kitty needs to understand and be willing to participate in being transported to the boarding facility. So, how does the owner convince the feline that being transported to your facility is a good thing? Weeks before the boarding stay the owner needs to establish the carrier as a safe place, and then during the 24 hours leading up to the boarding reservation, take steps to make sure they can locate the kitty. Most importantly, the kitty must understand the carrier is not a scary contraption that is associated with negative experiences. At one of my speaking events, I brought my cat and a client cat for demonstrations. My kitty was actually taking her morning nap in the carrier and all I had to do was close the door. My client took over an hour and had to get a neighbor’s assistance to get her kitty. The difference? My feline saw the carrier as just another object in the house. My client had her carrier in the garage, came rushing into the home with the big cold carrier and tried to swoosh the cat inside. That would terrify me, and it did terrify her cat. When going somewhere, the carrier always seems to be the last step when, in reality, it should be the first step. A quick recap from my article “Starting off on the Right Paw:” The carrier should be put in an active place in the home and ignored by the family for several weeks. When the kitty is in the carrier, positive reinforcement should be given.

By Deborah Hansen



After the feline associates the carrier as a safe place where good things happen, it can be moved to a less active part of the home where the cat always has access. These steps will encourage the kitty to not only feel safe in the carrier, but to choose it as a nap spot. If the carrier is not currently in a place where the feline can use it as they choose, that is the first step in making the cat a willing participant in being transported to the boarding facility. Most importantly is what happens in the feline’s life 24 hours before it is time to leave for boarding. Countless boarding reservations have been canceled because the cat could not be located. If the cat has outdoor privileges, it is important that it stays inside for 24 hours prior to the boarding appointment. I like to say three meals before the feline’s reservation is the time to stay inside. When a cat is outside and cannot be found for boarding, they will be exposed to the elements during the owner’s time out of


town which is dangerous for the feline and stressful for the owner. Keeping a determined kitty inside for 24 hours probably will not be enjoyable, but it is important the owner understands it is for the feline’s safety. About two hours before the owner leaves to bring Kitty to your facility, the cat needs to be put into a small room with the carrier. If the owners have done their carrier prep work, the feline will go into the carrier and take a nap. Ideally it should be a bathroom because bedrooms and laundry rooms have too many places to hide that the owner cannot easily get to. If the cat has the choice of napping behind the washing machine, under the middle of a bed or in the top of a closet verses their carrier, the choice is obvious. While a committed owner can retrieve the feline, the cat will be stressed and the owner may start their trip injured. Now that we have ideas on the best ways to prepare cats for being transported


to the boarding facility, how do we give this information to the owners? Like with anything, the more ways the owners have this information, the more likely they are to follow through. At booking it is best to verbally explain a few key points, then refer them to a page on your website that goes over how to prepare for their boarding experience. In your reminder email or text, you should also give the link to the page on the website for these tips. If you do a reminder call, it is always a good idea to ask if they have tried your suggestions and encourage them to at least set the carrier out for their cat to explore. Feline boarding is very important to assure the health and safety of cats when their owners are out of town. The most challenging part is physically getting the kitty into your care. The more you can do to help the owner prepare the cat for transport, the smoother and more consistent drop-off days will become.








By Professional Pet Boarding Certification Council


here are hundreds of toxins in our environment, including household chemicals, medications, plants and pesticides. Many toxins that are present in the home environment are not present in the pet care facility, and vice versa. Quality pet care facilities are proactive in preventing these types of accidents from occurring. Poisoning occurs when a pet swallows, inhales or absorbs a substance that causes structural damage or functional disturbance of the tissues of the body. Depending on the exact toxin and the body system affected, virtually any symptom can be caused by a poison.

Symptoms can include any of the following: C E R T I F I C A T I ON • • • • • • • •

Excitability Lack of coordination Weakness Convulsions Trembling Heavy salivation Vomiting Ulcers on face or paws

• • • • • •

Diarrhea Depression Lethargy Pain Shock Hemorrhage (bleeding)

Gather Information If you suspect a dog or cat is poisoned, get as much information as possible; the bottle and label or MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of the suspect product, detailed observations about the pet and any other information you consider pertinent (for example, pet information). Keep your veterinarian’s telephone 42

number, national animal poison control numbers and the local human poison control center’s number handy so they can be dialed quickly in an emergency. (Note that human poison control centers do not usually have specific information on pet poisonings, but they do have databases of chemicals and active ingredients.)


Two excellent pet poison control resources are:

Mucous Membrane Color Look at a non-pigmented part of the gums. Normal color is pink.

Decontamination • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center 888-426-4435 animal-poison-control

Decontamination refers to removing toxin from the body to minimize toxicity. The method will depend on how the pet was exposed to the toxin.

Ingestion (Swallowing) In cases of poison ingestion, you may be instructed to induce vomiting (make the pet vomit). Vomiting will help to remove toxin from the stomach. It is most effective within a few hours of swallowing. However, vomiting may do more damage to the esophagus and mouth, especially if the chemical is corrosive, acidic, alkaline or petroleum-based (oily). Induction of

• Pet Poison Helpline 800-213-6680 There may be a cost associated with a consult but the veterinary toxicologists can provide detailed recommendations about poisoning cases.

First Aid Use your first aid skills to assess the condition of the pet (it is recommended that all employees of an animal care facility be certified in pet first aid and CPR.) Note the pet’s attitude, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, mucous membrane color and pulse quality. Heart Rate Feel the heart beat on the side of the chest below the elbow and count the beats per minute. Normal is 60-100 for big dogs, 80-120 for medium/small dogs and 120-150 for cats.

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Respiratory Rate Watch the chest move and count the breaths per minute. Normal is 20-30 for cats and dogs. (Panting is normal for dogs when they are exercising or excited but is never normal for cats.) Rectal Temperature Lubricate a thermometer and insert it into the anus. Normal is 100-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit for dogs and cats. PET BOARDING & DAYCARE


DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DIRECTED BY A VETERINARIAN vomiting should not be done if the pet has seizures, altered mental status (depressed or comatose), severe cardiac (heart) disease, recent gastrointestinal surgery or a loss of gag reflex. Only induce vomiting if your veterinarian instructs you to do so. The best way to induce vomiting in the pet care facility is to use standard hydrogen peroxide (3% H2O2). Give 10-20 ml (2-4 teaspoons) per 20 pounds of body weight by mouth. Do not exceed 3 tablespoons, even in large dogs. Peroxide has a risk of significant gastritis (stomach irritation) or aspiration (inhaling the peroxide and/ or stomach contents into the lungs). Use a syringe and slowly squirt it into the back of the mouth so the pet can swallow. Some sources recommend inducing

vomiting with table salt or syrup of ipecac but these can cause serious complications so are not recommended. Again, do not induce vomiting unless specifically directed by a veterinarian.

Ocular Exposure (Eye Contact from Poison) Rinse the eye(s) with tap water, distilled water or saline for 20-30 minutes. Flush the eye from medial (nose) to lateral (ear) to prevent contaminating the other eye.

Topical Exposure (Skin Contact from Poison) Wash the pet with warm water and mild detergent such as Dawn® dish detergent.

Staff should wear protective clothing and gloves to avoid exposing themselves.

Other Steps Remove any poisons in the proximity of the pet. Save any vomit or samples of the substance for identification. Transport the pet to a veterinarian for evaluation as soon as possible. Perform CPR if you have been trained and if the pet has no pulse or breathing. If the pet has seizures, keep the pet safe and comfortable and transport to a vet.



For more information on Professional Pet Boarding Certification, or to enroll for online education visit





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questions # from the

By Fernando Camacho

A Member of the Dog Daycare Business Think Tank asked: How do you get a new business known in the area without having to spend lots of money on advertising?


his is such a common question and something every business wrestles with early on. We would all love a very powerful tool that could let everyone know about our business for free. However, everything (yes, everything) comes at a cost—especially when it comes to building a business. Sometimes that cost is monetary, sometimes it comes in the form of effort, and it can also be at the cost of your time and patience. If you want the results, you need to be willing to pay the price. So let's get rid of the notion of getting traffic to your business for “free;” it will come at a cost. If you understand and accept that, you can move forward and figure out the best methods for you to promote your business and the costs you're willing to pay. When it comes to getting your business noticed, there are two main ways:


quick and slow. It's very easy to get your business known and positioned in the marketplace early on, and it's called paid advertising. Yes, it does require an investment of money; however, you can see results almost immediately. If you don't want to spend money, you'll need to have some patience and be willing to invest your time and effort to make it happen. Most dog daycare owners that I speak with don't have an abundance of time and/or need customers right now, so doing it organically can be a challenge. You need to have realistic expectations and understand the process.

Here are a few things you can do to grow your brand without spending a lot of money: Partnerships Find other local dog businesses


(groomers, trainers, pet stores, veterinarians, etc.) and try to form relationships with them. These are places that have your ideal customers, so if you can make friends with them, you'll be able to access those customers. Many people know that partnering up with another business is useful; however, they usually do it all wrong. You need to make it more about the other business than yourself. What can you do for them? How can you help them out? If you go into it just trying to see how the other business can help you, that selfish approach will not get you very far. Give first, then, as your relationship is cultivated, you will start seeing some results that can continue and grow for years to come. Social Media It's true that organic reach on social media is down and growing a following



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on the various platforms can be a grind, but it is free. As with partnerships above, you can't make your page just about you—it has to be about the value you bring to the viewers. If you're going to pick one platform, I would probably suggest Instagram for organic traffic and Facebook for paid ads. It's pretty easy to grow a following on Instagram if you put out good content and use relevant hashtags. Just keep in mind that social media is not a broadcast medium, it's an interactive one. You want to encourage people to comment on your posts and send you private messages. Because of this, you need to stay on top of it, monitoring it daily and responding in a timely manner. Facebook Groups There are a ton of local groups on Facebook that have an engaged community. Join all the groups in your area and engage with people. Don't just broadcast


your business, but contribute as well. Watch for people with dog questions and comment on their posts and, in passing, mention that you own a local dog daycare. People in the group will see your comments and you'll start to get some business from them—and hopefully be known as the dog resource in your area. Or, better yet, start a local group of your own. Call it something like “(Insert your local town name here) Area Dog Community” and invite all your clients. Then you can engage the group by posting questions, sharing useful info and encouraging interaction within the group. Once you get 100+ people in the group, Facebook will start recommending it to others within Facebook and your group will grow without you having to do anything. These are just a few ideas to get you going. I focused on digital marketing because it’s what I do, plus it's much easier to scale since you can do it anytime.


And, there's this whole pandemic thing going on which has made offline methods much less effective. Give those a try and, just remember, building a business takes time and there is a cost for everything you do. Just decide what you want and what you're willing to do for it and then get to it. Good luck! Questions for this column come from the Facebook group The Dog Daycare Business Think Tank and are answered by Fernando Camacho (Fern). Fern runs Overdog Digital, a digital marketing agency specializing in working with dog daycare and boarding facilities. He does private business consulting, staff training and helps pet businesses utilize modern resources to expand their customer base and grow their businesses. Fern is also the author of six books and is a speaker at national conferences and private events. To join the group or ask a question, go to: www.



Project Blu Sustainable Pet Products

Meet Project Blu, a carbon neutral company bringing eco-chic pet products to the U.S. The brand uses discarded trash and waste items to create Italian crafted, sustainable pet products including dog and cat beds, collars, and leashes. Their fluffy dog and cat beds are crafted with a combination of ocean bound plastic and recycled clothes into a unique fabric mix that is soft, durable, and extremely long-lasting. These sustainable practices and stylish bedding can be a value added for earth minded clients who want to know they’re working with a facility that cares about the planet and their dog’s comfort.

Sea the Change™, with Seaflex™

West Paw is setting sail on a new eco-venture: a collection of safe, non-toxic pet toys and feeding accessories made with Seaflex, an exclusive blend of reclaimed and recycled ocean-bound plastic and zero-waste Zogoflex® material. Millions of tons of plastic head for the ocean every year—bad news for the planet but thanks to a collaboration with Oceanworks, West Paw is able to safely and responsibly source ocean-bound plastic from threatened coastal areas in Central America and make them into things dogs love. All Seaflex products will be available at or at pet product retailers across the USA and CANADA.

Music My Pet Introduces PetCalm

Music My Pet is an industry leader in providing soothing classical music for anxious pets. In addition to our Mp3s and CDs, we are pleased to introduce PetCalm—a tiny music cube that plays hours of relaxing classical music to calm pets and people. PetCalm fits in the palm of your hand and is ideal for placement throughout a boarding facility—whether in a private or large room. It is a perfect relaxation tool for daycare professionals working with particularly anxious pets. PetCalm soothes pets within minutes and also helps professionals deal with daily stress. Visit us at:


Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.

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A Practical Guide for Pet Health Professionals

antibiotics. It has been a tough journey, but the nourishment Leah receives and the bond we share is so worth it. There is something so special about knowing that your whole body is pouring out the love for your baby that you have in your heart.

Have you experienced any bias because of breastfeeding? I think the public is gradually becoming more accepting of breastfeeding, but there is still work that needs to be done. Breasts are so over-sexualized in our culture that many people still think of breastfeeding as something that needs to be hidden away, either under a nursing cover or in a special nursing room, like the one at church I am expected to go to every time my baby gets hungry during a church service. In many other cultures, no one looks at you twice when you LIFESTYLE use your breasts for the very purpose they were designed for—feeding babies! How great would it LIFE KS FOR THE be if our culture could get to this HAC point, too?

There is something so special about knowing that your whole body is pouring out the love for your baby that you have in your heart. – Dr. Sara Pilgrim



S2 pump hat Ifor work! didn’t find? Life hacks for the working veterinary mom. So here are my top 5 lifepadshacks for Nursing I would the working veterin parent (and yes, ary constantlythis leakapplie through s to you dads, too.)

my clothes without them!




B r e a s t fe e d i n g P ro d u c t s


Do you have advice for those considering breastfeeding?

Read as much as you can about breastfeeding before you have the baby! I spent a lot of time learning about giving By Justin birth,ebut Lee,I naively DACV thought that breastfeeding would "just come ECC, DABT As a hyper–effi naturally," andcient I wasveter not very well informed inarian, I was tryin aboutg the problems we ended up having. to prep are as much as I could prior Also, find a good lactation consultant! I was to my one–and–only lucky enough to give birth at achild For those . where hospital of you guys who know Myers– Briggs perso continued on page 24 nality scori ng, I’m a prett high “J” (e.g., y anal retentive), so I wanted to be as orga nized as poss ible for this baby thing. Boy, was I in for a surprise. I love my Spectra


I prepared as much as I could by reading all parenting and the baby books early. But there are lies in the books some that no one fills you in on—a I’ll shareMAGAZINE PETVET the two bigges nd t right now. First, skin.” Really? IT'S OK TO INTR “skin to You don’t think ODUCE THE PACIF your baby is going naturally bond IER BEFORE to to you? You don’t 30 DAYS need to strip baby out of his the PJ’s and unswa Ah, the pacifie ddle at night breastfeeding. r. All the books while That’s what I say that babies nipple confusion was doing; maxim get the skin to skin and not to give izing by unswaddling them a pacifie for one month. I learne r , breastfeedin changing the d all my mom g, diaper, and re–swa had introduced friends ddling a pacifier I had a totally …and now awake baby. After after day two… my sixth week while in the doing this, the of teacher of my hospital. I’m mom’s group so rule–abiding our whole group yelled at , of new moms for one month NEW PETI waited . “NO,” she replied “Slather a ton CARE . of baby diaper —but regret not rash cream on, with the lights startfeed COMM off, and let him UNITY ing sooner! All sleep those coma.” You don’t off the milk read that in any long nights…why RESOU baby books RCE didn’t ! someone tell me it was ok to start WORKS TO earlier?!




D r . S a ra ’ s



A n t i m i c ro b i a l R esi sta n ce





By Gwyn Donohue


wo million people are infected with resistant strains of bacteria and 23,000 deaths result from antibiotic resistance in the U.S. each year, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates. What makes this troubling statistic important to the veterinary community, other pet care profession als and pet owners is that two relatively common bacteria species that have resistant strains, Campylobacter and Salmonell a, are also common in many pets. While these are not classified by the CDC as urgent threats of greatest concern to human health, they are considered a serious threat. One example is a 2016 outbreak of antibioticresistant campylobacteriosis that involved 113 patients in 17 states, and was determined to be linked to puppies. Instances like this, along with the fact that resistant strains of bacteria are developing at increasingly rapid rates and outpacing the introduction of new antibiotics , has caused public health officials and the pet care community to actively address the issue of responsible use of antibiotics in companio n animals. “Recognizing that antibiotic resistant germs are a growing and serious health risk to both humans and animals, last year PIJAC committed to work with the pet care community to create best management practices to combat AMR as part of our participation in the



For veterinarians and staff alike, PetVet Magazine is sure to inspire and educate, as well as highlight the incredible industry of veterinary medicine and the wonderful people that make up the veterinary community. W W W. PET VETMAGAZINE .COM





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